Henry (lay OQ Disunion. Henrv Clay had freely, on many occasions, de reuneed the schemes of Abolitionism and ola Sec onal party. He said in 1839 e.Abolitioni6m should no longer be regarded as an imaginary danger. The Abolitionists, let me sup pose, stirceed in their present aim of uniting the in habitants of the free States as one man against the of the slave states. (Jnion on one side will beget onion on the other, and tins process of consolidation will be attended with ail violent prejudices, embittered passions, and im putable animosities which ever degiaded or delorrri * j human nature. Virtual dissolution ol the Onion will liate taken place, whilst the forms oi its extst (iu*e remain. ..0, -ect;tin will siarnl in menacing and ho-tile ar v against 'he other. The collision ot opinion will ~ton he followed by the clash ol arms, i will no; ..•le.npt to describe scenes which now happily lie concealed irom our view. Abolitionist* themselves would shr nk bark n dismay and horror at the eon- Jf(Tl platiori of de-olaied fields, conflagrated cities, n ordered inhabitants, and the overthrow ol the I'air ,..r tabric of human government that ever to an nate the hope, ot civilized man." WHITE LABORERS LOOK HERE ! CLAY in a letter to Mr. Cotton, da •eit >ept. l&l-'b 'bus warn* the white Laboring man ol the danger* ol Abolitionism: Mr. C. said: • •13ut the great ami and object oi your tract should ),e to aroa-e the LABORING CLASSES in the Free s:ate> against Abolition. Depict the consequences :o them ot immediate abolition. Ihe slave., being ) f ee would be dispersed throughout the Union; they would enter into competition with the free laborer, with the American, the Irish, the German; reduce his wages: he confounded with him; and affect his moral and social standing. And as the ultras go tor both Abolition and Amalgamation, show that their obj"ct is to unite in marriage the laboring white man and the laboring black woman, and to reduce the laboring man to the despised and degraded condition 0' the fiiark man. HENRY CLAY." The Philadelphia News, a FILMOKE paper, of s-p!. 10, publishes the Letter from which the above rarthi - extract is taken, and .-ays:—At this mo ment, when some of our best citizens w ho have been Whig*, are denounced because they will not join the Hack Republican ranks, this letter from Henry Clav is most apposite. It points out briefly and clearly the baneful tendencies of Black Republicanism, its cru fiTv. lis ingratitude, its fal-ehood, its hostility to j C'T.sfitution, its hostility to LABOR. Ami what would he the teelings ot Henry Clay, if he were now living, and -aw Black Republicanism ma sing an open i-siie against the Union/ Indeed he pro- ] pf.ecie* the piesent fearful state of things when he I rails upon Mr. Coltou to show that the agitation in the free States -will first destroy all harmony, and Dually lead to dissolution!" NOW LOOK I PON THIS PICTI RE ! .10S11I A I'- BIDDINGS, who i* the acknowledg e,l head of the FREMON T p-artv, says: • I look forward to the day when there shall be a I -ervile insurrection in th® South; when the BLACK j run. armed with BRITISH bayonets, and led 011 by ; BRITISH officers, shall assert his Freedom, and ! W ige a war of extermination agains; his master; when the lorch ol the INC l-.N DIARY shall light up the towns of the South, arid blot out the ja-t ve,tige el Slavery; and though 1 may not mock at their ca lamity, nor laugh when their fear cometh, yet will I hail it a; the dawn oi a political millentum." Anson) Burlir garne. now travelling the country ni.ikii.g Freemont Speeches, says; ••The times demand that we must have an anti ! aver y Cou-t if at ion, an Anti-Slavery Bible, and an inti-Slavery GOD." Seward, Wade, Banks, Spalding, Webb, Greely, harri-on. Sumner, F.iastus Hopkins, Addison, Foster, ileerher, R-moiid, Brewster. Emerson, Ross, Garri son, tVi'son, Horace Mann, Philips, arid ail the other prominent Fremont leader- employ similar language to the above, which we omit for want of room. I iie H.iri i-hntg Telegraph, the organ of Gov. Pol es, ■ ired by Col. M'CLURE,) of Sept. li, cou- 'mi- Ittf following savage senii nent in a letter from W,nster, tiateif August *2!), giving an account of a Fremont meeting held in that place: "Two CAMPAIGN companies of ferorious looking -Slows, -tyhng themselves "Buck Hunters" and '•levky Mountain Hangers," paraded the ground, i - Salter (these two companies! were dressed in t • ••' ing •liii u, alter the fashion ol pioneers, carried Hif.es, and had JWardetous looking KA'JVES i ( eir Bel fa." Tiie same paper, same date, says editorially: "The South would not and DARK NO T dissolve the ['nion il the North m its majesty should elect bred. Douglrjs (a .