The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, April 13, 1855, Image 4

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The undersigned present their mo=t sincere thanks
tv tbeir numerous patrons for their very liberal pat
ronage since opening the NEW STORE on the 14th
of April, 1854, which has succeeded tar beyond their
most sanguine expectations, and ha- inspired them
with renewed efforts to replenish their spring supply
with such styles for the coming season, as cannot
fail to please the most fastidious. And, as onr motto,
ried out, and will continue the ruling feature, you
may re9t assured of purchasing your goods at the
CUKAP SIDK at the very lowest possible prices.
Jun" IG, 1854.
fS; JEL The Pocket JEsculapius; or
fa \®i every one his own Physician.
I& |gj The 50th Edition, with one
ija VSy": (JWiiS 9 hundred engravings, showing
SK JES Diseases and Malformations of
•. A? jjSj the human system in every form
gfafafafat an< * shape. To which is added
a Treatise on the Disea-es of
Females, being of the highest
importance to married people, or those contempla
ting marriage, By WM. YOUNG, .M. D.
Let no father be ashamed to present a copy of the
aESCULAPIUS to his child; it may save him fiom
n early grave. Let no young man or woman enter
into the secret obligations of married life without
reading the POCKET JECULAPIUS. Let no one
suffering from a hacknied Cough, I'aio in the Side,
restless night-, nervous feelings, and lhe whole train
of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their physi
cian, be another moment without consulting the
.ESCtfLAPIUS. Have the married, or tho-e about
to be married any impediment, read this truly Useful
hook, as it has been the means ol saving thousands
ol unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death.
OyAny person sending TWENTY-FIS E GENTS
enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of'this
woik by mail, or five copies will be sent lor One
Address, (post paid,) Dr. WM. YOUNG,
No. 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia.
,iftfay 2G, 1854.—1y.
<'ooliiai£ Moves.
On hand an;! just receiving a lot of new pa
terns of Cooking Stoves, l ir wood arid era!, at
In addition to his former slock, the subscri
ber has received a splendid assortment ol Brass,
Bell Mettle, Iron and English Kettles, which
will please all in want of the article, — also a
variety of other articles useful for house keep
ers. He has also on hand a lot of ptin •> chains
and fixtures, all of which will be sold low lor
cash, or on a short credit.
May If), 1554.
"Fellow €itlxesas2 99
Do you want to leav t-oar measure i r a
warranted fo give satisfaction in STYLE, QCALI
TY, FIT and MAKE Do you want to see a
large and splendid Sloe!; oj
' Clotts, CassinjsrGS, Vestings,
and other seasonable goods for DIE. V'S U. IRE?
Do you w ant to see a jine assortment oj COATS,
PANTS and VKSTS, gotfpn up in a style not in
ferior to the be£t ordered work ? Do you want
Under Garments of the '■■ right stripe ," or FUR
NISHING ARTICLES that "can'/ be bent,'' or
for your Sons I In short, if you want all or any
of these things so essential to the adornment and
comfort at the "outer man, 1 ' call on
STEPHEN'S, Merchant Tailor,
McKaig's Row, Baltimore Street (next door
to Campbell's Drug Store,) Cumberland, Md.
If you want an OUTFIT of
I would advise you to call at the RAILROAD
CLOTHING STORE, near the Depot.
May 19, 1554—1 y.
The subscriber will sell, at private sale, his valua
ble Property, situate in Union Township, Bedford
County, Pa., on which he at present resides, contain
ing 50 acres of patented land, 30 of which are cleared
and under post and rail fer.e >, tne balance .veil tim
bered with good saw timber. This property is on
the vvateis of Gobbs' Creek, 4 miles north of Ado'-
jibus Ake's Mill, on the public read leading from
Bedford to Johnstown or Jelierson, within 12 r.i i.
