The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, August 03, 1855, Image 1

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    BY EO. \\. BOWSAY
Sclc£t• P o c t r n.
Seasonable I'oetry.
G7"The following oxquisite lines, by Montgomery,
which we take frotn an old English magazine, may
not he inapplicable at this moment, when a whole
people are called upon to discard and persecute the
stranger and the oppressed :
The Stranger and his Friend.
'•Ve have done it unto me."—MAIT. xxv., 40.
A l'ooe. wayfaring man of grief
Hath often crossed me on my way,
ho sued so htinildy for relief
That 1 could never answer "May;"
I had not power to ask his name,
Whither he went or whence he came,
Yet theie was something in i eye
That won my love, ! know not why.
Once, when my scanty meal was spread
He entered not a word he spake ;
Just peiishing for want of bread,
1 gave hiu. all; he bles.-ed it, brake,
Am! ate, but gave me part again ;
Mine wa- an Angel's portion then,
For, while 1 fed with eager haste,
The crust was manna to my taste.
1 - pied him, where a fountain htir-t
Clear Iroin the rock ; tii- strength was gone;
The heedless water mocked his thirst ;
He heard it, saw it hurrying on.
1 lalito rai>e the sufferer up;
Thrice from the stream he drained my cup,
Ihpt, ai d returned it i umiing o'er ;
I drank, and never thirsted more.
'Twas night ; the floods were out; it Idew
A winter hurricane aloof;
I heard Ins voice abroad, ami flew
1 o hut him welcome to mv roof; •
I warmed, 1 clothed, I cheered my gue.-t,
l.Tiul inm on my couch to rest :
I'li-ii made the hearth iriy bed, ami seemed
In Eden's garden while I dreamed.
Strip!, wounded, beaten nigh to death,
I found him by the highway side;
I roused his pul-e, brought hack his breath,
derived his spirit, and supplied
Wine, oil, refreshment ; he wa~ healed:
I bad myself a wound concealed,
lint fioiii that hour forgot the -mart.
And Peace bound up my broken heart.
In prison I saw him next, condemned
Jo meet a traitor's doom at morn;
The tide of lying tongues 1 stemmed,
i iioi.o*- ' F •— i . .r. .—. - ..-a
Mv friend-hip's utmost z-a! to try,
lie a-ked if I tor him would die '/
The flesh was weak, my blood ran chill,
but the free spirit cried, "I will."
Then in a moment 'n my view
The Stianger darted from disguise,
The token in his hands 1 knew .
My Saviour stood betore mine eyes;
He spake ; and my poor name lie named ;
'•Of Me thou hast not been ashamed ;
These deeds shall thy memorial be;
Fear not thou didst them tuito Me."
Reel lord, Ait£. <*3, 1
Hear au Old Line Whig Paper.
Tumbling tii Piccfs.
Tlie Know-Nothing Pattv, says the North j
American, is in a curiously split up condition,
tu consequence of the proceedings of the last
National Convention. The Louisiana branch !
ot the older has disavowed all connection with
th-- National Council and repudiated the Cath- !
olic plank of its platform. The State Councils
ot Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, R. Island,
Pennsylvania and Illinois, have rejected the na
tional platform, and most ot thein have made
creeds of their own, differing .ssenlitdlv lrom
the general one, not onlv in reference to slavery
birt to other questions. In New England and
the West the seceders have liberalized their
principles so as to include many classes of na
turalized citizens. In some cases also the o|>-
position to Catholics has been softened down to
an opposition against ail ecclesiastical despotism.
