The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 29, 1855, Image 1

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    "" iw--v- ■iin.vuuu >■ m ■ tr-t>ma>m*c'*jr, <u. ssamt • 1 I ■■ ■ ■ n — rrtmNmmimmammm&mmmmm ——■— hi ■ i u—n
Select pectin.
From the True Flag.
Oh. a*lf me not to sing to thee
That well remembered "train—
-1 would not wake slumbering chords
'To melody again ;
T ii loin: they've rested 'npath the damp
Of hope lons since irown cold ;
| would not call them back again
From Death's pale, icy fold ;
For long ago, when all was bright,
lire happiness grew dim,
One evening, in the twilight gray,
I sang that song to him.
Oh. a-k me not I cannot sing
That hallowed ?ong to thee,
Though friendship's silken hand connects
Thy noble heart to me;
I love thee well, yet there's a fount
Within my inmost soul _ c
That not a living hand can touch,
To hid it> w aters roll,
i thee all thou asked for— **
A heart Iroin earth's love tree ;
Then ask tue not to make again
That buried harmony.
I do not weep—my heart is calm,
I'm not bowed down with care.
Hut .till a blight bangs over all
M 1 young hopes once so fair :
And thou alone hast power to make
My ilaik life bright again ;
But ask me not to sing to thee
I hut well remembered strain;
And when my soul away is lining
O'er Death's tide, cold and gririi.
Then, in the golden light of Heaven,
I'h song to him.
15 beufoluTTTzette.
lirfilord. June 22), 1 *•>..
An immense outpouring of tlie sturdy and ir;-
doiiiitable Democracy of Virginia, took place at
Fredericksburg, on the 13th inst., to celebrate
the recent triumph of Democratic principles in !
that old Commonwealth. We wish we could
transfer to our columns the en I ire report ol (he
glorious Democratic celebration on that oeca-
MO;I, which tills the Recorder, of Monday. We
are compelled to restrict ourselves to a few ol
tile interesting items. An immense procession
marched to Mr. C. S. Scott's beautiful Island,
rlieres niie 800 persons sat down to a bountiful
dinner, at which presided Eustace Conway,
President, assisted by a large number of Vice j
Presidents. Toasts were drank, speeches made,
and the utmost enthusiasm prevailed. We j
nave room only forthe following letters read at |
the dinner :
WASIIIXGTOX, June 11, 181)5.
Gentlemen : —I shall be constiained by olticial :
engagements, to deny myself fhe pleasure of;
participating in the proposed celebration of j
Fredericksburg, on the 13th inst., hut 1 beg to I
present my hearty congratulations upon the '
i,de signal triumph of sound principles and j
manly sentiment of (he''Old Dominion."
Pre-eminently prominent as the sons of \ ir- j
srinia have been, from the commencement of llie j
Revolution, for their hold advocacy ol the cause
of freedom—for their consistent and patriotic |
devotion to the only principles upon which a
government, constituted like ours, can he sus- j
mined, it may well tie doubted whether they I
have ever achieved for themselves more distin- j
gushed honor than in the iate election, or have j
' Ver rendered a higher service to this Union.
If political heresies and religious intolerance 1
rnuld have shaken and carried the strong hold j
I that paity, upon the faithfulness, patriotism, j
intelligence unci courage of which the country ;
fas been obliged mainlv to rely in every period
"f serious danger, whether arising from foreign !
arms or domestic dissensions, it would have ;
been the occasion, if not of discouragement, yet ;
o! profound regret and sorrow, to those who re- j
wre the constitution under which, as a nation, I
we have attained such amazing advancement I
and have realized socially results so unexampled ■
<*n the history of the human race.
I'he proud elevation on which the Common- ?
"health of Virginia now stands is freely recog- j
ntzed and deservedly honored from one extrem- I
'tv of the I nion totiie other.
