The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, May 04, 1855, Image 2

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Bedford, TBay 1. I
G. W. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor-
D. Doll, of Frederick, Md. having joined the Know
Nothings, and found out what the concern is made of,
now renounces and denounces it as a thing ol evil. —
He says, in a communication to the Citizen :
"I attended, I think, but four meetings, certainly
not more than six, which were amply sufficient to
convince me that no man of true patriotism and liber
al feelings could remain among them without sacri
ficing his honor, and compromising his freedom ol
will and opinion. Instead of meeting with the patri
otic, the intelligent, and the liberal, with a lew ex
ceptions, I met with the bigot, the intolerant, the
proscriptionist, the superanuated, and broken down
leaders of the old Whig Party, and the disappointed
office-seeking Democrat. Its main body being m-n
of that creed, the re-idue, those who had once acted
with the Democratic party. I saw that its aim was
to break down the party of which 1 had been a niern
b**r Irofii wiy youth, and under whose wis**, repubti
can, and generous policy my Country had grown
rich, great and poweifnl, and 1 determined to eschew
it as a thing ol evil—evil in its origin and evil in its
pursuits. I'nder Democratic rule 1 had always been
iree to act, think and speak for myself. 1 had never
been controlled by caucuses or cliques. 1 voted as 1
pleased, and no one ever dared to question the pro
priety of my conduct ; but there 1 was bound in will
nnd purpose, to do as those in authoity might dictate,
under pain of the dreadful di-pieasure of those who
seek power, place and profit l.y the organization,
and who give direction to it. I regard it as a foul
esg, hatched alter a protracted and elahorate incuba
tion in the old Whig nest, and who-e chick strongly
resembles in form and feature, the Craven Inn/, au
rirut FreirrtditM, and advise alt tny Democratic M
low-citizens *o give no heed to its outward and speci
ous professions of "Amcnem/nm," for these aie a
farce, a moefery aaU n lie, and To avoid it as thej
would the viper, whose presence is contagion, whose
sting is death.
It is cheering to observe how actively ami
energetically the Democratic party is moving
in the different States against the combined isms
and factions of the day. In every quaiter the
boldest ground is taken against the know-noth
ings. Every democratic convention repudiates
all connexion with the men and the ideas of the
secret partv, while the press and the candidates
of the democracy, not to speak ol the thousands
of able intellects which the crisis lias brought
into the field, and are pouring their irresistable
arguments into the ranks ol the united opposi
tion. While intolerance and bigotry address
their appeals to the passions and the prejudices
of men—while political persecution invokes
the envy arid fanaticism of weak and narrow
minds—the advocates of the Democratic creed
employ the highest and noblest attributes ol
human intellect in their intercourse with the
American people. It cannot be that such a
contest will he of long duration. Rut let us
jKiint out a few of the more striking movements
of the democratic party of the I. nion on the
various questions of the day.
Holden's able Raleigh Standard speaks of a
great Democratic meeting in W uke county, in
that State, as follows :
"Great enthusiasm prevailed, and a determi
nation was evinced to adhere strictly to the
1 ime-honourect principles ami nf
the party. The resolutions are clear, emptiat- .
ic and lull of the spirit of that glorious den.oc- j
,acy under whose banner we have so o ten ,
marched in this gallant county to battle am. to i
victory : and the delegates ap|K>wted will, we j
are sure, carry with them to the convention j
and act out, the sentiments and objects set torn,
on the occasion. V wi,;, r j
->lr Horace F. Tucker, formerly a Win:., ,
came forward in the meeting, took jus stand
against the new secret association, and announ
ced that he should hereafter act with theuemo
cratic partv. Mr. Tucker was a Henry Clay J
Whi" ' lie belonged to that party wmn under
its oreat leader, it met and discussed pmdic
questions in the open day and in the eye o
iWht- but, with other manly and patriotic uhigs ,
in" this State and Virginia, he refuses to cope rate
with this substitute for U, whose mem- ,
hers shun the light and propose to govern the
country in secret and by plans laid in the s i
hours of the night. He deserves cre.ot lor lm
course: and we trust that others, who think,
and leel as he does, will follow his example.
