The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, May 09, 1856, Image 3

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    feD4f r-XothiJigisia defunct in Boston.
, ejection was helJ, last Monday, in the ci
i Boston, for Register of Deeds and Alder-
I'• The whole city voted, and the Know-
B x -ir's spared no possible effort to elect their
. e's. The following was the vote :
B r claister—Alline, {Citizen's candi-
B date,) 3,29 ft
■ Rice . (Know-Nothing,) 1,018
, n .;.Know-Nothing majority, 2,277 j
' : .rnian-Wight man, (Citizen's candi
" date,) 3,062
Baldwin, (Know-Nothing.) 1,126
tnti-Know-Nathing majority, 1,936
h (n It is recollected, that a few years ago
Know-Nothings carried Boston by an over
' ,|ming majority, this result is a gratifying
that the foul heresy has run its course,
, '•< r apid2v "going the way of all flesh."—
i • Philadelphia follow the example of Boston, j
. Kurv Know-Nothingism so deep, that the
o'l the apocalyptic angel, on the last day,
[ refuse to rescue it from its grave of shame
and infamy.
T'-t Old Linr Whig" of Ivtra. — The old line whig?
• !ma held a convention on "he 12th inst. We
■ <[nm the BitrlirtgtoH Gazette that Gen. Win.
r,a Wil-on, ol' Fairfield, presided, and opened the
:th a slioit speech. On motion of Mr.
, ar t one of the most distinguished lawyers ol
and who has never been contaminated by an j
r eOiutions were adopted defining the position 1
• e line Whigs on all the topics of the day.— j
. 1( re ,olutio<is denounce Black Republican Aboli
-r in the mo-t emphatic manner, and, regaid
. • rr.--'lve- as temporarily "under the weather,' 1
. counsel the Whigs to "bide their time,'" to have
v' to do with the Black Republican movement.
The Law of Libel.
One nf the very best speeches made during
. e | ate session of the Legislature, says the Har-1
rg Union , was made by .Mr. Gk.TZ, of Read- j
- in the House of Representatives, April |
]7 .on the "Bill to amend the Law ot Libel.'',
We have read this speech with great care, and j
. hesitate to say that we heartily con
, :r in the reasonings and conclusions of the j
: norable member. A more unjust and perni-j
c uilatv than the present Pennsylvania law of
never di-graoed the statute book of a re- j
• ican Slate, and we are glad to record the ,
• that, after the last strong appeal of Mr. ,
(, ■ the oood >"f use of the House passed the a-
Lift i>V a vote of 45 to 35. All that j
-Mr-lies us is fhtTT-'a solitary vote was recorded ;
• nst it. Mr. Gi.TZ, and* several other mem- .
. :■ s"rve the thanks of the jm'ss and the ]ieo- j
■ . f - the energy and ability u ith Nvhich tliey j
3-iv-., Jed the passage of tile bill.
Ire fill owing Is tile bill as it passed both j
1! mes:
'•That from an after the passage of this net,
•!- trial of indictments for writing or put>-
ga libl, the truth of the matter charged!
:i ; .•; Jons may he given in evidence, and if;
iorv in any such case shall find that the
- ■v. as written or published from good mot ivt s
!f r mstifiable ends, and that the matter so '
■ ■■! was tine, it shall operate to the acquit
of the defendelit or defendants."
Tie passage of Fix net's Railroad Bill exci
; ! tiw "Erie Ifippers" tosiuh a degree that 1
pent up wrath could not be contained,
. .'.on Friday night last, they vented their fu
ry i the Erie Constitution newspaper office, i
. - houses of several respectable citizens.
ir iriediate cause of the out-break was a
fig .'tween young WALKER and a "ripper" bv .
t: • name of Cochran, the latter of whom re- '■
.•; ...j a very see.-re and most righteous whip-
Afirr which the Court House hell was
j. and a crowd of scoundrels and biack
milled, who were hariangued by the
.• Cochran in a violent and inflainma- ;
t v a annej. Tlie mob then proceeded to the
Iff >f the Constitution, tore down the sign
and made a grand bonfire in the street of eve
" ing in the building ofa combustible na-
A 1: rg" quantity of print ing paper, all of the
mv Ir.rarv of Mr. JOHXSON, lailroad attorney
and editor of the piper, with all his papers ami
ad accounts, were also destroyed. The
' th'-n go? out the cannon, and being excited
\ ! - thunder, went to work and gutted the
trig, entirely demolishing it. Ihe loss o!
■dr. Jouxsox must amount to several thousand
<M'I >. They afterwards pioceeded to the.
- of Mr. T RACY, anotheiLprominent rail-.
