The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, December 21, 1855, Image 2

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Bedford, Bee. '2l, 1
G. W. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor-
Bemocratic County leeling!
The Democracy of Bedford County will meet,
in Mass meeting, at the Court House in Bedford
on MONDAY EVENING of the approaching Court
to choose conferees to meet those of Fulton and
Somerset to select a Senatorial delegate to the
next State Convention and to make other ar
rangements for a full and thorough organization
of the Democratic Party of Bedford County.—
It is hoped that every Democrat who can make
it convenient to attend will <1 > so. Several
speeches will be made on the occasion.
Chairman County Committee.
CC7* Absence fwm home, lor several days, has pre
vented us from giving any attention to our editorial
GG?"Congress has not yet organized. The best part
of a month has now been spent by that Know Noth
ing body in trying to elect a Speaker, but without ef
fect! Whilst these beautiful are acting
out this farce, they are reckle>sly squandering about
fifty thousand dollars per day of the People's money,
according to the calculation of an intelligent gentle
man we met in Harrisburg a few days since—lor, by
the failure of the House to organize, the business of
Ihe Senate, together with all the other Departments
of the Government, have been brought to a dead
stand 1 And three are the " Americans" that desire
to rule "America !"
rry We invite attention to ttie advertisement of
Tiros. R. GF.TTVS, Jr., by which it will be seen that
he has fitted op a room in the "Exchange Building,"
and is prepared to take pictures of the finest style.—
Mr. Gettys' pictures ate good and handsome, and are
said to "snatch a grace beyond the reach of art."
i<r*SJT|#oaching; call and have your likeness
taken, and present it to your friend.
Exchange Hotel, liollitlaysbnrg, Pa.
017" Holiidaysburg has long been in want of a good
Hotel, and the "Exchange" can now bp styled such,
without any violation of the truth. It is kept by
J. WINUATK, Esq., and is conducted in a manner
that cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. The table
is as good as any reasonable person could desire—the
servants are attentive—and the beds and chambers
are clean and comfortable. Whilst Mr. WIXOATK
possesses all the qualifications of a good Landlord
within himself, his assistant, WM. F. BAIICOCK, Esq.
i- certainly one of the most accommodating and gen
tiemeoly men we have ever met as the manager of a
The "Exchange" has recently undergone a
thorough repair, being newly papered and painted—
and we take pleasure in recommending it as a Hotel
every way worthy the patronage of the travelling
Another of the clever gentlemen to be found about
the "Exchange" is A. HKAKMITT, Esq., agent for
the Hack running between that place and Bedford,
who does all in his pown to render comfortable those
who travel the road, which, like most of country
roads, is very rough at this season of the year. This,
however, is no fault of the Proprietors of the Line.
Robbery of the Arsenal.
[{./""JAMES A. DRANE, Superintendent of the
State Arsenal at Harrisburg, has been arrested
and is now in the Dauphin County Jail on a
charge of abstracting and fraudulently disposing
of certain arms belonging to the Commonwealth.
A. Cont'dv, a member elect to the Legislature
from Philadelphia, and at present conductor on
the Pennsylvania Rail Road, is also strongly
implicated in this dirty transaction, and has
been bound over to answer at the approaching
Criminal Court in Harrisburg, which takes
place in January, when all the facts connected
with the case will be fully developed. The
arms have been recovered and will be returned
to the Arsenal. An example will be set in this
case, which, we think, will he instrumental in
putting a check to Commonwealth stealing,
which lias been carrietl to an alarming extent
during the past fifteen or twenty years, a fact
generally admitted, whilst the ofleiiders have
escaped punishment. No class of men should
be so severely dealt with as those who violate
the sacred trust reposed in them of administer
ing the aflairs of government, whether in high
V more obscure places.
Gen. f ass autl the Presidency*
We are authorized (says the Washington Union,)
by General CASS to say that in the caucus of demo
cratic senators on Wednesday last he declared that
tie was 110 candidate for the presidency, and that he
was unwilling for his name to be presented as such
at the National Convention. Whilst General Cass
thus positively writhdraws his name from the presi
dential canvass, be has abated none of his zeal in be
half of democratic principles, and none of his patrio
tic devotion to the cause of the constitution and the
Since writting the above, we received the Peun
sylvanian of yesterday morning, which contains the
subjoined letter:
DETROIT, Nov. 2'i, 15.75.
