The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, August 22, 1856, Image 2

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    Positions !' P. S. Siuatcrs.
SKNATOH. JONES, oi Tennessee, mailt* an able
speech in the U. S. Senate, on the 9th instant,
defining his political position in the present cam- !
paign. He levievved the condition and pros
pects oj the different patties, and concluded that
as a patriot and friend of his country, which he j
loved better than partv, there was no place left j
for him to go hut to the support of Buchanan \
and Breckinridge. One of his old friends hav- ■
ing reminded him "that new converts to a par
ty were generally placed at the foot of it," In- |
replied that "he was not governed by a paltry \
desire for office, as some others were, and that
the step he had taken might he into his political I
grave, ami if so, all he asked was, that he might ;
he buried beneath the folds oi that glorious Hag ;
of the Union, and that it might be written on I
his tombstone that lie had died in defence oi ,
Thus fur, the following old-line \Y hig Sena- j
tors have spoken out :
Senators PRATT and PUAP.IE of Mary laud, for ;
the Union, Buchanan and Breckinridge.
Senator TOOMBS, of Georgia, ditto
BKA.IAM IN of Louisiana, ditto
" JUNKS of Tennessee, ditto
" CLAVU.V of Delaware, cannot and will I
not support Fillmore or Fremont.
British Hatred of Democracy.
Our neighbours '-over the water" take a deep
interest in the success of the Black Republican
party, and urge the election of Fremont with j
ardor. According to them, the success of that!
gentleman would greatly benefit and gratiiy the
citizens of Great Britain. We have no doubt
that such v. ouid be the case, and that (fit* Aboli
tionists of the .North would find powerful allies ,
in the white slave diivers o! Manchester and j
Loudon, Birmingham ami Sheffield. But wol
the people of tlie United States elect a Presi
dent to gratify a nation which set a price upon
the head of Washington and his compatriots?
Will thev obey the dictation of the organs of
British tyranny, and crush the Democracy of
the New World. The London Chronicle, a pa
per high in the confidence of the British Gov
ernment, holds tile following language in refer- \
once to our Presidential struggle :
"We should be sorry to see Mr. Buchanan ;
elected, because 1m is in favor ot preserving the
obnoxious institutions as thev exist, A M) THE
UNITY GFTHE STATES." There is no safe
ty for European monarchial governments, if the
progressive spirit of the Democracy of the f ni
ted States is allowed to succeed. ELECT
LOOK ON THIS Purfi ni:.—"A car v. ith ruffian I
Brooks assaulting Sumner, feeling the latter ev- :
cry lew rods with gutta percha, to the evident
satisfaction of Keitt and his associates."—Duy
ton Doings Herald.
AND TUKN ON THIS.—"A door way to the
Senate Chamber, Senator Foote, a little old j
man, bald head and with spectacles, is suddenly •
met by the rptfian Fremont, knocked down, ■
brought to his knees, his glasses jammed into I
his eyes, and the blood flowing." Horrible,
ain't it ?— Cleveland Plnindeala
DEATH F::OM LOCK* JAU. —On Friday last,
Thos. Silvers, of Germantown, died of lock
jaw, superinduced bv a wound lie had received j
seven days previously iiom a nail running in j
his foot near the toes. It was not a very se- |
vere wound, and it had apparently healed up, j
when symptoms of the dreadful disease appear- ;
mi, which of course baffled all the efforts ol man
to remove. He was a man of family, and was
mnch thought of in his neighborhood as a useful j
One of the best remedies for injuries in the 1
feet by rusty nails, is the application of slices of
raw beet, taken directly from the earth, renew- \
eit every fifteen minutes. We have heard of
bad accidents of this kind being completely
cured by this application.
BAHALLEL. —To 1851, says the Pittsburg
Post, John 0. Fremont beat Senator Foote at j
the door of the Senate chamber. He struck
hrm on the head, and since then Senator Foote's '
brain has so far softened thut he lias become a
know-nothing. What shall be done for the
"ruffian" Fremont ? What punishment is se
vere enough for him ? He has never even j
been fined yet. Mr. Foote was struck by Fre
mont for words spoken in debate ; uas assailed
by Fremont when off his juani. Ought not
Fremont to be punished ? Yet the same people I
who bawl out their vengeance against Brooks '
make Fremont their idol 1
Pure and L nadulterated Ij/tit le Republican
ism.— Ibe True American, a black-republican
organ in Erie counlv, Pennsylvania, in com- j
menting upon a speech delivered at a democrat
ic meeting, says :
"This twaddle about th*'f/uon' and its >
<preservation is too >il!v and sickening for any
good effect. M c think that the■ liberty of n sin- \
<slc slave is worth more Ihun ALL THE UNIONS j
(ion's R\IVEI:>E CAN HOLD!"
In the above atrocious sentiment we have a ;
beautiful illustration of the preponderating ne- j
gro-w orshipping feature of black republican- I
ism. In the opinion of the demagogues, fanat
ics, and madmen who have nominated Mr. Fre- I
rnont for the presidency one negro is of tnore
consequence than the safety and perpetuity of"
our glorious Union.
Old Line Whig Lawyers in Cincinnati fur Mr. ,
The following are the names of some of the j
prominent old-line whig lawyers in Cincinnati I
who support Mr. Cechanan for the presidency. I
It is quite a formidable list as respects talents j
and respectability, and embraces the very flower i
of the old Clay and Webster organization :
Judge James, .fudge T. M. Key, Judge M. j
R. Tilden, Judge Wirt. Johnson, Judge Saffin, 1
Hon. H.E.Spencer, Charles Anderson, esq.,
Alex. Johnson, esq., Joshua Bates, esq., A. S.
Sullivan, esrp, Nich. Lungworth, esq., Latz.