With my best wishes tor a joyous gathering, I
worthy ot such a State and such a triumph, you j
will p|. as e to accept my cordial thanks for your !
kind invitation.
lam gentlemen, with high respect, your j
obliged fellow-citizen,
Messrs. Eustace Conway, J. G. Galleher, A. '
' lukpps and S. G. Daniel, Committee.
SHERWOOD FOREST, June 10, 1855.
Gentlemen : —I have duly received your po- |
d*' invitation, and regret I cannot he with you
"n the I,lth inst. 1 nevertheless ask permission
fo mingle my congratulations with you, on the
' e>u ll of tile late election. Tiie triumph achiev
'■'l. not only raises still higher in the esteem of!
*is all, the noble and indomitable citizen se- j
;H ch'd as the leader for the great occasion, but
" r 't wines another bright wreath around the his
toric brow of our time-honored State.
After the lapse of more than half a cenlurv,
s ' remains faithful and true in the advocacy of
'• great principles of civil and religious free-:
dom, of which she was then the exponent. As
she then led the way in the overthrow of the
Alien law, so now she repels a more formidable i
assault upon humanity and justice. She has j
rolled hack the t ide of error and fanaticism, and '
augurs from her victory results auspicious to the i
perpetuation of our free and happy government.
The great conservative republican party, under j
the inspiration of Iter example, will (real their
discontents, and, with the principles of ] 798-9
inscribed unmistakeahlv on their banners, will
march to renewed triumphs. So may it he, for!
the sake of a 1 nion which bestows incalculable j
benefit on all who live under it. Honor, then,
to Henrv A. Wise, our gallant and talented
h-ader, and renewed love and veneration for '
Virginia, "the blessed motlreTycM us all."
Accept, I pray you, individually and person-I
aII v, assurances of my high respect and t*s- ! <
Jonx TYLF.H.
OstAxrocK, V.i., June 9, 1H55.
Gentlemen : —in reply to yours oft HE 2d inst., 1
received by the last mail, I REGRET to say it will
be impossible for me to attend tire celebration
yon propose on tile 13th. T was absent from !
I home five months, and was exhausted BV the
extraordinary labors of my canvass. God he !
praised that the State was saved by her liberty
loving Democracy, hut it nearly cost me my
life, and caused me very much to neglect my
private and domestic affairs. I must remain j
here quiet I v THE balance of the year with my
children and .Mrs. Wise, whose health re
quires rnv constant nursing.
GET irre sav, in brief, that however much we j
have cause of rejoicing in this victory, yet the
Democracy must Ire more vigilant than EVER.'—
We must immediately reorganize, and to that
end I hope the true friends of the party will
consider of the best and earliest nreans of enn
| (erring together and having a guard set and
kept upon certain interests of the State. Events ;
1 are coming for which we should he watchful
and prepared. I, therefore, repeat —he vigilant
and reorganize.
J am, most trulv, yours, &.C.,
WASHINGTON, June 12, 1555.
Gentlemen : I have the honor to acknowl
edge tire receipt of your communication "of the j
7th inst.. in which you invite me to he present
I on the 13th inst., when "tfre Democratic party
(IF this town (Fredericksburg) propose to cefe-
I brute the recent glorious victory of our party in
this State."
The event you PROMISE to celebrate is no or
dinarv triumph of one gnat political partv over
another. It is the triumph of a great party of
sound principles over a secret order, whose
chief apostles and muster spirits, I fear, are Ab
' olitioriists. and whose principles, as far as
known, are, in MY opinion, IN conflict with the
spirit of the Constitution, and unfriendly to tire
I nion. Manv estimable and honorable men, J I
understand, have joined the order. REASON and ;
calm reflection, it is hoped, will gradually per
suade their withdrawal.
I healilv congratulate you on the brilliant ;
victory achieved in your Slate. But who could \
have anticipated any other result in Virginia,
where the flag of true political principles has.
never vet trailed in the dust.
