K , n , , T KNOXVII.I.E. TI N*. —An extra from j H 11 . fville (Tenrt.) Whig, announce# that the H tb# K " 1 -. raging in that place, ami a letter says six J if r; '° ! ',: a t deaths occur daily. The Whig says : H C ' e 'f mcture here is one of gloom—the greatest I "lotion prevails. The city is abandoned; night H .I thev are flying in every direction. Ihe ho ggl gcdiwj ' j -pj, e ,tage colli'- in with the mails H t ,ls ar , L I . IIS io the country imniediafy-iy. We have g| ,rd j!- help enough to lay out the dead and liny !?| scarcely businegs j ias „ Par iy ceased. Our pubjish- H r e left tc,vr "' anr Ladies, Com- I i':ts, Crapes, Collars, &.C., ike.—Mens,' Wo | Buys'and Childrens' Shoes and Boots, I and a general assortment of Groceries. Cnish ,.jaiid pulverized Sugars, best Rio Coffee, Teas . fall kinds, N. 0. Molasses, Golden Syrup,: Mackerel, Salt bv the sack, Baker's Chocolate,! Jin MM Cocoa, and a general assortment of Goods j i: ,sally kept in a country Store. ■ U- \;| kinds ol Produce taken in exchange fir 'Mods at market prices. SANSOM & GEPHART. Get- 13, IS5+. | PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE. ( BY virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court r.fß.-dlord countv, the undersigned, administra !of the est ate of Abel Johnston, late of Soiith- Ia; apt.a) township, deceased, u ill sell at public Mile, on Friday the 10th of November next, at ] IT c.ock, P. 51. A TRACT OF LAND -ituite in the township aforesaid, adjoining lands ' ( I Truman Ti/Well's heirs, Abner Tevvi-11, and i.llicrs, containing 1(59 acres, about acres j i i ared, witlla two story Fog house, arid double! J barn t'H" H OU erected. TtaiMs :—Cash at the confirmation of the sale. Sale on the premises. \ JCHN JOHNSON, .hhninistrotor of .'lhel Johnson, deceased. : Gd. 13, is;>+. NOTICE. All persons indebted to llv* estate of David J'.trlev, late of Siiutli Woodbury Township, Bed -1 rd iTimtv, ib ceased, are requested to make immediate pavinent and those having claims against said estate will present them properly authenticated for settlement. MARY BARLEY, SIMON BRUMBAUGH, I Administrators. Oct. IF, 185+. WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE AND FANCY GCOD3. I .7 CtKA"e Jlssortment of the Finest Quality, Fur Salt at the Lowest Cash Prices, at WM. B. ELT 0A" HEAD'S, -W>. IS I Sot*/* Second St reefy between Vnte and L mm, TIW Side, PHILADELPHIA. I l.e a-sortrneiif embraces a /.ergc and Si 'rri Star/. I i'iat W'alrUn, Jtjc*lry x Silver II urt. A'hatn I Yttrr, I j with ftiir Sitrrr, in Spoons, Porks, lwollfs, ,VR. I —Rt (.tutrix, Pouts anal paltry Articles lit a superior I -quality, ile-n viiig 'Le examination ot those who de- I sue to procure li>e hc*t goods at the Lowest Cash I'r reft. Having a ptaniedl.Lumttiedgs of the business, and all available facilities lor Importing and Manulactur i Ihe subscriber a.-onCidenlly invites purchaser#, it hev wig that be can supjity Cbem on term - a> favor "l'ic ;i- any other establishment in either of the At : a 1111 c Cities. C7" All kinds of Diamond and IVarl Jewelry and Virr U.are ateitwod lo order, within a reason able lime. i.Watches, Jewelry and Silver Ware faithfully WM. B. FX.TONHF.AD, No. Sv.-jth .Seooad Street, a few doors above the Second Stieet Market, West Side. ' hi ihe South Windeiv sjf the Stole may be seen •' famous 111 lib CIJJCK, which commands the ad cniration of the scientific -and carta*#. VYERS, LACKS, and every other article apper >a.:. ng to the Miltilierv trade. Oar stock being of ourown direct importation, ■ r > great advantages both in styles and pi ices. °<-t. t:i, 1854.—1y. A two-Horse Wagon, and one Top Buggy, r " vv , and work warranted, for sale cheap oil u h-eral credit, or lor Counlrv Prothtee. A. B. CRAMER & CO. ULHIiLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The subscriber will sell, at private sale, iris valua ble Properly, situate in CJm'on Township, Bedford County, Pa., on which he at present re-ides, contain ing 50 acte- of patented inml, 30 of vvhi<-h are cleared and under po-t am! rail lence, the balance v.ell tim bered wiiti good saw timber. This propei I v is on the vvatets ot Bobbs' Creek, I miles tiorth of Adol phua Ake's Mill, on the public road leading liom lied lord fo Johnstown or JetTerson, witilin 12 miles jof Jetlerson, and 16 miles of