The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, July 27, 1855, Image 2

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Iltilloi'd, July 47, 1
G. W. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor.
oC7"Th<r Democracy of BEDFORD County will
hold a
(•rand Jlaww llrcliny
in the Catirt-House in the Borough of Bedford on
MONDAY EVENING of the approaching County
Court for the purpose of nominating a licket to he
sup|iorted at the next election,-and to adopt such
measures as may he deemed necessary to secure its
tiiumplnrut success at the Polls. As there will he no
amalgamation in the formation ot this 1 icket—no
how ing ol the knee to any principle not recognized
in the creed of JEFFERSON, JACICSON". POLK and
PIERCE, it is earnestly hoped that every man who
stilt adheres to these glorious old land-marks will he
present to give force and countenance to the pro
ceedings. All who stand oppu-ed to Know Nothing
ism—who repudiate the abominable acts of the late
Legislature—and who desire, honestly, the triumph
of DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES —are cordially in
vited to attend. A number ol able speaker- will be
present to address the meeting.
will preach in the Presbyterian Church of Bedford on
next Sabbath morning at lOL o'clock —and in the
everting at early candle-light.
Session of the Supreme Court will com
mence in Bedford on Monday the 13th iust. when ai!
the Judges are expected to he present.
The First Page.
first page will he found highly interesting,
containing, as it does, the Speech of Hon. JAMES
B. CLAY, lo which we alluded last week—an article
I'rnm the Presbyterian Critic which must carry a
conviction of its truth to the rniiul ol every man that
reads it—a Speech from the old Patriot, Gen. CASS
—together with many other articles of interest.
C7"Capt. JOHN" M'CANLKS, ol" Philadelphia, ha
been spending a few days at the Bedford Springs, and
no man visit- this place who meet- with a more cor
dial reception. He i- one o! the mo-t enterprizing
members of the Broad Top Kail Road Company, and
to his unremitting and valuable efforts the people of
Bedford county are greatly indebted for the rapid
piogress which has been made in the erection of a
work whicli will -oon open up one of the most mag
nificent coal-field- in the I nited States. Ihe Cap
tain assures us that iu a very few months the Loco
motive, with its train of cars, will visit the inhabi
tants of Stoner-town !
GyWe publish to-day an account of a little gill,
represented as beautiful and intere.-ting, who is so
completely under the fascination of a reptile hated
by man and cursed of God that her very existence
seems to be centred in its poisonous and clammy
folds! When she sleeps, she coils herself up like a
snake—and she and the snake are now on exhibi
tion, a picture truly horrible aud disgusting. Every
body will admit that this association is as unnatural
as it is revolting—yet it is not a whit more so, than
that which unites some of the ministers and other
•jrofessing, Christians in close communion with infi
dels of the boldest cast ill a secret oath-liouud orga
nization —and, shielded as they may consider them
selves, their connection with Know Nothingism has
rendered tiieir [wsition quite as revolting as that of
the child in clinging to the embrace of a snake!
Singular infatuation!
meeting of the Bedford County Bible Socie
ty was field 111 the Lutheran Church of Bedford on
fast Monday evening—JOHN MOKES, Esq., ['resident
—and the Rev. F. BENEDICT, Vice President, ilev.
.Mr. TORKENCE, the General Agent ofthe Society,
was present, and in a beautiful and impressive speech,
Communicated much valuable information to those
present. He concluded by introducing to the Society
Rev. JOHN* CHAMBERS, who delivered one of the
most powerful and eloquent addresses we ever heard.
We would like to give a sketch ofliis speech, but our
pen is utterly incompetent to the ta-k. Both Speak
ers alluded To the many far* recently expressed for
the xafnty of The Bible—the zreat f>rofr.t*ion* of love
rpade for if—and yet it was evident from the lives
ofthe most clamor oi'* of This cla-s ot men that they
would not care it all the Bibles in the land were ga
thered together and burned I Who does not know
Tti is to be true .'
den. John W. deary.
old am! valued friend, Gen. Jxo. W. CEl
itv, is among the visitorsat the Bedford Springs, look
ing well as usual. He is a true specimen of a finish
ed gentleman, and reliable Democrat. As The coni
mander of one of the Pennsylvania Regiments in Mex
ico, and as Postmaster, Mayor, and Chief Judge of the
several courts of San Francisco, he I,as placed upon
record a public character which will favoiably com
pare with that of any other man of his years iri the
country. At present be is largly engaged in the
manufacture of 1 ron. Within a few weeks past the
General has disposed of Coal Lands and other proper
ty to the amount of about seventy-five thousand dol
fars. Few men have been more -ucce-sful in acquir
ing wealth in a legitimate way. We hope he may
long live to enjoy it.
THE Jlli' LIU.
