The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, March 13, 1857, Image 2

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Bedford, iTlAHill IIS, 2 B*l7.
G. W. Bowman, Editor md Proprietor.
"The I' 11 ion of lake-—the Union of lamls,
Tile Union of States none eisn sever ;
The Union of hearts, ami the Union of hands,
And the iiag of otir Untoti forever!"
Ccmoivaiic Stat*
Cxen*' \T ii 2a £ Fo IPacker.
E£©:s. rtii2Js*o£ B£ricLEnnd.
'KW" The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will j
he administered in the Pre.v-.yterian Church on :
next Sabbath morning. Preparatory services to j
commence on Friday at half past 10 o'clock,;
and to be continued on Saturday. Rev. Mr. |
Sample, the Pastor, u ill be assisted in the - - }
leinn duty bv Rev. Mr. Augbinbaugh. The
jitiblic are respectfully invited to attend.
L r e would say to those who do not at- j
tend the Lectures of Rev. Mr. on j
Wednesday evenings, that they dmv them- i
selves a rich repast. Strange that the t<. i v of!
all church membership should consider Praver |
meetings as below the standard of their dignity: •
and yet this startling fact forces itself upon all
who witness t! .• vacated seats en such occa- i
s.'or.s. A single store or shop will frequently (
find as many ;; j rofesing Christians*' on prayer <
meeting e.ver.ings as are to !:e !i und in the
churche:, and Ibis remark applies to all deno
minations. What a but to eg shame!
.a aufl\ i JKi k * .' !• * . Za t iit •
T:i th.e (Inz'Atc of Felt. CO, we remarked, that
Air. BUCHANAN, 1 si: If the ablest Stales
man now living, would cUi i > ! is aid not onlv
the brightest intellects in the land, hut men
whose moral as we!' as political tepilations
would command the aJmirati>.i of the civi'iz
world. To satisfy the public that he has done
so, it is only necessary to name ids .-elections',
which have been confirmed by the Senate of
the United States, as follows:
Secretary of State, Lewis CASS, of Michigan.
Attorney General—J. S. BLACK, of Penn
Secretary of the Treasury— llowrr.L Coi:n,
cl Georgia.
Secretary of the .'Navy— ISAAC TOUCCY, of
Secretary of War— J. B. FLOYD, of Virgi
Secretary ol the Interior— J.icou TIIOIID.-ON,
of Alississippi.
Postmaster General —A. V. BROW.X, of Ten
Every name recorded above is as familiar to
the great mass of the people of this country as
household words. All have distinguished them
selves as Statesmen of the highest grade, whilst
their moral virtues are above even suspicion.—
It seems to be generally conceded that this is
the ablest Administration that has ever hall con
trol of the Government, and well tray Penn
sylvania rejoice in having furnished so great,
no pure, and so good a man, to stand at its head.
Among the most gratifying results now pre
sented to our view is the announcement that
Jeremiah S. Black, os.r immediate neighbor, has
been selected by .Mr. Buchanan to the distin
guished post of Attorney General. The Presi
dent could not have conferred a higher compli
ment upon his native State. The Pennsylva
ninn reflects the true sentiments of the freemen
of this Commonwealth in his remarks-touching
this appointment. The editor truly remarks:—
Judge BLACK is one of the greatest men in the
country. With BUCUA.XA.V as President, and
BLACK in the Cabinet, the Keystone State can
proudly point to such representatives at the
.National Capitol as jewels of whom she is jint-
Jy proud. Judge Black was born in Somerset
county, Pennsylvania, in IS 10, and is now in
the vigor of life. In 18-12, he was appointed
President Judge of the lGth Judicial District: in
ISSI was elected one of the five Judges of
the Supreme Court of" the Mate, and. under the
system ol' allotment prescribed by the act of as
sembly, he drew the sh rt term, and was made
Chief Justice. In IS AN he was re-elected to
the Supreme Bench. He has never held at) oi
tice of a purely political chaiacter, hut has al
ways been warmly and sincerely attached to
the Democtatic party, and has for vears past
been one of its brightest ornaments. As a Law
yer he stands in the front rank of his profes
sion, and commands the unlounde i respect of its
members. llis literary attainments are of the
very highest order. The death of Gen. Jackson
si* 18*5, inspired the w h; !e democratic party of
the nation with an earnest desire to do just it—
t J his memory, and as the a le-t members of the
party in all sections of the country were called
upon to pronounce eulogies upon his life and
ihar.vM.-r, no event ever elicited more fully ar: I
completely a display . /the talent and gi-tiiu,- in
the ranks of our organization. Judge Ei,.\t :F.-
Eulogy upou that occasion is universally conce
ded to have been vastly superior to any of those
pronounced. H ; s Eulogy upon Judge Gibson,
and his recent address to a Literary Soch ty up
ou religions freedom, are, like his eulogy of
Jackson, and his opinions upon the Bench, mo
deli of English composition, which place their
author in the very highest tank of writers. It)
manner, Judge BI.A< K is plain, frank, and art
less—tl:.* very model of a democratic States
roan. file purity of his character, the inbred
and incorruptible honest \ of his nature, the
soundness of his principles, the superior brilli
ancy and clearness ol his intellect, all stamp
him with the genuine attributes of true gieat
ne.,s. 1 lie nation could not have marshalled
ruto her service a nobler spirit, and we predict
: —■ I*l' "ire re .-us—r——* ~4 r , —. ...
! that Jtnlge BI.A( K will win in the National are
! na, that mastery over the minds and hearts of
those with whom lie comes in contact, which
; he jwssesses over all hy whom he is known; and
■ the responsible duties of Attorney General will
be discharged with a fidelity and ability unsitr
• passed by any of the distinguished men who
; have heretofore occupied that responsible posi- !
I tion.
i Altogether the Cabinet is one of the best that i
j has ever been framed, and w ill he cordially en- ■
dorseti by all sections of the country. All its |
| members have been noted fur the purity of their j
lives, the soundness of their principles, the in
j tegritv of their characters, and their intrinsic a- j
i hilities. The anticipations which had been I
j formed Iron: Mr. BFCHANA N'S superior jtuio- ,
I rnent have been fully realized, and the newad
i ministration commences its career under the j
; most auspicious circumstances.
Tire Inaugural Address of Mr. ISc- ;
CHANAN is just such a paper as the Democratic j
i'artv expected from him. Meeting all the great j
issues boldly, tie has rendered his policy so plain '
as to he understood by the most ordinary mind. !
His views on the all-e\citing subject of Slavery !
