The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 29, 1856, Image 2

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lSctllbrri, i'cJ. 28, 1 sSO.
G, W. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor-
Conjrrgationa! Mecliujr.
A meeting of the Presbvterran Congregation will
be held ra the Ciuicch on tsaturilay the Bth of
March. at 11 ovicide, A. M. A nil! meeting is <le
sired. as the PFVVS will he disposed of on that day,
Bud other business of importance transacted.
By order of the Trustee.-.
Let'cr of I{< v. Johi! ChamfHrs.
Pnit.A., dan. 20. IS-IC.
Jl/V IX nr y.itjtU:—l see iiotn the papers that the
I) lTS have pa-sed to second reading a bill to
jepeal the rtLiquor I.aiv. and it is exp 'rt
e. vtor the bill will pass the house of Kepresciitu
-1 ives.
' X. , Jet roe propo-e to yon and through you to
our party, that they forthwith pas* a bill requiring
the Commissioner- of each County to have erected,
.and jvrt-rcc at ail the cross-roads, a trough with hoi;'a
diifeu or more mugs chain, d fast ; ami 1 those troughs
well a rf cos rant I y snpjdied with rum and lager, that
tbe thirsty whiskey diinking diuiVieriits may have
their tit-i. .The county need not be at tin' expense or
fencing in the troughs, tor there is uAI a hog in tin
old Keystone so'far lost to re-pect iof ins iionorahlP
Af. >hiv, •>to put his snout within more than smell
ing di-tauee of the vie drug.
L rio"< s'-em to•;>. though the Democrats were
. resoi> cw iuat trii tl i- t rile or intemperance thaU be
eu.jtiird npoir thi- land perpetually. It is To me most
ga'clifg i)o;i ti ortifyinfr that tlie political party which
.'-I oiris f-r th-* triit pttrt'- r> : * the con'ritrj',-sfconlil so
Went iff itself with kt s. ({.sr.- and Rtns e My dear
s.r, 2 trios t dt- piy regret t .at yon, a- a iWTints, and
B good citizen, should lend your influence to this vile
ttpjjiu. it mp tiers not. i.t ruy ju.igruiHit, bow much
u the rum selb r.,' mo., y may pass from tiu'ir pock
et to tVole of the Democratic ifieuibet.-. Now, al
low me to as!; you, as an honest, clever fellow, have
TI'H ever known nun ' r ood results to the iudividira!,
Ihe famtlv. or the community, front inrn-dnnking
. (;ive ine one example n which rum- drinking has re
formed //e man.' For thirty year- 1 have been ask
''irig for this example, but thi- far in Vain. Will you
do me the favor to ask the Democratic members for
one example. 1 ask it Iron- lire Daw on: AT re mem
bers ot the legislature because it is evident to all
wlib will see. that they arc the friends of turn, and
that rum is 'tjkrir friend. Surely they can say some
thing good of their old fri.'tul. 1 presume Huglry
will have high Mats performed t'or all the precious
wniskey-souls in the Legislature. J trust in God
loaf tlwre is humanity enough in the Senate to stay
the burning wrongs of lite ilou-e. fours truly,
**"**GT7 = * Above will be found a letter purporting to
been written nv the Rev. Juux GHAMIIKBS, which
we publish as one of the i.e/raoniui-in! productiorisol
the age, and to prove that tlieman who gets drum; on
fmmtiei'm is a more rlepiorable object than the man
who gets drunk on Parker w hisk<:y 1 More iulemper
dh\ Language than that employed by Mr. CHA.U HERS, in
this epistle; could not emanate from the most confirm
ed lirntikurd in the State ; and its etfect upor. the pub
tic tnind will do more injury to the ctMfle ol temper
ance limn Mr. C. can do good should permitted
to live to lecture ami write on this the
next Any yars. Because this Bevert/nJjfcgeutleman
cannot carry his extreme measurers on rw subject of
temperance, lie rmmcW.. that the Legislature pass
,r lull' i eyairhig tfie Commissioners to erect trough'
at all the cross-rouVls in the State, and.#// them with
.i ln.tlry for the use o: Democrats, iviiom he denomi
nates as below the hoi' specie-! Disgraceful senti
' meat to emanate froth any ww, hut much more so
to come from a Minister of the Gospel. Thp hn-iii
that the Democratic liiertiber- of ihe Legislature
Were bribed by the •■rnni eelle r.v," iu paseiug the bill
for th" rcpe 1 of the •-.Tug-Law," is tire strongest
po-sible evidence that Mr. C- was intoxi rt d, (by
imbibing heavy draughts of fjiiatici-nn.) when he
penned the pngri!: thouybt. The lowest grade of
drunkards want no better law, for their benefit , than
•HP jf'G Law, which seems to have so strong a
place in the affections of Mr. (.'.--and lie. and his es co-workers, in ItsjVJig to fasten such a law lip
i ouithe people, exhibit itlef&trnnpcst po- hie deter-
Biinatior "to euiau! the evils ol intemperance per
petually upon this land." Mr. C. st" it is "evident
J to til fl at tii* ]>movrit:v member- mi'the Legtste
tnre ;u the friends i. tuts, r.:.d tiiaj -rum is tlie.r
, friend." .Now, this remark was as ssiralted for as
is imj rcore h v and gentlemanly fW*
<>i nun nebcr assembled: at Harrishurg than those
eorepo-iifg the Democratic portion of the Legislature
• —ate', in repeating the Jug Law. they have done
iiottiins; tiMue than to ohi-v the v.-u eo: the people,
empbat rally expressed at the ha 1 tot-box. To have
' done le--. vnold have been a clear violation of a
plain sltif v ! entrusted to their hand-.
