The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 22, 1855, Image 1

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    in <EO. w. B(m nA\.
Select }3octrti.
The World would be the better for it.
IF men cared less for wealth and famp,
And less lor battle-fields and glory;
If, writ in human hearts, a name
Seemed better than in song and story;
If men, instead of nursing pride.
Would team to hate it and abhor it;
If more relied
On love to guide.
The world would be the better for it.
If men dealt less in stocks and lands,
And more in bonds and deeds fraternal:
If love's work had more willing hands
To link this world to the supernal;
If men stored up Love's oil and wine,
Vudoii the bruised human heaits would pour it;
If "yours''and "mine"'
Would once combine,
The world would be the better tor it.
ft" more would ACT the play of T.ife,
And fewer spoil !Mn rehearsal ;
if bigotry would sheath its knite
'Till good became more universal;
Jl Custom, gray with ages grown.
Had fewer blind men to adore it;
If talent shone
1 n Truth, alone,
The world would be the better for it.
If men were wise in little thing
Affecting less in all their dealings;
If hearts had fewer rusted strings
To isolate their kindly feelings
If men. when Wrong beats down the Right,
Would strike together and restore it;
If Right made Might
In every tight,
The world would be the tietter for it.
ilcdfurd. June -j'i, J
From the Augusta Constitutionalist and Republican.
I.arg? and Enthusiastic Meeting!
Speeches of Messrs, Stephens, Toombs,
and Thomas.
An immense concourse of our citizens assem
bled on M mTiy evening at the city Hall to hear
an address from (tie Hon. A. H. Stephens.—
Notwithstanding the shortness ol the notice—
it being aiaiouflcedonty on that dav, by placards
at pi;: he places, there being no papers issued
.Monday morning, thai Mr. Stephens would ad
dress hid .fellow-citizens—the people turned out
n mutse to hear their distinguished and palii
otic representative. Tlie hall was crowded to •
■MilfiCdlion,and hundreds were standing outside,
unable t-j get in, and clamorous for Mr. Sle
ekens oome out on the steps. This being
Might s'-kI to the speaker shortly alter he opened
iis addres-. Mr. Stephens -aid lie would acqui
-1 *cecheerfuliy in the general wish, and pru
< "eded to the northern |>ortalof the hall. Here
•our citizens, to the number of two thousand,
were compelled to stand on the damp ground
for want of a suitable platform.
Ms. Stephens commenced remarks by ex
pressing his regret at being compelled to speak
•in the dark, for it was alw ays his pleasure when
he spike to look tile people l!) the eye. He
said that he had travelled over more than half
the State m order to meet the people ol Augus
ta to-night.
Nnce his communication to Mr. Thomas had
'een published, it had been said that the reason
' I his retirement from the canvass in this dis
trict was his fear of being beat n. For himself
h- was afraid of nothing—ol nothing under nor
•a. the earth—hut to do wrong. Of that he
was afraid ; but of being beaten, lie wouldn't
give a fig fur a man who was not willing to be
' eaten in defence of what he believed to be
right. He bad come there, then, fie sail', in
respmse to various calls, to announce that lie
was again a candidate lor Congress from this
district. Nominated said be, not by any fvvo
tliini- rule, but here upon this stand I nominate
my-elf |( jr Congress from the Sill congressional
.Mr. Stephens was here interrupted bv a deep
and enthusiastic shout of approbation fiom the
'.treat crowd he was addressing. He continued,
-■at tins know-nothing order had been creat"d,
'i vva.- said, fur the purpose of putting down
'■enr.agogues, small men, and tricksters. For
•' imself he was no trickster. Tricksters never
"uk in open day. They skulk in hiding pja
' *'s, and he warned the people to bevvareof
'•ad'-rs who resorted to the dark in order to con
coct their schemes.
it had been said by some who had conunent
•d upoa his letter, but none of whom had the
; '.uiess to come out, by those who were shoot
;• - ai ' ilm in the dark, that David and his - ad
••"rents firmed a secret organization, and that
u.i"!-! Adams and others formed a secret clique
• ■ t:ie purpose of striking a blow lor American
■'v. Ibis object, said he, was revolution,
-• 1 tae object o! the know-nothings was revo
■ "'n. It is to overthrow the constitution of
co,ln try :to create a religious test, when the
' > ->titution said that there should be no reli
ct test. The know-nothings knew that their
ct .vas revolution : they knew that they had
'••ken an oath not to support any Catholic for
• I hey might deny it, and explain away
'.enial by some casuistical, slippery, know
construction, but ther** was a monitor
u *thin which told them they had taken it.
