The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, June 08, 1855, Image 1

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    Bl r iiEO. \V. BOWTSAA.
Select Poetnj.
From Putnam's Magazine.
Two little stars, at evrntide,
Itose in the azure, side by side,
And 'mid the elitterina orb on high,
Floated serenely through the -ky.
Then sparkled with a trembling ray,
But lovingly pursued their way,
Though others blazed, more brilliant far than they!
The night stole on—but, with it came
A sweeping storm of mi-t and flame.
Which hung with gloom the starry dome,
Ami lashed the billows into loam,
While like a phantom, stern and stark,
Stretching its thin arrrfin the dark
Thro' the wild chaos tossed my trembling bark !
The night wore on—the angry blast
Had spent its fury and wu pa-t.
And gentle zephyrs wooed To rest
The troubled Ocean's heaving brt-a-t
When, tar above, amid the blue.
As one by one the clouds withdrew.
Those little loving stars came beaming thro'!
And on they went with rising foice,
l"p to the zenith of their course,
Till the Orient's rosy light.
Melted the shadow's of the night;
And then, with undiminished ray,
Still side by side they stole away,
Lost in the glory of the coming day.
Thus, dearest, onward, side by side.
Through youth, the spirit's eventide,
i'p to the night of I.ile have we
Humbly fulfilled our destiny—
And though around the rich and great
Are glittering star- of loltier state
Contentedly we share our lower fate.
And thus, though storms may come and go,
Shrouding with gloom the world below,
Above the tumult, as we rise,
In calm communion with the skies,
Still be it ours, serenely bright.
To bless the darkness of the night,
t'heeiing the tempest toss'd with heavenly light!
And when at length, each end attained,
The zenith of our course i< gained—
As side by side those stars withdrew,
Still beaming with unbroken ray—
As gentle may we glide away.
In the effulgence ol immortal day!
THE SMIFARI) Cl7?frnni?
Bedford, June H, 15.13. the Rear ding Gazette ami Democrat.
Front View of Know Nothing-
Imeii !
The political organization, sporting the ugly
name ot "Know-Nothing'wir*," nmv ne ' a, ' v
, „ y ears old. A thine of ,', h *
oißnnmr of lunatics, the "Angel Gabriel, a
Scotch Bedlamite, and "Ned
of land pirate living in open rebellion to the la ,
are its founds. They .t was was, w i
..reached it into existence, and impressed it Itn
thrown deformity. They christem-d .t in in
nocent blood, and taught it to walk over the
prostrate and lifeless corpses of „s victims. A.
an evil wind or a dangerous hurricane the
Slickest, this dark cloutlo. evil tins raven from
the ark of politic., swept over he land, and like
the pla.oie, it shook lor a while the net >
every American of jus' and mind and
feelings. And this political leprosy broke on
in all parts of the country, manifesting mos
clearlv the prevalence of a raving diseas-.-
Everv State and territory of the Lmon soon
became polluted by the contagion earned and
scattered abroad by the "Laza.s of the Not li.
11l nearly every township oi this reptih.u,
1 ween the two great oceans, "Lazarettos have
been established, and strange to say, nt lor the
eradication, but for the spread ot the i israsr.
How can this doctrine, monstrous in appear
ance, and barbarous in its tendencies, m ptoi uc
tive of anything else than evil, when as has
beer, often shown, it had its first hie breathed
into it bv "Ned" and the "Angel ! 1 lie burn
er an outlaw and an enemy to ail mankind,
and the laws bv which men are governed: the
latter an Antichrist, blasphemously proclaiming
himself to be an angel ol light.
It can now he pretty plainly seen why those
infatuated and misguided people, who were
blind enough to rally round the black flag ol the
-fallen Angel," chose the dark and storm of
midnight to meet and do their business, i o
honest work or profession w as ever yet conduct
ed in the dark. Who, in pursuit of bis honest
business would wrisnjlf* in th l * aru * u 1
himself into dark alleys with the noiseless step
ola cat, as if stealing his neighbor's sleighing
harness, and wanted to prevent the tinkling of
the bells! But even a starless sky and the
silence of midnight, have not been found suf
ficient to screen them from recognition,
they would bide from their neighbor*, tis all
for nothing. They are all known, nor could
the mask of the veiled prophet of Kohrassan,
make it otherwise. The leopard is known by
his spots.
