The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, August 01, 1856, Image 3

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    The Gazette.
• fOlib, FRIDAY MORNING, August 3, IMC.
cor dance with the desire of many democrats,
>v Committee have determined to hold a se
ll" " .(ieticss throughout the County at the timet
set'orth belowA it is hoped that the
f!" 1 '"A.p Committees will inve full notice in their
Townships, and that all good citizens, of
i*""! nartv, who love the Union and desire an
u '.'/ the Know Nothing Abolition agitation which
' .'•'preateris it, ill countenance these meetings by
1 resence. \\ e can promise to all, as well to
: ■ ,o-ari<'S as our friends, and those who are
,H ' !•'between two opinions," a calm, temperate.
. nest discussion of the great issues before the
a .'" • In addition to the Speakers announced in
'. 'tt, of last week, we expect the meetings to
ijVssed by Col. 0. C. Haktlky, formerly of the
Rar and r.ow ol' Galveston, Texas.
iJc -v" 1
y .[ p r ovic!ence, Monday, August 11, at the
village of Bloody Hon: •
r ist Providence, Tuesday, August 12, at D.
A. T. Black's:
V Tie. Wednesday, August 13, at Clearville:
jr'jii-i-son, Wednesday, August 13, at -Keyset's
School House:
s ijil.ampton, Thursday, August 14, at Che
J-'Tiiatu, Thursday, August 14, at Poena Vista.
( T.iiß, Friday, August In, at Rainsburg:
j 1,, derrv, Friday, August 13, at Bridgeport:
, Valley, Saturday, August 11>, at Centcrville:
v, Clair," Monday, August IS, at St. Glairsville:
,n. Tuesday, August It), at A he's Mill:
\mier Wednesday, August 20, at Schellsburg:
■ j :r .nel!, Broad Top and Liberty, Thursday,
August 21, at Hopewell:
Mj.j,; WoiKiberrv, Fiiday, August 22, at the
village of Woodberrv: t
> ■ v r i Woodberrv, Saturday, August 23, at
\VM. iM. HALL,
G. 11. SPA NO,
County Committee.
July 11, 1856.
\ V.-\ Kuril. Mimcim;.—The immense surres*
• ,! ; ,.e the use of Hurley's Sarsaparilla, in almost
~,t v i ~,i.e. and every -tage of <ti-ea-e, has given
si ,if equalled only by its good effects.
t ie medical pffies-ion prescribe it freely when
■ - ii.r i, indicated and pioper, and esteem the in
,'s of which it is composed the fie.j remedial
t. -nr t'i permanent core of Scrofula. Uyspep
hfoiirhtti*. C(;*atieoiis Eruptions, and that re
„m! ex ha listed condition of the muscular ener
'iVei]ii"i:t at this-period of the year. To the
! or infirm it is of incalculable benefit.— ljilt.
!r. Fj3lia :rc on Black Republicanism.
Tic Allowing extract Irom Mr. Fir.r.Monr.'s
■riT at Albativ, shows that he entertains the
!,;• vieWi of t!ie inevitable consequences of
• siiccess of the Black Republicans that have
■ally been expressed in our columns:
l!ti- (his is nit all, Sir. lie see a political
. wsi'nfinir conditio!fS for the Presiliency
' I ice presidency, selected for the first time
■t the Free Sfnf. s (done, Cilh the. avowed
■ i <•'■ of e'eciintx these candidates by suffra
: x ''one part of the I n ion only, and rule
■fie v'.iili ! nit ed Slides. Can it lie pos
ti at t'.ose who are engaged in such a meas
•l:l i::v•• seriously reflected upon thecon
. :cesw!,icli must inevitably fdiovv in case
'•i etrc-ss ? [Cheers.] Can" they have the
-the filly to believe that our Soi/fh
"rn brethren would submit to he. froternedby
.it (.'hi if .May id rate ! (Cheeis.) Would
!e ! .e retpiiied to follow the same rule prescri
be Ihiis,- who el-cted 'Fun in making his
1 aiiueiits ] Haitian living south o( Mason
Dixon's line be not worthy to he President
\ e-President, would it be proper to select
■ from l lie same quarter as one of his Cabinet
icii. or to represent the nation in a fneign
1 v.-ri I Or, indeed, to collect the revenue,
i-r administer the laws of the United States ?
