BV E- W. BOWMA V. NEW SERIES. | Select poetry. Written for the Daily Pennsylvsnian. Ho! ICnliy Ereeinen. j . Y-juLct Doodle; or, ' The Girl I left behind Me.' Ho! rally Freemen one and all We'll irive the foe no quarter, We'll show no mercy, none at all, Although they think we " olighter Our song will make the welkin ring, Then hurrah for James Buchanan, <.ire Buck and Breck %re ju>t the thing, To give our foes a tanning. For "Kansas" Massachusetts may Take up her contribation^M^ But ddMh stand and s®fc'T, at Kainshorg: Loniiunderrv, Friday, Augusl 15, at Bridgeport: , C. Valley, Saturday, Augort 16, at Cenlerville: , st. Clair." Monday," August 18, at St. Clairsville: Fnion, I u sdav, August 13, at Ake s Mill. Napier, Wednesday, August 20, at Schelisburg: Hopewell, Broad Top and Liberty, I iiursday, August 21, at Hopewell: Middle Woodberry, Friday, August 22, at the village of Woodberry: Sjutii Woodberrv, Saturday, August ••>, at Pattonsviile: WM. P. SCHELL, JOHN CESSNA. JOSEPH W. TATE, WM. M. HALL, SAML. G. STATLER, . (i. H. SPANG, F. D. BEEGLE, County Committee. •July 11, 1856. THE "10 CENT" SUNDER ! SI,OOO Reward Wi',l be paid immediately by the undersigned tiefn ncraticCounty Committee of Bedtor.l County to any JIT. on or p-oons who will show, by clear anil satis factory proof, such a, would be received in a Court "I justice, that J.ivt.s Bi CIIAMN, in any speech.-let ter. public or private paper, written or printed doc ument or social conver.-ation, ever advocated or la vored the doctrine that the standard of American wages of labor should be fixed at ten cents per day. . This charge has been often arid reckless.}' made Dy the enemies of the Democratic Party, it has jee„i :t< often met and answered, but neither argument r.or -eh re-peet have been sufficient to 'be mouth of vile -lander. 1 rie charge comes with an ill grace irom a -arge portion <>! our opponents wtioare strugjghng to free mure than three million- of negroes and scatter them among us to compete with the working aiin la •cri g population of the country. It is made at an unfor'nnate time for our adversaries. Everyperson i.vAs the wages ol labor never comirwriiled. a ti gher nor a greater and surer reward Titan at 'his time, and every person knows that this result S-- been brought about by the doctrines anil policy •' t the Democratic party under the lead ol JAMES BI -CHANA* and the other great statesmen who have, lor year-, assisted in guiding the "ship ol State. ' We trust that our adversaries W'iif immediately c'aim tlie rewaid, or exhibit such a regard for truth u) the future, a- will prevent the repetition ol this edacious and unfounded charge. JOHN CESSNA. WM. P. SCHELL, JOS. W. TATE, WM. M. HALL, GEO. H. SPANG, F. D- BEEGLE. SAM'L.JL STATLER. County Comnnllee. July 18, 1850. FREMONT 1 CATHOLIC. Tlie Proof. From the New York Express. KNOW-NOTHING MANIFESTO AGAINST COL. FREMONT. COL.FREMONT'S MARRIAGE—HE MUST HAVE BEEN A ROMAN CATHOLIC. There is a point now made one of grpat im portance in the Presidential election—by the denial on the part of Col. Fremont's friends, and by authority, as we understand it, from him—that he is, or even has been, a Roman Catholic. The point is one of this importance, i in a political view, first, because many Ameri- j cans who support him in New England, espe- j ciallv support him upon the ground that he is anti-Roman Catholic—and second, because, if he ever has been a Roman Catholic, he denies the fact, and has ostensibly his reli gion. The Rev. Mr. Beecher savs, in his Inde pendence, apparently by authority : "Until he was fourteen. Col. Fremont was educated in the hope and expectation that he woul 1 become an Episcopal minister. At six teen, he w as confirmed in the Episcopal church, : and has, ever since, when within reach of th church, been an attendant and communicant. And since his ten porary sojourn in New York, lie jias been an attendant to Dr. Antlion's church until recently : and now he worships at Grace church'. Mrs. Fremont was reared ; strictly in the Presbyterian Church, and united with the Episcopal Church upon her marriage with Col. Fremont. Their have been baptised n the Episcopal Church, &c., iNc." These aie strong statements—there is prodi gious wrong somewhere, and we propose to tind out -where. There