HUT ATTRIHTION! T. WER, M e reliant Tax loss Takes this method of anouncing to the citi zens of Bedford and vicinity, and strangers vis iting the place, that he has just received at his old stand in Bedford, next door west of the Bedford Hotel, the richest assortment of Cloths, N.C., he has ever yet offered to the public, and to which he invites the attention of purchasers, satisfied that he can accommodate, both as to price and quality, all who favor him with a call. He has a Superior article of cloth, for boy's clothing, which he can sej! so low as to astonish those who examine its quality. [HP-Garments, of every description, in his line, made to order on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. MP*lie would direct attention to the follow ing list, as comprising some of the leading arti cles to be found in his establishment : Blk. Cloths, ranging in price from $2,50 to $9,00 per yard ; Blue Cloths• Olive Browns N. Greens ; Bik. Casimeres: " Doe-Skins ; French Fancy Casimeres ; Linen Drillings; Plain N. Figured Grenadiens; Superior article of Blk. Satin ; Velvets ; Marseilles Vestings; Buff' Cassimeres ; A fine article ot'Shirts, latest style ; Lisle thread under Shirts & drawers ; Cotton " " Shirt collars latest style ; Lawn Cravats : Blk. Silk White Linen Hand'fs; Summer Stocks . Superior article of French Suspenders; Bik. Kid Gloves ; Fancy Colored Kid Gloves ; Silk 41 Lisle thread " and all other articles usually kept by Merchant Tailors and Gent's furnishing stores. Bedford, May 16, 1856. HAKDWASUI STORE. Theesubscriber would announce to his old friends and the public in general, that he has removed his HARDWARE STOKE to the new building second door west of the Bedford Ho tel, where he has just received and opened an extensive assortment of Hardware, embracing almost every article in that line of business. His stock of SADDLERY is of the quali ty, and was selected with great care. He would respectfully invite all in want of articles in the Hardware line, to give him a call, satisfied that he can please all who uo so. JOH N' ARNOLD. May 13, 1556. BOOK AMEACY. The subscribers have established a Book A gency in Philadelphia, and will furnish any book or publication at the retail price free of postage. Any persons, by forwarding the sub scription price of any of the $3 Magazines, such as Harpers',Godey's, Putnam's, Graham's Frank Leslie's Fashions, ike. will receive the maga zines for one year and a copy of a splendid lith ograph portrait of either Washington, Jackson or Clay ; or, if subscribing to a and a $1 Magazine, they will receive a copy of either of the three portraits. If subscribing to $6 worth of Magazines, all three portraits will be sent gratis. Music furnished to those who may wish it. Envelopes of every description and size in large or small quantities furnished. Seal Press es, Dies, See. sent to order. Every description of Engraving on Wood ex ecuted with neatness and dispatch. Views of Buildings, Newspaper Headings, Views of Ma chinery, P> >ok Illustrations, Lodge Certificates, Business Cards, ike. All orders sent by malt promptly attended to. Persons wishing views of theiTtJUildings engraved can send a Daguer reotype or sketch of the building by mail or ex press. Persons at a distance having saleable articles would find it to their advantage to address the subscribers, as we would act as agents for the sale of the sam<\ BYRAM PIERCE. 50 South. Third Struct, Philadelphia, Pa. J. H. IIYKAM. T. MAY IMEKCP. May 16, 1856—1y. THE WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO., OF LOCK I!AVE\, PA. Insures Detached Buildings, Stores, Merchan dize, Farm Property, and other Buildings, and their contents, at moderate rates. Capital, $300,000. Charter Perpetual. DERF.CTORS. —Hon. John J. Pearce, John B. Hail, Charles A. Mayer, Charles Crist, Peter Dickinson, Hon. G. C. Harvey, T. T. A brains, D. J. Jackman, W. White, Thos. Kitchen. HON. G. C. HARVEY, Pres. T. T. ABEAMS, Vice Pros. THOS. KITCHEN, Sec'v. REFERENCES. —SamueI 11. Lloyd, A. A. Winegardner, L. A. Mac key, A. White, James Quiggle, John W. Maynard, Hon. Simon Cam eron, Thos. Bowman, D. D., Wm. Vanderbelt, Wm. Fearon, Dr. J.S. Crawford, A. UpdegratF, James Armstrong, Hon. Wm. Bigler. A. S. RUSSELL, Jlg't for Bedford and Fulton Counties. Bedford, May 16, ISs6—ly. fBiH I | Will aiu-ml puncta*Hv and cttrefuily to *ll opwraf .