•ire the views of nineteen-twentieths of the;
I reemeri of this Nation, could a fair expres- |
sion he had. V\ e commend the gr<-nt paper to
tiie serious attention of a!! our reader.-.
ihe (.ln.ze.ttc ot to-day is, parhaps. the ;
most important fiaper we have issued during j
the las' quarter of a centurv, containing, as it !
does, the Inaugural of the pi rat Pennsylvania
PreM-Je.-.t—a List of his Cabinet—the ]).- j
c of the Supreme Court of the I*. States on 1
the Missouri Compromise Question, which has I
agitated the country from its centre to its cii-i
cumference for many years—and the proceed- ;
ings of the late Democratic State Convention,
for a rep ut or v. inch we are indebted to tiiat a- '
ble democratic paper, the Uarrisburg Lnion. {
J-M' After all the scurrilous abuse heaped up- J
on the democratic patty for repealing the'-Mis- ;
souri Compromise," the highest Judicial Tribu
nal in the world has decided that we were j
and that our opponents were clinging to i
a law which never i .-J a legal existence, but :
v is null and void from the date of its passage! :
Yi hat a glorious endorsement of a glorious par- :
ty i his iiigh Court has not only thus decid- !
ed, but triumphant!y sustains the decision of.
Judge BLACK in the Passmore Williamson \
cuse! Black Republicans, vou now stand re- ■
haired in a quartei which will be acquisced in
by every man whose mind is not warped by
senseless prejudice.
'■-■■3 s * A man named . Indvrzon, who w.,<
charged by the Democracy of York with hav
ing advised the iulamous Minenr to vote for
Cameron, appeared at the dd of March Con
vention and demanded a seat, notwithstanding
the Democracy of York, almost without a dis
senting voice, had revoked his appointment!—
In the face of this fact, who do vou suppose
came to his defence! THO>. C. McDOVV
LLL, of Blair, and A. McKIN NEY, of Greens
burg,4he head and liont of the Foster Boilers!!
This gives the key to tiie treason which resulted
in the defeat of the democratic nominee for Se
nator. The bolters sympathise with the Trai
tors, and try to force one of their number into a
Democratic State Convention against the ex
pressed voice ot the outraged Democracy of the
gallant county of York. They stood solitary
and alone, however, the contempt of the Con
vention. Til is, We hope, will Often the eyes of
honest detn >crat.s who have heretofore sided
with the boilers! Schnahle gave the Tom-tits
Ihfir proper portion, and the Convention en
dorsed him.
:>~*H <n. John G. Hartley has moved back
to his beautiful Farm near Bedford. We are
sorry to lose his society, but we liope to see him
very often.
A .NC I.IIAK* -C - OZ'IS'GC C 1.2 CJ
L "The t'ennsy tvania Law Journal for IS4o gives
the oldest Mortgage on Record in Pennsylvania—da
led the cltii day oi the 30th month, Itifs.v—and ir/'iut
think you is The property mortgaged, and by whom
is the mortgage given/ A NKGJIO MAN named
JACK is t tie property mortgaged, arid a QUAKER is
tiie man who give- the mortgage on a human being
to secure the payment on two several sums of mon
ey! We will publish the document entire next
week, ;or the especial beneht of the iliac if Republi
CC 'iUm.J. (dairy Jones, who has been ill for
some time past, had -o far recovered a- to be able to
leave Washington on 10th lost, for his residence at
Reading, Pa., when: he will remain, ore returning
to that point, until li,s health may ie somewhat re
LV' he New \ork Mirror says —The Abolition
ist- ought to be -ati-f.oil with .Mr. Buchanan's au
iniuist iat In: . -ince ho has placed a Bt. .< .. man and a
Bno, \ man in his Cabinet.
Saturday, at Washington, the new Cabinet rninister
were duly instailed in their respective Department.-,
with ibe usual ceremony o: a cordial reception b
their predeces ors, and an introduction to, mo.t of
tin- various employees who ate to be under their di
rer lion.
[U 'The vacancy occasioned on the Supreme Bench
oi Pennsylvania, by the appointment oi J KRE.VIIAH
ts. [>LA< . io tiie Attorney General-hip, w ill require
the re-asseriibk:ig of tiie tState Convention to uomi
nate another candidate for this post, so that we will
have two Supreme Judges to elect at the next elec
tion, which will add greatly to the importance of the
campaign. As ldon. STUOXO, ot o!d Berks,
glorious oid deiks, was the next prominent man be
foie the Convention on the -J inst., it is presumed
tiiat lie w.ll LOW be nominated almost by general
con-ent. sir. STBOX I-U good man—tiie equal ot
any Law yer in the State—and the county iron: which
he hiiiis, with her tour and live thousand democratic
majority, cu!!- lor a hearty response to her wishes
iron) a!! paits of the Mute. No other man than
Judge LEWIS could have succeeded over STEOSC—
and hi* only advantage was the high character he
ha< made in Ii is present position.
SWAUar K A T B ©f
HON. JiL MtlHiNi J
A bright day dawned upon this great Nairn
on the 4th nsf.~oti which occasion, JAMES ®'
CIIAXAX, tba most eminent Statesman of Ih :
was inaugurated Pie.-idrot of the United Stall s. '&
st,:; rose, ami an unclouded rkv witnessed '.fa
glorious event. The spectators present on the oik
sion is said to have excelled in numbm* any deflwj; ever Witnessed iri Washington City. "IM
military, numbering about H'OO, tank and file, adflj
greatly to the beauty of the scene.
The most interesting scene, though on a sujP
scale, was that in the Senate Chamber. Q win rife
the small size of the apartment only .1 limited
her ot persons could be admitted; but these eomjl
sed ail the chief dignitaries of the governiftettrO
The semi-circular gallery was tilled with ladies Hi
an eaily hour, and members oi' the 34th and Jim
Congress we e admitted to the Ea-tern lobby. ifl
Diplomatic Corps was in full force, all the MinislW
.u I Chaiges being in their lull official c05t.,..,-, 3|j
looking ijuite resplendent alongside of the re>>ul.iiS
Id.'.' k coats of t!e ret of the assemblage. ThejtM'
copied a space set apart for them, on the left OiJJ
principal entrance. On The other -tile the iieftfs.®
the Departments, Governors ot States and TeiitifV
rie-,and some oihei privileged persons were tuxlh!
modated. In liout of the eastern lobby vvea
f hod Ju-t; ao<l As.onav Justices of the Sep; ~.r|
Court, in their official robes. \ arious dtstiogtii*<H
army ai.d naval officers were also present. In ■ fr.'M
of the Secretary's rb sk were clwitrs foi the Prify
o'eut ami President elect.
The Senate met nt lfi o'clock. On the anhouif
n of arrival . ; the Pre I r:> ■] President 1 ?
l"ct, all rose to their feet. The President a:o!
