THE BEDFORD CIZBTTB. Bcdifbrd, Jisoe drd, I 6. W. BOW-SIRR, Editor and Proprietor- QCF* Dr. HENRY LEA DEP. and family, (for merly of this place, now of Berrien, Michigan,) have been spending a few weeks with their friends in Bedford and vicinity- The Doctor has become eminent in his profession, and en joys a lucrative and extensive practice. CEP* The Editor of the Chambers burg Repository and Whig says that we were inerrorin asserting that Gov. POLLOCK and his know nothing Legislature of last winter nearly doubled the Ranking capital of the b-tate, and alleges that they did not increase it more than one-tenth. Now, suppose we take this declara tion for the truth, and we have the fact admitted that a single session of the Legislature added MILLIONS to the Ranking capital of this Commonwealth, not withstanding all prudent business men considered the paper basis (prior to the meeting of the Legislature) by millions too large for the safety of the people.— The Repository also alleges that The tonnage tax re pealed by the -ame power, only amounts to about fif ty thousand doliarsa year. Take this for granted,and we have a K. N. Legislature and Governor making a gift to a great mammoth corpoiation of fifty thou sand doll us annually of the peoples' money. But Rapt. ZciitLKE, of the Democratic Union, who is well posted on all matters lelating to the 1 iiianres of the State, tells us that the Tonnage tax was worth to the Commonwealth at lea-t THREE MILLION'S OF DOLLARS! The Repository thinks that "Governor Pollock never could have sanctioned any measure whose results would even approach the frightful cal culations of the Gazette."' After "sanctioning" the JUG LAW, anil other acts equally odious, we think t he Gofrroor was pre pared to have put his type to any enormity a reckless and ignorant Legislature could have passed—and >o think the great mass of the tax-payers. Federal Tactics. dF~ The Federalists have changed their name every few years since the organization of she government, rind, in this way, have occasionally stole into power in the most disgraceful manner, always Wing rejm tliatrd a- soon as their principles were made manifest by iheir acts. But yesterday, as it were, Federalism rjuged under the name of ANTJMASONS, because it was alleged that masons were bound by the obliga tions of an oath—now they tale an oeit/i of the most plasphemotis character as the lever by which all their political conduct is contiolled. But the meanest, dirtiest, most contemptible, and barefacfd change tbev have yet made, is '.hat which relates to CATH OLICS. Three years ago, they ron. as their candidate tor the Presidency, a man who is identified in feel ing with the Catholic Church, ai .I whose family were communicants therein, a fact well remembered, in order, however, to refresh the minds of the people on this subject, we would call their attention to the fol lowing extracts from the Louisville Journal, then the leading organ of the Whig Party as it is now the leading organ ol the Know-Nothing Party It Every Whig paper in Pennsylvania, arid throughout the en fire Union, was filled with articles in 18.>'2 such as those taken from the Journal alluded to, and every Whig politician "knee high to a duck" belched them forth as their strongest arguments in behalf of VV ng gery. In 1855 all these Whig pipers, with here and there a solitary exception, are ranged under the ban ner of know-nothingism, and yet the intelligence of tiie people is insulted by being told that this is a Jieu■ party separate and distinct (root both the ol ! par lies! Whilst it is true that thou-amls and tens of thousands of men who have heretofore voted with the Whig Party will neveragain vote with the K. N. Party, yet it js equally true that the entire Whit: or ganization has substituted Know-Nothing ism tor their former professions, with the view of defrauding Dem ocrats into their ranks by the cry of new party —hut the mark of the Beast is too plain to deceive any one who is honest in his intentions. Read the extracts alluded to, and behold the degradation of Whig gery : The democracy of New Hampshire, generally rf cogniz d as the most thoroughly democratic State in the Union, heve never permitted Roman Catholics to be elegibie to office in that State. On the contrary, they have voted with extraordinary ima&imity that Catholics shall he ineligible to any offices whatever ; and vet tbev now ask that one of their men shall he supported by all Untbolics