The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, December 28, 1855, Image 1

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    BY W. BOWHA\.
select JJoctrn.
The Closing Tear.
Thpre i- scat beauty and much genuine poetry in i
f e following lines by I'KKNTIC* on the closing year: j
Gone! gone forever?—like a rushing wave,
Another year ha- bm?t upon the shore
Of earthly being and its last low tones,
Wandering in broken accents on the air,
Are dying to an echo.
The gav Spring
With its young charms has gone—gone with its;
It atmosphere of roses—its while clouds
Slumbering lik* seiaphs in the air—its birds
Telling their loves in ciu-ie—anil its streams
Leaping and shouting fi<>m the up-piled rocks
To make earth echo with the joy of waves;
And Summer, with its dew sand showers, has gone.
It- rainbows glowing on the distant cloud,
Like spirits of the storm—its peaceful lakes
Smiling tit their sweet sleep, as if their dream-
Were oi'the opening floweis, arid budding trees,
And overhanging sky—and its bright mist
liestiitg upon the mountain top-, as crowns
I pon the headsl giants. Autumn, too.
Ha- gone with all her deeper glorie gone
With its green hills, like altars of the woild,
Lilting their ottering? to their God—
It? cold winds straying "mid the lore-t aisles
To wake their thousand wind-harp -—its serene
And holy sunsets hanging o'er the west,
Like banners from the battleineirts of heaven—
And its still evening-', when the moonlit sea
Was ever throbbing, like the living heart
Of Ihe great universe. Ay—these are now
Hot sound? ami visions of the pas;—their deep,
Wild beauty has departed trout the earth,
And they are gathered to the embraced Death,
I hen solemn herald to eternity !
Onenl ine most cowardly ant! iieartiess acts
of murder that we have been called it j on to re- j
curd was commuted Saturday evening in a pub
lic thoroughfare in one of the most frequented
s.-ctioiis of the-city. The victim, William H. j
Richardson, was a gentleman highly esteemed :
hv a large circle of frin<ls in this city, and oc
cupied a high official position in the Skate.—
Frn.n all we are aide to gather, it appears that
.Mr. Richardson had some triflingdifficulty with
a man, named Charles Cora. Mutual trends
iiiteifered in the matter ant! it was supposed j
that the difficulty bad beea amicably adjusted.!
About {'<[ o'clock last evening, Messrs. Rich
ards >n and Cora were noticed standing in front
of .McAllister's building on (.'lay street, below
Montgomery. Several persons, to whom both ■
parties were known, were standing m-ar by, and
presently Mr. Richardson was heard to remark :
—'•Well, is it all right ?" Cora replied :
'•Yes." They continued to converse in a low
tune for some minutes, and by this time Cora
had taken hold oftiie coat Collar of the other j
v.iih the left hand. Richardson suddenly ex- !
claimed : "What are von going to do ? Don't
shoot me; fam unarmed." At this, Cora pro
duced a small single-barreled pistol, and before:
he could be prevented, shot Richardson through
the luart.
The action was so sudden and unexpected, |
that the witnesses were for a moment paraly
zed, and Cora held his victim against the wail
of the. house for the space of a few seconds, and
then suddenly relaxed bis grasp, walked away, ,
hot was arrested and placed in the custody ol
officer Russell, who hastened with him to Ihe
Police station. Richardson was taken into the
drug .-tore of Messrs. Keith Cc C'o. at the cor- j
tier ol .Montgomery and Clay streets, where lie j
expired almost immediately. An immense j
crowd immediately congregated in that vicini- ;
lv. and it was found necessary to take the body |
of the murdered man to some more secluded ;
place, and it was finally taken to the private ;
i'.lice of the Clerk of the U. S. District Court. !
Py this time a very large and excited crowd j
fad assembled, completely blocking up the pas- j
•'age of Montgomery street, for a distance of two '
At this time there could not be less than three
taotisand persons present. The utmost excite- j
inent prevailed. The fearful cry of "Hang j
limi hang him!" was raised. The public
pulse beat at a feverish rate, and it is more :
liina probable that if the pulprit had been with- j
m reach, he would have been executed on the j
f put. Several per-ons addressed the assemblage j
•n lavor of hanging Cora at once, while others 1
counseled submission to tiie laws, and spoke in j
"Ivor ol the maintenance of law and order. It ;
"as finally put to the vote—a storm of ayes and '
loes followed. It was found impossible to de
cide whether there had been a majority in favor
<>' or against hanging without recourse to law.
