The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, May 11, 1855, Image 1

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    BY GEO. W. BOU ffAY.
Select Poctrtt.
A laflv camp to a snow-white bier.
Where a youth lay paie and dead,
And she took the veil from her widowed
And bending low, in his ear she said—
Awaken! lor 1 am here.
She passed, with a smile, to a wild wood near,
Where the houghs were barren and bare;
And she tapped on the bark with her lin
ger- fair,
And she called to the leaves that were buried
there ;
Awaken! for i am here.
The birds beheld her w ithont fear.
As she walked through the deepening hells;
And she breathed on their downy citadels,
And she said to the young til their ivory
Awaken ! for I am here.
On the graves of flowers she dropped a tear,
But with hope and with joy like us;
And, even a- the F.ord to Lazarus,
She called on the slumb'ritig sweet flowers
thus :
Awaken! fori am here.
To Ilie lilies that lay in the silver mere,
To the reed- liy the golden pond.
To the moss that rounded the marge bevond,
She spoke, in iter voice so -oft and lond—
Awaken ! for i am here.
The violet peeped with its blue eve clear,
From under its own grave-tone;
For the blessed tidings around had flown.
And before she spoke the mandate was known,
Awaken ! tor I ant here.
Th pale grass lay with its long locks spre,
On the breast of the open plain.
She loosened the matted hair of the slain.
And cried, as she filled each juicy vein—
Awaken ! tor 1 am here.
The rush roe up with its pointed spear,
The flag with its falcion broad ;
The dock uplifted its shield iinawed.
As her voice ran clear through the thickening
Awaken ! for I am here.
The TPH blood ran through the clover near.
And the heath on the hills o'erhead;
The daisy's fingers were tipped with red,
And she started to life, as the lady said—
■..- Awaken ! for 1 am here.
And the young vear rose from his snow-white bier,
And the flowers from their gr*"cn retreat:
And they came and knelt at the lady's feet.
Saying all with their mingled voices sweet,
O lady ! behold us here.
Domestic Mem-- For the I,alie*!
Tn Bern HAM.— Cut -otne slices of ham a quarter
m an inch thick, soak tht-m in hot water, for hall an
hour, or give them a scalding in a pan over the fire;
then take them up and lay them on a gridiron, over
bright coal-: when the outside is browned, turn the
other, then take the slices on a hod dish, butter them
freely, spnnkle peppr over, and serve. Or, after
scalding Ihetn, wipe them di y, dip each -tice in beat
en eggs, then into roiled crackers, and fry or broil.
SSIERRNS I\ F.ACON. —! core my hams with salt, su
gar and-alfpetre; alter remaining down four weeks,
a- 1 take up the hums from the salt, I rub each piece
on the flesh -ide with tine black pepper, and then
' ang up and smoke, a dark brown color, with green
-in korv wood, and then let it hang until wanted for
use. Sometimes they have hung two vear-. Itelnre
I commenced using the pepper, 1 had to take my
hams down and pack in a-he-in the-pring of the
year. The above plan will prevent skippers in ba
CORN BREAD.—Everybody who has been at the
.Man-ion House, at Buffalo, New York, ha- learned
! he luxury of the corn bread there provided. The
clerk is often taxed to write directions for home man
utacture, and 1 thns procured a recipe for domestic
use, which 1 copy for you, so that those who wish
may try a piece of bread from the Mansion. It i- as
follows: "One quart of sour milk, two table spoon
t'ds of saieratus, four ounces of butter, three table
'poonfuls of flour, three eggs, and corn meal sufficient
tn make a stiff batter.
MUFFINS—Mix a quart of wheat flour smoothly
with a pint and a half of lukewarm milk, have a tea
cup of yea-t, a couple of beaten eggs, a heaping tea
>poonlu] of salt, and a couple of table spoonfuls of
lukewarm melted butter. Set the batter in a warm
place to rise. \\ ren light, bulter your muffin cups,
'urn in the mixture and bake the muffins till a light
Pot \D CAKE.—One pound dried sifted flour, the
same of loaf sugar, and the whites of twelve egg
anii the yolks of seven. Beat the butter toa cream,
•idd the sugar by degrees, then the eggs and flour;
eat it all well together for an hour, mixing a table
"poonful of ro-e-'.vater, a little nutmeg or cinnamon,
tAO cups of cream, and a teaspoonfu! of saieratus.