Hollidavsburg. The im provements are a Stone Grist Milt, with two run of j Stones, one pair first rate French Burrs, with good i merchant and country Bolts, and a complete Smut ; Machine. The Machinery is all good and substun j tiul, and is partly new. The water power is sutfi i cient during the entire year, and the custom is good I and plenty of it. There is nl,o a new Saw Mill on j the premises, which will cut from 1500 to 2000 feet j of Lumber a day inch measure, which is ready sale ! at the Milt. One of the Dwelling Houses is a three i story liame, suitable (or a public House or Store j House, and is we!! finished. There are three other ' dwellings, two frame and one log house, ai-o a liame stable and Wagon Shed, and other necessary budd ings. ADo, will be sold, another Tract of Land contain ing 300 acres, about 75 acres of which are cleared, of which 10 are good meadow w .rli facilities for mak ing 20 or 50 more. The balance well timbered and well watered by the Bobbs' Creek rnnnii g through it. There is on the premises an excellent site cal culnled for either Grist Mill or Saw Mill, with head and fall of 22 feet. There is a variety of choice fruit trees on the farm. The buildings are one good Log House and Stable and other outbuildings. Also, will be sold, 640 agres of good timber laud, convenient to j the Saw Mill, on which ate the very best of saw logs. The above land is all patented, and a clear and indisputable title will be madp to the purchaser or purchasers. Those wishing to purchase good pro perty. will learn the conditions, (which will be mod erate.) by calling with the subscriber, residing on ; the first named property. CASK I.TON AKF. July 21, 1851. Ta'ufh is flighty I Important news for the Invalids oj .Vbnny! 3'I:LYUK:HARCIIK'S HYDRO-ELECTRIC VOLTAIC CHAINS, .1 . \ etc, .\"< jvel, and strictly Scientific Mode of applying Electro-Magnet tsm for the Instant Relief and Permanent Cure of all . YER VOL'S DISEASES, Is for the tirst time introduced to the people of Al bany and vicinity. We know that there is too much good sense among the inhabitants of this place to de i sire a long, unmeaning, extravagant advertisement; j hence we shall simply give you a history of Ihe Chains, and the success they have had in curing wlth- I 111 the last year, A RRVOI'S J) IS RAO RS. | l'tilvermacher's Electric Chains were first used in France, three years since, where the success that attended their use. soon attracted the attention ol the FIRST ATUIF-AI. men in Paris, who took pains to give tlietu a still further trial, and recommended their adoption in the Uitlercnt Medical Colleges of that Kingdom. Within tlie last two years they have been introduced in Germany, Au-tria. Prussia, Bel gium and England, where they soon became the most ]H>pular article for the INSTANT KKI.IF.F AMI IKI.-AI.I JSKNT IT UK of that class of diseases called Nervous. One vear since t Ley were introduced into the United Stales, and ran now be tonnd in all ihe prin cipal cities in the Union. It is necessary to speak J at length of their great success and unparalleled sale, i wherever they have been introduced. It is sufficient ! to state that they are highly recommended by Pro j fessor Mott, Van Buren, Post and Carnochow, of New | York, and also in daily use in every ilo-pita! in that | city. SI,OOO dollars will be given to any person who ! w ill produce so many well authenticated certificates i of cure, from intelligent patients and scientific phy- : yMicians, of the following diseases As may be found in ! Ipamphlet of 36 page-, to he had (grati-) ol the oi\- 10 Albany, DKXTKIi ik NKLLAGKR. JBrfortfi*and Swelled Joints Palpitation of the Heart j fes-fjrlpatisni Neuralgia ot the Face I Hnys'in ihe Back Nervous Headache fVafness, Blindness Dyspepsia, Indigestion I Pains of the Liver General Debility Nervous Cough Female Diseases | Tooth Ache Prolapsus Uteri. [• ft is not strange that the application of Flectro ' Magneti-m will instantly relieve pain, wherever lo i cateil, more quickly than opium or any of its com pound- for if is base.l upon the true theory ol the origin of pain—a lack ol the nervous fluid, which the i Chains supply. by being applied over the parts af fected—aiter first lien g moistened with common vnt i egar, which is the only preparation necessary. The common sense of