Anderson, esq., Thos. N smith, esq., Patrick
Mallon, esq., V. Worthington, esq., J. Worth
ington, esq.. Talbot Jones, esq.
The Democratic County Conventions of Mifflin
and Huntingdon! C ninth s have instructed their
delegates to the next Democratic State Conven
tion to vote for Hun. EPHRAIM BANKS, the pres
ent Auditor General, for Governor.
A CASE OF CONSCIENCE. —A soldier of the U,
S. Armv, stationed at Bed Joe's Island, in New
York harbor, is said to have confessed to the
commission oi a dreadful murder, on a young
girl, in Ireland, in l* >;. His conscience is
said to have goaded him to thi-- confession, and
he has been locked up until the truth of the
story can le investigated.
l t August CJ, lihoG.
1 S. W. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor- 1
"The In ion of lakes—lhe I nion of lands,
The Unioa of Slates none can sever ;
! The Union of hearts, and the Union of hands,
And the flag of our Union forever!"'
HON. JAMES Bl filfflY,
Electors at Large.
j Charles R. Buckalew. Wilson M Landless.
District Electors.
j George W. Ncbinger. Abraham Edinger.
' Fierce Butler. Reuben V\ ilbcr,
! Edward VYartman. George A. Ciawford.
Wm. 11. Wittv. James Black.
John McNair. Henry J. Stable,
j John H. Brinton. John D. Roddy.
David Laury. Jacob Turner.
Charles Kessler. J- A. J. Buchanan.
James Patterson. William Wilkins.
! Isaac Slenker. James G. I ampbell.
! Francis W. Hughes. Thomas Cunningham, j
Thomas Osteihont. John K eat ley.
Vincent Phelps.
('anal Commissioner,
Jluditor (lea end,
Su rveynr General,
COL.. JOHN RCWE, (ol Franklin county.)
Aasembly—Col. WM. U. REAMER.
District Attorney—G. 11. SPANG.
County Surveyor—SAML. KATTERMAN. ;
Associate Judgt—A. J. SNIVELY.
Commissioner—ll. J. BRLNER, (3 vears.)
Poor Director—GEOßGE ELDER.
Auditor—HENßY B. MOCK, (3 years.)
THOS. W. HORTON, (2 years.),
Coroner—JO 11N HA RSH DA RGER.
A great iTSecaissj;*
Of the Democracy of Bedford County will j
jhe held in the Court-House in Bedlord on j
j MONDAY EVENING of the approaching;
j Court. A number of Speakers will be in at
; tendance. Democrats turn out arid prepare for
j a noble defence of our glorious Union. The is- 1
j sue and the only issue before the people is:— j
j •'■Shall the Union be preserved?"
' • I
Uy'i'he speech of JOSIAII UAMJAI,, one ol the most
I eminent Whigs in Pennsylvania, which will be ioimd j
jon Tfie fir.-t page, should be carefully read by every !
! body.
fTT* We invite particular attention to a letter on.
the first paste showing the votes and speeches ofj
Messrs. BtciiANAv and FII.I.MOUJ: on fbe subject of the 1
Bankrupt Law. a law by which the honest people of I
the United States were swindled out of millions of j
On SATURDAY. Aug. 10.
A meeting was determined upon late on Wednes
day evening. The Gazette announced it next triom
; ing, and the Dernociacy stopped their ploughs-:—the
1 anvil ceased its music, and the people gathered in.—
They don't need any runners, nor hand-hills, nor any
j other kind of manoeuvring to get up a meeting.—
! The announcement matle, and the people do the bal
ance. The masses are moving as if the spirit of the ,
times were volcanoes beneath them. The black,
cloud of Abolition.sin is even now scattering. The '
I spectre of Know Xotbingism is horrified and vanish
i ins.
At •'! o'clock a large delegation came- in from Na
i pier and Juniata, headed by a band of rnu-ic and fly
ing colors. The people IIOITJ all directions came
pouring in, till the streets, pavements and aiieys
were filled with live democrats. Hundreds called
j upon Mr BCCUANAN, who vvas stopping at the Bed
ford Hotel. Men, women and children rushed to see
him. It is no strange tiling to see Mr. BUCHANAN
here. Trie people of this county see him almost ev
ery Spring Season. He is not only our choice now,
i but our cherished choice, lie is now a candidate for
the highest otfice in the world, and with brighter
1 prospects of success than any candidate that has ever
proceed him, except, probably, Washington , yet he
is the same plain, unvarnished Mr. Buchanan that
we have always seen. When you see him, yoo like
i him best.
i Alter many gratulafions and greetings, the people,
' in mass, moved up to the Court House, which,
stretched to its utmost capacity, would not hold j
j them all !
Col. SAML. YV. BLACK was there, and it was not
long tili we all knew it ; lor his thundering was
heard. The eagle was in the skies, and we sat
'■ beneath the branches of the foliage. His argument 1
| constitutional and historical, as well as upon the
signs of the times, together with his thrilling p-als
j of eloquence peculiar to himself, made it the best i
! speech, we will venture to say, that has been made
since the campaign opened. His reply to the Abo
! lition Ford, of Ohio, was the axe laid to the root of
, the tree. Gov. Ford told us, in bis speech, that he i
j had been to Mexico. Col. BLACK did not tell us he ;
! had been there; but we all knew it.
i When the Col. spoke of what the Koeth and the !
! South did there, we don't exaggerate when we say
i that we saw tears shed by some biave spirits in the
j audience, who had been there too. The Ladies who
j were there in gieat numbers from Bedford, and from
the Springs, did not fail to let the hero and orator
I know bow he was appreciated. He was followed by
Geo. H. BKEWSR, Esq. of Chambersburg, in a mas
terly and eloquent speech. This over, and every
body having found their lungs to be good ones, the
meeting dispersed. We say to every county in the
State, do as we are doing and the majority tor Liu- j
chatian and Creckenridge will be lity thousand.