Well, we were saying that Know-Not bint
ism is now nearly two years old. Only two
years, and is old alreadv. \es, like the favorite
dogot Ulyses, ready to" die of sheer old age.—
Worn down by repeated excesses, it only slag
**prs under a presure of excitement, and sunoca
ted with crime, is like a bloated sot, ready to
topple in the ditch.
Let us sep what good it has ever done lor the
dear people hy whom so much good was ex
pected, and to whom so much good was promis
ed, that is, all those who were silly enough to
he deluded by the hypocritical whining* of the
Know-Nothing crocodile. What abuses have
been redressed ? What wrongs have been right
ed ? In a word, who has been benefited by '.his
now almost defunct [Kiiitical night-mare ? None
at all. On the contrary, the people have lost
much. In all quarters of the country, respect
ability was made to blush at the mawkish igno
rance and footy-bungling of these fanatical zea
lots. In Philadelphia, the people have been
plundered by a set of lazy rowdies (so sav the
best authorities of the city, and not contradict
ed) who, astonished at their very lucky and sud
den elevation to office arid power, clenched
their harpy claws deep into the pockets of those
who were not prepared to experience such a
system of semi-legal plundering. Tn our Legis
lative halls, too, at Hanisburg, more ignorance,
venality, sneaking and biiberv were unblushing
ly exhibited last winter, through the "fungi ele
ment," than would be sufficient to shame an
equal number of our rude ancestors in the days
of the Norman invasion. Members of our Leg
islature have been swerved every day bv the a
gnts of some Railroad or Banking corporation.
They have in sotne instances broken their word
of honor to their constituents, and trifled with
the Testament, the contents of which they hy
pocritically profess to believe. And (Ids is
Know Nothingism ! In Massachusetts, oh ! be
hold Massachusetts running crazy after the
smallest things, but cannot behold Satan, altho'
running riot in her midst! Her Legislature,
full of recreant Ministers, to the exclusion of
intelligent Statesmen, present a lack of ability
never experienced there before. T nder the
guidance of her present degenerate rulers, her
great name ari( | fame for every tiling learned,
noble, and patriotic, is fast fading away, and
will, unless the management of affairs gets into
better hands and wiser heads, become a mocke
ry and a delusion. When Legislators disgrace
their calling and the State, liy perpetrating aefs
of meanness too low and vulgar for publication .
in a newspaper, and that in the most public
place and manner, it is time to think of stop
ping and stripping such knaves, and allow them
t<> bleach in their naked deformity. When
members of a Legislature are so dead to every
pulse of shanm, so deficient in every principle
of honor bv which man is made the nold-st
work of God, as to descend to acts of meanness
more in accordance with the character of a Ma
mefttke of ihe Nile, or a Musselman of the Ti
gris than with the "Sons of the Sires of '7(i"' it
is time losay to such a man or such men, "Thus
far shalt thou go, but no further."
From the Boston Post.
First know-Xotliiiig Legislature.
The labors of the first know-nothing legisla
ture are completed and are before the conntrv
(iardner annminceft in m immgma........
M .ssachnsetts was "once more permitted to take
the lead in that legislation believed tnbrnea.s^
s'iry to perpetuate relight* <>*'> cmlpnn W*-
He spoke 'as the head of a party, and frankly
antioimced that its purposes requ ned that
should Obtain a President and a
Thu>, the know-nothings here aspned to be a
national pnity: and to lead other States.
us take a brief glance at the ways which
a legislature, with inch objects in view, devised
,o perpetuate our "religious and civil pavile
ml, first, as to our religions privileges, of
such vita 1 consequence. Liberty of conscience
am! liberty of worship are ol the natura rghts
secured in our constitutions, federal and . a .
and these say that one denomination ol Christ
iatts shall neither he favored above another, nor
in anv way harmed on account ol their religion.
