The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 15, 1855, Image 1

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    181 UEO. H. BOWIIAV.
Select i" 15.
The annexed stirring old poern says the Home
Journal , has the ring of the true metal, and is as ap
;> it-able now as when it was written—for thephiloso
phyds"sound, and, therefore, universal:
VVho shall judge a man from manner* ?
Who shall know him by his drc-s t
Paupers may be fit for princes,
Princes fit for some)bins less.
CnuTipled shirt and dirty jacket
May beclothe the golden ore
Of the deepest I hong tits and leeling-
Satin vests could do no more-
There are springs of crystal nectar
Ever swelling out of stor.e ;
There are purple bud- and golden
Hidden, crushed and overgrown.
God, who counts by souls, not dresses,
Loves and prospers, yon and me,
While he values thlodes the highest
But as pebbles on the sea.
Man upraised above his 1-llo.vs,
Oil forgets hi- fellows then ;
Masters — rulers —lords, remember
That youi meanest hands are men!
Men by labor, men by feeling.
Men by thought and men bv fame,
(Maiming equal rights to sunshine
In a man's enabling name.
There are foam-embroidered oceans,
There are litlie weed-clad rills.
There are feeble inch-high saplings.
There are cedars oh the hills;
God, who counts by souls, not stations,
Loves and prospers you anil me •
Fur to Hirn all vain distinctions
Aie as pebbles on the sea.
Toiling hands alone are builders
Of a nations wealth ami fame ;
Titled laziness i- pensioned,
Fed and fattened on the -arne.
By lite sweat of other's foieheads,
living only to rejoice.
While tie poor man's outraged freedom
Yawv'.y liltetb up its voire.
Truth and justice are eternal,
Born with loveliness and light ;
Secret wrongs shall never prosper
White there is a sunny night;
God, whose world-heard voire is singing
Boundless love to you ami me,
Sink- oppression with Us titles,
As the pebbles on the sea.
THE BEDFOlFliizmr.
Ilcdiord, .Hiito 1.1, I
From the Boston Po-t.
Treason Triumphant in Massachusetts.
It will 1.0 seen by our legislative record thai,
though Governor Gardner vetoed the infamous
personal-liberty hill, our know-nothing legisla
ture signalized its IU-gira by recklessly passing
it into a law over the governor's veto!
The federal constitution has never been res
pected bv the more rabid of the Massacfuiseetls
abolition fanatics: and for years "no union with
slaveholders" ha< been their motto, while they
denounced the constitution as "a covenant with
death, and an agreement with hell." Long lie
fore the fugitive-slave law of 15.50 was passed,
these weie their savings; anal since (his ,ul was
; they have forced upou the moiv modi-r
--ate of this party the neasure of a nullification
law, substantially thesanw with the personal
llbeity blii, which u HOW on the statute-book.
But regard for the up to these
evil days ol know-not hi ngiftai, proved too strong
'>i the efforts of fanaticism, and lh" cardinal
measure of abolitionism was defeated. Thus, a
bill of this sort was lost m tin- senate in 1850;
a similar bill in 1852 passed the senate, but
wasiost in the house. But from that time fhe
: •hti'mifts have urged it with unflagging zeal;
•u:d aC last they have triumphed by crawling
rata power under the mask of know -nothiugism.
The bill passed both branches- by heavy ma
yvities, and went in course to the governor.—
It is utterly impossible for anv, not stultified by
fanaticism, to deny that it contains provisions of
imv exactly similar to those which the Supreme
'durt of the United States has pronounced null
and void; which are directly repugnant to the
institution of the United States and laws made
m pursuance of it; and which if carried out,
inevitably involve a conflict with the State and
federal authorities. In such a plain case liie
governor could not do otherwise than exercise
the veto power. To sign such a bi'l would be
' 1 sign himself a violator of his oath, and prove
himself false to the constitution. ■
i he veto of the governor states that he is un
willing to lead Massachusetts into a position
'mil*, to the harmony of the confederacy, and
hostile to the permanent interests of the Com
monwealth. Well does he S3V that the stigma
an unconstitutional enactment can never be
efiuced. Well might he invoke the solemnities
ot the oaths which the members had taken, in
' chalf of the rights, and the honor, and the in
tegrity of .Massachusetts.