\'KGRO!!) President." 77" And the.* are the men and these the princi ple- wlm-h Fr. Jordan N Co. are so anxious to form j union with for the ake of the spoils. Honest Fil ers men of Bedford county, what say you to such a union—and more especially a- Mr. Filmore has as sured you that the election of Fiemout would result nt a Dissolution of the L nion! Pwriiy Your fsSod. The Wonder nf the Ninettenth (enlun. Important end of greal C< nsidertifion to the Suffering. T. A. Hi:P.LEV'S SARSAPARILLA. Mi ill the ieiru-iiie.- that have be-u discovered du "- "he [>te.ei,t age for the "thousand ib> that lic-.h -: • : r to none equal this wonderful preparation. — . true- jais have elnp-'-d since the discoverer i'■> t a decade in studying, experiu entalizing, ; ilecting it; fii t introduced it to Ihe public, and s.crra iy recognizeu, ft the most eminent physi * ail parts of the country to be the most sur •i g and effective remedy for certain di-eases of ' h:rt, they tiave know ledge. A other compounds or syrups of the root, have " '•'ritns ot the Bor.es, Habitual Costiveness, •"'"lity, Indigestou, - ot the Kidneys, l.iver Coplaints ;>P- a, pj|e s , Pulmonary Disease*, irregularities, Scroiula or King's Evil, i Syphilis, all Skin diseases. Resides curing the above, it is also known to be a ~ powerful tonic, purifying the blood and in ' -"rating the system. •' 'mi!, it is, without exception, in the cases men and its general effect oath* system, the tficnciotm as it is the most desirable remedy ui-age. I{ j s already extensively used througli e country and i> fast obtaining an European • ui;or,. The instances of cures it has effected '• ly corturig to the proprietors knowledge, and ' a-no hesitation in recommending it to one ami aiia de-ire to procure reliel from suffering. One ; , >:g tried, its effects will be too apparant to '■ Nj" 1 oi further doubt. "-collect Hurley's Sarsaparjlla is the ovi.v ukn- J aeticle in the market. SI per bottle, or six for s•">. l''S medecine can be procured at all exten ' ru g houses. J; ' ! y 1, 1856—!y*. Great Cure of Piles. Camd pn, S. J., March 12th, 18.55. v law incapable of holding or exercising at flie time the office or appointment of Judge, inspector or clerk ot any election of this Commori wefiltfr; and that no inspector, judge or other officer of such election shall beeiegibje to he then voted fir. And thpsai 1 act of assembly, entitled "an art relating to elections of this Commonwealth," passed July 3,1819, further provides as follows, to wit : "That the inspectors and judges, shall meet at the respective places appointed lor holding the election ir. the district at which they re spectively belong, before eight o'clock in the morning of the 2d Tuesday of October, am) each saivl inspector shall appoint one cleik, who shall be a qualified voter of such district. "Iu case the person who shall have received the second highest number votes for inspector, shall not attend on the day oi anv election, then the person who shall have received the second highest number of votes for Judge at the next preceding election, shall act as inspector in his place. And in case the person who has receiv ed the highest number of votes fir inspector shall not attend, the person elected Judge shall appoint an inspector in his place, and in case the person Hefted judge shall not attend then the inspector who received the highest number of votes shall appoint a judge, in his place ; and if any vacancy shall continue in the board for the space ol one hour after the time fixed by law fir the opening of the election, the quali fied voters for the township, ward or district for which such officers shall have been elected. present at the election, shall eM one of their number to till such a vacancy. "It shall he the duly ofthe seeral assessors respectively to attend at the pU;e of holding every general, special, or townabb election dn ring the whole time said elections kept open, for the purpose of giving informaion to the in spectors, and judge, when called jn, in relation to the right of any person assessijl by theiri to vote at such election, and on sticHother matters j in relation to the assessment of