Mr. Stephens continued for somp time in an
* i 'lent strain on the sublimity of truth, the
-••Wation of all honor and integrity among
i nf n- a want of which, as bad as the know
j""j l! charged the Catholics to he, could not
! I erred against them; and then introduced
I a beautiful passage of sacred history : ]t was
after Judas had betrayed Christ with a kiss, and
I'- ter denied him thrice, that our Lord asked,
"•what is truth ?" He called upon all know
nothings, hut especially all ministers of the
Gospel who might havejoined the order, to re
pent in sackcloth and ashes, and to go about
and preach from the pulpit on that text, "what
! is truth !"
He here eloquently appealed to know-noth
ings to burst assunder these oaths, w inch hound
them down a> with cords, and abandon this spirit
of prevarication which they had adopted tor
; the purpose of violating the constitution of the
J country! He {toured forth glowing, pat riot ic,
and forcible appeals in behalf of the principles
j laid down in his late letter against know-noth
! ingisrn. He depicted, in masterly style, the
corrupting and disastrous influences to result to
! society from the deceitful, equivocating, and
fraudulent practices of know-iiothingissr.—the
anti-American, anti-republican, arid unmanly
l character of its secret organization—the danger
' to liberty, to the peace of communities, am] to
social order, of secret political conclaves plot
ting in the darkness of midnight (or the advance
ment ot fin rposes not disclosed to the public
i they sought to govern, and w hose rights they
I aimed to contiol and dispose ot in this clandes
! tine mode. He held that such conduct was
I unworthy of men and freemen who held priu
: ciples worthy of success.
Truth never skulked from the light ofdav
and hid itselt in dark cornets, afraid of discus
sion and investigation. It was the characteris
tic of error and of falsehood thus to hide, and
j there to work out their purposes. Truth was
i the foundation stone of civil order the verv
life and essence of all social integrity. Vet
j know-uothingism bowed to a spell and ari influ
ence more potent than truth, and reconciled the
| consciences of men to resort to equivocation
; and slippery construction to deceive the public.
| Hut there was a monitor from on high in the
j breast of every honest man that must at times
whisper to him that this was wrong.
Kiiovv-nothingisnn bound its votaries under
tlie third degree of its ritual by a solemn oath lo
maintain the I nion at all hazards, against all
efforts of factiunists and of secessionists. Hut
i it nowhere bound its members to maintain the
constitution : yet that constitution w as the verv
life and soul ot the Union. It could only have 1
i been made by it, and through it, and tlie prin
ciples it consecrates. Without it, the consti
tution would be valueless, or worse than value-
I here was the abolitionism of this order in i
disguise. He called on southern men to notice
it. He, Mr. Stephens, stood upon the Georgia
platform. Should Kansas he rejected on account j
of jiave'rv, tie was for resistance. Send him to
Congress, and he would resist it there ;*jf un
successful, he would return to the people and
tell them to resist it.
It had been said that the foreigners who came ,
to this country joined the abolitionists in their !
crusades upon our lights. It was not so: he
knew it was not so. The foreigners who came
here came with a reverence for the constitu
tion. Where did these foreigners most IV settle?
In the Northwest. And from the Northwest;
came the best friends of the South—from Indi
ana, Illinois, and lowa : the last the only free
State which had never bowed to abolitionism, j
and now lor the first time to he represented by I
a free-soiler, when knaw-nothingism had sprung
into existence.
