The Bedford gazette. (Bedford, Pa.) 1805-current, February 09, 1855, Image 2

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Bedford, I'eb. 9, ISSS.
G. W. Bowman,%ditor and Proprietor- t
An Apprentice, to learn the Printing, 1
Will be taken at the office of the Bedtbrd Ga- 1
zette on favorable terms.
CGr" AGRICULTURAL. —The next stated meeting j
ofc the JOwlkirii Courpy Agricultural Society will be j (
held in the Court-house on Monday evening next.— j '
A full attendance is revested, as officers lor the en- .
suing vear are then tt> f>e elected.
1 Latest from "General Head Qaarlers." j
Appointments by His Excellency, the Governor
and Commander-in-Chief.
Thomas J. Power, Esq. of Beaver county, (Ame- .
riran Democrat) Adjutant General of the State, to t .
till the place of tfie present incumbent, whose com- !
mission, under the Constitution and Laws ot the j 1
Commonwealth, does not expire until next October a _
vear! Mr. POWER will have a "good time" rattinz.
Christian Myers, of Clarion county, (American
Whig) Whiskey Inspector lor Philadelphia.
C. L. Mugee (American Whig) Inspector ot j
Weights and Measures for Allegheny county.
Mr. CulpfAniericwitot-'lour Inspector lor Pittsburg, j
- • —-3
Extract from a letter dated
"fiARRISBURG, Feb. 3, 1855. V
"Gen. Bowman : "four Report as Adjutant
General, made its apj'arance in ihe Hour this |
morning, and gives general satisfaction, so much j
so, indeed, that, at the suggestion of |
rv Committee, a resolution passed, witlrShtv a .
dissenting voice, authorizing the printing of;
Fifteen Hundred copies in odd Hi on to the large :
number already ordered. This is a compliment
of no ordinary character, undone which, J;
have no doubt, you will highly appreciate.
Such evidences of are far more va
luable than the mere'emoluments of otiice, and !
we feel trulv giatetul to the L. gislature (or this ■
act of couftesy.
" -
IVhnt the Legislature lias Boat.
The follow ing acts and resolutions have been
I a>sed by the Legislature and approved bv the
Governor :
A supplement to an act entitled "An act re
lating to tlie elections of this Commonwealth,"
passed July 2, 183.9.
A supplement to the act incorporating the
borough of Palo Alto, passed May -9, 18-">f.
An act relative to the purchase of certain
hooks for the use of the Legislature.
Aii art changing the time of holding thespe- :
cial election in the borough of Free port, Arm-j
strong county.
Aa act to repeal the registration act.
A supplement to "An act in relation to estab- j
iishtng and changing |he places for holding gen
eral elections throughout the Commonwealth,"
passed April 20, 1854-.
An act fixing the place of holding elections
in Barrel township, Armstrong county.
An act to confer on Kate F,. Clark the rights,
privileges and advantages of a child born in
lawful wedlock.
A further supplement to the act incorporating !
the Ffots of Refuge of Western Pennsylvania, j
passed April 22, 1850.
Resolution relative to the purchase ofSuther- j
land's Legislative Manual.
A resolution in favor of an expedition !o res- I
cue Dr. Kane and the crew of the Advance.
Resolution providing tor the payment of fhe j
amount due special jriessenger for serving writ
of election to supply "the vacancy in the second
Senatorial district.
Resolution relative.<o the payment of certain
A Bill for flic Collection of Taxes.
Mr. Bale lias introduced a bill in the Legis- I
lature to reduce'the expenses, and secure the j
faithful payment of all taxes. It is an impor
tant bill, of which we furnish our readers with
the following synopsis :
The first section provides that all laws hereto
fore passed which authorize and require tire ap
pointment of collectors of taxes be and the same
are hereby repealed*, and hereafter it shall he j
the dutv of all assessors, school directors, suprg-;
visors of roads, and overseers of the poor of this
Commonwealth when they shall have made an
assessment of taxes necessary for the respective j
purposes of their township or district, according
to the provisions of existing laws, thev shall ,
make a return thereof to the County Commis
sioners on cr before the day of in
each and every year.
The second section makes it the duty of the
County Commissiofiers, so soon as thev shall re
ceive the returns provided for in the first sec
tion of this act, to cause transcripts thereof to j
l>e made, exhibiting tin* amount of each tax
payable, and cause five days notice thereof to
be given TV .lie Assess-orof the townsuip, whose
dutv it is hereby made to give such notice to
each individual ofrsuch tax so assessed, and of
the tin*;.* and place where he may appeal from
such taxation, and when the appeals have been
held, as is hv law provided, the said ( irnmis
sioners shall cause duplicates thereof for each
and every township, to be made out and placed
in the hands of the County Treasurer, for Col
lection and disbursement.
