The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 27, 1857, Image 3

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    The %ew York Tragedy—-Eckel
and Mm. d tsmsiissliam.
file health of Mrs. Cunnir.ghamsflurrMl is
son iew'hat impaired by her <nfiiien.efit in the
CitV Prison, and by the anxieties naturally in—
fi ent to her situation. U e (bund her, v*st :-
,< a v, quite inrhsjiosed, though great-lc r. cov. i
,j (roin an attack of sickness which rieariv
j : ,.,<iiat>'d heron the previous night, w hen sev
eral fainting fits supervened upon each other,
ar.-.i i) ' water bad to be applied to her feet, to
e, t .p ht r Irotr. absolute exhaustion.
H-r spirits are very irregular. At limes she
. lively and mirthful, but a reaction speedily
I liow s. and she heromes melancholy to a c!t~
....... i it is p imful to witness. She is never,
.rj: ; the day, without the company of one, at
js t,of her children, while her friends, who
v her repeated visits, keep the mation of the
' ;•), Mrs. Foster, urgently busy in attending
i ' .• |
,, r applications lor aunr-tssmn.
1 e statement to which we have alnady al
■ J r ,;. tout Co: Contwry caused her to |,e
1 i.jdetely nake,;; arid examined in
ff two 1,-ell, . besides tie' DoCtOr, '
|>rosiduC to b'- true in every particular. I
r n w:• v she . ;j< so deferred its
: w ;:s she states, iiei unwillingness
is a prosecnler o! the Coroner. H-r
. • -,".e at length pievailed over her scru
s'se r w declares tliat she was strip-
In he: toes, and in that rigidly nude state i
.! : Uied y the Doctor, tile 0' |)llty-Col O- |
• a.-. j dice officer. The certificate lead !>\ !
•itr. iti tiie imp.' st, to the efi'. ct that
was no ii cit cn t exposure of her p.--1-
iiu! that it was at her own reqo* s it was
. • I ior,- ui.ct s a ibiif'iv. She ne\ er
te snrh a note, and allh-uigh sin* signed a
■ which tin* Coroner sent her to sign, she
•! are to what she ; e.t her signature.— >
This is her staU In the meantime, Corn- j
-r Ci. in iy bus sent us the- follow ing commu- j
-.tion :
'r- Editor-of the X. Y. Daily Tines : |
1 • "{•fi ve ou have republished an article '
: • /.Vymr *•.<?, purporting to h* a dialogue
-n the re? orter of that paper arid Mrs.)
• •;•■ .a -it, the ■j ft and t. iuhni yof whi< h 1
: :•> e a reflecti .n up n no ami r;.y con
! ::• w wish simply to inquire whether 1
• .•! iak t' ' -it, wl'i: cb:>rgs are pending a- :
jr.M i. ,'• n i I .av' answered I>\ a denial,
i. re l" be invt stigate i in a few dues •
the y- for tri! una', for a r*s; eta •
ili ;r id b- ' re the world a dialogue
• tw such individuals, (admitting it ev
iv: h,: v taken place.) as informal ion
. g the • icts oi the case. I have already
u!iici> : t.y *j align- 1 and misrepresented
; . in common cha: :<y, attacks tike that
(! to lam ready and prepared to meet
i —b-t that sutlice. The matter will
... stigated on Tuesday next : the tacts \\ ,!i j
ami 1 hp' v will agree witii
-■ ; ; ii g that ; uhlic jm-icesmi justice
' .. V ill i o best promoted, if the ru
le ;:"W • of the city W ill aw ait the
1.,:, if
V •: v cl fully. yours,
13:• as;" D., C ron-r.
Mr. Mi!.-! keeps his !•• ilth an*! :ri *< jn .
r,_i' !: i' ■ r >s-e little < ■ ! i in v hit!:
•!. {;•• many vi i'- ie. and is g ! . '
-•• •, :MM The s' ' "nv * ' which appeared
Me\ Y •!,- c>: " drcce '! a Philadel- i
•irrial. t: .-it !:•• i- :••!; i i'v failing, and !•.) ■!.s
'• rror t< approaching trial, i- ronsi
i exaggerated, if not alt<#ihther meorrrtl —
' e! i vji-.'vfii > • ■ t.i' anxiety in relation t >
aiii.i :;■ he - .vs t! . v are ! >l
- '*il! rated f>r, -tit I hick !i*> nrrreii
i .r• ■ :t.:• As t :be r suit oi the i. i
an t rn doubt. R ig innnC'ri!, he
.-(jtiift J. lie ris no m sgivings fin
i. The iii' di c ere! <n i< a hardM i;> i
• v tr-e convinusne?nf innocence. •
i a!' endurable. He savs litis < It. •r
-. Ml - I hat he wards justice done,
.':>w i: ■ communication "'ill speak i*>r
Editors of the yV. V. Express.
it f . ; -n in your paper a statement !>v !
