The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, July 13, 1855, Image 2

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Hertford. July I*s, 1555.
G. W. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor-
Iflineral Fountain.
OR. REAMER has just put in operation a splendid
Mineral Fountain at his l>ri♦ and Book Store in Bed
ford. where he hasa rich supply of the most choicely
t!avoreil Syrups. Give him a call. The beverage is
as wholesome as it is-pleasant.
CCTMLev. JOHN A. COLLINS, of Baltimore, is
expected to preach in the M. of Bedford,
on next Saturday am! Sunday. He will remain in
town -everal days.
C.7"liev. JOHN CHAMBERS, of Philadelphia,
aecunafuuied hy his wife, i> at the Bedford Springs,
wire re they expect to remain for several weeks—and, i
althotigfj he has come here expressly to get rest, ami !
recruit his health, still we hope to hear him preach
frequently In-fore he leave-. He will preach in
the I're-bvterian Chordl oft next Sablraih morning aj
• U'. o'clock, and in the evening.' MrTc. tsone of thirl
Divines of the age, and wherever The sound j
of his voice is heard, the the Go-pel is proV
claimed in all its purity,/ Those wh had the plea- j
sure of hearing him !a-t summer, wiilVejoice to learn I
. that he is aVilll with us. V V-X'
V- - "
delivered by Rev. Mr. CI.AKK, of Chamhershurg, on
last Thursday evening, in the Presbyterian Church,
was an intellectual treat of no ordinary character
ter. We wish it had been hear.l hy all our citizens. i
His brief F.ulogy upon Rev. JOHN WESLEY was |xW- j
erful, eloquent, and to the point. Many a man j
would "write a book" and rot say as much.
Wf Our citizens had an opportunity recently of
witnessing an examination of the Scholars under the ■
charge of Mr. WM. W. CA MP BELL, Principal of
the Bedford Male and Female Seminary, and we hut
give expression to the opinion of at! present, when we
says that it was such as to reflect the highest honor
upon the institution. Mr. C. is certainly master of
his profess son. and is competent to impart a- good an
education as can bo obtained in any oilier Academy j
ii> the Common wealth. We hope to -ee his school
liberally patronized at the opening o! the next ses- i
-ion. Ir is worthy the encouragement of all our ci-!
ti/.eus, who should feel a deep personal interest in its
tlii of July, 1555.
C'T'This glorious day was celebrated with rr> usual
spirit in Beltord.-At an early hour our citizciss were
aroused from their slmrsber-' by the ringing of bells,
the firing of guns, and tl-e Se-t martial music to be
found HI the State, and the citizensot the surrounding
neighborhood visited our town in large numbers.—
At 10 o'clock tin: vtilitary made their appearance iq>-
rn our streets, looking as mat and clean as a dollar
in-t from the mint. The lice consisted of the Bed
ford Hides, Capt. SANSO.M —II.e Cumberland Valley
Blues, ('apt. Miv—and tin- Bedford Caaets, (.'apt.-;
DKI sKUHooK. The "Bedford Fire Company" joined
the military, under the direction of Mr. GEO. D.
SHI ex, and made a fine abearance.
After performing a variety of evolutions, the sol
diers and citizens marched Jo Deiibatigh's beAntifiil
glove, near town, where a splendid dinner had been
prepared by Mr. VALENTINE STEI KMAN of the "Globe I
Previous fo partaking of the dinner, however, at:
Oration was delivered by (■". LI. SCAN.., F.-q., which, :
for beauty of style and eloquence of thought, was
quite equal to any address we have ever heard upon
a similar oeca-ion. His views wore expansive, liber
al, and patriotic in an eminent degree, ami the ease
a. I elegance with which they were delivered attrac
ted general admiration and applause. He had but
few notes, and seldom referred to them. Mr. S. is,
we have no doubt, destined Zo become eminent in his
profession and highly usefn! to hi- native State as a
member of the great Democratic Party. He would
•idorn any station.
Attire close of Mr. Spang's Address, Fr. Jordan,
F.sq. addressed the "Fire Company" in an appropri
ate manner.
The entertainments of the Day were concluded by
an -"Exibition" on the par! of the young gentlemen
connected with the Bedford Academy, which termi
nated in a manner highly creditable to Themselves
and the Institution of which they are p.rpils. The
Hoiiidaysburg Brass Band discoursed sweet music an
the occasion.
L 7* The Ladies of Bedford presented the "Cadets"
with a handsome Flag on the morning of the -lib ..f
July, having selected Mr. ROCKET W. FY.-.S, Jr. as
liieir Orator on the occasion—and it atlurd- us plea
sure to say, that he fulfilled the trust in a manner
That seemed to take every body by surprize, this be
ing ins first effort at public speaking- His speech
was truly eloquent and appropriate, and via- greatly
admired hy all who heard it. As it was delivered i:i
the Hall of the Court-House, (owing to the inch-men
evofthe weather in the laoruiug,j but few heard r
except The military: and, to gratify those who were
not present, we will publish his reioaik- in the next
Gazette, Mr. F. having furnished us with a copy.—
He is certainly a young gentleman of line mind.
\CT" Ma j ■ Samuel 11. Tate presided at the Celebra
tion on the Ith of July, assi-ted by Thomas King,
l -q., Hon. Wrn. T. Daugherty, Capt. May, and
l.ieut. Fvan, as V ice Presidents, and Capt. Decker
kott and 11. J. Henderson, Ksq. as Secretaries.
EC?" Col. JOSEPH W. TATfi delivered an 'Jra
tion before the Military and citizens of Bloody Run
on the morning of the Ith, a duty we have no doubt
he discharged to the entire satisfaction of his audi
ence. We regret thai other engagements prevented
us troin hearing the address.
