The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, November 16, 1855, Image 1

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Select Poetry.
,\ horserran thrnnih the mount air puss
Procfpds in silnnf "loom;
".And ha-tp I to my love's embrace.
Or to the dusky tomb t"
The mountain voice replies—
"Thedusky tomb."
.And onward still the horseman rides
With gloomy thoughts.
".And 'hall ! reach the srave so soon ?
—in theorave i= rest."
The voice again replies—
The grave is rest."
The fears fall from the horseman's eyes,
Arid on his pale cheek re<t :
"Since onlv death can comfort me,
for me the crave is best."
The hollow voice replie
"The grave i? best."
Bcdlei't!, Yov. 16, I M.l.s.
G. W, Bowman, Editor and Proprietor-
Gov. Pollock has appointed Thursday, Nov. 1
- 22 d, "as a day of general thanksgiving and
praise throughout this State." \ei v proper—
we hope to see the clay observed by all c!ases of
our citizens, f.r certainly the people of Penn
sylvania have been highly favored during the |
past year. To set apart one dav of the year for
thanksgiving and praise, is eminently proper,
anJ should receive the sanction of ail. But we
need not speak of the propriety of obsei ving the |
day named by the Governor, tor our people, we
feel satisfied, will cheerlully retrain from alii
secular employments, and, forgetting the things,
ufthis ivoi id, join in offering thanks to the
Suiueme Being tor His goodness to us as a peo
Dut, let us examine this Proclamation of Gov.
Pollock, and compare its language with the acts
of its author. The Governor says in one sen-;
tence of his Proclamation —"ille Deity) has
blessed our country with peace. Ihe Gnionoii
the States—our free institutions —our civil and
religious privileges—and right oj conscience,
m\ freedom of worship, have been continued ;
and preserved." Gh, what consummate hypoc- j
nsv ! i oir to talk ol the blessings ol "civil and <
religious privileges —right ol conscience, and
freedom of worship 1" You, the ackuowledg- ;
id leader of bigoted and intolerant Know-Nuth- ;
ingism, to proclaim to tile people ol Pennsyl- j
vatha that they enjoy "civiland religious privi
leges," and that therrfuic they should ofler j
'•thanks to Almighty God lor His goodness and ■
mercy." Title indeed, we do enjoy "civil and
religious privileges," and certain it is we should
all thank God for this great privilege. But no
thanks to you, Gov. Pollock ; no thanks to the
oath-bound Know-Nothing taction, of which
you are a conspicuous member. Had not the
people ol this Slate turned out in their strength
at the late election, and marched to the polls in
solid phalanx, presenting the appearance of "an
army with banners," and placed the seal ol con
demnation upon your foul party, where, we
Ask, would be our boasted "civil and religious
privileges?"—echo answers where? Had in
fidi-! Know Nothingism again triumphed in our
glorious old State, "civil and religious privi
leges" would have been "crushed out" before a
twelve-month. We enjoy these privileges a
gawst the wishes and efforts of Gov. Pollock and
his sworn associates. They have labored by day
and by night, have locked themselves up in
'•ark rooms, and taken unlawful, wicked and
unconstitutional oaths, and for the purpose ol
depriving men ot the privilege of worshiping
God according to the dictates of their conscience,
t y have attempted to rob tlt-m ol the inesti
mable boon of "civil and religious liberty." File
Know-Nothing party, with Gov. Pollock as its
h mi in Pennsylvania, recognizing that Five
Points b'hoy and jail bird, Ned Bcntline of
New \ork, as its father, has yielded up every
thing like principle and its leaders have associa
ted m dens ol infamy, with the vilest ol the vile,
to 'Accomplish the objects nearest their hearts,
viz:—the obtaining of official patronage, and de
priving men of their constitutional rights. Hav
ing laded in their wicked attempts to abrogate
'he Constitution and reduce men to serls, the
Know Nothings now, through their imbecile
Governor, desire the people to return thanks to
our common Father, because IB* continues to be
stow upon us. as a people, the blessings of "civil
and religi OUj privilege*-." or, his Excellency
have said: because prosciptive Know
Nothingism has been defeated, and "civi
and religious privileges" continued bv the bles
sings of God, is willing that right should tri-
umph over wrong.