-,i igham, as regards nv examination
i . in burr 'i the late inmi'-st, I would
I- t. > : I ni the xatrjit'-a'ion was made
xpr. > orders of tMoroner Conner y, and
('i d i/V !!.;■ in a delicate and profes
i! . 'v. '("o: irn-r Con fiery direct
to I an !■ e the j . of Mr. Ci i-.' ],
.. :n! "Mrs Cunningham, and I r -rt r
•: itv >n : • nresejiee oi witnesses. —
. 3:n expr-.-s-ed to me hoth pr>--
! after the examination. that rdv
i of il.e pecev ety ol the step, and .
:ur" f d -hiz it. As f>r the note
■r (" : ; \ p;. ducer: : v Mrs. Con- ■
in . ■ .aerating him ar.-i nw frr-.rr. any
. 1 *.v n i aware of any applied) -t
' M 1 ; .p; t; at there was any ne
; i. : ••'• Mi a je; r.
.. F. \Yt. I>V.'ai:O, M. 1).
Miri'.;. \r. v—.\hn S'tcf htf n II -
A l.i 1 attempt \ya* ma le this
• ' a • arlv hn.i", to i nter the ri si ience ;
Js> i Tr a win, Mo. 2+ Church st , •
. i t the shooting of one ol the rasra's,
' prevei t his escape. On Tuesday
■ Pi a win In ard some one prowling'a
ar of the hons -, and suspecting all
t. and li-r husband being aC<sn!. last i
I - •- s:ati 'tie<f 3 votinz man employed l;y :
I ' n a ~)fa in the fiarlor. to be ready in
•■'•'•r attempt was made. At about If
• 'Ms : irnir.z, two fellows came, and (f
-■ c entrance by the basement window.
need packing up a nuantit v ofclolh-
I!:.em up in the table cloth. Mrs.
I ;rd therri,and placing the voting man
wit!- a club, look'ft position herseli
><k d .or, armed with a pistol. Ail
egress Ironrt the house were tints' guard- ;
• !. i - an si tisly waited Ihe eom
' ' li'-ves. At about 2, A. M., they
' ' Me ir plunder, and on the appear
i M one, Mrs. Trawin violently
'' rand hot him. He inamediate
nrtdle, and cried out, "Mv God,
M s. Trawin bring unable to do any- :
fellow with his companion
• _.' i '.•■ was traced over several
' i ' id. The watch was summon
■ ■ as arch of the neighborhood, out
■ i ■ to find them.
i ' ■ ■ ■ i displayed an intrepid courage,
' ■ ■ rs- s,and it is only to he regretted
I , >'■ •mere, din wimndin.: tlie ! -How
1 ii' m.! lis escape. This is the
■ ' -"Mir .Mr! within two weeks, and
■ *iH tend to prevent a repetition of the
i house at least, which ha*
been entered before. Mrs. Trawin thinks the
person shot was a woman in disguise, as the
voice and appearance were decidedly temin
ine.—A'<uurix .Idv. .Mack !9.
Tr!ve V. ays < f Shortest:!!?! l ife.
j- ! Wearing of thin shoes are! cotton stock
ings on dait.-p nights and in cool rainy weather.
W < tr.Mifiicient i lothing, and especially on
tile limtisaild extremities.
2 Leading a life of enfeebling stupid laziness,
snd keeping (lie mind in an unnatural state of
excitement by reading trashy novels. Going In
theatres, parties and halls, in all sorts of weath
er iri the thinnest possible dress. Dancing till
in a complete perspiration, and Ihen going home
without sufficient over-garments through the
cool clamp air.
3 Sleeping on feather feds in s-ven hv nine
bed rooms, without ventilation at the top of the
windows and especially with two or more per
sons in the same unventilated !>ed room.
4- Surfeiting on hot and very stimulating din
ners. Eating in a luii ry, without half mastica
ting your to- • !, and eating heartily before going
to bed every iiigiit, u Imu the mind and body are
exhausted by the toils of the day arid the excite
ment of the evening.
■ ' Beginning in childhood, on tea and coffee,
and going from one step to another through
chewing and smoking tobacco, and drinking in
toxicating liquors, bv per-onal abuse, and pl.y
icaf- and mental excesses of every discnption.
(i Marrying in haste and getting an unconge
nial companion, and living the remainder 'il life
in mental dissatisf'acti n. Gultivat ing jalousies
and ilorriestjc broils, and being a!wa\s in a ncri
tal ferment.
j i Keeping children quiet lay giving paragoric
t ami cord Ms; bv teaching them .• suck candv,
and by suppliirig tbeni with raisins, nuts and
i rich cak". VVlien thi-v are sick, hv giving them
i meiciiry, tartarenn tic, and arsenic, under the
mistaken notions that they are medicines, and
I not irritant p bisons.
j 8 Allow ing the love of gain to absorb our
j minds, so as to Dave r.o time to attend to our
health. Following an unhealthy occupation
because money can he made at it.
9 iVmpti.ig th>" appetite with hitters and ni
ceties, when the stomach savs. No, and bv for
cing ' iod v hen nature does not demand, and
even rejects it. Goi mandiziug between nmaks.
10 Contriving t > keep in a crmtinnal worry
a hoot something or nothing. Giving way to fits
of anger.
