The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 20, 1856, Image 3

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    ,-r out or cast them off without care as to
'■ ,[ becomes of them. It was that which
Massachusetts cling to Mr. Webster;
v 'h Carolina to William Gaston : South Car
a *o Mr. Calhoun, and to her other honored
William Lowndes,'{a—representative from
('arolina, whom it was her pride to send to the
of Congress, men of peaceful, gentle chiv
!-v ) and which bound Kentucky, bv devotion
never abated, to Mr. Clay. And now
, n . lor the tiist time for seventy years, a
p nn <vlvama statesman is named for thehigh
'e honor in a nation's gift, have we not a right
• av. is it not our duty—to avow the throb
i CM;!' the same pure sentiment in our heart?
p■% habit f easy self-sacrifice, the readiness
. ". content with small honors and subordinate
which lasso long been the discredit
'■ 4,aire* of Pennsylvania—if alt this have
I' ! cb ille ( l to absolute indifference every nat
, . ' t-inotion oi honest pride in our bosom, this
(iionwealth wrll speak out for tier honored
• ( intones which will not soon die away to
, Kt and from no part if her feelings and
'.'.•nil.,is on points of public policy be ir.oder
,:v respected, Will there be a stronger and
I ~rtier utterance than from this, her whig me- i
tropolo'. _
i':t there is an actual political significance:
j. ; these nominations —that of Mr. Breckinridge,
3; well as that of the President, as respects io
t.aijly that cannot be overlooked. It is no
, A t r eine of teriitorv that furnisher the cantli- ;
r - ,. Thev come from the middle States—
p m ihe verv centre of the I- nion ; for Ken
. e v, strictlv speaking, is no longer a western ;
v J,'.. They are tin* representatives of-thai j
-otra! hand which encircles the Cnion, and J
which, if ever the Union is severed, must break
:. ;er m ragged edges to tear and wound by \
animosity of frontier warfare. Kentucky!
;; J Pennsylvania, though w 'lh different social
- imiions, are of the same political parallel of j
jrr-.tiun on all national questions, and of un- '
vav-ring fidelity to the constitution and the ;
1':,; '!. Pennsylvania is one of theOldThir-l
n, ami Kentucky is their oldest child—at j
their first-born beyond the Allegheny j
toes. The beautiful river which washes I
•bores of Kentucky, and on which floats tiie |
; nclv commerce of so many United State#, is'
: ;ied tii" Pennsylvania stream?. Fanaticism I
. not, and never has had, a foot-hold in Penn- j
>rhania, except, perhajis, near the New York
r.r on the edge ol the Western Reserve :j
Kentucky has never sent a child of her hon- !
: sir! into the councils of the nation whose j
el, or winds gave pain, or alienated the hearts j
tiv, men. however sensitive, either from
S <:tJi <.r the North. 1 lie candidates thus
.• - : have a high mission. They have iin- j
i!-. .it.-constituencies who have trained them !
.i ; sctytol of constitutional loyalty: and;
! : tiisidri, as 1 religiously hope, (and foi this
I i, to Mr. Buchanan's election with unboun- i
t 'iiti i'l.ce,) i< to put an end, hv wise and i c i• >*•!, ami li'v adtriinislrative discre
. .r.ce and forever, to that sectional agita-
M ichnas so fong afflicted and perplexed
•.• ra'i i. What a priceless blessing it will 1
, ioean administration for four years, du-;
. hi' the mere force of example, no j
. f acrimony shall he uttered on the sub- j
-tic slavery, and the nation's evil j
[..• .< 11. ivbe at ri-st !
Tiiev, my feltow-citizens, are some of the!
M> :t.< which influence my judgment and con- ■
i. or. They are not meant to be obtru
- ( >lv uttered anywhere, or to tie offensively
gi-o en those who may think differently from '
r*. Ffe*re are other topics, rather relating to ;
- r .-1 than to the future, I should be glad to!
•of, but th,s is not the fit occasion. On J
. ami especially on the anti-republicanism ]
• -t political organization, my v fovvs ar* !
ka. vvn, fir I spoke them long ago, when, j
-'.nw, timid counsellors advised silence. On
•; . .a: n..liters lam apt to feel strongly and
•* , derisively, but 1 haw-sought in what
- snJ to-night to niter no word to give
" excite unpleasant feeling anywhere. 1
■••'■• t> .'eel and speak, on a great question
■'ical interest, as an American public man j
t; i ik and speak, and fiom the bottom ofj
-art. Air. President and fellow-citizens, 1
k von l,r the opportunity you have just
'■( speaking out what I really believe •
• it it is nut now, the true policy of Phil- j
Fion H* {'iiroiniiaii Enquirer.
THEY (.0?