It vi ill not be in U.Y power, gentlemen, to;
join v: HI on this interesting occasion.
1 am, very respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
; —Fhe NEW York Post has a report ol a trial ;
; in tire Queen's court of Dr. V a Ik, K. N. nieni-
J ber of Congress from the First District, lor an !
assault an<F battery on the pers >U of Mrs. Mary '
I Penfold, an attractive looking ladv of 2D. Ihe
! assault was ALLEGED to consist IRI the plaintilf s J
I kissing Mrs. Penfold without her consent, for !
j which act of improper gallantry she knocked j
I his hat off with a broom. THE doctor hated;
: Mr. Penfold's politics, hut loved Mr. Penfold s
I wife. The jury brought in a verdict of guilty, l
and the honorable Know- Nothing was taken
not to his lodge-room but to prison, where he
lis to remain lor six months. Before his trial
j came on the Know-Nothings made every effort
| to have the jnrv composed of members <>f tire
! sworn order, hut the council fur the lady had a
' list of all tlreir names in his pocket, (that had
I been furnished him hy a gentleman who had I
i been a member of, but had left the order,) and j
! as fast as Ifieir names were projiosed lor TTRE
I jury, he challenged tlrein, and they weie re- :
; j-cted. Thus these conspirators were forced •
: from the jury-box, and a fair trial was had, and
! the Know-Nothing member of Congress got his ;
| deserts. NO doubt he is much better calculated !
for t fie penitentiary than Ire is for a seal in Con- J
! gress. He and Hiss, fhe Know- Nothing mem- j
j ber of Assembly in Massachusetts (who is also |
' in piison,) will no doubt receive a vote of thanks j
! from all the lodges of their respective States for I
I tire bold and gallant manner in which they have j
attempted to teach Americans how "to rule i
j America." They would make a strong team,
I and we would not BE surprised to learn that tire
J ticket of tire K. N.'s in 1856, will HE— for
j President JOSEPH HISS of Massachusetts: for
Vice-President Dr. VALE of New York. They ;
I have both become martyrs because of their prin- j
; ciples, and their brothers should sympathise
\ with them in their troubles.
RAKD, a Catholic, in his trill was so particular to ex
j cluiie sectarianism from the College, that his will al
most bordered on infidelity. J. R. CHANDLER, the J
: first Pre-ident of Directors, a man familiar with the j
atlaiis of the College from the beginning—eminently I
; qualified for the place, i proscribed, for the only |
reason that he is a Catholic.
Why don't the Know-Nothings in Council refuse
to use the legacy of a foreigner and Catholic to edu- \
cafe orphan children ? We suppose the next move ;
will he that the orphan children of deceased Catholics j
vv ill be excluded, i
rTP"Som' fanatic has sent us a copy of the
"Christian Advocate and Journal," the organ
of the Methodist church, published in New
York, containing a long editorial defence of
Knovv-Nothingism. YY'e have only to say that
if the leaders of a church of Christ think they
can propagate the free and enlightened gospel
which our Saviour taught, hy teaching hatred,
ill will and proscription towards a class of
Christians who can at least claim equal sincei
itv with themselves, perhaps they are doing
God's service. If, by encouraging an interfe
rence with lire rights of conscience, and doing
all in their power to crush out every honorable
incentive to patriotism among those who seek
the shores of this country as an asylum against
oppression, llrey can win the respect of mankind,
"let them roll on." Or, if the taking ot an
oath the eequirements of which compel its vic
tim to lie and deceive, is in consonance with
the duty of a Christian, our New York con
temporary has proclaimed it notre to soon.—
There are. however, many good and true Meth
odists who cannot sanction this course, as war
ranted either by the example on teachings of
the Great Head of the Chinch. Such, at least,
are tree from all responsibility, and if they are
called upon to mourn the decline of a religion
they regard dear as tlreir life's blood, they can
have tire proud consolation of knowing tlrev
had neither part nor lot iri it. Those that sow
the wind may vet he called upon to reap the
whirlwind.— JH tent ova n Democrat.