1 1 lrr gular in all onr habits of eating and
sleeping, going to :ed at midnight, and getting
npat noon. Eating too much and two kinds of
fioi, and that which is too highly seasoned.
12 Neglecting to take proper care of our
s.-Ives, and rut applying early for medical ad
x ice wlien disease first appears. Taking cele
brated quack medicine;* to a rfigree of making a
drug shop of the body.
'•'he above causes j roduc- more sir kness, suf
fering and leath than ail the epidemics, maiaiia
im 1 cor.tngeon combiut d with war, pestilence,
an ! (,•:> me. Nearly all who have attained to
! have been remarkable f>; equanimity
•"■' temper, correct hnbi's of diet, drink and rest
for temperance, cheerfulness and morality,
i' vskutl punishment is sure fi> \ i.-it the tra:
, gressors of i'i!for>s laws. All commit suicide,
.! cut oirman\ vealsoftheir catoral life, who
I" not observe the'm> ans of preventing disease
an i of pr- serv ing health.
The First F I not: en ox.— The apartments of
the Executive Mans; in were filled evenif g
m itii a dense crowd of fa lies and gentlemen,
who were individually present - d by Mars'- il
Hoover to r're-i ieet Buchanan, and cordially
- ived. MiSS Fane ( I niefe ofihe Pi si.l. fit.
W 1 •> V ili <ll spell St* til" hospitalities of tf.e E\ec
ntive ."Mansion) also received the salutafi >ns of
•• thior-g. ac.,l ti.• se present of the gentlemen
vl l-• corrqiose the new cabinet were warmly
• ngratulated by th ir numerous f : nds.—
fii-'i in it amor g the distinguished citizens was
ex-President Pierc-, win was no less an object
of respectful attention, than when, hut a few
■he < ?oke, Ire—•'w as a! home"' in 1 !.••• fir illiant sa
\Vell has a distinguished wo iter, in contrast
ing our system of government with that of the
Old World dwelt upon the simplicity of these
Executive receptions,as comj ir.-d with the c<-r
-"it minis of the most petty German courts.—
The gnodv equipages and bedizened tenants,
the splendidly uniformed soldi < y. the prt s rib. *1
c-s'urr-es and Ibrtnal announcements be livei-ied
:!;* i lis—s> novel to a transatlantic spectator —
->'■ are wm'ing here. Y-t no court in Ghris
' ru I at can present such a vari-tv of character,
i: . '■< rt b i>r of costune-, as was seen in the
"East Boom" last evening, forming a human
• <;a.: av. i;ich n > limn.-r *an ; v ir
,'iect as the varied tide of bmn.rnitv circled
: it fii!!v a Mind, and quietly diseased w hen
t r. i l struck up lite well-know n signal.—
IV'tstfiinufon I nion.
Tuew: mk.xt or* Scarlet Fiver. — Dr. Lind
s y, *-i Washington, strongly* recommends the
•' oftreaiment of scarlet fiver resorted to by
Dr. 'b, Physician to the king of iian
>ver. It is as 1 oiiovvs, and exceedingly simple:
"Frorfrtfie fi:wt dav of iiiness, and as soon as
we are cerlain.of its nature, the patient mm-l !>e
nubfe-d, morning arui evening, ov< r the whole
ody, with apiece of hacori, iii an li a manner
t! at, with the exception of the h-aui, a covering
if fat is every where applied. In order to make
11, is rubbing in somewhat easier,:( is best to take
a piece of bacon the size of y.air hand, so as to
secure a firm grasp. On the soft side of this
piece slits are to he made, in ord- r t > allow the
oozing out of the fat. The rubbing must be
tir jiotigbiy performed and not too quickly, in or
der that the skin may regularly he saturated with
the fat. The beneficial results of the application
are soon obvious; with a rapidity bordering on
magic, alt, even the most painful, symptoms of
(lie disease are allayed, and quiet sleep, good
humor, and the appetite return.
Enemies.— Have yon enemies' Go straight
on, anil mind them not. If they block up your
path, walk arfnind (item, and do your duty re
gardless of spite. A man who has no enemies
is seldom good lor anything—he is made of that
kind of material which is so easily worked that
it re-ids nothing, while every one who thinks
for himself and speaks what he thinks, is always
-pre to have enemies. They are as necessary
to him as fresh air: they ke--p him alive and act
ive. A celebrated character who was surround
ed hv. enemies used to remark: "They are
sparks which, it vou do not blow, will go out
!of themselves." Let this be your feeling, while
endeavoring to live down liie scandal of thos
who are bitter against you. If you stop with
them, vou do but as they desire, and open the
wav f>r more abuse. Let them talk—there
will !, a reaction if you perform your doty ; and
hui'dr- ds who were once alienated horn you
will tiock to you and acknowledge their error.
| Follow (his advice, and you will never have
! cause to regr-d it.
By tilt* law i.j "ongress, passed some four or
' five years ago gold. instead of siiver, was made !
the legal tend-i for large amounts. Those who,
to get lid of iarge cpiantities of cents and small
coin,sometimes pay hills with it to the annoy
ance of the creditor, will perceive that there is j
i a stoppage put to that antic by law.
