VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SUE. The subscriber will self, at private sale, his valua ble Property, situate in Union Township, Bedford County, Pa., on which he at present resides, contain ing .10 acres of patented land', 30 of w hieh are cleared and under post and rail fence, the balance well tim bered with good -aw timber. This property is on the waters of Bobbs' Creek, 4 miles north ol Adol phus Ake's Mill, on the public road leading from Bedlord to Johnstown or Jefferson, within 12 miles of Jefferson, and 16 miles of Hollidaysburg. Ibe im provements are a Stone Grist Mill, with two run ol Stones, one pair first rate French Burrs, with good merchant anil country Bolts, and a complete Smut Machine. The Machinery is all good and substan tial, and is partly new. The water power is suffi cient during the entire year, a'nd the custom is good and plenty of it. There is also a new Saw .Mill on the premises, which will cut from 1500 to 2000 leet of Lumber a day inch measure, which is ready sale at the Mill. One of the Dwelling Houses is a three story frame, suitable for a public House or Store House, and is well finished. There are three other dwellings, two frame and one lost house, also a Irame stable and Wagon Shed, and other necessary build ings. ADo, will be sold, another Tract of Land contain ing 300 arres, about 75 acres of which are cleared, of'wbieh 10 are good meadow with nullities for mak ing 20 or 30 more. The balance well timbered and well watered by the Bobbs' Greek running through it. There is on the premises an excellent site cal culated for either Grist Mill or Maw Mill, with head and fall of 22 feet. There is a variety of choice fruit Trees on the farm. The buildings uie one good Log House arid Stable and other outbuildings. Also, will be sold, 640 acres of good timber land, convenient to the Saw Mill, on which are the very best of saw logs. The above land is all patented, and a clear and indisputable title will be made to the purchaser or purchasers. Those wi>hing to purchase pro perty. will learn the conditions, (which will be mod erate,) by calling with the subscnber, residing on the first named property. CASF.LTON AKF.. Jaly 21, 1831. TOOTH ACHE.— Persons art not general ly aware that Dr. Keyset's looth Aclie lenie dv, prepared by him at 110 Wood Street, Pitts hiirf. Pa. and for sale at Rnpp N. Oster's in this place will stop immediately an aching tooth. Whoever tries it will be convinced. Dec. 8, 1854. DOCTOR YOURSELF! jmf The Pocket JEsculajiius; or eVC, y ° nC Physician. vJy Diseases and Malformations of OH jjlj) ,fff the human system in every form and shape. To which is added a Treatise on the Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or those contempla ting mariiage. By \VM. 101 NG, M. D. Let no father be ashamed to pre-ent a copy of the ASSEULAPIUS to his child; it may save him from an early grave. Let no young nan or woman enter into the secret obligations of married life without reading the POCKF.T JECULAPiUS. Let no one suffering from a hacknied Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their physi cian, be another moment without consulting the JF.SCOLAPIUS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has been the means of saving thousands of unfortunate creatures from the very jaws ol death. KF"Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE GENTS enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this work by mail, or five copies will be sent for One Dollar. Address, (post paid.) Dr. WM. 1 Ol XG, No. 