President elect took the places ns>igned to them, tIU
in a few minutes, all being prepared, the vencrtaß
Roger !>. Taney, Chief Justice of the Supreme OliuS
of the L uited Sta'es, advanced with the Holy ftflH
in li.s hand, li e l'resiilent elect rose., and tlien tjPjj
the oath of office us follows:
•• I do solemnly swear that ! will faithfully ejfj<
cute the office of President of the (fritted State., kite
will to the best of miy ability preserve, protect tit:,
ueje m| the Constitution of the ( uited States."
i hose in the Senate chamber then formed a pic ifa
p.occe.bul to the .'.t: tern portico ie tic ca;. :u! in : jfa
following order:
The Mar.ha! of the District of Columbia. *pf
The Supreme Court oi* the United States.jl.
The Sergeant-at-AI ins o'" the Senate. ijfe
Ti.e Coir. uifev ot Arrangements. j
! '! Nt of the ii. • ■ ami the President • |e;t.
The \ .ce Pre-i tent and S -cict.iry of the Senate.®
ih" Members of the S-mate.
The Diplomatic Corps. y
1! ails of Depai tments. ('inventors of State* ..j#t
i erritories, the Mayor of Washington and Geo™f'-
' n, other p-rs..:.s who he J hceii .idrinitc.l t&g
The Snate Cha-nb-r.
There in. probably never assembled n
ton so vast a multitude a, that assembled in front oi
the eastern porticO oflhe Capitof. The process'iltn
Cut? escort• :! I he I'res Er.t and . Pros .1, i:t eb-ct itbd
been admitted, but all carriages and horses were ex
cluded from the enclosure. There was a count Ills
crowd ot men. wonon and children ' occupy ng evttfv
.'hot of space that afforded nn opportunity ol >eeig
file ceremony on the portico. As for bearing 'in;
-I : bat was a Mvor o:dv >•' iy! by tne ~ri|w
! edged few thousands thai could gather closelyla
ronnd the portico.
There was a good deal of confus'on and srnHiEig
in the crowd, and many grew impatient, alter wast
ing long hours, for the grand event of Tint day. A
very spacious platform was erected on the port ijm,
on which places were assigned for all lho-e who : id
been admitted to the Senate Chamber. At last tjie
proce.sjon emerged from the Capitol door and up>. *r
ed on the plat'. .m. As the tall figure of the Pre-nt
dent elect, clad in that famous black <u:!, with the
thirty-one stars embroidered on it. lining, b'caei!"
visible, There rose acb afening shout from the v;j;t
human muss, (t spreu I over the whole mult if ml*,
and it was some time before it could b* quieted.jA,
The President elect, with hat • hand, l owed y
(vatedly in ackriov;ledgmeiit of the popular nerlauta-'
In the very front of the platform was a seat
which the president elect was conducted. In the
rear were the President and Committee of Arrange
ments; back of them were the Chief .instice ut*
Judges of the Supreme Court, the Vice President a'.d
the members oi the Senate. Then came the Diplo
mat tc Corp, c t*n •/, the other per
sons who hadw)een*n the Senate Chamber.
When (jo 't was restored after the acclamations
that greeted tjie President elect, he proceeded, iit 'a
hout 1= o'clock, to deliver his Inaugural Addressers
follow s :
3 lis. -a U* -j. "5 A-d' ,• • ,-e>s;- <x*
~s U j id J. Via ii J *'■4. . tfc. -. '
-TH 3*c"a -Jt f S
F' t.t.ow-C. riz: 1 appear h lore you this diu to
take the solemn oath "that 1 will faithfully exeyhte
the office oi President of the United Stat' -, and vv| !,
to the l>e S t „i „iy ability, presetve, protect, and ye
tei.l Ihe const itut ion of the United States."
In entering upon this great office, L must humjr'y
invoke tne God of our fathers for wi-dotn and litiii
ness to execute it- high and responsible duties vn
.ocli a manner as to restore harmony arid ancient
triend-hip among the people of the sevetal Stafps,
and to preserve our tree institutions throughout ma
ny generations. Convinced that F owe my election'
to the inhere! r lore fur the constitution ami the 'V
nion winch .till a'tiiuates the hearts ot the Am rfeiiii
people, let me earnestly ask their po aer ul siipfynt
in sustaining all just rtiea-ores calcn'ated to peipftu
ate these, the richest political hies ings which ibex'-
ven has ever bestowed upon any tuition. Havingide
terirnried not to a candidate lor re-electaout
I shall have no motive to influence rny conduct ifiad
ministering the government except the de-ire Jl'ly
and taithiuily to serve rn\' country, c.ud to live illbhe
gratei'il memory ol rny countrynrien.
V> e have recent j\ pa-sed through a presidential
contest in which the passions of our ieliow-citfeens
Were excited to the hjghe-t degree by tjuest iorjlt of
i.'eej) and v,t importance; but when the people pro
c'aimed their will, the tempest at once subsided, tit rid
all was calm. i
The votc of the majority, speaking n the man
ner pre.crib d I.y the constitution, was heard, 'ami
i u.ta ..' s'lhri;' .s; ( .|i a , v ). () ~ awn country i Cmi'l
alone have exhibited -<> g-rand and striking a -pe'itta
cle ot tl.e capacity <>!' man for self-g'overiiment. [
What a happy conception, Tiien, was it for Con
gte-s to apply t. . - mple rule—t .it the will ofJthe
mapirity - hall gov em—to the set ti-ment of the
tson of domestic slavery in the Territories! t'on
gip-s is neither "to legislate -I ivery into any Terri
tory or ate nor to exclude ii therefrom; bud to
leave Ia e people thereof peiieetly tree to formEiTjd
regu,ate !!.'•:r domestic institutions in their *t\ n
way, -object only to the constitution of to- !Ti,.j
State.. As a natural con 'tjtierice, Congress fir,-,
also, prescribed that when the Territory of Kac.sis
shall he admitted ijs a Sla' I *. it ••.-hall lie
t i the Untie, with or v. • their slavery, as tin
stitnt o.i may presenile at the Inn.: o: their u'Uiis
A (lifi. rence of opinion has arisen in regard ; rh
pout of time when the people oi a
d cide this question for fhemselyef. ~ y
iii'S is, happdy. a (natter Ol hut little PS|^U'||
imjKtrtance. B-sides, it is a ju4icll |iiet;oitj^|.; ; -h
legitimately belongs to the Supreme Court cl9*S
nit-d Stares, before whom it is now
will, it is understood, be speedily and finaily r! i.
I o tm .r decision, m common all good citwg..