K?"THE FIRE COMPANY dined at the house f
Maj. JOSEPH SFLLF.RS on the Ith, where an ele
gant entertainment was served up in Mr-. Sellers'
best style.
E7-JOHX 11AFER, Esq. ol the "Bedfird Hotel,"
gave his boarders and country customers a dinner on
the Ith, which (from represenlatior.s we have had of
it) was a splendid aliair. John know = how to do
such things.
laual Commissioner.
d?~"J"ne nomination ot Hon. Ar. NOLO Pu nts, as
the Democratic candidate for Canal Commissioner,
is received with lively satisluciiou in every part of
the Commonwealth. We have known Air. I'. inti
mately for the last fifteen yeai-, and rejoice to be a
b!e to -ay.tnat tie is one of the pun and nuJiral De
mocrats ot the age,on whom the party can rally with
the most cordial unanimity.
CC7~Our Spring Sea-on lias now fairly opened, and
bids lair to he a good one. The stages north and
south have been coming in full every evening for the
last lew days. To all who desire a comfortable re
tieat during the warm weather, and the use of waters
s'qierior to any other in the Fnited States for
their medicinal qualities, we would say— com? to Bed
font. In a -hoit time, we expect to have all the
Judges of the Supreme Court with in, together with
many othel gentlemen distinction.
Another K. \. blow up!
"~~*The Pennsylvania State Council of Know-Noth- }
ings met in Reading on the 4th in-t., and repudiated
■the platform of the K. N. National Council which
recently assembled in Philadelphia. A portion ol !
the Delegates seceded, however, and organized a
State Council on the platfnrmathus repudiated bv the
majority —so that the K. N's have now five National i
and two State platforms! No other political party
ever exhibited so little harmony and unity of senti
ment. The Bedford Lodges have put their veto upon
the action of the State Council, and it now remains to
to he seen which will yield
i\af:ir;tl Know Aolliiii^.
BTT"The Chamhershurg Whig, in speaking of the
Know-Nothing Delegate Convention recently held in
Bedford, say-"These Bedford Delegates were
j doubtless know-nothing- of the Natural sort, or they
; could not publicly have displayed their ignorance of
the proceedings ofjhe Philadelphia Convention."—
The TFAur further says it would "like to see such
men as Senator Jordan stand on the Bedford Know- j
A Nothing Platform." The Bedlord Know-Not! ings
I would like ?o see this Honorable Senator dare to stand
| upon any other platform !
GCF*The attention ofthe Freemen of Bedford Coun
: ty is directed to an exposition of Know-N'otbingism,
/on the fir-r page of the (incut, of to-day, emanating
i from the members of an entire Lodge in Connecticut,
by which it will he seen that the whole ty firm is one
of infamy of The deepest dye, and well calculated to
■ arouse the indignation of every lover of Liberty and
i Republicanism m the Laud. We ask men professing
i Christianity to read the discloures here made, and
they will then be able to discovers the full enormity
| of the conduct of those ministers and religion * newspa- ,
pers who advised their hearers and readers to unite
with this secret oath-hound organization as calcula-
Ited to promote the interest aruTThe honorot America I
We venture to predict that the minister or other rr
iligicn* teacher who is identified with this secret
conspiracy, will, in a short time, he considered a j
walking jiestilence upon the earth—a
pouildol lolly, wickedness, and treachery, from whom
his congregation will turn away with loathing and
; disgu-r.
fy We n'-o invite attention to the Card of many
citizens in Tenne-see who have withdrawn from this i
: disgraceful conibination, which will likewise he
' found on the first page. It is short, hut pointed and
j convincing.
A L'ootl \l (U'KL,
KTT'ol. M'CM:EE, of the Chambersbnrg Whig,
has as many political -ins to answer lor, perhaps,
a any other Inderal Journal ill the State—but
hi- manly and straight-forward opposition to the dan
gerous principles of know-noth ingism has blotted out
a mountain of his pa-t offences, and given him a
strong hold upon HIP confidence of the people. The
Colonel, however, wants the nerve to go a little fur
ther. Gov. POLLOCK, it has been boldly charged,
and not denied, is a fully initiated member of a know
nothing Lodge, and, therefore, stands rpiife a- guilty
■ before the world as tire " I.itiie, CroaLrr" anil its itn
j mediate adherents—and yet the Whig considers him
perfection itself. This is not fair, and exhibits a .
partiality hy no means commendable. We do not
wonder that the gallant Colonel was "hmftily sirL
| nml at the fearful i orpor'anre accorded to foreitnt #//-
flarnrr*," after the bold attempt made by himself and
his party Iriern!- every where to appropriate to then -
| selves the entire mass (Whigs ami Democrats) com
posing the '' rirh Irish brogue and sweet llmuan nr.
| cat'' in the last Presidential campaign. Such a
: failure would naturally sicken any body !
The following article is bold, patriotic,and sensible,
and will he read with general intere.-t ;
Our friends of the Washington Commonwealth are
ju-t now learning what we learned mouths ago—
namely that a sworn arid secret political organiza
tion is susceptible of the gios-e.-t ahuse. ami can
scarcely escape being perverted to the service of de
signing and dangerous men. Nor is our cofewpnra
ry alone in feeling the scourge of such a despoti-m.
We have felt it and only averted its more deadly
blows try g-appling with it in its own threshhohl:
and many of our Whig brethren of the press, who
had aided to warn; it into life, atrd who thought u
prompted by prejudices or imaginary wrongs m our
early and decided hostility to it. are now threatened
with the same dangers ami are cnn.pelled in self-de
fence to follow our footsteps. The Commonwealth
will now agree with us that had it realized at an ear
lier day the dark treason li.-.iT rankles in the circle
where it expected friendship, its task of ■ell-preser
i vat ion would have been much more easily and more
sncre.-sfolly performed.