' G man, and fired several bullets in at the,
} bus, and threw brick-bats and other mis-j
• M;t other houses. The affair is one of the j
■>' di-giacefbl that ever lilackened the lame j
any cit v. From TRACT'S they, went to j
d .NIT.'-, hut his windows being fortified by
w iiuiow-shutteis, they were unable to ef-.
'•ctanything. Had they succeeded in getting j
i v would have been met with murderous i
'is, as v 'ting Walker's friends ha ! a-sein
th-ie in considerable numbers,
ese proceeding* are alike disgraceful to the j
.HI • : Erie and to all ho have been in
' eta' in biijigirig about this state ol things.
' ( - , the excited and ignorant mob Who [
the cat's-paws in the transaction, are not j
much to blame as those men, who con- j
t! ' TTiSeIVeS respectable, and who Were tlie
if they were not the immediate, instiga- i
% i ii< most outrageous riot. \\ e expect, j
• vr, that the respectable ruffians anil rip
v are unable to control their under-strappers, !
i may suffer in common with orderly citizens,
■ ,fI! tlm blind and stupid furv of their own .
"• It fs.a! ways easier to raise the devil than j
' -'"t turn down again : and "bloody instruc- j
• - generally "return to plague the inven- ;
hat the upshot of the matter will be remains i
to ae seen.
Terrible Fire in l s lii!iiloS|!i:#..
Store,, and Dwellings Destroyed—One ■
i man Killed mid another mortally Slab
—Estimated Loss more than a .Million oj !
■ hollars.
Ust night, about 12 o'clock, a fire broke out in .
'northern end of the large rag and paper ware-
Messrs. Ji'suip am! Moore, on the south |
Fa-t North street, below Sixth. The wind |
'wii g ireshly from the Northeast at the time, j
tlrtiries weie carried through with learlu! ra
y the other extremity of the store, on Com- |
.. j '' street. Thp large srructure was speedily eri-
v l "'' in fiaroes. which were carried hy the force
j' ,? *ind against the buildings adjoining, and they
- foo;, a P;,),; blaze.
o arid to the di-a-trous effects of the fire, the hur
,a £> And paper were vomited forth from the)
and carried on the wind in a Southwesterly j
T on, where tliey fell in a fiery shower. The i
; '••! were , wn it," service, but it was speedily!
-"t Mat all the buildings West ol tlie paper I
( "bxtit street, and South Jo Market street.)
*"■ ' ,v °ld :ti destruction. The State House j
• bell was immediately struck for a general alarm, and j
its constant strokes brought to the ground the entire
tire department of the city.
The worst fears w ere soon realized. The buildings
on the South side of Kast North street, and upon
both sides of Commerce street, were soon in a light
blaze, the Market rtreet Stores extended back to the
last named street, and the tlames were soon pouring
out of the window- on to that avenue and threaten
ing to extend to Che-nut -tieet. By "2 o'clock, the
Western end ol the block bounded by Market, North
and Sixth streets, was in flames, and the wind had
carried the burning Bakes into th block immediately
West of the main body of the conflagration. Back
of the Western side of Sixth street, a large sehool
bou-e belonging to the Society of Friends, a carpen
ter shop, and several small dwellings, were in flames
and burning furiously.
The roofs of two large stores on the lower side of
Market street, below Sixth took fire, and the roofs
of two buildings on the west side of Sixth street lie
low Market, were in flames by half pa-t;> o'clock.
The scene was now most frightful—the flames
shot up high into the air, illuminating the entire city,
and threatening to destro'' entire blocks to the wind
ward. Commerce and North streets were in flames,
; and (ires were raging on both sides of Market and
Sixth streets. The wind, which was increa-ing in
-trenght, was carrying a fiery shower to a great dis
tance ; all around the scene of devastation persons
were hurrying away their families and their goods to
places of safety. The firemen, bewildered and dis
tracted at the insufficiency of the means at their
command in comparison with the vastness of the
field of exertion before them, struggled manfully i
wiih the destroying element, anil under the judicious
command of their officers did the best they could.
The fire continued to spread until after day-light,
and w hen the sun ro-e a sickening scene of destruc
tion wn- exhibited. T'.very building on the north
side of Market street, irom the unfinished iron struc
| ture at N. '219, to Sixth street, was in ruins, and
j most of the houses on the east side of Sixth street to
| North street, were down. The western ends Of
| North and Commerce streets were in ruins, while ug
ly gap- were made in the blocks south and west of
the hounds described. Some st> buildings w ere de
stroyed, many of them stores of great value.
m A S6 E* B K i>:
On the '24 th ult.. at the Par-onage .n St. Clairs
vilie, hy the Rev. N. K. Gilds, Mr. JOHN STOIUI.U 1.11
to Miss MAUV ASM CI.AVCO.IIB, both of Bedford Co.