In \ennont the organization lias been thrown
open, assumed the name of the American party,
anil declared against the extension of slavery. —
There are scarcely two of these northern plat
forms alike. In New Jirsey no Slate action
has yet been had, but ail the councils ol Tren
'■n and Newark have rejected the National
creed, and declared in favor of the restoration of
'he .Missouri compromise. In Pennsylvania, a
portion ol the Councils, attached to the national
platform, have bolted since the action at R> ad
" and organized a new State body, which, by
1 •' way, has a majority in the Executive Coun
cil of the partv in Philadelphia. Two of the
"'tellers were from Montgomery county, andol
these one has since been repudiated by the
' uuricil here represented, that of the upper
ard of Norristown, which, as the Herald tells
"S has approved ot the State action, and de
nounced the national platform. What is the
'"tact condition of things in Philadelphia it is
difficult to tell.
In the town of Centre Star, Lauderdale coun
■>' Alabama, there is, or rather there was, a
know-nothing lodge which numbered about one
hundred and twenty-five members. A very
forge majority of the lodge soon became thor
''Uglily disgusted with know-nothingism* its lea
ders, doctrines, and practices, which disgust
resulted in their quietly withdrawing from the
order. Ih e North Alabamian, a leading know
nothing organ, accounts for this wholesale stam
pede alter this fashion :
'lhe anti-American papers hereabouts are
I making a great 'miration' over the know-noth
ing explosion, of Centre Star council, in Lau
derdale county, Alabama. The facts of t h e
case are simply these, as we are informed : The
council numbered about 125 members, among
whom were a number of hard cases, which the
more respectable portion of the council wished
to get rid of, and as the easiest way to accom
plish that, without wounding their feelings and
. creating excitement, they concluded to disband,
which they did."
The withdrawing members, numbering eigh
ty persons, with the view nt letting the public
know who the "hard cases" w-re whom the
minority succeeded in getting rid of, have pub
lished a card, in which their reasons are given
in detail tor their withdrawal from the lodge.
The "hard cases" prove to he some of the most
respectable citizens in northern Alabama, as the
; following list of their names satisfactorily de
j monstrates :
IX F. Harrison, Jamps IT. Stewart,
Dennis Holden, Aaron (.'row,
James A. McMahan, John Gracev,
R. T. Lanier, (I. VV". South,
('has. \V. Thompson, J. O. IJesf,^
('. C. Brewer, D. Stewart, jr.,
A. A. Simmons, G. VV. Hill,
■ John Cox, C. 13. Jones,
j L. M. McMahan, James Chesser,
1 Josephus Jackson, John H. Truesdel,
' James Wilson, S. J. VVingoe,
Alex. Mackey, Archibald Hill,
W. E. Lanier, Wm. H. Hill,
Levi West, J. D. Ham,
; Thomas Conch, Wm. Tomlinson,
W. L. Meier, Jas. S. Smot hernia n,
Lake I'. Harrison, Wm. M. Trousdale,
James M. Harrison, S. E. Cross,
j A. J. McLaren, J. I). Ives,
Wm. A. King, J?. A. Allen,'
J). M. King: Wm. French,
James Douglass, John Kenney,
I Levi Jones. J. VV. Brooks,
Robert S. Miller, Geo. McLaren.
J. P. Miller, John C. Phillips,
Lemuel A. Ez.el, John McGee,
P. M. Alexander, James McGee,
S. J. Mobfoy, Alfred G. Hill,
j Win. Hunt, Henry McDaniel,
|G. VV. Thigpen, C. ('. Holden,
, R. (.'. McLaren, Zachariah Brewer,
i Reiij. Joiner, John Brewer,
S. H. Richardson. G. B. Smotherman,
Wilson Phillips, A.(/. Ives,
j Daniel Richardson, James Kyle,
; C. ('. Smotherman, Tilmon England,
.S. J. VV. Ives, John Harrison,
James J. Hindman, Alsv Richardson,
Joseph V. Douglass, Wm. 15. Toys,
1). Joiner. '-fointon A ! -
We suspect tliat before the election takes
place in Alabama a very large addition w ill be
( made to the above list of "hard cases."