are two ppriods in a man's life when Iris religion, or the feeling for the religion he was educated in, first discloses itself-—the fust, when he marries for lite ; tlie second, when on his death-bed. It is admitted—and now here denied—l fiat when Lieutenant Fremont marri ed Miss Benton, Father Van Wash ington, a Roman Catholic Priest, of character and high standing in the church there, manied them. Nobody compelled Mr. Fremont thus to go to a Roman Catfiolic Priest. He went there ( of his own free will and choice. True, it is 1 said, that in consequence of the social influ- i enr.e of Senator Benton, in Washington, no < other than a Roman Catholic Priest could mar- ; rv tlie runaway pair: but it is not proven, and 1 it is not true, or if true, it does not vitiate the t fact that a Roman Catholic Priest cannot under I fie ordinances and councils of his church, unite . J unless one df th'em, at least, professes to be ol 1 that church. ( To understand the laws and the councils, and r the customs of the Romish church, we must take-our readers a little way into the theology t of that church. Marriage is w.ith the Raman Catholics a sac- 1 rament. ~The Protestants have but two Sacra- I men's; the Roman Catholics haie seven, and j j among them is matrimony. Hence, a Roman I Catholic Priest would no more administer the j, sacrament of matrimony to a party not of his church, than he would the Lords Supper, or confirmation, or baptism, for matrimony is, in the Romish chut ch just as much a sacrament as the Lord's Supper. 1 tie highest written au thority of the Romish church is 'lie famous Council of Trent, and there it is decreed : DECREE. 3d. Whosoever shall say 'hat the sacraments of 'he new law were not all instituted hv Je sus Christ our Lord or that they are more or less in number than seven : that is to say, Go j tisrn, confirmation, the Lord's Supper, penance, ex treme unction, orders, and matrimony : or that ativ one of these seven is not truly and proper ly a sacrament, let him be accursed. * Marriage among most Protestants —not all, however —is but a civil contract, but in the K>- niish Church it is an obligation, to he taken on ly befire priests— it is a sacrament. The Ro mish Church is rigid, and stricter in its rule of maniage than anv other religious denomina lion. Marriage i"n that church is an indissolu ble tie, and never to he loosed even by the civ il law of divorce. The marriage of heretics hy the priest is a crime, except under some spe ,t one clerk, to car- i rv the I >ook and a vessel of holv w ater, and hv two or three witnesses, asks the man and the woman, separately, as follows, in the vulgar tongue, concerning their consent. Arid first he asks the bridegroom, who must stand at the right hand of the woman : V, wilt thou 13ke N'., here present, for thv ' lawful wife, according io the rite of our holv j Mother Church ? Response—l v\ ill. Then the Priest ii'.ks the bride : N., will thou take N., here present, for thv law ful husband, according to the rite of our ho- j 1V Mother Church ? Responst—l will. '! hen (he w oman is given awav bv her father or friend : and if she has never been married before, she has her hand uncovered : but ii' she is a widow, she has it covered. The man re ceives her to keep in God", faith and his own : and holding her hy the right hand in his own right hand, plights her his troth, saving after the priest as follows : I, N", take thee, X, to mv wedd-d wife, to IdVe .an,! liritus Sancti. Amen. ther, r and ol the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. A incn. ! Xl'.en lie sprinkles them with holv water. This done, the bridegroom places upon the hook gold and silver, (which are presently to lie delivered into the hands of the bride,) and also a ling which the priest Messes. Then the priest sprinkles the ring with holy water, in the form of a cross: and the b:iri<— ! groom having received the ring from the hand of the priest, gives g"hl and silver to tlie biide, and says: "With this ring I wed thee," &c. Then tlie bridegroom places the ring on the thumb ot the left hand of the bride, saying "in the name of tlie Father :" then on the sec ond finger, saving, "and ol the Son : then on the third finger, saying, "and of the Holv Ghost:" lastly, on the fourth finger, saying, "Amen," ami tiwre lie leaves the ring. [The service i< continued in regular marria ges with benediction, payers, and sometimes the singing of mass.] From these documents and facts, Ihus authen ticated, 'tie following conclusions follow : Ist. That the Council of I rent makes mat rimony a sacrament in the Romish church. 