The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, October 03, 1856, Image 3

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    Henry Hay tin Disunion.
flenry Clay had freely, on n any occasions, de
nounced the schemes of Abolitionism ami of a Sec
tional party. He said in 1839
"Abolitionism should nolonger be regarded as an
imaginary danger. The Abolitionists, !■: me sup
iiosr" succeed in their present aim of uniting the in
habitants of the free States as one man against the
inhabitants of the slave states. Union on one side
will beget union on ihe other, ami this process of
reciprocal consolidation will be attended with all
the violent prejudices, embittered passions, ami im
placable animosities which ever degiaded or deform
ed human nature. Virtual dissolution of the Union
\vii! have taken place, whilst the forms of its exist
voce remain.
"One -ection will stand in menacing and hostile ar
ray against the other. The collision of Opinion will
soon be followed by the clash of arms. 1 will not
attempt to describe seines which now happily lie
concealed iiom our view. Abolitionists themselves
would shrink back in dismay and horror at the con
templation of desolated fields, conflagrated cities,
murdered inhabitant-, and the overthrow of the fair
e..t fabric of human government that ever ro-e to an
imate the hopesoi civilized man."
jy?"HENUY ('LAY in a letter to Mr. Coiton, rta
tni Sept. 1813, ttin- warns the white Laboring
man ol the danger.- of A bolitionism: Mr. C. said:
"lint the great aim and object of your tract should
be to aroii-e the LABORING CLASHES in the Free
Mate* against Abolition. Depict the consequences
•to them ol immediate abolition. The slave- being
iree would be dispersed throughout the Union; they
■would enter into competition with the tree laborer,
w itb the American, the Irish, the German; reduce
his wages; tie confounded with him; and affect his
moral and social standing. And as the ultras go lor
both Abolition and Amalgamation, show that their
object is to unite in marriage the laboring white man
and the laboring black woman, and to reduce the
laboring mart to the d>-pised and degraded condition
o. the Black man. 11LNUY ( LAV ."
The Philadelphia News, a FiLMORR paper, of
ficpt. 10, publishes 'be Letter from which the above
startling extiaet is taken, and -a; s:—At this mo
ment, when some of our best citizens who have beer,
Whig-, aie denounced because they w ill not join the
Black Republican ranks, this letter from Henry Clay
is most apposite. It po tils out briefly and clearly the
tv. ifful tendencies of Black Republicanism, its cm
e •y, 't- ingratitude, its lal-ehood. its hostility to
t|,J Constitution, its hostility to LABOR. And
what would be the feelings of Henry Clay, it he
w.-ie now living, and =aw Black Republicanism ma
king an open i--ue against the Union? Indeed he pio
• heme- the present feat fill state of things when he
cull- upon Mr. Coiton to show the agitation in
ttie tiee State- ' first de-troy all harmony, and
finally lead to dissolution!"
IQ-UCA R. GILDINGS, wTo i- tlie acknowledg
ed head of the FREMONT party, say-:
••1 look forward to the day when there shall he a
• erviie insurrection in the South; when the BLACK
iP.;u. arit i .! with BRITISH bayonet-, ai d led on by
BRITISH officers, shall a--e,t his Freedom, and
w.ige-a war of extermination agam-t hi- master;
when the torch of the INCENDIARY shall light up
the towns of the South, and blot out the la-t ve-tige
o! Slavery; and though 1 may not mock at their ca
lamity, nor. laugh when ttiejr fear cometh, yet will 1
had it its the dawn of a political rriilletimm."
r; -u:n Buflingame. now travelling the country
makii g Freemont speeches, -ay-;
--'J"lie times demand that we must have an ar.ti
s!.iv--rv Cou-tstntton, an Anti-Slavery ll.ble, an
Ariti-Slavery GOD "
S-.-ward, Wade, Bank-. Spalding, V.'eLb, Greely,
Garri-on, Sumner, F.ia-tu- Hopkins, Addison, foster,
Beecher, K-inond, Brewster. Emerson. iio-s, Garri
-;)!i, Wilson, Horace Mann, Philips, and all the other
prominenr Fremont leader- employ similar language
to the above, which we omit tor want of room.
ihe ll.irii-bu!g Telegraph, the oigati ot Gov. Pol
luck, (editetl by Col. M'cLURK,) oi Sept. 11, con
tains the following savage senliment in a letter from
Wooster, dat-d August 99, giving an account of a
Fremont meeting held in that place;
"Two CAMPAIGN companies of ferocious looking
fellows, -Tyllllu themselves "Buck Hunters" an t
"Kicky Mountain Rangers," paraded the ground.
The latter (these two companies) were dressed in
hunting -hiits. alter the lash inn ol pioneers, carried
Kit' s, mid hud .Murderous looking A. \ VGA'S
it: their Bells."
