The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 27, 1857, Image 1

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Select poetry.
From the Pennsylvanian.
iIsNY years have glided by me,
Since I stood beside the stream.
Which went bubbling o'er the pebbles,
Happy in my boyish dream.
.My heart was light and joyous—
It bad felt no sorrow then,
And each day came fraught with pleasure,
To the cottage by the glen.
J remember well the school-mates,
Who were happy with me there;
How we roamed the fields together,
And plucked the flowers lair.
Every hill-side we had clambered,
Vet we climbed them o'er again;
And at night our laugh was merry,
In the cottage by the glen.
I remember well the grave-vard,
VVith its briar-woven wall:
Anil the church that stood close bv it,
With its spire, grim and tall.
Olt we sported on the verdure,
'Mid the graves of buried men;
Never dreaming time wa- fleeting,
In the cottage by tlie glen.
1 remember well tlip duck-pond,
And the rushes by its side;
Where the croaking Irogsl pelted,
Cruel in my bovish pride.
I remember, too, I planted,
liy its side a willow, then;
It is now a towering giant,
Near the cottage hy The glen.
1 remember, too, the sisters
And tlie brothers w ith me there;
How we gathered in a circle.
At the evening hour of prayer.
But that circle now is broken,
Broken ne'er to meet again;
One, alas! in death is sleeping
Near the cottage by the glen.
I have suffered many changes,
Since 1 left that happy spot;
.Many scenes of joy I've numbered,
Vet I ran forget it not.
And often, 'mid the bu-tle
And the strife of busy men,
Mv heart turns sadly, fondly,
To the cottage by the glen.
Extraordinary Case of lEesiiic
A young woman in Galashiels, eighteen
\-ars old, was seized twenty-three weeks ago
with a severe hilltous fever, which left her ve
ry weak and prostrate. Dr. Tweedle resolved
to try the effects of mesmerism. (Chloroform
had been used previously with only partial suc
cess.) Accordingly, after sonte trials, lit* suc
ceeded in throwing her into the magnetic slum
ber. The poor gill had previously to tlt is com
pletely lost the power of"speaking and hearing,
and could only make herself understood hv wri
ting. She then fell into a kind of trance, in
which she remained perfectly unconscious for
several weeks, except at the will of the mes
meric operatoi, who gradually began to acquire
an extraordinary Influence over the state both
ol her mind and body. We shall briefly de
scribe what we u ere witnesses to the other day.
On entering with the doctor, the patient, who
hat! been left in the magnetic sleep, immedi
ately woke np and was aware of his presence,
lhe eyes were open and looked natural enough,
while the color of the face was also quite fresh,
and rather hearty looking. She saw the mes
inei ist, but no one else in the room, and no ob
ject which did not belong to or was under the
influence of the operator. At this moment she
was both deaf and dumb. The poiver of speech
was first restored bv passes and points on the
larny.x, and afterwards tlie deafness was remo
ved in about five minutes, by the same process,
'lie patient manifesting intense pain and slight
ly convulsed as the senses were being restored.
She now spoke freely, and heard the voice of
the mesmerist. He proceeded to excite vari
ous paits of the body, commencing with tlie
under joint of the little finger, l'pon this she
declar-d that she heard air vocal music. The
next finger was touched, when she heard conn
t-r, and so on until the whole four fingers were
excited, when she S aid she heard a full orcb**stia
ol male and female voices performing the seve
pirts of air, counter, tenor, and bass. On
'?ing asked, she even repeated the words she
thought she heard sung, although she did so
"*tth some reluctance. The upper joints were
n "kt irritated, when the same effects were pro
duced, only the music was instrumental.
Various other experiments were shown us.
Ine elbow being irritated, produced a fit of
laughing. The heel gave a disposition to dance,
a nd cot responding visions. The shoulder joint
produced the idea of flowers of great variety,
f, ut none of which the' patient could name.