! Eliminnie all Poisonous and Diseased Parti
cles from the Blood—Hurley's Sarsnparilfa.
This compound invigorate-; the powers of life an d
diffuse a glow of heat (the great agent of life) over
the whole frame; hecoin-s assimilated with the
Mood, and ass/sts the principles of vitality to pnr
j sue its course, supplied with the power or agent of
j exterminating every unhealthy obstruction.
X" pole an, Art., SeUtinel.
J He?. J}. Biitchelor" 1 s Hair ID ye. — No hum
ling. Id.storing compound, could ever have attained
j !tie nniver-al favor accorded to this Dye. the origi-
I nal. I ever-tail eg favorite. Nature is not moie true
;to herself tiian lite hrown or black produced in the
; reddest, graye-t or mo-t frowyy hair by it. Made
j and so! I, ce , pptied, at Batchelor'* Wig Factory, (in !
j nine private rooiTis) -jßroadway, New York.— ;
: War. A. BATCH 1:1.01: is on the box oi all genuine, |
• others are imitations. For sale by
j Bed.'ord, March -7, J v .77—]m.
Jr. A /ve/ '.v / ; rloral Syrup. — A do>" or ■
j two of th s valuable Pulmonary Balsam will, at the
1 onset ot a Cough, allay all irritation of the I.nags
arid hinder the development of Pulmonary Dir.
Cnnsu'upl on is never Consumption until the dungs -ri nod w.i-t: ig: von can hinder that con
dition of affairs, ;f \on rake our advice, and try a
bottle o! Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Svrup. it is pleas-!
ant to take, and costs but halt a dollar.
io l.e had a! the Stum ot Mr. Snmii'f
Brcucn in Bedford— and at Air. Calvin's
j in Schellshnrg.
In this Mammon-worshipping Age, it is rare to
find i man piare his usefulness to the public before
(lis interest. During a late visit to the 'City iff,
Spindles,' we were presented by a professional friend, :
to the celebrated Chen l-t, Dr. J. (1. Avni, whose j
name is now perhaps, more la miliar than any other,
at the bedside of sirkne-s, in this country. Know- ■
lug the unprecedented popularity of his medicines 1
and the immense sale of them, we had expected to
! find him a millionaire, ant! rolling in wealth. But!
no, we i nil him iri h.s laboratory, busy with his
laborers, among the crucibles, alembics, and retorts ,
: —giving his best personal care to the compounds, on
j 'he virtues of which, thousands hang for health
We learned, that notwithstanding his vast business,
| and its prompt returns in cash, the Doctor is opt rich, j
The rcasoii assigte it tiiat the material is costly,
, and hp r ists in making hi- preparations so expe. -
j sively. that tit. .r-tt profit is small American Far
mer, Philadelphia.
March -'7, 1877 —1 m.
Daisy's Magical Pain Extractor.
There revet has 1 ....n a discovery trade to Materia
Medics, whereby pain can l.e so quickly allayed,
and where paits in a lugh state of iiilianitnation can
!••• so rapidly reduced to their luttuial state, nor
where wounds and sore- can he so thoroughly and
rapidly healed, ai'TTTeravid parts restored without
eiti -r scar or defect, than with DALLEY'S MAGI
In Cuts, \V< unds, Sprains and Bruises—casualties
to which children are constniitlv -nl i-ct—the action
or the genuine DALLI.Y'S PAIN I NTKACTOR, is
ever tiie same ! Ilnw much Pain am! isufTenttg m v
lot he pr.'verted ! Moreover. Life itsell is of
ten dependent upon h;o iug at | and the genu. lie DAL
LEY EXTRACTOR, and for particulars of which I
respectfully refer to my prir.ted pamphlets, for the
truth of which 1 hold myself respou-ihle.
No case of BIHI s or Scalds, r.o matter how severe,
has ever yet, in any one instance, re-isted the a'l
power 'nl. pa i-siihdirin-' in.d healing qualities of the
No I'm. Ex ru.VC I'.IU I- (JUM'IXK unless the box has
upon it a Ste I Plate Engraved Label with the sig
, attire ot C. V. CLICK F.N ER & CO.. proprietors,
and HENRY PARLEY, manufacturer. Price 27-
cents per box.
CCP-AII order- should he addressed to C. V. Click and Co.. 8! Bin-lay street. New York.
Feb. 20, I!S.-,7—2:n.'
J'ED Tetter Wash, the oniv safe and sure remeily
ever discovered or curing the T ttei, R.irgworin.
and all eruptions of the Mctn. It is -o infallahle a
remedy, tha' a periect cure in all rasps ot l etter is
guaranteed, it atteiit vely applied. lit ordinary cases
one bottle vv.ll beMiflicerit to perfect a curb. In bad
ca-es, with a Tetter of long standing, more w II he
require '. Price'.'." ci.Ts per bo!!!-. For -ale at Dr.
15. F. R-amers Bedford. April 37, 1870-1 v.
in due (iriif. ton cati get choice and pure seeds
in variety, irom the best gardens tti the Slate.
Feb. *27, I SAT.
