The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, December 07, 1855, Image 1

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    T*' ——' -- ■ ' l | mmi FTr trT-trrn -■ - T— fr v Tr-—.ar.. j.,^jy.r.aga^-r.:.:thvt.-^^AL.^,J^A3tr_<L.yjg.-1 ■ nwuiTJ. .t*T-rg{.ajftLg A !WU-; , J M 1— 111 If 1 ' LJMMMM——W—I—I—nM—P*K
5cU c t Pcr t r -i. j
L p in the parly morninz,
Jiiit at the peep of i!ay.
Straining the "''lk '" ,h e dairy,
Turbine the cows away—
Sweeping the Boor in the kitchen,
.Making the bed-- op <tairs,
Washing the hreakf.i-t dishes,
l)u.-ting the parlor chairs.
Brushing th crumbs frmn the pantry,
Hunting for eggs at tiie barn,
Cleaning the turnips for dinner,
Spinning the stro king yam—
Spreading the whitening liner),
Down on the boshes below,
Ransacking every meadow
Where the red strawberries grow.
Starching the "fixing"* for Sunday,
Churning the snowy cream.
Rinsing the pails and the strainer
llown in the running stream—
Feeding the geese and the turkeys,
Making the pumpkin pies.
Jogging the little one s cradle,
Hrivin" away the (lies.
Grace in every motion,
Mn-ic in every tone,
Beauty of form and feature,
Thousands might covet to own
Cheeks that rival spring ro-es,
TePth the whitest ol'pparls.
One of these country maids are worth
A score of your city girls.
Correspondence of the Daily Pennsylvania!). ;
important Letter from lVas!m>?tii.
VVA-UIXOTOX. .Nov. 1(3, 1855.
Inf'irruation received in I his t i'y by (he last
steamer, shows that L >rrt Palmerston's attempt
to dragoon (lie LTnit—il Siat*s, through the LotV- ;
don 'Twits, has occasioned an unheard of ex
citement in Great Britain. Ihe feeling of the
[,-iple of England lias risen mountain high a
<ainst (he reckless Premier, who is known to he
a men of violent prejudices against onr country
and who,supposed he would make a "ten strike"
ty sending his fleet to Central America, and by
accompanying that demonstration with an inso
lent article in the London Times. But the
English people riave snppen Ttin or hdrrors, triey
have got sick of blood. However they may
have exhibited a disposition that the war against
the Russian Autocrat should be continued, now
that they have got into it. My information is .
that they are resolved not to be embroiled in a '
conflict with the I nited States : and Lord Pal
inerston. 1 would not IK* astonished, may rue the
dav when he committed the fjughpaugh of ma
king this trial of public opinion.
It is said that to such an extent has the ac
tum of the government been repudiated, tiiat
a great change ol tone has come over the Lon
don journals, particularly those who speak the
sentiments of I lie Court. As an evidence of the
manner in which the Government has acted, I
need only say that the Loudon Times caine out
and distinctly charged--that the Government of
the United States,and Mr. Buchanan, the Amer
ican .Minister, had made certain professions of
friendship to the British Government in regard
to tin* war with Russia, and afterwards backed
<>ut from their professions; hence upon those :
professions the Times argues that the British
C verriuient t ens justified in attempting enlist
:u uts in this country. When our Legation al
London corrected this statement, the London
Tisns, up to the last dav, had refused to pub- j
iish their correction, which shows a foregone
conclusion on the part of Palmerston, to precip
itate diliiculties, if this could be done.
Jt is one thing for Great Britain to fight Rus
sia, and that has been a dear conflict, as the re- j
-nits have shown, hut it is quite another to at
tempt a war with the United States, and this!
tuoat a time when Europe is looking to c.ur-j
granaries —when our cotton is essential to th*
occupation of ir.i l!ions ol British subjects, and
when our trade constitutes the leading commer
cial interestof England.
~ C >
cotton and flour, vou will perceive, have ad- I
uanced, which result mav be attributed to the
wonderful reaction in public sentiment, occa- ;
sioned by the course of the London Times.