the ]>eople all over the coun try is awakening, and itiev have concluded that liny j will no longer make drug -hops of their stomachs, or ! he guilty of swallowing the miserable, disgusting j no-Irums that are tliru-t before the public. RHEUMATISM, that common disease of this climate, can be almost INST ANTI.V relieved ot its pain and a permanent cure produced by simply applying a chain ol 18 links for a few days, a few hours each day. PROLAPSUS UTERI. More than one hundred cases of this disease have been cured within the last year, that had hjfli*-d * v ery other mode of treatment, by wearmg a 50 link chain lor a few weeks, by attaching one end upon i the spine and the other on the abdomen. Alter a ; simple application the worst symtoms di-appear, and i the patient soon gains flesh and strength. I do not know of one single instance that has not been great , ]y benefitted, if not permanently cured. ()\K Wrinn OF TACTION TO THE LADlF.S. —Ladies I who are KM TENTH, are requested to wear them only | tor a few moments at each application, ior by long • and frequent use MISCARBIAOK is often produced. JOSEPH STEINERT, General Agent, lirrurrhcay, ANir Tot/.'. .'l'Tcnt :—Dr. F. C. REAMUK, Bed lord, I'A. June I), 1851—ly. Important .\ews; A Chance for Eargains ! The subscrii.er, having determined lo close | up the mercantile business, offers at reduced I prices fiis entire stock of goods, consisting ol DRY (i(-()DS, HA RDVYARE, GKUUERIES, Queens ware, Hats, Caps, Bonnets, Boots and j Shoes, and Drugs : also, a lot of Trump's cele brated Hill-side Ploughs. P. S. Anrtion every Salarday at 10 o'- clock until tin* whole is disposed 01. J. H. SCH ELL. Schellshttrg, Aug. 25, 185+. NOTRE. All persons indebted to the estate of Jacob ; Ad.uns, late of Southampton Township, Bed ford County, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment —and those having claims against said estate will present them properly ' ; authenticated for settlement. : | WM. ADAMS. Sept. 1, 185+. Executor. VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The subscriber will sell, at private sale, his valuable Farm, situate in Napier Township, Bedford County, containing 390 acres of pa tented land, on which is erected a good Double Dwelling House, good Bank Barn, Smoke House, Sp nt! House, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and all other necessary outbuildings. About 180 acres of this land cleared and under fence and in a good state of cultivation. About 20 acres ot meadow, and more can be made. This land is capable of being made into three farms, and has ' an excellent orchard of choice fruit upon it. It is situated about six miles north of Schells |,urg—and only 1 i mib*s from a good mill, and , in a pleasant neighborhood. For further iufor i motion, enquire of ANDREW HORN. July I+, 1554. 3in." FASHIONABLE TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT. The subscriber would announce to his old friends and customers, and the public in gener al, that he has permanently located himself in Juliana Street, NEXT door to Dr. REAMER'S Drug N. Book Store, where he is prepared to execute ail orders in his line in a superior manner, on reasonable terms. From long experience in the business, he feels confident he can render satis faction to all who honor hirn with a call. He constantly keeps on hand readv-made | clothinsr, of every description, for Men and ; Boys—also, a superior assortment of CLOTHS, |CA SSI MERES, CASSfNETTS, SILK: SA- I TlN,and other VESTI NGB, and Summer Wear, | which he will sell as low as they can be bought I elsewhere, and make them up to the taste of the : purchaser. He also keeps a general assortment of Cravats, ; Stocks, Collars, Suspenders, Handkerchiefs, >cc. He hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage. WM. SCHAFFER. ; June 9, 1854-. jreSEPU W. TATE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BEDFORD. PA., WII.i. attend to all business entrusted To las-care. Having secured the services of a competent Agent in Washington* D. C., he will give especial attention to Soldiers" Pensions, Claims, and Bounty Lands. ft 'J*~ Office on Julianna Street, one door Noith of the residence ot Sarriuti H. Tate, and Irntnetllately oppeSttc Cajit. Ccckvvitli's Hotel. He has for sale one FARM situate in Monroe | Township, containing isO acres