The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, July 06, 1855, Image 1

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    RY (lillO. W.
Select floe tin.
Mother, watch the little feet
ClirriUing o'er fhe garden wall.
Bounding through the lutsy street,
ilaiigling cellar, -licit arid hall.
Never count the moments lost,
Never mitid the time it costs:
Little feet will go a-truy,
ti'iiide them, mother, while you may.
Mother, watch the little hand
Picking berries by the way,
Making houses in the sand,
Tos-ing up the fragrant hay.
Never dare the question ask,
'•Why to me tbi weary ta-k ?"
These same little hands may prove
Me>sengersof light and love.
Mother, watch the little tongue
I'ratling eloquent and wild.
What is said, and what is snug
By the happy joyous child.
Catch the word while yet unspoken,
Stop The vow before 'tis broken:
This same tongue may yet proclaim
Blessings on a Saviour's name .
Mother, watch the little heait.
Beating soft and warm for vim;
Wholesome lessons now impart ;
Keep, C) keep that young heart true.
Extricating every weed,
Sowing good and precious need;
llarvc-t yon may then see.
Ripening lor eternity.
HcdCoi'd, .hiiy (!, ! *•>.*.
E S S A V o.\ W 0 M A \.
A Student of t'asMile Seminary.
There is a value set njiuti every thing. We
are taught by Economists that tiie value ol an
article is increased in proportion to tin* demand
in w hich it is held, or, according as it
liihor for Us production. There
many things w hich are plenty hut cost nothing,
and vet these are invaluable. The pure air we
inhale, invigorating our bodies and expanding
•our lungs : the silvery, crystal stream, which
gashes from the mountain I *' side, refreshing iaitit
n.l matt, satisfying the thiu-.tiog herds ami re
• ivifying lin* riroofiin-i plants: the lovely pros
pect of sprkig, gcm-n with leaves and decked.!
with flu we is—harvest with its yellow sheaves,
.autumn with its lading foliage and moaning■
winds, and winter with its vi-stments ol snowy
white and hoary locks—or (lie thunderstorm, or
the majestic beauty of a midnight scene, or the j
golden lustre ol the sun, froni all ol which
n ...
the eve drinks pleasure until it is intoxicated
•with delight: all tliese, i say, are things which
cost nothing, anil vet, in their < t!< i Is are l. voiid j
jaicp. Uniting, then, the theoiv taught us
both bv science ami observation, we have a pro- .
per basis- by which to estimate female influence.
We shall not take the frantic lovers eyes, and
view woman as some nymph, some ideal being
lrom heavenly spheres : nor vet w ill we so Tar i
reproach ourselves as to view her as the servant
or inferior of man : hut will look at her as a
rial being, the gilt of a beneficent l ather, crea
ted to sustain certain relations to her species,
and to exert a certain influence in social and
domestic life. In this essay, we will view her
neither as our idol nor our foe.
WOMAN was the completion ofGod's creation.
■She is the crowning glotv of man. And here j
a question arises. How far and in what is man i
her superior ? We answer. Not in beauty, j
for woman is the loveliest of all created beings.
-Nor in sympathy, (or, when man's heart is fro- j
zen and callous, her's is a glow of liquid fire.
Nor in sensibility, for where else are (bund as i
refined feelings and as noble a soul. Nor in
courage, ([ mean that courage which is the twin
sister of Fortitude and Heroism, and the off
spring of Love,) for she, from her peculiar na
ture, will dare when the bold heart of man
cowers and shrinks. Nor in devotedness, for
•d'-ath itself, when properly formed, cannot se
v"r her attachments. Nor yet in taste, tor in I
this respect she shows herself to be possessed j
"I the most refined appreciation. If, then, man !
is not her superior in these things, in what does
he excel her? Again we reply, simply in those i
tmngs in which she was not designed to engage.
