THE BEDFORD liAZEITE. ; lfoc. 1. ! s.l f. G. W. Bcxman, Editor and Proprietor. Stale Central Committee. A meeting of the Democratic State Central Com mittee will he held at the Merchant's Hotel, Phila delphia, oil Tuesday the 00th of December, iSot, at 4 o'clock P. M. The Chairman has received various letters Irom prominent and influential git uteris of the State, expres- I sing a desire to have a State Convention,lor the pur- I jwse of re-organizing the Democratic party on a more permanent basis, consolidating it agaiu-1 the secret and insidious assaults that have for a time impaired its usefulness and efficiency in carry ing out our cher ished principles, and to render it impregnable in the future against the approaches of the various and dan geious /tux, vagaries and headlong passions of the day. As the constitutional, truly conservative, his- j turical and patriotic party of the country, the Demo- I .racy have a great mission to fulfil, and must not ; prove recreant in a period ol adversity, 10 % the high tru-t confided to their care. The friends of liberty, of the rights of men, wherever they may have been j horn, of religious toleration, and the opponents of a, connexion between Church and State, corrupt, mere tricious and wanton as such connexion has always proved to be, the opponents of all religious tests in determining the rights of citizens or their (nullifica tions for office or public trust, among those who have ; heretofore differed with us on minor [mints, are now j ready and anxious to co-operate with the Democratic j party at the first favorable opportunity, in maintain ing the integrity of the Constitution tormed by the patriots of the Revolution, the Fathers ot the Repub- | li. It is deemed advisable that the contemplated State Convention be called .solely for the purposes already | named, so that its action tie not embanas.-ed by any \ Other business , and that it should be composed of the j most tried, steadfast, enlightened and influential j men in our ranks, That its voice in favor ol the gieat | fundamental principles of the Democratic creed shall j speak with authority, and inspire confidence and re spert among all classes ol our people. It is thought also that a political calm i the pro- > per time to begin this great work. In This way we | will show our love for the great principles we main- j lain, by assembling when llieie is not a scramble for > place or power, hut at a time when the public mind ; is not excited and prejudiced by the bitterness at tending an approaching election—when our own Councils will not be distracted by nvn! interests and j personal aspiiaiinns. The members ot the Committee will theiefore ap preciate the importance of a general attendance, and it is hoped will be punctual in meeting at the time I and place appointed, and that the Democratic pa pel - 1 oi the State will give this notice an eailyand general : publicity. J. ELLIS BONHAM, j Chairman. rarli-lc, Nov. 22, 1841. The fi'enusy Iranian. This oh! national organ of the Democratic Party, lias, within a few days past, put oil an entire new dress, and presents an appearance eijual to any other paper in the I nion. The proprietor, Col. W-.i. UfcK, is a gentleman of pleasant address and gitat ; experience, and possesses all the requisites necessary to make the Peiuisylvaiiian a welcome visitor to eve- . jy Democrat within the broad limits of our glorious ; Republic, and we rejoice to learn that within the | past six months it has trebled its daily circulation, and that its tri-weekly editions have advanced in j the same ratio. As Col. Rite has now determined to ! give this spirited journal his exclusive attention, we j hope that daily accessions to his subscription li-t may crown his energetic efforts in behall ot the great and glorious Principles of Democracy. W'e learn, by the Ebensburg Sentinel, that our j old and valued friend, Gen. WM. R. SMITH, former-! ly of Bedford, -pent a day or two in that place last j week, and was cordially received. The General is , preparing a history of Wisconsin, which will appear ; •filling the present winter. .We hope he may find it convenient to visit his numerous friends in Bedford before he returns. V\ e would like to see him. Borough Disturbance. CT" We have been requested by an old and re spectable resident of the Borough of Bedford to draw the attention of the officers thereof to the Act of the j 15th march, 1817, which n ak*'- i: then duty to ar rest all drunken, disordeiiy or riotous persons;, who, | either by day or night, shall make distuibance in the public streets, lane-, or alleys, and convey them to j the county jail, where they shall be confined for any \ length of tunc not exceeding twenty-four hours. Now, il our Borough Officers will take the