of land, 70 acres cleared and under fence, with house and barn thereon erected. There is an orchard of excellent Iruit on the premises. Also, 300 Acres of Limestone land, situate in Woodcock Valleys one and-a-half miles north of the town of Bloody Run. Also, 500 Acres of first rate timber laud, sit uate in Hopewell Township, lying south of the contemplated Chatnbersburg md Bedford Rail Road. Also, 1800 acres of unimproved land in Bed ford and Fulton counties which will be sold low to actual settlers. The above lands will be sold in large or small Tjuantities to suit purchasers. A prtl 21, IS5+. ('ASSVILI.I SEAHNARY. The C'tssril/f .Wile ami Female Seminary of the Baltimore Con ference, will open ils last term of the second vear, on Thursday, Au gust the 10th, and its first term of the third year Nov. 1(5. Expenses for Board, Tuition, Roorn-rent and Furniture, fiir one Academic, year, $95. Cassville, the seat of the Institution, is a ro mantic, mountainous region, twelve miles from the Penna. Rail Read, at Mill Creek, from which it is accessible bv stages-. Tlie Board of Instruction will consist of seven, and veil! he prepared to impart instruction I:I all the Prac tical, Scientific, Classical, Literary and Orna mental branches usuallv taught in similar In stitutions. Catalogues and circulars, or further i information, can be had bv addressing the Prin cipal. ' J. T. TOM LIN. C/is* Jltfitt* HSfdoit Co.* Pa* y ( August 4, —2m.* \ ■r Cilsze*?.*! 9 ' Do von want to fc Schellslmrg, by any cjuantity, for Cash. In all cases of sale, a reasonable per Centage will tie allowed to storekeepers, but no carriage will be allowed by we. PETER SCHELL. Sept. 1, 1851. JOB MANN. G. H. SPANG. LAW PARTNERSHIP. THE undersigned have associated themselves in the Practice of the Law, anil will attend promptly to all ! business entrusted to their care m Bedford and ad i joining counties. ify"Office or. Julianna Street, three doors south of "Mcngi l House,-' opposite the residence of Muj. Tate. JOB MANX, June 2, 1851. G. H. SPANG. SHINGLES.—ID,OOO White Pine Lap Shin gles for sale bv A. B. CRAMER & CO. FISH.— Another supply of Mackeial, Shad, j and Herring, just received and for sale by A. B. CRAMER fU CO. CIRCULAR. The undersigned present iheii nio-t sincere thanks TI, their numerous patrons for their very libnal pat ronage sir,re opening The NI.YV STORE on the Mth of April. 1851, which has succeeded !ar beyond their ' mo-t sunguim- expectation-, and hus ni-pired them j with renewed efforts to replenish their spring supply I with such -tylcs (or the coming season, as cannot i fail to please the most fastidious. And, AS orr motto, | S.vi.T-S JR\U HII.U.t. I'ROI ITS, ha- been folly car- I tied out, and will continue the ruling feature, you may rest assured of purchasing your goods at the I CHEAP Sinn at the very lowest possible prices. Respectfully, ki/PP & OSTF.R. JIW ID, 1854. i LAW PARTNERSHIP. Kiisscll & lloyd 4 Attorneys at Law, Bedford, Pennsylvania, Win. practice in the several Courts of Bedford and the adjoining counties. Agencies, collections and nli other business en trusted to their care will be promptly and faithfully attended to. D7" OmcE in Juliana Street, south of the Court House, and opposite the residence of William Lyon, ESC,. April 22, ISs3—ly. Bl 11 TIIORITV. RcKoldtioii AtsM'inl siiestlM to ISie ConslUiiliOii OF THE COMIdONWEALTH. Skctiok 1. Resolved by the Senate and 1 (utile nf I(tpreieMallvex of the, Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia tit General Assembly met, That the follow ing a menilnients be and the tame are hereby propo-ed to the Constitution of the Commonwealth, under and in accordance with the provisions of the tenth article thereof, to wit: IJIIOPOSITION1 J IIOPOSITION 1, TO BE AUTHT.K XI. Section 1. 