31 GEO. W. KOIVTSW. XEW SERIES. Select JJoetrn. PAROBY. Tis the last rake of supper, I.elt steaming alone, All its light brown companions Are buttered and gone, N'n rake of it* kindred, No rookie is nigh. To steam 011 the platter. Or near its mate lie. I'll not leave thee, thou lone one, Tffmeet a cold fate, Come lieoll my plate! Thus kindly I'll butter Sirre thy are all eaten, Tbv .teaming side o'er. Am! think on thy sweetness, When tiiou art no more. Thus all cakes mu-t follow, Three tunes every day, When breakfa't is ready, They vanish awav, When hunser is rnigbty, And sicsness has flow n, No cake can inhabit The table alone. TBS BfifFOSft (JAIITIE. Igi'riforri. liov Ut, 1 SliS. G, W. Bowman, EdiTor and Proprietor. The Adjistauf €n (' Lit* 2*t {skip. (SJT*We were slightly of opinion that this question had been finally settled until we open eii the Chambersburg H'/tig of the 124-th ult., ,aiid we are even yet inclined to beiit-ve it is) when an article of upwards of a coiumu in jength presented itselt to our vision, which, it we had not been satisfied that we were wide a wake at the time, might have induced us to be lieve that our opinion had been based upon a dream instead 0! a reality. Our friend (lor we consider evety man a friend to his country, at least, who aids to crush out Know-Nothingism,) Col. MCCLURE, in the article alluded to, under takes to review the decision ol the Supreme Court on the subject above alluded to, although, in ins own language, 4 -/ ie had not seen the opin ion of the Court " —and, in doing so, he seems to make his strong point in tile declaration that the members ofthe Supreme Couit are pettifogger Now, we do hope that this dreadful anathema may not come to their ears, lest it irught shock their nerves so much as to prevent tbem fiom attending to their Judicial duties, which all will admit would be a great loss and disappointment to those having business in the Court over which they preside. Ao one, certainly, can be so reckless and hard hearted as to shew tbem this "|>rotiuiiciameiito" ol the gallant Colonel who "cra|>ed" bis door on the evening of ti.e elec tion 111 memory, or/to/tor, of the death of the old If/tig l J urty. The gallant Colonel ihinks that because we were appointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation ol Geu. KEEN AN, we could only serve out the balance of his term. Can the Colonel tell the difference between a Goose and a Crow 1 II he can, we think he might de cipher the difference between "vacancy" aud "unexpired term 1 After thus expressing his gross ignorance in construing the plainest vvojd m the English language, no one would suspect the Col. of having much legal knowledge, so that it was riot necessary lor him to plead his stupidity on this point. On one occasion, a certain CHARLES B. PEN ROSE advised and counselled a certain JOSEITI KITXER to "treat the election us though it had not occurred." alter having been beaten by the gallant DAVID R. POUTER by about 10.00U ma jority, and tile said Joseph said yea, i will.— 1 tie result ol that onslaught upon popular opin iuii is tamiirar even to the children of the Com monwealth. Peniose jumped out ol llie Sen ate Chamber and lud hunseil amodg fhe tomb stoiies when the lug of war came, aud Ritner Was driven from tiie Executive Chair as a base usurer amidst the shouts and execrations of an insulted people. We had supposed that this via; the last time Pennsylvania would ever be disgraced with such an attempt to place the laws ol the land at defiance iu "high places."— But it seems we w ere mistaken, lor we now lind another "Solomon" counselling the Governor of Pennsylvania to treat the solemn decision of the highest judicial tribunal oi this great Common- Wealth with scorn and contempt, and act in de fiance of their solemn judgment; aud, if we had another Ritner in the Executive Chair, ho Wuuid no doubt take the advice of our lriend McCiure. Now, we would suggest to our neighbor Mc- Ciure that there is a Constitutional way of do '"g things that might conflict quite strongly u 'ffi Hie interests of his especial liiend Thomas J- Power—and that is that the present or suc ceeding Legislature might take it into their heads to make the office of Adjutant General elective by the people as is the Auditor General and Surveyor General, who have a hundred fold more iwimate relations with the Governor than lias this office. It was the impertinence and arrogance of Governor Johnston, through such advisers as Col. McClure, that induced a Democratic Legislature to take the appointment of the above two offices, [strictly Cabinet ap pointments,) from the Governor, ami place their selection in the hands ot the people—and, if our judgment does not greatly fail us, a certain Jon.