'heassembly shortly afterwards broke up into
' ''tie knots, in which the enormity oi'the ciime '
" hich had just been committed was discussed in j
a very excited manner. Others rushed to the
s 'aJfon-house in order to ascertain \v hat dispo- j
•"•■linn had been made of the prisoner.
In the meantime, Cora was conveyed to the
; .ation house, arid on being searched, two Der
mgers were found 011 his person, one ol which j
' 1 ; but recently been discharged. When the ,
( owd began to gather about the station house,
'beoftieers became alarmed for the safety oftheir ;
prisoner, and determined upon placing him in ■
'ie county jail, for greater security. H> was
■'vfordingly removed there. During the whole j
1 I these proceedings, Cora displayed the utmost :
< >o in ess, and seemed never to have lost his pres- ;
"> ol mind. During the walk from the sfa
-1 "'i house to the county jail, he appeared some
' "■it agitated, and apprehended that he might
" '®ken out (>f the hands of the officers by the
evcit.'d people, frequently looking back to ascer
'"'i 'I ' )H vas pursued.
'be coroner's jury, which subsequently sal
"p -a tfje body, returned a vejdict of pterr.edila-
ted murder against Cora.— From the San Fran
cisco Herald.
News From the Salt Lake.
We find the following in the Salt Lake-Yews
of the 1 Oth October :
On the 22d September, a l'tah Indian asked
j a Mormon named James Wiseman Hunt to go i
j with him from the fort to the herd, a short dis
| tance off, to see a horse that Hunt had Ixmght |
of him. They started, the Indian on horseback:
and Hunt afoot, and when about a mile fiom :
j the fort, the Indian directed Hunt's attention to
1 the cattle, a little way off from the hoises, and j
! while he was turned, shot him in the back, the
i hall ranging down diagonally and lodging in the
i thigli.
One of the herdsmen close by started to give
the alarm, and the other one drove the herd on
!to the lurt. In a short time several of the breth
| ren went to bring in Hunt, and when about iiail !
| way hack, the Indians fired upon them, wound
-1 ing Prest. A. N. Hillings in the fore finger of the j
! right hand. Three or four of the party fell a
! few paces in the rear, and by occasionally firing
! upon the pursuers, they all succeeded in reach- j
; ing the fort without further loss or injury.— j
| Brut ilea Hunt lingered about thirteen hours and ;
I died.
Within an hour and a half after their return, j
some Indians on the bluff near by told the men ;
: in the fort that they would kill the two ineu j
; who had previously gone out, and were then
I returning, and immediately fired seven rounds,
killing, as thev afterwards stated, brothers Wili
' tain Behind and Edward Edwards, the two who
j w ere out.
During the same day, the Indians burned the j
hay, and turned off the water that supplied the
| fort. ! 1
At daylight the next morning, the Indians
' began to gather round in great numbers, and
; there being rio prospect of a speedy reconcilia
tion, the remaining thirteen brethren, by the ad- ;
vice of friendly Indians, took their horses and
I started for Manti, leaving their enemies quar- j
: reling over the cattle and spoils in the iort.
Frightful Butchery in t'autcn.
Our Hong Kong dates are to S*pt. l-t.
According to the Friends of China, Canton
was the scene of frightful butcheries. On the
I Oth of September, a rebel chief was cut into
two hundred pieces, and live hundred poor
wretches were executed with him. Ihe corre
spondent ofthe China ail writing from Can
ton, says :
j "My a report obtained from good authority, it
! appears that over 70.00 D brv- been publicly -x- b,
! ecuted in Canton since Feb. In, or Chinese New
Year. About 27,<)00 were put to death at
Shanking-fu, and 20,000 at the taking of the
fort at Bleinheim Reach. In many places hou
ses have been erected, where suspected persons
are allowed to commit suicide, and thus protect
| their posthumous reputation. On the Oth ol
September, one ofthe lead-rs, named Kane Sin,
was put to death by a lingering process, having
l been sawed in IDS pieces. Ibis leader threat- j
: ened the noitliern part of the city last autumn
j and winter. More than 300 others were exe- j
i cuted the same day.
