The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, August 24, 1855, Image 1

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Select poetry-
From the Plymouth .Memorial.
The Little Frock ant! Shoes.
A little frock but slightly worn
Oi til tie and white detain.
With edging round tile neck and sleeve#,
Lay folded neat and plain ;
prides a little pair of shoes
With here anil there a flaw
Lav half concealed among the things
In mother's bureau draw !
Summer had passed away from earth
With all her sweetest ties,
The birds had left their Summer haunts
For more congenial skies;
The twilight breezes sweetly played
Among the dews of even—
An angel left his home on high,
To gather dowers for heaven I
The angel-near and nearer came,
Where sister sick did lie;
Then gently fann'd her faded cheek,-
And pointed to the sky !
The morning shone upon the bed,
The Autumn wind blew free,
The angel moved its silvery wings,
And whisper'd "come with me!"
We gather'd round her dying bed.
With heart- to weep and prav—
And many were the tears we shed
When -ister w ent awnv !
'No bitter tears had she to weep,'
So sin to be forgiven,
Pint clo-ed her little eyes in sleep,
To open them in heaven.
We laid her in the earth's green breast,
Down by Ihe village green,
Where gently weeps the deuy gras-,
And Summer flowers are seen;
And often when dear mother goes
To get her things to u-e,
1 see her drop a silent tear
On sister'* frock a ltd shoes.
The Louisville S£iot.
The following statement of an eye-witness, a
highly respectable citizen of Louisville, details a
few of the preliminary proceedings of the K. N.
partv, which very naturally led to the dreadful
riot in that city. After the publication of such
facts ilts idle now to enquire w ho is responsible.
From the Louisville Democrat.
•Messrs. Editors.: —l believe a statement of the
disgraceful conduct which occurred under my
own obsei vation, and in n v own Ward, at the
court house, on Monday,the fith August, 185"),
tiiwaiike to ail parties, but more especially to
:;!1 god citizens of Louisville. Between lour
and five o'clock in the morning I repaired to the
court house, for the purpose of making some ar
rangements to distribute tickets. The polls
were riot vet open : I passed through (he lobby
suit on the platform on Jefferson street, and saw
upon the steps and in the \ard some 18 or 20
men, nearly every, one of whom carried a club
or loaded stick. I was not able to identify any
of these men, after a close reconnoissauee of
them. The election proceeded a? quietly as
r< illd he expected until a report was put into
•circulation that the Democratic ticket was ahead
in the Fifth Ward, and that it was a close vote
in the Sixth Ward, w hen a cty was raised,
".Move the d <1 Sag Nichts! Down with
the Dutch and Irish : (i—dd—n them!"' In
an instant several citizens were knocked down
and run out of the hall. I stood my ground and
saw oliicer Seat on make some effort to restore
order, but saw him make no arrests. This out
break occurred between the hours of 9 and 10
o'clock, A. M. A party of these bullies took
possession ofthe platform on Fifth street. I
went out among them, and saw them offer yel
low tickets to every man who came up the
stairs. ]' they were refused, some ofthe crowd
wnnld ask them who they voted for: it for
Morehead, well: if Democratic or Clarke, they
were moved or knocked in the head. I laid
my iiand upon the shoulder of one of these men
•whom I thought I knew, and inquired w hat
was the cause of his hand being in a sling: to
which he replied he had bruised it. Judge my
surprise when, in less than five minutes there
after, I saw hirn knock down an Irishman with
'he same wounded hand, and upon it a pair of
hrass knuckles.
A friend of mine, and a gentleman, called
me out and desired to know whether I was
armed; to which I replied I was not, nor had
I carried arms but on one occasion in Louisville,
within a period of nearly a quarter of a century.