_ ___
Mr. Jordan, in reply to a request that lie would i
furnish the names of the Democrats who demanded'
the removal of Wm. McMullin from the Telegraph ,
Office because u he teas a Mechanic," says "it is not j
necessary to give the names." Reason, because
the fabrication was manufactured out of the whole
cloth, and, consequently, if is not convenient to give
CC7" It was generous in the iv. N. County Commit
tee to announce that they were in "error" in char
ging Mr. Niccxfernus with being an applicant for
Clerk to the FOOT House, after one of the Director.-,
their political friend, bad branded the statement'as a
premeditated falsehood, destitute of any foundation.
K7"The Philadelphia News occupies about six,
columns to prove that Mr. Buchanan advocated the j
reduction of the wages of labor to ten cents a day
when if there was any truth in the charge, it would
only be necessary" to quote the language as u-ed by
Mr. B. himself. The iVrwi asks, "V\ hat did Mr.
Buchanan mean when he said ' reduce the nominal
to the real standard of prices throughout the
world?'" We will tell the gentleman. He meant
that a Bank note should be made equal to its face 111
gold or silver, which is the only standard, acknowl
edged throughout the world. He meant this and
nothing else—and out of this remark, intended to
protect the laboring man against the swindling ope
rations of swindling Banks, was the infamous ten
cent slander manufactured. We have now in our
possession a five dollar note on the Bank ol Circle
ville, for which we gave the value ot s•"> in gold. A
lew davs after we received it the Bank broke, and,
having kept it two years, it is only now worth about
$2. Had this nominal been reduced to the real stan
dard, the people would not have been thus defrauded
in open day-light. It was expressly to meet case
like this that induced Mr. 15. to say, "reduce the
nominal To the real standard of prices throughout
the world,and you cover the country with blessings
and benefits."
Conferee meeting.
rT7°*The conferees for Bedford, Fulton, and ( am
bria. met at the Bedford Hotel on last Monday even
ing, and, after organizing, and balloting severa 1
times, unanimously nominated Col. \\ . C. Reamrk
of Fulton, and ('apt. <!. Nrasov Sarin, oi Cambria
for the Assembly. r
Our ticket is now full, and is composed of nr.rn £
-telling worth and integrity from the top to the b^* s
torn. That it will meet the cordial support ot T./ 1
Freemen of Bedford county we have no doubt. " c
A man by the name of Kra.itus King, and oix,
by the name of James Jlf. Tut/lor, both ol Nap.ty
Township, arknotaledge that they signed a pap*]
published in the Bedford Gazette, renouncing
Nothingism. The first, however, says that he w;*j
so beastly drank as not to know what he was
and the other declares /untie//' to be little less tha4
an id/ot, scarcely knowing any thing in the paper.
He savs he was told the Americans were in iavor of
making the "negroes jree,"' and lunre his renuncia
tion— but itoir he k notes this to be false, and he re
nounces back again ! Not only so, he is "font'inced
that a large sum of money has been sent from Wash
ington to buy up votes!" lie also discusses the
Kansas question, Mr. Buchanan's speech on the In
dependnt Treasury, and proclaims himself the hearty
friend and co-worker of Fr. Jordan iu the cause of
Americanism. May the three long flourish to en
lighten the people.
A\ OtTßAfse.'*
this head, Fr. Jordan K Co. make dread
ful charges against the Post Office Department in
general, and Col. Bkim.i.e in particular, because their
organ did not go to Ailtim Bar.k on Saturday of last
week. They charge Col. Beegle, the P. M. at St.
Clairsville, with having kept them back intentional
ly, whilst the admittedX acts are that the papers were
not sent to the P. O. in Bedford until Friday, and, as
a matter oi course, (the mail being a tri-weekly)
could not go over until the follow ing Monday. Tins
is the way the "OUTRAGES" in Kansas are manu
factured. Will honest men submit to be thus trilled
with ?
CC7"Ai'ter a great flouri-h of Hand bills. Lieut.
Gov. For.u, of Ohio, made a speech in t'he Court
House in Bedford on Thursday evening of last
week, which is represented hv competent judges as
being both coarse and vulgar, destitute of either ar
gument or w it. The only sensible thing he said was
that all the issues which divided the Whig and Dem
ocratic Parties had been setlled by the people in fa
vor of the Democracy, a fact well known even to
School boy#. If, then, the Democratic Party have
always been right, why should any rational man
continue to oppose it? But few people attended
from the rout/hy, and the affair pas-ed otl as a silly
proceeding. The speech had but one ellect. and that
to add to the disgust which generally pervades our
community on the subject of Abolitionism.
Fremont a lailiotic!
[L7"We copy the following paragraphs from the
Philadelphia JWw.v of a late date, the leading organ
of Mr. Fii.lmokf. in Pennsylvania, and formerly the
old Wliig organ ol Philadelphia. So it appears that
the Know Nothings in Bedford who had but a single,
idea last year, and that the prostration oi' Catholi
cism. now call upon the people to elect n Catholic to
the Presidency ol the United States! liven many of
the K. N. I'rrnr/ins who were so crazy about crush
ing out the Catholics last year, have not a word to
utter against them now. Their present energies are
devoted to the humane cause of placing a negro upon
an equality with a white man! But hear what the
lending champion of Fillr. ore says:
Still Tiiey Come!— One hundred and sev
enteen members ol the AFlhodist Churches in
Pittsburg, who wn e Republicans, and in ge, a
oi Fremont lor the Presidency, have, sit. -o all
statement of Alderman Fulmer, air.em"'> "Bis ;
their own Church, harked as it is by j
tlioritv, that Fremont is a Roman Catholic—f'*|
which is not satisfactorily disputed, when it uJ
could be easily done if tie were not, and would j
he—declared their determination not to support
BOLTED BACK AGAlN.—Chancy Scha/ler 1 " 1 '
who was one of the most prominent bolters I'ro BIU '
the Philadelphia American Convention, ai
who has been stumping in the river counties®*
\evv York State at the Fremont in ' J, ' l ' ,! tr s sanAn 5 anAn '
returned to the American party, and to
support of Fillmore and Donelson. Mr. Sc'
fer was District Attorney in Yew York C ,IS w '"
He belongs to the Methodist church, and hi.^j vania
cent conviction that Mr. Fremont is a Rot p. \i.
