Tli * Cwaze l te. BEDFORD, FRIDAY MOHMN'G, July 25, 185<5. PORTRAIT CF J AS. BUCHANAN7 The most correct iikeness ever made, executed in the highest style of Art, and printed on tine India per. published and for sale. Wholesale and Retail, j,J J,. N. ROSENTHAL, Lithographer, N VV eorn of sth and Cbesnut street-, Philadelphia. Size oi aner 17x26: Retail price $1; a liberal discount ™,H ne made those wishing to sell again. July 25. The First Pajje. £7* The reader will be well compensated by a careful perusal of all the articles to be found on the first page 01 Die Gazette of to-day. They present truths and arguments of an overwhelming character, i which cannot fail to arouse the freemen of Bedford Comity to a full sense of their duty. 27" Our readers will peruse with profound interest letter irom Rev. SCI'TIMTS TI STIN, a distinguished tiers' 1 man, to be found in the Gazette of to-day. ry We have examined a specimen of the "AM BROTVPES" of Tuos. R. GKTTVS, Jr., of this place, and have no hesitation in saying that they i will compare savorably with any we have seen. His j loom- are in the Beilford Hall, where he is prepared j tnexecute likenesses in a style equal to that of any other establishment in the State. All in want of a I .mod and life-like Picture will do well to give him a call. ry We invite the attention of purchasers to the i advertisement of Hon. JOS. R. NOBLE, by which it will be sen that he oilers for -ah- one of the mo-t ; va!' dole Mill properties in l'ulton county, to which j i- attached a first rate Farm. We would advise all i : want of such a property, to examine the one allu ded to before purchasing elsewhere. 77*Atten'ion is directed to the advertisement of PETFR H. SHIRES, ESQ. which will be found in the proper column, by which it w ill be seen that lie is prepared to furnish Farmers with ail kinds of! Farming implements of the very best quality. Crooks ant! Sunnier. -■y Whilst every lover of our country must turn with sorrow and disgust from the obscene malignity oi Mr. Sumner ir. the bitter language employed by i lunri upon the floor of the 17. S. Senate to sustain his j .iceinhary ABOLITION views—none can success-| ;di!v justify tiie conduct of Brooks in Ins di-gracefl ! attack upon that Senator. Both these men are i wrung, and it is an outrage uprn the morals of the ;iv 'bat either ol them should he permitted to represent an honest constituency. We are sorry , riijf Brooks was not promptly expelled lrom the House —and that Mr. Sumner was not publicly rejui 1/ 7 for his gross and language in debate. £7* The Presbyterian Grave Yard, which, for a longtime-, has been in a dreadful condition, has re- : 0 ; tiv been handsomely cleaned up, and the fences j white-washed, pre-enting a change truly agreeable to the eye. For this handsome improvement we ure indebted to the Laihk- of the place—but more espe cially to Mrs. YIKKISII Tim, who started the sub scription—collected the money —and superintended the work. She will receive the sincere thanks of the community. JoiuV Juuiata Valley. or?" I . J. Jovts, Esq., the accomplished assistant 'bi;tor oi the Ibdlidavsbuig Staudanl arrived in Bed turd on last Tuesday evening, am! is -topping at the lie .fiord Hotel. He is the author of the "History of, i!ir Juniata Val/ry and has with him a tew copies 1 ir-ale. Thi- is a work which should be in every iamily in Bedford County, and we are satisfied that i v. lio ptrr chase it will consider the amount thus; e\;.ei,; -d well invested. The hardships encountered j ; I y tiie early settlers of this Valley can only be fully j c -.rstood by a perusal oi this Book, which gives a | i-i.thfiil description of events as they, actually oc-, cured. Z7" We notice among the visitors at the Springs, j lion. E. A. I'IAMIIAN, Judge FI.NOI.AI, and Col. V\ M. >. FA-, iT.M.r., of Philadelphia. Hon. A. J. Cr itriN,i v *vi%UrY of the Commonwealth—Dr. KIM;, of Pitts- j* fnrg. i Gen. Giucs, of Huntingdon County.;' 1 ;.-ie were 17 arrivals on Tuesday, and 20 on 1 Wednesday ia-t. 7. 'I. III.KV'S SAKSAI I \nnr.A. —It is not only the ■ -t re .aid- but one of the most valuable corn- j : • - - that ran he bad during the summer month-, j 1 far :,e removal and permanent cure of Sctofluln, j bv-p.