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia. June 1, 1555. ly. • lookiit; Sfoves. On hand and just receiving a lot of new pa terns of Cooking Stoves, for wood and coal, at BLYMIRES. In addition to his former stock, the subscri ber has received a splendid assortment of Brass, Bell Mettle, Iron and English Kettles, which will please all in want of the article, —also a variety of other articles useful for house keep ers. He has also on hand a lot of pump chains and fixtures, all of Which will be sold low tor casfi, or on a short credit. GEORGE Bl YMIRE. May 19, 1854. "Fellow Citizens?" .a Do you want to leave your measure for a FASHIONABLE SLIT OF CLOTHES, warranted to give satisfaction in STYLE, QUALI TY, FIT and MARK? Do you want to see a large and splendid Slock of .Cloths, Cassimeres. Vestincrs. and other seasonable goods for .MEX'S W. IRE' Do you want to see a fine assortment of COATS, PANTS and VESTS, gotten up in a style not in ferior to the best ordered work ' Do you want Under Garments of the " right stripe ," or FUR NISHING "ARTICLES that "can't bt beat ," or BOY'S CLOTHIAR for your Sons ? In short, if you w/nt nil or any of these things so essential to the sftjornqient aaii comfort ol the "outer man," calf on STEPHEN'S, Merchant Tailor, McKaig's Row, Baltimore Street (next door to Campbell's Drug Store,) Cumberland, Md. ITT 5 " If you want an OUTFIT of CHEAP READY-MADE CLOTHING, I would" advise vou to call at the RAILROAD CLOTHING- STORE, near the Depot. May 19, 1854—1 y. FASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. The subscriber would' announce to his old friends and customers, and the public in gener al, that he has permanently located himself in Juliana Street, next door to Dr. REAMER'S Drug N. Book Store, w here he is prepared to execute all orders in his line in a superior manner, on reasonable terms.* From long experience in the business, he feels confident he can render satis faction to all who tumor him with a call. He constantly keeps an hand ready-made clothing, of every description, for Men and Boys—also, a superior assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, CASSINETTS, SILK, SA TIN, and other VESTINGS,and Summer Wear, which he will sell as low as they can be bought elsewhere, and make tbem up to the taste of the purchaser. He also keeps a general assortment of Cravats, Stocks,. Collars, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, X.c. He hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public pattonage. WM. SCHAFFER. June 9, 1854. TO THE MILLINERY TRADE. JOHN STONE SONS, importers atul Deilers in FREXCH MILLTXERY GOODS, No. 45 South. Second Street; PHILADELPHIA, Are now prepared to offer their customers and the trade an unusually large and well selected assortment ol RIBBONS, SATINS, VELVETS, FEATHERS, FLOWERS, LACES, and every other article apper taining to the Millinery trade. HOC Our stork being of our own direct importation, offers great in styles andprices. Oct. 13, 1851.—1y. CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. Great Purifier of the Blood ! NOT A PARTICLE OF MERCURY IN IT. Let the .'ljflicieil Rett, 1854, says : "I can get jou some good certificates for your German Bitters in this vicinity if you wish them. A lady purchasing some of it this week, says that it is by far the best medicine she ever knew, having done her and her daugh much good, skc." S. B. LAWSON, Benfard's Store, Somerset Co., Pa., August If), 1853, says: "I am much at tached to your German Bitters, having used two bottles of it, which I procured from S. Kurtz, your agent at Somerset, and found great relief from it' disease of the Liver. 1 find it has great eiiect upon my lungs, strengthening and invig orating them, which, as I am a public speaker, is a great help to me." DR. GILES, Newton Hamilton, Pa., May, 1851, said: I have used myself half a dozen bottles of your German Bitters for Liver com plaint and diseases of a nervous character, re sulting from the abuse of mercury. I was poi soned and afflicted with spasms from the use of this latter article. The German Bitters is the first article from which J obtained any relief. I have also given the article to many dyspep tics, with the most salutary result. 