The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, May 18, 1855, Image 1

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    m tiEO. IV. BOWTIW.
Select poctnj.
Abide with us, for it is Evening.
Tarry with me, O my Saviour!
For the day is passing by
See! the shades ot evening gather,
Ar.ct the nialit is dawning nigh !
'Fairy with me! tarry with rr.e !
Pa-s me not unheeded by !
Many friends, were gathered round ine,
In the bright days ol the past ;
Rut the grave has 010-ed above them,
And i linger here the last!
lam lonely: tarry with me
Tilt the dieary night is past.
Pimnrvd for me is earthly beauty :
Vet the spirit's nye would fain
Ke.f upon thy lovely features:
Shall 1 seek, dear Lord, in vain f
Tarry with me, <) my Saviour!
Let me see thy smiles again!
Pull my ear to earth-born music!
Speak thou. Lord, in words ol cheer:
Feeble, tottering, my footsteps.
Sinks my heait with sudden tear:
Cast thine amis, dear Lord, around me,
Let tne feel thy presence near.
Faithful memory paints before me
Kvery deed and thought ol sin:
Open thou the blood-tilled fountain,
Clcan-e my guilty soul within!
Tarry, thou forgiving Saviour!
Wash me Wbully lioni my sin!
Peeper, deeper.grow the shadows,
Paler now the glowing we-t:
Swift the night of death advances;
(Shalt it he the night of rest ?
Tarry with nie, O my Saviour!
jl.ay my head upon thy brea-t!
Feeble, tremhling, tainting, dying,
Lord I ca-t myself on thee;
Tarry with me through the darkness!
While 1 sleep, still watch by me,
Till the morning, then awake ine,
llearest Lord, to dwell with thee.
riiil:idel|ihin Election.
The Testimony of our Opponents .' / /
Snrre months ago, when we had reason to
believe that our suggestions would be received at
hast in kindness by those for whom they were
intended, we warned the American party of the vit was provoking and the disaster it was
inviting, hv the proscriptive and supremely sel
fish policy'it was cherishing. We reminded
that parly, certainTv in no tactions or dictato
lial manner, that, whatever might lie its inten
tion with reference to thousands wfio in many
TI -jiects sympathize with it, its internal seclu
s vr-ness and external arrogance couhl not (ail to
drive them Ir an its tickets, and compel them to
join in anv liberal effort to crush a political .
jxjwer whose surface displayed little else than •
ivrannv ot the most de.-potie character, for
that etioit we were rewarded by the jeers of tin*
simple, the curses of the maiignaot, and the
systematic, vindictive (-[-position, personally politically, ot the grr ot bulk ol tlie members
sd the.order : and a list of discontinuing subscri
bers. embracing an hundred names, can testily
how substantially we have been repaid for the
frank expression of an honest conviction, touch
ing the future dest.nv o( the American party.
That warning is still fr* sh in the recollection of
otir readers, and already the reaction provoked
hv the evils we desired to remedy, is beginning
ti tell with fearful fatality in that party, des
pite the maddening zeal that almost uninterrupt
ed victory had inspired.
The four great cities ot the State—Philadel
phia, Lancaster, Pittsburgh and Allegheny—
where Know-Not king ism tirst found a conge
nial s ul, and where during the last year its can
didates where triumphant by large majorities,
have recently had municipal elections, resulting
in either the discomfiture ol the American par
te, or the election of its candidates by merely
nominal majorities. In all but Philadelphia,
the defeat w as thorough and overwhelming, and
in the city ot Brotherly Love, where but a year
ago the American ticket was chosen by from
nine to twelve thousand majority, and nearly
all tin' members of both blanches of the Coun
cils, its general candidates have but from two to
three hundred out of a poll ot nearly tiltv thou
sand, and the Councils are barely saved from
the fu>iinists. And be it remembered, the gen
eral candidates like the candidates a year ago,
had the endorsement of the regular Whig con
tention, so no necessary cause existed now
to drive the Whigs from the ticket that did not
exist fast June, when the city was swept by
unprecedented majorities. It may be true,as
is plead in extenuation of the blow, that the late
t anvils were little better than an organized
b Mv of respectable plunderers, and that there
by thousands of votes were lost; but had the
American party cased in time to dream of its
supposed omnipotence, and manifested its re
spect lor public sentiment and the public wel
fare by presenting such candidates as would in
spire unbounded confidence, instead of insolent
ly defying all who did not bow submissively to
'ts edicts, it could have more than maintained
its overwhelming supremacy. As it is, it has
now lost the dazzling prestige of its power, the
itreat element of its success, and it must hence
forth commend itself to the dispas-nonate judg
ment of the people by the advocacy of a liber
al, enlightened and "patriotic platform and pol
icy, or its decline and fall will he the next chaj>-
t r in its brief but brilliant history.