Section third makes it the duty of the County
Treasurer, annually, to fix a time and place tor
each borough and township cf the County,;
when and where he shall attend to receive j ay
mefrt of all taxes assessed, not later than the
fifteenth da}* of July of any year, and of which
appointments it shall be his duty to give at least
two weeks' notice in all the news papers pub
lished in the county, and at any of said appoint
ments, at all times, it shall be his duty to re
ceive anv tax which is due and payable by any
person or persons, although he, she or they,
may not reside in the borough or township fir
which the appointment may have been made.
Secti- n fourth provides that all who shall on ,
or before the fifteenth of July of any year, pay
the full amount of their taxes I >r that year, to
• the County Treasurer, shall be entitled to a de
duction of five per Cent of the amount thereof.
Section fifth provides for the collection of
tax-s by warrant after the first of September,
without previous notice.
Section sixth relates to the liability of the !
constables in collecting the taxes.
Section seventh requires the constable to make j
a return of his wariant to the County Treasur
er, within forty-five days from and %fter the
time vyhcti it saall have come into his hands.
.Section eight provides that for the collection
of anv tax less in amount than five dollars, the
said several constables shall be-cntitled to a fee
of twenty-tire cents, and where the tax is of
five dollars and upwards, the said constable f
shall, in addition thereto, be entitled to a fee of t
five per cent upon the same, which said fee shall t
be collected from the defaulting tax-payer as t
the tax itselfis collected. v
Section tenth requires the County Treasurer <
to give bond with securities, and allows him s
two per centum of the amount thereof. . I
Section eleventh relates to penalties for not g
paving over the amount of taxes collected. t
Section twelfth provides that hereafter town
ship assessors shall he elected to seive three (
years. | (
The following eloquent Letter from Col. JNO. '
IV. FORNEY will he read with great interest by
hl3 numerous friends in Bedford county: ;
WASHINGTON, Jan. o, 1855. <
Gentlemen : —lt would give rr.e sincere plea- |
sure to meet uiu on the 17th of January, but i r
am coir-]>**! led to remain at my post in \\ ash
inglon. Tiiis must be mv excuse for declining ,■
your warm and pressing invitation.
There is much in the career of Benjamin [
Franklin (whose birth-day you propose to com
memorate) which may he contemplated with
interest. f
Who can faithfully describe his character, j
ins progress, and the trophies of his experience? ,
In his high individuality we have an example
eloquent of encouragement to ail ages ami to all j
men. H>* educated himself. In early life he
disclosed those elements which, ripening after- t
wards, gave to the world a statesman, a patriot, •
a sage | He Jjctran his struggle with fortune
penniless and poor, am) subsequently bafiied the j
intrigues of the English Court, and aroused ail ,
.France to that appreciation ot himself and his .
cans" which made him the embodiment of the |(
American idea that finally electr.fied man- <
kind, arid made us an independent nation. !
Recollect that all this occurred before science (
had covered our Continent with blessings—be- j
fore the application of steam as a propelling pow
er— while our communities were lew and fee- (
hie—while oppression hung like a mid-night j
pall upon our borders—while the savage roam- .
ed the master of our then limited frontiers, and (
even carried his barbaric warfare into our infant .