XT' Wf do not see how it is possible for a
Temperance man to defend the anti-License
Jug Law, unless, indeed, hi# motive be to fur
nish every lover of Liquor with an earthen
Jug, at a good profit, to carry his Parker from
the tavern to his home It was once said of
His Excellency, Joseph Kitner, that, after eat
ing the best part of a roast pig for dinner, and
being inquired of by the servant what else he
would lie helped to, replied that he believed he
would take another little J7og--and, when the
Licenses are taken from the taverns on the first
day of October next, those who are in the habit
of drinking ardent spirits, will be heard to call
for another little Jug instead of a gill, and this
system Senator Jordan and his know-nothing
brethren at Hartisburg have forced upon the
people as a Panacea for intemperance Now,
as this "honorable" Senator seems so anxious
for notoriety, could not his friends prevail upon
him to publiah his views upon the JEG Law,
especially as the measure owes its- vitality to
his vote 1
SruKxi.No TIIF.II: St PI our.—.Messrs. Isaac
Mitchell, Dent., John 11. Wells, Wlii®, and Job
Throckmortou, D<-m., who have been nomina
ted, by the Know-Nothings ol'tlreene Conhtv,
for the respective offices ol Sheriff, District At
torney, and Auditor, have come out and most
emphatically declined the nomination, repudia
ting all contact or association with such a crew.
Mr, Throckmorton, in his card, says: "I can
not consent that my name shall he used for an
experiment, at my expense ol character, In anv
rotten and disconcerted party."
EC7 =, L*nril' within a few days past. the Philadelphia
New bus been the most wild, rabid, and reckless
Know Nothing paper in the State—Us sun rose am!
set in its admiration of the Order—it rould see no
end to its existence and its power—it applauded its
every act, even the burning oi the ballot boxes in
Cincinnati- 1 -it rejoiced over tbe spread ot bigotry
and intolerance, and the desecration of the ( (institu
tion— it acknowledged itself tbe mere retailer of the
midnight plottmgs of "Sam"—but now behold the
change that lias come over the spirit of it- dieam. —
Jn this SAME paper of la-:t Thursday, we find an edi
torial from which we make the following extraoidi
nary extract, which cannot fail to excite especial
attention. The News begins to see clay light—in
other word- the breaking up of Lodges all over the
countiy, and the renunciations daily taking place
seems to have awakened the editor to a lull know
ledge of the hopeless degradation into which the late
Whig party has sunk, as an organization, by uniting
itself, through the agency of its newspapers, to the
most corrupt and demoralizing faction that has ever
disgraced tbe earth—in fact embodying all the poi
son of all the factions that have existed since the
formation of our glorious and beautilu! iorm ol Qo*
vernriient. No wonder, then, that the News i> in
the log —that it conceives that no man can conjec
eighteen months hence! Don't mistake, Mr. News,
DEMOCRATS will be found then where they are
now, maintaining the Con-titution ot the country,
and rallying under the Flag bequeathed to them by
the Declaration ot Independence. I hat the bark
lantern party will he a heterogeneous mass ol contu
sion in a good deal le-s than eighteen mouths, not
knowing where they aie, what they are, or wheth
er they are tending, is a fact too plain lo admit of
the shadow of a doubt. But not so with Democrats.
Their principles will then shine purer and brighter
than ever; and those who will then he found stand
ing on any other platform will he the subjects ol pi
ty and comrriis-eration. We would a-k, in all kind
ness, what inducement is there lor a man who was
once a DEMOCRAT to remain in thi- forlorn and
despised association, which its leaders admit cannot
possibly hold together lor a period of eighteen
months? We ask such to pause lor a moment and
relied —and we entreat them, as they regard their
own honor and welfare, and the true interests of our
common country, to return to their old Iriends and
the principles o their early love. Doit openly
boldly—fearlessly—manfully. It is human to err—
magnanimous to correct it. Let no man he either
ashamed or afraid to do so. And to those \\ HHS
who do not iV-el disposed to he bartered like mer
chandize (and we know many such in Bedford county)
we would likewise say, roine and go with a party
which never conceals its principles —a parly which
is the mother of every great n ea-tue under which
our people and country has prospered and we leel
saiisiied you will never regret The act. But we
are digresssing. We simply intended to direct at
tention to the breakers which have so singularly ul
fected our neighbor of the News, for the benelit oi
tho-e who may wish to escape the destruction that
awaits all who cling to the trail bark :
From the Philadelphia News.
'•Powerful as the American party has shown it-ell
to be, it cannot hope to he successful next fall, if it
doe- not make nieiit and qualification a test in the
selection of it- candidates. A party clogged with bad
nominees, who have not the confidence of the public
and are regarded as unworthy of support, must in the
nature of things, be ephemeral. Starry, / its. if,
is tm 11<mint of ri/'luriii™ strength. Curiosity may
draw men into secret combinations, and exercise a
potent influence lor a brief period; and obligations,
express or implied, nay rest rum members lor a while,
bur in a Republic, where freedom of thought and ot
speech, and of action, are its crowning glories, such
trammels will be speedily broken.
The present political state ol affaire is an anomaly.
It appears to have been the mis-ion ola new and
powerful party, very appropriately called American,
to swallow up, to a great extent, the old political or
ganizations—an extent so great that the fragmentary
remains of tho-e old organizations find no longer any
difficulty to unite upon a set ot candidates in opposi
tion toil —and, if we do not greatly err, the secrcsy
of this new and powerful organization, so potent in
the outstart m ministering to •!- success, is now it*
chief i/ihirnt ot <"> r/. Nt , . and, in its practical opera
tion, contributing vastly to the formation of a power
ful combination against it. While the political ele
ments are so confused and disordered, lie who can
pluck a ray ol light Iroui the chaotic mas-; or he w ho
can tell to what particular party he may be long; or
in what position he may be found eighteen mouths
hence must be endowed with an extraordinary quan
tity of sagacity."
