The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, July 25, 1856, Image 4

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    m\\ FIRM mm GOODS.
The subscribers having entered into partner
ship in the mercantile Business, would an
nounce to their friends and the public in gene
ral that they have just returned from the East
and are now opening and exhibiting in the
store room formerly occupied by Elias M. Eish
er, a large and splendid assortment ol
consisting in part of DRESS GOODS of the
very latest style, Brilliants, Lawns, Alpacca,
plain and figured Delaines, all colors, black and
lancv Silks, Muslin from a tip up, bleached and
unbleached: Prints from a tip up, Shallies,
summer Shawls and -Mantillas, Cloths, black
and fancy Oassimeres, Tweeds, Jeans and Sat
tinetts: a large assortment of mens and boys
summer wear from I - cents up; a great variety i
of Marseilles \ estings, all colors: cotton C ham.
Hosiery in great variety, V. W. Collars from 3
cents up: silk and linen Handkerchiefs; alsoa
large assortment of mens and boys summer
Hats, Boots and Shoes in great variety, ike. ike.
Also a large assortment of the best GROCE
RIES, such as suppr Golden Syrup, X. O. ar.d
sugar-house Molasses, Rio Coflee, N. O. Clari
fied, Granulated, and steam Sugars, Teas, Spi
ces, Chocolate, Essence Coffee, lobacco, N.c.
Also, a large assortment of Qupensware and i
Glassware, all of which will be sold cheap tor
cash or approved Produce. V\ e respectfully
in\ ite all in search of bargains to give us a cail.
Oui goods will be shewn with pleasure wheth
er purchased or not.
Bedford, April IS, 1536.
ii 1!E \T ATTRA('TION:
Merchaut Tiloi>
Takes this method of anouncing to the citi
zens of Bedford and vicinity, and strangers vis
iting the place, that he has just received at his
old stand in Bedford, next door west of the
Bedford Hotel, the richest assortment of Cloths,
ike., he has ever yet offered to the public, and
to which he invites the attention of purchasers,
satisfied that he can accommodate, both as to
price and quality, all who favor him with a
cail. He has a Superior article of cloth, for
boy's clothing, which lie can s<• 11 so low as to
astonish those who examine its quality.
of everv description, in ids
fine, made to order on the shortest notice and
most reasonable terms.
fMie would direct attention to the follow
ing list, as comprising some of the leading arti
cles to be found in his establishment :
Bik. Cloths, ranging in price from $2,50 to
$9,00 p"r yard :
Blue Cloths;
Olive Browns X. Greens:
Bik. Casimeres:
" Doe-Skins :
Trench Fancy Casimeres;
Linen Drillings:
Plain St Figured Grenadiens:
Superior article of" Bik. Satin :
Marseilles Vestings:
Buff" Cassimeres :
A fine article of Shirts, latest style ;
Lisle thread under Shirts ik drawers ;
Cotton ik u
Shirt collars latest style ;
Lawn Cravats .
Bik. Silk
White Linen Hand'fs:
Summer Storks :
Superior article of French Suspenders;
Bik. Kid Gloves
Tancv Colored Kid Gloves :
Silk '
Lisle thread "
and all other articles usually kept by Merchant
Tailors and Gent's furnishing stores.
Bedford, May In, 1556.
l\E\l GOODS.
MRS. SARAH E. POTTS would respect
fully announce to the Ladies of Bedford that
she has just received and opened, at her stole
in lk-dlord, the most elegant assortment of
ever brought to the place, embracing Silks,
Crapes, Cliallies, Lawns, Berages, plain and
figured Suisse?, French and Domestic Ging
hams, Suisse and Jaconet Edgings and Insert
ing.?, Bonnets, Parasols, Shawls and Mantillas
of the latest and most elegant styles. Gloves,
Mitts, Hose, Undersleevrs, Collars, DCPSS Trim
mings. Handkerchiefs, and Ladies, .Misses, and
Children* Gaiters, Boots, and Shoes, in great
variety. In brief, her entire stock has been se
lected with the greatest care, and is general e
nough to please the tastescf all. whether plain
or gay. Please call and judge for yourselves.