Catholic is the reason why he withdrawal. and
support from the Republicans.
So Did Judas, •. M.
The notorious Rifleman, Beecher, has ch.-yg
'jed his paper fiorn a refigio'ts to a political
journal, and says he " counted the cost before he I
canrie out f.>r Fremont." So did Judas Tscariot i
when he betrayed his Master. The Jew "court
t//'' just thirty pieces of silv t . r . How much I
did Beecher count when he Hargained to forsake
his holy calling and betray his country ?— Cam- I
ilen Democrat.
August Elections—Dfiaocrafic Majorities!
North Carolina, 10,000!
Arkansas, 5,000!
Alabama, 10,000!
Kentucky, 10,0000!
Missouri 20,000!
noon, the Rev. John Donnelly a Roman Catholic
clergvman, was run over by a train of cars, on the
railroad bridge at Rochester, New York, and so ter
ribly injured that he died in a quarter of an hour.
TO Ti*a: VI HS3.SC.
I Gen. Bowman :By the (iuzettc of the loth iust.
I see my name (among others) announced as a mem
ber of the committee,forColeratn Township, ot that
infamous Order, called Know Nothings. Now , in
order to set myself l ight before the people, 1 deem it
my duty to make a plain statement. And, first—l
must say that I never considered my sell a member
ol any such order or Faction—neither have 1, on any
occasion, been present at any of lheir meetings or I
: lodges or whatever they rnay see fit To call them. I
i consider the whole thing u, subversive of American
j principles, and degrading to the American name!
i I'he reason why the Know Nothings have used my
j name as one o| their secret committee is about this,
j In the year 1 H?>/> a prominent (arid as I supposed an
| officio!) member of the order questioned me fre
; quently on the subject of Know Nothingism. At
last 1 asked him to explain the principles of the
order, when he remarked that if 1 would go with him
he would show me all about it—so we walked out by
ourselves. He a-ked me it 1 could keep secrets ' 1
said 1 could, lie then took from his pocket a small
j book, bill said when thev initialed members they u
j sed a lit/ile. I told him 1 wanted no Bible—o he at
l tempted to read from the Book something, but it
; was printed, a- near as I can recollect, about one
thiid or perhaps one-half, IN FIGURES, instead ol
letter-, and he w as unable to read or even explain it.
1 laughed heartily at him for attempting to impose
upon me such disgraceful mummery for American
principles, and expressed surprize that any man of
I -ound mind or judgment could he entiapped by such
I inlamoiis delusion. If thi.- is considered as joining
: Know Nothingism, I hereby publicly abandon, now
and forever, any such wicked political order, which
; is a mere screen to hide the odious and lepulsive de
'"yriities of Republican Abolitionism. J can act
ptnh no such committee, and pledge niv vote ;.nd
rt jd the entire State and County Democratic Tickets,
lives me pleasure to light under the glorious iJan
i of Democracy such as is now floating from a
mocratic Pole in Rain-burg, and reared, by the
ids of as "good men and Irii"" as can be found in
s or any other County in the Commonwealth.
l v i J. M. VAN HORN.
: ( j' v /ainsburg, Aug. Hi, 1S"G.
r" ' e have been requested to announce that
| W |\ JOHN W. RICE,
r*f Cumberland Valley Town-hip, have withdraw n
j i the Know Nothing Lodge. They declare their
J 'L'ention to support Buchanan and Breckeuridge and
fin whole Democratic Ticket. Every day bring
i Lag' l ev,deuce of a glorious triumph in Bedford
rvunty at the approaching election.
11 r. ISiEchaiiaii iia Fntifornia.
Of/"The following highly important extracts are
j from the San Francisco Herald, and were written
i immediately on the receipt of Mr. Buchanan's nom
ination by the Cincinnati Convention. The Herald
has always heretofore been neutral in jiolilirs, hut it
i cannot remain neutral iu a content like this:
From the Sun Francisco Daily Herald, July 1
"At a time like this when accumulated ('angers
i menace the permanence of our glorious Union, when
treasonous fanaticism is rampant and Abolitionism
rear- its head defiantly,—and strange doctrines sub
; versive of constitutional rights and destructive of
constitutional guarantees are boldly proomlged by
• tiaitors to the Stare, it does infuse hope and confi
dence that all patriotism is not smothered in the
breast of the nation when a great party which lias
heretofore been pre-eminently the party of progres-,
chooses the exponent of its principles a man un
i tainted by sectionalism, irreproachable in character,
and vr ho has been throughout his whole career an
unwavering advocate for preserving the integrity of
the Constitution. He is liie cotemporury, the friend,
1 , the co-laborer of the sags who have passed away—
of Lynn. Wright, Clay. Cplhoun and Webster: —and
among those giants of a foimer day he was honored
and esteemed. His brilliant statesmanship had eai
ned for him the warm admiration of the whole peo
ple. Of all men in the United States. he is best lif
ted, by his antecedents, by his geriius, hv his purity
oi character, by the splendor of his state-man-like
attainments, and bv his known loyalty and fidelity
to the Union, to command, at a crisis like the pre--
ent, the confidence and the hearts of the people. He
is, besides, the trusted standard-bearer of a party
which is now confessedly Uie■co-uservati ve party of
■ -Itr* ivrutitry. There is, indeed-, tiojofher party in the
Union. The other organizations do not deserve the
name. We have no doubt that nine-Tenths of the
old Clay Whig-will vote for James Buchanan.