;!. what new rule Is tile President to adopt
1 • c.ting tre-n for office that the people them
's discard in selecting him ? These are se
■s, hut practical questions', and in order to
:: reciate Ibern fully, it is only necessary to
.' if tallies iqior, ourselves. Suppose Hud
South huviny a molarity of the Electoral
iould declare, that they would only hare
■ - i:rs for President and I ice President ;
r-'.wld elect such by their exclusive sn-J'ru
~ f mi? over us at the .A orlh. Do you think
dd submit to it .' Ab, not for a mam eat.
1 ; And do you believe that y-ur
■ rnbiethrefi are hss sensitive on thissub
in you are. or less jealous of their rights ?
re:i.eiid, lUS cheering. If vou do, let me tell
■ 'oat you are mistaken. And, therefore,
• • "i'tst see that if this sectiohal parly sm
■ s it leads inevitably to (he destruction of
' o beautiful fabric reared hvour fathers, ce
-1 bv their blood, and bequeathed to us as
J ;:iccless inheritance.
■ i". Iktt'linti.'ui'Kt CoHilcsy iss ,
lining Mr. Buchanan's long service in the
> louses of Congress he was distinguished for
' igi.l observance of the rules of courteous
•t- which characterize the high-toned and
'i"" ie gentleman. Calm, discreet, self
i '' 5 ' and btave, he knew that the true
o o! securing respect to himself was to res
t the feelings of others. Some men of un
-n.i ile honor and integrity are liable to
'; i-isesol passion, which lead them into tem
i -ry aberrations from the courtesies of res
bi, vbate. Air. Buchanan had as strong
geiiernus impulses by nature as most men,
■ be Micceeded ill subjectingthem to the coil
<'l his cool and dispassionate judgment: and
' t; iai means, although there is now no living
" w n has been so much engaged in polili
mscussions on the most exciting party ques
■S 'e venture to assert that none of his liv
- voterrqioraries retain any sense ol injury
" r done by him, and that none of the iilus
ls dead with whom lie had political con
•-carried with them to their graves any but
' kindest feelings towards him.
'■ happens that \ye can now call to mind
o iii<taiu:es m which Mr. Buchanan was
'ed ;ri personal altercations in debate
■ threatened for the time to transcend the
"••■ s parliamentary decorum. Both of
instances were connected u ith the miser
"if>n cents-a-t!ay" cliarge, which cut so
( " 'pinmiis a figure in 1840. This charge
' ■ Mr. Buchanan on a point on which lie
, t Vj pvcuuarly sensitive. It implied that he
:a 'erl IheJmpotfance and character oftlie
' men ol the country. Every act of his
!3 -l shown that he was the earnest and con
stant friend of the working man. This senti
; ment constituted one of the leading features in
! the very speech in favor of the sub-treasury
I system from which the charge was falsely de
| duced. When Air. Davis, of Massachusetts,
therefore, so far misinterpreted or misrepresen
ted Mr. Buchanan's position as to deduce from
that speech the charge of hostility to the inter
ests ol laboi ing men, it is not .surpi ising that Mr.
Buchanan repelled the injury in the strongest
language that he could command. The contro
versy became bitter and personal ; but Mr. Da
vis was constrained to admit that the,speech
j contained no such sentiment as bad been char
- ged upon Mr. Buchanan.
The other instance alluded to occurred in one
of those piquant but pleasant rencontres between
Mr. Clay and Mr. Buchanan which frequently
enlivened the debates ofthe Senate and excited
the admiration of their friends. Mr. Tyler had
vetoed the fiscal bank in 1841, and the demo
cratic senators did not restrain the expression of
their gratification. Air. Clay resorted to a mode
|of warfare in which he had few competitors—
he drew a picture of a portion of the democratic
senators visiting Air. Tyler to congratulate him,
and in the foreground lie placed Mr. Buchanan
a-'tire organ spokesman of the democrats. It
was ('one in inimitable style and in a win of
great pleasantry, but in the course of his remarks
Ire alluded to the "ten-cents" charge. When
he closed Mr. Buchanan said Ire had listened
with pleasure to all he had said except bis '-al
lusion to the electioneering slang of the hte
contest on tin* subject of low wages." "This
remark," said Air. Buchanan, was wholly un
worthy of that senator, and lie intended to an
swer it as it deserved. Air. Clay interposed,
ami, like a truly generous and brave man as
sured Mr. Buchanan that his remark "had been
uttered merely in a playful manner, and \va
not intended to wound the senator's feelings in
the least." Mr. Buchanan accepted the ex
planation, and said "he was glad they were
friends again." We give these incidents as
well to illustrate the character of Mr. Buchan
an liir gentlemanly and courteous bearing as to
show that he was prompt and decided in repell
ing unjust aggressions. Tiiev show, moreover,
how utterly baseless was the cliarge out of
which tile collisions grew, and illustrate the re
lations of cordial friendship which existed be
tween Mr. Clay and Air. Buchanan—a friend
ship which was uninterrupted during Mr. Clay's
life.— Washington Union.