L'.Wv 'J't-rih and a l'erfni'tr l Jlrruth can h ' acquir
ed by o-ing the I! i'/n of a, 11 an<anU F/mrrrx to he
had at Dr. Harry 's Drug U Book Store.
The undersigned Las just returned from the
eastern c ities with a large stock ot F.ILL A*
A 'general assortment of LADIES Dress
(ICIODi-, which CDt.sist.s, in part, of lilac;; an !
Pane;: Silks, Jj.linnes, .Madonna ( loth, Co
berg, iVI-ritii, Ac. \f.
.Also, a on at variety of Cloths, Cassitreres,
Cd--inelts, Jeans, ,ac. Ike.
15-aits, Si J hits and Caps—Groceries,
Queensware, ii.mlw are, Bi totns, Buckets, Look
ing Glasses, Ac. Re.
The above Stock consists of every article usu
ally kept in Store, allot which will be sold
Cheap for Cash or approved produce.
Thankful (in past favors, he hopes, by fair
dealing and a desire to phase, to continue to
nteril and receive a libera! share of the public
Oct. 3, lSf>6.
Msiryf!i A: f>ii3jj*?s,
Buokst'lleis and Sua loners, and dealers in Music
and Musical In>!rumenls> Ghambeisburg.
Our Stock consists ot Books, Stationery, .Mu
sic, Musical Insli "merits, V\ all Paper, Blinds,
French, German, and American Lithographs,
and Steel Engravings, gilt Mouldings for
Frames, etc. etc., wholesale and retail. Dr. B.
F. Harrv is our agent for Bedford, and all or
ders given him will be promptly attended to.
March (i.
This mill is now in fir-t rate running order, and
prepared to accommodate the public with F lour an !
meal equal to any ether in the State, farmers Will
please give us a call, and judge lor them-eives.
Feb. 20, IS3O.
~ A 3 * We are anthoriztyi to announce GEO.
W. GIMP, of .Napier township, as a candi
date for the office ot Sheriff, subject to the de
cision of the Democratic County Convention.
M* We are authorized to announce WIL
LIAM A. POWELL, as a candidate for the
OlliCe of Sheriff, .subject to the decision ot tile
Democratic County Convention.
-irrarrr* - fj'kjtgr'jg.'asvi
\\ e buy and pell Eastern Kxrhanee and Land War
rants—elect and entpr land- with rasa and warrants
pay faxe- invest money—stake collections and
attend to all legal business generally.
One ol the Partner, [.as located in Leavenwoith
City and will transact all bit-iness connected with
the Banking and Real Estate Business. For a few
months yet, correspondents will address us at Des
: Moines.
U.S. Gilman. 90 Heaver st. New York.
Plttlndelj)liiu. —Seiger, Lamb N. Co, North
3d Street; James, Kent 8c Saul**% do.; Lefever
U Srril!, do. : Dre.\i!l A Co. Bankers, do.
■;.<i/trn<rfon Ct /y, I). Hon. R. J. At
kins n, j Auditor, Treasury Department:
Chubb N. Bros. Bankers.
Purlislf, Pu. —Howard Shower, Hon. J.
. 11. Giaham.
livrtf;nir:lon, Pa. —\Ym. 11. Leas, David
| Blair, Esqrs.
JP"ffor>i. — Hon. Job Mann, Gen. Bowman.
S''iel!s!t'ir^. — Duncan McVicker, Esq.
March 20, 18.07—1y.
The undersigned, appointed tv (he Orphan's
(' iot of Bedford county to examine the excep
tions, report an account, and also a distribu
tion, in the matter'of the exceptions filed to the
account of Robert Elder, administrator oYthe
.•stale of John A. Nicndetnus, deceased, will at
tend to tie duties of his appointment on Mon
day, the 39th day of March inst. at 10 o'clock,
A. M. at his office it) tlie Borough of Bedford,
when ant! where at! parties inteiested can at
JOHN* P. HEED, Auditor.
March 20, 18.97.
THE subscriber offers for sale his valuable
Mill Property, situate in Cnlerain Township,
Bedford Countv, in complete running order,
having two pairs, i Burrs, and all necessary fix
tures of the most approved kind. In connec
tion with th* Mill there are two dwelling hou
ses, with a Barn and all necessary outbuildings.
Ttie purchaser can have anv amount of land ad
joining he may desire, under (no hnndred a
cres—some clearer! ami under fence, with first
rate meadov..
Th> re i; also a new Saw Mill on th- premi
ses, its the very best timber legion in Bedford
This property i- very desirable, and purcha
sers would do well to examine it before purcha
sing elsewhere. Apply either to Joiin Cks-na
irt .rd nr !*> *!•♦ sii! .<cr;hfr.
March 20, IS.'T.
THE subscribers laving f<i*!v determined to
close i)p their !;u>i.. ss, an:! laving nn I,am! a
fine assortment of good-, do cordially invi!" all
those win wi,h bargains, to call and make se
lections immediately as they are now selling off
at cost, and will continue to do so until all are
s >!d.
