The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, August 31, 1855, Image 4

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To the Coroner, the. Justices of the Pierce,
and Constables in the different Townships
in the County of Bedford, Creeling.
KNOW YE that in pursuance of a precept to
me directed, under the hand and seal of the
of the-Several Courts of Common Pleas in tin-
Sixteenth District, consisting of the counties ot
Franklin, Bedford and Somerset, and by virtue
of his office of the Court of Oyer and Terminer
and General Jail delivery for the trial of capi
tal and other offenders therein and in the Gene
ral Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace: and
JOHN C. HARTLEY and Jos. 13. NOBLE, Esqs.
Judges of the same Court, in the same County
of Bedford, You and each of you are hereby re
quired to be and appear in your proper persons
with your Records, Recognizances, Examina
tions, and other remembrances before the Judges
aforesaid, at Bedford, at a Court of Oyer and
Terminer and General Jail Delivery and Gene
ral Quarter Sessions of the Peace therein to be
holden for the county of Bedford, aforesaid,
on the Ist Monday of Sept., (being the 3d
day,) at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day,
there and then to do to which your
several offices appertaii^^^^R
GIVEN under Bedford, on the
10th day of August, of our Lord
HUGH MOORE, Sheriff. j
Aug. 10, 1855.
A Fam i 1 y Farra si g e
The owner having no use for it, will sell, on
fair terms, an excellent Family Carriage, new
ly fitti intended fbi either one or two
horses, and having all the necessary fixluies. —
An excellent sett of new Brass mounted har
ness may he had with the carriage, if desired.
Jt will be sold on time, for cash, or exchanged
lor grain. Enquire at the office of the Bedford ,
Gazette. * July 27, 1855.
DR. A. It. KAMI*
RF.SI-KCTITI.LY tenders his professional services to '
the citizens of Schellsburg and vwinity. Office in
Ihe room formerly occupied bv Or. Br AMWKI.C, op
posite Mr. Fraster's Tavern. night cails
promptly attended to.
April 8, 1853.
Cessna & Shannon*
HAVE formed a Partnership in the Practice
of the Law. Q7r* Office nearly opposite
the Post Office, where one or the other may at
all times be found.
Bedford, Oct. 2f>, 1.849.
EVERY ONE w ho has used Hummel's Es
sence of Coffee, knows that one package will
go as far as 4- pounds of the best Java Coffee,
and coffee made by this Essence will preserve
perfectly the real taste of Java coffee, but will
have a more delicate and finer flavor, a finer
color, and will certainly be much wholesomer
for every person than pure Java Coffee.
sale at Dr. B. F. HARRY'S new
Affig and Book Store. Oct. 7, 1858.
The highest price, in cash or trade, allowed
for old Pewter and Copper..
Sept. 9, 1853.
Jk>ltsi W Reed,
Attorney at Law, Bedford, Pennsylvania,
Respectfully tenders his services to the Public.
second door North of the Mengel
Bedford, Feb. 20, 1852.
Dr. Bo Fo Harry
Respectfully tenders his professional ser
vices to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity.
Office and residence on Pitt-Street, in the
building formerly occupied by Dr. John Hofius.
June 21, 1853.
JOHN K. LDIE, Attorney at Law,
Wii.l hereafter regularly attend the sittings
of the courts of this county. During the terms
of Court he may be consulted professionally at
the Hotel of Maj. Davis.
Bedford, Feb. 17, 1854.
ISAAC IIUCUS, Attorney at Law,
"l'l" r ILL hereafter regularly attend the sit-
W tings of the Courts of this county.—
During the terms of the Court he may be con
sulted professionally at the Hotel of Maj. Davis.
Bedford, March 10, 1854.
The Partnership heretofore existing between
Thomas and John King, is this day dissolved by
mutual consent. All persons having unsettled
accounts with them, ate requested to attend to
their liquidation without delay.
June 1, 1854. JOHN KING.
Having this day associated Henry S. King,of
the City of Pittsburg, with us in the business of
manufacturing Iron, the business will be con
ducted under the name and firm of John King
<B. Co.
June 9, 1854. ' JOHN KING.
On hand, and tor sale, a superior lot of
Cooking, Ten Plate, Parlor, and Church Stoves.