We would not deceive our friends as to our
prospects of success. Our experience is, that
there i> quite as much danger from too much
confidence as from too much despondency. But
the indications which have come to us f>r the
11 st few days from all quarters, by I tteis, by
the lone of our exchange.®, liy arrivals in the
city, ami by the character of our business cor
r< spondenc.e, are so decided, that we have no
hr-Si'tation in declaring that we could not desire
more satisfactory evidences of tin* prospect of a
brilliant democratic victory than u e are now
receiving. The canvass is fairly opened, and
the developments are such is to begin to judge
ofthe popular pulse. The spirit of true devo
tion to the Union is being waked up, and the
xotiA.i national men are rallying to the only na
tional standard that can had them to triumph,
We state as a significant fact, that whilst we
are d.tilv adding hundreds of new subscribers to
"Or weekly list, fully one-half of them are old
fine whigs, who say that they go for Buchanan :
and Breckinridge to make sore work of the o
verthiow of the disunion schemes of the sec
tionaiists. It would be uncandid if we did not
addi, that whilst our impression from reliable in-
tejligence as to every iiihi'r s*tli >n of 15 ■* coun
trv are of the most satisfactory character, our
information from some of the \<-■ w England
States is less gratifying. Btit we do not forget
1 hat our tri-mds i:i New England have peculiar
obstacles to overcome : and from the spirit
which is animating them, we have reason to
Anticipate that the true devotion to the Union
which is now the shibboleth of our strength in
other quarters will in due season triumph there
against the disunion agitators.— I -
ri r. Anvn.vnrki;.—VVe learn from the Detroit
Advertiser that a submarine diver from Buffalo
descended to the wreck ol the Atlantic the oth
er dav and recovered the safe, w'.lh its contents,
belonging to the American Express Company :
"The diver was protected hv copper armor,
and was under water fortv minutes. The tq>-
per clerk of the steamer lies cine hundred and
sixtv f*et under water, and far below where
there is any current or motion. Everything is
therefore exactly as it went down. When the
diver alighted upon the deck. In* was saluted by
a beautiful ladv, whose clothing was well ar
ranged, an ! her hair elegantly dressed. As he
approached her. the motion of the water caused
an oscillation rif her head, as if gracefully bow
ing to him. She was standing erect, with one
hand grasping the rigging. Around lav the
bodies of several others, as if sleeping. Chil
dren holding their friends by the hand, and mo
thers with their babes in their aims, were ihere.
In the cabin, the furniture was still untouched
bv decay, and, to all appeainnce, had just been
arranged by some careful and tasteful band.
"In the office he found the safe, and was en
abled to move it with case, ami took it upon
deck, where the grappling irons were fastened
on,'and the prize brought safely to the light.
Upon opening the safe,"it displayed its contents
in a perfect state of preservation. There was
in tlm safe in gold, $3,500 in hills of
the government Stock Bank, and a large amount
on other hanks, amounting in all to about $30,-
000. The papers were uninjured, except that
they smeiled very strongly of decayed human
bodies, as if it had laid for so many years in it
coffin with-their owner. Of course, all this
money goes to the persons interested in this
wonderful adventure."
Notice is hereby given that Letters of Ad
ministration have been granted to the subscriber
upon the Estate of Conind Geycr, late of Juni
ata Township, in the County of Bedford, de
ceased. All persons having claims against the
Estate are requested to present them properly
authenticated lor settlement, and those indebted,
to make payment immediately.
Juniata Tp. Aug. 1, 1856.*
NOTICE is hereby given that the next ses
sion of the Allegheny Male and Female Semi
nary will commence on Tuesday the sth day
of August inst.
By ord *r of the Trustees.
