The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, April 27, 1855, Image 2

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lledlord, April "27, 1a
6. W. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor-
Pittsburg lie in or ratio Convention.
05*" The Democrats ot Allegheny County held - 1
their regular convention m Pittsburg on Wednesday r
the ldthinst., the proceedings of which are so inter- : J
esting and patriotic that we copy a large portion ol j f
them into the Gazette of to-day, and invite for thema j t
careful perusal. The Convention was eloquently ad- (
dressed by Hon. W. W. lew IN, Hon. P. C. JMTAN- 1
MIX, and Col. SAXFEI. W. BLACK, in reference to £
Col. Black's speech, the Pittsburg Daily Union \ \
says:—"The reader may form an idea ol the sub- 1
stance of bis speech by reading the resolution*. hut j
he can have no idea of the eloquent manner ill which '
their principles were enforced and defended. 1 lie , )
Colonel, although at all times effective, was remark- t
ably so nn this occasion. In speaking of the Knovv-
N'otbiug principle, Col. B. showed the seciet order )
to be as ho-tile to the native born citizen as the one
of foreign birth, if he bf*not connected with their par- '
ty, and dwelt upon this monstrous proscription with '
ponderous effect. This view of the subject attracted
particular attention, for he showed conclusively that
even the son or grandson ola revolutionary soldier
could not receive from Know Nothingism the sinal- j (
lest public favor, unless he iirst became connected j (
with the prescriptive order." The Union concludes
with the remark that "Col. BLACK'S speech upon this _
occasion was one ol his finest effort-, and the more j
effective, because the spontaneous out-burst ot genu- l
ine feeling, clothed in rapid and telling rhetoric."
The following aie the proceedings alluded to,
which we copy liom the Daily Union, one of the
ablest Democratic papers now published :
The Committee on resolutions then retired. Col. j
James A. Gib-on, of Pine township, requested that j
William W. irwin address the meeting during the 1
absence of the committee. A unanimous call was j i
made on Mr. lrwtn, to which he responded. He ,
spoke with much force. He \va- in lavor of united
action, li the members ol any ot the other political s
jwrties wished To join with the Democratic organiza
tion HI upholding the constitution and laws ot the .
country against tiie wiles of a secret enemy, he was i (
willing to extend to them the right hand of fellow
ship. All minor or local considerations should IK* j
iorgotten in the one grand eflort to ciush the foes of
equal rights. The Democratic party had a duty to
perform of higher importance than the elevation ot A.
B. and C. to office. The institutions of our country j
were to be upheld—the principles ot Jefferson, Madi
son, Monroe, and Jackson were to be carried out— j (
those glorious principles which declared that this
land should be the asylum ot the oppres-ed of uli na
tions—that it -hotild be emphatically "the land of,
the free and the home of the brave." To show the
tendencies of Rnow-Nothingism, he stated that but .
the other day a law was passed by the Legislature ot ;
this State, entitled "A Prohibitory License Law," j
which violated the constitution of the United States. ,
There was one section of it which precluded the j
Courts frm granting license to any hut tho-e who
were citizens of America. We have treaties with
alt the civilized jxivvers of the earth, he continued, in
which we conceded to their subjects the same privi
leges with ourselves to carry on trade ami commerce;
\et the Legislature of Pennsylvania stultifies itselt by j
passing an act in direct opposition to those treaties.]
It is intended as a slap in the lace of our German j
population—it is intended to create a ca-t in society j
—it is intended to degrade those of foreign birth.—
It is anti-republican, and I contend thut the Democra- i
tic partv is hound by its laith to resist such oppres
sion. The Democrat who asserts that a foreigner j
should not be entitled to the same measure of free- j
<lom accorded to the American boin, is not worthy to !
bear the name of Democrat.
The committee here returned, and Air. irwin con- i
eluded. Col. Black, chairman, pre.-enled the follow
ing resolutions, stating that they reflected the unani
mous sentiment of the committee :
Resolved, That this Convention, representing the .
Democratic party of Allegheny county, doth unani-J
moiisly declare its attachment arid devotion to the ;
principles, The taith and the practice professed and |
and followed by the national Democracy of our couii- ;
Resolved, That we rondemnand abhor any sy-tem j
or sentiment which singles out to proscribe and smite ,
any man or set of men whose only crime is a birth I
place about which they were not consulted, or a reli- ]
gion and form of worship not approved by a portion |
of the American public, many of whom have no re- j
ligion at all.
Resolved, That no man is entitled to a sent in this ;
convention, who is connected with any secret pohti- j
cal society of whatever name; and we respectfully |
request any person adhering to the order or associa- (
tion commonly cailed "Know Nothings," to retrain j
interfering with our deliberations, it a Know-Noth- j
ing has obtained a place here, and retains it, vve de
nounce hun guilty of deception, falsehood and liaud. j
Resolved, That we entertain and cherish one A- |
merican sentiment which is very old. yet always j
fresh in the Democrat ic party. We preler our own ' t
country to any country and all countries on the globe, j
We love our institutions because they are libera! in
all things, and free. We are prepared and eager to |
rake the side of our country against the agressions
and instill of any "foreign party and its abettors."