i lie appeal fell without effect on the fanati
cal body to which it was addressed. What car
the abolitionists that composed it "for oor
common parent, the United States?" What
cared they for the decisions of the Supreme
f ourt ? What cared they for the facts stated
y tin- governor, that both the attorney general
•;nd a: 1 the supreme justices of this State united
Jo pronounce their hill, in clear and unmistaka
•'language, at war with the Constitution of
'heir country? They meant tote disloyal to the
and the constitution. They desired to ar
''lV the State government against the general
- VPr nment; and the greater the array of opin
' >i w ,nch live governor could rake up in sup
| ;t of the view that the personal-liberty bill
would do this, the stronger was the argument
Kith them fur holding on to it! They made
haste, in both branches, to pass the bill over
the head of the veto !
What else could be exppcted ? Is not know
nolhingism here completely under the coiitrpl
of abolitionists ? Did not free-soilers, at the
start, get control of the secret lodges? Did they
not infuse their element into every test action
so completely as to abolitionize the the order ?
Could there he more convincing proof of
this than the election of Henry Wilson lor sena
tor ? Will he not push the free-soil programme
even though it should dissolve this Union? By
this time, alter his recent abolition speeches,
what have his southern national apologists done
but to shut their mouths ? tor he abat us not u jot
of his abolitionism. In a word, every move
ment of the know-nothings here has pointed,
step bv step, to this result of a nullification law.
The passage o( this bill, legalizing treason
and rebellion, is the crowning pioof ot the abo
litionism of the know-nothing order. It is
thoroughly steeped in this element. It will
hesitate at nothing to accomplish its plans.—
Besides its religious persecution, besides its pro
scription for birth, here at length know-not h
ingism has reached the zenith point of resistance
to the laws-of the land. It has wantonly tram
pled under loot the constitution of tlie country 1
Fraud in the Main Line Bill.
The fact has leaked out that a base fraud was
perpetrated in the passage of the hill for the
sale ol the Main Line of the Public Works, bv
the late K. N. Legislature. The Ilarrisburg
I ntern asserts that the bili as passed, and now a
law bv signature of the Governor, is not the bill
that the Houses of the Legislature presumed
they were passing: but that some of its provis
ions are vastly different. Read what that paper
i>ci V 3 I
Every man of the five hundred present in
the Senate on the last night of the session, w ill
remember that when the report of the commit
tee of conference on the bill for the sale of the
main line of our improvements was under dis
cuseinn, every effort was made to have the
amendments and the provisions of the hill read,
so that Senators might know for what they were
voting.—This wa> evaded. The provisions were
not read. Several of these provisions were,
however, stated by the members of the Cornmit
tee, and discussed by the Senate before the vote
was taken. One of these was as to the powers
granted to the purchaser to construct a nor
railroad , so as to form a continuous line from
Philadelphia to Pittsburg. It was slated by -Mr.
Pi: ICE and others, that authority was given to
commence the road at Columbia, the end of the
Stat.- railroad, so as to secure an entire line from
city to city. This provision, if true, interfering
with the interests of the Harrishurg and Lan
caster railroad to the tun" of at least a million,
gave ri>" t" a considerable discussion and a g<a,<!