- cii:i he more venomous Than the spite
-'•:!-etyle! ••Republicans" manliest to
a:..! patriotic men who, having here- !
high as whig-, i'eel bound not only by ■
' n*. ro: 'hj!y anil every feeling of nation- \
• v every dictate of real consistency. to ;
-late i-ow with t!ie Democratic party. The |
• glivst inornent, upon which these ilis-;
v.?!, *: e Democracy were ma<t- to liinsi", Imv- i
•trival! settled, anil nothing to call forth j
| ai.imo-itie ; why may they not, without any I
art with us m eivirt* ascendency at this i
" the common cause of the Constitution audi
■ r, i ' Are th-y not entitled to the morecred- : '
! isil.g above tt.o e petty jeaJow-ies, flivies, or
•to which the minor chariipioits ol partizau- j
'■ re, tor courag"Oii-ly joining the only
c r.. urai..zat:oii which pre.-ents any prospect ofj
■- :or use principle, upon wtiich ttie Union i
•or -led, and by which alone it can be perpetua- 1
_ ■ \\ bi who have given dignity and power j
•eir psity by genius, patriotism, public liiteg. ;
• sr-ii personal character alw ays boasted of their j
' 10 ft"* ' nion and to the securities which the |
°n throws around the rights of the State,.!
•Tv lound expression in many a grave and '
' ate, in many a popular hartangue, in j
■ i -p ri'd ode. Mill declaimed by school-boys
- - nub.-. \\ here, then, call tkry tie during 1
now impending but on the side of nation- i
• agair-t sectional bigotry and fanaticism I— ]
" v *u-"le of consistency can Whigs, anima- ,
• * y for the principles of Washington,
iV, or oi U ebster. give their countenance to '
'r-at usurps the name of "Republican" to 1
1 es. policy, and practices, utterly at war i
•'"•e of the States, and inevifabiy leading (
y '•• a ' "i ation, discord, and "civil strife?'
r " 'ot left to speculate upon the treatment
' : j Vp expect at the hand, of the Black Re- 1
• . * '""'ever, should rhey decline to join in i
•-. , a a - a 'rist the rights, interests, ami feelings
r , A tuft.ons that have ever riaen in this
t 1 .■ —sr Ulack Republicans constitute the most j 1
M -potic. With an acerbity of tern- '
■ f . . ' 1 -d by want of Tact and utter disre-I (
j-., . vvhich should attach American citi- i .
>' pait oi their glorious country, they j
_ - raci-e every man, whatever may have been !
.... rj , c ~ erv 'res. and how ever high may be his I
*. worth, who will not join in their insane ; i
E\ '
r '''| R, y. city, and village in the Northern!
• o; - 3 "<''ubt|e-s, exhiliit examples of some -pe. 1
'i , : ' Proscription hv these ptn/do R"publi- j
• j" 5 ""en who-e only crime i> that they -till ! ;
"" •rsii h lprn State, entitled to all the rights ,
N ijjer °" l * r n ' p mhers of this Union, and the '
t.. T worthy of affV-ct i, resp.-ct and es
' '"f OnH 'Ti 81 ° n l ' an the holiest Whigs of 1
p " " 0; ' 'imea" have with such a crew ? i ! that these old Hum, mo-t re- ;
; ; .. ; '* e 'phtof character, purify of purpose,
iCsfcd patriotism, will be found Cghtiug ,
i ! siiieby side, and shoulder to y.hou!dcr, with the De
! mocracy in the coming contest.
i I [IF"The following note is from the ppn of a brave
soldier, welt known to our citizens, and we take the
I liberty Of ipublishing it, because we know his nu
-1 merous frier.ds in Bedford will read it with deep in
terest :
ST. LOUIS, MO., June fi, 1556.
Dpar General : —Allow me To address you tor the
ptirpo-e ot congratulating you on account ot the hon—l
or which lias this day been conferred on your noble
State. While 1 write these lines The cannon's
j roar announces to the country that Democracy has
selected her strongest champion lor standurd bearet
in the corning political contest. That at the present
time of sectional strife, the Old Keystone State
should present her "favorite son," and rejoice in see
ing him so heartily adopted as a candidate tor the
j Presidency, is certainly a good brum that the feder- j
a! arch will be kept together in its pristine Mieugth .
ond glory.
A erv respectfully, your obedient serv't,
Serg't Major 6tii Infantry. \
"Gen. G. W. BOWMAN.