In 'he North China 11-erald, of the Stli of Sep
tember, tin n* is a detailed account of a cruise j
against the Northern pirates, in which the Brit
ish slooj s Bittern am! l'uoushnn destroyed elev
en junks six thev set on tire, four sunk, and one
surrendeied without being fired into, and was
handed over to the mandarins at Tang-chexv
j 100, the captain of her giving most important
The China J/r/iV, of the 13th September, fur
nishes the following later intelligence, from the ;
j North China Herald, of the Sth :
i The Pekin Gazelle reports repeated victories
| over tlm Rebels at Ch'aoii-chow, Fung-di'uen, I -
jon the borders of Kwang-se, at Hoomen, and
j Luxig-ch'uen, in the northeast of K wang-tung :
j the recovery of Poh-10, a district-city east of
: Canton, and the expulsion of the Rebels from
! Kvvan-vang, who seized upon Tungngan, where
i the Imperial troops are besieging them.
There is no intelligence from the Allied
! Fleets in the North except that Admiral Stibling
i lias detached a force under Com. Elliott, sutii
cierit to cope with the Russian Fleet, should lie
; again have the luck to (all in with it : while the T
; Admiral himself, foitunately, perhaps, winds up
another season in the mazes ol Japanese diplu
j macy.
MUTTON.—The family of Mr. Fox, residing at 1
119 Fitsi A vanue. were accidentally poisoned
'by eating cjiseased irmtton, purchased by Mrs.
j Fox, on Wednesday of last week, at Washing
ton Market. It appears that the leg ol mutton
I was boiled on Thanksgiving day, but not parta
ken of until the fallowing Saturday, when Mrs.
Fox, Iter Iwo daughters and a female visitor;
j partook ot some soup which had been prepared
: from it on that day, and were soon taken sick.
! Drs. Downes, O'Rork and Brady were called
in and administered medicines which gave re- :
i lief, hut the cause nf the sickness was not attri- i
I buteii to the mutton. On the following Wed
nesday the meat remaining was made into a I
hash, and partaken of hv the whole family, all -
jof whom were immediately taken sick, and on !
j the following day Mrs. Fox died. Before her
j death she stated where she had procured the j
j mutton. Coroner O'Donnell was notified of;
j the occurrence yesterday, and proceeded to the
I house fir the purpose of investigating the case,
! but owing to the impossibility of procuring the ;
' necessary witnesses, he was obliged to adjourn j
the investigation until to day. Dr. O'Rork;
Post mortem examination ofthe body,
but found no poison. The contents ofthe sto
mach will, however, he subjected to a chemi- I 1
cai analysis. Efforts ate being made to ascer
tain from whom the diseased meat was purchas- :
ed. Mr. Fox and t[tree of his children, arid
the visitor in question, are now jeer ions !y ill
from the effect of eating the meat,
The Expedition for Camels.
The Washington Slnr contains a letter from
Major Wayne, I*. S. A., the officer iri charge ol
the expedition of this Government to procure
camels to be brought hither with the view of
experimenting fur their future employment in
IJ. S. military transportation, especially on our
great Western deserts. The letter is dated Con
stantinople, Oct. 31, and gives an interesting
account of the wi iter's visit to the Crimea, and
his kind reception by several English officers.
He found there both the Batrician two-humped
camel, and the Arabian, or one humped; but
the latter alone seemed to be used for the pur
pose of military transportation, and to these
there are objections. Major W. further says? !
