The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 23, 1855, Image 1

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    11 n — '.'VJPBW. WtiT'We-'' I" I .1" 'I —a— mill 1 VtxAwgJL I M 'T—iW" "<'-i mm ■ fjpmnH i;" 'f *llll 1 .'Pi. I#"" "H 1 ,y I' Ml. MM MI r 'WIH 111 H,f MB ' T| I liWi mlt "■ I fmw i.—. ■, . ~.. ~ , _ t\
T. *_ W ,_ M) . JE>-^RAAR&r^RR: ■> mi v.n mm HW ■m ■ W c ■a* I m— nI ■
BY GEO. w. ssowjia^'.
Select Poctrp.
From tlie American Volunteer.
Pm Sinking but not Dying."
jjist words of the Ren. 11. Tarring, of the
Baltimore Conference.
The fiat had cone forth, "Thy work is done,
And now prepare thy spirit lor the last,
The fearful struccle."
Obedient to the call, the man of Cod
Advanced, and stood beside the dark cold sea:
And for a moment, as the angry tide
Came quickly up. anil laved the pilgrim's feet,
It threatened trreuaulf him.
He paused an instant, then with steady nerve,
And faith in God, which as an anchor sure,
Is firm, and steadfast, prepared to meet it.
Down be stepped—down in lire icy waters.
Ami as the billowy surge rose high and strong,
And poured its briny spray upon his head,
ll:s voice was heard above the angry waves,
In tones that fell upon the listening ear,
Like some sold cadence from the other world,
'•Fin sinking but not dying."
'•ln this mysterious -ea that all must pass,
] only shall put off this mortal coil.
Surrendering back To earth its kindred du=t;
But my enfranchised soul shall rise, to seek
It-, level, in a purer atmosphere.
Already 1 behold the eternal lull*.
Where stand in rarrir* the ran-one-d of the Lord.
They crowd upon the banks like witnesses.
And watch with anxious look's curb struggle fierce.
With shouts, toey urge me on to victory,
A victory over d-ath.
And there 1 see my Saviour—he who called me
From the death ot sin, and bade mo go
To herald forth the story of the cross.
And seek to win lor him immortal souls;
In Itii- last deadly strife. 1 throw mvsejf
Within his arm-, w hirh he in love e.\* -oris ;
And though my body -ink- like lead. 1 ieel
Beneath rue still his mighty hand, so strong,
So powerful to save.
And rising by hi- might alone., | - : g
With ransomed powers: "Where i- thy sting
Oil I Death, Oh! Grave, where is thy victory."
0 I R i ii j k i> I] 0 0 I),
I V CEO. P. 1-trxWR.
Ti= sad, vet VVPPf. to listen
To thiTsoft wind's gentle swell,
And think we hear the music
Our ciuldimod knew o wej),
To gaze out on the even.
.Viiil the boundless fields of air.
And feci again our boyhood's wish
To roam like angels there!
There are may dreams of gladness
That cling around the past—
And from the tomb of feeling
Old thoughts come thronging fa-t
The forms we loved so dearly
In the happy days now gone,
The beautilol and lovely.
So iair to look upon.
Those bright and gent'p maidens
\\ ho -perned mi formed for hli>s,
Too glorious and too heavenly
For surh a world a- tl.i !
Who-e ilarlc. -Oft eyes s-uontd Swimming
In a sea of liquid light.
A: 1 whose locks ol gold were streaming
O'er brows so sunny bright.
Who-e smiles sunshine
in the springtime ol the year
Like the changeful gleam* of April
They followed every tear!
They have passed—like i,:>p< away,
And iheir loveliness has fled—
Oh. many a heart i-
That they are with the dead.
Like the brightest buds ot summer,
They have (alien with the -tern—
Yet, oh, it is a lovely death
'To fade from earth like ;iterri!
And yet the thought is saddening
To muse on snob as thev.
And leel that all the beautiful
Are passing last away!
That the lair ones whom we love
Orovv to each loving breast
Like the tendril ot Ihe clinging vine,
Then perish where they rest.
And we can but think of thesp
In the soft and gentle spring.
When the tree, are waving o'er us,
And the flowers are blossoming !
Arid we know that winter's coming
With In- cold and stormy sky—
A.i d the glorious beauty round us
is budding but lodic !
From the Norristown Register.
Folilicnl OcrgyisacEa.
We would not willingly s.vv a word or pub
lish a line derogatory ot a Profession or that
Would lessen the influence iii their sphere, ola
class of persons, whom we respect as highly as
we do the Clergymen. IV e are a believer in
an hereafter—in an Immortality of the Soul,
and we regard their calling as in the highest de
gree sacred. We regard with peculiar respect
the profession, established bv the Divine Re
deemer himself, whose duty it should lie to do
good and to save souls, and which under the
existing condition of things forms such a neces
sary component in the economy of the world.
