The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, July 18, 1856, Image 1

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In accordance with the-tiesire of many democrats,
tie County Committee have determined to hold a se
, 'e-: of meetinas throughout the County at the times
places set forth below. It is hoped that the
i >wiiship Committees w ill give full notice iri their
...nective Townships, aad that all good citizens, of
whatever party, who love the Union and desire an
end to the Know Nothing Abolition agitation which
~w threatens it, will countenance these meetings b'y
their presence. We can promise to all, as Well to
■if adversaries as our friends, and those who are
• halting between two opinions," a calm, temperate,
and honest discussion of the great issues before the
Country. 1" addition to the Speakers announced in
• a Goz'ltr of last week, we expect the meetings to
|,e addressed by Col. O. C. HARTLEY. formerly ol the
jiedford liar, and r.ow of Galveston,Texas.
West Providence, Monday, August 11, at the
village of Bloody Run:
Past Providence, Tuesday, August 12, at D.
A. T. Black's:
Monroe, Wednesday, AugSSt 11, at Clearville:
Harrison, Wednesday, August 13, at Keyset's
School House:
Southampton, Thursday, August 14-, at Bux
ton's: Meeting House:
Juniata, Thursday, August IT, at Buena Vista.
Culerain, Friday, August In, at Rainsburg:
Londonderry, Friday, August If), at Bridgeport:
('. Yailev, Saturday, August l(i, at (Vnferville:
St. Clair, Monday. August 18, at St. Clairsville:
l.'nion, Tuesday, August 19, at Ake's Mill:
>apier, Wednesday, August 20, at Scbeffsburg:
Hopewell, Broad Top and Liberty, Thursday,
August 21, at Hopewell:
Middle Woodberry, Fiiday, August 22, at the
village of Woodherrv:
Math Woodherrv, Saturday, August 23, at
County Committee.
July 11, 1856.
Frcaßs of Imagination.
Tulpius mentions a painter, who verify be
lieved that all the bones of his body were so
• It and flexible thtli they might easiiv he crush
ed t igether, or folded one within another, like
I : ces of pliable \\ ax.
A Lusitanian physician had a patient who
insist-d that he was perpetually frozen, and
v uhl sit More a great fire even in dog days.
I'hc Portuguese doctor made him a dress of
n:;g!i sheep.skins, saturaLd with aqua vita',
and set hint on tire. He then sn'd he was
ij iite warm, rather too iiiuch so, and so was
Galen and A vicen make mention of people
who have fancied themselves earthen pots, and
t 't.fere have carefully avoided being touched
tar Par they should he broken.
Iheii there is the case of the insane watcli
"tak-r, mentioned hv Firml, who insisted that
!.<■ Lad been guillotined, and that another head
had afterwards, by mistake, been put on his
U adders, instead of his own. "Look at these
let-tli," he would say ; "mine were extremely
i in. 'some—these are decayed. Mv mouth was
*'Und and healthy : this is fuiil. How differ
ent isth" hair from that of my own head !"
Mr. Haslam, in his work on insanity, men-
I ns a rase of one, who insisted that he had no
i Kith, and when compelled by force to swal
'•uv,declared that a wound had been made in
his throat, through which the food had been in
C'Tiwnuti Cellini, the celebrated Florentine
artist, in his Life says, that "the governor of the
o.ole in which the former was confined had a
I eriodira! disorder ol this sort ; every year he
'a: some different whim. One time he con
ceived himself changed into a pitcher of oil :
r.other time he conceived himself a frog, and
Ggan to leap as such : another time, again, he
"i.agined he was dead : and it was found nec
' < <u'y to humor his conceit hv making a show
trying him. At length he thought himself
1 at, and when he went to take a walk, he
retimes made just such a noise as bats do ; he
• ■e-wise used gestures w it! his hands and body,
-• it he were going to fly."