.. .4. . g. r
| FED Tetier Wash, is the only safe arid sure remedy j
ever discovered for curing the Fetter, Ringworm,
' and alt eruptions of the Skin. It is -o infallabfe a
| remedy, that a perfect cure in all cases of Tetter is
j guaianteed, it attentively applied. In ordinary cases
J one bottle will besuliicent to perfect a cure, iu bad
cases, with a Tetter of long standing, more will he
required. Price 2-> cents per bottle. For Mile at Dr.
' 11. F. Reamers Bedford. Apii! 83, iv.d-!y.
Fcsih Kewatd.
RAXAWAY Irom the subscriber living in South
. Wood berry Town-hip, Bedford countv, on the 16th
■ of April last, an apprentice to the Farming Business,
named lIENRY HORN, about 16 years old. All per
sons are hereby cautioned against tru-ting or har
boring said boy on rny account. No thanks for his
' return.
May 6, 16-13.*
THE subscribers to the Hopew ell and Bloody Run
' Plank and Turnpike Road Company are hereby noti
fied to pay at the office of the'l reasiirer o' s , d rom
poity in Bedford, on or before the 20th of May next.
I two instalments, being ten doliris on each share of
stock subscribed.
Trea-urer. :
Cr7~Subscribers living in Bloody Run arid vicinity,
are hereby authorized to pay to Jacob H. Rarndol
lar. F.-q. JOHN MOWER.
May 1), 18oC.
Valentine Steckman, Proprietor.
; CCP"Boarders taken by the day, week, month
or year, on moderate terms.
May 9, 1856.
THE undersigned have just opened their usu
al supply of
• *FSCI Ati & SI % n i:25 Ei,
and will take pleasure in show ins them, to all
who may favor its with a call. Great bargains
will he offered for Cash, and all kinds of Coun
try produce—or to punctual customers, a credit
ot six months will be oiven.
Bedford, May 2, 1556.
tftfreat Arrivafi
(TT -fovcuin ant) Domesftc T'tcTs !
i-t The Colonade Store, Bedford, Pa.
All ve in want of SPRING GOODS, call
and see as choice an assortment, and as Cheap
as ever brought to Bedford. I pride myself in
showing and seliing Ootids to \ isitors. Call
and see my
Cloths " Rorazes Glassware
CV-imere? Borage Delaines Queensware
Cashmeres Fancy Silks Hardware |
.Hans Black Silks Groceries
Saftinetts Vesting* Snnff
Tweeds Marseilles Tobacco & j
Camblets Brilliants General
Checks Hosiery Furnishing
Tickings Ladies' Kids and all oth-
Diiilsand Gent's do er articles
Bagging, Emh. Table covers kept in a
Docks' Linen do Store f>r
Calicoes Shoes and Boots ptildic ac-
Lawns fir Ladies&G>nts commoda-
Coutt'er- Bovs & Girls tion.
[lanesand Hats and
Muslins Bonnets.
The subscriber will be harpy to meet his
friends, and is satisfied he u ill he a'.|e u> pic tse.
| April 25, 1856.
To the Coroner, the Justices of the I' nice,
and Constables in the different Townships j
in the County of Bedford, Creeling.
KNOW YE that in pursuance ofa precept to [
I me directed, under the hand and seal of the j
Hon. I'IIWUS M. KIiIiMELL, President
of the several Courts of Common Pleas in the '
I Sixteenth District, consisting ol the counties ot'
Franklin, Bedford ami Somerset, and by virtue
ot his office of the Court of Over and Terminer
and General Jail delivery fiir the trial oi eapi-
I tal and other offenders therein and in the Gene- 1
ral Court of Quarter Sessions of tlie Peace: and
i JOIT.N G. HARTLKY and Jos. 13. NOI'.LK, Esqs.
, Judges of the same Court, in the same County
i ol Bedford, You and each of you are hereby re
quired to be and appear in your proper persons
; with your Records, Recognizances, Exatnina
; tions, and other remembrances before the Judges
aforesaid, at Bidford, at a Court of Oyer and
I Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Gene-'
ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace therein to be
holden for the county of Bedford, aforesaid,;
on the Ist Monday of May (being the sth i
dav,) at 10 o'clock in th forenoon of that day,
I there and then to do those things to which your
j several offices appertain.
GIVEN under my hand at Bedford, on the
: 18lli dav of April, in tlie year of our Lord
j 1856.