I Us inability to name or distinguish external or
natural objects was more remarkable, both with
'"gard to external and visionary objects. She
did not know her own name, could not see a
u atch, unless it was the operator's, or had been
magnetized by him, and even then did not
know jt s name or use. Further experiments
tot hp knee joint, which produced
1 'jfhtful images of dogs; cheek bone, of a hen
and eggs ; ankles, rabbits, bridge of noses, flies;
and the [saint of the nose, of birds, also evi
dentlyof a frightful kind, as the vision ended
"i screaming and terror. The moment the ex
' "ation was withdrawn from a particular part,
j* 1 object fled, and not the slightest recollection
j it remained or. the mind of the patient. Of
extraordinary phenomena we can pretend
''Rive no explanation. They are evidently
iq n Je depths of human nature and cou
| stitntion, which mesmerists are only now in
vestigating. We merely publish w bat we have
seen, and we think it is our duty as a journal
ist, to make such a remarkable case known, in
order that Dr. Gregory, or some experienced
mesmerist may make the above the subject
of investigation.— Border [Scotland) Adver
From the Grand Rapids Enquirer.
We have received the following letter from
Dr. John Moreton, a gentleman of veracit v and
professional standing. We think Us perusal
will convince every one of our readers of the
entire truth of all that is said about modern
Spiritualism :
Dec. 23. 1 SAG. \
EDITOR ENQUIRER : T send the following ac
count of a most extiaordinary event, or trans
action—or what you will—because, in my o
piniori, it ought not to be suppressed: hut on
the contrary, thoroughly investigated. In the
midst of the excitement here, such a thing as a
calm and unbiased examination is altogether out
of the question, nor would it be sal" to attempt
it, inasmuch as the determination of the people
is very strong to "hush it up." As I myself
am one ol the chief characters concerned in the
affair, I dare not attempt, if 1 possessed the a
bilitv, to determine the character of what I am
about to relate.
I left your city to establish mys<>lf here, as*
you will remember, some lime in July last—a
young and inexperienced physician. Almost
tlie first patient I was called to visit was a Mrs.
II lyden a woman of' thirty-five years of age,
of a strong constitution and well balanced
mind, (apparently) and (apparently) v\ ith little
or no imagination. She was*, however, a "spir
itualist," with th< reputation nf h* ing a superior
"medium." Her usual physician, J. N. Wil
liams, was abs-'iit, hence her application to me.
1 found her laboring under a severe attack of
typhus fever, which threatened to | rove fatal, j
Having prescribed lor her I left, promising to 1
send Dr. W., as soon as fee returned. This
was on Saturday morning. At night, Dr. W.
took the patient oil my hands and I did not see
her again until Friday evening of the ensuing
week. I then found her living and remained
with lieroiatil her decease, which took place
precisely at midnight. She was, or appeared
to be, rational during the whole of my visit,
though 1 was informed that she had been deliii
ous Ihe greater part of the week. There wa*
nothing re ma rkah I e"*abd 111 !.er symptoms : I
should say the disease had taken its natural
At the tine of the decease there were in the
room, beside myself, her husband, Mrs. Green,
(her sister,) Mrs. .Miles, (a neighbor.) Her hus
band, whom I particular!v noticed, was very |
thin and weak, then suffering from a quick con
sumption, already beyond recovery. He bote
the character of a clear-minded, very firm, il
literate hut courteous man, and a most strenu
ous unlet it rtr in Spiritualism.
There had been some subdued conversation—
such as is natural in such scenes—the patient i
taking no part in it, except to signify, in a taint
and gradually diminishing voice, her wants, j
in.til about an hour before her death, when a.
sudden and indescribable change came over her
features, voice, and w hole appearance—a
change which her husband noticed by saving
with, as I thought, wholly unwarranted Litter-,
"There go those cursed spirits again."
The patient hereupon unclosed her eyes, and
fixed a look of unutterable emotion on her hus
band—a look so direct, searching and unwa-;
vering, that I was not a little startled bv it. j
Mr. Havden met it vv.itli something like art un
happy defiance, and finally asked of his wife:
what she wanted. She immediately replied in
a voice of perfect health :
"You know."
1 was literally astonished at the words, and ;
tlie voice in which they were uttered. I had
often read and heard ola return of volume and -
power of voice just preceding dissolution: hut j
liie voice of the patient had none ol the unnat- !
ural intonations of such—it was, as 1 have;
said, perfectly healthy. Jri a few moments she ;
continued, in the same voice,and with her eyes 1
still fixed upon her husband :
"WILLIAM, in your secret soul, you do be
"WiTe," was the imploring reply, "that is j
(bedevil which has stood between us and Hea
ven, for so many months. We are both at the j
very verge of tlie grave; and in God's name,
let him he buried first."
Apparently without hearing or heeding him
she repeated her words:
"You dare not disbelieve."
"1 do," lie replied, excit*d hv her manner,
"while you are dying —nav, if you were DEAD,
ancFshould speak to me, I dare not believe,."'