Know-nothings take an rath that they will
support no Roman Catholic for office. This
was striking at one of the fundamental princi
ples of the constitution, which declares there
shall hi' no religions test as a qualification for
office. He, therefore, who took that oath took
an oath inconsistent with the support ol the
constitution. It was an oath iri violation of the
letter and spirit of that sacred instrument.
Upon the exclusion office and disfran
chisement of foreign-horn citizens, the orator
was no less emphatic and forcible in his denun
ciation of this feature of know-iiolhingism. —
Upon the social evils, the injustice, the disastrous
consequences, threatening strifes and bloodshed
and civil war, of making men aliens at heart to
a government which thus made war upon their
religion, and set them apart on account of their
nativity as a degraded class, Ihe speaker was
eloquent and convincing, and the repeated plau
dits which greeti'd him from the beginning to
the close of his address, rising op from the whole
mass, and from every side of this dense assem
blage, wrapt in eager and earnest attention,
proved how thoroughly he had enlisted the
feelings and convinced the judgment of his audi
tors. We could scarcely realize in such dem
onstrations that there were, in all probability,
hundreds of know-nothings among them.
##*# # * *
He paid a just and eloquent tribute to those
true men of tin* North who had so long arid pa
triotically stood by the South in her struggles
with abolitionism. He pointed out who it was
that had voted in Congress with the southern
delegation to spare the South from the Wilrnot
proviso, that badge of inferiority and depreda
tion with which she was threatened ; that had
relieved her from the Missouri Compromise re
striction and opened Kansas to the influx of her
citizens, and aided her in the enactment of the
fugitive-slave law. He referred by name to
the noble exertions of Douglas and Richardson,
of Illinois, to protect the Constitution and the
rights of the South under it, and who had sat
up with him two days and two nights, with
out rest, to secure the passage of the Kansas
He stated that these are the men at the North
that northern know-nothings were endeavoring
to beat down ; that of all the northern men elect
ed to Congress since the passage of that bill
there was not one know-nothing who had voted
for the measure—not one who was not hostile
to it: that of the forty-one northren men who
had voted for it twenty had been defeated on
account of that vote, and that the twenty-one
that were left were the friends of the South :
3 | 'hat it was our duty to stand by, to encourage,
I ; and to cheer them. The danger to our rights
5 i was not at the North, if we would be firm to
- : our friends there, and true to ourselves. We
had friends in every northren State—patriotic
- | and true men, who would stand by us if we
t would stand hv ourselves, and be true to ourown
t ; principles. There were true men even in Mas
i sachusetts. There w ere one-hundred guns fil ed
! on Boston Common when the governor recently
I vetoed the hill to remove Judge Loring from
t i office lor issuing a warrant to restore a fugitive
i J slave to his owner. But there was not a know
' nothing gun among them. They were tired by
, j the true men of that Slate, who still felt the
spirit rf 7(i that blazed on Bunker Hill. There
were true men national men—in New Hamp
shire, in Connecticut, in New York, in* lowa,
1 many in Illinois: and that our policy was not
' to join tlm- know-nothings, who were lighting
these men, but to stand by our friends there, and
soon they would rally again, and gain strength.
; !• rom tw e;;ty-one they would sw ell up to thirty,
1 to forty, to fitly, to one hundred in Congress.
•| I hey would stand by us and our lights,and with
ussave the Constitution and save (he country.
.Mr. Stephens beautifully compared the en
trance of this order from the North into tlie
I South to the entrance ol Satan in the form of
the subtle serpent into the garden of Eden, with
; a lie in his mouth, calling on Eve to eat of the
fruit, tor in that dav she should not surely die.
He concluded amid great cheering.
• j Mr. Toombs was then called tor, and tcspon
■ | deft in a most eloquent and impressive speech.
and in his happiest manner. He fully coincided
in Mr. Stephens's sentiments, arid uttered a
: splendid eulogiorn upon the principles of Amer
ican liberty, civil and religions—upon the noble
(attire of religious tolerance which chaiacter
i/.es ojir institutions, and the \\ i>e polity of
inviting to our short s fort ign e migration.