settlements —and long before Relocation had be- ,
come a common advantage—before the printing
press had bee ::m? a necessity—even in advance (
of the liberty he toiled for. and the discoveries
that have made his fame as immortal as those
skies which his genius enabled him to read,
arid those electric fires which he deprived of
lerrqr, and prepared for the future discoverer
to applv to the uses of mankind. Am 1 not |
justified, therefore, when I speak of this rare
individuality as an eloquent encouragement to
the printers of the present day—and not to ,
them alone, but to all that class of young men,
who look to this country as the field where En-1
ergv, Integrity, Perseverance and Patriotism, j
are the bright oracles that promise and ensure ;
| success ? Well may the people of the old
world turn to the antiquated and dusty records
of European history, and toil through pages
stained with blood and crime, to find ore such
example for their children *. and well may they
look forward, with beating hearts and kindling
eves, to that Country which Franklin aided to j
I build up, as the giand theatre where mingling I
races, and creeds, and ideas, are at least to har
monize in the vindication and establishment
of the truth that man is capable of seif-govei n
The American Printing Press has not only
| been fruitful of advantages because of it < r*-la
i lions to commerce, to religion, and togood gov- j
j ernment not alone in the general justice of its
; views, and in i's fearless assertions of broad and
powerful truths, but because it educates a class
| of men, v./io, in their time, may he called upon
to educate and direct public opinion. In the
piinting oliice the mind instinctively grasps the
j gr'*at thoughts which the hand puts into solid
1 shape. The hours passed swiftly and sweetly
i as "Benjamin Franklin, printer," gathered his
j store of Knowledge for his daily task, feeding
j his mind and his body at the same time. I hoit- ,
1 sands are now alive fir> i with the same i-mo
tions: an !. who knows, marching forward to
the same dazzling destinv ? But how widely
j different is the condition of the "printer hoy,"
i now, compared with the davs when Franklin j
: struggled along the rugged path of his earlv
trials ? The education of the masses is at once
| the dutv and the glory of our Country. New
■ fields ol entei prize are discovered with marvel- j
l itis rapidity, new sources of information ripen
ed for the common welfare, our territory ad
vances upon the receding footsteps of barbaric
rule and decaving customs, our flag, like the ;
Roman eagle, flies in the uttermost quarters of •
; the earth, and our name penetrates into those)
regi ms where even the sun himself refuses to i
' shine for half the year. But the Press—the
' press is everywhere 1 It travels with our ar- ;
j iriies, and unfurls itself simultaneously with
: our flag. While the forest falls before the axe
j of the pioneer progress, and even before popu
lation 1 as found a spot whereon to lav its weary
head, the Press proclaims the opinions of the
day, and fights the battles of truth, even as
man contends against the obstacles of nature.—
In the crowded citv, in the quiet village, on
the broad prarie "for which th** speech of Eng- I
; land has no name," on the deck of the gallant
| ship, which cleaves strange s**ns and floats to
undiscovered climes, in the cottage and the pal
ace, you will find the American Press. It is j
: not 100 cheap to be a luxury to the rich, nor j
too dear to be a burden to the poor. It speaks
to distant friends at the same day and almost at
| the same moment. It fills t: e public mind
j with the elements of conscious independent*
and power. It revives the public spirit, and
! brightens the pathway to honor and to fame.— j
, But, gentlemen, whitethes * things are so, let
ius not forget the startling responsibilities de
volved upon the future conductors of the Amer
ican press. To be equal to these is to lie equal
to a most Irving and exacting vocation. Ex
cose rue f>r an allusion to my own hum!;!** ex- j
perience. I know how deficient lam in many
of the attributes of the editorial profession : for ;
to me the printing office and the world's battle j
have been the only schools. Yet I know also
the trials and the tribulations that attend upon
it. There is much however, m Enthusiasm, 1
Application, and Perseverance—and, above a!!,
in the fearless faith which disaster cannot subdue
nor slander overcome—and he who make these
; his guiding stars cannot readily be driven from
his c urse. But I have already said more than j
j enough.
When the death of Benjamin Franklin was ;
| announced in the French National Assembly
in June, 1799, the President of that grave as- !
semblage, spoke of the departed Printer in terms
of historical and memorable eloquence. I bor
row his language, in the following sentiment,
which you will please read to vour assembled
company :
Benjamin Franklin: "G.oat nun are the
fathers ot universal humanity; their loss ought!
to be felt as a common misfortune by all thef
tribes of the great human family ; and it belongs?
to a nation still affected by all the
which accompany the achievement of their lib
erty, and which owes its enfranchisement es- i
sentiallv to the progress of the public reason,'
to be the first to give the example of the filial j
gratitude of the people to their true benefac
tots." j '
Your friend and fellow-craftsman, : i j
Col. VV. Hotter, and Others of the Committee ' j
of Invitation, for the Printers of Easton, Pa. j
It) .Mitt ESS.
Senate. —Monday, Jan. 29.—The Chair laid I
before the Senate a communication fjrom the .
Secretary of State transmitting Professor Hors- .
ford's report on the analysis of a new vaiiety of
guano. !
Mr. Seward presented a petition of the un- .
emploved mechanics and workingmen of NVw
York city, praying liie passage of the homestead
bill. " ' j ■
Mr. Douglas reported a hill to extent! to the I .
Territories generally the laws regulating the
fees and compensation of the officers of the
United States courts in Oregon, and a joint res
olution for the relief of the secretary of tile
Territory of Minesota ; which were considered
and passed.
The Senate refused—yeas 23, nays 24-—to •
take up the hountv-land bill, arid proceeded to
the consideration of the army appropriation bill.
Mr. Houston spoke at some length in vindica
tion of the Indians, and ascribed the troubles ;
which have arisen to the bad faith and aggres- .
sive course of the white man, and the violation
of tile treaties which tin* government has made
with them. Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, replied
to the arguments of Mr. Houston; and without
disposing of the subject, at a few minutes before
four o'clock the Senate adjourned.