d-al of feeling. Here seemed to be a collision
of interests between these companies ; here was
the " COCJI tie parti* ; ' here w as the point upon
which success or defeat turned—the finishing
It was seen that with tins provision there was
sliil s o/nr. room for competition, and some small
lope left that the Commonwealth might look
for justice. Upon the bill as thus stated—giv
ing this authority—the Sennt" voted. With
this understanding, as dearly expressed as it if
had been written in Ihe biii and read bv the
clerk, at least thre -fairths of the Senators, as
we believe, answered to their names, and either
recorded their aye or no. The report was adopt
ed, the bill passed, and was sent to the Govern
IVe snv the hi!! passed. U'e correct our
selves— not Ike bill parsed, but a hill was sent
to the "Governor, and by him signed. It is not
the bill, however, which received the assent of
the Senate. Hut il is a different bill . a hill
which gives no authority to interfere with the
interests of the railroad between Harrisburg and
Lancaster; a bill which never pass"'! the Senate,
if it ever passed the lower house. A law now
in form, but a stupendous fraud in reality.—
Between individuals, such an act would confer
no power, convey no interest, secure no benefit.
Anv court would pronounce it void, and visit
heavy damages upon anv party who, knowing
the circumstances, should pretend to use it to
change the ownership of property, or to obtain
advantage. We say let the fraud he proclaimed,
and tire public as well as any and all parties
concerned, he notified that !h* next Legislature
will he called upon to repeal th" act, and to
ascertain where the change was made, and who
made if.
[CP*The flyblowing notice to Know-Nothings
we find in the Marlborough Gazelle :
'•I hereby give notice, that the Order of Knov-
Nothings, to which I have been accused of be-
longing, and justly so, I now renounce and
repudiate forever. In doing so, it i® due to my
self to state that no hostility towards the partic
ular class of persons, whom the Order proscribes,
prompted me to join them ; but ignorant entirely
of their principles, J was induced to enter their
Lodge. I blush to think that I remained among
them so long, and grieve to say that a want of
independence alone kept me from renouncing i
them iong before. Whatever others mav say j
with regpad to the-course 1 have adopted, 1 care '
not, so long as I have the proud satisfaction of
feeling once more like an honest man and a good
American citizen. JOHN. D. STONE.
"Upper Marlboro', May 23, 1855."
HENRY A. WISE.— Some three weeks ago, as ;
the Wheeling train was passing along between j
Harper's Ferry and Washington Junction, hav-j
ing on board Henry A. Wise, a newsboy step
ped up and asked him it he wanted to buy the ■
life of "Sam," to which he replied, "Nosir.—
I'll write his life and the cause of his death in
about two weeks from this time." The result j
of th<* election in Virginia last week shows that
Mr. Wise has faithfully kept his word. All
honor to the noble-hearted Virginian.
From the Utica Observer.
A Noble and true-hearted Irishman
The name of William C. Bennett, the naval
engineer who was met by Lieutenant Strain on
Ihe Isthmus of Darieri, should be widely pub
lished and universally cherished by all who
respect the highest qualities of generosity and
humanity- Mr. Deadly has, in several num
bers of Harper's Magazine, given the reading
public an idea of the awful sufferings of the
gallant men who were engaged in the Darien
exploring expedition—many of whom perished
by absolute starvation. To the almost superhu
man energy of the officer in command—Lieuten
ant Strain—is to he attributed the safety of those
who survived. When Strain had at length
found his wav through to the settlements, he
fortunately encountered Mr. Bennett, a "tall,
well-formed, manly, noble Irishman." Strain,
says the account, was reduced bv long starva
tion from one hundred and (orty-five pounds in
weight to seventy-five, covered with sores and
clad in such habiliments as the negro Alcalde
could furnish him: looking like a beggar, he ap
proached the table where Bennett was engaged
with his drawings. As Strain drew near, Mr.
Bennett accosted him rather sternlv, saving,
"Well sir, what do you want The former
replied. "I am Lieutenant Strain, Commander
of the Umted States Darien exploring expedi
tion."" ".1/yGW/" exclaimed the warm-heart
ed man as he caught him in his arms, and
pressed him to his bosom, while the tears rolled
down his cheeks : "Ah !" said he. "we had given
vnu up long ago as lost." He ordered dinner
at once : told Strain he must remain there and
recruit, while he himself, though then lame,
would go back for his comrades. This Strain
declined. He then supplied him with provis
ions, brought out nearly all the clothing he had,
forced on Strain his poncho, turned his medicine
chest and his pockets inside out, saying, "Take
these to the poor men."