During the Rev. Dr. Tvng's intemperate
speech upon temperance, a few evenings since,
on !he boards of the New York Metropolitan
theatre, he called out the Rev. I)rs. Spring and
Vermilye, and "the noble IMhuire,"ad wan
led to know why they did not come lip tin-re,
and bear their testimony in favor of the liquor
law ' Being similarly caller! out afterwards
at a meeting of the Colonization Society, held
in his own church, Dr. Bethuire undertook
to answer both of these appeals at once. His
reply was a model one, and deserves to he
stamped, in letters of gold, on tire hack
of every pulpit bible in Christendom. He
said :
"I have naught to do with law and law-mak
ing, fur the sufficient reason that I am a clergy
man. My mission is not to fight I am not
sent to tight : for Christ has said, "My king
dom is not of this world, else would my ser
vants fight." My office is riot with law, poli
tics ot tfre polls. Tarn not to enter into con
tention morally with my tongue, or physically
with mv fists, which last is much less culpa
ble. My duty as minister forbids this. My
dul v never wars with '.lre laws —it rests on
tGrit charily which springs from God and goes
towards man. Get, llren, tire but sherds of the
earth contend let us preach the kingdom which
is not of the earth."
Sleeves and Sauce.
The most stupid and ugliest fashions always
last the longest. How many years the long
dresses have swept the streets! For tire last
twelve months bonnets have been flying off the
iread, and so, probably, tfiev will continue for
twelve more. However, the bonnets are sim
ply ridiculous. As to long dresses, there is
something to he said for tlnm. They are con
venient to aged ladies. Tlrey enable them to
enjoy, without attracting remark, the comfort
of slippers and laced stockings ami rollers for
their old ancles. They render it possible for
young ladies to wear bluchers and highlow s,
thereby avoiding damp feet, and to save wash
ing, hy making one pair of stockings hist a week.
So tliey will doubtless continue to he worn whilst
the laws of fashion are dictated by a splayfooted
beauty, or a lady troubled with bunions. But
this kind of u|H>logv cannot he made for hang
ing sleeves. They are not only absurd, hut in
convenient. They are always getting in the
way, and in the sauce and the butter boat.—
Y our wife cannot help von to a potato across
tfre table, but she upsets her glass and breaks it
with her dangling sleeve. It may be said that
your wife has no business to help potatoes—that
there ought to he footmen in attendance for that
purpose. Certainly, tir else she should not wear
sleeves. But ladies must, of conise, follow the
freight of fashion, whether suitable to tlreir cir
cumstances or nut. Could not the leaders of
fashion, then, in pity to their less opulent neigh
hois, devise and sanction a kind of sleeve suita
ble to iif— in a cottage—whether near a wood or
elsewhert to be called cottage sleeves, and to
he worn by the genteel cottager-classes without
prejudice to their gentility.— Punch.
friend and correspondent, Mr. A. IE Wilkinson,
of Cynthiana, writes that on tire 15th inst. Dr.
M. P. Morgan, residing irear the edge of Arm
strong township, in this ( Varidenburgh) County,
came home about noon under the influence of
liquor, and went up stairs to bed. His wife and
children then went to a neighbors. In about
half an hour some hoys in a neighboring field
discovered Dr. Morgan's house on fire, but he
fore assistance could he rendered tire house and
contents were destroyed, Dr. Morgan being
burned to death as Ire lay in his b*-d. On tire
following day his borres were gathered from the
ruins. Our correspondent says :
"It was the most aw ful sight my eyes ever be
held to see his charred bones and liver and en
trails and heart burnt to crisp like cinder. The
deceased was about sixty years of age, and leaves
a wife and three children. When sober he was
a good Physician, a kind friend arid an estima
ble citizen. His widow is a daughter of A.