1 o be baked in a quick oven.
" k. one tea-spoonful saieratus, a littl- -alt, one and
j* ball cup- ol boiled rice, two table spoonfuls of mo
uses or hall cup of sugar, a little ginger, and flour
enough to make a stiff baiter.
BETTER CAKES FOR TEA. —Beat two egg", put
T 'Cm in half pint of milk, and a tea cup ot cream,
•'•"b halt a tea-spoonful of saieratus dissolved in the
'team, a little -alt, cinnamon and a little ro-e water
1 }ou like, stir 111 sifted flour till the batter is smooth
Rud thick. Bake them on a griddle or in a pan.—
er 'Be pan well, drop the batter in small round
c i-es and quite thin. They must he turned and nice
•>. tuowned. Lay them on a plate, in a pile, with a
"' ,;e butter between each laver.
V' K RANCID BI TTER. — It is said that
•I-..U g rancid butter in milk, and afterwards in wa-
Pr - w ill restore to former sweetness. The experi-
D.'t i is easily tried, and the "consummation devoutly
"C 11 isbed,- for surely nothing is more repulsive
' : '3n rancid butter.
I "^ RR ' RE BACON FROM THF. FLY.—A writer in
( mer ican Farmer recommends as an infallible
T ■ a - aills t 'he fly: \\ hen your bacon is smoked
y in the spring betore the fly has made itsappear
r 'r"', quick lime slacked to a dry powder, and
i. i adhere as much as possible; hang up your meat,
• • rest secure from any trouble from insects.
'ncxr-s Pie —Joint the chickens which should
oung and tender—boil them in just sufficient wa
it cover them. When nearly tender, take tlieoi
out of the liquor, and lay them tn a deep pudding
dish, lined with piecrust. To each laypr of chicken,
put three or four slices of pork—add a little of the
liquor in w hich they were boiled, and a couple of
ounces of butter, cut into small pieces—sprinkles
little flour over the whole, cover it with nice pie
crust, and ornament the top with some of your pastry.
Bake it in a quick oven one hour.
LEOUEX I'M:..— For one pie, take couple of good
sized Irr-h lemons, squeeze out the juice, and mix it
with half a pint of rnoia.-se-, or sufficient sugar to
make the juice sweet. Chop the peel fine, line deep
pie plates with your pastry, then sprinkle on a layer
of your chopped lemon peei.lurn in part of the mixed
-ugar or moia-ses arid juice, rheu cover the w hole with
pie crust, rolled very thin—put in another layer ot
peel, sweetened juice, and cru-t,and so on till ail the
lemon i- used. Cover the whole with u thick crust,
and bake the pie about half an hour.
DVSPEISIA Bai' in.—*l hree quarts of unbolted wheat
meal; 1 quart of soft warm water ; a gill of'fresh } east,
a gill ot mola-se-, 1 tea-spoonful of saleialu-. This
will make two loave. and -l.ould remain in the oven
at lca-l two hours. It w ill need from eight to twelve
hours to rise.
WASH FOU rut: HEAD.—The following wash ap
plied with a small piece ot flannel to The roots of the
hair, will tie found excellent for removing dandruff; —
1 hree parts of oil of almonds; one part ot lime water ;
to he shaken up well, and can be procured of a chem
Curious Electrical Phenomena.
( The Euston Democrat (Mich.) of the 20th nit., has
come to u- marked a-round the letter ot a correspon
dent, who describes a peculiar phenomenon which he j
witnessed during a snowstorm on the 11th ofla-t
month, at about balf-pa-t eight o'clock in the evening,
when at the hou.-e ot his brother in Tuscaia, Liv
ingston county. His brother, while cio-sing the
; street beheld streams of light like electricity issuing
from his lingers, and on attempting to hru-h them of},
they began to issue from his clothes, and bis hair,
lie then called upon I tie writer to corne out am! see
it, w.ui did so, and found him-eii also enveloped in
light, w hen he approached hirn; he was literally
, covered with small flames, resembling a multitude of
minute candies. He says: ••Westood in the middle
of the street, the storm pelting us in its coldest lury,
the night as dark a- Egypt, arid we presenting the
impo-ing appearance of lump-posts illuminated by a
hundred burning tapers.