2d. That a Romish priest cannot administe , a sacrament hut tr* a Roman ( atholic. j 3d. That Col. Fremont, therefore,at the tin. j of his marriage, must, at l-ast, have prof-ss.- to he a Roman Catholic: and was. therefor-, sprinkled wdh holv water, and accepted othij farms and rites of tlie Roman Catholic chnri , I as such 3 Catholic. j : 4th. That then 1m must have taken all ' obligations of that sacrament, with the pied 1 to educate his offspring in Romanism. filli. That in educating an adopted danght; in the convent at Georgetown lie camel t the obligations of the sacrament. But, says the "Independent"— "It is said that a daughter lias been sent n , S Catholic institution f- r education. s " far L- P j it, she has never been sent away mom • '' at all, but lias been educated by her oi n mother." : This is a quibble. The statement was "* his adopted daughter was educated at the <- vent on the heights of" Georgetown, and e dare a denial Irom Col. f rernont. If Col. Fremont, in view of the Presit * , le has recently changed his religion, and V with a vi*-w to that office, so much the w , j but the 1 ac.t i undeniable, : cs | crushing, that to be married hf.i j piiest, Father Van Horjeigh, Mr. I reru Freedom of and Opinion. < must have professed the Roman Catholic reli gion, and hence accepted all the rules and ritu ; als of the Roman Catholic Church ! He may have broken the sacrament of his marriage within a few weeks past : and he may havehe _come a convert to Protestantism in good faith, in order to win the American vote, but there is a record of Romanism, in the most solemn act of his life, and it cannot be got over or got un der : it cannot be tied down or covered up, and , we, as journalists, but do our duty in publishing truths, no matter how much abuse may follow." A\ OYERHHLLMSXI! ARGUMENT. We have rarelv read anywhere so powerful an analysis of the dilemma in which the con joined fanaticisms of know-nothingism and abo litionism have been placed, now that they ( have formally come together in support of Fre mont, than tlie following. It is a portion of the masterly speech of Hon. VYm. Bigler, sena tor from Pennsylvania, delivered in Indepen dence Square on the 4th of July, lSsti. He [certainly lias presented, in a condensed and striking form, a truthful and convincing picture of the contradictory and suicidal position of the :iliied army. We call upon the adopted citi fen particularly to mark the point made by j Jovernor Bigler : "But I wish you to look at the joint or com iim-d enemy ibr a moment. No one has I'm led 6 tiotice the efforts which are being made to I liing about a fusion between the republicans aid know-nothings in tlie North. The first coincidence is, thai the New York know-noth iig convention and the Philadelphia Black-re publican convention both nominated Mr. Fre uont fur President. Then, again, they have miied at different points on State and local offi cers. In Pennsvlvunia, for instance, they have hut one ticket : und here they have acted to j g-ther before, and may do so again. They did ot in 1554-and in 1855, and have determined to do so at the coming October election. This work is the - asier lor the reason that, with a 1 few honorable exceptions, the know-nothings are black-republicans. Dissimilar as are their purposes, they will unite, ii it be necessary, to secure office and spoils. The examples we have in this State should satisfy us ori this point. Now let us bring (item in juxtaposition, and stftdv the whole picture. The abolitionists ati:s republicans are agitated to distraction about tin- haidships of the African slave: they are devoted tn his interests—are determined 1o sev er his chains, and to elevate him in the scale of moral and political being. This is their faith ' pß27:ge--'!.7 pr -■ i ibe ah f.ireigri-horn ami Cath olic citizens from civil office, and thus degrade a large class of white citizens. TIH V are not lor the African, but they are against the Irish man and the