May Hi, 1856.
The subscriber would announce to his old
friends and the public in general, that lie lias
removed his HARDWARE STORE to the new
building second door west of the Bedford Ho
tel, where he has just received and opened an
extensive assortment of Hardware, embracing
almost every article in that line of business.
His stock of SADDLERY is of the best quali
ty, and was selected with great care. He would
respectfully invite nil in want of articles in the
Hardware line, to give him a call, satisfied that
he can please all who do so.
May 13, 1856.
Machine Cards.
The subscriber is still engaged in the manu
facturing of Superior Machine Car*ls for Cotton
and Wollen Factories. The best quality of
Leather and Wire used in making the above,
and after an experience ol twenty-five years, is
prepared to warrant them equal to any made in
this country, fam also making superior Leath
er Bands, cemented and copper riveted, the
stretch taken out by powerful machinery.—
Elevator Straps for Grist Mills also.
Leather Hose of superior quality, made as
No. 33 South Eutaw Street,
Baltimore, MJ.
May Hi, 18.M>-2m.
All persons are cautioned against trespassing
• a my farm—either bv fishing, hunting, or oth
erwise, a-< I am determined to enforce the law
against all persons so offending without respect
to persons. IVM. CHEXOWEI'H.
BedfordTov nship, April 25, 1896.
The subscriber would -respectfully announce
to the public that he has removed hia Tinning
Establishment to the building recently occupi
ed by Mr. Luther, as a Confectionary Store, in
the Diamond, where he is better prepared than
ever to accommodate his customers with every ;
article in the iine of his business, either whole
sale or retail, and hopes they will give him a
call at his new location.
Bedford, April 6, 1555.
The subscriber is fully prepared to furnish
any quantity or quality ol Building Lumber
anil Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St.
Cbirsville, Bedford County, will be promptly
attended to, bv giving a reasonable notice.
Nov. 21, 1554.
The Wonder of the Age !—Dr. TO
ect to cure Cholera, Colic, Sea Sickness, Chron
ic Rheumatism, Tooth ache, Head ache, and
Pains of all kinds or no pay. Great cure of
Rheumatism. Capt. COMSTOCK. of the steamer
Baltic (Collins line,) was cured of a severe at
tack of Chronic Rheumatism in a few days by
Dr. Tobias' celebrated Venilian Liniment. Case
of Cholera. Mr. J Wright of the Firm of J-
Wright is. Co. of No. 11G Chartree St. New.
Orleans, was immediately cured of an attack ol
, Cholera by Tobias' Liniment. Vomiting and
i Colic. Mrs. Joseph Nicholl, No. 16 Essex St.
New York, was cured of an attack of Colic and
Vomiting by Dr. I'obias' Venetian Liniment. —
Depot 60 Gourtland St. New V ork. Sold by
all the Druggists. Agent—ROBERT FYAN,
! Bedford: A. Bunn, Schellsburg-John Xycum
N. Son, Rays Hill; V . Wyant. 'loll House east
jof Bloody-Run, J. Barndollar &. Son, Bloody
Run. Nov. 7, IB:>s.—lv.
SJ ii C STO ii E !
No. 26, South Second Street. Philadelphia,
Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Drugs,
Medicines, Chemicals, Acids, Dye Stuffs,
Paints, Oils, Colors, White Lead,
French and American White Zinc,
Window Glass. Glassware, Var
nishes, Brushes, Instruments,
Ground Spices, and all oth
er articles usually kept
bv Druggists, includ
ing Borax, Indigo,
Glue, Shel
lack, Potash, \.c. ike. £kc.
II orders bv maii or otherwise prompt
ly attended to. Country merchants are invit
.cd to call and examine our stock before pur
chasing elsewhere. Goods sent to any of the i
Wharves or rail-read stations. Pi ices low and
goods warranted. March 14,18;>6 —l v.
WA^III\ ii T4SA ISO' 5'!•:!,.