\ ow ' how has this know-nothing legislatuie
complied with these pnvisions, securing a p.i
mordial right ol man' Let its fierce onslaught
on CatholKs answer : let its miserable pander
iu-Mo bigotry answer: fit its proposed I. us as
to education, and its actual violation, by its
committees, of private rights m visiting Cadho
iic schools, answer. But why speedy deU.i
Mr Speaker F.ddv has confessed the whole 1.1
hi/ parting speech. "By your speeds and
your votes," his words are, "you hove, spoken
for temperance, liberty, nd PI.OTEST.AN R.SM .
"and tie might have added, have trampled um.e,
foot the rights Of Catholics, over which tin- >
„f the constitution is as broad as .1 is over I o
tc<tan(s. Is this, forsooth, the way to perpetu
a(; the glorious foundations of our religious
privileges] Is not this rank bigotry • 1 ' 'W'
where did tins know-nothing legislature-Mr
Speaker Eddy at their head-derive Urn r.Jit
to ignore and persecute a sect ? Is this in ac
cordance with the genius isir. ,
Pray, not its corner-stone and |
the'right of private judgment !We tell il .
Speaker Eddy, and these know-nothings ha
were in what should he the impartial ha, > ol
legislation they have only "votes and speeches
for Protestantism, ami persecute the consc,en
nous Catholic, they belie the great American
name and deny the first principles of I rot, M
antism. Mock not the country t'V terming sm
speeches and votes and acts perpetuating our
religious privileges they are for introducing,
substantially, the old test act, of England.
We nest turn to "civil privileges. What
has been initiated here in this line worthy to
be copied by other States ? W hat has been done
to perpetuate those privileges we enjoy -
The euardian protector of them all is onr
T'MON : and to every person and every
of the State the preservation ol this ought to be
paramount. To every tiue patriot and true
American this is a consideration that transcends
all others, and before which all other consider
ations-inasmuch as by this only can our rights
be preserved—dwindle into nothing.
We have not overstated this test. But let
us use another's words setting forth its rr.agm
tude. When all sane men anc loyal parties
invoke the highest personification ol honest pur
pose and sterling patriotism, they instinctively
£ rn ,0 Washington. W- ;.ll no, c. <• .In
open-quoted passages from the ITarn.■all Ad
dress on the value ol our I n.on. hoi lahe others
that ..ill apply closer as a lo liy
1 know-nothing labors. Take the memoubie
words as to the authority of the general gotrn
rnent: "Respect lor its authority, compl\nce
with its taws, acquiescence in its measures are
duties enjoined bv the fundamental maxisi of
true liberty. The constitution which atiny ;
time exists, till changed by an explicit >od ;
authentic act of the whole people, is sacrtily
obligatory on all. The very idea of the p<vr :
and the right of the people to establish govern
ment presupposes the duty of every individual ,
to obey the established government." sch j
were the just, true, wholesome words o|Uie j
Father of his Conntrv ; and lie held up WOL ;
as destructive to the fundamental principle; i- '
our polity and of fatal tendency.
With these principles in view, let us as:,
u hat have our know-nothings done in harmed' !
with them ? Ilow have thev dischaiged thr
constitutional duties? How do they stand bH
fire the country as to fulfilling the obligation
of that work of the fathers which was designj
to secure "a more perfect union," and the bled
ings of liberty regulated by law to the future jfi
American generations? Have they shown them
selves a paity of patriots, with a basis of acticj
country-wide—with feelings national in thel
stamp? Cr have thev proved that they aif
but a sectional party, looking only to section!
objects, and pandering only to the views ar!
purpose® of local faction ?
For tile answer we present the statute book.-f
There is the record of the law designed to nu
lifv a measure of the general government: <ld
signed to iesist the authority of the generq;
government; designed to obstiuct the ex-c.utioi
of laws made in pursuance of the constitution
designed, therefore, to uprooi "fundamenta
maxims of true liberty." "There stands!
chuselts," at the close of the first know-nothing
legislature. There she i>, boldly arrayed in
Catiline robe.