GENTLEMEN : I have received your letter asking me
if I arn a candidate for the office of President of tlre
t inted States, and expressing the gratification it
would give you to support me lor that high station.
Whiie thanking you lor this manifestation of your
kindness and confidence,of which 1 shall always pre
serve a grateful recollection, I reply that 1 am not a
candidate for the presidency, nor do 1 desire that my
name should be presented iri connection with it to
the consideration of the democratic party of the U
1 am, gantlenieu, with great regard, truly yours,
Andrew J. Websters, Esq. and others.
Si SHAYS IN EXULAND. —The committee on the
National Sunday League are circulating petitions lor
the opening of Museums, Picture galleries, botanical
gardens, the Crystal Palace, und other public
buildings throughout the United Kuidom, on Sunday
Puri.ADELPHIA, Dec. 17.—Sales of I,GOO
hbls. superfine at $8,50. There is a limited
demand for home use at $8,50 a $8,75 per bbl,
for common to good brands, and $8,57ia59,50
lor extra and better brands. Rye J lour is with
out inquiry. Corn meal is dull at per bbl.
The demand for wheat is very limited, and
prices are lower. Smalt sales of red at 185 a
195 c., and white at 200 a 205 c. Rye is lower.
Sales ol 4,000 bu. Retina, at 123 c. Corn is in
good demand. Sales of 10,000 bu. at 80 a 85c.
per bu. lor new yellow, as in dryness, and
some mixed at 85c. Oats are dull. Sales of
2,000 bu. at 40 a 12c. per bu. for fair to prime.
Jlrrivnl of the Prometheus at .X'eic Orleans.
.ilt .Yew York.
! ______
The steamship Prometheus, from San J nan,
arrived on Saturday, with California dates to the
20th ult. She lelt San Juan on the 2d instant,
with the passengers brought down by the uncle
sam. Her passengers consequently made the
I trip in about 17 days. The transit over the
Isthmus was effected in 28 hours.
The Uncle Sam left San Francisco with 250
passenger s and §350,000 in Gold,
i |Her news is anticipated by the Northern
Light, at New York, yesterday, which will be
1 found below.|
New YOUK, Dec. 11.
The steam ship Northern Light, from San
Juan, arrived at her wharf at I o'clock this af
ternoon, bringnig dates from California to the
20th ult.
Gen. Win. H. Richardson, United States
Marshal for the Nortben district of California,
was assassinated at San Francisco on the night
of tlie 17th of November, by an Italian gambler
named Cossa.
Isaac B. Wall, Collector of the Port at Mon
terey, has been murdered near San Luis Chispo,
together with a companion named Thomas
The murder of Gen. Richardson had caused
intense excitement at San Francisco, and stren
uous efforts were being made by certain parties
to get the assassin out of the hands ot the au
thorities for the punpose of lynching him, but
these attempts had been frustrated by the thin
ness of the Sheriff.
Mr. Williamson who was killed in company
with collector Wall, was th" assessor of Monte
rey county. The murderers ol the latter gentle
man were supposed to be a party of Mexicans
and a trader named Corcia. Pursuit was made
by a party of Americans under the Sheriff of the
countv, the murderers were overtaken atSalina,
when a fight ensued, during which two of the
Sheriff's party were killed.
Capt. Archibald Mcßea, of the Ravetiue Cut
ter McLean, had committed suicide during a
temporary (it of insanity.
Tlit? Indian difficulties in the north continues.
A battle had been fought on Bouge River, be
tween 300 Indians and 4-00 Regulars under
Capt. Smith ol Fort Lane. The light lasted
9 hours, when the troops were obliged to re
treat, with the loss of IS killed and 25 wound
ed. Gen. Wool had proceeded to the scene of
Tho dates from Salt Lake are to the 11th of
October. Difficulties had occurred between
the Mormons and the Eutaw Indians. Several
Mormons have been murdered.
The banking house of Sanders Brennan,at
San Francisco, had failed. T heir liabilities are
80,000 —their assets nothing.
Some rain had lallen, and there was much
snow in the mountains, but the winter rains had
not set in.