1 here is a tendency however of late on the-part
ol men ot this kind, professing to have been cal
led to the holy work of Uie ministry as their
peculiar lot, to foresake it arid again tuin into
the world. This is especially the case in way
of seeking and being elected to office. Hardly
an exchange reaches us that we do not find an
account of some clergyman having been elected
to a political office. In this State one has been
elected to Congress; in that State another is a
candidate for Governor, and in still another, a
third has been elected a State Senator, and thus
'■ ? o <-s. We can hardly reconcile this state of
Lungs, especially in view of the fact, that in al
most every religious periodical that we see, we
I'iid statements to the effect that there is a prea-
i sing want of young men for the ministry—that
! there are many destitute places, and that the
"harvest is ripe with the gathering, but that the
laborers are few." We say that we cannot re
concile these things. It seems to us that as
such is the case there must he something wrong
in the matter. Have these men mistaken their
1 calling—or i* the clergy seeking to obtain place
; and power? These are qu-.-stiuns that naturally
arise in the mind on account of the tendency
just contemplated and are worthy of serious con
, sideration. Jt has been said that respect in a
large degree is wanting among people inr this
class of persons, ami that irreltgiun and infideli
ty are largely on the increase, jt is however
hardly any wonder if such should be the case,
; when things are looking in the direction that
we have just seen. It clergymen will forsake
1 their calling and enter into the political arena,
and other-worldly pursuits, it can hardly lie ex
-1 pec.ted that much respect will be entertained tor
them. They are thus inflicting a dangerous
l blow upon themselves, and upon the cause of
their Lord and Creator. Without pursuing
these refl-ctions any further we annex below
some remarks of our cntempor&ry, tin- West
Chester Republican, upon a "Secular ized Cler
gy," which contain a \<i>t amount of truth and
are worthv of perusal.
They r-ari thus :
' it i< a singular feature of the present state
of politics in this country, that hosts of clergy
men are being returned as members of State
Legislatures, or of the national Congress, and
si in it* are even now we believe candidates .'or
Governor. It has always been a grave questi >n
how far a clergyman should enterb-re in the ex
citing political questions of tin* da v. He has
certainly all the rights of any other citizen, and
may exercise those rights in such a' way or
\ manner a rr.nv seem good to him. His great
j mission however is to win men I'ioiri sin to holi
ness, and to make his influence felt, he should
; not excite in the mindsrtf those whom lie comes
in contact, prejudice such as would ten 1 to des
; troy his usefulness. He i> <>f placing
' a stumbling block in his brother's- way. Jt is
u-eli known that political animosities are . ex
ceedingly bister and hard to erarl.cate. .No
clergyman can go int t the political arena, pui
ticnhn ly as a candidate, without a tendency to
' en-ate ties -unrelenting feelings. The qms
j tion then arises, whether he does not ov.-rstep
{ the line of duly, when he goes beyond ti.e sim
ple depositing of his vote in the ballot-box.—
\V e believe he does. We take the- broad
ground, that no clergyman having the one grmt
idea of his profession truly at In-art, will ever
he found anxious to mingle in the strife of poli
tics. lie can make himself so much m re use
ful in other positions—can so condemn the evil
and applaud the good a thousand tines more ef
fectually under other ai d n ore congenial cu
cumstai ces, that v, - are person led he commits a
total error when he leaps into the political cuti
iiii t.
The error i< a fatal one to himself, and acts
injuriously against every member oi the sacred
pi )(• so-iit. V\ >-profess to know- something a
bout clergymen, ami our knowledge is gaim-d
from actual contact. We know- of no style of
nan for whom we entertain such a high regard,
as ! >r a sincere and devoted Christian minister,
and we care not in what denomination he may
e , unci. We know of no style of n,:;:i tor
whom we have such sovereign contempt and
, pitv, a> one who has j.ut on tin* clerical garb,
and lii.sie iiored it. It is our ex per;, uce that se
cularized clergyman, ;i nrne cases out oi ten, is
•l very good for nothing i- Low. We know <1
no instance where a clergyman has gum- out
into the world and engaged in secular pursuits,
!)<t what he sunk (.own, and down in pub
lic estimation. People ll. ay go to mar him
pnach on a Sunday, possibly Iron: ha it, but hi>
influence is for the most pait lost. \\ do no!