Meanwhile the administration of President i
PIECCF., conscious of having done nothing to j
merit tLi*: ebulition on the part of the British
government, maintains a proud position before J
'be world. It has resisted all violations of its;
"W'n neutrality laws in the case of Cuba and
Central America—it has done this in* the lace
°l 3 considerable public opinion in our own j
country, and vou may reiv upon it thaj it will j
sternly repel ail attempts to interfere with our '
national interests that mav come from any pow
er— from the whole world combined. — ;
Never before have we been more nobly in the j
right than at the present time.
Last year the Democrats ha ! but one
men.l -r in the .Massachusetts House of Repre
sentatives; this year they have chosen thirty.)
An increase in the same ratio for the year to
cnine, would eradicate the combined force ol
*'t>ini and "Sambo" from Massachusetts.
LUXE KAL CASS.—A visitor to the residence .
m this veteran statesman writes. I spent a fore-
I'noii with Gen. Cass. The old man 'still lives'
the autumnal glories of a well spent life: is j
bate, hearty ami worth four millions. His ca
reer has, indeed been successful. He speaks in
foreboding language of our national prospects,
" n<! strong in the belief that disunion will yet
tarry its banners over th • Republic.
From the Albany Evening Journal, loth.
.4 llysti-ry and a Tragedy.
Some days since, a man and a woman took
lodgings at tne Hudson River House, Lvdius
street, kept bv Mrs. Lamb. The man repre
sented himself as a chemist, in quest of employ
ment, though for the want of employment
in tfiat line, he engaged himself, as he said, in
repairing clocks, lie being away from the ho
tel the greater part oi the day. He gave his
name as Job ibbotson, and appeared to be well j
; acquainted with a man Alio arrived at the ho
! tei the same day as himself, tout who appeared i
; to have no legitimate occupation.
Ibbotson continued to pursue his self-styled !
occupation of repairing clocks, at least he ab
sented himself I: mi the hotel and invariably
returned in company with his acquaintance.—
Wednesday evening, the sth inst., his wife, in
| company with a Mrs. Evans, went out for a
; walk,and while returning was taken very sick.
• Dr. Parent P. Staats was called, and in answer
i to his question as to whether she had taken anv
' thing, she answered that her husband had giv- |
len her some pills which made her very sick.— !
! Dr. Staats gave her some medicine and left.— !
! Tin* next morning Mrs. Lamb gave Jbbotson :
| a dish of Coffee, and at dinner time a cup of j
tea to carry to his wife; but lie gave her neith- j
i er. Mrs. 1., soon alter being attacked, sank in- '■
; to a state of stupor, appeared to he partlv con- j
; scions of what was going on around her, but
! could o.'ilv answer int**: rogatories in rnonosyl-
I tables.
j Site continued in thi* state until M ".day,
' when 1 Shot son appeared at the otfice of the
Overseer of the Poor, and requested a permit
to allow his wife to go to the Alms House.— !
This request Mr. Herbert tefused, as Ibbotson
was respectably -dressed, and gave no reason
why she should become a county charge. That j
: afternoon lie procured a carriage, and taking j
his wife into it, carried h-*r to the Alms House,
j and representing that tin* lady was very sick,
and asserting that Mr. Herbert bad a permit
made out which he would go and get, obtained
her admission. He left but did not return.—
.Mrs. Ibbotson, when received .it the Alms
House was unable to speak, being stupid as if
from the effects of drugs. She lingered until •
veslerdav morning when she died. Her son,
a lad oi 17, called at the Aims house a Tew mo
ments before she died, .but departed very sud
denly, and it is known left for Boston in the af
ternoon train. Almost immediately after h<*r
death, Mrs. I. commenced turning black and
swelled to an enormous size.
The circuit stances attending her death and j
those attending her case subsequent, with the .
. vijui'dor conduct oHhhotsoil.
ol Police Officer Hale, he determined to arrest !