-ps ... Bronchitis, Pulmonary Affections and all j ci-'ar,ec'is eruptions ari-ing fiorn an impure or vitia- | , t-d condition of the blood, it stands imappnrarhed ill ; history of rnedieine. 1: may be used at all sea- . - : - v. 'li \ery decided advantage, hut especially in : the spring and summer season.— iiocL hiatal Argus. I Ail Right in lowa. In Lee county, 1 nva, the vote for President ! iti 1 Sfv2 stood us follows: Pierce 1,708 Brott 1,379 *: Hale 201 At an ePction held in this county on -Stii u!t. fir members of the legislature, tin- ' x Cite stood : KOU -J7VATOP.. r D. P. Brigbam, dem., had 1,332 Win. Stewart, Iv. N,. " 1:)0 j , St"|ih. Cook, uoolly, " 44 iii:rni>t:sTATivi:>. J- M. Anderson, dmi., had 1,304 H. *1". B. Lynch," " 1,319 S R ,j id, " " 1,256 j Jn S. Hamilton," " 1,250 , ' Haw kin Taylor, iilack rej., had Simeon Cole, " " {j,3i RMW> eleven months • i.nti a large number of relations to mourn i J '-r loss. A Curious Coiaridence. .j' 's remarkable, says the Mount Holly ffrr- j ■ i that at this time when the Black Republi cs are in such a tlurry of pretended excite- j ' n, ' nl a hout the assault of Mr. Brooke on Mi> ! j-'hrrner, that they should present to thm coun- j W a candidate f>r the Presidency, who stood I 'Ti" years ago precisely in-the position which | • ooks now occupii s aslhe v icvlent assail-I a,,t of a 1 riin-(J States Senator, for words soo-J V ken in debate. Some five or six years ago, a bitter contro-j ve.-sy was cartied on in tin* Senate between Mr. Focte, of Mississippi, and Mr. Benton, the father-in-law of Mr. Fremont, in which the former indulged in some severe personal re marks on tiie latter. Afier the Senate had ad- ; journed, Mr. Fremont way-laid Mr. Foote in the anti-chamber, or lobby adjacent to the Sen ate, and assailed him with gn at violence, blows j passed, and they were seperated—after which, ptrpon the insistinent of Mr. Benton, Fremont sent Foote a challenge, which would have re-: suited in a hostile meeting, if mutual friends of the parties had not hv great exertion brought about a reconciliation. We hope that tin* Black Republican press and orators,should they have occasion to say anything more in dentin- j rial ion of "brutal outrages in the Senate cham ber," will have the fairness to divide their in dignation equally between Mr. Fremont and Mr. Brooks. If the conduct of one deserves re buke, the other surely is far from innocent. Dayton Empire in speaking of'Fre- ! mont, Says: "Is this the man for our country j when foreign nations threaten n. with war?— Is this the man to guide the ship of State thro' j I iie present complications of our foreign affairs? Is h<* tin* man to bring peace and cpuet to the j country, by a careful and patriotic management |of our internal atlirirs? He i< riot, ft is no time rtmv for Rocky Mountain climbers and Maropossa claim ow iters. Jt i> a time for mas | ter-spirits of the country. It is a time for the ' trid and faithful servants <>(' (lie jieopli*. ft is a time f>r the wise head, the patriotic In art, and the strong, determined character. It is the | littie lor such men as James Buchanan. Dis guise it as you may, conceal it to the Utmost extent of your abrlit v, and vet the fact glares you in the face, like an August sun, that James 1 Buchanan is the man for the times." REMOVED. The undersigned take this method of inform ing their former patrons, arid the public in gen eral, that they have removed their entire Stock ■ yf' from the West end of Bedford tothe j Oiionade Store, lately occupied hy Capt Jacob 1 | Reed, where they will be pleased to see their oft customers, and ail who will fax or them with a call. Alt kind of produce taken in exchange for goods at cash prices. j'hey hope hy lair dealing and evincing a desire to please, to continue to receive a liberal ■ shaie ol the public patronage. J. iV. J. M. SHOEMAKER. July 2.7, 1856. Just received and for sale a prime lot of (iro cenrs, consiting in j ait of Sugar, CoHee, Tea, Rice, indigo, Starch, Tobacco, Syrups, and Mo lasses, which will be sold low bv J. J. M. SHOEMAKER. July 25, 1856. VARIABLE MILL PROPERTY cX FARM FOie Si ALU. The subscriber ofT-rt for sale his Mill Proper ty, situate in Licking Creek Township, Fulton county, one half-mile north of the Turnpike i , Road and six miles west of McContiel.