Aug. 1, 1356.
The undersigned take this method of inform
ing their former patrons, and the public in gen
eral, that 1 hey have removed their entire Stock
ol goods from the West end of Bedford to the
f ilonade Store, lately occupied by Capt Jacob
Reed, where they will be pleased to see their
I "Id customers, and all who will favor them with
a call.
All kind of produce taken in exchange for
| goods at cash prices.
3 hey hope by fair dealing and evincing a
desire to please, to continue to receive a liberal
J share of the public patronage.
July 20, 1 SAG.
Just received and for sale a prime lot of Gro
ceries, consisting in j art of Sugar, Coffee, Tea,
Rice, Indigo, Starch, Tobacco, Syrups, and Mo
i lasses, which will be sold low bv
July 23, IB3ti.
I'< 3 IS Vi S.IK
The subscriber off. rs for sale his Mill Proper
ty, situate in Licking Creek Township, Fidton
county, one hait-mile north ol the Turnpike
Road and six miles west of McConnelshurg.—
The Mill is nearly new, is large, and well fin
ished, has overshot winds, four inn of stones,
three of which are Burrs. n.eil gearing, and
all necessary machinery for custom or Mer
: chant work, and is capable of doing a large bu
i aii) ess.
The Mansion or Mill tract contains 214
'and allowance, patented, land, 130 of which are
cleared, principally good bottom land, suitable
f>r meadow or plough land. The improve
ments are a good Dwelling house, large Barn,
Miller's house, Stables, ice., all built within a
few years and HI good repair.
Also one tract ol timber land, adjoining the
above, containing 283 acres and allowance, a
j considerable part of which might be cleared,
! being land of good quail! v.
Als > a small piece of land adjoiuii g
mentioned tract, containing six acres, pumias
rtl for a water right.
As the subscriber resides over thirty miles
from the above proper! \, lie u ill sell it io-.v and
on easy terms; a coiisideiable portion ofthe pur
chase money can remain on iuteiest, if desired,
for a number of yearn.
Possession will be given Ist April next.
For further particulars address the subscriber.
Eattonsviile P. (J. Bedford Countv, fa.
July 23, IS3(i.
P, 3 <ic
MM Hi SB Slid P.
THE undersigned respectfully announces to
the Farmers of 1" and adjoining counties,
end the public ill general, that he has now oti
build at Simp in Bed lord, a large assu tmeu't
of Thrashing Machines, which includes his j'uiir
horse PREMIUM MAUHINE. It will be r .-
mvmherer! that this Machine took the FIRST
PR EM ITEM a! onr County Fair last tall, ft i
constructed w 11 h tumbling Shalt and Strap com
bined ; aiso fiiiir horse tumbling Shaft Ma
chines of the very best kind also two ami three
horse tumbling Shaft power—and onr old and
well-known four horse Strap Machine, which,
tor strength and durability, cannot be surpassed
anywhere. Farmers will please notice that we
are now prepared to furnish Machines on the
most favorable and accommodating terms, and
at tlie verv lowest prices possible. Horses,
Grain, Lumber, and all kinds of trade wii! be
taken in piivment tor Machines. All kinds of
repairing of Machines ol different kind* and all
other farming utensils done on the most reason
able terms, of the very best nratei ials, and at Hie
shortest IKlllCe.
rir" All onr Machines warranted one v<ar
if properly used. Please come this way for a
good and cheap Alac.liine.
July 23, ]S3G 3m. Machines!.
GEO. SiCA FOGS, thankful f>r the pation
;:ge received in the past, would respectfully an
nounce to th ■ citizens ol Bedford and vichiity,
that In* w ill commence the 2d Quarter of his
School, on tiie 1 I tli day of August next, in the
L cturr-rootti oi the LiUheian Church, which
will he neatly lifted up for that purpose. No
pains will Ie- spared to advance lus pupils in
their studies, and strict attention will be given
to their morals and health. Terms of tuition
|.er quarter as heretofore. Primary $3,00 —
J'ratical s3,3o—.Mathematics and Natural Sci
ences 8; j.,00.
July 23,1836.
Just received, at Reed's New Store, a fresh
supply of late Style and Fancy Goods, embrac
ing a large lot of
Ladies' Dress Goods,
French Needle Worked Collars,
Fancy Silks,
Gros de Rhine's,
Blk. Silk Fringes.