The same paper, same date, says editorially:
• •The South would not and I)ARF. NO 1 dissolve
the Union it the North in its majesty should elect
I'i A d. Do /ghs y; ..\ 'A ( i It 0! !. ) 1 resident.''
And it.e,e are the men and these the princi
ple. which I r. Joidan K Co. aie so iiiixiou- to form
a union with tor the sake ol' the spoils. Honest lil
mote men of Bedford county, what say you to such
a union—and more e-p riaily a- Mr. Filmore has as
sured •. uu that the election "1 Fiemont would result
m a Dissolution oj tat t iiion!
B'uriiY loiir MSToccE
The YVcudcr <1 the Ninrfct nsli (rntiny.
Important and of great Consideration lo the
OF alt the remedies that lune been discovered dn
t g tti" pieFPTit age for the "thousand ills thai hesh
is i.eir to" tione equal itiis wondeiliil preparation. —
1 1 v three years have eloped since the discoverer
(u ho -pent a decade in study ing, experimentalizing,
a;,. 1 peifecliiig it) first mtloiluced it tothe public,and
it i*aiteai!y recognized, by the most eminent physi
cian* in all parts of the country to be the most sur
prising and effective remedy tor certain diseases ol
which they have knowledge.
Aii olh-r compounds or syrups of the root, have
hitherto failed to command the sanction ot the lac
nby. because, on being tested, they have been found
to contain noxious ingredients which neutialize the
genii efleets of the Sai-uparilia, and often times in
iare the iiealth o!" the patient, it is not so with
HuiTey's preparation.
lies is the pure and genuine extiact ol the root,
and will on trial, lie found to effect a certain am!
p-tfect core of the following complaints and disea
ses :
Affections ol'the Bone-, Habitual Costiveuess,
Debility, liuligesfon,
Diseases of the Kidney*, Liver Coplairite
Bi-pepsia, File*.
Erysipelas, Fulrironarv Diseases,
euittle Ii regularities, Scrofula or King's L-ril,
f - : ula; Syphilis,
And a:! Sktn diseases.
i f - de* curing the above, it is also known to be a
"•'fat a:. ! powerful tonic, purifying the blood and in
vigorating the system.
in shoit, it is. without exception, in the cases nien
-1 ;*:.d its general effect on the system, the
n'i-i . (hi'ai ious as it is the rno-t desirable remedy
o; the age. it -s already extensively u-ed througb
tuit 'he country anil is fast obtaining an European
tepu'ation. The instances of cores it has effected
are daily coming to the proprietors knowledge, and
'•" ha* t.o hesitation in recommending it to one and
ail who de -ire to procure relief from suffering. One
'"'tie being fried, it* effects will be too apparant to
ad 'nit of further doubt.
Recollect Hurley's Sarsaparilla is the oxt.v CIEX
' 'it AUTICI.k in the market.
Dree SI per bottle, or six for Sti.
* l'h's inedecine can be procured at all exten
sive Drug houses.
J "ly t, 18.";6 ly*.
Great Cure of Files.
CAMDEN, N. J., March 12th, 185..
Bear Sir—lt i* with much pleasure that I take this
®riwrttiiiiTy 0 | informing you of the grpat benefit I
'•up derived from the use of a few bottles of"Hoof
"itsdrrman Hitler*." For a number of year* I
have been *ore|y and severely afflicted with a pain
/i )'' e s '°" sch, attended by severe attacks of the
r*,for which 1 tried a great many remedies, but
Without affording me any relief. Being advised to
.he (term,, a liitters. I did *o, using in connexion,
~r the J'i/es, your Spikenard Ointment, and 1 now
"■ uriri you that they have entirely cured me and re
stored uie to health, arid 1 would advise.all the afflic
to u-e your valuable medicine*, tee.
Respectfully yours, MARGARET REPSIIER,
_ No. -15 Plum street, Camden, N. J
r - '• M. .'arkson,Philadelphia.
- N t advertisement.
WHEREAS in and bv an act of General As
sembly of the (.'inuriori w t altli of Pennsylvania,
entitled •■An Act to teoulale the (ieti- ! ul Elec
tions within (Lis Commonwealth," it is enjoined
upon me to {rive public notice of such Elections,
and to (-numerate in said notice w hat Officers
are to be elected, I HUGH MGGKE Sherili'of
the County of Bedford, do hereby make known
and give this public notice to the Elecluis of
the County of Bedford, that a General Election
will be held in said County, on the second Tues
day of October next, at the several election Dis
tricts, viz :
The Electors of the Borough of Bedford and
Township of Bedford to meet at the Court House
in said Borough.
The Electors of Broadtop Township to meet
at the house of Win. Griffith in said Town
The Electors of Colerain Township to meet
at the house of lluben Smith in iCnnsburg in
said Township.