-burg.— j ; The Mill is nearly new, is large, and u ell fin ished, has overshot w heels, lour run of stones, three of which are Burrs, metal gearing, and. al! nrces-ary machinery for custom or Mer chant work, and is capable of doing a large bu siness. The Mansion or Mill tract contains 214 acres i and allowance, patented land, 150 of which are I cleared, |trincipjlly good bottom land, suitable < fur meadow or plough land. The improve- ; menl> are a good Dwelling house, large Barn, j Miller's house, Stables, \.r., all bniit within a fewyears and in good repair. Also one trad of timber land, adjoining the above, containing 253 acres and allowance, a considerable part *•! which might be cieared, being land of good quality. Also a small piece of land adjoining the first i ; mentioned Dad, containing six acres, purchas- ( ed for a water right. > ( As the subscriber resides over thirty miles ! i from the above property, he will sell it low and i on easy terms: a considerable portion of the pur- ' chase money can remain on inteiest, il desired, 1 for a number of years. Possession will be given Ist April next. For furtlmr particulars address the subscriber, Pa'tonsville P. O. Bedford County, Pa. JOS. B. .NOBLE. July 25, 1856. f 15.I 5 . Si. Shires' \ M if IIIM N ii (IP. N Til E undersigned respect full v announces to tile Farmers of Bedfrnd and adjoining counties, and the public in general, that he has now on i hand at his Shop in Bedford, a large assortment of i'hrashing Machines, whirl) includes his four horse PREMIUM MACHINE. It will be re- ; metnhered that this Machine took the FIRST PRE.MICM atourOountv Fair last fa!!. it i- : const i net* d with tumbling bhalt and Strap com- : 1 liined : also lour horse tumbling Shaft Ma chines of the very best kind also two and three [ , horse tumbling Shaft power—and our old and well-known lour horse Strap Mat bine, which, ' for Strength and durability, cannot be surpassed j anywhere. Farmers will please notice that we are now prepared to furnish Machines on the ■ most favorable and accommodating terms, and i at the very lowest prices possible. Horses, 'Grain, Lumber, and all kinds of trade will he taken in payment for Machines. All kinds of repairing of Machines of different kinds and all \ other farming utensils don<* on the most reason able terms, of the very best mater ials, and at the j shortest notice. i AH our Machines warranted one year if properly used. Please come tins wav ii3.oi> Praticnl s3,sQpk-Mathematics and Natural So-I 1 ences Si,oo. A ' < July 25, IBSC. j OTTNO Ht'MBFG.—M. H. HUTZ'S CELKBRA : I l-.D Fetter VY'a-h, is the only safe and sure remedy ' ever discovered for curing the l etter, Ringworm, and all eruption- ol the Skin. It is >o lnlallable a remedy, that a peiieet cure in all rases ol Tetter is guaranteed, il attentively applied. In ordinary cases one bottle w ill be sutficeiii to perfect a cure. In bad ru-es, with a Tetter ol long standing, more will be required. Price 25 cents per bottle. For -ale at Dr. B. F. Reamer's Bedford. April 25, 1856-1 y. tr?"A SECRET FOR THE L AWES.-.HOW TO PRESERVE BE AI FY.—Don't use Chalk, Lily White, or any of the so-called cosmetic-, to conceal j a faded or sallow complexion. If you would have the ro-es brought back to your cheek, a cleftr, healthy and transparent skin, and life and vigor infused through the system, get a bottle of ; Carter's Spanish Mixture, and take it according to directions. It does not taste quite as well as your j sweet-meats ; but, if altera few doses you do not : find your health ami beauty reviving, your -tep ela— -1 tic and vigorous, the whole system refreshed and in vigorated like a Spring morning, then your case is I hopele-s; and all the valuable certificates we possess, go for nought. It is the greatest purifier of the blood known; is perfectly harmless, and at the same time powerfully efficacious. | S**e advertisement. Great Cure of Piles. CA.UDKN, N. J.. March LJITASNO. Dear