It is the sheerest hypocrisy and effrontery.
therefore, for Gov. Pollock to attempt to make
; believe that he is an advocate of "civil! and
; religious privileges." The bloodstained street
! and smouldering ruins of dwellings in several ol
our large cities, are some of the fruits of Know
Nothing intolerance and wickedness. Governor
: Pollock and his sworn associates in crime, in
I attempting to coersce men into a conformity
| with their detestable dogmas, have done more
i to spread Infidelity, and put at defiance the
i teachings of Holy Writ, than they can ever ex
pect to atone for. We do enjoy "civil and re
ligions privileges," ami we hope we ever may,
hut, if we would transmit this blessing to our
children and our children's children, we must
repudiate such demagogues as Gov. Pollock and
his night associates. We must frown down all
attempts are made, come from what quar
i ter th'-v may, whether from chamber or a Five
Points club-room of New York, to deprive us of
the enjoyment of Civil and Reliuious Privi
leges.—Cur lisle Volunteer.
f * '
The Dilhcuitics of Sam's To!lowers-
It is very amusing to read the Kimw-Noth
mg papers since the decease ol "Sura." Va
j irms are the suggestions made as to the best
plans to be adopted to galvanize their departed
idol into lile, m the vain hope that he may yet
I be able to accomplish the overthrow of the great
j Democratic party. Many ol the more candid
papers ol this miserable and condemned faction
| despair—and well they may—of accomplishing
this object, and frankly acknowledge that the
Democratic candidate for President will have
the inside liack in 18b(i. Others again are
anxious to keep up a show ol opposition, and
express a willingness to adopt any creed and
make any bargain, that will enable them to
carry out their wicked schemes. There is a
! wide discrepency, however, in the suggestions
of Know-Nothing doctors as to the best mode
of treatment to be adopted to infuse lile into
tbe putrid carcass of "NV/z-j." Here, in the
i Nortn, a large majority of them advocate a
fusicni-w itir the Republicans, alius Abolitionists,
and express a desire to recognize the principles
j advocated by these misguided fanatics, and a
; dopt them as part of the Know-Nothing creed.
in* cue WUinrt n -
very different treatment, lor there his tilends,
without an exception, declare that the most
: certain plan to bring him on his feet again is
to cut loose from Aooiit ion influence, eschew
everything like Abolition principles, and take
; open ground "in favor of tae Constitution and
the principles of the Nebraska-ivausas bill !"
in the New England Slates again, Sam's disci
ples think that ttieonly way to resuscitate their
deceased champion, is to discard the foreign
test and retain the Catholic. But in Lousiana
the Know-Nothings have suggested their mode
for bringing him to lite, whicn is to discard the
i Catholic and retain the foreign lest, and to show
' thai thev are in earnest in making this recom
i memlation, they have nominated a leading Calh
i ulic as tin ir candidate tor Governor. liun
! dreds ol other minor suggestions have been
1 made bv the Know-Nothmg doctors who have
■ undertaken the herculian task ot breathing hie
• into tiie nostrils of that incorrigible old sinner,
'•Sani.' , Some ot them bellow out at the top
j of theii voices, "unbar the doors, and give the
| gasping monster air;" Gut this recommenda
tion is met by a scow! and emphatic "no!" on
the part of those who love darkness rattier than
iij-ht j and who are ashamed to acknowledge
themselves advocates ot lvouur-Nothing here
Such is the position at present occupied by
the Know-Notiiings, North and south. Cue
thing is observable, and only one, and that is,
that the kiiow-Nuthnig leaders are hopelessly
corrupt, and utterly devoid ot all principle. —
They are willing—and most ot them have ac
knowledged it—to rtsoit to any means, and
adopt any* or all creeds, ttiat wilt enable them
to gain place and power. Gtterly unprinci
pled, Selfish and dishonest, • they are ready to
stoop to foreigners where foreigners are strong
in numbers, and persecute and even murder
them and their children, where they are weak.
Tiiev court the Catholics were tins religious
sect "has a controling influence, rod persecute
them where they are weak and helpless. In
the Northern States they preach up Abolition
j treason—Hi tiie South thry pretend to be the
I peculiar guardians ol slavery ami tiie Nebraska
i Bill. They are all things to all men—"every
! tomg by turns and nothing long.'
; I And why ar-' tliey so debased?—why do
; tln v in every locality preach up a dinerent
' j doctrine? Merely to enaole them to Cheat the
I people, so that they (leading Know-Nothings)
may batten off the spoils ot office. They are
' gamblers' in politics —are even ready to dese
' crate the holy cause o! religion, and put ai de
j fiance the teachings ot the Saviour, il by so do
ing they can accomplish their nelaiious de
signs. The "victories of Sum'" in all the large
" cities, have been preceeded by rapine, muider.
s and desolation, and the biood ot innocent men.