•One characteristic of the phenomenon was rather
, singular. Although we were neariv all in a blaze,
or ar least nearly covered with a multitude of small
blazes, yet they did not reflect the least hghf, nor
were they in the least affected by the wind. We
called the family out to see the sight, and the lights
immediately appeared on them, but in a far iess de
gree of brilliancy than they did oil us. The appear
ance was beautiful indeed, and with it< soft, gentle,
pho.-phore-cent flickering, cordrasted beautifully with
the thick darkness ot trie night, and the hoarse
moaning of the element ; lashed into furv by the
madness of the storm.'
1 his is the second notice of a like phenomenon
observed during the past winter. The other is
that lelatecl by H. Ware, of Cambridge, .Mass., in a
letter to Prof. Sillirt an, and published on page 27.2,
la-t number of Silliman's Journal. The night ou
which it was wifnes-ed was the 17th ot December
last, while he was walking along the long bridge be
tween Boron and Cambridge. Hrs artaruhrri was *
attracted to the iron lamp posts on the bridge by a
lond his-ing noise, and by several sharp pricks on
his forefiead, and on raising his hand to remove bis
hat, he beheld a brilliant discbaige ol electric spatks
when h.s fingers touched its rim. He then looked
To the lamp posts, and saw long streams of electiic
I ght streaming out from evety point of them, al
though the lamps were not lighted. This was du
ring a snow storm, and the wind blowing very strong,
as was the ca-e at Eastern.
p eo p|£ V vi!l read with thrilling; in
terest th<=* following exposition of our KNOW
NOTHING Legislature which we copv from a
paper edited hv one of Gov. POLLOCK'S Of
fice Hold
Cvrrt*poHf!rnc* of the Rej>o*itory oitd Whig.
Day!ight at f^isf —. 7 Day Fi red for vhijourn
tnenl— The Members Increasing their Pay
Removal oj the Capitol to Philadelphia.
HAKUISIH r.t,, April 28, 1855.
A happy day has downed at last a <iav lons
to he remembered HI the checrpiered annals of
the old Keystone State, —a das that rr.av even
eclipse our fourth ol July's, our twenty-second
ol February's, our Christmas dinners ami .New
Year's jollifications—a day big with ease and
peace to our trembling tax-pavers—l mean the
day in which the present legislature will enjoy
its last riot and break tor its corisituenls, and,
tit most instances, for the lonely shades ol per
petual retirement. Like the voting cub, their
troubles are principally ahead ! arid oh I what
a jubilant reception awaits them. Thev have
done nearly every thing they should not have
done, ami left undone nearly every tiling that
was demanded and expected by the people. Jri
shct this legislature went up like a brilliant
locket in the resplendent reform principle,and
come down like a very common stick—no, that
aint it either: it went up like a—a —no use in
talking—can't do the subject justice. Hut
thanks to every thing terrestrial and celestial,
it's near its last kick, and 011 Tuesday the Bth
inst. it will wing its way to its constituents, and
ju>t help nie, Mr. Editor, in the great goodness
of your heart, to roll the great wave of oblivion
over it—do it for the sake of the State—for tie
sake of all parties—tor the sake of our common
Hut there are a few righteous rre-n in it, but
it is a nice mathematical problem whether un
der the last scriptural requirement, they could <
have saved the city of the plain.
I believe there will be tico general bills pas
sed in a laborious setting of over four months.
The one is th- license law, authorizing a whole- j
sale jug business, and the other is the appropria
tion bill—one important clause of which will;
doubtless save it. J refer to ttie section voting i
the members of the legislature ssoo each for the :
session. The old law allowed members $3 per |
day for one hundred days, making s'3oo, and
hut a $1.50 per day thereafter: but now the ses
sion is Protracted over four months, and $3 per
day is found to be quite too little to pay for the
talent, genius, patriotism, eloquence, poetry,
piety and buncombe embodied in its one hun
dred and thirty-three picked specimens of hu
manity. Five hundred dollars, Forsooth! I
think J see lhe old farmer wiping his spectacles 1
of Thought and Opinion.