Sir—lt i- with much pleasure that I take this ; opportunity ol informing you of the great benefit 1 have derived from the use of a few bottles of "I I oof l-iml's Clrrmon Hitlers.''' For a number of year- I have been -orely and severely afflicted with a pain in 1 lie stomach, attended hy seveie attacks of the /'t/ts, lor which 1 tried a great many remedies, but without affording me any relief. Being advised to j use the Crrrtnoti Jhttrrr. I did -o, using in connexion, j lor the }'i!r\, your t?j>il''rnani Ointment, and I now | inform you that they have entirely cured me and le j stored roe to health, and I would advi-e all the afflic ted to use your valuable medicines. Lc. • Respectfully yours, MARGARET RFFSIIER, No. |" Plum street, Camden. \. J. Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia. See advertisement. I.MfOHTAvr Anvirg.—To have a teazim* com'h or cold, with a perpetual dripping lrom itie nose ami soreness of the breast ami lungs is liuly* annoying, ami such of our readers who may be afflicted m that i way, we would say go To Rupp's store ami buy a bot tle of Dr. Keye'er s Pectoral Svrup. and you will be relieved of a great deal of suffering, am] probably sa ved from sorrie more formidable lung disease. TO THE LADIES. 'I HE subscriber would invite the attention of the L'-nlies to a new article intended to depos it** water from the wash-bowl—a convenient and handsome accompaniment to the wash stand, preferable to an\thing of the kind vet in use. " GEO. FLY MIKE. July 1 1, 1 SAG. NOTICE* The undersigned, appointed by the Orphan's Court of Bedford count v to distribute the tnonev in the hands of Daniel B. Wis.gart er and John Mower, Ksqrs. Executors of the last Will and Testament of Jonn IVisegarver, late of St, Ciair Township, deceased, will attend to the duties ol hi# appointment on Tuesdav the 12th dav of August next, at Ins office in Bedford, when and where all interested can attend if they desire. JOB MANN, Auditor. July 11, 1856. MAKNY'o COMBINED REAPER AND MOWER, WITH "WOODS' IMPROVEMENT." Farmers of Bcilloril am! Blair Gountie- arc inform al that this justly celebrated ntacbtiie can be b.ul by application to \V. W. JACKSON. A. DE ARM IT. Agents for Blair ami Bedlord Counties. July I, ISSG. ( HEAI* ( LOTIiIML S. HERSHMA N N. CO., would n spectfullv inform the citizens of Bedford Comity, that they have~opened a Clothing store in Huliidays burg—No. 5. L 'i d's Row. July 4, 1856. Purify lour liiood. The U oiMlrr nf Ihe Airutn iilh Cniltiry. Important and of urea/ Cunsiderat iun to Ihe Safer! tig. T. A. ULTiLIA 'S SARSAPARILLA. OF all the rerie-ilic- that have been discovered du ring the present age for the "thousand ill- thai ties!, is heir to" none equal this wonderful preparation.— Only three years have • lap-eii since the discoverer (who -pent a decade in studying, experimentalizing, anil perfecting it) first introduced it tolhe public,and it is already recognized, by the ino-t eminent physi cians iri al! parts of tlie country to be the mo-t stir- ; prt.-ing and effective remedy tor certain diseases of which they have knowledge. Ail other compounds or syrups of the root, have hitherto failed to command tfie sanction of the (ac uity, because, on being tested, they have been found to contain noxious ingredients which neutralize the good effects of the Farsapar;!la, and often times in jure The health of the patient. It is not >o with Hurley's preparation. I'lns is the pure and genuine extract of the root. • ami will on trial, be found to effect a ceitam and perfect cine of the following complaints and disea ses ; A flections of the Bones, Habitual Gostiveness, ; Debility., Indigeston, Disease- of the Kidneys, Liver Coplaints Di-pepsia. Piles, Erysipelas, Pulmonary Disease*, j Female irregularities, Scrofula or King's Evil, ; Fistula ; Syphilis, And all Skin disease-. Besides curing the above, it is also known to he as greaf and powerful tonic, purifying the blood ami ln vigolating trie system. fuj-hort, iti-. w it bout exception, in the cases men tionftd. and itsgeneial effect on the system, the! rr o-T efficacious as it is the most desirable rempdy ! of the age. It i- already