The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, April 13, 1855, Image 2

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Bedford, April IS, l8aM.
GL W. Bowman, Editor and Proprietor-1
OCT" The first Quarterly Meeting of tin* M. E.
Church of Bedford, for this Conference year, will
rommence on next Friday evening, at the usual hour.
Rev. JOHN A. COLLIN'S, Presiding Elder, is ex
pected here at the commencement of the meeting—
He is one of the 6LB-FASHIONGI> Methodists—preaches
the doctrines of the Church in their FERITY —and,
what is equally good, PRACTICES 111 his LIKE what he
EXHORTS others to do from the pulpit. Disconnected
with all FACTIONS, and having too strong a ramil to
he led asttav by "every wind of doctrine," he con
tents himself with a faithful discharge of his Minis
terial duties. Like the RELIGION he professes, JOHN
A. Cotqiss is sound to the core, anJ the man who
can't be snved under his PREACHING and his ooe- i
TRINE, we think stands a narrow chance .ol ever be- ,
ing saved at all.
e love Ihe Methodist Church—its Class-meet
ings—love-feasts—prayer-meeting ami its impres- I
sive mode of administering Ihe Holy facrament—and
Nve love all who SINCERELY worship at its altar.—
We shall ask no brighter passport to the realities of !
Eternity, than to die in the FAITH of a TRVK ME
THODIST— a FAITH which, however, is to be lound !
in all other CHRISTIAN INFIDELS in
PRACTICE too frequently ilni'iffrthe communion
table ol the Methodist Church, as well a- that ol ai!
other Churches, a fact greatly to he deplored, and
inuch commented upon by the Ministry.
The Banks and flee I.e£ilalurc!
Below we give a list of Bank charters passed or
pending in the Legislature, as we find it in the llar
ri-burg Telegraph. Table No. 1 contain such hills
as have been introduced into the House; No. "J, are
on the files of I lie Senate ; and No. 3 such as are wait
ing to leap into either or both. And let it be re
membered that iu these lists we include no old Cants
asking for a renewal of their charters, except in cer
, tain cases, where we only add the additional capital j
prayed for. The aggregate is $19,505,000, about ,
one-half of which is demanded for the city of Ytyfcjf* •
delphia, and the balance tor the interior. '-Jf i'
TABLE NO. I. v r .!
Hank of Conemaugh sto6-(00
Beaver County Bank 200 &0B
Bloomsburg Bank 200 bOO !
Oatasaqua Bank 'IOO 000
Coal Ik Iron (No. 2, of the same name)
Philadelphia 1,000 000
Clearfield Bank 100 000
Cumberland Valley Saving Bank 00 OQO .
Farmers' & Drovers' Bank increase sup. 1 OflfQpffc'
Farmers' and Traders' Philadelphia fldb
Hanover Saving Fund hp <KW
.Merchants'& Mechanics' Bank Piiila. 000- boo
Milton Saving Bank 10(> 000
Miners' Bank, Pottsville, increase :t()0 000
New Brighton Saving, estimated, 100 000
Philadelphia Deposit Bank 000 000 |
Pittsburg Saving Bank (no sum named)
pottsville Saving Bank 100 000
Pittston Bank 100 000 j
Reading Saving Bank 50 000
Seaman's Saving Bank (estimated) 100 000
Shaniokin Bank ISO 000 (
Wrightsville Saving Bank 150 000
Washington Saving Bank 100 000
SI.ISO 000
Anthracite Saving Bank, Donald.-on SIOO 000
Allentown Bank 200 000
Anthracite Bank Tamaqua, 200 000
Bank ol New Castle JAO 000
Bank of Pottstown 200 000
Bank of Lewisburg. increase, 100 000
Bank of Mount Pleasant 200 000
Bank of Penri T., to restore capital 150 000
City Bank of Philadelphia 500 000
Consolidation Bank of Philadelphia 500 000
Commercial Bank of Harrisburg 300 000
Carinonsborg Bank 100 000
Iron and Coal Bank, Philadelphia
(No. 1, same name) 2,500 000
Lock Haven Bank 200 000
Labanon Bank 100 000
Mechanics' Bank, Pittsburg. 500 000
Mauch Chunk Bank 200 000
Montour Bank 100 000
Mercer County Bank 200 000
Srroudsbnrg Bank 200 000
Western Bank at Meadville 100 000
S;i,SOO 000
TABLE NO. 111.