Ibbotson, which he accomplished last evening,
having apprehended him at his hotel, when he
returned to tea.
ibbotson was conveyed before Justice Par- j
sons and interrogated at some length. 11" gave
a very confused—and contradictory statement,
i and among other things said that he was asil
! ver-smith ; that h** was wi:lt his wife at Provi- j
dence, R. 1., at the time an extensive robbery \
was perpetuated up< ti a jewelry store in the 1
I day time, in May last ; that his wife saw two
men there whom she knew to he the parties
! who committed the robbery : that soon after
they went to New Y >rk, and from there came
to this city '• ami the two robbers also came up
on the same boat, and were now* in this city, j
one of them being at a hotel where he stopped, j
and the other dving from consumption some
where ill the City, but where lie coul.l not t- 11,
and that he (Il>hptson) beli ved that they had
drugged his wife, osc.
; The charge of drugging he stoutly assert fo
be bis belief, and states, as th< ir motive, that
they desired to get her out of the wnv, as two
of the Providence police were or ha I been, in
the city in pursuit of them.
There is not the least shadow of doubt hut
that there is deep, black villainy at tin* bottom j
of this transaction, am! at whose door it lies is
vet verv uncertain.
A fi>ul, sickly atmosphere pervaded the room
j he had occupied at the hotel, which was in- j
! creased by the opening of'a large tin box, con- •
taming a quantity of watch-repairers tools, some
letters and papers, and a tumbler w inch had
contained some nauseous drug. Among the pa- I
pers was a marriage certificate of John \V int
ham, of Hepstonstall, England, by G. R g**rs,
! curate. Also, a letter purporting to have come
from his son and daughter, Joseph and Phillips
| Gros. Ifo-lou, directed to turn in New York.— !
j The remainder of the letters were of a business j
character in regard to employment, except two :
petitions for relief.—slating that he was in indig-
I ent circumstances —ttiat his wife had died of a
i disease of the heart, and that was unable tc bury |
I her.
A coroner's jurv was summoned this morning,
and a post mortem < xamination was instituted,
the result of Which has not been made public. i
About five miles from Paris, on the Win- j
i chester road, lived two brothers, (mechanics,)
Henry and Rudolph Stolsenburg, who have a
negro woman hired to cook and keep house tor
j them.
Shortly after eating dinner on Monday, tiie '■
(ith inst., the two men and woman weie seized j
with vioient sickness, vomiting, purging, and
1 intense abdominal pains. A suspicion of poison
arose in tiie minds of the men, and one of them, j
with much dilfjculty, staggered to the door and
called to Messrs. John and Henry Clay, who |
were going home from town, to send for a phy
sician. A messenger was immediately des
patched (about 4 P. M.) for Di. Ray, of Paris, i
who arrived at the place about six P. M.
Before the arrival of Dr. R., the Messrs. Clay 1
had investigated the matter, and found that they ;
were poisoned by cooking their dinner in a cop- j
per-bottomed stew kettle, in which the rem- |
mints of their breakhst had stood till dinner. j
I' I pon examiantion, Dr. Ray found a coating l
| of acetate of copper (verdigris) covering a great !
1 part of the bottom of the stew-kettle, and he is
confident that this was the cause of the melan
choly event.
Rudolph died the next morning, after great
suffering. Henry and the woman are in a fair
way of recovery.
Dr. Ray very properly adds that this should
be a warning to all house keepers, who slionid
forthwith dispense with all copper vessels ill j
preparing their food : not one should be used 1
for any purpose except, perhaps, heating wa
AH the salts of copper are very poisonous,
and particularly tin* acetate (verdigris;) and this
salt is easily and very quickly formed in cop- .
per vessels in which greasy or salt food has
been cooked. . .
It rriav be stated that the health of a whole j
family may he greatly impaired hv the use of
copper vessels in the preparation ol their daily
food, even though they may not take enough
each day to poison them outright—tTiev never=.
: thejess suffer what is called a "slow poison. 4 ' —
| Paris (Ay.) Citizen.