Therefore Resolved, That in the difficulties and ,
forth-coming conflict between our own country and
ttie Government of Spain, we are very American; that
we like the promise of the conflict all the better be
cause the Allied Powers of France and England have |
already di-closed their purpose and design in regard j
Jo the regulation of American atfair-: and we can j
.afely pledge the Democratic party ol Pennsylvania,
of which we are proud, in these dark days, to be a 1
f-ortion. that it will stand by and -u-tain the General j
Administration to the uttermost in the adoption of j
extreme and signal measures lor instant and lull re
dress of all our wrongs. Our account is large, ot j
long standing, and daily increasing. The irue A- \
mericans demand a speedy and final settlement.
Resolved, That the existence ola secret political |
organization, should admonish all classes of our citi- j
z.ens who are opposed to such profligate and proscrip- ,
tive combinations, to cast aside all minor considera
tions in a united effort to save otir country trom the |
disgrace which has been inflicted upon every commu- i
nitv where Know-Nothingism has been successful. j
Resolved, That in the election of county officers ;
there i- no political principle at present involved; all •
therefore can unite in the elevation of good men to j
administer our county affairs . without doing violence i
to any abstract political feeling or principle which ,
the* mnv entertain.
Resolved, That in order to bring about a triumph j
of the people in the next fall's ejection, the chairman i
of this convention be authorized to apjioint a county .
committee of corre-pondence with authority to form !
such a ticket as will unite in its behalf all who are j
favorable To open, independent political action, in op- ;
position to secret, irresponsible, and unlawful combi- j
Re-olved, That when the desperate and di-appointed j
of all parties unite, under oath, to monopolize all i
places of honor and profit in the gift of the people, it
is the dutv of honest men to join in preventing such
secret arrangements from being successful.
The following resolution was offered by Mr. Peter
Ivory, and passed.
Resolved, That vve hold the principles of the pre
sent Democratic party to a continuance of the doc
trine laid down as a guide for our future prosperity
by the immortal Washington, and more recently a
dopted by Jefferson, Madison, Monroe, Jackson, and
Thus far, through the Administration of Franklin
Pierre, believing it to be the only safeguard from all
corruption, monopoly, and disunion of this our noble
republic, through future ages.
After the reading of the resolutions, which were
adopted without a dissenting voice, Mr. Bailey moved
that Col. Black be requestd to address the conven
tion. A vote being taken, the motion was passed
unanimously. The gentleman scorned the Know-
Nfothing organization in a withering manner. lie
spoke on the resolutions at some length. He said
that as sure as the sun set there would be trouble be
tween tbe United States on one side, and England,
Franee, and Spain on the other, and we would then
see whether the members of Die secret order would
stand the test—tbe true te-t—and whether those who
were proscribed would not be among the foremost in
the defence of onr country. "The Hindoos proscribe
not only those who ar<- born on a foreign *oil, or who
profess a particular religious creed," he continued,
"but proscribe alt w ho fail to think a* they do. They
proscribe me, although I was born and raised here,
and although 1 am the son of a minister ol the (. ■>-
enanter faith."
Judge Shannon being loudly called lor, he arose j
and staled that he had never attended a convention :
in which so much unanimity o! feeling prevailed.—
He said the Democrats bad nothing to do but to fol
low the acknowledged principles of the party. Eve- J
ry member should go forth from the convention with !
the determination to uphold those principles. He
knew there was a party in our midst who would pro
scribe him to a greater degree than the learned gen-
tleman who had preceded him—Mr. Black. But he
did not care. It was well known that a foreign pai- '
ty could never attain the ascendancy MI this country, j
As to the fear of a certain religious sect, it was
groundless. They stood as one to twenty-four. 1 hey
had not a single representation in the legislature.—
Whence, he asked, does this fear spring? No where.
If in the order of God's providence they strip me of ,
the right to vole, I'll not change my sentiments. Let !
them do with me as they please: 1 will still bend my
knee and pray for the perpetuity of American insti
Mr. R. Biddle Roberts was called on, but bad de
parted a few minutes previously.
It was the most harmonious meeting we have ever
witnessed. Every Democrat present seemed satis
fied with the proceedings. Know -Nothings were a
scarce commodity. The place didn't uit them.
AD vies TO KNOW NOTHINGS.— 1 lie Peekskill /?E
--pubtiran advises those few "respectable Christian
men" who have been inveigled into the Know Noth
nig "Councils," to "come out." It says:
"We are told that some good Christian men have
gone into these Orders, ami it would be strange if
they had not. But what of all that ? It only proves
that a very good man may sometimes make a tool ol
himself. We would advise all respectable Christian
men who are in, to back out as soon as they can.—
We shall soon have more Fool tragedies ifProteslan
ism is to leave her spiritual weapon*, and resort
to stabs in the dark lor her defence and support.'