S * as he strikes the balance sheet of the present le
- s'; eisiatnre, and then turns to his tax statement. —
, Won't the old gentleman be jolly ? Won't he
i be thankful that his lot has been cast in so plea
' Rant a land, where legislatures squander while
• he sweats and pays ?
The House passed a bill last week with a per
j feet hurrah, for the removal of the Capitol to
, Philadelphia. Harrisburg has become quite
, too provincial for the growing excellencies of
the Legislature, and it is proposed to trv Phila—
-1 delphia awhile, and if" that don't answer the
purpose, it may fiossihlv be removed to New
York for a session or two) The fact is. Harris-
Imrg is too small. How can the very flower of
the State be expected to be cooped up here four
months in the year ? A miserable little rural
town that can scarcely afford a respectable faro
bank, and other luxuiies in proportion, and vet
to cramp Ihe resplendent genius of our legi-da
ture in it? There must be something done. We
must go to Philadelphia—raise the pav to ten
dollars a day, and jugs gratis, or the next thing
we'll find our legislative hails filled with old
blue-stocking Presbyterians, ail grey-headed
and spectacled, with all their exploded notions
of public honesty, instead of the happy blending
of progress and economy that stamps its lustre
upon our law-makers now. Yes, we must go
to Philadelphia.
The house has adopted a clause in the gener
al appropriation bill voting its members each
SSOO compensation for their services, instead of
the §3 per diem authorized bv the present law*.
Ihe Senate will doubtless concur, as early in
the session it passed a bill with the same provi
sion in it. The members will learn when they
reach their constituents how extremely popular
this extra compensation will prove. During
the same .sitting the house refused to increase
the salaries of our judges, who are hardly half
as well paid as members of the legislature, con
sidering the legal talent and experience they
. are required to possess. C/iatnbcrsburg Reposi
tory unit Whig.
iO** The Legislature will adjourn on Tuesday
next. Upwards of six hundred acts have been
passed, very few ol which are of a public char
acter. More injury to the interests and pros
perity of the people of this State has been done
during the past winter than can be repaired in
the next half century. Banks, Saving Institu
tion--, &e. have f.epri scattered broadcast over
the Commonwealth, and all devices bv which
the labor and foil of the masses can be obtained,
have been highly favored by the members of the
present Leislature. Oro* universal shout of jov
will go up from a!! quarters of'the State, on the
' or adjournment.— Lancaster tan.
fBSttium<itc Folly.
It will surprise no one who has watched the
course of the present Legislature, to learn that
the house of Representatives has passed resolu
tions for the removal of seat of Government of
Pennsylvania fiom Harrisburg to Philadelphia!
The resolutions passed,—YKA- 4-8 NAY< 37.
Some of the members who made speeches in
advocacy of the removal, a Hedged that they
"were nt accommodated comfortably" at Hai
risburg! V\ e would like to know what sort of ac
commodate >ris are required for their comfort.
Must they he lodged HI a palace, feasted off* sil
ver plate- and waited upon by troops of liveried
lacqueys? Do they want "show beef" lor din
ner every day Or are the accommodations
they require of the sort that .Mr. Joseph Hiss,
of the Massachusetts Legislature, had provided
for himself at the expense of the State ' If
"Mrs. Patterson" is essential to the comfort of
the members, Philadelphia is just the place
where they ran he "accommodated comforta
bly." We shall object, however, to saddling
the cost ol such e.xtia accommodations 011 the
Many of the members of the present Legisla
ture got their places by bawling reform at the
top of their voice. Their first reformatory act
was to increase the number of Legislative em
ployees. They have gone f>n increasing salar
ies and squandering the public money in various
ways, and they seemdetetmincd to wind upthe
serious farce they have been playing these 'hree
"r tour months, by making the tiea-niv bleed to
the tune of a million or two of dollars, that tin v
may be "more comfortably accommodated."
Some of these men have their homes in one
horse towns, where the "best hotel'' is but a
story and half high, with parlor and bar room
"all in one;" ami vet they cannot he accommo
dated comfortably in a town of 15,000 inhabi
tants, where there are numerous excellent 110-
: fe|s ami many respectable private hoarding hou
ses. They must go to Philadelphia, and to jr >-
vide theni with comfortable accommodations
there we must erect a magnificent marble Capi
tol and a Governor's House to match, at a cost
of a million or two, and increase their daily pay
to about ten dollars. The salaries of all the
State officers would need to be increased too.