, women and children cry aloud from the ground
for vengeance! Infidelity, debauchery and
crime are the twin-sisters of Kuow-Niothing
ism, and a Ned Bc.niline directs the a*saull
? when the had passions ot Lad men prompt then
? to do the work of the devil. Is it to be won
? dered that the eeople —who, notwithstanding
, thev may be deceived for a short time, are nev
! eitheless always honest—have become alarmec
~ | at the atrocities of Know-Nlothingism, and an
K rt?at |y ant j willing to tramp the monster in the
f I dust whenever and wherever he dares to show
c I his hydra head '. Carlisle Volunteer.
j_ From the St. Louis Democrat, Ao. 1.
Last evening, about 8 o'clock, we received
, the terrible information, through Mr. David H.
J Bishop and VV illiam Rumbold, citizens of this
place, that the excursion train of twelve or
" fourteen cars, that departed fiom St. Louis yes
s terday morning, at 9 o'clock, to attend the rail
,f road celebration at Jefferson Citv, met with
v an accident at the bridge of the Gasconade riv
er, the details of which are not yet attainable,
but which, w hen fully known, will, we fear,
11 be of the most awful and heart-rending char
\f acter. The information we have derived from
these gentlemen is as follows:
,i They were passengers coming down the Mis
souri river, on the steamer Ben Bolt, and lan
ded at Hermann for the purpose of taking the
- downward 2 o'clock tiain for this city. Just
, before the boat landed, a! the hour of I o'clock,
r the excursion train passed up by Hermann,
t and the passengers both of boat and cars ex
changed greetings.
Shortly after the landing of ?h" Ben Bolt,
' and just as the downward train was about star
- ting, a locomotive that had accompanied and
t - was pushing at the rear of the excursion train,
I arrived at Hermann from above, bearing the
terriide news that as the excursion cars were
passing over the railroad bridge recently erect
ed at the mouth of the Gasconade river, at a
distance of about eight miles from Hermann,
the bridge gave way, and precipitated the front
. locomotive and ten of the passenger cars of the
. train down into the river.
t The height of the bridge above the wafer
I was about thirty feet, and the depth of the wa
► ter beneath stated to be twenty feet. The loco
motive which brought the news to Hermann,
I together with one of the passenger cars, be
i came disengaged from the train as the accident
■ took place, and were thus saved. About one
. hundred arid fifty of the passengers, it is stated,
. got out ot the cars before passing the bridge, in
, order to inspect the structure and abserve the
trial of the heavy train upon tile limbers.—
These, if they were not standing on the bridge
, at the time, may~fiave escaped injury.
The locomotive and tender of the downward
train from Hermann, was immediately disen
gaged, and the passenger cars attached to the
engine which had just come from the scene of
the disaster. The latter went immediately back
to the bridge, while the former, on which were
Messrs. Bishop and Rumbold, proceeded with
ail haste to this city.
The excursion train had on board at least six
hundred Tiersons. VV host so n>y yii„uu tutu iul v
contemplate the consequences.
Amongst he excursionists were many of the
leading merchants and railroad men of the city
—judges of our courts and members of all the
professions—besides two companies of our mili
tary, the National Guards and the St. Louis
Grays. Indeed, we may say the very flower of
our citizens were on hoard the train.
At the time of writing this we have no con
firmatoiv news. Large numbers of our citi-
Z'-ns are holding consultation at the Planters'
House, and taking steps for the procuring of
more reliable news and preparing to receive
the killed and wounded that may come in on
the next train.
We conclude for the present under the most
painful anxieties for further particulars, and
hoping that late advices may rid us of the thou
sand apprehensions and terrible uncertainties
that now surround the case.
J'IGIH The St. Louis Intelligencer, Nov. 2.
Messrs. Rumbold ar.d Bishop, well known
citizens of St. Louis, came to our office last
evening with the melancholy intelligence of a
terrible disaster which happened on the Pacific
Railroad yesterday, between 1 and 2 o'clock
p. m . to tlm excuisionists to Jeflerson city.—
We have no language at command to express
our feelings. Never did we receive or have
occasion at record more shocking intelligence.