A young man had a strong imagination that
'Was dead, and earnestly begged his friends
'"try him. They consented, by the advice
1 :; e physician. He was laid upon a bier,
carried upon the shoulders of men to
1 "rch, when some pleasant fellows, up to the
o'.ness, met the procession and inquired who
1 "as: they answered: "And a very good
!l is, said one of them, "lor the worlu is
; rid of a very bad character, which the
-•"lows must have had. in due course." The
}"'uig man now lying d**ad, hearing this, pop
i his head up, and said they ought to be a
srried (,| themselves in thus traducing his lair
• Jll >e: and ii was alive he would thrash
"<m for their insolence. But they continued
iJ u ti-r the most disgraceful language. Flesh
: iood could no longer bear it: up lie jumps,
•v run, he after them, until he fell down
i'uteexhausted. He was put to bed ; the vio
r" exertion lie had gone through piomoted
i f-'piration, and he got well.
r from my sotil I respect the laboring
*"• Labor is the foundation ol the wealth of
lp, V country - and the free laborers of the
■ -■di deserve respect both for their probity and
■ r intelligence. Heaven forbid that I should
•"m wrong! Of all the Countries on the
' ' we ought to have the most consideration
'be laboring man.— James Buchanan.
( —Messrs. Hopkins and Brown,
1 Harrisburg Patriot and Union, have
-' ■ uienced the publication of a campaign pn
i r with the above tit!-. It is a spirited little
i 1 (-nation, and will doubtless do good service
iii:,ing the campaign.
Senator B;GLER addressed the Democracy: In
Independence Square, on the 4-th, at great
length and .with telling effect, presenting and
discussing all the political topics of the day,
and holding tiie vast crowd for full two hours.
His speech will be published at length as soon
as prepared. It-will make a good campaign
document. We insert the following extract
from it lor the purpose of correcting an error
which the reporter for the Bulletin, and De
spatch seems to have committed, as to what Mr.
BICLER said touching the Kansas difficulties.
The graphic and terrible description of the
state of society in that Territory, attributed to
him, by the reporter, is that which he gave as
coming from Republican members ol' Con
gress :
But now for the Kansas question, and the
course of the Republican or Fremont party.
Ever since the commencement of the present
session of Congress the whole country has been
agitated, deeply and violently agitated, concer
ning the state of society in Kansas. The most
accomplished artists of the Republican party
have painted the startling picture from time to
time. That the simple reflection of the truth
would have made a picture dark enough, no
one can doubt: but that these gentlemen, for
purposes of their own, have given it the deep-:
est shade practicable, is just as evident. We
bad been told by the Republican orators in
Congress, on the rostrum and in the pulpit, that
thepeopleof Missouri had invaded that Terri
tory, and controlled the elections f'uf members |
of the Legislature held in March 18->. r >: that
the free-Slate men had been driven from the
polls ; that the government had been astirped i
by mere brute force : that the laws oi Kansas
were not valid laws; that anarchy reigned in j
Kansas ; that arsons and murders were invoked
to serve the ends of slavery: that finally Kan
sas and liberty lav bleeding at the lent of the
border ruffians, and that the whole country was
on the verge of civil war. Here is a picture : ;
now what remedy did the Republican Repre
sentatives in Congress propose. IJnl they ask
a legal and just measure of" reform? By no
means, fellow-citizens: hut with the denuncia
tions against the lawless authorities of Kansas
still fresh on their lips, they became the advo
cates of the Topeka Convention and the State
Constitution framed by that body, a movement i
admitedly without law, and in contravention of
law and in menace of the Government. With
all this seeming reverence for the law, they j
could advocate a revolutionary step taken in de- j
fiance of the Government. We were told that
tile admission of Kansas a a State, was the on
ly remedy tor tier evils; the only mode of qui
eting the public mind and averting civil war in
tlie Territory.
Well, gentlemen, it had became apparent to
all, that some effective and final measure ol :
pacification was demanded by the best interest,
not only of Kansas, but of the whole nation :
that whilst the laws of the local Legislature
were technically legal, the right ol suffrage
had been abused in selecting tlie members, and
thiit many of the Statutes were oppressive and j
unjust, and in conflict with llie Constitution,'
and the original Kansas Nebraska act.