In this conte-t we cannot remain neutral. In a
i battle between Whigs and Demoimat- we have never
taken sides. But between fb-mocracy and the
wretched factions which endeavor to abolish the
Constitution of the United States and threaten the
. integrity of the Union, we cannot hesitate to choose,
i More than this: as American citizens we cannot re
; main idle spectators of such a fight. Heart and soul,
then, we pledge ourselves to The support of James
I Buchanan for the Presidency of the United Slates."'
Front the same paper, July 19.
"The true is-ue is not as to the Democratic, or
Whig, or Know Nothing doctrines, but it is really
an issue of alternatives—Democracy or Disunion,
ft is impo-sibie to view aright the plan of the cam
paign and the state of parties, and riot see that, if
• the Free-Soil party -ucceed, carrying as they will
the doctrine of sectional inequality and discrimina
tion—the doctrine that Congre-s can legislate on the
I vexed subject ol slavery —that sixteen States can
legislate for fourteen or fifteen—that the power of all
j shall be exerted against the interests of neatly half;
in that event the I'nifcn will be dis-nlved as soon a
' it is understood that this is the declared national
policy, and the election of the sectional candidates
will i><: considered the most authentic enunciation of
this purpose.
lJ - We have said that the issue was between Free-
filism and Democracy. Wesaidthis knowing, of j
Jllip, ttiat Mr. Fillmore was in thp field, and with- ;
■ailing to detract, in the lightest degree, from !
j uns to he considered a national and conserva
[ a teaman. But it is one tiling to be a -ale man,
' ite another thins to be a safe candidate. If
I "Jtlmore is a safe man on the leading question of
•—and we have seen unauthentic exposition of
nour ,ii
I ws upon it—it is very certain he has no na-
pledged to support and carry out the
| prese. And if be had. it ir more certain it pos-
I at t nt he stands no earthly chance of election.
i , away votes to give them to hun.
* . act as practical men; not from a mere ab
piuft'-Vfpi-ence for particular persons, throw away
his Wmportunitv of carrying vital principles. If
t-mploV were not pursued, every State, perhaps
i | j would vote for its own man lor
fitted this were a contest for men, depend-
I servantfeir personal merits and qualifications for
Bed lor ' wotihl be as little doubt as to the decis
is . .Col. J. C. Fremont i an amiable gentle,
j ' , not question, but no Californiau who
ly> * will venture to a serf that he has OIIP
j and juv'fication for the Presidency, lie has no
in political affair-, except a short career
! y ea |. ,atp, which proved a pitiable fa lure. His
| " , \irse on the floor of the Senate may be sum
| T/ a p,w words—he took his seat, drew Ins
tacht'dl a session or two, and was not re-elected.
I tended hat, so ignorant was he of politics, and so
; li had he taken in thern, that he had not,
whr -. candidate for the United States Senate, made
;up his mind as to what -ide lie was on. What lie
j ever did for California, when acting in a political
I capacity, as her representative, we do not know; nor
|do we know—as a gentleman said yesterday—of any
| cltijks he has on California, —except the Mariposa
and the Alcatraz.
Certainly, even the most furious partisanship could
scarcely compare his qualifications for the Presidency
with those of so ripe and eminent a statesman as
Jas. Buchanan. An honest, calm, cool intellect—
a large national heart—an experienced, practical
statesmanship, an acquaintance with our whole poli
cy, foreign and domestic, with the genius and char
acter of our people, and with the men all over The
nation who can best aid in its administration; a ra
tional love of his own country and her institutions;
a knowledge ami reverence of her Constitution, and
the firmness which will enable him to do his duty
and see that the laws are faithfully executed—these
are the prime requirement-of the time and for the
place. At this time something more is needed at
the helm of affairs; and that is a general confidence
in the government. It is much better for the public
good that the President should be respected py all,
than that, with many enthusiastic and devoted
friends and admirers, lie should also be the object ei
ther of wide-spread ditru-t or of many enmities
which are the usual accompaniments of forced na
tures. And the culm, even virtuous Course of Mr.
Buchanan. ha- inspired his countrymen with sncli
I confidence m his purity and wisdom, that his admin-
I isTration promises a reign ol order, peace and good
will at home and ahioad. There are periods when i
| the thoughtful, plain and solid wisdom of u Franklin
are better than the daimg energy, brilliant and dash-
I ing statesmanship conceptions oi a Bonapaite; and
| this is one of them."
Great eulltusiasiu sea Bedford
Democratic meeting- held in Harrison
and Juniata Town-hips on the 13th and I tfh of this
month, were exceedingly cheering and enthusiastic.
The lovers of their Country, and their w hole Country
were there in anxious throng, to hear the politics of
the day discussed.
The meeting at Harrison Township was organized
by calling George VV. Powell, Esq.. to the Chair.—
Vice Presidents, John Rollins and Jacob Coup.—
Secretary, Nicholas Wiiiteline. J. P. Reeti wu- then
called for, who addressed trie meeting, and was then
followed by the Hon. Job Mann in an earnest and
convincing appeal to the judgment of all present.
You will bear of a good report from Old Hurrr-on in
October and November.