'I he aggregate amount of debts hereaf ter contracted by the Commonwealth shall never ex ceed the sum ot five hundred thousand dollars, except in ruse of war to repel invasion, suppress insurrec tion, or to redeem the public debt of the Common wealth, and the money so raised shall he applied to (lie ptupo-e lor which the debt may be contracted, or pay such debts, and to no other purpo-e. ■ KCTiox 2. To pay the public debt of the Common wealth, and debls which may hereafter be contracted in case of war to repel invasions, supples- insurrec tion, and to redeem the public debt, the Legislature shall at their next session after the adoption of this section into the Constitution, provide by law for the creation oi a sinking fund, which shall not be abol ished till the said public debts be wholly paid, to consist of all the net annual income from the public works and stocks owned by the Commonwealth, or any other funds arising tinder any revenue law now existing or that may be hciealtef enacted, so far as the Came may be required to pay the interest of said debts semi-annually to reduce the principle thereof by a sum not less titan five hundred thousand dollars, increased yearly by compounding at a rate of not less then live per centum per annum ; the said sinking tiinu shall be invested in the Common wealth, which shall be cancelled trom time to time in a manner to be provided by law : no portion of the sinking fund shall ever be applied to the payment of the debt of live hundred thousand dollars mentioned in the lirst section of this article, but the raid sinking fund shall be applied only to the put poses herein specified. Section 3. The credit of the Commonwealth shall not in any way be given or loaned to or in aid of any individual, company, corporation or association, nor shall the Commonwealth hereafter become a joint owner or stockholder in any company, association or corporation in this Common wealth or elsewhere, formed for any purposes. Section 4. The Commonwealth ehall never assume the debts ot any county, city, borough or township, or of any corporation or association, uule-- such debts shall have been contracted to lepel invasion, suppress insurrection, or to defend the t-late in war. '* ruojppsrnoN 2, to j-.e aktici.e x:. Proh ib i ting .17n ui ripill Subscript tuns. The Legislature shall never authorize any county, rity, borough or township, by vote of its citizens or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any joint -tnck company, association or corporation, or'to raise mon ey lor, or loan it> credit ti>, or in aid of any such com pany or association. r.. TL CHASE, Spralrr of the House of Representatives. M. M CASLIX, Spruit r of the Mutate. In Senate, April 29, 185 i. Resolved, That this resolution pass. Yeas 22, nays G. Extract from the journal. T. A. MAGUIRK. Clerk. In House of Representatives, April 21, 1851. Resolved, That this resolution pas-. Yeas 71, nays 20. Extract Lorn the Journal. \\ M. JAC K, Clerk. SeCBETAItY *s Oi Kier., 1 Filed April 29, 18.01. \ C. A. BLAGK. Secretary of the Commonwealth. I'K A" A S VL TAI X/A, SS Secretary's Ofh< e, | I j Harrisborg, July 1. 1854. ( -J At.. Ido certify that the above and loregn / i?! 2 is a true ami correct copy of the ori ginal "Resolution relative to an amendment ot the Constitution," a- the same remain.- on file in this of fice. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and cau-etl to be affixed the seal of the Secretary's office the day and year above written. C. A. BLACK. Secretary of the Commonwealth. Journal of the Senate. "Resolution Xo. 562, entitled 'Resolution propo— ing amendments to the Constitution of the Common wealth,* was read a third time. On the question, will the Senate agree to the first proposition, the yeas were taken, agreeably to the Constitution, and were as follows, viz.: Yi:.\s—Messrs. Buckalew, Darlington, Dar sio, Furguson, Foulkrod, Frick, I ry, flood win, Haldetitan, Hamilton, 15. D. Hamlin, E. W . Hamlin, Heister, Hogo, Jamison, Mc( hntock, McFarlaiui, Piatt, Quiggle, Sager, Sliler, and JMcCaslin, Speaker—23. Nays — Messrs. Crabb. Cieswell, Hendricks, Kinzer, Kunkl'e and Skinner —6. So the question was determined in the affir mative. On the question, will the Senate agree to the second proposition, the vcas atui nu\ s were ta ken agreeably to lite C (.institution, and were as follows, viz; V ea —Messrs. Buckalew, Darsie, Furguson, Foulkrod, Fry, Goodwin, Haldetnan, B. 1). Hamlin, E. VY. Hamlin, Hendricks, Heister, Hoge, Jamison, Kinser, .McC lintock. Mclar lanil, Piatt, Price, Quiggle, Slifer, Wherry, Mc(uislin, Speaker—22. Nay — Messrs. Crabb, C'reswell, Darlington, Hamilton, Kunkle and Skinner—(i. So the question was determined in the aliir— mative, Journal of the House of Representatives. "The question recurring upon the final pas sage of the Resolutions, the first proposition