With a view to meet these difficulties, Mr.
Toombs, a Southern Senator, about ten day s j
since, introduced a bill providing for the prompt j
admission of Kansas as a Slate. His proposi
tion was referred to the Territorial Committee,'
am! reported to tlie Senate on Monday last, by
Mr; Douglas, and Wednesday fixed for a final
1 hat bill provides tlint the present inhabi
tants mav elect delegates to a Convention to
meet in Noygmher next, to form a constitution,
preparatory to admission as a State; that a<
board of five commissioners should be appoint- ;
ed by the President, to repair to the Territory, j
to superintend the election of delegates; to J
make an enumeration of the legal voters; and ]
put up a list of voters at every District; and
that onlvjjiose who are now in the Territory,!
and those who may have left on business or lie
cause of the sad state of the society, shall vote,
'('he law throws ample guards about the ballot I
box 5 by heavy penalties against ill-gal voting or j
violent efforts to interfere with the right of j
suffrage: it also annuls the Teiritoiial stat-j
utes subversive of the liberties o/ speech and j
the freedom of the press, and those requiring-)
an oatli of fidelity to the Fugitive Slave Law j
as a qualification for a voter and other absurd j
provisions. These statutes being inconsistent
with tin-Constitution and the organic law, are
clearlv within the scope of the Congressional
correction, without interfering with the doc-j
trine of non-intervention, for the Kansas law
provides that the action of the territorial legis
lature shall be confined "to rightful subjects of:
legislation." Here, then, was a measure of I
peace and law, the prompt admission of Kansas ■
as a Slate, irrespective of her decision on the ;
Slavery question. Its vital object being to
terminate at once all motive on Hie part of out- j
siders to force temporary population into the
territory, with the vrMv to control its policy on j
the Slavery question.
What followed ? Did the Republican Sena
tors support this measure? Did they accept
this proposition to bring Kansas in as a State? .
By no means; to my amazement it rn-t their,
violent resistance. The first demonstration j
Came from the Senator from Massachusetts, Mr.
Wilson, who proposed to strike out the entire
bill and insert a section, simply repealing all j
the laws of Kansas; substituting anarchy fori
the admission of the Territory as a Stale. The
Senator from New York, Mr. Seward, the lea
fier and the intellect of that party, still insisted j
upon the Topeka Constitution. In the face ol
all his anthemas against the lawless authorities
in Kansas, lie voted to sanction a measure want
ing in the slightest coloring of authority, and
which had been brought liirtli in defiance of the
law and its officers; and what is surprising, in
addition, his course seems to be sanctioned by
the entire Republican press, headed by that com
mon fountain of fanaticisms, falsehoods and va
garies, tlie New York Tribune. The Senator
from New Hampshire, Mr. Hale, proposed to
strike out the fourth of July, I8f)6, as the time
that the law should take effect, and insert July,
1857, so that the strife in Kansas might last a
year longer; that bleeding Kansas, for whose
people so many crockadile tears had been shed,
might bleed on. They first objected that the
local laws forbid and punished free discussion,
and thus the slavery men had the advantage:
then the hill was amended, as had been agreed
upon by the committee,so as to annul all such
laws. The next objection was, that the Free
State ir."n had been driven from the Territwy,
and the friends of slavery would have things all
their own way-: then the hill was so amended
as to give all firmer citizens the opportunity to
return<anl participate in the election. The next
ph-a was that the intention and effect was to
bring Kansas in as a Slave Stat". The answer
was no : it provides that the unrestrained will
of the bona fide citizens shall settle that ques
tion, and that llie objection could not properly
come from the Republican side, because they
had uniformly claimed that a very large majori
ty of the real settlers are against slavery, and
that all they songht was a fair expression oS pop
ular will. But reason was powerless. They
resisted to the end: and finally the hill passed
at the end of a session ol twenty-one hours, by
a vote of 3 1 to 4-2.