•!*m- i|l j !■ *'"l ?<• V- e-re T i'h 31*4,'i, A . &!■'. I U I, ir: '! tOdtb irt*rUd, from t.>jwi Gaiire *-t. I jj ChaafW nod all oparatiorn warrauWs £. t*T Terms LVVARLABLY CASH. Eat Pilt utref f t Pa. IMPORTANT ADVICE. —To have a teazing cough or cotft, with a perpetual dripping from the nose and soreness of the breast and lungs is truly annoying, and such of our readers who may be ufilicted in that way, we would say go to Kupp's store ami buy a bot tle of Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup, and you will be relieved of a great deal of suffering, and probably sa ved from some more formidable lung disease. For Sale. The subscriber offers for sale, low, a fine ton ed Vienna Rosewood Piano Forle. SAM'L. BROWN. June 20, I $56, remoyeb. The undersigned, thankful (as advertisements ay) for past lavois at the Colonade store, in Bedford, would respectfully announce to his ]>atrons and friends generally, that he has removed his entire stock ot goods to his new brick store room lately oc cupied by l J efer liadebaugh, opposite the Bedford Hotel. His supply o! goods, is iresh, new and tash ionable. His new room has been neatly and ele gantly fitted up ami remodeled. All kinds ol produce are taken in exchange tor goods. He hopes to be continued in the favor of hi® p 3l " rons and the public. JACOB 11F.ED. July 1, 1856. TO Bl ILDF.RN. The subscriber is (o!y prepared to furnish any quantity or quality of Building Lumber j and Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St. I Clairsvilfe, Bedford County, w ill be promptly attended to, by giving a reasonable notice. F. D. BEEGLE. Nov. 24, 1854. The Wonder of the Age !—Dr. TO | BIAS' VENETIAN LINIMENT is warrant ed to cure Cholera, Colic, Sea Sickness, Chron ic Rheumatism, Tooth ache, Head ache, and Pains of all kinds or no pay. Great cure ol Rheumatism, ('apt. COM STOCK, ol the steamer Baltic (Collins line,) was cured of a severe at tack of Chronic Rheumatism in a few days by Dr. Tobias 1 celebrated Venitian Liniment. Case ofCholera. Mr. J Wright ol the I irm ol J- Wright Sc. Co. of No. 11G Cbartree St. New. i Orleans, was immediately cured of an attack ol Cholera by Tobias' Liniment. Vomiting and Colic. Mrs. Joseph Nicholl, No. 16 Essex St. j New York, was cured of an attack ot Colic and Vomiting bv Dr. Tobias' Venetian Liniment.— Depot 6(1 Gourtland St. New York. Sold bv all the Druggists. Agent—ROBERT IVAN, Bedford: A. Bunn, Schellsburg- John Nycum N. Son, Ravs Hill: V. Wyant, Toll House east of Bloodv-Run, J. Barndollar & Son, Bloody Run. Nov. 7, 1855. ly. NSW WHOLESALE DRI3 G & T ORES J. SPEECER THOMAS, No. 26, South Second Street, Philadelphia, Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs, j Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead, French and American White Zinc, Window Glass, Glassware, Var nishes, Brushes, Instruments, Ground Spices, and all oth er articles usually kept by Druggists, includ ing Borax, Indigo, Glue, Shel lack, Potash, xc. &c. &.c. (CP* AII orders bv mail or otherwise prompt ly attended to. Country merchants are invit ed to call and examine our stock before pur-J - ehasing elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the Wharves or rail-read stations. Prices low and goods warranted. March 14, IS.')6—ly. WA&HIYttTO.Ii HOTEL. MRS. COOK would announce to her frie u ds, j and the public, that the Washington Hotel is i now fitted up in superior order lor the accom modation of guests, and she hopes to continue! ;to receive a liberal share of custom. Persons ; visiting the Mineral Springs will find in the! Washington Hotel a comfortable summer re- j treat—and no pains will be spared to phase all j uho patronize the house. Mr" A voung gentleman of high qualification ! and courteous deportment has charge of the es- , tablishment. best of Stabling is attached to this Hotel. LL/ T ernis as moderate as any other house in the place. . ." Daily Mail Stages from Alaquippa and 1 Cumberland—also tri-weekly Lines from Hol lidaysburg and Pittsburg stop at this Hotel. Bedford, April 25, 1856. CARPETING.