This was at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and at
5, p. m., Strain was on his way hack to the
rescue. Bennett remained to meet the Virago,
a British war vessel, which was soon expected.
As soon as her guns were heard he hurried on
board, and by his earnest representations hurried
forward with Lieutenant Forsyth and a compa
ny who had been sent to Strain's assistance.—
Ha\ ing joined Strain at Yavisa, the party pushed
forward to succor the perishing. The difficul
ties encountered where so great that when it
was found that the exploring company had
turned hack towards the Atlantic, Strain had
reason to expect that his companions would give
out and refuse to advance. No one could tell
how far the party might he, and the search in
volved the same dangers from which Strain had
barely escaped with his lite. Bennett knew
the danger, and spoke of the anticipated crisi>
of revolt, advising Strain to try and accustom
his swollen feet to the use of a boot, saying,
'TIM know when all shall turn buck, you unit
1 must shoulder our haversacks and lake lo the
woods atone , tit! we find your mend' This noble
self-devotion, says Headlv, of a stranger and a
foreigner—this grand high purpose to cast his
lot in with the distressed commander, and save
his party, or perish with them reveals ore- i f
those lolly, elevated characters which sited lus
tre on the race.
The natives gave out the next da v, and Strain
was compelled to draw his revolver and threat
en their lives, to_cprripe! them to proceed.—
Two davs after they fortunately overtook the
remains of the parly, five of whom had per
We have never read of a more thrilling scene
than that of this rescue four or five of the par
ty oniv were able to keep their feet and meet
their commander on the shore. Several died
afterwards from the effect of their privations.
The whole partv were reduced to mere skeletons
—there tliev lav, lacerated, ulcerated, frames of
trier;, h'alf covered with rags. Some were so
changed, Ir :n emaciation, that Strain himself
could not recognise them as they were stretched
upon the ground, unable to get up. As If n
netf, the noble Irishman, jumped ashore, and
saw the hideous spectacle of scarred and almost
naked skeletons, he seized each one bv the hand,
while tears poured like rain down his cheeks.
The reader w ill he glad to hear that this no
ble stranger received, in a separate letter from
the Secretary of the Navy,the thanks of our
government for his devotion and hi services.
rot: THE KNOW-.NOTHINGS. — WR. Wise, resting
in Washington from his recent extraordinary
labors in the Virginia canvas, was there called
upon at his hotel by the exultant democracy,
including, no doubt, a large number of office
holders, and was congratulated upon his suppo
sed election with a serenade, and called out for
a speech. But, we are sorry to say that he
was cut short by the hootings, veilings and oth
er interruptions of a disorderly body of men,
supposed to be Know-Nothings. and was com
pelled to give it up. Such conduct as this on
the part of his opponents is without excuse,
and if persevered in, its natural consequences
will inevitably extend to riots, bloodshed and end
in a state ol public excitement and disorder dis
creditable to a free and intelligent people. We
leave had some inklings of this in the late elec
tion disturbances at Cincinnati and Louisville.
The moral effect of such proceedings as tho>e
in Washington on Saturday night against Mr.
Wise will be to drive awav respectable and
high-minded men from any association with the
paitv concerned. The true policy of the
Knuw-Nothinga is to show themselves in t heir
public conduct worthy of public confidence. If
they persist in a different couise they must ex
pect soon to fall into the bad repute of the hired
bullies and r ffians who have done so much to
demoralize and destroy both the old political
parties in this city. Let decency be a public
rule of action among the Know-Nothings, or
they will surely sink into the same public con
tempt.—./V. y. fbrald.