MRS. COOK would announce to her frieuds,
! and the public, that the \Y ashington Hotel is
now fitted up in superior order for the accom
modation of guests, and she hopes to continue
to receive a liberal share of custom. Persons
' visiting the Mineral Springs will find in the
i Washington Hotel a comfortable summer re
j treat—and no pains will be spared to please ail
who patronize the house,
j 05^"A voung gentleman of high qualification
and courteous deportment has charge of the es
; tablishment.
111?" The best of Stabling is attached to this
j Hotel.
[TV - Terms as moderate as any other house in
the place.
[TZ Daily Mail Stages from Alaquippa and
Cumberland also tri-weekl v Lines from Hoi- ;
lidaysburg and Pittsburg stop at this Hotel.
Bedford, April 25, 1556.
CARPEI ING.—AII V\ 001, Rag, Cotton ami
Hemp Carpeting.
Floor Oil Cloths, White and Check Matting
just received by
Bedford, May 23, 1856.
THE subscriber would announce to his old
fiiends, as well as to the public at large, that lie
has opener! an ENTIRELY NEW STORE in
the Borough of Bedford, immediately opposite
the Washington Hotel, where he has just re
ceived a stock of SPRING AND SUMMER
GOODS of a superior quality, embracing al
most every article in the DRY GOODS and
GROCERY LINE, to which he invites the es
pecial attention of the people, who may find it
to their interest to give him a call belore pur
chasing elsewhere. His Goods will be exhibit
ed with pleasure, whether purchased or not.
Bedford, May 23, 1856.
THE subscriber has removed his Clothing
Store to the room next door to the office of Dr.
Watson, where he has on hand, and will con
stantly keep, a general assortment of Clothing
for Men and Boys, which he will sell on the
j most reasonable tenr.s, and to which he respect
fully invites the attention of purchasers.
Bedford, May 23,1856.
S. SON A BORN would announce to his old
friends ami the public generally, that he has
I just received anothei large supply of Spring
and Summer Clothing for Men and Boys, which
he is determined to sell on the most reasonable
terms. Thankful for past favors, lie hopes to
merit and receive a liberal share of the j<atron
age of a generous public.
Bedford, May 23, 1856.
WOULD announce to his former patrons,
and the public gem-rally, that he has just recei
ved, from Philadelphia, a large and well selec
ted assortment of the most choice Cloths, Cassi
meres and Vestings—also summer wear of ev
ery description, to which he invites the atten
tion of purchasers. His cloths, ike., wen S(>-
lected with great rare, and he can recommend
them as being equal, at least, to any to be found
in the place. He also keeps Ready-made clo
thing of every description, at very low prices—
and is prepared to cut and make garments on
> the shortest notice and most reasonable terms.
H.> respectfully invites the public to give him a
I Bedford, May 23, 185 G.
Henry S. King?
(Of the late Firm of King S; Moor/iead,)
Qlcnimission fllcrd)ant,
Western Produce, Ne. &e. &c.
No. 76, Water Street, below Market,
Pittsburg, Fa.
Tlie undersigned will continue the Commis
ion Business at the above place; and having
provided himself with suitable conveniences for
the storage cf Pig Metal, Blooms, Produce, &c.
is now prepared to receive consignments.
Bv long experience in the business, and by
constant attention, he hopes to merit a generous
share of trade, which he respectfully solicits.
April 27, 1855.
The I Diversity's
Issued under the seal, Sanction and Authori
ty of the University of Free Medicine and pop
ular knowledge, Chartered hy the State of Penn
sylvania, April 20th, 1853," with a Capital of
§ 100,000, mainly for the purpose of arresting
the tvils of Spurious and Worthless Nostrums ;
also, for supplying the community with Relia
ble remedies wherever a Competent Physician
cannot or will not he employed. This Institu
tion, (located in Philadelphia No. 08 Arch
Street, where applications tor new Agencies
will be received,) has purchased from Dr. John
R. Rowand, his CCelebrated Rowand's ionic
Mixture, Known for upward of twenty-live
years as the only sure and safe cure for FEVI:K
and AOCE, &C., and his inestimable Remedy
for Bowel Complaints, Rowand's Compound
Syrup of Blackberry Root, which highly im
proved and Popular remedies, together with
The University's Remedy lor Complaints of the
Lungs: The University's Remedy for Dis
pepsia or Indigestion : The 1 niversity's Rem
edy for Costive Bowels; Also the University's
Almanac may bp had at the Branch Dispensa
For sale at the Store of Dr. Blair, in Cum
berland Valley.