Any other partv than the one rnost interest-
nil, would not disregard these significant results
bearing upon their future destiny : but with the
American organization as at present constituted,
it is but poorly fitted to profit substantially by
the popular verdicts which have made it trem
ble in its strong-holds. The whole Philadelphia
press, of all parties, have but one explanation
of the extraordinary revulsion that has been
brought about all jxiint to the illiberal, pre
scriptive and arrogant movements ol the order
as the rock on which it was split, l ive thou
sand Whigs who cordially sympathize with its
main principles, weie literally driven into a
fusion ticket, to vindicate their own self respect
and strike down a political despotism that
ignores all freedom in the elective franchise,
and knows no merit in candidates beyond the
olten questionable endorsement of a secret coun
cil. —(!knmbersbttrj; f I hig.
PHII.ADKI.eniA ELF.CTIOX. "Sam" had a hard
race in Philadephia la>t week, and only escap
ed defeat bv tlie skin of Itis teeth, where a year
ago his nominees were elected by majorities
ranging Irom 9000 to 12,000. But two gener
al officers were to elect lor the city the Trea
surer and Commissioner, and the Know-Not fl
ings nominated Dr. Morton for tin* first and Mr.
Hill tor the last. The same gentleman had sub
sequently been nominated bv the Whig Con
vention which the Know-Nothings coritiolled.
A fusion was formed against them bv the old
line Whigs: and Democrats, and Mr. Hagart,
Whig, was selected for Treasurer and Mr. Sher
ry, Democrat, for Commissioner. The result
was as follows :
Morton, 22,+n8
Hagert, 22,038
Morton's mnj. -5-22
Hill, 22,+06
Sherry, . 22,209
Hill's maj. 197
The Select Council contains 1 }■ Know-Nothing?
to 7 Democrats and 3 Whigs. The Commm
Council stands +1 Americans to 3+ !)• mocnds
ami 3 Whigs. Last year both branches oltl.e
Councils were, almost unanimously Kow-
Nothing. The Daily JY 'eics in commenting on
this result, refers to the fatal arrogance pat has
marked the conduct of the Know-Nothi*g party
in Philadelphia as well as elsewhere, md drew
thousands of honest voters against th m.—Re
pository and ff /iig.
The Liquor Question!
From tff?"Vlirtaiielphia News
The singular and ridiculous chancier of the
Act recently passed by tlie LegislaUre, for tin*
purpose of restraining the sale of pirituous li
quors, is attracting marked nttenton through
out the State, and we notice in aßeading co
tempoiary, the following opinion n reference to
the Constitutionality of the iaw,trom the Hon.
Jacob Hodman, of that city. The inconsisten
cies of the law are well developed by the letter
of Mr. 11. :
Opinion on its Cons>lotionalUp.
RKADIXK , Ap#i 19th, 185:>.
(In XTLUMEN : —ln replyio your inquiry of
yesterday, as to the constitutionality ol the late
act of assembly, entitled act to restrain the
sale of intoxicating liquor." and what remedy,
if anv, the people have gainst its enforcement,
I can on I v say that 1 dotiot think its provisions
are in conflict with the Constitution ol the ("ni
ted States, or that of Pennsylvania.
It respects and protects ali persons having
paid for and received-' license during the time
for which it is' to continue. And, it even the
act had gone into dTct immediately after its
passage, and had a/willed all existing licenses,
it could not have ieen declared void under any
constitutional provision, as the power to repeal
and annul giatts of that nature by general
laws, is inherit arid must of necessity exist
in the Legislature. Jt comes under the head
of sovereign lower and police regulation.