.!//•. Buchanan Informed of His A'omina
fion.—The Committee of the National Conven
tion, consisting ofGen. Ward, of Georgia, Gov.
i Brown, of Mississippi, M. Forsvlhe, of Missou
j ti, i\Jr. Preston,of Kentucky, Mr. Hibhatd, of
New Hampshire, Mr. Manning, of south Caro- i
iina, and Gov. Lawrence, of Rhode l>!arid, ac- i
rompanied by a number of personal friends ofj
Mr. Buchanan, visited Wheatland on Friday to !
infiirrn Mr. Buchanan nf his nomination. In !
the discharge of lfie dntv Gen. VV ard presented
Mr. B. a letter infotming him of his nornina- j
j tion, accompanied with a few appropriate rp- I
marks, which were lepliedfo in a -happy man
tier i-y Mr. Buchanan, who inlbrtnerl the Com
j mitfee that a more full reply would he given
them in writing. The company, consisting of
about fifteen persons, then sat do v. n to a sump- j
tuous dinner prepared for the occasion.
.Missouri Erect. — The St. Louis Democrat,
j the organ of the Benton Democrats, enlists
j heartily in support of Buchanan and Breckin
| ridge. Fit is is right, and Democratic. It is the
I duty of every man, who calls himself a Detjto
j rrat, to abide by the decision of the National \
: Convention and suppoit its nominees, and we
i are glad to see that the Benton Democrats of ,
j Missouri, spite of all alleged causes of complaint, 1
: intend to support the ticket with heaity entiiu- j
J nn BUOOKS and Sf tNnrt TROCBLI:. —The
Select committee of the United States Senate to
j whom was referred the investigation of the I
outrage committed by Mr. Brooks upon Senator ,
Summer, have made a report, which u as adopt
ed by tlie Senate, with onlv one dissenting.— I
I!w report represents thuf the a-sault upon Mr. ,
Sumner was a violation of the Senate's privili- .
g*s. vet that the Senate has no jut isdiction, but j
the H'Uis", of which .M r . Brooks i- a member,
to jiunish him. The Senate will make com- ,
' plaint to the If utse and leave the redress to that
! body. We have nu doubt that if the House .
: was left to its own unbiassed judgment upon j
this matter, that it would properly express its ' ,
condemnation of the unwarrantable as-anlt up- ,
jon Mr. Sumner. Bet the phretizv of party will i,
I not allow this.
Sectional animosity must he aroused to a I (
; pitch of madness by tfie infuriated continents of :
j fanatics. One howls, the other curses, until
pul lie decency and order are a thousand times ;
more outraged by this coarseness than by the
brutal attack upon Sumner. Such violenc", 1
-itch intemperance and malicious rage degrades '
its authors and defeats the ends of justice. 1
The D etTjocrats of Pennsylvania temporarily re- I
w tiair ji) the city of Washington, and all other
Petinsv Ivanians who are in favor of and desire
to co-operate to promote the election to the '
Presidency of the United States of the distin- j
gui-hed Statesman "Pennsylvania's Favorite
Son, are requested to meet on Monday even
ing next, June 9, a! 7 o'clock, at the residence
of Hon. I hos. B. Florence, northeast corner of .
Pennsylvania avenue and 17th street, to adopt
measures to enter warmly into the campaign by
the formation of a Pennsyivnia Democratic '
Buchanan Club, anil having for its object the
preparation and distribution of such documents L
and "tacts fir the people" as will promote the
dissemination of wholesome democratic truths. 1
L t t here be a full attendance of the sons of the
"Old Key-tone," which promises a round ma- I
jority of oJ,00i) lor James Buchanan.
I fir Louisville Times is endeavoring to prove a
that Millard Fillmore is a "Black Republican." I
When the editor gets through v\ iiij this little j
job, it is supposed they will proceed to show 1
ttiat George Washington was a traitor and St. '
Paul a rascal. Philadelphia J\'ews.
At Clover Hill, New Jersey, on the 4th inst.
by the Rev. Mr. Carroll, Mr. I-<AAC MENCIEI.,
Jr., of Bedford, Pa., to Miss Luc in HA, daughter .
of Theodore Probasco, of Quakertou n. New
1' • r
• -tP- vWV c ' „ •-.">
1 t
The undersigned informs the farmer? of Bed- j
ford and adjoining counties, that fie has made
arrangements by which he can furnish, to those j
desiring, the latest improved and best HGftl- I .
CULTI R-1L IMPLEMENTS of the day, i J
embracing Scott's "Little Giant" Corn and Cob ;
Grinder, guaranteed to grind from Sto 15 bush- ,
els of feed per hour with one fiorse—Potts'
Corn Stalk Cutter and Crasher, warranted -to
cut from 120 to 160 bushels of leu] per hour— j
Hay and Straw Cutters, in variety—Wheat \
Drills and Corn Siiellers, which are unsurpassed j
foi cheapness and quality—Cultivators, Horse j
R irf, Cider-mills, Kc. Kc. In short, every
utensil used in or about a farm. Wishing to ;
avoid all imposition, each machine sold by him j
will be warranted to work as represented, or 1
no sale; and, as these machines are procured in j ll
most cases directly from the Patentees and Man- '
nfacturers, the purchaser will he secure in the '
right of using.