Nov. 23, iSSS.
Jos. W. Tate,
(Lis for sale 8 Farms and 12,000 acres of land
in Bedford and Fulton counties. Lands sold in
quantities to suit purchasers.
Bedford, March 7, 1856—1y.
John iffloorhead?
( Successor to King <S* JWoorheud)
And dealer in Fish, Bacon, Cheese, Dried
Fruit, Lard, Lard Oil, Flaxseed Oil, White
Lead. Pig Lead, window Glass, Glassware, Iron
and Nails, Star and Tallow Candles, Variegated
and Rosin Soap, and Pittsburg manufactures ge
nerally. No. 27, Woodstreet, Pittsburg, Pa.
Particular attention given to the sale ol Pig
Metal and Blooms, and liberal advances made
thereon. Feb. 15, 1856—1y.
The Partnership heretofore existing between
Thomas and John King, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All persons having unsettled
accounts with them, aie requested to attend to
their liquidation without delay.
June 1, 1854. JOHN KING.
Having this day associated Henry S. King, of
the C'itv of Pittsburg, with us in the business of
manufacturing Iron, the business will be con
ducted under the name and firm ot John King
£. Co.
June 9, 1851. JOHN KING.
ID. ISoi'tier,
Clock & Watch Maker
Would respectfully announce to the citizens
of Bedford, ami the public in general, that he
I has opened a Jewelry Store in the building re
; cently occupied hy H. Nicodemus, Esq. nearly
opposite the Bedford Hotel, where he will he
pleased to see ail in want of articles in his line.
He has on hand, and will constantly keep, an
elegant assortment ol JEW ELRY, and will re
pair Clocks and Watcln s in the beef style. He
i hopes to receive a liberal share of patronage, as
he feels satisfied he can render satisfaction to all
who entrust him with their work. His terms
| will be moderate.
He has on hand Gold and Silver WATCHES,
Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Gold
and Silver Pens and Pencils, N.c. £cc.
April 27, 1855.
: .
Gentlemens' Gaiters and Shoes—Mens' and
Boys Shoes and Boots; also Ladies, Misses, and
| Cluldrens do., for sale by
| ON am! alter Tuesday April Ist, 1556, Trains will
i leave daily, Sundays excepted, a? follows;
Going South, leave junction with Pennsylvania
j Railroad at S o'clock, A. M. and 5 o'clock, P. 51.
Going Xoith, leave Stonerstown at <>.3o A. M. and
! 1 o'clock, P. M.*
A.M. P.M.
I Stonerstovvh, 0.30 I.OU
: Fisher's Summit, O.tO 1.18
j Rough & Ready, 7.03 1.33
1 Coffee Run, ' 7.11 1.-ll
| Marklesburc, 7.23 1.53
j M'C'onnellstoivn, 7.45 2.13
j "Arrive at Huntingdon, 7.58 2.28
A. M. P. M.
: Huntingdon, 9.00 5,00
! M'Connellstown, 0.15 5.15
I Markle-burg, 0.35 5.35
I Coß'ee Run, 9.47 5.47
I Rough Ik Ready, 0.55 0.55
| Fisher's Summit. 10.12 0.12
Arrive at Stonerstown, 10.28 6.28
By this arrangement passengers East will connect
! with the 3 o'clock P. M. Mail Train on the Pennsyl
i vania Rail Road ; also the Fast Line, 9.32 I'. M., for
| Philadelphia.
The 5 o'clock train from Huntingdon will leave
after the arrival of the Mail Train from Philadel
j phia, thus causing r,o detention To passengers for
Broad Top or Bedford. Passengers going West will
i arrive at Huntingdon in time to take either the 5 o'-
i clock Mail Train or the Fast Line at 8.08 P. M.
J Fifty pounds baggage allowed each passenger.