Allegheny Valley Bank, Pittsburg SSOO 000 ;
American Bank, Philadelphia 1.000 000
Bank of Commerce. I'hila. (increase) 250 000
Commercial Bank, Pittsburg 500 000
Common wealth Saving Bank 50 000
Corn Exchange Bank Phila. 300 000
Chemical & Manufacturers Bank Phila. 250 000
Carlisle Deposit Bank (increase) 150 000
Citizens Deposit Bank Pittsburg
(increase sup.) 250 000
Columbia Bank (increase) 1.50 000
Dauphin Deposit Bank (increase) 150 000
Donegal Bank 500 000
Darlington Bank 150 000
Dillsburg Saving Rank 100 000
Dickinson Saving Bank 25 000
Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank, York 500 000
Farmers' Bank Carlisle 200 000
Farmers Bank Reading, increu-e 200 000
Farmers* Bank, Schuylkill increase 100 000
Industrial Savings Bank.Sunbury 50 000
Luzerne County Bank 200 000
Monongahela Saving Bank 200 000
"Merchants' Rank I'hila. 500 000
Miners' Bank, Sun bury 200 000
Metropolitan Bank. Philadelphia 1,000 (00
-Mechanics Bank, Harrisburg (in.) 200 000
Philadelphia fnsurance & Deposit 500 000
Shawnee Bank 100 000
Fnion Bank, Philadelphia 200 000
Tradesmans' Bank Phila inrrea-e) 50 000
Westmoreland County Bank 200 000
York County Bank (increase) 200 000
$8,525 000
The Telegraph, the Administration Know-Nothing
organ at Harrisburg, of which the Rev. MILLER (the
Governor's Flour Inspector) is editor, is evidently
frightened at the recklessness of the Legislature. It
appeals to the PEOPLE and the PRESS to "speak in
unmistakable language to those w ho are misrepresent
ing their constituents, and blasting t£je financial pros
perity and prospects of Pennsylvania."
The Governor and Xnv Banks.
We learn from Harrisburg that Gov. Pollock, on
Saturday, signed five or six bills tor new bank*. One
oi a half million capital in this city, and another for
a like amount at Pittsburg. One for a bank at Mauch
Chunk,another at New Castle, and at two or three
other points not recollected. The Governor has veto
ed one poor litlle concern of sloo,oooor so, andsign*
hills in a bunch of half a dozen, with a united capital
approaching two millions ! This is the most striking
illustration of the new reading of the old proverb,
•straining at a gate and swallowing a saw-mill,' that
we ever remember to have witnessed at the hands of
the Executive of any State. Governor Pollock is re
ally quite an object of commiseration, l'be signing
of so many bills at a dash, in the face of bis veto, and
before the ink with which it was written was fairly
dry, is an act thar will go to sustain the report that
the speculators and bank gamblers have captured the
capita!— Legislature, Governor and all. Wonder
what our neighbor of the Berks and Schuylkill Jour
nal who reads us such a lecture in his last, thinks
now ? Had not the Ledger some grounds for its
•-worst apprehensions 1" As to any necessity in this
city, for additional banking capital, a point made by
tnc Governor as necessary to be established before he
could give to any bill hi= sanction—the experience of
pa-t two years proves that none exists, and could the
\ question be given to the voter* it woud be so decided
\ \ by nine out of ten of all parties.
take the aheve from the Philadelphia Led
\ ger —it illustrates quite palpably the feeble reliance;
j to be placed upon a politician, and one of the conse- j
quences of taking the government from democratic I
rule and surrendering it into the hands of know-rioth
i ings. Current abuses cannot tail, in due season, to
produce salutary effect-. The day of reflection and
; repentance will come. The strange doings of the
present legislature will give a different political com
plexion to the next.
i There are some persons who take es
pecial pains to create the impression that the j
Editor of this paper is actuated by selfish and |
mercenary motives in all he says on the subject
lof Know-Nothingism. Vow, this is both un
i fair and ungenerous, as we think we can shew :
to the satisfaction ol any honorable man, no
' matter what his political sentiments may be.—
So Atr as we are personally concerned, we have
j had every thing to lose, and nothing to gain,
j (so fur us mere dollars and cents are conctrn
] ad,) in entering our protest against the new Or
der which has temporarily taken possession ol
| the country. In the first place, we do not be
-1 lieve we have twenty Catholic subscribers on
onr entire list, hence all the patronage we cie
| rive from that quarter amounts to very little— j
and, secondly, the Catholics have never exhibit- j
: ed friendship towards us when personal ditficul-;
tv threatnned. A few years ago, it will be re-j
: mernbered, quite a family feud broke out in this i
place on the subject of the Presidential Election,
j in which an effort was made by many Democrats ■
to crush the Gazette because it dared to express j
a preference for the venerable DALLAS over Mr. ;
BL-CHANAK, whom we then thought had been :
unsuccessfully before the country long enough.