He aave me one of his revolvers, and insisted
"pon my acceptance in a manner which left no
upon my mind of his friendship. [This
gentleman is a know-nothing and an honorable
man.] ] repaired to the court house. Some
three old gentlemen inquired of trie if they could
get to tlie polls other than through the dense
crou d at the door of admission, upon which I
directed them to the door, stating that several
<'id gentlemen, from age and infirmity, had been,
tnrough the kindness of the door keeper, been
admitted—among whom I named J. VV. Brep
°Mt>. Esq. Alter the admission of these, entire
strangers to me, a rougli looking customer, who
had heard all that had been uttered between
these nien and myself, called me to account for
He had a yellow ticket in the ribband of
'is hat, and a club in his hand. From bis lan
e-age, I was convinced that he was about to
strike me. I stepped back and drew my pis
,f'u stating if he raised his stick one inch I
woald short him in his trarks. A young man
c'lguod address threw his arm round his neck,
stood between us, and backed the bully into the
crowd. I shuddered at the idea, that in a mo-I
rnent more J would, in all probability, have la- j
ken a life that I could not restore, and which 1
act would be to all time a source of bitterness to
me ; hence, ] returned the weapon, and went
unarmed the balance of the day.
I saw unoffending men knocked down in the
court yard, and stoned off the yard fence by
these bullies, and no attempt made to arrest any
one ot them, although f saw some of the police
within reach of the offenders. Such unprovoked
and cowardly attacks upon peaceable citizens,
who came to the polls to rpcoid their suffrage, 1
trust never to behold or hear of in future. The 1
passes to the polls Weie thus fully taken posses-|
sion of. One stoutly built man ascended the !
steps, and was met above—"H.w do vou vote?"
I did not with distinctness get bis answer, when
: he was struck, and staggered ; got upon his feet
and passed through the crowd, dealing out to
his assailants some heavy blows, lie was soon
overpowered, and while in (he act of throwing
him over the banisters. Cant. L. ii. Rousseau
ran up, grasped the man and saved him from
further violence. Here permit me to say, from
wars of acquaintance, [ have ever regarded
Captain Rousseau as a highly honorable and
brave man : but never until last Monday did J
fully appreciate his tiuole worth. Hi# deeds
of daring throughout the day were most worthy
his well known character.
From two o'clock until the close of the polls
f received tint one or two votes; hi tact, I may
sav from the time the polls were taken in the
forenoon 1 got but f-'w voles. I gave yellow
tickets to two whom I believe to he my friends
to carrv through the crowd. They went in, dis
carded the yellow, and voted the Democratic
ticket, fir which I saw them knocked down on
having the court-house, and no a 1 rest made fur
these outrages. Between two and four o'clock,
P. M., I called on from thirty to forty ot my
friends, and urged them to go 10 the pulls, pro
mising to protect them, but to no purpose.—
Mo.,t voters are by 1 irth American#, and
all respectable and orderly citizens engaged in
business - . There are (if lam correctly in firmed)
some twentv-eight of my friends on Jefferson
street, between Fifth and Third, including three
in the house of YV. H. J hnston, Esq., also
James Met uilough. £cc., who did not or
would not vote, in consequence of the disorder I
at the polls. But the most inhuman of ail the
acts of tbe-4y was reserved fir the after:v>on.
A gang of rowdies had in keeping and tow a
p >or man all bloody, taking him to jail—for
w hat 1 ifierice I knew not. As they rustled past
mv door, I went out after them. When marly
opposite the south-east corner of the court-house,
a genteelly dressed foreigner, I believe an Iri#b
i: an, was coming up the yard.-- He turned out
to give the pass to the mob, when a part of
them cried out, ".Move the d—d foreigner!"
and in a moment he was knocked down and
beat almost to a jnJiv. One of the demons
cried out f>r a hatchet to cut off iiis head, .Sec. ;
One had a pitchfork, which some present stated
be stock, into the poor man. At this moment
Win. G. Stewart, Esq., the generous and hu
mane lawyer, having just came into town, ran
into the crowd, pushed tle-m right an i left, and
cursed them fir a s~t of scoundrels, K.c. 'l id#
was the most unprovoked attempt to murder a
poor unoffending is an I ever beheld.