The Electors ofCnmberland Valley Township
to meet at the New School House erected on
the land owned bv John Whip's heirs in said
The Electors ol Harrison Tow nship to meet
at School House number n, near the duelling
house ol Henry Kys-r in said Township.
The Elertois of Juniata tow n.-diip to meet at
Keyset's' School house in said Township.
'J lie Electors ol Hopewell Township to meet
at the School House near the house of John
Dasher in said Tow nship.
'1 he Electors of Londondeny Township to
me tat the house now occnpi-d by WIII. 11.
21ill as a shop, in Bridgeport, in said I'own
The Electors of the Township of Liberty to
meet at the School House in Stonerstown in said
The Electors of Monroe Township to meet at
the house of James Camel in Clearville, in said
The Electors of Napier Tow nship and Schells
biire; Borough to meet at the house built lira
School H mse in the Borough of Schellsburjj.
The Electors of East Providence Township
to meet at the house ot John N\cum Jr. inkeep
■ r in said Township.
The Electors o! West Providence Tow nship
to meet at the new Log School House at Bloody
Ron in said Township.
The Electors of St. Clair Township E
at |L*M4OIV near the dwelling of Gideon
'front in said Township.
The Electors of f nion Township to Meet at
tin Utilise of Michael W'yant in saui i'own
The Electors of Sooth Wondberry Township
to meet at the house of Dani. Etirket near
Noble's mill in S3id Township.
The Electors of Southampton Township to
meet at the house of William Adams in said
The Electors of the Township of Middle
Wooiherrv to meet at the house of Henry f 1 uk•-
in the vi!la*e of VVoodhet rv . at which time and
place the qualified Electors will elect by bal
ONE PERSON lor Canal Commissioner of the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
ON E PERSO \ for the Office of Surveyor Gen
ONE PERSON for the Office of Auditor Gen
ONE PERSON in connection with the Coun
ties of Fulton, Franklin, Adau s and Juniata,
composing the l7lh Congressional District,
t. fii! til" Office of Representative lor said Des
trict in the Congress of the [ nited States.
TWO PERSONS in connection with the coun
ties of Fulton and Cambria to fill the Office
of members of the House ot Representatives
of Pennsylvania.
ONE PERSO \ for the Office of Associate Judge
for the Countv of Redtord.
ONfTPERSuN for the Office of Distiicl Atlor
nev f>r said County.
ONE PERSON fir the Office of County Sur
ONE PERSON fir tin- Office of C iron-r.
ONE PERSON Ibr th Office of Commissioner
ofsaid County lor one year, ami ON SO PER
SON Or the same Office f>r three years.
ONE PERSON Or the Office of Poor Direc
TWO PERSONS for the Office of Auditor f,r
said County. one to serve two years and one
to serve three years.
The el eytion to he opened between the hours
of 7 and 8 o'clock in the forenoon, by a public
proclamation, and to keep open until seveno
clock in the evening when the polls shall he
That every person, excepting Justices oi the
Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment
of profit or trust under the I nited States, or
of this State, or any city or corporated district,
whether a commissioned officer or otherwise,
a subordinate officer, agent, who is or shall he
employed under t!;e legislative, oxerutive or
Judiciary depart merit of this State, or of any
city, or of any incorporated district, and also,
that every member of Congress and of the State
Legislature, and of the select or common council
of any city or Commissioner? of any incorpora
ted district is by law incapable of holding or
exercising at the time the office or appointment
of Judge, inspector or chrk of any election of
this Commonwealth,and that no inspector, judge
or other officer of such election shall beelegible
to lie then \ or I'd fir.
And thesaiJ act of assembly, en'it led "an act
relatingM> elections of this Commonwealth,'
(Kissed July 3, 18-19, further provides as follows,
to wit :
"That the inspectors and judges, shall meet
a! the respective places appointed tor holding
the election ir. the district at which they re
spectively belong, before eight o'clock in the
tnornmg of the "d Tuesday ") Cctob-r,and each
said inspector shall appoint one clerk, who
shall lie a qualified voter of such district.
"In case the person who shall have received
the second highest number votes for inspector,
shall not attend on the day of any election, then
the person who shall have received the second
highest number of coles f"<>r Judge at the next
preceding electi n, shall act as inspector in his
place. And in case the person who has receiv
ed the highest number of votes for inspector
shall not attend, the person elected Judge shall
appoint an inspector in his place, and in case
the person elected judge shall not att-nd then
the inspector who received the highest number
of votes shall appoint a judge, in his place • and
if any vacancy shall continue in the board for
the space of one hour after the time fixed by
law for the opening of the election, the quali
fied voters for ifie township, ward or district for
which such officers shall have been elected,
present at the election, shall elect one of their
number to till such a vacancy.
"It shall be the duty of the several assessors
respectively to attend at the place of holding
every general, special, or tow nship eh then du
ring the whole tin.e said election is kpt open,
f'-r the purpose of giving information to the in
spectors, and judge, when called on, in relation
to tbe right of any person assessed by them to
vote at such election, and on such other matters
in relation to the assessment of voters, as the
said inspectors or either of them shall (mm time
to time require.