Prices will he as moderate, and, in some in
stances, less than the same machines can he
procured singly from the Manufacturer.
As the demand << very great for the two first j
named machines, orders should he given soon j
by those wishing to purchase.
June 20, 1556 -tJm.
The undersigned appointed hv the Court of
Common Pba- in and for the County of Bed
ford, fo distribute the money in the hand? ofO.
h. Shannon, E<q., a-igneeof Jarne? K. Hallam,
to and amongst creditors, will attend to the du
j tiesof his appointment, on Monday the 7th dav
of July, af hi? office in tfie Borough of Bedford,
when and where all parties interested c3n at-
T tend of they see proper.
JNO. P. REED, .dud,lor. j
June 20, 1556.
_ _
'1 he undersigned appointed bv the Orphans'
Court in and for Bedford County, to distribute
the money in the hands of Joseph Dull, E-'
I ministrator of tfie estate of Joseph Ned row, de
cease'], to and amongst creditors, will attend to
I the duties of his apjiointment 011 Tuesday the
j Sth day of July, at his office in the Borough of
Bedford, v\ hen and where ail parties can attend
! if they see proper.
JNO. P. REED, Auditor.
June 20, 1856.
The undersigned appointed by the Orphans'!
j Court in and for the County of Bedford, to ex-j
| amine the exceptions tiled to the account of:
i Jesse Blackburn, guardian of Jesse Rouser, now
deceased, arid to report an account, will attend
Ito the duties of his appointment on Thursday
the 10th i!av of July, at iiis office in the Bor
ough of Bedford, when and where all patties can
attend if they see prnp-i.
JNO. P. REED, Auditor.
June 20. 1856.
For Sale.
The subscriber offer? fir sal", low, a fine (on-!
Ed Vienna Rosewood Piano Forte.
June 20, 1856.
The Cumberland Valley Blues will meet a!
Bedford on the 4th of July next, at ti o'clock,
A. M. with Summer uniform and twenty four!
rounds of blank cartridge. A full tuin out is
expected. By order of the Captain.
June 20, 1856.
n Rli fi. OOODZRIT,
IS prepared to furnish La lies and Misses with
every variety of SPRING AND SUMMER
BONNETS, on th* most favorable terms. Sin*
has just received from the City a large and He- i
gant assortment of Bonnets, Flats, S.e., which
site is prepared to trim so us to suit the taste ot
the purchaser. She keeps constantly on hand
Bonnet Silks, Ribbons, I (ounce*. Laces, and all
other trimmings, to which sh*- respectfully in
vites the attention of the Ladies of Bedford;
and vicinity. She also keeps Bonnets ready
trimmed. From long experience in the btisi-'
less, she feels satisfied that she can please ai!
who favor tier with their custom, both as to
sty le ami price. Thankful for the flattering 1
encouragement heretofore received, she asks a •
continuance of the patronage of the public.
Bedford, May 2", 18-56 ly.
To all whom it inav concern. On the 4th 1
of June, inst., I bought at Constable's<* of
William WeisH's piopertv, twoten-plate stoves,'
one settee, one parlor stove, tvvo half round
parlor tables, one bureau, two bedsteads v\ i;h '
bedding, ar.d six cbairs, which f am going To; 1
leave in the posse.--i >n of Mrs. William W i?el,
at mv pleasure.
June 18, 1856. MICHAEL WISEL.
The undersigned, administrators til" the Es-1
late of John Laiferty, decease,!, will expose to
Public Sale, on T! ESDAY, the 15th day ol !
July next, a valuable tract of land, late the
property oi said deceased, situate iri Juniata
iWnship, containing 285 acres and S8 perch*-? ■
of patented land, about 1 •> acres cleared and ru
der cultivation, with a Log House and Log ;
Barn thereon erected, and an apple orchaid
theron, also an i xcellent Spring ol w at* r at the
door : adjoining lands of William Brazier, Isaac '<
Cochenour's liei: s and others. Tins is a vei y
desirable property, and will he positively sold, 1
and 011 easy term?: to wit: One third of the '
purchare money to remain in the hands of the <
purchaser during the lifetime ot tire widow, the
iritere-t thereof to t>e paid her annually, and ,
the principle at her death, to the heirs of said ;
deceased, —One third thereof to be paid in hand
at trie confirmation of the sale, and the remain- j
der in two equal annual payments thereafter,!
without interest ; to he secured bv* judgment j .
notes, or bonds and mortgage. Reasonable at- (
tendance will be given, and for further partic-j j
ulars, persons desirous ,*f purchasing, are n for- ,
red to John P. Rerd, Esq., of Bedford, and to (
the sulisciibers.