In Choctaw county, Mississippi, Mr. 11. C. 1
Avant has set a noble example. He was indu
ced to join the order and they tendered him the
■ nomination for the otlice ot sheriff. But dis—
: covering the character of the organization, he
abandoned it and declined to run for the lucra
tive office for which he was nominated. In the
Mississippian we find the following card, signed
by foi tv-one voters ol Yazoo county, sewn of
j whom are whigx :
i To THE Prune.—Being convinced from our
connexion with what is commonly called the
j know-nothing partv, that we have been deluded
as to its aimsaod purposes, we therefore publish
to the world, and particularly to the so-called
know-nothing party, that we are no longer
. members of that organization. As to the secrets
and obligations connected with the order, we
shall hold them inviolate, and in dissolving our
: connexion with it, we do so with a conscien
tious belief that the operations of the order are
i dangerous to the practical workings of this re
j publican government —dangerous to the liber-
Mies of the people—and that they trammel the
free exercise of the elective franchise.
James Anderson, E. H. Biown,
Robert Eisher, I). VV. McNeal,
John VV. Penny, J. VV. Bell,
I Kinchen Exuni, George VV. Penny,
J'. R. Griffin, Martin Stnhhlefield,
R. H. Griffin, Win. BlalocJqr
B. B. Griffin. J. VV. Blalock,
, J. M. Griffin, Zed Pepper, sr.,
Willis F. Hal!, A. G. Pepper,
j Win. T. Martin, P. ('. Chamblev,
Win. M. Williams, N. Wallace,
i Thus. Smith. L. Roberts,
F. B. Roberts, L. T. Price,
j James Gordon, VV. H. Capshaw,
, F. M. Beall, T. W. Alsyp.
Z. Pepper, jr., J. M. Miller,
Elias Fisher, E. A. Moore,
VV. Wadlington, J. S. Roberts,
• j S. F. Gardner, Elijah Rusell,
I B. A. King, Nixon Russell.
Wm. Russell,
,! The following notice of a withdrawal from
; the "order" we find in the Memphis Appeal :
RALEICII, (Tenn.,) July 3, I Sob.
MESSRS. EDITORS: I take this opportunity of
informing the public that I have withdrawn
. | from the laniernile3 i other-wise know-nothings.
t 1 have always been a true democrat, and will
heartily co-operate with that party, and sustain
' i its present ticket throughout.
The know-nothing party lias for its leaders
■ j consummate demagogues, office-seekers, broken
- down in the old part it's, seeking to revive their
t political fortunes.
Its true principles—very different front its
assumed principles—l believe to be devoid of
" patriotism. You can give this a place in the
- columns of the Appeal.
Yours, &.C.,
And Still They Louie!
: Ihe papers from the interior ot' Mississippi
are teeming with notices of withdrawal from
r know-nothing lodges. The following cards aj>—
' pear in the Central Journal:
I | VV e hereby dissever our connexion wiHm the
know-nothing trick. 11. H. HA WES,
Tin- following gentlemen, citizens of Attala,
in a long and well-written caul, announce their
withdrawal through the columns of Roy's Soulh
' era Sun :
A.M. Atkison, I). L. Smvtlie,
1 11. I'. Donald, J. Riley, '
Billups Burt, Robert Sanders.
.1. McCullum,
I We take this method of informing all whom
•.t may concern of our withdrawal fioin the or
i dei of know-nothings. We were deceived in
joining the-orcter ; we believe it to be anti-dem
ocratic. and destructive to the true interests of
lour country. In doing so, vie act as our judg
ment dictates: and being accountable for our
actions, we hold that we have a right to act lor
ourselves. ANDREW P.HARRIS,*
GHEEMIOROI on, June 23, 1553.
My name appears to-riav as the candidate of
know-nothing party for coroner of this county.
I am no candidate for that office, and never
authorized my name to he used in that connex
ion, and hereby signify my u ithdrawal from
j that order, and full concurrence in the senti
j meats of others whose cauls appear to-day.
Know-Nothing withdrawals in Mississippi.