The gentlemen who bring the sad tidings
were on their way to the city as passengers on
the Ben Bolt and saw the tiain of cars pass up
with the company on boaid and exchanged sal
utation. The boat soon came to a landing, and
the train proceeded on to the Gasconade river,
about ei-_'ht miles distant. Before the boat was
ready to leave a locomotive which had follow
ed train for the purpose of rendering assistance
i in case ol accident, or of seeing that all was
right along the road came Lack l:om the river
with the word that the bridge over the Gas
conade, standing thirty-five feet above the wa
ter, had broken down while the train was cross
ing and that ten or eleven cars with theii occu
pants had been precipitated into twenty feet
water. The consternation of the men with the
locomotive was so great that they could only
- announce the fact, adding that they thought
that at least one hundred and fifty had got out
of the cars to walk over the bridge. I here
t were probably 500 persons in the company.
Two of our military companies were along, the
Grays and the National Guards—as were also
J many members ol tlite Press and private citi
z< ns.
The Locomotive came down to the train
„ bound lor St. Louis, which was immediately
taken by the Superintendent and his men Lack
e to the "scene of suffering, and may have been
• the means of saving many lives,
i, Messrs. Rumbold and Bishop at once prevail
d ed upon the ticket agent and engineer at Her
d matin, to come immediately to the city, with
- the news, which was consented to and a loco-
It motive and baggage car were despatched on
n which our informants took passage, to bear the
i- mournful tidings to the friends who had with
g joyous hearts bnt just before bid fathers, broth
- ers, husbands and associates God speed and re
d grelting that they themselves w ere not of the
e party.
e Tfie gentlemen deserve much credit for the
' promptness with which they acted in getting to
the city with the heart rending news. They
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
also stale that the Ben Boit would lay at Mil
ler's Landing until something more was heard
from the scene, and hold herself in readiness
to take on the wounded, and bring them to the
city. The Polar Star was also expected along
every moment, and would, of course, stop at
Hermann, where il would be in her power to
render assistance, which we hope would be the
As we are writing, we hear that an express
1 train has gone up the road, and we deter any
further statements ami comments until its re
-1 turn,or intelligence is received by some other
1 channel.
From the St. Louis Republican Nov. 2.
The train consisting of lourteeii cars, left the
depot on Seventh street, at 9 o'clock, crowded
with invited guests, a half hour after the tune
advertised. By tiie time it reached Hermann
this delay was fully recovered, thus showing
the good condition of the* track. After leaving
Hermann, the train proceeded with good speed, •
arid without the least difficulty, until it reached :
the Gasconade, when one ol the most disastrous j
accidents occurrod which has yet thrown this •
city into mourning.
The bridge acruss that stream gave vvay, and j
ten of the cars were precipitated a distanced,
twenty-five or thirty feet. The locomotive,
from all appearances, had reached the edge of
the first pier when the structure gave way, and, j
in tailing, reversed its position entirety , the
troht turning to the east, and the wheels up
ward. On the locomotive at the time were the j
President, Mr. 11. E. Bridge, Mr. O'Sulliian,
the chief engineer of the road, and an addition
al number ot employees.
Mr. Bridge, it is supposed, is the only oae
saved of the individuals named. An hour alter ;
the disaster, voices from beneath the wreck ot
the locomotive were heard asking lor assistance:
and when we left the scene ot disaster, active j
efforts were making to relieve the suhert-is.— ;
It is possible—nay, it is to be hoped, probable,
that some of these unfortunrtes may have been '
The road enters the bridge with a curve, and :
this circumstance, perhaps, preveuted the dis
aster from being more fatal, as tiie cars thereby '
were diverted, and thus prevented from tailing;
directly iu a general melee. Euougti of inju- ,
ry, however, was accomplished. The Bag- j
gage car, next the engine, went down, to use |
the expression ot one who was in it, "extreme
ly easy," without causing any serious casualty.
The first and second passenger cars loliuwed,
! and 111 these Were several killed and a great
number more or less mangled.
In the third car, one of two were killed, on
iSnd almost eullretv"denMVis:re n, was ir CT -mmwi
to lite and limb. In the fourth aud tilth cars a
'Teat many were fatally injured, and several
Distantly killed. The balance ot the train fol
lowed swiftly on their lata! errand, and tile ioss
of life, with contusions more or less severe, was
Some of the cars plunged on those beneath j
them with their ponderous w heels, and crushed
or maimed the unfortunate peisous below. —
Others hung ujion the cliti iu a perpendicular
position, aud two or three turned bottom up
ward down the grade. Only one—the ex
treme rear car—maintained its position on the
Death of a Half Century Convict.