\Y sir* Henry Leas,
Fort Destines, lowa,
Wn.r. give special attention to locating lands
—investing money—paying taxes—making col
lections, &.C., &,c.
T/ " Refers to Gen. Bowman and Hon. Job
Minn. Sept. 8, 1854.
The subscriber is fully prepared to furnish
any quantity or quality of Building Lumber
and Plastering Laths. Orders directed to St.
Clairsvilfp, Bedford County, will be promptly
attended to, by giving a reasonable notice.
Nov. 24, 1854.
X) ESPLCTII-LLY begs leave to tender his
-1V Professiona Services to the Citizens of
Bedford and vicinity.
O"" Office in Julianna Street, at the Drug
and Book Store. Feb. 17, 1854.
II c(1i" or d A€;t d e tie y
W. W. CAKPBELL, Principal.
The Ist Session of the sth school year of this In
stitution will open on Monday morning the 3d day of
September. The past history of the Academy
will, we trust, be a sufficient guaranty of its future
I efficiency. The branches taught will be the same as
heretofore. To VASTER will be consid
ered the most important pursuit of the pupils; and
while it w ill be the consiaut business of the Instruc
tor to impart knowledge, it will also be his aim to
lead his pupils to make a practical application of
their acquisitions. To load the mind with innumer
: able formulas, without causing it to use them, would
ibe like placing a bow in a child's hand, without
teaching him bow to bend it. In fine, it shall be our
J object, as it has ever—been, to lead the pupil to j
1 rmvw
We look forward confidently to the patronage of
: this community, which has thu< far been so gener
ously extended, and by an undiminished assiduity,
L-WE hope to merit your support.
Terms per quarter, as usual, to wit:
MIDDLE " 4 50
Feb. 10, 1835.
A Choice. Assortment of the Finest Qualify, j
For Sale at the. Lowest Cash. J y riccs, at
WM. B . EL T0 A" IIE AD' S ,
Xo. IS 1 Son til Second Shirt, i, tin en Pi tic and U
niou, Weil Side, PHILADELPHIA.
The assortment embraces a Large and Select Star/- |
of Fit" Watrhcx, Jexcel ry, Stiver Ware, A!Sat a H arc,
plated tilth fine Si/rer, in Spoons, For/.*, Ladle*, i\ e. !
—Jet Goon'*, Fans and Fancy Acted rs of a superior j
quality, deserving the examination ot thost* who de- j
sire to procure the beet good* at the Loieest Cash j
Priri s.
Having a practical Lnoxdedge of the business, and ;
all available facilities for Importing and Mannlactnr- ■
iiig, the subscriber confidently invites purchasers, '
believing that he can supply them on terms as favor- j
able as any other establishment in either of the At
lantic Cities.
02?* All kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewelry and
Silver Ware manufactured to order, within a reason
able time.
\XJ" Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware faithfully
repaired. WM. IS. KLTONHEAD,
No. Ist South Second Street, a few doors ;
above the Second Street Market, West Side.
027* In the South Window of the Store may be seen
the famous BIRD CLOCK, which commands the ad- j
miration of the scientific and curious.
Oct. 13, ISSI.— ly.
NO I ICE :—1 lie undersigned expecting to he I
absent in the West for SOME length ot time,
would sav that his business will be left in the j
hands of Jacob S. ScheM, where all interested !
will call and attend to their own and mv inter- j
est . JOHN H. SCHELL. j
Schellsburg, May 11, 1855.
Private Sale of Valuable Property.
The subscriber will sell, at private sale, his
j valuable property, situate in Bovdstown, about
I hall a mile west "f the Borough of Bedford, on
; the turnpike road, consisting of two Dwelling
: Houses, a Black-smith and Wagon maker Shop,
' and all necessary outbuildings. There are two
I lots and a half of ground attached, on which
; are a number of fine fruit trees. This properly
is every way desirable, and purchasers would do
| well to examine it.
May 25. 1855.
The subscriber having purchased the entire
' stock of HARDWARE of the late Thomas B.