Freight received by the Conductor and forwarded to
! any of the above points at owner's risi. For any
further information enquire at the office of Transpor
| tatiou Department, Huntingdon.
• April 11, 1856. Superintendent.
The subscriber would respectfully inform the
Public that he still continues to carry on Hit*
in No. Bof the Franklin Buildings Chambers-;
burg; where all binding entrusted lo Ins care
will be punctually attended to, and bound with
i neatness and care.
He still continues to keep on hand a good as
sortment of RELIGIOUS, HISTORICAL Miscellane
noiis Blank and School Books, Stationery Nc.,
which he will sell on moderate terms.
! Dec. 7, 1855.
A HOUSE AND LOT in Bedford, and a
| valuable SAW MILL in Shade Township, So- |
i mersel county.
The subscribers will sell, on reasonable
terms, at private sale, a comfortable dwelling
house and lot of ground pleasantly situate in
the borough of Bedford.
Also, they will sell, on reasonable terms, a
; valuable tract of land in Shade Township, So- ,
merset county, containing 390 acres. This j
land is well covered with cherry, poplar, white j
pine, spruce, and other timber, and has a fine
water power with a good Saw Mill thereon e- j
' rected. For further information inquire of
Dec. 28, 1855.
TOOTH ACHE.—Persons art not general
ly aware that Dr. Keyset's Tooth Ache reme
dy, prepared by him at 140 Wood Street, Pitts
burg, Pa. and for sale at Rupp X. Osier's in this
place will stop immediately an aching tooth. ,
Whoever tries it will he convinced.
Dec. 8, 1854.
. .
The partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, trading under the name and
firm of SA.NS.OM NL GEUHART, in the Dry Goods
business, has this day beer, dissolved by mutual
consent. All persons indebted to said firm are
requested to have their accountss settled up bv
file Ist ol Mav. The books ami accounts will
ibe found in the hands ut A. J. Sansom until
that time.
April 1, 1856.
The undersigned will continue the business in
the room lately occupied by Isaac L ppel on
the corner of Juliana and Pitt Streets, opposite
Dr. F. C. Reamer's Drug and Book Store, where
he will be happv to see all his friends.
April 11, 1856.
DANIEL B. BORDER respectfully informs
the citizens of Bedford and vicinity that he has
removed his shop to the house in the east end
of Bedford, one door west of the residence of
Major Washabangh, where he is prepared to
manufacture Double and Single burre'l Rijles
and Double and Single barrel Shot (tuns ol the
best quality.
repairing of guns, locks, &.C., done
with neatness arid despatch.
May 26, 1854.
THE undersigned have associated themselves in the
Practice ol" the Law, and will attend promptly to all
, business entrusted to their care ill Bedford and ad
joining counties.
Office on Julianna Street, three doors south of
•Alengel House," opposite the residence ol Maj. 1 ate.
June 2, 1554. G. H. BPANG.
C. N. HICKOK, Dentist.
OFFICE on Pitt-street, nearly opposite the
Bedford Hotel, Bedford, l'a. 'teeth plug
ged, Regulated, N.c. and artificial teeth inserted
from one to an entire set. Charges moderate,
and al 1 operations warranted. I ' erms.— U. ISII.
Bedford, May 3, 1850.
117 JLL attend truthfully to all legal business
f j entrusted to his care in the Counties, oj
Bedfor-' and Fulton.
Bedford, Nov. 1, 1847.
Will. Henry Leas,
A1 '1 011N E Y A T LA U ,
Fort Dcsnioines, lowa,
WILL give special attention to locating lands
—investing money—paying taxes —making col
lections, N.C., N.C.
(LP" Refers to (Jen. Bowman and Hon. Job
I Man a. Sept. 8, 1854.
Bedioni HoleS?
And General Stage Gflice.
j The subscriber respectfully begs leave to an
' nounce to ins old friends ami the public gener
ally, that he has leased the Bedford Hotel, at
present in the occupancy of Col. Adam Barn
hait, and will take possession on the Ist day ol
Apiil next. It is not liis design to make many
! professions as to what he will do, hut fie pledges
Ins word that his most energetic efforts will be
employed to render comfortable all who give
i him a call. The House will be handsomely
fitted up, and none but careful and attentive
servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the
Bedford Springs, as well as those attending
Court, arid the travelling community general
i 'y are respectfully invited to give him a call
! and judge for themselves.