Voters, as the j said inspectors or either of them stffl (mm time , to time require. "No person shall be permitted ti vote, a' any election as aforesaid, than a whiff freeman of the age of twenty one or more, uito shall have resided in this State at least oDlyear, and in the election distinct where he offeC to vote ten i days immediately preceding such election, and within two years paid a Stale it comity tax I which shall have been assessed at east ten days j before the election. But a citizej ol the U,ti ted States who has previously bt bv the inspect' r, and a note marie opposite thereto by writing the word 'tax,' if hi* shall he admit ted to vote bv reason of having! paid tax, or the word 'age' if he shall he admitted to vote bv reason of age, and in either case fhe reason of such a vote shall be called oft to the clerks-, who shall make the like note ia the lists cf vo ters kept bv thein. In nil cases where the name of the person claiming t" vote is not found ntt the li-t fur nished by die commissioners, and assessors, or bis-right to vote whether found thereon or not, is objected to hv anv qualified citizen, it shall be the duty of the inspectors to examine such person on oath as to hi> qualifications, and if he claims to have resided within tile State for one year or more, his oath shall he sufficient proof thereof, but he shall niche proof hy at least one competent witness, who shall be a qualified elector that he has resided within the di.-irict for more than ten days immediately preceding said election arid shall also himself swear that his hona fide residence, in pursuance of his lawful calling, is within the district, and that he did not remove in the district for Ihe purpose of vo ting therein. "Every person qualifier] as aforesaid, and who shall make due proof if required, of Ids resi dence and payment of taxes, as afor-said, shall be admitted to vote in the township, ward of district in which he shall reside. If anv person shall prevent or attempt to pre vent anv officer ofa:i election under this act from holding such election, or use or threaten any violence to anv such officer, and shall in terrupt or improperly interfere with him in the execution of his duty, shall block or attempt to block up the window or avenue to anv window where the same mav be hotden. or shall riot ously disturb the fierce of such election, or shall use or practice anv intimidation, threats, force nr violence, with the design to influence undu ly or overawe anv elector, or prevent him from voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such person on conviction shall he fined in anv sum not exceeding five hundred dollars and to be imprisoned for anv time not less than one or more than twelve months, and it it shall he shown to the Court where the trial ot such of fence shall he had, that the person so offending was not a resident of the city, ward, district or township where the said offence was committed, and not entitled tn vol- therein, then, on con viction, he shall he sentenced to pay a fine of not less than one hundred nor more than one thousand dollars, and he imprisoned not less than six months nor more than two years. ft"anv person or persons shall make any bet or wager upon the result of anv election with the Commonwealth, or shall offer to make any such be; or wager either bv verbal proclama tion thereof, or hv any written or printed ad vertisement, challenge or invite ;,pv persop ur persons to make such tret or wager, upon con viction thereof he or they shall forfeit and pay three times the amount so bet or offered to be bet. And tiip Judges of the respective districts a foresaid. are requited to meet at Bedford, on the Fii'laynext follow iug the holding of said Elec tion, then and there to perforin those things re quired of them by law. Givemtirider my hand, at my office in Bedford, this 21)!h day of August, in the year ol owr Lord one thousand eight hundred and fiiiy six, and the Slst ot Independence ot the United States. HUGH MOORE, Sheriff. Aug. 29, 1856. NOTICE. All persons interested are hrrebv notified that the citizens of Rairishurg, in the County oi Bed ford, have made application to the Court of Quarter Sessions for said County, t >r a charter of Incorporation, which said application lias been read and filed amongst the records ol said Court, and will be held over for final considera tion until November Session* 18ofi, when ob jections (ifany) will he heard