fine of the nicane-' feature-of the jmlirieol tem
nerance men of the present day, con-isis in the iact
' that the;, feel like ' out" every botlv who
wili not bow before their opinioti-. To be allowed
a i'nll expression of their own v ; ew-, no matter how
ridicnlous and absurd, do-* not satisfy then:—aril, if'
they ranr.M Joree the people to Irtiv netiiine /'.n than
a quart, tiiey wouiu erect troughs at a!! the cro--
roads in m -r to trvfi men and childrenj too, to lic
conie drcsk '•-. Tn :h'- learlu! extent doe- /ir- -
tc'nit lead men., otherwise good citizens.
All The Temjletanhe laws That have been ps--fil.
tvave prove ! a butivbn *. They have never tiwii iu
struiifvtifal in r> idfming n single man, and never
wiii. \ - long its 1 wttisfeh't h i.t /.•>'■/, tho-.e that
want it will have it. de.-yl'e nil tki-'Vews tirit can be
paved to •• rl their appetite. In fact, these lav.
oiily -crVe hs a and create a greater
th\rxt h.Vtlic filthy drug. ' And raising the price ti
the article, dop- r.o good. It tidy still further m-
th" w:;e am! c*..iluren < .'the besot red ine
bi iate—because, It. cases like this, f it'fakes the last
b,a; of bread, the last stick of wood, or tlse Just pound
of siig'-'. the'■ ■•' I 'ru. i irn-'t erne. As
prayer uttere i ■ ml -vwffr/v, by tie how '
elctgv a; ' rhri t ■ men of" the Jam', wouM do more
to re HIS : '.I s -, t!ia:l C!I the ISC that ail LCR
islative boriie* rail pie-s whilst t lie'world -tandv.
Tbe'h cA** i-:i the temper-nee question have
made a r.hol tiie si. jeet. in which they cla
alt Democrats as the friendso. rum—and all the rne
m />.* of the Deniocratic Party a- the friends of tem
perance! This i- neither lair, honest, ior decent,
for all know the declaration to be grossly false. One
party much addicted to drinking u> the other—
but it is very certain that -auivol the most notorious
lovers ot' "Rum," are found among the warmest ad
vocates of political temperance for }.■• eiti.a' pit << <.
Only a few days ago, a man who was mainly instru
mental in iastemitg upon the ]>eople riio K- N. Jug
Law was engaged in the enterprize of tempting
men in the country to drink liquor lrorn the Jims
he ear end hi his an jet bag. Sburne en such doublc
diiiillcd hypocrisy.
Ministers attend to ir.e dutw- which prop
r|y belong to their calling, they never fail to ac
n„ire confidence and respect—but, whenever they
u , rn politicians, and bitterly denounce people, instead
o: aJiectiona'fl)' admoaishing them, they are like nox
foHs weeds among beautiful flowers.
In tintabov.e letter, Air. tuijuu rs most cordially
, HrtUf the eou'. jnpt ol every Democrat in Fenn-yl
van j a and, if be is not gratified in his request, it
v. 11 be owing to the good sense ot the people, and
i not to any wisdom to be found in the letter recorded
| Without a K%ntt!
fafHou* opposed to the Democratic Party
are now without a name; and, the only way they
designate themselves when calling a caucus, a
State, County or Township Convention, is as the
euemies "ofjhe nationd administration ! We were
attracted with the call lor a caucus of the K. N
members of the Legislature of our own State, which
read a- above. Heretofore the Stale Administration
I has been considered of some account—but the Know
' Nothings seem to have no faith in the strength of the
llxecytive power at Harrishnrg. ft was this dirty
' mixing up of factions, that disgraced our State and
notion by the scenes enacted in ttie Harrishnrg Leg
islature last winter, and at Washington this winter.
• | Will hone-l men of the country continue to act with
' soch a compound o"' Mongrels?
So rjvenoos are they for spoils, when suc
cessful, flint thev permit the hest offices in their
. "in to oo into the hamis of Democrats rather
r> -
I than Ift cither wing of their own discordant
) '
, materlil, {jet into power. The election of f. S.
• Senator from Pent sylvania, Seargeant-at-arms
and 'i D.ipocratic Printer to 'lie lower House
: oi Congress will satisfy anv candid man of the
• irutb of this assertion. Who, then, crfti have
' any fiiitli in their promises ?
/T'The black spirits {Jlbolifionixtx) have
, , been holding a convention in Pittsimrsr, and the
• gnu/ fyh iis (Know-vYothinsrs) in Philadelphia,
( durinsr the last week, both of which have been
• Hie flieiitre of disorder and contentim such as
I v, is to haw been expected sue!: assembla
ge ■" •
- :j "Th" Democratic State Cimvention meets
, in flarris'nirg on next Tuesday, and being com
• ( posed ut'snme uf the very best men in IheCom
_! mmiwealth, we have no doidit they will <Jit>-
- i cliarge the high trust committed to their hands !