Among the resolutions adopted were the fol
lowing :
"1. Resolved, That we hereby reaffirm our
devotion to the principle of demncracv, as i -
lustrated and earned out by Je.mrson, Ja< *son,
ami Folk : and that, in our opinion, the only
hope of the continued Union of these .,
and the prosperity and glory of the country,
is lobe found in a faithful adherence to Uiese
That we are uncompromising
ly opposed to all secret political associations:
that we regard them as repugnant to the-pint
of the constitution, unworthy of men
to be free, and dangerous to the public liberty
that we stand, as our forefathers in the cays <
Washington and Jefferson stood by the princi
ple of toleration and justice: that while we are
not the advocates of any one religious sect, and
while we insist now, as we have always done,
upon a strict enforcement of the naturalization
laws, vet we will never join in persecutor
men because their religious principles differ
from our own, nor will we deny to adop ed cit
izens the rights to which they are entitled un
der the constitution and the laws that we re
gard the Know-nothing organization as oh.-
lashioned Hartford convention and whig
<rerv in disguise, and as abolitionism , as the
Elections have shown it to be, in the non-siave
holding States. .
'•3. Resolved , That we approve the proposi
tion to hold a convention in this district to nom
inate a candidate foi Congress *. that the nomi
nee should be a sound, true, and reliable demo
crat . and that our delegates are hereby instruct
ed io vote fc>r no man vvho is not ot this stamp.
"4 Resolved, That our confidence in the
administration of Franklin Pierce is unaba
ted: that we thank him for his nianly and
patriotic course in relation to the Nebraska
i ill, the tugitive slave law, and > ther inea
-ures, bv which he has prov.-d himself the
friend of the Constitutional rights ot North
Carolina . and that we pledge to him ur uni
ted sunt >rt io such action as may be neces
sary on the part of his administration to com
pel' the government of Spain to make lull atone
ment to the country for the wrongs inflicted on
American citizens and for the insults oliered to
the American flag.
Resolved, That we warn our brother de
uvocrats of the msiduou- rharacter and opera-
I tions of tlx* Know-nothing organization, which,
as we believe, lias its headquarters hero in the
city of Raleigh ; that we proclaim to them our
firm conviction that this midnight organization
is aiming to overthrow the' democratic pany,
and to establish in its place the reign of federal
ism? and of secret, irresponsible cabals combin
ed ; and that it becomes every man who loves
his country and would see its affairs discussed,
decided upon, and carried forward in an open,
manly, and honest way, to lake ground at once
—whatever may have" been or may be his polit
ical partv opinions—against this new, dark-lan
tern organization—against this aggregation ot
bigotry, intolerance, persecution, injustice, of
spoilsmen, office-seekers with nit principles, and
of depiaved, spavined, and worn-out party
From the Pittsburg Gazette.
The Legislature.
It is not long since the Harrisburg Herald,
the Know-Nothing organ there, intimated to
the members of the legislature that they had
better go home ; they were doing too much nns
chiefthere to warrant them in staying. So lar
as the majority of them are concerned, they are
more in danger from an outraged constituency
at home than they are at Harrisburg ; and so
they make it a point to stay there as the safest
p| a c,— for themselves. Is not the I reasury
there ?
The Harrisburg Item, another K. N. organ,
is also severely exercised about the graceless
crew. It wants to get rid of them. Hear how
it agonizes :
"The fact is. legislation has fallen into bad
bands. A set of political scoundrels took ad
vantage of the late revolution in political senti
ment, and, where they did not honestly succeed,
fraud was resorted to in order to accomplish
the object. The legislation of this session, its
blaring absurdites and villainy, to make use ot
the mildest teims, will be execrated by every
honest man in the Commonwealth. The honor
of tile State is bartered and sold by a secret con
clave, as if they hail no masters, nor in any
way responsible to public opinion, banks are
chartered amid boisterous merriment, and for
eign railroad capitalists are the 'lions' who are
worshiped at the shrine of Mammon. When
will Moses descend from the mount and cast
down the golden calf
A correspondent of the Chambersburg Whiff,
which was also one of them, not long since, thus
daguerreotypes the Solons chosen by the pure
party which was to reform our politics so ama
zingly :
" This is one of the legislatures—it emphati
cally is! In many respects it is without pre
cedent. and but for the fortunate constitutional
limitation, would probably be without end of;
years. In the Senate there is some little care
taken in legislation, but in the House there is
neither political discipline, ordinaty industiy or
average honest v. It strikes an unsophistK ut( d
citizen like your correspondent, as would a loose j
aggregation of jackasses, with a horse thrown j
in here and there to break the monotony ol the j
braying. It would be quite an institution in j
some wooden country, lor it can out-log-roll
iny style of log rolling ever before conceived
>f. It passes new counties with a perfect yell
all by about the same vote, unless rnoie are
isleep,"absent, or—oh ! I'll never mention it
ban usual. It passes new banks as fast as they
..... 11 -1 .... .Stliar r or rtnt (it re<Tlli:ir i"if- i
j er increase the capital of as many as g.V a
-electable wink on the subject, and would run
h-owh re-cbarters for all the banks between
Pittsburgh and Philadelphia against time, on a,
waaer of fried oysters against sumthm to ta*e.