• wish to in* understood that a cieigyman should
, avoid all kinds of manual Inb-.i—that he should
not till his garden, or his few acres of ground,
j Far from it. These occupations are ennot Img,
; and lend to give him increased usefulness. Our
' idea is, that w here a clergyman puts a secular
pursuit above his profession—where he goes out
i into the world and charters for gain ; or woise
j than this, mounts the hustings and bellows for
j fame or popular applause, be is a man that may
preach from the pulpit until tiie "crack of
doom," without benefitting the world in any
| particular. Indeed such characters do not long
j trouble the pulpit. Elect one ol fliein to an of
fee, and he will pretty soon sink the black coat
1 and white cravat. Jn the present legislature ol
Massachusetts it is said there are a ; out sixty cler
gy man 1 There is no right minded man, but
j will say these sixty clergyman are out of place.
I Thev have deserted a Master under \ hose han
j fier thev have sworn t light until doth. Some
s well meaning people w ii! argue that such a mix
| ture of clergy with tin* laity will produce pure
legislation. We do not bele-ve it. The im
. mortal Wilherforce accomplished more in the
English parliament than a I the Bishops in tin
house of lords had done for centuries. We
i have not the slightest faith in an individual who
i abandons so sacred a calling under the pretext
i that lie can do more good in the position of a
legislator. The platform on which stands the
j d.o .ted minister of our holy religion, is above
! and bevond all oilier p<\- ilions ol usefulness that
{ the world knows of. If he forsakes that, he
steps downwards, never upwards, because bu
i yond this, is immortality. We have no faith
jin a secularized clergy. They not only lose
' | their influence, but they palsy the energies oi
: those w hose in arts are absorbed in the great
work of directing men to their true and suhstun
| tial happiness. Dhesses and Long —The
. sun runs low and so does cash. The days are
. short: so is money. But women's dresses areas
: long as ever. When will th chord times soften,
tWe should like to know? Not, we fear tiil
■ the weather mellows. Nor then neither, if the
- rest of the world are to become snobs because
- 1 brokers' wives and daughters want to be mista
: ken for duchesses. But that rnanrpuvre, to be
- successful, will require something more than
■ chalk, whalebone, French hats, and twenty •
■ yards of silk. We liked the plan of the party
• who sent their calico dresses to clothe lh<j poor.
; We go further. Le| them and 'others in vest i
• gate their silk vvardiohe. They will find that
• those rich dresses would not sufi-r in beauty, and
would gain considerably in convenience, by
putting the scissors to the bottom of the skirts.
■ There is superfluous stuff enough in that quar
i ter to deck the entire poor of New York in silk.
• It i* an unaccountable absurdity that ladies
• should attempt to walk the streets in dresses^
■ designed onlv for those who get about in can*
, ages, and which we have seen borne up in fhe
1 mouths of little dogs. The latter—we mean
- the ladies not the dogs should set tin* example
, of appearing when on foot only in sfnut dresses,
- adapted for walking. Bv this politic practice
• they would establish a marked distinction be
i tween pedestrians and carriage-riders. To the
I latter the (lowing trains should be confined.-
I This superior grade would strongly tend to bring
' about a harmony between realities and appear
-1 ant es, now so much needed : and the honors of
- the train would be covet'-d as eagerly !>v tin
-1 la Lis as th of th re, fulls are now- bv Tur
kish pachas. And then, what coirifoit by this
arrangement would he enjoyed bv the sex!
• They could perambulate, like gentlemen, in all
- wen:'eis, and yet in the fashion. The wor
- ship of this goddess we would by no means urge
1 them t id.-seit. Where else could thev bestow
their labors and devotioiuT? No; nothing so
i a! surd is r< commended as to purchase even so
- valuable a pleasure and advantage as that of free
< and convenient locomotion, bv the sacrifice of
! the adorable object of"all their anxieties and
' most of their occupations. We counsel only a
l change of the forms, not of the object, ot devo
tion—for that is alw ays to fashion. Js .t too
! bold an expectation that short clothes will be the
> rage f<r the walk, and long onlor the ride ?
- It is hoped not. UN- ere conscious that reason
' and good s'-nse are strongly in its favor ; but we
• trust 'fee recommendation rrmv not be rejected
- on that account.—. Yewnrk Advertiser.
- FrigMfisl Stem* its a Ferry Boa!—liescus
iT *\fT;-n£crs
' Yesterday morning, about Si o'clock, the
Jeflersonville ferry .' > at started to cross the riv
"er with fully two hundred passengers on boairi,
mml of whom were destined for the J-fb-r.-. :i
--ville and Ohio and Mississippi railroads. far
Cincinnati and the La-!. Alter getting ouiiy
*••••• ifrto ft* mi-r, the • • wW"
caught by a floating irrr-s of ice, which it cot:!;!