[DrTiour has become a mere thug in the
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
' markets of California. The Chilian importa
tons, alter paying $1,35 duty, have been sold
i recently, at San Francisco, for less than five
dollars per barrel. Under such circumstances,
it is not to he wondered at that the merchants
of San Francisco have commenced the oxpor
' tation of breadstufFs to New York. At the last
accounts a clipper ship, of 1500 tons, was load
ing with w heat, and others are to follow. This
is a plain indication that the people on the Pa
cific coast are no longer in need of breadstuffs
from the eastern States. They are able to sup
ply themselves, and it anv deficiency should
occur, they can supply it more cheaply by im
portations from Chili than from Ne~w~York, Phil
adelphia and Boston.
Terrific llliilrwliid iu Illinois.
We have accounts from Chicago of a most
'; feirific hurricane and whirlwind in the (own of
Jefferson, Cook county, and other places north
and west ol that place. On Tuesday afternoon
N a revolving funnel-shaped cloud passed swiftly
along near the ground, about sixteen miles north
of here, carrying up large sticks of wood, stones,
—N.c, It described a semi-circle towards the
southeast, twjsting ofFlarge trees, and whisking
them out of sight -instanler. The whiilwind
then broke in two and disappeard, but almost
j immediately formed again, and passed directly
back, north and west, with redoubled violence.
It struck a heavy frame house one mile from the
Illinois and Wisconsin Railroad, tearing the
•.roof instantly off, and almost immediately af
wards taking the whole house up the spout with
ai! its contents.
Nine persons in th ,j house were drawn-up and
hurled down in different places. Four of them
were instantly killed, and others mutilated be
yond an) - prospect of recovery. The w lairJ
w'ind then passed over a post and rail fence,
leaving not the slightest vestige ot it. It next
took up a barn, and threiv it upon the horse and
cattle it contained, crushing them at once. The
timbers ol the house and barn were hurled down
to the ground with such violence as to Lurv
theni almost out of sight! The house belonged
to Mr. Page, w hose w ii'e, son and two grand-
Children were killert. Addifi mat intelligence
from the locality more than confirms the above.
Accounts are given of persons being carried up
one hundred leet in the air and then hurled
down w;th great violence. A number of eve
witnesses have testified to the ravages of the
tempest, and describe it as most terrific. The
same afternoon, a severe hail storm occurred in
j this city, after which the skv presented a very
singular appearance to tin* northward, rind the
weather changed front the most oppressive heat
to the most chilling atmosphere.
Kxerutiou of Parks, Hie Murderer.
James Parks, who was convicted at Cleveland
for the murder of Wm. Beatson, was executed in
that ' itv* on Friday last, lie had attempted the
dav before to destroy bin.self, by cutting bis
throat. Some incidents ofhis execution aie thus
described in the Cleveland papers:
"About fifty persons were present at his exe
cution, including the Sheriff and officers of the
jail, his counsel at his late trial, reporters for .the
press, and c itizens who bad been invited. There
was a stiange seriousness in every countenance,
and a mysterious silence in every eel! • for all the
prisoners were carefully locked up. Parks lav
a paiiet in the corridor, securely handcuffed
and manacled, presenting a ghastly picture to the
spectators, who had beheld before them the pale
lace and the rigid limbs of the mac who had lor
II ore than two vars furnished the people of
.Northern Ohio w it h an ever new subject of con
veisalion, with a never-fading image of all that
is cold, calculating and fearless. And there he
lay with scarcely the power to harm an insect
a pic ture, which, if it had belonged to a better
man, might have moved a heart of stone to pity.
At tea minutes ait- r eleven o'clock, the Sheriff
asked him whether he was ready. He replied in
the affirmative, and his limbs w ere unbound, not,
however, before he made a solemn promise that
he would attempt no violence upon himself, a
promise which, it is but justice to say, he faith
fully kept. Marshal Fitch, Dr. Strong, and Mr.