We object, somewhat, to the sweeping reci
lal here made, for strange to relate! two new
rountv bills were defeated on Wednesday—
There was probably nothing in them.
When we reflect that this legislature was
chosen bv an entirely new party-a party
which derived its eclat and its power by harp-
upon the story that '-the were
so~corru|jt I"—hopelessly given over to repro
bacv, and which flaunted huge promises to the
public eye that it would reform all these things,
—would choose men fresh from the people,
honest men, free from the taint of demagogue- ;
ism—when, we say, we call these things o re
membrance, arid ponder over the tact that the le
gislature chosen bv this new party as its embodi
ment has hail everything its own way, what a
commentary is afforded in the fact that Mis
legislature,"this honest legislature, fresh from
the people, and blooming with virgin purity, has
turned out the most corrupt, shameless and
worthless legislature ever assembled in the
State Its base vetialitv is a matter of notoriety,
SO much so that even it's party Iriends denounce
it as "the essence of corruption; and besides
beino- mercenary beyond all example, it has
ended by being Ridiculous, a butt tor jeer and
mockery, and the laughing stock of the whole
If these things be done in the gieen tree,
what may we expect when it comes to bear
truit in its season ?
Ninon" the true friends of out Republic is
Philip Johnson of Northampton. In bis speech
delivered ill the house of Representatives on
the 23d of March last, he eloquently snowstha.
the principles and practices ol the know-Noth
ing are in direct opposition to the principles
upon which our government is bassed He
shows that instead of upholding that -'all men
are created equal," they make birth and blood
the test of citizenship, while they indirectly a>-
sail the sacred doctrine that "ail men have a
n*ht to worship Cod according to the dictates
of their own consciences." Nor is heat a
"mealv-mouthcd" in his mode of exposing the
corruption, treachery and hypocrisy of Ihe
organization. Undeterred by their acknowledg
ed power, and undismayed by their secret and
insidious mode of attack, he discloses their .e in such a style as must have made Mor
ris ot Philadelphia, and his compeer in guilt,
Dave Smith, ot the negro-voting law notoriety,
wince, unless they possess more than an ordina
ry amount of the brazen-faced impudence char
| acteristic of the members ol the order. t>*
argument about paupers and convicts, so indu*
i tnouslv u>ed by the Cayennes, is a!a ird am
answered fully and fairly. He snows that tm
Democratic party are ready and wtlung to pre
• vent the importation of paupers and criminals, i
• bv a pauiier is meant "one who has become ;
charge upon public charity, and y a
one who has been convicted of a crime, bin:
be is willing to exclude; but tie asserts that <
stalwart, hearty man or woman, though they
I be 1-juded upon our short s witlu ut a dohar ir
i their pockets, are not paupers." Instead o
1 draining its r sources they may increase ant
multiply its wealth. Tltis position he enforces
by argument and by an illustrious example,
with a quotation of which we will conclude this
article. It will he noticed that the person re
ferred to below was one whom the Know Noth
ings would have regarded with titter detestation.
He was a foreigner—a pauper, and—oh summit
of iniquity '—an Irishman, lint we hasten to
the extract.
"In the borough of Enston reposes the ashes
of George Taylor, one of the immortal signers
of the Declaration of independence, an Irish
man by birth, who, to secure a passage to this
countrv, entered into voluntary slavery. He
shipped under the law as it was at that time,
ami when he landed in America, he was sold at j
Auction into servitude to pay lor his passage. ,
His purchaser was the owner of the Durham j
mines and furnace, in the upper part of Mucks
countv. He served ciiit his time, and perform
ed such service as ins employer directed, and
was afterwards hired to work by the day. He
arose step by step in the estimation of his fellow
citizens, filling such offices and places as were
entrusted to him, until he become one of the
Justices of the Court : and at last having dis
charged all his pufdic duties with fidelity, he
was chosen a representative in the Continental
Congress, and affixed his name to that instiu
ment of writing which is doomed to live as long
as (lie English language remains. Ihe people
of Easton cherish his memory as one of the sages
of the Revolution : and the old stone house in
which he lived is still pointed out to the stranger
as a relic of the past, woilhy of note and recol
We thank Mr. Johnson for his eloquent de
fence of the. principles of our forefathers, and
his equally eloquent denunciations of Know-
Nolhingism: and we trust that his friends in
Northampton will remember one who has been
tine to his faith in the hour of adversity.