.VV. Douglas, of Gibson County, who will take
care of her.— Evtmsville (Ind.) Journal, May
31 st.
' THE CHOLERA.—During the week ending the
10t!) instant there were two hundred and one
cholera deaths at New Orleans, being seventy
five less than for the previous week. Now that
tire city has been visited by fine rains, tire hope
I is indulged that the disease will rapidly abate.
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
j The Bulletin says it has not heard of a single !
j case where cistern water has been uninterrupt
i edly used. At Natchez, Mississippi, on the Ist
instant, Dr. Smith, Major Enos, and William
Phillipps, died of cholera : and about a dozen
\ slaves fell victims to the same disease during the
: latter part of May. Mr. Phillipps, one of the
victims, was seized while riding out, and was
found hy the road side in a hopeless slate. No
j new cases reported since (he Ist. inst.
Speech ol* Slots, .fax, Eauchnnaci.
YVe publish below the Speech of our Minis
j ter at London, Hon. James Buchanan, deliver
ed at the Royal Literary Fund Dinner, Lon
don, dn Tuesday, May 22d. The L<Wd"" , tfishop
jof London being in the Chair, in the course of
the evening, proposed the following Toast ; i
i "The Literature and Science of the United
j States."
Mr. Buchanan being called upon to respond,
; did so, in the following admirable remarks,
) which we extract from the London Globe.—
Tlrey are not less patrioticly American than
universally philanthropical in sentiment:
Jit/ Lord, .My Lords and Gentlemen —T es
teem it a privilege to be invited to respond to
this sentiment in favor of the literature and
science of my country. The applause with
i which it has been greeted by the present dis
tinguished company proves that it was no un
meaning compliment, hut has proceeded from
the heart. lam proud of tfre advance which
my countrymen have made in literature and
scrence, and am equally proud that this has
been justly appreciated by a British audience
of such high authority on questions of litera
; tore Sod science, tGal there can be no appeal
from its* decision to any higher tribunal.
The time was when tfre question might have
been justly asked in this country,— Who reads
an American book ? That time lias passed away,
and, judging bv my own intercourse with Eng
lish society, it might with equal justice be
asked, who has not read an American book ?
1 find that everywhere throughout tfre United
KingdqiiN the works of American authors are
now published and circulated. These however,
hear hut a comparatively small propottion to
the number and variety of works of distinguish
ed British authois, living and dead, published
and circulated throughout tire I nited Slates.
In little 'more than half a century from the
present hour, with tire blessing of God, these
works evil! he read and admired, will influence
the lite ami the conduct and the destiny of a
hundred millions of intelligent Americans !re
t wren ft\t* Atlantic and i'arific <q^.t.--
ing tire same language with yourselves. What
a bond of union must this prove to he between
lire kindred nations.
It must not Ire inferred, that although proud
|of approbation, we estimate your attainments
j in literature and science beyond their proper
i value. We freely admit that ours is nothing
more than the early promise of a healthy and
vigorous youth : hut we live in the confident
hope that our maturity will more than justify
| this promise.
We have hut fairly commenced the task,
: but as we aim at excellence in literature and
science, we shall never relax our efforts until,
if possible, we may attain a place in the tem
ple of tame on the same prom! eminence with
yourselves. "We will try"—Yes, "ree re///
////." This has become a motto of onr country.'
We have manv reasons for believing that we
shall prove successful. Among the principal
of tlrese is tire undoubted fart that literature
and science occupy that exalted position in
tfre opinion of our count! y men to vrh+ch they
are so justly entitled. This is well calculated
I to give an impulse to ambition. There is no
class amongst us who stand higher—no, not
orre—than the class of eminent authors. For
tire truth of this assertion, I think I might with
confidence appeal to the experience of gentle
men now present. Such men are everywhere
received in the United States .is public benefac
| tots.