1 tieilln-r penetrate t r iv i.s*. IT spite the ut
most exertions ot the boat, with all li.e power
of steam, it was slow ly U>nu* backward bv the
! ice, and lin.iiv lodged on the Fails, at the bead
of the middle chute, in about two feet water.—
The boat grounded broad side to the current,
- witH Lie ice breaking ov*-r her ,-uaid,and filing
1 up in frightful mass.-* ng.nln-t, t- lite ten r
- and consternation ol the two bind. •<1 human he
! irigs crowded together on h i deck. In ic'di
! tion to the people on hoar;!, tiien- w ere tr,: •■*•
, ft or horse r.nihi' on- mail v ig-m, ."'di-ms'
, Exj re-s wagon, with two h: rs>-s, a two h -rse
baggage wagon, arid two countiy wagons and
: horses.
1 The ferrv-boat was foilv half a mile from
, this shore, and three or fair hundred yards ft i ro
- the Indiana shore, with a xnpi-1 curiei , and tie
- river, hull ot filiating ice. Jt v. as seen rumored
I through the ci'v the boat was wrecked on
t itie jo, and th- lives of two hundred peis ns,
, including u an\ women and chidr- r, most of
- Ii:-m citizens of Loni-viile and Cmcinnuti,
i were in imminent peril, arid the wharf w assonti
- lined with hundreds of persons, ail anxious te
! render assistance, but mo one knowing how if
1 could be given.
i As Lie vast masses of ice came thundering
. against li'-r side, roaring and crashing around
, the apparently frail vessel, great pieces tumbling
r upon trie* guards, it was not a rnatt**r of astonish
r men! that some consternation pervaded the
t throng of passengers on hoard. The large num
- her of ladies and children, naturally timorous,
r had their worst apprehension of danger arous
ed. The fears wen* farther heightened, when
I they had gathi red together in the cabin, bv
.- I!i e proposal of file two clergymen, Bi-!:op
; Mcllw aide, of Chio, and Rev. Dr. Sclton of this
- citv, that j raver to God for tin- prest-rvalion of
t tin- lives oi (lie passengers should he ofiered up.
t Regarding this as an indication of extreme per
- il. and fearing thai each blow given by the
t large cakes oi ice would destroy the boat, the
. proposition of the clergymen was only answer
- ed bv shrieks and lamentations. Prayer was
e then offered up—the agitated assemblage became
- in a rre-asiire subdued, yet sobs ana sighs were
e mingled with the intercessions, and the most
- solemn scene was presented.
e At this junc ture, Mr. Dunning, clerk of the
i- Jacob Slrader, who had a son on the boat, otler
e ed a hundred dollars to whoever would make
a the effort to reach the stranded boat with a>sis
t t a rice. Mr. Thomas Armstrong, the engineer of
a fhe Fashion, at once volunteered to go. Mr.
e Jvillum, the mate of the Strarier, then proposed
e taking the hfe-lioat, which was acceded to, and
t Captain Summons had it launched from the
e deck, and these daring souls, assisted by a stout
- oarsman, pushed the life-boat over the ice into
i tiie currt tit, and aiUr running the greatest risks
e from tin- floating ice, succeeded in reaching the
f ferry-boat in safely, and relieved the minds of
t fhe hundreds no the 1 oat, who sayv by this wel
- come arrival, that assistance was at hand, and
the people on shore were mindful of their safe
ty. The life-boat rounded in on the lower
■* side of the ferry-boat: Mr. Killum jumped ori
e board and took the son of Mr. Dunning, placed
s him in life-boat, and then took off Mrs. Joseph
, Dar, of^Cincinnati, together with her sister, a
1 young ladv. The boat, with this burthen, yva>
e cast loose to the inercv of the current, and by
e dint of hard labor and perseverance, it vvassuh
- iv brought to the Kentucky shore, and its pas
Freedcm of Thought and Opinion.
sengers restored alive and well to their anxious
The noblest feat of all-ami best assistance was
rendered by Capt.Jas. F. Harmilon and Pinck
ney Yarble, both falls pilots, who volunteered
to take to the relief of the wrecked people a fiat ;
boat or float, cajiable of sustaining seventy-five
persons. Capt. Hamilton bad a coat belonging
to Gill, Smith, A. Co., tendered lor his use,
which was taken, and after providing a stout
sweeps and a crew, they started forth on j
their errand of ne-rcy. Mr. William Steele,;
clerk ol Gill, Smith -N. Co., was a willing vol- j
to the expedition, and did good service
r_ ':n the trip. By skillful'management, the boat!