House or Rcpn ksrntatives. — The Speaker
presented a joint resolution of the legislature of,
the State ol Pennsylvania in favor of sending
an expedition to the relief of Dr. Kane; laid on
the table.
Cn motion of Mr. Chandler, the join! resolu
tion providing for the sending nut of vessels to
the rescue of the expedition tinder the command
of Dr. Kane, now in the Arctic seas, was ta
ken from the Speaker's table, read a third time
and passed.
Mr. Walbridge submitted resolutions extend
ing the thanks of Congress to Commodore M.
(.'. Perrv fur his gallant services in negotiating
our treaty with Japan, and for other purposes;
which u as referred to the Committee on Foreign
The Senat u joint resolution granting arfditidh- :
al compensation to the clerks employed in the!
Census Burean was read a third time and pass
Two joint resolutions disapproving and disaf- j
firming the acts incorporating the Northwestern !
and Transit Railroad Companies in the Territo
ry of Minnesota were reported from tin* Com
mittee on the judiciary bv Mr. Cutting, and
they were read three times and passed.
After making several other reports, and pass
ing three territorial hills, one of whidh was a
bill to enable the people of Oregon to. form a !
State constitution preparatory to her admission
into the Union, the House adjourned.
Senate. —Tuesday, Jan. 33.—The Oh'air laid ;
before the Semite a message from the President
of the T'nitad States, transmitting a cnramunica-!
tion from the Secretary of the Interior, with ac-p
tampanying papers, and recommending that
! the appropriations therein asked lor be made;,
which was read and referred to the Committee j
on Indian Affairs, and ordered to be pointed.
Mr. (Twin and Mr. Shields reportetl- several
private bills.
Mr. Johnson submitted a resolution request
ing the President of the United States-do cause j
the Senate to be informed of the reasons for the}
, delays which have occurred during the years
1853 and 1854 in furnishing the marshal of
the western district of Arkansas with t|je funds
! necessary to defray the expenses of the United
States district court for that district p
; to * ~
Mr. Jones, of Tennessee, submitted a Jesnftj
i trui requesting the Committee on the Post Of- >
fice and Post Roads to ascertain what the Col
lins steamers have received from freights arid .
: passengers from ihe time they commenced run-'
' ning until the present time; agreed to.
The Senate again resumed the consideration
of the armv-appmpriaf ion bill; which was dis- ;
cussed bv Messts. Fitzpatrick, Rusk, Hnntet*
Shields, Dawson, IVarce, Bell, and YVeller.—
j Mr. Houston obtained the floor, am!, it being j
! half past four o'clock, the Senate adjourned.
House of Refiiesentatu e>. —The Speaker
j laid before the House a communication from
j Ihe President of tlie United States, recommend
ing certain appropriations for the Interior De
partment, and that certain existing iaws he so,
modified a; to enable him to carry intp execu
tion certain treaties with the indianj trjbesof
Kansas Territory in relation to their lands; re
ferred to the Committee on Indian affairs.
Mr. Wright of Mississippi, submitted a reso- j
lutiori calling on the President of thf United
Slates for the correspondence between this gov
j eminent and Spain touching the cases disturbing
the Iriendlv relations existing i>etwee:ujthe I 'ni
j ted States and France and Cheat Briifin in re
spect to the island of C'ulia ; agreed to.
Several bills were then introduced abd repor
ted- Y
'The House then proceeded, as in (fpmniltee
lof the Whole, to the consideration of* the bill j
authorizing the construction of a f ujMepor.ean j
! line of telegraph from the Mississippi or Misouii j
j river to the Pacific Ocean : which
. until fifteen minutes past fbur; when tire com
mittee rose, and the House adjourned,—Wash
ington I mon.-
The "Sober Second Thought!"
The Chambersburg W/o'fr, in an article headed i
j "Know.Notfaing Defeats," holds the following lan-!
! gunge :
It is utterly impossible in a country proverbial for'
s freedom of thought and freedom of action arid still- j
rajj*y as is, ours, to jjive permanency to a political
i element that i- To be controlled in secret, oath-bound
, caucuses, and that imposes upon its members, under '
penalty of formal excommunication, the support ofj
its tr.eir and measures. Such a system of political
machinery may work to a charm while 'here is no;
disappointed ambition TJ^appease, no peafonarl pre-I
j fereiices to sacrifice, no private griefs to heal; but j
let such at: organization once become supreme over 1
i all parties, and the day of its power would be the date ;
: of its decay."
'8 A It R I E<: It:
! On Tuesday morning, .lan. 30, bv Rev. Thomas K. j
j Davis, at the house ol Mr. 1-aac Clark, in Harrison !
Township. Mr. Saim f.l. S. Taylor, of Juniata Tp* I
and M;s A\X Margakrt Clark.