There w .-re many more outrages committed,
such as knocking down and kicking Mr. Cud
more into the door ol my store, at which time
Hon. Vv . P. Thompson was struck, in attempt
ing to rescue .Mr. Cmlmore : an a.--ault attempt
ed on Mr. Hampton, an honorable and good
man, K.c. As I did not witness the origin or
commencement ol these and other cases, { leave
them for others to detail.
Permit me, in conclusion, to sav, f pen the j
above with feeiir;gs of sorrow, mingled w -it h the
most painful regrets. ,\o man can feel, much |
less express the horror I have felt at these j
bloody occurrences: nor can 1 ever think oft
these scenes without a shudder. If J have ut- ,
tered one untruth or done a particl** of injury to j
any man or party 111 the above, I beg he will
call upon me and convince me of it. and f
pledge my honor as a man, to publicly correct ,
it. I will he in November mxt a citizen of,
Louisville twenty-five years. Many of mv b-.-d j
friends are amopg my political opponents —gen-
tlemen whom the good and wise of all parties
respect ; nor have they thought the less of me j
for being a Democrat. If other evidence were j
wanting to prove this fact their hearty suppoit
in recording their suffrages for m on Monday
last, ought to sufiice. I venerate religion: 1
have no feelings of animosity against any order;
nor can I believe religion was given to man to!
quarrel and fight about, hut to escape to a better .
and happier world alter death. My Democracy,!
founded as I firmly believe it to he upon the i
Constitution of the United States, with an abi- j
ding confidence in all constitutional acts of Con- j
gress, and a desire to act as honestly and fair- j
ly my part in all the business and social re- j
latioTTs of life, at this time, and thus far, forms j
the whole sum and -.lhstanr.e of rnv religion.— !
H nee I ran never he arrayed against any Or- j
der, cr do know ingly any party injustice.
Respectfully, Tiros. M. IIICKS.
LOUISVILLE, August 10, 1855.
RAILROAD ACCIDENT. —An accident occurred
on the Morris and Essex Railroad on Monday
evening, by which the + o'clock, P.M. train;
from New York, was delayed lor several hours,
and the subsequent traimMioth ways thrown out .
ol th-ir regular time. A cow, which was about j
a mile east of Morristotfrn, in the cot through
Ford's Woods, ran up the hank to escape the
engine, but fell back, and her body, after parsing j
under the engine and tender and first car, was :
caught by the next car and shockingly torn to 1
driblets. The car was also thrown off the track,
and the wheel-truck so twisted and buried into :
the ground thai it Was found impossible to re
store it, and for want of sufficient screw-jacks,
&.C., the train did not get on its way till about
midnight. Fortunately no injury occurred to
the passengers.—.X'rrrurk Adv.
We are at last enabled to furnish direct evi
f deuce that the Louisville tragedy, on Monday ;
last, was tiie result ofthe preparations and pros
criptions of the Know-Nothings. Not to speak
jof the practices of that party in disfranchising j
citizens by excluding them from official station, i
"■ ■
nor yet ofthe long and persevering course of a- j
base and denunciation of the Liu is vi He Journal, j
the following from that paper , since the election, j
is enough to show that the violence and blood- 1
shed ol Monday were the result ofthe prepara
tions of the Know-Nothings, and could never 1
happened had these partisans been actuated by !
ordinary feelings of humanity.
"We all know that it was considered very i
doubtful on Monday morning whether the whole \
vote of thi* eitv could be polled within thethir- '
teen hours of the election. The native-born
Americans thought and fell that, if any portion j
o! the-people legally entitled to vote should!
have to stand hack and lose their suffrages lor j
want ot tune, the f m-ign-born citizens should •
stand back rather than themselves. They tho't 1
and fell this ought to be perfectly manifest \
even to the minds of the foreigners. I ndoub- j
tedlv they pressed forward early and vigorous- '
Iv to the |.'d Is, in order to be the first if possible: j
JI:J in this they were right. They had a per- J
feet right to go, it they chose*to the polls at I' 2 ;
<> ; lock on Sunday night, and remain there tin- !