\ CESSNA, Esq., attorney at Law, and ex- Speaker of the House of Representatives, ( and one the most efficient we ever had) drew up the Bill, and, when prssed, Gov. Johnston did not dare to veto it ! The office of Adjutant Gener al has little or HO connection with the Execu tive—and no office in the Commonwealth might he more justly given to the people for their choice at the ballot-box. So that Titos. J. Power ol Portage Railroad notoriety (vide all tlie Whig now K". \. papers) may yet have to try bis K. N. propensities u|>on the good nature of the PEO PLE. The Governor might appoint as many Adjutant Generals as he has appointed "Aids de-Cainp with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in the Militia, 1 ' but we think the law of the land, the incoming Legislature, and the succes sor of H in. E!t Slifer, as State Treasurer, will at least know bow to discriminate so as to de termine who is the proper officer. We think Gov. Pollock has too much good sense even to thank Col. McClure for his simple and childish a ivice—for the man who will attempt to re view and condemn the Decision of the highest Court known to the Common wealth, without having even read or seen i(, in many countries would he considered nothing short of a lunatic. We trust the country will survive the shock of this mighty production—and tfiat the military will pursue the even tenor of its way, as in days gone live. From the York Gazette, York County Siaator. Perhaps no man ever nominated for office hv the Democracy of this county, more faithfully discharged hts'dutv to the party than did Wil liam ii. Welsh, Esq., in the campaign which has just been brought to a close so triumphant to his party, to himself, and to his colleagues upon tb Democratic ticket. He has borne the Democratic flag to every part ot the county he has visited every township and village, in most of which he has publicly addressed the people, boldly, frankly, eloquently and truth fully presenting the principles upon which he was willing to stand or fall, and fairly stating his own views upon measures of public policy. It cannot be doubted that in many places the majority for the Democratic ticket has been en hanced by the thorough discussion of the ques tions at issue, and the personal exertions of him who was emphatically our standard-bearer in the fight. Looking back at the fiery ordeal of calumny and vituperation through which he parsed, he having been peculiarly the target at which the poisoned shafts of the enemy were aimed, well may be feel proud of THE VERDICT OE THE PEOPLE. Their confidence in him— their disbelief of the foul slanders with which lie was assailed—their rebuke of the forgers and utterers of the calumnies—are spoken trnmpet tonguej in the magnificent majority of 936'! SHOCKING ACCIDENT ON THE HARLEM RA L ROAD. —NEW YORK, Oct. If). — Last night some fiend p'aced a rail across the track of the Har lem railroad, just beyond the sw itch at VYill nmsbridge depot, and a milk (rain coming south about two o'clock, was thrown from the track with prodigious force. From tlie position in which the engine now lies, when it struck the rail, it must have leap ed from the track, and been pushed some fifty feet beyond the obstruction, turning a complete somerset in its progress. The fireman and en gineer were both killed instantly, one having his head completely severed from his body They were both brothers, named Patrick and Ilarny Rourke, both having families dependent upon them. Their bodies were placed in a bouse at the dep-ot and locked up to await the Coroner's inquest. There Seems to have been a singular fatality attending the death of one of these unfortunate men. He had been running for the last four months on another part of the road, and this was his first trip in that time to New York, where he intended remaining for a few days for a holiday. No clue, that we could hear of lias yet been obtained to the perpetration of this Ibuldeed. DEPREDATIONS ON THE NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD.—ROCHESTER, Oct. 15.