German, the Frenchman and the Welshman, &c. It is perceived, then, that the success of republicanism is the triumph of tlie colored race, whilst the triumph of kuow-noth ingism is the signal forthe prostration of a large class o| white citizens. Now, 1 can hardly see how ttiis business can be managed on joint ac count. its practical workings present sad diffi culties. Tlie negroes and the foreigners can never stand on the same platform. Fremont, if elected, will be half republican and half kiow-nothing, for he w ill he the embodiment o/the views of all his friends. Then, how wan id he meet his obligations ? Would he put ti>* negroes up and the foreigners down, or vice virxn ? Either horn of the dilemma would be distressing. The most reasonable solution is, tlat, as the republicans and know-nothings had tiumphed on joint account, lie would divide (is fa MIIS. He would redeem his obligations to tie republicans- bv going in for tlie colored race, nd, in like manner, he would redeem hj faith j i the know-nothings by prescribing all foreign •nrn and Catholic citizens from office. I see ' io other reasonable version. But there are otb -r phases of this fusion which 1 find it difficult So solve. For instance, I cannot understand how those abolitionists whose sympathies have been'so excited for the African, and for his pro motion on grounds of humanity and liberality, can so readiiv fraternize with a party whose avowed purpose is to proscribe white citizens, 'and degrade them to a condition but little above that of blacks. 1 had supposed that when the .benignant feeling of benevolence got poss-ssicn of the human heart, it would he broad enough _to cover the white as well as the black race.— And then, again, how can the republicans, with , any show of sincerity, denounce the repeal ol the Missouri line because of their reverence for . compacts an I good faith, and then make com mon cause with a midnight dynasty, whose avowed purpose is to break comparts, to clisre ganl the constitution ar.d laws, and violate the faith of our lathers, forthe purpose of subvert ing rights and privileges conletred upon the foM-ign-hom and Catholic citizens? These are things which 1 do not understand : nor do 1 be lieve that when Solomon said 'there is nothing ' new under the sun" he had any reference to a fusion like this. "But what is almost as incredible is, that, in the face of this startling pictur--, some of the re publican presses have the boldness to claim the : German vote for Mr. Fremont : and if it he true that 'coming events cast their shadows before,' j we may look out for another edition of the farce of 1852. with the foreign-born citizens on the stage. But the attempt cannot rise above a farce. Surely our naturalized citizens are not to be deceived again, as they most surely will be ifthev rely upon any protection but that fur nished bv the constitution and the laws and a democratic administration." SHOCKING MURDER OF A YOEXG LADY.—A letter in the New. York Tribune, dated Erie county, Pennsylvania, July 8, relates the fol lowing tragedy growing out of a love affair : "A man bv the name of Hayt had for some i time been paying his attentions la a Mis? Allen, j He was over 40 years old, while she was in h u r j 15th year. The girl's father had asked Hayt for the loan of a revolver, which he was known to have, to shoot rats with. He had, accord ingly, loaded every barrel, and after dinner proceeded to the house of Allen, for the double purpose of seeing his daughter and delivering the pistol ; but alter spending some time with the girl, she told him that site would not 'marry him,' and that if he was out of the way she could get other beaux, or another beau, when, without a moment's hesitation, he drew from his pocket the pistol, and placing it to tu-r head, deliberately tired, when she screamed and fell. He then picked her up and laid her on tne lounge or settee, when he tired a second barrel, the ball passing through her head for ward of her ears. The mother ofthe girl, who was in adjoining room, on hearing her scream, started to go to her assistance, but Hayt com menced firing at her also, but without effect.