The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, January 16, 1857, Image 2

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    the City oi Philadelphia, approve*! t*v the Artav
or on the 7th of April, ISS6, and officially
communicated to me, proposing to convey to
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania a lot of
srround in that city, for the purjxjse of erecting
thereon a State arsenal. Want cf time alone
prevent! .1 action on the then sub
mitted. The ground thus offered" to the State
is valuable, and its location most eligible for the
purpose intended. The conditions of the pro
posed grant are favorable to the State, and high
ly creditable to the municipal authorities of
Philadelphia, evincing a liberality and public
spirit worthv of all commendation. Tlie ne
cessity of a State arsenal in that city is 50 ap
parent that the subject needs no elaboration in
this communication. Alter the* sale of the
State arsenal in Philadelphia, the public arms
were deposited in an old building, or out-house,
unsafe and unfit as a depository tor public pro
perty. The gum of 30,000 dollars realized
if<Hp that sale is now in the Treasury, and by
the o.ath sec. of an act passed the I,9th day of
April, 1553, entitled '-An actio provide for
the ordinary expenses of fclovernmeut," A.C. the
fGovernor was authorized to apply the same to
tlie purchase 0/a lot of ground and to the erec
tion of an arsenal thereon. This sum was found
insufficient for these purposes, and consequent
ly the object intended by the appropriation has
not beep accomplished
By the cession of this lot the State will he
relieved from the expenditure of any money
lor the purchase of suitable grounds, and the
entire sum of 30,000 dollars may be applied to
the erection of the necessary buildings; to
which sum may he added, if deemed advisable,
tie amount that may be realized from the sale
of the arsenals at Mtadvilie and Harrishurg, as
recommended in 11, v last annual message.—
1 sums would be amply sufficient to ac
complish this object.
1 wool;!, therefore, again recommend the im
mediate passage of'a bill accepting the convey
ance oi" lhe said lot of ground from the ci'v oi
Philadelphia, for the purposes and upon the
terms and conditions contained in the ordi
nance; and that the s hhi of thirty thousand dol
lars be appropriated lor the erection oi a Slate
Arsenal thereon.
On the nth (fay of October, I I approved
and signed a bill entitled "an act to repeal the
charter of the Erie and north-cast rail-road co.
mid to provide for the disposal of the same."
In pursuance of its provisions, Hon. Joseph Ca
sey was appointed t.. take pns-i ssion and have
the charge and custody of the road. J' i'<re
possession was taken, application was tytpde by
the company to one of the judges of tV Su
preme Court of Pennsylvania f -r an injunction
to restrain the a lent of the state from taking
possession: and, sul sequent Iv, a cautionary or
der was made bv the supreme court in banc to
stay proceeeirv-s under the act. The questions
then pending before that court were determined
in favor of the commonv\ ealth: the constitution
ality of the act-sustained, and the application for
an injunction refused. Possession of the road
waa tijen taken by the agent o' the State as di
rected bv law.
On the 22,1 day of April, IS3C, an act entitled an
act supplementary to the act ir.corporatirig the Erie
and north-east rail-road rompany was passed. By
this act too Erie and north-east rail-road, as origi
nally locate,] and constructed, was legalized and con
firmed; and certain chang ■•- in the road were directed
to be made and other acts to be done by the compa
ny. ft Was also provided "that the Governor shall
retain pos-ession of the East and North East railroad
under the act ol the (ith October, 1533, until the pro
\ tsions of the act shall have been accepted by a vote
of the stockholders of said railroad company at a
meeting called fer the purpose." On the 13th of
May, 1330, at a meeting ol the stockholders called
lor that purpose, the provisions of the act were ac
cepted by their vote. This acceptance, duly
cd, WHS received ami filed in this department on the.
loth July last. Possession of the road has been res
tored, and it is now under the care sod management
of tb> company. A linal account 'or money receiv
ed irnm under the road whilst in poises-ion of the
State will be settled v. ith the company at the earli
est possible period.
ft is but proper to state that since the acceptance
i fthe act oi" the 22d April. 1 f-tc., a writ of error, in
thecases adjudicated by the Supreme court of Pa.
fvs been issued at the suit <>: tUe company by the
Supreme Court of tue ! ■ 3. and is now pending in
ti.t.f court'.
The commissioner first appointed having resigned,
A, 'v. McClure. Esq. wasappointed in his place. The
duties of both officers were ably and faithfully perfor
med. ol their correspondence ami reports,
herewith submitted to the Hume of Representatives
lor tbe'Use of the Legislature, will furnish inl'nrma-
'ion.. ln.detail on the sopr'et now Tinder considera
tion. It is sincerely desired that good faith and ho
ne-ty of purpose may character,ze The conduct of
in the discharge o the duties arsumed
bwtlieir acceptance of the act ofo"2d April !a-t, and
this much vexed question will not again disturb
the harmony or retard the prosperity ol the cityol
Erie, or any portion of the commonwealth.
The resolutions proposing amendments to the Con
stitution of the commonwealth, have been published
ns directed by fbat instrument. 11 will b your du
ty to take such action in reference to these amend
ments as will, in your judgment, be most cenpi-tent
with the wishes of the people. An appropriation
win be required to pay the expenses of their publi
cation, and to this yonr earliet attention is reqnir-
The important duty of'rtistrictimr ihPstate for the
• lection 01 Senators and Representatives will devolve
upon yon. This duty should be performed faithfully
:. d with strict reference to the interests and rights
i.; rhe whole people. Returns of taxabies, required
to be made in the different com 'ies, have not ail
been lor wanted to tbi- department u* < reeled by
law. Circulars have been issued to the* officers
• ..urged with these, urging the r per
jofmance, and the returns will, as soon as received,
be transmitted to you.
The elective fraiuthise Is the highest and most res
ponsible privilege enjoyed by the American citizen.