"Then," she said, "I will speak to you w hen |
lam DEAD! I will come to you at your latest
moment : and, with a voice Jiom the grave, J
will warn yoa of your time to follow me."
"But I shall not believe a spirit."
"/ will come in the BODY, and SRKAK to you.
She then closed her eyes, and strait way sank
into her former state.
In a few moments—as soon as we had some- |
what recovered from the shock of this most ex
traordinary scene—her two children were bro't
into the room, to receive dying blessing.—
She partially roused herself, and placing a band
on tlie head of each, she put up a faint prayer
to the throne of grace—faint of voice, indeed,
hut a prayer in which all lhe strength ol her
great unpolished soul, heart and mind was ex
erted to its utmost, dying limit—such a prayer
as a seraph might attempt, but none tut a dying
o*vtle and mother could accomplish. From that
moment her breathing grew rapidlv weaker and'
more difficult : and at twelve o'clock she expi
red apparently without a struggle.
I closed her eyes, straightened and composed ;
her limbs,and was about to leave the house,!
when Mrs. Green requested me to send over i
; two young ladies from my boarding house, to!
, watch with the dead. All this occupied some
j fifteen minutes.
Suddenly Mrs. Miles screamed, and Mr. Hay
. den started up from the bedside, where he had
: been sitting. The supposed corpse was sitting
er>-ct in bed, and struggling to speak! Her'
| eyes were still closed, and, save her open month i
and quivering tongue, 'byre were ail the looks I
of death in her face. With a great heave of
. the ( hest at last the single word came forth :
ller jaw fell hack in its place, and she again
j lay down, as before. 1 now* examined her mi
j nutely. I hat she was dead, there conld tie no
further possible shadow of doubt; and so I left
: the house.
On t!ie following day, Dr. Williams made a
post mortem/examination of the body. I was
prevented, ,py bn-iness, from attending: but
was, and am informed, bv the Doctor, that he
• found lor brain very slightly aff'ectty.l Jan utiu
; sual fact in persons dying of the tvfihu.s fever.)!
j but that her lungs were torn and rent exten-
J sively, as if by a sudden, single and powerful ;
effort, and suffused, partially, with coagulated !
blood. These were all the noticeable features
,of the case. She was buried on the afternoon
of the same day.
* ~ * *
j About two weeks after the death of his wife, j
1 was called to visit Mr. Harden. On mv way
1 met Dr. Williams*, and told him my errand,!
; expressing some surprise at the preference. 1 pf i
the fan i!v lor myself, a- I knew him to !
safe and ex per ienced pract ioner. lie replied
that nothing could hire him to enter that -house
again. He "l a i seen things that uG:, 1 .
would find out, when I got there." 1 wAcoti
siderably amu-ed by the Doctor's rrianner and
warmth : and hegtriled ruv way by fancying
what had alarmed him—a physician—from his j
On my arrival I found no person present
i with the pati-*nt except Mrs. Green, who rnfor
med me that the spirits had been playing 'Mich
pranks, that not a soul, Dr. W. included, could
tie induced to remain. The children had been
gone some time. They were at her house.
Found the patient very low, and with no:
prospect of surviving the attack. He was,
i however, quite free front pain, though very
weak. While I was in the house, I noticed
many manifestations ol that power called spu it
, nalisin. Tables and chair* were mover! am! re- .
moved: hillettrof wood thrown upon the fire,
and tin* doors open and shut, w itlxuit any appa- !
rent agencv. I heard struggles and trnarcoun-!
table noises, too; and fi*!t an unusual sensation,!
caused, no dout.t, bv the my.terns which sur
rounded and mocked me. .Noticing my man
, ner, patient observed :
•" "!3is nothing. You must get used to it,
"I should not !>e content unless T could <\-
i lain them, as well as to become indifferent to
them," i replied.
This opened the way to a long conversation, I
| during u hich J probed my patient's mind to the I
bottom, hut without detecting a shadow of be
, lief. Speaking ol his wile, he said :
"You heard Ellen promise to wartime of my ,
titrn* to die ?"
"1 did but do you believe her ?"
"No. If it is possible, she will keep her!
i-word in Spite of Ilea veil and hell. But it is :
simply itt.possible. She promised to come in ]
I the lody and speak to me, 1 shall accept no
other warning from Iter save the literal mean-j
; nig of her words."
j "A nd what then ?"