We regret our space will not enable us this
morning to give a sketch of his very interesting
Air. Thomas, of Elbert, responded to loud calls
j for him in a few appropriate remarks, which
I Were well received : after which the meeting
j dispersed in high spirits, and in good order.
Liquor I.iot ant' Bloodshed in I'ortSartd.
An extraordinary excitement,growing out of
the proceedings ot the Mayor of Portland, (Seal
1 Dow.) in purchasing liquor for the City Agency,
under the new law, occurred at Portland on
Saturday evening, ending in tumult and the
! shedding of blood. We give below the partic
soars cfYlTe'aTT.iir,''as"d"fintaln*^' i" tfrt? Pvrttnnd
Anrus of' Monday morning :
It will ?>•-* remembered that on Saturday morn
inr we called the attention of the City Marshal
I ami I fie* police to the fact that a large quant it v
of spirituous liquors hart been pmchas-il in New
York and brought h**re iiir sale, and suggested to
them the duty of seizing them. These liquors.
Si GOO worth, Mr. \eal Du\\ had state! 1 , to one
jof the Aldermen In* had bought on his own
: individual responsibility, and had ordered them
to he brought In re and stored in the city. This
j being apparently indirect violation of law, mak-
I ing Mr. Dow liable to the penalty, on convic-
I tion, of imprisonment for thiitv days, and ren
j dering the liquors subject to seizure and des
' (ruction, a complaint was accordingly wade to
; the Police Court, and Judge Carter issued hi
-1 warrant fi r the seizure of the liquors : but I.eth
er for the arrest of Mr. Dow we have not learn
ed. Judge fatter, however, instead ofgiviw
his warrant to an officer, who was ready to
make immediate service, put it in the hands of
Depotv Marshal Ring, who tor some cause im
mediately disappeared and could not be found
Meantime the Foard of Aldermen were sud
denly summoned to meet for the purpose, it
w as alleged, of effecting a transfer of the liqm is
to the city, fiir its a gene v. which was establish
ed on last Thursday night, by the casting vote
of Mr. Dow, though the liquors were purchased
some weeks since. After the Aldermen had
been together a while. Deputy Ring appeared
and seized the liquors upon the warrant.
Quite a little crowd stood about the floor
where the liquors were stored, and in the v icin
ity, during the remainder of the afternoon, hut
perfect quiet and apparent good nature was
observed. Soon after 7 o'clock a crowd began
to collect about the deposit of the liquors in the
City Hall building, and gradually increased
until a little after 9 o'clock, when a cry of fire
was raised, as we understand, hv Mr. Dow "s
orders, and the hell rung with a view of diver
ting the crowd from the-pot. It had, however,
a contrary effect, and greativ increased it, for a
time, as the engine companies were brought
front both extremes of the citv to the centre in
Market square, where the crowd was assem
bled. They, however, soon withdrew, and the
crowd began to diminish.
Occasionally during the evening, stones and
j brick-bats were thrown against the door of (lie
| liquor store, breaking the glass and sashes, and
i otherwise injuring the door. This was done, so
far as we could see, bv hoys. The whole atiiiir
was the merest boys' play, done in the most ap
parent good nature, and with the hast possible
excitement. Indeed, nearly the whole crowd
seemed to he there without other purpose than
curiosity to see what might he done, and those
who threw the missiles were without leaders,
or apparent power to do harm.
It is our decided opinion—and we have not
met an intelligent person who witnessed the
proceedings ol the evening that does not concur
with us—that an efficient police officer, with a
dozen good men, could have easily dispersed the
crowd any time prior to o'clock. Soon after
10 o'clock, the crowd had materially diminish
ed, arid seemed rapidly dispersing, when Mr.
Dow, accompanied by Capt. Green and a part
of the Light Guard, appeared upon the sidewalk
on the north side of the City Hall. The crowd
were warned to disperse. His appearance, sword
Freedom of Thmglit and Opinion.