For this piece of political treason to the kesj
governiTient man ever framed—to which the
eyes of struggling nations are turned—the know
nothings, as a party, are responsible. They did ;
the deed. In doing it, they tell the country ;
who they are and w hat th-v mean to do. Their
platform is embodied in the practices ar.d laws
of their first legislature. They proscribe tr.eit
lor their birth and they persecute men tor their
religion. Their secret, oath-bound lodges slarrrp
them as Protestants Jtsuits. To these enormi
ties— monstrous in this free America—they add
the paramount enormity of RESISTANCE TO THE
MAssACHijy;T-blue laws of Massachu-
,, penal offence to give shelter to a
houseless Quaker, and witches were devout!v
, \t*clited as burnt offerings to bigotry the nu st
ini-'iise, and to superstition the most attrnn
„uß. In these latter days, however, alter two
hundred years of active purification and re
form, Massachusetts claims to have ns.n In the
rank of the most enlightened, moia,. k hgious.
and hh'-rt v-loving State in the Linj. Her
capital is 'the "Athens ol America sk- pnmes
herself upon her colleges, her comma schools,
her Churches, her liquor laws, and h benevo
lent institutions, N" vv l>r the < 1 •> o .>
boasted enlightenment and Christia en iliza
tion. First we give a specim-n o| Massachu
setts humanity. We copy from on'-d our ex
changes : •
'•Marv Williams and her infant Scoter,the
latter horn m Massachusetts, to Eu-
Mondav, from the towiM Monson,
Mass., for the crime of fifing too ?r to live ,n
that commonwealth. The wonf had come
away from Ireland h. cause she as too poor
10 live there. According to tij' two facts,
the poor creature has no right t' v - •• a...
Massachusetts, about a year ago** a terri
ble ferment because the law s.-.mrns back to
Virginia. lot* Boston Ad\uti>
"The treasury of the Unitei'ates bore the
expense of the rendition of AfV Burn..-
The treasury of Massachsdt.s pfor the rendi
tion of Mary Williams. But theu as a ne
ero, "a man and a brother ** ; on
ly a white woman,a woman * '-er.
' Can anything be found morvoMing o ev
ery feeling of humanity m ay hortid and
dispu ting Massachusetts hind legislation of
two hundred years ago? Ifhe Puntanism,
u hat is barbarism t if th* Christianity,
what is Paganism T-f this w, at
despotism! If this is the lu'dv ofa refined
civilization, the wild drink the
blood of their enemies, hav" wofully libel
led They are accounted J't they nie
at least true to their owC | hey have
neither churches, collegesf hoo.\, yet they
are evidently competent td our excess,ve
iv Puritanical brethren 'ssachnsetts the
first principlesoi Christia" llll ' lZt MJ "
C "¥he morality of the O. Stale has been
nrMtv la.rly exhibited legislative
explorations of Mr. Jos.'*> & Co. of the
Aimnerv Committee. £ *• hat he
has been made the scap *■ equally g tll |-
tv legislative col leagues 511 one hun
dred and eighty
one-filth clergymen, h -ltanzed them
selves with the prost.tut.on.-
\ n d a New "ho happened
lately to he on a railav contammg a se
lect committee of our hlis^ts nrak
, ' "ThVcort.mittee H" t,IP * ffrMi
deal like men Who hj large of
wine and brandy, reswore and hal
ted freelv, andfforf r or so enjoyed
themselves in attemf do *®ch other in
relating disgusting ofa grog
shop o7 house of Mrs.
r, „ „„ u fren/oked bv the legis-
Pattcrson was trtqi, * . ..7.
I . in term-far ns h> leave little
lators, and in term - h , h . •
doubt on the ,r,n( m rum t
quite a favorite wi lhan JosP P h Hlss ol
the Nunnery Com
Freedom i Thought and Opinion.
- - _ _
These two extracts make a pair of blue light
spectacle* through which Massachusetts human
ity is discovered as a vile imposter. And Mas
sachusetts morality and religion, churches, cler
gy, negro worship, Maine Liquor law and all,
• appear a repulsive humbug. But we cease to
; wonder that her authorities should send a native
; American infant across the seas for the crime of
j being the child of a poor Irishwoman ; that ne
gro fugitives should be invested with the right
of suffrage, while foreign born whites are dis
j fianchised; that negro children should be placed
j upon a fooling of equality in the public schools
: w itti the whites—we cease to wonder at any of
! these attrocities,on finding tfiat negro worship,
■ bigotry, and hypocricy are the ruling elements
of the Massachusetts Legislature.