Jn a letter declaring his inability to address
the Democratic Association of Richmond during
the present canvass, Thomas J. Michie, Esq.,
;>) Stanton, one of the foremost men in \ irginia,
uses tiie following powerful language :
"Nothing 1 assure wouhi iint* rnt* more
pleasure than t< address the intelligent peopb
of Richmond on the int-*r 3 stitig questions ol tin
present canvas? —to tell them how blighting t.
the free spirit of our country the secret mystery
rif know-nothingism must prove : how demoraf
izing it will be to our children, the hithert*
high-minded, open-hearted, boi<l youths ot \ ir
gitiia, to lie educated in the sneaking arts of s.
crecy and espionage: to he taught by their lath'
era to sjiv out all the political actions ol thei:
fellow-men, and yet to keep their own action
and 'objects,' in reference tomalteis which tie
cessarily concern all, a profound secret; to pub
lish platforms o (pretended pi inriples, suited h
everv latitude and every taste, tor the purpos
of gaining proselytes, while they fee! the tie
Trailing consciousness that they are prohibited
5y horrible oaths, from ever revealing their rea
objects and principlesoutside ol their order, am
while a disgusted world is forced to conclod
other that their platforms are filled with fals
orofessions, intended to mislead, or that thus
,vho publish them are perjured.
"Has any party a right to political secrets
ii private associations men may conceal mat
ers which concern themselves alone. But |K>J
tics, relating necessarily to the affairs or vv&
luct of a government, in which every cittzin
ed in withholding, from a portion of onrY.tS
en*, information on a subject wlucn vital!;
■oncerns every one of them ? In a small P a.
leiship, if a portion of the partners were (
■onceal from the rest their designs in reierenc
o the social lunds, their associates, soexcludei
would be justified in forming a coneHs.on of r.i
lonest v, and a court of justice would tnterfen
[,, the* ordinary intercourse of hie, an hone
i,an of ordinary humanity, possessed ot a seer
which concerns his neighUm s interests tee
-,ouul hv a high mora! obligation to disclose
0 him who it interests. Yet hereis a politic
partv intermeddling in the dark with the aflu
'jfgovernment which involve your and my hi
liberty, and property, and those ot ourchiidre
ind of millions of others, and vet they cool
refuse to let us know what their objects are u
lil we shall be informed hv such results a, th
may hereafter produce. By their nun show,
1 hey are enemies of popular .government: lor
such a government the whole community p.
lU "BuUhey show their enmity in various otl
forms Thev practically deny the capacity
the people to" govern, and therefore estahl
aristocratic councils, with a great consolidat
and controlling head, located, most t.tlv, sor
where near 'the Five Points,' in the city of
York Power with them, instead ot being v<
ed in the people and emanating from therm
vested in these aristocratic council. Ihe I
orv of our government requires an appeal i
aristocracy to the pople. Know-.Nothmg
reverses that theory, by providing in all c
an appeal from the people to the aristocracy
-If,he people had capacity for self-gov,
ment, this self-styled American (query : aboi
r.a!?) partv deny their honesty: therefore, t
are never trusted except under oath. An
train while the spirit of our institutions req,
; v ,rv citizen to exercise his own best judgr
in voting lor all officers of government,
wonderful invention of Yankeedom requires
p, bind himself by solemn oaths not toe*e
his own judgment at all, hut to give his vo
the majority of a caucus, itself subservient t<
mandate of a superior caucus, may order. I
are startling novelties to the American ear.
know-nothing ism, bold in this respect atom
all others skulking, denying its name, oen
its association, refusing to make known Hi
'ects, hiding in dark caverns with hats am! ■
denounces all as anti-American who uil:
adopt its dogmas! 1 should like to discuss
diss- ct the monster, not only uwl"r th" pr
,n' head, but manv others, and especial!
federalism 1 should like to show the per,,
Richmond, and the whole south, the cm
device of the know-nothing nominee for g
nor, instilled into him, nodou' t, by the
masters under whom he learned his 'A me
lsm 'hv which tie asks the people of V I
to deprive themselves of all ground of resi
hereafter to the northern plan of ir.terv.
in our domestic affairs, hv intervening in
sadea 'ainst Catholics and foreigners, not h<
she is'suffering any inconvenience from
herself, but in order to rid her sister sta
the nuisance. _
"But I console myself under rr v inanti
obey your call by the reflection that, if I
it w'ouldonly contribute the feeble light
candle to that glorious sun which hassbo
which continues to shine among you, a'
lighten you till the day of election. W
EJotiglrs.aoda host of the. .have p.Uf yo
,| ia „ I ran Ml. B<", as I have been a whig,!
onlv sav Tor me to my old whig friends that I
have looked carefully under the cloak of know
iinllungism, have lifted with a daring hand the
veil that covered the face of the Prophet Sam,
and satisfied mvself well that it is not whiggery
as I had always understood it, and as I knew it
was understood and professed by thousands ol
| on. fit and patriotic men,but monsin/m horren
dm, informi , ingens, ati lumen redem/dum.—
Yes: as blind as a bat, and as dark as Erebus.