The minners are awaiting the rainy season,
and not much gold is coming in.
The steamer John L. Stephens arrived upon
the 14-th, and the Sierra Nevaoa on the Kith, all
PARIS. —The Paris correspondent of the London
Times, under date of November 23, writes:
The great event of this day is the arrival of
the King of Sardinia in Paris. From 11 o'clock
this morning* a.considerable portion of the pop
ulation of Paris tiiruriged toward the terminus
of the Lvotis railroad to receive, and welcome
with their acclamations, Victor Emmanuel.—
Though the MonHeur had announced that the
royal COr/ege would pass aiong the quavs and
the Rue de Rivoii, a great many houses on the
Boulevards, the clubs and theatres, were from
an earlv hour decorated with flags, displaying
the nalional colors of France, England, Sardi
nia, and Turkey.
The Cirque An poison, in particular, was re
marked for the elegance of its decorations.—
The Rue de Rivoli, the jtlacz of the Hotel de
Viile, and the quays—in fact, the entire line a
long which the King was to pass—were similar
ly adorned, as also the faqnade of the station and
the large court-yard. On the pi net itself de
tachments of lout chasseurs and of the line kept
tlie ground, and the guards of honor within the
court were selected from the grenadiers and vol
tigeurs of the Imperial Guard. A canopy of
crimson velvet, fringed with gold, hung over
the door of the waiting-room, which had been
transformed into a splendid saloon, hung with
red velvet, fastened up with gold.
Clusters of tiags belonging to the allied na
tions, with the name of V ictor Emmanuel, and
the shields with his roval arms, completed the
ornament. A rich carpet extended from the
doar to the path-way, on which the King was
to step from the carriage, and galleries to the
right and left had been prepared lor those who
were specially invited. A detachment of the
Cent-Gardes and Guides were drawn upon both
sides of the entrance to the waiting-room, and
seven of the imperial carriages awaited his Maj
esty and suite.
At !'2J o'clock Prince Napoleon left the Pa
lais Royal in a stale carriage, preceded by two
outriders wearing the imperial livery. Marshal
Magnan, Col. Fleury, the Prefects of the Seine
and Police, and a great number of public func
tionaries, civil and military, awaited Prince
Napoleon at the railroad station. The members
of the council of administration, the station mas
ters, and all the employes, were drawn up with
.At 1 o'clock, precisely, the arrival of the
royal train was announced, and in five minutes
after the locomotive, decked out with the Sar
dinian colors, stopper! ; the drums beat to arms,
and the full hand of the Guides, who were sta
tioned at the entrance of the reception room,
struck up the .1 lurch o'e Snvtiic.
The King, who wore the uniform of a colonel
of Hussars, descended from the carriage, and
was received first by Prince Napoleon, whose
hand he shook warmly, and replied to the words
of welcome ol tlie Prince.
The loyal cortege entered the waiting room ;
the whole of the persons who filled it rose, and
received his Majesty with acclamations of "Vive
le Roi"Vive It Prince JS'apolron which
were taken up and repeated by the crowd which
thronged the court of the station arid the ap
proaches to it.
The carriages soon drove up in order at the
entrance, and the King and his attendants en
tered them. Prince Napoleon and his Majesty
entered the same carriage, which was preceded
by four outriders wearing the imperial livery,
and the whole of the cortege began to move in
the following order : A squadron ol Guides,
with the hand : three court carriages, preceded
each bv thr-e outriders ; the royal carriage, pie
ceded by outriders, and followed by a squadron
of Cent-Gardes. Colonel Fleury rode at the
right, and Col. New at the left, and a squadron
of the Cuirassiers of the Imperial Guard closed
tlie procession.
Though rain was failling, the crowd was con- ;
siderable along the line through which the King
passed, and received the royal visiter with warm
acclamations. The cortege soon alter entered
the Palace do Carousal by the passage of the
Pavilion de Rohan, and entered the Court of
the Tuilerms by the triumphal arch. The
drums were beating to arms, the troops present
ted arms, and the acclamations became louder
and louder as the King approached the Palace.