and a final decree made in the premises. li u the Court. JOHN P. REED, ,17/y. for applicants. Sept. 12, 1856. MORE SHOES AND GAITERS. Just R-ceived at Shoemaker's Colonade Store, Ladies, Misses, Children*and Gents shoes. And ais i Ladies and Gents Gaiters. August 8, 1856*. A VALUAELE FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber will sell, at public salt*, on llie 21 si day of November next, that valuable ]• artr. on which he now resides, three (title* north of Bediord, containing 100 acres u ore or less, 4 or 5 acres of which are in timber, and the balance cleared. The improvements are a good two story House, a small barn, a new horse sta ble, Hay Shed also new, hog-stable with corn crib attached, stone spring-house with graine ries on upper story. All of the aforesaid build* ingsare in good repair. A never (ailing Bump near the Door. A never Failing Spring of wa ter within a lew rods of the house. A Small Oichard of fine grafted Fruit. The Fences are in good repair, part being post and rail tepee— -20 acres oi Timber land w ill be sold with the a bove property if desired. It lies about 1 i miles distant from the farm. This properly is considered one of the best in Bedford County, tb<- land being Limestone, a part the best of River Bottom, it lies on Dun nings Creek in the neighborhood of Churches, : Schools, and Mills. Any person wishing to purchase will call on the subscriber residing on the premises w ho will show the properly with pleasure. Title good—Terms made known on day of sale. SAMUEL ZI AIMERS. Sept. 28, 1856. Piat)Lie Sale- On SATURDAY, the 11th day of Oct. 1856, the undersigned will offer at public Sale, at MOIA'T ROSS, ail their Stock and Farming Tiftplii/ltnis , to wit : 4 Head Horses, Sor 10 Head Cattle, Hogs and Sheep, also one New Two Horse Wagon, 1 one Horse Wagon, Ploughs, Harrows, Wind Mill, Gears and Har ness, together with a lot of Hay, Straw, Corn- Forfder, and a lot of grain consisting of Wheat, Rye, Oats and Corn. Also one Buggy, j TERMS:—6 months credit on al! sums above $5. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. ADAM FERGUSON, O. E. SHANNON. On the same day, and at the same time, will he offered for sale, the Farm known as A/0 UA 7' ROSS , containing 80 acres, or thereabouts, cleared, together with 100 acres of Timber land. This Property is in sight of the Town of Bedford, and has thereon erected a large Two- Story Frame House, Bank Barn, Tenant House, Spring House, and other out-buildings. There are also upon it two Young Orchards of 200 apple trees, and 50 peach trees, two new ,• fail ing Springs and a Pump before the doot.— Terms made known on day of sale. O. E. SHANNON. Sept. 1.9, 1556. PIIiMP OF VALUABLE HEAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphan's Court of Bedford County, the undersigned will expose to sale, at public outcry, on the premises, in St. ('bur township, on THURSDAY, 16th Octo ber, 1856, all the Reai Estate ol Christiana An-j derson, late ol said township, dee'd, consisting ! r,l a tract of land containing 93 a -res or there- | abouts, adjoining lands ol Jno. Keefi'e's heirs,' J us. Furguson, Peter Long and Jno. Cessna, Esq.—and has thereon erected a Two Sforv Leg House, Log Barn, and Log Spring House : also ' an apple Orchard theron. TERMS:—Cash at the confirmation of sale i on the 17th Nov. O. E. SHANNON, j A'tmr. !o nnn wit h the Will j annexed of Christiana Anderson, cfec'd. Sept. 19, J856. PUBLIC SALE OF ' j REAL ESTATE. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bed lot d Count v, the undersigned will oiler :.t public sale on the premises, in Londonderry township, nn FR] DA V, the 17th Oct. 1 556, all (he Real Estate of Jacob Albright, late of >aid tow riship, dec'd, being the same which was lately appraised, under aw rit of Partition, and containing 08 acres, the improvements area Log House, Log Barn, Spring House, See. TERMS: —One third 111 hand at the confir mation oi sale on the l7lh Nov. 1856, and (he balance in two equal annual payments without interest. I)ANL. B. TROUTMAN, Trustee for the sale of said Rr-al Estate. Sept. 13, JSS6. NOTICE. IN THE MATT Eli of the exceptions to the ac count of Jacob S. Brumbaugh, administrator ot the estate o! Jar,oh Riddle, lale of South Wood berry tp. deceased, the undersigned auditor will sit at his of fice in Kedford Borough on Monday the lath day of October next, when ar.d where all persons interest ed are not tied to attend