Within a few hours after, the House passed a
bill admitting Kansas under the Topeka Consti
tution, and thus tlie issue is fairly made up.
The Democrats are Ibr bringing in Kansas by
(lie straight way and under the auspices of tin
law; the Republicans insi.-t upon her admission
by the crooked way, away tarnished bv vio
lence and P volution. Tlie Democrats contend
for a constitution to be made by the w hole peo
ple, through a pure ha Hot-box : Til" Republi
cans fir one made bv a party without tin* agen
cy of jaw or the ballot-box. Judge ye be
tween us.
This came up for trial yesterday moyning be
fore Judge Crawford of the criminal court.—
The District Attorney appeared Ibr the United
States, and Hon. John L. Orr, of South Caroli
na, and John A. Linton, Esq., of this city, for
defence. The evidence adduced did not differ
materially fiom that given before the Congres
sional Committer. At tlseckwe of the testimo
ny, Mr. Brooks addressed the court as follows :
May it please your honor : May I he permit
ted to say a word i [Judge Craw lord. Certain
ly.] 1 appear in person before this honor-aide
court simply to receive its judgment, i would
have preferred that the prison on whom the
assault was committed had been [>resnt to an
swer whether or not his speech which libelled
my Slate and my blood, was printed before its
delivery in the Senate. ] leel confident that,
under oath, he could not have denied this fact,
which, with due deference to yor honor, 1 re
gard as material to mv defence, inasmuch as a
libel is contrary to law, and to that extent
would opeiate in tiie extenuation of' mv of
I would like Jo have inquired of him, in per
son, as to the degree of his personal injuiies,
and to have be. n informed in what way he
could reconcile that part of his statement as to
the words used by me w hen the assault was
made with the sentence which immediately
succeeds this language in his testimony tit-fore
tin* investigating committee, and which is as
follows :
"While these words were passing from his
[my] lips, he commenced a succession of blows
with a heavy cane on mv bare head, bi/ ihr fcrst
nj which I vnn sfurtnel so as to lose sight."
It would have gratified me had tie been com
pelled to answer under oath as to the violence
of the first blow, which I aver was but a tap,
and intended to put him on his guard.
Rut, sir, he is conveniently and deliberately
absent ami on travel, not will,standing but six
days ago this case was postponed on account of
his extreme indisposition and the materiality of
his testimony ; and yet, with all these disadvan
tages, I prefer to receive the judgment of the
court than to continue in suspense.
It is not my purpose to adduce any evidence
in defence.
J have already accomplished more than half
th*' journey of life, and this is the first time that
it has been mv misfortune to lie arrainged be
fore anv judicial tribunal as a breaker of any
law of my country. I confess, sir, and with
out shame, that my sensibilities are disturbed
by iny novel position,and I have but to express
my profound regret that, in discharging a duty
imposed upon me by mv own sense of right and
the sentiment of the gallant people it is my
pride and honor to represent, I am constrained,
as a consequence, to approach you as a violator,
and not a3 a maker, of the laws.
In extenuation of mv offence, permit me to
sav that no extraordinary power of invention is
requisite to imagine a variety of personal griev
ances which the good of Society and even pub
lic morality require to be redressed ; and yet no
adequate legal remedy may be had. So, also,
are there cases which may fall under the con
demnation of the letter of the law, and yet like
considerations will restrain its penalties. Ihe
villain who perverts the best feelings of the
better s-x, and rewards unsuspecting devotion
with ruin, may bid defiance to (his honorable
court. But, where a sister's dishonor is blotted
out with the blood of her destroyer, an intelli
gent and wholsome public opinion, imbodied in
an intelligent and virtuous jury, always has,
and always will, control the law, and popular
sentiment will applaud w hat the books con
It is the glory of the law that it is founded :n
Freedom cf Thought and Opinion.