The apartments of the Pavilion Marsan ai -0
those occupied bv the King during his stay at
the Toil erics : and the aides-de-camp, orderly
officers, and physicians occupy the next apart
A writer in the Reading Journal on this sub
ject, says :
"Smoking meat is rather ridiculed by some of
our eastern Yankees, but if the thing is well
done, we shall be encouraged, and continue to
do so notwithstanding.
"By some of our farmers it is often conducted
with carelessness, selecting for that purpose a
lot of old, half decayed stumps, wet and worm
eaten in the bargain. The idea of smoking with
wormy wood is not only unpleasant, but un
wholesome, for by the burning of animal sub
stance, empty retimatic oil is eliminated.
"If the srnokt* is made of wet and half rotten
wood, the wood is sour, the smoke bitter, and
mostly steam. I have often heard people ask
why it was that their meat drips so while smo
king. The reason is plain. I'se proper mate
rials (or making the tire, and there will be but
little steam, and consequently little water to
saturate the meat.
"For this purpose select dry materials, and
such as have not vet undergone any fermenta
tion or decomposition, and the smoke thereof
will he flavored after the peculiar woody fibre
burned. Corn cobs produce, accordingto some,
a "sweet smoke," containing little water, nmj
will he found to answer the purpose admirably.
"The method which, upon trial, I found to
answer best, was to engage some sawdust with a
sawyer, of live hickory, and this, before using,
dry in the oven.
"First kindle a fire with corn cobs, (but not so
large as ordinarily) cover with dried sawdust,
and lastly, throw upon this a few branches of
Juniper. This contains an essential volatile oil.
which will be found to mix with the smoke of
the cob and hickory, and imparts a very palata
ble and pleasant aroma to the meat. It beats
Elections in Massachusetts.
De feat of Know-JS'oihinnism.
BOSTON, Dec. 9. Our Municipal election to
day resulted in the triumph of the Citizens" tick
et for Mayor, with a laige majority of the Al
dermen and Common Council. The vote for
Mayor stands Alexander H. Bice, (Citizens'can
didate), 7,38b; Dr. N. B. Shuttled, (American),
This evening the triumph of the Citizens'
ticket is signalized by a procession, 'music,ban
ners, ike.
LOWELL, Dec. 10. —Dr Elisha Huntington,
the Citizens' candidate tor Mayor, is elected by
800 plurality. The entire Citizens' ticket for
Aldermen, Councilmeii and School Commission
ers, is elected.
WORCESTER, Dec. 10. —The Citizens' ticket
for Mayor and Aldermen is elected bv 170 plu
rality. Hon. Isaac Davis the Mayor elect.
.NKWRVRYPORT, Dec. 10. —The Anti-Ameri
cans have elected Gushing for Mayor by about
85 plurality, together with four of the six Al
dermen and two-thirds of the Common Council.
About 1,000 vutes were polled.
BOSTON, Dec. 11.—The election in Roxburv
for Mayor, yesterday, resulted in the election of
John S. Sleeper, the candidate of the Liberal
At Charlestown, Timothy Sawyer, the Cit
izens' candidate for Mayor, was elected.
train from Harrisburg to this city upon the
Northern Central Railway was on its down
ward trip on Saturday morning last, it ran over
and caused the instantaneous death of an aged
lady nnn,eu Rebecca Foreman, a resident of this
city. The particulars of this deplorable affair
were detailed to us as follows :—As tire train
was running a short curve in the neighborhood
of Freeland, some thirty-three miles from this
city, the engineer discovered the lady about one
hundred yards ahead, walking on the track,
when lie immediately whistled down the breaks
upon the train and reversed his engine, but all
to no purpose as she was caught up by the cow
catcher and so mangled a* to cause immediate
death. The body was taken in charge by the
officers of the train and conveyed to Parkton
station, to which place C. C. Adreon, Esq., the
superintendent of the road, repaired as soon as
the affair was known here, with a view to hav
ing an inquest field over the remains and taking
charge of the same.— Baltimore Sun. Dec. 10th.