Dotted Swiss,
Striped do.
Plaid Xaunsook,
Bonnet Ribbons,
Mant oa do.
Bik. Jsilk ( ravats,
Bvron Collars,
Merino Cassimere,
Gents half-Hose, Mixed and Bro'n.
A iso a prim** lot of Family Groceries, con
sisting of Sugar, ColJee, Tea, Kice, Coin Si arch,
i Syrup, Molasses, &c. &c. ...
July 1 S, 1856.
THE subset iber would invite the attention of
the Ladies to a new article intended to depos
ite water from the wash-bowl—a convenient
and handsome accompaniment to the vva>h
stand, preferable to anytliingr of the kind vet in
use. * CEO. LLYiMIKE.
July 11, 1856.
ON hand, and for sale, a very superior article
;of Cast Iron Boot Jacks. Call and s> e them.
July 11,1856.
Look Out.
All persons tresspassing upon the farm of toe
subscriber, in Colernin Township, either by
fishing, hunting, taking or knocking down fruit
or in any other manner, are notified that they
will certainly he prosecuted under the late Act
of Assembly without respect to persons. No
look out and save trouble.
; Aug. 1, 1856.*
I- armrs of Bedford and Blair Counties are inform
ed that this justly celebrated machine can he bad by
application to
Asents for Blair and Bedlorc?Counties.
July I, 1830.
S. HERSHMAN jx. CO., would respectfully
inform the citizens of Bedford County, that
they have opened a Clothing store in liollidavs
burg—No. 5, Liyd's Row.
July 4, 1850.
Pmify Votii' Btood.
The Wonder of the Nineteenth Century.
Important and of great Consideration to the
OF all the remedies that have been discovered du
ring the present age for the "thousand ills that flesh
is heir to ' none equal this uondeijul preparation. —
Only three years haw- elap-ed since the discoverer
(who spent a decade in studying, experimentalizing,
and peijerting it) lii *t introduced it lo the public, and
it is already recognized, by the most eminent pbvsi-
Citins in all parts of the country to be the most sur
prising and ellective remedy for certain diseases of
Which they have knowledge.
All other compounds or syrups of the root, have
hitherto faded to conimaCul the sanction of the fac
ulty, because, on being tested, they have been found
to contain noxious ingredients which neutralize the
good ellects of the Sarsapai ilia, and often times Ln
j'hre the health of the "patient, it ; 3 no t so with
Hurley's preparation.
This is the pure and genuine extract of the root,
and w ill on trial, be found to effect a certain and
perfect cute of the following complaints and disea
ses :
Affections oi'the Bones, Habitual Co-tiveness,
Debility, lndigesfon,
Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver Coplaints
Dispepsia, Piles,
Erysipelas, Pulmonary Disease.,,
Female 11regularities, Scrofula or King's Evil,
Fistula ; Syphilis,
And all Skin diseases.
Besides curing the almve, it is also known to lie a
gieut and powerful tonic, jfarifySng the blood and in
vigorating the system.
In shotf, it is, without exception, in the cases men
tioned, and its geneia*. effect on the system, the
rno-t efficacious us it is the most desirable remedy
of the age. It is already extensively used through
out the country and is fast obtaining an European
reputation. The instances of cure- it has effected
are dady coming to the proprietors knowledge, and
he has no hesitation in recommending it to one and
all who de-ire to procure relief from suffering. One
bottle being tried, its effects will be too apparant to
admit of further doubt.
Recollect Hurley's Sarsaparilla is the only i;en
i I\k AKTir i.ri in the market.
Price $1 per bottle, or -ix for S3.
CC? "This medecifie can be procured at all exten
sive Drug houses. .
July !, JSsG—ly*.
For Sale.
The subscriber oilers f>r sale, low, a fine lott
ed \ ienna Rosewood I'+ano Forte.
June 20, 1856.
Valsntiue StecliEian, Proprietor.
THoarders laketi by the day, week, month
Or t ear, on moderate terms.
May !), 1801).
The rinder-igneil, thankful (as advertisements say)
for past favor- at the t'olouade store, in Bedford,
would respectfully announce to his patrons and
friends generally, that he ha- removed hi- entile
stock of goods to his new brick store room lately oc
cupied fv i'eii r Kadebaugh, opposite the Bedford
ilntel. His supply of'goods is tresh, new and fash
ionable. 'lis new room has been neatly and ele
gantlv litti-d up and remodeled.
