The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 22, 1856, Image 1

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    B V EO. w. BOWBAS.
!S elect Poet i n.
A Voud? Maiden's Thoughts.
11bought that he loved me,
| knew it last flight;
J saw hi< eyes sparkle
With joy and delight;
When he a-ked me to dance
Love beam'd in his .Rid*-,
And I Celt his hand tremble
' In mine all the while.
I know that he loves me,
Far better, I ween,
Than if he had called me
A goddess or queen;
For the heart that loves dearly,
And fondly and true,
Spaks a language more clearly
Than a tongue ever knew.
And if he should ask tne
His bride I will he,
Shall 1 spurn him and tell him
I wish to he free ?, my heart whispers
To me when alone—
]|p loves nie, he loves me,
And I'll be his own.
When stars forsake the sullen sea.
When rains descend and winds arise,
jone rock a sunny bower may be
II hope but lends us eyes.
It trarks our steps in every stage.
And makes a fountain in the wild;
I; riungle. with the thoughts of age,
The rapture of a child.
it sheds on joy a richer glow;
It thugs to want its gifts of gold;
Buf ah, its hands as pure as snow
Will sometimes prove as cold.
Senate Bill No. 7, to repeal the Jug Law,
ajsiii came up in older, pending: the amend
ment ul Mr. Browne.
Mr. INGRAM resinned and concluded his
remarks in opposition to the amendment.—
He condemned the amendment on the general
ground that it was proposed by those who
;.iteii,jted to foist an entire prohibitory law
ttpifi lie* people, and enacted the present Jaw.
which I lie people condemned.
Mr. WELSH followed on the same side. He
reganlrd (lie (jiiestioii as a very important one,
the iiat important that had ever claim
ed lht' attention !o the Legislature. He then
fwo'ded to ijis.' [)is views at length in oppo
stian to the amendment. He said it had been
charged that those who advocate the repeal of
'he Jug Law, did so from a desire for popular
apfdause, and to gain tile favor of the Liqnour
L-agtie. He repelled llie charge so far as it
applied to him. He advocated the repeal
ftlut law because it was unjust and inloley
-B'and from a sense of duly to his const it u
"!!?, who asked for its repeal. He would have
pr-ferred to vote fur a direct rep.-al of that law,
and leave the question of License for after con
> "-ration. He reviewed the various features
kfihe amendment, and pointed out what he
'-girded as its defects. The minimum price ell
"" license was too high for the rutal districts.
He Ejected to it also, because it made a viola
' nol the low a criminal offence, and punish
ed it by
imprisonment and disgrace. Also, that
encouraged informers. Another objection
"3',that it did not really repeal the jug law,
mtfmly such portions of it as were incon.sis
'"n! with the present bill. He v anted to see
" jug law repealed—wiped off the statute
V. TAGGART next took the ffoor in favor
amendmerit. and in reply to some of the
J -''inentsurged against it. He was willing to
u.i.i! (hat the law of the last session had not
a -vered the expectations of its friends: that
;*">p!e were opposed to it. He believed
"•*s, in- was willing to vote for the repeal of
j "iw. Rat not its unconditional repeal. He
■ vote for a license law proper! v regulat
~nr,t that tavern keepers might make more
By it. but that Hm great cause of temper
" "ught not fe seriously injured. The will
peopleongh. not to be disregarded. If it
■i\ 'h" laws would tie disregarded. For this
' " " would vote for a license law in ac
, w ''h what he regarded as the will of
■" P-mple.
EHKR was entirely opposed fo the
j the jug law. He would disregard the
h 1 f amor on the subject, arid keep it j)n
p ' j" ,te Book and give it a fair trial.
0 . dt !: 'e idea that the law could
jriV , * 1- Bis district it was carried out.