"No person shall be permitted to vote, at any
election as aforesaid, than a while freeman of
the age nt twenty one or more, who shall have
resided in this State at least one uar, and in
tlie election distinct where lie oilers to vote ten
days immediately preceding such election, and
within two years paid A State or county tax
which shall have been assessed at h ast ten flays
before the election, But a citizen of the I ni
ted States who has previously been a qualified
voter of this State and removed therefrom and
leturned, and who shall have lesidni in the
election district and paid taxes, aforesaid, shall
he entitled to vote after residing in this Slate
six months: Provided, That the white freemen,
citizens of the United States between the ages
of twenty-one and twenty-two yeais, w i.o have
resided in the election district ten days as afore
said shall he entitled to vole, although they shall
not have paid tax.
No person -hall be admitted to vote whose
name is not contained in the list ot taxable in
habitants furnished by the Commissi' ners, un
less : Firs, he produce a receipt of payment,
within two years of state or county tax OSSCSSHJL
agreeably to the constitution, and give
torv evidence on los own oath or a ion of
another that he has paid such a t.ix, or in a fail
ure to produce a r.- nipt shall make niilh to the
payment thereof, or Second, il he claim a light
to vole bv being an elector between the age c>!
twenty-one ami twenty-two jeats shall deposit
on oath or aihrn.atii u, that he has resided in
the State at least one year m-xt before Ins appli
cation, and make such pnxdol t'-sidence in the
district as is lequired hv this act, and that he
does verily believe, from (lie account given
him that lie is of the age aforesaid, and give
such other evidence as is required by this act,
w hereupon the name ofibe person so admitted to
vole shall be inserter] in the alphabetical list by
the inspector, and a note made opp site thereto
by writing tlie word'tax,'if he shall be admit
ted t vote by reason of having paid tax, or the
word 'age' 1! be shall he admitted to vole by
reason of age, and in either case the reason of
such a vote shall he called out to the clerks,
who shall make tlie like note in the lists of vo
ters kept bv them.
In all cases where the name of the person
claiming to vote is not found on the list fur
nished bv the commissioners, and assessors, or
his right to vote whether found theit-on or not,
is objected to hv any qualified citizen, it shall
h 3 til,- c!ut vof the inspectors to examine such
person on oath as to his qualifications, and if he
claims to have resided within tlie State fur one
year or more, his oath shall he s.tillici-nt proof
thereof, but he shall make proof by at hast one
competent vv itness, who shall be a qualified
elector that he lias resided within the district l>r
more than ten days immediately preceding said
election and shall also himself swear that his
bona fide resi ience, in pursuance of his lawful
calling, is within the district, ant! that he did
not remove in tlie district lor the purpose of vo
ting t her, in.
"Every person qualified as aforesaid., and w ho .
shall make due proof li required, of his i-si
denre and payment of* taxes, as aforesaid, shyti
he admitted to vote in the township, ward of
district in which be shall reside.
if any person shall prevent or attempt In pre
vent an v nliict-r oi'an electiun under this act
limn holding such election, or use or threaten
any violence to anv such officer, and shall in
terrupt or improperly interfere with hiin in th*
• xecntion ol Ins duty, s' all block or attempt to
block up the window or avenue to anv window
where the same nay he holden, or shall riot
ously disturb the peace of such elect ion, or shni I
use or practice any intimidation, threats, lorce
or \ ioietice, with the d< sign to inlluence undu
ly or overawe anv elector, or prevent him front
voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice,
simb person on conviction shall he fined in anv
sum not exceeding five hundred dollars and to
be imprisoned for anv time not less than one
<ir more than twelve months, and i! it shall he
shown to the Court where the tnal ol such of
ferice shall he had, that the person so offending
was not a resident of the city, ward, district or
township u here the said offence was committed,
and not entitled to vol'** therein, then, on con
viction, he shall tie sentenced to pay a tine of
not less than one hundred nor more than one
thousand dollars, and he imprisoned not less
than six months nor more than two years.
II anv person or persons shall make any bet
or wager upon the* result of anv election with
the Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any
such bet or wager either by verbal proclama
tion thereof, or hv any written or printed ad
vertisement, challenge or invite any person or
persons to make such bet or wager, upon con
viction thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay
three times the amount so bet or offered to be
And the Judges of the respective districts a
foresaid, are requiied to meet at Bedford, on the
Friday next following the holding of said Elec
tion, then anil there to perform those things re
quired of them by law.
(Jiven under mv hand, at mv office in If-df >rd,
this 29th dav of August, in the year of oui
Lord one thousand eight hundred and filly
six, and Ihe SJst of Independence of the
United States.
HUGH MOORE, Sheriff.