I i in a manner that will meet the approbation of
- : a large majority of the people at the polls on the
. . second Tuesday of October next. W.M, M.
- I H.xr.n, Esq., is the Senatorial, and tlco. H.
( Sp.wo, Esq. the Representative delegate Lorn
i Bedford County.
SJ* A serious accident occurred on the
.i Pt tinsvlvania Railroad, at Huntingdon, on the
% 'J Ist inst., hy which one man lost his fife, and
II i
. i several others were bally injured. An engine ,
, ! run into the western mail train, while it was
! I
i ! standing still, owing to a coupling holding the j
- cars having broken, and the engine close behind,
1 could not he checked soon enough to escape the
sad calamity.
SC. "The Liquor Law which passed the Sen
! j ate a lew days since, has been referred to a
• i select committee in the House, the report of
which will he seen in a feu days.
s I t . From the Providence (ti. I.) Pq-t.
We answer, confidently am! emphatically. ,A" <
tie say that, in all its features and all its purposes,
' it is the very opposite of what it claims to be. Let
- us see if we speak more or less than the simple
. truth.
. 1 In the first place, look at its eeerrey. Is there nnv
• thmg American in that.' Is it American to belong
■ to u society lite very name and the very existence
• j of which you are bound by an oath to keep a pro
, t found secret ? Is it American to nominate men for
i high office-, and keep their nomination a secret until
! it is revealed through the ballot-box' Is it Amen- ,
1 j can to shrink from an open discussion ol" the chums
I | and qualifications of candidate* lor high offices .' Is
it American to sneak in the Council chamber for the '
transaction of political business through trap-doors
-and back-entries, with one eye over ytuu shoulder, j
" like a dog with a stolen breakfast, to guard against j
- detection t Can there be anything peculiarly Amer
t • icuu in ail association whose utaiii' features are re- 1
ipmbl'ed by nothing that h;l- existed in A 1
1 fforri" tie landing of the Pilgrims down to the day j
1 ! toat We numbered twenty-five niiiiitens of souls ? I-
any very American in a society of Jesuits /
p 1- tiiere anyttiing American in a star-cbambefcourt?
: is there anything American in an Italian or Spanish
. inqni-ition? if not, ttieri is there nothing American
; ill know-nottlingisra, ihus tar considered.
j i Look at its atifits. From the uiomen r of t-ii ng
. j them the victim ceases to Lie a freeman. He i.
; -worn to look upon his hfoi'tier who was born upon
another soil, or whose religions faith differs from
; hi- own, a- nu oittca t. !!•> becomes a bigot—bitter,
i inlol!ft, riTt!er)t;ug. II - is-worn also to vote j
_ j iur his party'- candidates, be they who and what
. they may. .No matter if the gr.-ate-t knave, the
fno.-t baie-facell villain, or The meanest scoundrel
that ever walked The earth, is piaced m nomination,
'! he Mtf.t vote ior him. 'Fhere is no esrap- 1 . lie lias
, • I'MIM that he will do it. Ho cannot listen to argu
• rqent, ,or he i- no longer free to act according to the
dictates 0 reason aiiid conscience. His only an-wer
•Toth ■ patriot's appeal nm-t be. V,'e have a law,
aiij by That law i must vote or my party> < undi
- ; dittc. iio mnttei who he is or what h" is , saint or
- , devit. *t i- all the same.-" 1- theie onvt iing Amer
ican :n thi- I And }et this is one of the features o;
know-not h,ngi-m.
I. ol; at its pnrjtoms. If proposes to annihilate po
-- lit rat equ iity—to rob labor of its dignity and its
r means el -lei-.uice, by robbing it of its -trength r.t the
. i,p Sl-. It v.old make chatrie- or mere machines oi
it Ous.-ind- ~f white laborers, ar.d open th door to
-T'.t greater encroachments upon the poor man's
rights. Is there anything American in this I
r Look again. It would erect rom-./ittuities of fer
ei.hi is upon our own soil, by drivng every man o:
; foreign birth beyond the boundaries of American so
ciety, whether social or political. It would teach
- a large class oi men, w,Th families growing r.p a
: ' room! them in onr very midst, to bote, with u bitter
i • and everlasting hatred, the in-titutlOfis ol our coun
try, and !if iiren who sustaia them. It would shut 1
: out the children of foreign-born parents from all !
Amervanizing influences, and leave them to grow up
• amongst o with Those prejudices Common to the
land of the r lathers. Is this a:i object worthy of
Americans I
Lpok uncc more. It would offer a premium for
' religious hypucrVy, by excluding from office arid from
s 1 'he ballot-box every man who open I v embraces the
_ 1 Catholic faith. Thp American doctrine has been,
1 that every person should be allowed to worship God
according to the- dictates of ids conscience. It would
i trample this doctrine in the dustj by providing pen
- id ties, in the form of prescriptive di.-abilaties, for
j all who worship God in any other than tire I'iotestant
! form.
s ! But enough. There can b but one answer to the
- ; question we have asked. Tins know-nothing party
. | is aiiti-American in its organization and internal fea
tures —anti-American in its purposes—anti-Ameri
can ir, its sov! and iu its substance. With its mask
~ off, it i- a bald traitor—a heartless, reckless eiterny
fi ol American, institutions. Let tine Americans fL**-
s | from ,t as ;hey would flee from the pestilence that
_ j waste!h at noonday—avoid it as they would the poi
sonous v : per—and crush it as true patriotism Would
fcj crush undisguised treason.