—For some months past valuable ait-icles of merchandise have been missed from packages carried as freight over the Centra! Railroad. The goods were eventually found to have been abstracted while they were in transit, by peisons ha\ ing access to them by virtue of their position. These losses have fallen upon the Railroad Company. Suspicion recently pointed towards the conductors and brakerrien on the freight trains. These men have for some time been in the employment of the Company, and w ere con sidered honest and faithful. On Saturday a visit was made to the resi dence ot two conductors, residing in this city, VVm. Hooper and Geo. L. Lvon, and to the bonding house ofSamu d llonti; gd-.n, brake nan. A very large quantity of g'.-."!s Were found. The residence o! other employees in oliier parts of the State have been likewise visited with j similar result. from the New York Tribune, Oct. 19. THE FREELOVE MEETING, IN NEW YORK. IMMENSE ATTENDANCE. Interference ami Jtrrexls. The "Club" last evening, in consequpncp of the publicity of its designs given by the Tri bune. on Tuesday last, was very largely attend ed. There could not have been less than five hundred persons present. Most of the ladies of the club, anticipating a great crowd of all sorls of p-ople, staid away. Not more than fifteen or eighteen were present. Mr. Andiews was confined to his bed, having had a severe attack ol hemorrhage of the lungs. 'Those of his lady friends who had called fo see-him, he had ex horted to attend the club, and to be firm and brave, whatever might occur: he feared that this night the crisis would come. They must remember that they were struggling now for the freedom of their sex in all time to come. 1 he crowd came in, and the room was filled almost to suffocation. Most people had to look behind the crimson curtains at the mammoth stove described in the Tribune , and some of them contemplated it as though it was a tre mendous engine to blow up society with.— Your reporter was a novice at Ihe club, and was among tnis number. Others, however, after a careful and searching scrutiny into all laces and behind all curtains, whispered to their friends that the whole aflair was a humbug, and they didn't believe in Free Love at all. After des perate efforts on their part to get their quarter's worth in staring, and wondering w hen the per formance was to come on, Mr. Henry Clapp mounted on a platform at one end of the hall, and made a speech. Your reporter learned that this speech-making was a device of Mr. An drews to drive away the crowd# of men whom it was supposed the expose in the Tribune would bring. Whatever mav be thought of Mr. Andrews as a practical man generally, no one can deny but that this was a most ingenious and effective expedient. A# the speech was intended to be a bore, and the smaller room was rendered endurable by the withdrawal of people to hear the speech, your .reporter made himself as comfortable as possible in that room, in conversation with some ladies to whom he had been introduced. A few straggling words which reached his ear enabled him to know what was going on. Mr. Clapp gave an ac count ofthe origin and growth ofthe league; and told how it was transformed into the club : a better history was given in our issue of Tues day. .Mr. Clapp told all outsiders that they had been fooled by the press, and would not find anything of the kfn.l which had been anti cipated ; in fact, that they had been cheated by the newspapers out of twenty-five cents. Most of those present cheered this dec'arafion of their own assininitv, evidently determined to cheer sonmthinj. So closed the first speech. Mr. Albert Btisbane then took the platform, and made a feu- remarks on the saw subject, stating that Mr. Andrew's object had been to organize amusement Tor the people ; t (> jet up a place for them where they could coirie at a small expense, find rational amusement instead of going to grog-shops and gambling-houses.— He proceeded to make some remarks on lite sovereignty of individuals, and exulted consid erably over the fact that the time had come when the great principles of Free Love could be discussed. He adverted to the opposition which Temperance and Anti-Slavery met with in their early days, and rejoiced that the doc trine of Free Love also had passed its time of persecution. He mentioned incidentally to those who came out of morbid curiosity that the free love which they desired they could find in Mercer street. i'lie speeches, to a considerable extent, had the desired effect many people having left, and the hall bi*gati to be comfortable agaip, when suddenly it was noised