On The Ist of February. uT the St. Xic'nolas Hotel, j
Cumberland. Md. by Rev. Henry Edwards, Mr. T.
Kmc and M:-s P. Ai csr.v Ykauer. btflb of Alle- |
ghny county.
Treasurer of Bedford County
In account with said County from Jin. 1,
to January 1, 1855.
To cash received from Collectors as follows;
Jacob Werking, S. Wood. 1854 §241
Wm. O'Neal. Monroe, do 191 0!)
Fred'k. Berkheimer, St. Clair, do 312 00
David Cypher, Liberty, do 109 00
David Ford, Broad top, do 90 00
Charles Stnckey, Bedford, do .>BO 00
Emanuel Deihl, Colerain, do 163 14
Samuel S. Shuck, Bedford B. do 2<iß 00
Jacob* D 'vore, Harrison, do 100 00
J. D. 'Hill, Juniata, do Iff 00
David Eshelman, E. Prov. do 1 )0 00
Solomon Williams, W. Prov. do 372 00
Jacob Corle, Union, do 140 00 j
Win. liamS, Southampton, do 125 00
William Hull, Napier, do 296'50-
J. Nicodernus, M. Woodh'y do 17.> 00.'
James Fink, Hopewell, do 50 00
John Lowrey, Londonderry, do IKU 00
Abra. Snowden, Cura. Val. do 52 00
Moses IVisegarver, Bedford, '53 3£U *v>o
David Evsyrs, Londonderry, do tlji f jr"47
Tsaac Kjurfman, Broadtop, do j
Nathan' Wright, St. Clair, do >4Bsj-t>S'4v
J. S. Kitchey, W. Prov. do 5] 00 j
Abra. Snowden, Cum Val. do ..205 2-5 j
Elian Gump, Colerain, do ..J25 00 J
Jacob Ivifer, M. Woodb'v. do 209 4V~ j
Joseph Barkman, Mqlifoe, do 2l(i 50 j
Andrew Horn, Napier, do 214 00 i
George Fralig. Harrison, do 135 50 j
Jacob Working, S. Woodh'y. do 129 17 -!
Jesse Dick: n, Southampton, do 120 125*!
Samuel Dtihbs, Union, do 193 54Y;
Henrv Wilt, E. Prov. do 102 f><>
James Clark, Liberty, do 'iff 01
John Alstadt, St. Clair, '52 35 18
Jacob Furry, S. Woodb'ry. do ]!>9 33
John Ash, Southampton, do 17 124
Christian Gam, Union, do 22 97
John Cook, Londonderry, do 'BO 00
Charles Ilovmari, do 'sl 37 75
Bi-nj. H. Walker, St. Clair, do 25 92
Fred'ck. Smith, Londonderry, 'SO 49 00
Simon Brumbaugh, Judgment, 25 00
Wm. McAttee, do 50 OOjfr
John Amos, ' do 20 00.
Jatnes Campbell, do 80 00?
George Rhodes, do 2G 00
Henry 1 luck, do 85 00
John Arnold, (Ex-Treasurer,) 82 11 & j
Taxi.son unseated Lands
County, 319 V.2
Road,' 49 99
School, 17 41
Credit nn militia fines, for station
ery, books, Slc. ' 5 CO
Check to Commissioners and Clerk
lor Militia services, erroneously
1 diaw n and credited on County funds
see credit on account for militia
fines,., • 80 00
§7597 50i]
CR " K
By amount paid on checks drawn
by Commissioners, §5341 581
" Anmunt paid Jurors, 1 +;>■> 87 4
" " Constables attending
Court, 75 624
.•' Amount paid Gideon Trouf, re
ward for arrest of bnrse-thief, 20 00
" Amount paid for premiums on
Fox and other Scalps, '353 7;>
j" Treasurers salary, 185 00
" Balance due County, 165 67
§7597 50i
; Assessors, 401 50
View ers of Roads, and T'p. lines, 273 90
Wood, 133 50
Interest on borrowed money, 393 00
8. Davis, water-works, 250 (>()
Auditors and Clerk, 8> 00
I Fr. Jordan, Corn. Att'y. 47 :>0
John Doran, Map, 10 00
! Geo. W. Bowman, printing, .192 25
: D. Over, < ;;a> do 241 75
John Mower, Att'y to Comm'r. 59 00
I A. v< Russell, Clerk, do 304 00
Wm. Weitz, Commissioner, 130 00
John Conrad, do 126 00
Fred 1 !:. Turner, do 126 50
David C. Long, do _9 00
Elections,' 505 93
Constables, 228 0:>
Inquests, 64 87
John Alsip, costs and f'-es, 174 39
D. Washabaugli, do 137 85
Same, amt. paid for Dockets, 3! 871
E. Pennell, repairs at Court House, 225 00
McMullen and fiadebaugh, 145 00
i Wm. Griffith, laying out Sate r-ad. ]36 00
Reamer & Scott, stationery, paints, ckc. 103 50
I A. B. Cramer, carpeting, 81 73
j Dr. S. S. Slatlei, post-mortem
: examination of body of Jno. Corle, 20 00
Law. Taliaferro, money refunded, - 100 00
Levi ■ Aguew, cutting wood, .c. 61 00
J. MrMullea, salary as Court crier, 48 00 flonck, reward for taking
Horse-thief, ' 28 94
Miscellaneous checks, 4C(> '55
Sum total, $53tT 5Si
. Statement,of Monies due to Bedford County,
January Ist, 1555.