It is no wonder the spendlhi ids who control the
legislation of Pennsylvania at this time are anx
ious to sell the Public Works at any price. Give
them a loose rein a year or two longer, and the
public works will have to be sold, not to pav
the funded debt of the Commonwealth, but to
liquidate the expense of accommodating a set of
the most desperate political gamesters that ever
hehl a hand in public affairs, in any country or
age of the wot Id.— Valley Spirit.
STRINGENT. —One of'the amendments of the
liquor law in Maine reads thus :
"If an expressman, rartman, poiter, or any
other person shall carry a bottle, or cask, or
demijohn ot wine or other liquors to a gentle
man's residence, he is subject to a fine of twen
ty dollars and costs for the first offence. For the
second offence fine and costs and thirtv days'
imprisonment is the penalty. If any man car- r
ries in his own baggage or about his person a
llask or any other vessei containing liquorof
any sort to be used by him, the party doing so is
made liable to a fine nfthirty dollars and thirty
days' imprisonment,"
Theodore T. Kinsev of Dovlestown, had a
wagon loaded with lightning rods, hut what the
loss is we do not know. We have heard it re
j> irt-ri from $lO to SIOO.
Losses were sustained hv several others of our
Bucks county friends, whose names we have not
been able to obtain.
J 'iin Foreman, a furniture car driver, occu
pied the portion which first took fire ; he was
only able to save two trunks from the burning
building. John Stoll, basket-maker : Jacob
Lie, cooper, and Crown, tailor, were the onlv
occupants of these houses. The three Inst nam
ed generally saved some few of their goods.
The dwellings were completely gutted, they
belonged to the widow Cope, whose loss is cov
ered by insurance.
Mr. Oh, the landloid of the "Seven Presi
dents," had an insurance upon his stock.—
The buildings of the "Seven Presidents" were
owned by John Puree!!, ©f Germantou n, and
were insured.
The Washington tavern property belonged to
J. 11. Broiaskv. It is insured. The amount of
loss is not short of SIO,OOO or $1*2,000. —
Doytesioivn Democrat, .May 2.
The Sliowdow of Death.
We have rarely met with anything more
beautiful than the following, which we find in
an exchange paper :
"All that lives must die.
Passing through Nature to Eternity."
Men seldom think of the great event of death
until the dark shadow falls across their own
path, hiding forever from their eyes the face of
the loved ones whose living smile was the sun
light of their existence. Death is the great an
tagonism of life, and the cold thought of the
tomb, is the skeleton at all our feasts. We do ;
not want to go through the dark valley although
its passage may lead to paradise, and with ('has.
Lamb, we do not wish to lie down in the mouldy
grave, even with the Kings and Princes for our
t:od fellows. But the fiat of nature is inexorable, i
There is no appeal or reprieve from the great
law that dooms us all to dust. We flourish and
hide like the leaves ol the forest, and the fairest
flower that blooms and withers in a day has not
a frailer hold on life than the might iesT monarch j
that has ever shook the earth by his footsteps.—
Generations of men appear and vanish like the
grass, and the countless multitude that swarms ;
tlie world to-day, will to-morrow disappear !
like the footprints on the shore.
"Soon as the rising tide shall heat,
Each trace will vanish from the sand."
Tn the beautiful drama of lon. the instinct of
immortality so eloquently uttem-d by the death
devoted Greek, finds a deep response in every ;
thoughtful soul. When about to yield his ;
young existence as a sacrifice to Fate, his he- j
frothed Clemanthe asks if they shall not meet i
again, to which he replies :
"I have asked that dreadful question of the i
7wo l ons of Printing paper belonging 1o the
Doi/lestoivn Democrat, totally Destroyed—
tirent Loss of Horses, Harness, Wag
ons, ling, &'c., belonging to
Pucks County Farmers !