C77"ln order to break the force ofthe powerful and
truthful articles of the Chamber-luirg Repository and
Whig again-t the Know Nothing conspiracy, the
leaders of that disgraceful faction have put forth a
charge that Col. M'Clure, the Editor, made applica
tion for admi-sion to the Order, and was rejected—
and, as this charge is almost daily repeated on the
streets of Bedford, we deem it due to u brother Edi
tor to lay his defence before the citizens of This
place, which meet the charge boldly and without e
qtiivocation. The editor admits that --1 Ire Reposito
ry anil Whig contributed liberally to the early suc
cess of the Order, when its intolerance and danger
ous tendencies were stoutly denied by its members,
and but imperfectly under-tood by outsiders," but,
having fully satisfied himself of its wicked and dan
gerous designs, he has no scruples in proclaiming the
fact to the world, for doing which he will receive
the applau.-e ot all sincere men. Will the conspira
tors produce the EVIDENCE to sustain the charge
they have preferred, now that they are challenged to
do so, or will they add to the depravity which alrea
dy attaches to llieir skirts by meanly insinuating
that which they dare not attempt to prove.'
Below will be found The extract to which we have
"If we have been rejected by the Order, pray how
are we to I corn it ! We should he glad to be inform
ed correctly on the subject, and 11 there aie any min
utes of the proceedings, and those minutes can be
got to the public through other than perjured chan
nels, the Council will oblige us by bringing them
forth. We should be glad to know who was kind
enough to propose us as a mem her—who kind enough
to su-tam us—w ho made speeches on the occasion—
who presided, and who, and how many, voted against
us. W'e have heard —perhaps from sortie perjured
man—that five men out ot any number in attendance
could reject a candidate: and we conld chalk the hats
of more than double that number of suckers anil
hangers-on in the Order here, who would have the
very best reason to pet form that kind office for u? —
creatures who would dread our admission lioin mo
tives too well known to need repeating. If they, or
any others, have done it, no one is more willing that
their action should have the widest publicity than
the wriler of this article; and we have no fears that
any names or reasons rati be given as against us in
any organization, which would not benefit any re
putable man by making them public. Let us have
the proceedings—the vote —the names—the orators
and all,certified to by President Kmc, as taken from
the minutes by '"special dispensation," and we shall
give them a prominent jiosition in this journal toge
ther Willi all ci' know about "our application for mi
mission into a certain Council of Americans-' 3 ln
uendos are weapons known only to the coward's
hand, and we want the unvarnished facts, satisfacto
rily attested, if such exist on the records of the Coun
cil. In anything that we have ever said or done
touching the subject, we invite the fullest publicity
and defy the fiercest criticism."
CfP"Among the slrengeis in town we have hern
pleased to meet with t'OL. KVKKIIAIIT , of Mart insburg,
lilair county— Mr. Jos. Ilor.v. ol Pittsburg, and Mr.
'.IM WI. editor of The A • ■ .
"We lx?lv? that tlie fonrlli of March, IS. 1 !?, will
Wtl ncs* I tie inauguration of an American President."
"fel+gn: pit.
And we believe that the fourth of March, 1537,
will wit ires# the burial of the " party.*'—
! Hut seriously, would it he anything very strange for
this country tjj have an American President ? Were
i not Washington, Adams, Jefferson, .Madison, and
Monroe, Americans ? Was it Adams 7 Jackson.'—
Van-Buren / Harrison ? Polk? Taylor? or is it
Pierce 7 Where are the anti-American act.-, of the
anti-American Presidents? When was America sold
j to a foreign power ? and to whom do we pay tribute}
In short, what constitutes and who are Americans?
OCT" We find the following piece of intelligence in
the Cbambcrsburg W'hig of last Friday. Curious
I times ahead :
WK learn that a determined effort is now being
I made by -i number of the mn-t respectable and in
! ffuential Know Nothings of this place, seconded by
many of the rnoreliberal men throughout the county,
to organize an American party entirely independent
of secret councils, oaths, Ifcc. Calls are already e.
circulation here and in a number of the districts, ami
have been numerously signed. They propose to hold
a public meeting at an early day in the Court House
to give form and effect to their purpose."
JLBV. Mr. TOKRKNCK, of the M. I!. Chinch,
preached in the I.utlieian Church of this place on last
Sabbath morning, to a lurge audience. His sermon
is higldv spoken of by those who heard it.