Even as the fierce Lion, who bids defiance to all,
vvalks (be earth with majestic boldness, so man, j
to prowi in might, in power, at the Bar, upon
'he Rostrum, and in the Pulpit, in these po
rtions and in these things, is her superior, but
he is so only because she was not designed to ■
how her powers here. But she, on the other
hand, may be compared to hen, who
"preads her wings to cherish her young or shield
<heni from the preying hawk. Man is tilted'
1 r the strife of politics, the discussion of the
points which divide parties and creeds, and the ;
iusy scenes ol public life: WOMAN, to sway the j
"dde by loving smiles, and with sweet, coun
selling words, and to shed 3 refining and hal
-1 W'ing influence 011 all with whom she may be
<onnected. The former rides by bis strength of I
dv and mind: the latter by the power of her i
V Apathy and the refining touch of her coun- i
v '' s . And these facts fully establish the truth j
ol our assumption, viz: That woman is the com
pletion of man's glorv—the crowning segment 1
"I Hods creation. Hence we come to this
( 'ot hision, that, as all things in nature are i- 1
'•* "tifieil with a beautiful and diversified con- I
■ so, in the gift of woman, harmony and con-
■' f ... • - • -
I spicuous wisdom breath a speaking influence, j
j exhibiting both the agreement and the adapta-j
j tion.
As man was created to he happv, his Crea
tor, in Infinite wisdom, perceived that without
j woman, this object would fail of success, and
' hence he declared that it was not good lor the
man to he alone. We may with propriety, at
this juncture, mount the chariot of imagination
j and view Deity as sitting in eternal council and
j declaring his own judgment in regard to our
! race. He is reflecting ii|>oii tile condition of a
i being aller his own image, without the society '
|of woman, and his solemn conclusion i-, "W<>-
j man is necessary to complete creation's won-j
j droits chain, and stamp the whole with "goo-/" j
; and "perfext." Therefore, taking into consider
ation this fact, thai man's present felicity was
imperfect without woman, even in the shade*
ol Paradisical innocence, how much more is she
necessary to it, since misery and woe have des
olated his heaveniv inheritance ! [ll what and
how is she a blessing now, and how does s'tf
mitigate the sufferings of our race ? In consid
ering her influence, We w ill notice these points.
Families are composed of individuals, com
| mnnities of families, nations of communities, and
I the wot Id is compounded of nat ions. Even as
| the mighty oak w hose branches wave in the leaves quiver ill tile liree/.e,
1 and which shelter the birds of the air and which
screens the bleating herds from the piercing ravs
of the sun :—even as this huge tree, I say, has
sprung from one snarll branch of an acorn, so
j the world, with all its diversity of character,
lof habit, and ol refinement, is constituted of
j families and their individuals. Nfow, to see
j where woman's influence is exercised, and to ;
j forma proper estimate of its worth, we have
Lnt to turn our eves to this, primary somce id
all social and nalio:ml existence. Here weT
may see woman in her true character and pro
: per sphere. Here we may behold her with her
magic wand, swaving the destinieso! the w hole
human race. It will not be improper to with
draw the veil which shrouds the secret piace of
: social and domestic existence, and here behold
1 woman, gentle y. t powerful, modest yet daring,
arrayed 111 the winning garb of her innocent
virtue, and exercising a mighty influence.—
j Let 11s approach to the fireside, for here we mav j
! see a mother, a sister, or a friend, performing
the work ot her mission.
Behold tin* tire which kindles in that child's
ey-s, and Ihe rosy flush which anxiety paints
011 its cheek, a* it approaches its mother, its sis- :
t*r, or its friend, with an inquisitive mind, to
ask (or information! It may have seen tin*
rising in a burst ofgohfon beauty, gradually ap
proaching its zenitlwuiid then again, sinking be
hind the western hills. Or, perhaps the pecu
liarities and beauties of the vegetable kingdom,
as they instinctively impiess the infant mind,
j rna v have been the cause of this anxiety. The
child cannot comprehend abstruse things, ami
, hence simplicity, that brightest but rarest jewel,
i must lie exercised in these instructions. What
, an auspicious opportunity is this fur making un
dying impressions ! Perhaps the child's inquiry
issued in chrnactcr, as to require the attributes
jot Deity, both natural and moral, to lie leferreii
jto in the explanation. The child's query is sat
. isfactoril v answered, truths are planted never to
tje plucked up: tor tile instructress, in "adapt
ed phrase and familiar story," plants seeds which
will germinate and bear fruit in after life, i i
repeat it: she can so instruct and-influence the I
tender mind, for it is not vet hardened hv de-j
ceittnl practices and had habits, that the impres
. sion will be lasting as eternity. And thus her '
instructions, sanctified hv her prayers and hap-
J tiz'd in Imr tears, and exemplified by a holv
. iife, are so sealed upon that pliant In-art, that j.