"How much of her body is there left, even,
! now. Doctor? and she lias not come yet. She
! protuised to come fiotn the grave. (an she do ;
it'! No, no—its all a humbug a delusion, j
i Thank God, Doctor,'the devil which so haunt-!
j ed her life, and stood between her sou! and none
! cannot rea< b her now."
"But if she should come, you may he de
• ceived."
i "I cannot. Others may see her, too. and;
! hear her. I shall believe no such spectre, if
there are such tilings. Her hodv as it is, or;
will lie—let that speak i! it can !"
From that day up to the hour of his death. I !
was with him almost constantly;, and was <!ai- j
Iv introduced to some new and startling plw- ;
| nomenon. The neighbors had learned to shun 1
the house, and.even the vicinity, as they would :
the plague, and strange stories travelled from !
! gossip to gossip, acquiring more ol the marvel- j
■ ous at every repetition. Nevertheless, my '
prartice increased.
On the morning of November 30th, I called j
; earlier than usual. During this visit, the n an-
Testations presence were more j
frequent, wild and v iolent, than ever before.— ;
f was informed that they had been exceedingly |
violent during the preceding night. 1 heir j
character, too, had greatly changed. Beside;
the moving of all moveable articles, the tink
ling of glasses, and the rattle ol tinware, there j
i were frequent and startling sounds, as of wbis
pered conversation, singing and subdued laugh- :
tef—all perfect imitations of the human voice,
- but too low to enable me to detect the words
used if words there were. Still, however, '
'■ none of these unusual sounds had entered the j
sick room. They followed the footsteps of j
Mrs. Green, like a demon echo; but paused Up
: on the threshhold of that room as it debarred ;
by a superior power, from entering there.
J found Mr. Havden much worse, and sink- :
ing very faM. He had passed a bad night.—
Doubt In I whether he would survive to see a
nother morning, I h it him promising to call at
evening, and spend the night with him, resolv
ed in mv secret thoughts to be 'in at the death.
If t!n*ic"w as to be a ghostly warning, I meant
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
to h<*ar it, and, it possible, solve the strange e-
' * * *
The day had been exceedingly cold and stor
my, and the rnght had already set in, dark and
i dismal, with a fierce gale ami a driving storm
j of rain and hail, when I again stood beside mv
patient. The moment 1 jinked at him, I per
ceived unmistakeable indications of the near
j approach of death upon his features. He was
free from pain, his mind perfectly clear; but
his life was ebbing away with every breath,
like the slow but tling of an exhausted lamp.
Meanwhile the storm arose to a tempest and
I the (Jfooni grew black as death in . the wild
j night The wind swept in tremendous
gusts thioiigli the adjoining forests, rattling the
iv- tranches oftne trees, and came wailing and
j shucking through every crack and cranny ufthe
W it'iiii there was vt wilder commotion.—
All) that had been said or sung, written or
dreamed nt ghost)v visitations was then arid
there enacted. There .was the wringing of
hi lis, moving .of furniture, crash of dishes,
wly-pers, howls, crying, laughter, whistling,
groaning, heavy and light!..footsteps, and wild
music, as ifin very mockery oT tin* infernal re
gions. All these sounds grew wilder with the
rising gale, until towards midnight, they Sere
alnrost insufferable.
As for us three—the patient, Mrs. Green and
| myself—we were as silent as death itself—not
a word passed our lips after 9 o'clock. As lor
the state of our minds, God only knows. Mine,
in the wild whirl of thought rind event which
lojjowed, forgot all the past save what I have
recalled and penned, bit by bit, above. I re
member only •.looking for the final catastrophe
which grew'rapidly nearer, with a constant en
jdeafor to'coqcentiate all my faculties of mind
Fand sense upon the phenomenon which I, at
feast, had begun to believe would herald tlie
loss of my | atiei^L
As it grew closer upon twelve o'clock, (for
upon the striking of that hour had my thoughts
fixed themselves for tlie expected depionstra
tim) my agitation became so great that it was
with extreme difficulty that I could control rr.y
-| self.
N'.-arer and rearer, grew the fatal moment—
for T-ital, 1 perceived it wi old !;•*, to the patient
at least: the sounds trembled on the brink of
midnight * the clock began to strike. One—
two-—three! I counted tho strokes of the ham
; mef, which seemed as though they never would
i have done—ten eleven—twelve! I drew
mv breath again ' The Ja>t lingering echo of
the |ast stroke had died fairly away: and as
yel -jm-re was no token of any presence save our
owe r
j \ns silent. The wind had hd-U-d for a
moment, and not a sound stirred the air within
! the house. The ghost had lied !