about that thv police wei'e at the door and about to arrest tjiis party en masse. The effects produced by the an nouncement were various. Men scattered like sheep, and very soon there was an equilibrium between the sexes. Masculine Free-Lovers were among the missing and more than one of the ladies was obliged to accept the arm of a re porter. The lady of the chief of the leagtie re mained until all had gone. When asked to go, and when threaiend by the police with arrest, she said, "My Willie is here—he will have to stay until ai! are gone: J cannot go and leave him." The passage down stairs was tolerably well lined with policemen, and the ladies found no great difficulty untrl they arrived at the side walk. Here the entrance was beset by several hundred roudies, among whom there was no policeman, as usual. The crowd veiled and hooted like demons, hut readily made way, so that there was little difficulty in passing through them. It was long before the crowd disappeared, even alter all had gone and the door was locked. SCENE AT THE STATION IIOFSF.. A crowd of two or three hundred persons fol lowed Captain Turnbull and officers Cunning ham, Roach, McGinner, \ an Buren and Beach, with their prisoners to the Eighth ward Station House, where the scene was of a most exciting nature. The prisoners were marshalled before the bench, and their names as follows taken by Captain Turnbull, and entered, with their of fences, upon his register: Albert Brisbane, disorderly conduct. Thomas Harland, assault and battery, and keeping a disorderly house. John Henderson, interfering with officeisin discharge of their duty. Benjamin Henderson, attempting to rescue prisoner. Tim majority if the persons in the Station- H •. re ;•••: jnca! friends of those arrested, alth.-ujh there were several among the crowd who seemed to relish the affair nsai great joke, and acted in such a manner that the captain vi a; obliged to call them to order. Freedom of Tlonght and Opinion. BEDFORD, PA. FRIDAY MORNING, NOV. 2, 1855. Among the property handed over to the cap tain was the sum of one hundred and eight dol lars and thirty-nine cents in gold, silver and bills, by Mr. Harland, the receipts of the insti tution up to the time ofthe arrests. The complaints having been made and enter ed upon the register, the prisoners were taken below and locked up in seperate cells ; after which the Station-house was cleared of those persons having no business there. The following statement relative to the af fair was made By Captain Turnbull to our re porters : The captain says hisatteutiou (last evening) was attracted to the place by a laige crowd at the front door, among whom he recognized sev : i'ial suspicious characters. He immediately nought Capt. Kissner ofthe Fourteenth Ward, and consulted with him on the subject, which consultation resulted in a determination to visit the place, as tbev both had during the day heard rumors that a disturbance was anticipated : at the club in the evening. They accordingly went up, hut were stopped at the door. Hav ing stated who they w ere, the door-keeper told them that it was only a private party, and that s they had no business thete in tneir official ca pacity. They then paid twenty-five cents each and were allowed to enter. iney proceeded to the head of the room where Mr. Brisbane was making a speech, using language in violation lof all decency. After listening a short time to | his remarks, they returned to the tear ol the room, when he heard a scutiie in the hall, and ; upon going out found Mr. Cockelair and Mr. [ Harland, the door-keeper, cliuclird. Captain Turubuli asked Harland if his name w as W neel ; er, to which Harland replied in the negative and that he was only the door-keeper. Lpon complaint of Cockelair, Mr. HailanJ was tneu arrested 0:1 charge of assault and battery. At U;is time Air. Brisbane came into the nail, when he was also apprehended lor disorderly conduct. Air. Henderson made some impertinent remarks, wnen the captain told iiun to go on, or tie would arrest mm : but the former replied that he could not take him. Henderson then call ed lor his Ineuus, and Capt. Turnbull called upon the citizens lor assistance. Henderson uiid his brother were then arrested, the ioiiner, as was ailedged, for luterlering with an olhcer 111 the discharge of ins duty, and the latter for attempting to lescue a prisoner. Mr. Harland told our reporter, on a visit to his cell, that the first disturbance which lie saw was