. . '' ' Be everywhere if the public officers
jjlj ( ' u '. v - He read from a letter from the
Mn Chambers, of Philadelphia, whom
"linateij as the grand high priest of De
trl-.( K * ,l<> s ß°w that prohibition was good dj
** letter was amusrflg,
• ler Wrth his remarks, caused conside-
i -"' therrimenf.
wu „; replied at length to the as-
U ' H5 " n4 ' n,lir " ,n1 ' ani ' a( Hocated its pas
!ate<* i rr,( ' a?,lr e now presented, oalcu-
a n(v 0r ' < * reform of the evils of intemper-
Thel/n r *' 4s ' or a stringent license law.
license"j ° . corr i m ittee was not a stringent
license ' )a t he regarded as astringent
nv | 3ft . ' " as Ear wore stringent than a
h'labt, " rt, '°li>re enacted in the common
" 1 SCept \i w | JU . 0 f s , >ss ; oru
1 Air. WJLKI.NS replied to the remarks gen
erally of the Senators on tlie other side of the
question. lit discussing the repeal of the pre
sent law, he said they were off fhe question.
They were wide off the mark. The question
was not shall that law he repealed. That was
admitted. Indeed, the people had virtually re
pealed it before the Legislature met, and senatois
now knocked under. The question uas a qnes
tion ol liiense. It was useless to speak any
more of the law of 1855. It is buried, and ail
join in the requiem to he sung over iis remains.
It is admitted they must adopt a system of li
cense, and the question is how shall that system
be regulated?
The discussion of the question was resumed
in the afternoon, when the first section of Mr.
Brown's bill was passsed, Yeas iff, nays 13, so
' Mr. VVilkins' hill fell. Mr. Jordan votid yea.
The first section reads as follows :
That from and after the passage of this acf,
it shall he unlawful to keep and maintain any
house, room, or place, where vinous, spirituous,
malt, or brewed liquors, or any admixtures
thereof, are sold or drank, except as hereinaf
ter provided.
The second secfinn was then adopted hv the
same vote, Mr. Jordan voting yea. It is as fol
That no license hereafter issued In any ven
ders of vinous, spirituous, malt, or brewed li-:
qttors, or any admixtures thereof, either with 1
or without oilier goods, wtr-'s, arid inerchan- ■
dize, shall authorize sales of said liquors or anv I
admixtures thereof, in less quantities than ONE
GALLON, except as hereinafter provided; nm- I
shall any license for the said sales in anv quan- ;
lily he granted to the keeper of anv restaurant,
ealing-hnuse, oyster house or cellar, theatre or I
other place of amusement or refreshment.
Sec. 3. That breweries and distilleries in al! ,
parts of the State shall be returned, classed, as- :
I sessed, and licensed agreaably to the provisions i
of the act of 10th April, 1549, entitled "an act i
to create a sinking fund, and to provide for the j
gradual and cm tain extinguishment of the debt
of the commonwealth." And the owner, pro-i
prietor, or lessee of any and each of .-aid brew
eries and di.-tilleries shall he assessed and re- j
quired to pay annually, before obtaining a li- j
cense, three times the rates or tax assessed a- 1
greeabiy to said act. Provided the same shall '
not, in any rase, he less titan fifty dollars: nor i
shall such license authorize sales hv them in
quantities less than FIVE GALLONS,
i Mr. Buckalew moved to strike out "three j
times" the rate of tax and insert 'double.' j)is- i
agreed to; yeas 13, nays 19, .Mr. Jordan voting
• nay. The section was then adopted, yeas 18,
rtays 14, Mr. Jordan voting yea.
The 4th section was adopted, yeas 21, nays
1 11, Mr. Jordan voting yea. The section is as
See. 4. That the provisions of this act shaft!
not npplv to importers, selling imported wines,
brandy, liquors or ardent spirits, in the original j
hale, cask, package or vessel, as imported, and I
said importers shall be returned, classed, as- j
sessed, and licensed, as provided hv an act to
provide revenue to met t the demands on the J
treasury, and for other purposes, passed the :
fourth day of May, A. I). ISH, upon the pay- i
ment of three times the additional rate or tax,
in the 10th section of the satd act prescribed. j
The sth section was adopted without the yeas
being called, as follows :
Six. 5. The provisions of this act shall not j
extend to druggists and apolhecaiies who shall
compound or sell any admixtures of wine, alco- I
hoi, spirituous or brewed liquors, in (lie prepa- j
ration of medicines, or upon tlie written j
scription of a regular practising physician of!
good repute.