reached the ferry, a line was throw n out arid j
caught,and the boat safely landed on the* lower j
side of tiie ferry, when the gallant crew w ere 1
received with glad shouts by the excited crowd j
of sufferer.who hod been watching their pro- .
gr> ss with the greatest solicitation. Some fifty !
or sixty persons, including ladies and children, '
were taken off, and Capt. Hamilton cast his;
hark loose upon the falls, and was safely landed ;
a! Shipingspnrt, opposite Capt. Jim Porter's lav- ;
era. The flat rubbed pretty hard while crossing'
the reef of rocks known as the "backbone,"
but skillful pilots w ere at the helm, axxd no acci
dent occurred. After reaching term fir ma the
rescued people gave vent to their joy in loud
cheers for Captain Hamilton and his brave,
Tn the meantime the yawls from tie* steamer
Virginia and Queen of the Vf- t were manned, 1
and together with a number of skiffs proceeded
to the ferry-boat and brought nil various squads
of people and landed them on Com Island, from j
which tf-.ev la l to make their w-av over tlie
ice to the hanks of the raral t*> It safe. Mr.
Killum, mate of the Jacob Strarier, marie a sec
ond flip with the life-lorn and took off the >x- :
press messengers of Adau s fi Co., tr getlo r v. ith
tfi-ir valuable packages, and landed them at
JefJersonvi.'le. The express wagon and hoi.-' s,
also the otuaibus teams, were all I* ft on the :
fi-rry- ion? to the mercy of the ice and waves.
(.'apt. Hamilton, alter landing l is first cargo,
immediately returned to the city with Mr. j
yarble, and purchased a small flat br at for s< v- i
eniv dollars, matined it, ami again went to the .
res: ::e (ri t " ps .-••!•* otl ti'-e ' -t. He :
went alongside wn.riout 'accident, and the!
proud satisfy tin ol saving >me seven: \ u ore
persons, ail of wfw-ixi had be u left on the ! ::t.
i :uy were.safely landed at Shipingspnrt, v. ith- j
out one cent of remuneration being ri' mandn!.
Among the- p. rsons on the boat were fhe Rev.
- ii. VV. Schor, of this city, ar.ri 1 i-hop ?\lcll-
L-ika-ijv* c! "irvtnca!i, who tendered o ou-v to ,
Capt. H., which le* refused. R. solutions-e'
!: Minks were p;r {'rosed to !;UU-iil:tl his crew , but
owing to the excitement of the mcment thev
v. ere re it dra "rn ■
We think tie- warmest ttianhs of the rnrnmn
nit v are due Capt. Hamilton ami his as-i'ants
ii , tti-'ir v and disinterested devotion to,
tie- dictates of humanity. The jjrafituri'* of flu- ;
rescued | - op!.- is snrelv theirs, and we think fhe •
.' ■i: \ company -lion!.I prop ;1 iv s!- p forth, de
fray tin* < :.p' ; - f Capt. 11., and rerntuu-rate
hi.- cr e\v :' :!:• ir gr :.l .-p.- • -. of* or citizens offered . nv pecuniary
aid that in. rht be desired in rescuing tit** people
f ito in o{:'--i'i d : j . v a stc i:i.l at
if it could be talon to the ferry- 1 og. Of course :
ri C oril ;eot r; . II- and Was no! taken.—
isviHe (io ricr, Ist /•'<,'runr•/.
Httrrible .tSr.ssarre.
Information has keen received of a tragical ;
i ccurrenc*- on It ar;i the Biiii-ii .ship Ib*renic<-,
tlx*- master ol v.iiich (Caj t. Cimriy) with his
wi!.. cki"' mate, and otic .s, have b-i ii u sasa
cred bv tlm crew, who afterwards s* t fir*- to the
sl ip and destroyed her, to prevent detection.—
The Berenice sailed from Shanghai on tiie loth j
ofjnlv, IS.V 2. with a cargo of f* a for Sv<!ni-v. j
The crew, shipped at Signapor--, consisted a'- ;
most entirely of nun from diib'ient parts of;
ri * • iierhind India. During the voyage, twoif;
the sasltr-", believing there was gold tn a latge
am* ui t in board, sjoke of it t their ron rades,'
and a plan was forthwith coucocted for faking j
p .- - -.-ion of the vi -sel, (th-n mar Anjier.)
and assassinating the Eurup'-ans who were on .