throughout the nation for the presidency of the United States. Louisville Journal, June IG, 1852. The Cincinnati Enquirer thought it would be ab surd to vote again-t Franklin Pierce because he liv ed in a State that did not permit Catholics to hold of fice. The editor of the Journal replies thus: Well, there are many that will think the reason a very good one. They will not consent that the New Hampshire democracy, who recently voted, by an overwhelming majority, in favor of Catl.ol.c disabili ty to Fold cilice, shall have the honor to give a Pre sident to the nation. They would greatly prefer that this honor shall he accorded to SOUK; H>TUTE not ■disarmed Itj suck abominable bigotry. Louisville Journal, June IG. In the Journal of the !-5 th June the editor under takes to prove that it was the democrats, and not the wings, of New Hampshire, that voted against strik ing out the proscriptive clause of the constitution.— He gives the votes of a number of towns to prose it : "The vote for governor on the same day (says the Journal) was aliout 00,000, yet out of such a large number ol votes m the strongest democratic Stale m the Union less than i 0,00() could be found lo cast their votes against tbU most in famous : yxtrm of reli gions intolerance and bigotry ever seetl in this rouu- /nj." A sain: "The., editors of the Times are surprised that we ■should.attempt to excite prejudice against General Pierce because he lives m u State that proscribes all Roman Catholics (torn office. Our neighbors have certainly a right to be surprised; but, at the same time, we have a right to think that it State which contains more than 00,000 voter-, and which, upon the direct question whether Roman Catholics shall he permitted to hold office or not, gives only nine thousand and odd votes in the alfirinat tve, i- a minr ahle ahode ef most infamous bigotry, and should not be allowed the honor, amid the many direct and inci dental advantages, of giving a President to the United States. • •" • 4 • We are not alone in thinking that AW Hampshire, riisgracejl hy iirr religions /<•/, should not have the honor of the presidency.— leant smile Journal, June iO, 1833. Again : Ye. Mr. Pierce's nomination is a compliment to New Hampshire, and his election would he a still grrater compliment to that State. We think, however, that New Hampshire is just about the la-t State in tbe Union that should be honored by compliments. She is the only State in the Union that tolerates, or w ould for a moment tolerate, an ruttou- and infamous reli gions test, denying to.all Koman Catholic citizens the rfgtoT t® hold office. Her const* tut ton is at tear witfi dr H, I Q mental prtitcijdts of religions liberty and * • refinhlituuisnt. •t ..... . She has shown herself to he without one paiticle of "ermine democracy, or one claim to the re-pect of the rest of the Union. And now the people of the Ignited States are invoked fo compliment the uni formly democratic State ot New Hamp-hire, hy .-up porting her General Pierce tor the Presidency. Com pliments aie sometimes said to he cheap, hut we Think this would he a dear one. Louisville Journal, June It, 1 S-l.t: The editor rested on tins subject till July 22. when he reaii a piece from a correspondent of the Ameri can Celt, and his zeal become stirred within him.— Fierce as he had been before, he grew fiercer when he bad read how his Catholic friend wus offended The correspondent was for punishing the State and every mail in it for this anti-Catholic clause in the constitution. "It is a high honor, (says the Louisville Joiirrnl.) a great advantage, to a Slate to Itiniish the incum bent of the executive chair of the nation, and we do not think this honor, this privilege, this advantage, should be accorded to a State base enough urn/ bigoted enough to tolerate a religion* test in the uiutgeeuth century. There may be worthy men in such a State, but we would not gratify the State, and Matter her pride, and minister to her interest, by selecting a President from her population, as long as worthy men, or a worthy titan, can be found in States less shamefully intolerant." Here the editor of the Journal quotes in full what trie aforesaid correspondent says, who addresses himself chiefly to Catholics, and then the editor calls lustily upon Protestants : "It is not (says be] a matter for the consideration of Catholics alone or especially ; liberal-minded Pro testant- should set their faces against New Hamp shire as long as she