I shall cheerfully submit, whatever this'l„...
though it has ever b -en my individual opinion 'i.>;?.•.
under tne Nebra-k i-Eunsas art, the
nod will be when the number of actual resni- iji. m
the ! erritory shall justify the formation of- a etraaA -
lotion with a view i>> its adintssion, as a Statij into
the I moo. But be this a- ; t • t|' . .
tjve and indispensable duty of th- gov} tge
I nited States to secure to every i'": by jmicaf toot
Ihe Ir.-C and iudepei H |ent express'ia* Of ft Mtficin.
' r..." .. ,<s■ •
I' ■' ifr'iWf," I.
nig can b* fairer than to leave tn- rti
tory, free from all foreign intetrfereiM. To 'iicide
their own destiny for them elves, only | the
constitution of the United State ,f >'
Ihe whole teiritorinl question R-ing thus Iftlmt
upon the principle of popular soyvrejafity— a piiuci-
. usf- ; it (.f t vi- good in .-my hu- |
.•"i*'•' S.miii-I- of g.-at e •
• - •' in:'! estranged v tl,e,J>*optc .
;w ■ ■. .- • •. >•••'
Vi-ty of I'uf U- j
•; St
■ll . ■ ..■'•% J ?';"■■ ■ III' I *'■'' r! I;, • Itri ti- i
|- V "t-;: 6 •jJ sAise ami -uhsr judgment ot'lhjsf
yeni ex,-de,'. in,,) i . ■ • ;.-r-
PHBmMßM6|w'l,l!iivi; pfes.-(■•! awry arid are--W j
.• ' !■: • '.ii -: mil <-•; ti. ;•*:..• < ■
"> iff gi.t'Cr .-poi tanct* l), an any mer# po- j
I '•. !•.•. tllilM til- ,1 I■• ■■!
~jo£.r': i " e litwatty endanger ths,persons*! Aftta* I
\ |4 it:" i
■ ••.. V , ■ ■ • •• I. : i .1. ill • : v—Vp, !
however jit! ■ iin Ii! ■ iii it--!)', ani! .■ .tivevrr ,
of material be/refits, ran coinpeyuT>< for j
<:i peace ami dom-yfje security urbtigd !h'' |
t s^4%l!y' v U-jr. Let every Union-loving mire, th#ie- ;
> rU* j Overt !:■■ ••In -uppi- <0 l - ngita- :
Jjori. •'• -|i'i, :• • • -ialiO.'l Of Congress. j
SgMv-i*: imt any-legitimate object. <■.; OfTx-l '•'■ the tittles tliut -n have Ufl
■> fektottto calculate the mere nntTU'l value of th*
fflf'.'ir.'i l\£R '''"*' l >Mtrnates hav# been pre-outcd t>ijk
Hp# pecuniary profit- owl local advantages whirli j
Spvould re-o!t ra different Stat a- am! suction- from its j
•p!i.s <jj(ti;oii, asp! of The ceriqrarait ve injuries vyhieh j
i ."tcfi Hit avi'ift would liffirrt vel.'ei ftai.'- junU'lier- 1
| Kvou descending to this low ami narrow vfew
off The ni;hty que tfftir, all such caleidaHcm* are ut
tipli. T(ij| bit# r*yhi*ce to niugl# consideration
| sv i be cijtiofo-iyi i4?tßit point. \Vi> at pre-ont Hi
joy a )rf traile ftirocaw&sft oyr fvtpasivi' urn! I'iytum*-
iitu i out try, mich a- tfii*-"wt>rlil lots nrvrr '
. J'iiii tral is t 'uulfu'toi! on ralhoirtK- am! caiwls—or
>;oM am! arms of Hk> <"a—rvhicji lvntj
i*r''t • Xorth atii! TH tin* Hast urni Wfst o: oil*.
•• rb.f I'tlfrary. Atiirtbilate thi-Ttadv. arre.-t its fjJI
,(* ogtro-jj )>y tb'
,T . IIOT- ;AT ' •-•. VI -. ■! •,••'; I I'FS'IOV tfn* PIO'PORITY ANII otSn
Twirti'tts iT'b of tlm wiiolo an-lpvci y p.\rt, ami ittroive L
tt.ll .li.nin* oamnmn pitiH it \n.:)t -riisffk*'!'n
■ i if? win , r r<- <!>■<■? yn fby f.f rr i ii? • yyi ( s
ifMi't !uim ill sum i.iri to cvory p*rt of r b"- opp. !
jfiji'icy ■ , i ti>>. t\Y \ii ait ifii'i i* thai to th<* 4 S. jHM!
to tin* j tst in): n;of tntfri *ih tfcf AW f. Th'JV f f
inpi i' (illaV ?'■:.) I'l'.i 11-• I rtiSK
W- eoriiiiiosicit that tak,kni<! Proviifaj v® wh'oii i))*|nß
•if- . ■ ~ t
IWt form t>f nm! Uhion *vr ili-v •-•! tflH
W;H hot siifl'-T if In par! - h 11111; lif -!,!! hi
b-fu'pcwfni!y hv its crrantp!'-, '.r., fh*
•* < J.en-lort of civil a. .in- l.bcrly tL i ;>i. ~h.
N-Xi -n iiTjpnrtarrP to !h ts.a'i ♦•• *!-•• aß|
stjtnrtoi) and tint I'nian i- iti<- duty of prrsnrvii jihiit
ft hi- | rivn f : • -
i' 'in, of corrupt .on. Public v.rtin- i< the vital
i .-pi: in ; :,i, I'.
<!""iy■>:!. npi! ?ho love of money |a- n-urpid ):
aUinmslyttii? imttis of.l'n-- ".vvcr.iin-nf may r -ita:iij|
fur a M.ifni, the r.b-Ydtice ha d-parti-r! . -raver. flj
fhtr pri-ii-n; ii i. :u, c. .ll.c otwfi i ion is wit!.oof /t para I-a
;: in hi-tuty. No t.atiou ha< ovi-r befo •• liwi em- F
'• if ra t -:l.cro.n too larae a nrplu- in its treasury I
! 81- J|mdSt necrssarily givMs bfrt)> to extravarrattt '
I 'Ctsfottpn. If produce., will) arhem"i of evpepdi- '
Uni'.niid bgjfcts a la'-e.- of specula'of*- an ! joii!i-i, j
who.-c Sffßenuity is exi'tffd in contriviife ami prnnai- j
ting exp"<!ic'rtts to ohfitlw pnltPc rnn?'v. Thapiirjtj* ,
of oJii.-iij whether richtfidlv-or n-r.tyir mtv
!- suspai-f.'it. am! tlie char; e'er ol the (iovcrofnent '
suffers in fh-' estiiTiafion o; the people. This, laJu it-';
self a vi; y areat evil.