Adrninidrotors, j ■
June 13, 1856.
' i
By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Bedford County, the undersigned will expose
to public sale, on the premises,on SATf RDA V
the 2d day of August next, a pait of the Real
Estate of Christian Mock, deceased, situate in
St. ''lair Township, adjoining lands of Nicho- s
las Lyons, Muses Dubhs, E. L. Anderson, E>q., 1
and others*, containing about 30 acres on the 1
South side of the main tract.
This place is valuable, and may be desirable
to those whom it adjoins.
Terms:—Cash, at the confirmation of sale on
the Ist day of Sept, 1856.
one of the Eecutors.
June 13, 1856.
The Bedford Riflemen will meet at their UJU j
al place of training on the 4th of July n* xt, -
at (j o'clock A. M , vvith summer uniform and
twenty-four rounds of blank cartridge. A full ]
turn out is requested.
By order of the Captain. 1 c
June 13th, 1856. O. S. 1
FISH.—2O barrels large fat mackerel, and
1 Tierce New Salmon, for sale hv
A B. CRAMER & CO. <.
HATS.—Mens' Panama, Leghorn, and Braid
Hats; also hoys and children? hats, for sale by
The partnership heretofore existing between
the Subset ibers, under the name of \V i>e|
Co., in the Carriage making and Blcksmithing
business, was this day dissolved bv mutual con
sent. All business of the late Firm will beat
tended to by .Michael K J„hn G. HNisel, who
will collect the outstanding notes and accounts
ami pay the debts:
May 27, 1856.
The undersigned have this day formed a part
nership in tlie Carriage-making, and Black-
Smithing business, under the name and firm of j
V\ eisul Co. We will endeavour by prompt- !
ness, attention, and the character of our work, I
to merit and obtain a fair share of custom.—
Our stand is the one heretofore occupied by {
V\ eisel \. Foster, immediately East of town.
June 6, 1856—3 m.
! The !' collection of Glees ever Published.
.7 new an<l choice collection of Copyrights
never before harmonized, and many of the
Cents ot M alert) German" ayd Italian Compo
sers. arranged in a familiar style, and adapted
to the useof Gl-e Clubs, Singing Classes, and
the Family C ircle, by C. Jaevjs arid J. A.
This work contains a great number of new
and favorite songs, harmonised in a style adapt
ed to genera! purposes, whiie many of the gems
; of Mendelsshfur; A fit. Kitchen, arid other cele
brated com jiosers, are presented in an original
form. The great variety of musical composi
tions here introduced, eminently adapts it to
the taste anj < capacity of the Singing School, the
Glee Club and the Family Circle.
'TP Pi ice one dollar.
Just published by Lee 3c Walker, No. 188
Ohesnut street, and J. 15. l.ippmcot in Co., No.
20 Noith I /urth street, Philadelphia.
'Sau.p. • copies nil! be sent by mail, free
of postage, 0:1 receipt of §l.
May 16, 1856—1 m.
Insures Detached Buildings, Stores, Merchan
dize, Farm Property, and other Buildings, and :
their contents, at moderate raps. Capital,
$300,000. Charter Perpetual.
Dure* tors. —Hon. John J. Pearce, John 15.
Hall, Charles A. Mayer. Charles Crist, Peter
Dickii son, Hon. G. C. Harvey, T. T. Abrams,
D. J. Jackmun, VV. VV hite, llms. Kitchen.
Ho.n.G. C. HARVEY, Pres.
I. T. Ann AM-, \ ice Pres.
Tins. Kitchen, Sec'y.
Refeuzv is. —Samuel 11. Llovd, A. A., L. A. Mackev, A. White, James
Qniggle,.l din VV . Maynard, Hon. Simon Cam
eron. Thos. Bowman, D. D., Wm. Vanderbelt.
Win. Fearon, Dr. J.S. Crawford, A. 1
James Armstrong, Hon. Wm. Bigter.
.Iff for Bedford and Fulton Counties.
Bedford, May IG. 1856 —1 v.
A FARM, containing 200 acres, more or less,
in Franklin County. Pa., is offered for sale. |
Particulars an he had by inquiring of the sub
scriber in Bedford.
May It), 1856.
Valentine Steckmarij Proprietor.
:_r~ Boardeis taken by the d.. v, week, month
or year, on moderate terms.
May 9, 1856.
THE undersigned have just opened fheir usu
al supply of
and m iil take pleasure in showing them, to all
who may favor us with a call. Gr> at bargains j
will he offered for Cash, and all kinds of Coiin
tiy produce—or to punctual customers, a credit
ot six months will be given.