of Jetlersor., and 1G mile- of ilollidaysbnrg. ihe im
provements are a Stone Gii-t Mill, with two em of
Stones, one pair first rate French Burrs, with, good
merchant and country Bolts, and a complete Smut
Machine. The Machinery is all good and substan
tial, and is paitlyoew. The water power is suffi
cient during the enTire year, and the custom is good
and plenty of it. There is nPo a new Saw Mill on
the premises, which wilt cut from 1500 to 2000 feel
of Lumber a day inch measure, which is ready saje
at the Mill. One of the Dwelling flenses is a three
srory frame, suitable for a public Hou-e or Store
House, is well finished. There are Three other
dwellings, two frame and one log house, also a I'iame
stable and Wagon Shed, and other necessary build
Also, will be sold, another True! of Land contain
ing 300 acres, about 75 acre- of which are cleared,
of which 10 are good meadow with facilities tor mak
ing 20 or 30 more. The balance well timbered and
v.ell watered by the Bobbs' Creek running through
it. There is on the premises an excellent site cal
culated for either Grist Mill or Saw Mill, with head
and fall of 22 feet. There is a variety of choice fruit
trees on the farm. The buildings are one good Log
Ifouse and Stable and other outbuildings. Abo, will
be sold, 640 acres of good timber land, convenient to
the Saw Mill, on which are the very best of taw
logs. The above land is ail patented, and a clear
ami indisputable title will be made to the purchaser
or purchasers. Those wishing to purchase good pro
perty. will learn the conditions, (which will b• mod
erate,) by calling with the subscriber, residing on
the first r.ataed property.
July 21, 1851.
Hotice to FARMERS.
A prime lot of little CLOVER-SEED war
ranted clpan of Ripple, for sale by Samuel
Barnhart at the Tavern of Valentine Steckman
in Bedford. Feb. 1(>, 1855.
Joins A. ISiotiact,
WILL attend punctually to all business en
trusted fo his care. (Or" Office nearly opposite
the office of the Bedford Gazette.
March 3, 1854.
The undersigned having obtain
ed from the East a fine selection ofchoirp
breeds of Hogs, including Chester county Suf
folk, Grade and Berkshire Pigs, direct from im
ported stock, can now furnish any of these va
rieties to those desirous of improving their stock.
A fine lot of Chester county Pigs, from the ce
lebrated stock of Benjamin Hickman, Chester
county, now for sa!e. Terms moderate.
Mount Dallas Farm.
Jan. 12, ISss—6m.
The Great Purifier of the Blood !
Let the .tffiicted Rend and Ponder!
An Infallible Remedy forSciofula, King s Evil,
Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions,
Pimples or Postules on the Face, Blotches,
Boils, Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes,
Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Enlarge
ment and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stub
born Ulcers, Syphilitic Disordets, Lumbago,
Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising
from an Injudicious Use of Mercury, Impru
dence in Life, or Impurity oi the Blood.
OJr* This great alterative medicine and Pu
rifier of the Blood is now used by thousands of
grateful patients from all parts of the United
Slates, who testify daily to the remarkable
cures performed bv the greatest of all medicines,
ralgia, Rheumatism, Scrofula, Eruptions on the
Skin, Liver Disease, Fevers, Ulcers, Old Son*,
A flections of the Kidneys, Diseases ot the Throat,
Female Complaints, Pains and Aching of the
Bones and Joints, are speedily put to flight by
using this great and inestimable remedy.
For all Diseases of the Blood, nothing has yet
been found to compare with i;. It cleanses thp
system of all impurities, acts gently and effi
ciently on the Liver and Kidneys, strengthens
the Digestion, gives tone to the StErmach, makes
the skin clear and healthy, anil restoies the
Constitution, enfeebled by disease or broken
down by the excesses oi youth, to its pristine
vigor and strength.
For the Ladies, it is incomparably better than
all the cosmetics ever used. A jew doses of
sallowness of complexion, bring the roses mant
ling to the cheek, give elasticity to tlie -tep.
and improve the general health in a remarka
ble degree, beyond a!! the medicines ever heard
#The large number of certificates which we
have received from persons from all parts of (he
United States, is the best evidence that there is
no Humbug about it. The press, hotel keepers,
magistrates, physicians, and jnddi.* men, well
known to the community, all add their testimo
ny to the wonderful effects of IIT IS GREAT
Call on the AGENT and gtf a Circular and
Almanac, and read the wonderlul cures this
truly greatest of all medicines has performed.
None genuine unless signer! BENNETT &
BEERS, Proprietors, No. 3 Pearl Street, Rich
mond, Ya.; to whom all orders lor supplies and
agencies must be address rl.
Sold by Dr. F. C. READIER, Bedford: J.
M. BARNDOLLAP, Bloody Run : A. B. BI .NN,
Sehellsburg, and by Dealers in Medicines ev
erywhere. Oct. 20, 1551. ly.