retains the infamous lest in her evnstilutioK." The editor of the Journal then goes on to charge the infamy upon the democracy of the State, and up on Pierce, because he hail not done enough to remove it. He says Pierce mut bear his share of the "dis grace" and "shame" lhat rest upon the State, lie then quote., the speech of Pierce against the test, and says: "if that is all General Pierce could say or do to ward relieving New Hampshire ola disgrace that ranee*lter to Ire regarded with sroru by every tiberul minded man in the Uuited Stales a.hi t/t the world, we a-k if he is fit to be President V* The editor insists that the speech was a poor per formance oi a duty the author owed to the "great cause of civil and religious liberty." A\ ITE3I FOR TA\ IMI'EKS ! CyThe receipts into the State Treasury for tlie year 1851, Irom tavern, brewery, distillery, eating, beer houses, and restaraunt licenses, was TWO Hl/NDRED AND ELEVEN THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND THREE DOLLARS AND FORTY* FOUR CENTS. Under the op-ration of the Know- Nothing anti-license JUG law passed by the !a-t Le gislature, tt to restrain the sale of Diquor* a dificit oi at least Tuo Hundred 'fit on* a ltd Dollar* will he created in the Treasury without any diminution of drunkenness—on the other hand, this bill is calculat ed to encourage drunkenness to a fearful extent, a fact admitted by almost every man who -peaks or writes upon the subject. Now, where is this deficiency to come from 1 U'e answer, from the Land and the sweat of the p.-or man's brow! Suppo-e the Know- Nothing Senator from this District had proclaimed to the people of Bedford, Somerset, and Fulton, that he intended to vote for an ABOMINATION like this, does any rational man believ- that I'll. JORDAN could have been elected ? NO—he would not have been heard of in the canvas—a fact which he will clearly learn should he ever again venture before the people. This Bill is so iniquitous in its character— so ab-urd and nonsensical m its provisions—so dis graceful to every principle of correct Legislation— that not a single paper in the State dares to defend it! U'e are told that Mr. Jordan done wonders at llar risburg—that he spun speech** by the yard —that it is supposed he will become the next greatest man now living to the liariryc lHaeLsmith —that hi, breeches will scarcely contain'his beautiful proportions alter his budding geniu, receives a few more Puff* manu factured to order- and yet, notwithstanding all these evidences of commanding superiority, he never open ed hi* mouth to utter a word agairi-t lhe htiotiral anti-License JUG Law!—but VOTED lor it with all the self-importance of a French dancing ir.astei and by his vote the measure was carried through the Senate. It went to JAMES POLLOCK, and he ap proved it. Had tile Law contained the Massachusetts know-nothing "CIDER" and "CURRANT WINE*' provision we suppose it would have presented no obstacle to Mr. Jordan's lotiug for it, for even this could not have rendered the measure mote infamous than it now stands under the great seal of the Com monwealth. And this is what we are to understand as the e<- *euee of "Americans ruling America." If the FAR MERS of Bedford county consider this system ot Reform calculated to promote their own true inter ests and add to the honor and dignity of ttie State, then it is their duty to encourage midnight oath bound Lodge- to regulate tfceir affairs. If, however, they entertain a contiary opinion, as we think they do, then every principle of patriotism and self-respect calls upon them to sully under the Flag of DEMO CRACY, and stand by the men who stand by the CONSTII L'TiON. Tlic Hefurni Legislature. During the election campaign last year, it was iu do-triously circulated that, as the Democratic and Whig parties had become corrupt, it was necessary a new party should h- formed, which would not only i educe the expenses of government, and con-equently the taxes imposed on the people, but enact whole some and judicious laws. The Knovv-Nothmg organi zation was breathed into existence, and the people by hundreds and thousands connected themselves with it undei the hope that some reform would be effected. The election re-ultcd in the elevation of Mr. POL LOCK to the gub 'i uatorial chair, and a large majority ot Know-Nothings to the popular branch of the Leg i-latuie. it is unnecessary to recapitulate the acts oi* the Legislature. They are not even entitled to the common