Cs* Even the plastic name of Know-Notbingism
cannot keep the lusionists ol New Hampshire togeth
er. Their organ, the Concord Reporter, sends forth
the following discordant notes;
"Already we see many perils which threaten the
integrity and existence of the party in this
State. They exi-t, part of them, out ol the State,
and part of them in the very heart and organization
; of the party itself.
i "In our judgment, frankness and candor are precise
ly what is wanted, "at the present juncture, to -ave
The American party liom a total wieck in the State
before it gets into power."
r.~~7~ We copy the following hit at Gov. POLLOCK
! from the Philadelphia Ledger-.
We have remonstrated against all increase of bank
! ing capital in the State, as so much added to the tax
i es on our industry ; for w hat ever bankers make over
; legal interest, is, of course, an extra levy on the pro
| ducer tor the sole benefit of the speculator. We have
taught that the way to get lid ot a bad system is to
I let each institution die out, a- its term expires: and
; thus, quietly, and without disturbance of existing
fashions in finance, vve should be treed from all char
tered privileges enabling the tew to impose on the
many. We are not quite sure that Governor Pollock,
in his sly way, has not the -atne object in view, but
adopts a different and much more objectionable way
to accomplish it. In our prisons they weati the ine
briate by lessening his allowance of grog a little eve
i ry day, till at last "no grog" is the law. In this way
no destructive constitutional disturbance is created.
In the new prison of Schuylkill county, it was at first
i the practice to stop the gtog on every bruiser when
jhe came within its walls. But the mortality was so
' dreadful from this course, that the tapering ott sys
! Tern has been substituted with good results. 11l Swe
den they take Governor Pollock's plan, viz: Ihe
! rummy is at once served with gin, (the usual drink
: there) without stint, but in the following way: In
' his tea and his coffee, in hi- bread and his milk, in
! his water and his gravy gin is mixed. His bed-clot hes
are scented with it—in short, nothing is allowed in
j his cell that has not been well scented with gin. By
1 and bye the poor fellow becomes so disgusted that
i the smell of gin ever alter presents no attraction, and
I the man is safe. It is said that our Governor claims
this Swedish precedent in justification of his course
i and in consistence with his message doctrine.
"Snakts of the Copperhead Species."
The Philadelphia .Yews, one of the lov
ers of Know-Nothingism, represents certain I
Bills before the present Know Nothing Legisla- j
ture as " Snakes of Ihe Copperhead Species i
notwithstanding their seeming innocence, and
loudly calls upon the Governor to interpose \
what the News used to call the "KINOLN \E
TO," the "ONE MAN POWER," the "set
ting at defiance the popular will," &.C., See., Lc.
TheeVetcs represents these "copperheads" as be- ;
ing run through the Legislature with indecent
haste, and sent after the Governor (who is in
Milton suffering from ague) for his signature,
with locomotive speed. Now, we ask the hon
est Freemen of Pennsylvania ifthis is theen/er.
lainment to which they were invited when they
were assured that Knoiv-JVothingism was to cor
rect all the evils o f old parties, and light up an
entire new system for the admiration of the
world ! Let the word go firth that " Snakes of
the Copperhead Species''' are to take the place of
the wholesome and Constitutional Laws which
formerly directed the movements of this noble
old Commonwealth ! ! —and let all good citizens j
prepare to meet the issue. A correspondent of ,
the Pittsburg Union savs the tax-payers will feel
the effects ofthe madness and folly which has
characterized the Legislation of this winter for
the next fiftv vears."
writer is down on Gov. Pollock in a late number
ofthe Harrisburg Borough Item. The following
l extract points significantly to aome dark doings
; in which the Governor appears to have been a
i party :
"Is Gov. Pollock aware that the course he is
now pursuing not only brings upon him the ana
| themas of his fellow men, but th e wrath of Clod.
I Does he not remember the ever-memorable
night of the 2">th of .May ? But without the fear
| of God, no scheme is too low tor a politician to
j resort to."
i On Saturday Judge McCiure delivered an
j opinion on the subject of granting licenses tosell
i liquor. Several applications having been made,
■ lie felt it his duty lo give Ins reasons for refusing
to grant them. Some of the licenses expired
i before the passage ofthe law of April J, IBsf>,
and the remainder would expire in June next,
i Consequently, if any were granted, it could nut
be for a full year, but only till October, when
the said law would go into effect. One section
of the act of April 1, 1850, declared that all pre
vious laws which directed the Courts to grant
licenses, were repealed. His Honor contended
that therefore they were inconsistent with the
last enactment—that their legal existence had
ceased. There was a total abolition of the li
cense system. No respect was paid to the char
acter of applicants— Pittsburg Union, April
A Mrtliodis! Minister Rcuouum!
ITF"Th< Albany (\. Y.) Journal, of the 14th
inst. contains a letter of renunciation of the
Know Nothing Order from the pen ol Rev. J.