- - - - -
y j Th- report that words had recently been
1 exc hanged between these two gentlemen is not
-! credited, l ite journal upon whose authority
i it is reported is the London Morning Adverti
ser, a paper which is said to be the receiver of
-1 all the filthy whisfrs and absurd fictions fluat
ti insr about the put lie,,- 0 f the Hritish m-lropo
i! Hs.
The man who. ill a land and an age ti/.e tins, is
honestly declaiming against the Temporal influence
of the poor Pope ; and earnestly warning his country
men ogitin.-r the political arts of the poor Catholics;
ought to have lived at least in the last century, and
followed the Spanish Cavalier in his crusade against
wiinu-mills. Nor have we any more to feat — Front
Fie influx of fotfign elements into our body pohtir, in
the rhrtforlnr and habits of the mingled races of the, old
tmrhl. Though foreign emigration were increased a
hundred fold, it would no more alarm thoughttu! j
man, for the safetv of our free institutions, than do ;
! the thousand rivers, that pour their varied elements
' into the sea, alarm a philosopher for the jmritv otthe '
mighty and ocean. The nation is al- ■
! reatlv, in all its grand elements of character, perma- j
nentlv Anglo-American; and a wise man would just ;
as sincerely fear to dine on a salmon, lest he, bim- 1
self, short Id become a great fish ; or to break his fast j
i on u bird, lest he should sprout with leathers and ;
wings, as to have a tear lest this American nation- )
: ality be essentially or injuriously modi fled by any i
: foreign elements that may flow into it.— Rev. Charles
1 11 Oils wot th •
For the Gazette.
All Mature Hopes for Sjirinsr.
Who does not hope for Spring /—Who so stolid, as !
I not to long for the reviving green of opening sum- j
i mer /—Who so stoical as to look on, unmoved, at this 1
| etfort of nature to throw ofi her wiuter garb I
Summer lias ber charms, and Autumn's frqlts fill
men with gladness, but the brightening sun of spring, '
as it shines upon the snow-clad hills, seems to send
; a thrill of pleasure through creation, and till us with t
I another life.
j Who has not watched with happiness nnmingled
I this resurrection from the sleep of nature ? How joy
' ou-ly the birds wing their way (jack to well remem
! bered nests, and sing a welcome to their playmates i
again. j
Even plants anticipate tlie coming of its cheering '
J smile, ihe fragile seed which withered up, and •
died, in autumn's heat, bursts its shrivelled skin.tfS'l i
waits restlessly till spring allow, it to show torth its i
hidden beauties, and sweeten the miirinuringbieezes j
i with its flagrante.
j bee, too. tho.-e broken rocks which seem as it
cracked and shivered with the piercing blasts ol j
winter—their coats of ice and snow give way be- ;
i neath the reviving warmth of summer's herald am! i
! display the moss and lichen homes of tubes of bap- .
I py insects.
May we not apply this theme, even to the changes j
| contingent on human progress 7 Who has not sighed j
i for a return of the spring ot file; when with rompush ;
.! jov we sported on the lawn, wbn present happiness :
hid with its enticing view.future sorrows, and eve
ry hour seemed a spring of pleasure ! And evert old i
and hoary age, whose steps linger on the outskirts of
the world whose, days aie numbered, and at whoso
life springs death's shaft is. pointed—e'en the four
score wanderer hopes for spring, in a higher and a
happier existence.
O Spiing! first of seasons ! in thy light and smile t
all nature seems happy. Thy corning strews the
dark earth with dowers,and displays delicacies whi#b j
stern winter chides train existence; and which the j
heated summi.r smothers with her luxuriance! All ;
bail thy advent as a season ol joy Al! nature longs ;
for thy appearance! All natuie hopes for Spring.
From the Louisville Courier, Feb. 12.
Important Decision.
A case has just been decided by our new Su- j
potior Couitui considerable interest to mer
chants. It was that of Meyer KStuckvn ol .New
! York vs. John Tyler, auctioneer, of Boston.—
i Win. Whiting and Edward (J. Parker lor the i
| piai otitis; R. Choate, Win. Dehon, and S.J.
Thorn as lor the defendant, ll grew out of the
j Peverelly arson case in New York. Jt seems
, that Pcvere!ly received goods on storage as his
. J n ° r
\ general business. Sundry hogsheads ol sugar
j were thus received from the plaintiffs. The
marks on them he erased, and then shipped
them to Tyler, to be sold in the name of one R.
Say re. On this consignment, T\ K-r, the auc
tioneer, advanced, as is usual, about one third
the value to the conciguor. The plaintiffs, at- j
j ter the discovery ol Pevereilv's attempted burn
ping'of his store by the New York police, search
j ed for their merchandise, and found it in Tyler's
warehouse in Boston—he refusing it up,
save on payment of his entir# advances and j
payments tvaJe in uerl'ect good faith. Upon t
[argument, the Oriel Justice of the Superior;
j Court reserved the case fur the consideration of
i the Associate Judges of that Court, and they j
. ' • . .V. . " '
I to-day entered judgment fur the plaintiffs for :
the fol! amount claimed, with, costs, the defen
dant tints losing his entire advances. It is un
' derstood (lie judgment went upon the ground ,
j that Pyvereily, by erasing the marks, termina- ,
led his '•lawful possession," so as to be unable .
i thereafter to give a second consignee a lien for
any advances.