was a creed to as follows, viz: Yeas —Messrs, Abraham, Adams, Atherton, flail, Barton, Bver. Big-ham. Boyd, Bush, Byer |v, Cndweli, Calvin, Carlisle, Chamherlin, Cook, Crane, Cummins, Daughertv, Davis, De France, Dunning, Eckert, Edinger, Eldred, Evans, Foster, Fry, Callentine, Gibboney, (#ll — Gray, Groom, Gvviti, Hamilton, Hart, Herr, Hiestand, Hiilier, Hippie, Horn, Hum mel, llimsecker, Hunter, Ilurtt, Jackrnon, Kil gore, Knight, Laury, (Lehigh,) Linn. Magee, Maguire, .Manderfi dd. M ( onnell, M Kee, Mil- Rr. Monaghan, .Montgomery, Moore, Moser, Muse, Palmer. Parkee, Parinlee, Passmore, Pat terson. Porter, Putney, Rawlins. Roberts, Rowe. Sallade, Scott, Sidle, Sirnonton, Smith, (Berks,) Smith, (Crawford,) Stewart, Stockdale, Strong, Strutheis. Wheeler, Wicklein, \Y right, Zeizler, Chase, Speaker—Bs. Nays —None. So the question was determined in the nthr mative. On the question w ill the House agree to the second proposition, the veas and nays were ta ken, agrt-abiy to the lUlii aiticle ot the Consti tution, and are as follows : Ycas— Messrs. Abraham, Atherton, Ball, Barton, Buck, Byer, Bigham, Poyd, Cadw-fl, Carlisle, Chamberlain, Cook, Crane, Cummins, Daughertv, Davis, Deegan, 1)* France, Dunn ing, Edinger, Eldred, Evans, Fry, Gallentine, Gibboney, Gilmore, (i ray, Groom, G win, Ifa mil ton, Hiestand, Hillier, Hippie, Hunsecker, Hunter, ilurtt, Jack man, Kilgore, Knight, Laury, (Lehigh,) Lowerv. ( I ioga,) Linn, Magee, Maguire, Alanderfield, M'Connell, M'Kee, Mon acrhan, Montgomery, Moore, Moser, Muse, Pal mer, Parke, Parinlee, Passmore, Patterson, Por ter, Rawlins, Roberts, Rowe, Sallade. Scott, Si ; monton. Smith, (Berks,) Smith. (< rawlord,) j Stockdale, Wheeler, W icklein, W right, C hase, Speaker —71. Nays— Messrs. Adams, Baldwin, Beans, Rush, Bverlv, Eckert, Ellis, Hart, Herr, Horn, i Hummel. M'Combs, Miller, Poulson, Putney, Sidle, Stewart, Xtrong, Struthers, Ziegler—2o. So the question Was determined in the affirmative. Seci;ktar y*s Office:, I Rirrisbtirg, July 1, 585 L ) PENXS YL VA XIA, c-'N t j I ,lu certify lhat the above and forego •' skai.. '. iric is a correct copy "I the "veas" and j "nays" taken on the "Resolution rela tive to an amendment of the Constitution of the Commonwealth," as the same appears on the Jour nals of the two Houses of the General A-semb!y of ttil 4 Commonwealth, lor the Session of 1854. Witne-s my hand and the Sea! of said office this j First day ol July, one thou-and eight huudred and fif ty-four. C. \. BLACK, Secretary of the Commonwealth. ! July It, 19-71.—3 m. LIST OF LETTERS REMAINING in the Post Office at Bedford, Pa., Sept. 30, 1954. cy Persons calling tor letters in this list will please say they are advertised. | Amer Eli L 2 Jones Thomas ! Armstrong Hugh M. Kemp Shadrick Addison J L Kaithock A ; Andrew Lewis Lambert W'rri B I Anderson James 2 Loyd Ntllie Miss ' i Bigelow Eiisha A Capt Long t 1 Beecher tot-ilix I.iebrnan B 2 Bejiny A B Lomar Mollie Miss Harrihort Joseph Lorwnrd Ross i Bell Stephen Atoore John Barley llenry Mo-ey George Bilne Ji>seph Ntulleii Harriet A Mrs Btackhart Mary Mi-s Miller W J L Pair Sa.rmel YV Maxwell Robert 2 iirooknian Freiierick McFadden David Bridehaui John G Mathews Robert Cessna John .Miller Conrad ! Case Samuel McLaughlin Satr.uel ! Cryder Samuel Martin Henry j Crites VY'nn Miller Lydia Mrs Cowan John V JVlcPipe Caleb | Course! Martial Miiier Simon : Cameron S Gen .Minshall t-aac Cox Florentius J McLearv David Crawley Jacob Nel-oti Mary A Miss Davidson William Norten Samuel Davidson James A Nvbrick Jesse E Dickey Samuel Rev Nickolson F P Duncan James Owen John T Dye Benjamin F Owens Jonaltian Douglass George W O'Bryant J.iiciiidu Miss | Doran Alice 'igboru Joe) F.cker (jeorge O-born J.ev i Earnest Daniel Ovler Jacob i Lxline Daniel Pencil David 2 Fox Eliza Miss Patterson Hugh Fetter George Procter Roht B J Esq : Frame Aimer Pearce Stewerd ; Fyock Joseph Popejoy Edward i Forward Ross Packer Thomas P Cot ; Gariran Sarnupt Pitts Edward P Mrs Grimes T D 2 Pouch Levi Guilder John M Ringland 1) VV 2 ; Groitne Charles Rathburd Samuel Gates Benjami't Richie David Gruen Mary Yli-s Snodgrass James A 2 Greenhatgh Thomas Scribner Witliam j Hill F B Stofer David Hillega's Charle- K Smith Ab'olom Hammett W B 2 Shonuer A , Householder G W Selby E G | liowaril Joseph l)r Tildon Hagar Mrs