J. Working,. S. YSJuodb'y. §352 574
J. Nico<lemus, M. oo d 4 724 77
Jacob Corle, Union., <io , 167 S3
i William liair.s, ikfUtharnpton, do SS 79
i Solomon Wiljiair.s, VV. Prov. do 125 39
David Eshelmun, E. Prov. do 115 11
: William Hull, Napier, do 258 13
: John 5 Lowrey. Londonderry, do 4-3 12
John Hill, Juniata, do 225 20
Jacob Devore, Harrison, ' do bp IS
James Fink, Hopewell, do 150 65
Abra. Snowden, Cum. Val. do 24/ v 72
Ematiuel Deihl, Colerain, do 242 93
David Ford, Broadfop, do 16 12
! Charles Stuckey, Bedford T. do 156 38
j Samuel S. Shuck, Bedford B. clo 204 69
i David Cypher, Liberty, do 70 71
j Fred. Berheimer, St. Ciair ? , tio 225 75
- Win. (TNeal, Monroe, do 112 21
! Jesse Tflcken, SouthairiptaK,< '53 156 24^
Henry Wilt, E. Prov./ 1 ' do 26 43
Joseph Barkman, MonfWW-? do 10 10
David Evans, Lomloruh mip. do 6 31
j George Fralig, Harrison, do 1 94
John King, Hope well, do 197 19
: Elias Gum^"ftitHhrain, do 112 79
rd T. do 200 75
High Moore, Bedford B. do 279 69
SamuelS. Stuclteyy Napier do 73 12
John Ash, Southamptbti, '">2 88 62 i
John Cook", Londonderry. Ho SJ. |
i ' Young, Hopew-11, do 100 0) j
| saiouel Cam* Bedford B. do 1(52 9U i
j Benj. H. Walker, St. Clair, 'sl 75 29
Solomon Reimund, Bedford B. do 2S 05
'Solomon Filler, do 'SO 28S 28 j
John Murgert, Judgment about, 300 0() jjj
! Fredk. Stiffler, do 5OO X OO
' Samuel Clark, do 150 00
! William McAttee do 150 00
| Henry Fluck, do 300 00
A. J. Snively, Note 200 00
Stonerslown Bridge, Bond about 200 00
$7250 Isi
NOTE:—On some of the foretgoing, interest
: i< due : and, lrorr; some, commissions and exon- j
| erations are to he deducted.
Statement of Monies owed by Br'f.rd County, j
January Is/, 1855.
To John Si 11, S2OOO 00
iam Hart ley, 1110 2t>
'*%jM>rm. Kerns' Uxors. 500 00 i
" Mrs. A. Fisher, 500 00 :
" IV'm, M. Hall's adndr. 450 00
J' James liea, 000 00
ssl GO 2G ;
I NOTE:—Some interest is due on each bf the a
-4 bove.
The undersigned, auditors of Bedford County, <
7 do report . I
>1 That they met at the Commissioner's Cfhce,
j'in Bedllird borough, on the frst Monday < Jan-
J nary ins!'., and did audit, adjust, and s-ttle. the j
'• account of John Taylor, Treasurer of said coun- .
ty fir the year 1854, as contained in the fore
going statement. Also, that they examined the
foregoing accounts ol monies due~to, and own
ing hv, .-aid county, and the same are correct.
Witness our hands this 3d ol January A. D. :
,1855. JOHN H. BARTON,
; - Attest: Auditors, i
Wm. M. Ha!!, Clerk. *
1 Rrporf of the Com hj Auditors to the Auditor
dent rat.
JOHN TAYLOR. Treasurer of Bedford co. i
in account with the 'Commonwealth.
Treasurer Dr.
Tas.on Real an ! Personal E-ia'e.