Involving in its exercise the sovereignty of the peo
ple, ufttd cot .st tutie.g. as it doe-, the substratum of
our fret- institutions, it cannot be t/io highly appre
• oiled, or carefully gtiarded. The ballot box,
tr.rough which the people -peak their will, should be
preserved from violation at every hazard and -aeri
tice. (Tpon its purity and integrity dcpeiidhifi.c sxr
i-tenee of our Republican government, and the rights
and privileges of the citizen. Every Jegal voter,
whatever may be hi-, political atfujities or party
predilections, is deeply interested in this question.
Any attempt tostflfy its purity, or ifnpair its effi
ciency, whether by or fraud, should b
sternly resisted and severely punished. Illegal vo
ting, whether founded cut forgery or perjury, or both;
•>n fal-e a-sessnients, or false or forged certificates
of naturalization, is an evil that de-erves the seve
rest 'condemnation. It prevents an honest expross
■on of the popular will, con upts the sources of legit
inate power and influence, and strikes a fatal blow
at the cherished rights of freemen. These evils are
alleged to exist in our large cities the. rural dis
tricts of the State are comparatively wee from such
corrupting abuses. A remedy coextensive with the
evil should be provided.
T'.very defence should be thrown around the bal
lat-box, and whilst the rights of legal voters should ■
be secured and protected, fraud in every form should !
be prevented and punished. Whether a judicious
registry law, or some olher measure of reform, ade
quate to the necessities of the ca-e, should be adopt
ed, is referred to the wisdfirn of the Legislature.
As appropriate to this subject, the reform of the
naturalization laws—the prevention, bv The National
Government, of the importation of foreign criminals
and paupers, and a more careful, rigid, and persona!
examination, by our courts, of all ppr-ons coming be
fore theni as applicants for admission to the right-of
citizenship would, to some extent, correct existin"
abuses, and relieve the ballot box from the pressure
of corrupting and dangerous influences.
To the policy and ac'.sof the .national Government,
affecting, a they do, the right and interest; ot the
Commonv*eiillh, the people of the State cannot be
indifferent. Pennsylvania, occupying a high and
conservative po-itinu in tlie sisterhood of State—de
voted to the Confutation and the t nion, in their in
tegrity and harmony, has been, and will ever be, as
ready to recognize the rights of her sifter State; as
to delend her own. These sentiments she ha; never
! abandoned—These principles she never violated
Pledged to lhe mairitainance of trie rights oi the
.North, as well a; those of the South—sincerely de-i
- promote the peace, harmony and welfare of
our whole country—and disclaiming all intention or
desire to interfere with the constitutional rights of
the States, or their domestic institution;—the people
| of this Commonwealth viewed with alarm and ap
prehension the repeal of the Missouri Compromise—
a compromise rendered sacred in public esteem by
its association and connection with lhe great cause
of national harmony and union—regarding it a, a|
palpable violation of the plighted faith and honor of
lhe nation, and as an unwarrantable attempt to ex
tend the institution ofdomestic slavery to territories
then free. This feckless and indefensible act of our
National Congress, has not only aroused sectional
i jealousies and renewed the agitation of vexed and
distracted questions, but, as a consequence, it has
filled Kansas with fraud, violence and strife—has
stained its soil with blood, and by a system of ter
ritorial legislation, justly styled "infamous," has
made freedom of speech and of the press, a felony,
and perilled the great principles oi liberty and equal j
in good faith to be applied to that Territory—if Un
people thereof are to be left "perfectly free to form
and regulate their domestic Institutions in their own
way, subject only to the Constitution of the United
States," then the obstruction of the great National
highways to the northern emigrant—the employ- ;
ment of the National forces, and the subversion of I
law and justice alike Kv the officials in Ivnnas and
Washington, to (nrce slavery upon an unwilling pen- .
pie. cannot be too severely condemned. •
Freedom is the great centre-truth of American j
Ilepubliranhm—the great law of American Nation-I
a'ify : slavery is the exceprion. It is local and sec
tional; and Us extension heyond the jurisdiction ere- j
suing it, or to the free fen itories of the Union, was
never designed or contemplated by the patriotic fioun- i
ders of the Republic. In accordance with these sen- i
titnents. Pennsylvania, true to the principles of the ;
act of 17-SO, which abolished slaverv within her"fer- I
ritoria] limits—true to the great doctrines of the;
Ordinance of 1757, which dedicated to freedom the ,
norfh-we<tern territory of the Union—true. to Xa-j
tional faith and National honor, asks and expects, a- i
due to her own citizens who have, in good faith set- i
tier! in the territory of Kansas, ai I as due to the in- j
riustry and energy of a free people, that Kansas ,
should he free.
In this connection, and asconseouenf
p-al of the Missouri Compromise. ip
osition made by some of the leading
nals, and more recently sanctioned by
autboiity in a sister State, to j
slave trade, vv:l! not be de-rued impropflw^ That '
such a trade, declared to be piracy, ami execrated j
by the civilized world—>o crowded with horrors in j
every stage of its pursuit—-o revolting to every sen- .