—AII Wool, Rag, Cotton and 1 Hemp Carpeting. Floor Oil Cloths, White and Check Matting: just received by A. B. CRAMER .v CO. j Bedford, May 23, 1856. NEW STORE ■ \e v, to o os:! THE subscriber would announce to "Lis old friends, as well as to the public at large, that he has opened an ENTIRELY NEW STORE in the Borough of Bedford, immediately opposite the Washington Hotel, where he has just re ceived a stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of a superior quality, embracing al most every article in the DRY GOODS and GROCERY LINE, to which he invites the es pecial attention of the people, who may find it to their interest to give him a call before pur chasing elsewhere. His Goods w ill be exhibit ed with pleasure, whether purchased or not. SAMUEL BROWN. Bedford, May 23, 1856. CLOTHING STORE. THE subscriber has removed his Clothing j Store to the room next door to the office of Dr. I Watson, where he has on hand, and will con stantly keep, a general assortment of Clothing I for Men and Boys, which he will sell on the : most reasonable terms, and to which he lespect ! fully invites the attention of purchasers. ISAAC LIPPEL. Bedford, May 23,1856. CLOTHING STORE. S. SON A BORN would announce to his old friends and the public generally, that he has : just received anothei large supply of Spring j and Summer Clothing for Men and Boys, which , he is determined to sell on the most reasonable terms. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to | merit and receive a liberal share of the patron i age of a generous public. Bedford, May 23, 1856. WM. SHAFFER, MERCHANT TAILOR, WOULD announce to his former patrons, [ and the public generally, that he has just recei ; ved j from Philadelphia, a large and well selec- I ted assortment of the most choice Cloths, Cassi meres and Veslings—also summer wear of ev i ery description, to which he invites the atten tion of purchasers. His cloths, &c., were se | lected with great rare, and he can recommend j them as being equal, at least, to any to be found |in the place. He also keeps Ready-made clo thing ot every description, at very low prices— and is prepared to cut and make garments on ihe shortest notice and most reasonable terms. He respectfully invites the public togire him a call. Bedford. May 23, 1856. Henry S. Kins* (Of Ike late Firm of King K Moorhead,) (Commission fllcrdjont, DEALER tN PIG METAL, BLOOMS, Western Produce, &e. &c. &c. No. 76, Water Street, below Market, Pittsburg, Fa. The undersigned will continue the Commis sion Business at the above place; and having provided himself with suitable conveniences for thp storage cf Pig Metal, Blooms, Produce, &c. is now prepared to receive consignments. By long experience in the business, and by constant attention, he hopes to merit a generous share of trade, which he respectfully solicits. HENRY S. KING- April 27, 185 X. The University's FAMILY REMEDIES, Issued under the seal, Sanction and Authori ty of the University of Free Medicine and pop ular knowledge, Chartered by the State of Penn sylvania, April 20th, 1853, with a Capital of SIOO,OOO, mainly for the purpose of arresting the evils of Spurious and Worthless Nostrums . also, for supplying the community with Relia ble remedies wherever a Competent Physician cannot or will not be employed. I his Institu tion, (located in Philadelphia No. 68 Arch Street, where applications for new Agencies will be received,) has purchased from Dr. John R. Rowand, his Celebrated Rowand's lonic Mixture, Known for upward ol twenty-five vears as the only sure and safe cure lor lia i-Jt and AGUE, X.C., and his inestimable Remedy for Bowel Complaints. Rowand's Compound Svrupof Blackberry Knot, which highly im proved and Popular remedies, together with The University's Remedy for Complaint? of the Lungs : The University's Remedy for I)is pepsia or Indigestion ; The University's Rem edy lor Costive Bowels ; Also the L Diversity s Almanac mav be bad at the Branch Dispensa ry. For sale at the Store of Dr. Blair, in ('um bel land Valley. Nov. 23. 