An aged colored man known by the name ol
"Old Bob," who has been an inmate of the
Maryland Penitentiary since 1810, died at that ,
institution on Wednesday. He belonged to a j
planter of Charles county, who was rather a |
severe master, and in ISO 2 placed him on board j
a vessel, with instructions to allow no one, not ;
even the son of tiie master, tu come on the ves- ,
sel, and if any attempt was made to board the j
vessel, he should strike them in the head with i
a handspike. Jn tbe evening following the j
issueing of this mandate, the son of The master, j
in company with two of his associates, ap- ;
proached the vessel, and attempted to board her . j
he was warned not to come on board by "Old i
Bob," who repeated the instructions of his |
master, and added that he would obey the or- j
(lers he had received. The young man regar- ,
ding the language of the negro as a jest, rustled |
heedlessly forward, and gained a position on |
the vessel : but no sooner had he landed than j
Bob picked up tbe handspike and knocked him :
oil the head, killing him instantly. Bob was;
immediately arrested and tried tor muider and j
convicted. Ihe circumstances ol the case un- j
der which the deed had been perpetrated, so j
lar secured the clemency ol the court as to i
commute his sentence to imprisonment for lite, j
The period of his confinement was about fifty-i
three years, and he was upwards of one bun- !
died years old at the time of his death. lor a j
number of years past, fie has been spared all j
laborious employment, and passed his time in ;
amusing himself in various ways, such as cuiti- .
vating tlowers, raising pig !i , smoking herring, ;
£cc. So strongiv had the habits ot a lile in j
' prison grown upon him that on several occa- ;
sions, when he was liberated, to test what:
might be his conduct, he refused to leave the |
1 institution, and when the gates were closed up- j
on him would weep like a child until he wa>
; restored to his former position. His deport
-1 ment during the whole period ol Ins confine
ment was such that no fault could be found with
■ him.— Baltimore American.
i Remarkable. —J- YY. Cofiroth, at on' 1 time
■ connected with the Democratic press ot I bila
i delphia, has been elected to the Senate of Cai
' ifornia by the Know-Nothings. It is lelated
i of him, that at Benicia, in 185.1, he made the
- following remark : "it ever I desert the Dern
■ ocratic partv. may mv right arm be withered."
• On the day'of election he fell from his horse
and so completely shattered his arm, that it
• was thought he would be compelled to have
j the limb amputated. A remarkable coinci
r . dence.
The people ot Pennsylvania have delegatet
' the law-making power, for tbe next year, to tin
• Democratic party. In both branches ol th<
; j Legislature, the Democrats have a clear work
' : ing majority ; and therefore the people wil
' j hold them responsible for all the bad that may
': be done, or the good left undone, during thl
! session now near at hand. As this party has
1 j always professed to have in view the greatest
I good ot the greatset number, and to care only
j lor the welfare of the people at large it may rea
j sonably be expected of its representatives that
J they should legislate, not lor sectional interests,
! but lor the whole State—not lor classes, but lor
j the whole people.
I here are various measures, in the nature of
j reforms, which are more particularly expected
; of the new Legislature: aud we have thought
; that a brief reference to them might not be a
j niiss.
And Ist. The people expect a short session.
The appropriations are the chief and most irn
! portant business of the Legislature, and they
should claim its first attention, instead of being
left to the last moment, and then hurried thro'
j with a haste that never fails to work injury.—
j All the legitimate work can be easily done in
sixty days, and every day beyond that time,
; that the session is prolonged, will be a us-eless
J waste ol time and money.
2d. The people expect a strictly economical
! appropriation of the public mony. The taxes
i are heavy and hard to pay; and as long as the
w eight of debt bears Upon us, and payment of
J interest, simply, absorbs so large a portion of the
: resources of the State, it is the grossest injustice
ito make any expenditure uut demanded by ab
solute necessity. At a time when a large por
j tion of the people desire a sale of the State's ca
nals and railroads, the appropriate** of a single
! dollar to any new project ot public improvement,
: would be a flagrant wrong.