; all the cavils of the infidel are not able to erase
them. Oh! who can estimate t-he influence of
this one lesson? Could we follow its results j
both through tirr.eand eternity, then we might j
attempt it. But as we cannot follow the wave!
which is caused by the pebble cast into tin*
midst of the sea, through all its rollings, so
J we may only entertain an imaginary idea of this
When we recollect that the simple circnrn
' stance of an apppi.e falling to the ground, mov
ed the mighty mind of N'ewtori to discover the
; laws of gravitation, and when we think how!
j susceptible and ready to grasp and hold firmly ■
every tiling, the child's mind is, we may form j
a slight estimate of the wortfi of female in- ,
struction. Hence, considering alt things, the
I blessings ot the Gospel excepted, woman is un
doubtedly the greatest blessing our race enjovs. .
Again, we see pious anil intelligent woman ;
: in society, and from h**r beams forth a light, j ,
| which, like the head of Medusa, changes all
who look upon it. Nor are the lights of this;
picture too bright. Every one knows that, tbo' j ,
lie may he addicted to many vices, vet, in the j ,
i presence o| a r* lined anit virtuous woman, he ! .
cannot act out these monster qualities. 1 say ! ,
virtuous woman, for woman as well as man, 1
; without piety, is like the engine which carries j,
tin* water away from the raging flames : she j ;
perverts her influence and pours the strength ofi ,
: ln*r I lowers into the channel which roils on to ; t
destruction. And in the counteracting influ- 1
ence she exerts, surely we may observe how she (
mitigates our woes. For the man who cairies ,
lout some benevolent scheme, by which Ihou- j s
1 sands are benefitted, is riot reverenced merely ! £
because he has done sucij great good, but be- , ,
; cause he has prevented so much evii. Hence,! |
woman is not a blessing merely because she does j |
good, but because, through her influence, so t j
much evil is prevented. Take woman away ; a
from society, and you leave it a bleak and dim- j
rv waste, (
Where forms of desolation walk, I
And melancholy sheds its murky shades abroad. r
Oh ! when shall she, like the eagle of MIL- I 2
TON'S Vision, arise in the vigor of her native j \
strength, and shake from her the dew drops ! a
which have settled on her while slumbering, j r
and soar to that position 011 the mount of her j |
being, where eternal sunshine lingers, and where j t
perpetual songs rollover its breezy brow?— ji
I Then, and not till then, shall the chorus break 1
! forth.that a new era has appeared untft ni: jk :
! and the hack to each* other-fire®
truth ot God's own declaration, That wonati-is.,
liis best natural gift. -f
Cassvilie, June 7, 18f)f>.
RALTIUCUB, June ICtli, IS")"), j
.Messrs. Price iS - Hume,
Editors .Miners' Journal, <Cumberland, JMJ. j
GEXTI.KMKX :—When I subscribed to the.
.".Miners' journal," under your proprietorships j.
I was ol the impression thot it was a Whig pa- ;•
j per, and that in future it would be what it had j
for many years been, a true exponent oft he [
principles of that party. In this, 1 regret to say, j
1 have been disappointed. Instead of support*!
j ing Ihe Constitution, lis the only means ol per- !
petuating the 1 utott of the States, you have, in j
my judgment, taken the opposite, and whether j
intentional, or thiough a misguided judgment,:
are giving your support; to the'propogation ol
; one ot the worst spirits evr let loose amongst
men— ll . //g ions itifohrtinci and PolUicnl dit
fronc/risemenf. For such a spirit and such doc
trines, 1 cannot find language to express the
horror of my feelings. 1 have no faith in the
sincerity ol men who profess to support the i
'''institution and at the same time fan the flame, j
which, unless extinguished, must destroy
the good resulting from the labour and blood of :
the Fathers of the Revolution of 177' L It is ,
wrong to desire the success of any measure,
, which is in violation ot priuciples ujpvti whicli i
rest, hammi rights unci free govrrnrnftiL.