To use (he language of the Memphis Appeal,
"know-iiothingism seems to he breaking flat
down in Mississippi," and this announcement,
I will do no discredit to the intelligence, virtue,
and patriotism of that great State. The follow
ing letter speaks for itself:
Si'Ki.vo HILL, (Miss.,) July 5, lSb.b.
To the President and Council at Spring Hill,
j .Mississippi :
"We are at fault, and can't follow." •
W hen we joined this council, we joined in
j good laith, and have acted accordingly since
our membership, but, becoming sat is tied that
triVftU'VVlleoita"—ami 'thai, too, without fSie
assistance of secret political associations-—we
therefore, as members of your council, do liere
hv most respectfully wit hdrow from this order,
( that we may exercise our elective franchise
constitutionally , and according to the dictates
! of our own conscience and judgment, untram
melled bv the dictates ofanv man or set of
men. " BEN J. MY RICK, Jr.
i The Mississippian of the 3d instant publishes
a number of withdrawals from Ihe oath-hound
know-nothings in the counties of Yazoo, Choc
taw, and Attala.
The People's Press (published in De Solo
county, Mississippi) savs that "on the 2Sth
ultimo a large number of democrats who had
attached themselves to the know-nothing order
assembled at the Hernando Hotel to deliberate
i upon the most efficacious plan ol declaring thei.-
independence from the yoke of political bond
age they had, in an unsuspecting moment, fas- '
j fened upon llieir democratic principles." W• '
I understand (says the Press) that their council
i was characterized with rnanv resolves, and a! |
united save one in absolving themselves forevei
from tlie shrine of intolerance. When this ,
news reached the main body of the democratic
aimv, a company was detached to receive them
with the democratic flag flying, the presenta
tion of arms, and the tile and drum playing
j "Hail Columbia."
From tlie V enango Spectator. I
The writer ofthe following renunciation need j
' no commendation Irotn ns. In this place, wlier
he has resided from boyhood, he is known as
young man of industry, and probity, and hov
I ever customary it may be for Know Nofliinj j,
jto assail those who pursue a similar course, p t
, one dare openly say aught against the puiityf )
motives nor the truthfulness of what lie a user, .
We ask the intelligent, independent freemen 1 |
the county to examine Mr. Kinnear'scommun ;
1 cation, and then tell us whether or not Knov }
! Nothingism is what it professes. 5
I i
FRANKLIN, June 25.
Measrs. EDITORS :—About the tune of th f
i last election, I was induced, through the pel a
suasion of others, to become a member of th c
order of Know Nothings. I was informed tliSf
the order was a good one, and that no ptedgj'l
1 of any kind would he asked ol me, which would:
in any way bind my conscience, or freedom t r
act in all things as I saw proper. After m v
initiation, I found that J had been grossly decei
! ved, and would have immediately left, had ig
1 j not been that myself in common with any other!
' who dared to leave were informed that w J
| would he published through all the councils a!
1 ' perjurers, and men unworthy ol confidence* sn
| also be opposed and persecuted in our blisinesi
s | These threats account for my remaining so fonT'
1 ! in the order. They are still repeated on ail oiY
r ; casions when deemed necessary, but I have
| learned to despise them, even if my busine| o
® l may have to suffer. lain resolved that mj^
conscience, shall be clear. The fact >
L ' mv having been a Know Nothing is a publ
matter, and I ask the use of your columns Lc
make equally public the fact that I have will',
drawn myself from all connection with the oVi
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
ganifflfion, and will hereafter act and vote with
i tliat party to which I have at heart been attach
From the Washington (Pa.) Review.
. And Still they Come!
Bfjfow we publish the withdrawal of Elliot
Patfwson Esq., from the Know Nothing lodge
at Qiavsville in this county. Mr. Patterson
is wejl known to ben honest, u[iright and
conscientious man : and no person acquainted
with the goodness of his In-art and the purity of
his notions, will for one moment doubt that
anything save the Jesuitical duplicity ofthe
dark lantern party, could have drawn him
within the influence of its midnight ploltings.