1855. Jos \V. Tate, ATTORNEY AT LAW, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Has for sale 8 Farms and 12,000 acres of land in Bedford and Fulton counties. Lands sold in quantities to suit purchasers. Bedford, March 7, ISs6—ly. John Moorhead, (Successor to King 6' AJoorhtad) WHOLESALE GROCER AXD COMMISSION MERCHANT, And dealer in Fish, Bacon, Cheese, Dried Fruit, Lard, Lard Oil, Flaxseed Oil, White Lead, Pig Lead, window Glass, Glassware, Iron and .Nails, Star and Tallow Candles, Variegated and Rosin Soap, and Pittsburg manufactures ge nerally. No. 27, VVoodstreet, Pittsburg, Pa. Particular attention given to the sale of Pig Metal and Blooms, and liberal advances made thereon. Feb. 15, 1856—1y. NOTICE. The Partnership heretofore existing between Thomas and John King, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having unsettled accounts with them, ate requested to attend to their liquidation without delav. THOMAS KING, June 1, ISO*. JOHN KING. Having this day associated Henry S. King,of the Citv of Pittsburg, with us in the business of manufacturing Iron, the business will be con ducted under the name ami firm ol John King X. Co. THOMAS KING, June 9, 1854. JOHN KING. E5. SSorcSer, Clock &• Vs st*c2i Ma kef AM) DEALER IN JEWELRY, Would respectfully announce to the citizens of Bedford, ami the public in general, that lie has opened a Jewelry Store in the building re cently occupied by 11. Nicodernus, Esq. nearly opposite the Bedford Hotel, whlre he will be pleased to see all in want of articles in his line. He has on hand, and will constautly keep, an elegant assortment ot JEW ELRY , and will re pair Clocks and Watches in the bert style. He hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage, as he feels .-alistied he can render satisfaction to all who entrust him with their work. His terms will be moderate. He has on hand Cold arid Silver WATCHES, Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Cold and Silver Pens and Pencils, &.c. April 27, 1855. Gentlemens' Gaiters and Shoes—Mens' and Boys Shoes and Boots ; also Ladies, Misses, and Childrens do., for sale by CRAMER & CO. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD TOP RAILROAD. SPRING ARRANGES! ENT. ON and alter Tuesday April Ist, 1856, Trains will leave daily, Sundays excepted, a* follows: Going South, leave junction with Pennsylvania Railroad at 8 o'clock, A. .M. and 5 o'clock, P. M. Going North, leave Slouerstown at 6.30 A. M. and I o'clock, P. At. TRAINS NORTH, LEAVE A.M. P.M. Stonerstnwn, 6.. it) 1.00 Fisher's Summit, <>.46 1.18 Rough & Ready, 7.03 1.33 Coffee Run, 7.11 1.41 Marklesburg, 7.23 1.53 M'Connellstown, 7.43 2.13 Arrive at Huntingdon. 7.58 2.28 TRAINS SOUTH, LEAVE A.M. P.M. Huntingdon, 9.00 5.00 M'Connellstown, 9.15 5.15 Marklesburg, 9.35 5.3.1 Coffee Run, 9. I7 5.47 Rough & Ready, 9.55 5.55 Fisher's Summit. 10.12 6.12 Arrive at Stoner.-town, 10.28 6.28 By this arrangement passengers East will connect with the 3 o'clock P. M. Mail' Train on the Pennsyl vania Rail Road; also the Fast Line, 9.32 P. M., for Philadelphia. The 5 o'clock train from Huntingdon will leave after the arrival of the Mail Train from Philadel phia, thus causing no detention to passengers for Broad Top or Bedlord. Passengers going West will arrive at Huntingdon in time to take either the 5 o'- clock Mail Train or the Fast Line at 8.08 P. M. Fifty pounds baggage allowed each passenger. Freight received by the Conductor and forwarded to any of the above points at oncer's For any further information enquire at the oilice of Transpor tation Department, Huntingdon. JAMES BOON, April 11, 1856. Superintendent. BOOi BINDING STOKE. The subscrier would respectfully inform the i Public that hstil! continues to carry on the lOOIT BIDDING, " |in No. Bof tb* Franklin Buildings Chambers burg; where JI binding entrusted to his care i will be punctalJy attended to, and bound with ! neatness and are. He still coiinues to keep on hand a good as sortment of RjUGiors, HISTORICAL Miscellane- ; nous Blank a(d School Books, Stationery &c., which he wif sell on moderate terms. THOS. VV. VVRICHT. Dec. 7, 1|55. FOR SALE, A HOUSjI AND LOT in Bedford, and a valuable SAY MILL in Shade Township, So | merset couny. The suhsrihers will sell, on reasonable terms, at private sale, a comfortable dwelling house and la of ground pleasantly situate iu the borough >f Bed lord. Also, they wil! sell, on reasonable terms, a valuable tra* of Tartd in Shade Township, So merset coofjy, containing 390 acres. This land is well covered with cherry, poplar, white pine, spruce and other timber, and lias a tine water power with a good Saw Mill thereon e