LIVER COMPLAINT, llj;spcp*ia. Jaundice, Chronic or JVervous Debility, Disease of the Kidneys, and ail Diseases arising from a Disordered Liver or Stomach. Such as Constipation, inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Herd, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or Weight in the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at tlie Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, flur ried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Limbs, fee., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of F.vil, and Great Depression of Spirits, CAN RE ETTKCTUAUT.Y CURED P.Y DR. EOOPLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN' BITTERS, Prrpwrd by DR. C. M. JACKSON", Xo. I'jo Arch Street, Philadelphia. Their power over the above diseases is not ex celled, if equalled, by any other preparation in the United State-, a* the cures attest, in many cases alter skilful physicians had failed. These 'filters are worthy the attention of in valids. Pass ssing great virtues in the rectifi cation of diseases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the most seat thing powers in weak m,:., „.-id affections of the digestive organs, they are, \< if safe, i rtain and pleasant. II! ..!) . LVD BE CO.VVI.VCED. Strong Testimony in favor of Dr. Hoof hr d'.s celebrated On:;. MAN BITTERS-, prepared by Dr. JACKSON. N >• I2u Arch Street, Phil adelphia: the great remedy for 1 iver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, ike. Hatch ci Broomh'dl , W. Chester, Pa., 1850, s-.iid: "The general satifaction expressed by those who have used Hoofland's Geiman Bitters, is, perhaps unparalleled: some think it worth its weight in gold." Abd Turret, Montrose, Pa Feb. 7, 1852, said: "Your German Bitters have gone off very rapidly. I have sold about hall a dozen to a very respectable Baptist Clergyman ot my ac quaintance, who attributed his restoration to health to the use of these Bitters. it. Lathrop, Tunkhannock, Pa., May 25, lSsl,said: "Almost any number of certificates can he obtained from some of the best men in this section as to the efficacy of the German Bit ter.-. should it be deemed advisable. It is a medicine that emphatically lecommends itseit, and in every instance has produced a good re port." .7. /'. Kmtfi.vtn, Lancaster, April 30, IS.>O, said: "I have been tor a series of years afflicted with Dyspepsia, Inactivity of the Liver, and Nervous Debility. My mental powers have been so reduced as to render me quite unlit ior t!i D - -fa: • 1 - 1 r - G'Oness. After consulting many eminent physicians, and using their j rescript ions; and after using the most popular remedies of the day, supposed to be ap plicable to mv case, I always failed to have a permanent relief. A friend, with much pur suasion, induced me to try a bottle of your cel ebrated Bitters. 1 have used one bottle, and this day commmence the second. lean, with cheerfulness, state that it has happily improved me. My appetite and spirits have astonishing ly improved, arid I begin to feel as though 1 had grown (suddenly) ten years younger: and real ly, 1 am almost prepared to say that 1 now con sider mvself calculated for any business, while, ten days ago, I would have as soon undertaken to square the circle as to have attempted it." For rale by DR. S. D. SCOTT, Bedford, and respectable dealers in medicine everywhere. Oct. 14-, 1853.—1 v. ~~~ LUMBER fLUJKBEH I! The subscriber has on hand a large assortment of LUMBER of the best quality, among which is 100,000 Shingles, of different kinds: 75,000 feet of superior Boards, .and a splendid lot of Locust Pests. Builders, and others in want of Lumber, will find it to their advantage to ex amine his large assortment. F. 1). BEEGLE. Jan. 14, 1553. GUW SHITHDJG. DANIEL B. BORDER respectfully informs the citizens of Bedford and vicinity that he has removed his shop to the house in the east end of Bedford, one door west of the residence of Major U'ashabangh, where he is prepared to manufacture Double and Sinsrfe barret Rifles and Double and Single barrel Shot (tuns of the best quality. (FN Ail repairing of guns, locks, occ., done with neatness and despatch. May 20, 1854. Life EDKiia'aeace. Key Stone .Mutual Life Insurance Company oj Jiarrisburg, Pa., has a Guarantee Capital .