Br. I:A OSTITI S. —Speaking of the prevailing
high prices of breadstuff* and the immense sup
plies lor exportation which the country is capa
ble of affording, (he Buffalo Courier remarks :
There is hardly any limit to our surplus of
wheat and cm n, and if the demand abroad should
carry 100,000,090 bushels, which is almost four
times as much as we have ever expoited in one
year, there would still he an abundant supply for
home consumption. Strange as it may seem,
that with a large surplus on hand, fully equal
to supply the demand from abroad, prices should
rule so higli: it is, nevertheless, in obedience to
a law of trade, which makes a sudden impulse
push the market values beyond a due limit, as
well as to another law of trade which makes a
derangement in the ordinary channels of sup
ply, produce, for a time, all the consequences of
an actual scarcity.
TH AT ELOPEMENT CASE. — We staled on Wed
nesday (savs the Troy Traveller) that a woman
recently arrived at Chirago, from Kansas, with
the dead body of her husband, which she was
taking East lor burial, and that on the route she
fell in with a young man, arid on arriving at
Chicago they went off' together, leaving the
dead body of the husband in the depot. But it
seems that the latter part of the statement was
erroneous, for the woman forwarded the dead
body on,and it arrived in this citv on Saturday,
and she arrived with Iwr new husband on Mon
day, and the funeral of the deceased husband
was held at Waterford on Tuesday last.
Valuable Real Estate
llnf In Broad-Top Township!
By virtue of an Order of the Orphans' Court
qf Bedford County, the undersigned will offer
at public sale, on the premises, on MONDAY,
the 14th day ofJanuary, 1856, the following
described real estate, to wit:
The one undivided half of a small tract of land
all unimproved—adjoining lands of James Fi
gard, Joseph Richeson, Jacob Stine, now Schell
and Daugherty and others, containing about 14
ALSO—a small tract of land containing 8
acres and 122 perches improved and adjoining
iands of Amos Figard, VVilliam T. Daugher
ty, John Griffith in right of James Figard,
Jeremiah Williams and Jacob Moyers.
Also the. MANSION PLACE of Jameg Fi
gard, deceased, containing about 333 acres,
partly cleared and under fence, with a Frame
House, Log Barn and other out-buildings there
on, adjoining lands of John Griffith, Joseph
Richeson, James Figard and others, subject to a
right tc tiie coal and minerals, conveyed bv
James Figard, deceased, to lion. William T.
[LPTERMS:—One-third on the 11th of
February, 1856, and balance in two equal anna!
payments, without interest, to be secured by
! judgment bonds.
(iuardian of John Figard,
\ Dec. 21, 1855.
I . .... . : .
In Broad-Top Township!
Bv viitueofan Order of the Orphans' Court
ft Bedford County, the undersigned will offer
at public sale, on the premises, on .Monday the
13th day of January, 1856, the following des
<ribed two tracts of COAL LAND, the one con
tuning 200 acres, and adjoining lands of John
Griffith, Edward Shreves and others, part ot
•vhich is cleared and under fence.
The other contains 51 acres and 90 perches,
purveyed on a warrant to Hon. William T.
Oaugherty, dated April 10, 1852. This tract
idjoins the above, John Griffith, Edward Shreves
Itul others.
iCj^TERMS—One-third to be paid on the
11th of February, 1856, and habitue in two
equal anual payments, without interest, to be
it-cured by judgment bonds.
Acting Executor of the Inst Will, <!yc.,
of James FigttrJ, deceased.
Dec. 21, 1855.
The Orphans' Court in for the County of
; Bedford having appointed the undersigned to
.distribute the balance ot the funds remaining in
] the hands of Josiah Richey, administrator of the
estate of Henry Milter, deceased, will attend
to the duties of his appointment at bis office, in
the Borough of Bedford, on FRIDAY the 4th
day of January, A. D. 1856, when and where
all parties can attend rf they see proper.
Dec. 21, 1555.
j The undersigned appointed by the Orphans'
I Court of Bedford County, to distribute the mu-
I nevs remaining in the hands ot Hon. Jos. B.
t Noble,one the Executors of the last Will ike., of
William Galbraith, deceased, will attend to the
duties of his appointment on MONDAY, the 7th
day of January 7 , A. D. 1856, at his office, in the
Borough of Bedford, when and where all parties
interested can attend it they see proper.
Dec. 21, 1855.
The partnership heretofore existing and tra
ding under the firm ot CONRAD is. CHRISTY, on
I section No. 32 on the Huntingdon and Broad
top Raii Road, was dissolved on the 16th day
: of June last, 1855.