1 think as many more bottles will cure me." J. C. YOUNG, Esq., of Dauphin, Pa., writes May 5, 1851 : "I was afflicted with General Debility, Intestinal weakness and Costiveness, far which I used many different remedies with out relief. lat last used your Hoofland's Ger man Bitters, f took a few bottles according to directions, and was completely cured. I have not been so healthy for ten years as I have been since I took your Bitters, which is about one year ago.'' The Bitters- are ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, al ways strengthening the system and never pros trating it. Sold by dealers in medicine and storekeepers everywhere. And bv Dr. F. C. Reamer, Bedford, Pa. Oct. 20, ISSL ly. IVt'w Urns & BokSIre. fft wish it ilistinclly understood by this communi ty and country, that vve pay particular attention to the selection of our Drugs and Medicines, purchasing none hut the very hr*t and purest articles. We have for sale cheap all the approved popular patrnt medi cines, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Jaytic's Medicine*, Pain Kilier, and all the Sarsaparillas. Also Lubin's Extracts for the Handkerchief, fancy soaps, colognes, pommaues, ox marrow, Ate. We also keep constant ly on hand a general assortment of School 4" Mmrrt la neons Boole, Blank Books, Cap and Post Paper. &c., &e., Ac. In fact, if you want anything in the Drug, Medicine, Book. Soap or Brush line, call at the New Drug and Book Store and you thai! be accommodated. B. F. HARRY. Jan. 13, 1854. Meivchejl Rem THE subscriber having removed to the Men gle HOUSE, in the Borough of Bedford, re cently in the occupancy of Mr. Isaac Mengle, respectfully announces to his old friends, and the public generally, that he is fully prepared to accommodate all who honor him with a call, and hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of custom. He will make it his study to render comfortable all who stop with him—and he in vites Travellers, Movers, Drovers, and persons attending Court to give him a trial. His stabling is of the best quality, and com petent to accommodate a large number of horses, and it will always be attended by an obliging and attentive hostler. Boarders will be taken by the day, week, month, or year, on reasonable terms. Determined to spare neither pains nor ex pense to make his house what it should he, he confidently relies upon the public for a gener ous support. JAMES S. BECK WITH. March 31, 1854. KEA€WS I Ol ADRV ! The subscribers respectfully beg leave to in form the people of Middle Woodberry Town ship, and the country at large, that they are row prepared, at their establishment,one mile south of Woodberry, Bedford County, to furnish four horse Threshing Machines, Pierponts' Patent Shaker, Cider Mills, Ploughs of every descrip tion, Keagy's Cooking Stoves, two different pat terns, and two different pattei ns ot Coal Stoves— Plough Castings, Wagon Boxes of all sizes, and cast Dinner Bells of three different sizes—also, Mill Castings of every variety. We are also prepared to fit up Machinery in the best and most durable stvle, and will give prompt atten tion to all orders in this line. The public are respectfully invited to give us a cail, as we feel satisfied that both our woik and terms w ill please all who do so. J. M. SNOW DEN, WM. B. BLAKE, Oct. '27, 1854. Proprietors. LURIBER ! LUMBER ! ! The subscriber has on band a large assortment of LUMBER of tlie best quality, among which is 100,000 Shingles, of different kinds; 75,000 feet of superior Boards, and a splendid lot of J.ocust Posts. Builders, and others in want of Lumber, will find it to their advantage to ex amine his large assortment. F. D. BEEGLE. Jan. 14, 1553. GUN SMITHING. DANIEL B. BORDER respectfully informs the citizens of Bedford and vicinity that be has removed his shop 'O the house in the east end of Bedford, one door west of the residence of Major Washabatigb, where he is prepared to manufacture Dovbi e nn 'l Single barrel Rifles and Double and Single, barrel Shot duns of the best quality. repairing of guns, locks, &c., done with neatness and despatch. May 26, 1854. Life Insurance. Key Stone Mutual Life Insurance Company oj Harrisburg, Pa., has a Guarantee Capital of 875,000. Piesident, Hon. LUTHER REILEY, M. D. Pam phlets, Circulars and ail necessary information can be obtained by calling at the office of the subscriber, authorized agent for Bedford County. C. N. HICKOK, Agent. SAMUEL D. SCOTT, M. D. Medical F.xarrtiuer. October 10, ISSI. GLOBE HOTEL, ! West Pitt Street, Bedford, Pennsylvania. I VALENTINE STECKMAN, Proprietor. \ April 7, 1854..—1y.