SEC. <>. That licenses to venders of vinous,
spirituous, malt or brewed liquors as aforesaid, '
either with or without other good|^xvares and I
merchandize, in quantities one :
galhui, and to keepers of hotelstav
erns, selling in quantities less tiTan a gallon,
shall not he granted except to citizens of the!
Fnited States, of temperate habits and good
moral character, nor until tlie requiiements as 1
hereinafter provided shall have been complied 1
Mr. Buckalew moved to strike out "gallon" and 1
insert "quart," so as to authorize venders to sell
as low as a quart. Negatived, yeas 15, na\s 17,
Mr. Jordan voting nay.
Section 7. requires tavern keepers to give 1
three weeks notice in a newspaper, with a pro
viso that for the present year, licenses may be j
granted at the third or anv prior sess:on of tlie
The Bth section was then agreed to, which
relates principally to publication ot iulrniiou. 1
Mr. Buckalew t rietly opposed this section, on I
the ground that it was too complicated and in- '
convenient to the people to comply with. He j
regarded it us a calamity and a disgrace that '
laws should be put upon our statute book that '
were not regarded by the people.
The section then passed, Mr. Jordan voting <
yea. j I
The 9th section requires those asking a li-| <
o-nse in any city, county, town, or borough, to ; i
have at least six bed-rooms and twelve beds, j
and those in any other pait of the State at least I
four bed-rooms and eight beds. I
A motion was made to strike out "six ' and ''
"twelve" where they occur, and inseit "lour" j I
and "eight," and stuke out " four" and "eight" I
and insert "two" and "four," which was agreed
to, yeas 17, navs 15, Mr. Jordan voting nay. ;
The 10th section was then pa-sed, which re- 1
quires bond in one thousand dollars, with two ;
sufficient sureties, conditioned for the faithful t
observance ol all laws relating to license.
Mr. Stratib moved to strike out one thousand (
and insert five hundred. Disagreed to by a tie |
vote, Mr. Jordan voting nay. (
Mr. Walton then moved to reduce the bail to |
six hundred dollars. Also negatived by a tie
vote, Mr. Jordan voting nay. j
The section was then adopted. ,
The 11th section was passed for Hie present, (
to give Air. Buckalew an opportunity to submit ;
- i an amendment.
i he 13th suction fixes the rates of License.
First class live hundred dollars. Second dp.
. i 3;)0. Third do. 200. Fourth do. 250. Fifth
do. 150. Sixth do. 100. Those whose sales
■ are !e.<s than two thousand dollars annually are
■ jto form the seventh class, and pay SSO, and no
; license is to he granted fur any less sum.
Air. Stratib moved to reduce tlie 7lh class to
$25. Negatived, yeas 15, nays 17, Air. Jor
dan voting nay.
Cars and Locomotive Ala Hied.
We are now in possession of full particulars
jof the calamity nm the Southern Road near
j Hillsdale, Michigan, on Tuesday evening, of
; which we had a brief notice yesterday,
j The nam going East left this city at 320 I'.
M. on Tuesday, and consisted of three first
| class passenger cars, a second-class passenger
and a baggage car, drawn by the engine "Mor
| rison." The Eastern train, consisting of two
fiist-class passenger cars and a baggage car hit
' Toledo at nine o'clock in the evening, drawn
by tlie engine "Ohio." Tile train coming West,
should, bv tlm time table, have h it Hillsdale at
12.07, but did not have till 12.27, being just
I twenty minutes behind time.
! According to the rule, the train should have
! been allowed these twenty minutes to reach the
| -s! at ion at Jonesville; but the Western train did
j not wait, the engineer being assured that "all
j was right." The consequence was that the
I tiaitis came in dreadful collision about half a
j mile west of Hillsdale, wltere there is a sharp
j curve, which concealed the trains from each
! other until they were almost in contact: and the
: Western train was not perhaps seen at all, as.
| owing to some negligence, she carried no head
; light.