I arose and approached the bedside. The pa
tient was alive—drawing his breath very slow
ly— dying. The interval between bis gasps
grew longer : then he ceased to breath altogeth
! t-r —he was dead !
Mrs. Green was sitting in her place, her el
j how resting on her knee, her face buried in the
palms of Iter bands. 1 closed the open mouth
and pressed down the eye-lids of the dead
Then I touched her on tin* siiouldet.
"It is over," I whispered.
"Thank God," was her fervent reply.
*** " *
Then we both started. There was a rustling
,of the bed-clothes ! Mr. Havden was sitting e
i rect, his eyes wide open, hi-chest lieavtng with
a mighty ellort for one more insptted of the
blessed air. Before I had time to reach him he
i Spoke :
"My God ! she is coming!"
At the same instant, tlie wind came back
• with a sudden and appalling gu-t, and aw ild
| sliri-k a- it swept through the crevices of the
building. Then there was a crash ol the outer
door! then a staggering and uncertain step in \
\ the outer mom ! It approached the sick room ! i
; the latch lifted' th*- door swung open! and
j tlmn mv God ! w hat a spectacle ! !
J wonder, even now, that 1 dare describe it
think of it—r> niember it. J wonder I be
lieved it tlien, or do now ; liiat I did not go :
mad or drop down dead.
Through the open door there stepped a fig
: ure, not of Mis. Havden, nor of her corpse, nor
of death—but, a thousand times more horrible,
| a thing nf corruption and decay, of worms and
; of rottenness!
The features w ere nearly all gone, and the
! skull, in places, gleamed through, white and
| terrible. Her breast, abdomen and neck bad
' been eaten siw.iv, her limbs were putrid, green
ant) inexpressib!v loathsome, the cavities of her
' shoulders, chest, abdomen, neck and thighs,
! were a lining mass of great and ugly grave
: worms, which, as she stepped, dropped away
! to the floor, together with gouts and clots of
! putrid flesh! Her trail over the threshold and
into the outer darkness was marked by those]
loathsome tokens, a luminous line of corruption
and crawling worms, the uiiuvia of which was
most horrible!
And vet to those putrescent jaws there was
born a voice—smothered, indeed, and strange,
but distinct :
"Come! William! they wait for you I wait
for you !"
I dared not turn mv eves from the intruder—
I could not, if 1 dared—though 1 heard a groan
behind me, and a fall.
Then it—the thing before me—sank down
upon the floor in a heap, dark and loathsome,
a heap of putrescence, and dismembered frag- !
1 remember that I did not taint, that I did
cry out. How long I stood transfixed, fascina
ted, 1 know not : but at last, with an effort and
a prayer, I turned to the bed. Mr. Havden
had fallen upon the floor, face downward, stone
dead. I raised and replaced him ;f composed
his limbs; I closed his eyes ; J bound up his
chin ; i crossed his hands upon his breast, and
tied fliem there. Then I bore out the body of
his sister, insensible but not dead, into the pure
air—out of that horror and stench into the
storm and darkness—out of death into life a
j gain!
j County of Grand Traverse, Michigan, ss.
Mrs. Josepha H. Green, being duly sworn,
I deposes and says that the letter of Dr. John
! Moreton, hereto appended, which she has read,
j is strict I}' true, so far as it goes, though much of
; the history of what occurred at her brother's
] (the late Mr. Hayden) house is omitted, and this
1 she deposes of her own knowledge.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, a Notary
Public in and for tiie County of Grand Tra
verse and State of Michigan, on the 20th
day of December, A. D, lb.iG.
JAMES TAYLOR, Notary Public.
Courtly of Grand Traverse, Michigan, ss.
James liueson, being duly sworn, deposes
! and says, that he, in company with George
Green, Albert J. Baily and Henty Jv. Smead
on tlie l-t dav of December last past, in the af
: ternoon of said day, did go to the house of VV.