Our coteiaporarv need not warn u-"to beware'*—
to be prepared lor charges of "bribery" and to be
i accused of seeking to betray th" Whigs info the
hands of the Democracy. We have no such fears— :
The tim | t)l - s.rrh apprehensions is pa-t. We vveli
i remember, however, but a few month- ago, when
we were threatened with annihilation at every step j
r and exulting!)' invsteil to prepare (or bankruptcy.—
Even tine fiends "remhlfd tor u>, as they studied
the boasted strength of an organization.cemented by
1 the combined power of extra-pidiciul onths arid tlior
■ oughly excited prejudices. But we felt that noievo
, lution, not based upon principles which can stand the
tet of sober reason an ! strengthen them-elves in the
calm judgment of the people their beneficent re
sulfs, could fail To recoil with increasing power up
on it- advocates; and we have not been.disappointed.
, We did not seek to distroy, but to modify ami strip it
of its evil-. Heartily sicken-d at the fearful impor
tance accorded to foreign influences in this country
by the base pandering of parties, we could not but
sympathize with its apparently, and even avowed,
leading principle of Americanizing our whole poiiti
■ cu] policy; am! were irjo-t reluctant to resist it until .
1 it presented, in its despotic discipline, danger- to
. which all other political dangers seemed in-ignifi- j
But it is now stripped of its moral power, and in
. stead of insolent dicTation and intolerant proscription,
will soon woo you as gentle as a sucking dove. It
still exi-ts—-Mil has a formidable array of nominal
'■ members in this cnunfy, lint it can only nw he po
- tent by inaugurating merit in men and measures and
j reaching the popular heart hy seeking the public
; good. It i- no longer the firmly knit and ponder
! ons crushing power it once was. |r now but a loose |
p aggregation of men as all other parties, and blind sub
mission To the edicts of ? he council is among the
" j things that have been. True, it is not declared an
open organization in this county, for the Very go"! j
reason that there are ambitious leaders whose only
hope of using the order to promote their own selfish
ends, depends upon secret councils and oath-bound ;
i j submission ; but the great mass of the party is to all
.• intents and purposes open and free, for in defiance of •
the demagogues who would enforce discipline or im- j
' pose disgrace, they will act a- they please—talk as j
! they please—and ro'r as they please. They are sick- j
I eried with dictation an i flummery, and the oath is
j robbed of its moral lorce by its prostitution to so tin
-3 j worthy a purpose. If trie Commonwealth has differ
ent surroundings—if men still bow because oath
, bound and proscribe because bidden so to do—it has
' ; a re-ponsihle task to perform, and it must conquer the '
- ; despotism that besets it or fall beneath its remorseless
. | stroke. There can he no half-way or middle ground :
_ [ of safety, and only when councils, oaths, grips and j
signs are totally abolished, can Americanism be j
1 stripped of its dangers and command the favor of lib
eral and conservative men.— Chimhcrshurg Reposito
ry and Whig.
1 "
i Not as Christians.
5 An Ohio exchange paper says at the adinin
- istration of the Lord's supper by the Rev. Mr.
s W ishart, at his church HI New Athens, Harri
r son county, Ohio, a few Sabbaths since, he
- debarred all know-nothings from particij nting
• in the ceremony. He took the position that a|
i person could not be a Christian and an honest
man, an i at the satin time a know-nothing.
Tfi? Enemies f America*
OfT™ l he Chatnberslnirg fle/iasitory and ll 'his, of
last wrek, furnishes its readers with the following f
-rathing ami eloquent rebuke of Know-Kothingism, 1
rlenrly showing that the existence of this midnight , J
.order ran only be maintained bv blotting from our ; „
national Record the glorious Declaration of Inch pen- t
itenre: '
WK \nnt> hardly apologize for not republishing the ,
Declaration of Independence, as was once the custom .
with most papers on the return of our national nnni- I j
\cr-ary. It i- not exactly an orthodox document j %
these times, and it may be well not to permit, its re- ! ,
ceritly discovered errors to go to the world, to pi e. t
vent perspiring patriotism fronr. taking its legitimate | a
channel. Especially on the -Ith of July would we
net promulgate a doctrine so palpably at war with i j
the new lights of the age as the miserable, bungling j ,
fogies of '7<i imposed upon the eountry in the subjoin- f j
ed paiagrnpb from the Declaration of Independence, j r
We tru t TKITt the Rending Council will hasten to ex- j t
pnnge i' so that patriotic journals can again publish : ;i
our declaration of rights, without spreading such fogy ' ,
and heretical sentiments. Here is the paragraph: ' t
"He (King GFTORGK) has endeavored to prevent fh- r
population of these States ; for that purpose obsiruc- t
ting the laws for naturalization of foreigners ; reins- j t
ing to pass others to encourage their migration hith- •
cr. and raising the conditions of new appropriations
of land-." r
Shame, O! Sage of MonficeJFo! It must be ex-, •
ponged! Couldn't the little croaker have it attend- ' 1
ed to?— Clinmherehttrg I''punitory and Whig.