* TIN sX COPPER WARE. Tun subscriber is prepared to furnish, whole sale and retail, Tin and Copper Ware in great variety, on the most reasonable terms. GEO. BLYMIRE. A MIRACLE OF SCIENCE! Dr. C. L. KEM.IV;, of Mecbanicsburgh, Cumber j land Co. Pa. announces to those afflicted with Tu mors, Wens, Cancers, Polypus, Laptis, Moles or Marks, Scrofula or King's Evil; and all diseases tha | have been usually treated with Caustic or Knife, be 1 can remove them without cutting, burning or pain j neither Chloroform or Ether is administered to the patient. It is no matter on what part of the body ; they are he can remove them with perfect safety, | and in a remarkably short time. No Mineral or Vegetable poison, is applied; and no money required | until a cure is perfected. Prolapsis Uteri, Female complaints, Chronic Ven ; ereal and all other diseases treated with positive suc i cess. Full particulars can be obtained by addressing lin either English or German post paid. Patients cau be accommodated with Board on reasonable terms. Mechanicsburg is one ot the prettiest and healthly ; towns in this or any other State. It is 8 miles from Harrisburg on the C. V. R. It. and accessible Iroiri all parts ot the Union. The Dr. will visit cases in any part of the State , when desired. Kind reader if you know of any afflicted fel ! low-creature, delay not, to tell them of this \ treatment. March 2, IS3s.—Gtr..* COACH AMD WAGON FACTORY. | The. undersigned having entered info part nership in the above business, would anuounce to the citizens of Bedford County that they are now prepared, at their Shop at the East End of this Borough, to furnish CARRIAGES and BIG ; GJES, of every style and price; also, COACIIKS, WAGONS, arid PLOUGHS. BLACKSMITH work of every description executed to order, on the shortest notice, at their shop adjoining the Coach Factory. Determined to keep none but the best of workmen in their employ, and to sell as cheap as any other- establishment in the State, they hope to receive liberal encouragement. HF" Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for work and the highest prices al lowed. We respectfully invite the public to give us a call. WM. WEISEL, JOHN FOSTER. Bedford, Feb. 3, 1854. Drngs and Books. tDR. F. r. REAMER Having purchased the Drug -JL-dLJv and Book Store of Dr. S. D. Scott, will constantly keep on hand at his establishment in Julianna Street, a complete assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Varnishes, Brushes of all kind?-. Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, &.c. Kc. together with an extensive col lection of School and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery, &.C.. which lie offers at greatly reduced prices for cash. Bedford, Feb. 17, 1854. Dr. B. F. Harry RESPECTFULLY tenders his professional ser vices to tlie citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the building formerly occupied by l)r. John Hofius. June 24, 1853. WM. P. SCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ILL attend faithfully to all legal business IT entrusted to his care in the Counties of Bedford and Fulton. Bedford, Nov. 1, 1847. C. VS. HICKOK, Dentist. OFFICE on Pitt-street, nearly opposite the Bedford Hotel, Bedford, Pa. Teeth plug ged. Regulated, X.c. and artificial teeth inserted from one to an entire set. Charges moderate, and all operations warranted. Terms.—C.lSlL Bedford, May 3, 1850. Bedford Hotel, And General Stage Office. The subscriber respectfully begs leave to an nounce to his old friends and Hie public gener ally, that he has leased the Bedford Hotel, at present in the occupancy of Col. Adam Barn hart, and will take possession on the Ist day of April next. It is not his design to make many professions as to what he will do, but lie pledges his word that his most energetic efforts will be employed to render comfortable all who give him a call. The House will be handsomely titted up, and none but careful and attentive servants will be engaged. Persons visiting the Bedford Springs, as well as those attending Court, and the travelling community general ly, are respectfully invited to give him a call and judge for themselves. taken by the week, month, or year, on favorable terms. and comfortable stabling is at tached to this