Protrstaul ami (atlioiie Views.
r It has been clearly foreseen by all men of fore
thought and sound judgment, that the present crusade
I of proscription anil persecution which appears to he
the very life of Knbw-Nothingisn:, will eventually
enure to the benefit of the ( atholics, whom it Was
specially designed to prostrate. Our Protestant
friends, though at a late hour, are learning this les
son, and one point of thought upon the subject is very
strongly and forcibly presented in a late number of
the New Orleans Christian .1 <1 twate, the Methodist
organ of Louisiana, which says :
'•A misfortune has befallen the controversy as be
tween Catholics ami Protestants. Our opponents
have suddenly been put at immense advantage.—
The sympathies of a powerfnl party are unavoidably
with them. Public speakers and journalists are be
come their apologists and eulogists. Invidious com
parisons are draw n between Catholics and Protest
ants, in disparagement ol the latter, and by those
who have hitherto thought and acted otherwise. A
comparative!v feeble sect has been elevated into
undue importance. According to the representation
of tlie census, in ISTiO, the Roman Catholic Church
has but 1,112 churches, which can accommodate on
ly 621,001) hearers! Not one-eleventh ol the num
ber of churches belonging to the Methodist, scarce
ly more than one-eighth ol the number of Baptists,
not one-tourth the number of the Presbyterians. It
has rot one thiit v-third of the whole number report
ed, while the Methodist have more than one-third,
and the Bapti-ls nearly one-lourth.
And this handful, a party a-piring to nationality,
i proposes to resist ! It the General himself of Jesu
its had been in Council, he could not more effectual
ly have devised to weaken the Protestant ami agian
dize the Catholic cause. Should this platform suc
ceed to the government, we shall he put hack wheie
F.iiglaiid was before the art ofCatbolic emancipation.
This is laking steps backwards—back of ourselves.
It gives Catholics the Tremendous benefit of peisecn
] Hon. That cry w ill rally to the sect hosts ol noble
; spirits, who otherwise would hold it in religious ab
horrence. Many who were hanging loosely by the
skirts of Catholicism, and being gradually but surety
disintegrated from its communion.are tired with new
zeal and compacted by the senseof oppression.
The weapons of this warfare are not carnal. We
acknowledge the kind intentions, but decline the al
-1 of politicians. It is buidsome. This contro
versy belongs to us—Protestant christians, Prote>t
! ant churches, Protestant journals anil societies, as
such. We want no direct aid from government in
managing it, believing that if left alone, with truth
' on our side, we can bring it forth to victory."
We have on the other hand, in the la-t number of
Brownson'fc Quarterly Rrviric, an elaborate article
on the position of the Catholic Church with reference
To Know-Nothing ism. The subject i- t lie late Know-
Nothing Legislature of Massachusetts. The article
, evidently comes from the hand of the Editor and is
! written with great severity, much of which, we be
i lieve, every candid niiml will grant to be well de
served. lie thinks that the Know-Nothing party is
appropriately named, but that it> claims to be called
the American party are not to he allowed, as he con
j eiders it to be absolutely anti-American in principle
and practice. lie glorifies the American char
j acter —in that it is honest and liberal and open, ami
says thut the secret organizations of the Know No
things are not native with the American—that they
are but copies of the Orange lodges of lieland, arid
the Carbonari of Italy ; that they are un-American,
and opposed to the great principles of genera! suffrage
and eligibility ; that they are at war with the free
, and manly exercise of that dearest right of freedom,
the elective franchise. Politically, Or. Rrownson
considers that "The party was devised to divide the
democratic party, and to restore to power a party
that under its own name anil organization had 10-t all
chances of success," while in regard tolhe excite
; nient raised against the Roman Catholics, he belie
, ves
"The present storm will soon pa-s over, without
' doing ns any substantial injury. Foolis'h■ and vexa
tion* iaws mar be repealed on the refti/mug good
sense ot the people, or suffered to fall into desuetude.
The great body ol tlie Catholic community have felt,
and feel, no alarm, l'hey have been and aie perfect
ly at their ease. Let tbern remain -o. American
non-Catholics come, and will come, to their defence.
There i- yet a sense of justice in the American peo
ple, and the country is by no means prepared to make
an exception, even against Catholics, to the great
doctrines of equal rights and religions libeity which
it has hitherto so loudly and energetically professed.
This very pamphlet by Mr. Halp, which we have re
ferred to, and the reception it lias met in our non-
Catholic community, would prove it, if we have
placed, and we intend still to place, a generous con
fidence in our countrvmen, and we u ill not readily
believe that they w ill suffer their I'rote-tant preju
dices to carry them so tar as to deprive us of our
Tights as a citizen, because we have exercised our
natural ami constitutional right to embrace the Cath
olic religion. We do not believe, and we will not
believe, that thi* party represents the
real sentiment of the American people."
AN AV.W.AM HI: or I>l:l:Al>.—Yesterday there
were one hundred cars loaded with (new) wheat
at Chattanooga, ready to move, and the depot
crammed to its utmost capacity. Two trains a
i day arrive at Chattanooga, by the .Nashville
road, and it was estimated yesterday that there
tvere stored in that town 30,000 hnshels of
i wheat, exclusive of that in store hy our road.—
j From Chattanooga down to Etowah, the depots
are all toll to bursting. On the 9th, there were
j received at Calhoun 2,000 bushels, and the
hands could not knock off" their loading till
11 o'clock at night. Major Young, the agent
at Calhoun, thinks that from his depot alone, lie
: will ship 100,000 bushels during the season.—
To-day, live lull trains will he down, and we
suppose each car will contain 130 sacks,
i The rush of this description of freight lias
been unprecedented, caused, as we learn, T>v
the oiler of' New York Millers to give sl.2:"i for
all wheat delivered at Depot by the 10th, and
at Charleston and Savannah hy the 13th oft(lis
; month.— ]llanta (G'a.) Intelligencer, 1 2th.
crop of Harrison county, hy., has been harves
ted, and is selling at 97 cts. per bushel. Flour
' is held, in Cvnthiana, Kv., at ts.">,7f>as(i per
I barrel.