HT'GH MOORE, Sheriff. I
All persons are cautioned against trespasiing
on my farm Other by fishing, hunting, or oth
erwise, as I atn determined to enforce the law
against all pusons so offending without respect
to persons.
Bedford Township,
Applications for Ficcntc.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
person* have filed their petition lor License in the
office of ihe Clerk ol" the Couit of Qurrter Se-sions
lit and for the county of Bedford, in pursuance of
the Act of Assembly pa.-seii 31st March, (hie., enti
tled "An Act to regulate the -ate of Intoxicating
Brinks, which will be presented for hearing at May
Ses-ion, 1856, to wit:
i Mary Ann Cook, Bedlord Borough, Tavern.
John Hater, Bedford Borough, "
Valentine Steckman " "
Espy T. Auder-on " Township "
Johnson Hater •' ;
John Todd " " a
John A Gump, Bloody Run <
Ephraim McDaniel " "
JohnCrotise <
Bernard O'Neill Cheneyville "
Daniel L Defibaugh West Providence <<
D AT Black East Providence "
John Mcliwaine Crossings "
James Eiehelbprger Hopewell "
: John Brondstone Sfonerstown "
(ieorge Gclbaugh Hopewell "
Jacob Scbnei,. |y Woodtierry "
Thomas C Reighard Crtioii "
f'eter Amick St. Clairsville "
: Jesse Sleek " "
George M Colvin, SchelDbnrg "
John M Robison " "
James Carnell Clearville •
Valentine V Wertz Harrison Township "
. Jonathan Feigbner " "
Joseph Foller, Bueria Vista "
Win Snider Ratton-ville " [
i Valentine sli!|er C'tiniberland Valley "
George Stuckey Napier "
Reuben Smith, K.iirisbiirg '•
Henry Fluck, Wo.uJberry "
Elizabeth Haney, Cumberland Valley "
1 James Burn-, Loudonderi y "
John G Minnich Bedford Boiough, Eating House
. John Foster Hopewell "
April 18, 1850.
Dr. A. P.
Offers Ills prof ssinnal services, in a!! the
branches of Medicitt", Surg'-rv, obstetric.-', and
all other branches connected with the proles
sion, to the citizens ol Pattonsvill, Woodberry,
Hopewell, and the surrounding community:
am) hopes, by strict attention, and firmer suc
cess iti practice, to give satisfaction to all who
favor hint with a call, lie will always he
found at his office, one fourth ofa mil- north of
Pattonsville. unli s- professionally engaged.
PattonsviHe, April 11, 1856."
l\E\l GOODS.
THE undersigned beg- leave to inform l:is
friends and the public, that he has ju-t returned
from the eastern cities and is now exhibiting
a general assortment of new style Spring and ;
Summer G(MXjs, comprising a great variety of
Ladies' Dress Goods, among which will be
found Chullr's, Lawns, De Lairies, Alpaca-,
Madonna Cloths, occ. &.C., and a great variety of
Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Linens and Cot
tor, ade for Gentlemen and Boys wear.
Groceries, Queensware, Hatdware, Brooms,
Buckets, Tubs, Chni ns, Nc., tcc.
The above stock consists of every article usu
ally kept in store —all of which will be sold
CHEAP FOR CASH, or approved produce.
Thankful for past favors, lie hopes by fair
dealing and a desire to please, to continue to
merit and receive a libeial share of tlie public
April 11, 1856. G. W. RUPP.
mmm & brhieiiui
WOULD respectful!V inf rtn their friends and
the public in general, that they are now recei
ving all the latest stvles ut Ladies' and Gentle
men*' DRESS GOODS, among which will be
found black and fancy Silks, Cashmeres, Alpa
cas, M mslin de Lai lies, fancy prints from a tip
up : Muslin, bleached and unbleached from a tip
np, ail widths—Super Cloths, and black and [
fancy ( assimeres, Tweeds, Ca-sinetts, Jeans,
Vesting*, Bonnets, Hats ar.d Caps, Boots and
Shoes in great variety and style—also Grocer
ies, Queettsware, Hardware, Brooms, Buckets,
Tools, —also, Tobacco, Drugs, Oils, Paints,
and Varnish, together with every variety of ar
ticle* usually found iri stores. And. as our
Goods are ail new, and have been selected with
great care imthe eastern cities, we hope hv
strict attention to business and a desire to ;
please to merit and receive a liberal share of the j
[iublic patronage —and, to prove that we are
selling cheaper than ihe cheapest, ail we ask is a
call. We consider if no trouble to show Ootids,
and, as it will cost von nothing to make an ex
amination. vou will stand in your own light if
you do not call arid examine our stork. Our
motto, "Down with high prices, quick snies,
and short profits," will, we hope, meet with
general favor. Country produce received ibr
Gomls, and the highest prices allowed.