Aug. 29, 1856.
Just received, at Reed's New Store, a fresh
supply of late Stvle and Fancy Goods, embrac
ing a large lot of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
French Needle Worked Collars,
Fancy Silks,
(iros de Rhine's,
Rlk. Silk Fringes.
Dotted Swiss,
Striped do.
Plaid Xaunsnok,
Bonnet Ribbons,
Mantua do.
Blk. Silk Cravats,
Bvron Collars,
Merino Cassimere,
Gents half-Hose, Mix-d and Bro'n.
Aiso a prime lot of Family Groceries, con
si.sting of Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Corn Starch,
Syrup, Molasses, &c. ike.
' July 18, IS3C.
subscriber will sell, at public sale, on
the "Ist day of November next, thot valuable
Farm on which he now resides, three miles
north of lb dlorri, containing ICQ cores u ore or
less, 4 or h acres of which are in timber, and the
balance chared. The improvements are a good
two story Mouse, a sir all barn, a new horse sta
ble, May Shed also hew, hog-stable with corn
crib attached, stone spring-house with graine
l ieson upper story. All of the aforesaid build
ings are in goorl repair. A never failing Pump
mar the Door. A never failing Spring of wa
ter within a few rods of the house. A Small
Orchard of fine grafted Fruit. The Femes are
in good repair, j art being post and rail fence—
'JO acres of Timber land will be sold with tlie a
bove property if desired. It lies about 11 miles
distant from the farm.
I bis property is consid- red one of the best in
Bedford County, the lain! being Limestone, a
par! the best of River Button., it Ires on Dun
niugs Creek in the neighbor hood of Churches,
Schools, and Mills. Any person wishing to
purchase w ill call 011 the subscriber residing on
the premises who will slow the property with
pleasure. Title good—Terms made known on
day of sule.
Sept. 2(i, 1856.
Pofeiiitt Saßc.
On SATURDAY, the 11th day of Oct. 1850,
the nndeisigred will offer at public Sale, at
.f/OU.YT ROSS. all their Stork and Farming
Implements, to wit : 4 M-a I Horses, Sor 10
.Hi ad Cattle, flogs and Sheep, also one New-
Ton Horse Wagon, 1 one Horse Wagon,
Ploughs, Harrows, Wind Mill. Oenis and Har
ries:.. together with a lot ofTfav, Straw, Corn-
Fodder, and a lot of grain consisting of Wheat,
Rye. Cats and Corn. Also one Buggy.
1 EftMS:—ti months credit on all sum- above
So. Sale to commence at 10 O'clock, A. M.
On the same day, and at the same time, will
he otlered fur sa!>', the Farm know ri as..l/oU.\'/
ROSS , cuiitHiiiing SO acres, or thereabouts,
clearer!, together with 100 aensof Timber
land. This Property is in sight of the Town of;
Bedford, and has thereon erected a large Two-
Story Fiame House, Bank Barn, Tenant House,;
Spring House, and other nut-buildings. There
are also upon it two Young Orchards of 200 :
apple trees', and oO peach trees, two never fail- ;
mg Springs and a Pump before the dooi.— i
Terms made known on day of sale.
Sept. 19, 1856.
e*6;blz<; sale
Bv . irtue of an order of* the Orphan's Court
of Bedford County, the undersigned will expose ,
to sale, a! public outcry, on the premises, in St.
Clair township, on TH I RSDAY, 16th Octo-j
her. 1856, all tlm Real Estate of Chiistiana An
tler- m, late of said township, dee'd, consisting j
td a tract of land containing 93 acres or there-!
abouts, adjoining lands of Jno. Keeffe's heirs,;
.1 is. Futguson, Peter Long arc.' Jno. Cessna, i
Esq.—ami has thereon erected a fwo Story Log
House, Log Bam,ami Log Spring House; also
ari apple Orchard theron.
TERMS :—(."ash at the confirmation of sale
Oil the 17th Nov.
O. E. SH \ NNON.
A ttrnr. Up lion.s no it uitli ilie \'. ill
annexed ot'Christiana Anderson, dec'd.
Sept. 19, 1 fVOt).
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' ( ourt
of liehni.! ('(.tint v, the undeisigned w:!! oiler
at public sale (to the premises, in Londonderry
township, on FUI I)A V", the I "7til Oct. ltSnii,
all tin Real I'Ftate of Jacob Albright, late of
said tow nship, dec'd, being the same which was
lately appraised, under a writ ot Partition, and
conta.ning oS acres, tie improvements are a
Log I! use, Log Barn, Spring H >use, fee.