Col. McMurdo informed me that in: the ex
pedition against Sinde he had MI service about
twenty-live thousand camels, and that from his
experience he esteemed them highly ; so much
s*>, that iie had then at Sinope, three thousand
of them, in aJd.ition to (lie few now in use in
the Crimea, in readiness for the campaign next
spring. The loads they will carry depend
much, he said, upon the service in which they
are employed rapid movements naturally re
quiring light burdens—but their average loads,
under favorable circumstances, he stated to lie
almiit six hundred pounds, and they will
carry easily, without pushing, twenty-five or
thirty miles a day. He mentioned the inter
esting fact, which I do not remember to have 1
heard before, that during the expedition against '•
Sinde, General Napier organized a most effi- .
cient corps of one thousand men,'mounted upon
five hundred dromedaries—two own to each
dromedary—the men sitting back to back, one
facing the head, the other the tail, and both
armed with rifies and sabres. The man facing
the head was the animal's groom and driver,
and the manner of using the corps was as fol
I'pnn arriving at the scene of operations the
dromedaries are made to kneel, in square, un
der charge oftheir five hundred diivers, firm
ing as if were, a base .if operations, from which .
theother five hundred operated as infantry. As
the advanced body moved, the square or squares,
if more than one was firmed, if required, were
also moved ; and in case of extremity, t ht*
square offered a cover under which tlu* one
thousand men could find comparative shelter be
hind the animals, who were prevented from ris
ing by a liubhh* on tie* fore leg, and use their
rifles most effectively. This corps, Col. .Mc-
Murdo informed ire- ronlij he readily marrJ)e*
7') irules In "any direction in twelve hours, (3 f>-
6 miles per hour,) and rendered throughout the
campeign most efficient service.
Gen. Simpson also bore testimony to the val
ue ofthe camel in the same campaign, and s.iid
lie preferred them to tic best English horses.—
Major Wayne hail abandoned his contemplated
\ isil to Persia, as before he could return tin*
roads would be blocked up with snow, lie
would proceed next to Svria or Egypt, for drom
edaries, and then back to Smyrna for burden
camels, in ihe expectation of commencing his
return home sometime in the month of Februa
WEAR A SHAWL.—If you want lo he in fash
ion. wear a shawl; if to ladies, an attraction,
wear a shawl ; if to sheep and cows, a terror, or
like shanghais in lull feather, or even rags upon
the heather, wear a shawl; if your hips are bad
ly moulded or your shirt and vest unfolded or
unpleasant to behold wear 3 shawl ? If you're
courting same fine linuet, wear a shawl—you
might wrap your lassie in it—in your shawl.
—lts like charity on pins, am! hides a multi
tude of sins—although it causes grins—does
vonr shawl. If you want to lie a dandy, wear
A shawl—or have a cover handy—wear a shawl
—ln a word it is a most useful article—as you
may wrap vour feet, head, body, knees, make
a seat, a blank*t, a bed, a muff, a pillow, a
wrapsical or a Scotch plaid of your shawl.—
In our perambulations through the city, we no
tice some very tasteful articles of shawls for
gentlemen. They are most fanciful 111 style
and color, and ran only he excelled by the fan
ciful manner in which thev are worn. Wear
a shawl by all means—or if you can't wear a
shawl—wear a blanket—wear something ridi
culous and be in fashion. Such is the advice
ofthe local man of tin* Petersburg Democrat.
TIIO Execution of Gorman.
As tlu* day draws near for the execution of
this unfortunate man who was convicted ol
the murder of Charles Johnson, and is to he
hung on Fridev the interest in relation thereto
increases, and hundreds are making use of all
sotts of expedients to witness the disgusting
spectacle. The Sheriff's office is run down
with applicants, but it is the determination of
the Sheriff to admit no others hut those whose
presence may he necessary. The City Guard
have been notified to be in attendance in Ihe
yard of the jail, a rid twelve policemen, with an
assistant captain, from each of the districts of
the western portion of the city, are to be de
tailed without the walls (o preserve order.—
The gallows to he used is the same on which
Reilly was hung four years age.— From the. -V*.
Y. Tribune, Dec. 19.
THE NOVELTIES or UTAH.—A private letter
fiom Provo city, Utah county, U. T., (fifty
miles from Great Salt Lake,) contains the fol
low ing: items of intelligence:
We live in sight of snow the year round. —
We can, as it were, pick flowers with one hand
ami gather snow with theother. It is warm in
the valleys ; liealthv, pleasant and fruitful, with
seldom any rain, hut we have plenty ot moun
tain streams to irrigate our fields and gardens,
so that the latter do not suffer for want of mois
ture. We have no fever and ague; there is
always a mountain breeze which affords ns a
very pure atmosphere. Groceries are very
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
| high : coffee and sugar sell at fifty cents per
pound : calico is from twentv to thirty cents per
yard, and other things are in proportion. We
have been very busily engaged in making sugar,
which is manufactured from a soit of honev
dew or sugar coating, which falls on the leaves
of tlie Cottonwood trees, and resembles the fros
ting on cake. There have been several thousand
pounds of sugar made from ibis substance with
in a few days, and it sells readily at lorty cents
per pound.