From lire Fulton Democrat.
Temperance Legislation.
This is the age of fanaticism. Laws are enaeteii
to cure all kinds of moral and social evils, which if
left alone would cure themselves. The morals ~t the
people are to be mended not by argument addressed
to their understandings but bv the force ol prohibito
ry legal enactments. The effort has been and is now
being made to legislate men into christians—a pro
cess most absurd and ridiculous. The Blue laws of
Connecticut are to he revived—eating and drinking
are to be regulated by law, and the law we suppose
will particularize the cut and style of our garments.
It would he well to pause and reflect. It is our be
lief, that the legal enact merits of the present day,
from the Maine law down to that most ridiculous ami
foolish of alt btwg, the anti-License Jug Law of the
Pennsylvania Legislature, do more injury to the
temperance cause than good. In tact sound temper
ance principles are disappearing from our midst, and
in their place we have the empty and vapid ranting
of fanatical ami interested place seeking demagogues.
Moral suasion is discarded. Argument is avoided.
Laws ore sought to he enacted which public opinion
condemn, and as a consequence the cause sought to
he benefitted is really injured. We confidently be
lieve that no good effects can llow trcm so much leg
islation on the subject of temperance. In an addiess
to the people of Kentucky in F3l-, the Patriot HKNIIV
CI.AV, made use of the following memorable language
which should lie laid to heart by the tenqieraiice lun
atics of the present day :
"I protest against any inference of my being inim
ical to the Temperance cause.— On the contrary, 1
think it unadmirahle cause that has done great good,
ami will continue to do good as long a- LKt.AL CO-
F.RPIO.N' IS NOT KM PI.OI 1!D, ami it rests evrlu
sively itjsin PRRSfJAMON, AND ITS OWN IN
From the Philadelphia Argus-
Prohibitory Liquor Law in .New lork.
The Prohibitory Liquor Law in New Vork is prov
ing an abortion and a nuisance, ami all true tnetuis
id morality are regretting it- enactment. The dis
covery is made that It cannot he enforced. There is
a prosecution now and then, and here and theie a de
cision -one this way and another that one strength
ening tin- law another weakening it, but now line
is the law- found to have the life and vitality of a
real existence. The first seizures of iiqr-or in the
vicinity of New Wirk, under the law', took place in
Williamsburg on Tuesday. Two lots were seized,
one valued at $2,0(K1, ami the other at Ihe
counsel ell he associated liquor dealers attended to
the cases, in allot which the decisions were postpon
ed. In Albany the first trial under the law has led
to outrage and unusual excitement. The finale ol
that affair is thus stated by the Albany Krgintrr:
After the hearing the crowd began to leave the
Court loom under considerable excitement. Mr. C.
P. Williams, the complainant, attempted to pa-s out
into the stiect, hut as he reached the head of the
stairs, he was seized by a number of per-mis and vi
olently hauled down the stairs upon the platform half
way between the two lloors. where he leli, or was
piostiated, unable to rise. His hat was knocked off,
ami then u hag of powdered charcoal, previously pre
pared and brought to the office, was emptied over him
from head to foot,penetrating every seam of his gar
ments, and filling his ryes, ears and hair. He was
then a--u I led by thejeers and taunts ol tho-e who as
sisted in or witnessed his treatment with cries of
"He is ill unk," "he is drunk." The only officer in
attendance made his way to the stairs as soon as pos
sible, hut failed to secure the arrest ot any one en
gazed in the outrage. Indeed, the multitude cried ."a
hundred do! it." nnu seemed prepared to defend any
one individual fiom the charge.
Several arrests have been made in Brooklyn, and a
number of seizures in various towns in the interior.
The law, however, is everywhere found to be value
less, and its chief tendency to give business to the
Courts. The Jhm/il, of Thursday, says:
Otir liquor law is an abortion—a humbug—a nui
sance—a perfectly dead letter. Kxcept in the occa
skin-il arrest of n man overburdened with liquor, we
are not aware that it is in the slighte-t degree res
pected, from Cony l-iaml to Lake Erie. The tier
mans quaff their lager beer in larger quantities than
ever, the Irish their whiskey, the French their wines,
and the natives a little of everything, as if it were a
viifue ttius to express their i>|*-u defiance of this
senseless law* for the encourgement ol bard diluting.
The liquor sellers have ul.-o the advantage ot tree
trade. No licenses are granted, so they have none
to pay for. The law is thus a perfect godsend to the
low grog shops, where the iniquity of had liquor and
haul customers are most abundant. In a word, from
the practical working of this law, professedly intend
ed for the to'.al abolition ot liquor drinking, human
ingenuity could not r!evi-e a more successful expe
dient lor the encouragement of intemperance. See
ing is believing.
'S in- Ccnselery, *2.