All kinds ol produce are taken ill exchange for
He hopes to lie continued in t'u favor of his pat
rons and the public. Jacob reed.
July i, 183 G.
Gaiters and Shoes.
The c-ibsci iber would announce lo lite public
'■hat ho lias just received, and will constantly
keep, at) assortment of Gentlemen's City made
(jailers and Shoes, also Misses and children
Shoes, which h<* will sell as low as they can be
bought any where iglse, and will sew all rips \
gratis. As lie has hut a small profit on these j
Shoes, all sales must he cash.
Me continues to carry on <lie Root and Shoe- !
making Business in all its branches at his old i
stand, and is prepared lo accotnmodale, in flu*
best manner, all who favor him with a call.
Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit and j
receive a continuance of tile same.
Bedford, July IS, 1536.
A rent W anted.
A Responsible Agent wanted to canvass the
Courtly of Bedford for a permanent and respon- i
slide Insurance Co., to whom good inducements!
will he offered.
Address 1). S.— Box 142, York, Pa.
July 18, IS Mi.— "
All persons indebted to the estate of John i
VY. Alien, late of Napier Township, Bedford S
Coiiniv. ileceased, will make immediate pay- i
merit ami those having claims against said es
tate, will present them properly authenticated
lor Settlement.
July JB, 1 Sf)(i.
A dividend of one percent, on the capital I
stock of lhe Chambershurg and Bedford Turn
pike Road Co., has been declared by llie mana
gers par able on the Ist August, at the office of
E. L. Anderson, Esq.
July 18, 1 856.
Letters of Administration, de bonis nun, on
the estate of David, late of South Wood
berrv Township, deceased, have been granted to
the subscriber, residing in said Township. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
make payment, and those having claims will
present them properly authenticated tor settle
jldni'r dc bonis non.
July IS, 1836.
A FA RM, containing 200 acres, tnoreor less,
in Franklin County, Pa., is offered for sale.
Particulars can he had by inquiring of the sub
scriber in Bedford.
May 16, 1856.
The subscriber wishes to sell his store prop
erty at West End. It is deoiokdj.y one ot the
best country locations flr business in Bedford
Countv, being situated on the Glade Turnpike
at the crossings of four public thoroughfares,
and in the midst of a good timber country,
within 7 miles of the Connellsville Rail Road.
The improvements consist of a store-room, with
a comfortable and convenient dwelling attach
ed—stabling and warehouse, with other neces
sity out-buildings, together with a blacksmith
and wagon-maker shop, also 16 acres of Land,
ior more it required. This property will be
sold cheap and on accommodating terms. Pos
session car. be had on the Ist day of October.
For further particulars apply to Robert Fvao,
Bedford, or the subscriber at Juniata ALUs,
Bedford County, Pa.
July 11,1836.
m lioiios.
THE undersigned lias just returned home
from the Eastern Cities with a large stock of
Summer Goods, and is now exhibiting
a general assortment of new style of Summer
Goods, comprising a great variety of LADIES'
DRESS GOODS, which consists in part of black
and fancy Silks, Chalii, Lawns, DeLaines, Ma
donna Cloths, Alpacas, Deheg.*, Mantillas. &.c.,
No. ALo a great variety of black and fancy
Cloths and Cassimeres. Linen and Cottonade
for Gentlemen and Boys' wear.
Groceries—Sugars, Syrup*. Molasses, Shad,
Herring and Mackerel, Bacon, Queensware,
Hardware, Brooms, Buckets, Churns, etc.
'The above stock consists of every article usu
ally kept in store—all of which will be sob!
CHEAP FOR CASH, or approved produce.
Thankful for past favors, he hopes hv fair
dealing and a desire to phase, to continue to
merit and receive a liberal share of the public
| June 13, 1856. G. W. HUPP.
READER have von ever heard of GET'i'YS'
! inimitable Daguerreotypes ? If not go at once
j to his Saloon and see for yourself ; and it you
want a likeness of yourself or friends, as true
as Xuttire and Art combined can make it, that
:is the place to get it. If you want a picture
: put up in the most approved style and of the
j best materials—or. in short, if you want the
woi :h of your money in a sjm mild Dagueyeo-
I type or Ambrotype, go to
G. f t 'p tr c
—l * )
as he is the only Artist in Bedford County who
can take the new style of Daguerreotypes and
He spares no pains to give full satisfaction,
and permits no picture to go out until he is con
fident that it will do so. Having just returned
fiom the East, he is in possession ef all the late
improvements in the Art, and can assure his
patrons that he can furnish them with a style of
pictures not taken by any other person in the
Count v.