OCCUPATION —The following thoughts on oc
cupation we extract from Mrs. Stephens' "Old
Occupation ! what a glorious tiling it is for
t!m human heart. Those who work hard sel
dom yield themselves entirely up to fancied or
i real sorrow. When grief sits down, folds its
hands, and mournfully feeds u[>on its own tears,
weaving the dim shadow, that a little exertion
might sweep away, into a funeral pall, the
strong spirit is shorn of its might, and sorrow
becomes our master.- When troubles flow upon
you, dark and not with the waves—
wrestle not with the talent ! —rather seek, In
occupations, to dWert dark waters that
threaten to overwhelm you, into a thousand
channels which the duties of life alwavs present.
Before you dream of it, those waters will ferti
lize the present, and give birth to fresh flowers
that will become pure and hoi v, in the sunshine
which penetrates 10 the pathofdutv, in spite of
every obstacle. Grief after all, is but a. selfish
feeling: and most selfish is the man who vields
himself fo tlm indulgence of auv which bring no
joy to his fellow man.
THE GKAVI: OT Mzmsox.— A correspon
dent of the Fredericksburg V*etcs, in Culpepper
c/mnty, Ya., gives a melancholy picture of the
illustiions Madison. He lies with his family
in a grave yard a short distance from his house,
upon his estate o( Montpelier. .The family ce
metery is surrounded by 11 brick wall, and the
gate is entirely down. The correspondent sa\s
that not a stone marks the great man's resting
place: dark, running green box wraps it with
verdue, and the tracery of branches from an old
tree, relieving its—if against the warm
a£bie sky, nod and wave over the mountain.—
' fls a a solemn, calm, and peaceful spot. The
correspondent adds that Mrs. Madison's remains
are in'tlie vault of the Congressional burial
ground in Washington. Her direction was to
be interred by the side of her husband, but her
son has never fulfilled her request.
vnds the tullovciug accounted an extraordinary
hunt, cut from an English paper:
Soon after getting into the village T saw a
most ludicrous pig hunt, i heard a shot fired,
followed t.v the furious squealing of a pig, so I
rushed on with my servant (whom I had ta
ken with me, with his musket:) before I came
up to the French, I heard pop, popping, in ail
directions, but the pig seemed to have a charm
ed life, and was oniv wounded. I came up to
him standing at bay, in the middle of a pool of
water, and took a deliberate shot, hut missed him.
Mv servant then fired and missed him. ] rush
ed on to gef another shot, but fell fiat on my
face 111 the mud.
Tile pig then got into the middle of the
French again, who fin d one alter tlie other,
missing him, and tiring as usual without caring
the least in what direction, so that one heard the
not very pleasant "ping" of the Minie balls go
ing in all directions (I think one servant who
went in, ot ours, got a slight scratch on the
hand Imm a slug nut of one of their pieces.)—
Well the undanted pig rushed on, followed bv
the French, stabbing at him by their bayonets
and cutlasses, and falling over on their faces
afterwards. You never saw such a some: at
last, in doubling back, some one again wounded
him, and immediately about 20 sailors' cutlasses
and soldiers' bayonets were dashing into him.—
As they carried him past in triumph, lie looked
more like a pincushion than anything else.
REMARKAT.I.E DREAM?.— The belief that dreams
are prophetic is held by many worthy and sen
sible people. Perhaps none of us have escaped
the influence ofAchat we call a "had dream"—
the heavy dread of some undefined calamity
pursuing ns through the day following the
dream, perhaps many days afterwards. The fa
miliar proverb "dreams go by contraries" ad
ministered ! almost invariably as some kind of
consolation under these circumstances, shows
htiw deep-seated and universal is the supersti
tion it he. The" astrologers," or fortune-tel
lers who infest our large cities, make the inter
pretation ot dreams a large and profitable share
of their business. The practice of laying a
piece of wedding cake under one's pillow is
still extant, and many other illustrations might
tie given of the common belief in the prophetic
power of dreams.