At any early liour last Thursday morning, a
, fire was discovered in the extensive siabies at
[' tached to the "Seven President's" tavern, at the
. junction o! Germantown road and Seventh
, street, in the Twenty-first Ward, kept by Jo
.\A- Orr. The hostler and several other per
sons were at work in the stables at the time,
•'nut so rapid was the spread of the flames that
the men alxnit the place were unable to rescue
alf the horses, and six of the poor beasts were
burned to death. Several of the horses that
were rescued were scorched.
From Mr. Oti's stable the fire spread to the
extensive range attached to the Washington
tavern, occupied by Joseph Londes, a short
distance further north. There were thirty-five
or forty horses in this stable, and a large num
, her of wagons, at the timeof the commencement
of the lire. They were all got out safelv, but
the stables ol the Washington, with their con
sents of hay and feed, were entirely destroy
A cluster of four small brick dwellings stood
immediately to the westward of the stablesof
the "Seven Presidents." These were soon on
fire, and their inmates were compelled to re
treat hastily from their homes.
A heavy mule team from Dovelstown, be
longing to Jacob M. Snsiiiij was loaded with
two tons of paper for the Doyelstown Democrat.
If had deen driven under the sired, with loads
ol hay hocked in on both sides of it, with sev- j
era! others in front which were all in a blaze
when first discovered and produced so great a
heat tlicit wagons, hay and paper were reduced
to ashes in a few moments. The moles were
got out with much difficulty, but the harness
could not he saved. The loss of Mr. Smith, is
about $l5O, and falls heavifv upon him. The
loss to the Democrat was $4-51 20, but the
person of whom the paper was purchased, re
mitted all his profits upon the lot, which re
duced the actual loss somewhat below that
James .Madison Lacey of Washington, was at
the tavern with a load of hav, on a new wagon
belonging to Job Simpson, Esq., The hav, j
wagon and harness were ail burned hut the
Horses were saved.
William Darrah was also at the tavern with
a load of hay for Charles Grove of Dovlestown
township. The hay, wagon and harness are
reported to have been lost and the horses saver).
'* Henry H. Mover of Hilltown. lost a new
two horse wagon and harness. The wagon
was loaded with shad, and many articles pur
chased by his wife while in this city. His loss
is reported at about S2OO.
Isaac Jacohy of New Britain, had a load of
hay weighing about a ton and n half, but as it
was m another part of the vaid, and somedis
tance from file fire, fie succeeded in getting a
mule to pull it out in the street before it was
; If ~ l
hills that look eternal ; of the flowing streams
that flow forever: of the stars among whose
fields of azure my raised spirit hath walked in
glory. All were dumb. But while I gaze up
on thy living face, I feel there's something in
the love which mantles through its beauty that
cannot wholly perish. We shall meet again,
It is no picture to a dog to go mad. Quite
j the reverse. Dreadful as hydropobia may be to
human beings, rabies is worse to the dog. It
makes its approach more gradually. It lasts ion
i ger, and it is more intense while it endures.—
J I he dog that is going mad feels unwell for a
long time prior to the full development of the
disease. He is very til hut he does not know
what ails him. He feels dissatisfied with every
thing: vexed without a reason; and. greatly
against his better nature, very snappish. Feel
ing thus, he intigs to avoid all annoy bv be
ing alone. This makes him seem strange to
those who are most accustomed to him. The
sensation induces hirn to seek solitude. But
there is another teason which decides his choice
of a resting place. The light inflicts upon him
intense agony. The sun is to him an instru
ment of torture, which he therefore studies
; to avoid for his brain aches, and feels a< if it
were a trembling jelly. This induces the poor
brute to find out the holes and corners, where
lie is least likely to he noticed, and into which
the light is unable to enter. In solitude and
darkness he passes the day. If hi is retreat he
discovered, and the master's voice bid him come
forth, the affectionate creature's countenance
brightens, his tail heats the ground, and he leaves
his hiding place, anxious to obey the loved an- j
thority : but before he has gone half the distance,
a kind of sensation comes over him which pro- ;
duces an instantaneous change in his whole ap- j
pearance. He seems to say to himself: '-Why
cannot you let me alone ? Go away ! Do go
away! You trouble—pain me !"' And there-!
upon he suddenly turns tail and darts back into I
his dark corner.