trouble to look, at almost any hour of the day, they can find ten or twenty children in a group playing "shinny'' j in the public streets, to the great annoyance of pas sers by, to say nothing of the danger in which it places younger children who are always lookers on. In addition to this, windows are made to .suffer liom this reckle-s playing in the streets, an evidence ot': which fact can he seen in one of the broken panes of j Mrs. POTTS' large show windows, caused by boys'| playing or. her pavement alter she had repeatedly i requested them to desist. Let officers do their duty, without respect to persons, and a few arrests w ill put j a stop to this business, as well as the terrific yells j which so frequently disgrace our streets at night. _ .. . • Mauly SentiHU'iEs. George D. Prentice, the brilliant but bitter editor | of the Louisville Journal, was lately entertained by J a number of citizens, Whigs and Democrats,at Mem phis. He related his editorial experience in terms which must lorcibiy strike every one who has gone through the war ot editorial partizanship. It is re refreshing to read such magnanimous confessions ol doing wrong, in the heat of political excitement— they deserve to be duly pondered by American jour- ; nalists, especially those who fight the editorial bat- j ties of political partie?. Mr. Prentice said: '•1 know that my Whig litemls will both pardon and justify rne when ( say, that I prize this compli ment corning from Whigs and Demociats alike, lar more than 1 could n similar one Irom membeis oi my own party alone. There was a time, years ago, when I cured little what my political opponents said j or thought of me, so I had the regard,, the support, and the applause of my political Irieiiits. But I have long since ceased to leei thus, i have learned to ap preciate and to desiie the good opinion ot all good men. 1 have learned that candor, and truth, and honor and honesty, and wisdom and patriotism, and virture. are confined to no party. My devotion to the party with which 1 Lave acted throughout my j life is unfaltering, but time teaches all true hearts the great les-on of political liberality. 1 have pub lished some things, which, although well intended ; at the time, 1 could wish blotted from ttie memory ol j my readers and from iny own. "1 have written some bitter things of men, \v no have since passed away from earth, ami who-e me mories 1 revere, and on whose grave- [ could shed ' tears of sorrow and regret. Ah! when i look back through the twenty-six years of my editorial life, and think how many 1 once denounced who utter wards becajpe my personal friends, or proved them selves their country's friend-, and how many I once eulogized and toiled for who have since turned ruth lessly and causeless against me; when I reflect how often the most arduous and devoted political services have been forgotten by those to whom they are ren- ,' dered ; and how often tin* deepest political injuries are magnanimously forgiven by those To whom they are done; and when I remember how many of rny j political friends have striven to crush me, and how ma ny Pemocrats have gathered around me a a band of bia'her- in the days of n?v personal peril, f should be guilty of an outrage on :ny own conscience, arid j on every feeling and impulse of toy heart, if I were not To weed out from rny nature the partisan bitterness that once flourished there. Ia na Whig, hut i will greet every true hearted Democrat as mv brother, I and I will gieet no laUe-hcartcd Whig as such." Secretary cf the Commonwealth. E-, Ihe Pfunfyirunitin learns that Gov. I'M. LOCK lias tendered to Hon. ANDREW G. L'I:I:R.NS, of Cen tre County, the a[>|>ointnient of Secretary ol' the Com monwealth, which ho has accepted, Mr. Curtain is a gentleman o! abilities and attainments, and, whilst he has been a decided partisan in times past, he lias many good ijuulities of head and heart which render him acceptable to a Urge circle of Democratic per sonal friends. CI?" P. H. NKIAIAS, E-q., editor of the Kaxton Sentinel, has been appointed Collector o( Tails on the Delaware Division, at Easton. A snug berth, and one which we hope otir editoral brother may live long to enjoy. ITs~W c invite attention to the Card of Dr. KEY SEU, (in another column,) who is well known to the people of Bedford county as an able and experienced Physician, satisfied that his recommendations are en titled to the highest consideration. The Pittsburg Journals highly commend the Doctor for h:s energy, prudence, and skill, since he has resided in that city. The Great Defeat of the Democratic Tar ty ill IS4O. In IS ID The Democratic Party of the country was defeated from Maine to Georgia. Its plat'oim was definite; its candidates at that tone unexceptiona ble ; among the ablest men in the ('nion were those who led its columns; its organization was perfect; it had previously carried-nearly every one ol its can didates lor governor in their respective States ; and yet, when the day of election came, it was almo-t .