\ t
Wur.RK wii.t, IT END? —The Know-Nothings who -
have assailed the Catholic church and made pre
tensions that their hostility was to stop there, have i
not b-en satisfied. The "Covenanters" Butier i
county, Pa., are denounced and uprai'led on account
of their religion. The Seeeders have a share of their i i
persecution. The Rev. John M'C'anlev, who thought •
it his duty to speak disparagingly of an oath-boitfid >
secret political party as nnti-ehri-tian and anti-repub- i
licun, has gained their displeasure, and came under ' t
the smarting rod of an ntilhor who dare not give his i
name. That is well for him, for that servant of God i
would wipe away his proper title ill one discourse so i
that lie never would be heard of again, only as btiv- ,
ing an existence. OB the Presbyterian church, too, i
war has been made. A fearfe-s watchman on the i
tower, has been threatened with a dismissal finivt a :
congregation as pastor. Where will tins end ?
Either in the establishment of a single church in con- ]
nectwir with the government, or in the total over
throw of the proscriptive party !
TSie Male Conveftlion.
Contrary to our expectations, the Democratic Stale
Convention which met at Harrisbnrg on the Ith inst.,
was 'tiTTy attended, numbering about one hundred and
twenty-five delegates. A temporary organization
was effected by calling Hon. John B. Guthrie, of
Pittsburg, to the ("hair, it was afterwards perma
nently organized by appointing Hon. J. Clancy Jones,
ol Berks county, as Chairman. Alter the u-nal pre
liminaries, nominations and balloting* were had for
theotficeof Canal <Commissioner. Quite a number of
candidates were presented, but the most prominent
before the Convention were Hon. Arnold Plumer of
\ eiiango, and William S. Campbell, Esq. of Alleghe
ny county. The following Was the result of the
-1 lutings for them :
Ist Hal. J.J. •'!.!.
Plumer, !7 'in 77
Sixty-three votes only being necessary lor a choice,
I Mr. Plumer was declared duly nominated. On mo
j lion, the nomination Was made unanimous. A com
mittee on resolutions having iieen appointed, through
Col. Black reported the following, which, al'lor some
dtscus-ion, were duly adopted as the platform :
}\ruilt:rd. That the Democratic party needs not,
on old and settled issues, to declare its principles in
detail. Jt is sufficient lor us to say, that we belong
to the Democracy of the Union, and recognize no
geographical lines between the North and the Sooth.
The interests of alt parts of the country are the same
| to us t and so lar as in our power we wiil maintain j
the constitutional lights ol every State, and likewise i
recognize in its widest extent the principle ol pouu- i
| lar sovereignty in the territories.
Ureal red, That every one who makes otir country
his home, and loves the Constitution, the laws and
the liberty ol the 1 nion,i in its largest sense a true
American. Hi- birth place was not of his own se
lection, and should do him neither good nor harm.—
ilis religion is between hiiriseif and his Cod, and .
should be felt to Ins own judgment, conscience and i
Kieolvrd, That we regard the secret order, com-j
moiily known as Know-Nothings, as an organization
dangerous to the peace and prosperity of the country..
We consider its designs as at once unconstitutional
and void of patriotism, being plainly opposed to the '
spirit of true Christianity, and a just and manly
American sentiment.
Iu solved, That the Democratic party of Pennsyl
vania reiterate and re-n-sert their confidence in and
adheieuce lo the political creed promulgated by
Thomas Jeffer-on in his first inangnial address, and
practiced by Madison, Monroe, Jackson, Van Ilureii,
I'oik and Pierce, in their administrations—that those
principles require no concealment, arid that experi
ence has fully determined their application lo ali the
interests oil he American people.
, Jlesu/rrd, That we have undiminished confidence
in the ability and integrity of Franklin Pit-rce and
hi- administration of the government of our country,
i Keeo/rrd, I hat the views and principles ot the pre
sent Stale adnisnis;: at ion, embodied in the acts pass
ed by the lecent Legislature, and approved by thp
Governor, by which the interests of the State have
been, or are proposed to be, seriously and injuriously
affected, contrast strongly with the wise and judicious
policy ot Governor liigfer. and tend to show the dan
ger of entrusting the control of the Commonwealth
to the hand- of men who me swayed bv lanatir.sin
and governed by prejudice.
Jiisti/vt '/, That we pledge our hearty and united
efforts To the election ot Hon. Arnold Plumer, the
candidate lor Canal Com mis-inner. whom we have
this day nominated without a single dissenting Voice.
In support of the resolution.-, Col. Black made a
speech ot gieat eloquence and power, in which he ad
duced novel and ingenious arguments against Know -
Ri:trix<; Macih.NKS. — Between fifteen and six
teen thousand reaping machines it is said will
be nianuiaclured and sold this year in our coun
try. l ire demand is so great tiiat manufactu
rers cannot make them last enough for their
orders. This affords evidence of agricultural
prosperity, as the cost of these machines will
amount to nearly t wo million of dollars.
I'r'TitE row Wiik; Backus that believe the
old V\ liig party still lives, are making anxious
inquiri< s atter the Whig State Central Commit
tee, and want to know whether there is to be
any Whig State Convention held this year.—
| They express lively fears that the Committee
has sold out the party to the K. jSs. The
Washington Common wealth says:
"There is certainly something wrong some
where : our State Central Committee are per
fectly in (Liferent or have betrayed and sold the
Whig party ! We should regret to believe that
this were true—but, Judging from the appear
ance of things, we can scarcely come to any
' other conclusion."
To which, the Lancaster Examiner adds, as
though it spoke knowingly:
"The tears of the Commonwealth a-re douht
i b-ss too well founded. The administration and
the Slate Central Committee have evidently
I been guilty of treachery to the Whig party not
surpassed in infamy by that of John Tyler or
Benedict Arnold. History will class them all
j in the same catalogue of traitors."