(il the following morning. They had a right to J
go at what time they pleased, and in what mini- j
hers timy could. They had a right even to toss !
their friends over the heads of the ciowd to thH
poll-, a# we are told they did in some few in
stances, though thi# was no doubt a violation oft
courtesy. They had a right to vote as last as j
fhey could, provided they used no violence in
pulsing or thrusting back their opponent# from
the polls, and have not heard it alleged that they
did this in a solitary instance."
Two things are made clear iro:n thi# admis
sion; first, that the Know-Nothings took posses
sion of the polls on Sunday night and remained '
there; and, secondly, that numbeis of the natur- i
alized citizens, and doubtless the anti-Know-'
\ >tkings were prevented from voting bv armed [
and tor .silent in ,-bs ! This is certainly, savs fh?. [
Vv ashington i nion, th-' first instance of the ;
kind that has happened in tin* United States :j
but it-is a natural and a necessary sequel ofthe .
policy of proscription and bigotry upon which f
the secret party is founded. When a political j
organization gathers under its. banner such ele- >
merits, violence and anarchy are certain to fol
low. When the Know-Nothings took their
stand against all citiz-ns horn abroad, naturali
zed or not, an ! when they set up a religious
test, it was only a natural transition for them t >
; resort to violence to carry out their objects. It '
has I een so before, and will he so again. We
only regret that so many of our citizens should
have doubted that such would he the fruits of
the new party. And now that all these doubts
have been dispelled by the stubborn truth—now
j that the Louisville tragedy is fix' d upon, ami
aim Ist avowed by, its authors may we not
hope that the dangers of this cruel and criminal
combination of bad men will be properly view
| ed by our countrymen?
From the Cleveland I'iaindealer, Aug. !.
The Soil*, of ( lay and Webster and their
Father's Old Organs.
Those conversant with the political history
I of the country, no further bark than ten or a
: dozen years, will recollect the Louisville Jour
j nut as the pi culiar organ <d the great Kentucky
i oral >r, the "embodiment," as his friends were
j wont to style lorn, ot the principles and taUnt-s
j of the Whig party of the Union ; while the L . >s
-1 ton . It/as performed a siniilar part to the "god-
J like" Senator from Massachusetts, the then idol
1 ofthe "solid men" of Boston.
| In those days the editors ol these journals
still Haltered themselves that mtber CLAYM
WKIISTLI:, and perhaps both, would vet reach
i the presidential chai:, and dispense its palron
j age and favors. What wonder it would have
excited, then, to have words ot disparagement,
j however slight, in such journals, of either ofthe
two great leaders ol the Whig party —or even
; of their ofi'spring!
i But tine# iutye.changed ! Clay and Webster
; are in their grave.-, and never can wield the
i power and the patronage sought by the "Jour
i mil" and "Atlas" to be bestowed upon therm
j Each, however, has left a son —an only son
j —and n .w, while the Louisville Journal is
j (louring out the hot lava of its hitter and vin
i dictive wrath upon the young Ciav for nooth
j er reason, in fact, than because lie has taken up
arms against the anti-American, antt-ReptibJi
i can, "Know-Nothing" organization, the Boston
Atlas follows suit, and vents its spleen upou the
son of its former patron and idol.
In a late article from that paper, in reference
to the failure ot the Walker "filibustering" ex
pedition into Central America, it says:
"Billy Walker ought to gave been hanged
; long ago for liis misdeeds in Lower California,
but the Government of the United Slates failed
ito bestow upon him the hempen ovation. Mr.
, Kinney was in the power ofthe authorities, and
bamboozled them all. Mr. Fletcher Webster,
who was very directly engaged iri the specula- j
j tion, still holds office under the government."
"Mr. Kinney," too, by the way, now so j
sneeringly and so uncharitably spoken of by the ;
Atlas, was, in days gone by, as is well known,
| a special favorite and trusted friend of Daniel j
Webster. But, the Lion is dead, and many 1
who fawned upon him as upon Clav, while
they vel lived, now that they have descended
I to their graves delight in hunting down their
I child ren and their friends.