I St. Lawrence Hotel. —We understand that
there is an impression in the interior of the
State, tliat this well regulated establishment w as
burnt out on the occasion ol the recent tire.—
Such is rmt the fact. The damage sustained
i was trifling. The fire occurred in one of the
rooms in the rear of the hotel, used by some of
the employees, and was put out in live iriin
; ittes' time. Visiters can r-st assured that the
! convenience and comfort that has always char- ;
1 arterized the St. Lawrence, is still its chief f. a
j tnre, and that its worthy proprietor, Mr. Cami— j
r;:ll, is never more at liorre- than when en- '
gaged in ministering to the pleasure of his
guest?.— pen n sylran inn.
We are recpiest.'d to state that a second meet- •
ing < I Teachers, Directors, and the friends of j
Education, will be held in Bedford, on Tuesday .
t!ie 20th day of .March next, for tlie purpose oft
organizing a County Teachers' Association.— '
Hun. If. ('. Hickok, Deputy slat- Stipeiinten
cent of Harrislmrg,' and others, are expected to
j deliver address* 4 on the occasion.
Baltimore, Feb. 23.—The Flour market
; tp-day is duller. Howard street offered at AT j
2.3 without buyers : small sales of City Al ills j
at §7. Grain is unchanged, with a good fie- i
j inund l.r yv I! >w corn.
;T8 A U VZ 0 K V*:
. j On Sunday the 21th inst., by S. Whip, E-q., Mr. I
j \Vai,xbr Oi.ivbk, to Mis. Mary Ov.uns, iioth ol
| Cumberland Valley township.
j On The 27th o Jan. at the residence oi Mr. Saml.
: M'Fadtlen, by the Rev. .1. ITeller, Mr. Hknuy Reich-
I aiiii, to MLs F.. r, lioth of Martinshurg.
On Sabbath morning, Jan. 27th, at Pleasantville,
by J. [I. Wright. F.sij., .Mr. Frank Hammer, of
( ambr.a County, to Miss £t.iz.\ Macoai, of the same
On Tuesday evening, Teh. 12th, at Pleasantville,
by J. H. Wright. Esq., .Mr. Jos ken M. Taylor,
of Union Township, to Miss Axuelixk Mock, ol the
same place.
I In Philadelphia, 18th instant,CATHARINE
ASHMEAD, daughter of Samuel L. and Mary
F. Kreutzburg, aged 3 years and 6 months.
As the subscriber intends to remove his stock
of goods in the Spring, to the room recently oc
cupi"d by Peter Radehaugh, lie will sell his
present well selected stock, at unusually low
prices, in older to save trouble of moving. So
that all in the want of Bargains, will find them
by calling at the Colonade Store. All kinds of
produce taken in exchange fir goods.
Feb. 29, 1836.
roil 1803.
JOHN TAYLOR. Treasurer of Bedford Coun
ty, in account with said County, from Ist day
of January, 1853, to 7th day ol January,
; To Cash received from Col
lectors, it! infrn , 6955 10
I Balance due County on last report, 165 67
i Taxes received on unseated lands, 12 4-2
| Credit on Militia Fines for stationery, 500
1 Balance due Treasurer, J 190 87
8629 06
j By ami. paid on checks, drawn by
Commissioners, vt infrn, 6608 31
j" amount paid constables at
tending Jurors, 91 00
•' amount paid constable Black
burn, omitted, 1 4-0
" amount paid Jurors, 14 )0 09 i
j" uncurrent money destroyed, 30 00
j" Treasurer's salary, 185 00
" Premiums on scalps, 313 25i
8629 06
i Statement showing cash received from each Col
lector, at supra.