I liartsler Levi Y'irgin Eli •; Hatcher John Y'an Horn J M j Howell Philip P YYallace Joseph M ; Hunt David Dr Win field Wilson Houston Robert Wharton John Hornig Frederick Walters .times Hodges B B, ,Rr Webster Almon M I Heltzel Ink John f Wilham-on Thomas D Justice John Waterman Clara Miss , Jonps Daniel YY'r'.gtrt Xiel Nlaj Whetstone Aaron 2 AXDUIS SACPP, P. M. (let. C, ISSI. v iiCHOUL TEACHERS V, ANTED. Ten School* Teachers are wanted to take j charge of the various Schools of Colerain Town- , ship. Schools to open on the Ist of November. Ail desired information can be obtained by ap plication to JNO. A. CO RLE, August 2.7, 1834-. Colerain Township. NOTICE. The Partnership heretofore existing between Thomas and John King, is this day dissolved by ! mutual consent. All persons having unsettled i accounts with them, aie requested to attend to their liquidation without delay. THOMAS KING, June I, 1854. JOHN KING. Having this dav associated Henry S. King, ot the Cilv of Pittsburg, with us in the business of manufacturing Iron, the business will be con ducted under the name and firm ol John King i -x Co. THOMAS KING, June 9, 1554-. JOHN KING. TO BRIDGE CONTRACTORS- Sealed Proposals will be received at the Com missioner's Othce of Bedford County, up to I n diiv the 12th dav of October next, at 6 o clock. P. M.; for tiie erection of a Wood Truss Bridge ' over Dunnings Creek, at the fording on the road leading from Philip Zntititer's to Charles Smith's. Said proposals are to be according to i the plan and specifications to be seen at tliej i Commissioner's Ctlice. WILLIAM W'ERTZ, FRED'K TURNER, JOHN CONRAD, Sent. 29, 185 k Commissioners, j PROPOSALS FOR WOOD. Sealed Proposals will tie received at the Com- j missioner's Ctiice c.f Bedford ( ounty, for fur- ■ rushing Thirty-five Cords good White or Chest nut Cak Wood, for the use of the Public Build- ! ings. Twenty Cord lobe delivered at the Jail 1 and Fifteen Cord -to be delivered at the Court ; House. Said wood to he ranked at the above places. The lowest and best bidder to have the Contract. Five Cord to he delivered at; each place within two weeks after the Contract I is on en out, balance to be delivered by the Ist • of November. Bv order of the Commissioners. A. S. RUSSELL, Clerk. Sept. 29, 185!.' NOTICE. All persons indebted to the estate of Henry Miller, late of Bedford Township, deceased, j ! will make immediate payment —and those hav- j ing claims will present them properly authen- I ticated for settlement. JOSIAII RICHEY, Sept. 29, 1854. . Jilministrator. INFORMATION WANTED. If there are anv persons in Bedford or the ad-j joining counties who had a son or brother by ; name of Samuel who enlisted in the army of the United States sometime about Octo ber, 1850, at or near Columbia, Pa. they are i requested to make known the fact to the under- I signed, and they may inar ol something to their ; advantage. A. SACPP, P. M. Bedford, Pa. Sept. 29, 1854—tit. STOVES ! Ox hand, and for sale, a superior lot of Cooking, Ten Plate, Parlor, and Church Stoves. GEO. BLYMIRE. NSW MM, GOODS! Th<* undersigned thankful to their numerous I :;trous for their kind and very liberal patron age, respectfully informs them that they have just received from the eastern cities, a handsome assortment of new stvle Fall Goods, suitable tor the present and coming season, comprising French and English Broadcloths, Casfimeres, Tweeds, Sattinetts, Kentucky Jeans, Flannels, Satin and Worsted Vesting#,Cravats and hdkffs., knit Merino Shirts and Drawers, Cashmeres, JVlansseline De ttege, Mousseline Delaines, Co burg and Thibet Cloths, Alpacas, Silk Poplins, Black Gros De Rhine, and Fancy Silks, Prints from a fip up, Muslins bleached and unbleached from a fip up, all widths, Thibet and Bay State Shawls, Ginghams, Checks, Limeys* Tickings, Drillings, Cambrics, Nankeens, Crash, Diapers, Damask Table Cloths and Covers, White Goods, Embroiders, Sleeves, Collars, Dress Trimmings, Ribbons. Gloves, Hosiery, Hats, Caps, Boats, Shoes, Queensware, Hardware, and Brooms, Groceries. N. O. Sugars, While Clarified, Pul verized, and Crushed do., Golden Svrup, \. O. Molasses, good Kio Coffee lij, , 'l eas, Chocolate, Extract of C'of fee, Tobacco, Flax Seed, Sperm and Whale Oils, Drugs, Patent Medicine, Cattle Powders, together with 1001 other articles adapted to tlie wants of the people, all ol which they will sell at the very lowest possible pr ice# for cash and approved produce, or upon short credit to good •and punctual customers. And, as our motto, short profits, many sales, and quick returns, has been fully carried out, and will continue the ruling feature, we feel assured we can make it to the advantage of all in search of cheap hat gains to give us a call before purchasing. All kind* of Produce taken for Goods. RUPP & CSTER. Bedford, Sept. 22, 1854. NOTICE. Tn the Court of Common Pleas in 3nd for t!)