Bosworth, the jailor, assisted the Sheriff'to dress
him. Tliev put on him simply a fine linen shirt,
a pair of dark-colored pantaloons without sus
penders, and a pair of coarse wollen stockings,
lie then called for a cigar, lit it, and smoked
calmly for about fifteen minutes, during which
time he was evidently trying to quiet his nerves,
lie even tried to seem cheerful, and requested
Dr. Strong who, he said he had learned, was a
skillful phrenologist, to examine Ids head: but
he spoke in a trembling and sepulchral tone,
plainly showing the terrible emotions which he
endeavored to conceal. At times his nerves w ere
violently agitated, and great drops of cold sweat
would come out all over his face: then he would
wipe off the sweat and seem perfectly calm ; hut
the ten ible imprint of death seemed to be written
there in plain eharacteis, legible without spell
ing. Perhaps no idea connected with the trag- !
edy, was half so painful as that of the pale-faced I
man staying up his nerves, "in order to be chok
ed to death according to law." The unfortu- j
nate man made a long speech fiom the drop, in |
which he strenuously protested his innocence. |
He closed thus : "You observe that I am not at- !
tended bv any clergyman. I have tried through \
life to ascertain the right way by the study of]
morals and ethics; but I have nut always done j
right. 1 have read the Bible thoroughly, and ]
had 1 conformed to the precepts of Jesus Christ
I should not now be here ; hut we cannot undo i
what lias been done. Would to God T could ; j
but lam not guilty of this murder. (Starting 1
suddenly from his seat and stepping on the drop.) j
1 am ready to meet my God: 1 am. not guilty of j
murder, either premeditated or otherwise." He j
sat down, wiped the cold sweat off his face, and j
'his limbs were pinioned ; he then rose up and the ;
rope was adjusted round his neck. He requested ;
the shei iff to permit him to give the signal, and a j
handkerchief was handed to him. Just before !
the white cap was drawn down over his face, he
exclaimed in an andible voice, "I die an inno- j
cent man." He gave the signal, and at precisely
four minutes past one o'clock, the drop fell, pre
cipitating liirri about six feet, and breaking his
neck at the first joint.
From the New York Tribune, June 4.
Suicide in a House of 111 Fame.
On<* of the most distressing suicides which
have occurred in New York tor many months,
i was committed in the house of the notorious ,
i Cinderella Marshall, No. 5T- Leonard street, on ,
j Saturday evening. The victim was Thomas Bai- j
ley RusStim, formerly of San Francisco, Califor
! nia, where he was a prominent man, held the
j office of Register, and where lie left a wife and
two children. i
Deceased had been in this city about a year,
and was saii to have lost monev by gambling.
His manner of living was said to be extravagant.
He lived for a while at the Proscott House, but
latterly at the Carlton House. About two months
since deceased became desperately enamored
with a girl living at No. 54- Leonard street, and
wanted her to marry him, but this she firmly re
fused, and his mind, which did not appear to be
right before, got quite deranged. On the 21.-f of
April, it will be remembered, he attempted sui
cide at Miss Marshall's, by taking laudanum,
hut on being conveyed to his lodging and receiv
ing medical treatment, he recovered. His phy
sician then discovered that Russnm w as partially
insane, and had him properly cared for. It was
thought he had quite recovered, but on Saturday
evening it appears thai, still deranged and ena
mored with the gid in question, he went to Miss
Marshall's with two loaded pistols in his pocket.
He w anted immediately to see the girls alone in
the parlor, and wanted her to inarry him. declar
ing that if she refused lit* would blow his brains
out. The girl refused to many him, and also to
see hirn on this occasion.
M is- Marshall seeing that Russum's manner
was alarming, sent for Capt. Carpenter, of the
Fifth Ward Police. When the Captain entered
the house, Russum was silting in a j arlor on
the second storv with a pistol in his hand. The
Captain in a consolatory tone requested Russum
to giie him the pistol and to accompany him to
the Station House and talk his trouble over.—
The pistol was accordingly given and Russum
followed the Captain down stairs until he got
within three steps of the floor, when hedrew
another pistol which the Captain did not know
he had, and with it he blew his brains out.—
The unfortunate man fell at the bottom of the
stairway arid instantly expired.