H. TAOKITT, the Methodist clergyman in the
village of Forestville, in that State. The Rev.
gentleman closes his communication with the
declaration that the laws which govern the or
der are contrary to the Constitution of the
"United Steles mid of every State in the Union
I, therefore, do hereby most respectfully
"withdraw fioni this Order that I may exercise
"my elective franchise Constitutionally, and
"according to the dictates of my own conscience
"and judgment, untrammelled by the dictation
"of any man or set of men.
"Forestville, N. Y. March 19, 185:")."
Another Exposure by a kuow Nothing! |
The following card, savs the Jill ent own Dem
ocrat, is from one of the first and most prominent
members of the Know-Nothing Order in that
town. Some rich disclosures are in store, which
will come to light in due tim" :
it an act of justice to my sell as well as other
right-thinking men, who within the past year,
were inveigled into the Secret Order fo S. S. 8..
commonly called Know-Nothings, through the
belief that a change in the management of old
parties was necessary, I take this public mode
of renouncing all connexion or association with
this secret, oath-bound band, aod desire all to
understand that T wish no longer to be recog
nized as a member. If to eradicate the corrup
tion of the old parlies was an object ol this asso
ciation, most signally has i! failed of that pur
pose, for with whatever of experience I have
liad as a politician, I am free ta confess I never
knew so much festering corruption in anv po
litical association as has characterized this mid
night order. For the present, I shall take plea
sure in revealing to any of my friends who may
be anxious to know them, the reasons which
prompted the course I have adopted.
Saturday, April 14, 1855.
THE REACTION. —At Masontown, l ayette
county, there i< a Baptist congregation of be
tween three and four hundred members. We
are informed by a well known and creditable
citizen of the place, about two weeks since,
near two hundred of the members left the con
gregation because ihe pastor was found to be a
Know-Nothing. Pittsburg I nton.
ffjp* The following paragraph is extracted
from the Know-Nothing correspondence of the
Chamhersburg Whig, dated Lancaster, April
17,1855 :
Prof TIFFANY, the President of the Slate
Council, made a bitter and rather significant
speech to the Convention. He warned the par
ty against the abuses and corruptions that are
creeping into the organization, and declared
that unless remedied it would sink under its
own weight of venality. He denounced the
legislatuie as reckless and dishonest (why didn't
they send the Professor to the I . S. Senate '.)
and calculated to destroy any paitv. He urged
a more careful observance of the oaths and oth
er regulations of the order. There was a gen
era! debate on the facility with which demago
gues were using the power of the forty for per
sonal aggrandizement, and'all agreed that some
remedy was demanded, but what that remedy
was to be, doctors differed. A strong demon
stration was made to throw off" the secrecy en
tirely and act openly as other parties, but it was
not successful. Many complained that outsiders
knew everything at any rate, and professed se-
I crecv was folly ; and a number stated that the
novelty of the secrecy had lost its charm and
: potency, and unless sixin exchanged for a more
i liberal platform,divisions and disasters must en
, sue. But there were too many axes to grind for
i the success of open action, and we must have a
! sworn [>olitical party vet a little longer—per
j haps long enough to make thousands of men,
who sympathize with the American principles,
feel compelled by their own sense of self-re
' spect, to vote any other lickect.
ings in the new Borough of Kennett Square ■
have tieen defeated at the first election. It i
was generally supposed that they could carry !
every thing before thenri, but unfortunately for
their success a feud broke out amongst them and 1
the end was a defeat. We were informed by
a good democrat from that quarter that many ol
the K. Vs. have "quit the lirne kiln," and now
are out in open denunciation of the order.—
They acknowledge to have been members and ;
corner up those who deny their membership.
All these things are right and proper, and we
hope to have the end and beginning of the new
jiarty close together.— West Chester Republican.
UF-The following is the final vote in both
branches of the Legislature on the new license
bill. Judge DAIGH ERTY voted against it
—and FR. JORDAN voted for it, by which
vote the measure w'as carried in the Senate.—
KING, the other Know Nothing from this Dis
trict, DODGED, notwithstanding he was the
nominee of the TEMPERA NCE men !
YEAS. —Messrs. Browne, Crabb, Darsie, Flen
niken, Frazer, Hamlin, Hoge, Jamison. Jordan,
Lewis, Piatt, Price, Quiggle, Taggart and Whei
NAYS. —Messrs. Buckalew. Cresswell, Fry,
Goodwin, Haldeinan, Hendricks, Killinger,
M'Clintoi k, Mellinger, Sager, Sellers, Shutnan
j Walton and Hiester, Speaker— l 4.