The scene which followed, savs our infor
j mailt, beggars all desciiption. The train going
j west was going at the rate of tw-elvegor fifteen
! miles an hour, but that going ea-t ydas rushing
]on at the rate of thi'ty-five. The second-class
j car was driven entirely through the baggage;
j car, in which latter were some half-dozen
! persons, and struck agljjnfst the tender. In the j
. midst of the confused mass formed of the Irag
j merits of the broken cars and of the locomotive,
j five persons were crushed tip, and in two nun- j
I utes from the time of the collision the w hole I
was on fire. None but tlie engineers hud an i
' instant's warning of the crash, and the passen
gers irt tlie two trains supposed, as they hnsten
j ed out ol the cats, that the locomotives had got
j oli' tiie track.
Their first work was to throw snow upon the !
burning wreck, irt order, if possible, to save tlie j
; ltve of those who wee* not already dead, and j
next, to extricate the living and the dead, who
| were as follows :
Michael Kitduff, fireman of the Ohio, was
caught between tlie end of the tender and the
| boiler: the wood from the tender was pitched
j over upon him, and he lav against tlie door < f
; the furnace. The wood w - as burning, and snow
! was thrown tipon him to protect Itim from the
! (ire, but it is supposed that he was instantly kil
led by the collision.
Albert Whitman,baggage master on theeas- I
j fern train, was only a etiqud and blackened
fragment of a man when talo u out of the ruins.
II", too, is supposed to have bet n instantly kil
led. He was asleep in the baggage-car at the 1
time r.f the collision.
William Van Aiken, who had been for sev
eral years track master ol this division of the i
road, was also asleep in (he baggage car. His
legs w. re burnt oil' when taken from the ruins,
and it t. lik<• Iv that he was killed at the instant i
of the collision. He resided at Hudson, Alich., '
w here he hat! aw ife and a sun. His w if- was j
nearly distracted u hen her terrible loss was j
communicated to her.
Eli J. Parsons, conductor, was standing be-j
fween the two do >rs ol the baggage car referred j
to above, and by the shock was thrown eiitir-j
lv out ol thecar. Not withstanding one should-i
er was dislocated by the fall, he worked for an j
hour, ami than was compelled to go to bed,'
whence he has not vet risen.
There were two train boys in the same car.
One bad his kneedisl mated and bis face some
what cut; the other escaped without much in
jury. Both were pulled from the midst of the j
The above are all the persons who were kil- j
led. We have now to speak ot the wounded. j
Patrick Regan, engineer of the "Morrison,"
had his leg broken, and lie was also injured in-j
Charles Porter, brakeinati on the train bound j
west, was standing on the fiont end of the first ;
passenger-car breaking at the moment of the)
collision. Both of his legs were crushed from j
his ankles to his thighs, and his injuries are so
dreadful that it seems impossible that he should j
There was a corpse of a lady i" this car, sent
from Beloit, and on its way to some place in
Ohio. This was considerably burned, and was
at first supposed to be the body of a person who j
had perished with the rest —hence the statement j
that four persons were killed.
The wounded were all taken to the exchange, j
at Hillsdale, as soon after the accident as possi- !
ble. Some six or seven physicians were called,'
atul everything possible was done to relieve tlie
All the pnssengprs in the second class car on
eastern train were more or less scratched and
bruised, though none were very seriously hurt.
One man was thrown upon the stove, and had
his (ace considerably burned.
Some of the passengers on the train also suf
fered from bruises and contusions. Mr. Ed
wards, the gentleman above referred to, had a ;
contusion on his head, a bruise on his shoulder, I
and another on his cheek.