extensively u-eil through . s rnedecine can l>e procured at all extcn-j MVC Drug houses. July t, 1850 — 1 y*. For Sale. The subscriber offers for sale, low, a tint* toil er! Vienna Rosewood I'iatm Forte. SAM'L. BROWN. June 20, 1856. THE MEN GEL HOI SE. Valentine Steckman, Proprietor. iLif Boarders taken hv the day, week, month or year, on moderate terms. May' 9, 1856. The undersigned, thankful (as advertisements say) ' for past favor-at the F'otdnade -tore, in Bedlord, j v* on iti respectfully annoniice to his patrons and; friends generally, that he bus removed his e/itire , stock pf goods to his new brick store room lately oc- , cupieif by Peter Radebaugh, opposite the Bedlord , Hotel. His supply of good- i- fresh, new and (ash- i ionahle. His new room has been neatly anil ele gautly fitted up and remodeled. All kinds of produce are taken in exchange lor ; goods. Me hopes to be continued HI the favor of his pat- J rons anf! fhe public. JACOB KKED. July i, 1806. I " J THE WEST BRANCH INSURANCE CO., OF UOCK HAVK\, PA. 1 Insures D-tacln-d Buildings, Stored, Merchan dize, Farm Property, and other Buildings, and I their contents, at moderate rates. Capital, . $300,000. Charter Perpetual. DEREtTdns. —Hon. John J. Pea Fee-, J o hn B. i Hall, Charles A. Mayer, Charles Crist, Peter Dickinson, Hon. C. C. Ilarvey, T. T. Abrams, D. J. Jackman, VV. White, Thos. Kitchen. Hon. C. C. HARVKY, Pres. T. T. Alii:ams, \ ice Pres. Trios. Kitchen, Sec'v. Reeer enoks.—Samuel H. Llovd, A. A. W L. A. .Mackev, A. White, James tjuiggle, John W. Maynard, Hon. Simon Cam eron, I hos. Bowman, D. D., Wm. Yanderbelt, W m. Fearon, Dr. J. S. Crawford, A. Updegraff, James Armstrong, Hon. Win. Bigler. A. S. RUSSELL, Jlfl for lied ford and Fulton Court firs. Bedford, May It), 1856 lv. MORE \i; \! ROODS. THE undersigned has just returned home from ihe Eastern Cities with a large stock of Summer Hoods, and is now exhibiting AT CHEAP SIDE a general assortment of new style of Summer Hoods, comprising a great variety of LADIES' DRESS HOODS, which consists in part of black and fancy Silk>. Challi, Lawns, DeLaim-s, Ma donna Cloths, Alpacas, Debege. Mantillas, occ., Ac. Also a great variety of black and fancy Cloths and Cassimeres. Linen and Cuttonade lor Gentlemen and Bov's' wear. BOOTS & SHOES,"HATS A BONNETS. (Groceries—Sugars, Svrups, Molasses, Sliad, Herring and Mackerel, Bacon, Queensware, Hardware. Brooms, Buckets, Chorus, Ac. The above stock consists of every article iisti allv kept in store—all of which will he sold CHEAP FOR CASH, or approved produce. Thankful lor past favors, he hopes hv fair dealing and a desire to please, to continue to merit and receive a liberal share of the public j • patronage. June |3, 1856. C. W. RUPP. IIMIiiiiMPES AND AMBROTYPES, READER have von ever heard ol GETTYS' inimitable Daguerreotypes / II not go at onco to fiis Saloon and see for yourself: and if vou w ant a likeness of yourself or friends, as true as Nature and Art combined can make it, that is the place to get it. Il you want a picture put tip in the most approved style and of the best materials—or. in short, it' vou want the worth of vour money in a splendid Daguerreo type or Ambrotype, go to GETTYS. as he is the only Artist in Bedford County who can take the hew style of Daguerreotypes and j Amhrolypt s. lie spares no pains to give full satisfaction, j and permits no picture to go out until he is con- j rider,t that it w ill do so. Having just returned ' fiom the East, he is in possession of all the late ; ' improvements in tin* Art, ami can assure his j j patrons that he can furnish them with a style of > pictures not taken by any other person in the , ' Count v. /{••orris at the "'Exchange Building," or Odd , Fellows Hal!, immediately above the store of i Mr. A. B. Cramer. 