The ring!" arit-rs, as far as could ! e prov* ri. ,
were the Serartg, Of Itoatßmaq's mate, known as j
"A lie." and seven of his tribe. Mr. Robert-",;
• the n ate, was enticed to tin* i rire-pnrt of the!
shipbv Alio, w here lie was instantly murdered. :
Capt. Cniidv, the comander, w i.o ran tn bis as- '
sisuTtice. met with a similar fate ; as also three
, seamen, w ito interfered to save the captain's j
lile. Mix Cnndv was talon from between:
d'-cks, w1: ith r .she bad flown for refuge, and;
thrown overboard. A Fienrh passenger, name '
unknown, who Itad joined at Shanghai, was not j
found on I ard : neitin-r were three Bengalese
and And ovna men w ho were among the crew .
Thev must either have thrown themselves into;
the sea. or have been thrown overboard by oth
ers. This tragical scene completed, the mur
derers threw the bodies overboard, washed
aw avail traces of blood, and then commenc
ed searching lor tiie gold supposed to be on
All the rr.oncv on board, however, consisted :
of about ! Of) florins, and 40 Spanish dollars.— ,
The plumb i- was equally divided l*v A lie, and
it was agreed among them t" set sail forTuban,
; thereto abandon the vessel, aft. r having set
, tire to it. The ship gained Tagal, which was ta- ;
' ken for Tiri an lyv A lie and his party, she was
set on fire, and they to*>k to the boats. Several j
Were left behind, and were humeri m toe ves
sel. Finding their mistake on gaining the!
. heights of Tagal, they w ere compelled to g.-t;
rid of most of the plunder by throwing it over
board. They, however, by their plausible story,
deceived tin* authorities ol the place who show
ed them every feeling ol compassion, and pro
vided.them with naans.
Afterward the discovery of the wreck of the
■ burning ship, and tlie bodies ot some of the crew, :
• excited suspicion ; and after a arching inves- j
ligation before the magisterial officers of the 1
place, the whole diabolical affair was elicited
by some of the suspected confessing to the char
ges brought against them. The ringleaders,
nine iri number, went brought to trial in Sep
tember last, when the entire of them were
found guilty. Five of the prisoners were sen
tenced to 20 years' banishment, and the others ;
were executed on tin* J.'iiii of last October, in
tin- pnbiie square in the principal part of IT;i*.
The things which during tlie trial helped tn
convict the prisoners, were a gold watch and
chain, and some ornaments and clothing, be
longing to the lute captain and his vv ile.
Reported for the Peiinsylvanian.
SttßiJury ;n;<! Frit; Railroad.
The Board of Directors of the Sunbury and j
Erie Railroad Company held a meeting yester- j
day, and Gov. I was inducted into cilice.
.On taking the Chair, the Governor made the
following remarks:
Managers of the Sunbury and Eric Railroad.
(ieniumtn : —Without solicitation, or the
slightest agency on mv part, vou have called
me to the Presidency ot your Con paiiv, and I
would have you believe that lam deeply sensi
ble of the compliment implied in this expression !
of your confidence. I ha ve appeared here to-day
lor the purpose of making my acknowledge-!
muds to vou, and through vou to the Stock hold- .
ers of the Company, for this unexpected t!ss
tinctiou, and to enter upon the duties of the :
In doing this, allow me to assure you that I
am not unmindful ol the dillicuit natuie of those I
duties, nor without serious sp; rehensions as to j
ir:V own fit re s.- to discharge them. 1 can,
however, promise to do my best. 1 have no ;
other public or private bo.-Lie.-, t < engage my j
thoughts, and v. hen the service shall have been !
fairly c immenced, I c-l.all crmAr!. r mv time and
energies as [ ledgeri to the promotion of the
gr .it enterprise i:i which we are engaged. But
these, added to your efiurls and ahilitits, vv ill, I j
i .i.-, amount to but little without the confidence,
go. .1 will, arc! materia! aid of L;-* p- <:p!e of
Phiiaii. lpi i.i. great citv, in her cor{.< iate
capacity, with her enferj rising and wealthy cit- :
izens in ti.-ir irriivririiml spj.-. r . in a spirit of
mutual con fir; nee and good-will, must to |
Ihe a:d ol this gn at work, if it is to Umh &■'
cessfuh It will require all these in
dications 1;> inspire me w iih in
ni sence oftht s- I shall not feel long to ,
hazard my name and energies in connectiou :
with the enLrpri-u. Pi iriidelphirfhs and the
; "p!" oft! •• interior, on the line of the road, :
anil at its western ti-niiinus at the Lake, rhould ;
feel that tlie err;:-Ixuction of the Sunbiiry arid
Erie r-ijil is their schen-e, arid intended f!r •
their peculiar benefit. For mvself, J have ever
regarded tin* - r.terprixe ctr.iaentlv Penn.-'-i
--vaiiian : not on!v because tlie whole extent vf
the road is to he found within limits of our
Stat"*, but because the inevitable consequent * s
must :;>* to add to the p; [-ulation,prosperitv and
; general wi Rare of the Commontveaith, ami to,
no {.art of i in a greater degree than to the citv
of Phßadefp! 'a. Indeed, I think it highly e*- j
' S'-ntiai to her Intiue tri; u.j.L r,; a commercial
. city, 'i by trie consirucL" n of this woik,
we inridi atahy the growth a: .1 happi
m ss cf snrroufiding, ard create a new'
avenue through which the products of the
wot will reach th** Atlantic cities, to tlie gi*.t
profit of the producers, we should rejoice. Di- ]
vided as are tin* States l-v gr-ographical lim
tirut fix the lim its of' municipal government, it
sometimes, indeed, it frequentlv h.appens that !