-wept out of existence. Puneiai sermons were preached ov'cr its anticipated dissolution by such •i en a- Glay and Web-ter. Its du\ - were numbered, in the estimation of tin triumphant paily ; and, be it remembered, there w ere not wanting then, as they are not wanting now, democrats, misled by the false glare of meretricious doctrines, and instigated by re venge and jealousy, who rejoiced at the overthrow of their former partv. as .t an angel of devastation had annihilated it ! The great point of difference be tween the winning party of that day am! the present consisted in the fact that there were many things up on which the conquering majority were most hearti ly united. It they did not avow their principles in the canvass, it was known that success in the coun try would lead to the inauguration, or rather to the restoration, of a series of federal measures ot the most extraordinary character. But what was the result produced in a few short months? A series ol catastrophes to the dominant party to which political annals up to that time furnished few parallels. V\ ith what eagerness those who hud previously gloried over the prostration of the democtatic patty welcomed it hack to power! The hold and startling measures ot Clav, beginning with the bankrupt law and ending with the high tariff, could only Lie mastered by the democratic jiarty; and when, in 1811, James K. Polk was elected to the pre.-idei.ry, the practical philosophy of that re-ult derived its chief significance from the iact that it was achieved by a comparative ly "<• man " over the accomplished and beloved leader of the whig party. To go back, however, To the calamities of ISIO ; omilra-ting them with the recent defeats of the democratic party, we are im pre-sed by the fact that we fell in the one case in a presidential election and in the other in a conflict two year- before a presidential election. So, then, if the whig party, victorious in 1810, was a dis banded and demoralized organization in le.-s than a year, notwithstanding it was ied by the intellectual giants who then flourished, and the face ot a policy which, if not avowed before the election, was cer tainly adhered to after it, how long will the present combination— not marshalled by Clay, not cheered by VVeb.-ter, and bound by no chord o; common sympa thy. hnt fuxttl /■ v a harmony of hatred- alii>'■ —can maintain its position as a national party f We are content to allow the thick corning events of the future to answer this question.— Washington i'uiou. The KnoH-.\t!l!>i;tgs vs. Catholics. [By a Correspondent.] One of the nrmretl objects of the Know-Nothings is opposition to Roman Catholics, and that nppo-itiou is grounded, according to their own a-ertion, on the fact that they owe allegiance to a power foreign to the United States, to wit: the Pope of Rome. In looking over the papers a few days since, I noticed an extract of certain proceedings in one of the Lowell courts, before Judge Bishop, in which it was made evident to me that Know-Nothings owed as much foreign (at least to the laws of the United States) al legiance as ever did the Catholics. When certain questions were put to a Mr. Snow, a witness in the case, he refused to tesrifv, hecaii-e the answer would incriminate him—that he would subject himsell to punishment. It is true that oi witness cannot he compelled to answer a question that w ill incriminate him; but it is a privilege that is only allowed where he would incriminate himself under the laws of his government. Then allow me to ask. would an ans wer to any of the questions put hv Mr. Butler in that case in Lowell have made the witness liable to any punishment under any of the taws of the ! niteil State-, or any of the individual States of the Union? If not—and I would say that they certainly would not—then they are claiming allegiance to a power which they think of higher authority than the laws of the United States ! Where, then, is the difference? Roman Catholics are charged with owing allegiance to the Pope—Know-Nothings under oath -ay they owe allegiance to a law not recognized by the laws ol our government. Yours, fkc. B. 1). B?ciaiar2*s The rase above alluded to by our correspondent— the rpport of which was given in a previous number of the DEMOCRAT —affords much food for serious re flection on the part of true Americans. If we, in our rapid progress, have arrived at such a pass that the oaths of a society, taken at midnight and in dark ness, are to !