Si. Clairsville, April 11, ISs6—3t.
Mrs. AGNIS SAL PP would announce to
her friends ami the public that she has opened
, a Dry Goods Store in the room occupied as the j
Post office, where she has just received and
: opened a handsome assortment of new style
Spring and Summer goods', embracing in part,
Black and Fancy Silks, French and Flounced
Lawns, of all prices, Slialltes and Braze De- ,
i la ins, Curtain Diaperv, of all prices, Wool De
| Lains, nf all Colors, Cambric!; and Swiss rnus
| iins, Button*, Braids, Cords, Edgings, and In
serting-, Ladies arid Misses Shoes, together
with a little of almost everything to be found in i
Dry Goods Stores.
She has also on hand, a large and well se- ]
. looted assortment of HARDWARE, which
will he sold low, m order to close out this branch i
of business. She to receive a liberal
share of the patronage of a generous public.
Purchasers \\ ill please call and examine Or
April 11, 1856.
The undersigned appointed to report facts,
in the matter of the distribution of the fund* in j
the hands of A. King and John Cessna, Esq s I
■Trustees of M-shack Edwards, deceased, will
attend to his duties, at his office in the Borough ;
of Bedford on Wednesday the 30th day of
April—all partus interested can there and then
JNO. P. REED, Auditor.
April IS, 1856.
A List ol" Retnilm ~
of Merchandize of the County of Bedford for
j the year A. D. 1856.
Bedford Borough.
Class. Tax.
A.B. Cramer &. Co. 12 12 00
A. J. Sansom, 1+ 7 00
Nicholas Lvons, 13 10 00
G. W. Ru'pp, 13 10 00
Sam'l Shuck K. Co. 14- 7 00 j
Kelly &. Dogdale, 14? 7 00
Robert Fvan, 14 7 00
Jacob Reed, 13 10 00
John Arnold, 11. W. 14 7 00
Sonnabom K. Co. 14 7 00
Agnes Saupp, 14 7 00
Dr. B. F. Harry, 14 7 00 '
William Schafer, 14 7 00
Dr. F. C. Reamer, 14 7 00
Collin Lover, 14 7 00
Sarah Potts, 14 7 00
Isaac Lepple, 14 7 00
Job Shoemaker, 14 7 00
Eating Mouses.
John G. Minnick, 8 5 00 J
John J. Luther, 8 5 00
A. L. Defihangh, 8 5 00
Jacob Bollinger, 8 5 00
West Providence Township.
William States & Co. 14 7 00
McEUianey, 14 7 00
Jacob Barndollnr &. Co. 13 10 00
James M. Barndollar, 13 10 00
Thomas Ritchey, 14 7 00
Monroe Township.
J. Morton, 14 7 00
Daniel Fletcher, 14 7 00 j
Michael Miller, 14 7 00 j
Southampton Township.
John Cavender, 14 7 00
j Wm. Lash ley, 14 700
Lash ley K. Walters, 14 7 00
Kirk K Fletcher,. 14 7 00
Colerain Township.
James K. Beegle, 14 I 00 j
Diehl K. Corle, 14 7 00
ihoadtop Township.
Lemuel Evans, 14 7 00 j
Fluck Echelbarger, 14 700
Liberty Township.
David Berkstresser, 14 7 00
Lewis Putt 14 7 00
.Jacob Sn viler, 14 7 00
John Cyphers, 14 7 00
William Fisher, 14 7 00
John ShaftT, Eating, S f> 00
Schellsburg Borough.
John S. Schell, 14 7 00 :
A. B. Bonn, 14 7 00 !
Siatler <Sc Son, 14 7 00
A. J. Sniveiy, 14 7 00
Miller .N Coiilv, 14 7 00
Widow Schell &. Son, 14 7 00
Colvin Robinson, 14 7 00
Juniata Township.
Turner &. Kegg, 14 7 00
William Reiser, 14 7 00
William Piatt K Brothel, 14 7 00
Joseph Condon, 14 7 00
F. Hilderbrarit, 14 7 00
Londonerry Township.
Thoma J. Porter, 14 7 00 '
Jacob G. Devore, Jr. 14 7 00
Harrison Township.
V. B. Wert 7, 14 7 00
East Providence Township.
John Nvcom, 14 < 00
D. A. t. Black, 14 100
Edward McGraw, 14 / 00
Hopewell Township.
John Dasher, " " 14 7 00
John King R. Brother, 14 7 00
Middle Woodbrrry Township.