Dec. 21, 1855 *
'j i\ews ft'oi* the I'eopSe!
Goods at REED'S Colonntle Store !
The subscriber has just returned from the
eastern cities, and is receiving and opening a
' large assortment of splendid goods, selected with
' care and suitable to the season, consisting of
,j of the newest styles. Silks, Merinoes, Cash
, | mere, Parisian Twill, Alpaccas, De iains De
Braize and wool plaids, lnsertmgs, French
. i worked collars and under sleeves. Silk and Gum
j Belts—Cloths ot all shades. Cassiiners, plain
. | and fancy satinetts. Jeans, Tweeds, Overcoats,
■ ! Buffalo overshoes tor Ladies and Gents. Gum
shoes and sandals. A large assortment of boois,
Hardware and Qtieensware.
■ I Comprising Rio, Java, Laguira Coffee. Sugars
! ot alt descriptions. Syrups and Molasses. Rice,
f Tobacco, Spurm Oil, ike., ike.
! Bring on your cash and produce to Reed's
• Store where you will find all you want at the
■ lowest cask prices.
, Dec. 14-, 1855.
Improved Daguerreotypes!
i All who wish to have a good likenes ofthemselves
, or of their friends, can now be accommodated at the
"Kxchange Building," immediately above the Store
1 ! of A. R. Cramer, where DAGFF.RRKf) TYPF.S ol
• I all sizes are done up in the most beautiful style by
Taken singly or in groupes. Persons taken after
I.adies anil Gentlemen are respectfully invited to
' call and examine the specimens.
I Young Lady, bring in that venerable father and
i that watchful mother, and secure a likeness to-day
for to-morrow it may be too late. Mother, bring in
' those little ones with curling locks and sparkling
' eys: they will make pretty pictures, and then should
t death remove thein, you can exclaim—
"Gone to their rest yet we would not recall them
Back to this world of sorrow and pain;
Gone to their rest where no ill can befall them,
| Yet we have their likeness both perfect and plain."
Gold Lockets single and Double. Also fancy cases
: constantly on hand.
Instructions given in the art, and apparatus furnish-
I ed on reasonable terms.
Dec. 21, P>->5.
At Kays Hill. Bedford County, Pa., on Sunday :
morning the 10th inst., Si sis F.lizabktu Tate,
eldest daughter of John and Mary Black, aged o years '
and 11 months.
"No more 1 clasp thpe in my arms,
Or nurse thy Idtie head ;
No more I watch thy gentle slepp,
For thou, my babe art dead.
"No more I look for thee on earth,
A world of grief anil phin ;
But yet 1 know, my darling babe,
1 shall see thee again."
Came to the premises ot the subscriber, living
in Southampton township, Bedford County, on
the 2lst day of November last, five HOGS, one j
having a crop out of each ear, and the rest no j
perceptible marks. Two are black and sandy 1
mixed. The owner is desired to come forward, j
prove property, pay charges, and take them j
Dec. I t, 1855.*
.. • ijk
Valuable Real Estate,
hi South Woodbury Township, Beit ford Co. J
By Virtue ol an Order of the Orphan's Court
of Bedford County, the subscriber will sell, for
the payment of debts, by public vendue, on the
premises, on FRIDAY the 1 Ith day of Janua
ry, 1856, the valuable MANSION FARM of
Jacob Diddle, deceased; containing, as is sup
posed, 115l l 5 acres and allowance, (the exact
quantity will he determined by a survey, he- j
fore the dav of sale) situate in South Woodbury
Township, Bedford Count v, adjoining lands of
Isaac Ebersole, David Brumbaugh, and others.
From 120 to 130 acres is cb-aied and under
fence, with a good two story house, a log barn
and two apple orchards thereon.
The grain in the ground i< reserved; posses- I
sion to be given the first of April next.
(Cir* TERMS :—Enough in cash at the Con-,
j firmation of sale (1 1 th February 1856) to pay
the debts (between two and three thousand dol
lars) one-third of balance to remain in Ihe hands
■if purchaser for the Widow, the remainder in ;
tw o equal annua! payments, without interest.