Let them beware of it, 3s they love their lives
and high reputation. History informs us of
many secret political parties, but not of one,
t iat I remember, which has not been damned by
inpartia! posterity. This party has much, be
sides its secrecy, to give it an earlier and deeper
(ondemnation than that which has fallen to the
lot of its predecessors. If the democratic party
thonld follow its lend, what a hell upon earth
■heir underground fight would make : yet it
,could plead example, and the responsibility
would be Sam's. "With high regard,
It is refreshing, in these days of political de
linquency, to see such a man as Thomas J.
Mirhie thus loldly and fearlessly avowing his
[hostility to the secret order of know-nothing* ;
and when it is remembered that, for several years
Mr. Michie has been one of the most talented
ind efficient leaders of the lute whig party in
Virginia, we feel that we have just cause to
congratulate the country.
From the Chambersburg Repository.
Open Political Action.
Mn. EOl TOP. :—Do you see vomier little
cloud? It is no bigger than the end of your
{thumb. Listen ! what a low muttering thunder.
Did'st hear its whispered echoes ? They are
the preludes to a gathering storm. The rock
of Truth has been struck, and a copious shower
of manv voices are the responsive echoes which
must sooner or later lal! with gladdening prolu
sion upon thine ear.
Mint what, Mr. Writer, are you driving at?"
Why, sir, at your late article upon the Ameri
can Party. Thai article is not only replete with
, good sound sense, wise ami prophetic conclusion.
, iiut it marks the true and fearless advocate ol
, an open and liberal policy,—just such an one as
,every true hearted, order-loving citizen should
advocate, under the intolerant, narrow-minded,
.embarrassing circumstances, that .now surround
(.and da; ken honest opinion, and individual
.choice of political action and party.
Co on, in the good work, and it you are \ve|
.enough acquainted with the ropes to know
.when von are treading upon forbidden ground
? shrink not from its quagmires and hogs,— wadt
.straight through them boldly and fearlessly.—
bigotry and demagogueism their choice
,either to damn or to listen. A great work lie:
the honest and faithful American jour
.nalist. Truth, genuine truth, must be coinec
into thought, and that thought brought home t(
| the ear and the heart of every misguided nativ<
| who has sworn away, not only his manhood
f but his constitutional right to scan, analize, ac
jCept, or repudiate every shade of political noli
i cv and laith, come from w hat quarter they may
The upright, intelligent American citizen, act
• ing upon the broad and liberal ha-is of the feder
,al constitution, and calmly and reflecting!}
I watching tile ebbing and flow ing of polilica
ties, knows liis dutv. He needs 110 1 xtra-judi
cal oath to keep him in the path ot nationa
- rnj'e. JJe has trodden it from boyhood, am
,0/ his hoine—the stae and the stripes kindl
. the tires of patriotic devotion and float with hi
, thoughts upon the breeze of national glory.—
, * Americanized —lie treads the soil of hi:
f lativify, proudly conscious that his lot has heei
Jjfast in a land pre-eminently above all others if
.llie liberal and enlightened bu m of its govern
t pent. \\ by, then, ask him to swear an allege
a cause ever near and dear to his heart
; s -the cause of his country. Why degrade hiu
!}• an oath-hound policy he dares not to ques
all 0 " I Under the old regulations and ties, eve
,y rrnn, however strongly prejudice! in favoi
J I'ij party and its measures, still felt that ht
~fas tcting from choice and voting as his nwr
fJndiTstaniling diiecttd. No oath-lbrmed chair
him to the car of designing aspirants ami
{paw and il they "counted his voice" in theii
.jharres for ollice, they reckoned not upon the
jpfiui'tjce ot a conscience shrinking from a vio
jfltioi ol unreasonable obligations and penalties,
• forfeititres of freedom and manhood. Give,
1 ben. to the American party an oath-bound-or
;ani:ation and platform,and the narrow-minded,
prejudice, toin-foolery and ghostisun
if tlnse who now control its councils will very
0011 be lost in a pure and healthful reaction, a-
Hce honorable and national.— Chum. Reposito
y and Whig.