Indian Batik* at Ash Hollow,
j A Thrilling Narrative, by one v:ho saw it,
A Syracuse paper prints the following letter,
j from an officer under General Harney, giving
an authentic account of the great battle with
the Sixous, Indians, in the "far VMsat" Territo
ties, in September, an imperfect retort of which
has been heretofore published :
190 miles west of Kearny, Sejrt. ti. t
We arrived lor the second tine* al Ash Hol
low, on the lid of September, arid found by signs
that the Sioux were lioHar off We self! out
■ spies that night and found that from TOO to 400
warriors were on Blue Water, five miles nor(h
of Hollow. Accordingly, we started at twofcP
clock on the morning oi-the 3d, with ft nil? com
panies of mounted men, and conTpanii*? A- H. I
and iv, of the (ith infantry, on foot .mv e ar
rived near camp just at daylight, wasin
a valley between the hills, and the Bine Water
running through the centre, the mast lovely ,
place I ever saw. Tiie infantry were placed j
in their front, and we in their rear. They '
were ready fur us, having espied onr movements J
in the night, by their watches. Tlu-y camej
out. and their Chief talked sometime to Gefler-j
al Harney. But" it was no tise—General Ha
nevsaiu that he catne there to whip them, Mfd
* hat #iey must fight. All this Urn-* the voimg
I warriors wer< datqng lis on; shaiyi.'ig their
- -r>-in n- ' iju u.W i 01l
charge sounded loud and shrill, and at them we
went, hammer and tongs. They were nearlv
all naked, and fought like devils.
InalKiut ten minutes we started them, and
with a hellish y*l! (bay staited, belter skelter.
Tin* footmen with their minu* rifles, brought
them down fast, and the dragoons and mounted
artillery all joined in the charge, and kept it up
i:i a noble and gallant style. The commence
j ment, charge, and from tiie first tiie to the last,
was over four hours, and not a tree nor a bush
in the way. After (fie battle we counted over
ninety dead warriors, besides the dead they car
ried oil", it is estimated ti at a hundred and six
tv at b-as't were killed, ari l some savover two
hundred were slain. We lost but five killed,
| vis : Fitzpatrick and Carrol, Co. (J. 4th artil
lery, Capt. Rink, and privates Lvall and Mc-
Donald, of Co. K, 2d dragoons. Also 12 woun
deil in the dragoons. 1 don't know how main'
jof the infantry were wounded. Sergeant H< a
j lev, of Co. 0, is wounded in three places.—
Seigeant Kitlass'horse was sliot not three steps
fruai.:r.e; in stioit, it was a hot and desperate
fight. We t" -k over 3,005 pounds of dried buf
j falo meat, IS lodges, 40 ponies and mules, 3S
squaws, and a ;alt of children. V< e are here
now near the battle ground, and have so much
plunder, taken f rom the Indians, that we can't
move vet. \\'e go to Fori Laramie, and ex
pect another fight soon ; God prevent it, f>r
there is no fun in it—hut if it must come, let it.
We also lost several horsis, killed and woun
ded. The dragoons numbered ISO, and infant
ry 170, in all 350 men, to over 400 warriors,
all well armed with rifles and bows.
We are nearly naked for clothes, shoes, See.
1 don't know when we shall come home: 1
think about the middle of October. It is a very
j hard tramp. I have suffered some, and the du
j !y of the men is very hard.
A Dreadful trintc*
When a crime ofuniversal horror, arid which
lias hitherto been a matter of rare occtirrenc**,
appears to have become a regular and a fre
quent thing, it is high time that it attracted
separate legislation and pecular punishment. —
; Of such a character is the taking occasion to
plunder the sufferers on the occasion of some
| terrible calamity, such as a railroad or steam
i boat disaster. And this enormity has, of late,
I become a settled thing—a matter requiring the
; most vigilant investigation and the severest col
lection. At the time oftlie Camden and Am*
I buy disaster, we noted it) several cotempornry
papers accounts of the plunder of the dead and
j dying—we have more than once known it to he
the case in bsser accidents—and we now learn
from the St. Louis Republican that at the time
of the late accident at the Gasconade bridge,
numbers of wretches were on hand who, in
j place of aiding the wounded, began at once to
! strip them of their watches and other proper
j ty. The Republican marvels whence those
; vultures came in such numbers, remarking tha.
a terrible storm of thunder and rain was rag
! ing at the time, "but there they were, ready to
rob the dead and to pick whatever valuables
'could he found, in the general confusion which
; followed for hours afterwards."