This was a struggle of no ordinary character, and >
developed gr.mß"bitfet*nessof feeling. VY here w ere
I the CATHOLICS then F To a man arrayed against j
i the (inzette , as can be seen bv reference to a
Umndbill then published, to which their names j
I are appended ! A few years after another crisis j
in the affairs of the Party arose, growing out of ;
tiie election of President Judge of this District, !
which, ppffi#ps, exhibited more bad feeling than
J had ever •btribre been witnessed in this place. A j
large body of Democrats in Bedford favored the .
of Mr. LYON, whilst the Gazette sup- ;
! ported the .election of Mr. KIMMELL. Here
another attfh>pt was made to do us great per
: snnal injury, in which the CATHOLICS and
Foreigners were all arrayed against us as can
i be seen by anothei handbill published ou that
occasion. From this plain statement of (acts,;
every honest citizen will see that, were we j
governed by se'Jisk and interested motives, we ;
should at once have gone with popular clamor!
in favor of the proscriptive principles of the 1
Know-Nothings, in order to have revenge ol the j
Catholics for their ungenerous conduct toward
! us! But we refused to do so lor two reasons. — '
First, because Know-Nothmgism attempts to de
i bar them.of rights guaranteed to them by the)
Constitution of the country —and, secondly, be- !
cause it invades a right guaranteed to them by
their GOD, to wit: the right of conscience.
When the Judge question was in controversy, j
we found in Foreign Catholics our most vin- j
dictive opponents. Mr. SAITP, the present
Postmaster, who was appointed to the office he
now holds bv the very men who stand most pro- j
minent in the Know Nothing Lodges, was se
lected bv Mr. Lyon and his friends to follow us j
into Somerset to make Report of a speech we!
delivered in that place, by invitation, and to
convey the intelligence to that people that we <
were entire!v misrepresenting the views of the j
! Democracy ot Bedford county in advocating the j
election of Mr. Kimmell. As much as thp peo
ple were divided in sentiment on this point, the j
sober second thought seems to have convinced ;
even the wildest supporters of L. that we were
right in that case, just as time and reflection
' will satisfy the people that we are right in op
posing the incendiary principles of Know No
thingism. What we have said, and shall continue
to say on this subject, springs from a conscieii
fious conviction of duty, and we shall not stop j
to consider, in the performance of this duty, j
whether we are pandering to the appetite of
personal friends or personal enemies! Our sin- ,
cere desire is to do JUSTICE TO ALL MEN, and if,'
at any time, we fail to meet this standard, the
error is one of judgment and not ol the heart.—
It must be apparent however, that we are un
der no special obligations to Catholics!
One of the strange things in the history of
j politics will be found in the tact that although
our FOREIGN ar.d CATHOLIC population, al
most to a man, united with the Vv'higs (now
Know JVothings) in favor of Mr. Lyon, and
most heartily and zealously opposed Mr. Kim
mell, the former is now the boid champion of
Know Nothingism, whilst the latter takes an o
pen, manly, and eloquent stand against it !
Certainly the Judge will not he considered sel
fish and mercenary in thus throwing his power
ful influence into the scale of those who ierit
their best energies to defeat him for the high
trust he now fills with so much credit to him
self and advantage to the true interests of those
who have business in Court ! The Judge, like
the Gazette, is courting no favor, bowing before
no prejudice, seeking no revenge for injuries,
real or immaginarv, but simply aiding to uphold
the magnificent edifice erected upon the glori
ous CONSTITUTION bequeathed to us by the
blood of the Heroes of the Revolution, regard
less of who it pleases or displeases. "Sink or
swim, survive or perish," this shall be our motto
whilst we have a pen to wield or a type to set!
VYe are opposed to all secret political associ
ations. and we take occasion here to assert that
1 if an organization could he started to-morrow
; which would perpetuate the ascendancy of the
Democratic Party for a century to come, the
r conditions of which rested upon an OATH of
oppose it with as much earnestness as we have
opposed !h" Order of Know Nothings, an order
started for the express purpose of building up
the doctrines of Federalism—doctrines which
have always been defeated when presented to
the people unmasked !
In all our strictures, on this subject, we have
confined our remarks to general principles,
without travelling out ot the way to denounce
or ridicule Democrats who have been entrapped
bv this cunningly devised scheme of the great
enemv of Democratic Principles. As all men!
are born "free and equal," so all men have a 1
right to attach themselves to whatever party or
church they may deem most conducive to their'
personal welfare: a right with which we have!
no desire to interfeie. We believe that thou-j
sands of good Democrats have joined the Know !
Nothing Whig organization from pure motives: j
and that, as soon as they discover their error, !
which thev will soon do, they will rettace their ■
steps and become better friends to their former '
principles than ever. We cordially welcome j
tile return of such men. Some say, let every :
Democrat be marked who has united with the j
Know .Nothings. We say, MARK NO.MAN ' j
Were our Creator to MARK us lor one out of j
ten thousand of our faults, the best among us !
would this day be the companions of those who;
never cease to cry for a drop of water to ease j
the torment which they are condemned to suf
fer throughout the boundless ages of eternity !