>875,000. resident, Hon. Li THEE KKILEY, -M. D. Pam phlet, Circulars suaj cTi necessary information can be L-y i.uliii., at the oliice oi tiie subscriber, authorized agent for Bedford County. C. N. HiCKOK, Agent. S•. ui ':i, D, SCOTT, M. 1). Medical Examiner. October 10, ISSI. Johß Po Attorney at Law. Bedford, Pennsylvania, Respectfully tenders his services to the Public. /"Office second door North of the Mengel 1 louse. Bedford, Feb. 20, 1852. Hi** B* F# Harry Ui>r:: Te: u.y tenders tiis professional ser >:e . to the citizens of Bedford and vicinity. Cilice and residence on Pitt-Street, in the building formerly occupied by Dr. John Holius. June 2T, 1853. DR. S. A. R. FISH ll.ivi\o located at Summerhill, in Cambria Coun ty, respectfully tenders his professional services to tiie public. Or fish is in possession of a certain preventive for [■ ~i\. Scarlet Fever,and Fevers in general, which he will warrant for both adults and children for the space of one summer season. May 0, 183 J. ELECTION An election wilt be held by the stockholders of the Allegheny Male and Female Seminary, on Friday, the 30th instant, in the school house, in the village ot R 'insburg, for the purpose of electing eight Trus tees to serve the ensuing year. Election to com mence at 1 o'clock, P. M. The votes may be given either in person or by proxy. JOHN FILLER, June IC, 1834. Secretary. GLO3£ KOTEL^ West Pitt Street, Bedford, Pennsylvania. VALENTINE STECKMAX, Fropr ictor. April 7. 1554-. ]yA lew ISris A; Rook Store. WE wish it distinelly understood by this cotnmttni- : ty and country, that we pay particular attention to the -election of our Drugs and Medicines, purchasing none but the very best and article*. We have for ale cheap all the approved popular {latent medi cines, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Jay He's Medicines, Pain Killer, and all the Sarsaparillas. Also Lubiirs Extracts for the Handkerchief, fancy soaps, colognes, pommaues, ox marrow, he. We also keep constant ly on hand a general assoitment of Xchool tf Miscel laneous Pools, Blank Books, Cap and Post Paper, he., Ac., Ac. In fact, if you want anything in the Drug, Medicine, Book, Soap or Brush line, call at .the New Drug and Book Store and you shatt b? accommodated. B. F. HAKRY. Jan. 13, 1554. PLASTERING LATHS. The subscriber having; rebuilt a mill for saw- ; ins, in Union Township, is prepared to furnish any quantity of 'plastering Laths' at the short est r.utice, at §1,50 per thousand for three feet long—other lengths in proportion. Address St. Clairsville. WM. GRIFFITH. -\ Feb. 17, 1834-. J! EX GEL llOS'fc'E. THE subscriber having removed ! J the .Meii gie HOUSE, in the Borough of Bedford, re cently in the occupancy of Mr. Isaac Mengle, respectfully announces to his old friends, and j the public generally, that he is fully prepared to accommodate all who honor him with a call, j and hopes to merit and receive a liberal share of custom. He will make it his study to render comlortable ail who stop with him—and he in vites Travellers, Movers, Drovers, and persons attending Court to give him a trial. Ilis stabling is of the best quality, and com petent lo accommodate a large number of horses, and it will always be attended by an obliging and attentive hostler. Boarders will be taken by the day, week, month, or year, on reasonable terms. Determined to spare neither pains nor ex pense to make his house what it should be, he . confidently relies upon the public lor a gener ous support. JAMES S. BECK WITH. March 31, 1854-. CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. % i (A,"v?/ : . A•• .r-n- . - Vw/ : tripsin: >■ S>S '■ Y>> •.