, A Correspondent of the Clftimbersburg
lejosi/ory and Whitj uses the following lan
,Uagi* in relation to the anti-license law, which
.crtrays its true character :
'•ln this interesting and dignified way has the
itiuse see-sawed through three months and a
•al ', without passing a single general bill ot
ot ■ excepting the license law ; and this is a
erfect lac-simile ol its worthy parent—a come
• y •'I streaked and striped errors—a bungling
designed to break down landlords
Thi build up drunkards, by allowing no poor
fvil to comiTience on less than a quart."
.ALL RIGHT IN MICHIGAN ;— An extract of a
tier from Michigan, dated 17th instant, says:
"Our township elections through the State are
st over, and they indicate a far better state of
ings than we could anticipate. Thev exhibit
*e most decisive triumph on the part of the de
ocracy. The State is redeemed, regenerated,
We knew that the unnatural
rion and the dangerous anti-republican doc
4ies to which our temporary defeat was owing
Uld not last long, and the second thought
on Id come. It has come, and JJichigun stands
J the, Know-jYothings. —From a friend resid
g in the district, we yesterday received a let
•Jcontaining the result of the special election
<fd in Indiana township,on the 2l)th u!t., foi
st ice ol the Peace. The election was render
necessary on account ol there being a lie
te between the candidates at the regular spring
ntesl. Jt will be abserved that tin- Know
fthings made a poor show—their candidate
wing received but one vote ! Indiana deser-
Jthe highest praise for its noble devotion to
•mocratic principles. Below is the result:—
ward McCorkle, Dem. nominee, ITS votes.
McCaslin, K. N. candidate, I "
S. Hart, Democrat, k "
itteriiig, 3 "
Tyranny of fhe Sccrcf order.
We have exposed Ihe deep-laid conspiracy
against the rights of th people. We ha ve con
tended that freemen, after being inveigled into
the Secret Lodges, surrender tiieir consciences
and judgments into the power of irresponsible
and scheming managers an<l are hound by hor
rid oaths to c arrv out the behests of the midnight
council. We have before us a case in point.
When the Senatorial election was pending in
Massachusetts, some of the Know-nothings gave
signs of opposition to Wilson, the nominee of
the majority : w hereupon, the H'orcr&fer Jour
nal, the leading Know-Nothing paper in the
State, made the following statement as to the
obligation of Know-Nothingism :
'•lf bv honorable means, Wilson's nomination
can be reconsidered, it is fair to do it—more
than that, it would he policy for the party to do
it, hut until that is done, every member ot the
party that votes against him, violates his obliga
tion, belies his pledges: yes, perjnr-s his soul,
and he is not a man of honor. His personal
enemies know what they are guilty ot in voting
against him, when a majority declare for him."
Here is a full confession of the workings of
the diabolical machinery. Unless a member
disregard his conscience and follows the com
mand of "a majority," he is denounced a< per
juring his soul, and, as such, published through
the Lodges of the Union. The voice of consci
ence is stifled and suppressed by the oath which
members are required to take, pledging the mi
nority to vote in all cases according to tiie de
cision ofa majority. The penalty of a refusal
thus to vote is the branding the offending person
in all the lodges of the Union, as a liar, a scoun
drel, and a perjured villain, in the eyes of God
and man. Uv the exercise ot this desjxdic reg
ulation, they rely ti|ion ruling the minority,and
forcing them to subserve their miserable purpo
ses. Kvery man is oath-bound to vote accor
ding to the instructions of the lodges, however
his conscience and judgment may disapprove
and condemn the action as violative ol right, as
dangerous to the community, as treasonable to
the Constitution and to the Union. Is such an
order necessary in a free country, when the pol
icy of the laws is to make each man tree, not to
enslave the conscience by oaths?— Philade
lphia Jligus.
villi* Enquirer savs: "We are told, on good
authoriiv, that G. 11. Todd, the defeated candi
date ti>r City Clerk, yesterday discharged hi.;
washerwoman, a Mrs. FiawCy, who has done
his washing for s itne time past, giving as a rea
son that he would not employ an Irish woman
or foreigner of any kind."
Todd adopts tin* principle that "Americans
must wash Americans."
vot:D. —The Democratic party here nominated
a Vnion ticket against tiie Know* Nothings,
which was supported by the anti-Know Nothing
Whigj in our city to-day. T his ticket is elect
ed with the exception ol the old clerk, Henry
Francis, w ho succeeds on personal consideration
alone, by about one hundred votes. The Union
tick't cariied four ol the six Alderman and
thirteen of the twenty four Cotinciimen, mak
ing nineteen anti-Know - "Nothing* to eleven
Know Nothings in the joint Council. Tin-
Know Nothing.- have been routed in this city
on a full vote.