WANT UD —Io estaulwui by a First Class In
surance Company, an Agency in this County.
| To a person of good business habits, willing to
devote his time alone to the Company, a liberal
compensation will be allowed. Address, -xt ilh
re! T*. -tic, Box. f'Oo, C hiltldrfphitt.
Everything connected with the hrttr Convention is
full ol promise to the Democratic party. Few -mi
liar a-.-eroblages have been marked with the same
order, dignity and good feeling, and few have pre
sented in so striking a manner a leading desire lo '
merge all personal animosity in a union of effort for
the welfare of the whole paity. Such a state of har
mony was what might have been naturally expected
from the history of political movements during the
past year. The Democracy learned, at a bitter loos
to themselves and to the be.-t interests of the State, j
the folly of 10-iug sight for a moment of the paramount
value of the principles which we maintain—of per
mitting ourselves to suppose for a moment that they
do not need the constant vigilance of every patriot, j
and of allowing personal considerations and indrvidti- j
al claims to obtain an undue influence in the selec
tion of candidates tor office. The late '.invention;
exhibited in this respect a most gratifying spectarle.
It seemed as if every member had come to the place,
of meeting, not with the .-ingle purpose of carrying
the nomination of his favorite candidate, hut with !
an honest and sincere desire to pur-lie that course •
which was be-t calculated to promote a union of sen
timent, and ensure the cordial co-operation of Demo- :
crats everywhere throughout the Stale. It is true
there were a number ol rival candidates lor Canal
Commissioner, but they were not arrayed against
each other in the bitterness of personal hostility.— !
They were all men well know n throughout the State
and with any one of the nnmberfora M .uidard-beat er
against the distracted arid cotifu-ed ranks of the op
position, we might probably have attained an ea-y
victory. Those among them with whom vve have
the pleasure ola personal acquaintance, were all
strong practical thinkers, who have the necessary
knowledge ot public affairs and iletaife of bu-uies- to ;
in-ure their competency while their honesty has nev
er been questioned.
But, without any disposition to underrate the mer
its of other.-, we may say that the choice of the Con
vention seem- to be preeminently the mail lor the
occa-ion. lie is a safe and prudent practical man,
who has managed Ins own finance- and those of the
State, while under hi- control, with equal care, vig
ilance and success. He is a consistent member ola
church ; and yet free from every taint of bigotry or
intolerance, lie is a man of rigidly tempeiate hab
its, and yet not one who would catch eageily at eve
ry chimerical scheme for legi-luting mankind into
morality. It was but lately that we had an op|x>itu
luty of hearing him, in a mo-t enthusiastic democrat
ic meeting, express in vigorousand appropriate terms
his earnest hostility to The doctrines ol the proscrip
tive organization, which he characterized m no un
appropriate terms as the wooden-nutmeg party, and
denouncing its corrupting and immoral tendencies.—
Besides this, Mr. i'liuner belongs to that class of de
mocrats who, in all the fluctuations of party ques
tion-, have maintained a uniform consistent course.
He lias nevei been anything else than a thorough rad
ical He ha- been a rep,entative Con
gress, Marshal of the We.-tern District of Pennsylva
nia, under President Polk, and State Treasurer; and
yet no man can he less entitled to the name of an
office-seeker. Often when his friends have urged
linn to become a candidate for more important sta
tions, he has declined the proth red boon. His nom
ination at the pre-ent time lias not been sought by
hurt. He has made no bargains, promises o efforts
toohtam it. But he is willing to assume the respon
sibilities into which an aimo-t certain election will
introduce him. and bring the lorce of In- judgment
again into puldic service. Those who know him
best are fully aware that hi- • to the office to
which he has been nominated \v;P confer no iavur
npm. him. other that) the satisfaction which must al
ways be incident topepniar approval: But in a time
of general laxity in Legislation—at a time when the
rni —I valuable interest- of tin" Commonwealth are
trifled with, or squandered by inexperienced or reck
less hands, it is absolutely necessary that every po
sition under .fit" Slate government should b'* filled
with men of tried integrity, a, J thai novices should
be. as far as po-s;bfe, dispensed with. We have hud
enough of reshexperiment—enough of blind innova
tion—enough ot insanity under the name ol prog re-s.
Let us rally price more around one ol that venerable
band of the time-tried demociat- who" have been
with the inrty in the days of its former Triumphs,
and have not deserted its principles lu the hour ot
defeat. l' l.'uintt.
Ai-rival ol" Utc Aiisrrltu I
Terrible Slaughter of the Allies.
HAM FAX. July fii—The Steamer America has ar
rived. Sue bring- Liverpool dates to the J\M, which
announce that the English and French troops attack
ed Redan end M.ilakoit forts on the iv.h, hut were le
pul-etf, with great -laughter. The details have not
Mi. Roebuck lias moved a vote of ceu-'ire in the
English Parliament.
The intelligence from the Crimea is fragmentary,
but private advices SUV that the h>-- to the allies wiil
not be less than -1000. including Gen. Cnmj hell, and
7other officers. Many rumor* at*? prevalent.
Lord Raglan's despatch and ttie lieu-paper corres
pondence aie to huiui, describing the g.ili.o.t capitue
ol Man.don and the quarries. The mam fact- have
been already stated w.fh general cm reel IU'S-. The
allies have made an unsucce-sful attempt to storm
Si bn-topol. The mo-t sinsi-ter rumor- prevailed in
regard to the transaction by some accounts. The
English 10-- i- set down at 1(100 men, Gut the report
i- believed to he much exaggerated. The following
are the only official uotif atiou- of the event : Lord
Panuiure regiets to have T•> aimoiire that he has ie
ceived information that tne English troops attacked
the Redan and the French troops th ■ M.dakofi tow
el-. at daylight on Ihe lSlti, without the -urces
which has hitherto attended our efforts. Both the
Kiel ch and ourselvc- have suffered considerably.