JOHN MOWER, Auditor. Sept. 10, 18aC. NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS. Ail persons are hereby cautioned against hunting, fishing, carrying off fruit, or in any other way ti espassing on the premises of'.tie undersigned, in Cumberland Valley, Bedfotd Township, as the law will he ngedly enforced against any person so offending. HANNAH BROWN. Sept. 10, 1856. TO THE FARMERS. The undersigned informs the farmers of Bed ford and adj fiiuog counties, that lie has made arrangements by which iie can furnish, to those desiring, the latest improved and best rfGRI CULTIJJUL IMPLEMENT'S of the day, embracing Scott's '-Little Giant" Corn and Cob Grinder, guaranteed to grind from 8 to 15 bush els of leed per hour with one horse Potts' Corn Stalk Cutter and Crasher, warranted to cut from 120 to 160 bushels of feed per hour— Hay and Straw Cutters, in variety—Wheat Drills and Corn Shellers, which are unsurpassed fir cheapness and quality—Cultivators, Horse Hoes, Cider-mills, -XC. fee. In short, every utensil used in or about a farm. Wishing to avoid all imposition, each machine sold hy him wijl he warranted to work as represented, or no sale; and, as these machines are procured in most cases directly from the Patentees and Man ufacturers, the purchaser will be secure in the right of using. Prices will be as moderate, and, in some in stances, less than the same machines can be procured singly from the Manufacturer. As the den.and is very great fir the two first nanr-d machines, orders should be given soon hy those wishing to purchase. WILLIAM HARTLEY. June 20, 1856—Cm. WHO WANTS A GOOD FARM ! Real Estate for Sale- The subscriber will sell, at public sale, tbe/arm on bich he at present resides, situate 3 miles north west ot SehelUbutc, Bedford County, containing -U0 acres of patented land, about 12". air- -of which are cleared and under good fence, about 2-1 or M acres ol which is lirst rate meadow. The buildings are a good two story Stone House, with a cellar under the wboie building, a double Log Barn, Hay House, and ail the necessary out buildings belonging to a property of this description. There is on the premises a large orchard ot choice frnit. There is a stream running through the whole place well calculated for a Saw Mill, and an excellent well of good pure water at the door. Terms will be made easy to suit purcha sers. The farm is well adapted for a Stock Farm, and much more meadow could easily be made. Any person in want of a good farm, would do well to call and examine this berore purchasing else where. JOHN WHETSTONE. Sept. 12, 18-16. PUBLIC SALE OF VALUAELE FARM ! The undersigned administrators of the estate of John Lafferty, deceased, by virtue of an or der of the Orphan's Court of Bedford County, w ill expose to public sale on the premises, on SATURDAY tin* 11th day of October next, all that Farm late the property of sani deceased, -situate in Juniata township, containing 235 a cres and 88 perches of patented land, about 75 acres cleared and under cultivation, having thereon erected a Log House and Log Barn: al so an orchard thereon, and a spring of excellent water at the door : adjoining lands of Nicholas Knoufl', William Frazier, Isaac Cocheuour's heirs and others. There is an abundance of Fine and Spruce Timber on the premises, and a stream of water running through tiie same, up on which are built Saw Mills above and below Ibis land. (I?* TERMS—One third of the pure!,use money to remain in the hands of the purchaser secured on the land during the lifetime of the widow, the interest thereof to tie paid her annu ally, and at her death the principal to the heirs of said deceased ; one third thereof to he paid in cash at the confirmation of the sale, antf the balance in two equal annual payments thereaf ter— payment to be secured by judgment bonds or notes. Further terms made known on day of sale, when due attendance will be given.— Purchasers are referred to John P. Reed, in Bed lord, or the subscribers, for further descrip tion or information concerning the premises. JCSIAH MILLER. JOHN LA FPERTY, Sept. I' 2, 1856. Ad m inist rn torn. REMOVED. The undersigned take fhis method of inform ing their former patrons, and the public in gen , era!, that they have removed their entire Stock lof goods from the West end of Bedford to the i Colonade Store, lately occupied ! y Capt Jacob | Reed, where they will be pleased to see their i old customers, and all who will favor them with | a call. All kind of produce taken in exchange'fur goods at cash prices. They hope by fair dealing and evincing a desire to please, to continue to receive a liberal share of the public patronage. J. be. J. M: SHOEMAKER. July -•">, IhhG. VAU'ABJ,!