1 T. R. HETTY'S, JR. j J one G, ISo 6. ( NEW STCRE.' Aii€l \nv Mrs. AH.NTS SACPP would announce to her friends and the public she has opened a Dry Hoods Store in the room occupied as the ' Post office, where she has just received and i J opened a handsome assortment of new style | Spring and Summer goods, embracing in part, | f Black and Fancy Silks, French and Flounced 1 Lawns, of all prie s, Shallies and Braze l)e- ! Jains, Curtain Dtaperv, of all prices. Woo! De • Lains, of all Colors, Cambrick and Swiss mus lins, Buttons, Braids, Cords, Edgings, and In serting*, Ladies ami Misses Shoes, together with a little of almost eveiylhing to be found in j Dry Hoot's Stores. She has also on hand, a large and well se- ; i lected assortment of HARDWARE, which : will be s,)id low, in order to close out this branch of business. She hop. s to receive a liberal i share of the patronage of a generous public. : t Purchasers will please call and examine tor < themselves. April 1 I, 1856. PATENT WASHING MACHIN E. The undersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Bedford Coupty, that they have purchased the patent for the above Machine, from the patentee, (C. I lollinsworth, State of j Indiana.) and are now prepared to manufacture, jj and keep constantly on hand, ttie Floating Ball j or Knuckle Washing Machine, at St. Clair*- ; vine. " Il This Machine works well, and a girl of lour- 1 ( teen year*, can perform the largest Washing in a very short time, and the amount ot clothes ■ arid soaps saved in a year, will pay for the Ma- ! ' chine. Everybody should have one ot these ; Machines. i | Some of the citizens of St. Clairsville have j j fried it, and can testify to what we have said , concerning if. * * D. C. WETSELL, , I). R. KOONS. June 6, 1556. M US. 30. UOOU/HBT, • MILLINER, BEDFORD PA. • < IS prepared to furnish Ladies and Misses with j everv variety of SPRING' AND SUMMER BONNETS, on the most favorable terms. She j has just received from the City a large and ele- j gant assortment of Bonnets, Flats, Ac., which ! she is prepared to trim so as to suit the taste ol the purchaser. She keeps constantly on hand j Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, Flounces, Laces, and all ;, other trimmings, to which she respectfully in- ; , vites the attention of the Ladies of Bedford j , and vicinity. She also keeps Bonnets ready ; , trimmed. From long experience in the busi- | ( m-ss, she feels satisfied that she can please all ; who favor her with their custom, both as to style and price. Thankful for the flattering . encouragement heretofore received, she asks a continuance of the patronage of the public. ] Bedford, May 23, lb*)6—lv. TO THE FARMERS, ft \F- The undersigned informs the fanners of Bed ford and adjoining counties, that he has made arrangements by which he can furnish, to those desiring, the latest improved and best .'IGRI - ll.lL IMPLEMENTS of the day, embracing Scott's "Little Giant" Corn and Cob Grinder, guaranteed to grind from 8 to 15 bush els of feed per hour Vvi'h one horse—Potts' Corn Stalk Cutter and Crasher, warranted to cut front 120 to 160 bushels of feed per hour— Hav and Straw Cutters, in variety—Wheat Drills and Corn Shellers, which are unsurpassed f>r cheapness and quality Cultivators, Horse Hoes, Cider-mills, >N.c. Ac. In short-, every utensil used in or about a farm. Wishing to avoid all imposition, each machine sold by him will he warranted to woik as represented, or no .suit; and, as these machines are procured i.i most cases directly from the Patentees and Man ufacturer*, th.e purchaser will be secure in the right of u-ing. Prices will be as moderate, and, in some in-' stances, lecj than the same machines can b<- procuml singly from the Manufacturer. As the demand i* very great for the two first named machines, orders should !•• given soon by those wishing to purchase. WILLIAM HARTLEY. June 20, 1856—6 m. Fayette This highly agreeable and attractive Mountain report, has been leased by the subscriber. New buildings and impiovcmeiit- foi rcrreulion, amuse merit, an>i bathing, in process of erection during the pa-t, will tie ieady tor the accommodation el vi.-iiors ihe present season. The puiliving and healing properties of the waters of Uiee springs have been fully tested by chemical analysis, and ll.e experience of individuals proves their efficacy. THEY NEVEII FAIL TO CURE i Scrofula and other diseases ol the blood, by freely drinking the water and eruptions by bathing and ex ternal applications of the dejei-ite o! the stream.