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
j This, we suppose, is a fair specimen of the
! vaunted gratitude, and magnanimity ot the
press of that party.
How the Voters wire H hipped in.
Just before the election in Tennessee, the
Knoxville H'hig, fearing there might he inein
! hers of the Order of the Know-Nothing:
j lodges who, on the day they deposited their vote,
j would assert the independence and rights of:
| freemen, published the following oath, which,
; during the early part ofthe canvass, had been
stoutly denied. There can be no doubt of its
authenticity now, as it has been published to
i the world by Brownlow, one of high priests of
the order. H>* was explaining why Know No
' ! • -I V
: tilings must support R idgers for the Senate:—
"When we were initiated into the Order, we
took the fallowing obligation or oath, adminis
. tered upon the Holy Bible, and not having with
i drawn from the Order, and not intending to do
sr., we feel bound by every consideration ofhon
| or and duty to support Rodgers ;
"You do solemnly swear before Almighty
God and these witnesses, that so long as vou are
connected with this organization, if not reguiar
; Iv dismissed from it, you will, in oil things,
political or social, so far as this order is concern
ed, comply with the will of the majority, when
' expressed in a law ful manner, though it may
conflict with your personal preference."
All who are members ofthe Order, and con
tinue to he, have the same obligation lesting up
! din tl.em, and if they have any regard for their
honor and a solemn duty, they will vote for
' Rodgers, though he may not be their 'person
al preference."
j All tuinas, political or s rial Well might
ex-Governor Brown, in commenting on this
fiorrid oath, < xclairn, "what unbounded power!"
The past week has been one that Kentucky
and the woild will long remember. But one
' week ago and how many in all the enjoyment
;of life now lie in an untimely grave. But a
i abort week ago, and our city was ranked a para
gon among ie-r sisters for health, wealth, peace
and prosperity. Behold her now The bUed
;pg victim of a base political warfare—heboid
iter lamenting the lives of some ot her best ci'i
z.ens, who for years stood by her through all
her difficulties. Oh, ingrate, In-artless set, thus
ito wring into dispair the proudest in the
I nion: to make her feel that her fair name
; whkAi never yet the breath of calumny had
* otiled, iie* n.ade the mock ol foreign fools to
laugh and carp at. Days, months and years,
may pass awav, but the dreadful and disgusting
scenes of murder, arson and robbery will still
live fresh in the memory of every son of Louis
ville. The widow, orphan and houseless too,
will remember the day that deprived them of
their homes, their husbands, their parents,"-and
their happiness. Their curses and imprecations
will soar a oft to Him who sees and knows all.
am! wiii fall with fearful fatality on the heads
:of the foul perpetrators. — Louisville Times.
Singular AdvonHire <;{' a Lost Child.
On Saturday, the fith ult., a child of Henry
Nicholson, residing about two miles north of
iiockawav, went into the woods with an older
brother to hunt the cows. The boy was only
about five years old, and bv some means got
separated from his brother, who came home
without him. The mother then'started in
.s.-arch of hirn. hut he t# illd riot he found. On
Sunday, the parents, aided bv a feu neighbors,
searched in vain, and in the afternoon some
seventy persons turned out to scour the woods,
hut they found rio to him. Cn Monday
probably over one hundred persons were search
ing tin' woods iu ail directions-, and on Tues
day and Wednesday, it is sai l, that two hun
dred w.-re searching, but without discovering
him. On Thursday morning, a young man from
Denmark Forge concluded he would search,
and accordingly went from his house to Beach
Glen, directly across tlm mountain, which over
looks the Glen. On the top of that mountain,
lying on a rock, he found the child alive and
bright, but vry thirsty and hungry. He had
lived on berries, and told his discoverer, that
he was looking for the red cow, and had not .
found her vet. Being very timid, it is sup
posed that tie had heard the cutis ofthe men
looking lor him, and hid himself, for they went
several tine s through tin* mountain where he
was found. For the same reason he had not
dared to approach the houses at the (Jlen, which
uere in sight. When found lie had given up,
hope of finding his way home. He fca.l been
without food from Saturday noon until the next
Thursday forenoon, about five days, except the
; berries he picked in tin* woods. During that
time he had riot had a single drop of water.— .