But, its atence of a direct and positive con
flict with te letter of the constitution, does
not. therefor, "render it less odious, harsh and
unjust in s operation and effect upon that
portion of or citizens who are the owners and
keepers of fotels and Taverns, and who, upon
the faith < laws in existence ever since the
first settlement of the Province of Pennsylva
nia, haveinvpsted probably over twenty mil
lions of eliars. Investments, which, hv the
pas-age i this law, are, in a great measure,
renderedcalueless, without even attempting to
suppresror prohibit the sale of and traffic in
intnxicsng liquors. This law prohibits, on the
one had. one class from selling, while on the
other,'invites and protects another jiortion of
tlie coimunitv to do the same tiling on a lurg-
er scab
So lug as the State sffhfor money the priv
ilege croaking and selling intoxicating liquors
as a herage, there can be no good reason for
denvir the privilege to pioprietors of web-reg
ulafeihotels and taverns, especially when such
legislson involves the destruction oftheir prop
erty, ithout protecting or improving the mot
alsofie community, or increasing the revenues
of tlurdate.
Tliiact, (unlike the Maine law, which prohib
its thmaking, selling, or drinking cf intoxia
ting ptors,) neither involves nor jfromulgites
a prieiple, because it allows the aime evil to
he pictised bv one set of men which it pofes
sestisuppress in another portion o'the cemmu
nith ilence, there is no justification in the
saqfice and destruction of so lance an mount
of adi vidwal property as is ay>t emptied by
thenactnient of this"law. port id of the
cofnunity petitioned or asked for th passage
of lis or any similar law.
tdging by the result of thy larf election, the
pede'ol Pennsylvania are very/"'"' 1 ? equally
dived upon the subject of th °< intnxi
catg liquors. One portion i/ )r and the other
agast piohibition. This ' n accordance
with the views and feelings of neither party.
And, yet, stiange and inconsistent as it may
appear, it actually prohibits the sale of intoxi
cating liquors by one section, and%y another
legalizes it. Its provisions ate thus at once ren
dered anamalous as well as absurd. It is nei
ther "tlesh nor fish."
It is difficult t<i determine whether its gene
ral scope or ils details are t tie most objectiona
ble. It prohibits Tavern keepers from seilpg
or suffering liquor to be drank in their houses,
and confers upon the Courts the power to grant
or withhold licenses fiom (lie liquor dealers.
Thus, enabling the Courts to create a monopoly
for the betiefit of favorites, and those perhaps,
the most unworthy among the great number ot
applicants. Its tendency is to encourage rather
than to diminish intemperance, by closing ttie
spigot and opening the bung. It denies the
w~ary and exhausted traveller, who is compel
led to stop at public houses, llie right of buying
it from the landlord or of drinking it upon the
pn-niises, u bile it affords every facility to the
resident population to obtain and drink it at
pleasure. It tends to increase (he rate of char
ges against those who are compelled to stop at
Hotels, by depriving the keepers oftbe profits
arising from the sale—while, at the same time,
it transfers it to the liquor dealers, who neither
entertain nor contribute to the comfort ot the
travelling and business community. Its title,
which should indicate and explain the context
of the act. is a cheat and deception upon the
public. It purports to be "an act to restrain
the sale of intoxicating liquors." This, is true,
as far as it goes, but it does not embrace the
whole of the act. To give the* whole contents
of tim ac.' by its title it should read tlitis—"an
act to restrain the sale of intoxicating liquou,
bv less measure than a quart, and to encour
age aid promote intemperance by wholesale."
Fir tlwse and other reasons, this act should
not have been passed bv the Legislature, espe
cially after the decision of the people against it
it the la>t election : and should, therefore, he
repealed by the next Legislature. And that,
in my opinion, is tiie proper and only remedy
left lor the people against its force and opera
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
To William Deßorbnn, Conrad Beidler, Daniel
Heusuin and others.