-It, I fe* U : ,'p.pjA N ~ 'V ' '' -- •V'V ' i -;i\-■&-'■■■- THE GREAT PIfRiFIER GF THE BLOCD. .A ot a Particle of .Mercury in it! AN TNFAI.I.IBLE REMEDY lor Scrofula, King's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutaneous Erup tions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tot- j (er, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Complaints, and all Diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mer cury, Imprudence in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. This valuable Medicine, which has become j celebrated tor the number of extraordinary cures j effected through its agency, has induced the! proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, : to offer it to the public, which they do with the : utmost confidence in its virtues and wonderful j curative properties. The following certificates, selected from a large number, are, however, : stronger testimony than the mere word of the proprietors : and are all from gentlemen well known in their localities, and of the highest re spectability, many of them residing in the city of Richmond, Ya. F. LGYDEN, Esq., of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, known every where, says lie has seen the Medicine called CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE administered in over a hundred cases, ; in nearly all the diseases for which it is recom mended, with the most astonishingly good re- i suits. He says it is the most extraordinary ! medicine he lias ever seen. C. B. LUCK, Esq., now in the city of Rich mond, and for many years in the Post Office, | has such confidence in the astonishing efficacy of CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE, that he has bought upwards of 50 bottles, which he has gi ven away to the afflicted. Mr. Luck says he has never known it to fail when taken accord ins to directions. Dr. MINGE, a practising Physician, and for merly of the City Hotel, in the city of Rich mond, says he has witnessed in a number of in stances the effects of CARTER'S SPANISH MIX TURE which were most truly surprising. He says in a case of Consumption, dependent on tiie Liver, the good effects were wonderful in deed. SHU another Cure, for Scrofula. — I had aj very valuable boy cured of Scrofula by Carter's j Spanish Mixture. I consider it truly a valua ble medicine. JAMES M. TAYLOR, Conduc- j tor on the R. F. &, P. R. R. Co., Richmond, Va. Salt Rheum of 20 years Standing Cured. Mr. JOHN THOMPSON, residing in the ci ty of Richmond, was cured by three bottles of! : Carter's Spanish Mixture, of Salt Rheum, which I ' he had nearly 20 years, and which ail thephy- j sicians of the city could not cure. Mr. Thomp son is a well known merchant in the citv of Richmond, Va.. and his cure is most remarkable. WM. A. MATTHEWS, of Richmond, liad j ; a servant cured of Syphilis, in the worst form, j 'by Carter's Spanish Mixture. He says he cheer- j fully recommends it, and considers it an inval- j ! uahle medicine. EDWIN BURTON, commissioner of the rev- | enue, says he lias seen the good effects of Car- j ter's Spanish Mixture in a number of Syphilit- ' I ic cases, and says it is a perfect cure for that j ! horrible disease. WM. O. HARWOOD, of Richmond, cured | of Old Sores and Ulcers, which disabled him! i iiom walking. Took a few bottles of Carter's j Spanish Mixture, and was enabled to walk with- ; ; out a crutch, in a short time permanently cured- j BENNETT & BEERS, Prop'rs, I M"o. 125, .Main Street , Richmond, Va. j For sale by Dr. S. D. Scoit, Bedford—J. M. j ! Barndollar, Bloody Run—A. B. Bunn, Schells- j ! burg, and by Dealers in Medicines every where. J Oct. 14-," 1553.—1y. . . ; A. Blodset, . ITPORXEY AT L.IW, WILL attend punctually to all business en i trusted to his care. IMP* Ojfice nearly opposite Hue. office of the Bedford Gazette. I March 3, 1§54. \ | w. 12- CLARIiE, WJTU Dunn, ikiqucl Sc <£c., IMFOR7ERS AND JOBBERS OF British, French and American D R Y G O ODS, No. 01 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned would respectfully call the attention of his old friends in the counties of Bedford, Fulton, Somerset, Blair, and Cambria, to the above CAED, with the hope that, when they visit the city to purchase Coons, they will not fail to call at "No. 91 North Third Street," where, he feels satisfied, they will find as choice a selection of Goods (op as reasonable terms) as are to be found in anv other house in Philadel phia. " W. B. CLARKE. March 24-, 1534.—1y. V. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINI.KR. This ESSENCE is a preparation ol'un isual excel lence. In ordinary diarrhrca, incipient cholera, in -hort. in all cases of prostration of the digestive (unctions, so common, it is of inestimable value- Dunne the prevalence of.epuleuiic choleia and sum mer complaints of children, it is peculiarly ellica cions; no faSmily, individual or traveller should he without it, as it enables the system to resist the in fluence of incipient disease, which lurk in a changing climate. ('action. — Be sure to get the genuine Essence, which is prepared only by F. Brown, at his drug and Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Filth and Che-nut streets, Philadelphia, anil for sale by all the respec table Apothecaries in the United State-, and in Bed lord, Pa. by SAM'L 1). SCO I T. Sept. 30, IS33—ly. D. K. Wf-NOEKLtCH. B. F. N K AD. Wsmdei'lich & fenvaiiimq -sv" (Tommtssicn illcrfljants, North Second Street, opposite the Cumberland Valley llail lload Depot, CHAMBER SB URG. CY* They are at all times prepared to carry all kinds of Produce to, and Merchandise, &c., from Philadelphia and Baltimore, at the shortest notice. They will aLo purchase Flour, drain, etc., at market price. COAL, LUMBER, SALT. FISH, GUANO, and PLASTER on hand and tor sale low. June 10, ISo3. S assies M. €*itiscm Respectfully begs leave to announce to the inhabitants of Bedford and vicinity ihat he has added to his former stock of GROCERIES and CONFECTION A RTES, a well selected assort ment of DRY GOODS, embracing Calicoes, Mus lins, Summer Wear for Men and Boys, Hats, &c., eve. Also Boots and Shoes in great varie ty for men, women, and children—a very large supply of SEGARS of av> ry superior quality, also half-Spanish and Common—Tobacco and Snuff-—Raisins, Prunes, Nuts in variety, and candies of every quality and flavor —Spices of every description—Ready-Made Cloihing—a very superior article of Shaving Crean. and Perfumery of the richest and most approved quality—Syrups of various flavors, a super or article of Yeast Powders, to which lie invite t especial attention—Young Hyson and Imperial Teas, Toys, Envelopes, and Trimmings. Flis stock of Jewelry is not only large, but of a very fine quality. lie has also on hand a supply of most excellent CLOCKS. AS usual, he will con stantly keep Flour, Bacon, Lard, Coffee, Sugar, Salt. Molasses, &.c., &.c. lie returns many thanks for the generous patronage heretofore conferred upon liiin, and respectfully asks for a continuance of former favors, satisfied that he can render satisfaction to all who give him a call. Bedford, May 20, 1853. ULIiIBLE FARM FOR SALE. THE subscriber offers, at private sale, the valuable farm on which he at present resides, situate one mile front Adofphus Ake's Mill, on Bobbs ("reek, in Union Township, Bedford County, near the public Road leading from Schelisburg to Hollidaysburg, within half a day's drive of the latter place, containing two hundred and sixt v-nine acres, the principal part Creek bottom land, about 12") acres cleared, of which 25 acres is Meadow, the balance well timbered, and well watered bv the Bobbs Creek running through it. There is an excellent site on the premises, calculated lbr either a Crist Mill or a Sawmill—there is a variety of choice grafted fruit-trees on the farm. The buddings are three log Dwelling Houses, with a good never failing Well of water at the Door, a good Barn finished off with Graneries, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib, and other out buildings. Also a good Tanyard lot with vats sunk and buildings on. The above is ail patented iand, and a clear title will be made to the purchaser. This pro perty is situate within half day's drive of Bed ford, and within 5 miles of St. Clairsville. Any person wishing to purchase good prop erty, will learn the conditions, which will be very moderate, by calling with the subscriber, residing on the pro pert v. JOHN 11. ARE. Jan. 20, 1854. TIN COPPER WARE. Tun subscriber is prepared to furnish, whole sale and retail, Tin and Copper Ware in great variety, on the most reasonable terms. CEO. BLYMIRE. DR. A. R. HI A DAK RKSPECT: I'l.T.v tenders his professional services to the citizens of Schell-burg and vicinity. Office in the room formerly occupied by Or. BRAMWEI.T., op posite Mr. Frazer's Tavern. CP" Ait night calls promptly attended to. April 8, 1853. Wutclies aaad JeAvelry. The subscriber would respectfully announce to his customers and the publtc generally, that he has just received from the East, and is now opening at his old stand in the Borough of Bed ford, nearly opposite the Bedford Hotel, a well selected assortment of Watches and Jewelry, consisting, in part, of