LIT El-l COM I 5 LA 5A T,
3>>pep*ia, Jnundiee,
Chronic cr A'ervoas Debility, Disease of the
Kidneys, and <<7 Diseases arising from
a Disordered Liver or Stomach.
Such as Constipation, inward Idles, Fullness of Blood
to e Heed. Acidity of'ihe Stomach, Nausea, Heart
burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the
Stomach, Sour Kructations, Sinking or Fluttering at
the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hm
ried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,
Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying
posture, Dimness of \ ision, Dots or Webs before the
Mgh r , Fever an ! Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency
of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and K.yes,
Pain in The Side, Back, 1 imbs, No.. Sudden T'lu-hes
of Heat, Burning m the Flesh, Constant Imaginings
of Evil, and Great Depression of Spirits,
PrfjHt-fPti u
No. 120 Areh ."Street, Philadelphia.
Their power over the above diseases is not ex
ceiled, it equalled, bv any other preparation in
the United States, as the cores attest, in many
cases after skilful physicians had failed.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of in
valids. Possessing great virtues in the rectifi
cation of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands,
exercising the most searching powers in weak
ness and afTections of the digestive organs, they
are, withal, safe, certain and pleasant.
J. D. SPUING, Laceyville, Pa., April 6. 1854,
says: "I can get YOU some good certificates for
your German Bitters in this vicinity if vou
wish them. A lady purchasing some of it this
week, says that it is by far the best medicine
she ever knew, having dune her and her daugh
much good. Sue."
S. B. LAW sox, Benfard's Store, Somerset Co.,
Pa., August 15, 1853, sa'vs; "T am much at
tached to your German Bitters, having used two
bottles of it, which I procured from S. Kurtz,
your agent at Somerset, and found great relief
from in disease of the Liver. I find it has great
effect upon inv lungs, strengthening and invig
orating them, which, as I am a public speaker,
is a great help to me."
Dr.. GILES, Newton Hamilton, Pa., May,
1851, said : X have used myself half a dozen
bott!es of your German Bitters for Liver com
plaint and diseases of a nervous character, re
sulting from the abuse of mercury. I was poi
soned and afiiicted with spasms from the use of
this latter article. The German Bitters is the
first article from which I obtained any relit-f.
I have also given the article to many dyspep
tics, with the most salutary result. I think as
many more bottles will cure me."
J. C. YOUNG, Esq., of Dauphin, Pa., writes
May 5, 1851: "I was aiilicted with General
Debility, Intestinal weakness and Costiveness,
for which I used many different remedies with
out relief. lat last used 3'our Hoofiand's Ger
man Bitters. I took a few bottles according to
directions, and was completely cured. I have
not been so healthv for ten years as I hav<-been
since I took your Bitters, which is about one
year ago.''
The Bitfprs are ENTIRELY VEGETABLE, al
ways strengthening the system and never pros
trating it.
Sold by dealers in medicine and storekeepers
everywhere. And bv
Dr. F. C. R-amer, Red fiord, Pa.
Oct. 20, ISSI. IV.
Truth i Mighty!
j Important news for the Invalids of AUiany!
STL V E 21 IIA ST € E2 IF*
A Mew, A'uv'l, and strictly Scientific .Mode
of applying Electro-Magnclism Jor the
instant Relief and Permanent Cure
Is for the first time introduced to the people of Al
bany antbvicinity. We know that there is too much
; good sense among the inhabitants of this place to tle
i sire a long, unmeaning, extravagant advertisement;
hence we shall simply give you a history of the
Chains, and the success they have had in curing vvith
j in the last year, XERVOUS DI&EASES.
Tulvermacher's Kiev trie Chains were first used in
| France, three years since, where the success that
j attended their use, soon attracted the attention oflhe
j Fin ST MEDICAL men in Paris, who took pains to give
j them a still further trial, and recommended their
i adoption in the different Medical Colleges of that
i Kingdom. Within the last two years they have
| been introduced in Germany, Austria, Prussia, Bel-
I gium and England, where they soon became the most
j popular article for the INSTANT XKLIKF AXD PEKHA
! .NICNT CURB of that class of diseases called Nervous,
j One year since they were introduced into the
| United States, and run now be found in all the prin
i cipal cities in the Union. It is necessary to speak
| at length of their great success and unparalleled sale,
' wherever they have been introduced. It is sufficient
| to state that they are highly recommended by Pro
' lessor Molt, Van Buren, Po-t and Garnocbow, of New
! Yoik, and also in daily use in every Hospital in that
| city. SI,OOO dollars will be given toany person who
j will produce so many well authenticated certificates
i of cure, from intelligent patients and scientific phy
! siciatis, of the following diseases, as may be found in
j a pamphlet of .'l(3 pages, to be bad (grati-) o! the on-
I ly agents in Albany, DBXTF.R & NF.LLAGF.R.