TERM'S- One third in hand at the confir
mation of sale on the 17th .Nov. lSoli, and the
balance in two equal annual payments without
Tiusjee for the sale of
said Real Estate,
Sept. 10, 1 55(5,
IN THF. MAT'l'l it ot' the exceptions to the r
--rotmt • .liieob S. Brumbaugh, admini-trntor ol the
estate ol Jacob Bidiile, late of South VVuodberry tp.
deceased., the undersigned auditor w ill si! at his of
fice in Bedford Borouch on .Monday the 13th day of
October next, when and whore all persons interest
ed are nottied to attend
JOHN MOWER, Auditor.
S. pt. 11), IS.'G.
All }••• i>i:is are hereby cautioned against
bunting, fishing, carrying off fruit, or in any
other way tiespassing on the premises ot the
undersigned, in Cumberland \ alley, Bedfoid
Township, as the law will be rigerily enforced
against a:iv person so oti'ending.
Sept. 19, 1856.
The undersigned informs the farmer? ot Bed
ford and adjoining counties, thai he has made
arrangements by which he can furnish, to those
desiring, the latest improved and be.-t JIGRI
embracing Scott's "Little Giant" Corn and Cob
Gtinder, guaranteed to grind from 8 to 15 bush
els of feed per hour wi'.h one hoise—Potts'
Corn Stalk Cutter and Crasher, warranted to
cut from 120 to 1(>0 bushels of feed per hour—
I lav and Straw Cutlers, in variety Wheat
Drills and Corn Shellers, which are unsurpassed
tor cheapness and quality—Cultivators, Horse
Hoes, Cider-mills, bcc. Nc. la short, every
utensil used in or abont a farm. VY isbing to
avoid all imposition, each machine sold by him
will be warranted to wotk as represented, or
no sale; and, as these machines are procured in
most cases directly from the Patentees and Man
ufacturers, the purchaser will be secure in the
right of using.
Prices will be as moderate, and, in some in
stances, less than (lie same machines can be
procured singly from the Manufacturer.
As the demand is very great for the two first
named machines, orders should be given soon
by those wishing to purchase.
June 20, ISSC-6m.
Real Estate for Sale.
; The subscriber w 111 sell, at public safe, t: - farm
on which tie ar present r-i(les. situate 'I rr" b-.Uurrh
west of Sehelt-fmr j;. Bedford County. rtiiti&ining 200.
acres •! patented land, about 12" aere- or wh fit are
clearer! and under good fence, abnitl ?.") or 30 aries of
which is first rate meadow. The buildings are a good
twosto'ry Stone House, With a cellar under lhc whole
building, a double Log Barn, Hay House, and all the
necessary outbuildings belonging to a property oi
this description. There is on the premises a large
orchard ot choice fruit. There is a stream running
through the whole place well calculated tor a Saw
Mill, and an excellent well of good pure water at the
door. Terms will be made easy to suit purcha
The farm is well adapted tor a Stork Farm, and
much more meadow could easily be made.
Any person in want of a good farm, would do
well to call and examine this berore puiciiasing else
Sept. 12, IS-'ifi.
The undersigned administrators of the estate
of John Lafferty, deceased, by virtue of an or
der of the Orphan's Court of Bedford County,
will expose to public sale on the premises* on
SATURDAY tie lltli day of October next,
ail that Farm late tlie property of said deceased,
situate in Juniata township, containing 235 a
cri s and 88 perches of patented land, about 75
acres cleared and under cultivation, having
thereon erected a Log House and L g Barn: al
so an orchard thereon, and a spring ©( excellent
water at the door; adjoining lands of Nicholas
KnouQ, William Frazier, Isaac Uochenour's
heirs and others. There is an abundance of
Pine and Spruce Timber on the premises, and a
stream of water running through the same, up
on which are built Saw Mills above aud below
this land.
ID^'TERMS —One third of the purchase
money to remain in the hands of the purchaser
secured on tlie land during the lifetime of the
vvidow, the interest thereof to he paid her annu
ally, and at her death the principal to the heirs
of said deceased : one third thereof to be paid
i:i cash at the confirmation of the sale, and tfie
balance in two equal annual payments thereaf
ter— payment to be secured bv judgment bonds
or notes. Further terms made known on day
of" sale, when due attendance will be given.—
Purchasers are referred to John P. Reed, in
Bedford, or the subscribers, for further d-sci ijr
tion or information concerning the premises.
Sept. 12, 1 556. .'Jdminibl rotors.
The undersigned take this method of inform
ing their former patrons, and tli- public it: gen
eral, that they have removed their entire Stock
oi goods from the West end of Bedford to the
C donade Store, lately occnj ied by Capt Jacob
R ed, where they will he pleased to see their
old customers, and all who will favor them with
a call.
All kind of produce taken in exchange fur
goods at caste pi ices.
The\ hope by fair dealing and evincing a
desire to please, to continue to receive a liberal
share of the public patronage.
July 25, 1856.