• Robert F.hler, M. Wood, '55 447 00
i William Wysong, Union, " 202 00
Peter Kwait, Schellsburg. " 8.7 00
Arnold Lashley, Southampton '• 170 00
| John Ablstadt, St. Clair, " 110 00
j Israel Morris, W. Providence '• 28.'! Ill)
| J. B. Martin, E. Providence, 201 87
j John Whets-tone, Napier, " it t.7 00
j William Cornell, Monroe, " O'J 00
j J. C. I)evore, Londonderry, " 101 00
! J. Rerk'-tresser, Liberty, " 115 00
i John ileily, Juniata, " 100 00
I J. B. Ilnrdrrnn, Harrison, •• 00 00
i G. Lon, Hopew ell, 100 00
! Levi llardinger, C, Valley, 00 00
Nicholas Koontz, Colerain, 3.21' 00
Thomas W. Ilorton, Broad I op, 00 00
J. H. Schnebly, Bedford 4.70 02
P. H. Shires, Bedlord B. .7SO 00
j J. Workinger, S. Wood, 18.71. 28; i 00
j J. Nicodemus, " 2-70 00
j J. Corle, t nion. 113 81
: William lianis, South. ii7 27
j Solomon Williams. W. Prov. .70 00
i I). Fshleman, F.. l'rov. 9'!. 37
William Hull, Napier 197-83
J. Lovvrey, Londonderry .'!! 30
J. I). Hill, Juniata 25 00
J. Devore, Harrison 5-7 00
J. Fink, llopewell 13.7 71
E. lleihl, Colerain 191 00
; fl. Ford, Broadtop 97
' C. Stnckey, Bedford S3 03
I S. S. Shuck. Bedford R. 143 30
I I). Cypher, Liberty IS lit
i F- Berkhimer, St. Clair 9.7 00
| VV m. O'Neal, iHonroe 104 00
' N. 11. Wright, St. Clair 1853. 10
Jesse Dicken. Southampton " 2-7 <lO
! H. Wilt, E. Providence L'f.Gl
• I). Evans, LondonileAy 1( 02
George Froelig, Harrison 2f< 00
John King, Hopewell ' 150 00
Ellas Gump, Colerain 40 00
M. Wisegarver, Bedford 98 .70
Hugh Moore, B. 290 42
S. S. Stuckev, Napier 1852. s7 C'j
John Cook, Londonderry " 5.7 00
Thomas Young, Hopewell 50 00
Samuel Cam, Bedlord B. 125 00
i Solomon Reirnund, Bedlord B. ISSI- 8 .39
i FreiJ'k Smith, I.ondonderry "70 31 31
Henry Fluck, M. Wood. '49 285 00
Samuel I'lark, St. C'uir '4S 40 00
09,75 20
Bridges, 94-5 :i0
Assessors, 636 S6<
Reviews of Roads, Ac. 224- 30
Wood, 50 t.t
Interest on borrowed money, 256 16
Treasurer of Bedford County Agti
cu I turn I Society, 200 00 1
1 Borrowed money re-paid to Job
Mann, exor. of A. Kerns, 536 83 s
Elections, 45(5 98 1
Constables, 233 91 i
Inquest, 12 98
Hugh Moore", Sheriff, costs and
tir taking prisoners to the
Penitentiary, 551 ;>4<
D. Washabaugh, Proihonotary,
costs and lees, 116 19
D. Over, printing, 117 00
(J. \\ . Bowman, do 105 7.)
T. A. Boyd, Comth' ntty. 18 00
j John Conard Commissioner, 5 2 00
Fed'k Turner, do 50 00
' D. C. Long, do 58 50
: William Whetstone, do la 0')
A. 8. Russell, Clerk do 200 05
j Costs in Gommonwealth cases 142 38
\ Auditors and clerk, last year 70 00
James McMullin Court crier 107 50
• Repairs to County Buildings 1-82 6(i
John Taylor costs on unseated lands 23 6'2.j
. .Moneys over paid and refunded 104- 91
I Levi Agnew, attending Court House 791
' Distributing duplicates 20 00
Books, Stationery, 57 37 j
John Mower, alt v. to Comr's 50 00
j Law Taliaferro, late Treasurer 200 00
i F. Jordan, late ( om'lth attv. '25 00
j Auditors arid clerk, this year 70 00
j Miscellaneous checks 552 71
6608 31 !
■ Statement of money due. to Red ford County,
"i'l/t day January , 1856.
David .Miller, S. Wood. 15.7.7. 60(7 GO
Robert Elder, M. Wood " 448 18
Joint Wyson, Union 107 43
Peter F.walt, Schellsburg 9 03 i
John Aldstadt St. Clair 131 02
1-rae! Morris, W. Prov. 187 00
John Whet-tone, Napier 117 22
William Carnel, Monroe 231 0!)
James C. Devore, Londonderry 54 40 |
Samuel Berkstre--er, Liberty 98 39 i
John Reily, Juniata 160 0(1
J. B. Hardntnn, Harrison 94 43
George Iong, 105 7G
Levi Hanlinger, Cumd. Val. 205 10
Nicholas Koontz, Colerain 08 94 j
Thomas W. Horton, Broadtop 71 30 j
J. H. Schneblv, Bedford T. 208 48
Peter H. Shires, do B. 172 92
Jacob VVorkinger, S. Wood. 1854. 51 89 j
Jacob Nicodemus, M. Wood. " 138 08
Solomon Williams. VV. Prov. 11 70 I
John 11. Htll, Londonderry. 188 05
Abrnm Snowden, Cumb. Valley 349 72
Saml S. Shuck, Bedford B. 53 33
Elias Gump, Colerain "2 79
M. Wisegarver, Bedford 1853. 102 25
Hugh Moore, do '• 19 19
John Ash. Southampton 1852. 35 t.7
Thomas Young. Hopewell <• 38 94
Samuel Cant, Bedford B. 37 91
Arnold La-tiley, Southampton 1855. 45 72
Bi-nj. H. Walker, St. Clair 1851. 53 07
; Solomon Filler, Bedford B. 18-50. 252 OS ,
J Samuel Clark, St. Clair 1818. 100 00 •
, William McAtt-p, Southam. 1817. 15080
Also from A. J. Sniveiy, hite Sheriff,
money collected and not paid over 4*7 00
. StOnerstOwu Bridge Bond *,'oo 1)0
5963 no
NOTE—On some of Ihe foregoing intere.-t is dire,
and from some, commissions and exonerations aie to
be deducted.