f Painful and Swelled Joints Palpitation ot the Heart
: Rheumatism Neuralgia ol the Face
' Pains in the Eack Nervous Headache
Deafness, Blindness Dyspepsia, Indigestion
| Pains of the Liver General Debility
Nervous Cough Female Diseases
: Tooth Ache Prolapsus Uteri.
It is not strange that the application of Llectto-
Magneti-m will instantly relieve pain, wherever lo
cated, more quickly than opium or any ot its coo -
j pound—for it is based upon the true theory of the
origin of pain—a tack of the nervous fluid, which the
Chains supply, by being applied over the parts a!-
iected—alter first being moistened with common vin
> ejrar. which i- the only preparation ncce--ary.
The common sense of the people all over the coun
try >s awakening, and they have concluded that they
will no longer make drug shops of their stomnc is, or
be gmltv of swallowing the miserable, disgusting
nostrums that are thru-t before the public.
RHEUMATISM , that common disease of this
i climate, can be almost INSTANTLY relieved of its pain
; —and a permanent cure produced by simply applying
; a chain of IS links for a few days, a few hur each
I day.
More than one hundred cases of this disease have
been cured within the last year, that had battled ev
ery other mode of Treatment, by wearing a 30 link
( chain for a few weeks, by attaching one end upon
' the spine and the other on the abdomen. Alter a
-itnple application the worst symtoms disappear, and
1 the patient soon gains flesh and strength. I do not
know of one single instance that has not been great
ly benefitted, if not permanently cured.
; who are INCIENTE, are requested to wear them only
j for a few moments at each application, for by long
and frequent use NHSCAE:AUI. is often produced.
Hrnnd'cuy, Arte 1 ark.
Accent: —Dr. F. C. REAMER, Bedford, Pa.
June 9, ISs4—ly.
7/2 EL HOI'SK.
THE subscriber having removed to the Men
gle HOUSE, in the Borough of Bedford, re
cent lv in the occupancy of Mr. Isaac Mengle,
respectfully announces to his old friends, and
the public generally, that he is fuliy prepared
to accommodate ali who honor him with a call,
' and hopes to merit and receive a liberal share
of custom. Ke will make it his study to render
comfortable all who stop with him—and he in
vites Travellers, Movers, Drovers, and persons
attending Court to give him a trial.
His stabling is of the best quality, and com
petent to accommodate a large number of horses,
and it will always be attended by an obliging
and attentive hostier. *■"
Boarders will he taken by the day, week,
month, or year, on r asonabie terms.
Determined to spare neither pains nor ex
pense to make his house what it should bp, he
confidently relies upon the public for a gener
ous suppo; t.
" birch 31, 183
• 7
Yew Onsjir & JKook Mow.
| AVE wish it distinctly understood by this communi
ty and country, that we pay particular attention to
I the selection of our Drugs and Medicines, purchasing
none but the very hest and purest articles. We have
| for saie cheap all the approved popular patent mcdi
: vines, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Jayne's Medicines,
j Pain Killer, and alt the Sarsaparillas. Also Lubin's
i Extracts for the Handkerchief,fancy soaps, colognes,
pommaJee, ox marrow, &c. We also keep constant
ly on hand a general assortment of School ip Miscel
| laneou* Rooks, Blank Bcroks, Capand Post Paper. <Ne.,
Ike., ike. In fact, it you want anything m the Drug,
: Medicine, Book. Soap or Brush line, call at the New
Dru-r and Book Store and you shall be accommodated.
Jan. 11, 1854.
Tfm subscriber has on hand a large assortment
of LUMBER oflhe best quality, among which
is ICO.OOO Shingles, of different kinds : 75,000
feet of superior Boards, and a splendid lot of
Locust Pests. Builders, and others in want of
| Lumber, will find it to their advantage to ex
amine !:is lar_re assortment.