— The-e waters are chalybeate of iron, with portion> of Magne-ia and Salts. Jn addition In 'lie elevated, heulihlul arid plea-ant mountain location ol these Spiings. they are in the midst of clus-ic ground— w ild. romantic, and pictlire(;ut* scenery—caveri s. cataracts and cascades. Within a c icnit of four <>r live miles are Fort Nkckssitv, W.'txSuiigloEsN s'ir*3 Rattle Field, 1 1 rifihhigtoit'jc Sjiro/j and Mradairy, which he owned to the day of his death—Dunhars Camp— i I'raddock and Jumonnville's (.raves—Delancy *s Cave [ ' —Ohio I'vle and Cucumber Fell- and the Cascades ( ol Meadow Run—ea-y of access on horseback or in vehicles to be had at the Springs. The streams and j woods abound in Trout and Game, affording ;i rich j field for the rfi.iri)>/t\ of t Volton a't N'irtnrr-t. Situate within five minutes walk ol the National t Road, with regular daily lines of s'ages passing [ Fast and West connecting with Pittsburg Steamboats f at Brownsville and with The car-of Pittsburg and ; Conneilsville Rail Road at Connellsville, render these springs convenient ol' access in a short day ride 1 from Cumberland and Pittsburgh. The advantages of our location—our moderate j r charges, earnest desire and the exertions we will j u-e to give entire satisfaction, and to make ouV j guest- comfortable, we hope will not fail to render the i'.'i/rtir Sprimr" one ol the most popular and a- ; greeable summer resorts hi the country. The pre-- j cut les-ee has been employed-at the Springs during -everal season- in the capacity of Superintendent, and he flatters hirr.-elf that hi-experience in this and i other public houses, will not fail in being useful to * hiu.sell, and in contributing to the comfoi t and pleas- i t ure of his patrons. • , Persons wishing to/ngage rooms or to make fur- j* ther in'cjiiiry will please addresj ttie proprietor at j Fayette Springs P. O. or at Tnioritawn, Fayette County, Penua. W. F. BABCOCK. , June 27, I >-7G—ttt. ' 1 DISSOLUTION. J The partnership heretofore existing between j t the Subscribers, under the name of Weisel A j Co., in the Carriage making: and Blacksmithing! business, was this day dissolved by mutual con-i sent. All business ol the late Firm will be at tended to by Michael A John G. Weisel, who | will collect the outstanding notes and accounts j and pav the debts. WM. WEISEL, is MICHAEL WEISEL, i | JOHN WEISEL. May 27, ISSG. I The undersigned have this day formed a part nership in (tie Carriage-making, and Black- Smithing business, under the name and firm ol; Weiskl A Co. We will endeavour by prompt ness, attention, and the character of our work,: to merit and obtain a lair share of custom. — Our stand is the one heretofore occupied by Weisel A Foster, immediately East of town. MICHAEL WEISEL, r JOHN WEISEL. June 6. 1856—3 m. i ! The best collection of Glees ever Published. ' TIP-TOP GLEE AND CHORUS BOOK. Cl new and choice collection of Copyrights never be fore harmonized, and many of the. f Gems ot Mod ern German and Italian C ■>mpo- : sers, arranged in a familiar style, and adapted i to the use of Glee Clubs, Singing Classes, and the Family Circle, by C. J.iuvis and J. A. Gr.rzm ' This work contains a great number of new 1 and favorite songs, harmonized in a style adapt- ' ed to general purposes, while many of the gems 1 ol Mendelsshon, Abt. Kuctien, and other cele- <■ brated composers, are presented in an original ' form. The great variety of musical coiTiposi tions here introduced, eminently adapts it to r the taste and capacity of the Singing School, the i (ilee Club and the Family Circle. TF*Price one dollar. '< Just published bv Leo A Walker. No. ISS 1 Chesnut street, and J. B. Lippincot A Co., No. P 20 Noith Fourth street. Philadelphia. >-*Saiii|'le cofiii s w ill be suit 1 -v n a ; l, free 1 ot postage, on receipt of sl. May 16, 1856—4 m. I NEW SPRING- AND SUMMER GOODS. THE undersigned have just opened their usu al supply of *i*Rl \4B A NITIYIFK <.<>(IIS, , and will take pleasure in showing them, to all who fray favor us with a call, (treat bargains will be offered for Cash, and all kinds of Conn try produce—or to punctual customers, a credit of six months will be given. A. B. CRAMER A CO. Bedford, May 2, 1856. HATS.