Mr. KIHTOE: —iu my communication of la-t week,
I urged the propriety unit necessity o! a new
ground, fiom the fact, that our present places ol in
terment are in such a neglected and dilapidated con
dition and so exposed to depredations ot every kind,
that there is little use in an attempt on the part ot
individual citizen?, to bestow that cure on tiie resting
place of tbe departed. Which decency requires—those
tributes ol affectionate remembrance, alike beautiful
iu themselves, and consoling and purifying to the
heart of sorrow (let s!oici-in assert what it will, to
tin* contrary.) There are those who hesitate not to
say, that it i> useless, unavailing and a waste of rime
and money, to deck the grave with marble, and ever
green, and lloers. "The dead" say they "are not
conscious of tile care liestowed-—are inseti-rblc to the
incense and puie offering uffectiou brings they led
it not." J'tu/wv* ft t * ei, njul /ift7/ffjif ft iff n"'.—
I'rihuji* the spirits of the departed /., nut witness the
teais ol the stiickeri nioiinier,'/ /fit see their sor
rows and the tributes their broken hearts bring. It
is not ours now to strive with unavailing effort, to
solve the mystery which a Wise and t.'ood God lias
thrown arouiid the giave—not ours to lilt the veil
and see
"if friends so dear, are hoving near
To welcome us lo Heaven."
Neither is it ours to show Ijovv holy and pure offi
ces rendered to the dead, benefit and bless the living.
I'hey who-e experience has not taught them this,
will not be convinced by argument. They who have
proven the truth of the position will need no aigu
uieut to enforce the duty. We as before intimated
ask not for another place of interment, that ostenta
tions grief may better have an oppntiinit y to rear it
gorgeous column, nor yet alone that humble sorrow
may be induced to erect its modest memorial, lint we
think the ashes oft he dead should, beyond a possibil
ity,be free from desecration, and because under exis
ting circumstances this cannot tin the case, we are
glad other arrangements are being made. Were the
open, exposed state of our grave yards t lit? only ob
jection we bad to them, it could be remedied by a
little energy, but they (or some of them at least) are
now filled a nd the only guarantee surviving li ieiuls can
have, that very soon t he ashes ol the dead will not be
scattered by the spade of the sexton, is to wall them
in with brick or stone, 01 provide an expensive Iron
railing as tiieii guard. A Cemetery properly man
aged. as tbe one in contemplation will be, will obviate
all difficulty. Each will have their own speiate
ground with a good deed, aftd though no monument
may mark the grave, bv the terms of the Charter and
pro visions of tbe Constitution of tbe corporation, it
will lie perpetually protected. But more ol tins here
after. We have spoken nfthe necessitv. The prac
ticability of the enterprise will demand our attention
at another lime. 11.
A BOI.D FAI.SKHOOD.—One ol the resolutions
of the Know-Nothing convention at Philadel-
phia opens as inllows :
"A'CAO/W#/, That the American party, having
arisen upon the ruins and in spite ol the oflfx>-
sition ol the whig and democratic parties," \,c.
And vet the only party that the Know-Noth
ings rail at and abuse, the only one that has
defied and is bound to destroy them, the only
one their speakers and papers dread, is the
Democratic party.
Richmond Enquirer.
A FN;or.At: SHOT.— IlcrcAt.o, Jri.V 18.— H E
learn from Erie that a store in that place was
! entered on Monday night IJv a burglar, who, in
: tin* course it his inflations, awoke :w/ young
men who were sleeping in the store—one ol
whom took a rifle and ordered the burglar, who
had jnst got outside the door, to stop, hut pay
ing no attention to the request, and perseve
ring in his attempt to escape, he was shot in tlx*
I'pon an examination, the wounded man was
discovered to he a carpenter wild has heretofore
been considered a respectable citizen. It is
now supposed t hat he is the person who has
committed several ol the recent burglaries which ;
have taken place at Erie. It is impossible lor
him to survive.
READINC. June 22d, INNA.
HEN IA M 1 ft 11. BREWSTER, Esq.,
HrvjiccfrJ Sir: —Th- American Party of
Berks County intend celebrating the Seventy
i Eighth Anniversary of American Indepen
dence, on "the City Island," and 1 have been
authorized by the Committee of Arrangements
to extend an in citation to you, and others, to j
i address them on that day. Be assured, sir, it
will ailord the members of the American Party
great gratification to hear you on that occasion. .
An early reply is respectfully asked,
j With great respect, I remain yours, &.C.,
j Chairman of the Committee of Arrangements.
SATURDAY EVENIM., June 2'M. IS:f. ') !
4 York Buildings, Walnut St. Phila. J
.My Dear Sir : I have received vour letter
to-d.iv.-- I cannot accept of your invitation I
desire to take no active part in polities. Be
sides. 1 feel obliged to say, that J do not sub
scribe to the doctrines of the American party, as
they have been pronounced by its Convention.
As 1 have before this said, it will !e well
to coi reel the abuses of the Naturalization
Laws, secure their administration, and amend
their delects—further than this 1 am riot pre
pared logo. To do more would he to do evil,
and end in persecution! It has been the hope
' ol ail men who valued the right and duty ol sul
| frage, to correct the errors of nor two great par
lies, with reference to the Naturalized voters.