Jan. 14, 1553.
GUltf SiaiTKIiVG.
DANIEL B. BORDER respectfully informs
the citizens of Bedford and vicinity that he lias
: removed his shop to the house in the east end
! of' Bedford, one door west of the residence of
i Major VVnshabauffh, where he is prepared to
1 manufacture Double and Single barrel Rifles
i and Double and Single barrel S/tol Cutis oi the
| best quality.
repairing of guns, locks, Bc., done
I with neatness and despatch.
; May 26, 1854.
USc Insurance.
! Key Stone Mutual Life Insurance Company of
i Ihrrisburg, Pa., fins a Guarantee Capital
of $75,000.
Piesident, Hon. LUTHER REILEY, M. D. Pam
i phlets, Circulars and all neces-ary information can be
! obtained by calling at the office of the subscriber,
authorized agent lor Bedford County.
C. N. HICKOIv, Agent.
SAMUEL D. SCOTT, M. D. Medical Examiner.
October 10, ISSJ.
West Pitt Street, Bedford, Pennsylvaniaa.
i April 7, 1554. ly.*
THE subscriber is prepared to furnish, whole
i sale and retail, Tin and Copper Ware in great
variety, on the most n asonabie terms.
Drtigrs and Books.
***&. m - F. C. REAMER
Raas? Having purchased the Drng H gKaft <M .V'
| ant) Book Store of Dr. S. D. Scott, will
constantly keep on hand at his establishment
j inJulianna Street, a complete assortment of
Drugs, Medicines, Dye Studs, Paints, Oils,
Window Glass, Varnishes, Brushes of all kinds,
Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, Fancy
! Soaps, &c. &c. together with an extensive col
lection of School and Miscellaneous Books,
Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery,
Bc. which he oilers at greatly reduced prices
tor cash. Bedford, Feb. 17, 180-4.
Latest Intelligence from Cuba.
A Revolution Assticis>al<'B.
Wholesale 4* Retail Tobacco, Snujf un<l Ci
gar STORE.
THE undersigned would respectfully announce
to the public that they have constantly on hand
a large and extensive assortment of choice Ci
gars, viz : Regalias, La 1 Normas. Principees,
Casadoris,Havanas, Ceroots, Plantation and Jen
ny Linds—together with half-Spanish and Com
mon of a superier quality. Also, a variety of
chewing Tobaccos and Snuffs, all of which will
he disposed of upon the most reasonable terms.
J. S. 8 G. W. GROUSE.
N. B. All orders promptly attended to.
April If), 1553.
Mires' & *lo&rhen*U
And Commission LCERCEAHTS,
jprcDncc ant) {Jittsburg manufactures,
\o. 27, Wood *t. PtU^hurj;.
May IG, 1851.
The subscriber, thankful for past favors,
would respectfully beg leave to announce to the
public in general that he has just received from
the Eastern Cities, in addition to his former
stock, a large and well selected assortment
of Hardware, embracing every article usually
found in Stores of this description. His stock
i of Nails, Steel, Shovels, Edge Tools, building
Hardware, Cutlery, Saws, Chains, Locks, Hm
, ges, Screws, Chis-e!s, Planes, Stair Roils, Cof
fee Mill.-, Augurs, Bc., Bc., is very large and
' of the best quality, and will be sold at a small
profit. He also keeps a general assortment of
Groceries, Spices, Bc., Bc., to which he invites
the attention of the people. He has removed
his Store to the Room occupied as the Post 01-
tice. Caii, examine, and judge for yourselvts.
June 10, 1853.
"'ILL attend faithfully to all legal business
i i entrusted to liis care in the Counties of
Bedford and Fulton.
Bedford, Nov. 1, 1847.
C. N. IIICXGE, Dentist.
("\FFICE on Pitt-Street, nearly o]>posite the
Jl Bedford Hotel, Bedford, Pa. Teeth plug
ged, Regulated, Bc. and artificial teeth inserted
j from one to an entire set. Charges moderate,
and all operations warranted. Term. . —IRISH.
Bedford, May 3, IS 50.
The undersigned having entered into
! nership in the above business, would anuounce
' to the citizens of Bedford County that they are
' now prepared, at their Shop at t!>- East End of
! this Borough, to furnish CAURIAGES arid Bpo
ems, of everv style and price , also, COACHES,
; every description executed to order, on the
shortest notice, at their shop adjoining the
Coach Factory.