rected. Fo.further information inquire of MANN & SPANG. Dec. 28, So"). TOOTH icHE. —Persons art not general ly aware thd Dr. Keyser's Tooth Ache reme dy, preparedby him at 140 Wood Street, Pitts burg, Pa. an! tor sale at Rupp X. Osier's in this place will itop immediately an aching tooth. Whoever tries it will he convinced. Dec. 8, 1854. Notice* The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned, trading under the name and firm of SANSON & OETHART, in the Dry Goods business, has Ibis day been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are requested to have their accountss settled up by the Ist of Mav. The books and accounts will be found in the hands ol A. J. Sansom until that time. A. J. SANSOM, WM. GEPH ART. April 1, 1856. The undersigned u ill continue the business in the room lately occupied by Isaac Leppel on the corner of Juliana and Pitt Streets, opposite Dr. F. C. Reader's Drug and Book Store, where he will be happy to see all his friends. A J. SANSCM. April 11, J856. LAW PARTNERSHIP JOB MANN. G. H. SPANG- Tim undersigned have associated themselves in the Practice of the Law, and will attend promptly to all business entrusted to their cure ill fiedlord and ad joining counties. 03 s * Office on .lulianna Street, three doors south of "Menael House," opposite the residence of Maj. Tate. JOB MANX, June 2, 183-1. O. H. SPANG. C. N. HICKGK, Dentist. OFFICE on Pitt-street, nearly opposite the Bedlord Hotel, Bedford, Pa. Teeth plug ged, Regulated, Nx. and artificial teeth inserted from one to an entire set. Charges moderate, and all operations warranted. Tarns.—CASH. Bedford, May 3, 1850. WM. P. SCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ~\\J ILL attend faithfully to all legal business \ * entruoifd to hit oor.. in. the (' uj Bedford and Fulton. Bedford, Nov. 1, 1847. Win. Henry Leas, A'i i 0 R N E Y A T I. A U , Tort Di'smoiccs, Una, WILL give special attention to locating lands —investing money—paying taxes—making col lections, Arc., &c. i OTF" Refers to Gen. Bowman anil lion, .lob ; Mann. Sept. 8, IS.>4. WANTED at Reed's Colonade Store.— Wheat, Kve, Oats, Corn, and Buckwheat—also all other approved produce, in exchange lor 1 goods at cash prices. DISSULITHEN. The partnership heretofore existing between the Subset tbers, under the name ol VY etsel ; Co., in the Carriage making and Biacksrnithing business, was this day dissolved by mutual con ' sent. All business ul the late Firm will be at ; tended to by Michael &, John G. Weisel, who ; will collect the outstanding notes and accounts I and pay the debts. WM. WEISEL, MICHAEL WEISEL, JOHN WEISEL. May 27, 1856. The undersigned have this day formed a part nership in the Carriage-making, and Black- Smithing business, under (lie name and firm ol WEISEL N. CO. We will endeavour hy prompt ness, attention, and the character of our work, to merit and obtain a fair share ot custom.— Our stand is the one heretofore occupied by YVeisel fx. Foster, immediately East of town. MICHAEL WEISEL, JOHN WEISEL. June (>, 1856—3 m. MKfik £• GOO&ZJ&ftT, MILLINER, BEDFORD PA. IS prepared to furnish Ladies and Misses with every variety of SPRING AND SUMMER BONNETS, on the most favorable terms. She i lias just received from the C ity a large and ele- I gant assortment ol Bonnets, flats, £cc., which she is prepared to trim so as to suit the taste ol the purchaser. She keeps constantly on hand ! Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, I Jounces, Laces, and all other trimmings, to which she respectfully in viles the attention of the Ladies of Bedlord land vicinity. She also keeps Bonnets ready ! trimmed. From long experience in the busi j ness, she feeis satisfied that site can please all who favor her with their custom, both as to ; style and price. Thanklul for the flattering 1 encouragement heretofore received, she asks a | continuance of the patronage ol the public. Bedford, May 23, 1856—1 v. Bedford CteMical Academy. The undersigned respectfully beg leave to in j form the citizens of Bedford and vicinity that they will reopen the Bedford Academy on Mon day the 13th of October next. The Terms will be published next week. WM. R. KING, J NO. H. FILLER. Sept. 19, 1856. 0?-NO HUMBUG.