The order is too base to live long. Its system
atic lying may now and then entrap a good
man, but it is too vile to hold him, and sooner or
later, like Mr. P., he will wash his hands of
it. It will be opserved that the final induce
ment held out to Mr. P., was thai if he became
dissatisfied, he could withdraw ; and fuither,
thai a certain prominent individual among them
would secede with him. Now who is this
prominent K. N 1 We presume nine-tenths of
our reader# will understand " who he is with
out much difficulty. And ns " prominence " a
rnpngst the Thugs, comes of facility in lying,
we presume lie merits his standing. Read the
I have felt it due to tlie Democracy of
Washington county, with whom J have long
acted, to make a brief statement ofthe decep
tions, corruptions, and false representations of
the K. N. [ arty, in order to get members.—
Two weeks ago, I was in the town of Clays
ville: I was strongly and earnestly solicited bv
certain prominent men, who have heretofore
bet-n called Democrats, to join the order, telling
me that il theie was anything that I did not like,
I could come out at any time, and one of the
persons above referred to who occupies at this
time, a conspicuous place in that order, promis
ed to come out with me. I was also promised
tlie Commissioner's office next fall: these with
man)' other inducements were held out to me; I
consented, and was initiated by taking the
oaths, and from the moment I joined I was dis
satisfied. finding that there was nothing hut cor
ruption in the order, and thai I would he bound
to lie, prevaricate and make ail kinds ol misre
presentations, and do things udilrh I /bought in
consistent with, and contrary to genuine Chris
tianity, and to remain in such an order, I found
J must get iiiy conscience seared as it were with
a hot iron, and banish the fear ol God from my
eves. J accordingly resolved to come out from
among the foul party, and went to mv K. N.
Nfjiend, referred to, who wrrs to withdraw with
et, and wished him to come dii('w\f}i"fofKj l ftiJi c ifr
refused, stating that the position lie now occu
pied prevented him, whereupon, J demanded and
obtained my discharge. I would just say to all
11 1-° Dre not in the order, to beware and not let
the false representations and inducements held
out by said party lead you astray. I now lee|
that J am a freeman, breathing pure air and
r-ady and willing to act in concert with mvold
Democratic friends, and for the good of the De
inociatic party which 1 have been taught to re
vere from my youth. I feel that theXshackles
are off of n:v fe.-t, and I am determined, if spar
ed to go In the election next fall, to vote the
Democratic ticket, the whole ticket and nothing 1
lilt the ticket. " i
knoH-Xotliiug H ilhdraivals in Georgia. <
A card appears in the Augusta Constitution
alist, signed hy a number of respectable citizens
ol Sparta, Georgia, in which their reasons ore
given at length for their withdrawal from a
know-ni>th:ng lodge. They say :
'•U e deem it proper to state that on entering
the order we were assured that whenever we
night heroine dissatisfied with it we could
withdraw in good faith, and without hindrance
<r obstruction. \\ ithout this assurance men
could never he induced to assume the obliga
tions of the order. Tins free privilege of quit
itig is universally used !>v know'-nothings as an
answer to the charge that the order trammels
the freedom of the elective franchise by .subject
ing the individual judgment of its members to
the will of the order. We, therefore, in with
drawing, considered thai we were exercising a
. ight which had been guaranteed to us from the
beginning, and which could not justly expose
lis to a charge of 'treason' or 'perjury.' It may
fie true in theory that any member may quit
xhen he pleases, but practically it is false when
le can obtain his discharge only by passinc
through the terrible ordeal of being denounced
5s a deserter, a 'traitor,'and 'perjured renegade,'
Jnd as having signed 'the manifest of his own
i fa my.'
Such denunciations as illustrated in the news
papers, and on the streets, and in the bye-ways
and corners, are not so much intended to act up
(l) those who have quit as they are meant to
ploy upon I J ears of those who yet remain in.