Your reply may be, that ail these Things you ;
condemn as sincerely a- I do. But this will not !
do. Acts speak louder than words—and by ;
vouracts shall you be judged.
in the Declaration ol Independence it is de-: !
c la red as one of the causes for the Revolution : .
that "he endeavored to prevent the population
of these Stales : for that purpose obstructing the j
laws t>r naturalization of foreigners, refusing to I
pass others to encourage their migration hither, j
and raising the condition of new appropriations '
of lands."
In the face of this, von declare that persons;
I born in olhei countries, who desire to come j
among us. in order'tu escape the tyranny otitic
Despots ot Europe and enjoy the freedom pleu'g- 1
> d hv the Declaration and guaranteed by tliel
! Constitution, shall not 9r> crrtrie and ehjov. You "
: an- willing they .t/tnff come, at least someof yoyrl
j party an", whits' others are opjiosed t their '
coming at- *ll —you are wilUng they shall pay e
taxes— fight the battles of your country 111 |
<n>rK>ie with ttie {heir
with your merchants, mechanics and traders—
do the drudgery ot'building vnur Canals and
Roads—dig the minerals from the (novels of the
earth—till the soil, and submit to and support
the laws of the country: i ul thev shall not
en joy the right of veiling at elections, or holding
a little jdace of profit, honor, or trust, be their
! character for capacity, honesty, integrity and
sobriety what it may !
Your partv also argue that the foreign pop
ulation will fill up the country and crowd ,
natives out. Thousands conscientiously believe
this, and an- sincerely attached to the party
making the charge, because of the fears tiev ,
really entertain upon tins point. They are
totally ignorant of tire immense territory of the (
I'nited States or arc deeply prejudiced, through
the many "raw head and bloody hones" tales
they have read, in the newspapers of the day, |
that they cannot reflect rightly upon tin* sub- |
j'-ct. They are indeed miserable. They act .
ami talk and (eel as it the evil day tli-y so .
-much dread will he upon us, even ol the pres- ]
ent generation!! It is the policy of the party i ,
to which yon are at present attached, to keep j
such in ignorance ot the truth. You will not
('■!! them that it i> now si.cty fire, years since ,
the first census was taken in tin* United Stales. 1
at which tune tin* population numbered about
three millions of souls—and that now, alter the j
lapse of so many years—with all the advantages
ol the foreign population coming in, the number
is supposed rmt to exqeed thirlij millions ! You ]
will not ti'll them that we have Territory ,
enough to sustain comfortably a population of ,
five hundred millions ot souls ! and that it will ' .
take at h-ast a thousand years to fill it up !! hv j
which time, I predict there will he hut little ,
difference between foreigner and native ot any j :
country upon earth. 1 t
on also urge that paupers and criminals are j
sent by foreign governments to find homes \
amongst us. If they are. you know it is con-j
trary to existing laws. The Government never
permits this i f they know of their coming.— j
And as a Democrat were 1 a member of Con- I "
giess, I would vote for a more stringent law, j
embracing a provision to confiscate the vessel j
and imprison (lie officers having charge of any j
such vessel, with paupers and criminals 011 j
board, with intention to land tln-m at any ot *
our ports of entry : and appropriate the money j
arising from the sale of such vessel to defray j
expenses of transhipping such passengers back •
to the place whence they came. t
Further, as a member of the Democratic par- j !"