If men are only forgiven as they forgive their I
fellow-man, how few will inherit Kternal Life ! j
Man, pause and consider—"seek PEACE and
pursue it."
HTJ'" In another column will be found some j
extraordinary developements in the shape of a j
" Gross Outrage upon Defenceless Women," j
an outrage which, lor enormity, has scarcely a j
parallel in the history ol the country. VVhoj
will justify it ?
r \ 7*"Cincinnati Election. —We publish to- j
day an account of the outrages perpetrated on \
the ballot box at the recent municipal" election i
in Cincinnati, where tile Democrats succeeded 1
by upwards of 1000 majority, in alluding to |
which the Gazette, a A 'now .Vothiug paper,
says :
" Why i? this ? Why has the American par- j
ty suffered this paralysis? Why has it dwarf
ed to a pigmy in a few months in this great
city !"
OCF"KNOW NOTHINGIS.M-U dying out fast in <)-
HiO. At the Inle elections the Democrats carried i
the following laree cities anil towns hv lianii-ome j
majorities, viz:—AKKON. CHILICOTHE, GFYA-:
CINCINNATI, and FREMONT! The>e places all
gave Know Nothing majorities last fall.
Tun Ni;w Postage Law.—The following
letter to the Postmaster at New York by the !
First Assistant Postmaster Genera!, in answer ;
to inquiries as to the construction of the late
postage law, will be found to contain informa
tion useful to all persons who have business]
with the post office.
Post Ofpici: Depvrtent,
Appointment Office, March 22, I Sou.
S;n : Your letter of the 20lh instant is receiv
ed. In answer, lam directed by the Postmas
ter General to inform yon—
1. The act of the 3d March, 1855, making;
no provision lor unpaid letters to places within 1
the United States, on the same day or following j
any such unpaid letter or letters being put in
to a post office, the postmaster thereof will post
up conspicuously in his office a list ofthe same,
stating that they are held for postage. If not
attended 10, such letters most be returned
monthly to the dead-letter office.
2. Letters part-paid should he despatched,
charged with the additional postage due at the
prepaid rate, according to distance established
by said act, except where the omision to pay
the correct amount is known to have been in
tentional, when they should be treated the
same as letters wholly unpaid.
3. It is proper to forward a letter, when re
quested in writing. When forwarded, no addi
tional postage should be charged if the letter,
1 contrary to its address, Has been mbsenf. II it
; has been sent according to its address, and then
forwarded, it must he charged with additional
] lost age at the prepaid rate, according to distance,
established by act of March 3, 185.0, aforesaid.
4-. Ship letters, as thev cannot be prepaid,
and are nop supposed to he embraced in the
j new act, will continue to he despatched agreea
j biy to the provisions of the fifteenth section of
act of March 3, IN on.
The Gazette, published at Troy, Mo., relates
ia shocking tragedy, said to have occurred in
Monroe County, in that State, recently. Ac
! cording to the Gazette's story, a gentleman sold
his farm for $2,000, deposited it in the house
! with his family, and left home on business. Dur
ing his absence he stopped a night at a house
i three miUs from his own, and while asleep,
dreamed twice that his family were supplicating
for help. He got up, dressed himself, and in
j company with a German, started lor his own
! house.
The two in a short time came (o the house ]
in which a light was discovered. This unfa
vorable omen at that hour of niefht, (it being
1 3o'clock) confirmed the husband's worst suspi
cions. They approached the house, and looking".
; through a window, saw five men all surrounding;
a table, busily engaged in counting and dividing 5
! the money which they had secured. The first;
] impulse of the enraged husband was to give an:
alarm, hut the German, who deserves Unboun
ded approbation for the very successful manner
in which lie managed the affair, hade the man
; be silent. He then instructed him to go to the
| back door and knock, upon which the robbers
1 would attempt to make their escape out of the
■ one at which he (the German) was stationed.
The man accordingly made an alarm at the
! back door, upon which the midnight robber" en
j deavored to make their escape. Right manfully
did the German maintain his position, while with
a revolver he killed four of the robbers and wnun
j Jed the fifth, who was afterwards secured.—
j Would that this were the only bloody spectacle
| which presentedilselfat that dead hour of night.
; The most heart-rending part remains yet un
| told. A wife and two or three children had
j been butchered, and lay weltering in pools of
blood. The feelings of a husband and lather
j can better be imagined than described as he be
; held this horrid spectacle. The wounded man
j having been secured, made a full confession, in
which he stated that an organized band of rob
] hers was in the country, and that the ringleader
I lived in Lincoln or Pike counties.
The Election Riot at Cinciuuati.