Miller, in the Borough of Bedford, would re
ispectfully announce to his friends and the pub
! lie generally, that he is now prepared to l'ur
| nislr almost every article in his line of business
on favorable terms. His stock being m arly all
new, and selected bv one well experienced in
the business, he is fully satisfied that purchasers
will find it to their advantage to give trim a
call. In addition to a general stock of Hard-
I ware, he has on hand, aud will constantly keep,
GROCERIES of the very best quality—GLASS
of all sizes—also, STONEWARE of<l very su
perior quality. He has also on hand all kinds
of Oils, Paints, Drugs, Brooms. 8.C., Nx., and
: Cedar Ware in great variety.
Having now permanently settled in business,
i and being determined to use every proper ex
| ertioo to please, he hopes to merit and receive
I a liberal share of public patronage.
! Dec. 22, 1851.
The subscribers having purchased the entire
Stock of Goods of Geo. W. Horn, in the town
of Schellshurg, beg'leave, to announce to the
public generally, that they have now on hand,
and will continue to keep, a large and well se
lected assortment of DRV GOODS, GROCE
ware, Oils, Drugs, Fish, Molasses, and, in fact,
every article usually found in Country Stores,
to which they invite tfie attention of purchas
ers, satisfied that they can give satisfaction to
ail who give them a call.
The highest price will be paid for Hides, and
for all kinds of Grain. Lumber and Produce,
of every description, will be taken in exchange
for Goods, at the highest prices. All kinds of;
Leather will be kept at the Store for sale. Give
us a call.
Jan. 5, 1855.
The subscriber would respectfully announce
to the public that he has removed his Tinning
Establishment to the building recently occupi
ed by Mr. Luther, as a Confectionary Store, in
the Diamond, where he is better prepared than
ever to accommodate his customers with every
article in the line of his business, either whole
sale or retail, and hopes they will give him a j
call at his new location.
Bedford, April 6, 1855.
Having removed his Confectionary Store fo
the white frame building directly opposite the
Store of A. B. Cramer N. Co. would announce
to his old friends, and the public generally, that
he is prepared to render satisfaction to all who
favor him with a call. has fitted up a
private and handsome room for the accommoda
tion of Ladies, the entrance to which is through
his front family door, which they will find both
convenient and pleasant. ICE CREAM and
other delicacies will be served up in the best ;
style, in season. April 6, 1855. '
TV. C. L. Kklu\';, aCJMecbanicsbnrgb, Cumber
land t"o. Pa. announce? to those afflicted with Tu
; mors, Wens, Careers, Polypus, Lapus, Moles or
Marks, Scrofula or King's Kvil; and all diseases tha
j have been usually treated with Caustic or Knife, he
can remove them without cutting;, burning or pain ;
neither Chloroform or Ether is administered to the
patient. It i> no matter on what part of the body_
they are he can remove Vhem with perfect safety,
: and in a remarkably short time. No Mineral or
. Vegetable poison, is applied: and no money required
until a core is perfected.
I'rolapsis Uteri, Female complaints. Chronic Ven
' cteal and all other disease,* treated with positive suc
cess. Full particulars can he obtained by addressing
in either F.nglish or German post paid. Patients can
be accommodated with Hoard on reasonable terms.
Mechanirsburg is one <>t the prettiest and healthly
i towns in this or any other State. It is S miles from
| Harrisburg on the C. V. R. R. and accessible from
! all parts of the Union.
The Dr. will visit cases in any part of the State
when desired.
Kind reader if you know of any ajlicte.d fed
! low-creature, delay not, to tell them of litis
\ treatment.
March J, 1855.—Gin.*
■ ,
Drugs aia<! Books.
<ss4 F - • REAM£K /m
Having purchased tin- nnntu.Bf.Vl .&/
QfcLrv? and Bowk Store of Dr. S. D. Scott, will
constantly keep on hand at his establishment
in Juiianna Street, a complete assortment ol
Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils,
Window Glass, Varnishes, Brushes of all kinds,
Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, fancy
Soaps, &.c. &c, together with an extensive col
lection of School and Miscellaneous Books,
Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery,
•ixc. which he offers at greatly reduced prices
lor cash. Bedford, Feb. 17, IS>L
BetSford Hold,
And General Stage Cffice.
The subscriber respectfully begs have to an
nounce to his old friends and the public gener
ally, that he lias leased the Bedford Hotel, at
present in the occupancy of Col. Adam Burn
hait, and will take possesion on the Ist day of
April next. It is not his design to make many
professions as to what he will do, bnt he pledges
his word that his most energetic efforts will be
employed to render comfortable all who give i
him a calt: The House will he handsomely
fitted up, and none but careful arid attentive
servants will he engaged. Persons visiting the
Bedford Springs, as well as those attending
Court, and the travelling community general
ly, are respectfully invited to give him a call
and judge for themselves.