Freedom of Thought and Opinion,
Tj|e fireman ni Ihe "Morrison" jumped of
: and fpiained his wjrist. The ensfifi.-ef of tin
i. 1 "Ob also jumped oil, striking the ground a!
a ; theijpetant the engines came together, and r~
s | ceived no serious injury.
f I Lp#s ot Mail Bags and Baggage.—ln the bag
j i gage car ol the train going east were twelve
mail hags and a considerable quantity of bag
> i gage belonging to the passengers, all of which,
- with the exception of one large trunk, was
burned- The next morning Mr. VV. D. Brown,
the gtjpierai baggage master of the road, arrived
on thfleround and settled with all the passe n
• gets fir lost baggage, or at least all who could
he fotgbd, giving them checks lor its estimated
; valuejpn the baggage office at Adrian.
Th locomotive "Morrison" was broken into
■ fra'jferSnts, and (lie "Ohio" though nf>t so com
pletely demolished, was nearly destroyed.—
' Chiqtmo Press.
.j I fill AM) Kill OK CiOl).
J;V t.' n. jfDAti.
i j * Co abroad
Upo(|lhe paths of nature, and when all
Its voices whisper, and its silent things
Are breathing the deep beauty of the world,
Knec|at its simple altar, and the Cod
Wbojjiath the living waters shall be there.
A". P. Willis.
' 1
Oft when ploughing the mighty deep, I've
beheld his grandeur in the placid ruiiling of the
waves—in the gentle breeze of Heaven that
nailed rue to a far off clime—in the furyofthe
tempest—in loud sounding hursts of thunder, a
mid flashes of lightning—av! at a time when
fancy pictured to my imagination the jewelry
of tfie ocean as my tonib, and my dirge the
i eternal fnusic ol its roar. Then again I've view
ed it in the abatement of the storm—in the
ceasing ot His anger—in the renovated splendor
ol the sky —in the returning brilliancy of the
stars—fit the unparalleled beauty of the lumin
ary of night, and in the tranquility of the winds.
Reader dost thou think that man can adequa
tely portray the grandeur of his Maker? Dost
thou suppose that he can dilate on that which is
; beyond tlie ken of mortality ! The student in
the solitude of his little chamber, may trim and
I replenish his midnight lamp, and out watch the
slow-paced eve: the [Oet mav call in requisition
Ids breathing thoughts, and array them in all
the powerful garb of burning eloquence; the
! orator may summon to his aid the force of that
mighty mind with which He iiasendowed him;
the h-arned divine, in the hallowed temple, may
| extend his hands, uplilt his eyes, and bend his
knees in accents of thanksgiving and of praise.
: But 'tis all in vain to directly discuss a theme,
' which is ei/l infinitum, sublime and magnificent.
ni Cod ! You can witness it in the
] gloiiotis gilt of intellect to man—read it in the
purer language of his brow—in the splendor of
thought —in the victory of mind which causes
the earth to recognize the magnificent bright
ness of his-name, and the beautiful to hail the
! brilliancy of his talents as a talisman of love.—
Contemplate it in the mechanism of the hu
man heart—in the construction of tlie casket
by which it is enclosed—in that immortality
therein which w ill flourish in eternal voulh;
■ long, long aft-T the encircling dust hath crum
bled to that from which it emanated.
Behold in the pleasing melody of the birds as
they tune to Heaven their songs—in the placid
harmony of the air—in the lovely flowers as
they throw around their richest perfume— in
the rivulets as* they leap on their courses—in
1 I lie glowing loveliness and unmasked beauty of
"In every stream his beauty flows,
Diffusing jov and wealth;
In every breeze Ids spirit blows
The breath of life and health."
Hers? stealing,
j A man named JOHN RI-TTKI:, is confined in
: the jail i,j Allegheny Countv, Iroin Cieensbnrg,
i Westmoreland County, Pa., charged with steal
j nig horses, lie fas made some startling devej
; opments to the editor of the Pittsburg (luzetle,
from which it appears that these rascals have
j been operating in Blair County extensively.—
i statement is as follows; I
Our readers are probably aware that a man
named John Rotter is now lying in our county
.fail on a commitment from Greensburg fur horse
stealing, a lioise stolen from that place being
j traced to bis possession in Luzerne county.—
An uncle of his, named Gamble, residing in
Indiana, visited him a day or two since and
succeeded in getting a version of his misdoings
from him, containing information that will h ad
to the detection ot the individual who fired a
sawmill belonging to him (Gamble.)