Jacob Breiineman, 13 10 00
(I. R. Barndollar, 13 10 00
J. W. Duncan, 13 10 00
Putt &. Brother, 14 7 00
James 1,. Prince, 14 < 00
James S. Bushey, Eating, 8 500 i
Bedford Township.
Jacob Barnhard, 14 i 00
South Wood berry Township.
Jam- s Piper, Jr. 14 < 00
S. R. Oster, 14 7 00 !
D. F. Buck, 1 1 1 00 I
George 14 7 00
William S. Flock, 14 / 00
St. Clair Township.
F. D. JRegle, 14 7 00
(L B. Amich R Brother, 14 7 00
John H. Wright & Co. 14 700
T. B. Smith., 14 <OO
G. D. Trout, 14 7 00 j
John [Regie, 14 < 00
Hinsling &. Bridi ham, 1 t 7 00
11. Hershman, 14 i 00
Cumberland \ alley Township.
Jacob Anderson, 14 ' 00
John May, 14 7 00 |
An appeal will be held at the Commissioners
office in Bedford on Saturday the 10th day ol
May, 1956.
Appraiser of Mercantile
Tax for the year 1856.
April 18. !B:>f>.
m fi H<M.|
The subscribers having entered into partner
ship in the mercantile Business, would an-1
nnunce to their friends and the public in gene
ral that they have just returned from the East
1 and are now opening and exhibiting in the
store room formerly occupied by Elias M. Fish
er, a iarge and splendid assortment of
consisting in part of DRESS GOODS of the
verv latest style, Brilliants, Lawns, Aipacca,
plain and figured Delaines, all colors, black and
fancy Silks, Muslin from a lip up, bleached and
unbleached: Prints from a fip up, Shallies,
summer Shawls and Mantillas, C loths, black
and fancy Ca<simeres, Tweeds, Jeans and Sat
tinetts: a large assortment ol mens and boys
summer wear from 12 cents up: a great variety
of Marseilles V. stings, all colors: cotton Chain,
Hosiery in great variety, \. \V . Collars from 3
cents up: silk and linen Handkerchiefs; aisoa
' large assortment of mens and boys summer
Hats, Boots and Shoes in grat variety, Kc. Re.
Also a larg" assortment of the best GROCE
RIES, such as super Golden Syrup, \. O. ar.d
! sugar-house Molasses, Rio Coffee, N. O. Clari
' Red, Geanutated, and steam Sugars, Teas, Spi
! ces, Chocolate, Essence Coffee, lobacco, Re.
Also, a large assortment of Queensware and j
Glassware, all of which u ill be sold cheap for j
cash or approved Produce. \\ e respectfully .
invite all in search of bargains to give us a call. !
Our goods will be shewn with pleasure wheth- j
er purchased or not.
Bedford, April 1, 1856.
i Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Lands.
AGREEABLY to the provisions of an Act of
Assembly,directing the mode of selling unsea
ted lands for taxes and other purposes, passed Uie
15th March, 1815, and the supplements thereto,
passed the ] 3th of March, 1817, and the 25th
day of March, 1836, and the oth day of March,
1846, the Treasurer of the County of Bedford,
hereby gives notice to all persons concerned,
that unless the County, State, School and Road
taxes, due on the following tracts of Unseated
lands, situate ir> Bedford County, are paid before
Ibe day of sale, the whole, or such parts of
each tract as will pay the taxes and costs charge
able thereon, will be sold at the Court House,
i in the Borough of Bedford, on the SECOND
i the arrearages of Taxes due arid tile costs ac
crued thereon, and said sale will be continued
from day to day, until all are disposed of.
DAVID OVER, Tret surer.
Treasurer's Office, )
j Bedford, March 28. 1856. )
Bedford Towns/tip.
| Acres and Warrantees Amount of
j Perches. or owners. Taxes.
383? Jacob Funk, $ 1 16 j
10 Alexander Bovd, 1 20 .
B roadtop 1o wn fit ip.
\ 245 Joshua Ed wards, 1 17
100 William Edwards, 1 17
30 John Grove, 16
365 William Gray, 1 52
499 Charles Richards, 1 41
292 Peter Keagrice, 2 02
100 Mordeca Wheeler, 75
97 Abraham Kerns, 24
47 Wm. T. DaughertV. 1 26
| 16 William Figard, 12,
300 Barclay Sc. Foster, 60 ;
189 Francis Moan, 2 10
325 112 William Ward, 1 95
400 Jacob Myers, 2 50
400 Robert Sharp, 2 50 ;
344 Benjamin Price, ] 20
| 431 Abraham Henry, 1 20
: 396 129 James Razon, 1 20
50 IVin. T. Daughertv, 28
' 400 James Patton, ] 20
160 Josiah Dungan, 24
399 William Bunn, 1 20
431 Montgomery Thomas, 72
372 Samuel L. Tobias, 1 36
433 Margaret Montgomery, 1 56
36 James Con le v, 1 95
400 Philip Murray, 2 56 j
Colerain Township.