[CC Boarders taken by the week, month, or
year, on favorable terms.
~ Ample and comfortable stabling is at
tached to this Ilotel, which will always he at
tended by a careful hostler. Also, a sale and
convenient carriage house.
[lOr'dJll the STAGES stop at this Hotel.
March IG, lSiif).
~"1 V7ILL attend faithfully to all legal business
Y * entrusted to his care in the Counties of
I Bedford and Fulton.
Bedlbrd, Nov. 1, 1847.
C. N. HICKOK, Dentist.
OFFICE on Pitt-street, nearly opposite the
Bedford Hotel, Bedford, Pa. Teeth plag
! ged, Regulated, See. and artificial teeth inserted
j from one to ail entires t. Charges moderate,
I and all operations warranted. Terms. — CclSlL
Bedford, May 3, ISSO.
The undersigned having entered into part
nership in the above business, would anuounce
to the citizens of Bedford County that they are
now prepared, at their Shop at Ihe East End of
i this Borough, to furnish CARRIAGES and BUG
GIES, of every sty le and price ; also, COACHES,
every description executed to order, on the
shortest notice, at their shop adjoining the
! Coach Factory.
Determined to keep none hut the best of
; workmen in their employ, and to sell as cheap
as any other establishment in the State, they
hope to receive liberal encouragement.
tiy Country Produce of all kinds taken in
exchange for work and the highest prices al
lowed. We respectfully invite the public to
! give us a call.
Bedford, Feb. 3, 1854.
Having permanently located in Pattonsville,
Bedford County, respectfully tenders his servi
ces to the public in the line of his profession.
Pattonsville, March 3, 1853—1y.
The subscriber is anxious to rlose his old
Books up to Aptil 1, 1855, and hopes all in
terested will give immediate attention to this
notice. In cases where it is not convenient to
make immediate payment, notes will be taken
on reasonable time.
April 13, 1855.
w. (MKhi;,
Ur.tin, Uaigucl -1" Co.,
British, French and American
i) n v a o on s,
>No. HI North, Third Street, PHILADELPHIA.
THE undersigned would respectfully call the
attention of his old friends in the counties ol
Bedford, Fulton, Somerset, Blair, and Cambria,
to the above CARD, with the hope that, when
they visit the city to purchase Goons, they will
not fail to call at "No. !)1 North Third Street, n _
where, he feels- satisfied, they will find as choice
a selection of Goods (on as reasonable terms) as
are to be found in anv other house in Philadel
phia. " W. B. CLARKE.
March 24, 1854.—1y.
** P. A, HEALEY St BRO.,
Wholesale I>rug;dstis,
Stull's, Spites, Patent Medicines,
Cumbtr lan b, ill b.
CC?" Orders from Physician t and Merchant* filed
teilh pure and unadulterated articles, at liultimore
June 9, 185-4—ly.
This Institution is located at Kainsluirg, Bedford
county, Pa- I® mil"s from Bedfoid and S miles fiorri
the celebrated Mineral Fprings. Being situated in a
pleasant and retired village, free from many ol the al
luring vices that so often corrupt the (mud* of youth,
and in the midst of one oi'the most healthy portions
of the t>tate, we trust it will receive the liberal pa
tronage its friends have anticipated.
It will lie under the charge of the Rev. JOHN
POLLOCK, of the M. E. Church, a gentleman who
has been tor a number of years engaged in teaching,
and whose recommendations from abroad, as well as
the high style of teaching he is exhibiting in this
place at present, fully satisfy ns that he is s.ich a
man as we need. He will be assisted by Mrs. K. E.
Pollock as Preceptress, and such other teachers as
the school may require.
The year will be divided into two sessions of '22
weeks each. The first Session will comme/ire on
Tuesday, Ihe 7tb day of August next. Each session
w ill be divided into two terms of 11 weeks, hut
without any vacation, as the school will be re-organ
. ized oti the next day after the close of the lirst term
of the session. It will be very important lor stu
dents to be in attendance as near the beginning of
the term as possible, in order to gain a thorough
knowledge of elementary print-ip!e>.