-: MILL PHOPERS\ & FAIIM fl'OU SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his Mill Proper ty, situate in Licking Creek Township, Fulton county, one half-mile north of the Turnpike Road and six miles west of McConnelsburg.— The Mill is nearly new, is large, and well fin ished, has overshot wheels, four run of stones, three of which are Burrs, metal gearing, and ail necessary machinery for custom or Mer chant work, and is capable of doing a large bu siness. Tin? Mansi n or Mil! tract contains 214 acres and allow ance, patented land, I ">0 of which are cleared, principally good bottom land, suitable fur meadow or plough land. The improve ments are a good Dwelling house, large Barn, Miller's house, Stables, S.c., all built within a few years and in good repair. Also one tract of timber land, adjoining the above, containing 283 acres and allowance, a considerable part of which might be cleared, being land of good quality. Also a mall piece of land adjaining the first mentiom-d tract, containing six acres, purchas ed for a water right. As the subscriber resides over thirty miles from the above property, i:e will sell it low and 011 easy terms: a consideiable portion of the pur chase money can remain on inteiest, if desired, for a number of years. Possession will be given Ist April next. For further particulars address the subscriber, Pattonsville p. O. Bedford County, Pa. JOS. P. NOBLE. July 2"), 1556. gfo $ Sal res* MACHINE SHOP. THE undersigned respectfully announces to ; the Farmers 01 .Bedford and adjoining counties, and the public in general, that he has now on hand at his Shop in Bedford, a large assoitment of Thrashing Machines, which includes his four horse PREMIUM MACHINE. It will he re membered that this Machine took the FIRST i PREMIT Mat our County Fair last fall. It is constructed with tumbling Shall and Strap com- j bined ; also four hors u tumbling Shaft Ma chines of the very kind—also two am! three horse tumbling Shaft power—and our old and '■ well-known four horse Strap Machine, w hicfT for strength and durability, cannot be surpassed i anywhere. Farmers will please notjee that we - are now prepared tQ furnish Machines on the! most favorable and accommodating terms, and ' at the very lowest prices possible Horses, i Grain, Lumber, and all kinds of trade will be taken in payment for Machines. All kinds of repairing of Machines of different kinds and all j other farming utensils done on the most reason able terms, of the very best materials, and at the f shortest notice. XP* AII our Machines warranted one year if properly used. Please come this way ior a good ami cheap Machine. PETER H. SHIRES, July 25, 1856—3 m. Machinist. * ~T *' " j Just received and for sale a prime lot of Gro ceries, consisting in part of Sugar, Coffee, Tea. Rice, Indigo, Starch, Tobacco, Syrups, and Mo lasses, which will be sold low by J. &. J. M. SHOEMAKER. July 25, 1856. THE MENGEJf HOUSE." Valentine Steckmaa, Proprietor. [Hr* Boarders taken by the day, week, month or year, on moderate terms. May 9, 1856. I'lßLit Vll,fc. fhe subscribers will at auction, on the 1 ! h day of October,*at their residence in the i! r>>ugh ot Bedford, All their Household and Kitchen Fm-rdn-re, consisting of Tables, Chairs, B dsteads, Bur aus, Carpets, Queensware, one ciiy maje Spring Seat So/a, one city made Spring Seat Rocking Chair, one city made La dies Sew rug /'able, r.ie Handsome Sideboard, one handsome Air Tight Parlor Stovp, one first rate Air Tight Cooking Stove, large size, one Hathaway Cooking Stove, one Bed room Stove, a Jot of W ash stands and Towel lrolders, one city made Child's Patent ( cih on lockers, one Double Barrel! Gun made by Chance A Son of London, warranted, one first-rate Riffe made by Dart'h Border of Bedford, twenty sacks of Ground Allum salt, six barrels of Vinegar, be sides a quantity ot oilier articles too numerous to mention. Also one Setter Dog for sale. Terms easy, and made known nn day ofsale. KELLY A DCCDALE. Bedford, Sept. 5, IS.Vb. MORE M toons AT THE COLONADE STCRE. ;■ The undersigned are just receiving and open ing at colonade store a fresh supply of Sew Goods, consisting in part of Piench Yeedle worked