i reason. But can that reasoning be just which
is not regardful of human feeling? Sir, no one
knows better than yourself that such a reproach
does not rest upon our jurisprudence; Kir, even
the stern letter of the law touches with tender
ness the husband who slays in the act the usur
per of Ins bed. The child who kills in the de
fence of its parent is excused by the law,which
is ever regardful of the virtuous impulses ol'na
By a parity of reasoning, patriotism is regard
ed by every nation upon earth as the cardinal
political virtue. Laws are made to reward it,
and to perpetuate the names of those who are
its exemplers. And can it be expected will
it be required—that I, with a heart to feel, and
an arm to strike, shall patiently hear and igno
bly submit while rny political mother is cover
ed with insult, and obliquy, and dishonor?—
while her character is slandered and her reputa
tion libelled ?
Sir, tlie substance which I have been cather
iirg for my children may besqandered, my body
may be consigned to the common jail, my life
i&seli may be forfeited, but I w ill be true loth?
instincts of my nature—true to the home of rny
nativity, and to the mother that bore me.
The first political lesson which my ripening
faculties fuliy comprehended and appreciated
was the high moral and social obligations of
every citizen to bow himself to the majesty of
the law. Jn obedience to the precepts of my
youth which are sanctioned by the experience
arid judgment of mature years, 1 submit my
case to the discretion of the court with entire
confidence, that while \ou, sir, as a Magistrate,
perform your whole duty to the country and
yourself, you will remember that in every regu
lated community public opinion distinguishes
between crime and honorable resentment, and
tolerates the refuge which men sometimes seek
in the magnanimity of the judges.
Upon the conclusion of Mr. Brooks's remarks,
Judge Craw ford proceeded to give the following
decision :
"As this matter will be in a short time the
subj'-ct of investigation in another place, and as
it is not necessary to the discharge of rny duty
that J should remark on the evidence adduced,
which I could nut do without touching on some
of the points- that will probably be raised else
where, it appears 1o me to be proper that the
sentence of the court should be pronounced
without comment. The sentence is that the
defendant pay a fineoff>3oo.
.More Old JJne IV/.ijs Coming fo the Res
cue /'the Uniim. —The follow ing is a report
of tiie remarks made by the Hon. SAMUEL
U.CIILTHEKS, formerly a staunch Whig, at tire
Democratic Ratification Meeting in Washing
ton, on the 1 Sth nit.
Gentlemen : You have heard to-night an elo
quent voice from the gallant State of old Ken
tucky— a land rich in soil, fat cattle, and great
men. (Applause.) You have also heard the
eloquent \oice of a distinguished gentleman
from Pennsylvania, that noble and gallant Slate
which, hv its devotion ti> tlie great cause of the
Union, arid its strict adherence to the Constitu
tion, lias erected for herself a proud title among
her sister States : and you have also heard the
voice of a distinguished old line democrat cheer
ing you on in this great and noble struggle. 1
come to speak to vou-as an old line whig.—
("Good," "good." It is something new and
strange for me to address a democratic audience
as a democrat. (Cheers.)
My life has been devoted to the support of
whig men and whig measures. It was so de
voted because I thought in mv heart that the
whig party was the most conservative party,
and that it gathered more closely around the
Constitution than any other. Therefore 1 gave
that party all the warm love anil devotion of
mv youth. But mv old party is now disorgan
ized and gone. 1 followed tiie whig banner as
long as the whig banner floated over the field
of light: hut when that whig fanner was
brought down upon the grave of Clay, I found
the whig parly, too, was gone, and 1 looked a
round tne to see where I should find the next
most conservative party. While doing so 1
came in contact with a certain set of men en
gaged in certain s"cr< t, club sort of operations,
who declared that //.-ry were the true conser
vators of tlm Union and the Constitution ; that
the;/ hail taken specially in charge nationality
and the [Reservation of the Union. They in
vited me to join them, upon the condition that,
if 1 did not like them, I could withdraw. 1
speak of the Know Nothing party. [Laugh
ter. j
Well, allured by this piomise of that for
which 1 w'as in search, I went in and took a
look at "Sam." (Laughter.) 1 took a good
look at him, all over and all around. I paid
my halfdoilar too. (Laughter.) 1 saw the an
imal, and tlm animal which yon have heard
talked about as the "woolly horse" 1 found to
be a great humbug. (Cheers.)