The Cincinnati papers of Tuesday bring lis
full accounts ofthe disgraceful election riot in
that city on Monday. The Gazette (Whig and
Know-Nothing) has the following version :
The election yesterday was a deeply exciting
one. and was characterized by scenes which all
good citizens must regret. The fights in some
instances began in the morning with the opening ]
of the polls." At the Fourth ward there wa<a
fight, in which several persons participated, but
j vve believe no particular injury w as inflicted on j
anvone. In the Sixteenth ward American
] judges were chosen. This led to some hard I
' words and a fight, in which three or four per
; s -ons were pretty severely beaten. In the >
; Eleventh a difficulty arose earlv in the alter-]
• noon. It was rumored that the Germans would !
j not permit Americans to vote, and in conse
j quetice of this rumor a party of seven or eight
I Americans went up to see what was the state
of things and to help their friends to get in their
: votes. A German was arrested by thp police
' officers, and as they were taking him away he
I was rescued, and officer Cafey severely beaten
!on the ground. The Americans w ere soon in
! formed, and towaids six o'clock the fighting j
I was resumed, in the course of which a man
nanied Reeder was severely, arid it is supposed,
I fataMv stabbed* Dr. Brown was hit on the
] head with a colt and much hurt, and Mr. Hig
j don. William Smith and John Leonard were al
:so beaten more or less severely. Soon alter
this a rush was made at the polls, and the bal- I
lot box siezed, taken out of the house, broken j
in pieces and the tickets scattered about the '
; streets.
A party then went up to Jackson's hill to
seize the cannon, which had been used yester-
I day to fire minute guns in honor of Jeffer- '
' son's birth day. The gun was captured. The
I sword was taken from the captain of the gun
: squad, and the flag which belonged to it, was]
j carried oil and planted on the engine house, j
! where the polls were. The crowd soon after
went down town, passing by the Ninth Ward |
polls, where another fight was got up, hut the j
: polls having been closed, they poceerled to the ]
j Thirteenth ward polls, on Sycamore, between
; Seventh and Eighth. As the party was passing j
] with the cannon, thev were assaulted bv Irisii
i men there assembled, who threw boulders at
them. A general scrimmage then ensued, in
. which hnulders flew like hail, and pistol shots ;
i were heard on every side. The Irish gave!
way when thev saw the American? loading
tb"ir cannon with bouldets. The windows o|
the houses in the neighborhood, into which the
Irish retreated, were riddled with boulders.—
One of the boulders shot from the cannon struck
a nan nifengaged in the fight, and inflicted a
; severe wound on the head. The others went I
I through the sign ofthe Mechanic's and Trailer's
; hall.
The Commercial , (an independent Journal,)
after giving a brief account of the various ru
mors and small fights early in the day, thus re- .
reports the subsequent events of the day.
In the fight that occurred about noon a Mr.
Brown was wounded, and the foreman of Frank
Link's brewery stabbed iti the lungs. The
wounds of these individuals were thought to he
dangerous. Many other persons were severely
i hurt.
Rumors of all descriptions were flying thick
: ly. The Know-Nothings said that there had
been fraudulent voting. The Democrats de
nied it. The judges and clerks ol the election
protested that everything had hern done on the
• square, whilst sundry excited Know-Nothings
; asserted that little Dutch hoys had been allowed
to go up and thrust handsful of tickets into the
ballot-box. *
The Germans had a large cannon on Jack
son's Hilt, and were amusing themselves by fir
ing over the town occasionally. The Know-
Nothirltrs having whipped the Germans at the
polls, dispatched a detachment to capture the
artillerv, which was Hone without much loss of
blood, and the trophy of victory drawn to the
Eleventh ward polls. The sword ofthe com
mander of the German gun squad was as > ta
ken, and one of the most flaming of the vic
tors flourished it continually, and shouted until
onlv a hoarse gasp answered the most rpsolute
efforts of his lungs.
About the polls, when we arrived, was a
great crowd, cheering vociferously for Taylor
the Know-Nothing candidate for Mayor. Many
of them had a little star spangled banner with
"Pap Taylor" printed on it, fixed about their
hats, and nearly all had the Know-Nothing
ticket pinned to their breasts. The multitude
seemed to railv around a large banner inscribed
"JUMPS D. Taylor and the Whole Ticket
From four to five o'clock but few Germans
could be seen except upon tho outskirts of the
crowd, and they w ere very quiet. All of them
who had manifested excitement had lett the
ground, being earnestly advised to do so by
American friends. It was evident that the polls
were in possession ol the Know-Nothings. The
judges were urged to close the door and secure
the ballot box, but they refused to do so, consid
ering that there was no danger. The Mayor
; was npion the ground, hut he did not seein to
understand that the danger was imminent. At
intervals of about five minutes, stones and brick
hats flew briskly, causing uncomfortable sensa
tion in the spectators.