respect of the people, much less their ap probation. And it is universally acknowledged, such a Legislature never belore congregated in this State, and the constant, earnest prayer of ail is, that it may never again. But, as the people were induced to-join the Krtovv- Nothing organization, and under its power elect men to the J.egi-lature, with correct notions of reform, it is hut due they should know how tar economy char acterized the action ol their represeritaives. The Democratic Legislature of ISot, was made an especi al target for the fire of the Know-Nothing and Whig pre —es. It was pronounced corrupt—its action mis construed, am! its expenses heialiled torth to the tax payers of the State, a- an evidence of the most reck |e-s extravagance, flecau-e that Legislature was democratic, the democracy of course were compelled to take the responsibility ; and as it did, so we now deem it but fair to test its reckless extravagance with the one which old Father Time has just driven out of existence. The expenses of the Legislature of 1S">I. embracing only the pay of Senators, Members, Clerks and officers, was $79,819 0!) The expense.- of the last Legislature, embracing the same items, are $101,027 73 Difference, $22,778 04 Thus will the tax-payers ofthe Staff perceive that in their effort to reform, hy electing Know-Nothings to the Legislature, they have increased the expense oft be Legislature, $22,778 04. In tins calculation we have not included the contingent expenses—po-t --age, printing, newspapers, &c.. lor the reason that the accounts have not all yet been settled. When the correct account shall he made out, which will not be long, it will be found to reach at least thirty thousand dollars of an increase. It must also he remembpred, that the last Legislature was in session the exact time ofthe Legislature of 18.71, and there fore this increase of expenses did not uit-e by length ot ses-ion. Now, what we de-irp lo a.-k the people, is how much better have you made yourselves hy connection v.itli the Know-Nothing organization, tinder the hope of reform ! You believed that the Democratic l.egis lature of 18-31 was a reckless, extravagant one. Yoti were toll! this, by tho-e who desired li> obtain the olfires, ami who need I lie worst means to induce yoif to believe them. You reposed confidence ami trust uj what they said. ami went to the polls, giving youi votes to men who were ileeeiving you ail the tune, From the above comparative statement of the expen se* of the two Legislature* you can readily see bovj you have been duped ami tooled. If the Legislature ol 185-1 was an extravagant one —if it was corrupt, ai you were made believe it was, how much more so ha been the Legislature of 18.7.7, which increases tin public expenses, so far as can at present be ascertain ed, S'00,000 annually of the people's money, by approving the repeal ol the tonnage tax ; Ins depriving the treasury of some $•->OO,OOO more, per annum, by sanctioning the repeal of the liccn-e laws, and substituting therefor the '•Jug Law," a law not demanded by the people, and which if not repealed, will increase, instead of lessen the evils of intemperance; his promiscuous signing of all law- granting special corporate privileges, ami his numerous other nets ol omission and commission—all go to prove either his niter unfitness for the Kx'-cn tiVP chair, or a dishonesty of purpose which none but a Know-cf.rthliig would he gn:lty of. Resolved, That the Know.Nothing legislature of 185.1 disgraced itself and the Slate for winch it pre tended to legislate. The little good the majority of the members did, can only he attributed to accident the va-t amount of evil they accomplished was manifestly intentional arid premeditated. As citi zens of our good old Commonwealth, having its wel fare at heart, we are sorry that such a Legislature ever had art existence ;• —and, as Democrats, we pledge ourselves to work for the total eradication of every vestige of its existence. Resolved, That the Democracy of Lancaster coun ty have undiminished confidence in the integrity, undoubted ability and exalted personal and political character of the Don. J.VUFS BUCHANAN, the U. S. Minister at the Court ofSt. James. H;K diplomatic eareer, since his residence in London. will add new lu-tre to Ins namp, and he another bright page in the history of our common country. We -hall had the day—not now remote —when he will l>e again amongst his old neighbors and friends, and receive that cordial, heart-felt welcome to which he is so justly entitled. Resolved, That the experience of every day more and more strengthens its inthe conviction that then is something radically wrong in the banking system of the country—and that the course pursued by tho-e worthy Democratic Executives, Governors SIMNI; and IJIGI.ER, is the only true policy, !