Statement of mon'tj owed It// lint font County.
L January ~ilh 1 856.
To John Sill, '2ODO 00
" William Hartley 1110 20
11 A. Kerns' Exors, 30 ) 00
" Wm. M. Hall's adinr. 430 00
" James Rea 000 00
4000 20
\OT+: —Some interest is due on
each of Ihe above.
The undersigned, Auditors of Bedford Coun
ty do rejMu t :
That they met, at Ihe Commission
ei'sOliice, in Bedford Borough, on Monday, Ihe
7th day of January, ult., and did audit the ac
count, of John Taylor, Treasurer of said Coun
ty, from tlie I-t oi January, 1855, to the 7th |
day of January, 10 50, as contained in th- fore
going siatement. Also that they examined the ,
lor-'going accounts, of money due to and owed
by the county, and the same is correct.
Witness our hands this the Bth day of Jan
uary, 1856.
Attest : W;n. M. Hall, Clerk.
Report of the County Auditors to the Auditor
General, January 7, 1856.
JOHN TAYLOR, Treasurer of Bedford Coun
ty, iii account with the Coinmoiiiweaitli of
i Pennsylvania :
Treasurer Dr.
To Bal. due C-frnth. last year, 7(10 52 1
aggn tute amount outstand
ing at last sett h'ineiit 5172 34
• ! aggregate amount assessed
fir the year 1855 6318 58
" Amt. re'c'il on Unseated lands 9 75 !
12401 19 I
Contra Cr.
! Bv amount paid state Treasurer pro ut
receij t< dated Eeh. 9th July 9th
Augst. 21sf. S- pt. 26th, and Decem
ber sth. 3801 15 |
Bv Commissions allowed collect
ors on $6518 58 a 5 per centum 325 92
" Exonerations allowed collectors
for 1855, and previous years L' 4 85
" Treasurers commissions on $4905
41 at 1 per centum 46 05
" Amount uncollected fur 1855
and previous vars 6641 19 <
" Balance due Comlth. 1458 73
! i
12401 19 j
Tavern Licenses. Dr. i
To Bal. due Coinltli. last year 34 00 j
" amt. of for 1855 355 00
419 00 | |
('R. i ]
Bv amount paid Slate Treas-urer, I
pro ut recpts dated Sep 261! i 240 03 I
" exoneration tor seven, handed , .
over to District Attorney 70 00 (
" costs on one sued fir, and not | ;
collected, defi being insolvent 1 60 I
" Mefzlei's license exonerated 10 00 j
nett ami. recM $305 a 5 per ct. 15 25 |
" Bal. due Comth. 82 l:
419 00
Retailer's Licenses. DR.
To Balance due last year 127 33
j" Amount ol fur 15.)5 9.) 4 37
7SI 70 i
CR. ■
j Bv amt. paid State Treasurer pro ut t
receipts dated, Augt 21, Sept. 26,
ami December sth 600 00 J
" ami. paid Printers 50 00 1
" exoneiations 54 00 i
" commissions at 5 per ct on S6OO 27 30 01
" Balance due Comiuunweuith 47 69
781 70 ,I
Hankers and Pedlars DR.
To amount of for 1855 8 00 <
" Bal. due Treasurer SO
s so |;
1 v . (K - .
By Balance due last year SO
'■ amt. paid State Tieas'r. ,
pro ut recpt dated dated
September 26, 7 60
1 " cumin's at 5 per ct 40
2 s so ;
Ealing Houses. DR.
To Balance du" last year 34 OS
" Amt. of licenses lor 1855 25 00
59 08 j
By amount paid State Trea'r CR.
pro ut recpt dated Sept. 26tb 15 00 I
! " commissions on $25 at sor ct. t 25 i
Balance due Comth. 42 83
59 OS j
• Militia Fines. DR. '
!To Bal. due Comlth. last year 99 58 i
aggregate amount outstand- ■ ;
ing Ibr 1855, and previous years 2378 98i j
I " aggret. amt. assessed for 1855 1242 50 I ,
3721 06f
By amt. paid State Treasr. CR. ! i
pro ut recpts dated *26 th 253 00 j
J " amt. uncollected for 1555
and previous years 2213 06i
i " 5 per cent commissions al
lowed collectors on $909 45 45
I " exonerations allowed col
lectors for 1555 and for
previous years 499 00 i
" amounts paid sundry persons
pro ut statement infra 352 28 i
" Treasurer's commissions on
$863 97 at 1 per cent. 8 64
! Balance due Commonwealth 319 63 t
! 3721 06i
Statemrnt of 11,, Krd,l, I Krp,„,l ilum .
Hu Aiih/nry' >J
Me j, ,„r I*S5 ,
from each cot lector cper„t,ly, and .
mild to cod, per,ou, in accordance with *
oj Assembly of 30/// April, 1853
Received From—
('Juries Stnekey
N. B. Wright *
Jacob Corte 'J' 98
Frederick" Smith ,'' J (l "
Henry Wilt
William liarns \ -)
I'. Cypher
David Ford *5
F. Berkheimer
Joseph Barkman J' i (l
William Hull ;] s hs
John Cr>ok "i
David Kshelman
William O'Neal f~ s "
Jacob Devnre
James Fi,:k V'
George Froelig -5
Arnold Lashley f 5 "j
J Lowrey
I-rae| Morris
William Carnelt
Beni. H. Waiter
4 ) 50
To which add balance due
Commonwealth ]a-t year
Paid Out: State Treasurer n. ?