ty, having a firm faith in the purity of its prin- j t
ciples—believing they will perpetuate the in- j >
stitutions of our country untarnished through ! 1
all time,—were I a member of Congress, 1 •
would vote for a law requiring every man who i a
lauded here from any other country, with inteii- j 1
tion to remain, to take the oath of allegiance, j (
immediately upon landing, before an officer t
appointed for that purpose,—place in his hands t
.1 copy ol the Declaration of Independence, the s
Constitution and naturalization laws, and pass t
him into the Country. After residing here the jt
required time, I would admit him to full citi- 1 h
zensltip, provided he was found worthy. This h
would not do violence to the rights of foreigners, b
and at the same time secure to this country a ii
reliable population from abroad. Under our j t
present system, men may naturalize or not, as ; n
they please. Instead, therefore, of forcing them t n
by the law to remain Aliens to the C, States as a
I %. <
Freedom of shojtght and Opinion.
you propose, I would enforce an allegiance.— 1
f rider ttn* latter arrangement there would he
fsafoty at least, whilst under the policy vour new
recommends, in tiie event of a war with
foreign powers, we would have an internal en
ymy made so per force of law>-lhat would he
tnore dangerous than all the ilir-ig'n power that
could be marshalled against us. Have you
thought of this I
J too, want "Americans to rule as
tf'ell as you do. I want them to ruWjpi the
future a> they have in the past. And I sincere
ly pray that it may never fail into the hands of
.the himuticite.9 —who have amalgamated with
• tin* party you so much admire in the North and
\\ est, to prostrate the Democracy, the partv to
which we are indebted for every principle ujKin
\yfiich our Government is now administered,
and under which we so happily and prosper
ously live—and which teaches and practices
tin* doctrine ol "doing unto all men as von
would have theiri do unto vmr." I say give
11s "American's to rule America," but not FA
NATICS who change with the s- asons—and con
sign every man to Hades who does not think
as they think and act as they act. .Men who
Would dismember lie* Union because the South
ern-States work black slaves, whilst they work
white servants. Men whose contracted minds
ne- er reach beyond the limits of the County
or State in which they have been reared. But
by Americans whose hearts are a the Union
itself, ami as benevolent as her institutions :
whose gigantic minds can comprehend th- mul
tiplied jind various wants of iier citizens scat
tered over her Territory from the Atlantic to
the Pacific: Americans indeed and in truth, "in
v- iioin there i*. no guile."
'lhis is another article in your new creed,
equally at war with the Constitution of the
111 it ITI States, and true IT The
Constitution declares that "no religious test
shall ear be required as a qualification to any
ofliee of public trust under the United States,"
and again "Congress shall make no law respec
ting an establishment of religion or the free
exercise thereof."
And true Republicanism teaches that every
man may worship God in his own way, and
none shall make him afraid, or punish him for
so doing. But you say because men are mem
bers of the Catholic Church, they shall he <//s-
Jmn'ch ised —cut off from all participation in the
administrat ion of the Government ! ! They may
live iieie and enjoy the privilege of the free
, V 'egroes ! and no more. This you mav also
eegy. But I u ill call your attention to official
pets of the intv party. In the Utter ot accep
mMCe of rtie nomminfofis conferred by the party
upon Mr. Flournoy as a candidate for the office
of Governor of Virginia, at tin* recent election
in that State, he holds the doctrine that a Cafh
o/ic should not be placed in office either In/ elec
tion or appointment. (See Hi> letter.| Again
the Nfatmnal Know-Nothing Convention now
in session in Philadelphia, have refused seats to
members sent there from Louisiana, because
they were Catholics! Your oath hound Lodges
refuse to admit into the order, members of that
church—your ~hr* thren, out of doors, declare
thi- to be one of the objects of the order.
Now let me ask, have you reflected upon the
evils to result (iom this policy? If successful,
where stands the NATIVE IIOIIN CATHOLIC.' IS
he not side. Inj si /.'• with the free, negro ' You
will say he lias the right to vote. All : hut let
me ask who will lie vote lor? You have tied
his hands—set bread before him and then ask
him to cat ! ! His partv wunltl tie so largely in
the minority that effort would he useless and
success hopeless. It is so in England, it would
.he so here. Every inducement to educate his
children for usefulness to their count rv would
be stifled. Their largest anticipations would
not reach higher than the hew -r of wood, and
bearer of burdens. Dislike and burning hatred
to their oppressors would (ill their hearts.—
Thoughts and plans of revenge of the most dis
tmetafile character, would he constantly on foot.