We spent an our in Roller's cell, yesterday
! morning, when after announcing his determi
nation to abandon his lawless course ol life, he
repealed in substance, the admissions made to
his uncle, gives us the names of every person
connected with him, and residence. These
names for an obvious reason, we with-hold for
the present.
The prisoner, John Rutter, was brought up
in Indiana county, but in lSbl, having a diffi
culty with his family, went to board at a house
in the neighborhood. There thiee men made
proposals to him to enter into a horsestealing
gang, and held out such inducements to him as
procured his consent to become a member. The
plans were then fully laid open to him. The
main object was to steal horses, rob houses, and
steal in any other manner and way in which
they could make anything. They had station
houses at different points where the goods and
horses in their jwssession were deposited and
purchased by their agents. The keepers ol
these station houses, were to spot out particular
woik, each agent to have the privilege of bu}--
ing that mark, t out by himself. Every mem
ber was to aid each other in all difficulties, the
agents were to enter bail whenever any of file
gang was under arrest ; and, in short, a com
plete system was in operation. 'I fuse agents
ff spotted out property, in the capacity of Dro
e vers, this disguise giving them greater advaistu
it ges.
The horses delivered to the agents, the lat
ter paid SSO a head : for other property in sim
- ilar proportion. Rutter thpn proceeded to give
e us tiie names of the gang and of the station keejj
- ers ; but, as we said above, we do not publish
i, them. Of these, one resides in Luzerne county ;
s eight in Chemung county, New York: four in
, Tioga county, four in Indiana county : three on
I tlie mountains and two in Blair county. Twct j
- of the Tioga county men had been in the state's !
I prison for horsestealing and passing counterfeit j
j money. One of the Blair county men is a
merchant in respectable standing, and possesses ,
aw ealth. He is one of the piiocipal buyers.— :
- He and the other was concerned in tJje* defraud- '
- ing of a Philadelphia Company of a large quan
tity of goods several years ago.
When a horse was spotted, one or two of the
gang would proceed to the place and steal it.—
If there was no station house near, they would ;
go to fhe woods, steal food for their horses and
rob spring houses for their own substance. As
they made no stay in anv place fiwv very read
ily got off large amounts of counterfeit money
u ithont detection. Having rea< heii the station I
bouse from whence they started, they disposed j
of their horses to the keeper thereof lor SSO a
Among the transactions of ihe gang, Rutter !
! says that last year a store in Fraiikstowu was '
; robbed of a large quantity of broadcloths.—
Seven wehbs went to him, which he sold to the j
■ Indiana Agent : some of it is in the possession
■ of the latter yet.
The statement of the Editor is continued at
some greater length, showing additional robber
-1 ies on the part of this gang of thieves who are i
. prowling about the country.
Tin: SNOW. — Prof. Charles G. Page thus dis
courses of the snow and its benefits:
The snow was proverbially called the "poor i
farmer's manuie" befoie scientific analysis had ;
shown that it contained a larger per centageof ;
ammonia than rain. Tiie snow serves as a pro
tecting mantle to the tender herbage and the j
roots of all plants against the fierce blast and
cold of w inter. An examination of snow' in
Siberia showed that when the temperature oi l
the air was 72 degrees below zero the temper
ature of the snow a little below the surface was :
29 degrees above zero, over 100 degrees differ- ;
ence. The snow keeps the earth just below
its surface in a condition to take on chemical j
changes which would nut-happen if the earth
were hare and frozen to a great deplh. The
scow prevents exhalations from the earth, and
is a powerful absorbent, retaining and return- ;
ing to ihe earth gases arising fioni vegetable and
animal decomposition. The snow, though it
lalfs heavily at the door of the poor, and brings
death and starvation to the fowls of the air ami
beasts of the field, is yet of incalculable benefit
in a climate like ours, and especially at this
time, when the deep springs of the earth were
failing atui the mill streams were refusing their
motive powers to the craving appetites of"man. j
1 f, during the last month, the clouds hail drop
ped rain instead of snow we might ha ve pump
ed and hored the earth ir. vain for water; but j
with a foot of snow upon the earth and rr.ariv i
feet upon the mountains, the hum of the mill
stones arid the harsh notes of the saw n ill will
soon and long testily its beneficence. Bridges,
earthworks, and the fruits of engineering skill
and toil may be swept away, but man will still
rejoice in the general good and adore the be
nevolence of Him who orders al! tilings aiiglit.