They are intended to throw an obstruction and
hindrance and terror around the exercise of the
rght to quit the right of exercising individual
will and private judgment."
Ihe card is signed by the following-naraed
Henry L. liattle, M. M. Holsev,
f.JI. Mitchell, A. 15. Buckner,
(■'.auk Burnet, J. W. Johnson.
•ODJATES K xow-KOTII ix OISM. —The Frank fort
fcoman says that six out of the twelve Scott
'residential electors in Kentucky in 1852 refuse
a go know-nothingisrn. The-following are
ieir names :
"Joshua F. Bell, of Boyle; Wm. Preston, of
lOuisville : Lucien Anderson, of Graves : Curtis
. liiirnam, of Madison : Thos. F. Marshall, of
foodford : Thos. B. Stevenson, of Mason. To
■ these names might be added those of Henry G. I
Bibb, acting lieutenant-governor of the State;!
Albert G. Thlbot, Hon. Joseph R. Underwood, J
Hon. Archibald Dixon, and a host ofthe very i
flower of old whig chivalry."
More Withdrawals.
There appears lo be do diminution in the
number of withdiawals from the Tennessee
know-nothing lodges. In the last number re
ceived oftfle Nashville Union we find the fol
lowing card : ; j
To THE runuc.—l was induced, bv false j
representations of its objects, to join the know-I
nothing council, as it is usually called, in the !
third district. lain a democrat, and always;
have been one. J soon found that J had been
thoroughly hoodwinked when I joined the order)
and thai I had surrendered my right, not only
to be a democrat, but to vote for anybody not
dictated to me by others. 1 have been a free
man all my life except while a know-nothing,
and that 1 might retain that station I have de
manded that my name be erased from the list of
know-nothings. I feel that I owe mv old asso- j
ciates in the democratic party this public state- :
ment as an atonement for having for a moment,
and through the deception ol others, been untrue
to the democratic party, the true American i
party. 'J. A. STANLEY. ;
D.\VII>:OX COFNTY, July 11.
As ;>a**€<l I>y a K. A. Legislature
Aisd aprroved iv
SEC. 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and of Representatives ot the Commonwealth j
ot Pennsylvania, in General Assembly met, and
it is hereby enacted by the authority of the I
same, That from and after the first day of'Oc-!
tuber next, it shall lie unlawful to keep or main- j
tain any house, room or place where vinous,
spirituous, malt or brewed liquors, or nnv ad- (
mixtures thereof, are sold or drank, except as; 1
herinafter piovided ; and all laws, or parts of
laws, inconsistent with the provisions of this act,
be and the same are hereby repealed.
•SEC. 2. That if any person or persons in this
Commonwealth shall keep for sale and sell, or ,
in connection with any other business or profit
able einplovrnonl give, receiving therefor any <
price, profit or advantage, by any measure what
ever, and at the same time voluntarily afford a j
place, or any other convenience or inducement j
by which the same may be used as a beverage,!
any vinous, spirituous, malt or brewed liquor,-
or any admixture thereof, he, she, or they, or j
shall be deemed guilt y of a misdemeanor'' and''
upon conviction shall be sentenced to pav a fine !
not exceeding fifty dollars, and undergo impris- j .
onment not exceeding one month : and for a j ,
second or any subsequent offence shall pav a ' ,
fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, and j
undergo imprisonment not exceeding three i ,
months. j
SEC. 3. I hat if any two or more persons con- j J
spire or act together, by which one may sell -
and the other provide a place or other conveni- i
enre for drinking, with intent to evade the pro- j i:
visions of this act, each one so offending, upon 1 1
conviction, shall be punished as provided in the i s
second section oft his act. j !1
SEC. 4. 'I hat it shall be unlawful for an v per- a
son to sell or keep for sale any vinous, spiritu- 1
ous, malt or brewed liquors, oi any admixture ! 1
in cases not hereinbefore prohibited, in ;
i less quantity than one quart, nor without li
;ense granted by Ihe Court ol Quarter Sessions !