>•■ held paramount to the oaths prescrib ed by the laws of the land, then is it time for ns to stop and think. Americans have been taught to re gard the ? rial hv jurv as one of their dearest and most estimable privileges ; but of what avail is that pri vilege now, if a Know-Nothing who has sworn to "tell the truth, the w IIOI,E truth, and nothing but the truth," steps into Court, and says "1 carmot comply with my oath because T have previously taken a SE CRET oath which is in conflict with my duty here ?" If Catholics or foreigners are to come under this ban of proscription, what security have they in a Court of Justice against a Know Nothing ? Or, presuming one of these worse than political Jesuits To he a jury man, what Catholic or foreigner could safely hope to obtain justice at ins hands? It was high time such a di-clo-ure of their doctrines was made as that called out by the Massachusetts Court, and i f is time the American people begin to look at the viper they have nurtured, and which at any Time can make a deadly strike at their liberties. Well may the Father ofhis Country have exhorted the people to "beware oi' se cret soeities," if his far-seeing vision permitted him to penetrate the future as to behold in ISo I such an organization. We have -aid it was time this revela tion was made. And so it is, as well for the purpose of showing all right-minded men the monstrous evils which follow in the wake of such an organization, as to arouse those w ho are proscribed toproper measures ol self-defence. The foreigner or Catholic, knowing that these men strike a blow as well at his civil as political privileges, will not tamely submit to a doom passed upon him by a perjured jury or perjured wit nesses. They can still guard their rights HI a Court of Ju-tice. by purging the jury box of all who are supposed to he tainted with this dangerous ism. "What, then" (it has been pertinently asked) "be comes of the prerogative of which freemen boast that of trial byjory? Deprived of privileges such as these, where, if this thing i< allowed to go on, shall justice look for true defenders ! An American blinded, is, rightly viewed, an anomaly, hut an A merican, true horn, to consent to he bound also, liy oaths which place his freedom and conscience in the keeping of an irresponsible association, is almost pa-t belief. For him to do anything covertly, as a system by which to circumvent an adversary, can only he regarded as one of The relics (the last we hope,) of barbarism. Krror's most deadly a-sailani is light and truth, and free, full discussion. Once de scend to IKP the weapons she herself adopts, and the end of tiie -trite cannot he doubted. Ages of experi ence ;n the arts of duplicity, if what is alleged lie true, must have rendered Romish Jesuitism a for midable antagonist when (ought by those who are but novices in the u-e ol similar weapons. But, tak ing and holding to the higher ground of a purer faith and a peitect freedom ol conscience, divested of all priestly control, with an unexceptionable love of liberty, and a deadly hate of all oppression, with a I;lieru! .ire of intelligence, wp are und ever shall he. mvmcibb to all attacks which may be made against our religion, our institutions, or our per on*."- .4/- /t llttil*# Ptmurrut. SIDE ISSUES. CAN'T I:K OovruovEUTKU The Boston A Irertiitrr says thai -po|itical organizations ostensibly gut up lor the pur|*ose ol cliectlog what has been called'one idea reforms,' are snares (or tender consciences— contrivances to enable unscrupulous leaders to turn to selfish account the honest convictions of credulous associates." It lias been boasted hy ruiii-drmkiiig temperance politicians in this Slate that their only object in insisting on the passage of a Maine law m New Hampshire v\as the breaking down of the De mocratic patty, it is now admitted by the anti-Ne braska agitators that every attempt to repeal the territorial bill of the last (Ongre-s is out of the ques tion, and yet they contrive to make -onto people be lieve that such proreedmg is proper and es-entiai. ill both of these respects the great object is to turn their labors to selfish account.— -V. 11. Patriot. We have had most palpable evidence of the truth ot this sclli-h propensity on the part of the allied leaders against the Democracy in the State. All the side issues were managed with one view—that ol in juring the Democracy and building up the fortunes of those who managed them. In our own city, the Temperance Convention, though professing to be fee from all political bias, and intent only on one great object, that of abolishing the sale of liquor in this Common wealth, was in fact only a scioil of the Know-Nothiug party, and u.