* Did tin case admit the supposition, we should
suppose that the wretches in question had pur
-1 posely caused the accident for the sake of plun-
Ider. II so, it was most ingeniously done, for as
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
Ihe bridge was new, the disaster would of
fiursi* be attributed to its incompleteness.—
ihe question is, however, of the frequency of
tins most unnatural, fiendish and wolfish crime
f! plundering the dead on such an occasion, and
the necessity of establishing some punishment 1
|y I aw, in the different States for an offence j
fvhich, from if? horror, seems to demand a pun- I
feljinent equal in severity to any now within
q tiie* scope of retributive justice.
It is not merely because the crime thrills by j
its terrific hard-heartedness Brat WP would ad- j
vocate I>r it separate legislation. VYe believe
fhint a desire to plunder the sufferer is at the
bottom ol many railroad accidents and the cause
>of many deaths. Every week—we might al
most say every day—we find among our ex
changes the account of some "fiendish attempt"
!fo cause a calamity bv pdacing logs or. railroad
tracks, or by taking up rails. Why more ca
lamities do not occur, or how it is that so many
are defected, in time to prevent them is a marvel
and a mystery,
i As civilization progresses, vice advances also,
and new forms of wickedness and new phases
.of depraved humanity advance with it. Unfor
tunately justice, though she has iron hands, has
also leaden feet, and her delay is invariably a
cause of suffering. But we sincerely trust that
this repetition of such soulless, fearful depravi
ty, on such occasions as these accidents, will J
excite more attention than it has hitherto done, )
and that the result may be some adequate pun- j
is!)ment. Of all the revolting pictures in fic
tion we can recall nothing more terribb* than !
tjhe description in Bulwer's Last of the Barons;
fft he crnny followers who plundered the dead •
|| —but in no work of fict ion can we remember to j
have seen any account which, reduced to proh- ;
ability, ever equalled in atrocity this, nf prowl
ing among the wounded and dying in their last :
agonies, for the sike of paltry, petty theft.— !
Philadelphia Bulletin.
... x
' Attempt to Rtiii: ssi tnprotectrd Female, j
ft A f.'iv weeks since, a girl named Ida Schi
tyiger, airived from Hamburg at the port oi j
Yarmouth, Me., en route for this city in search j
pi some relations bv the nam** of Jacobs,
whom she supposed were living here. The
captain of the vessel that brought her to this
gpbimtry, some days alter tier arriival at Yar- I
.month, placed h* r in charge of a railroad con- j
Hluctor named Eaton, and about ten days since
k4i£ arrived in this city, and he took her to the |
'Rational Hotel, and on the same slight led hei
pip a house ol^'ill-fame in Greenwich street, a id
k the re attempted in her seduction, hut failed in
jbisFpurpose ; and alter conducting her back to
J*he hotel, introduced her to a runner connected
one of the California ~laMte;iup Time*,and \
thm abandoned her. The runner conveyed |
her to his apartment in Greenwich street, and j
there repeatedly attempted to effect her ruin,
but he also failed to accomplish his purpose.—
During this time no efforts had been made by ,
either of the scoundrels to ascertain the where- j
about s of Imr relatives, and yesterday she called j
upon Mr. Jacobs, of No. 407 Broadway, in hopes i
that lie was tiie long-sought individual, but this j
proved not to be the case. Mr. Jacobs, how- j
ever, interested himself in her behalf, and with ;
the aid of Policeman Martin soon ascertained i
that the relative in question is master ola mer- I
chant vessel and at sea. Arrangements were J
then made to send her back to Yarmouth, there j
to i emu in until the arrival of the relative, and j
she started yesterday afternoon, under the pro- j
tection of a gentleman.—. V. 1. Tribune
mUrged .Murder in Baltimore Co.—Jlrrcst oj
the .demised.