The advices from Pellis-u r to the French govern
ment are to same effect.
Plicate accounts, published in the London Stan
dard. say that tin- !<• of tin- IB nf!i,-is m killed
and wounded amounts to cot less than 70. Among
tin- killed are far J. Campbell, ( .1. .a, and Col.
stradioi th. i'ne greatest poition of the hi-- vva-e\-
peiieiicetl ina ravine, where a powerful and unex
pected battery was opened on the troops. ihe allies
lost terribly, the Russians springing a mine, anil dur
ing the confusion ihey n-captured tH e Mamelon tow
The Russian account of the sncco-se* of the Allies
in the Sea ol A/.off'puhli-hed. Goit-chakofl con
firms the sucyes-es claimed by the Allies, (mt says
that the operations agairi-t the S.-a of A/.oif were ex
pected, the stores of grain destroyed were private
property, and riot intended for the use of Russian
The correspondence relates the horrible atrocities
perpetrated by the French and Turks at the capture
ot Kert-ch.
A ill-patch from Bucharest, via Vienna, confirms
that an expedition has been undertaken against Here
A despatch from Verna, dated June 17th, which
was retarded on the way, says the Russian- had
made an unsuccessful attack on reported that
they hail retaken Anapa.
The Aii-lrian commander has proclaimed martial
law iti Moldavia, btlt the .Moldavian authorities refu-e
to promulgate the order, unless authorized by the
Con.-tantine Raise, -on of the reigning Prince, was
killed at Ja-sy, in a duel !>y the Austrian Major,Stal
berg. The affair had caused considerable sensation
in the Principalities.
The recent attack on an English boat's crew at
[lango. cau-os much excitement in England. The
iinpiejiulic'ed supposition is Ihnt the Ru-sian- suppos
ed that the boat was taking souiidings-as was done at
Kerfjch. The Ru-sian account, in tin- invalid Rtiss,
says that six were killed, and the remainder are pri
ACSTRIA. —The Russians influence is very active,
and even in the smallest German Courts.
The Journal of St. Petersburg senii-otlicially says,
that peace is possible if France and England are wil
ling. inasmuch as the fourth point is morally although
not formally settled, and the other points, namely,
the navigation of the Danube and the excavation of
tVic Principalities are also settled, leaving only the
Vienna 3d jxiint to be arranged.
GREAT BIUTAIX. —The debate on administrative
reform, ended it: the unanimous pa-sage of a re-oln
tion calling the attention of the Ministers to a rare
fnl revision of the various official e-tahlishments.
Mr. Buchanan has received the Degree of Doctor
of Canon Law, from the University of Oxford, as al
so did Chief Jii-tice Robinson, of Canada, Sir Charles
Lyell, Alfred Tennyson, &c.
FRANCE. —The Senate and Legislature are convok
ed for July 'id, to negotiate a new foftn of one hun
dred and titty millions of dollar-.
Loui- Napoleon has been ill for two days, but has
recovered. The l'teuch funds fellper cent, on the
announcement of his innese,
SPAIN. —The disturbance-; at Santiago have been
suppressed. We have no reliable statement re-pert -
! mi; the (Jarlist insurgent insurrection. Russia is su
per fed as the instigator,
j Mr. Dodge hat) his first interview with the Minis- •
ter oi Foreigen Affairs, ami friendly leinarks were
: exchanged.
Dkxmack. —The Danish Diet is dissolved.
l)e!uce forbids enlistment* for foreign service, un
j tier a penalty of eight years' imprisonment.
Xnrx— Marseilles, Friday night..—The En- i
glisb steamer Astrologue ha- arrived, bringing news '
I'rorn Constantinople to the 19th June.
'l'heje ha® b-en a flight engagement at F.upatoria
I since the 12th .June.
The Russians at tacked nti-nccessfnlly the batteries
of the besiegers.
The general loss in the taking of Mamelon and the
quarries is 1000 men.
liptiuitratif Virlnry in Illinois.
rti tin* recent election for a Judge and Clerk
of the Supreme Court of Illinois lor th- second
division oi titat Slate, < r.scac in<r twenty-nine!
count ie.< tlx- most populous it) that Slate, j
Onias C. Sinner,O' 1 Quiricv, was the Democratic
candidate for Judge, an i Mr. Turnev, lor Clerk, 1
and T. Logan, of Springfield, the know-Noth- !
in? and Abolitionist candidate for Judge, and j
Mr. Cornet!n lor clerk. Tin* resrilt shows a 1
Democratic majoritv varying; but tittle from ten ■
nd r-j'i s, a; 4 a defeat to the midnight
plotters against civil and ndigi .us freedom ahso- ;
Intelv overwhelming. Tlius breaks the glad i
m atiing aft' r a night oftreason and hostility to
the vital principles of A m-i icon liberty. From J
West to South the electric spark has run, and ;
men catching the inspiration are forgetting the j
past and rallying around tin* old Democratic j
banner a* thev would that of their country were
it assailed bv foreign foes or domestic traitors. ;
It only needs patience and prudence, and a few
short months will s-e the present Know Nothing
party buried beneath that weight of public scorn
and contempt which always followes attempts'
4 to overthrow the Constitution and destroy the.
Union. The Democracy of Illinois have made
a gallant fight, and the victory achieved is a
proud testimonial to their unshrinking devotion
to the progress of repbliran liberty.— Phil", j
. Ir> us.
'■ What a Know \otit:.\g Rot Cost. —
On M indav evenm-g, in the common c itincil of ;
('hirago, the committee on police reported in!