Said mv grandfather one evening :
About lilt)' of ns had been engaged for sevep|
a! days in performing a secret duty. and were
returning. We had to pass very near to
British lines, and to avoid being taken, and afso
to save a wide circuit of miles, we resolved to
enca!np in a secret place we knew of, through
tiie day, and uuder the shadows of the night
pass unseen on the direct course to Gen. Mor
gan's camp. The day was beautiful, and the
spot we had chosen lor our reding place was
one of those grassy nooks, shut out from the rest
of the world by lines of hi lis, impenetrable tin
derbush, and a gigantic fores! : a small, hut clear
and deep stream ran by it, and the sun was at
such declination as to throw half of the fittle spot
in the shade. We lair! down our arms, relieved
ourselves of our knapsacks, and spreading the
scuntv sloie on the grass, ate with good appe-
tile, refreshed ourselves from the--limpid wateis
of the stream, and then each amused himself as
lie could.
After resting awhile some went in to bathe,
and one by one, as the pleasure seemed to in
crease, followed until the whole party were in
the stream. This lasted for about an hour, and
most of us had returned to the shore and were
dressing, when a new feature was given to the
scene by one of tlie number saying tfiat he was
going to wash his shiit. Now, most of us had
worn these peculiar garments two, three and
four weeks, and some even longer, without their
having Iheni once washed, arid there is no doubt
of their needing it very much, for. mind vnu,
the man those days who could afford two shirts
whole shirts—was a curiosity. The id-a,
therefore, was a good one, and many immedi
ately began disrobing themselves again, and soon
were busy as washer-women, rubbing away like
fulling-mills. As the pieces were finished, tin v
were hung in t'e sun on the limbs of trees, or
spread out on the ginss. Mnnv were still en
gaged in thei> washing: some were stretched on
the ground in deep sleep, some were wrestling,
some jumping, some collecting in knots, telling
stories: marly al! naked as the day they were j
born : in tact, as happy as fellows could he with ;
one shirt, and that drying in the sun, and but a
morsel in the knapsack: when we were star-j
tied—yes indeed, really frightened—by a volley
of musketry, the balls of which whistled bv us,
fortunately only making a lew flesh wounds.
Thesound of musketry, although it surprised
us at first, we were too much accustomed to
hearhg to remain long under a panic ; so the
nex' moment found each man of us in possession
of lis musket, and himself covered hv a tree, j
We had not long to wait .before a large body of
IVitish broke through the underhush, which had j
fifore concealed them, and rushed with fixed
layonets upon us. But their progress was sud- -
denlv checked by our fire, which laid a large'
number of them dead before us. We had not
time to reload, when tlie enemy again charged
down upon us, and we were forced to give w av.
We ran some distance, and reloading, stood our
ground. I'p to this time we had not thought of
the condition we were in, when one of the of
ficers, all at once, cried out, "Boys, will you
lose yours shirts ?" then casting our eyes around
quickly, we gave a shout ; "Now for our shirts !" i
and rushed forward like so many naked devils.
As soon as the British came to our view, we
}oured in a well directed fire, and immediately |
charged with the bayonet. So suddenly had
this movement been made, having supposed that
Thesotind of musketry, although it surprised
us at first, we were Jno much accustomed to
hearhg to remain long under a panic : so the ;
nex.' moment found each man of us in possession
of lis musket, and himself covered bv a tree. ;
We had not long to wait before a large body of
Iritish broke through the underhush, which had j
fefore concealed them, and rushed with fixed
layonets upon us. Hot their progress was sud
denly checked !>v our fire, which laid a large'
number of them dead before us. VVe had not
time to reload, when the enemy again charged
down upon us, and we were forced to give wav.
\\ e ran some distance, and reloading, stood our
ground. Up to this- time we had not thought of
the condition we were in, when one of the of
ficers, all at once, cried out, '-Boys, will you
lose yours shirts V' then casting our eyes around
quickly, we gave a shout ; "Now fur our shirts !" I
and rushed forward like so many naked devils.
As soon as the British came to our view, we
{mured in a well directed fire, and immediately I
charged with the bayonet. So suddenly had
this movement been made, having supposed that
we were still running the other way, they were
completely surprised, and then came their turn
to run. Alter them we shouted still with onr j
new watchword "Shirts! The officers of the
enemy having at length succeeded in securing I
Freedom of Thought and Opinion.
the attention of their men, wheeled theiri, and
gave us a return fire, which killing, as we sup
posed, some ol our party, we again took to our
heels; and the redcoats, taking up our crv ot
"Shirts !" came pell-mill after us. Again "we
turned and charged the British running, they
in turn again charging upon us, each party
shouting "Shirts!" until finally it became a reg
ular shirt-tail fight;
At lenght, becoming somewhat exasperated
with the game, and constantly reminded of our
shtrts by the enemy screaming it in our ears,
and recollecting, too, that we would not cut a
very pietty figure returning to quarters nan cu
lottes, we made one desperate charge, and finally
succeeded in gaining the dav by driving the
British Irom the field. Several of our party
were wounded hut none killed. Not so with the
British. The dead were scatteied all over the
little green space, and through the woods: and
putting on our garments, and leaving the dead
to be buried by their own people, we took the
circuitous route which we had avoided in the
morning (thereby having been obliged to fight a
little battle) and reached the camp about mid
night, where we caused no little merriment,
and often afterwards, as we related our adven
ture of the "shirt-tail" fight.
Discovery cl a New People on Hie Wes-
tern (onlinenr.
A discovery which even in this age of almost
daily revelations of antiquities and wonders of
remote times and people, most strike the world
with wonder, has just been made by the officers
of the sloop-of-war Decatur.
It will be recollected that the Decatur sailed
from Rio in company with the Massachusetts
(propeller)—that they parted company, and
that for some weeks the loss of the Dtcalur was
looked upon as certain. She was afterwards
discovered by her consort, part way through
the Straits ot Magellan, and was lowed into
the Pacific by the Massachusetts, 'j tie New
Orleans Picayune ot the Ist inst., publishes a
leper, received from 0. 11. Green, dated on
board the Decatur, "off the Stiaits of Magellan,
Feb. 16," and which contains some statements
so startling that we make the following ex
tracts. From the apparent respectability of the
source, we see no reason tor doubting the
narrative, remarkable as it is. The writer
-1 There being no appearance of a change of
i weather, I obtained leave of absence lor a few
S days, ami accompanied by my classmate atul
A hum, Dr. Bainbridge, Assistant Surgeon, was
orj Terja del Fin-go, Willi great labor
and difficulty we scrambled up the mountain
sides, which line the whole south-east shore of
Ihe>-e Straits, and after ascending 3,b00 feet, we
came upon a plain of surpassing richness and
beauty : fertile fields—the greatest variety of
fruit tres in full bearing, and signs of civiliza
tion and refinement meeting us on every side.
We had never read any account ol these peo
ple, and thinking this island was wholly de
serted, except by a few miserable cannibals and
wild I,easts, we had come well armed, and you
can judge of our surprise.
The inhabitants were utterly astonished at
nut appeaiance, but exhibited no signs of lear,
nor any unfriendliness. Our dress amused
them, ami being the first white men ever seen
by them, they imagined that we had come from
their God, the Sun, on some peculiar errand ol
good. They are the noblest race I ever saw,
tlm men all ranging from (i feel to 65, well pro
portioned, very athletic, and straight as an ar
lOW. The women were among the must per
fect models of beautv ever formed, averaging r>
feet high, very plump, with small feet and
hands, and with a jet black eye which takes
you by storm. We surrendered at discretion
and remained two weeks with this strange peo
'I he ship is in sight lhat will carry this to
you, and i must now close: only saving that
the official report of Dr. Bainbrtdge to the De
partment, v* ill be filled with the most interest
ing and valuable matter, and astonish the Aniei
ican people. The vessel proves to be the clip
per ship Creeper, liom the Chinchi Islands,
with Guano, for your port, and I w ill avail my
self of this opportunity to send you a specimen
of painting on porcelain, said to be over three
thousand years old , and an image, made of gold
and iion, taken in one of their wars many
years before the Straits of Magellan existed.
Their teachers of religion speak the l.atin
language, and have traditions from scccessive
priests, through halfn hundred centuries.
They tell us that this island was once attach
ed to the main land ; that about 1600 years ago,
hv their records, their country was visited by a
\ iolent earthquake, which occasioned the rent
now known as the Stiaits oi Magellan ; that on
the top of the mountain which lilted its head
to the sun, whose base rested where the waters
now flow, stood their great temple—which, ac
cording to their description, as compared to the
one now existing we saw, must have been 17,-
200 feet square, and over 1 100 feet high, built
of I lie purest pant ile marble.
They number about three thousand men, wo
men and children, and I was assured the pop
ulation had not varied two hundred, as they
prove hv their traditions, for immemorial ages, j
As the aged grow feeble they are lelt to die,
and il the children multiply too rapidly they
aie sacrificed by the priests. This order com- j
prises about one tenth of the population, and
what the ancient Greeks called "Gy innophists." .
They are of one peculiar race, neither will .
they admit a stranger into their order. They
live, for the most part, nearthe beautiful stream
calbd Tanucan, which lakes its rise in the
mountains, passes through the magnificent val- 1
lev of Leuvu, and empties into the Atlantic at
the extreme south-western part ol the Island.
The residence is chosen lor the sake of their
frequent purifications. The diet consists of
milk, curdled with sour herbs. They eat ap
ples, rice, and all fruits and vegetables, esteem
ing it as the height of impiety to taste anything
that has life. They live in little huts or cot
tages, each bne by himself, avoiding company
and discourse, employ ing all their time in con
templation, and their religious duties. They
esteem this life but a necessary dispensation of
Nature which tin y voluntarily undo as a pen
ance, evidently thirsting after the dissolution of
their bodies : and firmly believing that the soul
at death, is released from prison, and launches
forth into perfect liberfy and happiness. There
lore, they are always cheerfully disposed to die,
bewailing those that are alive, and celebiating
the funerals ot the dead with joytui solemnities
and triumph.
Matching for a Tiger.
1 lie spot 1 selected was at th<-edge of a tank,
where a tiger used to drink. There was a large
tamarind tree on its banks, arid here 1 took my
post. A village shikaree accompanied me; and
soon after sunset we took up our position on a
branch, about 1 2 feet from tile ground. I should
fi:st mention that we had fastened an unfortun
ate bullock under the tree for a bait. Well, we
remained quietly on our perch tor a couple of
hours without anything stirring. It might be 8
o'clock; the moon had risen, and so clear was
tile liglit that we could see the jackalls at the
distance of a half a mile, sneaking along to
wards (ht* village, when a party of Biinr,parries
stopped to water their bullocks at the tank.
They loitered for some time: arid becoming im
patient, I got down from the tree with a single
iiffe in my hand, and walked towards them, tel
ling them that I was watching for a tiger, when
they started off' immediately.
I was sauntering back to my post, never
dreaming of danger, when the shikaree gave a
low whistle, and at the same moment a grow 1 a
rose Irom some bushes between meanri the tree.
To make my situation quite decided, I saw the
shikaree's black arm pointing nearly straight
under him,on try side of the post. It was evi
dent that I could not regain the tree, although
I was within twenty paces of it. There was
nothing tor rr,e to do hut to drop behind a bush,
ami leave the rest to Providence. It I had
moved then the tiger would have had me to a
certainty : besides, I trusted to his killing the
bullock, and returning to the jungle as soon as
he had finished his supper.
It was terrible to hear the moans of the wretch
ed bullock as the ti<xer approached. He would
run to the end of his rope, making a desperate
effort to break it. and then lie down, shaking
:n every limb, and bellow ing in the most pite
ous manner. The tiger saw him plain enough,
hi|t, suspecting something was wrong, he walk
ed growling tree, as if he did not ob
serve him. At length he made his fatal spring
with a horrid shriek rather than a roar. I could
hear the tortured bullock struggling under him,
uttering faint cries, which became more feeble
every instant, ami then ihe heavy breathing,
hail growl, half snort of the monster, as lie hung
to his neck, sticking his life's blood.
I know not what possessed meal this moment
but I could not resist the temptation of a shot.
T crept up soilly within ten yards of him, and
kneeling behind a clump of date, took a deliber
ate aim at his head, while he lay with his nose
buried in the bullock's throat. He started with
an angry roar from the carcass, when the hall
struck him. He stood listening |i>r a moment,
and then dropped in front oi me,-uttering a sul
len growl. There was nothing but a date hush
between us: I had no weapon but my discharg
ed rifle. I felt for mv pistols, hut they had
been left on the tree. Then 1 knew that my
hour was come, and all the sins of my life rush
ed with dreadful distinctness across my mind,
f muttered a short prayer, and tried to prepare
myself lor death, which seemed inevitable.
But what was my peon about all this time?
lie had the spare guns with him ! 0, as I af
terwards learned, he was trying to fire mv dou
ble rifle: but a!! my locks have holts, which he
did not understand, and he could not cock it.—
He w as a good Shikaree, and knew that was mv
only chance: so when he could do no good, he
did nothing. JflMohaden had been then* he
would soon have relieved me ; hut 1 had sent
him in another direction that day. Some min
utes passed thus.
The tiger made no attempt to come at me: a
ray of hope cheered me: he might be dying. I
peeped through the branches—but my heart
sank within im- when his bright green eyes met
mine, and his hot breath absolutely blew in mv
face. T slipped back in despair, ami a grow I
warned me that even that slight movement was
noticed. But why did he not attack me ? A
tiger is a suspicious, cowardly brute, and wiii
seldom charge unless hesees his prey distinctly.
Now J was quite concealed by the date leaves ;
and while I remained perfectly quiet I stiii had
a chance.
Suspense was becoming intolerable. My rifl
lay ust-less at my side; to attempt to load it would
have been instant death. My knees were bruis
ed by the hard gravel, but I dared not move a
joint. The tormenting mosquitoes swarmed a
round my lace, but I feared to raise rrtv hand to
brush them off. Whenever the wind ruHiedthe
leaves that sheltered me, a hoarse growl grated
through the stillness of the night. Hours that
S'*err.ed years rolled on ; I could hear the vil
lage gong strike each hour of that dreadful night,
which I thought would never end. At last the
welcome dawn \ and oh, how g'adlv did I
hail the first streaks ol light that shot up from
the horizon, for then the tiger rose, and sulkily
stalked awav to some distance. ] felt that the
danger was past, and rose with a feeling of re
lief which I cannot describe. Such a night of
suffering was enough to turn my brain, and I
only wonder that I survived it. J now sent off
the peon for the elephant, and before 3 o'clock
old Goliath had arrived. It was all over in five
minutes. The tiger rushed to meet me as soon
as I entered the cover,and one ball in the chest
dropped him down dead.
Rev. James H. Hartzell, of Quicklv, 111., has
lately been supplied with an artificial jaw-bone
for a natural one. It appears the Rev. gentle
man was for a long time afflicted with a bony
tumor, and about ten yearn ago underwent an
operation, when it was found necessary to ex
tirpate the entire lower jaw-bone, severing it on
both sides far back as within half an inch of
the angle oflhe lower maxillary. Articulation
was thus destroyed and also the power to mas
tigate, while his face presented an unnatural
and repulsive appearance. Four years after
wards he procured a gold plate which being
furnished with Uclh and fitting the cavitv left
by the removal of the hone, restored the patient
the jiower both to speak distinctly and masii
cate certain kinds ol food. Lately, however,
the plate became verv detective, and a few davs
ago J)r. Forbes, ol St. Louis, inserted in its
stead an artificial jaw-bone, which, it is stated
gives the patient's mouth and chin such a nat
ural appearance that no one would detect with
out accurate examination that anything had
been done more than "putting in a set of teeth.
He could articulate with distinctness immedi
ately after its insertion, and sleep well at night
without its removal.
lYuuderiul Lake.
In the town of Manlius, ten miles from Syra
cuse, Mr. Meriam examined, some time since,
a wonderful lake, situated in the bottom ofa
circular, ciator-like indentation, ujiori 'lie surn
mit of a hiiih hill.—The entire crator is about
five hundred feet in perpendicular depth, and
i> filled to within about two hundred feet of the
top, with char cold water, which w lien looked
at from the top of the steep hank, assumes a
\iv id preen color. He/ore sunrise upon a bright
morning, grasses may be discovered by the eye,
from every pait of the bottom. Trees that fall
into the water become encrusted with a green
coating, which, on being exposed to the air,
hardens to stone: and the bovs in the vicinity
procure small sticks, thus encrusted, from the
water, and cutting out the woody part, make
whistles of the stone incrustation. About the
hike is found a sort ofconcrete, formed by the
water, and somewhat resembling pumice stone.
The waters of "Green Lake," as it is called,
are often in a state of ebullition, caused by the
escape of gases from below, and wood taken
from it gives a strong sulphurous smell upon
being burnt. Several vears since a singular
phenomenon exhibited itself here. The son of
the farmer w ho owns the spot was plowing upon
a small level spot of ground in the vicinity,
when suddenly he heard a rearing of the waters
behind him, and looking back he saw the lake
in a state of great commotion, rising and beat
ing against it* rocky barriers ill great waves.
He hurried home affrighted and alarmed, hut"
when he returned with his father to the place,
everything had resumed its former peace and
quiet. Upon the borders of the Green Lake,
one November morning, Meriam found a eai
den ol fiost flowers, beautiful beyond descrij
tion—the growth of the preceding night. They
resembled the white pond lilly in shape and
size, with tiie exception that the stems were
shorter. The outer leaves were opaque on the
edge, but the stem portion was transparent.—
1 heir discoverer plucked one and carried it in
his hand lor a distance of about a mile, until
it gradually dissolved in his hand, just as the
dreams and aspirations ot a voting and sanguine
heart melt awav when exposed to contact with
the rude realities of life.
a private letter at Beloit, we learn the following
particulars of a dreadful tragedy which occurred
in that place on the morning of the 23d ult.
The wife of a citizen of that town was aw ak
ened from her sleep on the morning of the 23d,
by noise which she heard in an adjoining apait
ment. In a mcrnent more she saw a gleam from
a dark lantern, held by a man in that room, and
screaming with affright awoke her husband, who
uas sleeping at her side. As he sprang fioin thy
fed the intruder fired at him with a pistol, (lie
hall just missing his hea d and burying itself in
the p;ilow\. Snatching a double barrelled gun
from the wall he discharged both barrels at the
intrude!. The contents of one barrel entered
the man's head and the other his body, killing
him instantly. Leaving the bodv where it fell,
the gentleman and his wife proceeded to the
nean-st neighbor, told him what had happened,
and induced him to return with them to his
house. But imagine the feelings of the neigh
bor, himself a man universally esteemed and
respected, to recognize in the mangled body of
the dead robber, his own sun!
I'pon returning to his house, the father found
his son's room unoccupied, the window opened,
and a rope ladder extending from the window to
the ground.
The gentleman who shot the robber had sob
ered toe locs of two gold watches some time be
fore, in a mysterious manner, and now attributes
their theft to this person.— Chicago Tribune of
STEEPINC SEED CORN. —The blackbirds, crows,
and cut worms, have ruined the prospect of
many a fair held of corn, and obliged its owner
to devote it to some other crop, alter the beau
tiful blades have come up and made a finestart.
Steeping the corn in saltpetre or coperas water,
will give it such a taste as to make it disagreea
ble to the birds, and it is said to be also to the
cot worm. Soaking the corn in water and
then rolling it in tar and piaster will also act as
a preventive.
NATIONAL Wnir.s.—There are national whigs
in the North who have not yielded to the secret
order. This is a circumstance of some impor
tance, now that the whigs of the South are
invited into the know-nothing trap. In Penn
sylvania such whigs as Josiah Randall, Charles
Gilpin, VV. M. Meredith, Joseph R. Chandler,
Hon. I. E. Hiester. and VV. B. Reed, all well
known for their ability and their services in the
ranks of the old Clay party, are boldly opposed to
the secret party, and they contributed greatlv
to the defeat which overtook the latter on Tues
day last in the city ol Philadelphia.