II let alone, there he -will remain : perhaps
frothing a little at the mouth, and diiukinga
great deal ot water, but not issuing from bis
hiding place to seek alter food. His appetites
are altered ; hair, straw, dirt, filth, excrement,
rags, tin shavings, stones, the most noisome and
unnatural substances, are then the delicacies for
which the poor dog, changed by disease, longs
and swallows, in hope to ease a burning stomach.
He is most anxious for liquids. He is now al
together changed. Still iie does not desire to
bite mankind, he rather endeavors to avoid soci
ety he takes long journeys of thirty or forty
n. w*>-s\t..>nt .111 d4wr>phtwd by all k'ndsoi
accidents, to vent his rest I ess desire for motion.
When on these journeys*he does not walk.
This would be too lormal and measured a pace
for an animal whose frame quivers with excite
ment. He does not run. That would be 100
great an exertion for an animal whose body is
the abode ola deadly sickness. He proceeds in
a slouching manner, i:i a kind of trot a move
ment neither run nor walk—and his aspect is
dejected. His eyes do not glare and stare hut
they are dull and retracted. His appearance is
very characteristic, and, if once seen, can never
afterwards he mistaken. In this state he will
travel the most dusty roads, bis tongue hanging
dry from his open month, from which, however,
there drops no foam. His course is not straight.
How cuild it be—since it is doubtful whether
at this period he sees- at all. His desire is to
journey unnoticed. If no one notices him, he
gladly passes by them. He is verv ill :he can
not stay to bite. If', nevertheless, anything op
poses his progress, he will, as if by impulse,
snap— as a man in a similar state might stiike
—and tell the person "to get out cf the way."
He may take his road across a field in which
there are a flock of sheep. Could these crea- j
lures only room for him, and stand motion
less. the dog would pass on and leave them be
hind nninjuied. But they begin to run, and at
the sound the dog pricks up his ears. His en
tire aspect changes. Rage takes possession of j
him. What makes that noise? He pursues it >
with ail the energy of madness. He flies at one,
then at another. He does not mangle, nor is i
his bite, simply considered, terrible. He cannot
pause to tear the creature he has caught. He
snaps and then rushes onward, till, fairly ex
hausted and unable longer to follow, he sink* j
down, and the sheep pass forward, to be no mote
molested, lie may have hit ten twenty or thirty
in his mad onslought ; and would have worried j
more, had his strength lasted—for the furore old
madness then had possession of him. He may
he slain while on these excursions: but if he
escapes, he returns home and the darkness j
and quiet of his former abode. His thirst in
creasfs, but with it comes the swelling throat.
He will plunge his head into water, so ravenous
is his desire; but not a drop of the liquid can
he swallow, though its surface is covered with
bubbles in consequence of the efforts he makes
to gulp the smallest quantity. The throat is en
larged to that extent which will permit noth
ing to pass. He is the victim of the most horri
ble inflammation of the stomach, and the most
intense inflammation of the bowels. His state
of suffering is most pitiful. He has lost all self- j
reliance; even feeling is gone. IF* flies at and
pulls to pieces anything that is within his reach.
One animal in this condition being confined near
a fire, flew at the burning mass, pulled out the
live coals, and in his fury scrunched them. He
emits the most hideous cries. The noise he
makes is incessant and peculiar. It begins as a
bark, which sound being too torturing to he con
tinued, is quickly changed to a howl, which is
suddenly cut short in the middle : and so the
poor wretch at last falls, fairly worn out by a
terrible disease.— JMayhew's Do%s.
CAPE. —The Oswego Palladium of Friday re
lates the following incident of the recent thun
ih'i storm in that vicinity :
The family of Mr. Ira Skillingv, resitting near
Bonesleel's saw mill, were np and about pre
: paring breakfast. .Mr.-Shillings and a little
i girl, a sister of .Mrs. 'Shillings, were standing
near the stove when a tremendous flash of
lightning and-J?jap"of thunder occurred. The
fluid struck the chimney of the dwelling, passed
down th" chimney, followed the stove pipe to
til* stove, and thence diffused itself in every
direction, passing out through the floor and on
one side ol the house. Mr. was thrown
down senseless ujxon the floor, his clothes torn
in tatters on one side and the right side of his
hodv severely burned and paralysed. The lit
tle girl, apparently, was not injured : but what
is almost incredible, she was thrown down, and
the l;>oots which she had on (it is customary Jor
young girls attending school in the country to
wear high top hoots) were torn apart aiound
the ankle, and the foot of the boots forced off"
trm tier fe.-t with the stockings, and thrown
some six feet distant, leaving the boot legs en
tire on the girl.