Ilivor of paving bills for the late riots, as billows,
amounting to $+.233 50."
'l ie l above (says the Chicago Times,) prefix
ed to the hilt of items, we observe floating a- ;
hoot in the newspapers. Cur contemporaries;
are in error when they nam" s+,-'43 >0 as the
tola I cost of the know-nothing riot in this citv.
This sum embraces only the items for the mili
tary and commissariat departments, including j
the surgeons' hills. Ihe costs and lees lor liv
ing the prisoners, added, w ill make the amount
over SI 1,000. A handsome sunt for our tax
payers to pay for a mob provoked by crazy
brained know-nothings !
VIVA von:.
THE D. !r it ADVERTISER accounts for the re
sult in \ iiginia on various hypotheses, in the
process of which it makes a wrv singular AD
mission ;
'•The ri ru vciiu manner of vot ing also deter
red many from supporting the American candi
Witt) did "(lie rim voce niannerof voting DE
FT r many from snpp rting the American candi
date V In no State is voting more untrammel
led and independent than in Virginia. There
are few large ESTABLISHMENTS there whose hun
dreds of employees might be supposed to volt*
under duress. Tin* cities and large towns, .
where suffrage, if MAY he, is subject to infinenc, S
which do NOT operate in rural districts, are not
NUMEROUS. The State is essentially agricoltu- '
r.IL, and its citizens, wlientliey go to the polls,
I XJUESS LIV their VOICE THEIR individual >■ NTl
ments, n it the SENTIMENTS "f an EMPLOYER or a
political leader. Why, then, did" rim rnn
manner of voting DETER N OV from supjiorting
the American ticket ?" We can <onceive hut
ONE answer to the interrogatory ; D the rira rare
manner of voting did deter many from voting
the American ticket, it was because nmn WERE
ashamed to vote it — because to vote it was dis
creditable and politically ruinous —BECAUSE it
HAVE voted that American ticket would be deem
ed cause of l eproach.
The admission of the Advertiser is a ennfes-
I -ion that KNOW-nothingism suffers from daylight
e\P sure — its success depends NUT upon the
JUSTNESS of its principles, hut upon the secrecy
of its movenients. It- SYMBOL IS the dark lan
tern. Tt is li'," a thief, whom night invitesto
activity and the sun drives to concealment.
Fiom the Cincinnati Enquirer.
Is it not singular that the know-nothings
should carry their prescriptive doctrines so far
as to deny Catholics the piivilege of participa
ting with the rest <>! their fellow-citizens in the
Fourth-of'-Julv c.ei-hration ' We did not he
i li >ve it possible that anybody could be so dt--
mented as to desire that any p<artion of our
citizens should not honor the memory of Wash
ington, Jefferson, ami the illustrious founders of
our nationality. Tlip know-nothings have ac-j
cused the Catholics of a want of American
feeling, although ('barbs Carroll, the last sur
viving signer of the Declaration ot Indepen- j
fiance, belonged to that sect ; and now they ;
: refuse to allow them to come into a public
F iirtb-of-Jidv demonstration. A meaner and
j more contemptible spirit was never exhibited,
i Americans want every one to rejoice on the
Fourth of July, without distinction ot race or
religious creed.
Things have come to a pretty pass when a j
j spirit of sectarian exclusiveness is to he evinced •
on freedom's anniversary. The little dema
gogues and mean bigots who were instrumental j
in getting up this narrow and sectarian .cele- i
brat inn ought to meet with an overwhelming
public rebuke. We take pleasure, in this con
j nexiin, in publishing the following note from a
gentleman whose sympathies, as is well known,
! are with tlie know-nothings, fie says:
Cincinnati, Tuesday, June 19, 1853.
There appeared in the daily papers of this
city, this morning, a list of names for the pur
pose of forming a +th-of-Julv celebration, and :
my name is used as one of a committee on the j
j works, without my knowledge or consent. By !
j this, the getters-up of this celebration of the j
+!h can learn that I will not serve on any j
committee where all citizens of this or any other j
country, whether Jew or Gentile, Mohammedan I
or Hottentot, Roman Catholic or Greek, cannot j
j join in the celebration of the glorious +tli, the j
i dav that every freeman's heart should expand j
Ito its fullest extent, flung' out your banners, I
fire your crackers, shoot yonr iittl„ 3 r,i[ | ,
guns, build your iaju-fir.-s on the lull-!,,-' r ""f
'he iighj may illuminate the h-av.-ns. a Jul
fleet hart into the cbamlieis of the
their hearts may be gladdened, and their' ,
Idled w ith joy at the' reflected light ul the -
rions day. ~
Respectfully, yours, K.r.,
; The St. Louis Republicim has advices firm,
New Mexico to June 6.
Mr. Migraw, contractor for earning theSSat ! t
Lake mail, lias returned from a trip as f,i r ni
Blue. At that point he net with Lieut. H,. ;i <).
who brought the latest intelligence from Km'
Laramie, contradicted the reports ol" Indian cD-r,-
redations upon emigiant trains, of which
much has been said. All was quiet about F.r*
From tlie Squatter Sovereign, published at
Atchison, Kansas Territory, of the 2flib. v .
j learn that Maj. Rose, late agent for th- i' t3 | (
j Indians in Utuli Territory, with his family, a r .
| rived ifrxfe on the 21st last. Sixteen p,*.. Vms
accompanied him.
Major Rise made the trip from Salt Late
Valley in fitly three days. On their j im , nHV
they passed two mail trains. Major Ruse r ,4.
resents tliat he did not see or hear a hostile la.
diaii on the Plains, and denies the correctness
of all reports about outrages heing peri-'trav.j
i hv tin* Indians, the story ( ,f a train living ii,t Hr .