4221 Philip Diehl, 1 24
j 406 Christian Di-hl, ] 20
439 David Hessner, 1 32 ,
424 VV illiam Scott, 1 28
399 John Smith, 1 20
30 Raiser Dull, 35
600 Samuel Williams, 2 25
50 Philip Diehl, 18 j
100 John HartKroad, 96
351 John Steckman, 48
Cumberland Volley Township.
354 12S Robert Levis, 84 :
.39 9 115 VV illia m Lev is, 20
419 108 John Levis, 1 28
i 444 16 John Piper, 1 32
393 112 George Davis, .88
364 Steele Sample, 1 0^
Harrison Township.
362 52 William Piper, 48
104?; Jno. Garretson &. And. Sheets, 34
250 John Metzgar, 2 67
1400 John Metzgar, 4 34
Hopewell To wnsh ip.
400 John Keibel, 5 00
213 Joseph Lancaster, 60
99 Richard Clark, 2S
7 E. Puderhaugh, (widow.) 1 48
209 Israel Moans, 2 :>9
227 Zachariah Moans, 2 83
250 Timothy Moans, 6 25
212 Robert Shaw, 1 24
200 William Nicholas, 48
tOO Henry Beck, 5 00
28 George Wisbart, 40
Londonderry To wn ship.
395 Daniel Green, 1 20
. 442 John Sample, 1 .32
457 Robeit Sampie, ] 36
t44 Joseph Sample, 1 32
j 220 James Shaw, 1 24
401!, John King, 60
100 F. Abbott, 1 20
399 Thomas McCail, 1 80
350 Samuel M. Barclay, 1 80 ;
j 400 Mulford Treadweti, 1 80
200 Samuel M. Barclay, 60
Liberty Township.
400 Edward Albert!, 1 44
43 Wm. T. Daughertv, 24
60 Abel Pult, 70
86 George Thompson, 36 :
479 James Laughead, 1 44
380 i Daniel Montgomery, 1 32
103 William Montgomery, 88
401 Margaret Montgomery, 88
.Monroe Township.
164 Jacob A. Wink, 48
! 185 Sansom Wink, 48
50 James Means, 16
55 Daniel Means, 12
499 John Treves, 3 09
t:5 Elizabeth Swartzwelder, 8
7 Hugh Wilson, 32
.Y'ipier Township.
150 John O'Neal, 4 80
200 Job Mann, 2 50
East Providence Township.
I 421 George DeWeese, 1 SO
40 Elisha Barton, 26
40 Aaron Barton, 12
60 Charles McLaughlin, 20 ;
400 George Hess, 72
100 Jacob Ritchey, 3ti
400 William Long, 1 99
400 William Cavin, 1 60
4311 John Crosby, 1 61
Providence Touwship.
.37 Solomon Williams, 40
447 Hannah Alherti, 1 SO
202 Nicholas Hammond, 1 20
301 Lemuel Gnstine, ] 52
I Vest Providence Township.
110 Ezikiel King, 24
St. Clair Township.
4 Lots Jacob Tnk's heirs, _ IS
100 John Stitffer, I 20
Soulhnrvplon. Township
j 2.39 Joseph Cooper, 1 .32 ;
j 404 Daniel Huff', 1 20 ;
j 340 Jacob Herring, 1 04
j 100 Michael Hevener, 1 02
1401 V John Kerr, 1 20
j 200 James Riggs, 60
I 339 Stephen Reed, 1 00
1439 Willim Reed, 1 04
• ; 4nS James Reed, 1 20
j 435{ Cornelius Cooper, 1 20
: 100 George F. A thrift, 3(1
1465J William Bell, 1 20
j 136 Laac Hunter, 2 08
Union Township.