YEAS. Messrs. Allrgood, Avery, Baker, Ball,
I Boal, Bowman, Caldwell, Chamberlain, Clapp,
| Clover, Criswell, Cunrmings, (Phila.Co.) Down
ing, Eyster, Fearon, Flelclier, Fester, Foust,
j Guv, Gvvinner, Harrison, Hodgson, Holcomb,
Hubhs, Kirkpatrick, Krepps, Lane, Laporte,
i Latlirop, Leas, Lott, M'Calmont, M'Clean,
j M'Connell, M'Cullough, Maddock, Magtll, Mor
| ris, Morrison, Muse, Page, Palmer, Pennypack
| er, Powell, Ross, Simpson, Smith, (Allegheny,)
j Smith, (Blair,) Steele, Stewart, Sturdevant,
, Thompson, Thorn, Waterhouse, Wood, and
I Strong, Speaker —so.
| NAYS. —Messrs. Barry, Bush, Carlisle, Christ,
I Craig, Crawford, Daugherty, Donaldson, Dun
:, Edinger, Frailey, Franklin, Free, Fry,
| Gross-, Herr, Linderman, Mengle, North, Orr,
Reese, Rittenhouse, Sallade, Sherer, Stehley,
Wickersham, Witmer, and Wright—2B.
I lature of Maine, which recently adjourned, pass
j ed two acts relating to naturalization, which
I contain some important changes. One act pro
! vales that no person of foreign birth shall sole
in the Slate, unless he thai!, within three months | |
at least before the day of election, exhibit to the i
regularly constituted authorities of the town or j t
cifv in which he resides, his natuialization pa- '
pers, and the authorities shall enter his name in ; .
a book, to be kept for that purpose, together• t
with the date of the issue of the papers, and the i
court by which the same was issued. Jhe an- !
thorities are not to enter his name in the book,! <
nor enter his name in the check list, if they are ]
satisfied that the naturalization paper? are not j i
genuine, or that the person producing them is j
not the person to whom they were issued. An- !
other act annuls the naturalization jniwer of the j
Courts of the State, and declares that no Court ,
of the State, nor any Court created by the au
thority of the State, shall hold or exercise auv ,
jurisdiction in the administration of the laws ol
Congress known as the naturalization laws, nor
shaHany Court take cognizance of any applica
tion of any alien to be admitted to become a cit
izen, to make any record or grant or i>sne any
certificate or other document or paper, whereby
any alien shall be naturalized or made a citizen
of "the United States. These acts have been ap
proved, and are now in full force.
The Anti-License Dili.
We copy the following explanation of the
provisions ol the anti-license Hill from thej
Pittsburgh Post. '-It goes into operation on the j
first of October next, and nearly six months is
thus given to those engaged in the liquor busi- '
jnesstomake their arrangements. The provi
sions of the bill are stringent, auJ its penalties 1
! severe. Liquors may be sold bv the quart by
those who may be duly licensed to do so. But
1 neither hy the quart or larger quantities can
any kind of liquors, vinous, spirituous, malt or
brewed, be sold without such license. Such
license ran only be graned to citizens of the
United States, of good character and sobriety,
i and who are not tavern, hotel or restaurant
keepers. That portion ol the act of I*4l. rela- j
ting to the mode of giving notice of application
for license is not repealed by this act. Ihe
i first section of that act is consistent with this,
and is, in effect, made a part of it. No license j
will be granted until the applicant pays into
the treasury of the county thirty dollars ; and
the scale of rates to be paid for the licenses is
to be three times as much as under the present j
law. Kacli party obtaining a license must file
a bond in one thousand dollars, with two sure
ties, conditioned for the faithful observance of j
all laws of this Commonwealth in relation to ■
the sale of liquors.
Those who obtain licenses to sell by the
quantity, it will be remembered, give a bond in
one thousand dollars to observe strictly all the
laws of the State in relation to the sale of li
quors. One of those laws is the act ol last
year forbidding the sale of liquor to minors, or
persons of intemperate habits. Should a licensed
vender, then, under this law, sell a quart of li
quor to a person of intemperate habits his bond
would lie forfeited. Should he sell a quart to a
j person under the age of twenty-one years his
bond is forfeited. Selling in any quantity on
Sunday would be attended with similar perils.
The act does not require that the persons li
censed to sell shall be natives. It only requires
that they be citizens."
Abstract of the New York Prohibitory
Liquor Law.
The New York Legislature has adopted a Li
quor law, the leading features ot which are as
j follows:
, Intoxicating liquor, in any shape, must not
! be sold, or kept for sale, except by regularly
authorized persons, fur manufacturing, medici
nal, chemical, and sacramental purposes.
ft must not be given away, nor kept at all,
I except in dwelling houses not connected with
i any shop or place of amusement, in churches,
I in manufactories, and in actual transportation.
Any person may he authorized to sell for the
| above purposes, provided be does not use Li-,
| quor, as a beverage, is an elector, is not inter
ested in any shop, boat, or place of entertain
ment. can prove good moral character, and give
; i 1,000 security not to sell lor any other pur
pose. He mu-t sell only to persons over'2l
years old whom he has reason to believe will
use it for one of the above purposes. He must
keep a list of bis sales, which he must file, and ;
swear to, in the county clerk's office, every
month. Tliis list is to be open for public ex
amination. If he violates any ol these regula
tions lie forfeits all his stock of liquoi, is fined .
from SSO to $250, and may be imprisoned thir
ty days.