During a late hour on Tuesday night, Lien-j
tenant \V right, of the middle district watch, '
brought to that station a man named John T. j
Pattison, upon the charge oftlie felonious and j
wilful shouting and murdering of John Grassiin, I
on tiie afternoon "t the same day, on the Bell
Air road, about three miles Itom the city. Jus
tice Lawder was called to the case, and receiv
ed the testimony of Rasper Kroruiinberger, a
man who testified that a few minutes previous)
to tin* affair, tie and the deceased were quietly !
walking along the road, when they were sud
denly accosted bv the accused, who, without
the slightest provocation, took h;s gun and de- j
iiberatelv fired, the ball striking the deceased,!
and as he supposed, killing him instantly. He
further stated that Pattison again snapped the '
gun at witness, but it failed to dischaige. VVit-|
tiess then ran and gave the alarm to several)
persons in the neighborhood, who proceeded to j
the spot where the firing took place, and dis
covered the lifeless body of the deceased.
A party was then organized for the purpose)
of arresting the accused, which proved success-'
till, alter a vigilent search of more than three j
hours. The body ol the deceased was ie:::oved j
to a dwelling in the vicintty, and preparations j
made to give the remains a respect!til burial.— i
Justice Lawder upon hearing the evidence, j
which was not verv definite on account ot the j
want of an inteipreter, promptly committed t
Pattison tojail to answer the above charge at j
Court. I)r. Stevens, coroner, yesterday morn-j
ing went out to the place for the purpose of
holding an inquest over the body. A post-mor
tem examination was held, when it was discov
ered the load of the gun had passed in tiie right
side, between the upper portion ol the liver and
the lower portion ot the lung, lacerating the
parts, and carrying awav the arteries of the
heart and lacerating that organ. Ihe jury ren- ,
dered a verdict of death from the discharge of j
a gun in the hands of a person whose name was
not known at the time, supposed to be John I. i
Pattison. The accused is well known. His
residence is in Mott street, and he is a plasterer !
by trade.
: - ------ )
SENTENCED TO DEATH. —Private William J. i
Dunn, of company G, mounted rifleman ot the
I . S. army, was recently tried by court-martial
at Fort Mcintosh, Texas, and sentenced to be j
luing tor mutiny and. the murder oi Sergeant ;
John Williams, oftlie same regiment and com
pany, by shooting iiim with a revolver, atj*Lim
pa Greek, El Passo road, Texas, on or about the
30th of June last. The sentence will be exe
cuted on the fourth Friday next succeeding the
reception of the President's confirmation of it at
Fort Mcintosh.
SHOCKING JVILHUEU.—A letter from Mount
Pleasant, Tennessee, to the Jackson Whig, gives
an account of an awful tragedy near Mount
Pleasant on the 19th ult. On the morning of
that day, Denson R. Moore, a planter and while
intoxicated, took a revolver and went into the
yard, where, seeing his daughter, he deliberate
ly fired at her, but missed In r. His son, a
young man, seeing the act started to prevent
another shot at his sister, when Moore turned
and fired at the vouug man, killing him instant
ly. Ihe wretched man then went into an ad
joining inch sure, and concealing himself in the
grass, inflicted a deep cut ori each arm, severing
Ihe arteries, with a view o( taking his own life.
The blood was stopped however, and the mur
derer was saved, probably, for a more terrible
fate. There was no cause assigned for the hor
rible deed other than the maddening affects of
A few years ago there was in the city of Bos
ton a portrait painter w hose name was Mr. Cop
ley. He did not succeed very well in his busi
ness, and concluded to go to England and try
his fortune there. lie had a little son, whom
he took with him, and whose name was John
Singleton Copley.
John w as a very studious boy, and made such
rapid progress in his studies that his father sent
hiin to college. There he applied himself so
closely to his books, and became so distinguish
ed a schollar that his instructors predicted that
lit* would make a very eminent "man.