—; He then immediately left the house and ran in to the woods, as was supposed fur the purpose; of secreting himself, but, instead of so doing, went as quietly as possible and gave himself up 1 to the propier authorities. In lus examination he saiiFThat he had no intent ion of shooting or . hurting his victim a minute before the deed was done. He confessed every thing, saying that he was perfectly sane, but does not know h<* fired at the girl's mother, as he did not waul to harm her. Ife was committed. ' Who 4'::si Wive Peace Io Liansas ? Kansas is now the whole stock in trade ol ; the opposition to the Democratic party. Eve rything is forgotten ! manner of doubt. It will not come, however, through the efforts of the Black R•■publican leaders. Mr. Greeley wiii not be able to help in this good work, even ii he were willing : Mr. Seward will not help; Mr. Hale will not help. Suppose, indeed, their plan were adopted : suppose a bill were ! to become a law, forcing the admission of a half formed State under circumstances ruch a? those i which controlled at the Topeka Convention. ' 1 Would this give peace to tlie country? No- j * body believes It. For even ii this Were follow- j ed by the ejection of CoL Fremont the waves 1 of public opinion would be lashed into an ex citement without parallel in our history. Ag ! itation would he the order of tlie day: the! South would feel that they had been outraged i bv the North, and the conservative men in the ; * North would i i?e e masse against the gamesters ' who had precipitated these difficulties upon the : countrv. The Democratic parly is the only ' party which can Itrir/p pence to Kansas. Its > policy is tin* onlv policy which can forever ' settle the dispute which convulses that ter ritory. We shall be told by some fanatical Abolition ists that tins excitement, as far as Kansas is con j coined, would never have taken place but for the repeal of tlie Missouri Compromise. In answer to this we direct attention to the fact ' that no party is half" as much responsible for ! the existing state of things as the very disunion ists who now clamor against the Senate Kansas , ' Bill. These men had over and over again of f-red to them the Missouri Compromise line as I the final settlement of the Slavery question. Had they permitted it to lie run. as was propo- ; sed by Mr. BUCHANAN in 1847. to the Pacific, not onlv Kansas would have been a lree State . hut a large addition would have heon made to the strength of the free States in Congress in course of time. Tn those days, however, the ; Mi ssouri Compromise was the bugbear of abo litionism, as it had been from the time it be came the law of the land. Those who are now in the habit of talking of irr pealable contracts were the first ami foremost to repeal tlie bind ing force of the Missouri Compromise even when it was applied to Arkansas, in 1841*, and subsequently when ail other remedies seemed to : ' have tailed. In 18-16)'4-7. when every Other: proposition was rejected, and when 'he country was waiting anxiously fur the adjustment of the ; questions growing out of the acquisition of th territory under the Trt-atv of Gaudalupe Hi dalgo, the Missouri Compromise was offered a s , the olive branch of peace to the eager and in- i fatunted fanatics of the North and was refused by them amidst a tempest of denunciation and fury. The compromise measures followed. ' How did these disunionists receive those glori j ous measures originated in the wise councils of Clav, of Cass, of Webster, and all those pure men who have shed lustre upon the national chaiacter, and whose names arc constantly re called as wholesome recollections in those dnvs of peril ? Did they submit when the whole . country was anxious that they should submit > Did Greeley submit ? Did Seward, or Hale, or any of those men who now clamor In the fur— fronfoof the opposition rank" in fo* -r of John ' C. !