I'he Meeting at Bnena Vista was large and enthu
siastic. Organized by choosing Gen. James Burns,
President—\ ice Presidents. John Corley, Esq., VV il
hairi G:lle-pie, Frederick Frazier, John Mowry,
D.ttliel Diehl, Jacob Dull, Jacob Adams, and Benja
j min Hou-el. Secretaries, Peter F. Lehman, lisij.,
ami 1.. N. Fyan. .1. P. Reed in a lew remarks 111-
tioduced the Sp-aker- to ttie Meeting, when address
es were delivered by Hon. \Y. P. SclieP. ami J. P>.
Roberts, F.sq., of a truly patriotic aru! national
character. The Meeting adjourned with three
cheers for Buchanan and tbiee lor the State and
County Picket. After a few remarks I roar the lion.
Job Mann, tliev r-tmned from the Grove to the Vil
lage in pioee-sion, and there adjourned finally. 'J ins
was a fine demonstration and will TELI,.
The Meeting a' Clearville on the 1 .'til us*, was
both large and enthusiastic, am! was organized by
I appointing David Evans, F. - q.. (an old-line Whig.)
President—Jacob Kagerice, Jonathan Hortori, and
George Steckrnan, V ice Presidents and Daniel Deal
and Jacob Fletcher Secretari s. The meeting thus
organized the people were ably and eloquently a't
rlres-ed by Maj. Sam!. 11. Tate and Hon. VVrn. P.
Schell. Alter giving long and hearty cheer- for the
success ot our candidates. National, State, ami Coun
ty, the meeting adjourned, all pleased with the pro
ceedings of the day.
Alerting nf Bridgeport, on Friday, .lug. 15.
tt is needles- To sav that Londonderry was out in
her strength. The feeling of her people is all right.
VVool v-headism ami Know Notbmgisni find no abiding
place within her holders. Her valley- and hills -en!
forth their sous, and the first nuu k of re pegt paid to
Buchanan and Breckinridge was The rearing ola
beautiful pole 10(1 feet high, with a flag 23 feet long,
and a streamer at the top bearing the names ot her
cbo ce for President and Vice President.
The meeting was oiganizn! bv the appointment of
Jos.ah Miller. Esq., President—Me-srs. Lowry, Ba
ker. Billt • . and John and Daniel .1. Miller. \ ice Pres
idents, and D. B. Troulman arid Jas. C. Devore, Sec
retaries. A iter a sumptuous entertainment given
by Mr. Devore, the meeting was addressed by
Messr-. Shannon and Spang, ot Bedford.
"Old Nea! Devore" a- they call hitn, "Old Noah
Tipton" and a ho-t of others too numerous to men
tion, testified their high appreciation ol what was
going on bv their frequent cheer-and a short speech
every no.v anil then. So we go.
A grand rally of the Domocracy of Cumberland
Valley took place at Centreville on the afternoon
of the H'.th inst. and organized by the appointment
of the following Officer-:—President, James Elder—
\ ice Presidents. V. VYirick. George Miller. Daniel
Sliger, Jacob Miller. C. Hendricksori, 11. Bruner,
W. Gillam, George Whip, P. Harkleioad, J. Shoe
maker, Michael Boor, FY Haney, F. Brant, W. Haney
and J. Cruse--Serretarie-, John C. Vickroy, John
McCoy, John Morgart, Josiah Bruner, and Dr. IV m.
B'uir. J. M. Gonnox. Esq. of Cumberland, and G.
H. SPAN E-q. and Hon. JOHN CVSNNA, of BeilloTd,
each addressed the meeting in speeches of thrilling
cloqii-nce and power, to the delight of all present.
Look out for the returns from Tittle Berks.
The Democracy of Southampton assembled in
Mass Meeting at Cheneyaville on la-t Thur-day, and
organized by the appointment of Michael M ils Pre
sident—Adam Fetter, Philip Moss, and Thomas Jay
Vice Presidents—anu Capf. Lewis Hoiisareand Thos.
Donahoe Secretaries. The meeting was ably and
eloquently addre-sed by Mr. WM. F. Git.r-, Jr. of J
Baltimore, and Hon. JOHN CKSSNA of Bed find. Old :
Southampton promisee to give the largest majority j
she ha- ever yet polled, and we have no doubt she j
will do it.
Last Friday wa- a glorious day for Old Colerain.— i
The Democracy a-sembted in great numbers, and 1
raised a Pole that would do honor to any County in ,
the State, from which proudly float- a large Flag !
with the motto inscribed thereon, Buchanan Bieek- I
etiridge and the Union. After the Pole was up and !
heartily cheered, Ihe meeting was called to order by i
Appointing Capt. A. McClellan President—John May, j
Elia- t*uoip, Hiram Smith (.'/ Hue Whists) Wm.
Cessna. Jacob llysoiig, Solomon Beegle, Peter Mor
gart. Leonard Shnfer, J. M. Van Horn, Nicholas
Koontz, George Deal, Wm. Ingard Vice Presidents—
ami Samuel A. Feathers, John Shafer, Wm. P. Mor
gart, and Andrew R. Pennel Secretaries. Eloquent
addresses were delivered by Col. Jos. W. TATE,
Col. SAW.. W. BLACK, and Hon. JOHN CESSNA. Great
enthusiasm was manifested. Colerain will do her i
whole duty and no mistake.
The Issue in a Nut Shell.
A national VVhi-j of Alabama, R. W. Wal-|
ker, in responding to an invitation to attend and j
aldress a Democratic mass meeting, states the
issues in the pending contest with a degree of
conciseness and clearness that we have rarely
seen. Here is an extract from Ins letter ;
"Relieving that the Democratic party is the
only national party now in existence, and that
upon its success in the present contest depends
the preservation of the rights of the South, if
not, indeed, the vert/ existence of the govern
ment itself, 1 teel it rny duty to forego all old
prejudices, I irget firmer differences, and give
inv earnest support to the nominees ol the Ciu- |
cinnati Convention.