, 1 b hand, with soldiers, at once changed the
; proper of the multitude. They rallied around
i (vein and gave groans and hisses prior to the
jroclaanition to disperse.
Mr. Dow then gave the order : "First section,
f!re." The ord-r was not obeyed, and the
trowel then threw missiles. A part of the com
pjny started to escort Mr. Dow toward Middle
steel, and the remainder immediately returned
fo their..Armory in the third story of theOty
tall building. At the time Mr. Dow gave tlie
cinder to fire, (Capt Green refused to give it, as
ve understand, on the ground that he did not
stink the circumstances authorized it,) the com
pttjy were standing directly opposite the en
t " iice to t4ie hat! o! the Mechanics' Association
ill Clqpp's block, and their fife would have ta
ken effect, if at all, upon the people on the
sidewalk, a part of whom were mechanics just
owning from their hall, and vvlio were entirely
Unconscious that any sucti proceeding was called
for or contemplated.
After Capt. Green's Company had retired,
the brick-bats flew thicker and stronger, and
the police, who were aiding the Deputy Mar
sha! who had seized the liquors to guani them,
commenced firing pistols charged only with
powder. A sort of sham-fight was thus kept up
between the crowd, which l.aii now become
ttiore determined in its character, and the police,
until about 1 1 o'clock, when Mr. Dow, with a
portion of the Rifle Guards, under Capt. Charles
IV. Roberts, descended from the Light Guard's
armoiy, and with the muskets of the Light
Guards, to the south side ot the Cilv Hall. The
doors ol the liquor store were then thrown open,
and the firing commenced, hv Mr. Dow's order,
through the store upon the ctowd in the street
upon the other side of the building.
One man, George Bobbins, second n ate of
ftie bark Louisa Eaton, was shot through the
Jhody and almost instantly killed. Seven others
were wounded, some ot them mortally ! It
would be impossible to describe the sensation
produced in the crowd by this conduct. The
dead and wounded were oui*tlv carried away
to places of safety, and the people quickly dis
persed. But it must be born" in mind, that up
to the time when these shots were fired no ar
rests were made; there had been no attempt lo
disperse the crowd, and the assemblage w ere
entirely ignorant of the fact that soldiers were
within the building with orders to fire.
Such are briefly the facts in regard to thb
ineiancholv affair, as nearly as we can get to
them. The whole it.alter will undergo a search
ing legal investigation, and then the public will
have all the facts and be able to form an accu
rate judgment in the premises.
As to tiie principal causes which produced
' - on he i.uv residi. :.Uery,.(.a.ii 'y' b.uUupe opin
ion. i'lie course which Air. Dow lias ptrhUm!
in the execution of the new liquor law : ruth
lessly searching private dwellings, and packages
coining by steamboat or express, and disregard
in<r what have ever heretofore been regarded as
tile sacred rich's of citizens, has done much to
irritate and excite hostile feeling against him
and his officers. They have seized liquor wher
ever Ihev could find it, without warrant, and
have treated it, and its owners, as if the article
was entirely outlawed : as if the formalities of
law were of little importance in disposing of'
The spirit manifested on the pait of the author
ities, has produced a deep seated bitterness in the
community. To add to this, Mr. Dow asked of
the city government, at its last meeting, an ap
propriation of two thousand dollars to pav in
formers under the law, and the aldermen voted
it. The common council laid the order on the
table f>r the time, hut a-- there is a large major
ity of Mr. Dow's satellites in that body, it was
presumed he would drive them into voting this
appropriation for pimps and spies, and thus add
another aggravation t<> his already odious man
ner of executing the law.
Then came the development in regard to the
wholesale purchase of liquor by Mr. Dow, and
the attempt of the aldermen on Saturday to
cloak t!:e transaction alter the warrant had been
obtained for its seizure, and before it w as served.
The impression was pretty strong that the law
was thus to be cheated, and that both Mr. Dow
and the liquors were bv unfair means to escape
the penalty meted out by him with a high hand
in other cases.