I cepted, and one hundred persons mnrd-red, Kc
The Indians convicted of the murder of ('a,,
tain Gunnison ami his party, who were tried a t
Sal! Lake, sentenced to the penitentiary, ami
thence made their escape, were afterw.ird.sft~
! taken and were securely confined in prison.
Mr Jotui liav writes to the editors 1 I
' Squatter Sovereign, that he left the Valley of
| Salt Lake on the Kth of May, and met several
trains for California, Oregon and elsewhere
; A portion of the United States troops were met
twenty miUs east of Fort Kearney. He denies
i the report respecting the troubles and annoyan
ces of the Indians, and says that tb-y e\im, |
quite ati ieiidlv feeling. He hopes that s ti.•
: one will be employed to carry the mails j,,
' whom confidence can he placed, and not hazard
their loss by the w ant of proper attention.
A com -pondent cd the Si. Louis Republican
1 writes as follows :
On the 20tii of April, by ord-r of
Fanntleroy, commanding, Lieut. Col. ('. St.
\ rain left Fort Massachusetts in command af
two companies of viduriteers and F Coin any
U.S. A. Ist Dragoons, with instructions t,,
march through the Sangre de C'hrist.i Pass, Üb-t
M mntair. Valley, up the Arkansas River, and
meet Col. Fanntleroy at the Piinrha Pass:!mt
lie, having struck a trail of Apaches at the cms.-
ingot the Huerfano, followed it. and on the
25th came up with the enemy on the Purga
tory, in the Raton Mountains, captured their
ramp with all its equipage, ire., killed seven
Indians, raptured six and wpapdntseven, ' a
the 23d of April, Col. FountJeroy leti For! M
sachnsetts with two companies of Volutde-;..
I) Company 2d Arrlleiy and D Company Ist
Dragoons, and proceeded to the ii-ad of the>\
Lotiis Valley, where the command struck a
large trail of the Ufahs o<n the evening ol tie
Co the morning of the 28fii T the rnminam!
fcdlowed tii" trail for twenty-tour miles throogti
the nc untains to the left of the Puncha lbs.
and halted. Spies and guides being sent out D
reconnoitre, returned at ft o'clock at night. At
10 o'c lock, the command w as in the saddle n; I
off. Having followed about thirteen inilesom
up to the enemy's camp. The mounted w
ordered to dismount and hitch their hors-s a
guard was established over the horses and pack
animals, and the command prepared for an at
tack. At about daybreak, as the comnoi ;
approached the enemy's camp, their dogs gov
the alarm: the enemy fired a few sL. is
of opening the fire; this was ruturned v.; 1
gr at rapidity by the command. Ilw n:::•
was soon taken—the enemy routed. F• oty
: the enemy were killed, six captured, and a vrv
big- numher wounded.
The command had one slig! lly am; c ttetti r
tally wounded. Ten mounted men were -
tailed to drive olf the stock. A very I.- g
amuiint of camp equipage, plunder, \c.. '< |
found in their camp consisting in part el • • I
rdl-s, fair pistols, two dragoon sa;
five-dollar gold pieces, 209 bntia'o robes.
Indian saddh s, a pile of lariats, virr.e pe" I
and lea l, dried una!, blankets, trinkets, t.-i'
| dresses, hodv dresses, several shields and
le-ad work, 2<i hows and quivers with am
35 horses and 12 sheep were taken, annas .1
number of goals.
This fight took place at day break, or. tie' -
of April, mar the Arkansas River, a.;•'■ -
miles rsoith of the Puncha Pass.
On the afternoon of the Ist o! May tlv •' I
! mami came iijinn a party of some thirty-nw
the eneu y, in tin- Chowatch Valley, caj-tur
' tlmir camp of six lodges, with all its oquij I
1 viz: twenty horses, thirty buffalo rubes, >-vhj
' shields, spears, a dragoon sabie, Nr. h'
1 running fight two of the enemy were It*
four wounded. The next morning parti< >
sent out into the mountains, a'lio sncce> .1 ■
killing two and wounding severab f'
! mountains, t!mir chief. Tierra Blanco, u" a< -" H
• appearance on a lodge of rocks, arwo'iitc",
| name, and said, in substance : "Von are n j
brothers; I arc, yonr friend. My |' ! !*■ '• li ''
• want to tight : they desire peace very r i.fa H
&c. ~ ' '
No Fawixf. AT THE WEST. —'1 he rereip
breadstuffs at the T'pper Lake ports are treii ;
dons, and preclude the possibility 11 H
, tenance of present prices. Of hreaibtt'!"-
, hundred and three thousand bushels w. H
Ceived at ports on the I pper Lakes in or* •
At Rnffalo and Oswego, the reported riT^"
one day were 7,52+ bbls. of flour, 8'2.b9( i" ;
1 els of"wheat, 180,027 bushels of corn, I
I 103,275 bushels of oats.
DncMX'K I.x FLOTR.— The Mobile Trik*' l
the 1 Oth ult., says that new Hour is selling 1 _
at $5 per barrel, and confidently
ill three weeks it w ill he sold tor I" 1 "
Tr.Ctsots has decided aqainst the
liquor law. A special election has |\ J
1 cvnt'lv held to ascertain the sense 01 t' ie ||
! upon the question. The returns Vt , r H
167,336 votes were cast—the largest v " l ' |
polled in the State, 39.131 larger than* B
j last State election. The majority a,'- -' , I
■ prohibitory law is 14,066. . \
Nr.w C::: | |
ing State Council has repudiat !