" On complaint and on warrant, suspected
places may be searched, hut no private dwelling
house can he, unless the owner has been con
victed of selling liquor in it, within the previ-!
( ous year.
When liquor is seized, notice must he given
the owner. If not adjudged forfeited, it will
be returned to him. II adjudged forfeited it
will be destroyed, and the vessels containing it
; sold. ' _
Persons summoned as witnesses, who refuse
to testify, will be sent to jail. Persons becom
ing intoxicated in taverns, groceries, or in the
street, will be fined $lO, besides being made to
testify where they get their liquor. All fines
go the support of the poor.
Upon the trial, proof of any sale will be
deemed proof of unlawful sale unless the seller
can prove the contrary.
Persons suspected of having violated fhenct,
. are disqualified from acting as jurors in cases
1 under it.
Liquor transported anywhere in the State, in
i quantities over five gallons, must he marked
> I "Intoxicating Liquor," and the name ol the
1 j person to whom it is going.
Cider may be sold in quantities over ten gai-
, —
' Manufacturers of alcohol and wine from grapes
: grown by thpniselvps, ir.av keep and sell them.
J Burning fluids, varnishes, pnrfumerv, essences
anil drugs, may likewise be freely made and
sold. Imported liquors may be sold in the or
! iginal packages by the importer, but only to
persons authorized as above to sell at retail.
!l All liquor kept in violation of this act will
he deemed a nuisance. No more licenses shall
j he granted. This provision shall take effect
! immediately:.
The section in respect to authorizing agents
to sell for manufacturing and medicinal, chem
i ical and sacramental purposes, takes effect on
' ' the Ist of May. All the other provisions of the
act take effect on the 4-th ol July.
'j Another part of this act declares that it "shall
' not apply to liquor, the light to sell which in
' this State is given by any law or treaty of the
United States." This section has already giv
- en rise to some discussion. The i imcs says:
The revenue law of the United States gives
i J the right to import certain liquors and wines,
- and the payment of the specified duties, such as
> ' 100 per cent., ad valorem on brandies, and 40
per rent. <>n wines, sell them fur consumption
in the United States. The mere art u! impr
lation does not compel the payment ot duties.
The liquors and wines may he bonded lbr re
exportation to some other country, or to await
a better market here. But the payment ot the
duties, on taking the original packages out of •
bond or fiom the ship, is, tri one sense, the pur- i
chase of the right lor a valuable consideration
paid into the public treasury, to sell them with- ;
in the United Slates.
The Bemocratic Parly.
Everv other party has retired Irom the strug- ;
<r|e with intolerance and bigotry, or has yielded
itself captive to this combination of factions,
save and except the Democracy. Throughout
the entire field, the only flag that waves in i
proud defiance of this combination is that of the
democracy. Nor are the numbers that gather
under this flag unworthy ol the cause to which
thev have dedicated themselves. 1 tie rank and ]
tile remain: the heroes of many hard-fought
conflicts have not deseited. A few corrupt
leaders have gone—"a good riddance to them ;'
hut the great hotly of the progessi ve party is as
lull-of energy and hope as ever it was, and but
little shorn of its noble propoitions. from the i
day that the liag of proscription unfurled its
dark wing, we hailed a real future of success to
the democratic party, and of service to the
country hv that party, to which all its past vic
tories and all its past services prove to be as no
thing. The political fusions and confusions of
the day will soon realize the truth of this proph
ecy to their bitter cost. Either way, the cause of
truth and of equality, of rational liberty and
sound patriotism, must gain. Whether the
profligate leaders of the deluded men who have
gone into these dens of secret shame fail to car
rv out their pledges, or whether they luifil
them, it will tie all the same in the *lOl a
wide and general catastrophe will overtake
them. If they tail to make good their promises,
the cheat will he apparent in all its corruption.
If Ihey goon, their votaries will stait before
the long procession of persecutions, lollies, and
crimes perpetrated in the name of Americanism.