Neighbor would hate and fear his neighbor—
family would divide against family, and the
knife of the assnsMti would find a welcome hi
ding place about the person ol tens of thousands
who now love their neighbor. Civil war with
all its horrots mobocracy with all its evils—
strife and contentions with all their sirkning
consequences—would as naturally follow such
a course of policy now, as it did in past cen
As an American citizen I abhor the principle
—as a Protestant Christian, I eschew it as a
base sin and damnable heresy—and as a mem
ber of the Republican party, I loath it as I would
a pestilence at noon-day.
Very respectfully yours, ,
From the BulLilo Courier.
"Wisely Improve the Present-'—the .Hollo
for Democrats.
The present is a time for action, and not for ,
the warlare of words. The democracy of the ,
State are now in a position which enables them |
to regain that control of the popular will which
their principles always have of the popular ,
mind and heart. If they will hut take advan- |
tage of the tide of circumstances which seem (
almost providential in their occurrence, and (
hoist upon the topmost wall the banner under ,
which good men and true have in the olden ,
times gone forth conquering and to conquer, j
there in no formidable obstacle in the way of £
success. Recent demonstrations have proved ;
that while old party lines and distinctions are f
to a considerable extent ignored, the spirit which j
has animated genuine democrats still exists, and .
lias brought men together in a determined etiiirt
to resist a combination ot men who are essay
ing to ris*' to power upon false issues and by c
the use of dishonorable means. The mass of \
mirul in the country is democratic ; and though 1
men may for a time associate with parties ere- \
ateil for 3 special purpose, they will rally when- I
! ever they regard (lie interests of the country in
danger. The democratic victory in Virginia
has convinced many who had believed that the
party was hopelessly divided that there is a
vitality and an energy in democracy that can
never die; it has reinspirited those who had
abandoned all thoughts cf success, and given a
fresh impulse to feeling. The election which
has taken place in this city will, to some extent,
add to the confidence which has already been
inspired, and assure the doubling that the vic
tory may be theirs it they will but contend for
No person with any practical sagacity can
fail to see that the present is a most opjiortiine
moment for the democratic party. It has but
to pursue a straightforward, consistent course,
showing its principles to be those of the consti
tution, and its aims to be the highest develop
ment of all the resources of the country, and
the preservation of all tiiat we, as American
citizens, hold most dear, and democrats at heart,
it not hitherto known by the name, will come
together with an enthusiasm which will set ali
opposition at defiance.
ihe issue which was raised in Virginia, and
upon which tlie election of judge of the superi
or court in this city was decided, will be the
main one in the elections which w ill take place
the coming year. The contest between know
nothingisrri and democracy must be fought
throughout the Slate and the country : and, if
American citizens will do their duty, the con
flict will not he a long one, and will result in
the complete political annihilation of tile ene
mies ot democracy, of every name and creed.
There is no time to be lost in uniting the mass
es upon a sound and comprehensive platform.
Public sentiment demands immediate action :
and if men who have hitherto stood in the front
ranks of the party and acted as leaders would
retain their position, they must make no delay
in defining their position. The olfen-tjuoted
words of Longfellow are pertinent at this '-polit
ical flood tide "Look not mournfully into
the past —it comes not hack again : wisely im
prove the present —is is thine; go forth to meet
the shadowy future without fear and with a
manly heart."
Brief mention was made under our telegraph
ic head yesterday ot the reported capture of
Fort Laramie. The despatch published by us
is founded upon the following extract of a letter,
written at Whitehead, Kansas Territory, under
date of J one 9 :
"Mr. Henry Smith Iras just-informed us that
a man stopped at his house this morning, \\*ho
told hi:n that he slept at the .Great Nemeha
mission last night with art express rider, who
brought startling news from tlm plains,- It was
to the effect that Fort Laramie was in the hands
cf the Indians, and that Messrs. Nave and
McCord, of Andrew county, Missouri, had been
robbed at Ash Hollow of four hundred and twr n
ty head of cattle, sixteen horses, several wagons,
twenty-three mules, and all their stores and pro
visions, and were left entirely destitute. The
particulars of the capture of Laramie were not
given. The express merely stated that the
Indians had gathered there in great force, and
had taken the fort, and that as lie came by Asli
Hollow on hi-- v\ ay to the States lie saw Messrs.