th"-ir inter-s' and growth are identical and in- 1
seperable. So tarns this mav be Ihe effect of
the Sun! m v and E:ie road, we shall be author
ized to .hope lor aid from loth Western and At- ;
lanlic Status. That the coal, lumber, end other
products of the prolific region through which
tiiis road is to be located, will he consumed by i
the citizens of other Slates, is but tiie .-Longer !
inducement to furnish tor these treasures an ave
nue tiiu ugh which to escape from the ; arsimo
nious grasp which nature has thus long kept up
on th. no it is bv exportation that one State
berimes rich in competition with anotuer, ami •
litis is esp." tifiily true wli i, as in tiie c*se i:.
view, those ex port at ions are so large!;- natural
products, deriving but little oi their vuiue from
But 1 trust the time lias gone by when it is
necessai v to prove by reasoning—bv facts and 5
figures, that the Sunbury and Erie Railroad is a
feasible and politic measure. All these qui;-,
ti">ns have Ijet'ii vveli settled. The advantage;
it will have in distance and in ease of grades j
over anv line now in existence, or that may '
heicafo-r be constructed, connecting the Atlan
tic Cities with the Western Lakes, must dispel j
all doubts as to its utility and success when}
completed. Regretting deeply, as at all times j
] have done, the conflicts and differences that
have ari en, Irom time to time, between the
friends of this enterprise, 1 have rejoiced to rii.i- j
cover that there has been but one opinion as to j
the policy of prosecuting tlie work tua speedy j
completion. In reference to f liese unhappy dif
ferences, which have, at least, occasionally cast :
a doubt over tiie enterprise, if they did not ac
tually retard its progress, it may be proper (or 1
me to remark, that with their origin, progress ;
and final settlement, I have had nothing to do. !
I have no other than an official connection with .
those now engaged in the promotion of this
work and am free to look upon fhe past and the j
future vi ith an impartial eye—as 1 shall be in j
the administration of the afiairs of the road tit j
do justice to the Company on Ihe one hand, !
and those in its employ, on the other. IF 1 j
properly understand my own feelings, I am j
mainly constrained loan assumption of the du- ;
ties of the Pre-idency of the Company, b.v tiie j
confidence I have in the utility and high char- j
acter of the enterprise itself. Without these'
motives, arul the assurance ol that aid and sue-;
ce.-s demanded by a reasonable expectation, and j
so necessary to sustain a god repute, all other i
! inducements, desirable though some of them
may be, would not be autiicieut to engage or re
tain me i:i the service.
] shall now enter upon tho duties: but before
performing anv important official 3ct, I shall
leei required to make myself somewhat familiar
with the exact condition of the affairs of the
I company—with the details ot its operations—
its resources, liabilities ami obligations.
I rotn the Mew fork Herald.
A DciiheraSe AUeajU to Harder a Lady.
A tno-'t deliberate attempt to murder a young
lady in Broadway, was made by some unknown
) man on Monday evening iast, which up to the
present is wrapped in mystery, although strict
I inquiry has been made into the affair by the
authorities. About ii o'clock on tire above even
ing, Mrs. Eleanor Mary Josephine Bishop,
wiie of Nathaniel Bishop,'of No. 991 Broad
way, while sitting in the back parlor, alone at
the piano, was tired at by an unknown person,
who entered the room stealthily, and on firing
the weapon hastily made his escape. The re
port of the pistol alarming the domestics, they
rushed into the apartment and found .Mrs. Bi>-
hop lying on the floor quite insensible. Her
bus! and, Mr. Bishop, was immediately sent for,
and on arriving at his residence found his wife
in a fainting condition, but happily uninjured.