>v adhering to which the right-and interests of the people can he secured agaui-t lhe designs of unscrupulous and des bonest Rank officers. Resolved, That tlie delegates from this county he instructed to vote tor the nomination of no candidate for Canal Commissioner who is suspected of belong ing, or of having heretofore belonged, to the organi zation commonly called Know Nothinfs, or to any other secret political organization whatever. H'-snlved, "l'hat we gladly welcome back to our patty the members \vhn, seduced from their alle giance by the false promises of Know TVothingistn, have since discovered their mistake, and seperated from the order, and we cordially invite their co-oper ation hereafter in our contests with the common enemy. A NOBLE Sox.—Thf Fairniount. Virginian slates Itiut u youth, only If> years of son o! Mr. T. J. f'lagett, of Fainnount, Manon coun ty, Virginia, lost Ilia life, on Friday of last week, while attempting to mr tiit- life o| 1s is father, who was placed in a perilous situation by los ing control of a boat while crossing Valley river. The son, knowing Hi3t his father could not swim, and being himself an excellent swimmer, plunged into the stream, which was much swol len from tin* recent rains, for the puqmse nl saving his parent: hut his father reached the shore in the host, while his noble and affection ate son sunk only to rise a corpse. "AMERICANS RULING AMERICA!" ANOTHER KNOW NOTHING LAW! Fa rmtvit IHRK NOT ILL IKK FLWER! Penally, Than/ Fine ami Imprisonment I!! The Rev. Mr. Lovejny, speaking of the late law passed by the M iss.icbusetts Legislature, on the subject of liquor, holds the following lan guage : "A man who manufactures a barrel of cider, is fined under this law S3O, and imprisonment from three to six months lor the first ofi-mce. S2OO and imprisonment for six months for the second offence, and S2OO and imprisonment tor twelve months tor the third offence! If you make one gallon of wine, squeezed from the currants that grow in your garden, and give away or sell a glass ol it, that act entitles you to imprisonment for twelve months, and this in the old Commonwealth of Massachusetts, in the vear of our Lord, 1833!" There is a truth in the above, which cannot but strike tlie human mind with peculiar force. We have oft en said, the result of all such laws is to lead to a dangerous extreme, ant! produce a state of society in this country of the most fearful character. Although we considered the last Massachusetts [.• gislature capable of any thing, we scarcely believed a point in legislation would be reached so supremely ridiculous.— Who everdreamed that the year 18:3; i would witness the enactment of a law hv a sovereign State of this l iiion, prohibiting the tanner from making a barrel of cider ! Who ever supposed a law wmtid he passed to imprison a larnter lor six months, if he dared manufacture a barrel of cider ! Is il env wonder that the common sense of the people is beginning to revolt at this out - rageons hundiuggerv ? The people mav he called rum-suckers and rum-sellers, hy those whose sense of justice and right hn> been eaten out by fanaticism : but the time is coming when froth and genuine morality will prevail, and laws which are but the result of a miserable catering to fanatics shall be wiped from the statute books.— Hern. I nion. InijMTtr.ut Military Decision. Commonwealth ex. re!., John Taylor, Jr., vs. William F. Small. —This case, which has exci ted no little interest among the military of Phil adelphia rarne on at Hairisbnrg, upon a rule to show cause whv a quo varrnnfo should not issue. Wm. M. Meredith. Esq., and P. McCall, Esq., appeared lor the relator, and William I. Small, Esq., and Enoch Brewster, Esq., for the respondent. The facts of the case, necessary to a right understanding of the matter, are concisely as follows, viz : On t>u nth day of June, 1831, the five yearlv election of Brigadier General of the Second Brigade, First Div ision, P. \., took place. Win. F. Small ami Henry Mather vv-re tlie rival candidates for the office. 