—II. H. HUTZ'S CFLF.BRA TED Tetter Wash, is the only safe and sure remedy ever discovered for curing the Tetier, Ringworm, and all eruptions of the Skin. Jt is so infallable a remedy, that a perfect cure in all cases of Tetter is guaranteed, if attentively applied. In ordinary cases one bottle will besuffirent to perfect a cute. Jii bad cases, with-a Tetter of long standing, more will be required. Price 25 cents per bottle, For sale at Dr. B. F. Reamer's Bedford. April 25, 1856-ly. S2O Reward! A reward of S2O will be paid for such information as will lead to the conviction of the K. N. Abolition thief or, thieves, who, on last Sabbath morning, be fore day, stole from the Democratic Poles in St. Clairsville the beautiful FLAG placed there by the hands of the honest freemen of Sl Clair und the ad joining Township-. The people will thus see that we have thieving "rulfiaris" much nearer home than Kansas. F. 1). BFEGLF. St. Clairsville, Aug. '22, 1850. NEW SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS. THE undersigned have just opened their usu al supply of l 3 KU.\S, and w ill take pleasure in showing them, to all who ir.av favor us with a call. Great bargains will he offered for Cash, and all kinds of Conn try produce—or to punctual customers, a credit ot six months will be given. A. B. CRAMER & CO. Bedford, May 2, 1856. FARM FOR SALE. ~ A FARM, containing 200 acres, more or less, in Franklin County, Fa., is offered lor sale. Particulars can be had by inquiring of the sub scriber in Bedford. VALENTINE STECKMAN. May 16, 1856. MANNY'S COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER. WITH "WOODS' IMPROVEMENT." Farmers of Bedford and Blair Counties are inform ed this justly celebrated machine can be had by application to VV. VV. JACKSON, A. DF AKM IT, Agents for Blair and Bediord Counties. July I, 185 G. Gaiters and Shoes. The subscriber would announce to the public that he has just received, and will constantly ; keep, an assortment of Gentlemen's City maile Gaiters and Shoes, also Misses and children | Shoes, which he will sell as low as they can be bought any where else, and will sew all rips ! gratis. As he has but a small profit on these all sales must he cash. lie continues to carry on the Boot and Shoe making Business in all its branches at his old stand, and is prepared to accommodate, in the j best manner, all who favor him with a call. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit and receive a continuance ol the same. VVM. CLAAR. Bedford, July 18, 181)6. Vermin Destroyed. Warranted free from Poison. S. Levi's Gen uine RAT, MOUSE and ROACH Destroyer—to be had at Dr. B. F. Harry's New Drug Cc Book Store. Aug. 29, 1856. ATTENTION. Buyers of Clothing—step This Way. Tiie attention of the citizens of Hollidays burg and vicinity is requested to the New Store of M. SHOENTHAL d all the late improvements in the Art, and can assure his patrons that he can furnish them with a style of pictures not taken by any other person in the | County. Rooms at the "Exchange Building," or Odd ; Fellows Hall, immediately above the store of Mr. A. 11. Cramer. T. R. GETTYS, JR. June 6, 1856. SiedfeoflMi Hotel, And General Stage Office. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to an nounce to his old friends and the public gener ally, that he has leased the Bedford Hotel, at present in the occupancy of Col. Adam Barn hait, and w ill take possession on the Ist day of April next. It is not his design to make many professions as to what lie will do, but he pledges his word that his most energetic efforts will be employed to render comfortable all who give him a call. The House will be handsomely fitted up, and none but careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the Bed lord Springs, as well as those attending Court, and the travelling community general ly, are respectfully invited to give him a cail and judge for themselves. taken by the week, month, or year, on favorable terms. [£P*A tuple and comfortable stabling is at tached to this Hotel, which will always he at tended by a careful hostler. Also, a safe and convenient carriage house. ITT'AII the STAGES stop at this Hotel. JOHN HAFER. Match 16, 1855. D. K. wrtmsßntcH. „ __ r , _ *■ *• W uiHlerlich & ftead, £onravbmg $c Commission £tlerd)ants North Strand Street, opposite the Cumberland V a /l v 11 ail Road Depot, CHAMBER SBURG. ITT" They are at all time* prepared to c.rrv .u kinds ot Produce to, and Merchandise, f r Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the shortest nn'ii ° m *.