tirnent of humanity—every impulse o: pure and po
bie feeling, should be advocated or approved, in
this nineteenth century with apparent sincerity, and
urged as a measure of political economy and of jus
tice and equality to the Southern State- of the Union,
are facts that find only explanation arid apology in i
;t wild enthusiasm, or a still wilder fanaticism that
overwhelms alike the rea-on and The conscience.—
'i he wisdom and humanity of a proposition so start
ling and monstrous, must seek their parallel and il
lustration in the dungeons of the Inquisition, or in
the hold of the slave ship, amid the horrors of the
"middle passage." Equally reptil- ve to the intelli
gent ati'd virtuous sentiment of th- South as well as
the North, it should receive the indignnf rebuke of
every lovtr of his country—of every friend of justice
and humanity. The history of the world and of
crime does not reveal a traffic more inhuman and
atrocity more horrible. Against a proposition soah
hoient, and against the principles it involves, as the
representatives of a free people, and :r. their name
you should enter their unanimous and emphatic pro
I he Union o' the States, which constitutes us one
people, shoidil be dear to vou—to every American
citizen. In ihe heat and excitement of political
conte-T— in the whirl of sectional and conflicting
interests—amid the nursing of human passions, harsh
and discordant \ dices may be heard, threatening its
integrity and denouncing its doom ; but in the culm
"sober, second thought" oi a patriotic and virtuous
people, will be found its security and defence. Foun
ded ,n wisdom, and cherished by the intense a:!*<••
Co of pure and devoted patriotism, it will stand,
sal* 1 and undisturbed, amid the insane rage o * politi
cal demago<*u:-n*, and The fitful howl'ng oi trantic
fanaticism; and when it fulh-v-if fall it nui-t—it
Will be when liberty and truth, patriotism and (ir
rue, in. ve perished. Pennsylvania tolerates no sen
timent of disunion—-he knows not the word. Dis
union ! "tis an after Thought—a monstrous wish—
unborn til; virtue dies." The Enion and the Con
stitut on—the safeguard and bond of American Na
tionality—will be revered and defended bv every A -
m"i, Freeman who cherishes the principles and
honors the memory of the iiiu trions founders oi th"
Recognizing our responsibility to Him who con
trol- tlsa desrini'-s of nations and of men. and invo
king Ins blessing on your deliberations, may order
and harmony characterize your -s-sioris, and with
-ingle reference to the public good, may your legis
lative action, in its character and results, promote
the happiness ar.d wellare of the people, and the
honor arid prosperitv of the Commonwealth.
Harrisburg, January 7. IS-TJ. j
Terrible Calamity in Washington —.7 Lady
Burned fo Death.
WASIJINCTOX, Jan. 4.—-The wife of Judge
Daniels, of the D. S. Supreme Court, was burn
ed to death last night by an accident at the res
idence ol' her,husband in Fiaoklin row. The
Judge and his ivile had been ont and on return
ing home, he went into the library and she re
paired to her sleeping apartment, and com
menced disrobing preparatory to retiring for the
night. ileing very near-sighted, she did r;r>:
perceive a candle setting on the hearth, nor the
flames that communicated to her chdhing until
they completely enveloped her. She then ran
from the room shrieking for assistance. Her
rapid motion only added strength to the flame®,
ami before any effectual assistance could be ren
dered, she was terribly burned from head to
foot, and her recovery was rendered hope], - ,
from having inhaled the fire. She died the
morning after, lingering eight hours in dreadful
agon v. She was a most estimable lady, about
".*>s years ol age, and leaves tuo children, the
youngest being only six or eight months old.—
She was the daughter ofthe late James Harris
of Philadelphia, formerly chief of the bureau of
medicine and surgery attached! to (he Navy De
partment. This terrible calamity has caused
much regret to a large circle of friends and the
community at large, who deeply sympathise
with the Judge in his bereavement. He was
himself burned, but not seriously, while endeav
oring to extinguish the flames.
Accounts vary with regard to the origin of
the accident. One statement is that Mrs. Dan
iels was in bed reading by a candle, '.!;•• flume
of which communicated to the sleeve of lser'
A FIXED FACT.—Hurley's S>ar-a|iaril! IS admitted
everywhere the only reliable and radical cure I'oi
sciofula, enrouie bronchial affection-, incipient
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tism, -croiulons ophthalmia, and all those anomalous
• oaqnaint- incident to glandular disease, it is be
yond all qiie-tion the mo t searching and purifying
medicine that can he used, and well adapted l 9 the
removal and pennari-nt cure ol* iho.-e complaint
which take their origin in an impure condition of the
blood. Aiivorut'. ( Lyons
A n 5:: 35:®:
At Ptnvsn-'s mil!, in Fiimuls Cove, Jan. Ist,
hyth- R v. W. Bradshaw BachMl, Samuel \
Morgait, Esq., to Miss Sarah Ann .-Idest riaiigh- !
ter ol i-j-ard, a .l o! (.olt'ruji) Tcwns'iiji.
lied fiord, Faia. 16, 18*17.
Cr, W. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor.
'•The Union of lakes—the Union of lands,
The Union of States none can sever;
The Union of hearts, and the Union of hands,
And tlie flag of our Union forever!"
I. f*. Seaat9*.
election of a Senator oi tbe United
serve for si\" years from the .|th of .March next,
took place on Tuesday last, and the whole
* will.blush to learn the a clear DenflK
majority on joint ballot, we bad the right to
expect tbe election of a Senator of .the. satne faith—
hut, through the downright up'ostacy of three men,
(VVAGOXSELUKR and LEIJO, of Schuylkill, and }fc-
NFAR of York,) and the disgraceful conduct of srv
en other Democrats who pertinaciously refused to
our cherished principles have been sacrificed by 'he
election of a man whom our opponents only two
years ago officially' branded as tbe most degraded jo
iiticai gambler in tbe country, charging him wjth
having procured the nomination in caucus by rrieijns
such as no man possessing a particle oi' honor woijd
adopt. In short, SIMON CAMERON was elected!—aid
Ft:. JORDAN, as if to senl forever his political inii
my, yes, Ft. Jordan, the man who wrote letter afit-r
letter denouncing Cameron in The lowest term- of
which the English language is capable of giving
utterance, (which can be seen by a reference to
his mouth-piece here,) and w ho was chairman of tie
iNvi.sufiATiNu co:rmiir°e, and author of the pain-i
phlet exposing Cameron's enormities, actually voted '
for him ! as diet all the other Abolition member.-.