-ed to advance the pros- ! pects ol that prescriptive and intolerant order, I'he same use was made of the Abolition and Fiee Soil j movement. L.u hof these political parties professed j to be actuated by one only aim, a single purpose— j opposition to ihe slave power of tbe country audi yet, like the Temperance party, they merged their ' iorce- into one general army against the Democracy, ' and tiieir members voted lor any man, no matter how j opposed to their original principles, if be was on a i ticket adverse to the Democratic paitv of the I nion. j The anti-Nebraska party acted upon the same plat form. When that bII was p-ndrng in Congress, the j \-ir York Trihouf , and other lu-ion journals, pro- j claimed the great principle of the newly-formed an- j ti-Nebia.-ka party to be the support and maintenance : ot every man who voted against the bill, no matter what his politieal principles. This was the platform \ on which the fusion party was to be built. Demo- j eratic members who deserted their party on this j great issue were lauded as patriots, and their re-elec- ! lion insured by the as-i-tance of Whig and Abolition votes. But how was The promise redeemed? The' fate of Drum and others in the Mate, and the similar 1 course of treachery towaids Democratic candidates 1 in other State-, i- the best exhibition ot \\ big and . Abolition faithlessness to promise. The allies were ; loud in their protestations of unselfishness when the Nebraska bill was pending, but when the day of eler- i tion came, their old hatred for the Democracy re- i turned, and voted lor any candidates calculated to defeat those selected by that party. With all these tacts before the people of the ex treme selfishness of the opposition in this State at the | recent election, -till the Whig and Abolition pre-ses ! aie talking about the repeal ol the Kansas-Nebraska • act a- another means of agitating the country and reaping advantages t'roni the storm of passion and prejudice which will thus sweep over the State. No other end can he gained by such a movement. To repeal the law is an iinpo-sihility, for two reasons. ; Fir.-t the Senate will not consent to SUCH A repeal, j Secondly, before such a repeal can be effected, both j Kansas arid Nebra-ka will be knocking at the doors ! of the Union tor admission as Jin- Ftatrs, and hence the repeal of the Kansas-Nebraska act will he fool-i i-hly fruitless. These are facts that every schoolboy j is peifeclly acquainted with, and hence ,i movement ! such a- indicated is but another selfish side-issue J Horn which tlm opposition hope to derive aid and as sistance in coming contests. Those who escape the ; net of Kr.ow-Nnthiiigism are to he enmeshed in that of sectional hatred and animosity, i'he halls ol Con gress are to be turned into a lace course, where eve iv broken-down political hack is to be trotted out for j the purpose ofdi-gu-ting the country with the t iilu via arising from diseased reputations. Arul this movement on the part of the Whigs and their allies is to he predicated on the relorniatory idea, or in ! other words, -ihr-xhnifr 117//.g announces the Rev. Mr. I Tiffany, Professor in the Dickinson College at Car- j lisle, and tlie presiding officer of the Know-Nothing 1 State Convention in thi- city, as a candidate for j United State-Senator. Here is the lir.-t open evi dence of the lf-u! nit -ntinns of the Know-Nothings to j mingle religion with politics. A professed minister j of'the Go-pel—one who I- entrusted with the high j and holy calling of educating and training young men . for the ministry, takes tlie initiative in this moves I merit of making religion subservient to politic-, and is lo be rewarded with a seat in the United State- ; Senate for In- services. I- it to be supposed that if he should be elected that his efforts will not lie di rerted Towards a -cheme of compelling by statutory j enactments tlie abandonment of one form of religion i and the out ward observance of another / Why else > should he be so anxious and zealous in his work ot j propagandisrn .' It will serve no other purpose, ad- ; vance no other cause. If a legitimate political oh-; ject was to be attained, Mr. Tiffany could have art- j eii in an op-n constitutional manner with las fellow- j citizens. Why did he and his colleagues sneak in j the dark, and thus stab tbp right- of their fellow-ci tizen- like assns-ins! The answer is irresistible;; they first wi-hed to fasten the chain on the people ; before they drop their mask. That is now accom plished. and the announcement of the arch clerical leader in the Know-Nothing movement in ihis State as a candidate"'or the United States Senate proves) most irre-istiblv that a I nion of Church and State is : tlie real intent of these traitor- to civil libnty and ; vrligiou freedom. ! Tins is a most alarming announrcmenl. anil will, , ve are satisfied, arrest the attention of all lfii>-e who ilesire to see our tree in.