It we loved our country less, we should say let
these madmen go on. Ihe lesson would do
good through all time if it were not purchased
at too great a cost. Aiieady an appalling re
cord has been made up. Ihe spirit of insane
innovation has broken out wherever the phreii
zv of intolerance has penetrated. It seeks to
interfere with everv political right and every
social obligation. It annuls the most sacred
obligations without remorse. It strikes at eve
rv security for the well being of society : and
in the name of reform it inflicts countless evils]
upon the country. Gn the one hand, it forces
upon reluctant communities sumtuary laws
that would have disgraced the reign of the
most dissolute monarch that ever lived : on the
other, it nullifies those solemn guarantees which
protect the States in their covenanted rights. —
11,-re, it strikes down an eminent citizen lor his
religion : there, for the place of his birth. •
Extiavaganre in its municipal and Slate admin
istrations, and the nomination ofbase, ignorant,
and corrupt men for office, have been conspicu
ous features in this practice, if not in its profes
sions. In Massachusetts it insults weak and
helpless women because they have the hardihood
to tie Catholics ; in Ohio it destroys the baliut
boxes. with tiie crv ol "Americans must rule
America," and retires abashed and penitent be
fore its own turbulence ; in New \<>rk it buries
a murdered bully with honors, such as were
scarcely bestowed upon a departed \\ ashington:
and in Pennsylvania it desecrates Independence j
Hall by denunciations >1 the adopted citizens,
breathed in wicked contempt of the memories
of the revolutionary struggle. We say we
could wish to see these humiliating proceedings
conducted to the close if the country had not
already "supped full of horors. "
It is natural that at such a lime all eyes
should he turned to the Democratic party,
which, unawed hv majorities, and unseduced by
appeals lor aid and comfort, flings its defiance j
into the teeth of these bold bad men, and dares
them to the issue. There is something sublime
in this. Honest and clear-minded men will see j
in i! an opportunity to cut loose from the tram
mels of the Whig party. The persecuted will
see in the Democratic ranks a refuge and a 1
rescue from their foes. 1 hose derided for their
faith will find in that party a fortress that will
laugh a siecrc to scorn. Now, as ever, the De- j
mocraey opens its arms to the oppressed of all
nations ; now, as ever, it standsby the teachings
of the sages of the past. Not one tenet of its
creed has it yielded : not one syllable of its
pledges; hut the more it is assailed the more i
strongly it adheres to its principles. Let fac- j
lions exult over temporary success: there is in
store for the Democratic party a niglier glory
than it has ever yet attained —the glory of res
cuing our country Irom the hinds of the worst
conspiracy that has ever been organized against
civilzation and freedom since the foreign five ,
invaded our happy shores.— Washington L
HfGov. POLLOCK'S inconsistent course on
the Dank question, is the subject of just repre- <
lmnsion ail over the State. Ihe independent
press speaks of it with much severity, and even
the papers of his own party cannot avoid ex
pressing their displeasure. Ihe Gerinantown
j Telegraphy a paper that has, until now, spoken
rather favorably of the Governor's course, con
i demos his double-dealing in regard to Bank
I charters in the following forcible remarks:
"In t his indiscriminate approval of new banks
' we do not conceive that the Governor has car
j ried out the principles of his Inaugural, or those
j proclaimed in the vetoof the Poltstown Bank.
If there is anv necessity, according to these
principles, for the Anthracite Bank, the Tama
j qua Bunk, and the New Castle Bank, we can
| not conceive u|H>n what grounds the Governor
vetoed the Pottstown Bank. Rather than he
i should have made such a distinction without a
! difference, he should have "put his foot down"
and refused to sign any bill for a new bank.
The argument used that banking capital does
• hot add to the actual business capital of the
State, should have operated with all its force
upon a mind that we had hoped was settled upon
i this question. Il is no argument that Pennsyl
' vania has less banking capital than New York,
j Massachusetts, Rhode Island, or any other State ;
the only true argument is, whether, in conse
j quence of this deficiency, we have suffered in
our business or substantial interests ; and this we
imagine it would be hard to show."
The Pottstown Ledger lets off the following
sharp shot at the Governor, which strikes right
home info the weak spot he has exposed to the
public attack :
STRANGE CONTRAST. —Gov. Pollock has signed
j a bank bill to be located in Philadelphia, where
over one-half ol the Banking capital in the Stat,
i* centred already, and where his organs fell h, m
the peoply wont no moie—there he gives a halt
million ol capital, equal to five country Bank
of the capital of he proposed Poltstown Bank
which he vetoed. The more the circumstance*
of the case are considered and contrasted win,
the charter of other Banks, the more unia
cious and unjustifiable the veto becomes.
From the Wabash (lint) Express, April It.
Yesterday evening, about dark, a report reach
ed town that aw hole family were discovered
buried under the floor of the cabin which had
been occupied by the Hubbards, w ho are now in
jail charged with the murder of Bo vies. The
awful news spread rapidly over town, and in
half un hour or less, the coroner, with a jury and
thirty or forty citizens, had started fur the pise.
We immediately set about finding the truth of
the story, and are indebted to ISlr. Jas. Wilson
for what follows :
Yesterday (Tuesday) morning, Mr. Wilson
and Mr. I. Thomas, constable, provided with a
warrant, started down the canal to arrest the
wile of Hubbard, whom fate developments ren
dered it highly probable that she was an accom
plice in the murder of Boy leg. They proceed-
I ed to Mr. Gardiner's works, five miles west of
town, where they found the woman and arres
ted her. Mr. Loveland suggested to Mr. Wilson
that suspicions w ere entertained that the Hub
hard's had murdered a whole family last fall.