Political profligacy such as this has never before
been witnessed by This or any other country. It
was, however, a fit cap sheaf to the corrupt combi
nations they formed during the late State and Presi
dential canvass. But we shall speak more at length)
on tiiis point hereafter.
G. N'EI.SON ITII, one of the Representatives
from our own district, is among the traitors, anq
will, whilst he lives, carry a mark which will cause
him to he despised and shunned by every honest!
Democrat in the District whose dearest interests hej
lias trampled beneath his polluted feet. We can conk
fluently asseit, for both Bedford arid Fulton coTfhties.
that he -tar.ds condemned by every man who voted
for him —and, if the sturdy and honest Democratic,
Freemen of glorious little Cambria submit to bis co-|
a'utiou by which he has handed their interests over
to a .corn Know Nothing aw! Clack Republican,
then we have mistaken their character for integrity]
and devotion to the right, lie, and those who will
attempt to justiiy hi- conduct, w ill do so upon the!
principle that he was bound to stick to Foster!
Who so bound him ? Certainly not the Democracy—
lor, whilst they were willing that Mr. Smith should j
advocate the nomination of Mr. Foster in caucus,
had he told them that he would not support the regu- !
!ar nominre, fairly cho-en, be couhi not have recei
ved a true Democratic vote in the three counties.!
We are anxious to see what Cambria will say in
County or Tow nship meetings, for the press being
under the control of the apo tate, will of course sus-
tain him. Democrats of Cambria, now is the time
to show the stuff of which yon ar,e_ made, and the
eyes of the w hole country are turned towards you to
see what manner of men yon are.
Westmoreland,* county that used to give between
two and three thousand Democratic majority, by the
treachery an j double-dealing of certain leader-, has
been redjiced- to two or three hundred. Ijer Brasses
are as honest as ever, and duty now call* upon then ,
too, to id e in the majesty of their strength, and'
proclaim the disgrace ol tiio-e who have so shame
fully betrayed them...
FoexEVi :t>r twenty IT great leader©! thV
Democratic party—a man whose talents arid gehiuin
have given him a name imd a fame throughout the
land <lnd.*Ktion—a man whose voice has towered a
bove all others in proclaiming the glorious truths
and principles of Democracy—to be stricken down
by creatures delegated to carry out the doctrine- of
their party, is a blot uprin common honesty and de
cency which has never before tarnished the records
of Legislation.
Col. acted as a man of honor, and, when
be returns home, will receive the plaudit, "we!!
done, good and faithful servant."
Governor'* I?Ee*?.a£e.
d?" We publish the annual m s age o'' Gov. POL- !
t.oi x in ti.e Gazette of to-day, not because it posses-|
>es any intrinsic merit, but because it is tonal,
whether good or bad, to publish sucii paper-. The ;
remarks o! the Governor touching "bleeding Kuj and the "Slave Trade" are not merely
lous in themselves, hut entirely out of place. The i
(lovenior and his friends could -re nothing hut error.]
in the President of the United States in arguing the]
Slave question in his annua! message, notvviths'and-1
ing this question has been the standing theme ol ag
itation by our opponents in Congress lor a quarter of
a century, and now kr brings thi- question before the
State Legislature, a body which has r o more to do
with it than the man in the moon! The whole
country, North am! South, with two or three isolated
individual exceptions, having condemned and rejrodi-,
ated, in the strongest tern", the recommendation ofi
a **Uy to revive the Slave trade, rendered j
it liishly important for The Governor of Pennsvlva-'i
n:a, in an official paper, to make eeritjus reference To|
a question that has no ex-tence.Mh.v. Pollock, in I
charging the "officials in 1. ansa- and Washington"
with a desire to "force slavery upon a:i unwilling :
people," puts upon record ;v fnU-bood which has
just been branded as such the Freemen of the i
United States at the polls. of the kind ha,
ever been made by a Democratic President or a
Democratic Congress—a fact which challenges sue-i
cessful contradiction. It was bad enough in stump]
speakers to perpetrate so glaring a falsehood agamST ;
the Democracy, but, when uttered in an official State j
paper, it renders its author justly liable to the con
tempt of nil men of truth and candor. The Gover
nor seems to have abandoned almost entirely the K.
N. Humbug by which he was carried intotilce. and
hangs himselt to tire tail of Abolitionism—and, as
a!i the oflicers selected by ottr opponents in the Sen
ate are Black Republicans, every man who contin
ues to oppose ihe Democracy, must lake a seat in
the Abolition Wagon. There can be to dodging.
1 he only two parties now in existence, are the Dem
ocratic and the Abolition, freemen, wh'ch do you
choose '?
The Governor desires the Legislature to enlighten
him on the subject of the Militia, so that the com
mander-iti-chie; may not transcend bis- jurisdiction
by coming in contact with other departments of the
VV e thought the Supreme Court had
been so-fncie Jy explicit on this subject, but some
men are vc*m,U,)\ of ! —and perhaps
.in 15. laws now in existence would be wejj
enough. Ihe better plan, however, would be to blot
out all the Militia Laws and Supplements thereto
that have ever been passed, and enact an entirely, that can !><• unlet-tood by the masses as
well as the Governor.
03^The Pennsylvania Legislate 9se mbletl at
Harriobiirg on Tuesday the Oth inst., and organized
by. the election of Hon. DAVID Ta' .. \ki- as Speaker
j ol' tbe Senate—and Hon. J. Lawn ESC- a GETZ, the a
bie and talented editor of the Berks County GazMtr,
and Democrat, as Speaker of the House. We give
below- the address of each on taking the chair.
True to the instincts of the amalgamated luunhugn
which control the opposition to the Democracy, the
speech of Mr. Taggart is a small budget of vanity
and balderdash, meaning nothing. Reversing the
I! most solemn professions of Know Xothingistri that
J "the office should seek the man, and not the man
7the office,"' this mouth-piece of iilarL Repubiicari
' istr. boast* of having occupied two months ir. stri
ving to attain to the Speakership! We know of
certain other gentlemen who did the same thin-.