The little fellow was disinclined to tell his ad
ventures, but called londly for bread and water,
which w'ere given him .sparingly at first. The
boy is now as well as ever.— A'cwark (A. ./. )
i . idverfiser.
- _ -
Recused dion from Drowning. —The (Uas
gow Herald mentions a remarkable rase of re- ,
solicitation from drowning. Miss Murdoch, a j
young English ladv, was bathing with a girl
named Shaw, when the latter got out of her j
depth. Miss Murdoch placed Imr out of danger, i
hut herself sank tm#ne bottom. She la v there
fir fullv five minpes, when the body was recov
j ered, cold and inanimate. A gentleman had
i her conveyed to his house, where the body was
rubbed with brandy, mustard applied, and bath !
put in requisition. To the surprise of all she
gradually recovered. The case is mentioned as i
j giving encouragement for the trial of remedial
i measures, however cold and inanimate the body
'may be when brought out ofthe water—excep
ting, of cours**, in cases where submersion has
taken place such a length of time as to preclude j
I all hope. 1
Lreousburgltcr Murdered in California.
On Tuesday morning last, a deep "loom was
spread over our town, by letters received here
from California, announcing the cold blooded
murder of our former fellow citizen, Capt. Geo.
j Kettering. Gapt. K. was extensively known
j and esteemed in this community as a kind-heart
: ed, patriotic and honorable man. Some five
years ago he went to California, where he con
tinued about two years, and was very success
! ful in acquiring money, when fie returned to
■ his family. Alter remaining with ii is family
in this vicinity for about a year, he returned to
that country a!>out eighteen months ago. For
tune stiff favoring him, lie was expected home
• j in the fall to enjoy the fruits of his industry
with his family, when he was stricken down
by tin* hand of an assassin. The following let
ter from C. A. Lippincott, fo his son Henry
Kettering, ofthe "Westmoreland House," which
' we have been permitted to copy, gives the par
ticulars of the diabolical act. The family and
friends of Capt Kettering have the sympathy of
(lie entire community :— (ireensburg Argus.
JAMESTOWN, CAL., July 13, 1855.
Mn. HI:NRY KETTERING : At the request of
your brothers, Adam, Michael, and John, J ad
dress these lines to you. The painful duty de
volves upon me of imparting to you, and other
j members of your family, the* sad intelligence of
your father's death. It occurred at Algerine
Camp, on Tuesday evening, lOtii inst., and the
circumstances attending are of a shocking na
ture. He was shot and killed, aim .st instantly,
by a young man named YVtri. H. Worth. 1
will give you the particulars as tiiev were ob
tained by the Coroner's jury, of wbicii I was a
member :
About I'-n days since, the residence of Judge
Brunton was ent.-n d and robbed of some $13,-
000, and the Judge nearly murdered. It caused
a great deal ol excitement, as no clue could he
I obtained to fasten suspicion on anv one. Worth
fiad been out from home on the night of the
robbery, and had stated that he called at the
J udg< N house on return home, about two o'-
clock in the morning—and has since explained
why he called—but finding no on< up, lie kept
on his way. Your father, upon hearing this, is
said to have remarked that it gave room for sus
pecting Wo r th, or that he suspected Worth of
being implicated in the robbery.
Worth hearing these reports in circulation,
traced tliern to the above remark uttered by your
father, and went to his bouse for the purpose of
making him retract what tie had said. H>* was
accompanied by two men, named Finny and
Sutton, all well armed. They found your father
sitting by iiis d • or, in company with a man nam
ed Jones, who lived with lorn. Worth reques
ted a private audience with him, as he had some
thing private to communicate. He was request
ed to enter into the house—the rest remaining
outside. They repaired to the back room, and
W. was heard to say, "Captain, you have cir
culated reports about me, implicating me in this
Brunton affair . I have traced them to you, and
you irlist retract." Your father refused, and
Worth told hirn. "You must sign this paper."