Coroner O'Donuell held an inquest upon the
body, yesterday, and a large amount of testimo
ny was taken, but in substance as given above.
Marv Jane Smith, the young woman to whom
the deceased was attached, was put on the stand.
(She is a handsome girl, 2r> years of age.) Her
testimony went to show that the deceased had
paid marked attention to her, and offered his
hand in marriage on several occasions, which
she refused. He told her he had been divorced
I; m h:s wife. On meeting refusals he manifes
ted anger, and said that unh he wsmtiarried to
her he never could he happy. On one occasion
he got angry and handled her roughly, hurting
one of her lingers. Sile did nut know whether
he was insane before he became acquainted with
her. The Coroner's Jury rendered a verdict of
"Suicide by a pistol-shot while partially de
The deceased was a nativeof Baltimore, about
iO years of age. It was understood that deceas
ed would he hurried by some friends in Green
wood Cemetery.
Bv a despatch from Philadelphia, we learn
that JRussum formerly kept a tailor shop in that
city,and was appointed by Gen. Taylor Collec
tor of the Port of San Francisco, which office he
filled until removed hv Gen. Pierce. His wife
is a Philadelphian, and was deserted bv him
rrbout a year ago, when he returned fo San
Francisco with his eldest daughter, leaving three
younger children dependant upon their grand
mother. It is reported that he left San Fran
cisco worth $30,000.
A Hi eh Joke.
A gentleman in this place, played off a rich
joke on his better half the other day. Being
something of an epicure, he took it into his head
to have a first-rate dinner. So he addressed
her a note, politely informing her that "a gen
tleman of her acquaintance—an old and true
friend, would dine with her that day." As
soon as she received it, all hands went \d work
to get everything in order. Precisely at 12
o'clock she was prepared to receive her guest.
The house was clean as a new pin—a sumptu
ous dinner w as on the table and she was array
ed in her best attire. A gentle knock was
heard, and she started with a palpitating heart
to the door. She thought it most be an old
friend-—perhaps a brother—from the place they
once moved. On opening the door, she saw
her husband w itii a smiling countenance.
"Why, my dear," says she, in an anxious
tone, "w here is the gentleman you sf>oke of in
your note ?"
"Why," said her husband complacently,
"here he is."
"You said a gentleman of my acquaintance,
an old and true friend would dine with us to
"Well," said he good hnmoredly, "am. I not
a gentleman of your acquaintance, an old and
true friend
"Gh !" said she, distressingly, "is there no
body but you
"Well T declare fhis is too bad, "said his wife,
in an angry tone.
The husband laughed immoderately—his bet
ter halfsaid she felt like giving him a tongue
lashing—hot finally they sat down coziiv to
gether, and for once he had a good dinner with
out having company.
isinn learns that on Saturday the I9th
the Rockaway basin oi the Morris Canal, a boy
named Henry Herring, aged about 13 years,
while performing some duty on a boat, fell over
into the canal. An alarm was immediately
given, a boat-hook procured, and the body taken
out. He had been in the water only five min
utes, and it is stated that he had every appear
ance of comiqg to life: but his rpscuers tied a
rope around his neck, and threw him back into
the canal, where he remained until the next
morning; they alleged as a reason tor so doing,
that they thought the law required him to re
main in the water until an inquest could be
An Hem of interest.
We have been permitted to copy the follow
ing paragraph" from a letter received in this city
by a gentleman from his son, now on board a
whaler in the Pacific Ocean. The letter is da
ted Lahaina, (Sandwich Isiand) February 26th*
1855, and the vessel is now on her return home.
He savs—'T will tell you a little about the
cruise we have had in the Arctic Ocean. We
made llebrings Straits about the 3d of July last,
but did not get into the Arctic Ocean until the
6th of July, on account of a very severe gale,
.so that you may see that I did not spend a very
pleasant Fourth of July. After getting into
the Arctic Ocean, we had very foggy weather
♦he first of the season, so that we could not see
any w hales. About the middle of August, we
spoke one of the English Government ships in
st arch of Sir John Franklin, and they told us
that there were plenty of whaies up by Point
Harrow. We started fur that Point, and reach
ed it on the first of September, when we fell in
with a good many whales, and took nine of
them, which made us six hundred barrels of oil.