Counly Corrir's. ami elk. slain,nery. &<-. "s- '
Lemuel Evans, Treasurer of It road top
Idle Range;s, per order of ('apt.
Wm. llortou.
A. J. Sansom,'Treasurer of Bedford
P.illes per outer of Capt. Jno. A!sip, 7 -
John McCoy, Treasurer of Ciunberland
\ alley Bines per order ol Captain
Lewis A. May, . n
,1- .. 50 til)
Lemuel j .vans, services as Bug. Ins[)ct. uj , ,
Gen. Bowman, printing statement ol tt,e
Military Fund Qft
1). Over, printing statement for two years ]•' on
Capt. William Nottingham, carnage of ~
arms for (Nimberland Valley Blues j
for leturning 1!)14 men to
Brigade Inspector at 2 i ts each ;>g
Treasurers commissions on SBC.'J ft"
at 1 per ceiit |;
Balance due Commonwealth fj .,
904 55
WF., the auditors of Bedford County, Pennsylvania
do certify, ' '
That, in pursuance of the acts of Assemble i n
such case made and provided, we met at the Com.
inissioiier's Oflue, tn Bedford Borough, on Alondji
the 7th day ol January, 180 C, and ilid audit and ail
just the several accounts between JOHN TAYLOR
I rea-urer ot .-aid County, and the Coniinoimealth of
Pennsylvania, as -et forth in the foreging statement-
Witness our hands, this Bth day of January. 4*
D. lb.rG.
GEO. W. SMITH, \ Auditors
Attest; Wm. M. Halt, Clerk.
Fell. 1.5. JSSG.
The books and accounts of Jas. K. llallam have
been placed in the hands of Justice N'icoih-aiiis for n !-
lection. On all accounts not paid before the 15th
ol March uex', suits will be brought.
O. I*. SHANNON, Assignee.
Feb. 22, *1856.
Superintendent'-s Oliive, /
Hullidaveburg, Feb. 5, 1856. j
Sealed Proposals will be received at this of
fice, and at the uliicpol the Canal Commission
ers, Huri isbnrg, until April 1, 1856, fir the
purchase of Eleven Fortv Horse Power Sla
tion.try Engines, formerly used on the Inclined
Planes of Ihe Allegheny Portage Rail Rou-i.
And also lYotir 150,009 to 200,000 pounds I. ti
Castings. The engines will he sold seperalelv or
altogether. For further particulars enquire uf
liiv subscriber.
Feb. 15. 1556. Sup't.
Real Estate at Bnena Vista.
By virtue of an Order ot thp Orphans' Courtot
Bedlord County, the undersigned, trustees ol the
Methodist Episcopal Church at Buena \ isia, inth*
township of Napier, and County aforesaid, "ill - .
at public outcty. upon the premise-, on ' ■
the 15th day of .March next, the following descr.bel
Church Building arid Lot of Ground, situate in the
the Town of Bnena Vista, ill the township anil Coun
ty above mentioned, viz : A Lot measuring in •'
50 feet on the main street : thence, South 4degree-
Last .50 ft. to a post : thence. Son llt 46 degrees A est
50 It. to a Post; and thence It degrees l\ est . 0 li
to a post in front—containing -50 square teet. act
having a comfortable and commodious Church buti..-
rng thereon erected.
ALSO, they wit! sell all their interest in and ton
certain other lot (Iving in front o! the lot anew
mentioned) which "as leased at one time to di"
School Directors of that District tor School [iur|is
se s.
TERMS :_One third in band, balance in two
equal animal payments. (
Sale to enrnmenre at 10 o'c'ock, A. M. ot
da. v.
Feb. 23, 18.56.
The undersigned, surviving Executrix ru
tate ol' Dominic Cook, late ot the Borough ui
lord, deceased, will oiler at public sale, on the [ l[
ses, on MONDAY the 21tli of March, 1850, 'e u
lowing described Real Estate, to wit:
One tract of land containing 900 acre>, ma .
less, about 125 cleared and under lence, "■ ac ' r ilf .
which i- most excellent meadow land- ( l,
tnents thereon erected are three dwelling ni?i
are log and the other a new and com forum e I
with a tine, largebann barn thereon. '■
on this place an orchard of choice lruit, cori -
to the house. Water is abundant, there o ,
stream running through the entire place. #s
Ttiis desirable farm ties in what is co K ~yn.
"Harman's Bottom," situate in Allegheny 0 .
Somerset County, and is ptea-antty located,
miles from the tufnpiKe, with a goo*' r ' u 1 'u (W y
thereto, and adjoining lands of Peter foppe t
YV'olfop and others.
UyTKKJW made Known on day ol a -' • ...
MARY Co('^ ■
of Vnounc Cau.<
Feb. 2D, 185 G. —"
C'lovcrseed. ,
The subscriber has tor sab't ai |
\. Steckman, Es<|. a lot ol lirst-rat f
which tie will livs-psne to those in a '"
Feb. 29, 1856.