Nave and McCord, and their teamsters and
droves, who were without horses or food, and
stated to liiin the fact of the robbery, and that
no lives were lost. This news lias occasioned
great excitement here and in St. Joseph.
"If it is true, the small force of in!antrv that
has just started out will only afford to the Indi
ans so many scalps. They can offer no more
resistance to two thousand warriors ujion the
plains than could an fcfant to a giant.
"Tin- Indians carry 110 stores with them, and
depend upon the chances of each day f'ol their
'daily bread,' and can fight as long as they roam
with the huflaio, and nodular.try can cut them
off. Western men, mounted on good horses,
and armed with nfies, and who are familiar
with their habits and modes of warfare, would
pursue and hunt them down, and whip them
into submission, at a saving of many lives and
much treasure to the countiy. If they found
it advisable to make peace with them, they
would understand the best terms on which to
predicate their treaty."
has just informed us that fruit and flowers may
be preserved from decay and fading by immer
sing them in a solution of Gum Arabic and wa
ter two or three times, waiting a sufficient time
between each immersion to allow the gum to
dry. This process covers the surface of the
fruit with a thin coating of the gum, which is
entirely imprevions to the air, and thus prevents
the decay of the fruit, or the withering of the
(lower. Gur friend has roses thus preserved
which have all the beauty and fragrance of
freshly plucked ones, though they have been
separated from the parent stem since June last.
To insure success in experiments of this kind, it
should be borne in mind that the whole surface
must he completely covered : for if the aironlv
gains entrance at a pin-hole, the labor will all
he lost. In preserving specimens of fruit, par
ticular care should he taken to cover the stem,
end and all, with the gum. A good way is
to wind a thread of silk about the stem, and
then sink it slowly in the solution, which should
not he so strong as to leave a particle of the gum
undissolved. The gum is so perfectly transpa- :
rent, that you can with difficultv detect its 1
presence, except by the touch. Here we have
another simple method of fixing the fleeting '
beauty of nature, and surrounding ourselves
ever with those objects which do most elevate 1
the iriind, refine the taste, and purify the heart. ;
Country Gentleman.
ANECDOTE.—I have somewhere heard or read <
of an anecdote of Franklin which it might fie <
well for young men afflicted with a superabun- t
dance of honor, of a particular kind, t* ponder 1
whenever they feel the hot blood rising.— 1
Franklin had a friend who was afflicted with a i
Tiißoas, $2 rsiit vniit.
vcrv offensive breath, accompanied with a habit
of coming m very close contact with any person
with whom he might engage in earnest conver
sation. Franklin was so engaged with him
one day, and to avoid his fa-ted breath turned
his face partially from that of his friend. The
movement was noticed and an explanation de
manded. The philosophic lightning-tamer very
irankiv stated the lacts in the case. The an
noMßcemdpt was taken in high dudgeon, and a
chail.-nge |to mortal com! at was the result.—
Frarffttio respectfully declined, and, like a true
philosopher that he was, gave his reasons some
thing like the following :
•'My friend, I cannot fight you, because I
do not see how things are to be bettered by
the death of either of us. Suppose, for instance,
that we should fight, and I should kill von, you
certainly would riot stink l-ss that) you do now,
and if vou should kill me, then we should both
\V e learn that on Friday night last Mr. Tra
cy, who was employed by the Panama Mail
Steamship Company as load carpenter in the
repairs on the steamer Golden Age, was foullv
murdered bv three men for money. I\lr. Tra
cy having received, a few days before, a bag of
money in pay for the aforementioned job, was
seen to carry the balance of the money, alter
pay wig off big hands, to bis house. The plan to
murder him was concocted by a Cubano, an
American and a Guayaquilanian, all negroes.