Well, J got my foot out oft hat, but still I did
not like to knock under to (bis democratic par
ty which I had been lighting all my life. I
looked around Ibr some other party that spoke
the same voice in Main" and N. Hampshire that
they spoki in Texas and Arkansas. 1 found
hut one party that spoke the same voice and that
gathered in all tlie solid men around tlie Con
stitution of mv country, and which declared
doctrines necessary to the preservation of the
Union of these States. That, gentlemen, was
the Democratic party. "Good, good," and ap
J gave in mv adhesion, and I am here to
night to speak tor the platlorm of that party up
on no sectional question which distracts tlie
country. lam hereto speak lor Pennsylvania.
[Cheeis.] His name, his notoriety, his antece
dents-, all go to prove to the American people
that if he is elected, that conservative princi
ple to which I was attached in the whig party,
and to which I had devoted my lile, will he
carried out in the democratic party, and there
fore I am for James Buchanan for President.
i Again ;do any of you know John C. Bieck
, inridge ? ["Yes!" "yes !"| You do? Then
j you know God never made a nobler specimen
I of manhood than JohnC. Breckinridge, ofKen
j tricky. Who would not love to cast his vote
for him, the soul of honor and of chivalry ?
I know that the democratic host and the old
! line whig host of this country will rush to the
j support of that ticket. How then can we fail,
j when every old line whig w ho loves his coun
try must feel that even Fillmore, with all his
| high title to respect, with all his conservatism,
is dead, so far as the presidency is concerned ?
Is there an intelligent man vvho believes that
: Millard Fillmore can carry a single northern
; State. Not one such here to-night. If he can
not is it not perfect madness for the South to
throw away their votes upon him ? We should
look at the issue as it is. It is an issue solely
between the democratic and the black republi
can organizations. If any man here loves black
republicanism, if any man here loves Africans
better than his country, let him vote lor Fre
mont, or whoever the fusion fdks may nomi
nate. If there is here any old line whig or
democrat who loves the constitution and the
l'nion better than he loves negroes, let him bur v
the recollection of past fights, of past dissensions
and come out as a pure patriot, as a true man
come out as one who can sacrifice old prejudices
upon the altar of his country, and vote lor James
Buchanan and John ('. Breckinridge. (Great
Fillmore and Fremont.
The New York Times gives tlie proceedings
of the Massachusetts American State Conv. n
lion, held at Springfield on Tuesday. A large
number of State office-holders w ere present,
though but few delegates appeared from tlie
farming districts. After a series of preliminary
troubles and difficulties, the Convention at last
succeeded in effecting an organization. After
which the President called ibr business. No
response. Called again. No answer. After
waiting a reasonable time, a delegate moved to
adjourn as there seemed to lie no business to be
transacted. This started the slow coaches and
the resolution was laid upon the table.
Then other difficulties arose about contested
seats—in relation to the mode of balloting—
upon the reports of Committee on Credentials,
Lcc. The dissatisfied delegates bolted and the
FILLMORE men applauded. An informal vote
was limn taken. FREMONT had 223, FILLMORE
219, and a few- scattering. The Wooly Horse
was ahead, and finally get the nomination.—
Three cheers for FREMONT —three groans from
the FILLMORE men.
At the meeting at five o'clock, Mr. COOK, of
Boston, said that in the name of nearly two
hundred delegates, he rose to hid the Conven
tion farewell. Thev could stay TLIPI eno longer
with honor. He railed upon the friends of Air.
FILLMORE to withdraw,- which they did, cheer
ing vociferously for their candidate and their
cause. This was met on the part of the others
bv a storm of hisses.