The ball had missed the mark. Restoiatives
were immediately applied with success. On
recovering, Mis. Bishop stated that while play
ing on the piano, the unknown, a tall man, en
: leied the pa: lor door : being dressed with a
1 -rge cb-ak ami his face covered with a slouch
ed 1 ut or sombrero , she could not recognise his
features: that regarding her fur an instant, he
'dn-w from under his cloak a pistol, and presen
ting it t wards .her discharged the weapon at
her herd. Mrs. Bishop thinking tl at she was
mortally wounded, fainted, and fell from the
music s'o dto the 11' or, w liere she v. as found
by the d .mestics, as already described. The
manner in which the entrance of the unknown
to the house was effected is not exactly ascer
tained, hut he either must have opened the hall
ib r with a false night key, or else stolen quiet
ly rp s'airs by the basement entrance. About
3 <•'<:;• < k ■-n (lie same day, a tall man, dressed
•in a sin ifar manner to the person who fired the
pish 1 at Mis. Bid;: p, called at her residence,
an .' inquiitd if she was in the house : hut she
being away from home, went away without
' saving whether he would rail again or not.—-
i'iie description given of the afternoon visiter,
1 corresponds exactly with that given by Mrs.
Bishop of the person who attempted to lake her
j life.
Cn an exnminotb n of the premises it was
found that the hall discharged from the pistol
had pas.-ed thr ugh the window of the back immediate!v over the head of Mrs. B.
when she was sitting at the piano, and passing
from thence lodged i i Hie wall of the house in
tfi ■r*ar of the premises. Tile coolness with
which tim ail. irpt t > murder Mrs. B. was made,
r•ally surprising. The gas was found to have
been shut off in the hall, so as to render recogni
tion almo.-t impossible, even though the assas
hii. Mioui■ i Lt-* surprised
i e (b-tern.ination of some party yet un
*v. i>, t-> tab- the life of this lady is clearly
I'M.lent, for ii is scarcely six months since she
was fired by aran at Tarrytown. On that
occasion ; • was celebrating the anniversary of
. r tv- e.-itieih bii'fl,i:ay,:lie (30th of September.)
al ' * w.Bi a party of it iends at the house of her
erotlier, Captain Bb Acker, commander of one of
tie' B:v.•;•!...••)! packets : and on the evening, as
well us Ihe one in question, the intended assas
-in escaped, no clu-* iiavmg ever been found to
his identity ot whereabout.
'i uis attempt made on the life of Mis. B. to
gether witlitl at mode a! Tarrvfown, has thrown
the family into the greatest state of alarm, and
it ; vejy doubtful whether the lady will have
sutlicier.t to venture abroad after night
fall until the arn st of tile unknown is effected.
No cause can he assigned for the intended mur
der of either Mrs. B. cr her husband : conse
quent !y th'-v cannot justly suspect anv one of
having been a party to such a cowardlv attempt
iat nso< ;si n. It is hoped, however, that in
a i ".y i y> sohie cine may he obtained leading
• - the ii:."every of the unknown, or in soir
manner ch'-ar up the dark and fearful mystery
that s m to hang over the life of Mrs. Bishop.
Siistrnlar Prcsealisu-at of Death.
A most singular presentiment of death occur
red a few days ago in the family of Mr. (ieorge
Fisher in Reistertown, Baltimore county. IBs
little s-.n, Fillmore, r.g d about four years,
| awoke in the night and called to his mother to
know if she was awake. He then told his mo
ther he was going to die. He told his father the
j same filing, and w hen told he was dreaming,
preplied I hat tie was awake, and knew lie was
( going to die. The parents thought nothing
more about ii, and the child slept comfortable
until morning. When he awoke in the morn
ing he repeated his presentiment to his parents :
and as soon as breakfast was over insisted ori
j being allowed to go and toll Mrs. Walters, a
; neighbor, that he was going to die. His nin
■ ther told iiiui that he had better go and see his
giandinother if he was going to die. He made
a visit to his grandmother, and also to Mrs.
Waiters, alter which he returned to his home.
I During the afternoon of the same day his mo
ther was called out of the bouse for a few min
utes, and whens.V returned she found the lit—
j tie fellow awful! v burned by his clothes hav
ing taken fire. As soon as the lire was extin
guished he said to Ins mother, "I told you T
was going to die." A Physician was called in,
who dressed l is injuries, telling him that he
1 would soon he wvil. He said, '*no Fillmore is
j going to die ami during the night the little
j boy breathed his last. This is a most extraor-
| dinarv presentiment, and during the whole day
• he spoke of dying, though he had enjoyed ex
cellent h. alth. The boy is sal ito have been a
i very sprightly and interesting child, and was
1 beloved by all who knew him.— Bait, tinier.