.Jdministrutor of the Estate of
Jacob hiddle deceased.
Dec. 11, 1855.
The partnership heretofore existing between
the undersigned, under the name and firm <>i
Web-el N Foster, in the Coach and Wagon
■ Manufactory, is this dav disolved by mutual
consent. I lie business of the late firm will lie
i settled up by Win. Weisel, who is authorized to
j collect all accounts <Nc. and pay the debts of the
1 firm.
Dec. 11, 1855.
All persons knowing themselves indebted to
the late firm of Saxsom & Mili.kk, either by,
note or Book account, will do well to have
, them settled by the first of January, 1855. al
ter that time they will he place in the hands of
a proper officer tor collection.
Surviving Partner.
Dec. 7, 1855. 3t.
The undersigned begs leave to inform his
friends and the public that he has just received
from th<* eastern tides, and is now exhibiting
AT (HEAP SIDE, a general assortment of
new style fall and
Winter Goods,
comprising a great variety of LADIES'
lof the latest styles : such in part as Black and
; Fancy Silks, Merinoes, Cashmers, Cohurg arui
j Thibet Cloths, Alpaccas, Mousselin Delaines,;
j Mousseline De lieges, Fancy Prints, lrom a tip I
j up, Muslin, bleached and unbleached, from a tip j
| up, all widths, Thibet and Bay State Shawls,
Blue, Black, Brown and Olive French Cloths, j
, Sup'r Black and Fancy Cassimeres, Tweeds,
j Cassinetts, Jeans, Nestings, Merino Shirts and
; Drawers, Hats ar.d Caps, Boots and Shoes in
i great variety, &.C., Nc.
(* kuckbsekk.
; Sup'r Golden Syrup and N. O. Molasses, best
Rio and Java Coffee, N. O. clarified, crushed, i
j and granulated Sugars, Spices, Teas, Chocolate,
j Extract ol Colile, Rice, Tobacco, Drugs and
j Oils, together with every other article adapted
j to the w ants of the people, all which he is de- j
termined to sell CHEAP FOR CASH, or ap
j proved produce.
j He respectfully invites all in search of bar- 1
! gains to give him a call before purchasing.— !
Thankful for past favors he hopes by fair tieal
; ing, and a desire to please, to continue to mer- '
; it and receive a liberal share of the public pa- '
Dec. 7, 1855.
Tlip subscriber would respectfully inform the
Public that he still continues to carry on the
80011 BINDING^
in No. Bof the Franklin Buildings Chambers-j
burg; where all binding entrusted to his care j
will be punctually attended to, and bound with
j neatness and care.
He still continues to keep on hand a good as
sortment of Religious, Historical Miscellane
nous Blank and School Books, Stationery &.C.,
which lie will sell on moderate terms.
Dec. 7, 1855.
No. 29, North THIRD street, Philadelphia.
I Morocco Manufacturers. Couriers and Jmpor
-1 ters of FRENCH Calf-Skins, and dealers in Red
I and Oak Sole Leather and Kipp,
j March 9, 1855 ly.
sal ;; !, y G. w. RRci'p r
Dec. 7, lßo>.
II you want cheap Goods call at Cb
sides. a?>
A new Buggy for sale by G. W Rrpn
D.-c. 7, 1855. • "u.
By viittip of an Order of the Orphans' Corfu'
of Bedford County, the undersigned willolTemt
public vendue or outcry, on the premises L
the Borough of Bedford, on SATURDAY, 'thy
29th day of December inst., the following <fo s _-
cribed Real Estate, to wit :
All that House and Lot of ground situate ori
IV est Pitt street, in the Borough of Bedford
numbered 33 in the general plan of said Bor
ough, amrhounded as follows, viz: On the F -as (
by a twenty feet alley, on the West bv Lot No
3i, on the North by Pitt Street aforesaid, and
| oil the South by a twenty feet allev, extending
; sixty feet front on Main Street and running
I South two hundred and forty feet to the South
ern boundary aforesaid, late the property of
: Thomas Kkkffk, deceased—arid now in the oc
| cupancy of Maj. S.Davis, ami Win. Kisnn
; This property is pleasantly located, the lmprove
i rr : ef:tsare iri good repair—and persons desiring
; a comfortable private residence will do v>ll to
| examine it!