One THANHS .JORDAN, who addressed the F;I,.MO:U>
TTES of St. Clair lownship, on a certain ona-krt;,
"looking fine," also spent two months in a vain en
deavor to reach the same place; but, when it came
to the test, and the question was priqipymd rf K U
that you Sambo /" "No, 'tis Frank," the
tari reply, "You're pretty 'fine looking' but you
can t come in ! Well, this was right, lor, in strict
ju.-tice to l rancis, his cooduct during- the last cam
paign was more disgraceful tlra.r'' of any other
leaner in the abolition lie proles.-t-d to l>e the
very p.liar that supported Filirjore in this county,
and denounced, as Itars, in his public speeches, all
wno ci.aiged liiiri with Working secreily (or Fremont!
Kvery body ki ovvs this to be true; and yet, no soon
er was the .state electa on oier, than the Chairman {
. of tbißiack Republican committee publi-hc-- a letter
written by ibis "line looking" young man at the ve
' ry nrai' he was making the warmest piofe.--.oii> of
•leva!ion to Fiimore, in which he says; "You know |
my views, lint { am afraid you are a little too last;"
Ito adopt the Fremont Flag NOW would injunru>. IN :
th blare and, County ticket ! L'nder tue.-e circiuo- I
stances, it is somewhat refreshing to find that oven I
IJIRCK republicanism revolted at taking so strong a ;
do-e as Francis.
>l.o speech oi .Mr. Gk-iz contrasts ho; d-onicly '
With that of oi .Mr. Taggart, arid exhibits tbe devo
tion to honest principles which foiin the ba-is of the :
Democratic" paily.
'1 '
-'dr. upon being the .Chair, '
addressed the Senate as follows:
I find it veiy difficult to "conjure up'" anything
new >ir origins! upon this interesting orca-ion. The j
path is so well worn that the green gia-- and tin- ,
flower* are al! tiampTed into tin- -aith, and nothing I
b-tt tor me to tread upon hut the common dust.— i
W here the white-headed eagle ha- soared, tier- i- a
poor show for hi ids oi le- ser note and feebler li ght.
i tru-t : may i - p irdoned for alluding to that m.itti.if
icerri biped. it I- an impul-e ol'm; American heart
which i cannot restrain, and Would not ir I could. ! :
It would tie an affectation of the rankest o,t. to pre
tend that lam not pleased, a- weila* - lightly int .m
--' kite !, With the po-t you fare a -:gned 'inc. it
•wou-d be mors apparent from the fact, that for the
jiast two months, I have been notoriously sflivh g to j 1
attain it, i his is a ronfe-sion, perliap-, which none ,
ff my illustrious preitccesor.- have bad the candor to
inuke. I make it, because while lam a Speaker at
UK I would be con side ted a Speaker of truth,
j; io t.iose who anted me, I ieel deeply grnte
af.and oijaH fitting occasions, when gratitude shall .
or encroach- upon fairne-s, it'.hall find expression,
or :n worths?, but in actions.
J arn pain'.jjilly aware, for the first few day -,
shali need ydur.utn.o-t i:dt.lg-.ce. if afterward*
am ilefic cut. ypu must charge it to my inability,
re. cot to a want of effort To merit voiir generosity,
will try hard to*preserve good order among yoii,
j nd thai *>rru gravity which is so becoming in Sena
ors of Pennsylvania.
i or two sessions some of us have sat together in
his Chamber. and, without distil.ction f natty, our
ntercom se ha- been of the triosr"agreeable rharac
er: and the appearance of those wlm have
ati ly com-Jimoi,g-t us, (some of them rather inn x
"W/y), this happy state of things is likely to COM
n Tocnding high hopes of the advantages which the
Jo nmonvvealrii will derive from your -wisdom upon
v *.e <#Wr , nr r,:ini'J fo
■H" nf y ,! f °r your votes, and to all of you for vour
k-U wist.e-.
' I
Jr. Gety., upon being conducted to the Chair ad
diked the House as iollosv g;
• t - /./so ctj tin• J£ai/xt of JlcyT'sen'ativ< • :
llied by vc.ur favor to the Chair which is vener
ea wvuh historic Interest—and Chosen) lam very
witog 4 o believe, more out of c rneiu to the
aiitnt and influentiai county which ha-sent nie
hcithan for any superior merit y >u have disrov
"•jri nit—tussore yoo I speak no vain words
v. i(l say that a sense ol the grave responsibilities
n: t place far outweighs the gratification I feel in
J Ihdonor you have conferred upon u,e, and almost
| map n. hrinjc from assuming them. But 1 find
einiragensent m the reflection which mv short ex
j jterjee in this body affords me, that it's members
: aralways ready to soppoit Jimir presiding officer in
j tbetrformance of hi* <b,ty ; and, identifying their
owhgruty wirb-his positirm. to sustain "the Chair
j in j embarra-stnents arid difficulties which may
iisj Here, at the outset, then—painfully conscious
i of j need of them—l throw myself upon your in
i dnljice, at.ii bespeak your kindest assi-tance.
| Miave met together a-the Representatives of a
j ( ojonw.eabh acknowledging no.superior in any ol
j tligsential elements which ccn-litu:e the true
i eHess of a State, To fake the part assigned - 0 us
i by i Con-iitntion. in The enaetment of such law*
j as | progress of time, a nil Ihe rhang ng circumstan
cesjihe pen; |c have rendered necessary for their
mnjal, social and moral wefoire. We are to obli
giftiurrelv.-s in the most solemn form that can
binhe con-eienre of man, to "perform our duty
wilfidelity." i o keep thi- obligation, we must
i'.Hvjuustsiitly before us the fact, that we colne
-be; lot to enforce our own opinions, or to advance
,| ourp interests, but to do the vv,!l of onr con-fitu
''t ' all thing-just as we know tliey would dolor
j therjve , were they fnib pen-e with their repre
-1 seiites, atid a-sent b!e in their aggregate capacity
* to of the laws.