There was a pretty strong current of feeling
that no great moral or legal wrong would be
done !>v letting Mr. Dow's liquor into the gut
ter. Whatever of violence there was exhibited
on the part of the crowd was directed wholly
against this liquor. The desire for the destruc
tion of liquor seemed to have become ail epidemic.
The position of parties, however, was singularly
reversed : the people wished to destroy, and the
police, with Mr. Dow at their head, were defen
ding it. We do not believe, however, if Mr.
Dow and the military had kept away, that any
serious hairn would have been done. But the
presence of Mr. Dow, brandishing his sword,
and accompanied bv soldiers, exasperated the
crowd to make a more violent attack upon the
stoie. The loss of the liquor would have been
of little consequeneecompared with human life,
w Inch we confess, it seems to us, w as most wan
tonly sacrificed in this case.
The Portland .Advertiser —formerly a Whig
paper, and edited bv Henry Gaiter, who is now
Police Justice as a reward for his advocacy of
Know-Nothing and abolition-temperance fusion
—contains a long, Jesuitical account of the above
affair, endeavoring to,cast all the blame upon
the Irish, and praising the conduct of the mayor,
policemen and sheriff as "prompt,"' "fearless,"'
"judicious," "noble," and "brave." The Ad
vertiser STWS Mr. Dow had purchased the liquors
in New York, in the original packages, legally,
as one of the committee appointed by the board
of aldermen. It also states that Dow and Al
derman Carleton and Brooks, the other members
of the committee, "put thems<-I ves at the head
of the Rifle Guard" for the purpose of defen
ding the liquors so purchased "for the use and
benefit of the city."
[From the Marion (Miss.) Republican, May 28.]
Hunting a .\cjrro al the Slake iu
The Scene Witnessed by three Thousand Citi
zens and txco Thousand Slaves.
Some time since we published an account of
the murder of Miss Thornton, an interesting
young girl, residing near Gaston, Alabama.—
Immediately alter the murder and detection ol
the negro, his immediate punishment was seri
ously contemplated by the people of Sumpter
county, but after mature delibeiation the law
abiding citizens delivered him into the custody
of the proper officers, and he was committed to
At the lute term of the Circuit Court of Sump
ter county, the attorney appointed by the Court
in the discharge of his duty, moved for a change
of venue to Green county. The Judge, as the
motion was sustained by the proper affidavit,
sustained the application.
On Wednesday last the citizen? of South
Surnpter assembled en masse at Mr. William
McOlroy's and unanimously passed a series of;
resolutions, reflecting seriously upon the con-I
duct of the Judge, and alter ha\ing seriously;
pledged themselves to sustain each other, a por- j
tion of them proceeded to Livingston, and took
the miserable criminal by force from the jail •
where he was confined.
On Friday last, alter due prepaiation, they
carried him to the spot where he so cruelly ]
murdered his innocent victim, and burnt him j
alive at the stake.
About three thousand persons'-were present,
who witnessed, with various emotions, the;
dreadful spectacle. We were present, but
hope that we w ill never again witness a scene
like it. The pvre was composed of several j
cords of light wood, in the centre of which was ■
a green willow stake, selected in consequence 1
of its indestructibility by tire.
On the top of the pile of light wood the erim- j
inn! was placed, and securely chained to the j
stake. While in this situation he confessed his
guilt, stating that Im had no accomplice—that j
he was actuated hv lust alone—that he had at
tempted to violate her person, but had failed,
, and to conceal the attempt had cruelly murder-j
ed her, by beating the poor innocent creature <
with a slump; that while he was doing this she :
implored him to carry her home to lor father, i
and that she would conceal the violence he had !
indicted. He then left, but soon returned, and
after again heating her, lie concealed the body
in the verv hoie where the stake was planted
to which he suffered.