if the proper county, on petition presented fori
hat purpose, to he advertised according to the!
irst section ot the twenty-ninth of .March, one j
hotisand eight hundred and forty-one, supple-I
nenlarv to the various acts relating to tavern
licenses: but no such license shall be granted to. I
itherthan citizens of the foiled States, of lem
jerate habits ami good repute for honesty :
I'rovidei.! f That no certificate shall he required
)r published as mentioned in the act herein re-:
erred to: Provided, That no license for the c
:ale of liquors, as aforesaid, shall be granted to i '
he keeper of any hotel, inn, tavern, restaurant,
•aling house, oyster house or cellar, theatre or ,
)ther places of entertainment, amusement or re- ]
reshment: Provided further, That so much of r
my act or acts of Assembly, as requires a license
rom a city or county treasurer to authorize (lie
.ale of spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, be and <
he same are hereby repealed. (
Xi:c. b. 1 hat said court, by their rules,shall fix )
t time at which applications for said licenses
■hall he heard, at which time all persons making
Ejections shall be heard.
SEC. (>. I hat it shall not be lawful for the '
clerk of said court to issue anv license, as a fore-
.aid, until the applicant shall have filed the bond j 1
rereinafter required, and the certificate of the j
city receiver or county treasurer that the license ! *
lee has been paid him. j I
SEC. I. I hat the appraisers of licenses under j
his act shall be appointed as provided bv exist- j "
ng laws, except in the city of Philadelphia,
where, on the passage of this act, and thereafter |
it the beginning of every year, three reputable ' ,
md temperate persons shail be appointed hy the j
Lourt ol Quarter Sessions, to appraise dealers in I
spirituous, vinous, malt or brewed liquors afore- ■ f
-aid. and of distillers and brewers, arid to do and n
perform all duties now enjoined bv law, not in- \ f]
consistent herewith : and said appraisers shall ; p
ae citizens ol the foiled States, in no manner! \t
connected with or interested in the liquor busi- '
aess, and shali he compensated as now provided !
>y law. ' | of
Sec. 8. That no license shall be granted 1 in
without the payment to the receiver of taxes of j
he city of 1 hiladelphia, qj, to the treasurers of i
he Other counties of the State, for the use of'
die Commonwealth,-three firne-rffm amount now j sn
ixi il by law to he paid hy venders ot spirituous, \
vinous or malt liquors, or brewers and distillers:!
] Provided , That no license shall be granted for a
; less sum than thirty dollars.
See. 9. That the bond, required to be taken
of all persons who shall receive a license to sell
; spirituous, vinous, mall or brewed liquors, or
any admixture thereof, shall be in one thou
sand dollars, conditioned for the laithful observ
ance of all the laws of this Commonwealth re
flating to the business of vending such liquors,
with two sufficient sureties, and warrant of at
torney to confess judgment, which bond shall
he approved by one of the judges of the Court
jof Quarter Sessions of the peace of the proper
county, and to be bled in said court: and when
ever a judgement for any forfeiture or fine shall
have been recovered against the principle there
in, it shall be lawful for the district Attorney
j of the proper county to enter judgment against
the obligors in the said bond, and proceed to
i collect the same of the said princi pal or sure
| ties.
Sr:c; 10. That every person licensed to sell
spirituous, vinous or malt liquors as afor'psaid,
shall frame his license under glriss, and place
the same so that it may at all times be conspi
cuous in his chief placeof making sales, and nb
license shall authorize sales by rinv person who
shall neglect this requirment, nor shall anv li
cenie authorize the sale of any spirituous, vih
i ous or malt liquori on Sunday.
Sue. 11. That any sale ma de of any spirilb
ous, vinous or malt liquor contrary to ihis act,
shall be taken to be a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction of the offence, in the Court ol Quar
ter Sessions of the proper county, shall be pun
ished in the manner prescribed by the second
section of this act.