Alter he graduated, he studied law. And
when he entered upon the practice of Lis pro
fession, his mind was richly stored with infor
mation, and so highly disciplined by his previ
ous diligence that he almost immediately ob
tained celebrity. One or two cases of very
great importance being entrusted to him, he
managed them with so much wisdom arid skill
as to atti.ict the admiration of the whole British
The King and his cabinet seeing what a learn
ed man he was, and the influence he had acquir
ed, felt it important to secure his services for
government. They raised him from one post
oi honor to another, till be was created Loid
High Giiancelior to England—the very highest
post of Honor to which a sub ject" can att ai n : so
that John Smtrieton Copley is now Lord Lvnd
hurst, Lord High Chancellor of England. About
60 years ago he was a poor portrait painter,
hardiy able to get his bread.
Now John is at the head of the nobility in
England : ori" of the most distinguished men in
talent and power in the House ol Lords, and re
garded with reverence and respect by the whole
civilized world. This is the reward of indus
try. The studious boy became tile useful and
respected man.
Had John S. Copley spent his school-toy
days in idleness he probably would have pas
sed his manhood in poverty and shame. But
IIP studied in school when other boys were
idle : he studied in college when other young
men were wasting their time; he ever adopted
as his motto: "VETRA PERCERE," (press on
ward,) and how rich has been his reward 1
Vou, my young friends, are now laying the
foundation for your future life.
Yon are every day at school deciding the
question whether you will he useful and re
spected in life, or whether vour manhood snail
lie passed in mourning over the follies ol your
mispent boyhood.
The jj;g Without a BolJora.
On the bridge that crosses the Grand Rapids
we met a hale old man and his wile, with elev
en sons, seven daughters, and thirtv-seven
grand-children, with numerous horses, calves,
sheep, and furniture of antiquated appearance :
among which were to be seen cradles for babies,
cradies for grain, spinning wheels, pots and
kettles, and almost everything requisite for a
settlement such as fifty blood relations will
make in Grand River country. After the train
stopped, we made some inquiries, and asked the
old gentleman what use could be made of a bot
tomless jug, which was carefully stowed away
among his domestic equipments, and received
the following reply:
"Why, sir, I am a man of many years, and
have worked other people's land all my da_\ s,
and paid from four to nine bushels of wheat per
acre for doing it—and have all the time used a
jog with a bottom in it, by which all my profits
have been wasted, and 1 was sick" oUleeditig
both landlord and rumseller—so 1 sent seven
ot my hoys to Mexico to fight for their country.
They all got back safe, and bought seven sec
tions of land ; that will be mine without rent.
Arid now you see that this shall hold all the
whiskey and rum that will be used in my whole
family while I have control of them. Old Gen
era! Taylor told my son John that a jug with
out a bottom was the best kind ot a jug to put
liquor in, and I believe it."
GOOD. —A man who is very rich now, was
very poor when a boy. When asked how he
got his riches, he replied : "My father taught
me never to plav till my work was finished, and
never to spend my money till I had earned it.
If I had but an hour's work a day, I must no
that the very first thing, in an hour. After it
was done I was allowed to plav with much
more pleasure than if the thought ot an unfin
ished task obtruded upon my mind. I early
formed the habit of doing everything in turn,
and it soon became perfectly easy to do so. It
is to this I owe my prosperity." Let evcrv bey
who reads this go and do likewise.
A Good Wife!
The good wife ! How much of this world's
happiness and prosperity, says Mr. Bumap, is
contained in the compass of these two short
w irds ? Her influence is immense. The pow
er of a wife, tor good or tor evil, is altogether
irresistible. Home must be the seat of happi
ness, or it must he forever unknown. A good
wile is to man wisdom, and courage, and
strength, and hope and endurance a bad one is
confusion, weakness, discomfiture, despair. No
condition is hopeless when the wite possesses
firmness, decision, energy, economy. There is
no outward prosperity which can counteract in
dol-nee, folly, and extravagance at home. No
spirit can long exist bad domestic influences.—
Man is strong, but his heart is not adamant.—
He delights in enterprise and action, but to sus
tain him he needs a tranquil mind and a whole
heart, fie expands it is moral force in the con
flicts of the world. His feelings are easily lac
erated to the utmost point of endurance bv per
petual collision, irritation and disappointment.