from a man who came up to hint and at tempted tu pass bun without paying the usual Charge. He stopped him, and trie man, uno pioved to be Air. Cockelair, a "shadow," as we were informed by a policeman, caugtil Air. il. by the collar, and there were some blows. Mr. Harland called upon Capt. Turnbull, who was near by, to arrest the intruder, and was himself immediately airested. YYiil the time ever come when the spittoon, that disgusting reminder that peopie spit, will ue removed irom our parlors, steamers and ears.' Those who chew tobacco should teel a delicacy in having this one of the iower vices made apparent by the use ol hi case de labnc , as lew others rarely avail themselves of this con venience. Thenabit of spitting is proDablv one reason why the Americans are so meager in person. i aey spit themselves to death, and iueu talk wondermgly about our climate—swell the number of those who die by consumption, would run a man through who should presume to spit in his presence. Ihe bud never spits —the load squats tu the earth, and the serpent secretes saliva as deadly poison. Jf we weep passionately the saliva is bitter —it is pungent and scanty in the action ol the baser motives, while love renders it sweet and abun dant. The saitva is associated with our whole animal economy, and follows closely upon the act ion-of our uunds, sytri pathetically, intimate ly with all its moods. Sensitiveness inclines us to swallow down our saliva, while disgust disjioses us to spit it out. 'Tiie scent of lose moistens the lips more than the tongue ; lemons cause the mouth to be tilled with saliva. The sight of one hatelul to us dries the mouth, while, on the contrary, one who is agreeaole moistens it. Hence those who weep much have dry lips, while those w r ho suffer without tears have not only dry hps, but an acrid mouth. There is a beautiful philoso phy in all this, and those who waste the secre tions by spitting, lose not only the action of these glands, but unquestionably weaken the tine sensibilities associated with tbem. Show us a man who spits, and you show us a man of uncertain characteristics, and one whose sensi bilities are not to be trusted. Do away with spittoons, and nature will do her work genially lor man : she will beautily him, whereas now SPITTI.XG. she is obliged to l>e continually patching him up.— Mrs. E. Oakes Smith. Influence of a Newspaper. A school teacher who has been engaged a long time in his profession and witnessed the influence of a newspaper upon the minds of a family of children, writes to the editor of the Ogdensburg Sentinel as follows : I have found it to be the universal fact, with out exception, that those scholars of both sexes and of all ages, who have had access to news papers at home, when compared with those who have not, are : 1. Better readers, excelling in pronuncia tion, and consequently read more understand ingly. 2. They are better spellers and define words with ease and accuracy. 3. They obtain a practical knowledge of geography, in almost half the time it requires others, as the newspaper has made them fami liar with the localion of the important places, nations, their governments and doings 011 the globe. 4. They are belter grammarians, for having become so familiar with every variety of stvle in file newspaper, from the common place ad vertisement to the finished and clasical oration of the statesman, they more readily compre hend the meaning of the text, and conse quently analyze its construction with accura cv. 5. Tli"V write better compositions, using bet ter language, containing more thoughts, more clearly and connectedly expressed. G. Those young men, who have for years been readers of the newspapers, are always taking the lead in the debating society, exhib iting a more extensive knowledge upon a great er variety ot subjects, and expressing their views with greater fluency, clearness and cor rectness in their use of language. SUICIDE BY A BOY. —The Mensha (Wis.) Advocate of the 13th inst., gives the following account of the commission of suicide by a boy only twelve or fifteen years of age : Young Kelsey imagined himself to be whip ped and abused too much by the village boys, and on Monday evening he told his mother he would stand it no longer—that he would hang himself. _\*o altention was paid to the threat, and on Thursday morning he was whipped for some trivial offence, after which she sent him to the woods to procure some good switches, to he hereafter used on him