The natural rriod• of' relief from this ern'bnrrAs
merit is to appropriate tin- -nrp!udTi tire Treassn y to
arnat national objects, fhr which a c ear v arrant caw ■
ha fotim! in the Cou-titiit.on. A moire thee I
mention the ex; rmtbshuie t of t- - pniilic .!• 1-t.aa s
reasonable increase of the nary, which U a) pr-sefff
to, fitfi nyofectina itl' iittV va-t tcinr.a_ee^i
dimf, r.W •iS'sTer than tnaM? wi?Wr rraf (•■; ... ■
wet! a- to The defence of our extehtled sea-romt. !
!t is beyoml aii qim-tion tlm Irtie p- rip! that no
more revenue ooiiht to be collected from the people
fhaii the amount nece-sary to def-uv the expens. s of
:: wise, ecoiiomica!. arid elficier.t admiriistrat'on n:
the govetnrnerjf. To reach this print it nj. neces
sary to resort to a (nod ill cittern o! the tariff, arid This
has. ! tro-t. been accorufilished in -tich a manner a
to do as little injury as may have been practirabTe
to our domestic maintfacfores, c-peciaily these ne
nes-i ry for the defence of the country. Anv discri
miffation ait a iics t a nartieular branch, lor ti.e ;eir[*i
Oi lienefiiTiue corpor.ition-, indivuliuil-, or
,ii'leifc-t!i, vvoidd t.ave Wen 'unjust to the rust of the
cormnuiijty and inc insistent with that spirit of u'w
tic— am!'equality which oncht to govern in the ad
j i-rprent of a revenue tariff.
Dny ti. • - juaiidcririe of the public money sinks in
!o£> •yaruftve insignificance as a temptation to cor
rupt inu when COIIIJMIVII with the squandering of the
public l. i)dir.
N i ;.::rd,n in the tide of ton • has ever been bfe---
eif with so rich anil noble an inheritance n '■ vve enjoy
: he p.::'die !,, | r , miinin slcriug th - irnpor
!..rit f t. r ti t, t*hi! 'it may he vri-e to grant portions
I. ;i>rwtedur tic .inprovein r ol the remainder, vet
iieyec inrgi't it s our cardinal policy
, '-i-i ve. Tji --efj.iiiil-. us niii'-h a> may It •. for actus!
settiurk', at moderaie prices. VVe shall thus only b■t piomotc the prosperity of the new
States .;rr-1 pe.ritor;cs by l uriiishing tVm a hardy
Andsifldependant I ace Tf honest '.nil tndiisf rums citi
x.atii, hni siu,;! , —cif' i* r.otrre . i. II our clt'ildien ami
oto child leu's rniitfrep. Wei! as fhose exiles from
foreign slime- vv-lui n.y v --i U :n litis country to im
prove t!ieii'-r utd.! .oil, Xiud to ejoov l!,p 'oless-ngs o!
civil .an ! reliu ous ti),'ity. No. h einigi iwil- !:a ■■ e done
mticu to pro-nnfe the growth ami p --per ty of the
country. ilu v have prove.) laitul'nl both in peace
ami in war. A '■ r !i-c. ipins . rum us they are enti
tled. under the ('uustitiif! in and la v. -, to he placed
on a perfect etpiality with native.hor® citizens; and
in i n- character they should ever tie krudiy rccog-
Thn i'edcra! con-titi:!ion a giant frotn The States
to ( 'i.ugre .s n. certain s| ilie pail'; ..i d the que—
tion wi cthej tins grunt should In' (liieiaHv or -Ir-Ct
iy construed, ha-, more or less, divided political par
ties from the beginning. Without entering into the
argument, j i.-dre to -late, ~t tin com tire fleer: eat of
mi admin stratum, thai long .'V(*. ivnee and obser
vation have convinced me a strict
of the powers of th - govei nilicnt is the on! as
W'f I a Ite on!y s.:• e, 1 inory o the t'nuslifution.—
\Vhenev ". in Our past histoiv, liontifiul po.vess have
becu ekercised by Congre-s, these have never failed
to produce injurious and lininippv" co- sequences.—
Many such instances m ghf be a luiiced, it !ii - vveic
tlie prop w. occu-ion. Neither is it in-i - r-ary lor t!i"
public service to sfiaiii the language oi ihe Constitu
tion: because a!! ti>e great and u-eful power- re
quired for a sncc- inl adui.n i-ti at on ol : .t* guv
eiiuni'tit, both m p-a •' and in war, have tn-.-n gra l
eii, eitii-w ia expire, s teruii w by the p!a:ii-,-t iuipti
cat t 00.
V'/h.l t'de'plv convinced of these truths, ! yetcon
sldor it ; clear that, under the war-making power,
CbtrgreVs rnav appropriate tr.oney toward- the con
struction o; a military road, when tins i- absolutely
qeri'-Sary or the ii fence of any Slate or i'errilory of
the t T riion against foreign invaaion. Under the Con
stitaliou b'oitgiess has power "to declare war," -'to
fr,.:-e and -upport armies." "to provide and mii'ntain
a navy," fiud to call forth the militia to --rep-| IHC.i
-siou..," 1 bus endowed, man ample manner, with
the war-rtiakiiig power, the corresponding' duty is re
ip.iired li t' "The United Stales -Sirtil protect each of
ijNHp ftty States] against nivu-ion." No v, how i-
U >VM'i'hle. to afford this ptuteetion ' to f'aliforn a and
our rhj.-iiie po-ses-ions, except by means ola mihta
: w ro.n! -through the Territories of the Uuit-d Slates,
rvve,- vv Styfi tp a and mnnittotx of war may he speed
ily 'tai'-porteil trout the Atlantic Slates to meet and
*o r. pet th~ o.v.ider / In the event of a war with a
t. ' a piianer much stionger t.iati our own, we should
", !.••(. ha re no other available access to the I'.lCltic
■eotxj. i " swell a power would instantly close
the rod} I' ticioss the isthmus of Central America. It
. wi.j.u- lb'- to conceive that, w!ul-t Ihe Const itu
!a - dXjpr.'ssJy itq'uircd Congress to defend all
M<<* States,*it f'hc.uh! jStrt deny to 'them, by tiny fair
iruct.op, fire 'Jplji possible merwfcby which on*
Mm til <?.-• fclele.-V.i* uj ti'ttt<; .'sides, U.I
■> e: mce; A vef tfiugtii, has be ah in theco..-
; slant piasMee of Wn.-tftlVtii.g in. 1 itit;y rend--. t!
might psrt lit. tpr-e to cofeidcr whether the love At j
: Ihe-i. aton wh:rh -"hew • aldriiates oaf fellow-citizen*:
ofc the I'airilic cijnst may not t< h*paife<t by our in-
Sieft or iefu-i;il to pimple for in .their minute •
'•'nil i • da! .'>tP4vMiiliOi<, tiie only mjni.f by which the
! |iwejr of.fhv t<Lfjyy, on tfeie -d# ofLtbe Rccfcv nujpV
s iaitHi T f ap i vii.'briii eiiiaeAm time itv •■pfofecl r
. lhf tn ioei in'{forbear for theyneffit
j from n opinion a* wi-et ui-d truvr?-
j ei-OiiolMßti! Il.otli- iu wjj.ct. lh(J igf.e: : call le<id|
i its a.d V* hi conphshih;; ihi - gi cut rjefjrjiat Jr ;
F wotfc. ; bt'i.i"-''' many FJFCLIF 'MI TTE
j way, whii h now apjjttir forcnidsb!:-, W)li, in a great
j i:■ U;. -.E.E ■: TSE NEAREST an 'IN .-i MUTE
, iuA'll have been ati*Ti.i ; f(friiy ai'frtatiin-jl.