Rates ol Tuition will be as follows:—For common
English, per term, $5, to which will be added lor
higher branches, including higher Mathematics, each
i 75 rents. For each ancient or modern language)
SI g.j. The entire amount of the above shall not
exceed six dollars.
IL'j-tra —Les.ons on Piano, per term, slo—Draw
ing and Painting of the different varieties from to
ss.—Vocal music, two lessons per week, sl—lnci
dentals, 25 rents.
Special attention will be given to those intending
te engage in teaching, both by affording ttiem a tho
rough Drilling in the branches necessary !" be
taught, and by Lectures on the best methodsof teach
ing and discipline.
[ 7"Board can be procured at various places in the
village on the most reasonable terms. Conveyances
will he in readiness at the stage office in Bedford or:
the day previous to commencement, between the
hours of I and 5 P. M. for the ronveyarice of any that
may not be otherwise provided for, tree of expense.
Arrangements will aDo be made tor their return
to the same place.
JOHN FILLER, Tr niter i. j
Rain-burg, June S, 1855,
SiBDMiY'S S OI \i)KY !
The subscribers respectfully hew leave to in
form the people ol Middle Wondberry Town
ship, and the country at large, tlrat llmv are now
prepared, at their establishment, one mile south
of WoodbeiTv, Bedford County, to furnish four
horse Threshing Machines, Bierponts' Patent
Shaker, Cider Mills, Ploughs of every descr ip-l
tion, Keagv's Cooking Stoves, twodilierent pat
terns, arid two different pattei ns of Coal Stoves—
Plough Castings, Wagon Boxes ol ail sizes, and j
ca>t Dinner Bells of three different sizes—also,
Mill Castings of every variety. We are also
prepared to fit up Machinery in the lest and
most durable style, and will give prompt alten- j
tion to ail orders itr this line.
the public are respectlullv invited togiv> us
a call, as we feel satisfied that both our work and
terms will please all who do so.
Oct. 27, 1554. Proprietors.
kioi *el
THE subscriber having removed to the Men
gie HOE SB, in the Borough of Bedford, re
cently in the occupancy of Mr. Isaac Mengle,
respectfully announces to his old friends, and
the public generally, that he" is fully prepared
to accommodate all who honor him with a call,
and hopes to merit and receive a liberal share
of custom. He will make it his study to render
comfortable all who stop with iiirn—and he in
vites Travellers, Movers, Drovers, and persons
attending Court to give him a trial.
His stabling is of the best quality, and com
petent to accommodate a large number of horses,
and it will always be attended by an obliging
and attentive hostler.
Boarders will be taken by the day, week,
month, or year, on reasonable terms.
Determined to spare neither pains nor ex
pense to make his house w hat it should he, he
confidently relies uj>on the public lor a genor
; pus support.
March 31, 1854.
\cw *k ISook B|orc.
Wi: wish it distinctly understood by thiscommuni
| ty and country, that we pay particular attention to
the -election of our Drue- and Medicines, purchasing
none but the very best and purest article*. We have
I for sale cheap all the approved popular patent medi
j cities, At/cr's Cherry Pectoral, Jttyne * Jlcr/triat v,
: I'ain Killer, arid all the Sarsaparillas. Also Lubin's
Extracts for the Handkerchief, fancy soaps, colognes,
pomma.ies, ox marrow. Jkc. We also keep constant
ly on hand a genera! assortment of School cY Mt*rcl
/,i a ion.* Hon/.*. Blank Hooks, Cap and I'oet Paper, ftc.,
Ac., Ike. In fact, if you want anything in the Drug,
Medicine, Book. Soap or Brush line, call at the New
i Drug and Book Store and you shall be accommodated.
Jan. 13, 1854.
Tim subscriber has on hand a large assortment
'of LIMBER ol the best quality, among which
is 100,000 Shingles, of different kinds : 75,000
leet of superior Boards, and a splendid lot of
Locust Posts. Builders, and others in want of
Lumber, will find it to their advantage to ex
amine his large assortment.
Jan. 14, 1553.