There must be another revolution in the Mas
! sachusetts politics at the next popular election, j
! or we may next expect some runaway negro to i
i supersede the comparatively true American
i Know Nothing, Governor Gardner ; Mrs, Pat-
I terson in the place of-fudge Loring : a premium
for fugitive slaves, ar.d a general interdict of
! expulsion against the poor liish. The Com
j mon Schools of Massachusetts ! Fudge. Lib
erty loving Massachusetts!
The late Dr. Chapman, of Philadelphia,
mourned by many who will laugh at his wit no 5
more, has left behind him a memory that will be j
: transmitted through successive generations.—
His wit was equal to his skill. It wa> hard to I
say which did his patients the most good, and !
i as he always gave his best of both at the same i
time, they piohablv helped each other. Just !
as it happened when one of his patients revolted
at a monstrous dose of physic, and said :
"Why. Doctor, vou don't mean such a a <<e ;
as this lor a gentleman ?"
"Oh, no," suit! the Doctor, "it's lor writ g
men !"
j And a good laugh is olten as good a a m*di-
I cine. Wilh him the pleasantry was as ceitain
as the opportunity. Even in < xlrernes it would
i come out uf him. lie "was w a king in the street,
1 and a baiter's cart, driven furiously, was about
:to run iiim down. The baker reigned up sud
denly, aiukju-st in time to spare the doctor, who
took • 'ii his hat, and bowing politely, exclaimed,
"Vou are the best bred man in tow n.
At the great gathering in Philadelphia ol the
Medical Society of the United States, the liter
ary anil distinguished Dr. Francis and Dr. C i un
man met, as they had done a thousand times he
fore, having been liiends for half a century. At
.L J UJ I*/I . r niTir-fv •n-T rr.- -irliUlmD;;- MiU'U,
sdta u> tJr. miners, "ni v*n)'\V>
Dr. Chapman, the head of our profession in
Philadelphia. ' ft was too much for Dr. Chap
man, who retorted : "Dr. Francis, let me in
troduce you to Dr. Mann, tiie tail of our profes
sion in Philadelphia." Little Mann let the
lions alone alter that.
Very itiiich against his will, the doctor was
made a vestryman in the parish church, and
one of his (iutms was to ] ass the plate lor the
contribution at (lie morning service, fji pre
sented it with great politeness and becoming
gravity to the gentleman at the head of the
pew nearest the chancel, who was not disposed
to contribute. The faithful collector, nothing
daunted, held the plate before him, and bowed,
as il he would urge hint to think tlrn matter over
aim gi\ p moiftpf!uii'f) a little something, and refu
sed to go on till he had set n his stiver on the
plate. ]n this way he proceeded down the
aisle, victimizing every man till he came to tie
pew nearest the door, where sat an am-d color
ed woman of the old school. To his surprise
she laid down a piece ol gold. '-Dear u.e
said the astonished doctor, "you n;n<t he a
duinea niger!" They never troubled the doc
toi in go aiour.d with the [date after that.
Dr. Chapman was a delegate to the conven
tion ol the church, which was to hold its annual
session at Pittsburg. Party spirit ran high, '
and tiie members, both clerical and lay, bein>-
men of like passions with other men, became'
more excited and \ iolent in word and tone than
was becoming so reverend and grave a body.
AN hen things had gone on at this rate Ibr two
days, and were nothing bettered, hut rather
grew worse, one of the most venerable members
arose and said, that "he thought these scenes
w i re highly indecorous, especially as they were
enacted in the presence of God, whose servants
we profess to he." Dr. Chapman tor the first
time now stood up, and with a peculiar twisting
ol his words, and the profound attention of the
whole convention, remarked : ".Mr. President,
I think so too. It is too had. The members '
ought not to go on so. But ]do not feel the
force of that last remark. The gentleman savs
"we ought not to conduct in this manner in the
presence of God.' Now, sir, to my certain
knowledge, He has not been in this [dacesince '
we came together."