Of cases ol remarkable dreams fulfilled, books
and newspapers are full most of these stories,
of course, are apocryphal. When the facts are
admitted, mental philosophers explain them by
saving that a strong mental emotion is embodied
into a dream and is fulfilled by some natural co
incidence. The case ralated of the lady who
dreamed of the loss of her husband in the Artie
and whose dream was fulfilled both as to the
time and as to some of the circumstances of the
events may be explained, bv the fact of her ner
vous anxietv and that her husband's absence at
sea predisposed her to dream of a wreck, &.C.—
But authenticated cases are cited which hardly
admits of litis explanation, and Abererombie
himself admits that analysis of an extensive col
lection of well authenticated facts would unfold
principles of very great interest.
One remarkable case we are tempted to cite
both from the authority on which it rests, and as
an (Illustration of a class. It is related by Be
Quincev in his "Literary Reminiscences," late
ly re-issued in this country. A lady of family
and consideration, being on the eve of underta
king: 3 distant visit, dreamed that on reaching
. the end of h*T journey, and drawing up 'o the)
steps of the door, a footman, with a very mark- i
ed and forbidding expression of countenance,!
his complexion pale and bloodless, and manner '
sullen, presented himself to let down the steps
of her carriage. This same man, at a subse
quent point of her dream, appeared to be stealing
up a private stair-case, with sorrm murderous
instruments in his hands, towards a bedroom
door. This dream was repeated twice. Some
tune after the ladv, accompanied hv a grown-up
daughter, her journey. Great was
the her on reaching Imr
friend's corresponding
points to outlines of IUT dream,
qually complexion, and equally
gloomy in manner, appeared at her carriage;
door. The issue of the story is—that in a par
ticular nigb.t, the lady grew unaccountably nei
votis; resisted Imr feelings for some time, but at
length, at the entreaty of her daughter, suffered
some communication to be made (o a gentleman
resident in the house, who had not yet retired
to rest. This gentleman, struck hv the dream,
and still more on recalling some suspicious pre
parations, as il for hasty departure, in which he !
had detected the servant, waited in conceal- j
ment until three o'clock in the morningat which
time hearing a stealthy step on the staircase, he
issued with fire arms, and met the man at the
lady's door, so equipped as to leave no doubt
of his intentions : which possibly contemplated
only robbing of the lady's jewels, but possible
also murder in case of extremity.
A storv something like this is related in Ab- j
prcormbie's Intellectual Powers, but in the case
riled above, the names and residence of the par
ties were known to De(Juinoev, and the storv.
so well authenticated, is the most striking arid
remarkable, (particularly the circumstance off
the anticipation of servants' features, which
DeQuincey notes in contTar?t with Abercromhie's
anecdote) which we ever met in connection
with this class of menial phenomena.— .'l/banij
' !
Lieut. Dryer, oi'the 4th Infantry, arrived in !
this city day before yesterday, directly from the j
Dalles,on the Columbia riwy. Lieut. D. was
the officer left in command at the Dalles while .
Major Haller marched with his party of 102 j
men against the Indians of Washington territo
ry, and was forced to cut his way back, of which I
ue have published accounts. Information was
received at the Dalies that immediately after
Mailer's retreat, some other tribes of Indians,
before that time neutral, joined the war patty,
and now It is there at* at least I'JOO
warriors prepared for hostilities. Major Raines,'
of tlm 4th Infantry, with ten companies of i
troops —eight regulars and two volunteers—be- !
ing about 800 men, was intending to march :
from the Dalles against these Indians on the 2d
November, and expected to meet the enemy
about four days march from that post, when a
battle no doubt would be fought, it will lie a
hard battle too, as the Indians will make one de
termined stand, as they are well armed with the
Hudson Bay Company and American rifles.
The Indians are supposed to have plentv of ;
amunition, as on the dead body of one kiiied in i
the fight with Haller, sixty .rounds of amunition
were t >und. The savages have no doubt been
preparing lor this war Tor two or three years j
back, as they have driven their horses and cat- ;
tie up into the English possessions north of
Washington Territory.