Some months ago we were induced—
partly by philanthropic and partly, perhaps, by
curious motives—to attach ourselves to a so-eal-
' • *•' Tlm <wnsih|e lirin
ciplesol the older w ere such as we could sym
pathize with most heartily : and it did not even
occur to us that these ostensible principles were
to be classed among the "goodly outs-ides" that
"falsehood hath." We were not long in learn
ing, however, that "confu-ion to Popery" was
only a bait to catch the unsuspecting . and that
the council of which we had become a part was
nothing more nor less than a political hot-bed,
from which were produced all sorts of schemes
and machinations, conducing to the advance
ment ol individuals and cliques, instead of en
hancing the general good. We, therefore, with
drew.— Buffalo Express, (\Viii<r.)
GEDY.—TIio London Times lays before its rea
ders the particulars of a horrible atiair, which
recently occurred near the Dutch settlement of
Transvaal, at the Cape of ( ood Hope, and which
can only he paralleled in atrocitv among the a
chievments of modern times, bv the exploit of
Marchal St. Atnaud in Algiers, when he smok
ed and burned to death thousands ol his barbarian
opponents who had sought refuge in a deep and
spacious cave;
"In the case at the Cape nl Good Hope, the
Cadre Indians had murdered, in October last,
; under circumstances ol great barbarity, ten or
twelve men and women of the Dutch settle
ment. Immediately General Pretorious raised
an army of'soo men, and, accompanied by Com
mander General Potgietter, proceeded on an ex
pedition to revenge the blood of the victims.—
After an absence of several weeks, they reached
some remarkable subteraman caverns, half a
mile in length, and from three to five hundred
feet in width, where the Caffers had entrenched
themselves. Fpon his arrival at This spot, Gen
i era I Preterious attempted to blast the rocks a
hove the caverns, and thereby crush the savages
, beneath the ruins. Ihe peculiar character of
; the stone however render this scheme impracti
! cable, and he then stationed his men around
j the mouths of the caves, and built up w alls in
front of them. Altera few days nianv of the
women and children were driven bv hunger \
and thirst from their hiding places, and were j
allowed to escape: but every man who came
forth was shot dead by their rifles. On the 17th j
ot November, at the close of a siege of three 1
weeks, the besiegers, seeing no signs of lite,en- I
lereri the caverns, and the silence within, to
gether, with the horrible odor arising from the !
dead, told how effectually their object had been j
accomplished. More than nine hundred Caffers ;
had been shot down at the mouths of the caverns, j
and a much greater number had perished bv i
slow degrees, suffering all the horrors of starva- j
tion in the gloomy recesses within."
HEROISM REWARDED. —A little druinnier-bov '
in the British army, who was in thickest of the j
fight at Inkerman, combatting the foe, and, as a j
relaxation, carrying water to the wounded, has
been presented by Prince Albert with £o.— I
Napoleon would have taken such a lad and cul
tivated his soldier-like qualities, till he made a
Marsha! of him. France has skillful and dar- !
ing Generals. England has only biave sol- !
"When a person writes to another for infor
mation on business, a postage stamp should b>-
enclosed it it is important to receive a reply."
So writes a suggestive and sensible correspon
dent of tlu? New York Commercial.
Terrible Suffering of a Shipwrecked Ire*,
We have already announced the low 0 f (h.
ship William Lay ton, ('apt. Tucker, on t|,„
passage from New York to Antwerp, and the
drowning of three of the crew. They encoun
tered a terrible gale on the 20th of February
and on the 22d became a complete wreck 1
Lashed to her floating and helpless hull, the
captain and the remainder of the crew pass, ,j
six days and night* without a single drop of
water, and without a mouthful to eat,
ing a single rat, that was found swimming
aliout the wreck, and which was fortunately
caught and shared among the sufferers. Th"„
captain lias published a thrilling account of
their miraculous escape from death, from which
we take the following :
The first day passed at our lashings, and we
were weak with hunger. The second dav and
the gnawing* of hunger made all other >utfW
ings insignticant in comparison. The third
day, and our thirst and hunger together held
us in toitures but little short of the pains ofhelf
itself. Death at this time would have been a
relief. In the meantime the hatches of the ship
had Liust open and the cargo was floating
around us, but none ol the provisions within our
The know ledge that onr ship's hold was full
ol provisions, and we wire starving, and unable
to reach it, only added to our sufferings. Still
to aggravate our pains, the potash in the ship
was dissolving, and making a ley that was eat
ing into onr flesh. Having no water, we each
took a piece of cold lead into our months, and
chew ing this kept our mouths moist, and was
found to he agn at relief. At this period ofour
sufferings, a rat was seen swimming ah-out, and
coming near enough to one of the sailors, it un*
captured. Never did a hunter secure his game
with greater satisfaction than did the seaman
secure this drowning rat. The rat was shared
among the company : and never was a rnor
ceau received with a hettter relish.