—Mens' Panama, Leghorn, and Braid s Hats - also hoys and children* hats, for sale t>\ CRAMER A CO. ' j MORE NEW GOODS. Ju-t rt'civvd, at Reed's New Store, ;i fresh r,| |'P'y n ' Style and Fancy Goods, embrac i. g a large lot of Ladies' Dress Goods, French Needle Worked Collars, Fancy Silks, Gros dp RhineN, Blk. Silk Fringes. Dotted Swiss, Striped do. Plaid Naunsook, Hon net Ribbons, Mantua do. Blk. Sdk ('ravats, Bvron Collars, Merino Casimere, Gents hnlf-H 'se. Mixed and BrVti. Aiso a prime Irit of Family Groceries, con sisting of Sugar. Coffee, Tea, Rice, Corn Starch, Svrnp, .M ,lasses, &.c. N.c. " July IS, 1836. Public Sale Of LOTS iii the Town of liq cweij, Led ford County, A sal- of lots in tin* town of Ilopewell. will lak>* place liy Public Auction, on tim premises, on I 111 RsD.AY , tin- 3lst. day xh lust,; !- supply id C*>.il, iron ore and lime stone, aiid also a gr. • abundance of water jar,ver in and adjoining the town. I: y ft '* t■ f: - w iii tie made known at the time of sale. HENRY K. STRONG. Prix-u'enf. H. R. C Sccrcfriri,. July* IS, 1836. Gaiters and Shoes. t he subscriber would announce to the public that he hasj-ust received, and will constantly keep, an assortment of Gentlemen's Cifv made Gaitns am: Shoes, also Misses and children Shoes, which he will ,dl as low asthev can he bought Buy where ej . and will s-w all rips grat:--. As he has but a small profit on these Shoes, all -ales must he cash. He continues to carry on the Boot and Si: p making Business in all its branches at his old stand, and is prepared to accommodate, in the hest manner, al! who favor him with a call. Thankful for past favors, he hopes to merit and receive a continuance of the same. \Y.M. CLAAIL Bedford, July 18,1836. - Agent Wanted. A Responsible Agent u anted to canvass the County of Bedford fir a permanent and respon-. sibU* Insurance Co., to whom good inducements will be offered. Address D. S.—.|o\- 14-2,* York, I'a. July 18, 1836. Notice. All persons indebted to the estate of John U. Allen, late ot Napier Township. Bedford County, deceased, v\ 111 make immediate pay ment, and those having claims against said es tate, will present them properly authenticated lor settlement. MARGARET ALLEN, Adm'x. July 18, 1836. Dividend. A dividend of one per cent, oil lite capital stock of the Chambershurg and Bedford Turn pike Road Co., has been declared by the mana gers payable on the Ist August, at the otfice of E. ) . Andeis..n, Esq. G. R. MESSERSMITH, Treasurer. July 18, 1836 NOTICE. Letters of Administration, de bonis non, on the estate of l)a\ i ! Stof.vr, late of South Wood berry Township, deceased, have been granted to the subscriber, residing in said Township. All jtersons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, ami those having claims will present them prop-rlv authenticated lor settle ment. JOS. B. NOBLE. J]dm'r de bonis non. July 18, 1836. STORE PROPERTY AN!) DUELLING FOR SALE. A GOOD CHANCE COR BUSINESS MEN. The subscriber t\ ishes to sell his store prop erty at W-st End. It is UCCIUF.M.Y one of the be>t country locations tor business in Bedtbrd County, b-ing situated on the Glade Turnpike at the crossings of Cur public thoroughfares, and in the midst of a good timber country, within 7 miles ol the Connellsville Rail Road. The improvements consist of a store-room, with a comfortable and convenient dwelling attach ed—stabling and warehouse, with other neces sity out-buildings, together with a blacksmith and wagon-maker shop, also 16 acres of Land, or more it'lequired. This property will be sold cheap and on accommodating terms. Pos session car. be had on tbe Ist day ol October. Tor further particulars apply to Robert Evan, Bedford, "I - the subscriber at Juniata Mills, Bedford County, Pa. LEWIS N. FY AN. July 11, 1536. CAST IRON BOOT JACKS. ON hand, and for <=ale. a very superior article of Cast Iron Boot Jacks, ('all and see them. GEO. BLYMIRE. July 11. 1836. FIRM FOR SALE. A FARM, containing 20t) acres, inoreor less*, m Franklin County, Pa., is offered for suit*. Particulars can be had by inquiring of the sub scriber HI Bedford. VALENTINE SI F/ KM A.N. May )6, ISjo.