Rooms at the "Exchange Building," or Odd
Fellows Hall, immediately above the store ol
Mr. A. B. Ciamer.
June 6, 1836.
And Aew Ooods*
Mrs. AG.MS SACPP would announce to
her friends arid the public that she has ojiened
a Dry Goods Store in the room occupied as the
Post office, where she lias just received and
opened a handsome assortment ol new style
Spring and Summer goods, embracing in part,
Black and Fancy Silks, French and Flounced
Lawns, of all prices, Shailies and Braze De
tains, Curtain Diapery, of all prices. Wool De
Lains, of all Colors, Cambrick and Swiss mus
lins, Button-, Braids, Cords, Edgings, and In
sert, Ladies and Misses Shoes, together
with a little of almost everything to be found in
Drv Gooffs Stores.
She has also on hand, a large and well se
lected assortment of HARDWARE, which
will be sold low, in order to close out this branch
of business. She hopes to receive a liberal
share of the patronage ot a generous public.
Purchasers will phase call and examine lor
April 11, 1556.
The undersigned would respectfully infirm
the citizens of Bedford County, that they have
purchased the patent li>r the above Machine,
from the patentee, (C. Holiinsworth, State ol
Indiana,) and are now prepared to manufacture,
and keep constantly on hand, the Floating Ball
or Knuckle Washing Machine, at St. Cluirs
This Machine works well, and a girl of four
teen years, can perform tiie largest Washing in
a very short time, and the amount of clothes
and soaps saved in a year, will pay for the Ma
chine. Everybody should have one <<l these
Some of the citizens of St. Clairsville have
tried it, and can testily to what we have said
concerning it.
June 6, 1836.
IS prepared to furnish Ladies and Alisses with
every variety of SPRING AND SUMMER
RON NETS, on the most favorable terms. She
has just received from the City a large and ele
gant assortment of Bonnets, Flats, tfcc., which
she is prepared to trim so as to suit the taste of
the purchaser. She keeps constantly on hand
Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Flounces, Laces, and all
other trimmings, to which she respectfully in
vites the attention of the Ladies of Bedford
and vicinity. She also keeps Bonnets ready
trimmed. From long experience in the busi
ness, she feels satisfied that sh can please ail
who favor her with their custom, both as to
style and price. Thankful for the flattering
encouragement heretofore received, she asks a
continuance of the patronage of the public.
Bedford, May -3, 1556 ly.
r --
: * " ■ ife®*
The und<-rsigind informs the farmers of Bed
ford and adjoining counties. that he has made
arrangements hy which he can furnish, to those
desirinjr, the latest improved and best JIGRI
embracing Scott's "Little Giant" Corn and Cob
Grinder, guaranteed to grind front S to 15 bush
els of feed per hour with one horse—Potts'
Corn Stalk Cutter and Crasher, warranted to
cut from 120 to IGO bushels of feed per hour—
-11 ay and Straw Cutters, in variety—Wheat
Drills ami Corn Fhellers, which jr.- unsurpassed
f>r cheapness and quality —Cultivators, Horse
ilot-s, Cidet-milfs, tic., ike. in short, every
utensil used in oi about a farm. Wishing to
avoid all imposition, each machine sold by him
will he warranted to unjk as represented, or
i no i'tft; ami, as these machines are procured in
most caws dirtcllv from tin Patentees and Man
ufacturers, the purchast i will be secure in the
right of U-ing.
Prices will he as moderate, and, in some in
stances, lesi than the same machines can be
procured singly from the Manufacturer.
As the demand is very gieat for the two first
; named machines, orders should be given sx>ti
by those wishing to purchase.
June 20, 385G—(im.
Fji <e kt e S p i'l iigs*
This highly agreeable ai d attractive Mountain
report, has lieen leased tiy the subscriber. New
buildings and impiovement.- lor recreation, amuse
meut, am! bathing, in pi cress of erection during the
past, vvill be ready toi tiie accommodation el'visitors
the piesetit season. The purifying and healing
properties of the waters ot" the-e spring- have been
lolly tested try chemical analysis, and toe experience
of individuals proves their efficacy.