To ag. amount of-ame outstanding at _
last M'UU-ment, "
Ag. amount assessed lor '54, 6636 25
A:nt. jeceivedon uns a'.ed lands for
' '5 1- and previous years, 26# 02
It * '
s■lll2 3o
Contra. Or.
1 ;Bv amount, paid State Treasurer, pro
' ut r- ceipts. dated F >h. 23, May 22,
July 21, Sep. 15, Dec. 4. BW. 14, 4717 63
Amount uncollected fur '54 and pre
vious years, 5172 34
allowed for '54 and
m previous years, 135 28 .
: It'ommissions allowed collectors for
, '54 and previous years oti $6636
i 25a spercent. 331 81
$10357 00 j
By Treasurer's com. on S.YFTS 87 ■■
a 1 percent tun, 54 7*
ITai. due comiu%p wealth, 700 -''i ,
sllll2 30
Tavern Licenses. Dr. .
I To amount of for '54, 450 OU,
Contra. Cr.
! 8v amount paid State Treasurer, pro
jut receipts dated May 22 ant! Sep.
j 15, ' 384 00 1
\ Com. on neft amount received, $440
! a 5 per cent, 22 00
Exonerations, 10 00
Bal. due commonwealth, 34 00
450 00
Retailers' Licenses. Dr.
To amount of for '53, 769 63
Contra. Cr.
By amount paid State Treasurer pro
•ut receipts dated May 22, Sept. 15,
July 24, Dec. 14, 538 35
Amount paid Printers, , 55 5.0
Commissions on $759 13 being nott
amount received, 37 95
Exonerations, 10 50
! Balance due commonwealth, 127 33
769 63
Hawkers and Pedlars Dr.
To amount of for '54, 16 00
Balance due Treasurer, 80
16 SO
Contra Cr.
. Bv amount paid Stat.'Treasurer, pro
fit receipt dated W> "22, 16 00
Commissions a 5. pel cent, on $lO SO
• f- 4
t " H 16 SO
(?. ...Eating Houses Dr.
syi amount of for '54, 3d S7
j Contra . Cr.
; Btr commissions on $35 87 a 5 per ct. 1- 79
Balance due Common wealth. 34 OS
I Bj) ' -5
35 $7
Militia Fines Dr.
: To aggregate amount of same out
standing for's3 and previous years, 2419 49i
To aggregate amount assessed for '54, 1233 50
3652 99 i
| 4 Contra 6;
' % amount paid State Treasurer, pro
| ut receipt dated July 24, 222 38
! Amount uncollected lor '54 and pre
i 4pousyears, 2378 98J
| Fife per cent commissions allowed
i collectors for '54 and previous vis.
jof $676, * 33 80
j Amount paid county Commissioners
clerk, 80 00
; Amount paid f>r stationery, books,
< Jul used by commissioner *, 5 09
; Exonerations allowed collectors fir
I '54 and previous years, 5.98 00
! Amount paid Lemuel Evans Treasn
! rer of Broadl-op Rifle Rangers, per
j order of Capt. Win. Horton, 150 09
t Assessors returning *276 men to com-
missioners a 1 cent each, o 76
Assessors returning 2237 men to Bri
gade Inspect or a 2 cents each, 44. 7},
Amount pai l {I. W. Bowman, printing, ti Q0
: IV'-a-urer's coiiunisSKJiis on $ >42 21, (j go
Bill of Lemuel Evans, Brigade In
spector, 25 33
BalancetHe Commonwealth, 99 5^
I . x 3652 99 i
18:>5. Statement of Receipts and
Expenditures of ilie Military Fund
of Bedford county, showing the 3-
mount received from, each collector
separately, and the amount paid each
person, in accordance with' the act
of Assembly of 39th April, 1853:
Received from Isaac Kurfman, Broad
; Top,'s3, 5 70
Henry Hull, Bethel, 'SO, 5i 66
| Artemas Bennett, Southampton,'sJ, 40 33
i Charles Hnyman, Londonderry, do 38 48
John Alstadt, St. Clair,'s2, 28 6.5
Jacob S. Ritchey, W. Pro v. '53, 42 00
Christian Gam, Union, '52, 6 00
Jacob Wei kinger, S. Wood. '53, 14 50
Andrew Horn, Napier, '53, - 72 20
James Clark, Liberty, " 22 80
; Christian Garn, Union, '52, 10 50
Jacob Kifer, Wood. '53, 79 7s
John Cook, Londond. wry, '52, 15* 00
SamuelfDubfis, Union, '53, 49 40
David Evans, Londonderry, '53-, 33 25
Henry Wiit,E. Prov. " 3i 00
| Joseph Tlarkman, M- nroe, " 28 00
; W;II. Hull, Napier, '5 4, 50 ()()
Jacob W i-i kifger, S. -Wood, '53, 33 4s
Nathan 11. Wright, " 47 5s