-titutions perpetuated. A iVw vears since, and a similar attempt ot political clergymen to mingle in tlie tierce war nl rival JK.ll ticafparties, with the ostensible purpose ol delay j„j. the transit of the United States mail-, on the first itay of the week was most emphatically rebuked, j and the seal of public reprobation placed upon the principle of clerical interference in politics, no mat ter what the pretence. The attempt made on that : occasion was a mere summer Haw compared with j that which now threatens the Union. Then it was a mere voluntary association of men thinking alike | on one subject. Now, it is strengthened by oaths, j and embittered hy the concentrated influence of the clergy in all sections of the Union. They now openly proclaim the union of religion anil politics, and head the movement ol the Know-Nothing order to ostra cise all men from political place, who are not willing to bow down to the golden calf erected by tins in- , holy and desperate faction. Can there he a doubt that this is the real purpo e of the Know-Nothing or der? Hy what other rue can the di-closiire, which! are daily taking place be interpreted t It is time , the reflecting citizens of the old Keystone should awaken to the danger by which they arc menaced.— Uhus tar in our political history the question ot re ligious beliet has been .suliered to remain between the Maker of all tilings and ill- creature-. But that time has passed, and in our is growing up an order of men, pioneered by the clergy, v\ ho are de- | teriiiiued to interfere with tfii-> right, and dispito the Constitution to estut;li-fi an union of Chinch anil ! State in this Commonwealth and Nation. Will such a course operate beneficially on our political lela tions? Let the history of past clerical interference answer tins question. Will it minister to the spread of that religion whose n:isiou is peace on earth and good-will towards man I No. lit the language o: l'lnilip-, the celebrated Irish orator: '•The sublime Creator of our blessed creed never meant it to be the channel of a courtly influence, oi ' the source of a corrupt ascendancy. lb' sent it a- 1 mong lis to heal, not to irritate ; lo associate, not to I seclude; to collect together, like the bupli-mal dove, every creed, and clime, and color m the universe, beneath the spotles- wing of it- protection. 'l'he union of Church and State is, at best, but a lonl and adultrous connection, polluting the purity of heaven with the abomination ol earth, and hanging the lat ter- of a political piety upon the cro-s of an insulted ; Saviour. Religion, holy religion, ought not, in tlie words of its Sounder, to be '-led into temptation."— : The hand that hold- her chalice, and the priests of her temple, should be spotless as the vestments ol their mini-try. Rank only degrades, wealth only im poverishes, ornaments only di-ligure her. I would have her pine, unpen-ioiied, iinstipcndiary. M:e 1 should rob the earth ol nothing but its sorrows; —a divine ar h of promise, her extremities should rest j on the horizon, arid her -pan embrace the umver-e; but her only sustenance should be the tears that were exaled and embellished hy the sun-beam. Such is 1 my idea of what religion should be." Tlie Defeat of Gov. Higler. History is lull of examples of ingratitude to : those w ho have deserved well of their country, and the defeat of Gov. RICLEU does not form an exception, in all ages, it has been dangerous 10 he eminent either in virtue or in talents.— The ancients, who understood human nature j tolerably well, gave these two qualifies a double application, and while they contended that tlie possession of them in excess might he dangerous to the State, always made them so to the pus- j sessor. Acting up to this view of the subject, Out racism was established, and such glorious j men as THUCVDIDES MILTIADES, I.IM J.V, I MEM- : 1.-TOCI.I:S, I'UOOIAN. and AKI-TIOI:- were con demned and banished. V\i!h gr. at reason, VALERIUS JVIEM.M rs exclaims, "Happy Athens': —that after driving su< I. men from their bo som, could vet find one virtuous or d< voted cit izen remaining." We moderns stem to have adopted the fallacious cuiiciusious ol the an cients, and apply them to such ol our own countrvmen, who either from uncommon talents or eminent virtues, become the objects ot eiivv and detraction. Whenever a citizen or public, j officer arrives at such a degree ot credit as to excite praise and admiration, his Ostracism is demanded, though in a modified form front that which was practised by the Athenians. We do not drive him from the country : but we de prive him ot the oliice which he tills with so much honor to himself and advantage to the country. .Rome too, as well in the day ot