1 lie returns showed a mnjoriiv for Small, and he received a certificate ol election from the proper Brigade Inspector. But Colonel Mather contested the election. The hoard ol officers, called to try the election, Consisted of Major Genera! Patter son ami Brigadier Generals Cadwaiader and Reillv. Altera full investigation of the matter, the board s-'t aside the entire election, and or dered a new election, following the words of the statute on the subject. Accordingly a new election was held, and John fvlei, Jr.. Esq., was returned as elected. Jlut Col. Small took an appeal to the Govenor, and Govenor Pollock undertook to make a decision in the case, over riding the decision of the board of officers, and caused a commission to issue to Small. Mr. Tvler contended that the action n| tlie board was final and conclusive of the question, ami that the Governor had no right to review or touch their decision in anv manner, and conse quently' that as he had been lawfully elected, he was the lawful Brigadier of the Second Brigade : and the object had in view by him in applying for a quo vnran/o to the Supreme Court is to trv the validity of the commission issued to Mr. Small under the circumstances. On Saturday th<4 rule ol the relator lor this writ was called up tor argument, and the ques tion was fully argued-on both sides. The points relied upon hv the-respondeiit were: Ist. Thfct the Board had no jurisdiction over lite subject matter; and 2d. That granting the Board had jurisdiction, the lelaior had no case in Court. The Comt thought differently, and ordered the writ to issim, and the record of the case to be remitted to Philadelphia. The public at large having an interest in the controversy, as woU as the military, we have thought proper thus briefly to state the case as it now stands.— P/iiluile/p/iin . Irgus. A New Trial Granted for Vtm. Arrison. Yesterday morning Judge Hartley, in the Dis trick Court, gave a lengthy decision upon the motion for a new trial in the case of William Arrison, who was convicted and sentenced to he hangifl lor the murder of Isaac Allison at the December term of the Criminal Court.— The argument in the case was heard on Monday last, and the decision reserved. Judge Bart ley said they had carefully and fully examined the grounds of error submitted by the defence, and had given that attention to tl.e case which its importance, both to the com munity and the prisoner, entitled it. The Court then summed up the assignments of error submitted by the attorneys for the pus oner, and oveiruled all with the exception of that portion of Judge Flinti's charge, which reads as follows ; -A lew words, gentlemen, as to what you must say in your verdict, and we are done. II you find the defendant not guiltv, you will merely say so. But if you find him guilty, the statute - requires you to specify in your verdict of what crime he is guilty. {Swan's. Statute, 238-39.] Therefore if you come to the con clusion that he is guilty, as alleged in the in dictment, you will say : "We, the Jury, find the defendant, William 11. Arrison, guilty of murder in the first degree, as charged in the indictments;" or words to this effect. * The Court said that the instruction to the Jury, to find the defendant guilty of murder in the first degree, left them r.o discretion in the matter. It was a,ve charg?. directing ,j „ Jury to find a verdict, in a form and maim,... that tli. hiw did not authorize, The t | i3r ,j does not say tlie Jury could convict tlie jiriso,," of manslaughter, and, therefore, left theJ, J( ,. no other course to pursue, but to act ond. r the charge. The Court was unanimous in theoiiin ion that such a glaring error in Hie instruct should not have been allowed to go to the J (j ,i The judgment oft he (Vuninal Court, was, them-' fare reversed, and the case referred back |o r new trial to the Common Pleas Court Cin cinna!i Kaquirrr, June S. F1 DELHI. Sever forsake a friend. When enemies gath er thick and fast around him when sitkn.> falls heavy on his fount— when the world is dark and cheerless, this is tfie time lotiv true friendship. They who turn from the seen* ..f distress or offer reasons why they should be ex cused from extending their sympathy and aid betray their hypocrisy, and prove that seltisii motives only prompt and move them. ]fy„„ have a friend who loves you—who has studied your interest and happiness—defended you when persecuted and troubled, be sure to sustain him in his adversity. Let him feel that his fu iner kindness is appreciated, and that his friend ship was not lavished on you for naught. fidelity may he rare; but it exists—in the heart. Who has not seen and felt its power! Tlev only deny it.