Rev. Mr. UMIER, of Medford, said he came
therefor FREMONT, he voted Ibr FREMONT, and
he called for three cheers when he got the nom
ination. They could get along without the
FILLMORE men. They were few in numbers,
and few in constituents. The Rev. gentleman's
name was placed on the FREMONT Electoral
Ex-Gov. JOHNSTON, of our own State, was
{.•laced upon the FREMONT ticket as the candi
date lor \ ice President. Whether he w ill
drive awav as many voters in Massachusetts as
Mr. GREELEY said he would in Pennsylvania,
remains to be seen. An effort was made to
have the nominations recorded as unanimous,
but that failed.
Rev. A. C. L. ARNOLD, a gentleman some
what too well known, then earnestly advocated
•an immediate adjournment and no nomination
of State officers. Some of the delegates said
that if a State ticket was nominated now, it
would certainly be defeated—so the matter was
The FILLMORE men organized a Convention
of (heir own. Their speeches had the true
grit. There was a spice in their remarks little
short in pungency to Cayenne pepper. The
GARDENER men are inexpressibly mortified at
their failure to nominate a Slate ticket—and so
the matter stands.
Mr. Fillmore expresses the opinion that the e
lection of Colonel Fremont by a purely section
al vote would not be submitted to by tiie South,
and he very strongly intimates that resistance
would he justifiable. Tiie champions of Colo
nel Fremont charge vehemently that the elec
tion of Mr. Fillmore would he the triumph of
secession. So far as these two candidates are
concerned, assuming that they tell the truth on
each other, the issue is between a disunionisl
and a secessionist. Foi tunately, how ever, then
is a third candidate who stands on a Union plat
form: and the certainty of whose election ren
ders it unnecessary for any body to be concern
ed, whether the other two sp< ak truthfully of
each other or not. Whilst Fillmore and Fre
mont are quarrelling over disunionism and se
cessionist!, Buchanan w ill settle the matter by
getting the votes of the national men of the
MORE CHANGES. —The S"lma Sentinel, the
Auburn Gazette, and the Montevallo Herald,
three warm advocates of know-nothingism in
Alabama last year, have declared in favor of
Buchanan and Breckinridge. Colonel IMhsa,
the know-nothing Senator from Mobile county,
John Whiting, State-bank commissioner, Hon.
George D. Short ridge, the candidate of that
pai'v fur Governor last year, lion. J. M. With
ers, the know-nothing Mayor of Mobile, and
Hon. Alexander White, a whig member <>'
Congress in 1832 from Alabama, have avowed
then purpose to support th democratic nomi
nees ibr President ana Vice President. These
are a few of the many accessions to the demo
cratic party in Alabama since the nomination.
BALTIMORE RAILROAD.—The Baltimore papets
of yesterday morning contain lull particulars
of the late terrible railway accident near the
Relay House. The following j s the testimony
of Captain Hoover, the conductor of the trail.,
before the coroner :
"He stated that he was in the smoking car
when the signal was given to break up. He
looked hack and saw the baggage-master at the
breaks at the rear of the car, and started for the
front breaks. Before he could reach the door
the car was thrown from the track, the passen
gers in alarm rushed into the aisle, and the
smoke and steam tilled the car, completely ob
structing the view of everything.
'•As soon as possible he readied the platform,
and found there the body of .\agle. He expi
red, apparently, at the moment he was raised
tip. The engineer probably jumped at the mo
ment the engine left the hack, hut was caught
by the tendei and thrown under the truck of
the express car. Afterwards examined the
switch to determine the cause of the accident.
Tii" sw;tch had flew l ack to its place, bet the
end of the rail was cut, showing that it had
been misplaced, and caused the accident. The
switch fed to a sliding used for running the
dirt cars off the main track. It was always
kept Socked, and, to the witness's knowledge,
had net been used It some days. There was
no switchman in charge of it. nor were there
Ny n.< n work ins; upon the read nearer than
lour or five t, iies.