Imr iron virtue as in her imperial grandeur, was al tlicted with this pernicious practice ; and Italy, when she sprang from the death of ages, anil il lumined the world's horrizon with the genius of her children, witnessed with complacency the exile of her brightest intellects, to quarrel j afterwards about their birth-place and their ash- | es. Such conduct n.av repress ambition, lor which it was intended, but it will also disconr- j age merit and the desire of excellence. The j worst passions of the human mind are recom- j trended under the disguise ot the best: arid ; while envy i-substituted for patriotism, virtue is) 11 ade criminal, and the State stained with the most opprobrious character—that ot public in gratitude. The very examples which we have noticed, prove that we are so constituted, that the vici ous cannot but pav a secret, though unwilling homage t<> virtue, in so much .that the worst men cannot biing themselves thoroughly to es- i teem a bad man, although he may he their dear- j est friend, nor can they thoroughly despise a good man, although he may be their most bitter ; enemv. l'rom this inward esteem ot virtue, i which the noblest cherish, and which the most base cannot expel, it follows, that virtue is the ; only safe bond of union on which we can de- j I end. Most of those which the ancients drove ; from their employments, to the disgrace of the j Stale, thev were glad to welcome back with everv mark of honor and distinction. In taking a retrospective view of the admin istration of Gov. Higler, during Hie calmer mo- j merits of reflection, every candid mind mns.t I discover much to admire and approve. We there find Judgment, mature and reliable, sug gesting subjects of general utility, calculated to j advance the prosperity of the Commonwealth! and the happiness and harmony of the people. I No speculative theories, crude and uncompre-l bended, could find favor in a practical mind ; like that possessed by Gov. Higler. Free from the misguiding influence ed with the approval of those who were foremost in his condemnation, in every quarter, we hear his opponents declare that his administration was a iieHiei in its character, and worthy of all commendation. Many justify their opposition bv asserting, that it was neces sary, to reach other matters not connected with himself, and thus pay an unwilling tribute to his worth and rectitude. Others declarer] him a man without guile, clear in l is conceptions of right, with courage to assei t it, and declare that their opjiositiou to inm was intended to reach Iv-vond the Potomac to remind the dwell ers in that quarter that there is such a thing as .Northern public opinion. 'The press which was formerly Whig, teemed with statements iik<* these, to illustrate their opposition to Gov. High r, and thereby unwit tingly vindicate his administration. Nowhere, in the respectable portion of the Piess, have we met with a single deeclaration of mismanage ment, mistake or inattention to his duties as Chief Magistrate, nor in individual public opin ion, win re it was free from the bias of dis appointment. And yet we have ihe fact ot a Governor so universally approved, subjected to defeat for causes over which he could exer cise neither control nor influence. 'J hat he had secret ami relentless enemies to contend with in our ranks, is apparent from their subse quent course. Thev abound iri all parties, and are known as the '■• carrion crew,' from their habits. They feed upon that which is prepar ed to their hands, no matter how disgusting the repast, nor how degrading the deed by which the fail meal was acquired. Our opponents will soon learn, ifthev have not done so alrea dy, that there are two kinds of persons that it is dangerous to employ fools who are too dull, arid knaves who are too sharp, i fie former will be found the least offensive, while the lat ter will revt-| in the corruption out of which they derive their power, their prominence, and their sustenance. The public arts of Gov. Rigler have proved him to lie one of the first men of the Nation, -both in mental and mora! excellence. lie is a safe custodian of the general weal and individ ual liberty, regarding all our citizens as entitled to the full protection, and the unrestrained en joyment of the privileges with which the law s and the Constitution clothe them. He is des tined to shine with conspicuous lustre in the future affairs ofotir Nation. ARRIVAL OF THE BALTIC. A GREAT BATTLE FOEG'iIT! Eight Thousand Russians Killed—Five T/Pou xi!ml of the . lilies Kilted. —.7 Hard Day's Fighting.—Terrible Slaughter of the French. Decline in Br end stuffs. NEW Yon K. NOV. 20. The American steamship Baltic arrived here this morning with Liverpool dates to the loth, being four davs later than the previous advices. The news is of a most important character. 