•* County of Bedford. To No. 1, May Term, 1554. Breve de partitions f/tcienda. JACOB KCONS vs. Mary Ann Koons, Daniel Koons, Rebecca Koons, Henry Koons, John S. Biddle and Bar bara his wife, in right of said Barbara, Eliza Koons, and Susannah Koons; David Koons, Eve Koons, and Sutfiah Koons, by their guar dian ad litem, S. H. Tate, ESQ. Notice is hereby given to the parties above named, that the Court, upon motion of JNO. P. HEED, ESQ., have confirmed the return of the Sheriff, and the inquisition and valuation or appraisement taken and made under the above writ, and have granted a RULE on all persons interested, to come into Court on the 20th day of November nest, to accept or refuse the lauds and tenements in said writ mentioned, accord ing to the Acts of Assembly in such case made and provided. Bv order of the Court. D. WASHABAUGH, Sept. 22, 1554.—6t. Prothonotary. COMMON SCHOOLS. NOTICE is hereby given, that the County Superintendent of Common Schools for Bedford count v, w ill meet the Directors of each Town ship, in the following order, for the purpose of holding examinations and awarding Certificates to applicants who desire tU be employed as Teachers : Jun inla township at Buenavista on Monday tlie 30th of October, at ten o'clock, A. M. Napier township, at the house of George Col vin, in Schellsburg, on Tuesday the3lstofCc tober, at ten o'clock, A. M. Bedford borough on Saturday the 14th day of October, at 2 o'clock, P. M. Colerain township at Rainshurg, on Monday the lfitb day of October, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Southampton township at Chaneysviile on Tuesdav the 17th dav of October,at ten o'clock, A. M.' Monroe township, at Clearville, on Wednes day the 18th of October, at ten o'clock, A. M. East Providence township, at Juniata Cros sing, on Thursday the 19tli of October, at ele ven o'clock, A. M. West Providence township, at the house of Jacob Ebert, Bloody Run, on Friday the 20th of October, at ten o'clock, A. M. Hopewell and Broadtop townships, at Hope well Iron Works, on Monday the 23d of Octo ber, at ten o'clock, A.M. Liberty township, at Stonerstown, on Tues day the 24th day of October) at 10 o'clock, A. M." Middle and South Woodbury townships at the town of Woodbury, on Wednesday the 25th of October, al 10 o'clock, A. M. Union township, at the house of JohnF ickes, on Thursday the 26th of October, at ten o'- clock, A. M. St. Clair township, at the house of Gideon D. Trout, Spring Mills, oh Friday the 27th of Oc tober. at !') o'clock. A. M. persons desiring to be employed as Teachers, will he present for examination. Ex aminations should always be public, and in pre sence of as many School Directors, and other citizens as will attend. T. R. GETTYS, County Superintendent. Oct. 6, ISo 4. STRAY HEIFER. Came to the premises of the subscriber, liv ing in Napier Township, on the sth of Sept., a dark brown heifer, with a white stripe on the hack and belly, supposed to be two years old iast spring. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take her awav. PETER MQV\ R\. Sept. 22, ISS4N Win. Henry Leas, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Fort Desmoines, lowa, WILL give special attention to locating lands —investing money—paying taxes—making col lections, K.C., &.C. Q7p" Refers to Gen. Bowman and lion. Job .Mann. Sept. 8, 1854. DR. P S. THOMPSON Having permanently located at Centreville, Bedford County, Pa. offers his Professional sej vices to the Citizens of the surrounding Coun try. Office and Residence at the Half-Way House. July 28, 1854.—2 m. Mens, Boys, and Youths, city-made cali-skin i Boots, lor sale by ' A. B. CRAMER &. CO. VINEGAR WANTED.—,A fair price will be given for Ten Barrels of pure Cider \ inesar. by | Sept. 8, 1831. A. B. CKAJVIER & CO.