Fine Cold Levers, Lepine & Silver Watches—also variety of Cold Chains. Keys, Gold Pencils, &. Pens—Rings, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, Cuff Pins, &.c. Albatta Spoons and Forks, and 8 day and 30 hour Clocks. Persons will find it to their interest to call and examine my stock. My motto is quick sales and small profits. Watch es Clocks repaired as usuaK H. NTCODEMUS. Aug. 2fi, 1853. MONEY WANTED. ~ All persons indebted to the subscriber are re quested to make payment on or before the Ist day of May next. All accounts unsettled at that date will be collcted bv course of law. C. N. HICKOK. March 31, 1854. RrnffK and Books. £33* DK - '' mMEK M Wysji Having purchased the DrugstisKe2r till—% and Book Store of Dr. S. D. Scott, will constantly keep on hand at his establishment in Julianna Street, a complete assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Varnishes, Brushes of all kinds, Patent Medicines, Lamps, Perfumery, Fancy Soaps, &c. ike. together with an extensive col lection of School and Miscellaneous Books, Blank Books, Common and Fancy Stationery, See. which he offers at greatly reduced prices for cash. Bedford, Feb. 17, 1854. BY TELSC-RAPE, Latest Intelligence from Cuba. A I'evolnlioEi Anticipated. Wholesale <s" Retail Tobacco, Snuff arid Ci gar STORE. THE undersigned would respectfully announce lo the public that they have constantly on hand a large and extensive assortment ol choice Ci gars, viz : Regalias, La' Normas, Principees, Casadoris, Havanas, Ceroots, Plantation and Jen ny Linds—together with halt-Spanish and Com mon of a superier quality. Also, a variety of chewing Tobaccos and Snuffs, all of which will be disposed of upon the most reasonable terms. J. S. AN G. W. GROUSE. N B. All orders promptly attended to. April 15, 1853. LAW PARTNERSHIP. Knssell & Boyd, Attorneys at Law, Bedford, Pennsylvania, Wu.r. practice in the several Courts of Bedford and the adjoining counties. Agencies, collections and all other business en trusted to their care will be promptly and faithfully attended to. BY" OFFICE in Juliana Street, south of the Court House, and opposite the residence of William Lyon, Esq. April 22, 1853—1y. King- <& Moorliead, WHOLESALE GROCERS And Commission MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN Picbntc anil pttsbuvq manufactures, \o. 27, lVocd Si. Pittsburg. May lti, 1851- IIARDWARE STORE. The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would respectfully beg leave to announce to the public in general that he has just received from the Eastern Cities, in addition to his former stock, a large and well selected assortment of Hardware, embracing every article usually found in Stores of this description. His stock of Nails, Steel, Shovels, Edge Tools, building Hardware, Cutlery, Saws, Chains, Locks, Hin ges, Screws, Chissels, Planes. Stair Rods, Cof fee Mills, Augurs, &.C., &c., is very large and of the best quality, and will be sold at a small profit. He also keeps a general assortment of Groceries, Spices, See., &.C., to which he invites the attention of the people. He has removed his Store to the Room occupied as the Post 01- tice. Call, examine, and judge for yourselves. ANDRIS SAUPP. June 10, 1853. WM. P. SCHELL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, "w 7 ILL attend faithfully to all legal business y 7 entrusted to his care in the Counties of Bedford and Fulton. Bedford, Nov. 1, 184-7. C. N. HICKOK, Dentist. ( YFFK'Eon Pitt-street, nearly opposite the . / Bedford Hotel, Bedford, Pa. Teeth plug ged, Regulated, &.c. and artificial teeth inserted from one to an entire set. Charges moderate, and all operations warranted. Terms.