Fights were occurring continually. A cry
I would he raised, a rush made, and presently
i some poor German who had imprudently ven
tured into the crowd, or some friend of a Ger
; man, who had not been sufficiently discreet to
i hold his tongue, would stagger from the throng
t covered with dust and bleeding,
ij About the angle formed by Vine Street and
] the Hamilton road, the row was incessant. A
j number of individuals, evidently engaged to do
1 the rough work, charged about with fiery faces,
j dusty and bloody clothes, looking ferocious as
! mad-dogs.
We stood upon a pile of sand opposite the en-
I gine house, to "overlook the scene. We saw
' one grey headed man, neatly dressed, run for his
life down Vine street, pursued by half a dozen
furious bovs, who recklessly hurled stones after
him. A stout, rough looking man, in an ex
-1 press wagon, who shouted "Hurrah lor Farran,"
(the Democratic candidate,) was terribly bea
ten. A young man of German descent, describ
ed hv a bystander as "a very fine fellow, quiet
and hard working," was whipped unmercifully,
■ and as he reeled homeward, blind with blood
running copiously from his face, and one eye
swollen dreadfully from a blow with a stonp, an
acquaintance of his family remarked: "There
; now, that is a shame. His mother will faint
I when she sees him." One sturdy German we
saw struck fairly in the head with a heavy stone,
and yet remaining on his feet. He was struck
■ repeatedly with colts, hut did not succumb, and
j made his escape.
I About five o'clock a rush was made by about
lliirtv rwn, closely followed by perhaps three
bundrcn more, lor the ballot box. Mayor Snrl
haker had taken his position in front ot the box,
and we saw him for nomtrltme struggling to check
the mob, and heard his voice commanding the
peace. But he was roughly handled, his clothes
being torn, and several rode blows inflicted on j
his person. A dense crowd pressed about tbe
door—a tall man made several efforts to pass :
those who Were ep.deaving to protect the box;,
and finally leaped upon the table where the box !
was placed, when there was a general sound ol
splitting wood, occasioned by the crushing of j
the chairs and tables a general shout, and some j
fifty persons rushed in, or were forced into the i
engine room. In a moment the ballot box was
thrown out with a considerable force, striking a j
man on the shoulder, who stood about one-third
ol the distance across the street, it then reach-!
e<J the ground, and was immediately assaulted
by a large number, who stamped it lo fragments
and scattered the tickets far and wide. This :
act was perpetrated under the very folds of the i
banner inscribed "Junius I). Taylor and the 1
whole ticket," and the cry of the mob, as the !
work was done, was " Hurrah for Pup Taylor."
It was said that the box contained near thir- j
teen hundred ballots, at least one thousand ol j
which were for Mr. Farran. Persons who!
undertook lo justify the atrocity of destroying]
tbe box, stated that there had been cheating j
permitted bv the Germans, and that the "Dutch
bullies refused, during the early part of the day, !
to permit any ballots to be deposited in the box ;
that were not of the Democratic stamp."
One man with a severe cut on his head said ;
that he had been knocked down because he had 1
stationed himself at the polls and challenged'
German votes.
This excitement was terrible, and tbe Pap !
Tavlor flag,and the cannon captured on Jack
sou Hill, which had been loaded with brickbats, ;
were followed down the street by a multitude !
ripe for any outrageous performance whatever. ;
The leaders of the crowd seemed to Ire drunk, |
and ifthev were not, were certainly raving ma- ]
rsiacs. Warning was given at the Ninth ward j
polisthata mob w as coming, and the polls were,
closed some minutes before six o'clock.
The Taylor flag and the cannon were next
taken to the Thirteenth ward, where savage !
fighting ensued, with what result we did not
learn. The mob then proceeded to groan in
front of the Entjuirer office, and thence to the
Junes office.
The Boston Daily JhJvertiser, a leading Whig
paper, gives the Inflowing account of an outrage
perpetrated by a Know-Nothing joint committee
of the Massachusetts Legislature, recently ap
pointed to inspect nunneries and convents:
On the Dedham turnpike, ir. Roxburv, just
beyond Oak street, there is an ordinary house, ]
in which .-ohool is kept by seven ladies, Catho
lic "Sisteis of Charity," members ot the order
of Notre Dame. They have twelve pupils, young
ladies between the ages of ten and fifteen, all
Americans by birth. These nineteen ladies form
the whole household with the exception ot an
Irishman who is employed about the premises as
a servant. The house is located upon a thorough
fare much travelled; it is not secluded in any ]
way from public gaze, the grounds are not sur
rounded bv any barriers, nor does it have any
of the characteristics of a monastic institution.
The ladies who reside there as teachers, are
highly cultivated and accomplished, and as much
entitled to respect and courtesy as any in the
State. Their pupils are likewise respectable,
and there is not the least evidence that their at
tendance at school is forced, that they aresub-
I jected to anv rigorous discipline, or obliged to
undergo anv sort of ill-treatment.