400 John Swaggart, 96
j 400 Leonard Swaggart, 3 60
! 266 Alexander Gardner, 2 16
I 116 William Smith, Oil
43 Samuel Bucket, 52
" 11H John Shee, SS
100 James Johnston, 88
50 Frederick Snvder, 28
315 Jeremiah Jackson, 2 52
41H Jacob Swaggart, 2 48
440 William Piereon, 2 64
440 Ebenezer Bran ham, 3 96
120 Conrad Jtnler, 72
200 Christ ley Bowser, 1 80
100 George Laib, 60
100 Jacob Burket, 1 20
i 150 Peter Shpeubergcr, 88
I 4-00 John SI lit, " 500
396 Adam Black, 2 28
1200 Marcus Irvine, 1 20
j 322 Michael Shine r, 4 41
' 400 Michael Shinier, 5 00
430 Griffith IJvans, 2 64
403f Phillip Stine, 2 44
430 Wilson Runt, 2 6 4
;43S* Alexander Scott, 2 60
127 Peter Shoenberger, 3 16
124 Peter >.. )rio* j r2er, 2 6-S
40 Peter Shoenberger, 2 4
South Woodbsrry Township.
474 William Montgomery, 3 32
212 Robert Shaw, 1 24
440 Peter Shaw, 2 64
51 106 Martin Loy, 32
249 Martin Loy, 1 20
54 100 John S. H' trick, 32
Woodberry Township.
; 496 RobVrt George, 5 85
4l(> John George, 5 85
421 Alexander Boyd, 5 85
403; Alexander .Montgomery, 5 85
432 Hannah Montgomery, 5 .85
346 William Montgomery, 5 85
194 Daniel or Paul Wertz, 1 51
100 Henrv Swoop, 2 88
Aiiti'iln H'aoiJberrij Township.
10 Martin Hvsong, 06
40 John Watt, " 1 80
117 Daniel Montgomery, 7 44
180 Daniel Montgomery, 2 40
400 Margaret Montgomery* 29 55
100 Andrew Bnker, * 1 29
20 Andrew B>si*r, 84
2 Philip Crofr } 42
10 Adajb Bonder, 63
Lot "\n. 72 Jacob St rock j 63
For Rent, arid possession given immediately,
the law oiiice bt.ely occupied by Jehu A.
Bridget, Esq.
('. Vv*. Auderson.
April, 25, 1556.
MRS. COOK would announce to her frie-ju's,
and tic public, that the Washington Hotel i<
now fitted up in superior order lor the accom
: mudation oi' guests, and she hopes to continue
to receive a liberal share of custom. Persons
visiting the Mineral Springs will find in the
Washington Hotel a comfortable summer re
treat—and no pains will he spared to please all
who patronize the house.
| Bedford. April 25| 1856.
Tin* partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, trading under the name and
fiirn of Sansom G::i hart, in the Dry Goods
business, has this day been dissolved hv mutual
consent. All persons indebted to said firm are
requested to have their accounts* settled up by
the Ist of Mav. The hooks and accounts will
he found in the hands ol A. J. Sansom until
that time.
April 1, 1856.
Tite undersigned w ill continue the business in
the room lat-lv occupied by Isaac Leppel on
the corner of Juliana and Pitt Streets, opposite
Dr. P. C. Reamer's Drug and Book Store, where
he will be hapt v to see all his friends.
April 11, 1836.
3 I S i£3,3€ §4 EE
BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Bedford County, the undersigned, Adminis
istrator of the Estate o! p.has S. Hook, dee'd,
will s"ll at public v. ndm* or outcry, upon the
: premises, on SATURDAY iHE 26th DAY
OF APRIL, a!! that tract or piece of Land situ
ate in Cumberland Valley Township, in the
county aforesaid, late the property of ?aid E. S.
Hook, dee'd, and now in the occupancy of his
j family : containing ONE HUNDRED AND
TWENTY"-TWO ACRES and twenty-five p**r
ches, more or 1 ••*. This property is favorably
! located, with a dwelling house and stable there
! on erected.
Salc to commence at 10 o'clock A. M. oi
I said day, when due attendance will be given,
' and the tei ms made known bv
GEO.' 11. SPANG,
April 4, 1856. Adm r.
Office C. V. M. P. Co., /
Feb. 28, 1836. (
That the Board of Directors of the above Com
pany have this dav levied an assessment ot five
i per cent, on aii premium notes belonging to the
! companv and in force on the 6th day of 4 ebru
! ary, A. D, 1556, except on original applications
approved from November 20, 1855, till said 6th
jdav of February, on which there is assessed
three per cent., and on all premium notes expi
; ring between said dates (and not renewed) three
per cent. And the members of this company
are hereby required to pay their several amounts
so assessed to the Treasurer or authorized recei
ver of this Board, within thirty days of the
publication of this notice.
Test. JOHN T. GREEN, Sec'y.
March 28, 185.3.
All persons indebted to the estate of Nicholas
Miller, late of Cumberland Valley Township,
Bedford County, deceased, are requested to make
' immediate payment —and those having claims
j against said estate will present them properly
authenticated for sett I men*.
March 21,1856.*