for bad behavior. He was accompanied by a younger brother. After going into the woods a short distance, he s°nt the brother back home for a rope in order as he said, to bring a large bundle. On his brother's return, young Re (spy was stiff in death. In the absence of his brother he placed some blocks on the ground, placed one of his suspenders around his neck, and tied one end to the limb of a tree, kicked the blocks awav, and hung in that position until found dead. This is indeed a sad afiair, for one so young to take his lite by his own hands. Those who have seen the corpse, say that even in death his countenance exhibits the picture of determination and cour age. THE LATE TRAGEDY \EAR CUMBERLAND, Md. —The Cumberland Telegraph has an account nf the terrible murder of Dr. Hadel and Henry Graeff, but it contains very few facts not alraedy mentioned in the Sun. Trie Telegraph says that Miller, the accused, had been a frequenter at Dr. Hadel's, and this caused hiin to be sus pected as the author of the bloody deed. The suspicion was further confirmed by the fact that a box, belonging to him, and found at the house where he was art est ed, was discovered, on be ing broke open, to contain the doctor's hat, ar ticles of his clothing, medical books with his name in them, and a lot of valuable medicines, together with the key of his office. The office ol (he deceased w as also found in great disorder, having evidently been robbed on Sunday night. Subsequently the body of Dr. HadeJ was dis covered. Tffe features, says the Telegraph, iooked very natuial, and were at once recog nized. It was found lying bv the side ol the turnpike, about four miles from town, and near the spot w here the railroad of the Cumberland Coal and Iron Company crosses the turnpike. The Telegraph describes the public excitement, in consequence of this double murder, as truly intense, but fortunately, it has been resolved to allow the law to take its course. The grand jury commenced the examination ol witnesses on Wednesday, and it is supposed that the ac cused will be tried by the circuit Court now in session. Miller is a smail man, and appears very delicate—has black hair and large black whiskers, covering almost his entire face. He is a Gentian, and has been but a short time in the country, and speaks but little English. A SINQCLAR tiiumph of affection and art is related by the Portsmouth (N*. H.) Chronicle. Jonathan Dearborn, of that place, lost an inte resting little daughter of eight years, ol whom no likeness remained except such as- was pictur ed in the memories of friends. A brother of the deceased, a mere bov, insisted that a good poitrait of his little sister might be obtained from such a description as he could give the artist, and in spite of remonstrances he started lor Boston with the purjiose of carrying out the idea. His plan was to visit all the picture gal leries to which he could obtain access, and by selecting one feature from one picture and an other from another thus got a combination that should answer to the picture that was so vividly impressed upon his memory. And, strange to say, after numberless discouragements and two outright failures, the enthusiastic bov succeeded even beyond bis own ardent expectations, and the satisfaction of returning home with a portrait that was recognised as a most beautiful and correct likeness of the dear lost lost one.— Rep. CJ THE LAST SXAKE STOUT, —The Staie Riirhfs Democrat, published at Elba, Alabama, S3 PER YEAR. VOL XXIV, NO. 11. narrates the following: "Two gentlemen were lately in the woods, when their attention was attracted by an up roarious noise of hogs. Thinking that some thing uncommon was to pay, they repaired to the spot, and found that the hogs had been in a fight with a very large rattle snake. The fight, from appearances, had been a long and desperate one. The snake was torn to pieces, three hogs dead, and a fourth dying. They say that, as the last hogs would groan, the snake would raise Ins head, being unable to do anything else.