—CASH. Bedford, May 3, 1850. COACH AND WAGON FACTORY. The undersigned having entered into part nership in the above business, ouid anuounce to the citizens of Bedford County that they are now prepared, at their Shop at the East End of this Borough, to furnish CARRIAGES and BUG GIES, of every style and price; also, COACHES, WAGONS, and PLOUGHS. BLACKSMITH work of every description executed to order, on the shortest notice, at their shop adjoining the Coach Factory. Determined to keep none but the best of workmen in their employ, and to sell as cheap as any other establishment in the Slate, they hope to receive liberal encouragement. (Cy* Country Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for work and the highest prices al lowed. We respectfully invite the public to give us a call. WM. WEISEL, JOHN FOSTER. Bedford, Feb. 3, 1854. A C'AISIi. HAVING disposed of my Stock of Drugs, Medicines, Rooks, &c., to Dr. FRANCIS C. REAMER, 1 take this opportunity of recommending him to my friends and former patrons as a Physician of much experience and skill, in whom they can place entire confidence. S. D. SCOTT. Feb. 21, 1854 i DtK. U A3. Rt'EU'M Having permanently located in Pattonsvillp, Bedford County, respectfully tenders his servi ces to the public in the line of his profession. Pattonsville, March 3, 1853-1 v. STOVE BLACKING. ALT. persons in want of Stove Blacking will find an article cailed the Victoria, superior to anything of the kind now in use. CEO. BLYMIRE. Orphans' Court Sale. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Bedford County, the subscriber will sell, by public outcry, on the premises, on TUESDAY, the 27th day of June next, A TRACT OF LAND, situate in Monroe Township, Bedford County, containing 50 acres, more or less, alwut 15 acres cleared and under fence, with a one-and-a-half story log house and a log stable thereon prected ; adjoining lands of Jacob Pittman, Frederick Garlick, John Schafer, and others. fcp- Terms .-—CASH. {CP" Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. WM. M. HALL, Administrator of Jacob Jlowry, laic of .Mon roe Township, deceased. June 2, 1854.—4t. CIRCULAR. The undersigned present their most sincere thanks to their numerous patrons for their very liberal pat ronage since opening the NEW STORE on the 1-Jth of April, 1851, which has succeeded tar beyond their most sanguine expectations, and has in-pncd them with renewed efforts to replenish their spring supply with such styles lor the coming season, as cannot fail to please the most fastidious. And, as our motto, QUICK SAL** AND SMALL PROFITS, has been fully ear ned out, and will continue the ruling feature, you may rest assured of purchasing your goods at the CHEAP SIDE at the very lowest possible prices. Respectfully, iIUPP & OSTER. June 10, 1854. § DOCTOR YOURSULF! The Pocket JEtcuhjrius: or every one his own Physician. The 50th Edition, with one hundred engiavings, showing Diseases and Malformations of the human system in every form and shape. To which is added a Treatise on the Disea-es of Females, being of the highest importance to married people, or those contempla ting maniage. By WM. YOUNG, M. D. no father be ashamed to present a copy of the yESCULAPIUS to his child; it may save him from an early grave. Let no young man or woman enter into the secret obligations of married life without reading the POCKET JECULAPIUS. Let no one suffering from a harknied Cough, Pain in the Side, restless night-, nervous feelings, and the whole train of Dyspeptic sensations, and given up by their physi cian. he another moment without con-ulting the JF.SCULAPIDS. Have the married, or those about to be married any impediment, read this truly useful book, as it has bepn the means of saving thousands ol unfortunate creatures from the very jaws of death. K7°"Anv per-on sending TWENTY-LIVE GENTS enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this wotk by mail, or five copies will be sent lor One Dollar. Address, (post paid,) Dr. WM. YOCNG, No. 152 Spruce St., Philadelphia. May 26, 185-I.—ly. ZINC PAINTS. One-third cheaper than White Lead, ami free from all Poisonous Qualities. THE NEW JERSEY ZINC COMPANY HAVING greatly enlarged their woiks, and improved the quality ol their products, are pre pared to execute orders for their SCIERIOR PAINTS. DRY, and GROUND IN OIL, in as sorted packages of from 2f> to 500 pounds; also DRY, in barrels, of 200 pounds each. Their WHITE ZINC, which is sold dry or ground in oil. is warranted PURE and unsurpassed for BODY and UNIFORM WHITENESS. A method of preparation has recently been discovered, which enables the Company to war rant their paints to keep soft in the kegs lor any reasonable time. In this respect their paints will he superior to any other in the mar ket . v Their BROWN ZINC PAINT, which is sold at a low price, and can only be made from the Zinc ores from New Jersey, is now well known far its protective qualities when applied to iron or other metallic surfaces. Their STONE COLOR PAINT possesses all the properties of the Brown, and is of an agree able color for painting Cottages, Depots, Out building, Bridges, See. Dealers supplied on liberal terms by their Agents. FRENCH N. RICHARDS, Wholesale Paint Dealers and Importers, -V. If". cor. of 10 th is' .Market Sts., Phildelphia. May 20, 1854.