DANIEL B. BORDER respectfully informs
; the citizens of Bedford and vicinity that he lias
; removed his shop to the house in the east end
oI Bedford, one door west of the residence of
' Major Washabaugh, where he is prepared to
manufacture Double, anil Single barrel Rijles
j and Double and Single barrel Shot duns of the
i best quality.
repairing of guns, locks, &c., done
with neatness and despatch.
May 2(5, 1854.
Life Insurance.
Key Stone .Mutual Life Insurance Company oj
Ilarrisburg, Pa., has a Guarantee Capital
of $75,000.
Piesident, Hon. LUTHER REILEY, M. D. Pam
phlets, Circulars and all necessary information can l>e
obtained by calling at the office of the subscriber,
authorized agent lor Bedford County.
C. N. HICK OK, Agent. -
SAMUEL 1). SCOTT, M. D. Medical Examiner.
October 10, 1851.
West Pitt Street, Bedford, Pennsylvania.
April 7, 1854. ly.*
THE subscriber is prepared to furnish, whole
sale and retail, Tin and Copper Ware in great
variety, on the most reasonable terms.
n c. U IF.
Purifiter of tbe Blood
Let the. Jljlielcd Read and Ponder!
i .
An Infallible Remedy for Sciofula, King's Evil,
Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions,
Pimples or Pustules on the Fare, Blotches,
Boils, Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes,
Ring Worm 01 Tetter, Scald Head, Enlarge
ment and Pain of the Bones arid Joints, Stub
born Fleers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago,
Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising
from in Injudicious Fse of Mercurv, Impru
dence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood.
1/ This great alterative medicine and Pu
rifier ttf tiie Blood is now used by thousands of
grateful patients from all parts of the Fnited
States, who testify daily to the remarkable
cures performed hv the greatest ofall medicines,
ralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the
Skrri, Liver Disease, Fevers, T leers, Old Sores,
Afiectionsofthe Kidneys, Diseases of the Throat,
Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of the
Bones anil Joints, are speedily put to flight by
using this great and inestimable remedy.
For all Diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet
been found to compare with it. It cleanses the
system of all impurities!, acts gently and effi
ciently on (lie Liver and Kidneys, strengthens
the Digestion, gives tone to the Stomach, makes
the skin clear arid healthy, and restores Ihe
Constitution, enfeebled hv disease or broken
down hv the excesses of youth, to its pristine
vigor and strength.
For tiie Ladies, it is incomparably better than
all the cosmetics ever used. A few doses of
C.-,mr:;:'s Spanish Mivitrk will remove all
sallowiie>s of complexion, bring the roses mant
ling to tin* cheek, give elasticity to the step,
arid improve the genera! health in a remarka
ble degree, beyond ail the medicines ever heard j
The large number of certificates which we
have received from persons from all parts of the
f'nited States, is the bis*, evidence that there is
no Humbug about it. The pros hotel keepers,
magistrates, physicians, and public men, well
known to the community, all add their testimo
ny to the wonderful cltects of this GREAT
j (.'all on the A OF.. \r and get a Circular and
! Almanac, and read the wonderful cures this
ti U-lv greatest of all medicines has performed.
None genuine unless signed BENNETT
BEERS. Proprietors, No. .'5 Pearl Street, Rich
mond, V a.: to whom all orders for supplies and
agencies must he addressed.
Sold bv Dr. F. O. REAMOU, Bedford: J.
M. BARXDOLLAK, Blood V Run : A. B. Buxx,
Schellsourg, and hv Dtahos in Medicines ev
; erywhere. Oct. 20, 1854. Iv.
('/ironic or ,\'t rvnt/s Debility, Disease of the
Kidneys, una all Diseases arising from
a Disordered Liver or Stomach.
Such as Constipation, inward Piles, Fullness of Blood
to the lie; il, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart
burn, PisgtiFt for Food, Fullness or Weight in the
Stomach, Sour Kriu-toticns, Sinking or Fluttering at
; the Pit ol the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, flur
ried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,
• Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying
posture. Dimness ol' Vision, ]>ots or Webs lielore the
sight. Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency
of Perspiration. Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes,
Pain in the Side, Back, Limbs, \c., Sudden Ftu-hes
o' Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings
of Evil, and (ireat Depression of Spirits,
Prepared It!
JYo. 120 Arch Shrrt, Philadelphia.