A. B. CRAMER <5. CO.
Bedford, May 2, 18:56.
Bv virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Bedford County, the undetsigned will expose ;
to public sale, on the premises, on FRIDAY
the Ist day of August next, tin- Rea! Estatenfj
Chrisiian Anderson, deceased, situate in St Clair
township, adjoining lands of KeefiNs heirs, Jos. |
Ferguson, {Vter Iong, John Cessna, Esq., and
others, containing 93 acr< s or thereabouts, and
having thereon erected a two Story Log House,
Log Barn and Log Spring House, also an apple i
ferms : (.'ash at the confirmation of sale on
the Ist Sept. 1856.
June 13, 1856.
The Bloody Run Blues will meet at their u
sua! place of training on the Fourth ol July
m-xt, at half past 8 o'clock A. JVL, with summer
uniform and twelve rounds of blank caitririge.
A full turn out is requested.
By order of the Captain.
June 13, 1856. O. S.
"The Vunil's the standard of the man
So poets do suppo-e, 1
But the standard of the Uknti.eman
Is neat, well-titling CLOTHES."
Then wend your way toEa-t Pitt street,
[Here the Poet "stuck,"] and stepped into C.
LOVER'S Fashionable F.n poiium, and obtained a i j
suit of elegant clothes, at a low figure.
Public Sale of Bounty Land Warrant.
BV virtueof an order of the Orphans' Court '
of Bedfotd County, there wiil be sold by pub- I
lie. vendue, at the house of Henry Fluek in |
Wood be r ry, on Friday the 4-th of July next, a '
Bounty Land Warrant for 120 acres. No. 37, I
228, granted to Abel Gi ifiith on the 11th day '
of Dec., 1855. Terms Cash, or confinr.ation of i
Sale bv
Adm'r of Abel Griffith,dee'd. |;
June 6, 1556. j
I'ED Teller Wash, is the only safe and sore remedy
1 ever discovered for curing the Tetter, Hiry;worm,
and all eruptions of The Skin. It is so infaH'aV.Ne a
| remedy, that a perfect cure in all raS-- oi Ti tt<- if
guaranteed, if attentively applied. In ordinary rases
j one bottle will he sullicent lo perfect a cure. Ju bad
, rases, with a Tetter of long standing, more will be
1 required. Price 25 cent, per bottle. For sale at Dr.
B. F. Reumei's Bedford. April 2-3, 1856-ly.
PRESERVE REALTY.—Don't use Chalk. Lily
White, or any of the so-called cosmetics, to conceal
a faded or (allow complexion.
If you would have the roses brought hack to your
cheek, a cl<-ar, healthy and transparent skin, and life
and vigor infused through the system, get a bottle of
; Carter's Spanish Mixture, and take it according to
I directions, ft docs not taste quite as well s< your
: sweet-meats; but, if atter a few doses you do not
I find your health and bpauty reviving, your step elas- j
j tic and vigorous, the whole system refreshed and in- j
vigorated like a Spring morning, then your case is '
! bopele-s; and all the valuable certificates we possess, I
jgo for nought. It is the creates - purifier of the j
blood known; is perfectly harmless, and at the same ,
tune powerfully efficacious.
See advertisement.
Great Cure of Piles.
CamdrxjA". J.. March 12th. 1855.
Dear S.r—lt is with much pleasure that 1 takethN :
! opportunity ol informing you of Ihp -Treat benefit 1
; have derived from the use of a few bottles r <t •■L'aof- '
land's German Bitter*." For a number of years i
have been sorely and severely afflicted with a pain <
;in the stormfch, attended by severe 1 1icks of the ,
Piles, for which 1 tried a great many remedies, but '
without affording me any relict. Being advised to !
use the German Bittert, [ did so. using in connexion,
i for the Pile*, your Spikenard, and 1 now j
i inform you that triev have entirely cured me and re
stored me to health, and 1 would advise all the atflic
- ted to u-e your valuable medicines. Ke.
Respectfully yours, MARGARET REPSHF.R,
No. 15 Pitim street, Camden, X. J.
Dr. C. M. Jackson, Philadelphia.
See advertisement.
I HPOSTA.N i Ami ci. —To have a trazing cougli or .
cold, with a perpetual dripping from the nose and j
soreness oi the bieast and lungs is truly annoying,
and such of our readers who may h" afflicted in that j
way, we would say go to Rupp's -tore and buy a hot- I
tie of Dr. Keyset's Pectoral Syrup, and voti will be
relieved ola great deal of suffering, ar-.i probably sa
ved from some more formidable lung di-ease.
THE subscribers call attention to their stock
ol Fish Hooks and Tuck!eoi every description.