- worth and power who have never loved a fiiend, oi labored to make a friend j ia j>_ pv. The good and the kind, ihe affectionate and the virtuous, see nod feel this heavenly prin ciple, for heavenly it is: it is a fruit gathered from a sacred germ imj>lant>d b v heaven in man's bosom. And true fidelity has its reward. It may he slighted by some, overlooked bv oth ers: lint pure minded men cultivate and cherish fond and undying love for it. As tlie diamond is found in the darkness of the mine, as the lightning shoots with most li vid flashes from the gloomiest cloud, so does fi delity proceed from a (mart suscejitiide to the calls o( deepest melancholy, and shows itself brighter and stronger in the adversity of a friend. .Mirror of Hie Times. LIFE. Men rejoice when the sun is risen , they rejoice when it goes down : while they are unconscious ol the decay of their own li\ t >. Men rejoice at seeing the face of a new sea-an, a- the arrival of one greatly desired. Never theless the ievolution of the seasons is the de cay of the human life. Fragments of drill wood meeting in the wide ocean, continue together a little space; thus parents, wives, children, relatives, friends and riches, remain with lis hut for a short time—then separate, and the sejara tion is inevitable. No mortal can escape p.. common lot: he who mourns for departed rela tives has no power to cause them to return. Knowing that the end of life is death, every right-minded man ought to jmrsue that which is connected with ultimate bliss. Latest from Serastopol—Another S.\\- ' u.naky Battle.—A postscript to a letter from a prominent Merchant in Liveqmol, nddr>-„ j to Messrs. Duncan, Sherman is. t'o., tinted S.;'- urdav, Mav 26, states that a telegraphic cr patch liad just been jiosled in the Liverp I Exchange, stating that a serious engagement had taken jilace on the day previous, in Iro.ut of Sehastopol, between the Russians and Allies. Tlie fight was a long and bloody one, a iarg number of troops being engaged : and alter a verv heavy loss on hoth sides, the battle terni rated in the decisive success of the Allies. We have no notice of this hat tie from any other source.—.V. V. Tribune, June 9. llornir.LE. Under this head the St. Louis Mirror ol the nth in.-t., states that Hie S- xfim < ! the city graveyard discovered there, the Hav previous, the head ot a barrel above ground.— The thing looked suspicious to him, and lie hail the barrel opened, and found in it the bodyola white female, perfectly nude. H-r body in a state of decompostion. and hard probably been there some time, and from her appearand- ! she had not been older than firun twenty I | twenty-two years, and rather gcoi) looking.— ( pon being opened hv order of the was ascertained that she was pregnant and with in a lew weeks of her confinement. Jt i i thought that she had never been a resident ot that city, hut had been s nt there, ns fnuinu from other parts. The verdict of the jurv was. that she hail come to he death hv fottl meansni the part of some person unknown. A murder ; of the blackest die has been committed, and w-" hope the perpetrator may yet some some day ! discovered. YI A s ss 1 1: i>: On Tuesday, oth inst. at the house of .Mr. Adam : Keith, Timigh Creek Valley, by Rev. S. W.l'ru'. 1.F.Y1 E\ A NS. Esq. ot Coal moe I, I'a. to Mis- MA RY KEITH, of Huntingdon county. CL/"'Squire Evans and his accomplished Lady have onr best wishes Cor their future prosperity- " J5 they realize their brightest anticipations. On the 10th inst. bv Rev. David W'otf, .Mr. JOhY SCHXABLY, Ji. to .Miss E. GWIXN, ioth ot Ri bee" j ner of her joys and sorrows for about fort} • • She ha*BttsrHart ih'r : for thty shall Ir contfurlrtl." She died the ilea ■ {the just, alter being fully and happdy su-Ta.iie' ' alt ttie consolations of her holy teligmn. pr ,'j rt . j children, friends, and acquaintances, will | sure up in the store-house ol memory bright examples of goodne-s, faith, and ' o j sole themselves that she has exchanged Uie '- earth for the brilliant rewards ol the S 00 " "Well done thou good and laithlul servo" 1 - thou hast been fhittiful over few things, Iy a i liiee over many." BACON AND FISH. Ju-t received and lor sale, a lot ol Ik' 7 '' - '.gart ers and Side;—also, a fresh supply ; '".-vi' tiout. Rl'fT -v May 4. ISoS.fcC its