—6 m. W 001, Rag, List and Hemp Carpeting, from IBc up, for sale by A. B. CRAMER U CO. NOTICE Is hereby given, that the books and accounts of the late Solomon Mason, Esq., have been left in the hands of William T. Chapman, Esq., for coilection. AII persons indebted are requested to make immediate payment. J. B. BCGGS, -Idm'r. May 19, 1854. Cooking Move*. On hand and just receiving a lot ol new pa terns of Cooking Stoves, lur wood and coal, at BLYMIRES. In addition to his former stock, the subscri ber has received a splendid assortment of Brass, Bell Mettle, Iron and English Kettles, which will please all in want of the article, —also a varietv of other articles useful lor house keep ers. He has also on hand a lot of pump chains and fixtures-, al! of which will be sold low Ibr cash, or on a short credit. GEORGE BLYMIRE. May-19, 1554. Cessna & Shannon, HAVE formed a Partnership in the Practice of the Law. [Lr'CHice nearly opjiosite the Post Office, where one or the other may at all times be found. Bedford, Oct. 26, 18+9. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamen tary have been granted by the Register of Bed ford County to the subscriber, residing in South ampton Township, in said County, on the Will of Robert Bennett, deceased. All persons in debted to said Estate are notified anil required to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them pro perly authenticated for settlement. ABRAHAM BENNETT, Executor of Robert Bennett, deceased. April 28, 1854. To the Citizens of Bedford. A. L. HICKEY & CO., No. 1-18 CHK.SMCT STREET, above Sixth, Philadelphia, have now oil hand on* ol the largest, cheapest and most varied assortment of their improved steel spring sole leather TRUNKS ever ottered to the public, with a fine article of Light Weight Sole Leather Trunks, Carpet and Leather Bags, for travelling in Europe. Also a splendid as sortment of Ladies Dress Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, &c., See., ranging in price Irom two to thirty dollars, with a fine varity ot Hobby Horses, Propeller®, Gigs, &c. All of the above articles we will sell low for cash. Prize Medal awarded at the World's Fair in Lon don iu 1851. A. L. HICKEY & CO., iYo. 118 Chesnut Street, Phi/a. May 20, 1854.—5 m. Ice Cream. The subscriber has opened his Tee Cream Sa loon for the present Season, and is fully prepar ed to serve up this delicacy in the best style.— He has two Parlors, handsomely furnished—. one for Ladies, the other for Gentlemen.— He also keeps a constant supply of cakes and Confectionary of every description, and the best of Mead and Small Beer. JOHN J. LUTHER. June 16, 1851. Bedford Academ y • A Nll FEMALE SEMINARY. REV. JOHN LVON, PRINCIPAL. The second session of the third school year of this Institution will open on the first Monday of April, 1854-. The postponement has arisen from the desire of the Principal to commence and prosecute the studies of the school year in the most vigorous manner and with the corps of Instruction unbroken. Mr. W. VV. CAMP BELL, who has been associated as Permanent Assistant in the Academy, cannot be present until the time fixed ujxrn : and the Principal feels that his own health requires the fullest vacation that circumstances will justify. The present school year opens auspiciously. The Principal looks forward with confidence, under God's favor, to its efficiency and suc cess. With enlarged experience and invigo iate<Uhealth, with the Teacher of his choice, who has already commended himself to the at tachment and confidence of this community, and with a corp.