642 21
• Paid out as follows:
Stale Treasurer, 2"22 38
County Commissioners and clerk, 80 00
; Stationery, K.c. for Commissioners, 5 09
• Lemuel Evans, Treasurer of Broad
I Top Rrtie Rangers, per order < 1
(sjpt. William Horton, amount due
1 -foi 'sl, '2, a '4, 159 00
Lemu. I Evans, Brigade Inspector, his
fill as follow?:
j Inspecting Broad Top Rifle Rangers
'53 ami '4, 20 00
, Prmiiiig and Postage, 5 33 25 33
' Asse-sors f>r 276 nieii to Commissioa
i 'ers a 1 cent each, 2 7G
I Assessors for 2237 men to Brigade
I s Inspector a 2 cents each, 44 74
i Go. W. Bowman to adv. Stateinent
; \bf Military Fund f : last y ar. 6 09
tflreasurer's com. on $6 42 21 a one
j' j>er cent. 6 -42
Rviiance due Commonwealth, 99.58
| \ 642 21
' We, the auditors nf Bedford Countv, in the
State of 'Pennsylvania, do certify, That, in pur-
I suance of the Acts of Assembly in such case
- muJe and provided, we rtiet at the Commissi,on
ers office in the Bvirougjeof Bedford, on 54,n
--'l^y r the Ist day of Jaifu.iry i:>t., and did audit
abd adjust the several accounts between Juhn
j'lfaylor, Treasurer of said county, and the Com
i rfioiiwealth of Pennsylvauia as set forth in the
; tbr. going statements.
Witness our hands this 3d day of January,
A. D. 1855.
Attest:— WM. M. HALL. Clerk.
jFeb. 9.
S i Ai E 111 EM T
Bifcanee in the Trea-urj bd
J>l January,
i Rjsreived Cajts on suit. Jos.
j ji>. Morri-on vs. Company, i! I 6'r
. Enrr> in tormer srtriemeiu-, , io uu
Aaiouii! t>l Toils troiu
3d oi Jan. "51 to '2J Jan. 'jo, 2877 9A
$1 i 77 5|
Paid (or fepkir- on the road,
" Two tots ol ground for Toll-
Hou-ej, ToU-hoioe and Stable
apd olher incidental e.\per;-e-, 71G 74
" Treasurer and Managers'
♦erftces, 479 7.7
" For Gate keepers" -alary, CtJO 30
" State tax in State Treasury
for stock of the Company, 17 03
Bniance in Treasury 3d January,
1835, including unrurrent and
counterfeit money on hand, '' 1470 00
S i 177 U3J
No Dividend made.
The Stockholders of the Bedford and Stoystown
| Turnpike Road Company are hereby notified tnat the
1 aetSuat Ejection, to eject managirs n r the Company,
j will he hold at the jiou-e id .Mr. Jotucs Fiasiicr, in
! Scholi-lmrg, on the fir-t Moi.dav of March next, le
j u g the 3th day, between the hour- of one and loir
, o'clock, P. M.
i Feb. &, 1533.
i Tito undersigtietl will e.xpise to pulilic. sale
; on Thutsthy, the Ist day of March next, on the
I prepuses, tfie very desirable FARM on which
| Christian StoufTer resides, situate in Napier
j Tow nship, xvithm one half mile of lite turnpike,
I adjoining lands of A. J. Snivelv; Esq. and Geo.
. SlutUy, containing 238 acres more or less,about
120 acres cleared and under fence —land pa
tented. This property is remarkably wt-'l tnu
bered, ami well supplied with water, and every
way adapted to agricultural purjKJses. In oi
der;to"%uit purchasers, the property will be di
-1 vidfd and sold in parts or all together, as nay
be fiiost desirable. Terms accommodating anu
win be made known on day of sale.
Also, will be -old, a vaiielv of Farming im
! plei.ents, including Broad Wheeled Wagon,
Wat rihed, Woodladders, Ploughs and Haf
| row*, Horse Gear-, Saddles and baiters —n
Ilor>. s, one cow and calf, 11 hogs, 3 barrelsot
: ground plaster, a large lot of rye and other straw,
y>G2 acres of Rye in the ground, and hfleett acres
'of Wheat. A reasonable credit and dm* atteii
! dance will be given by
Feb. 9, 1855.
Mens, Boys, and Childrens, Roots and Sh° , ' Sr ~
TVotiiens and .Misses morocco, S*-al and Caif-ki"
Bootees arul walking Shoes—received and f' r
yale lw A. B. CRAMER N Co.
1 ...