— The snake and fourth hog soon died. They re port that lor thirty yards around the grass and ground were torn up. The snake was six and a half or seven feet long. The bogs, in the fight, had demolished all the rattles except two !" From the N. ) . Jl.rpre *, Qtt. 19. HORRIBLE CATASTROPHE. A bout 2 o'clock this morning the police of the First Ward were alarmed by the crv of fire from the house >O. 12 State street, and hasten ing to thp place, found on the piazza, in front of the house, a man, woman and two children endeavoring to escape. The children were handpd down to some of the police, while others, with a few neighbors, broke in the front door to release the remaining inmates ol the house, but, as soon as practicable, search was made and several persons brought out, among them one woman, who was sent to the hospital fatally burned. It was nearly fifteen minutes before the arrival of the fire men, meantime there were twelve or fifteen per sons in the house. The first floor was occupied by Mr. Maconey, wife and child. On the second floor lived the family of Henry Lubbs, who gave the alarm. The third story was occupied bv Oliver D. Vandenburg, wife, two children, and the moth er and sister of Mrs. Vandenburg ; Mrs. Catha rine Peacock, aged 50, and Miss Mary Pea cock, aged 19. The fourth floor was occupied hv Mrs. Brown, wife of one of the mates on a Sevannah starri er. A litte boy, aged 9 j'ears, her nephew, was with her on a visit. In the attic wpre two ser vants of Mr. Lubbs, one named Julia Recas, and a German girl Mr. Lubbs says they called Fre derics. Miss Becker, a sewing woman, who boarded with Mr. Lubhs also slept in the at tic. Ail those on the first and second floors es caped. The dead and injured are as follows : Mrs. Peacock, aged 50 years. Mrs. Brown, 20 years. Mrs. Brown's nephew, 9 years. Almeda Vahdenburg, 5 years. Frederica one of the servants of Mr. Lubhs. Miss Becker, aged about 35, at the Hospita'; fatally injured. Mrs. Vandenburg, arm broken. The bodies of Mrs. Peacock, Air. Vanaen burg's child, and the sprvantgirl are burnt to a crisp. Those of Mrs. Drown and thp little boy but slightly burned—probably died of suffoca tion. The fire originated in the basement, in what manner is not known. The flames and smoke rushed up the stairway, so as to cut off all es cape by that thannel, and thp inmates had not sufficient presence of mind to go to the roof.— They probably thought the roof of the adjoining buildings were too low for escape. Mr. Drown, the husband of one of the dpad, is expected home to-morrow, in the Savannah steamer. The little boy was visiting Mrs. B. for a few days : his parents reside in Patterson, N. J. Much credit is due to the Ist district police, and to Air. Peter Fritz and other neigh bors, by whose strenuous efforts so many per sons were saved. The building was owned by B. Aymar, 3T South street. The damage to the building is about $2000: covered bv insurance. The uni ted losses of tenants, none of whom were insur ed, is about S3OOO. * THE MASSES. —The Memphis Bulletin thus speaks: "The great massof both parties—ninetv-nine out of a hundred—are equally patriotic and honest in their convictions. Let the hour of trial come—let it be clearly seen that the coun try is in danger—and who sober and seriously doubts the fidelity and loyalty of American citizens to come to the rescue? Native and naturalized—Protestant and Catholic—Jew and Gentile—would then be found, as they have ever been found, rallying around the same standard, in defence of the same cause, the holy and sacred cause of home and family hearth The boom of the first cannon-shot fired by the foe, no matter whether he be a civil or eccle siastical potentate, will hush into the silence of the tomb all minor dissensions. To suppose otherwise is to suppose human nature changed in all its instincts: or to make a new estimate of the character and influences of our free in stitutions. "Pending an election, orators and editors make a show of getting up a whirlwind of "fe verish excitement but with the close of the day's voting, the country settles back into the work of developing its mighty destiny, bv alt the means and appliances of an unfettered, progressive civilization. THE ELECTIONS STILT. TO COME IN 1855. Louisiana votes on Alonriav, November 5, for | State officers and five representatives to Con ' gress. Mississippi, Monday, November 5, State i officers and five representatives to Congress.— New York, Tuesday, November 6, State officers, : but no Governor or Lieut. Gov. Wisconsin, Tuesday, November 6, State officers. Massa chusetts, Tuesday, November 6, Governor, State officeis and legislature. Maryland, Wednes day, November 7, six represenlatives to Con gress, two State officers, legulatuie, &c. In 1 Tennessee, Alabama, California, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, the legislatures in each State e lect one T nited States Senator.