Tin ir power over the above diseases is not ex
celled, if equalled, 4>y any other preparation in
the I nited States, as the cures attest, in many
i cases after skilful physicians had failed.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of in
valids. Possessing great virtues in the rectifi
cation of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands,
exercising the most searching powers in weak
ness and affections of the digestive organs, they
are, withal, safe, certain and pleasant.
J. I). SPRING, Laceyville, Pa., April (i, 1854,
says: "I can get you some good certificates for
your German Bitters in this vicinity if you
wish them. A lady purchasing some of it this
week, says that it is by far the best medicine
she ever knew, having done her and her daugh
mnch good, &.c."
S. B. LAWSON, Benfard'3 Store, Somerset Co.,
Pa., August 15, 1853, says; '-lam much at
tached to your German Bitters, having used two
bottles of it, which l procured from S. Kurtz,
your agent at Somerset, and found great relief
from in disease of the Liver. 1 find it has great
effect upon my lungs, strengthening and invig
orating them, which, as [ am a public speaker,
is a great help to me."
DR. GILES, Newton Hamilton, Pa., May,
1851, said : I have used myself half a dozen i
bottles of your German Bitters tor Liver com
plaint and diseases of a nervous character, re
sulting from the abuse of mercury. I was poi
soned and alilicted with spasms trom the use of
this latter article. The German Bitters is the
first article from which I obtained any relief.
I have also given the article to many dyspep
tics, with the most salutary result. I think as
many more bottles will cure me."
J. G. YOUNG, Esq., of Dauphin, Pa., writes
Mayo, 1851 : "I was afflicted with General
Debility, Intestinal weakness and Costiveness,
for which I used many different remedies with
out relief. lat last used your Hoofland's Ger
main Bitters. I took a few bottles according to
directions, and was completely cured. I have
not been so healthy tor ten years as 1 have been
since 1 took your Bitters, which is about one
year ago.''
The Bitters are ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, al
ways strengthening the system and never pros
trating it.
Scold by dealers in medicine and storekeepers
everywhere. And by
Dr. E. C. Reamer, Bedford, Pa.
Oct. 20, ISSI. ly.
•;|\ every one. tus own plysician.
'■ Bt 1 ?° ,h K,li " 0 "' * l, h eno
engravMigs, thowj
M Diseases ami Malformation, „}
& th- human i-ynem in every lorm
Y/ and shape. To which is addej
a J realise on the of
Females, being of the highest
I irnportanre to married people, or those con'emni
tins marriage. By W3l. YOUNG, >l. 1).
Let no father be ashamed to present a conv „r
AESCULAPIUS to bis child; it may save him ii orn
an early grave. Une young man or woman enter
into the secret obligations of married life win-,
reading the POCKET JECULAPJUS. Let no one
suffering from a hacknierl Cough, Pain in the Side
re-ttess nights, nervous feelings, and the whole train
i of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their phy-i.
| cian. he another moment without consulting \i"
.ESC'ULAP!US. Have the married, or those aboir
' j to be n.arrierl any impediment, read this truly nseiiif
' ! book, as it has been the means of saving thousands
, j of unfortunate creatures from the vpry jaws of-ileatiT
KT~Any person sending TWENT Y-FfVE GF.X'I s
_ enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of tin,
; woi k by mail, or five copies will be sent tor One
; Dollar.
, i Address, (post paid,) Dr. WJf. YOUNG
: j No. 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia!
. | .June J, 1555. ly. -
Cooking N(ote.
' | On hand and just receiving a lot of new pa
: terns of Cooking Stoves, lor wood and coal at
In addition to his former stock, the siibscri
! her has received a splendid assortment of Brass
Bell Nlettle, Iron and English Kettles, which'
will please all in want of the article,—also a
variety of other articles useful for house keep
' ers. He tias also on hand a lot of pump chains
and fixtures, al! of which will be sold low for
cash, or on a short credit.
j May 19, 1854.
k i ; eilow Citizens!"
Do you want to leave your measure for a
warranted to give satisfaction in STYLE, Qi am
tv, FIT and MAKE ? Do you want to see a
large and splendid Stock of
Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings,
and other seasonable goods lor JWEJfS W.IRE 1
Do yon want lo see & fine assortment of Co.vrs,
PANTS and VESTS, gotten up in a style not in
ferior to the best ordered work I Do you want
Under Garments of the "right stripe f or FI R.