Tire republic of Utters is a universal repub
' lir, and embraces within its limits all civilized
nations. Several of its most distinguished rep
resentatives are now within tire sound of my
voice, and the educated people of all nations
1 ar** tlreir constituents and judges. These true
! representatives of the progress of civilization
may tail to receive justice from their contem
; poraries—tlrey may be foo far in advance of
their own age to be appreciated ; but posterity
never fails to do them justice. Whilst the
: generation of politicians, and, with rare excep
tions, even of statesmen, pass away with tire
I events with which they have been identified
and are forgotten, such names as those ofShakes
peare, and Milton, and Locke, and Newton,
flourish in immortal youth, and their works will
; constitute tfre improvement and delight of all
1 geirerat ions.
On the otlrer side of fhe Atlantic, such
| names, not to specify those of living authors,
i are as familiar as household words, riot only
among the learned, hut among the masses of
! tfie people. These hy the blessing of heaven,
have generally received a common school edu
j cation, and are able to read and to relish the
standard works of your best authors.
! I delight in tire reflection and tire hope that
the literary and scientific men of Great Brit
ain and tire United States will constitute a
i perpetual bond of peace and friendship between
• lire people of the two count! ies. Y'our inen
of this class belong to us, as our men of tire
I same class belong to you. We have each a
common property in both. They cannot fail
ito exercise a mutual and most happy influence
on the two nations. It has been tfre misfortune
of both, that almost ever since the American
j revolution, there has been a succession of dis
turbing questions between the two governments.
The irritation arising front these can always be
allayed, and the unhappy consequences may,
I trust, always he averted by tfre production
! and common sympathy of the men at the head
lof the republic of letters. May the time never
arrive when these men shall he arrayed against
each other ! The consequences might then be
Before resuming my seat, I must, in order
to gratify my own feelings, express an unqual
ified approbation of the Literary Fund Socie
ty and its most praiseworthy object. It does
not confine the relief it bestows to British au
-1 tliors alone, hut, in a spirit of genuine liberal
ity, extends its benefits to those of other na
tions. Genius, as has been justly observed,
is always sensitive ; and, therefore, the boun
ty of the Society is distributed in the most se
cret and delicate manner, so that the feelings
of those who receive it are spared Irom public
observation. May this Society be always pros
j perous, and may it always be provided with
the means of extending its blessings and its
benefits to a class of men to whom mankind are
so greatly indebted.
From the Troy, June lit.
Sentence of Henrietta Robinson—the
"Veiled Murderess."
This afternoon, at ten minutes past three o'-
clock, Mrs. Henrietta Robinson was brought in
to court by Sherill Price, to receive the sentence
of the law.
The fact that the prisoner was to he senten
ced this afternoon hail been somewhat noised a
bout town, and in consequence, a large crowd
bad collected before the opening of tire court.
Mrs. Robinson entered the co'.irt room with a
firm, sprightly step, laughing and conversing
with the Sheriff, and taking her seat by the side
of her counsel, Mr. Pierson, she said composed
ly—"How do you do, Mr. Pierson.''
The District Attorney, Mr. Bingham, rose
and said :
"May if please the Court, I have a motion to
make in the matter of Henrietta Robinson, who
stands convicted of the murder ot Timothy Lan
agan. fam informed that the prisoner is now
in the Court room, and if it may please the
Court, I move that the sentence of the law now
be passed upon her."
Mr. Pierson remarked that he had now noth
ing to say against the passing of sentence. He
had done for his client all that lay in his power.
He considered that she was unjustly condemn
ed, but the Supreme Court had adjudged other
wise, and ordered this Court to pass sentence
upon her. He could do nothing further fur her.
He begged leave to inquire what disposition had
been made of the motion of the District Attor
ney, mnW on Saturday fast, to amend the re
cord ?
The Court replied that although no order had
been entered, lie had concluded to grant the mo
tion of the District Attorney, in the manner de
sired by Mr. Pierson—striking out Sheriff
Price's affidavit with ttie other matter.