The captain was then heard to say, "Don't cock
your pistol no me, sir!" Worth replied, "Yon
have got your hand behind you!" which being
denied, W. said, "You are a liar!" and a cap
was heard to snap, then the report of a piste!
and the cry of "murder 1" Piste,! shots follow
ed in iapid succession, eight or nine having been
tired, when W. emerged from the building, and
with bis friends, who were standing at the door,
procured their horses and delivered themselves
up to the Sheriff of Srnora. Jones, in the
meantime*, alarmed at his own safety, had fled.
As soon as the neighbors could reach the spot,
fhev entered the house and found vnur father re
clining against th" side of the building, but he
was dead. Your brother Michael was in Camp
Seco at the time, about three rniies from the
scene, and J ihn and Adam were at their camp
o:i Table Mountain, still further "fT.
The Sheriff, Coroner, and a Justice of the
Peace were sent for, and the body suffered to
remain in the position it was found, and the
house closed. I pon the arrival of these parties
a postmortem examination was held : and eight
bullet wounds were found upon his person,
besides two blows upon the headjiom a blunt
instrument, probably inflicted by the broken
revolver that was found on the floor, as it bore
marks of having been used in that manner.—
Your father's pistol was found under him, in
it# sheath, showing that it could not have been
used. It is thought that W. fired five shots
from his revolver, the first cap having snapped,
and then broke it by striking him with it. He
either had two pistoisupon his person or another
was handed to hiin, with which lie completed
I his work, as we found the mark of eight balls
) upon the body and one through the side ofthe
house. One bullet entered the head above the
left ear—one in the hr'-ast two in his arms,
i and four inis legs. The parties are lying in
jail, and it J| bought, will undoubtedly he coni
initted to await their trial of murder.
Your father had many friends, who accorn
; panied his remains to the Masonic grounds in
Sonora. The lodge to which lie belonged here
| are taking charge of the corpse. Your bioth
, ers are allfn good health, and with the other
i members of your family, received the heartfelt
all. You will in-ar train them bv
next mail.
Yon truly, ('. A. LIPPINCOTT.
tioned the fearful ravages made by the cholera,
at Perry ville, Md., in the family of Joseph Rai
sin, stating that he was then down with the dis
ease. He has sine*- died. The family consist
ed of husband, wife, and six children. In a
i week's time all of them died except a lad,
i who has recovered. Three of the children
were unwisely sent to the alms-house, where
two of them (lied ; and, what is most unfortu
nate, they have infected the premises there,
i two of the inmates having since died.— Bali.
j . ,
As the evening;train (or Greenport was leaving
Farmingdale about b o'clock on Saturday, Jo
seph Brown, a resident of Babylon, L. J., in
attempting to get on the cars after they hail star
ted, was thrown under the wheels, and live cars
passed over htm : the first wheel passed over his
legs and rolled him further on the track, the
next car passed uver him higher up, and the
last went over his body, crushing him in a fear
ful manner. The train was stopped as soon as
the accident was made known to the engineer,
and immediately returned. Cur informant was
among the first to reach the spot, and found him
laid by the side of the track covered with a
piece of sail, his head supjiorted by another
piece. On the covering being partially removed
that he might be recognized, a sickening sight
presented itself, a pool of blood having flowed
to some distance, the only sign of life being a
sort of convulsive breathing motion, which con
tinued but a short time ; he was not at all con
scious alter he fell. His age was about fifty
five. One son was on the train and remained
with him. It was supposed by those who saw
him attempt to g- t on the train, that he was in
toxicated.—.V. y. Tribune, Ith.