Hotel, which will always be at tended by a careful hostler. Also, a sale and convenient carriage house. the STAGES stop at this Hotel. JOHN HAFER. March 10, 1855. BIL WAS. fU lU D Having permanently located in Pattonsville, Bedford County, respectfully tenders his servi ces to the public in the line of his profession. Pattonsville, March 3, 1853—1y. NOTICE ! The subscriber is anxious to close his old Books up to April 1, 1855, and hopes all in terested will give immediate attention to this notice. In cases where it is not convenient to make immediate payment, notes will be taken on-reasonable time. GEO. BLYMIRE. April 13, 1855. P. A HEALEY &. ERO., Wholesale Druggists, AND DEALERS IN PAiNTS. OILS, GLASS, VARNISHES, DYE- Stuffs, Spices, Patent Medicines, uinbcv lan b, ill b. [FT" Orders from Physician* and Merchants filled with pure and unadulterated articles, at Baltimore prices. June 9, 18.14—1y. FORWARDING AND COMMISSION WAREHOUSE Oiambersburg, Pennsylvania. THE subscribers are prepared at all times to carry Produce of every description and Merchandize to and I ram Philadelphia and Baltimore, on the most rea sonable terms. The highest price paid at all times for all kinds of country Produce. [jyßeceiving Depots, BI'ZBI k CO. 36.1 Market street, Philadelphia.—JOHN BIOHAN, Baltimore, No. 131 H street. C. W. EYSTF.R & CO. Feb. 9, 18.13—6 m.* Two and Four Horse Thrashing Machines made of the very best material, and in the best workman-like manner, constantly on hand and for sale at the Machine Shop of PETER E- SHIRES, Bedford, Pa. His Machines are greatly improved to the ad vantage of the FARMER. Also horse Rakes for raking hay and gleaning grain fields—Cutting j Boxes, Cultivators, Single and Double Shovel j Ploughs—allot' which will he sold on the most reasonable terms and warranted to give satistac- J Hon. iEf*' FARMERS and others will do well to give us a call before purchasing elsewhere Reparing of all kinds ot Machines and farm- | ing utensils done at the shortest notice and most, reasonable terms. PETER H. SHIRES, . Machinist. June 29, 1855.—4 m. A I si in i 1 v Carriage FOR S'JiLE OR TRJIDE. The owner having no use for if, will sell, on fair terms, an excellent Family Carriage, new ly fitted u|, intended for either one or two horses, and having all the necessary fixtures.— An excellent sett of new Brass mounted har ness may be had with the carriage, if desired. It will be sold on time, lor cash, or exchanged for grain. Enquire at the office ot the Bedford Gazette. July 27, 1855. John I\ Red* Attorney at Law, Bedford, Pennsylvania, Respectfully lenders his services to the Public. second door North of the Mengel House. 1 Bedford, Feb. 20, 1852. JOHN R. FOIL, Attorney at Law, W ILL hereafter regularly attend the sittings of the courts of this county. During the terms iof Court he may be consulted professionally at ' the Hotel of Maj. Davis. I Bedford, Feb. 17, 1S:)4. Cessna & £frn Binon, HAVE formed a Partnership in the Practice of the Law. nearly appose the Post Office, where one or the other may at i all times be found. Bedford, Oct. 26, 1849. HUM MEL'S ESSENCE OF COFFEE. EVERY ONE who has used Hummel's Es sence of Coffee, knows that one package will go as tar as 4 founds of the best Java Coffee, and cotfee made by this Essence will preserve perfectly the reaftaste of Java coflve, but will have a more delicate and finer flavor, a finer color, and will certainly be much wholesomer for every person than pure Java Coflee. o=~For sale at Dr. B. F. HARRY'S new Drug and Book Store. Oct. 7, 1853. OLD PEWTER &. COPPER WANTED. Trie highest price, in cash or trade, allowed for old Pewter and Copper. GEO. BLYMIRE. Sept. 9, 1853. CAUTION. All persons are cautioned against trespassing I upon the Poor House Farm, either by hunting, 1 fishing, or otherwise, as the law will be rigidly I enforced against all who do so. without respect j to persons. And notice is hereby given that no ! cows will hereafter be taken to pasture. By ; order of the Directors. WM. F. MOREHEAD, Jne 22. Steward. I NOTICE. The Partnership heretofore existing between | Thomas and John King, is this day dissolved by j mutual consent. All persons having unsettled I accounts with them, ate requested to attend to j their liquidation without delay. THOMAS KING, June 1, 1854. JOHN KING. . ! Having this day associated Henry S. King, of the City of Pittsburg, with us in the business of j manufacturing Iron, the business will be con- ! ducted undei the name and firm of John King ' &. Co. THOMAS KING, June 9, 1854. JOHN KING. STOVES! o.