The chimney was nearly torn to pieces ami
bricks were thrown eighteen rods distant : the
floor w as torn up in several places, and one side
of the house was very much shattered* The
saw mill stands some six or eight rods from the
dwelling. Two men, William Stores and Svl
wster Spencer, who were at work there, were
both struck down and were unconscious for sev
eral minutes, but were not ir.uch injured. Mr.
Ski I lings was thought not to be dangerously,
though quite seriously injured. Mr. Mott saw
the effect of the stroke upon the house, imme
diately after if occurred, in the cloud of dust and
smoke which suddenly arose, and he and some
other neighbors ran to the house, some eighty
rods, with all speed. Mrs. Shillings happened
to be in another room at the moment and es
caped uninjured.
ExTnAOKni.v.Ai:v Endurance.—Charles J.
Rich, of New-Albion, N. Y., missed a turkey
from liis flock on 2Sth January* and believed it
to he stolen. On the Kith of March, on turning
over an old tub, which had stood out of doors
for a long time, the turkey was found alive, hut
dreadfully emanciated, having been in durance
vile for forty-seven days, without food. It is
iikelv to live.
. a
-i qr i rtt ti wrtt I □ep at t t.
7Te following remarks, in reference to the
i preparation of the. soil for the potato crop, is
from Mr. John R. Chapman, of Madison coun
ty, New-York, communicated with manv oth
er suggestions, to the Country Gentleman :
"The best soil, in n.v opinion, for the growth
of sound potatoes, under all seasons is a sandv
loarn, resting upon a porous sub-soil, with the
surface flat and sloping just enough to carry
away the water proceeding from a very heavy
fall of rain. But as every farm will not give
us this peculiar soil and situation, we must make
the le st use of what we have, keeping in view
one f,j( t however, that it is useless to plant po
tatoes in low Wet ground, for they will surely
r >t. The best plan is for a farmer to set apart
four acres of his highest, dry est, and strongest
land, and plant the one-half of it with corn,
taking care to plow under a heavy coat of cow
dung ; the remaining half he can sow w ilh anv
grain that will give a fair crop. If the soil had
been run previously, let a lop-dressing of twen
ty buheis of lime to the acre be applied. The
year af'er let him plant with potatoes the half
that was corn, and let the half that wasgiass
he planted with corn, 3nd manured if necessary.
When plowed for potatoes the land ought not
to he more than seven pacts wide, and plowed
eight inches deep, and after planting, the dead
furrows ought to be plowed out, beam deep.—
By thus taking an alternate crop of corn, po
tatoes, a;ui grain, and manuring for the corn
only, he will keep one-half this patch of land
in the most suitable condition for taising sound
potatoes. This system will require the land to
he manured every five years, enough if a good
heavy coat be plowed under."
Alluding to the potato in general terms, the
Working Farmer , for April, makesthe following
<; A large quantity of European potatoes were
sold a few days since by auction, in New Yoik,
and at a price which Would pay the foreign
farmer a very large profit beyond the cost of
freight, eel., and this, too, in a country where
they might b" produced at less than the freight
paid by the foreign farmer. Every year since
our childhood, we have heard farmers say that
they feared potatoes would be low next year, as
everybody would be raising them in conse
quence of the high prices: and thus far has pre
vented a full supply being grown, particularly
during the last few years, when the extra crop
required each veai for the consumption of the
half million emigrants, has been a million and
a half bushels beyond the requirement of the
previous year, and which, at the average crop
of 100 bushels per acre, would require 15,000
acres of land for their culture. This is not on
lv true of potatoes, but of other roots, the con
sumption of which is not only increased from
the same cause, but from our own citizens be
coming convinced that a larger proportion of
vegetable diet is conducive to health. The
farmers and livery stable keepers are also feed
ing roots more liberally to their cattle and hor
ses, and as a consequence carrots are now sold
readily in New York market at 50 cents per
bushel: and even parsnips and rutabaga turnips
bring prices equally large, as compared with
those of former yeans,"