Itiia- been -aid by one skilled in political sci
fenc*iar "power i- continually -tealmg from the
manj the 'J'he history of the nations of
; 1 1.eWorld affords us an almost unfailing example
f ituth. Under our happier form of government,
. v. h'Csefy provides for tin- return to the people'
at c'j period- and brief interval-, of the power
• ? ]"ytut to their representatives, such a transi-
I tioiijts with ,-o rrniny interruptions that it at
, tiaclyiic notice, and excite- no general appre
| nens] But it is, nevertheless, in one form or an
o'heip ays silently and secretly going on, ehal
leggitthe vigilance of the wariest statesmen to
dist'obrtd arrest it. In no way i- tf j thett more
j con.njr or extensively practised, tbnn by means
( oi tfjai tons schemes ot private emolument for
1 w h rltporate privileges are con-tantly n-ked, and
too r'y granted. pi- a fact which no observant
i mnutjdeny, tliat individual right- are abridged !
in "proportion to the extent of the special priv- 5
; lege.p'ei red upon cs.-orint inns for private gain, j
j In,a cinnity like ours, it is true, mean- are re
j qifreryievejope our latent resources, fo ter our]
i prodtU industry, and minister in various ways to !
| the wof ihe people, which are beyond the grasp I
i ol inily,! enterprise, and need the aid ofcombinnd I
(utpitaprgv and skill 'or their accomplishment, i
I out thjuslance* are few compared with the great
' rT,a s jbjects for which special legislation is
soyghtil the expediency or necessity which calls
j lor the never so grant as to dispense with the
; irrmosijof such conditions and restrictions upon
thifrtjijH contine them strictly to the purpose, of
i thsjr cpn, and prevent the grow th of what was
j innmhfrrly for the public benefit, into an oppres
-iv| anpgerous monopoly. Let i/s, gentlemen,
I lie JIO fto the tbpft, in any form, of power by
; 'hPifexqich it isnur bounden duty to guard as the
1 nihilen|it of the many.
Tfut 1 before trie oldpr and wiser heads than
| mire, vidmonirtt me that it would beeome me
latber t|k advice, than to play the part of an ad
j vi - 'r. ||l therefore, gentlemen, trespass no fur
; 'lw r upi,r time; but, thanking you, in all sin
ctpfty. (p high honor you have done me, will
i pvokeetlhce with the duties of my office, confi
denlly relying upon your a-siftancu in all difficulties
may encounter, and your forbearance in all errors
into which inexperience may betray me.
Judges ot this judicial District met at McCon
ne|!.-hiirg on last Monday. aiuTeletted Hon. VV.
I. DAuumcjyrY as Revenue Commissioner, antl
We congratulate the people upon the selection
made, for he w ill certainly do all that •an he
done to promote the true interests of the tax
ncrk <>!' ihe House.
ftV Wo r> j'ice to chronicle the election of
Capt. JACOB ZEHM.SE, of I.utier, AS Oik ofthe
House af Harrisburg. He is eminently quaii
fieii for the If usl, and is one ot liie most'dex-rv
-1 ing Democrats in the Stafe. lie will make a
worthy successor to Col. JAC K, V ho was one of'
the best ch rhs we ever had, and, withal, a gen
' tleinan in the stiirtest sense of the term.
' : Auditor (leneral BANKS has our thanks
.j lor a copy of tits AIHII.MT report, which is highly
. credo able (o as an officer, and will be
, J gratifying to the tax-payers of the Common
wealth hv reason o| the iavortihle expose-which
he gives of the (inanc-s.
SLotc rtiaprir.'Tt';
Jlnd '1 htrteen other choice o\'oi/vete.tirs of the
Hurt; by Mrs. CdtROLLVE LEE lIEATZ,
■i'tthor of "Linda" "Reno,"
.\'ot Bridef "Marcus WttrhnJf "Ro
bert (truhumf iS*c. <S'c. complde in one huge
duodecimo volume. , ner/th/ hot/rut in doth, for
J line Do!!or tin t twenty tic. Cents/ in I
two vol urns, paper cover, for one JdSyij.r :
i i' now in I'rc-- arid will be [lublisbed on Saturday j
| January 31, iS'7. Copies of either edition of the
I work will bp sent to any part of the United States,
j live ol postage, on rtmitting the price of tbe edition
I hey wis!., to the publisher, in a letter. Address
, T. J'. PETF.RSOX, No. I OH, Chestnut street. Phil
. .'u.elphia. Ihe work is highly recommended by the
; Courier, who says that a ht-h moral charm !
j pervades all the stories in this volume.
PtQCfralic least? ."Ire
A M;.sv A1 ■••!iii-r of the D-mociacv of B-d
--. Pi *■ •nitty v.'li! he held ill the Colli t flullse,
in Berjlotd, on Monday evening of the ap
j proacliing ''ourt, h* iug the 9th day of IVbma-.
• t : : ?[ir">nt '■• • • to ?ft* Slate (' :f) V efi
ti Hi which M'jlf :)ssi*rri!ite in Harris urg; on the
I •-') of .March r..-xf, to nominate candidates fhr
irovc;, Sojirenie Judge and Canal ComiTiis
sloner, at, . the impm tatice of trie occasion calls
or the jii-.s-nce <;f every Denaicrat in the
coo.*'.! v, who can make it suit to attend. In
nudihon to tiiis, let a voice he proclaimed by
the freemen of Bedford County, which will
cause onr traitorous representative to feel the
• 1 1 h'ree of the odium lie fas recklessly
brought upon himself.