"it I were asked to name (he fundamental
principles which lie at ihe basis ol our govern
ment, and on which our free institutions have
been - built, as a house upon its foundations, I
should answer, the equality of Ihe States trhich i
compose the Fnion, and the equality nf the cif-\
iz '/is vho constitute the States. The first of j
these principles is denied and assailed bv the
Black Republicans : the second, if not openly
controverted, is at least insidiously attacked, bv
tiie Know-Nothings.
The errors of these parties, then, (if the terms
be not too mild,) are errors of fundamental and !
vital principles, menacing, in the one instance,!
the civil privileges and the religious liberty of j
the private citizen ; and in the other, the gov- j
ereign rights ol the States and the existence of i
the Union. The Democratic party alone, of j
all the organizations now in the Held, maintains I
and defends both of these essential principles, j
and thus, in my humble judgment, entitles itself j
: to the cordial support and co-operation ol all na- !
tional men of every section and party.
Very respectfully, vour obed't serv't.
From the Philadelphia Evening Journal
What is the value ot the Union in ,i o || ar . ,
cents / That is the que-t.on which some ot u f
inc papers JO this section aienow di-cussin
a,s viuleav orii gto persuade the North fh.t T
. commercial punt ot view, it can do with, 4
■ South, ami, so far as pecuniary profit a ? , '
I a,e concerned, the dissolution ci the rolm, ' !""
I which now unite Ihem. would be ~o gu at ~t
not a great blessing. This is a -ad son ot ' -
use in a Presidential canvas. 'J |,al .nrely
• " l,ad a wicked cause which is compeiied m" !!'■ ! "*
late the worth of the coniederary as ore o''the
ditions or its success We do nit meat, to ,/" ""
m this sordid-peculation, 'the whole thing '"f 8
horrent to one's patriotic insliiuts. But since '! "
fort is making to underrate the Fnion 'its ""*
: money value, we-ball state some tacts which"".'!
serve to prevent the people ot this section f lom U
! ing deceived by the iepiescalations of those u . < "
, would convince them Ihe tiade with ti.,. 0
" o(#u; ii % n ,-
|no importance, either to the tree State-, ~r to tt
wealth, {tower, and greatness ol the whole Re, T
i l, c _ 'pub
; Any one who ba- any adequate knowledge of tr
foreign and internal commerce of the conn Try ' !
i be aware that the commercial strength oft!,*,.',
j is primarily dependent, on Southern faborand stjpfi!'!'
Indeed, the one article of cotton is the ruli.'J a,"'
meat ol ihe commerce of mankind. ]t | S '
: lometer by which the mercantile operation!n't
tendorn are guaged and regulated. the price t
! commodity at Liverpool, at any time, being Vhe
j standa rd which elevates or depi esses t|,p .
' tlie world's industry and exchanges. VVfcy ■[ ,
so we can very readily demonstrate by trieT'y n*7-!
a few w ell-authenticated statistics, jear i,-*" r<q;,
live readers to diaw their own conclusions." Tak •
j Die returns of the last census, which are less lav..- ."
hie for our purpose than later results, but more
! veniei tly acces-lble, we find that in ißi<„-V,o
; cultivation of cotton and its preparation ior .-
| employed about SCO,COO lahoier-, 83 per cei.- !
j whom were slaves. It required to iced a d clotu force, produce valued at $25,000,000; the , •
plies being derived principally from the North a,'
West, which received the pi ice paid for them, u!
i entire crop of IM9-.30 wa- 003,3] J,OOO lb-., value i
at $112,-130,600. Thi.-crop employed in its tras --
j port at ion along the Gulf and Atlantic roasts 55,1a,0
j American-eamen, and 1,100.000 tons of Amen, a;i
! shipping, or about one-third pi the entire ton ;c>..
the iat ion m lfc.i b 1 his i- exclusive of ly ,
tons of steam tonnage and 7000 persons etiga-.c
trai,-porting cotton by steam navigation to SoJtlu-r*
; shipping ports, to say nothing of latin,,ys. At e
same period there were not less than $80,000,000 u
vested in the ot cotton tr annlacture.clii-py
in New England. '1 his capital maintained luo,i o
operatives, male and female, wl.ovy joint annual
1 wage- were $17,000,000, and the product oi \vL-e
labor wa- worth, at a low estimate, $70,000,1 Oil.
There w ere fie-ide- 23,000 or 30,000 persons in the
i United States who w ere employed amWliriciiei!
; receiving, selling, and shipping the above amount of
domestic cotton fabrics. In addition to the cou-r
--wi-e navigation beiore mentioned, there were hi c.
. 000 tons ot the mercantile marine of the country,
owned chiefly at the North ; occupied in carry ; -
American cotton to Europe. In !819-'3O the vuiue
ol cotton fabrics made in our lactone- and coti-um
ed in the State- was $.77,134,700. During the same
period the value of the total amount ot raw Ameri
can cotton consumed in our manufactures wa- sfi..