[L/-Boarders taken hy the week, month, or
year, on favorable terms,
i" GyAmple and comfortable stabling is at
tached to this Hotel, which will always he at
tended by a caielul hostler. Also, a safe and
convenient carriage house.
\X_j \ 111 the SIJICES stop al this Hotel.
! March 16, 1855.
C ooßiiKt£ fcioiea.
On hand and just receiving a lot of new pa
lerns of Cooking Stoves, lor wood and coal, at
In addition to his former stock, the subscri
ber has received a splendid assortment of Brass,
Bell Mettle, Iron and English Kettles, which
will please all in want ot the article, —also a
varietv of other articles useful for house keep
ers. He has also on hand a lot of pump chains
and fixtures, all of which w ill be soid low for
cash, or on a short credit.
May 19, 1854.
WANTED at Reed's Colonade Store.—
! Wheat, Rve, Oats, Corn, and Buckwheat—also
i all other "approved produce, in exchange for
j goods at cash prices.
Th# Great Purifier of the B"
Let the Jljjlivted Read und Ponder!
An Infallible Remedy lor Scrofula, Kind's Evil,
Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions,
Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, i
Boils, Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes,
Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlarge
ment and Pain of the Bones arid Joints, Stub
born Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago,
Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising j
from an Injudicious Use of Mercury, Impru- ;
dence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood.
Z'f This great alterative medicine and Pu- j
rifier of the Blood is now used by thousands of!
grateful patients from all parts of the United I
States, who testily daily to the remarkable i
cures performed by the greatest ofall medicines, i
ralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the j
Skin, Liver Disease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Sons, j
Affect ionsof the Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat, ;
Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of the j
Bones and Joints, are speedily put to flight by ,
using this great and inestimable remedy.
For all Diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet ,
been found to compare with it. It ch arises the j
system of all impurities, acts gently and efli- j
cientiv on the Liver and Kidneys, stn-ngthens :
the Digestion, gives tone to the Si much, makes
the skin clear and healthy, and restores the!
Constitution, enfeebled bv disease or broken
down by the excesses of youth, to its pristine j
vigor and strength.
For the Ladies, i? is incomparably better than
all the cosmetics ever used. A few closes of
Cautkr's SrAXisir Mixture will remove nil j
sallowness of complexion, bring the roses rnarit- j
ling to the cheek, give elasticity to the step, j
arid improve the general health in a remarka- ;
ble degree, bevund ail the medicines ever heard !
The large number of certificates which we
have received from persons from all parts of the!
United States, is the best evidence that there is !
nr> Humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers, :
magistrates, physicians, and public men, well j
known to the community, all add their testimo
nv to the wonderful effects of this GREAT
Call on the Agicnt and get a Circular and
Almanac, and read the wonderful cures this
truly greatest ofall medicines has performed.
None genuine unless signed WILLIAM S. ;
BEERS, N Co., Proprietors, No. 304 Broad- i
way, New York.
Sold by Dr. F. C. Reamer, Bedford; J.j
M. Barmjollar, Bloodv Run : A. B. Br.xx,
Schellsburg, and by Dealers in Medicines ev
erywhere. Oct. 20, IS;>s. ly. j
D\Apcpsi.i, .1 mill dice,
Chronic or .Yervous Debility, Disease of the \
Kidneys, and all Diseases arising from
a Disordered Liver or Stomach.
Such as Constipation, inward I'iles, Fullness of Blood
to ttie llet d, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart
burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the
Stomach. Sour Hructatioiis, Sinking or Fluttering at
the I'it ol the Stomach, Swimming of the lb-ad. Hur- i
ried and Difficult Breal bins, Fluttering at the lieart,
Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying;
posture. Dimness of \ sion, Dots or Webs before the
sight. Fever arid Dull I'aiti in the Head, Deficiency !
of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and F.yes, '
Pain in the Si !e. Back, Limbs, &c., Sudden Flu-hes ;
ol Heat, Burning in the I'lesh, Constant Imaginings
of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits,
Prepared /•>/
No. 1 '2O Arr/i Strrrf, Vh//adrlyhia.