The rebuke was so iut, so pertinent, that
priests and people felt it alike, and the business
of the convention was conducted with decorum
tO iIS Close.
Horrid Child Murder in Delaware.
The Dover Sentinel gives an account of a J
most atrocious a flair which happened in that j
vicinity on last Thursday, the 24-lh :
"A man hv the name of George Parker (col- :
orni,) living just outside of Dover, went to Mr. !
Slaughter's house early yesterday morning and
knocked at the door for admission. When
Mr. Slaughter came to the door, which he ,
opened cautiously, he found Parker standing on ;
the outside, with a gun levelled at him, threat- i
ening to kill him. Slaughter immediately clos
ed the door, when Paiker went to his own house,
had some words with the girl, who lives with
his wife, and shot her, injuring her severely.—
He then made off'to Mr. Gibbs' house, the door
of which he broke open, and rushed upon Gibbs,
who made his escape out of a back door, not, j
however, before the negro had discharged the I
O C ;
gun at him.
"Gibbs made oiT to a neighbor's house, by the
name of Moore, to give the alarm, whom he
found, w hen they immediately went in search
of more assistance to enable them to secure Par
ker, vvho, when he found that Gibbs had lied,
j returned again to his own house, and entering,
j seized upon one of his little ones, and in a most
! cruel and barbarous manner, cut its throat from
i ear to ear, then threw the body away from him.
He then came out into the yard in search of his
wife, no doubt to Murder her, who had (bd to a
neighbor's house with the youngest child, hut
seeing his other child, he sprang at it, and in an
instant he had this one in his grasp, cutting its
--throat, also, and threw it up as high as his
strength would allow him, when it rame down
upon tiit? hard ground weltering in its gore and
"This fiend incarnate then sought his wife
about the premises, but not being able to tinci
i her returned into the house, which he set on
fire, and left for Gibhs' house, where he was
w hen Gibbs, Moore and others arrived to take
him. Mr. Cooper had been sent for, and when
he arrived, found the inhuman monster in the
hands of his cantors, in anything but an enviable
position. The prisoner had to be held down on
the ground with a man on each arm. one on his
breast, one on each foot. In this situation .Mr.
Cooper fount! him, upon whom lw placed mana
cles, tied him in a cart and brought him to Dover,
| and lodged him in jail for safe keeping.
I "He shot at his pursuers alter holding them
l at bav a long time; and it was only when his
I gun had been discharged, that thev dare ap
j proaeh the house to take him. Several
I were fired at him, one or t;v<> c<uH'g ' . 4 "
i when a simultaneous charge was made, a>m ,Jl^
ter a severe struggle, he was secured as a..0
I described."
pn Elephant's Fraternal FetiiEß and '
While p. wagon drawn by several elephants
j was passing our office yesterday, the follow iug
story was told, which we vouch for as true :
List season a menagerie visited the village ot
I Johiistow n, Herkimer County. W hen the cav
-1 altade left town it passed over a bridge which
j the road crossed leaving two elephants to bring
i 1 up the rear. I hese vvt re driven to the bridge,
, j but with the known sagacity of the race, they
l refused to cross. Ihe water of the cieek, which
■ tlovvs through a gorge in the slate formation, pre
■ i senting at that point banks of precipitous citar
- after and thirty teet in height, was low and by
- taking a course across a corn field, a hud could
t he reached. But the prnprieter ol the corn field
r M luard to allow his property to be so used, ex-
or rrrp rr erraprrio rvinsm TOgtrrr
iriit to. Accordingly the elephants uvre again
driven to the bridge, and again they refused to
attempt the crossing. They would trv the
si met ore with their great teef, feel cautiouslv
along the plank with their prohoscal fingers, but
each time would tecoil fiorii making the danger
ous experiment.