As soon as Mr. Wilson heard this, he, in com
pany with Mr. Loveland, went to the house of
Mr. Fisher, where they ascertained that some
time in September last, this Hubbard family
i went to board with a family named French,
who then lived in the cabin since occupied bv
the Hubbards. This French family cunsi>te,t
of seven persons, the father, mother anil five
children. They were a very poor family that
had been living in the neighborhood .->ix or seven
years, and were well kown by the neighbors.
During last summer, the old man French had
j raised a small patch of corn and some garden
stuff, ttie whole of which, together with the
! furniture, was not worth over fifty dollars.—
: Sometime in October, Mr. Lewis, a near neigh
bor, went over to purchase his corn. He was
I met at the fence in fronl of the cabin by the
Hubbards. and was told that the night before
Mr. Fri nch's brolher had come along with a
w agon, am! had taken Mr. French's whole fam
ily away with him, and started for Illinois, and
that tlmv had purchased all their things, inclu
ding the corn, garden and furniture. A dav or
1 two afterwards, Mr. Stearnes Fisher went over
to inquire if the French's needed any assistance,
and was met in the same way by the Hubbards,
and was told the samp story.
No suspicions were entertained at the time
that foul plav had been used, and nothing oc
cured until after the body of Bovles had been
found, and the Hubbards were arrested. It then
began to le- thought that these monsters had
murdered the whole family. On hea-ing these
statements, Mr. Wilson determined to gonad
search the premises. He went down to Car
diner's works and procured a shovel and pick,
and tried to get some one to go with him. No
one, however, believed the story, and so n>
one volunteered to go. While they ware talk
ing, Mr. Thomas came up, and he ami .Mr.
Wilson proceeded to Hubbards, and found the
door locked. They drew the staple with the
pick, snc! entered the house. They found the
floor raised, and some dirt removed. Mr. Miles
Morgan, constable, had been there a short time
j previous searching, and had discovered a piece
of skull bone and gone away. They then pro
ceeded to dig acvav the dirt, and soon discover
ed the body of an infant, very much decayed.
They immediately left, and came up fo town
and got the Coroner, who summoned'a jury, and
at once proceeded to the pdace, which they
reached about sven o'clock last evening.
In the presence of a large company, they pro
ceeded to examine the place where the infant
had been discovered, and, horrible to relate,
found seven bodies, consisting of the entire
French family Their skulls were all broken in,
j and the legs of the old man French and his wit
were broken, so that thy could be doubled up
and forced inlo the hole, which was three or
I four feet deep. They were laid in a heap, the
lather and mother at the bottom, and Ihechil
! dren on top. The babe was about fifteen month
j old, and tlie eldest child about fifteen years 1 id.
I There were three girls and two hoys. Ihe
children were much decayed, but the paretih
were still sound, and were easily recognized I)'
those who had known them.
There is not the least doubt hut what Ihe Hub
bards are guilty of this wholesale and damning
murder, it is almost too horrible for belief, hut
the facts are as above stated, and the conclusion
is irrisistable. The Hubbards are all in j*"'-
Mrs. Huhard will be examined to-day. H'er
seems to have been no other motive than Ihe
obtaining what few worldly goods this [>oor lan -
ilv possessed, which were not worth over fifty
I GREAT FISHING. —The Burlington Free Pre--
' relates a new and unique mode of fishing, uT.; <
has been successfully tried in a trout stream 1
i northern Vermont, and which we lake phasßT
in recommending to the attention ol ah loBfi
; nosed disciples of the famous Walton, ibe
covery was made a few days aince by a
chopper in Hvdepark. Being thirsty with -
! bor, he chopped a hole in the ire of a naoontai..
• stream, and laid himself down to drink. IVI' 1 ""
: j in the act of imbibing the refreshing flaiii, he
j nose was suddenly and unexpectedly seized }
j j a hungry leviathan of the brook, who buried In*
. ! teeth deeply in the rosy protuberance, which •
. i evidently thought was a savory morsel. I
. ' astonished woodcutter, whose alarm endow
.'him with superhuman strength, threw p
. j head with a jerk, and pulled out upon the iiea
. ' splendid trout, which weighed two and a >•••'
• i pounds ! The editor of the Free Press ha.- l;l1 "
. ed with a man who saw the lacerated and sn
t leu nose, and vouches for the authenticity
' j the story. We do not believe, however,
; this mode of fishing will come into vogue, 3 j
; ; we advise those of our readers who are dipo Sl
, I to try it, to wear false noses!
1 i last, a young man, a German, about IS . vl ! ,rs ,"
j a g (> , named George Laur, at Scalp Level, in '
' ' county, fell on to a water wheel of a saw Y
J and was carried through, literally cr " s
him to a jelly. The wheel was what is, MP
1 lieve, called a "breast wheel." He was"
through a space of very few inches, aim c - ,
, pletely ground up.— Johnstown Lcho, ■
? On Thursday the 12th, at the Parson^'-
the Rev. F. Benedict, Mr. Michael tfmn' '•
1 | and Miss Ar.rv, Eliza Earnest, both ot
♦ j Tovvuship..