\ hand, and for sale, a superior lot of j Cooking, Ten Plate, Parlor, and Church Stoves, i GEO. BLYAIIRE Was* Henry JLeM* ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fort Desmoines, low a, Wilt, give special attention to locating lands j investing money—paying taxes—making col- ; lections, &c., iN.c. J f" Kefirs to Gen. Bowman and Hon. job .Mann. Sept. 8, 1854. TO BUILDERS. The subscriber is fully prepared to furnish any quantity or quality of Building Lumber j and Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St. ! Clairsville, Bedford County, will be promptly attended to, by giving a reasonable notice. F. D. BEEGLE. Nov. 24, 1854. ML F. I. REAMER I) ESPECTFULLY begs leave to tender his j K Professional Services to the Citizens of j Bedford and vicinity. Office in Julianna Street, at the Drug j and Book Store. Feb. 17, 1854. j i Si ! t! SI BUS Would announce to his friends and the pub lic that he has purchased the entire Store of the j late James M. Gibson, and intends to continue j business at the old stand. He bason hand an | assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, TV as, Se- j gars, Jewelry, &c. N.c. together with Confec- \ tiunaries of every description. In a short time j he will replenish his stock, so as to make it an j inducement to purchasers to give him a call.— He has on hand a good supply ot FLOUR, and j will make every-eflbrt to accommodate the peo- j pie in this line of his business, either wholesale j or retail. He will also keep Bacon, Fish,' Salt, Molasses, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Brooms, ! Brushes, Patent medicines, Drugs, Dye-stuffs, j and evei v article usually kept in a retail store, j F7 s PA PER HA NGING and UPHOLSTER- | ING will be attended to as usual with prompt- I ness and despatch and he would take this oc-| casion to say that he has now on hand, and will i furnish to order, on the most favorable terms, evrv description of WALL PAPER and BOR DERING. By unremitting attention to business, and a disposition to please, he hopes to merit and re- 1 ceive liberal encouragement. Bedford, April (>, 1855. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND FANCY GOODS. A Choice Assortment of the Finest Qualify, For Sale at the Lowest Cash Prices, at WM. B. EL TD A'HE AD* S , A'o. 184 South Second Street, between Pine and U niun, West Side, PHILADELPHIA. The assortment embraces a Large and SeJect Storl of Fine Watrhrs, Jewelry, Silver Ware, A/bata Ware, plated with fine Silver, in Spoons, Foils, Ladles, ifc. —Jet Goods, Fans and Fane if Articles of a superior quality, deserving the examination ot those Who de sire to procure the best goods at the Lowest Cash Prices. Having a practical /. now/edge of the business, and all available facilities for Importing and Manufactur ing, the subscriber confidently invites purchasers, believing that he can supply them on terms a- favor able as any other establishment in either of the At lantic Cities. 02?°" All kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewelry and Silver Ware manufactured to order, within a reason able time. CUT*" Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware faithfully repaired. WM. B. F.LTONHEAD, No. 181 South Second Street, a few doors above the Second Street Market, West Side. C~?" In the South Window of the Store may be seen the famou* BIRD CLOCK, which commands the ad miration of the scientific and curious. Oct. 13, 1851.—1y. Private Sale of Valuable Property. The subscriber will sell, at private sale, his ' valuable property, situate in Boydstown, about hall a mile west of the Borough of Bedford, on j the turnpike road, consisting of two Dwelling Houses, a Black-smith and Wagon maker Shop, and all necessary outbuildings. There are two lots and a half of ground attached, on which are a number of fine fruit trees. This property is every way desirable, and puichasers would do i well to examine if. JACOB SEMLER. { May 25. 