Fatal Accident.
COI-AKE, Columbia Co., N. Y., Dec. 7, 1833.
A distressing accident occurred near Copake ,
Flats on Thursday Tast. Mr. Cornelius Win
ters, who was digging a wel!, had excavated to j
the depth of about twenty feet, when the bank j
fell, completely covering him. Some persons
present immediately removed the earth from j
his head, and lie was found to be alive and ca- !
pable of speaking. The neighbors at once as- j
semhled, and proceeded so far in rescuing him j
from his position, that the whole upper part of.
the body was free, and the unfortunate man
was able himself to render some assistance to
ward his extrication, when the bank again gave
w ay, covering him to the neck. Renewed ef- ,
forts were made to set him at liberty, but at the
very instant of seeming success, the earth I**ll
upon hiin for the third time, killing him instant- j
lv. The sides of the well were then properly)
curbed, and the body of the man was recovered j
Friday afternoon.
SMALL RILLS.—The Boston Cpurler says t h?H !
the plan of prohibiting, by Legislative enact
ment, the circulation of.small bills under the de
nomination of five dollars, is gaining favor with j
tiie public, and if carried out, would probakdy
do 11101 e to check the inflation of paper money
than almost anv other financial ne-asnre that ;
could he adopted. A sounder condition ol the
currency would be better lor the solidity ol the
banks, safer for the public, and preventive, to
some extent, of sudden revulsions.
ANOTHER ELOPEMENT.—The southern section !
of the city has been in a considerable state Afi
excitement for several days past in consequence ;
of the disappearance of a well known citizen i
under circumstances which are to sav the
least, not vrv reputable. A few weeks since j
the wife of the party in question left the city
for the purpose nf visiting her friends in the j
country. Soon after she left, the husband ciis- ;
posed of certain persona! property, and snbse-i
quently drew several thousands oY dollars from j
hank, and disappeared from the city. At the
same time a young lady also disappeared. A
few days since the wile returned to her home, i
when she found a letter hearing her address and !
enclosing a check for S3OO. He stated that he !
was going west for the purpose of purchasing a j
farm, hut she lias heard nothing of him since,;
rior was she apprised of his intention before his !
departure. The parties have heretofore held a|
respectable position in society, From the. Ba!-
iimore .dmeiinn, Dir. 11.
A Thrilling Adventure.
Wo copy the following letter from the Lan
j caster (Pa.) Whig :
JERSEY SHORE, Pa., Nov. 20, 1855.—! Mr.
Editor: In the early history of this country,
we read ol many remarkable adventures and
thrilling episodes in the lives of hunters an 4
pioqeers, that appears quite marvelous : but pro
bably there are none possessed of more deep
and thrilling interest than the following, which
occurred recently : Tfye hero of this adventure,
Arvine Clark, Esq., is a highly respectable citi
zen of the borough of Jersey Shore, and in tlie
employ of the "Farming and Land Association/'
as agent, which is establishing a new colony
near the site of the Ole Bull settlement. Being
J an experienced woodsman and an old hunter,
he is peculiarly fitted as an agent to explore
the wilds of that region. The story was relat
i ed to the wi'.er by Mr. C. himself, and may be
relied upon as being correct.