77//: V .\i: I'l'll FAIL TO CT'RE
Scrolula and other diseases of the blood, by freely
drinking the water ami eruptions by bathing and ex
ternal applications ot the depo-ite oi the stream. —
These waters are chalybeate of iron, with portions
of Magnesia and Salts. In addition to the elevated,
healthful and plea-ant mountain location of these
springs, they are in the midst of classic ground—
wild, romantic, and picturesque scenery —caverns,
cataracts and cascade-. Within a circuit of four or
live miles are Lour Nkckhsjtv,
WasEiiru&toQ's First E'.iltk' S'icid,
Washington** Spring and flrndoirv. which he
owned to the day of his death—Dun liars Camp—
Braddork and Jumonnville's (Iraves — Delaucy's Cave
Ohio i'yle and Cucumber Fells and the Cascades
of Meadow Run—easy of access on horseback or in
vehicles To be hud at the Springs. The streams and
woods abound in Trout and (fame, atiordirig a rich
field for the di-tripies of I'i'a/lun and fTi/nrod.
Situate within five minutes walk of the National
Road, with regular daily lines of stages passing
Last and West connecting with l'ittsbnrg Steamboats
at Brownsville ami with the cars of Pittsburg and
Connellsvilie Hail Road ;.t Coniiellsville, render these
springs convenient of access in a short day tide
from Cumberland and Pittsburgh.
The advantages of our location—our moderate
charges, arnest desire and the exertions we vviit
u-e to give entire ' satisfaction, und to make our
guests comfortable, we hope will not fail to render
the Fnjtttr Springs one ol the most popular and a
greeable summer resort- in The country. The pres
ent lessee has been employed at the Springs during
several seasons in the capacity of .Superintendent,
and he flatter® hiir.-elt that his experience in this and
other public houses, vvill not fail in being useful 1o
himself, and in contributing to the comfort and pleas
ure oi his patrons.
wishing to engage rooms or To make fur
ther inquiry will please address the proprietor at
Fayette Springs I\ O. or at Ur.iontown, Fayette
< 'ounty, Penna.
June 27. 1536—Ct.
The partnership heretofore existing between
the Subset ibers, under the name ol' YY'eisel N.
Co., in the Carriage making a ud Biacksmithing
business, was this tlav dissolved by mutual Con
sent. Ail business oi the late Firm will be at
tended to by Michael fx Julio (J. YY'eisel, who
w ill collect the outstanding notes and accounts
and pay the debts.
May 27, ISSG.
The undersigned have this day formed a part
nership in the Carriage-making, and Black-
Smithing business, under the name and firm of
YVEISUU CO. YY'e will endeavour by prompt
ness, attention, and the character of our work,
to merit and obtain a tair share ol custom.—
Our stand is the one heretofore occupied hv
YY'eisel vs. Foster, immediately East of town.
June ti, lSoti—3m.
The !m st collection of dices ever Published.
. 1 new and choice, collection of Copyrights
never b'forc harmonized, and many of the
Ceins of Modern German and Italian Compo
sers, arranged in a familial style, and adapted
to the use of Glee Clubs, Singing Classes, and
the Family Circle, by C. JAUVJS and J. A.
This work contains a great number of new
and favorite ?ungs, harmonized in a style adapt
ed to general purposes, while many of the gems
ofMendelsshon, Abt. Kuchen, and other cele
brated composers, are presented in an original
form. The great variety of musical composi
tions here introduced, eminently adapts it to
the taste and capacity of the Singing School, the
Glee Club and the Family Circle.
[FT"Price one dollar.
Just published by Lee 3: Walker, No. ISS
Chesnut street, and J. J>. Lippincot fx. Co., No.
20 North Fourth street, Philadelphia.
copies will be sent by mail, free
of postage, on receipt of sl.
May lt>, 1 SAG—!m.
| TH E undersigned have just opened their usu
[ al supply of
and vv ill take pleasure in showing them, to ail
who may favor us with a call. Great bargains
will be offered for Cash, and all kinds of Coun
try produce—or to punctual customers, a credit
of six months will be given.
Bedford, May 2, ISSG.
HATS. Mens' Panama, Leghorn, arid Braid
Hals; also boys and childrens hats, for .sale by