Anv person desiring to secure a long estab
lished stand for the Mercantile business, with a
•rood >vjib worth money, will do well to call
on the sir srrihers imn • diat Iv, as they are de
termined to dispose of their business, as one of'
the tirrn intends going West.
ScTiellshurg, .March 20, iSoT.
WHEREAS, I.'-iters of Administration on
the Estate of John Crisp an, late of the Slate
of lowa, deceased, have been granted to the'
subscriber: all persons indebted to said Estate'
are requested to made immediate payment : and j
those having claims against the same, u ill pre- j
sent them duly authenticate*! for Hll'inrni, to]
March 20, IS">7. Adnfr. j
On and alter Monday. March 2>t, IS. ~ two pn- ;
seimer tram- a da v. ear'; w;.v, (exrpt Snr lays.) j
will run between liOPT *>V F.i.L iV lit Nl I\fDON. i
Leaving Hop"weJ| at 12.1.3 P M >v '3.10 P M.
Arriving at Hopewell .it '.'.Hi A M Jit 10 PM.
t'innerting at Hiuitingdon with trains lor Hast and
We,t, via. J'ei.rda 11. JL
Hunt ii'gdon, Feb. 20, ' S3 7. Sup't.
•lo Clergymen a:0 Snpcrintcnbcnt's of,
Sabbat!) £c!)colc.
We keep on hand the publications of tire Am. i
S; S. I ion. American Bible Society, American
Tract Society, Presbyterian Board of PuMica-j
t, p. M thoriist ft •• •!•: Rooms, Massachusetts S. j
S. I .nion, Lotheian Board of Publication, Epi>- !
copal S. S. I'm n, and a great \aritv of stand- |
nrd Religion? Publications suitable lor Sahl atii
Cfmmberaburg. j
March f>, 1857.
SOT 800*
HIS OWN EXECUTOR. —All persons know- j
ing themselves indebted to the undersigned et- j
tiier by N"te, B • ilseaccount, or otht rwise, will |
please tpake payment on or before the 25th of j
March next, a- any longer indulgence will not j
he given. B<> look out and save c<wt. All per
sons having claims will please present them j
pr (perl v and in order.
South Wnndberry, Feb. 27, IS.>7.
MORE GOODS.—The subscriber has re-j
ceiverl and opened another elegant assortment :
of WINTER GOODS, embracing a splendid
assortment of Ladies and Centlemens Dr, ss i
Goods, Boots, Sl'.oes Caps, Furs, and almost e
very other article adapted to the season, which j
he offers at a small profit for either cash or ap- !
proved produce. Call at the ( heap Store and
judge for yourselves. We consider it no trou
gh! to shew our goads whether purchased or
~ot. " JACOB REED.
Dec. 5, 1856.
Dr. B. F. HARRY is our agent for this ne
cessary article. Bv callingat his store our pa
trons will see samples of our papers. We have
rr,a(!e our Spring selection uith much care, and
think we cannot fail to please.
March 6.
ivjims* ffuLdm.vggu.'-'j 1 jr'.ejLjr^'>*> zwsurix' - —i
The undersigned would respectfully to
the public that he will r>pn in Bedford, on tbe (list
Monday of November next, a High School, in which
aH the branche-of a liberal education, Eng'.-h and
Classical, will be taught. It is rt-siguvd to establish
[ in Bedford a PERMANENT Institution of a high or
der. mate and female. The male ai d teirialt* depart
; ment will be distinct, so soon as the necessary ar
j rangemeuts can be f(feeted. In this School Students
will be prepared tor the higher classes of any Col
lege, or to enter at once upon the active dutieso.
; life.
Special care will be taken to form in our pupils
! habits of order, strut punctuality. and thoronpknt**.
We consider these as valuable elementary charac
-1 lers, ard indispensable to sound learning.
The Physical, Moral, and Social Education of tbe
j Pupils will receive that attention which their impor
; tance demands.
There will be thrrr trradrs. To the first belong
the common ]>ghsh. Branch**, such 'as Reading. Or
■ thography. Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, Ei.g- 1
iish Grarmner, Kc.
The second includes the preceding, together with
the higher hranchr* of an English Education, such as j
. Higher Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Intellectual ,
| and Moral Philosophy, Rhetoric, Logic, Botany, An
i cient Geogrephy, Kc.
The third embraces all the foregoing, together
| with the Latin and Greek langtiese..
The Modern Languages, Music, Drawing, Painf
; .ng. and Ornamental Needle Work, will be extra
studies, and for each there will be extra chaises.
Tuition for thp first grade per yr turret SI no
" second f) CO
" third <' <5 25
The charges for the extra studies wilt be pubiish-
I ed at an early day.
'The opportunity is now offered to th° citizens of
) Bedford and vicinity of having established in their
mid-! a permcnevt school of a high order. The cn
; terptize, on tte broad and comprehensive basis here
j :n>.'icate.l, will be attended necessarily with much
: labor and expense. It i- hoped, therefore, that all
j those who fee! interested in the education o the
: young, will come up libeialiy to the support o! this
Rev. GEO. Yv r . AUGIIINBAUG.iI, A. M.
Oct. 24, 1856.