All that w* had in addition to this raft, wi>
the boots and shots upon our , which w>re
mostly used up at flu* time of our rescue. On
the third day of our suffering—on the 25thof
fVbrnarv a vessel hove insight and ue were
all elated with the prospects ol relief. In this,
however, we were again disappointed. This
vessel, the name of which I do not now letreri
her, came within hailing distance cfus,a.*!i!
speaking the captain I asked bin. to semi mj
boat. The reply was, he could do nothing for
lis: and leaving ustoour late, we were compel
led to s**e this vessel sail from us.
On the fifth ami sixth days some of the crew
said thev did riot feel so much the want cf lood
as they did on third day. This was the feeling
of most, if not all of us. The fourth and filiii
night passed, and no assistance came. The
fifth day came, and with it succor— on this day
we were hailed by the barque Sylph, Cap*.
Hallux, from Guadeloupe, bound to St. Peter-,
Newfoundland. This vessel spike us, ami
learning our sit oat ion, promised to lay hy till Ife
storm abated. It still blew a gaie, and the sea
was very heavy. This promise revived us.
During the night of the fifth day of oiu suf
ferings—the 27th of February—the Sylph drif
ted away from us and next morning was out ol
sight. J cannot describe our feelings when'he
next morning daw ned up, and again showed 4-
luiihinu wit bin nur vision but the tempestuous
ocean. Capt. He!lox, however, upon ascertain
ing on the morning of the 28th that he had I
us, crowded on all the sail his barque could
carry and commenced the search for us. He
was successful and found us after a few hour
search, and at 10o'clock on the morning of"the
28lli we were taken from our lashing and taken
011 board the Sylph. When relieved none of
us were aide to stand, although all of is still
retained our senses. One of the crew, when
taken from his prison of ropes, lost his t >>•->.
which dropped from him, as lie was lilted horn
the ship. The Potash Lye had eaten the feet tt
the sufferer to this etl'ect.
A Total Wreck.
On the first ol January, lSft-f, a gentleman
doing business in .New York, was worth with
what he had invested in business, a hniidrui
and ten thousand dollars. At the sametiinelie
was blessed with an intelligent and lovely wit*,
beautiful and promising children. The tir.-t
misfortune was the transfer of merchandise to
the amount of eighteen thousand dollars Ina
California dealer, !<>r which not one cent was
ever received. The next were two successive
robberies hy means of which twenty-five thou
sand dollars were lost. Soon alter this the un
fortunate made an investment in real estate to a
large amount. The next crow ning misfortune
was a trip with his family to Europe. 1 hey
embarked on their* return, on board the steam
ship Arctic, and all shared her luckless fair
In settling up his affairs, his real estate was
under the hammer at a sacrifice of thousands nt
dollars, making the aggregate loss to his proper
ty during the year, one hundred and eighteen
thousand dollars, eight thousand moie than In.'
assets.—.V. Y. Courier.
: following incident occurred within sight olonr
! office a few days ago. Two children, a girl"'
| seven years, and a bov of five, were playing |; '
the story above tiiat in which their mother was
j sitting with a friend. Suddenly the quick ear
jot tlie mother caught the sound ot little leet
hurrying to the stairway, and then the voice oi
the little hoy almost inaudible through tenor,
calling her to come. "Come quick, DnuuM}, s
in i/ie Trunk Hastening to the spot, she
asked eagerly, "Where's the key?" 'T' l
Daughty's got it, Daughty's got it," said t' :t "
little fellow, and he danced wildly about the
room, and threw his hands in agony ' A ,; ii
surely there was cause for his wild fright.—
The little girl had taken the key in her band,
for fear her brother would lock her n,an(!p ;l "
ced herself in this large trunk, and now the !i'-
was closed, the spring lock made it last, s':i
there was no key ! Springing to the sptakn
pipe, tlie mother called to a servant, in a VolC ''
that told lor itself of urgency, to bring the axe,
and then seizing a poker from tlie stove she en
deavored to open a crack to afibrd the child air.
and succeeded in opening a very narrow one ■
then throwing up the window, they drew '
trunk to it. in a few moments —but moment'
are long in such a time of peril—the axe wa>
brought, and by breaking in the trunk they 1
erated the little captive from her close prt' n
house. Stripes of deep color ran down her fat
and neck, and perspiration, hi gFrat drops, sto
upon her forehead, but she was rescunl
injured r —_V<n rark . Idrrrfixer.