! if may be proper ti.affWj pR o< w4nr,!
MMke some hi ;i-i lerimiiV m _re-.:n.' to out c■ - :•: - tmd
White as .. itr:t<t <>' Tti' ••.• till Oil) <■. i.alinn#.—
Jhi our •.:!• .course with'the are" sow plrtlp
' w'L.cii W e>!mtfep,ii;r ifvpCr. \V ought t> -dti
j lions ; and this no#'roe it? y as the best #>< pro-
; M J/ o'lH OWI! Tinier .| ti h-iritls, bat ill a ip.l'it -d
yrbi-ieViT flj-eir lot y>u% "bo fa 4. ibp : dAmcy
Iho'itjd bO.tirey t &mi| dank, seFfig r obtain
.nun fyr- acifegt : rn; If's-; liiiia -■> oot <hr. W-:.tou<{bt
to i' a -Lii: r-i-i if ii;. rv. fin I tvt iil yg; lOlii I*• rr c-' (>i nil.
' •!> -. •• 111 ••■-I RR IT.
FL la'l'l N< of ii l y . •'■-.* L HTI JN" RA IIVE I Y
I '•<;;!! ri by. In • law oi -i.,ii;nii. To •
iivojft I'l i.H.Rhi.R LiiVrAni-RS hn- br'Olf a lira \ ar
: pojtvy i'v r.sri Hoe i atiit its-j
j \vi#ii()rn iM one wilj a; tiirnHji L sfct*r!, We I
<>iij[li! to s-tiro. in f Iki.iiily spir it, ;n.i.i .„an.
|an I r.Rijiiire jiil;<-R finvii lotiu: . *4 j
it I* OUI dfcbjrv til.if, \v!jiif*lliT'aiftlfioi blvr #'x
; '.•inj'i! tticir> ! . o -a. b> the iw m a late liovor ;
| acjiii:,- l-,.. y tei : ' ioi by lai,r pofybuve, or.
-■ 11. I1'■o; '1 rxt,' by tat: •!> mi 11..-
; 'inn of a traOi, icuntre# .Mi! fo"
<;lii-it:oni from M ''XLCN f>i HI e f'p'! i ii.®'T"i iwi i
j linn til ta!ie a h.iiilaiti- ri M:e foitimn .if war aft'a'it*;
1 a Wfer ra|i'iiltit, w4 piiri-!:a-i!<( !'II.-R.. i(ir>i.-T',-fti.iii* on- I
] / JTSI" FJ :. t:i'EY o p- lOC. fof T
i''■!;• tini* a ~iir valenrf 1 ; ().ir-|:a4 bifJllJ
(ry toibids FHAT-Are BAH in t lO* (ire Iffoini E trlyfln
j "y, NUB 'S !in B< YINCLIOIIFII t)V THE LA Vl> '_|Bl IRE
iin.i 6onrr, N' THT'SFPRIOF ijtf.-, FIRI ■ -..110J1 UTLI
; .*yr* a r 'to .-ri: lf-- ot to in. . . ,i i . "i
j UREV, ..-; ■ r.f, tint r•■v '-■ • 1
] iipjtsi*fi•-• I'. r :.■ 110, Tii all o.r - • 'inr.-ii: .nab-rithif
j pi", prnvr tiia prntei-tayti of {lie Atfi-.-i i. an Fby;, ljave
bajoyen .ii! at (i re! _: i•. i - 1i,...,tv. .• Jfeil .•i; - ■-.! j
J FLIJ'. , • • .
HHmHmt'. 'i'fi-.r ttii'Ji- W -IO ..| tf- j
- en-iy;ry;
I NATII, ! iia> >.tai>'il LAESYTLY ij ibtst MM-<v..sfu! PMN-*FER. •
tmiv prof"..-ii s '(i tjke !$• oath p!.--ef ibe.l f.y i
*f ■ : ! ■ j- • ; - -
| U.KST OFSBVIII.- I'm. ■.e--' i-i w r n
HPIINI .:-<IV CiTV, 'I .
BBpr'- t> if! 'flb' 1 n. it(,:! . ■ s !• ■',
% - "'rttoL ' > ■. r
# .* Pi'.rfe tb.-n anif nn'.-i il j
jJßjf,' '■o!lr-.TNI|-;HE;•!, ■.!! '
Pltohi-il by tbe'iftjiec I.r;nitarii-oj, ||'bei 'i-roivd^ at tfn' ;
[HPR*' T - TFFIBW' .•H-.-rini; , A:.R:< •
FIRST 'JH-.. V.-T 1 !.'■ 1 • FL.IT? a W
- t . ~i ,
Hulfo c;i>rts:Krß-ib oi tnirty-om; jfii:.: —oun iOlt. each
'-W- TH, ERE THE Pr--iden! /E- ;
Übi- .ife ('! a4i!er■ i■ i iltlei rt>i! n
:#.(! bis s>AJ in F b* 1 partfasje and was mnijtMbdkjta T Af i
P: esid-.-nt :n,.i or be
ijgjmftiiary jfnd a ayeat portion of tAn cfvi# pro
;oTi fi-rnieh iOfTB 1-S-roit TINI ft- CLIENT a*ui
; CLiB.
I;i jmffyar.c'f jiol.lis'i.-r! in list* :
(. •: i fti• i-tif • \'.y '-i'ricAatiiin (Jlt.lV a.t
■lit lit in 'lie Wttaiy Mail on las'. SitfuriJav evnti
giii:? ilm iarsfo on ofmr [irps.-nt liViits stub as b>
<iv 11SJI'I;> :.I surprize, ! in? J. '-T'TINJ WA; !-NI.
t) i a. iiy rfrea.ii/,-d bvj t'fliii k f i >n. Ja'i .Mann
to tie fteiir and.