The snow is a gnat purifier, of the atmosphere.
The absorbent power orcapillinrv action of'
snow is like that of a sponge or charcoal. Im
mediately after snow/ has fallen melt it in a
c!"an vessel and taste it and you will find im
mediately evidences of its impurity. Try some
a dav or two old ant! it becomes nauseous, <-
pecially in cities. Snow water makes the
mouth harsh and dry. It has the same effect
upon the skin, and upon the bands and feet
produces the painful malady of chilblains. In
Alpine countries snow water lias been thought
to be productixe of the disease called guitre.—
The following easy experiment illustrates beau-
I tifully the absorbent propeity of snow : Take a
lump of snow (apiece of snow crust answers
well) of three or four inches in length and hold
it in the flan.e of a lamp, i.ot a drop of water
will fall from the snow, but the water, as fast as
formed, will penetrate or be drown up into tlie
mass of snow hv capiliary attraction. It is hv I
virtue of this attraction that the snow purifies '
the atmosphere by absorbing and retaining its '
noxious and noiesome gases and odors.
Armbrusicr the Murderer.
The execution of'the wretched man, Jacob -
Arinbroster, for the murderofhis wife, will take i
jilace within the jail wails in-this borough, on t
Friday next. The gallows is already construe- t
ted, has been tried, and works to perfection.— t
A lie i the trial it was taken down, and will b* I
erected in tlie jail yard a day or two previous , i
to the execution. Yesterday morning, Sheriff* .
Fellman received a letter from Governor Pol- f
lock, stating that he had carefully examined the j 1
papers and documents forwarded to him solici- j i
ting the intervention of executive clemency in \
behalf of Armbrnster, and h"ing unable to dis-1 i
cover anv reason whv a pardon should be gran- ' (
ted, lie hut thought it a duty that the miserable j
man should be speedily made acquainted with c
his determination, and admonished to prepare t
for the terrible scene so near at hand. Accoi- s
dinglv, tlie Sheriff', accompanied by his Deputy ?
and John P. Rogers, proceeded to Armbruster's s
cell ; and the Sheriff'informed him of his having |
the letter, and that the Governor refused to par- j
don him. He at once broke out into a violent
fit of passion, pacing the length of his chain in
a fury of excitement and making use of the most ! |
blasphemous expressions—he dared and d< tied
the Sheriff to'even attempt hanging him, atul
gave vent to the most intemperate abuse of all I 1
those connected with his trial and conviction. ! i
TI3RJS*, sri FS:i4 YEAR.
-| His wild and bayard expression of feature,
- storming bravado ami impetuous denunciation of
witimsvs, jurymen, and officer* of the Court,
- aided in giving to the dismal scene in his soli—
- tary cell an air of maddened desperation and
* demon-like insanity. He closed the door re
■ peatedly : and at everv effort made to read the
• letter to him lie interrupted it by a renewed
volley of oaths and invectives. He is certanly
i | more stubborn and doggedly obstinate now than
i he has been since his incarceration : and this
1 | increases a the terrible denoeiiment of the tiag
:! edv is hurrying to a close. There is no reason
I whatever to hope for his repentance or of anv
| confession of the crime which, on Friday next,
| will he expiated on the gallows; hut that, on
! the contra iy, he will resist the officers uud light
' it out until his death.
ArmbiUlster's two son* had an
■him yesferdav afternoon, iri the piesence of
Deputy Sheriff Ely ' hi t neither party seemed
to be much affected at the reparation which
will soon.take place. They talked upon other
matters than his approaching death : anil at
times tlie old man laughed and seemed quite
cheerful. At parting they did not shake hands
or hid each other farewell. They decline re
ceiving the-hody after execution, and the Sher
iff will therefore huiv him upon tlie county
i property.— Voi/fe&fouii Dtjrwcruf.