1 tell you, father, it was pretty cold work.—
The Captain thought there must be some larger
whales farther up—so we pushed our way
through the ice, until we got up as high as 7f>
degrees North latitude. That was as high as
we could get. on account ofthe ice, and it was
as high as any ship was known to go. Here
we fell in with another English Government
ship—the Plover. She had been frozen in the
ice three yearn and one month , and we were the
first ship she had s-en for that length of time.
You may be sure they were glad to see us.
Her crew were all well, and had lost but one
man i:i all that time. Their search for Sir
John Franklin's ships had been fruitless. They
had travelled over two hundred miles on sleds
over the ice. You would be surprised to see
the ice-bergs floating about. J have seen them
as high out of water as the tops of our masts.
There are large quantities of field ice floating
about, upon which you can see waldruses lying
asleep, as well as sea lions. Jn latitude f5 we
lost a fine young man with the dropsy. He was
from New York, and his name was .Alexander
Fosberg. He was about 20 years of age.—Penn
The late Dr. Duncan, of Cincinnati, who was
known all over the nation as a thorough going
and indefatigable Democrat, ten years ago made
a speech in the House of Representatives that
contained a prediction which is now in the pro
cess of fulfillment. Said Dr. Duncan, in a spir
it of prophecv, speaking of the Whig party :
"I begin with the tin principled practice they
have of changing their name. They havechan
gerf their name with the periodical return ol
everv Presidential election : and this for the
purpose of concealing their principles and de
ceiving the people. Their last name was whig,
and that name they kept as long as it would
answer their purpose; but thev will never tight
another battle, under the banner inscribed whig,
again. Having exhausted the political vocabu
lary, they return to the abuse and persecution
of the Irish and Germans which characterized
the party in the Adminstration of the elder
Adams. .Nothing is longer to be feared irom
a change of name. The people contemplate
them as they do a stranger, who gives himself
a new or different name in every town or vil
lage through which he passes."— Enq.
—We copy the following from the St. Louis
Intelligencer :
"A deplorable accident occurred two weeks
ago near Fort Smith, in Ark ansas, on the Cher
okee side of the Arkansas river. Five young
girls had gone into the river to bathe and amuse
themselves. The river is very shallow, and
can be forded almost anywhere, but in places,
there are 'holes,' where the water is very deep.
The girls were bathing and playing along the
edge of a large sand bar, where the water was
no more than knee deep, when one of them sud
denly got into one of these deep places; two
others went to her assistance, and all three were
drowned : while, frightened by their cries and
struggles, the two remaining girls ran as fast as
they could to the shore. The very seclusion
and privacy of the spot that tempted the girls
into the water rendered it impossible to get as
sistance in time to save them. Two of the
drowned girls were sisters, daughters of Mi.
Jackson King, the other a Miss Collins; their
ages Irom thirteen to fifteen years. The bodies
of the two were recovered the evening of the
accident, the other not till several days after
OCP"On Thursday last. Constable Smith ar
rested George Carr, of Dublin Township, charg
ed on oath of Mr. John M. Hedding, with set
ting fire to his premises on the 19th of March
last". It will be recollected that the store and
dwelling houses ol the Messrs. Hedding, were
entirely destroyed, together with the furniture,
regalia and other property belonging to the Fort
Littleton Lodge of Odd Fellow s. Carr is said
to have made some hard threats against the
Messrs. Hedding, atid also in reference to the
Odd Fellows. He was taken before JRob-rt
Campbell, Esq., who committed him to answer
the charge. He is now in jail where he will
likely remain until the next term ot our Court,
which commences the Ist Monday ol August
next. Fulton Democrat.