Pest Quc/ify Junintn HarnvitrcJ Iron,
Of'ull sizes, constantly on ham! at Blvmire and i
Hartley's, at Forge prices, for rash or its equiv- '
, alent. Orders fir extra sizes promptly attended
j to. Also Rolled Iron, Nail Rods, Strap Iron.
| and Stee!.
N TGjYElvi'l liE!
BUT 1 DISHES, from one to one and a half gal
on PITCHERS, all of which are best quality.
For sale by ADAM FERGUSON.
Jan. 9, 1857.
FOR fVlJSTTEß.—lmd*>v and Mi- > Wool-1
en Talmas—second supply just received and (or
sale bv JI. B. L RAMER £>• Co. >
A large assortment of Hair, Tooth ar.d I
| Clothes Btttshes just received and for sale at i
; Dr. Harry's.
Delains, Madonna Cloth, Calicos, Muslins,
Cassim its, Tweeds, &.C., all of which will be
sold very cheap by G. 17. II( PP.
Golden and Sugar House Svruj.% White and j
B;own Sugar, for sale by G. W. Rl PP.
Boots, Shoes, Ilats, Cups, Mackeral, "sails
and Glass for sale hv G. W. RL'PP,
G. W. RUPP, Will sell a "large lot of De
tains at COST.
Jan. 30, 1897.
Xi; W Si DOBS'!
THE subscriber would announce to his old
fiienJs, a nvli as to the public at large, that fie •
has opened an ENTIRELY NEW STORE in !
the Borough of Bedford, immediately opposite !
the Washington Hotel, where he has just re-j
reived a stock of SPRING AND SUMMER;
GOODS of a superior quality, embracing al
most every article in the DRY GOODS and
GROCERY LINE, to which he invites the es
pecial attend in of the people, who may find it ;
to th-'ir interest to give bun a call before pur- '
chasing elsewhere. His Goods will be exhibit
ed with pleasure, whether purchased or not. i
Bedford, May 23, 1896.
Tin* undersigned respectfully announces to l
the citizens of Bedford and vicinity tr at lie*
will open, in the Basement of the Presbyterian ;
Church, on Monday, 23d of March, a SELECT
SCHOOL for Boys and Girls, in which he will j
give inst suction in ih'* Common ami Higher!
English Branches, Mathematics, Latin, vet. ;
Believing that thorough drill and strict tiis- j
cipli:? are necessary to develope the mind and \
mould light habits, he promises those who pa
tronize him hi- best efforts to promote these
ends. Terms moderate.
Feb. 27, 1857.
P.. IRGjJINS. —The undersigned desitons oi [
reducing their stock —in order to make loom '
i' r Spring supplies, will oiler purchasers the i
h*-st bargains ever seen in Bedford. Cali and
you can save money.
Jan. 16, 1897.
The subscriber begs leave to announce to the j
citizens of Cumberland Valley and the sur- !
rounding count: y that he has opened a room in '
Centrevi Ile where he will take Daguerreotype i
Likenesses in Lockets, Bteast Pins, Bracelets,;
N-c. S.c.. Also in fancy and common cases, a !
variety of which he lias just received, ranging
in juice fioin Si tip. Pictures taken in ail
kinds of weather, at moderate prices. He;
hopes to be liberally patronized, satisfied that he |
can please all who h >nor him with a call.
Dec. 5, 1856.
Forwarding and Commission Merciianis,
The subscribers doing business under the Firm
of Ev m: it act, A-iicom, fk Co., are now prepar
ed to Store and Ship Flour. Grain, and all kinds
of Merchandize upon reasonable terms.
They also keep on hand Plaster, Fish, Salt,
Ruck Powder, &c., to which they invite the,
attention of Merchants in the country ami Far- i
The highest cash prices paid for Flour and j
Grain that the Eastern Market will afTord.
John ('. Evkruaut, Geo. R. Barnuollar, j
('. VV. Ami com, Join F. Low ttv.
i Dec. 26, 1896 - I\.
• and Corn YliM*.
TT* We but ask the Farmers lo give these
Msk.funes a tri.if; and, if they are not good, and
no! v a., - presented, they may he return
"<•, and rr mey will-be promptly refunded.
\-f ffn f i trial—it will cost nothing—and,
;-v* having them von will save money.
Bedford, December If, 1856.
■ iie mF .-;t<lefs having just returned from
the east arejncnv receiving a general assortment
of Ladu s Di es (foods, which consist in part of
1 eiurgs, Thibels, Delaines, A Ipaccas, Merinos,
black a-nl fancy Silks, v\.c. &c. Also Cloths,
Cassimeres, Sattirsetts, Jeans, &c.
' Groceries, Queensware, Hardware, Buckets,
Brooms, Looking Glasses, £. Their stock con
si.-u of every article usually kept in store, which
they will tie phased to shew to all who may fa
vor them with a call: and will be sold cheap.
Thankful for past favors, they hope |,y fair
(baling and a desire to please to continue to re
ceive a liberal share of'patronage.
All kinds of Produce taken in exchange f>r
7:or,T .l.yr> Sh'Q& STORE.