As we have a Bi-othonr.tary, Sheriff and Trea
sure! p. elect next (all. in addition to the other
oliicej's annually ejected, let us open the cam
paign on this occasion in a manner which will
pr- s nt an earnest of triumphant success.
llallv freemen from every hill and valley ia
the county. Eternal vigilance is tht> price of
li ly. \ m have just struck down the ser
pent ,-i r.o'itioh, But no sooner have von done
this than you have been betrayed fv those
w horn V O l cherished as your own "children.
J- -V.T'W W - 'rt-w.v*rv*t J.
f<r\ • : ; ,h
rv ' • ■r"
JoV"' ' - b'
U'Z.y# ?{ e
On the evening n: the fit!) inst. Mrs. ELIZABETH
blL\ JR. in The fvld year of age. 'l'tie deceased
.■. •I, been .'or a long number ol yais •< member ol the
Fie-byte.-iioi church ol Bedford. There was much
Higher character to inspire affection. She was an e
miii'-ut Ciir-tn.n as wejf a a kind neighbor am!
rytnjuith.s r g friend. Her faith in God was unwav
ering. His n arked kindness to her in lime past, of
Which she often spoke with a heart overflowing with
graf, was t„ („. r in declining yeats- a sufficient
guarantee that the hand which had led her thus far
ill her p Igriniage would bring her in safety to its
termination. "Surely goodne-s and mercy shall lol
lovv me all the nays of my life and 1 -hall dwell m
to house oi the Lord forever." She was warmly
attached to her friends, whose kindness she said had
been great, and their attentions during her siekriess
inn• -tcnttnig, but she le|t that it would be tar better
to depart and he w ih Christ. Site longed to join the
innumerable company of angels and the sp.rits of
pis! men made perfect, and to .ee ,n his glorified
-Hilly the Mediator of the .New Covenant, Hence, I
-'•e received joviuliy the summons to go up higher,
i! >-r end win peace. Calmly she entered the sha
dowy vale under the conduct of the good Shepherd,
11 "Crfitrilv that we thought her sleeping when she
'•She dies as ce's the morning star, which goes
X it down behind the darkened \V'e-t. nor hides,
Obscured amid the tempest of the sky;
i>ut meits away into the light ot Heaven. "
T. a. E.
In Monroe township, Bedford County, ofi
liti'-." ring Consumption, which she hore wilh
Christian resignation, in the hope of a blissful
immortality, <>: i the 6th ins!., R ac hel
Nvcutn, daughter of the late Jonathan Xvcnm,
aged t2S yea is, S months, il days.
Notice is hereby £iver) to the taxahlevirfliabit
ants ol Bedford county that an appeal will he
ii'dd by the County Commissioners at the com
missioners office in the borough of Bedford on
the days specified, to wit:
for the Townships oi Hopewell, St. Clair,
Lnion, Middle ami South VVoodberry,' on Mon
day the 3d day of February next-.
for the 1 owiiships of Broadtop, Liberty,
Monroe, Last and West Providence, on Tues
day the 3d day ol February next.
_ r),r 'be I ownsiiips ot Co I era in, Cumberland
valley, Harrison, Londonderry and Southamp
ton, ;>n Wednesday the 4-tli daV x?f February
next. ■ -
And for the Townsfctps of Bedford, Juniata,
Napier, and the Borough of Bedford and Schells
burg, on I hursdav thf sth d3y of February
next. - %, '
Wben and where all persirls or corporators,
foelin® themselves aggrieved ,nt the enumera
'ion and valuation of their taxable property and
effects, pursuant to the several acts of Assembly,
are requested to attend and state their grievan
ces for redress, according to law.
Attest—H. NICODEMUS, Clerk.
Commissioners Otlice,
Jan. 16, 1557.
-Notice l herety giver, to nil persons interested
;be IIS creditors or otherwise/ that the 'l!„ "
named persons, have filed t !,e lr accounts
,r Olf.ce Which will he prated totK T?"
Lv'of Feh ° f b " ,,!, " rri Cnun, >> " 1 firfay U,? t t
: a> of 1 ebrunry next, tor conlirmat,,.,, at wh
time-they may attend ,/ thoy thi, It p top e r Wh,Ch
I he account of Alexander, ThonL and l„h
king, F.xor-. ot the la-t will „i ■ Ii- n
; ol VVet Providence Township dec. '* te
'I he a count of Geo. 51. Span..' P an „, .
i Thomas Keeffe, !a'e„| Bedford Bomu-hE de C '° !
i heaccouut !Cyrus Ober, adm'r of .} acob n ,
.ate o, South Wood be ■iv Township dec
Ibe account of 0. L\ Shannon, a dm'r de h,
; S.l? br,sn,,a Aw,er6on > lat " ol 8 ct " Tow,!!!
The account of Danl. B. Witegarver f „ r-
Gordon and Amanda lldnmu-r,' AI ,ICM'
dren of John W. Hammer, <!ec. h,U
.he account of Francis Hon*hoe. adm'r of James
Donahoe, late ol Soutliampton Town.hip. dee.
iC. !** account of Win, F.a/er, acting adm'rot Wrr,
1 ,*!. - v ' . p -'unia'a Township, dec.
i!> L."VI" al 21' u ' iri - adm'r ol Geor-e
Kork, late ol Napier Township, der.
j the account ol Kiias Gutnp, F. q. trustee to ei|
j he Real Estate o, John Feigbt, late oi Colerau
j I owiiship, tl^r.
! rv, 1 Samuel Brown, sorvivine i: or of
! ;" las . W ' &C - ° ,J late ol Bedford
township, dec. .mora
The account of Frederick Smith Guardian of Mary
Ellen hmaht minor daughter ol John Feight late „ '
Colerain Township, dec.