After this confession w-as made the match
was applied, and in a few moments the devour
ing (hones w ere enveloping thi doomed negro : j
Ins featfu! cries resoundrd through trm air,Whilei
the surrounding negroes who witnessed his'
dreadful agony and horrible contortions sent up
ari in voluntary howl of horrnr. His sufferings,
though escrutiating, were short: and in a few
moments the flames had enveloped him entire
ly, revealing now and then as he fit fully sway
ed, hither and thither, his black and burning
carcass, like a demon of the fire, grinning os if
in hellish triumph at his tormentors. Soon all
w as over, nothing was left but the burning flesh
and charred skeleton of this human devil, who
could thus deliberately perpetrate so foul a
crime. The horrid outrage was fearfully aveng-!
Ed, and though the heavens were reeking u ith j
the stench ol burning flesh, vet justice was sat
isfied ; the law of retaliation was inflicted as
nearly as it could be, while the example made
of this wretch had, no doubt, a salutary effect
upon the two thousand slaves who witnessed |
his execution.
We are far from approving of the infliction
ot mob law, vet in aggravated cases like this,
popular rebellion will manifest itself, and in
view of the enormity of" the wretch's offence,
we, as a public journalist, cannot approve, vet
we have neither time nor inclination to censure
the conduct (d the people of South Sumpter.—
Justice was indicted by them, and a thousand
deaths of the kind were too good for negro
A RUSSIAN HPKOINK.— The following is rela
ted in a letter from Jxamiesh, in the Crimea :
For some days past nothing has been talked
of tint t tie arrest of a vnur.g Russian woman:
she had been remarked several times before as
her favorite walk appeared to be in the trendi
es. The rumor, circulated tor some time, and
the General at last was informed of the fact.—
He ordered a stricter watch to be kept as he
thought it could be only a spy disguised in wo
man's attire. At (> o'clock in the morning of
the 28th the same woman presented herself in
front of our men while they were at work.—
She was of tall and majestic stature, and seem
ed to examine the works with much attention.
Some one perceived that she had a roll of paper
half open, in which probably she noted all the
observations she could collect. At the sight of
our soldiers and officers she quickened her pace
and entered a sort of ravine which is at the ex
tremity of tiie French trenches.
As soon as she reached that spot she began to
run, [nit the commandant sent two Zouaves in
pursuit and they soon overlook her. Two
hours after she was conducted to (Jen. Canrob
ert. Her examination was not long : she con
stantly replied that it was for the good of her
country, arid to avenge the death of her hus
band, Boninoff, killed at Alma, that she acted
thus, and moreover, that she felt no regret.—
She was then searched. The searchers found
in one of her pockets a paper book, containing
several details on the stale of our batteries, the
number of men en ployed, the number of guns
,in the batteries, &c., and in another pocket a
double barrelled pistol, and a letter addressed
to Prince Menschikoff. After the visit, she
was shut up in an apartmant of the General's
headquarters, under the guard of two soldiers,
until such time as she can be sent to Malta.
Tr.nMF.M>ocs POWER or Alß. —The tornado
that recently passed over Lapeer County, Mich-
ignn, was the most violent ever experienced in
that State. The damage to houses, 'hams, fen
ces and forests is veiy great. The heaviest loss
w ill be the destruction of the valuable pine and
other timber in its course. So great was the
force of the whirlwind that nothing couid with
stand it. The giants of the forest which have
withstood the storms of a hundred years, were
wrenched from their firm roots and tossed abont
like straws. Even stumps (irndv embedded in
in mother earth, were torn up and carried many
rods. Old logs which had lain 0:1 the ground
for years, Were disturbed and torn from their
resting-places. The air was litteraily filled
with fence rails, limbs of trees, shingles, fee.,
which were lifted to an immense highl. The
course of the whirlwind ivas in a nearly east
direction, ranging from' twenty reds to half a
mile in width, and making a clean sweep as it
went. In some places even the culverts across
the roads were torn up by the tornado, and the
roads generally are filled tip with a promiscu
ous assortment of timber arid rubbish of all
kinds. An eye u itness says that the whirlwind
presented a most singular appearance. He says
the wind would rise in an immense whirl, draw
ing up rai I>, limbs of trees, boards, leaves, dirt.