Mr. Pierson then desired tfiat the court should
correct a slight clerical error which had been
made in the affidavit —it having been dated the
~-lfh of June, instead of May.
The court informed Mr. Pierson that the er
lor should be corrected.
Mr. Pierson—l have nothing further to say
against the passing of sentence. I have exhaus
ted all my power to save this poor woman. I
considered she should have had a new trial, but
the Supreme Court thought otherwise. 1 have
done all in my power to avert her sentence,
without Stope of l>-e or reward of any kind.
The Couit—Officers will see that the specta
tcr j are seated.
After the confusion which was caused in o
beying this order bad subsided, Judge Harris
said :
Mrs. Robinson, have you any objections to
removing your veil ?
Mrs. Robinson threw her veil over her bon
net, laughing and conversing meanwhile.
The Court—lt is my duty to inform you that
the Supreme Court ot Albany has denied the
application of your counsel for a new trial in
your case, and has ordered this court to proceed
to pass tlm sentence upon you. Have you any
thing to say before that sentence is passed ?
Mrs. Robinson—Yes I have much to say, but
I know I should be interrupted.
The Court— You have been convicted of the
wilful murder of Timothy Lanagan.
Mrs. Robinson—Yes, but it was upon false
evidence. You have all conspired against me.
Shame, Judge, shame!
The Court—The law has proceeded with a
slow but steady step to judgm-nt. You have
proceeded through its every phase until you
have arrived at this condition. You have lost
all. To von life is lost—character is gone—
Mrs. Robinson—No, no—not all.
If I thought you would listen to me—but I
know you would not T would advise vou to
abandon this struggle w itb the world ; 1 would
advise you to throw off this feigned insanity,
and prepare to meet, with true womanly resig
nation, the fate which awaits you. Everything
is lost to you. Life to you is not worth possess
ing. Honor and virtue are lost,
Mrs. Robinson Don't trouble yourself about
that, Judge.
I am aware that you would listen to nothing
from me. J shall, therefore, without further
remark, proceed to pass sentence upon you.
The sentence ol the Court is. that vou, Hen
rietta Robinson, be detained in the county pri
son until the third day of August next, and that
on that day, between the hours of ten o'clock
in the forenoon and two in the alternoon. you
he hanged by the neck until you are dead, and
rr.av God in his infinite mercy save your soul.
Mrs. Robinson—You had better pray lor
your own soul, sir.
Mrs. Robinson then arose, and was about to
say something to the court, when Mr. Pierson
desired her to remain quiet.
Mrs. Robinson—VY by should I remain quiet?
What lor ' lam the victim of a political con-
spiracy which is calculated to crush an innocent
woman. All have deserted nre. M. I. Town
send has deserted me. Sherill Price is a shame
less, heartless
Mr. PierSon—Be quiet.
The prisoner sfill kept up a conversation
with Mr. Pierson, which we were unable to
hear, merely distinguishing the name of John C.
Mather. The audience at this point became
greatly excited. The greatest confusion pre
The Court—lt is particularly desirable that
the audience should remain seated. It is to be
hoped that no one will follow the prisoner to
tire carriage. The Sheriff'will remove her.
Sheriff Price here asked Mrs. Robinson to ac
company him. She turned and looked sharply
for a moment—then, drawing her veil over
her face, and poinltng her finger at Judge Har
ris, exclaimed, solemnly :
"Judge Harris, may the Judge of Judges be
your Judge."
'Fire prisoner was then conducted from the
court room, her face being again covered bv the
iriysteiious blue rej|. She was, despite the re
quest of the court, followed to the jail by quite
a large number of spectators.
From Ihe F.vansville (Ind.) Journal, June 4.
Aid) Law in Gsidiann.