; 3 10.800 ; while the whole amount of cotton labrir
consumed in the country—foreign and rioiiie-'u;—
exceeded m value S- J.OllO.OOO—three-fourth- o; the
entire product being the creation of domestic indus
try. Again, Ihe domestic cotton maiiuh c'urer:- ave.
tint only exceeded, in the proportion of Th'-ir ii frea-r,
the augmentation of the gio-s popntat . of tri-c..: -
try, as well as that of any other prominent att.cie o
mariufuctiire, but that increase, since 1-so, in it-re
i iation tu ex[ioitatioii, surpasses in value die wi., •
ii ciease of all o:ber American maunfactutes cor: ' • -
i ed. .Moieover, the cotton crop of the States ip:> - I
' quite seven-tenths ot'all the cotton product J ti.-r I
world; while the portion yeaily expuite; is at- I
eight-tenths of the total quantity sent to n- I
i from all regions o: the Globe. Since -21, •• i ei
ports of cotton have multiplied nine-fold, wl. e I
i import- ol foreign cotton goods have liar y r j
i than doubled. Hence cotton is rapidly ranceilii.g I
j one big item in the account of interr.atitmal trade .u I
. which the ballaitce ba- been against u>. We may j
! add lurther, hv way of comment be're, that mere 1
j than $.78,000,000 of bullion and specie, over a: ! \
i above what has been aetualfy exported, would have I ,
, been annually needed, since 1821, fur shipn.ei.t
j abroad, to square exchanges with Europe, ha .it i.i - '
i been tor the exportation thither of our raw cot'or-. j "i
j The aggregate of our exportation® ol raw coltou ha-, ,
since 1803, increased upwards of twenty-eight :
!in quantity, and more than nine hundred pet cent ■
! value. It is likewise noticeable that the gin-- vi-u : t
; o! our importations ol foreign merchandize ha- ■
| dined relatively to the increasing exportation j {
i American raw cotton. But cotton i- hut one ot t. ■
j staples ol the South. Adding *s I
j value of the naval stores, niolasse-, and the tobci• u. j
! rice and sugar crops of I SI it—'so, to that ol the cu'- j
| ton crop for that -eason and we have a total ol SID.- J j
i I lO.IiOO contributed by the South in one year to tt.e ■
! wealth oi tlie Union. Thi< is more than thf ;ai ' I
iof the entire exports of domestic produce, exciM-sv* j
| of.specie, in 1830—more than nine time- tr.e t. - 9
iof the total exportation ot nianulacturers oi dottie-t |
1 produce in the same vear, and more than five time- J
I the value of the aggregate exports of hreadstiui- 1
i provisidr.s HI 1330. It i- finally neat'v equal to tr-: |
! value of the aggregate imports ol IS--', which 9
i $104,03*2,033. the greater pait of which vante ■
i through New Yoik and Pbiladeiptna. • 1
j which Northein merchants made their ireights. 1
j surance and profits, the South being ultimatelv ■<' j
j consumer of, and paying lor neatly, it 11 a
. moiety ol the whole. Another notable 'act i-. fl
the expoits of domestic cotton in ! 8-0, eXfe>-i.- ■
tho-e of tobacco, and the whole poductsot fl
ture, the forest and the sea added together. 9
have shown that the people ot the Noith are ■
stii[>per-, the insurers and the-tilers ot. a- r. ■
the speculators in cotton, and, of course, the reaper- H
ot the great bulk of the profit upon the article—.. ■
planter realizing the very smallest portion oi • jfl
j nett proceeds. Let us s-e now where, in 1
: try, the cotton of the South is manufacture-j- ' ■
cloth and the like. The gro-s value °" r 9
rriaiHiiiictures in 1830, was $C1.809. 1 B
whole amount, Connecticut, Maine, M is-ach: - S
j New Hampshire, New Jersey. Ohio, i'mui-} • IB
j Rhode 1-land, \ ermont and New* \eih*. I"-'
: $32,138.033 —within a small iiar'ion o! *t-' fl
sum. The product ot Ma-sachusetts alone, w.i-
ly $30,000,000. It is easy, therefore, to " II
industry cotton supports, and what section ■
confederacy it enriches. . , ,
Here, then, is an exhibit which may we. r " " IB
those who would undervalue the comrnercia.
tance ot the slave States to the genera; | ' 7
and wealth of the nation. And more e-p ; HK
should it silence those w ho, while they ar "j"';'Y . 8
ing against slavery, and uttering the mo-. B
(leiiuiiciiition of the Southern people, are - IK
their daily profits and accumulating lortune- ■) -"
ing and carrying and manufacturing the l>"*
slave labor. Without the South ami its -Jap-K
manufacturing industry and commerce ot IK
England State- would sutler a disa- ,r " u ~ '■ 1 |B
while the South would ex|er.ence but a ' I
inconvenience, in respect ol tiade, Iroin 8 • • ■ _ HE
its present commercial relations with tni- -na
the Union. But let us not even content; i.ite |B
contingency. Let u- rather cherish the '* r
j the Union is imli-soluble, and tester our IS
|it by every consideration of patriotic pi"- 1 11 'j , t .
i hope of national prosperity ami renowi..
realize the a-serliqn ot Washington, t-*" * y
in an unrestrained intercou-e with 'be
tected by the equal laws of a common L-'V-
finds, in the productions ol the latter grea- a ' B
al resources of maratime and comnicri ii '
and precious materials u! ntaiiulactutii g'' t, t|P2 B
■ while the South, in tbe -ainc intercourse, t B
J by the agency of the North, sees it- B
' grow anil its commerce expand. L ET ,w • JJ,. B
j and feel, and we shall then, in the cntv ß
j Webster, hear, "no such miserable lll! ' rl0 *'' rt jjo'
\ <Whalis all this vorth V nor those °}** l . . ofb r- B
! delusion and folly, Liberty first ana '"*■ ■
I tearfis." S
f|,e her-
S rible story, which recently went - r ' ' oun B
| press, of'the discovery of "the body ol ,l vj ,[ l S rill* B
I near Blue Springs, Kansas, tied tn a ' ri A, )urii ; ou'
j ball through hi- neail, and his throat c " ot - Sl , ■
jto be a shameful hoax, a- in tact, tut-' ' ' Ifl a.., K
I the "bloody tragedfes ih Kansas, L B
j when investigated. K