But evils, which alter all in a country like this,
can only be transient, should not be remedied
by subverting the very foundation of republican
democracy. We must not attempt to check the
abuse of a great principle by tiampling the prin
ciple itself under foot. Suffrage i> a political
right, but as we have hitherto taught and prac
tised, it is a human right due to a mail, because
of his manhood. B-ing governed by society, lie
may sav how he shall he governed.
to regulate this right, would he proper—to
abridge ami wholly lefuse it, would he wrong.
iTo Irown down and punish demagogues, who;
would combine bodies of naturalized voters to
corrupt and demoralize the Democratic party,
and abuse the Democratic, principle ol suffrage,
j would he right and just. To prevent by law,
i the recurrence of those pernicious conspiracies is
j all that should be asked—more than that, would
be to make slaves ol those men who were pro
scribed, strip them of their manhood, and de
grade a republic of Democrats into a popular
pespntisn . For niv part, I never have thought,
and I can never believe, that it is either wise
oi just to enact iaws or encourage opinions that
will result in religions or even political intoler
ance. It is hard enough from the very infirmi
ty of our natures, to fculfer our individual judg
ments to he tainted with prejudices aiising
from differences of opinion : but let us not cor
rupt our laws or our political organizations,
Wlttl the pursuit erf rejej;if>s pitit ical persecu
tion. Such things end in tyranny, degrading
alike to the inler and the mled—whether the
ruler he a great popular party or a monarch, or
tile ruled he a miserable man, or a wr trie d,
! beaten down minority. It is all inhuman.
! Two hundred \ ears ago, in the fury ami con
fusion of lie!te|||on, Milton, that old
i blind republican, thus proclaimed the simple
! principle upon which all rational, all legal lib
j erty must depend—"No man who knows aught,
I can t.e so stupid as t ) ilenv that ail men natu
rally U'trc born free, being the image ami re
semblance ol Cod himself/ Let us not, in our
1 resentment at those who have abused their free
dom and hurt us, do that which would violate
"religion, li!**rtv, honor, safety, all concern
ments, divine or human."
i 1 am, sir, with respect, most truly, rNc,
- - -
Attempt to Blow tip a House in Rhode
We published a telegraphic account some
days ago, of this diabolical attempt. The fol
lowing is from the Providence Journal of the
1 3th.
One of the most infamous attempts to destroy
life and property ever known in this region, was
; made on Thursday night, happily without fatal
result. The particulars, as far as they have
been communicated to us, are briefly as fol
; loyvs :—At about 12 o'clock on the night of the
i 12th instant, an explosion of a large quantity of
. gun poyy dm took place in the house of John ;
Esq. formerly a deputy Sheriff and
member of the General Assembly from North;
Providence. The house is situated on Smith j
; street, just west o! the city line, and at hut a
j lew steps distance from several other dwelling
houses. There were six or eight persons in the
i house at the lime, all of whom w ere asleep.—
None of tliem sustained any injury except Mr. i
, Tucker, who yvus hurled from his bed by the ;
violence of the explosion several feet into an
; adjoining room, the partition hetyveen which
i and his bleeping room had been thrown doyvn j
by the shock. His hand was slightly burned
and he su lie red lioin the effects of the sudden .
jar, hut was not supposed to he dangerously
j hurt.
liis escape from immediate death is short of,
j miraculous. By the investigation made on Fri
day morning, it appeals that a keg of gtmpow
dei was placed in his chamber, on the first floor
j of the house, directly under the head of his bed.
j Ail augur hole had been bored through the!
floor into the cellar window, where it yvas easi- j
! ly fired from the street, running directly by the |
yy est side of the house. The explosion was of j
such violence as to raise the bedstead on end, j
hurling Mr. Tucker from it as already stated. :
Every partition on the lower floor of the house j
yvas thrown doyvn, a considerable portion of the
j house yvas thrown some distance across the
street, all the windows in the loyver story were
broken, and most of the sash throrr n out of the
j casings, and the east and south ends of the bowse
i yvere wrenched in such a manner that it is sur
i prising the house should have withstood so vio-
I lent a shock. The floor of the room over that
j in which the explosion took place, settled some
I three feet, rendering it difficult for the inmates
tu escape in the confusion attending the first
alarm, which they tmp|xtsed arose h.,in i|, P
Inmsr being on lire.
Nearly every article of furniture in |f„. house
was destj'oysi. One y isioi stales that theunly
object he saw which appeared uninjured v ; ,s
an old-fashioned clock, which had stopped a t
the moment of the explosion. The
of wood, substantially built, handsondv finished
and nearly new. It was hvo stories high, with
a basement, and an all on the south. The dim
age we have heard estimated at tyyb or three
thousand dollars, and upwauls. There can, un
fortunately, he no doubt as the yvorse than dia
bolical malice that caused this explosion. It
i yvas produced d.-signediy, and yvitb an iiig.uui
j ty and a deliberate intention to commit rvlmb
; sale murder, the baseness of which no languae,.
can express. Mr. Tucker is a man of so kind a
disposition,so generally esteemed lor his probi
ty and intelligence. a> to be the la>t to excite
such an enmity. But even were it otherwige
there is an unparalleled atrocity in cuntrivinu*
means to wrea.k vengeance upon him, which;
hut for some happy and nnlooked for iuterposi
tion, must have involved the destruction of y)
many others. We trust that no efiort yviil |„.
j spared to feriet out the perpetrators of horri
ble a crime, and that the police will display
their vigilance and segncitv in bringing them to
punishment. A reward should he immediately
offered, libera! enough to accomplish the i n
of justice in a case of such peculiar attrocitv
A Horrible Murder iti Algiers.