3d. The people want no special legislation
jof the sort that last winter consumed so much
j time, and called Ibrth so much dissatisfaction.—
; The fewer private bills passed, the better for the
public good: and as tor the multifariouscorpora
i tions for which every Legislature is importuned
with a pertinacity worthy of a better object,
very lew ot them are of a character to deserve
any consideration. An act of incorporation
j generally carries with it the irrant of privileges
toa few individuals which the mass ot the peo
ple do not enjoy ; and is, in so much, a direct
violation ol toe fundamental democratic princi
ple so beautifully illustrated by Andrew Jack
son, when he said that "The blessings ol gov
ernment, like the dews of heaven, .should de-
I rBWK fV IIIVUN'M (tie grurj ai ......
j there are very few proper subjects of legislation
that cannot be leached by them.
4-th. The people expect a check to be put
upon the mania for new Banks, which the com
paiatively liberal grant of Bank charters last
session has excited. 'Applications tor seventy
six new Banks, and for the re-charter ot thir
teen old ones, a re now pending—looking to an
increase of the present banking capital of the
Slate, to the enormous amount ot thirty seven
millions. This would be a frightful picture,
were the people under anv apprehension that
the facility with which the last Legislature
save charters to new Banks, would be imitated
by the next. There may possibly be an isolated
case Or two in which a Bank might be desirable,
and find useful business; but no one can say
with tiutli that any increase of our aggregate
banking capital is necessary at the present time.
This being the fact, and public sentiment being
jso decidedly against such increase, the true po
! licy of the Legislature is to turn a deaf ear to all
! new Bank applications, and confine its action
i upon Banks to the re-chartering of such old ones
j as have maintained a good credit in the pursuit
j ol legitimate banking business.
sth. The people expect the "Jug Law ' to be
I repealed. It was passed in opposition to their
: previously expressed will—is one ol those ultra
and fanatical measures which, by their uncalled
for severity and restrictiveness, defeat the ob
ject thev seek—and cannot be executed without
! doing violence to those settled convictions ol
j individual right and liberty lor which the peo
i pie of Pennsylvania have long, and pre-emi
! nentlv, been characterized. They want no pro
; hibitiou ol that, as criminal, whose use is per
-1 fectlv lawful, and in whose abuse alone con
; sists personal and social evil. A judicious li
: cense law, so framed as to prevent and punish
j all intemperance and excess in the use of li
l quors, and hedge arouud the tratic with such
j wholesome restraints as will deter irresponsible
| and disreputable iiwn from engaging in it, is the
I measure of true temperance which our people
j desire, and which they w ill cordially respect
j arid obey.
j Gth. The people want no more legislative
I "Excursions" and "Banquets" at the public ex
j pense. There is a time for all things, and the
I time for which the people's representatives are
! paid to attend to the public business, is certain
j ly not tbe time to be wasted in (easting and
! pleasure trips. If members are fond of a "blow
j out," let them take it. either before the session
| opens, or after it closes, and pay for it out of
their own pockets. But when they go to Har
risburg, and take their seats, let them earn their
pay by doing the work they are sent to perform,
; just as earnestly and industriously as they
would set about OWTI private business.
We might lengthen this list considerably : but
enough has already been mentioned to show in
! what direction the people's expectations tend,
i The task is an easy one for members who hon
| estly wish-to obey the known w ill of their con
, stituents. To serve the people, in the way
I of their own pointing out, is the first duty ol
; Democrats in all public stations. That the
next legislature of Pennsylvania may consci
! entiously perform that duty, we hopefully
trust.— "Reading Gazette and Dcmobnt.
! yesterday, exceeded in chaste display, any thing
j that we have ever before seen in Philadelphia.
1( j i No banners were carried, as in Know-Nothing
, t . j Parades, to insult a large portion of our fellow
ie ; citizens, and wound their keenest sesibilities.
j Inspired with the true principles of fellowship,
|j they paid a proper regard to the dignity of
y manhood, and refrained from those miserable
c ostentations, which not only offend the taste,
ls but degrade the men who take part in their dis
plav. Men of ail nations and all creeds were
.. in the procession, which was an acknowledg
_ ' ment that all are entitled to the "great brother
ly j hood." But how could the Know-Nothings
i } j niarch in that procession, linked to a brother of
r j foreign birth, or Catholic faith, without feeling:
! the terrible rebuke administered by the whole
[ some charity which prevails in the Masonic Or
j i der. No good Mason can be a Know-Nothing,
t i because the principles of Masonry are charity,
_ i love and fraternal love to all mankind. It was
ja pisplay that w ill live in the memory of all
. j who witnessed it to the end of their lives. May
. ! it prove a useful lesson to those who would pro
. | scribe their fellow-man for an accident over
r which he had no control, tt'e repeat, that it
> j was a severe rebuke to Know-Nothingism.—
. | Ptnnsylvcinian.