NisniNG ARTICLES that "Cr7 be beat ," or
liOY'.*- €LOTHI\k
| for your Sons? In short, if you want all or any
of these things so essential to the adornment and
■ comfort of the "outer man, 1 ' call on
l . STEPHEN'S, Merchant Tailor,
| McKaig's Row, Baltimore Street (next door
! to Cainjihell's Drug Store,) Cumberland, .Mil.
[CP" If you want an OUTFIT of
I would advise you to call at the RAILROAD
CLOTHING STORE, near the Depot.
May 19, 1854—1y.
The subscriber will sell, at private -ale, his valua
ble Property, situate in Union Township, Bedford
i County, Pa., on which he at present resides, con'am-
I log "ill acres of patented land, TO of which are cleared
; and under pn-u and tail lence, the balance well tim
!he red with good saw timber. This property is on
! the waters of Bobbs' Creek, 1 miles north of Adol
phns Ake's Mill, on the public road leading lioni
Bedford to Johnstown or Jefferson, within 12 miles
of Jeflerson, and li> rnile rd" Hollidaysburg. The im
provements are a Stone Grist Mill, with two run of
Stones, one pair first rate French Burrs, with good
merchant and country Bolts, and a complete Nniit
.Machine. The Machinery is all good and substan
tial, and is partly-new. The water power is sntfi
j cent .luring the entire year. ami. the custom is good
! and plenty of it. There is also a new Saw Mill on
j the premises, which will cut from 1500 to 200!) feet
| of Lumber a day inch rnen-nre, which is ready saje
lat the Mill. One of the Dwelling Houses is a three
I story liame, suitable for a public House or Store
House, and is well finished. There are three other
dwellings, two frame and one log house, also a frame
j stable ami Wagon Shed, and other necessary build
Al-n, will be sold, another Tract of Land contain
ing 200 acres, about 75 acres of which are cleared,
ol which 10 are good meadow with facilities for mak
ing 20 or 20 more. The balance well timbered arid
well wateied by the Bobbs' Creek running through
if. There is on the premises an excellent site cal
| ciliated for eithei Grist Mill or Saw Mill, with bead
j and fall of 22 feet. There is a variety of choice fruit ,
. trees on the farm. The buildings are one good Log
| House ami Stable and other outbuildings. Also,will
; be sold. 140 acres of good Timber land, convenient to
j the Saw Mill, on which are the very best, of saw
j logs. The above land is all patented, and a clear
i and indi-putable title will be made to the purchaser
jor purchasers. Those wi-liing to purchase good pro
perty. will learn the conditions, (which will he mod
erate,) by calling with the subscriber, residing on
the-first named propertv.
July 21, 1854.
TOOTH ACHE.—Persons are not general
ly aware that Dr. Keytar's Tooth Ache reme
dy, prepared by' him at 1 40 Wood Street, Pitts
burg, Pa. and for sale at Rupp Oster's in this
place will stop immediately an aching tooth.
Whoever tries it will be convinced.
Dec. 8,. 1854.
The subscriber would announce to his old
friends and customers, and the public in gener
al, that he has permanently located himsell in
Juliana Street, next door to Dr. REAMER'S Drug
Book Store, where he is prepared to execute
all orders in his line in a superior manner, on>
reasonable terms. Front long experience in tin
business, he feels confident he can render satis
faction to all who honor him with a call.
He constantly keeps on hand, ready-made
clothing, of every description, for Men ant.
Boys—also, a superior assortment of CLDTBN
TIN, and other NESTINGS, and Summer IVear,
which he will sell as low as they can be bought
elsewhere, and make them up to the tasteot the
lie also keeps a genera! assortment of Cravats,
Stocks, Collars, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, Nc.
He hopes to merit and receive a liberal share
of public patronage.
June 9, 1854.
Ir.tjmrlrrs ami J)' iters in
JV. 45 Smtl/i Scrawl Slrert, PIIILADLU'/Hf
Arc now prepared to otter their customers ami ire
trade an unusually large and w ell selected assortment
FLOWERS, LACES, and every other article apper
taining to the Millinery trade.
[IT" Our stock being-of our own direct importation,
offers great advantage, both in styles and prices-
Oct. 12, ISo t.—ly.