The subscriber oil* rs tor sale bis Mill Proper
ty, situate in Lit king (..'reek Township, Fulton
county, one half-mile north of the Turnpike
Road anu six miles west of McConnelsbnig.—
fhe Mill is nearly new, is lar_'e, and well fin
ished, has overshot w heels, Lur run of stone?,
three of which are Burrs. metal gearing, and
all necessary machinery tor custom or Mer
chant work, and is capable of doing a large bu
The Mansion or Mill tract contains 214- acres
and allowance, patented land, 150 ot which are
cleared, principally good bottom land, suitable
for meadow or plough land. The improve
ments are a good Dwelling house, large Barn,
Miller's 'house, Stables, N.c., ail built within a
few years and in good repair.
Also one tract of timber land, adjoining the
above, containing 253 acres and allowance, a
considerable part of which might be cleared,
being land of good quality.
Also a small piece of iatid adjoining the first
mentioned t act, containing >±x acres, purchas
ed for a water riefit.
As the subscriber resides over thirty miles
from the above property, lie \\i:i sell it low and
on easy terms: a consideiable poition ol the pur
chase money can remain on iuteiest, if desired,
tor a number of years.
Possession will be given Ist April next.
For further particulars address the subscriber,
Pattonsville P. 0. Bedford County. Pa.
July 25, 1856.
l\ M. Shires'
M .11 ! !i! E SHO P.
THE undersigned respectfully announces fo
the Farmers of Bedford and adjoining counties,
and the public in general, that lie has now on
hand at his Shop in Bedford, a large assortment
of Thrashing Machines, which includes his four
horse PREMIUM MACHINE. It will he re
membered that this Machine took the FIRST
PREMIUM at our County Fair last fall. It is
constructed with tumbling Shaft and Strap com
bined ; aiso four horse tumbling Shalt Ala
chines of the very b-t kind also two and three
horse tumbling Shaft power—and our old and
well-known tour horse Strap Machine, which,
for strength and durability, cannot be surpassed
anywhere. Farmers will please notice that we
are now prepared to furnish Machines on the
most favorable and accommodating terms, and
at the very lowest prices possible. Horses,
Grain, Lumber, and all kinds of trade will be
taken in payment for Machines. All kinds of
repairing of Machines of different kinds and all
other farming utensils done on the most reason
able terms, of the very best materials, and at the
shortest notice.
TP* All our Machines warranted one year
if properly used. Please come this way lor a
good and cheap Machine.
Julv 25, 1556 3m. Machines!.
Just received and for sale a prime lot of Gro
ceries, consisting in part ol Sugar, Coflee, Tea,
Rice, Indigo, Starch, Tobacco, Syrups,and Mo
lasses, which will be sold low bv
July 25, 1856.
Valentine Steckman, Proprietor.
TlP"Boarders taken by the day, week, month
or year, on moderate terms.
May 9, 1856,
The under-igned woahi respectfully announce t ft
iii- citizen* of r.fdibrd and vieirrily, that he will
>p-n a High St liiuf, upon a broad, rtimprehensive ba
>i-, embracing it the English andClasscal branches f'.ilueatioii. It is designed to establish a
permanent institution of the firt order in both the
Male and Female Departments, in which Music,
Drawing, Painting, and other Ornamental branches
will also be taught, 'l'he School will open about the
Ist November. Coarse of .Studies, Terms, itc., will
i be made known hereafter.
(;. *. arGIIIXBAUOIi-
Sept. 'JG, 1820.
To Ehvin A. Vickroy, Dr. Wm. A. Vickroy,
Gpoprt' Vickroy. Geor?e Geflys, and Mat v his
wile, formerly Marv Vickroy, Mosses T. Mar
shall, and Matilda his wife, formerly Matilda
Virkrfiy, Sami. Ha; tack and Louisa his iff,
formerly Louisa Vickroy, and Charlotte Han
cock, formeily Cliatjotte Sieek, deviseeg or leg
atees under the will ol Thomas Yickrov, late of
Hertford County, deceased
You are hereby notified that by virltieofitn
2'iis Writ dp jKi.titioßf facieitda, issued out of
the Court of Corriitioo Pleas of Bedford Count v,
1 will, on Thursday the 3<)'.h day of Oct. next,
profeedto hold ati Inquisition upon the real es
lale of said Thomas Vickroy, dee'd, situate in
St. Clair Township, adjoining lands <1 Gideon
Trout, and Jos- ph W. Sieek on the South, Thus.
Blackbttrn and Heirs of John McDonald On the
West, Frederick Statnbaueh on the North. Wm.
Griffith's iieir and others on the Last—Contain
ing nine hundred and fifty acres more or less—
at which time said iand will he divided il it can
be done without prejudice to or spoiling the
whole, otherwise it will he valued and apprais
ed according to law—and when and where you
may attend ii you think proper.
HUGH iMGGRE, Sheriir.
Sept. 2<>, IS.3G.