Collars, Black Siik and Felet Mitts, Assorted Colored Kid Gloves, Bonnet and Mantua Ribbon, Black Siik Cravats, Fancy Casiiners, Mireno Casirners, Black Gro DP Rhiiip Silks, Belts Assorted Colors, Hosiery of a/I kinds, Also a prime lot of Groceries, consisting in part of Sugar, Coffee, Ten, Syrups, Molasses, Rice, Indigo, Tobacco, At. Ac. J.KJ. M. SHOEMAKER. August S, AJOilfc vi;u (iooDS. THE undersigned has just returned home from t.oe Eastern Cities with a large stock of Summer Goods, and is now exhibiting AT CHEAP SIDE a genera! assortment of new style of Siimmfr Goods, comprising a great variety of LADIES' DRESS GOODS, which consists in part of biack and fancy Silks, Chflli, Lawns, D.-Laipes, Ma donna CiotH, Alpacas, D' bege, Mantillas, i.e., Ac. Also a great variety of black and fancy Cloths and Cusimeres. J.inen and Cottouadu lor Gentlemen and Boys' wear. BOOTS A SHOES, HATS A BO.WETS. Groceries—Sugars, Syrups, f.loiasses, Shad, H"rring and Mackerel, Bacon, Queerisware, Hardware, Brooms, Buckets, Churns, Ac. The above stock consists of every article usu al!v kept in stor—all of vviiich will be sold CHEAP FOB CASH, or approved produce. Thankful Or past favors, he hopes by fair dealing and a rh-ire to pßasp, to continue to merit ami receive a libera! share of the public patronage. June 13, IS")6. G. W. RUPP. Win ATE SALE. The subscriber will sell, at Private Sale, his Farm situate m Juniata Township, Bedford County, 1L miles South of the Somerset Turn pike road, containing 178 acres, more or hs, 100 cleared and under cultivation, having there on erected a double Log House and double Log Barn, a never failing Spring close tothp house, and good Spring iiy.ise with water through i, and good Dry house. Also about SO Apple trees b-aring, seme choice fruit. Also a good Saw Mill Seat. Persons wishing to purchase are invited to come and see and judge lor them selves. Terms made known to those desirous to purchase. * . JESSE YALENTINR Sept, f>, 184-d. Valuable Fa mi for Sale. Th-' subscribers will offer, at public sale, on Friday Ihe 2: < avofOct. next, the Real Es tate ol Dan iei Rensinger, of .North Woodherry Township, 'Fair Y.nutv, situate in Mor risons Cove, in >. Township, adjoining lands ot .i;ic •') Howser, Sam'i. Shriver, Adam Burger, John Smith, ant! a Village called Yillerstown, about 21 mi! s South Fast of Mnrtinsburg, oon tatnittg about 120 acre-, limestone land, mot" or loss, principally all chared and in good cul tivation tor fanning, about 10 acres fitst rate Meadow, veil watc >J. The improvements are three good Dwelling Houses, one :t store house, a large Barn ami other out buildings. al so a first-rate orchard of choice fruit, (i or 7 Springs ofdime stone water on said premises.— Also another tract Mountain Survey containing about 2fi> acres well tim;.ei< d, about '2l miles from said .Mansion place, will be sold the same time. Possession will he given on the Ist April next. Tel-ins will be made knowh on dav of sale. ISAAC & LEWIS KEN'SfNGF.R. Executors. S-pt. 5, 18 C.' NOTlOil—is hereby given that an applica tion will be made to the Governor of the Com i monwealth of penra. on Thursday the lSth day of October ISsti, for the pardon of Robert jC. Mors is, convicted in the Court of Quarter Sessions of Bedford County for (be crime of Burglary and sentenced on the 13th February, IS'f'.j, for a term of 2.1 years, of which all per sons interested will take notice. Se;it. 5, isr-fj. Voidable Tannery lor Sale. The subscriber offers for sale his valuable Tannery, situate in Napier Township, Bedford County, Pa., within five miles ;iorth of Schel's btrrg, tn the finest hark region in the State.— The tract contains b acres, with a two story Dwelling house thereon erected, first rate saw • Mill, Tan House oh by 22 feet, 2 rooms—fin ishing shoo, and beam shop. There are lt> lav away vats, -f laches, 2 lirrv*, 2 baits, 1 pool.— There are all the necessary out buildings on the property. Possession given on the Ist April next. For further particulars address tile sub scriber at Schellsburg, or Col. Joseph W. Tate, agen*. Bedford, Pa. Any quantity of Batk can be had at from $1 7N to £>2 |>er cash. ABRAHAM DENNISO.V Aug. 2P, ISso—6m. win. FOSTER, W IT H B.ILDWI.\\ UA'DERMEY & CO. i Importers and Dealers in Hosiery, Cloves, Trimmings, Combs, Brushes, Fancy Goods, Looking Glasses, ice. No 84- North Third St., j Philadelphia. All orders solicited and prompt ly attended to. Sept. 5, 1556.