To recover his equanimity and composure,
home must be to trim a place of repose, of cheer
fulness, of comfort ; arid his soul renews his
strength, and again goes forth with fresh vigor
to encounter the labor and troubles of the
world. But if at home he finds no rest, and is
there met by a bad temper, sullenness or gloom,
or is assailed by discontent, complaint, and re
proaches, tlie heart breaks, the spirits are crush
ed, hope vanishes, and the man sinks in total
despair! Let woman know, then, the minis
ters at the very foimtaim of life and happiness.
It is her hand that deals out, with overflow-in"
cup, its soul-refreshing water*, or casts in the
branch of bitterness, which make* them jioison
and death. Iler ardent spirit breathes the breath
of life into all enterprise. Ker patience and
constancy are mainly instrumental in carrying
f Tward to completion the best human designs.
Her more delicate moral sensibility is the un
seen power which is ever at work to purify and
refine society. And the nearest glimpse of
Heaven that mortals ever get on earth is that
domestic circle which her hands have trained to
intelligence, virtue, and love, which h-r gen
tle influence pervades, and of which her radi
ent presence is the centre and the sun.
The Saints in the Wilderness.
According to t'ae last advices from Utah, the
Salt Lake Saints were experiencing the effects
of a financial crisis. Some of the brethren sent
out to expediate the emigration had run gov
ernor Brigiiam into debt about fifty thousand
dollars, which shows that Utah is in prettv
ood credit Tim hnhlera. .of the drafts rall-d .
on the finder, hunted him up for the cash "be
fore," as he expressed it, "they could find time
to save their beards," which troubled hun so
much that he went incontinently and preached
a sermon on (he suiect, being, "from'this time
forth do not tret thy gizzard." In this curious
address he declared that he will pay Ahem when
he can and not before. The said, had
got the money, they must have confidence and
wait. Brigham does not appear to have any
desire to repudiate, for he offered, at the con
clusion of his address, to sell sixty thousand dol
lars worth of property to pay off these claims,
at the same time lie gave r any a hard hit to the
brethren who still owed the church. He wan
ted these persons to apostatise, for thev were
sure, he said to take advantage of their breth
ren and leave in the end.
HEAVY RonnEßir.s.—On Tuesday a man who
had been tor several years in California, arrived
in this city and put up at the Irving House.—.
He Lad with him $4,000 in gold which he left
in his trunk instead of depositing in the safe of
the hotel. His room was entered by means of
a false key the same evening, and every dollar
carried off'by some unknown thief. The po
lice were immediately notified, and are now en
deavoring to find the offender, hut their success
is doubtful.
On the same evening an aged gentleman was
passing through West street, in the vieinity of
Washington Market, when his breast pocket
was cut out and $-2,100 in bank bills, aiura cer
tified clock for SBOO carried off. So dexter
ously was the operation performed, that lie was
unaware of it until informed by another person.
The money stolen was nearly all lie possessed,
and he was so affected by tile loss that he fain
led in the street, arid remained senseless until a
physician was called and restored him. His
residence is in the interior of the State.—„V. V.
At 7 o'clock last evening, as an engine was
hacking up towards the depot across the bridge,
Mr. James Parsons—brother cf ex-Alderman
Thomas Parsons—who superintends the saw
mill at the east end of the bridge, was struck
down by the locomotive, and dragged or rolled
the whole length of the bridge, mangled dread
fully, and his head so mutilated that it*was im
possible to identify the body by the features, ft
was dark, aud the accidbnt was not discovered
until the engine had passed into the depot,
leaving the body by the side of the track. Sev
eral pun-sons who came up to Slit- spot immedi
ately recognized the remains as those of Mr.
Parsons. Search was made, when it was as
certained that he had probably just stepped out
of his office, at the northeast corner of the
bridge, and was immediately caught by the
backing engine, thrown upon the track, ami
carried along by the wheels. His hat was
found near his office, and his cane some 30 feet
from it. The blow must have killed him,
as the brain was scattered m ar tbe spot where
he must have received the shock. A lady who
was crossing the bridge at the time, stated that
she saw the man rolling under the car wheels.
The body was picked tip near the switch house,
just hevojid the eastern entrance to the depot.