See., to a great height, when suddenly it would
seem to drop again to the earth and feed itself
with a new supply of such things as were
moveable and again rise, carrying up with it
substances of great weight.
Monday morning, a surelv of the peace case
was called up in the Quarter Sessions, wherein
Miss Charlotte Marili, daughter to the Sheriff,
was prosecutrix, and Ahijah Ferguson, consta
ble at the Court House, was defendant. Mr.
Ferguson was appointed hv the C ommissioners
to guard the premises belonging to the county,
and was especially directed to keep persons otf
the grass plots on either side of the jail building.
Some tenor twelve days ago a notice was pos
ted around the yard, warning persons to keep
away from the grass. A day or two after the
notices were put up, Miss Magill, a delicate
young lady, \va> observed on the grass by Mr.
Cooper, one of the Commissioners, who direct
ed the constable to request her to stepolf.—Fer
gus m did so, but she refused to comply, saying
that the family had always used the property,
and that she had a perfect right there. The of
ficer caught hold of her arm and forced iier to
leave, and it was alleged that he handled her so
roughly that she was indisposed lor several
The question then arose as to who had the
right to occupy the propeity. The SheritF
claimed that it belonged to him so long as he
remained in otiice, and the Commissioners held
that they were the rightful owner?, in the name
of the counfv. The matter was argued by-Col
onels Black and MCandiess for the prosecutrix,
and by .Mr. Sewell for the defendant. Nearly
the entire forenoon was occupied with it, and it
created considerable interest.
Judge M'Clure, in delivering his opinion, ob
served that the prosecution possessed more im
portance than ordinary surety of the peace ca
ses, as it embraced the Sheritt'and County Com
missioners. The Commissioners, he said, have
a right to take cognizance of all mischief done
to county property, hut in this case they were
mistaken. The Sheriff of Allegheny County is
the highest officer in any county ot the State.—
The jail is his domicii, and the grounds appur
tenant thereto are part and parcel of the curti
lage, on which he and his family can step at
any time. No one can make him a prisoner in
liis own domicii, and no Mayor or County Com
missioner has any right to put him in a slate of
siege of beleagurement in his own domicii. This
young woman was no trespasser. Mr. Fergu
son was appointed bv the Commissioners to sate
the property .from waste, mischief and destruc
tion. We have no blame for him. He did not
seize her of his own w ill. One of the County
Commissioners ordered him to do so. Here was
a young, frail girl—daughter of the Sheriff—-
whose footfall would scarcely bend the grass
she treads upon, caught by the arm and dragged
off the plot in a manner altogether unnecessary.
She had a perfect right there.
Tim defendant was sentenced to pay the costs,
and enter into recognizance in $"200 to keep
the peace for one vear.— Pitfs. Union.
MEMORIES or CIULIIOOD.—The memories of
childhood, the long far away days of boyhood,
the mother's love and prayer, the ancient church
and school-house, in all the green and hallow
ed associations, come up in the dark hour of sin
and sorrow, as well as in the joyous time like
ttie passage of a pleasantly remembered dreain,
and cast a ray of their own purity and sweetness
over it.
(CP*Lady Mary Duncan a rich heiress,
arul Mr. William Duncan was her physician,
durinir a severe illness. One dav she told him
she I,ad made up her mind to set married, and
upon his askitic: the name of the unfortunate
chosen one. she bade him go home and open the
Bible, giving him the chapter and verse, and he
would find out. He did so and thus he read :
"Nathan said to David, thou art the man."
Under the obituary head of the Frederick
(Mil.) Citizen , we find the following notice of
a somewhat notorious individual, who has just
"stepped out
Died, in Virginia, on Thursday the 21th of
Mav, "SAM," aged about one year and six
months. His funeral will take place at Rich
mond, January Ist, 1556. His friends in (his
county are invited to attend his funeral. The
services will be performed by that eloquent
champion of democracy, HENRY A. WISE, who
has * -lect'-d the following Verse for his dis
course :
"For we are hut of yesterday, and know-noth
ing, because our days upon earth are a shadow."
—Job, Sth chapter and 9th verse.