Determined to keep none but the best of
workmen rti their employ, and to s II as cheap
i as any other establishment in the State, they j
j hope to receive liberal encouragement.
! 'JOE* Country Produce of all kinds taken in
! exchange for work and the highest prices al
lowed. We respectfully invite tin* public to ;
I give us a call.
' Bedford, Feb. 3, 1854.
HAVING disposed of re}* Stock of Drugs. Medicines,
Books, &r., to Dr. FRANCIS (". REAMER, I take tlsis
; opportunity of recommending him to my friends and
' former patrons a- a Physician of much experience
and skill, in whom thdy can place entire confidence. I
| Feb. 24, IS-T4.
Having permanently located in Pattonsville,
Bedford County, respectfully tenders his servi- j
cesto the public in the line of his profession."
Pattonsville, March 3, 1853—1 v.
AI.L persons in want of Stove Blacking will
find an article called the Victoria, superior to
anything of the kind now in use.
IV- Si-
XHUR.i, Haigucl A" CO.,
British, French and American
Ho. 01 North Third Slrrct, I'IIILA DELPHI A.
THE undersigned would respectfully call the
| attention of his old friends in the counties ot
: Bedford, Fulton, Somerset, Blair, and Cambria,
|to the above CARD, with the hope that, when
■ they visit the city to purchase Goor>s, they will
j not fail to call at "No. !)1 North Third Street," j
j where, he feels satisfied, they will find as choice ;
1 a selection of Goods (on as reasonable terms) as
are to be found in any other house in Philadel
i phia. * W. B. CLARKE.
March 04, 1854.—1 v.
P. A. HEALEY & 3RC.,
WliolesaSc Di'iis'gists,
Stutfs, Spices, Patent Medicines, &c„
<£ tt mbcrl an b, itl t).
! CT7" Order* from Physician* and Merchant* filled
: with pur* and unadulterated articles, at Haiti more
I June 9. 19,14—1 v.
And Aclv (lioocK.
- Would respectfully avail himself of this me
thod of informing the citizens of Bedford and
vicinity that he- lias opened an entirely New
Dry Goods, Grocery, and Fancy Store,
in the Borough of Bedford, in the room for
merly occupied by Dr. Hofius, and second door
west of Dr. Harry's f)rug and Bt>ok Store,
where tie has just received from the cities of
New Y'firk and Philadelphia
one of the most elegant assortments ol Goods e
ver brought to Bedford, which, having been pur
chased tor cash, under the most favorable cir
cumstances, he leels warranted in saying that tie
can sell them at prices so iow as to astonish- the
purchaser, and all in want of good Goods, at
the shortest possible profit, are invited to give
him a call. His stock embraces every variety
Ladeis Dress Goods,
such as Silks, Satins, Delaines, Bombazines,
Spring Shawls, novelties in Lawns, British
Prints, Plaid Ginghams, Undersleeves, from
rdi cents up, Hosiery in every variety, Shoes,
Boots and Slippers, lor Ladies and Children—
in fact almost every article adapted to a Ladies'
wardrobe, which it would tvquiie too much
space to ennmera'te in detail. His stock of
FLATS and BONNETS tor Ladies, Misses,and
Children, is large, rich and CHEAP.
His Gi ceries, Teas, Spices, Syrup, 6cc. See.
are ail of the very best quality.
ITCHe will consider it no trouble to shew
his Goods, and he hopes the LADIES especial
ly will call and examine His assortment wheth
er they purchase or not. Always remember,
however, that ELI FISHER'S is the place for
BARGAINS!!! April ti, I Sob.
The subscriber would respectfully announce
to the public that tie lias removed his Tinning
Establishment to the building recently occupi
ed by Mi. Luther, as a Confectionary Store, in
tiie Diamond, where he is better prepared than
ever so accommodate his customers with every
article in the line of his business, < ither whole
sale or retail, and hopes they will give torn a
call at his: new location.,
Bedford, April fi, 1855.
Having removed his Confectionary Store to
the white liame building directly opposite tin*
Store of A. B. Cramer 6c Co. would announce
to his old friends, and the puhSic generally, that
lie is prepared to render satisfaction to all who
favor hitri with a call. LLP'He has tilted up a
private and handsome room tor the accommoda
tion of Ladies, the entrance to which is through
iiis front family door, which they will find both
c >nvenient and pleasant. ICE CREAM and
other delicacies will be served lip in the best
style, in season. April ti, 1855.