In pursuance of their plan, the three ol them
went to his house, between 12 arid 1 o'clock
on Saturday morning, and dragging him from
his bed, fair Iv cut him to pieces : one gash was
from his right shoulder to his middle in a slant
ing direction, another from his left shoulder to
his waist, in the same manner, ar.d another di
rectly across him through l.isbowhs—and then
they threw him from the balcony ol the second
story of his residence, some twenty feet, upon
the rocks on the sea beach. His wife, who was
lying in bed with him, on the outer side, heard
the villains as they came up the stairs, and
awoke her husband, who immediately passed
her over to the wail sid—and, while they were
engaged in their bloody work, she crawled
from the Led, and ran Jo the company's works,
more than a fourth of a mile, to give the alarm.
Ihe money that he had was between the mat
trasses of the bed on which thev were sleeping,
and they did not get it. They only obtained
filty dollars belonging to a boy in the employ of
Mr. Tracy.
The next day one of the parties was arrested
while working in a gang of coalers on board the
Golden Agp, and he having given evidence
against the other two, they were also tnfcrrrand
at 12 M. the three were hung, the proof be- .
ing perfectly clear against them.
We are told tiiat the residents of Tahoga, na
tive as well as foreign, fullv sanctioned the exe
cution—in so much were the natives zealous iri
the matter, that thev would not have the bodies
of the criminals buried on the island, and thev
were thrown into the sea.
Tracy, the murdered man, worked for some
time on the Young America. His wife had
come out to join him here but a few weeks ago,
and aas engaged by the Pacific Mail Steamship
Company to do the washing tor their vessels.—
It appears that the American, px colored n an,)
who was the planner of this aflair, had lived
with Tracy as cook and left his service a short
time before.— . 'spi/iwnll Courier. June 12.
MELANCHOLY SUICIDE. —A young, beautiful,
accomplished French lady, named Adele li.
Masson, committed suicide on Monday night,
at her lesidcncc, Xo. 156 St. Louis street, bv
taking laudanum. An inquest was held yester
day, when we obtained the following informa
tion relative to the sad aflair. It seems that
Mrs. Masson had been married to her husband
in France, about two years since, and came to
this country shortly after. In a little time after
their marriage, she noticed signs of estrange
ment on his pari, which finally developed them
selves ip absolute neglect and insult, and about
two weeks ago he left lor France, having pre
viously declared that he should never return.
The poor wife, who was tenderly attached to
him, took his desertion very much to heart, and
was rendered very uuhappp by it.
On Monthly night, about 9i o'clock, being in
tiie company of three voting ladies ol her ac
quaintance, she told tliem how tired she was
of''life's fitful fever," and said very mysterious
ly that she should not live long, and as she left
their room, bid them an affectionate good-bye,
observing that thev should not again perhaps
meet in this life. About 12 o'clock the inmates
of the house were awakened by groans from
Mrs. Masson's apartment. Upon entering her
loom, they found In-r lying on her bed just in
the agonies of death. An empty laudanum
phial standing upon the table near where she
was lying, told how death bad been produced.
Every effort was made to save her, hut to no
avail, for she died a few minutes alter. The
fatal poison had been bought by her the same
evening, at a drug store at the corner of Royal
and St. Louis streets. The unfortunate Jadv,
who has thus came to such a melancholy end.
was a native of France, and was 27 years of
age.— JK'ew Orleans Bee, June 20///.
A SK.IIT OF A GEEAT MAN. —Goethe, like
many other celebrated men, was somewhat
annoyed by the visits of strangers. A student
once "called at his house and requested to see
him. Goethe, contrary to his usual custom,
consented to be seen : and, after the student had
waited a short time in tin* ante-chamber, he
appeared, and without speaking, took a chair,
and seated himself in the middle of the room.
The student far fiom being embarrassed by this
unexpected proceeding, took a lighted wax can
dle in his hand, and walking round the poet,
deliberately viewed him on all sides; then,
setting down the candle, he drew out bis purse,
an/1 taking from it a small piece of silver, put
it on tin* table, ami went away without speak
ing a word.