RTPAE' -FU.' \\ FT. H--.IR S; \IYR IILS) ami J,
On n. •' i-ji:, M. Joint 0.
Marti 'v, and John H. a;>|n!tit(ed a
C HlUiHttf.' to I'ep. o t to !!ie ne\f ft)i'l-tirtg of'tiie
Club p. rifntnetit oliicers (or the year.
The CoMsfit-nii :i antl hv-latvs ■ fthe laie eiii
cieii! Ijociianan (.in!> no-re Iberi onaoirnottsiv
uiiojit.-d t"r iiie gnvcrunii-iit of Ihe Club iiovv
being firmed.
lip HI T call <■! the meeting, it veos addressed
hvib-n. ilnwmai:, M 111. John Cesstia, and G.
ii. Spine, Ksq. ami : >t great etith><>ia.s:il.
()'I II I-1 i.- . RI, t! i-iijiuving ; I SDUTIOIIS were U
naiiiino IS'V passed:
■ ', JI NT WE hail the inauguration OF
pecuii ir pi' J.snje. MIS VISITS |T B. DLOH?, ahnost
annnaltv, ! dr the last thirty Y+'irs, have GIVEN
him a W arm PLACE IN t!IE atj'.-ctions of Ihe DE
MOM acy of B-'dfiird county. That his a imirn.—
': .ITI■.N VVDL prove a l isting hen-tit to our cum
in N country, and cornm.lnii THE respect and
admiration ID the v. . ; !D, ado its ni no doubt.
/I -O V ■ A 1n it tlie thanks ID t.'.is MEETING
are hereby tendered to :\|r. Buchanan lor the
HONOR conf-ned in SELECTING Judge BLACK as
tiie representative of PENNSYLVANIA in the \a-
I ion Cfbinej, satisfied that lie will reliect honor
upon T Adiniiiisiration and tin- State which
gave 'II:RI both. This act of our beluvi-J Pre
-adent, WE w ill E' er: ii t! rooglj
lit-io' ! hat we cordially improve and en
!o the aciionnf tlie |at State Coiuter.lion in
nominating Gen. PACKMR for (idHrcrnor
li( ! D Si HICk'LA "> L> tor Canal Corr.missioner.
'■ - iter selections could not have n i.|e, and we
pie ige Beit lord count v l>r a hainlsomeiv in
creased majority over the election i.flas! fail.
The enthusiasm manifested at 11. is meeting
w- AS .scecdi'lGlY gratifying, evidencing that the
' ■' ji> ■ burning, and that the democratic
roii NI- NI alive to their dorv.
i HE MI. efing aiii nirne 1 in FINE spirits to meet
ri M( > \DA V ev. MUG, A; rch IT", i the pnr
• oi N -NllNN' ing a Id I borough Ticket, when
it is EXPECTED that all will BE PRESENT, as it is
desirable to have our ENTIRE loree recorded.
JOB MANN, President.
John P. Peed, Secretary.
IiAirri JWOIIK, 3! arrh 10.
The Flour market is firm, wOH SALE- f Jiuvvard
FTP-, t at . I ami idty M;!!S at per !.!>!.
'LI'HEAT I- tirni ; white at loUaHiUe. re;! 1 J'.iil-tlc.
Wrote corn, FI7IL>OE.; yellow 57a61c.
/ " T "
' , >\
h - P. ; .A
ft. T- '\
; ... - :S R >
■. : ■ ■g<
( ■ ■ / N : ■;
• a
■: p
r,\s .- . I *VN
;•; ** : ---II VV^V
On the g r . I h n't., at the ri'sident-p of tier bus band
in CnmberUiiil ValMy, MRS. BARBARA .McFI.R
-UAX, consort of Mr. Wni. McFenip, in the S>> rh
year ot her age. The ilecaset.l was an estimal'le
lady, and was beloved by nil who knew her. Her
remains were followed to the grave by a large con*
cour t- of citizens.
tXI'TOOTiT: TKIN U.ITV 01' jjg jif.
•iu h
Decision pj the Supreme Court in the I) T ,J
sco!t Cast q
Mnr.h 6, 18-,7.
< of . Court in the l) rf(
1 !; y Ckw j u , fiw
fancy. 1,- > and eluoborate sTiit^nrpiii
V| * Ui ; ' V* <>?rr. T*cy have decided the J *
all tni;ulaiti point-,;
First—■ Phut whether slaves or (rep n ßt
'*! "■ the are m,t citizens,
' ""•'•! hy ft,!. r<l,|st.ttlnl|. .
■ ; **?
iieo'rot'-i iii ,iib# ntirjherii
~HO, wax a Legislative art' DD
-vu>, " a,. : ; oT^dH^cto'.^;
Ijt riMdunj 'hose main Uty -Supreme Court
''' * • r " ■* •''i lit# .'lwingsuetrii'uta! pom!-;-
' ;•• ** ' ' '* iV; nt.iry and other piiiperty" 0) - ttM .
nnieri ('co: iM.trm.. appli*. term*'" pu| v
lo siu leteii iloiy a the Union possessed at the time
o! the adoption ©%the Coiyvtiiatuin. Second—The
rights-of c.t izn- of the- Colter! Slates, etni-'raAv
vtvVTOjr Cw,-rhl- ; Wri* , yrr ? r ) '--an4otle- power f,;
l-Voieuil <io<orit"o)i%lhert, depend on Ahe geti-ml
J pstitfisoms of the Coj|<tirtji:oh| which -defrw* m.thi*
j s!l osher, t he'jxtweriAf Colltf.._'
j a bird —r A Congress dot-. no( Wseif tt
i enactments relative JO He perWnstar property
| id c.tiz. ii* ot tjie United States in frSpta! territory,
! haji the ( - coiTters, ru it ,-ui .
f- . .eu>r;t,.; My ■,,,•!) „
.rWrtai Si-rverWhi-'ift organiz-d it muter the
jnfMWtfri. Rough—The fegui condition o; ~ stave
IMP- Mtieonfi.t'. ti ot effected bye tin. ternpo
: a/ -ue h slsvwip any Other State, &„f.
, In* Pitiiii, hi crfriJ Hon .till depends on ttie" tawsof
. eiissouri. As tie- }.la nnf '.v;i. hot a citiz-n of .Mis
'•-strri. and therefore votild not sue in the Conns of
the the • Wirt must ire dismissed for
want o!'}|h;sd,.-rt'<wi.
fjf , ' !V S r >' f,i Opinion oecapted about three
hourslgßd it was'-Sti-neil to with 'ftrnJoriiui prrer.tion
by a t;/<isv Jo.; eriiii t rnom. Atirong tb- auditors were
Hs.litV '4 ~ ' • u .r.'Dt }t*o;t| : Sillily.
iIftKST 0F fifi Mi%D£RKU M'KIM.