'The Liverpool giain market showed a decline of sixpence in the flour and corn, and two pence in wheat. The Russians attacked the right of the allied forces before Sebastopol on the bth. A great battle ensued with terrible loss on both sides.— The loss of the Russians is estimated, at 8,000 and that of the allies at 0,000. The battle last ed an entire day. Immediately after the Rus sians made another sortie and attacked the left wing of the Allies, which was composed of the French, who repulsed them with a loss of one thousand. The Russian accounts say they cap tured one of tiie enemies batteries, spiked their guns, ami repulsed the Eiench witii terrible slaughter. Despatches have been sent to England fur re infurcements. Every steamer which was avail able was taken up (including the ('nnard steamer Euro pa) and many now think that the position of the Allies is extremely precarious. It is rumored that Russia is n de clared that these men not only deserted tlien doubts of which tbev were in chars**, on the appearance ofthe Russian cavalry in their fiorit, but they did so without giving the due alarm to the forces in their rear of the appioach t.l the enemy. "The Earl of Cardigan, on receiving the or der to charge the enemy's cavalry, delivered by (he hand ot Captain Nolan, of the Quarter master General's Department, the advance of the enemy up an assent of considerable sharp ness, upon the top of which tile redoubts desert ed bv the enemy were erected. Here the m>t disastrous carnage occurred. Lord Cardigan bad his hotse shot under him, and received a wound in bis leg from a lance. Captain Nolan was shot tlnough the heart. "The 93d Highlanders and the Royal Horse Artillerv, repaired this check on their arrival; but the enemy having formed on another hill, opened fire from their guns, which the Scots Greys were ordered to charge. This regiment with its hereditary bravery, but after driving the enemv from their guns, was met by a mur der ous tire from infantry concealed amongst the brushwood. "At 1 P. M., the battle ceased, and the two opposing armies faced each other, each appa rently unwilling to renew the attack. "'The force in the rear is said to consist ot a!>out 32,000 troops. "The attack ofthe 26th. which had evident ly been arranged bv the Russian commanders within and without Sebastopol, was most glori ons in its results for the Allied forces. Tiie ar tillery mowed down the enemv by hundreds. Two thousand killed and wounded were left on the plains. Not less than GOO dead bodies lay in a space not exceeding four English acres. "The ofiicer who captured Lord Dunkellin has been himself captured in turn. He isa re markable line man of noble bearing. On In* being brought in, lie was taken to the Duke ui Cambridge's tent. "About If) Russian officers have been taken. "The bombardment ofthe fortress continues. Tim* high buildings within the walls are riddled with shot. "The French Battalions an* within 3" yards, ant] our own trenches are not more than •100 yards from the wall. "Lientenant Buller of the 57th lias bad h * foot blown off in the trenches. "Jemmy Macdonald has nine lives. At A ma he had a horse shot under him ;. at Balakia va he had another shot : and his cocked lot was knocked off bv the enemy without doing him serious injury." VIENNA, Friday, Nov. 10.— Prince (.hiki made his entrance into Jessy on the 7th Nov. 60,000 Russians are concentrated in Bessa rabia. Oinar Pacha l as been ordered to move iron - diatelv into Moldavia, to commence oj eratien against the Russians in Bessarabia. The War in .Asia. The Turks have taken up their winter char ters at Kais—flu* Russians, at Tiflis. The Mar News. By the foreign news of this morning, it Ml; ' lie seen that a bloody battle has been fought lore Sebastopol, and if we can judge of the t n n * ofthe English press, much to the disadvantage ofthe Allies. The Russian? still retain posses sion of the City, and the Allies have sent in •' haste for reinforcements to their respecti ,!> countries. All the steamers in port have 1.-*"* l* chartered to convey troops to the Crimea* ai" even the Europa has been detained to assist o their conveyance. There seems to !>e a As perate struggle going on just now among -f Allies to keep their footing before Sebas-T' and we should not he surprised to hear of fl-' 1 debarkation before they cai> receive siilCcnM reinforcements from home. The desperate w lor of the Russians lias utterly surprised t. English and French, and shown them the a ture of the contest in which they are at p sent engaged. The men who burnt their I 1" ripal citv, at an immense sacrifice, to kef from giving their enemies a brief shelter} •' not to be marched over in a sort of holiday 1* rade.