See. 12: That the this act as to
appraisement and license, shall not extehd to
importers who shall vend or dispose of said li
quors in the original cases or packages as impor
ted, nor to duly commissioned auctioneers, sel
ling at public vendue or outcry, nor to domes
tic producers, brewers or distillers selling in
quantities not less than five gallons; nor shall
anything herein contained prohibit the sale by
druggists ofany admixtures of intoxicating li
quors as medicines.
SEC. 13. That it shall be the duty of eFery
constable of every town, borough, township or
ward within this Commonwealth, at every term
of the Court of Quater Sessions of each respec
tive county, to make return on bath or affirma
tion whether within his knowledge there is any"
place within his btfiliwick kept and maintained
in violation of this act : and it shrill he the es
pecial duty of the judges of said courts to see
that this return is faithfully mride • and JcL anv
person shall make known to such
name or names of any one who shall
irrl thin <, .i-oh names of witness wiMC&n
prove the fact, it shall be his duty to maTere
turn thereof, on oath or affirmation, fo the court,
and upon his wilful failure so to do, he -hall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon in
dictment and conviction, rihall be sentenced to
imprisonment in the jail of the county for a per
iod not less than one nor more than three
months, and pay a fine not exceeding filty dol
S::c. 14. 1 hat this act shall not interfere with
any person holding a license heretofore grrinfed,
until tlm time for which the same was granted
shall have expired: nor shall any licpnse° which
may be granted before the first day of July next,
authoriz- the sale of said liquors or admixtures
thereof, after tlie first day of October next, con
trary to the provisions of this rict.
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker bf the Senate.
Ari novED— The fourteenth day of A pril,
Anno Domini one thousand eight hbndred and
%-five. JAS. POLLOCK.
Anti-License Law.
The anti-license bill has passed bofh Houses
if the Legislature. The following is the vote
n the Senate:
A EAS— Messrs. Browne, Crabb, Darsie, Flen
liken, J- razier, Hamlin, Hoge, Jamison, Jordan,
.■•wis, Piatt, Price,Quiggly, Taggart and VVher
NAVS— Messrs. Bucfcalew, Cresswell, Frv,
Liodwin, Haldeman, Hendricks, Killinger, M'-
-lintock, Meflinger, Sager, Sellers, Shuinan,
Valton and Heister, Speaker. —14.
The following is the vote in the House :
Y HAS— Messrs. Allegood, Avery, Baker, Ball,
ioal, Bowman, Caldwell, Chamberlin, Clapp,
lover, Criswell, Cummings, (Philadelphia co.)
lowing, Eyster, Fearon, Fletcher, Foster, Foust,
,l <v, (.winner, Harrison, Hodgson, Holcome,
lubbs, Kirkpatrick, Krepps, Lane, Laporte,
athrop, Leas. Lott, iM'Calmont, M'Clean,
I Connel, M'Cullough, Maddock, Magill, Mor
s; Morrison, Muse, P3ge, Palmer, Pennvpack
•, Powell, Ross, Simpson, Smith, (Allegheny,)
"ith, (Blair,) Steel, Stewart, Sturdevant,
hompson, Thorn, VVaterhouse, Wood and
rong, Speaker. —s6.
NAY- —Messrs. Barrv, Bush, Carlisle, Christ,
raig, Crawford, Daugherfy, Donaldson, Dun
ing, Edinger, Tiaily, Franklin, Free, Fry,
err, Gross, Linderman, Mengle, North, Oir,
pese, Rittenhouse, Sallade, Sherer, Stehley,
'ickersbam, Witmer and Wright—2B.
(Gr On Tuesday last a week, a small child
Mr. John Kesselring, of Fort Littleton, fell
to a well some 23 feet in depth, on the prop
ly of Mr. Bain, and strange to tell escaped
most uninjured. With the exception of a
iall cut on the head the child was not hint
.hough it pitched into the well head foremost.
Fulton Democrat.