Previous to the assembling of Congress, the
Know-Nothing papers crownd lustily over the
fact that (lie lluntlinites haJ over two-thirds of
the members of the House of Representatives.
We were reminded, time and again, that the
i Democrats but 75 members of the 234
j elected, and that Sam would have things his
j own way, and convince us that "Americans
shall rule America." Well, it took them up
wards of two months to organize, during which
j time they recklessly squandered §310,000 of
i tlie Peoples' money. So great an outrage and
| farce was never piacticed in this or any other
country upon the face of the eaith. The peo
ple of the United States are a patient people,
i and, generally speaking, are lenient almost to a
fault with their public servants, but in the pre
sent instance their patience has become ex
hausted, and they long ji>r an opportunity to
; wreak their vengeance upon the plunderers
who compose the majority of the National
House of Representatives.
How well satisfied should the people now be
that they committed an iirepaiable and egre
! gious error when they cast their votes for the
Know-Nothing candidates for Congress ? A
severe lesson, it is held by some, is necessary
at times, merely to remind the people of their
own dntv. This may be true, but the present
infliction is a little too severe— a little too hu
miliating, degrading and expensive. It should
last tlie people lor half a century 1 , and teach
them not to trust or place reliance in those
who are utterly unprincipled, selfish and dis
honest. This is the tirst opportunity that in
j tidel Knovv-N'othingism has had to "rule" in
the national metropolis, and we feel satisfied it
will he the last. The corrupt factions appear
determined to "rule" hundreds of thousands of
dollars out of ihe public treasury, for which
they render no service, good or had. They de
serve to he drummed out of Washington, to the
tune of the "Rogue's March ;" and we think
il the President of the United States should turn
them out of doors, neck and heels, and lock up
the hail of the House, and bid the members
begone, as OLIVER CROMWELL did a similar
body, lie would be doing a service to the people
and receive their thanks.
Last w inter the Know-Nothings had a larg"
majority in the Legislature of this Stale, anil
put in about half their time in an unsuccessful
attempt to elect a United States Senator, and
in appointing investigating committees to as
certain how mane Know-Nothing members had
received bribes from those who aspired to tlie
Senaforship. No wonder that the people, by
common consent, spoke of the body as the
"Robber Legislature," for a more dishorn st set
of knaves and never assembled at
the State capitol. The indignant vuice of the
people swept nearly every man of them from
his seat ar the following election, and sound
Democrats and honest men were elected in their
stead. So will it be when the election- for
members of Congress again takes place—every
K. N. demagogue who now occupies a seat in
the House, w ill he hurled from it in disgrace,
and be made to feel the contempt in which he
is In Id hv those he misrepresented and behav
Our Relations Willi tircat Britain.
Th Washington correspondent of the North
American savs that Mr. Buchanan's letters, re
ceived bv the Arabia, represent the feeling in
the British ministry as being very sensitive on
the subject of our relations. He had received
the request for Mr. (Tampion's recall fourteen
hours before 'fie sailing of the steamer, but had
not presented it up to that time. Of course,
therefore, no intelligence !.;s been received of
tl.e effect it produced. Mr. Buchanan was in
ior.ned, however, before the positive demand
was despatched, of the course the administration
vvonh probably adopt in regard to the enlist
ment question, and doubtless had sounded Lord
Clarendon on the subject; hence his misgivings.
Mr. Buchanan thinks there is reasonable
ground to expect that peace will he made on
the basis of 'he proposi'ions submitted to Rus
sia, but our Ministers at other courts do net ex
press tlie same confidence or hope.—They con
sider the present position of Russia as assumed
by her in order to enable her to complete her
ftTNfohn B. Beck, Esq., of Lycoming 00.,
has been admitted to a seat in the Legislation—
hav ing ousted John C. M'Chee, the Know-Noth
ing occupant, on account of illegality in the