Sale to commence at 2 o'clock, P. M.
G. 11. SPANG,
Administrator of the Estate of
Thomas Keejfe, deceased.
Dec. 7, ISSN.
900 JSCRES OF L-L\ D !
By virtue of sundry orders of the Orphans'
Court of Bedford County, the undersigned a ill
offer at Public sale, on the premises, m Bean's
Cove, Southampton township, on SATURDAY
; the 29th day of December next, the follow foe
i Real Estate, to wit :
The one undivided half part of 771 acres
late the property of Solomon Rice, deceased,
adjoining lands of Jacob Clitz, Benjamin Wig
field, Daniel Folk and others. This land lb*
| ten miles from Cumberland and three miles
; from the Turnpike leading thereto. 1 f>o acres
are cleared—the balance weli timbered. The
Improvements are Three Log Dwelling
: and Double Log Barn. There is also an orchard
; and -t springs of excellent water upon the pre
| rnises. This property can tie divided so as to
i suit two or more purchasers.
On the same day will be off-red for sale the
real Estate of Otho Wiison, deceased, adjoining
tl e above and containing 152 aties. about 50
cleared and under fence. The Improvements
are a double log House and Barn. There are
several acres ot good meadow land, ar.d that
not cleaied is well timbered
OCr-TERMS :—One-third on the 11th of
February, lS5(i, and the balance in two
equal annul payments without interest.
Trustee, for the Sale of the Rent Es
tate of Solomon Rice, deceased.
Trustee of Otho Wilson's Estate.
j Dec. 7, 1855.
The undersigned -will offer at Public Sal?on
WEDNESDAY the 26th day of December
next, at the late residence of Abraham Sparks,
di'ceased, in West providence Township, at 10
o'clock, A. M., of said day, his four contiguous
and adjoining tracts of land, situate in said town
ship. and containing in all 305 acres.
The number of acres in the Mansion Proper
ty is 131, and the improvements area two story
frame house, big barn, spring house and granary.
There is also two Orchards on this tract, about
100 acres cleared and the balance well timber
One other tract adioining the above and con
taining 90 acres, 50 of which are cleared.
One other tract containing 53 acres, •>'!
| which are cleared, with a story and a-had
Frame House and a small orchard thereon.
The other tract contains twenty acres and is
; well timbered.
fC/ = *TER\IS : One third on the Ist ofAprii,
1856, ami the balance in two equal anna! pay
ments without interest.
Dec. 7, 1855.
Bv virtue of an order of the Orphans Court
of Bedford Count v, the undersigned adwiinidra
| tor of the estate of Abraham Sparks, late i I
West Providence township, deceased, vvn! Ix
j pose to Public sale, at the MANSION PRO
PERTY of said deceased, in said Township, on
WEDNESDAY the 26th day of December
! next, all the real estate of said decedent not !-
ken at the valuation by the heirs or sold, viz.
i The Mansion Tract (>/) containing 301 acr
j and allowance, and having thereon erected a
large and commodious Stone lavern sla"'b
1 three Private Dwelling houses, Barns, Staines
! Wagon-Sheds and other out buildings, remf r
i ing it one of the most convenient properties itu
public business in the County, fhe soil is
| good and well adapted to agricultural purpose-,
j besides being in a high state ol cultivation -m 1
j well watered. The main body ol this laot. ■ >
j upon the north side of the Juniata River, u li
the Turnpike passes through by the improv
j ments above mentioned.
ALSO— {F.) a tract containing S3J acres
! situate in East Providence Township, a : "- 'j 1
I joining lands of Nvcum, Diehl, Black and <
ers; lately purchased from Samuel I ah' S a .
ministrator, known as the "Woll Pen.
IfF-TERMS: One third in hand at !he con
fir mat ion of sale on the 11th cJfi.V ' '
and the balance in two equal anual P a J
without interest.
Jlctin? . Id minis! rator ot
Estate of . Ibraham Snnrks, dent"' ••
Dec. 7. 1855.
Important Notice.
All persons having unsettled accounts
the late tirin of Rupp &. Oster, are reap'ih•
| and most earnestly requested to can an
; up without delay.
1 Oct. 26, 1855.