"Examined li e lock which !ie)ii fhe switch
bar in ]>! ace, and was ol' opinion that it had
keen tampered witii, probably ly some mali
cious person. 3t was battered t. one side, the
ti nrSr being recent and plain. ]t was unlocked.
The lock might be driven back by violent
blows on one side. Three trains bad passed the
switch during the day. one having gone along
halt an hour Lei* re the accident occurred.
"The through-baggage agent was also exam
ined. He was i:i the smoking car with the
conductor, and corroborated generally his evi
dence. He ai-o had exan ined the switch lock,
and was of' opinion thai it bad been opened and
the sw itch mi-placed.
"The jury was still in session, seeking for lur
ther testimony, at inidnight.""
The Cleveland (Ohio) Herald of June 2S says ;
"Last evening about f) o'clock, at 220 Pros
pect street, while J. \V. Paramore, Esq., was
replenishing a lighted lamp with camphene, it
caught fire and exploded; the flames communi
cated to the filler in bis hand, and it too explo
ded. Mr. P. and his niece, Miss lb J. Row
land, übo was sitting at the table upon which
the lamp was standing, were immediately envel
oped in flames. Mr. P. ran out into the back
vard, and rolling into the tall grass quickly put
out the flames of his own clothes, and only
sobered one slight burn, and that on one leg
win-re the cloth wa- burned through. Miss R.,
however, terribly frightened, ran inio the street
screaming for help.
"Heidie those near by could reach her, her
dress, ol muslin, was entirely burned off, and
also her clothes above ht r waist, and her sleeves.
Her person below the waist was untouched by
the flames, being protected by a thick woolen
skirt. Her iiice and head were not touched by
the flames, but the skin is burned entirely off
her hands a id arms, and for the most pait from
her body, as low as the top of her skirts. Dr.
Ilanna and a lady, who were the first to her
aid, immediately applied suitable means to re
lieve her, and Drs. Dodge,- \Vhe< ler, nr.J Beck
with were soon on hand, and now have her in
charge. Her stale is critical, but not without
hope. Were the skin entirely burned from
the breast and back", her case would be much
more desperate, but it is thought the necessary
action can be produced without much difficulty.
The flames did not reach about Iter chin, and
she therefore probably siiflered 110 internal in.
Express, in speaking of the nomination of Fill
more, makes the following palpable bit:
Between now and the election day—if he ac
cepts,— he baa certainly a harder road to travel
than any he has yet troden. lie is in the hands
of political panthers, and jackal is, and grizzly
beats, that—before they have done with him—
w ill use him worse than the quadrupedal mon
sters he used to encounter upon the Sierra Ne
vada. The Colonel claims to he the first man
to have discovered Salt Lake. We do not like
to discourage him, but he may as well make up
bis mind now to another discovery—the discov
ery of Salt River. The explorer, if not the
discoverer of I tali, he is now discovered among
sectional free lovers and Abolition Mormons,
as politically loose, as Joe Smith's disciples are
moldly delinquent. old line Whigs of Kentucky, in
State Convention assembled a few days ago,
rejected a resolution endorsing Mr. Fillmore,
by a majority of Hi districts to 1 ! It is well
understood that the old line Whigs of Kentucky
will go generally for Mr. Buchanan.
Ifthe public needed any other proof that the
whole outcry about ruffianism in Kansas, has
been got up purely for political effect, it may
be fount! in the fact that the Black Republican
majority in the House ol Representatives, in
Congress, have not made the slightest attempt
to put a slop to the outrages which have been
committed by "Border Ruffians'' from Missouri,
and "Puritan Ruffians" from New England—■
the Round Heads, or Rifle Christians. Ifthe
Black Republicans could elect a Speaker of the
House, they could have passed a law long he
lore this to have settled Ruffianism in Kansa.-,
come from what quarter it might. At least
tbev could have tried, d they bar! been so dispo
sed. No. So long as political capital can be
made for their faction, they will prevent a set
tlement of the quest i r.,ii possible.