W• rtff U\ itiat M'ivHn, tr.e
'-?' 1 --. i *• tii NtjUV©.->. h'i - U'-v't! ?<tk-u, aiT-r *
■'• ''"4s , > ti..: tr. ■ o
• ' O'B: 111 Lnzej-frt-.y/vp.- v . w |. ; ~iy po-se
<•< l the opftie tunriier and a '!ewri;.tio:: of M'
\..-ii!'- | i-.m, got wll .1 n. his peffisj i„ rhe vicinitjr
i Vt iKt-sbd/re, couc- aled anions oi ihe
n'.: :..u..niig mortntains. They tfc.-
| riiaeiw-ter ot'the man, and that he was armed tit^o.
- rtu-y i "ain.e.i tuen.selves w.i.i.r,:;-. ... ,) sjar
:,<■.! i^psiriuit.
/' Tti.'-y ti-sfe soi'iti upon the riata scent, as a mis|he
d tiri /i. of WycKijtajjt Yaitav.liad seeutijr
le ■Trih-e'difawl tte assa(s.dfc. it s-tus, drscovemlftar
he wa- jihrTver}. He tßrl, n't d 'fin.e who Were eria
ietl in Hie ciijjse, faM4vr. it his trail with much sa-ia
| i-riy, tr'/Hll they run hinr down in a defile
' of K ; Huston hri£M(, which inns ahflri !he western
side nt iVyi.u.iiig '. o-lery/ 11.- wa< almost exhaufted,
and snii irtg j^ s hack agatnst a rock he s"ood at hay
with a tester in each hai.d. A# the piyty ol jfur
soMs iipproachedyiOfee of JJ}jrtri railed out to hlin to
sarreml-r. at the sarr.e lime ftteqpftg with ri'-
M/Kiui replied -.vittj a idehalVce, and tired his
P -'nfS in rapid SlHce-sifih,"' 1
ifev as the anxious ilr>:rs of the party who attempt
ed ttie arre.r, tocafitur - the nnrfdejyrtrlrve, ir: order
• o secure the rewards, vvjucti are large;
but they, were eon polled to fire in s -i.-deieme/aiid
M : .:u' :V::. tijoph;-.) hy a rsfjghaii. 11- v.i. ti
. "ore k a.i,v *•*" ""' e-t t , ij I;esh<rrr- U;s wojib-/RS,
serious, bht not ncr-cssai'ily latal. None of the par'y
who eSected thecapTrn e were hurt, as far as we have
heard. The capture has created much excitement in
Luzerne County. The u-.-a-sui is receiving medical
attendance, anil, if po-sibl", will he speedily con
veyed to Aitoruia, in the locality where tire bloody
deed was committed.
Front the Ha!:.more Sun.
The attention of the public having recently been
draw nby a vvt iter in the [loston Medical New. to the
Use of mustard as a domestic remedy, 1 suggest, lor
ttie advantage ot' your extensive circulation, e lew
practical views founded upon experience.
l'lie seed taken whole, id doses oi a tea-poo in],
mixed with molasses, morning, nomi, and nijfrW. oe
ol advantage to persons sutieung from a debilitated
stomach. They act as a stimulating tonic, bracing
Ihe system by vntue of the umli-vrlu;>-d oil,
having the actiou of a carminative cordial.
The volatile oil developed by an cdaiixture of Hour
with cold water and obtained by distillation, furn
ishes an excellent and powerful external excitant,
which n eves the pain >t rheuma'isin and neiiiaigia
—and .s apoweilul a.d in developing the erupt.on cl
seal let lever and ineasels. ft accou phshe- tins by
stimulating the functions of the sk.ii and aiouswg
nervous energy.
Die congestion so total in di-ea-esof a low lorm is
o'.ten removed by a timely application of thi-active
principle, properly inoditied, having all the advanta
ges Of a ; ohi fwliiimrd /, iltrr, Without the less pi
time or the sequel of a filthy and ill-conditioned
sore. Liaxo.
.It-st Tttß Sk.\s;,\ health follows tire admin
istration of remedy lor ill-case, almost without ex
ception, though it is prescribed in a million of in
stances, and in all tortus oi ili-ea-e, a!! tne iliutois
on ibe globe could not make the people believe that
i' was not a good remedy, pr that the intent, r was
not a public b-.-nelactur. Huiley's barsapanha is
ex-pressly rh'sigtied tir act on those orgai.s whose
functions are essential to h- alth the stomach, liver,
lung-, kidneys,and skm, restoring tie-n deranged
''unctions of uses, and tnereby purilymg ami cleans
ing the blood—the verwHthiirffi n of Lie. —.Sr. Im'u*
lit r lld. '
To Coxsi xirrtVKs. — I*V. (oui. 11. Ivcy-pr. o! Ilb
tVorwl Srieet, Pittsburg, Pat..,® epares a .Medicine lor
Coughs anil Lung diseases that stands without aiival.
It would b- w ell lor ConsuiitfiSive persons to reniem
ber this, and upon the first * qjiproac h ola ( otigh or
Cold, apply this remedy, w bieh we aie a-surcd irom
good authority, has cured a jjicat vaiiety ot Lung
I'is itses. t
To he had at the of Mr. Sumun
Brown in Bedioid—atrd a; iWr. Calvin's Siord
in Schellshttrg.
II;. vti.vctirs. Headaches,, no' matter irom wha.
cause, have aarfftifailing in £•''<"""* ,r
Co.ltr ' V.grtiMr !>>-,!,r* j'Wt { Thy owst ob-ti
nate nervous be#.tach.-, of headaafce arising Irom tae
foulness of the stouiaylrt v teld to j|h' if operations .n
a few hour -, anil pergfflfijkU'iii}.-u-e as a g-neral
opening medicine the blood \ V 'H "ev
er be troubled w at all. Ih 1 * r ro "
prietor give, and will return t-- 1 *
■- y ■ p:.ysß-ian
in rerorgniiSFhiA tor headaencs to the
rxcßi upwards ot
■■ lor ' ■
other toheaikvches
never he them, lor thus aimed iney
will have hot I'ttle ft tear from its attacks.
.March 0, 1 •">i —dvv.
f)'i the DSfll of December, IS-t'i, at Pleasant* d" >
hv Uev. A. H. Long. .Mr. .1 nan mi ah Clark to
.SvnAii Lixn, all ol Bedford Co- Pa.
On the > tth of February, IS-57, at Woodberr}. b>
Rev. A. H. Long. .Mr. Williau S. Kloeii, to .Mis
Axx Ivtt.v v, all of Bedford Co. Pa.