Their power over the above diseases is not ex- j
celled, if equalled, by any other preparation in
the United States, as the cures attest, in many j
cast s after skilful physicians had failed.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of in- I
valirS Possessing great virtues in the Vtctifi- j
of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands,
exercising the most searching powers in weak
ness and affections of the digestive organs, they
are, withal, safe, certain and pleasant.
J. D. Seeing, Laceyville, Pa., April 6, 1854,
says : '-I can get \on some good certificates for ■
your German Bitters in this vicinity if you j
wish them. A lady purchasing some of it this j
week, says that it is by far the best medicine j
she ever knew, having done her and her daugh- j
much good, Ike."
S. B. Lawson, Benfard's Store, Somerset Co.,
Pa., August 15, 1853, says; "I am much at-;
tached to your German Bitters, having used two j
bottles of it, which I procured from S. Kurtz,;
your agent at Somerset, and found great relief
from in disease of the Liver. 1 find it has great
effect upon my lungs, strengthening and invig
orating them, which, as 1 am a public speaker,
is a great help to me."
Dr. Giles, Newton Hamilton, Pa., May,
1851, said: J have used myself half a dozen
bottles of your German Bitters for Liver com- i
plaint and diseases of a nervous character, re- ]
suiting from the abuse of mercury. I was poi- j
soiled and afflicted with spasms from the use of j
this latter article. The German Bitters is the j
first article from which I obtained any reli. j. |
I have also given the article to many dyspep- i
tics, with the most salutary result. 1 think as i
many more bottles will cure me." A
• J. C. Young, Esq., of Dauphin, Pa., writjf j
.\*W 5, 1851: "I was afflicted with GeN<Ci |
Debility, Intestinal weakness and Costivenvss, j
for which 1 used many different remedies with- j
out relief. lat last used your Hoofland's Ger- j
man Bitters. I took a few bottles according to
directions, and was completely cured, I have j
not been so healthy for ten years as I. have been ,
1 since I took your Bitters, which is about one j
! year ago.''
The Bitters are entirely vegetable, al- :
I ways strengthening the system and never pros- (
! trating it.
Sold by dealers in medicine and storekeepers I
everywhere. And by
Dr. F. C. Reamer, Bedford, Pa.
I Oct. 20, 1553 ly.
D. K. wriWRUCt,. B. F . SFAb> Up
Wundeiiieli & Nead,
-formavinng Sc (Commission fllcrcl)ants
North St roll,/ Street, opposite the Cumberland Vail,*
Rail Rood Depot,
tFT" J hey are at all times prepared to rarrv all
kind* of Produce to, and Merchandise, & c f r „„
Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the shortest notice
V They will also purchase Flour, Gram, hte a
market price. *'
PL AM Lit on hand and lor sale ldw.
June 10, 1853.
Shoe More.
A. B. Cramer &. Co have just received n
very large stock of Boots and Shoes suitable for
fall and Winter—part styles as follows :
Mens'Superior Waxed Doubled Sole P,o o t ?
Mens' " Citv made Calf do
M ns' " Heavy Kip-Lined do
Youth's " Waxed Doubled Sole do
Youth's " Kip " '• do
Boys' " Kip " " do
Boys' " Calf " " do
Womens' " Doubled Sole Kip Bootee?
Womens' " " fine Calf and Seal do
Womens' " fine Goat Morocco do
j Women's " Parodi Bootees—very handsome.
Girls Morocco, Kip and Calfskin B'x.te K s
Children Shoes of every stvle and Price.
Doubled sole Gaiters—Gum Shoes Kc., in
j fact Boots and Shoes to suit every purchaser.—
j II you want a pair of Boots or Shoes please
j give us a call and you shall be suited in price
| and quality.
OlF*Exchange Store is the place to buy Boots
and Shoes I
Oct. 12, 1855.
f > ESPECTFULLY begs leave to tender his
: ISs Professional Services to the Citizens of
: Bedford and vicinity.