A short time since we published (he fact that
a large body of ruffians of Clay and Vigo coun
ties Gad cut away tire hank of the Birch Creek
reservoir, and that they threatened dire ven
geance on those who should attempt to repair
the breach. The Governor issued a proclama
tion, which we published, offering rewards for
tfre perpetrators of the outrage. The scoundrels
sent a'formal notice to the resident trustee at
Terre Haute that, if an attempt was made to re
pair the canal, it would heat the risk of the
lives of the men sent, and that the canal would
he cut away for a long distance in the neigh
borhood of the reservoir. Notwithstandingthose
threats, a State boat was sent to the reservoir
last Tuesday, with twenty armed laborers, under
charge of Mr. Higgius. They worked all Tues
day without interruption.
Wednesday night the canal bank was cut
away on Summit Level, eighteen miles below
Terre Haute; and boats on tfre level coming
down, at once made their way back to Terre
Haute with much difficulty. The aqueducts
over Birch creek, near the reservoir, as was
that part of the canal cut away, was burnt down
the same night, a guard of the poor deluded
scoundrels standing hy to prevent interruption
during the fire. It was also understood they
intended to cut away the old reservoir, on the
opposite side of the canal to tire other, and
perform other acts of villany. As an exhibi
tion of their contempt for the Governor and his
proclamation, they stuck up a notice offering a
high reward for the Governor's head.
On Tuesday night the boat was surrounded
by men with blackened faces, who, during tfre
night, kept continual firing of guns about the
boat. These ruffians held a meeting about a
mile from the boat during Tuesday night, and
drew tip a statement of their complaints, and
resolutions of a threatening nature. In the
morning a copy of these was found stuck upon
the boat, with a warning that the laborers would
be allowed seven hours fo takeaway the earth
tlrey had replaced in the reservoir bank, and
orre hour after that to leave, and that the canal
would be cut away and the Birchcreek Aque
duct burnt the following night. Tire loborers;
who had been during 'the whole night expec
ting an attack, took file seven hours for at once
making tracks from the neighborhood, instead ot
undoing tlreir work of the day previous.
It was reported at Terre Haute, Friday morn
ing, that this mob had destroyed the two locks
at the junction. They left written notices at
the doors of persons in their neighborhood, who
regarded tlreir acts with disapproval, that iftfrev
gave any information as to the perpetrators of
these cowardly acts, or had anv thing tosay on
tire subject, they would be at once taken out
and lynched. It was reported at Terre Ilaute,
that the owner of a mill in this neighborhood
had, for some of his language of disapproval,
been severely lynched by scourging, and was
told that if Ire interfered any further his mill
would be burnt to the ground. A number of
coal boats were left high and diy.
Tire Rev. C. N. Righter, at Constantinople,
writes to the New York Observer :
"From Brousa we have tire most frightful
details of the recent earthquake. Shocks con
tinued all night, and the inhabitants fled from
tlreir houses to take refuge in tents. The great
er part of the buildings that withstood the first
earthquake were destroyed by this. Fire broke
out in four districts, and four hundred and fifiv
victims perished. Tire shocks are still repeated
every hour, with more or less violence. The
whole city (numbering 100,000) is deserted.—
Tire fountains of drinking water have been cut
off, and heated water is flowing in the streets.
Mount Olympus, near hy, gives foith a hissing
noise, and at intervals learlol explosion like tire
sound of many thunders. Tire ancient tombs of
the Sultans, on the mountain side, have been
rent assunder and precipitated below. The
house of Abdel Kader, French prisoner of war,
has been destroyed, and Ire, in great dejection,
is encamped under a tent lq>on the plain. All
Ihe European population and many of tire Pro
testant Armenians have fled to Constantinople.
Tire poor who have no means of escape are in
great distress. The Sultan has generously giv
en 500,000 piastres, or $ 15,000, for their relief,
and despatched several steamers to convey them
to the Capital. Musselmen, Christians, and
Jews are alike taken on hoard the imperial
•'Tims this most beautiful and flourishing city
of the Turkish Empire is now a scene of utter
desolation and distress."