1 On the 4th of November last, Mr. C. was
! exploring the route for a new road to the settle
ment, through a wild and gloomy wilderness.—
As the shades of evening drew on he commenc
ed to retrace his steps, as he supposed, through
! the lands of Wm. Silver, of Philadelphia, but
he was disappointed and lost his way. He be
came alarmed, and as the dusky shades of night
were setting around, he found himself in a
dense forest, at least eight miles from the settle
ment. Becoming very tired from rapid walk
; ing, he sat down upon a log to rest a moment
< and contemplate his situation. His attention
was suddenly arrested by a rustling in the bush—
es close by, and on cautiously looking around,
beheld a huge bear coining towards him. To
draw up Ins trusty rifle and shoot the beast was
the work of a moment. Bruin gave a tearful
and awjal roar, which awoke the echoes of the
gloomy solitude, and then was still. Fearing
' that the beast was onlv wounded, Clarke hasti
ly reloaded his gun with two balls tltc fast in
/iispouch, and discharged them into the body of
j the monster, when he cautiously approached
and found that lie was dead. He describes the
rear ofthe beast, as he received his death wound
; a? terrific, and calculated to make the stoutest
heart quail with fear,
i A dark and gloomy night was setting down
on him—he had no bullets for his gun—was lat
in the wilderness without lood or shelter, sur
rounded by wild animals. He had no matches
, to kindle a fire—his situation was desperate,
j and. to add to his further discomfort, it corn
i menced raining. What was to be done t To
remain there without a fire was exceedingly
. dangerous. With these reflections he cotitin
. ijed togroupe .hjs.way through thp laurel, hon
ing to find a path that might bad*to some hun
j ters habitation, but in vain. The night was
' da rk as Egypt, and the howling of a pack of
\ wolves greeted his ear. Being an old man, he
soon !>canie exhausted, and found that he
would have to remain there fnrthenight. Corn,
ing to an aged hemlock, he sealed himself at its
toot for the night. Could he but obtain a fire
he would he comparatively safe. The effort
was made by collecting some dry materials,
and loading his gun with powder, fired the
I charge into a dry cotton handkerchief.
]t was a failure! A the gun was discharg
ed, another bear. apparently within twenty feet
of him, gave a hideous and awful roar that made
! Chirks hair stand on an end. Bruin was terri
bly frightened by the discharge ofthe gun, and
hastily scampered off, much to the relief of
Clark, who now began to fairly realize the dan
j ger of his situation.
H'*re lie remained not daring to fall asleep,
| About two o'clock in tin* morning, to add to
the horrors of his situation, the yeliof a panther
was heard. The beast approached—came near
• er every few minutes, uttering a screech that
; froze the blood in his veins ! As a last resort
| to defend him from the savage attack of the an
imal, he reloaded his gun, putting in some three
I cent pieces and steel pens, (for he had nothing
else) which he hoped might do some execution.
The animal came so near that the glare of his
! eyes in the darkness resembled two halls of fire !
1 Clark expected every moment to receive the
: fatal spring. There he remained, without dar
ing to move: with the fiery eyes ofthe panther
upon him ! In this dreadful situation, expect
[ ing every moment to be torn in pieces, he re
mained till break of day : when he was relieved
i from danger and t!i<- animal disappeared. Hun
gry, weary and excited, he left for the settle
-1 ment, where he arrived about noon, and
|ed his thrilling adventure. A party proceeded
to tile place where tlie hear was shot, and
brought in his carcase, which proved to he a
1 large one. It was dressed and forwarded to
New York. It was several days before Clark
; fairly recovered from the fatigue, the fear, and
excitement of that night, which will never be
removed from his mind.
TIIF. GRAT I'IIIK AT .MeMl*MlS.*—'The following MI
: cidents are furnished by the Memphis papers:
"Three gentlemen jumped over from the outside
of the Collier-—one never rose to the surface, one
came up but sank alter a few ineffectual straggles,
i and the third was picked up by a yawl after
I having I'.oled half mile down the river, lie was near
ly exhausted, and completely numbed with cold,
j and, in fact, has not yet recovered from the effects.
A young lady about sixteen jumped into the river,
and was -aved by a gentleman who plunged in after
tier, and seizing her by the hair brought her out.
, A negro was seen floating by the wharf-boat, and
i although boxes, barrels,and a rope were thrown to
him, he was too paralyzed to avail himself of the
i means of snccor, and sqnk before he reached the
stern. Several were saved by life-preservers, hot
others were rendered powerles- by tear, nod plunged
1 into Ihe river. One poor negro, on being lold to
| jump into the river replyed he could not swim. lie
was told to jump and he would he picked up by the
yawl: he took the leap, and never lose to the sur
CT?"We are informed that a per-on who desire* to
remain orikown has addressed to the chief of |l)e lto
siim legation a check for four thousand dollars to lie
transmitted to government. The unknown donor,
who oidy signed the initial.- M. V., stales in his let
ter that, full of admiration for the gallant defence of
Sebastopol, he sends this liberal sum of money to be
distributed among the widowsgi.l orphan* of the Rus
sian soldiers who fell bravely fighting for their homes
again-t foreign aggressors.— Wash, fiiiou.