> J The following dialogue actually took place
at a certain election jioll in this county. The
I : langugage is reported correctly, but the ges
, ; tures, knitting of brows and grating of teeth
■ |ol the parties, can better be imagined than de-
I scribed:
E. H.—Say, Hod, I'm going to vote for El
dred. (.7 Democratic nominee.)
H. O. T.— Why, von vote lorEldred? Do
! von brieve there is a Hell ?
E. H.—Y.s j
H. 0. i. —Do yo remember the oaths you
ihave taken?
I E. 11. Yes, Ido !
H.O. I.— Ihrn you will repent for it most
awfully I lb* vengeance of the Lodge will be
j visited upon 30U'. 3 ou better not! You bet
! ter not !!
1 iie rest ol theii cdversatiori was not heard
and whether he voted f0r.,,;. Democratic can
didate, and against the noirn. r ,l the Todae
Ino one can "tell. These bug- „ ar
j and bloody bones penalties are (j V
j the Know-Nothing leaders, to frig., en
more ignorant and chicken-hearted
into slavish submission to the dictation o.j )e
Lodge,—and make them vote for the candidal.
I nominated bv the leaders, whether good or bad
;—w illing or unwilling.
Who can longer doubt that Judge Porter was
• .L /"> 1 I ioHirf
i aid.
Effect of Xuotv Notltiugistfl in Texas.
A Texas exchange gives the following per
tinent illustration of the practical working of
intolerance and proscription in that State, which
soon would be the same in all the new States
■ were they to succeed. This misfortune, how
j ever, we are glad to believe, will never belall
1 i any Statp, new or old, for the thing is dead :
"As we have predicted, it is coming to pass
I that the inveterate hostility to foreigners, on
' the part of the Know-Nothings, would end in
I driving out, and preventing also from coming
' in, the more respectable and enterprising for
eigners—those even who came here to follow
i industrious pursuits and avocations, and, while
! digging fortunes for themselves and children
" 1 out of the soil, adding also to the wealth and
prosperity of the State and nation.
' "We see in the New Braunfels paper of the
1 12th instant that two hundred German immi
' ' grants arrived at Indianola on the 2d ol this
: month on the ship Guttenberg. AH were in
comfortable circumstances, and, but for the per
? ; sedition waged against foreigners by the Know-
Nothings, would have contentedly settled upon
j our wild lands, become purchasers of our soil,
and added to the increasing wealth of the Stale.
But it is said that eighty of them resolved
L .' to remain in Texas; the rest going to Mexico.
' "There is also on foot a project among the
Germans of New Braunfels, San Antonio, and
" | other parts of the Wet, to get up a company
iot emigiants to Costa Rica. About one hun
i dred families, we learn—all hard-working and
industrious citizens—have determined to seek
in that country an asylum from the persecution
1 ; waged against them in this.
" I "The tact is, that the Know-Nothing party
1 j have done, and are still doing, more in Texas
* j to prevent its settlement and to impair'its pro
r' I gress than we shall be able to remedy in years
| * to come."
LLP The Know-Nothings here were quite of
? j tended when we intimated that the notorious
- Ned Buntline was the originator of their pure
? ! organization. At a meeting ol their party held
? in Philadelphia, previous to the election he at
- ' tended and was introduced as the "FATHER
i jOF SAM 1" Since that he re-commenced the
- publication of "Ned Buntline's Own," for the
1 1 especial pur|>ose of advocating Know-Nothing
f j ism. The course of the order, vioiating all the
- i natural laws of society, desecrating religion and
r j destroying public and private morals, is 0111-
, nently worthy of its origin.
[LPThe People's. Uvocate, York, Pa., which
I has hitherto supported the Know-Nothing tick
-1 et, considers the recent result in the State con-
I. elusive and refuses to go on. It says :
"Know-Nothingism has exploded, we fear,
and we are rather sorry for it. It seemed to be
\ a well contrived plan to beat down the Loco
Foeo party, and tor a time it worked most ad
mirably. But we have now lost all hope in it,
anil have nothing to rely on but our old meth
■ 01!, appealing to the consciences and good sense
of the people in political matters; and, it that
n method tail, we do nut hope for any jiermaneut
g result from any new party machinery.