The account of Hugh Wilson tru-tce to -/41
SJiyv:: ° tho w,uon ia,e *" •tLimpton
The account of Jo-iab Miller and John TafWtv
adm'rs ol John Lafleriy late of J un ; a „ Tow ; ,h',p
The account of Robert Elder adm'r of John i
isicoilemt.s late of Wuodherrv Town.hip, dec
The account of Jos,ah M.llcr Esq. one of the
!h"l q", °' I)ar '"' l >,oser °f Londonderry Town I
1 lie account of John and Sarnoe) Snider, adrn'rs of
Adam Snider late of UV.-t Providence Township
The account o' David Long adm'r ofHenrv
Hpfrn-k latol South VVoo<fbtrry Towrjgbip J^e.
i heaccouut o! Aaron Reed Kxor. of t-ae last Will
and testament of Dr. Wm, W. Reed late of South
Woodberry Township, <!ec.
i * c, ' ount f Laiahaml Uriah Conly atlm's of
Albm Conly late of Napier Township, dec.
: The account of' Sum I. M. Boor acting Kxor. of
the !;>-t will &e. of' .Michael Fiaor, late ol Cumber'
idi:d \ alley Township, dec.
i). wash aba ugh.
r> "' Register.
Ki i.ister't Or'Kior, Jan. 16, 15.",7.
ffiiOK SiS
I.V virtue of sundry writs of Fi. Fa tome
directed there will he sold of the Court House,
i ! '" J '"trough of Bedford, on Monday, the 9th
chiy c-f February, ISn7, at I o'clock, p. M
the following: dtscfihnl Real Estate to wit; '
One Tract of land containing 147 acr.- s or J. ss, about a.i act>s cleared and under
f-*:ice. With W Story and a ha If Log Bouse, and
!/>.: Stable thereon erected, also a small apple
Orchard thereon, adjoining lands rd' David
Pore, Abraham Morgart, and others, situate in
Cast Providence Township, Bedford County,
and taken in execution as the proper! v of Wil
liam Litla.
Also one other tract of land containing 47
acre;.-, more or less, about 18 acres
under fence, with 2 Two story Lot Houses
thereon erected, adjoining lands of George J],
Kay, John King, and others, situate in Hope
well Township, Bedford County, and taken'in
execution as the property of Preston Brilesand
Alilford Jam
| A No, one other tract of land containing 150
: acres, mor e or less, about 100 acres efeared and
under fence, with a Two story Log House,
Tenant House, and Double Log ' Barn thereon
erected, also an apple Orchard thereon, adjoin
ing lands ol Lane's heirs, Hopewell Jron oc
j Coal Gompong, ami others.
AI.<o, one other tract of land containing 475
j acres, more or less, about 10 acres cleared" and
| under fence, adjoining lands of the above, and
j all situate 4 in Broad Top Township, Bedford
County, ann taken in execution as the property
ot James J. McElheny and John Daumher
A!s >, one iof of ground fronting 30 feet on
the Bedford and Chambersburg turnpike road,
and extending back about :4(io feet to the Ravs
tiMvn BrnnCh ol the Juniata river, with a Two
Story Frame Carriage Shop, jfh Brit k Build
ing attached thereon erected, adjoining lots of
Abraham Weise] on the East, and lot of Michael
Weisei f)n the West, situate in Bedford Tuwn
> op, Bedford County, and taken in execution
as the property of William Weisei.
Also, all ot Deft. Henry Wood, his right ti
tle and interest, in and to":} lots of ground, j n
the Borough of Bedford, situate on the South
Side of Pitt Street, containing 120 feet in Iront,
•in I running hack ahout 25(J feet, numbered in
•reiteial plan of said Bdrough as Nos. island
18 5, and having thereon erected a Two Storu- ■
and a halt Stone Dwelling House, and War*" I ''
House, and also three Brick Offices, and Stone
Stable thereon, adjoining lot of Jacob Reed on
the Last, and lot of George Blymire on the
VV est, and taken in execution as the property
of Henrv Wood.
Also, on tract o( land containing 136 acres,
more or less, about l't() acres cleared and under
fence, With a two story Log House, and Double
Log Barn t h—r>ta erected, also an apple otchard
thereon, adjoining lands of William Clark,
Thomas Jones, and others, situate in St. Clair
township, Bedford County, and taken i:i exe
cution as the property of William Sleek and
Philip Sleek.
Jan. 16, 1857.
Put down for Trial at February Term, 1557,
(9th day.)
John King vs Melford James.
Hezekiah Cheney vs VVm. P. Schel! et al.
James .M. Reynolds vs. S. M. Barclay's ad'r.
John May vs John Shoaf.
Jacob Stoeckenius vs Dane I B. Troutman.
Joshua Filler vs Samuel Williams.
! George W. Anderson vs David Over.
Peter V\ ertz fs Marv Kerr et a't.
j VVm. Patterson's heirs vs David Patterson,
j Limber A. Moore vs Espv L. Anderson.
John Bowser vs Samuel Whetstone et al.
John \V. Duncan arid wife vs D. Diltz et al.
David Whetstone \s John Bowser etal.
Jos/Gregnry's admr. vs VVm. Stnckev.
Catharine Coleman's heirs vs. D. Sttrover.
A. VY\ Stoner vs. Patrick Burns.
James Leasnre vs. Ahvv Boylan.
Dan I. Berkhimer et al. vs Henrv Tout et al.
Bells, Pusey_& Co. vs. Locke It Snider.
D. WASH ABA UGH, Prot'y.
January 9, 1857.
—The undersigned desirous of
reducing their slock—in order to make room
for Spring supplies, will offer purchasers the
best bargains ever seen in Bedford. Call and
vou can save mo tie v.
Jan. 16, 1557.