H. Hayden, then deceased, for the purpose of
j burying the body of said Hayden, deceased;
j and they found upon tlie floor of tlie room ui
; which the body of the said deceased law, and
i near the door of the said room, the putrid re
: mains nf a human corpse, a female as the depo
; r.ent verily believes and avers, and that they
i carried away and buried the body of said Ha\-
j den deceased : and found the grave of the wife
! of said Hayden, deceased, in the month of Au
! gust last, open at the head of said grave, and
j that said grave was empty of the body of said
; wife ofsaid Hayden, deceased, jlfe body of said
i wife of sdid Ilaytlen being gone from said grave:
! and that they then returned to said house
j w herein said Hayden diedN and, aiter removing
the furniture from said house, the deponent did
at the request of Mrs. Green sistei ofsaid Hay
j den, deceased, set fire to said house, and that
' said house was thereby entirely consumed, with
I ail that remained in said house, and burned to
ashes. That I aver of my knowledge.
We aver and solemnly swear that the above
j affidavit is strictly and entirely true, of our own
1 knowledge.
Sworn and subscribed before me, a public nota
ry, in and Far the county of Grand Traverse,
and State of Michigan, on the 20th day of
December, A. D. IBsli.
JAMES TAYLOR, Notary Public.
It is related that a young man of graceful sta
ture and beautiful countenance, resided former
ly at Bagdad, where he was most distinguished
among the sons of the merchants. One day,
while he sat in his shop, a lovely damsel a;>-
proached having looked at him site perceived
written over his door these words : "There is
no cunning equal to that of men, since it sur
passes the cunning of women."
"Bv mv veil, then, I swear." said she. "this
man shall he the sport of female cunning, and
he shall change his inscription."
On the next day she returned most richly
dressed, attended by many slaves, and under
pretence of purchasing some articles, she seated
herself in the young man's shop.
"You have beheld," said she. "the graceful
ness of my person: can any one presume to af
firm that I am humpbacked?"
The young man was fascinated.
"I appeal to vou,'" continued she, "whether
I am not well formed ;" she then showed him
her finely turned aim, and her face, whose
beauty equalled the moon when in its fourteenth !
night, saying, "Are these features marked with
small-pox? or, who shall dare insinuate that I
have lost the use of one eye?"
Ttie merchant requested to know her reasons
for thus exposing to his view so .many charms,
generally concealed under a veil.
"Sir," said she, "I am rendered miserable
through tlie tyranny of my father, a sordid,
avaricious man, who, though abounding in
i iches, will not expend the smallest trifle to es
tablish me in matrimony."
"Who is thy father?" inqufTPii the mer
"He i> the Grand Cadhy," replied she: then
The young man in a transport of astonish
ment and love, shut up the doots of his shop,
and hastened to the tribunal, where he found
the magistrate.
"I am come, sir," exclaimed he, "to demand
in marriage your daughter, of whom I am ena
"She is not worthy," replied the judge, "of
so handsome and amiable a mate."
"She pleases me," said the young man ; "do
not oppose mv wishes."
A contract was immediately concluded : the
merchant agreed to pay live purses before the
nuptials, and settle fifteen as a jointure. The
father still represented how unsuitable the bride
would prove, lint the young man insisted that
the nuptials should he celebrated without delay,
and on the next night lie was admitted to the
chamber of his bride. But when he had re
moved the veil that coveted her face, he behel.l
such an object! May the Lord defend us ire in
the sight of such ugliness ! for in her was
comprised everything completely hideous.—
lie passed the night as it he had been in th
prison ol Dayletn, among the monstrous de
At dawn of day he repaired to a bath, and
having performed his ablutions, lie retired to
his shop, and refreshed himself with coffee:
many of his acquaintances passing, amused
themselves with jokes respecting the charms of
his bride.
At length the lovely form of her who had
contrived (his affair appeared before him. She
was more richly and voluptuously ornamented
than on the preceding interview; so that a
crowd of people stopped iri the street to gaze on
"May this day," said she, "be auspicious to
thee, my dear Oiueddyn . may Gcd protect and
bless thee ' "
The young man's face expressed the sadness
of his heart.
"llow have I injured thee," replied he, "that
thou hast in this? manner made me the object of
thy sport ? "
"From thee," answered the beautiful stran
ger, "I have not experienced any affront, but
if thou wilt reverse the inscription over thy
door f will engage to extricate thee from every
The merchant instantly despatched a slave,
desiring him to procure from a certain writer
an inscription, in letters of blue and gold, ex
pressing: "There is no cunning equal to that
of women, since it surpasses and confounds that
of men."
Tile inscription was soon traced, and brought
by the slave to the master, who placed it over
the door of the-shop.