To Soldiers, both regular and Volunteers,
sailors, Marines, Flotilla men. Musicians, Wa
gon Masters, Teamsters, Indians, and all per
sons who have served four'tea days in any of
the wars of the United Slates since the year
1700, the Law of 1855 gives you One Hun
dred and Sixty Acres of Bounty Land. lam
prepared promptly, to execute veur warrants for
Bounty Land. You will save time and money
bv at once applying <nr instructions and blank
Forms. Widows and minor children of any of
the a love are entitled to the sa:ne.
iIV Warrants bought and sold on commission.
lf-T' Commissions received lor the-ale ol
Real Estate. Address
No. 12, Wall Street, N. Y.
April (i, 1855 3t.
S. AL KNIGHT, Attorney for Government
Claimants, WASHINGTON, I). C.
CONTINUES to give prompt and personal attention
to the prosecution ol Claim- of every description a
srainst the General Government, and parficulaiiy to
those before the Treasury Department, Pension and
County-land Bureau-. Patent and General Land Offi
ces, and Board of Claims.
An experience of years, and a familiarity with the
means of obtaining the earliest and mo-t favorable ac
tion on Claims, with his facilities for the dispatch of
business, jn-tifv him in as-uriiig his Correspondents,
Claimants, anil the Public generally, that interests
intrusted to his keeping will not be neglected.
lie has nearly ready for sratuitou,distribution among ;
his bu-iness Correspondents, (and those who may
become sucll,) a neat pamphlet containing a synopsis
of the exi-ting Pension, Bounty Land. Patent, and
Public Land Laws, down to the end of the late Con
gress, including the
Botmiv Land Aft of 3(1 MARCH, 1555,
under which ail who have heretofore received less
than 160 acres are now entitled to additional land;
said act grants also IGO acres to all Officers, Non- j
commissioned Officers, Chaplains, Soldiers, Wagon- j
masters. Teamsters, and friendly Indians, of the ar- j
my, including State Troops, Volunteers and .Militia ;
-—and all Officers, Seamen, ordinary Seamen, Marines :
Clerks, and Landsmen, ot the Navy, not heretofore
provided fur, who have served not less than fourteen !
days (unlss in battle) at anv period since 1776; and |
to the widows and minor children of all such persons ,
entitled, ar.d deceased-
This pamphlet contains '-Forms of Application"
more full and complete than any elsewhere to be found; I
adapted to the wants of every class of Claimants un- i
der the Act, with copious decisions and, instructions
of the Department, and practical suggestions as to the
course to be pursued in suspended or rejected cases.
Parties not wishing to avail themselves of the facil
ities afforded by this Office in securing prompt and
personal superintendence of their claims at the Depart
ments, can obtain copies of the above pamphlet by
remitting thirty cents in postage stamps.
Inducement to Correspondents.
Correspondents who prepare and forward cases tor
management by this Agency will be dealt with liber
ally ; supplied with all necessary blanks gratis, arid
kept constantly advised of the changes that from tune
to time occur in the execution ot law.
It is within the subscriber's power to direct his Co
rrespondents to the locality of very many persons enti
tled under the late Act; and having obtained several
thousand Land Warrants under former laws, he is in
possession of data that will materially a-sist in se
securing additional bounty.
FOPS, below the usual rates—and contingent upon
the admission of claims.
The highest cash prices given for Land Warrants,
lievoliitionary Scrip, and Illinoise Land Patents.
Address S. M. KNIGHT,
Washington City.
April 6, 1853. It.
I>K. A. 11. TI Al> \ >
111 S|.,XTHT.I.Y tenders hi professional serv
j the citizens of Seliell-burg and vicinity tff
Ihe room formerly occupied l.y Dr. p,n\* ■
posite Mr. Frazei's Tavern. X7~ All • GiT"'
promptly attended to. - tails
April 8, 1833.
Cessna & Shannon,
HA \ E formed a Partnership in the p ' •
of the Law. nearly- un
tile Post Office, where one or the other u" ! "
ail times LP tound. " J - v a!
Bedford, Oct. 26, 1819.