* They will also purchase Flour, Grain market price. ' at COAL, LUMBER, SALT, FISH, GUANO PI. AST Kit on hand and tor sale low. ' June 10, 1853. DR. F. I. REAMER RESPEC TFL LLY begs leave to tender his Professional Services to the Citizens of Bedford and vicinity. OCF* Office in Julianna Street, at the Dr U and Book Store. Feb. 17, 1854-. ° Cessna & Shsusssoas, HAVE formed a Partnership in the Practice of the Law. [CT'Odice nearly opposite the Gazette Office, where one or the other i„„ at all times be found. ■ Bedford, Oct. 26, 18-1-9. HUMMEL'S ESSENCE OF COFFEE. EVERY ONE who has used Hummel'g Es sence of Coffee, knows that one package will go as far as 4 pounds of the best Java Coffee and coffee made by this Essence w ill preserve perfectly the real taste of Java coffee, but will have a more delicate and finer flavor, a finer color, and will certainly be much wholesome: for every person than pure Java Coffee. KJ"For sale at Dr. B. F. HARRY'S new- Drug and Book Store. Oct. 7, isf)3 Di*. SI. F. Harry RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional ser vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in' the building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hotius^ June 24, 1853. S. J. M'CAUSLIN, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, HAS removed his shop to the new Building second door West of the Bedford Hotel where he is fully prepared to rr.ake all kinds of gar ments for Men and Boys in the n.ost fashiona ble style, and on reasonable terms. Having had much experience in the business, and beii g determined to use his best exertions to please, he hopes to receive a liberal share of the pat ronage of a generous public. Qy Garments rut to order on the shortest notice. Bedford, May 23, 1856. Drugs and Books. DR. F. f. REAMER Having purchased the Drug^Jß3^ and Book Store of Dr. S. D. Scott, will constantly keep on hand at his establishment in Julianna Street, a complete assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Dve Stuffs, Paints, Oils. Window Glass, Varnishes, Brushes of all kinds, Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, &c. &c. together with an extensive col lection *of School and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery. &c. which he offers at greatly reduced prices for cash. Bedford, Feb. 17, ISSL .\cw SJj'tiiV & More. Wk wish it distinctly understood by this communi ty and country, 'hat we pay particular attention lo the selection of our Drugs and Medicines, pureha-:;:g none but the vry hest and purest article*. We bate tor sale cheap all the appioved popular patent medi- Cities, At/rr's Cherry Perioral, Jaynt's Medina/', Pain Killer, and all the Sarsaparillas. Also Lubu;'.- Fxtracts tor the Handkerchief, fancy soaps, colognes pomma.ies. ox marrow, See. We a) re cently been thoroughly re-fitted ami conipletoj renovated, and is now ready to receive guest.-. It is the earnest desire and intention ol Proprietor to give perfect satisfaction to ' who favor him with their patronage. A ral share is confidently expected. SAMUEL LUMA X, Proprietor. Successor to H. IL D° w Cumberland, Aug. 10, 1855. HEW fiOOllS. MRS. SARAH E. POTTS would fully announce to the Ladies ol Bedimn 1 she has just received and opened, at her 8" in Bedford, the most elegant assortment oi DRESS GOODS . ever brought to the place, embracing •- 1 ' Crapes, Challies, Lawns, Berages, P laiD a ° figured Suisses, French and DomP-*t lc - 1, - hams, Suisse and Jaconet Edgings and ings, Bonnets, Parasols, Shawls and - an of the latest and most elegant styles. ' ov * Mitts, Hose, Undersleeves, Collars, Lre r mings. Handkerchiefs, and Ladies, . ', Children:* Gaiters, Boots, and Shoes, m 0 variety. In.brief, her entire stock na-> ' ee _ h-cted with tin* greatest care, and is nougli to .please the tastes of all, "' bet,lt ' r j?' or gay. Please call and judge lor W*rs Mav 16, 1856. CAUTION! All persons are cautioned against tu-p' on my farm—either by fishing, bunllDi " he h , v erwise, as lam determined to en, ' , c t against all persons so rHFVOVVEIU to persons. WAL Bedford Tow nship, April 25,