Whereas, Samuel Boor, one of the heirs am!
representatives of Michael Boor, 'ate of
Cumberland Valley township, deceased, died
seized of the following R-al Estate, to wit
A Tract of Tint! containing about four hun
dred acres, situate in Cumberland Valley Tp.,
adjoining lands <.{ Martin Boor, Michael Boor,
Win. McFe'rran and VVlliaiu Mountain?— leav
ing the following heir.-, to wit:
His four sons, their heirs and assigns, reserv
ing to his widow Ann Doiathy, the rents, is
sues and profits of the one-third of said Real es
tate. William Boot,one ui Said suns, residing in
Sandusky county, Ohio; the issue of John
Boor, deceased, another of said sons, viz: Uriah*
Mary Jane, intermarried with Abra
ham, Elizabeth Ann, Elijah and Job, ail tesid
ing in Clay county, Indiana: Samuel lioor, pe
titioner, residing in Bedford county, and Jona
than Boor residing in Bedford county.
.Notice is now therefore hereby given to the
above named heirs and all others interested,
tl at proceedings 111 partition have been institu
ted in the Orphans Court of Bedford county,
and that in puisuance of a writ of partition or
valuation issued out ol the Orphan's Court of
Bedford countv, I will proceed to hold an Irt
i quisition on said premises on Saturday the 25th
dav of October next, when and where all in
terested may attend if they see proper.
HUGH MOORE, Sheriff.
• Sept. 2d, 1556.
Motive *
! Huntingdon and Broad-Ton it. R. Company,
In connection with Itie Pennsylvania Rail Road
Company, are now Shipping, vvulioui ilelay, between
HOPEWELL Philadelphia or Ba'timoie. (via
Huntingdon) all articles of Freight at the following
j rates—viz :
Ist Class Goods—Dry Goods, Boots 4c Shoes, Hats
and Mecbuiidize generally, at C- els. per 100 lbs.
-M Class Goods—Agricultural Implements and Pro
ductions, Glass o. Queens ware, Groceries, inc., 50 cG
per 100 lb.
i .'id Class Goods—iiaron. Hides. Lard, Guana. Grind
j stones, 4cc.,at 43 cts. per 100 lbs.
Ith Cla-> Goods—lron, i'ish, Salt, Nails, &c., at
• 38 cts. per 10u lbs.
Flour in Car f.oads at 73 cts. per Barrel.
The above rates wilt be the whole charge on goods
delivered in Hopewell trom either Philadelphia or
! Baltimore until further notice.
.1 AMES BOON, Sup":.
Huntingdon, Sept. bit, iS.jG.
The subscribers w ill sell, at auction, on the
14-th day <of October, at their residence in the
Borough of Bedford, All their Household and
Kitchen Furniture, consisting of Tables, Chairs,
Bedsteads, Bureaus, Carpets, Queeitsware, one
city made Spring Neat Sofa, one city made
. Spring Seat Rocking Chair, one city made La
: dies Sew ing 'Table, one Handsome Sideboard,
one handsome Air Tight Parlor Stove, one hist
rale Air Tight Cooking Stove, large size, one
Hathaway Cooking Stove, one Bed room Stove,
a Jot of Washstands and Towel holders, one
city made Child's Patent Crib on rockers, one
Double Barrel! Gun made by Chance R Son
oi London, warranted, one first-rate Rifle made
by Dan'l. Border of Bedford, twenty sacks of
Ground A Hum salt, six barrels of Vinegar, be
sides a quantity of other articles too numerous to
mention. Also one Setter Dog for sale. Terms
easy, and made known on dav of sale.
Bedford, Sept. 5, 1856.
V::iiEti!)[e Tannery Icr Sale.
The subscriber others for sale Iris valuable
Tannery, situate in Napier Township, Bedford
County, Pa., within five miles north ofSchel's
' burg, m the finest Luk region in the State.—
The tract contains 6 acres, with a two story
Dwelling house thereon erected, first tate saw
I Mill, Tan House 65 by 22 feet, 2 rooms—fin
ishing shop, and beam shop. There are 16 lay
away vats, T laches, 2 limes, 2 baits, 1 pool.—
There are all the necessary out buildings on the
property. Possession given on the Ist April
next. For further particulars address the sub
scriber at Schellsburg, i>r Col. Joseph 4\ . 1 ate,
agent. Bedford, Pa. Any quantity of Bark can
be had at from $1 7.') to I>'2 per cord, cash.
Aug. 29, 1856—6 m.
importers and Dealers in Hosiery, Gloves,
Trimmings, Combs, Brushes, Fancy Goods,
| Looking Classes, Rc. No 84- North Third St.,
Philadelphia. All orders solicited anil prompt
ly attended to. Sept. 5, 18.>6.
.Just Received at Shoemaker's Colonade
Store, Ladies, Misses, Children? and Cents shoes.
And also Ladies and Cents Gaiter*,
i August S, 1856.