Such being the character of this establishment,
the seventeen ladies residing therein were sur
| prised on last Monday afternoon to see two ;
: omnihusses drive up to the doors, crowded with j
! passengeis, who alight and inquire for the "lady
: superior," and being met bv tbe head of the j
I establishment, the spokesman ot the party in
form? her that the crowd is a committee ap
i pointed bv the Legislature to examine the house.
No notification of the visit to he expected has
! been served upon the ladies, and they are of
! course obliged to take the statement of the mem
' bers of the partv on their own authority. We
: have already seen that Ihe committee actually ap
; pointed bv the Legislature consists of but seven
1 members. We are unable to state the mamber
of the party professing to act as this committee
on this occasion, tut fioin the fact that two
twelve-seat omnihusses, which appeared to be
i full, were required for their transport, we can
j only estimate their number at twenty-four.—
There may have been a few more or less,
j Nineteen ladies, twelve of them less than
fifteen years of age, could not of course oppose
anv eib-ctual obstacle to the entrance of twenty
tour full-grown men into a common house, even
had the ladies known the rights guarantied them
! by the constitution and laws of Massachusetts,
and had they been disposed to maintain those
rights by force. The "gentlemen" (we presume
we must call members the Legislature bv this
title) roamed over the whole house from attic lo
cellar. No chamber, no passage, no closet, no
cupboard, escaped their vigilant search. No
part of the house was enough sacred, or enough
protected by respect for the common courtesies
of civilized life, to be spared in the examination.
The ladies' dresses hanging, in their wardrobes
were tossed over. The party invaded the chapel,
and showed their respect as Protestants, we pre
sume, for the One God whom all Christians
worship, by talking loudly with their hats on,
while tfie ladies shrank in terror at the desecra
tion of a spot which they believe hallowed.
While in the chapel, the ladies declined hold
ing any conversation with their persecutors:
| but in another part of the house the principal
j expressed her perfect willingness to answer any
j questions propounded by "the committee." One
of "the gentlemen" accordingly pats her affec
tionately on the back with one hand, turns over
i the rosary suspended about her neck with the
i other, and asks her if she is content with her
situation, whether she can leave when she plea
se?. The young ladies were of course subjected
to questions even more rude—whetherthere are
any boys boarding in the establishment—what
] punishments they suffer lor misdemeanors, &c.
It is scarcely necessary to describe sue!) conver
sation in detail ; the reader can readily imagine
what the scene must have been.
The examining party of course had every
thing their own way, and when their searches
arid their insults had been protracted to the ex
tent of their pleasure, they took their leave.
It is scarcely necessary to say that "they found
no matter what —it was not that they sought"
| unless the object of'the visit was simply a "lark"
at tlie expense of the Stale, in which case, tlip
i object was doubtless attained. There were no
nuns immured alive in contracted cells, not any
evidence of abuse of arty sort railing fbr l,. 0 ; s |.
tive interference or even inquiry.
Now we ask the reflecting men and women <_,)
Massachusetts, — we even appeal to the candor
of the eighty thousand voters who put the pie
sent administration into power,— is such ar.
cord as the above fit to form a page in it le
lory of the tree and enlightened Commonwealth
of Massachusetts in the 19th century? Make
any allowance you please for exaggerations in
the story which may have been caused bv the
natural tears of the terrified witnesses, and"doeg
the record stand lair and clear ? Is such tke
treatment that defenceless women ought to re
ceive? Is such the behaviour of gentlemen i n
the |egi.!atuie ? It is only paralleled bv the
stories that have come down of the insults and
excesses of unlicensed soldiers in time of war.
Our legislators ought to have a more
practical acquaintance with the fundamental
principles of our government. The Bfl| 0 j
Rights, which is the first part of the Constitu
tion of Massachusetts, contains this article
"Every subject has a right to be secure from all
unreasonable searches arid seizures ol his person
his houses, his papers and all his possessions
All warrants, therefore, are contrary to this
right, if the cause or foundation of them be nof
previously supported by oath or affirmation .
and if the order, in the warrant to a civil offi
cer, to make search in suspected places, or t<
arrest one or more suspected persons, or to seize
their property, he not accompanied with a spe
cial designation of the persons or objects of
search, arrest or seizure ; and no warrant ought
to be issued but in cases, and with the formali
ties. prescribed by the laws." It would be su
perfluous to point out how this article was vio
lated in e veiy clause by the action we have re
corded. What was the warrant of this com
mittee of seven, swelling its own numbers by
it? own act ? Nothing but a vote of the Legis
lature, unsupported by oa'lior affirmation, and
draw n up with regard to no formalities ejt|m r
prescribed by law or otherwise.