■ retr.or*', did they- rr : n vi-!d ? On the TES&TEM, S2 PER YEAR. VOL. XXIV, NO. 47. contrary, Mr. Seward arid other Fremont lead ers declared that the Fugitive Slave law should he repealed. The agitation began at that limej and was con tinued as we know wherever an attempt was rr.ade to enforce the law based upon that provis ion of the Constitution, without which no Con stitution would have h iamiv than .Mr. Buchanan} when in his h lter of ISbt, after the Compro mise n asnres had been enacted, he declared that the Missouri line had -'passed away, Mr. Dixon, a Whig Senator from Kentucky, rose in his [ iace, in und proposed the repeal of the Missouri line. Th* question was met, and how met, the country knows. :he Democrat ic party espoused the sacred principles ol pop ' ular sovereignty, arc: as they had done in ma ny a hard fought fight before, they sufi red for adhering to the* truth in the midst ol the clam or and confusion of these demagog ties who have alwavs assailed the policy i f the gr< it progres sive party. The which thev n - v stand Is. t: at the rnu'ority ot the people ill the Territories shall rule, or, in other words, the actual residents of the Territory -hall con trol their own affairs, in their own way, re strained only by the Constitution of the l_ nited States. This just and equitable doctrine pre vails in all assemblies of the people in this free country, it is that under which they prosper in primary organizations. It is the whole na j sis upon which our free institutions repose. It i is the solution of every great national difficulty, and it will as certainly triumph in the struggle as it has always triumphed before. That errors have been committed on both sid-s j la L'aiwiu;. it won hi be. ajjJ: less to deny : that latore ol Kansas is a *uro, rfTYjTerejtorial ! ev-ry fair-minded man must admit. \|| ,f, ' i results, have, however, chiefly flown from the persistent onp ition in the first p J ace> of Afjo _ fjtionism to the extension of the Missouri * lin to the Pacific, and from the violent antagonism raised against the Compromise measures of ISbO as a part ot the legislation of the country, — 1 Pcnnsylvaninn. ... :_i_. -s Repis?)sicani*iM> Hon. James K. Paulding in a recent letter j says, sj/eaking ol --Republicanism j In the words of one of the lecturers, of this new school of ranting philosophy, now a mem ber of Congress, "We nyjst have an Anti-Sla very Constitution, an Anti-Slavery Bible, an.l an A nti-Slaverv God." Whatever may be th- names which parties j choose to adopt for purposes of deception, it must be obvious to ail observers it (the Republi can party) is pervaded bv the leaven of Aboli , tion, without which it would be inert and ccrn ) parativejy lifeless. To conciliate that danger- I ous faction it is absolutely necessary to adopt its principles, and they are sufficiently notorious, having been repeatedly avowed at conventions j and lectures am! anniversaiy meetings. Thev denounce the Bible because it is not an anfi -1 slavery Bible; they denounce Christianity he cause it tolerates a state oi society which exit ed at the time, and has ever since been recogni zed . thev denounce a!i laws inconsistent with the great dogma which constitutes their entire reiigi 'tis, moral and political creed; and, final ly, they denounce tlie Constitution as '-a gross i violation of the law oi' God and the rights of nature."' It must lie evident to every mind that can follow out principles to their inevitable conse quences, that were a party holding such doc trines to w iehi the powers ot this Government, it must necessarily h ad to a revolution, not on ly political, but religious, mora! and social. Jt would not be merely reform but complete snb versioh. It would uproot the very foundation ot the great svstem under whose beneficent operation the people of the United States have hitherto enjoyed a degree of prosperity and hap piness without parallel in the history of the world. We shall be cut adrift from all our safe moorings to float on the w ide ocean of untried ■ experiment, without rudder or compass, with out any pilots but mad-brained fanatics and vis ionary reformers. who ran neither comprehend their own vagaries or make them coinpreitesssi hh- to others. i STATU F.l.UC rtoxs.—On the ffist Monday in August, elections will he held in the .States ot Kentucky, Arkansas, Texas, Missouri, and lo wa : and on the first Thursday of August, in North Carolina. On (hefiist Monday ol Octo ber. in Georgia and Florida ; and on the second Tuesday of October, in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana. Mr. VA N BUJiKN has written a strong let ter in which he emphatically declares himself ;:i tavor of Ah. Buchanan. The union between the Hards and the Softs in New York will give the State to the Democracy by an immense ma jority. J