At last, however, goaded hv the sharp, iron
instrument of the keeper, arid accustomed to
obedience, they rushed on. with a scream, halt
of agony, halt ot anger. '1 he result showed the
prudent prescience of the poor animals to have
been correct: the bridge broke, and went crash
ing to (lie bottom of the gorge ; carr\ ing with it
both the monstrous beasls. One of them struck
upon its tusks and shoulder, breaking the former,
and very badly injuring the latter: the other
was, strangely enough, unhni t. .Now was shown
the most singular and remarkable conduct on
the part of the brute which had escaped. lis
toniiade lay there,an extempore bed being pro
vided fur its condor!, while no temptation, no
force, no stratagem was sufficient to induce the
other to leave, and proceed with the main por
tion ofthe caravan, which finally went on, leav
ing the wounded beast and its companion under
tile charge of their keeper.
Day after day the suffering creature lay there,
rapidly failing, and unable to move. At the
utd n| three weeks, the water trt the creek com
menced rising, and there was danger it would
aver flow and drown the disabled elephant.
rile keeper desired, therefore, to get it up and
make it vialk as far as a barn near hv where it
would be nut of danger and could be better cared
lor. Hut it would tint stir, lie coaxed, wheel
ed and scolded, but all to no purpose. At last,
mtaged, he seized a pitchfork and was about
plunging it into the poor thing's flesh, when the
mm pan ion wrenched the fork from his hand,
iroke it in fragments and flung the pieces from
t : then with eves glaring and every evidence
if rage in its manher, it stood over its defence
ess and wounded friend as if daring the keeper
o approach, which the man was not so green
is to do again with cruel purpose.
I hus tiie injured animal lay there until it
lied. Y\ lien satisfied that it could no longer be
it service, the other quietly followed the keep
*r away from the spot, and showed no desire to
•■turn. If this was not reasoning mingled with
in affection some men might pattern after, we
ffiould like to know what to call it.— Buffalo
Filial Devotion and its Reward.
An aged rag-picker died in Paris, in a state of
he most abject poverty. His onfv relation was
i niece, who lived as servant with a greengrocer.
I he girl always assisted her uncle as far as her
lender means would permit. When she learned
if his death, which took place suddenly, she was
• pon the point of marriage with a journeyman
taker, to whom she had been long attached.
The nuptial day was fixed, but Susette had not
,'et bought her wedding clothes. She hastened
o tell her lover that their marriage must he
leferred, as she w anted the price of her bridal
inerv to lay her uncle decently in the grave.
Her mistress ridiculed the idea, "and exoited her
o leave the old man to be buried by charity.
Susette refused. The consequence was a quar
:el, in which the young woman lost at once her
-dace and her lover, who sided with her mis
rt-ss. She hastened to the miserable garret
■ where her uncle liar! expiree!, and by the sacri
i lie not only of the savings tor her wedding
■ attire, but of all her slender wardrobe, she had
, i the old man decently interred. Her pious task
, fulfilled, she sat alone in her uncle's room,
weeping bitterly, when the master of the faith—
i I less lover, a young, good-looking man, entered.
"So, my good Susette, I find yon hare lost your
; place ?" yaid he : "{ am corne to offer you one
for life—will you marry me ?" "I, sir? ex
claimed Susette : "you are joking." "No, faith,
I want a wife, ami I'm sure I can't find a bet
:' ter." "But every one would laugh at you for
; I marrying a poor girl like me ?" "Oh, it that
i i is the only objection, we shall soon get over it;
I come, come along : my mother is prepared to
receive vou." Susetle hesitated no longer: but
she wished to take with her a memorial ot her
deceased uncle: it was a cat that be bad for ma
ny years. The old man was so for.d of the ani
mal that he determined that even her death
should not separate them, for lie had her stuffed
j and placed upon the tester of his bed. As Su
\ ette took puss down, she uttered an exclamation
!of surprise at finding her so heavy. The lover
hastened to open the animal, when out (ell a
; shower of gold. A thousand gold napoleons
wete concealed in the hodv of the cat : and this
| sum which the old miser had starved himself to
I amass became the just reward of the noble girl
' and her disinterested lover.
A Scene ia Uie ruusi
cofels'a communication respecting a recent
exchange of prisoners between the Russians and
the chief of the Circassians. Ou this occasion
Scnamvl received back one of his sons, who hav
ing been taken away in his boyhood had been
educated in Russia, and even served in the army.