In like manner the Constitution of the Uni
ted States guarantees {fiat "The right of the pro
file to be secure in their persons, houses, papers
and effects, against unreasonable searches and
seizures, shall net ke violated: and no warrants
shall issue, hut u|>on probable cause, supported
by oatl) or affirmation, and particularly describ
ing the place to be searched, and the persons or
things to be seized."
XVho is safe from such unreasonable searches
as that of Monday last? AYhat house j S there
in the State occupied wholly by defenceless
women, that may not be the next scene tor a
frollic of a party of rude men ? Let the consti
tuents of anv of the gentlemen composing this
committee consider how they would relish an
invasion of their residences and a disturbance of
the privacy of their families by such inquisito
rial parties as this.
The Revolution was fought in vain if the
great American principles of private right and
domestic security are now to he set at naught.
Drath from Hvdbophobia. —About 30 years
ago, Mr. A. R gers, ot Franklin, Chin, was bit
ten bv a mad dog, and was placed in utter dark
ness, under medical treatment, for the r-pace of
thirty duvs, and apparently recovered from the
effects of the bite : though at irregular intervals
since that time, he has felt unpleasant and pecu
liar sensations, supposed to be caused by the virus
w hich in an almost insignificant degree remain
ed in his system. Otherwise he enjoyed remark
ably good health, and being a man ol powerful
physical frame, weighing near two hundieii
pounds, it is probalde that the strength of his con
stitution kept the effects ol the virus in his sys
tem subdued. It was on the 15th day of la.t
January that be received the last bite, under the
following circumstances:
A small half starved dog had been about the
house during the dav, and Mr. R. told one of the
children to call it in and feed it, which w as done-
Mr. R. stooped down to caress it when it bit him
in the hand. He instantly grasped his hand, and
remarked to his wife that he never felt such a
[lain. It seemed to thrill his system like an elec
tric shock. Nothing further, however, occured
at that time beyond a severe headache and slight
nervous fever. The same dog was known lo have
bitten several hogs, but not until the hogs became
rabid, which was several weeks after, was the
dog supposed to have been mad. V\ hen Mi.
Rodgers became acquainted with these facts he
at once f.'it that, under his peculiar situation,
with the virus of a former bite in hi system,
1 his case was a hopeless one, and immediately set
; about closing up bis business, and nade his v ill,
communicating his apprehensions to no person,
not even his familv. He enjoyed usual health
up to Wednesday before his death, when the
j symptoms of hydrophobia began to manifest
: themselves, causing him, however, no serious
] inconvenience until Friday morning, when, on
attempting to wash his hands and face he found
j himself unable to get his hands into the water.
He ate but little breakfast, and in a short
time went to bed. About I'J o'clock on Friday
; night he was seized with a most fearful spasn.
which lasted fir some time. Atter the spasm
passed otf fie became quite calm and conversed'
I almost incessantly, and assured his friends that
!he would not harm them in any way. His next
i spasm was on Saturday morning, and more vi<-
j lent than the former. The last spasm seemed
I to rack the sufferer with the most excrutiating
: agony, and was dreadful in the extreme event '
( witness. During all his sufferings, to the very
' moment of his death, he was conscious ot Ins
! condition, perfectly rational in all respects, and.
! seemed to take particular care to harm no one
'■ during his raving fits, although he was in no way
i secured, and in the same room with his friends
I and attendants.
It is certainly contrary to the usual experience
! that the virus should remain so long in the sys-
I tern and give no more decided manifestations el
] its presence. But the case, though a remarka
-1 hie one is bv no means an isolated one. —Iron
] the Dayton (Ohio) Oa:efie,'27i/t.
On tbe 10th inst by Rev. F. Benedict. -Mr. Xyo -
anikl S.MiTn.anii Miss Susan Smith, both of Bed"* •
On the Sth inst., Miss Catharine Harkis, as"-
23 years. The deceased, three years ago, upon he
j protessioc of faith, connected her-elf with the M
] Lutheran Chinch; and, it may with truth be saw 01
i her, that she adorned her profession by aGoldlv
. and conversation. It may be consoling to the
i tant relatives to know-, that during herprotrai"
suffering she received parental attention and care
; from the family of Ma). D. Wa-habaugh.
On the Ist inst., Mr. Henry Schaffsk, ot Inen<-
i Cove, aged 51 years, 7 months and 21 days.
] leaves an affectionate wife and four children to.mnnr"
his death. They mourn not as those- wißboat bof*
' —their loss is his eternal gain. ,
On the -tth inst. Sax i.ei. Wysong, son of I>a" K
i J. and Kllen Shuck, aged 4 years, 4 months,
24 davs.
In Harrison township, on the Sth in-t., < "' •
Alexander son ot .Tames and Sophia W. Mm • •
aged 2 years, nine month- and sixteen days.