; Office in Julianna Street, at the Drug
and Book Store. Feb. 17, Isfii.
Cessna Ac
Hi A YE formed a Partnership in the Practice
I of the Law. "./""Office nearly opposite
tiie Gazette Cilice, where one or the other mav
at all times be found.
Bediord, Oct. 2(5, 1849.
EVERY ONE who has used Huminel's Es
; sence of Coffee, knows that one package will
j go as far as 4 pounds of the best Java Coffee,
| and coffee made by this Essence will preserve
j perfectly the real taste of Java coffee, but will
have a more delicate and finer fiavor, a finer
color, and w ill certainly be much wholesomer
fur every person than pure Java Coflee.
(CP'For sale at Dr. B. F. HARRY'S new
Drug and Book Store. Oct. 7, 1853.
l>r. B F„ Harry
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in (he
building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hofius.
June 24, 1853.
On hand, and for sale, a superior lot of
Cooking. Ten Plate, Parlor, and Church Stoves.
S . .1 . M ' VAIS LIX ,
HAS removed his shop to the n.-w Building
second door West c>f the Bedford Hotel, w here
he is fully prepared to make all kinds of gar
| merits for Men and Boys in the most fashiona
i ble style, and on reasonable terms. Having
had much experience in the business, and being
I determined to use his best exertions to please,
; he hopes to receive a liberal share of the pat
ronage of a generous public.
\LT* Garments cut to order on the shortest
1 notice.
Bedford, May 23, 1856.
IJi'Hffs Books.
Dli - >• '• REAJIER gm
Having purchased the DrugCSLuSAf
and Book Store of Dr. S. D. Scott, will
! constantly keep on hand at his establishment
in Julianna Street, a complete assortment o
Drugs, Medicines, Dve Stuffs, Paints, Oil*
Window Glass, Varnishes, Brushes of all kiiui*
i Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, Fancy
j Soaps, &c. &.c. together with an extensive e>
I lection of School and Miscellaneous fcoks.
Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery.
Sec. which he offers at greatly reduced prices
for cash. Bedford, Fob. 17, 1554.
\ew Iftrtig A Book Store.
Wk wish it distinctly understood by thiscotomuni
! ty and country, that we pav particular attention tc
i the selection of our Droits and Medicines, purchasinit
\ none but the very lest and purest artirlrs. We
j for sale cheap all the approved popular patent me<t!-
j cines, Ai/rpt Cherry Perioral, JII y lie SI alrltri.'
i l'ani Killct, and all the Sarsaparillas. Also 1-übiri
I Extracts for the Handkerchief, fancy soaps,
| pomma.ies, ox marrow, \e. 5Ye also keep constun.-
| ly on hand a gen.-ral assortment of SrhoiJ if 01
; Itrneons Pools, Blank Books, Cap and Post
I &c. In fact, if you want anything in the Unis'.
I Medicine, Book. Soap or Brush line, call at the Ne
Drug and Book Store and you shall be accommodated.
Jan. 13, 1854.
Jaiai Fa Keedf
Attorney at Law, Bedford, Pennsylvania,
Respect fall /j tenders his services to the Pull"-
; KF* Office second dour North of the Men?*"
j House.
Bedford, Feb. 20, 1852.
V/. J. SAFE, Attorney Law:
WILL practice regularly in the Courts of
j Bedford County hereafter. He may,
Ij Court Weeks, be consulted at his room £• l:1 "
; Washington Hotel.
1 Nov. 23, 1855.
St. Hotelf
(L* it in I) cvl an ii, HI •
I The Proprietor respectfully begs leavy >
form the travelling public that this house ,3> r . _
j cently been thoroughly re-fitted and coinp r rl .'
I renovated, and is now ready to receive
It is the earnest desire and intention o
■ Proprietor to give perfect satisfaction to t °
! who favor him with their patronage. -
■ ral share is confidentlv expected.
SAMUEL LEMAN, Proprietor.
Successor to H. R. Dow ic Co
-1 Cumberland, Aug. 10, IS-'O.