* of students already drilled . and animated with some generous enthusiasm for knowledge, he hopes fully to sustain the high estimation in which his fellow-citizens have been pleased to regard th is school of learn ing. The studies of the advanced class will j cover a good part of the Junior and Senior Course in our best Colleges. No pains will be spared to develops the intellect and perfect the scholarship of the Juvenile Classes. While memory is cultivated, arid accuracy of recita tion enforced, where set words are important, it is our guiding principle, that the great ob ject of Education is to teach the young mind how to think, and to express in suitable lan guage what it thinks. We ever keep in view that "the repetition, parrot-like, of the words ! of the school hook, by the pupil, evinces neither his knowledge of the subject nor his jiower to enunciate ft ; arid much less do the monosylla bic answers to a fixed set of questions." If practice upon this principle gives the Teacher more labor, it will ensure him a higher reward and the Pupil a thousand-fold more benefit. During the past year an Astronomical Ap paratus has been procured, at a cost of S6O. ! Seperate entrances and seperate seats are aji propriated to the Male and Female Departments. It has long been a Desideratum with the Principal to introduce a thorough and scientific study of vocal music as a part of the Academic Course. It will now take its place by the side of Grammar and Arithmatic as a daily recita tion. We hope to wipe oft' that reproach for Deficiency here which lies so justly against most of the Schools and Academies of England and America. No extra charge for this study will be made during the present school year. • Terms per quarter, us usual, to wit: CLASSICS, $6 25 HIGHER ENGLISH, 5 00 Mi POLE " 4 50 ELEMENTART " 4 00 Bedford, August 19, 1853. HUMMEL'S ESSENCE Or COFFEE. EVERY ONE who has used HummeFs Es sence of Coffee, knows that one package will go as far as 4 pounds of the best Java Coffee, and coffee made by this Essence will preserve perfectly the real taste of Java coffee, but will have a more delicate and finer flavor, a finer | color, and will certainly be much w holesomer for every person than pure Java Cofiee. OCP*For sale at Dr. B. F. HARRY"'S new Drug and Book Store. Oct. 7, 1853. OLD PEWTER & COPPER WANTED. THE highest price, in cash or trade, allowed for old Pew ter and Copper. GEO. BLYMIRE. Sept. 9, 1853. JOIIN R. EDIE, Attorney at Law, WILL hereafter regularly attend the sittings iof the courts of this county. During the terns jof Court he may be consulted professionally at the Hotel of Maj. Davis. Bedford, Feb. 17, 1854. ISAAC HUGHS, Attorney at Law. ~Y\""ILL hereafter regularly attend the sit- T T tings of the Courts of this county. — During the terms of the Court he may be con sulted professionally at the Hotel of Maj. Davis. Bedford, March 10, 1854. M. F. T. MWW T) ESPECI'FI LL\ begs leave to tender his I Professional Services to the Citizens oi Bedford and vicinitv. i KP* Oltice in julianna Street, at the Drug and Book Store. Feb. 17, 1554. MS MARGARET (\ FETTERLY. FASHIONAELE DRESS MAKER, VVOII.D respectfully announce to the Ladies of Bedford and vicinity that she is prepared to make Dresses, of every description, in the neat' est style and on the most reasonable terms. Having made arrangements to keep a general I assortment OI'TRWMINGS for Dresses, Ladies will i find it to their advantage to give her a call. ! Site will also keep BONNETS, and a general va | riety of Fancy articles. She hopes to meet with i liberal encouragement. | April 21, 1854.* ENVELOPES, DIE SINKING & ENGRAVING. Dies altered, Envelopes stamped with busi ness cards, Homceopathic Envelopes, self-sealed | and printed. Paper Bags for putting up Gar den and Flower Seeds, with printed directions, at 55 SOUTH FOURTH STREET, PHILA i DELPHIA, by WILLIAM COLBERT. N. B. Orders will be delivered by Express, \ or ns per agreement. March 24, 1854 6m. DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore existing between the undersigned has been dissolved by mutual consent. All persons indebted to the firm are requested to make payment to S, BROWN on |or before the Ist dav of June next. Those who \ neglect to do so will, after the time specified, i find their accounts in the hands of a Justice for ! collection—so, look out and SAVE COSTS. SAMUEL BROWN, F. W. HOH MANN. | April 7, 1854. STOVES! | Ox hand, and for sale, a superior lot of ICooking, Ten Plate, Parlor, and Church Stoves, GEO. BLYMIRE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers