The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, May 11, 1855, Image 3

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    The Mormons.
Bcioham Yorxo delivered a characterisitc ad
jlresi at the Tabernacle, Great Salt Lake City,
in February. We extract the closing paragraph :
' The newspapers are teeming with statements
.v, i said 'President Pierce and all heli cou'd
lot remove me from office.' I wit! tell ym,
what 1 did sav, and what I row say-the Lord
';"ns and rules in the armies erf the Heawns,
n i does his pleasure among the inhabitants of
*" e earth. He sets up a kingdom here, and
, .]!s down another there, at IPs pleasure. He
J; 4 j'|. s j a 'he midst of the people, and they know
;r riot. He makes kings, presidents and govern
or at His pleasure; hence I conclude that I
'j ail be governor of Utah territory just as long
/„ He wants me to be ; and for that time, neither
President of the United Sidles, nor any oih-
H - power can prevent it. Then, brethren and
' t. r he not worried about mv being dismissed
honi office: for when the President appoints
■t' other man to be Governor of Ulan territory,
yon may acknowledge that the Lord has done
a for "we should acknowledge His hand i:i all
0 n Wednesday morning last, about eight o'-
clock, the chimney of the drv house attached to
j extensive powder mills of Stoneliack <B. Det
wriler. in Haycock township, tuck tire, and
fumed out furiously at the top. Only two or
tinee persons were in the mill at the tune ; they
heard the roar of the fire, and rati out of the
building, intending to procure buckets, and as
rend to the roof with water to prevent the
M.ogles from taking tire. After a moments re
action, they thought the undertaking a hazard
. ..i one, and very prudently abandoned it.—
They made their escape as f.;St as possible. Jo
a i. w moments the roof'was on tire in sever
al places, and it is said to have been about three
unites before a spark fell through the singles;
i::< 0 the main fart of the building, where there
was about fiinr tons of powder, u hich < f course
was instantly ignited, and (he whole mill was
blown sky high, a part ol which has not since
bu' O sf*n.
The exclusion was terrible, and shook 'be i
country for miles mound. It v. as distinctly
heart., the jar felt, and a child of smoke r.b
erv.'il. at Piurrst'adville, Pi ice's Tavern ami
IDoylestown. .Mr. ' bales I? wdejibush, a for
me, li'llavcock, was plowing in his field at the
mite of the explosion. He informs us that th<>
, ifect on him was of a stunning nature, and th"
.arth !r<*inbl-u under his feet. The n: -st t >r
tunate circumstance connected with the terrible ;
catastrophe is that no one was killed. John:
5* ■••.hick. Sen., saved himself bv getting I •-
!:in i a large trc less than a hundred yards it on: '
lis ■ fatal spot.
One ,ir two other persons, who were about
the mill at the time, made their tcampers give
'm long pull, a strong pul , and a pull altogeth
er," and succeeded in making tlieir escape from
the interna! machine. The powder mill belonged
!■> .1 an T. Stone' ick an-l Samuel Detweiier,
and is near the oil mill of John Stone! a; :.. Sen.
They aie ail situated on the Tohiroo Ur ok, am!
Nt the ru<! leading from h ivl-htown to Ruh
hniifnwn. The loss is variously estimated hv
different nersons. The lowest estimate we have
jrd I. s'uiO, and the highest tjoOJO.— ti
tocn, Pn. Democrat, Jhn ii ilk.
A crzuots < ast:.
The London Times of the iStli of April,
the I .!lowing reference to a enriouscase in which
a ladv of high social position and great wealth
in London, had been tried I>r Ciefr. 'i he jury
hv whom the case was tried were unable to
agree tin-.n a verdict :
We were prevented last nig!;!, by press ol ;
matter, fivm offering any comment upon ti;<- j
case of Mrs. Ramsbr.tham. The report of the
proceedings appear in our impression of vester- (
dii'. Upon the facts of tli<- case it would be j
n- . dbss for us to offer any comment, so painful
aa ' have they obtained. Suffice it to
mi v, that it appears to have-been proved clearly j
i: it this lady did actually abstract Iron, iheshof
ufa draper named Afoul.-', in Raker .street, cer- j
tain small articles—apairof sleeves and four ;
j ck-t handkerchiefs. The only question was.
•\'3> she at the time of the commission of the a< t :
11 her riglit mind Se j had stolen, or rather I
viro supposed to have stolen, the sleeves, and j
when she presented herself again, measures j
Mere taken to have h<-r can fully watched. Ol j
i :rse, when the quest ion of motive came to be j
cmsidered, the rase absolutely broke dow n.—j
.M tive there could be none in Mrs. Kam shot h
;uii's cos-. She might, had she so pleased, have i
hid all ti.e sleeves and handkerchiefs in Air. j
kfuiU's siinp, and her husband would have paid j
t'ie ill without much mnrniur. The fact is,
'it in continenting upon this <;<<•• we find our- j
sHves in a certain difficulty. The .medical rea- .
s as alleged by .Mr. Baliantine in his defence;
t'.e prisoner, were in all probability Jounded :
' pin truth, but they are not of a character to j
ar much discussion. She had arrived at a |
time of life when the whole nervous system ot j
Mu-i an is altered, and, when the change is a
' mid one, thev are scarcely, if at all respon
sible for Iheir actions. There are among them
]er-ms who, "during that change, ate in con
•daiit n. rvous excitement under continual bai
ler mat ions—resulting from a morbid affection
' 1 the t rain, superinduced by the change alluded
' ■ Surii was Mr. BaUaritine's defence, and
it appears to be founded on reasonable grounds.
IxTcr.rsTivG SctsciCAL OPERATION'.— A sur
gical operation was performed at three o'clock
yesterday afternoon, upon the person of a young
'■Hv about nineteen years of age, residing on I
' ohm ay street: of a hiost difficult and danger- ;
'"is nature, and such ns is but verv seldom re- ;
' "t| to by the profession. Tlie operation was
Performed by Dr. Washington L. At lee, of
•Mii'adelphia, who came to tins citv* for that
Purpose, and consisted of the removal of an in
"•"nal abilon-.inal tumor which on being placer! j
n the scale was found to weigh forty-one
jwnit!*. It was what is called a multilomlar ;
• u~r, being composed of an adhearir.g mass of •
v i"'J tumors, among which were five large ones,
each of which, on being opened, w as found to
contain a different-colored liquid varying from
straw color to blood red.
1 he operationoccupied about fifteen minutes,
'! the patient last evening was considered to j
• doing v.-rv well, with a reasonable pro'-3- '
nty of ultimate recovery. There are hut verv
1 -v professional gentlemen in our citvNvho cr>a-
S ' ; *T it expedient to have such an operation
performed, the chances being looked upon as at
• st of so doubtful a nature as hardly to warrant
' • Ihe same gentleman performed an opera
'•'o sometime since upon a lady of our citv,
Ni hi has now entirely recovered. That of ves
tertiay was witnessed hv Drs. T. M. Drizzle
B. Jack>in. of Philadelphia, and Drs.
Hitifze,Uhatard, O'Donnell, Morris, Cockrel! i
and Will'ms, ot this city.— RoHimnre dipper
2bth uf/.
Fu::r... —Shipping hrflnds of Flour a:' freely
ofjrred at $lO bU per barrel, hut ifiere is no in
quiry for ' xport, and the only transactions ma
king are small lots for home consumption, and
. select brands and extra at $lO 50 all. In Rye
i Flour and Corn Meal nothing doing.
Cbaix. —ln Wheat there is more doing and
fbere is more coming in. Sales 3000 bushels
j prime Pennsylvania white at $"2 GO per bushel,
| afloat, 1700 bushels prime red at $2 53, and
TOO bushels fair Mai viand red at $2 T5. Small ;
; sales of Rye at $1 40 per bushel. Corn is in
| good demand arid 5000 bushels yellow sold at
§1 07, afloat, which is an advance nf 1 cent.—
Oats are in fair request, and 400 husk. Pennsv I
vania sold at G5 cents per bushel.
•30*8-:5*12 W. TATE,
j Has for sale FO* R FARMS and 10,000 acres'
jof unimproved Land. "ff" Liberal advance!,
i math', and Land Warrants bought and sold.
' "Office in Juiiann'a street.
Bedford, May 1 I, ]855 Sin.
Notice is hereby given that an assessment of
FOUR PUR CEN T, has been laid on the pre
•' mium notes of the Cumberland Valley Mutual
Piotectiuti Company, which were in force on |
the 1 sth dav of March h'.vt. The memhers of
said Company are h-refy required to pay their
pro rata t > trie anihonzn! Collectors or Treasur
er of the Company witfiin thirty da vs. in accoi
<•' with the By-Laws ami Charter ot said
: Cohipativ. By order of the Board.
JOHN T. GRFF.X, Secr'y.
May 11, 1555.
i'Ußiiiu SAjj-ji
THE Subscriber will ofier at pulißc sale, or
. SATURDAY, May 19th, at the "Manse," tfte
remainder of his household and kitchen Furni
ture— comprising one of the best article*—such
as Stoves, Bedsteads and Bedding, Bureaus, Ta
bles. Desks, ike., ike.
t-o!e t i commence at If) o'clock A. M. when
attendance will be given, and terms made kn ovn
[by *T. K. DAVIS.
Mav 11. is.'o.
N< TlCF:—Noiice i- .<v given that 1. !-
ter* ol administration have been granted to the
subscriber on the Estate of Jacob Dn'.l, bite ol
East Providence township, Bedfoid county, de
(ea- d—all persons haring claims will present
tie-in jirop-rl v authentrrcted for settb'rnent,arid
those indebted w ill make immediate pvsvment.
iit is! r'tior.
May 11. 1855.
\GT iCE : —'i'ile uudeisiglied expecting to i.e
absent m tie W<st lor some lengiii of tune,
w odd sav that bis business will he- lejt in the
bunds i f Jacob S. S; hell, where ai! interested
will call and attend to timm own and mv inter- j
ScheiisVurg,May 11, lr>ss.
(ftf /vc lute Finn nf /Wig cS* Oloorhtad.)
'icnt:n*! ilt cin' ant,
Wfß fin PlfitiiK i'. C. •. Nc.
No. 7ii, Water Street, t.ei uv Market,
Itttr'nrc :>?
ihwiJ J ni O 5 '
Th" undersigned will cor.Tnim the ''ornmi—
>ion Business at the above place; and having j
■ provided himself with sniio l !e conveniences for
the storage of Pig Metal, Blooms, Produce, ike.
is now prepared to receive consignments.
Bv ! uig experience in the business, and bv
constant attention, he hopes to merit a generous
: share oftrnde, which lie respectfully solicits.
April 27, 1855.
j The undersigned will expose to sale on Tims- :•
| dav, tlie 15th dav of MAY next, on the premi
ses, the very desirable FARM on which Uhris
: tian Stonilei lajelv reside !, situate in Napier '
• Tow nship, ab-mt lour inil-s west < i P •dfi'ril. a:l
--; joining the Turnpike jnd hands of A.J. Suive
■ Iv, E-ij., and George Siuckov, ion'aining two :
hundred and fiftv two acres, more or less, a-
I bout 120 aen s cleared and undci fence. Land
I patented.
j This property is remarkably well timbered,
j and well supplied with water, and every way
. adapted to agricultural purposes.
In order to suit purchasers, the prnpr rty will
be divided and sold in parts or altogether, as j
inav be most desirable.
■ ---"Tern.s accommodating, and will be trade :
known on day ol sale. Due attend;i.nee will
be given bv
April 27, IS:>5.
All persons iruletrfed to tlie estate of Solomon
i Rice, late of Sunthauitdon Township, Bedford
i county, deceased, are requested to make imme
diate j v men t, nod those having claims against:
said estate will present them properly authenti-j
cated for settlement.
A pi i! 6, 1855. Adui'r. |
THV lirniersigrrert have asset-iate<! ihemselves in the
Practice of the Law. and will attend promptly to ai!
business entrusted to their care in Bedford and ad- ,
jouetig counties.
03^Office on .fulianna Street, three doors south of
"Mengel House,"opposite the residence of Maj. Tate.
June 2, 1854. O. 11. SPANG.
And possession given on the Is* of June, a
I TAN YARD in the Borough of Bedford, with
all the fixtures complete, and a Dwelling ad;a- j
i cent thereto. Apply to either of the under-j
' signed.
Wm. Hartley,
Job Mann,
John H. Rush,
March 30, 1555. For the Heirs, i
farter's Spanish Mixture staiuls pre-eminent above
all others, ft* singularly effiroeioiij action on the
blood ; its strengthening and vivifying qualities ; its
tonic action <>n the Liver ; its tendency to drive all
humors to the surface; thereby cleansing the system
according to Nature's own prescription ; its harmless,
arid at the same time extraordinary good effects, aud
the number of cures testified to by many of the
ii'o-t repectubie citizens of Richmond, Va., and
elsewhere, must be conclusive evidence that there is
no humbug about it.
The i rial of a single bottle w ill satisfy the mort
skeptical of its benefits.
',' See advertisement in another column.
W fax, nervous, depressed in spirits, and a prey to
innumerable mental as well us physical evils, the
victim to dyspepsia is indeed an object of commiser
!at ion. \eti; is absurd for him to despair. We care
not how low, week, nervous arid irritable he may be,
the cordial properties of HooiHand's German Bitters,
prepared by Dr. ('. .M. Jackson, Philadelphia, are |
stronger than the many headed monster which is
preying tqxin tiis boily and las mmd ; an<l if hechooses
to try them, we will insure a speedy cure. See ad
vert i-einei.r.
Coimtuxu i\ Ciirucu.—Tin' Greensburg Intelli
gencer of May 2fi, IS*3. pays the following cotrtpli- :
toent to Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Congh Syrup, a new '
remedy that is greatly in vogue now tor the cure of ;
Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and incipient Pulmonary i
i diseases:
! I'.inn thr O i rrnsht r ItileJlidn/rrr, UTay 20, ISoj. -j
Tiir wi: Arum, for a wefk past, has been quite I
cool, and. to u-, very unpleasant. Besides being
j root, and unpleasant m that way, it is exceedingly
{changeable. On Wednesday, ihe IStli, The tfiei
tnoniefer stood between SO aud f'O in the shade, most
of the day. 'l'fie next dav, overcoats anil tires were
iferessu! y to corujort : and on Friday moiiiing, there
1 was quite a hard Irost in tins vicinity, though noth
ing was -eriotisly injured thereby. A* a eonsequetice
ol sudden vbauges, many people are alilie'ed
' wnh had colds and rough -. We observed a lady in
I church the other evening, so much annoyed with a
hard cough, that we r-al!v fell ahirrned lor her safe- i
tv ; so much so. that it was with ome effort that
we could reliant trom •'talking' out in ir eeting," and
recommending ber forthwith to procure a bottle of
Keyset's Pectoral Syrup, to give her immediate re
bel. For sale by Rupp K Oster of this place, and
Colvin is. Robeson NchelLburg.
ve.-s.-Q " iS hail 11 2 3
VVoubl atituinnct* In his fiinnißand the pn!)- '
lie that ii" lus purchased the entire Store of the
Into Jin is M. Gitsun, arid .nteufls In continue j
biistm>.< at the old stand. H- ha*m i and an
assort no-tit i-.t Dry Geo; s, Groceries, 'i * as*. Se
•rurs. J-w eii v, Nc. Ac. ti><retl>er w itb Ckmlec
ti-?n; ii-s • feverv descriptinn. In a sluut time
he w ill replenish 1 is stock, so as to make it at:
inducement to purchaser* to srive him a csli.—
He has on hand a goo.-} .-..pniv <1 R. ami
will make eve.-v efibrt to acconiitiodate the pei>-
pte in this line of his tuisi erf to r wholesale
or retail. He will also keep, Fish,
'•;!(. M lasses, Hivots. S;ues, Hats, Jlrootii;.
Brushes, Fab-tit cu'cicines, Drugs-, Dve-s:ufis,
ami eveiv article e.suallv kept in a retail store.
ING will bo attended t > as usual with prompt
ness and despatch —and be would take this oc
casion to say that he has ; >yv on hand, ami will
Itirnish to 01 ier, on the enfavmablo term .
ee, TV description of WALL PAPER and BOR
' Bv unreiTii;:bi£ al'eti'i -n t > business, and a
dispii-il sin to please, he he yes to na-rit and r>--
Ceive liberal. UII :d.
Bediirrd, April fi, 1855.
"torn l2i rents to S! -J5 per - ice* , jtfst'ivcviv
ed ami I' at the varii v Store ot
Bedl rd, Are il NT, 1K5..
Qpe four-horse Rrdatl-w heej vajhn and w a
o Bed, thre- two-; ; !mv double trees and
-ingle trees, one : a:-;e w Ire-e £ ■>d |-d;.w
; ieaili-r, ciieap: one tvco-lc rs-e market u aj'ii with
1 springs and covered bed, cue I'vdrolie Ram to
; force water Irrcti creeks ~rm springs on i.o'ls, one
iiiur-hors" ; nvt-r and thresf.-iai macl-itu' and
shaker, one Iron seed-roih-r, and s.-wl-drill, all
will be sold low by
May !•, 1555.
1 ALL persons indeht.-ci to the estate of John
' Blair. Sr., late of Cumber laud Vallcv Township,
• Bedford (' mntv, -!-ceased, are reqnr-ted to make
irnu-.i'diate pavment—and those having claims
against said estate w ill present them properly
authenticated tor settlement.
May 4, 1K55-'
j Stone II nJ Earthen-,rurv. to be had at
WM. vN J. ('. KISER'S.
Bedford, ]a.
Mav 4, 1855. 4
S*hy!Kic§nia (o Pooi* ESGtE^t*.
At a meetinc of th.e Direc tors of the Poor j
and llous- of Employment of Bedford county,
March (>. 1855, the lb Mowing resolutions were
i unanimously passed bv said Board:
R< solved, That we do hereby appoint Dr. F.
i C. REAMER Physician to the Poor and House
efEmf/loyment of Bedford county f>r one year
from this date.
Resolved, That said Dr. F. C. Reamer be and
; he is- hereby required fo attend all paupers
! witidn six miles oft':*: B-rough of Bedford, and
; that for his services in attending the Poor House
ami Paupers within *:\ miles of said Borough,
we do hereby agree to pay him the sum of one i
j hundred dollars per annum.
Resolved, That notice he published in the s<-
veial papers of Ihe Borough of Bedford ti'.at Dr. ,
F. C. R-anierhas been appointed Piiysian as a
for-said, and that we will pay no bills for servi
ces rendered by Physicians to Paupers when
the services of Phv-ieian to the Poor House
i could be obtained. April 6, IS5:> (it.
istittc Lippe!
Would respectfully announce to his old
friends, and the public at large, that he has o
pefted a;i entirely new CL(>i MING SiORE in
the Borough of Bedford, in the room recently
in the occupancy of Solomon Filler, where he
has just received a very superior assortment of
ready-ma do Clothing lor Men and Boys, to
which he invites attention, satisfied that he can
phase all who give him a call, hoth as to price
and quality. He w ill also k-cp an assortment
of Drv Goods and Groceries. He invites pur
chasers to examine his stock.
Bedford, April b, 1855.
•F i § h I
Twenlv-five Barrels fine fat Mackeral, just
. received and for sale for Cash or produce only
j hv A. B. CRAMER & CO.
Ei i inn (re Bu it ding.
News tor *lie People! !
Fellow-Citizens : We take tbis opportunity
of returning you our most sincere tbanks tor the
liberal patronage you have so kindly bestowed
on us. We would also inform yon that we j
have just returned from the Eastern Cities, with
a large and well selected assortment of Goods,
such as Cloths, C'assirneres, and Satinets ; Peter
Shams, tor over coats, Jeans, Ladies' fine dress
goods, such as Silks, Alpacas, Cobnrg Cloths, |
Bombazines, Merinoes, and a large assortment
of Bay State Shawls, Hosiery, for Ladies, Com
forts, Crapes, ( dlars, &c., N.c. —Mens,' Wo
mens,' Boys' and Children*' Shoes and Boots,
and a general assortment of Groceries. Crush
ed and pulverized Sugars, best Rio Coffee, Teas ,
of all kinds, N. G. Molasses. Golden Syrup,!
Mackerel, Salt by the sack. Baker's Chocolate, I
Broma Cocoa, and a general assortment o! Goods i
usually kept in a country Store.
Qy All kinds of Produce taken in exchange ;
for goods at market prices.
Oct. 13, IS.7U
Heeve JL I&nigrht,
(St/rrrsKor t(t Hartley iV Knight^)
.\\i. 14-S South Second Street,
rire. door* ,r/.ov* Sprue* Stret, PIIIF. AUP LP JIT A, j
Where he keeps constantly on hand a fn't assortment
of every articte in his line of business. FI.ATHKRS. ,
FEATHER-BEDS. Patent Spring Maitre-ses, Curled I
Hair, Moss, Corn Husk ami Straw Mattresses. Velvet
i Tapestry, Tapestry,
Venetian, List, Rag and Hemp Carpeting-, Oil Cloths, !
Canton Mattings, Coeoa am) Spanish Mattings. Floor+
and Stair Druggets. Hearth Rugs, Door Mat-, Table
! and Piano Covers, to which be invites the attention j
of purchasers.
Oct. 13, 1831.—1y.
And \eu (Jood*.
Would respectfully avail himself of this tr.e-;
(hod of informing the citizens of Bedford ami
vicinity that <ie has opened an entirely ,Nevv
Dr i Goods, (Iroc ry, and Fancy Store,
in the Boi nigh uf Bedford, in tie- room for
ite tlv occupied hv Dr. Ilmiu:., and .-croud door
west of Dr. Harry's Drug add JUofc More,
where he has just received from the cities of
Nfv itirk iiitil Pliiiadeipfua
one of the must :*i gatlt ;..• .rti..e::ts of Goods e
v Drought to Ledfoid, widcii, liai ;ng hern pur
chased fur cash, under the mot farti l able cir
cuit stances, he feels warranted in s a ving that re
can sell tke:n at prices so low -t> to astonish the
purchaser, and s>!i in wanl <>', g xl Goods, at
the sie.iitest pi -sidle ptoiit, tire iiivited to give
him a call, f lis st ick embraces every variety
LR. ies Eress Ccc C.:-:,
s ich as Silks, Satins, Delaines, B ; azines,
Spring Shawls, novelties in Law ns, British
Prints, Plaid Ginghams, I ntier*ieeves, from.
I V.' f, i i tits up, Hosiery meveiv variety, Stales,
Bouts and Slippers, lor Ladies an ! C'iiiiil&m —
in fact almost every aiticie adapted foa Lajies
warilTrohe, which it vv ..! i require to-Vtimcli
space lb enumerate in dt-lail, His s'G'.itt of
BONNETS for Ladies. M. and
Cbinir#!, is large, rich and CHEAP,
Has Gi ceries, Teas, So s, Syrup, Kc. i;c.
of t!;e very best quality.
will cortsic r ii no trmddr'fh sV-w
! ;s Go ds, nini he l.ofies the ]..-\l)IEs especial
ly will cai! and examine his assortment wheth
er they put; base or : ,\i- ivs renmn w, ■
! uv.-yl#. that CLI KISHGR'S :s Mi- place foi
BARGAINS! ! ! -April 6, 1855.
♦ *
' C.ARPEI'iNGS— Ingrain, \V.ol, l ig, Lag
ami Ltslin r Carpels, and Ma'tings for sale by
RU BP & GSTER. * j
BOOTS AND SHOES.—M ils', Womens*.
Biv Mi ai d ( tiiidrens* B s.ts and Shies,
Gaiters and Tie.— in great variety for sib* at
BONNETS. Belgrade, French lace, Hun
garian, A mini, Manniila, White. I njilcr ;imt
Let land braid Bonnets—(or sale cte-up, at
FLATS 8c BLOOMERS—Misses' Rnthland
i Flats and Bloomers, I rimed and t.ritrinr d, fa
sab-at CHEAP SIDE.
GROCERIES.—Good Rio Cotfoe at I2i cts.
1 prime do 1 7 cents. Golden Syrup and prime
N. O. Molasses for sale bv
SUGARS.—Granulated and Urudied Sugars-.
White clarified do lOrts. Nice New Orleans
at 7 and S cts. lor sale by it I I'F S- OS I ER.
April 13, 18.7.7.
New Cprinr act! £uc:iucr Goods.
Tiie undersigned, thankful to their friends
j and patrons far the kind and very liberal patron- j
age extended to them heretofore, would respect- j
fully solicit a continuation of the .satin , and al
so in form them that they are now receiving;
from the eastern cities, and opening at
A large and handsome assortment of new style
; Comprising a gn at variety ol Ladies'
C.F?f— g# uCQDG,
,• Of the latest and in ;st fas'iiona'i'e styles, to-J
j getlier with every other article adapted to tiiej
every dav wants of tl'.e people, all of which
they are prepared to sell
and approved produce, or u poo a short credit to 8
good and punctual customers.
••Short profits, manv sales and quick returns,'
will still continue the ruling feature.
Come, then, and seethe hur<*ains, and buy on
ly when satisfied that it's your interest to do so.
We will take pleasure in showing our goods,
whether yon wish to purchase or not.
All kinds of produce taken in exchange !
for oods.
April G, 18.7.7.
The subscriber is anxious to close his old
; Books up to April 1, 18.7.7, and hopes ail in
terested will give immediate attention to this
notice. Tn cases where it is not convenient to
make immediate payment, notes will be taken
ion reasonable time.
April 13, 187.7.
The undersigned respectfully announces that
they have just opened a large and well as-^rted
, supply T
In an advertisement we cannot give an idea
; of how cheap we are selling—nor do we d-sire
to attract customers by publishingprtcc* o/" /eirf-
It'ftg articles.
\V* embrace this opportunity of thanking all
who have so liberally patronized us during the
past five years—and, while soliciting their con
tinued favors, assure them a call will convince
we are selling gooil Goods as low—if not lower
i —than can be purchased elsewhere in Bedford.
Exchange Building.
April 27, 18.7.7.
| OF
Coal and Timber Lands and Iloiei Property.
THE subscriber will oiler at Public Sale, at the
i Sr. Nicholas Hotel, in Cumberland,
| the following valuable property in Allegheny Coun
j ty :
'1 hat valuable Tract of CO.VL LAND, known a<
containing llilj ACHES, moie or less, situate on
Moore's Run, in-ar I he (Jeorge's Creel: Rail Road,
. and within three mites of its junction with the Fal
timorc and Ohio Jlail Road. It is entirely umter
la d with the
SG V K 5S "
I of COAL, fifteen leet in thickne s. Its soil is good
I tor agticnilural purpose- ami is now covered with a
tine gi ivth ol Oak and other valuable Timber. This'
piece ot property is admirably adapted for the basis of
j a t'oal Company, eoiad, it not -nperior, to any in the
' State, ai.d can be per in operation at a small expense.
•'AISLSaEfiT* or L 'l'UmiS ' S arisi,
on Jackioii's Run, near the Ueoree's Creek Itaii
Read, undeilaid with the
"R I G V E I A""
of COAL, which is easy of access. The soil is of
: gooil qualdv, sua' i- now under cultivation. It is '.veil ;
-upplicd with buddings and all other improvements J
necessary for farming purposes.
One tlfecr Tract <if Land Isijgd
u ih tij C 5 3S Y , "
Contairing 100 acres, situate on the Baltimore and
Ohio Rail Road, at Everl's 'Funnel, under,aut with
rilllpj: '• Id■'X: ol C'V.-t FJ, 0 leet, 5 feet, and 1 leet
in thickness,accessible at the very ot the lia: 1 : it .d-o <•■>!. a vein of vaiuahie IRON ORE,
S tcet in Ii cklif'ss, no.v open.
F. i y ? s Fa
containing 1 Of) ACRES, moie or !e-, covered with at
line growth ot White Pine and ottier Timber, from
which f.n.mber of excellent quality can be manufac
tured. The soil is well adpated for pasturage or
farming puipese-. Trie situation is only a short d.s- !
talice si Uiti West of 1 rostburg.
&&ini iaotel*
on *ii" corner of FaitiiTe'ie and George Street, Cura
beilami, inarlv opposite the projrosed depot >! the!
i'itt-iuirg and C uiii'-ilscilie Rail Road, and the new
depot of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Re. t. It is
new, n: d built in the most substantial maimer, replete
Willi every convenience. It contains ample accom
modation- for gnu persons. All tire apartments uie
large and cmuri o iiou-. well'.t 1a; d ventilated.
T!. ; s Hotel i- considered equal to any in the State.
The Furniture rot the most costly kind, all new,
an.l can he purchased with the property if desired.
FEUMB :—Easy, ami will be made known on
tin" day ol sale.
* Capitalists wishing to secure valuable property
an-icspeclfidly invited to give any or ail ot tne a
htive pmpcriy .:n eaily e\iuu:iia>nin.
OCT" Miotdd any inloi ri ution be required please ad
<l ri— the uridersigntil at Potomac Furnace, Loudon
Co. Va.
April 'JO, 1 Sao.
15 v' ;i ko r d Aca d e sst y
W. W. GAI;I?2ELLj Principal.
This liistitniion, hitherto under the care of Rev.
John Lyon, will benceiorth be conducted by tr.e )ire
scnt i'r.ncipal. ! lit* past history ol the Academy
will, we liu-t, be a sufficient guaranty of its Inline
i■lficieiu-v. The branches taught will be the same as :
heretofore. To .VASTER cuimm-EES will be consul-.'
eied iite most im|*irlaut pursuit nl the pupi.-; ami
while it will ire the constant business ol the Ja-tiuc
tor to impart knowf-itge, it w ill also be his aim to I
lead his pupils to make a practical application of j
tlicir acquisitions. To load the mind with irununer- j
able formulas, without causing it to use them, would
be like placing a bow in a child's hand, without
leaching nun how IO bend it. In fine, it shall be our ;
object, as it has ever been, to lead the pupil to !
We look forward confidently to the patronage of j
this community, winch has thus Jar been so gener
ously extended, and by an undiminished assiduity, !
we hope to merit your support.
Terms j>cr quusicr, as usual, to wit:
(, •$ 25
HfcttLtt ENGLISH, 7 00
MIDDLE " 4 50
Music, S 00
PIANO, 2 00
The Session opened on Monday, !2th inst.
Feb. itj, ISoo.
Sciuciici' aitu Just'uc ct t!;c i-c.uc,
Has removed his ctlice to Juliana street,
nearly opposite the Drtig and Book store ot Dr.
F. C. Leatiier, where he will faithfully attend
to all business connected with the duties of h;s
He will continue to repair clocks and watch
es, as usual, and respectfully imit.s those in
need of his services in this line to give him a
April 13, 18.75.
Chamkuburg, Pennsylvania.
THE subscribers are prepared at all times to carry
Produce of every description and Merchandize to and
fruit) Philadelphia and Baltimore, on the mast rea
sonable terms. The highest price paid at all times
for all kinds of country Produce.
CSr"ileceivmg Depots, BUZB7 & CO. 3(55 Market '
street, Philadelphia.—JOHN BIGHAN, Baltimore,
No. 131 H street.
C. W. FASTER c\; CO.
Feb. 9, 1855—6 m.*
Just received and for sale, a lot of Hams, Should
ers and Sides—also, a fresh supply of Mackaravv
trout. REPP K OH ER.
May J, 15 35.
Lame* l>rews flood*.
Mrs. *. E. POTTS
Would respectfully announce to the Ladips of
Bedford and vicinity, that she has just opened
a large and elegant assortment of all. the new
styles of
I)rv.< :es and .Mantillas,
Super black and Fancy Silks,
Oigandies and Lawns,
Berages and Tissues,
Persian and Muslin De Laines,
French Chintzes and Ginghams,
Plain and eiribM Swiss Muslins,
Fringes, Gimps, and Lac^s,
Buttons, Braids and Cords,
A rich assortment of Ribbons,
Collars, Sleeves, and CheiniZetts,
Edgings and Inserting*,
A full supply of Mourning Goods,
. Best Kid Gloves of ail colors,
together with an extensive and beautiful assort
ment of STRAW and SILK BONNETS, trim'tl
and nntrimmed.
The special attention of the Ladies is solicit
ed to the very large assortment just received,
and offered at low prices for quality.
Bedford, May 11, 1 85:").
j You are hereby notified to appear on parade,
'in summer uniform, on Thursday the 1 Tth inst.
j at the usual hour. Court of Appeal will
l>e held on said day, which those fined can at
tend if they see proper.