Just before daylight on the morning of the
•fib a horrible murder was committed in Algiers,
mar the Third District Ferry Landing. An
old man, named Fiancis Berard, aged 4b years,
a native of Switzerland, lived in a small liuiis
yvitli his yvil'e: in one end of the establishment
he kept a small grocery. Just before daylight
the house yvas broken into by robbers, the ar
moir broken open, and the old man, who
yy as lying in bed-with his yvife, yy as strangled
to death. His neck yy as completely crushed in.
and hi.; skull was fractured by a bloyv with a
j hammer, "'lie wife says she yvas asleep yvlici*
tin y entered, and yvas awakened by a gurgling
sound proceeding from her husband. She yy-js
fu iii tin an in her bed by some person for a con
siderable time, hut finally was released, got up
and ran out to g<-t assistance, and when she re
turned she found her husband lying across the
; store step dead, and the murderers had fled. The
i cartilages ot the throat yvere crushed and brie
ken. A heavy stick that trie poor man hadal
yyays placed by his bedside, yvas found in anoth
er pail ol the house. The armoir yvas broken
open, but nothing disturbed. The robbers had
no light with them, and of course could not be
seen by the v. ile. It is supposed that, finding
the old man yvas about to ayvake, one of the
scoundrels must have choked him almost to
death, and when the yvile fled to alarm the
neighbors, lie probably got up, and yvas pursu
ing them out through the grocery, when they
knocked him on the head yvitii a hatchet.—A".
0. Delia.
poor colored woman called, last Sunday, mi
Capt. Moynan and stated that she had been rob
bed of a thousand dollar bank hill by a little
slave boy of hers. She stated that she resided
in Custom-house street, between Royal and
Bourbon, and that the slave boy had stolen the
hill are) taken it out into the street, where he
showed it to a voting white lad and then went
into a house kept by a negro woman. The
white !aJ, to whom he showed the bill, came
immediately and told her what he had seen,
and on looking for the bill she discovered that it
had been taken. She at once searched tile Uiv.
lie denied all knowledge of it at first, but foul
ly said he had given a bill to this coi ned we
iioii. The woman yvho had lost the money at
once tepaired to the house of the other, and in
quired for it : the latter, with the greatest s-uig
fcob/, handed her a five dollar bill, saying sio
had taken it froi: tlx.- hoy and intended return
ing if-
The Chief, after listening to her storv.afnnre
dispatched on of" his specials, officer Home, in
si audi of the fugitive hill. Home went tothe
house of the suspected colored woman, and found
a yvhite man in company with her, who shelv
ed some disposition to turn the officer out ol the
house, and yvas highly indignant that he should
have had the unblushing impudence to come to
the house of a "respectable colored yeoman,
kept by a white geimnen," to search for stolen
Officer Home told them bo!h, however, that
lie yvas not to he done in that way, and thaj if
! the money yvas not at once forthcoming he
would arrest them both. The woman then cal
led Home into tie- back yard, where another
woman was pretending to yy hip a hoy. and going
up to tile boy, she put her hand into his pocket,
, and polled out a slip of paper vyhicli proved to
be the missing thousand dollar hili. The nffi
' cer concluded the thing was cunningly cnmig'i
come over, took the money and gladdened the
heart of the other poor woman, who had grown
nearly sick from despair of never again seeing
her money.—.V. 0. Delta, Jul// 10.
To Mcxn BROKEN CIUXA.—Take unslacke!
lime, made fine by pounding and griii'h"--
yvliich mix with the white of an egg. t" tin*
consistency of starch or paint; thorough')
cleanse and dry the edges to be united, then 3 I "
plv the mixture to the parts to lie cement"'
place therr. together firmly, and let them t
i come perfectly dry. Articles thus wended CJII
he handled or washed yvilbout injury.
--TION. A meeting ot* the Comini-sioner- name',
the Act ut Assembly incorporating "7 *
' itliimral AitoriiUinu," ivill lie lifld - u
i bed lor it Springs on Tliur>ilay 2d August next,a- '''
dock, lb 31. for the purpose of making arrangw l - •
to open books to receive subscriptions to the cap- -
stock ot said Association.
U A U It I i: D:
At Centrevitle, Beilfonl Co., on thp 1- ; 1 '""'v.
Rev. .1. V. Whiteside, .Mr. JOHN" WKFJTZ, tp
On Tuesitav the 2tth inst., by Re*. ' ■ "jfj! 1 .-
.Mr. CKORGE SHEARJIK, to- .Viae KJJ2.W- 1 '
0 S Oh
At Blood-Rnn. on the tlth inst., Mrs. ' ar ,.
of.Mr. Sarnne! Render, of that place, agei
1" month, and to day. la2' : '
In Hertford, on last Thursday evening. M ,s \'' u /j 7 ,
ter ot Jackson and C'.ithai me t'jyK>r, a o' ' -
! iwontbs jiul nine days.