EVERY ONE who has used Hummel', r
sence of Coffee, knows that one packaw
go asiar as 4 pounds of the best Java Coti,"
and coffee made by this Essence will p rps
perfectly the real taste of Java co/fc-e, but H - ;
have a more delicate and finer flavor, a ti r
color, and will certainly be much wholes'
for every person than pure Java Cnflep.
!I/"For sale at Dr. B. F. HARRY'S n*...
Drug and Bool; Store. Oct. 7 t
Tut: highest price, in cash or trade, a ||G.,\
for old Pewter and Copper.
Sept. f). 1853.
John J\ Reed,
Attorney at Law, Bedford, Pennsylvania.
Respectfully tenders his services to the p u y (f
T7"Ctfice second door North of the Mcr - e |
Bedford, Feb. 20, 1852.
Or. B. F. Ifni'fi'y
RF>I'I;CTFVLLY tenders his professional Sfr .
vices to the citizens of Bed lord and vicinity
Cilice and residence on Pitt-Street, io't|„,
building formerly occupied by Dr. John If fu-
June 24, 1853.
tbvixc. located at Summerhill, in Cambria Coun
ty, respectfully tenders his professional services t
the public.
Dr. Fish is in possession of a certain preventive
for Flux, Scarlet Fever, and Fevers in general. wfc,-,
he will warrant for both adults and children for the
space of one summer season.
May C, 1853.
JOHN 1G EDIE, Attorney a? lav,.
Win, hereafter regularly attend the sitihiej
:of the courts of this county. During the tern,
:of Court he may be consulted professionally a;
• the Hotel of Maj. Davis.
Bedford, Feb. 17, 1854.
ISAAC IIUGI'S, Attorney at Law,
herealter regularly attend the sit-
T v tings of the Courts of this county.-
During the terms of the Court he may bv con
sulted professionally at the Hotel of Maj. Divn.
Bedford, March 10, 1854.
The Partnership heretofore existing b-tww,
Thomas and John King, is this daydissolvi
tnutual consent. All persons having unMtliti
accounts with them, ate requested to attend Ic
their liquidation without delay.
June 1, 1854. JOHN KING.
Having this day associated Henrv S. Kinj.c"
the City of Pittsburg, with us in the businessc
manufacturing Iron, the business will be can
ducted under the nap>e and firm ol John Kin;
6c Co.
June 9, 1554. JOHN KING.
ON hand, and for sale, a superior lot
Cooking, Ten Plate, Parlor, and Church Stoves.
Wan. ilena'v Lesi§,
Fori DFSMOINES, lowa,
WILL give special attention to locating land*
—investing money—paying taxes —making cu
lections, &.c., See.
"WF" Refers to Gen. Bowman and Hon. M
.Mann. Sept. 8, 1854.
Importer* and Drjlrrs in
.). 45 South Second Strret, PJTII.AIDiI.FhA■
Are now prepared to offer their customers ai g
trade an unusually large and well selected a-mrW'>
FLOWERS, LACES, and every other article aft*-'
taining to the Millinery trade.
IX?— Our stock being of our own direct import: 3 •
offers great advantages both in styles and prices.
Oct. 13, 1851.— 1y.
The subscriber would announce to !■=
friends and customers, and the public in.C
al, that he has permanently located hims. ,
Juliana Street, next door to Dr. RKAMKI: > P- -
be Book Store, where he is prepared to eye ■
all orciers in bis line in a superior manner, ■
reasonable terms. From long experience t" r
business, lie leels confident be can renders'"'
faction to all who honor him with a call-
He constantly keeps on hand ready-"-
clothing, of every description, for ,
Boys—also, a superior assortment ol f LUt
TIN, and other YESTINGS,and Summer■ i
which he will sell as low as they can be -
elseu here, and make them up to the last** 11 '
He also keeps a general assortment ol Cr- )l
Stocks, Collars, Suspenders, Handkerchief v
He hopes to merit and receive a liberal ■
of public palrongf. sCHAfT.fI-
June 9, 1854.
The subscriber is fully prepared to I
any quantity or quality ot Buikiin?
and Plastering Laths. Orders directed ,J
Clairsville, Bedford County, *-\ ill be P* ' r ''
attended to, by giving a ii ason.Td^^ l^^,
Nov. 24, 1554.
I> ESPECTFTJLLY begs leave to
Professional Services to the U jtl -
Bedford and vicinity. i
SSJF" Office in Julianna Street, T t
atnl Rook Store. Fob.