A large assortment of Boots and Shoes just
received and (or sale at Shoemaker's Colonade
Store. Dec. 12, 1856.
The undersigned would call the attention of per
sons desirous of planting This spring, to his fine lot
c: apple tree- rom 3 to 10 feet high, of the most ap.
proved varieties, will lie --old in quantities to suit
pun-has -is, at The lowest late-, by the hundred. clubbing together and ordering by the
j thousand will be liberaiiy dealt with for superior
j trees. Abo u tew Peach, Apricot, Nectarine grapes,
| Gooseberries, Raspberries, &c. All articles labeled
and caii'iuUy packed to carry -afely any distance at
the -n iill cost oi material. Pears, Plums and Cher
rie-are > t -ruall. l-'or futtber particulars address
! a few lines to
T. M. LYNCH, Bedford, Pa.
1 Feb. 00, 1837.
One Col ton Power Loom (new) of Alfred
make (Eridesbiirg,) also one Napper
j Materials of Israel GroftV (Patent) near Lancas
ter. If the above machinery is not sold before
the 2 ::h of .March te xt, it will be sold at Pub
lic Auction on that dav, together with a varie
ty i l domestic woollen goods and carpeting ot
i kinds. A l<-> live Stock cf all kinds, togeth
er with Wagons and one Buggy, Farming uten
sils, horse gear-, tec. Also household furniture
.of every ;!i j scr if t; o, and a little of every kind
l of Goods usually kept in a country Store. Also
<t number < l ot in r articles too numerous to men
: linn. Conditions made known on day of sale,
i which will continue from clay today un.til all
■ ts sold.
Sunt It Wnodberry, Feb. 27, 1857.
A f.,p
•v-'V. i'A
THE undersigned ! aving entered into part
: nership, respect! illy announce to the public
| generally, that they are now prepared to fur
nish anything in their line at exceedingly low
j rates. VYeaie now opening an elegant Stock
| of Hardware, Cuti-Ty, House Furnishing Goods,
: Tin Japanned, Brass, French, and Biittaoia
! Ware, Willow , Cedar, and Pine Ware, .Nails,
[ Chi--, I:-us: ■ Putty, ?Nc., icc. A large stock
• f TIN-WARE constantly on hand, ol our own
•manufacture. Sf outing and other work done
tour: r, :is usual. STOVES of every descrip
; tin fur wood or coal, ol which we are just re
i ceiving some beautiful new patterns. Also Farm
Implements in great variety, warranted as rep
re.- ntre, the lies! an.l latest Inventions of the
iav. And, n- we are every week receiving
go Is f; im Philadelphia, Baltimore, or Pitts
burg, we will a P.*. avs endeavor to keep a full
supply of every!' Ing in our line, or at least
' tuiiiish any article required at a short iiu-
I tice.
Wi area!-o pr< pared to furnish all kinds of
L'-ad Pif % Wr.ter unci Pump Fixtures, at low
rates. We cordially invite all to give us a call,
and especially the Lades, a we have nearly
everything to make i.uu-e keeping easy from a
Needle to a Cooking Stove.
Oct. 3, 1856-1 y.
Hed soi\i &pi°Iliars.
The Company arc now erectile* an additional Hi->-
tel building. new and extensive Bath?. and ornament
ins; are! improving the grounds. The total cost of
the property, incite 1 rg 1-' HI acres ol land, with these
improvements, ami Furniture lor the Hotels, will he
about $2.10,000 00
Of this mn there is to remain on mort
gage for ten year-, at 6 per crnt,
lor ' $lOO,OOO 00
To be represented by stock,
which is ail taken hut a
bout $lO,OOO, 120,000 00
$210,000 00
Sources of Revenue—
Rent of Hotels (offered) S 0.000 Oft
Rect's from Baths & Farms, 1,300 00
Sale of water, estimated to
net first year, 8,000-00
$19,300 oo
Interest on mortgag", SG,OOO 00
8 per cent, on $1:0,000 stck. 10,100 00
$16,400 00
Surplus applicable to contingencies, sS.'i,loo 00
Arrangements have been made for sending water
daily, in gia-s. after .April Ist, to the principal cities
o: the I'nited Slates; and it is thought the revenue,
from th.- sftle of water alone, will in a short time
exceed $20,000 per annum.
President—PHlLlP GOSSLF.R.
Directors—S. .Morris Wain, .1. Edgar Thomson,
L. 'i'. Wattson. Philadelphia—Espy L. Anderson,
Wm. P. Scht'll, Win. T. Dangherty, Bedford.
Secretary and Treasurer—S. L. Russell.
Feb. 20, IS"7.
The subscriber, about to leave Bedford, noti
fies all indebted to hirn in any manner whate
ver, thai thev must make immediate payment,
otherwise their accounts will be put in the
hands of an officer for collection, without res
pect to persons.
Match 13, 1557.
For pimples am! wrinkles and freckles and tan,
Nulling has e'er Keen discovered bv man,
Like that wonderful product of tropical bowers,
The popular --Balm of n Thousand Flowers.' 1
to he had at Dr. Hurry's Drug \ Book Store.
.March b, 1837.