By order of the Captain.
May 11, 1855.
The World's Great Exhibition Prize .Weill
Awarded to C. .ME\ El>,
For his Two Pianoes, London, October 15, "51.
Re pectfully inform- his friend- and the public ge
j reraiiy tiiul he iuts constantly on hand Pianoes equal
to those tor which he received the Prize .Medal, tn
London, in 1801. All order- promptly attended to,
i and great care taken in selecting and packing the
lie l a- received during the last J5 years more Me
dals from Franklin Institute than any other maker; first pieinium at Boston, and premium at New
j York and Baltimore.
Wart-room Xo. 52 South FOL RTH street, below
C h *-11 nit street, Philadelphia,
j March 9, 1835—3 m.
J] Choice. . Issortnient of the finest Quality,
For Sale at the Lowest Cash Prices, at
WM. n . i: LTO .A * HEAD ' S ,
jVo. ISI South Sfconil Street y between rinr and U~
nion, ll'est St/fe* PHILADELPHIA.
The assortment embraces a Lars -e and Select Storl
n- j'mc Watches, J< tcrln/, Silver Jt 'are, Alhiitu BVr,
, ' fin- Si.' .in Spoant, Peris, Ladles, <S-f.
—Jet Goods, I'maud J-'inry Articles of a superior
quality, deserving the examination ot those who de
->re to procure the he-it good at the Cash
Having a practical ia nrlnlsr of the business, and
all available facilities tor importing and Manufactur
ing. the subscriber confidently invites purchasers,
believing that he ran supply theiri on terms a- favor
able a- any other establishment tn either of the At
lantic Cil ies.
CXF" All kinds of Diamond and Pearl Jewelry and
Silver Ware manufactured to order, within a reason
able time.
T " Watches. Jewelry and Silver Ware faithfully
re pure,l. ' WM. P>. FXTONHEAD,
Xo. 181 South Second Street, a few doors
above the Second Street .Market, We-t Side.
Cj?" In the South Window of the Store may be seen
the lamo'is i IRL> CJ-OCK, which commands tbe ad
miration of the scientific find curious.
Oct. 13, ISSI. —ly.
j Dr. C. L. Kem.imi, of Mechanicsburgh, Cnmber
t land Co. Pa. announces to those atfiicted with Tn
: ruors. Wens, Cancers, Polypus, Lapns, Moles or
Marks, Scrofula or King's F.vil; and all diseases thn
have been usually treated with Can-tic or Ki ife, he
can remove them without cutting, burning or pain :
neither Chloroform or Kther is administered to tbe
"patient. It i- no matter on what part ol the body
they are he can remove them with perfect safety,
and m a remarkably short time. Xo Mineral or
Vegetable poison, is applied; and r.o money required
until a cure is perfected.
Prolapsi- i'teri, Female complaints. Chronic Yen
' ereal and all other diseases treated with positive suc
cess. Full pni ticnlar- can he obtained by addressing
in either English or German post paid. Patients can
( be accommodated with Board on reasonable terms.
Mechanicsbtirg is one ol the prettiest and liealthly
towns in this or a.iv other tjtate. It is N miles trorn
Harrisburg on the C. V. R. U. and accessible from
all parts of the t'nion.
The Dr. will visit cases in any part of the State
when desired.
Kind reader if you know of any ajjlicfed fel
low-creature, delay not, to tell them oj this
j treatment.
March 2, 1533-—(lnc.*
I Clock & Wtc!i Maker
Would respectfully announce to the citizens
jof Bedford, and the public in general, that he
1 has opened a Jewelry Store in the building re
j rentlv occupied by H. N icodemus, Esq. nearly
J opposite the Bedford Hotel, where he will be
| pleased to see all in want of articles in his line.
I lie bason hand, and will constantly keep, an
elegant assortment of JEWELRY, and will rt—
' pair Clocks and Watches in the berf style. He
I hopes to receive a libera! share of patronage, as
lie feels ratisfied he can render satisfaction to all
I who entrust hint with their work. His terms
( will be moderate.
He has on hand Gold and Silver W atcijes,
Silver Spoons, Thimbles, Butter Knives, Gold
and Silver Pens and Pencils, &.c. N.c.
N. B. He still continues the Gnnsmithing
business, at his old stand, in the East end of
town, u here he has a good and competent work
man constantly employed. D. B.
April 27, 1855.
All persons indebted to the subscriber are re
-1 quested to make settlement before the Ist day of
' September next, or their accounts will bE lelt
with proper otficers for collection.
and Fulling carried on as usual.
Price per pound t>i cents, if cash, 8 cents if
booked. All who send wool are requested to
send grease, as it will be impossible for me to
supply them with grease.
Aptil 27, 1555.