' The Cmtcasvs says : Last summer the Princess
Tchattchavadse and the Princess Orbelian with
; her children werecaptuted by some of Scham
- yl's bands. Their captivity lasted eight months,
I notwithstanding the utmost efforts ol the gov
f ernment and of their relatives. 'I hey at length
- succeeded, however, in inducing Schamyl to
i accept ransom tor them to the amount of 40,000
r silver roubles, together with the surrender of
, j his son.
.. 1 Cn the 23d of March both parties met tor
i eflrcting this exchange, Schamy l, who to the
- i last moment was exceedingly distrustful, being
- accompanied by a body of six or seven thousand
v men, who brought with them some field-pieces.
,i As soon as he had taken up his position on the
d right bank of the frontier river, the Mitschik,
■- and the Russians on the left, lie sent his other
v_ • M. U ~.>..i .i n thirtv Mnrids as an
r-scorr TO iW corTTai n in g ! irie prisoners,
to meet the Russians. On the Russian side a
party of riflemen crossed the river, accompanied
bv Major-Genera I Baron Nikolai, Prince Tchatt
chavadse, and Jamal Eddin, Schamyl's son who
was to be exchanged. They were followed bv
a carriage containing the stipulated sum.
U hen Jamal Eddin approached the ford of
[hp river-thousands of voices repeated, in a mo
notonous channt, the wordsEstaphir Alia, which
is a thanksgiving when any enterprise has come
o a prosperous issue. While the son was cross
ing the river a dress Mas brought to him as a
present from his father, which he immediately
put on. As soon as lie had assumed iiis new
ittire. being accompanied by the Russian oth
ers and his brother Kasi iWuitarrmiud, he clinibed
he mountain where his father was sitting, sur
ounded by the Murids, while a mountaineer
•eld over the chieftain's head a large dark
parasol. Scharr.yl is a remarkably handsome
nan, 4-7 years of age, with a very expressive
lace and prepossessing manners.
\\ hen his son approached him he stretched out
lis hand for him to kiss, then embraced him
ind wept. After that he bowed in a verv
riendly manner to the Russian officers, and
•eqnested them to thank Baron Nikolai for the
kindness with which he had treated his son.
\fter this he added, as if replying to his ovv n
houghts, "I believe now in the honor of the
Russians." The story luns that he was not a
'fth' af raid lest the Russians, after the exchange
vas over, should surprise him and carry back
igain the money, perhaps his son into the bar
;ain. The report concludes with the remark
hat this interview is memorable, inasmuch as
10 Russian, since the year 1839, had ever seen
jchamy I.
Cun.rißEN HAVE LUNGS. —This fact is either
lot known to patents, or very little regarded.
Hie first thing a baby wants is fresh 3ir, and
ilenty of it. From the moment a child is born
t should have air and light : and neither be shut
ip in a close, darkened room, nor have its head
overed up in a blanket.
The other tnorning, making my first call on a
adv after her confinement, I saw a heap of blan
:ets lying in a rocking-chair beside the bed, but
here was no baby in sight. When I inquired
or the newly-arrived, the nurse came, and after
akirig off fold after fold, there at last was the
oor, little, half-smothered babv. gasping for
reath. Mother and nurse got a lecture that
Returning in an omnibus, a pretty woman got
n, with her babe completely enveloped iiTits
lariket. Perhaps it was none of my business ;
ut I think it was. The ! abe had as good a
iglit to breathe, and to have the purest air to be
tad, as anybody : and as there was nobody else
o take its {art, 1 did.
"Madam," said I, "vou are smothering that
hild." "
She smiled and shook her head : she didn't be
ieve a word of it.
"You are making it breathe its own breath
ver and over ; and no air is fit to breathe but
ince. It needs fresh air as much as you do. I
mi a physician and I can't let you make your
:hi!d sick."
She uncovered the baby's head : it took a long
ireath,and if it had been old enough to talk, and
>een up in its manners, it undoobtly would have
aid, "Thank you,doctor."