Cam* Reeds, S<a Grass, Trout Flies. Lines. &c.
Also, Fine English ami (I-rman Guns, Revol
ving l'istols, Percussion Cap ur.d Spotting Aj
paiatus generally.
For sab- at lowest CASH PRICES, Whole
sale and Retail.
No. 4-7 North Second St. Philadelphia.
May 16, 1856 3m.
\9TI(i; OF !\D!ISSTIO\.
Whereas, George Replogle, lute ol' Middle
Wood berry township-, Bedford County, dec. is
ed, died seized ol tlie following Real Estate,
viz : One tract of land situate in Middle Wood- ,
'berry Township, Bedford County, being thej
Mansion Dad, an- iuing lands of Samuel Buck,!
.facon Stuckey, and others, containing one hun
dred and sixty acres and allowance, with ap
Also, one other tract of land :n same Town
ship, adjoining the Mansion tract, lands of Da
vid Diltz, and others, containing one hundred ■
and eighteen acres and allowance, with the ;
Also, one other tract of land in South Wood
berry township, County aforesaid, adjoining i
lands ol David Stuckey. Be: jamin Voders, and
others, containing about ninety acres more or j
less, and allowance, with the appurtenances,'
now in the occupancy of Henry Eversole.
Also the one undivided half part of a tract of,
Land in the said township, of South Woodherrv.
adjoining lands <>f John liofftnar. Daniel Rep-:
I >gle. and others, containing in the u hole 'tract
one hundred and fifty seven acres, and allow
ance, with Ihe appurtenances, now in tlie occu
pancy of petitioner. Henry Smith, who owns
the other half part thereof.
Also, One other tract of land in same town- j
ship, being Mountain, land, adjoining Dr. Wm. '
R-eds heirs, and other Mountain land, contain
ing about eighty acres, more or less, with ap
purtenances, leaving a widow Polly Replogle,
and Ten children, to wit : Jacob Replcgle, the
eldest sop, residing in Jefferson county, lowa :
George B. Replogle ; David a minor, for whom
Charles Oellig has been appointed Guaidian . j
Hafmah B. intermarried with Henry Smith,
petitioner ; Elizabeth Replogle ; Mary inter
married with Jacob Gruber, who have 1 jtlv* j
removed to the State ol lowa ; Barbara inter
married with Thomas S. Hoisinger : Sarah in
termarried with Henry Eversole -. Nancv inter
married with Epharim Longenecker, yet in her
minority, and for whom the said Ephraim
Longenecker is guardian, and Sarah also a mi
nor for whom lion. Joseph 13. Noble, Esq., has
been appointed Guardian : all of whom reside
in Bedford County, except Jacob, Elizabeth, and
Mary, said Jacob and Mary, residing as above
stated, and said Elizabeth residing in Wavne
County, Indiana.
Notice is therefore hereby given, that in pur
suance of a writ of Pad it ion or \ aluation to me
directed, I will proceed to hold an Inquisition
or Valuation on the premises, on Monday, the j
30th day i June next, when and where all
interested may attend if they see proper.
S her if.
Sheriffs Office, Bedford. ]
June 6, 1856. I
\OTIt E I \4H SSI l OX.
Whereas, Jacob Albright, late of Londonder
ry Township, Bedford County, deceased, died
seized of the following real estate, to u it:
One tract of land containing fifty acres, more
or less, adjoining lands of Christian Albright.
James Mittingly, Thomas J. Porter, and Philip
Devore. Leaving the following namt-d heirs"
and legal representatives to wit:
Jacob who is now dead, and whose interest
in said estate has been sold by his Adnunistra- i
tor to John Stutz, residing on the premises, in
Londonderry township, Bedford county, Lvdia !
intermarried with said John Stutz, residing in !
said Township, arid Eve. petitioner, residing in
Northampton Township, Somerset County, i
Notice is thefefore, hereby given, that in
pursuance of a writ of Partition, or Valuation to ,
me direbted, I will proceed to hold ari Inquisi
tion or Valuation on the premises on Wednesday,
the 2nd day of July next, when and where ail
interested may attend if they see proper.
_ Sheriff. |
Sheriffs Office, Bedf*rr!, )
June C, 1856. V
1 l
{HE undersigned has just returned hoar
fr-m tlie Eastern Cities with a large stock of
Summer G ids, and is now exhibiting
a general assortment of new style of Summer
| Goods,comprising a great variety of LADIES'
j DRESS GOODS, which consists in part of black
! and fancy Silks, Challi, Lawns, DeL;lines, Ma
, donna Cloths, Alpacas, De!.eg*, Mantillas. 6-c.,
j &c. Also a great variety of black and fancv
I Cloths and ( assimeres. Linen and Cottonade
lor (ientlemen and Boys' wear.
Groceries—Sugars, Syrups, "violate*, Shad,
Herring and Marker. 1, Baton, Queensware,
Hardware, Brooms, Buckets, Churns, 6cc.
The above stock consists of every article usu
ally kept in store—ail of which v. ill be sold
CHEAP FOR CASH, or approved produce.
thankful 0" past lirvors. he hopes i>v fair
dealing and a desire to please, to continue to
j merit and receive a Jib-uai share t;f the public
i patronage.
j' June 13, 1856. G. W. REPP.
READER have von ever heard of GETTY'S'
! illimitable Daguerreuly pes ? If not go at once
to his Saloon and se fir yourself; and if vou
j want a likeness ■ d vouis-'il or friends, as true
{as Nature and Ait combined ran make it, that
:is the place to get it. It you want a picture
: put up in the most approved style and of the
best materials—or. in short, if vou want th"
j worth ol \ inr money in a splendid Djgu rr. -
| type or Ambrotype, go to
:as iie is the onlv Artist in Ih tilord Countv who
: ran take the new style of Daguerreotype.- ami
. A'! blot V pe".
IB- s| :,ies no pains to give satisfaction,
and permits no picture to </>> out until he • - con
fident that it vs .il d > so. Having just returned
fiom the East, he is in possession >d all the late
improvements .n the Art, and can assure his
patrons that lie can furnish them with a stvle nf
pictures not taken hv any other person in the
"Rooms at the "Exchange Building." or Odd
Fellows Hall, immediately above the store of
Mr. A. I. Cramer.
June G, JSnG.
And Aeu (<iood^.
Mrs. AGNIS S\rP! would announce tn
her friend's and the public that she has opened
a Dry Goods Store in the room occupied us t! e
Post office, where she has just received and
opened a 1; .• 's .-j.. assortment ti new style
Spring and Sum in- r gum's, etr.bracitig in part.
Black and Fancv Silks, French and Flounced
Law: -, of all pi ices, Shaliies and Braze De
tains, Curtain Diapery, of all prices, Wc* 1 De
Lains, of all Colors, Cambrick and Swiss mus
lins, Buttons, Braids, Cords, Edgings, 3nd Ir.-
Sertings, Ladies and .Misses Shoes, together
with a little of almost everything:to be found in j.
Dry Goods Stores.
She has also on hand, a laige ar.d well se
lected assortment of HARDWARE, which
will he sold low, in order to close out this branch
of business. She hop; s to receive a liberal
share of the patronage of a generous public.
Purchasers \\ ill phase call and examine Ifr
Aprii 1•, IS";'.
(tireaJ Arriviil
(!Af -foreign aui> Domestic !
At The Colcnade Store, Bedford, Pa.
All ye in want of SPRING GOODS. <aii
and see as choice an assortment, and as Cfienii
as ever brought to Bedford. I pride myself in
showing and selling Goods to Visitors. Call
and see mv
Cloths Borazes Glassware
Casimeres Barage Delaines Qu.ensware
Cashmeres Fancy Silks Hardware
Jeans Flack Silks Groceries
Sattinefts Vesting-- Snuff
Tweeds Marseilles Tobacco
Camblets Brilliants General
Checks Hosiery Furnishing
Tickings Ladies* Kids and ail oth-
Pi ills and Gent's dr. articles
Bagging, Emh. Table covers kept in a
Ducks' Linen do Store lor
Calicoes Shoes and Bunts public ac-
Lavvns for La lies 6c Gents comrnoda-
Counter- Buys & Girls lion,
panesand Hats and
Muslins Bonnets.
The subscriber will be happv to meet his
friends, and is sat is lie 1 be will be able to please.
April lSbtl.
AII persons indebted to* the firm of Rupp 6c
Oster are respectfully and earnestly requested
to make immediate payment. The*books are ia
the hands ol G. V\ . Rupp, (<;r collection, and
must positively he closed. Our friends who
are in airears will please consult their interest
by attending to this notice at once and not put
us tinder the unpleasant necessity of making
them pay costs.
Bedford, May In, ISs6—dm,
The undersigned would respectfully inforai
tlie citizens of Bedford County, that they have
purchased the patent lbr the above Machine,
from the patentee, (C. Holiinsworth, State of
Indiana,) and are now prepared to manufacture,
and keep constantly on hand, the Floating Ball
or Knuckle Washing Machine, at St. Clairs
This Machine works well, and a girl of four
teen years, can perform th -largest Washing in
a very short time, and the amount of clothes
and soaps saved in a year, will pay for the Ma
chine. Everybody should have one of these
Some of the citizens of St. Clairsville l ave
tried it, and can testify to what we have said
concerning it.
J\ f: KOOS\
Jane G, J-jo6