Then, bv the advice of the fair damsel, he
went to a place near the citadel, where he con
certed with the public dancers, bt-ar-leaders,
and those who exhibit the tiicks of monkeys—
in consequence of which, while he was sitting
the next morning, drinking coffee with his fa
ther-in-law, the Cadhy, thev catr.e before him
with a thousand congratulations, styling him
cousin; (he young merchant immediately scat
tered among them handsful of money.
The Judge was astonished, and asked several
"My father," said the young man, "was a
leader of bears and monkeys; such has been the
profession of my family . but having acquired
some wealth, we now carry on the business of
merchants with considerable success."
"But dost thou still." asked the judge, "be
long to this company of bear-leadeis?"
"I must not renounce my family," replied
the young man, "for the sake of thy daughter."
"But it is not tit." exclaimed the judge, "that
such persons should expose the daughter of one
who, sated on a carpet, pronounces the decis
ion of law ; one whose pedigree ascends even •
to the relations of our prophet."
"But, my good father-in-law," said the mer
chant, "recollect fhat thy daughter is my legi
timate wife; that I value each hair of her head
as much as a thousand lives; that for all the
kingdoms of the world I would not consent to
be seperated from her."
At last, however, a divorce was formally ex
coted; the money which the merchant had set
tled was returned ; and he having applied to
the parents of her who had contrived this stra
tagem, obtained the lovely damsel in marriage,
and during a long succession of years enjoyed
the utmost conjugal felicity.
Pennsvlvanian. alluding to the heartlessness and
hypocrisy of the abolition party, remarks with
great force :
'•Theone-sided, fanatical, pretended 'human
it v' of abolitionism, as evinced in this country,
is probably the most selfish, cold-biooded, and
cruel organized manifestation of human senti
ment exhibited in any country in any age. ft
far outstrips, ia its conceptions and designs, all
the horrors of the French revolution, and can
find no parallel in history except in the awful
and bloody scenes of the terrible succession of
San Domingo tragedies it aims to emulate. Be
neath an assumed rube of'humanity' it hides the
most fiendish aims and purposes. It stops short
of nothing but the immolation of a whole nation,
and that the happiest and noblest one the sun
has ever shown upon, it boasts of undying
hostility to tlie greatest and best liame-work of
government ever devised by the wit of man.
It sets at defiance the fundamental iaws of the
iand, and incites treason, riot, bloodshed, and
death, to surmount and nullify them."
Too SANGEINE.—The Republican Club of
Brooklyn having hired their trail until "Fre
mont's election," the landlord, who is a Bu
chanan man, intends to hold them to their bar
gain, (like the man in Barney William's song.)
We would advise them to have a course of lec
tures a! the hall, opening with Ben Perley
Poorr, and closing with the hoise-collar Qua
ker. or the man who agreed to drink six bottles
of castor-oil if Buc hanan was elected.
Tin: SWINDLER TUOMVSON. —Thompson, the
commercial writer for the New York Courier,
w ho left suddenly after defrauding various par
ties, appeared in London on the arrival of the
Persia, and collected drafts he took out with
Reeling al Redionl.
o~7~The last Bedford Cassette gives at length the
proceeding- of one of the largest democratic meet
ings ever held in that place. They breathe the true
spirit of Democracy, and we only rrgret that a lack
of loom precludes their publication in our paper.—
One ol Ihe resolutions declares most emphatically
that there is r.ot a single Democrat in Bedford Co.
who approves of the course pursued by Smith, Cress
vvcil and the other bolters. The preamble is one of
the mo-t triumphant and cutting exposure-of the
bolters' protest that could be penned, and must fall
like a bombshell in their midst.— Hoilidaysburg
rry-Dr. .Madio relates that an idiot in the hospital
at Saltsburg appearing to be singularly insusceptible
of fear, an experiment of an appalling character and
appalling consequences was made upon him as a
means oi putting his susceptibility toil test. It was
proposed to produce to him the impression that he
was with ad-ad man come to life. A person accor
dingly had himself laid out as a corp-e. and envelop
ed in a shroud, and the idiot was ordered to watch
over the dead. The idiot perceiving some motion in
the corp-e, desired it to lie -till; hut the pretended
corpse raising itsell in spite of this admonition, the
idiot seized a hatchet, which, unluckily, was within
hi- reach, and cat off first one of The feet o! the unfor
tunate counterleit. and then, unmoved by his cries,
cut off his head. He then calmly resumed his sta
tion by the real corpse.