Palladium, of the 27th, has the following notice
of the effect of the liquor law in that State. The
Palladium says :
'•Probably there is more intoxicating liquor
retailed in Hartford at this time than ever be
fore, and evidently there is more drunkenness.
A stringent law will not make men moral and
temperate. The liquor generally used at this
time is said to be a very deleterious article, and
is doing much harm. A laborer remarked the
present week to one of our merchants, that he
knew cf twentv-three places on one short street
where liquors were sold. The town rum a
gency is also in full blast, dealing out large
quantities. Club room? have multiplied to a
fearful extent,and hundreds of families in which
liquor was unknown before August last, now
keep a variety, and ask their friends to drink.
This one feature alone is doing incalculable
mischief. The fashion of keeping liquors upon
the family sideboard is fast coming into use, and
its evils are as great as those of the rum shop.—
The liquor law is the parent of that evil."
know what could be more cowardly than the
manner which the friends of the liquor law arc
enforcing it in this city. It is perfectly noto
rious that the retail liquor tratlic is openly and
boldly carried on from one end of the city to
the other, and that the wholesale traffic is un
restrained. It is perfectly notorious that whis
key is daily unloaded upon our docks, and that
there are immense stocks of liquors in store for
sale. Yet the efforts to enforce the law are
confined to half a dozen arrests per week of
small retailers—some of the smallest in the
city. . There seems to be an intention to anuoy
individuals, rather than a desire to stop the sale
of spirits, for the sources of the traffic are not
touched—the wholesale dealers .are unmolested.
No attempt has been made to put in force the
search, seizure and nuisance clauses of the act.
Why is this. The law exists—why do not its
friends carry it into full effect'/ They dare not.
They know in their hearts, that in its main .fea
tures it is invalid that it is an oppressive, out
rageous and unconstitutional enactment. They
dare not carry it into effect.— Detroit Free
Press . i;j_r. 2.
ANOTHER RECRUIT. —Mr. Brown* editor of
the Marion, Indiana, Republican, formerly a
whig paper, announces that hereafter lie will be
found battling with the great democratic party
of the country. The Rock Island Democrat
"The editor of the Republican is hot the only
whig editor in the north who has lately had to
join (he democracy, owing to the fact that the
leaders of that once powerful party have merged
it into the abolition know-nothing proscriptive
party. Thousands of patriotic and national
ivhigs among the masses are also joining the
democracy, rather than lend their aid to the
disorganizing and tiaitorous schemes of the abo
lition demagogues and fanatics of the north.—
We again assert that the next presidential race
will be between the abolitionists, know-nothings
and disunionists on the one side, and the nation
al demociacy, aided bv all national whigs on the
other : anil in such a contest, who can doubt
the triumphant success of the democracy, the
party that has ever upheld the constitutional
rights of all sections of the country, as guaran
teed to them under the constitution ?"
last Sabbath, a stranger, carrying an oil cloth
lag in his hand, was. seen staggering in Main
street, opposite Bank, it was supposed from the
effect of liquor: hut on turning into the entry
to go up a flight o! stairs to Dr. Constable's of
fice, he fell! and in less than fifteen minutes ex
pired. Fpon inquiry it appeared that he was
one ol several boarders at a house which had
he-en closed, and he was left in it sick with the
(ever, without attendance or necessaries of any
kind : that in the last stage of the disease, when
the victim is mocked with the deceptive con
sciousness of returning health, he went out in
order to go to the hospital: but had just strength
to reach the spot mentioned when he became
exalisted, and death closed the scene. His name,
we learn, was Stapleton, an Irishman, about
two years in the coudtry, and had been em
ployed in the Navy Yard. In somewhat more
than an hour he was taken away in a hearse for
interment.— JVorfolk Herald , Tf fii.
In the long run those who work slowlv
and gradually at one business succeed the best,
ft takes a man about seven years to get acquain
ted in one channel of business.
df**- "I say, Bill, Jim's caged tor stealing a
"Sarved him righ. Why didn't he buy one
and not pay for it, like any other gentleman?''