1555. j Dr. Kryi:r > s Pkctovai. ■ notice ola preparation bearir." the abn " ,rio,, 'r would say to our readers, Uy\ , m) y W. disappointed. It may be had at Runr. x. 7> not ; this place. 1 ' Wei'i , n l-'iom I he. Pittsburg Morning P U st, Sept ij Kbvskr's Pectoral Svarp \y e h ' medicine lor a severe cold, and . : m M AND m m] The subscribers having purchased the entire Stock of Goods ol Geo. W. Horn, in the to",? I of Schellsburg, beg leave to announce to j put,lie generally, that they have now on hand and v\ ill continue to keep, a large and well ?' lected assortment of DRY GOODS LRofT RIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSVVARE Tir j ware, Oils, Drugs, Fish, Molasses, and, in' i a 'cl , every article usually found in Country Store/ j to which they inv.te the attention of'purrhas! ; ers, satisfied that they can give satisfaction u i all who give them a call. T he highest price will be paid for Hides.and for all kinds of Grain. Lumber and Produce of every description, will be taken in exchange' ! for Goods, at the highest prices. All kinds "f j Leather will be kept at the Store for sale. Give ' us a call. A. J. SNIVELY, JAMES BURNS, Jr. Jan. 5, 1555. IJEJiOVAIi. The subscriber would respectfully announce to the public that lie has removed his Tinning Establishment to the building recently occu: - ; ed by Mr. Luther, as a Confectionary Store, in the Diamond, where he is better prepared than ever to accommodate his customers with every article in the line of his business, either whole sale or retail, and hopes they will give hirn a call at his new location. GEO. BLYAIIRE. Bedford, April 6, 1855. NOTICE : —The undersigned expecting to he absent in tlie West for some length of time, i would say that his business will be left in the hands n/ Jacob S. Sc.hell, where all interested will call and attend to their own and tnv inter est % JOHN H. SCHELL. Schellsburg, May 1 1, 1855. ISAAC HUGHS, Attorney at Law, Til "ILL hereafter regularly attend the sit- T t tings of the Courts of this county.— During the terms of the Court he may be con sulted professionally at the Hotel of Maj. Davis. Bedford, March 10, 1854. LAW PARTNERSHIP JOB MANN. G. H. SPANG. The undersigned have associated themselves in the Practice of the Law, and will attend promptly to ail business entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad joining counties. Office on Julianna Street, three doors south of "Mengel Hon.-e," opjKisite the reMdei.ce of Maj.Tate. JOB MANX. June 2, 1854. G. H. SPANG. C. K. VVt NDERLICH. B. F. NEAD. WsiEUk'R'licii & \eaifi -fortuarbiiui Commission fllealjants, A orth Second Street, opposite the Cumberland L liail Road Depot, CHAMBERS BURG. OCT" They are at all times prepared to carry a.; kinds of Produce to, and Merchandise, No., WW- Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the shortest notice. They will also purchase Flour, Grain, fcc., • market price. COAL, LUMBER, SALT, FISH, GUANO, at" PLASTKR on hand and for sale low. June 10, 1853. Henry 84 inii (Of the late Firm of King Moorhtad. £cnimissicn iHcrdjant, DEALER IN PiG METAL, BLOOMS, Western Produce, &e. Rt'. Sr. No. 7G, Water Street, below Market, 7 I Pittsburg, Fa. The undersigned will continue the sion Business at the above place; and hai..'. provided himself with suitable conveniem > ■ the storage cf Pig Metal, Blooms, Produce, 't is now prepared to receive consignments- By long experience in the business, constant attention, he hopes to merit a gener share of trade, which he respectfully so ' l^ lt . s'. 5 '. IIENRY s. KING- April 27, 1555. W. TATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, REAL ESTATE BROKER, BOUNTY LAND, AND CLAIM AGENL Has for sale FOUR FARMS and WJW 0 J" of unimproved Land. QI/ 3 * Libera a made. Land Warrants bought an, - itv Julianna street. Bedford, May 11, 1855—6 m. Jr. JON. KEEfT® ¥ > ESPECTFULLY begs leave to ten er it Professional Services to the nfitfv on 3J ,U Schellsburg and vicinity. ZJT SU.-t. • Sep. - I.