r 4 'he Sagncsibuf 0 ftcpttblican, 'jSe&nccbag, ibprU U, .1869. goftry. - ' . . i i ii . V 1 1 V 1 1 t MUXT CITT AT CBEZXWOOD " . i ur j. p. eusawooo. Tliem's cite rut ye ToioulM,jroiriu ., ever street on street; VfUitlier friend wltli friend t'er meeting, "J sever meeting avsr greet, ' And xbert rival fleree and vengeful calm m Mid lilcut mutely meetj Never gritting ever Dni. There i trader without traffio, mfrchauU ' " without book or gain; Tonder bride In new-made chambers, where the trickling water taini Whore the guetU forget to coin, and ,',', , strange listening silence reigns; Lietoninjf, (Hence ever reign- Ship tail past th!i silent city, but tluir ownon quiet lie, Aad no signal Ujr froia top -tree 'gainst (lie jlowin", crimson skr, Jelling Ui neglectful ovraor that bit well built Argosy Tor the Fleece la loilins by. Ilor the bollfl forgete the fashion, miudles !of bar snow whit dra; All unheeded now her toilet, free ungatbtr- . mA balk and tressi If one bbr flatter fuoe or figure, nono oois 'fondly to caress; T roues 6uw and none cares. Hushed are all these many mansions, bar- " iv& and bolted door and (ate; Narrow all the walls and earthy, and tlie roof treca steep and straight. Kobin for ull the highand lowly.- Rich . and poor hero equal nisto ' - 1 ' qual dtvoll and equal mate. .... . . Flowers are' blooming near thsee mansions, kiaaed by loving dew at night, Breathing softly round their porches, How- - ing throiuh the cooling light; telling front their bells eweat uiuiicj peal ,,rififi odor pure and white: "-"i1-. - Pealing only to tlit night. Ilereeaoh keep hit well ceiled dwelling, ." fearing naught of quarter day.- Hire no! landlord dun the tenant, and no - tenant more away) Strolling over unorlcted, duelling on from ,' , May to May; ' " Paying never quartor day. JBockont ever this mute city to It oomrade ; jilting gayj To it comrade laughing loudly, sitting on the pulsing bay; 1 Brnwrng from It masquoradcrs pale, white apectrcs day by day; " ' Spectra bow, man yosterdnT. ji.f.' Thus two oities grow forever, parted by a ;-arro'w tide, ;JhUlhe shadow, that the substance, grow- '' 'nH 6J eaoh other eldei ' Gliding one Into the ether, and for evermore jj ahall glide: ' ' '.'' '- Growing ever side by tide. V. "-, MiaiceLLAMCora iTr..ns. 'TdKi l titking to lung-tnllcd coat aaia. V.i i 1 . , Gcoaci II, PrsDLrro.v la proposed by tlio I'cmooratJ as oandidate for Gov. of Ohio. . Til Democrat are to quiescent now-a-cIajs that aby complaint of a dearth of subjects for Icttor. ' Z-ttr if washerwoman the most cruel person in the world ? Because alio dully wring men's bosoms. ' ' TBAiiMiT, it 1 said, could write the Lord's Prayer in a legible hand on a bit of paper not bigger than aiipence, ' Goviasojt Jlorrjus, of New York, stern , Jy refuses to pardon the murderer Real. loubtls be tliink him a real murderer. Josh Baltics say that he will never "patronize a lottery so long as be can hire anybody else to rob him at reasonable wages. ' " "a ' m a , I Sprlggins says he onco prevented ft sovere 'oase' of hydrophobia, by (imply getting on 'i high fonee and there waiting until the dog left, . . ' QuiLrj who ha heretofore been a Uuiver salist, now believe there are two thinge destined to to be lost his umbrella and the man who stole it Stsimuous effort were made to re-esUb . lieh the gallows in Illinois and Wisconsin at the recent sessions of theii respective Legis laturcs, but they did not suceeed. . . '' sA witxcss, bein interrogated as to bis knowldgeof the defendant in the ease suid he knew: him intimately "he had supped ' with him, sailed with Mm, and boraewhip- pedbim." , .' :' ' ii ' i Ast business is more respectable than what is termed loafing. A young man had . bettor sell elams by the pailful than hang around publlo resorts, murdering time aud his own reputation. . . . , .. UcNTiNauo boasts of a little colored boy named Harry Oantz, who knows half the Now Testament, and frequently goea borne from churoh able to repeat the ser mon nearly verbatim. ... . k JrTfa'luduotion of General GiinV into tile Presidential ohair wai .celebrated in be . : tween eighty and ninety plaoes in Germany. The beet poets of the Fatherland recited poems on the occasion, ' i . ' y . .THirayaofthe un shins upon the dust , and I 'fts mud, but they are not soiled by tbern. So a holj ul, while it remains bo - iJj.uaajWhs. witli ha fUenass -of the ' world, and yet bs pure in iwelf, t"5" , .'itT"i J"iw .' - It 'nVefeeided 'trf beunconstHijfiQnal .for ' vWtara in a printing office to look over man Assiefpi 'w ptoof sheet betore the "paper ia . issued It Is. wicked besides pretty" gtrl. f ouna. aioiiptsd. .. C zt'. ' :-' ""j a '""'' ' '"' ' ' '. Mi. PiMsjt heard a ladylup town ling a ' few eveninallnfe, the new song, "I am - h apples whea l sing," and remarked that .bar style of Vngiojt wasn't saJcolated to t otheywpla happy, bowemmudk it KTlOHkh Uta INSUEiNCE CO at PANT . z ' - V '- -jr ids OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CHAUTEHED BY Ai'Un.vb AtT OF CON- AppromdJuly 15, 1S0D. Cash Capital $1,000,000. l'AID IN FULL. "; IIRAXCII OFFICE First National Bunk HuiMini, WtiirtIiRnriil tumlnnuiar thommpany U truuttuctod uuil tu H lili;li nil a ttUumS outtuuuuu llrliW SUuulU L UtklluikMHl. OFlUS: CLAnKScrn.ri.AKK.PrMt.lent. JAY (.'ooKK.CIiu.riuuu Fluaucu aud Exocullve ( tiiiiiiilir-ii. ItKNIlY 1. k ixiKK. Vie l'rpnl.lont. fc.Mt-.lL-iO.N J. n.KC, Hoeretury und Actuary. TbU Compnn- offers I He following aclvitntngo : IIUa hutloiiiil Company, chartered by Se clal net oi I'lincreM, lHm. It Iihh a )altl-u)icailial of 91,000,000. It ottera liw rales of iirmnUiiu. It rm uialiio InrniT liKiiriiuce than any ether ooiiiuanti-fnr tlu huiiiv money, It a donmtiwtuil oar tain lulu terms. It In a iHimueompany In every locality. ; It polleUa are ekempt 'Yora aitacriiueut. ' Tliero oio no uuuuceiuary ivmrtctlous in the poUelee. Kvery policy 1 non-forfellable.. I'olleles mny l taken which pay tothetn Iniurerl their ftill amount, und return all the preniliiina, ao that the liuuranoe cos la ouly the anniinl payniehtR. rolleli-a muy ho taken that will pay to the In sured, after a re-tain mimlierof yearn, diirlna 1 1 if . mi iinminl Incline of one-lonth the amount named In Ihepolley No exira rule Ij eharged for risks upon tne lives of loniulea. H Insures, not to pay dlvhlanfli to rnillpv hol ders, but at au low a cost that dlvldeuds will be UnpoKalblo. Circulars rnmplilets and full pari Iculars (I v en on appleallou to the Biaucli ofllce ol the Couiiaiiy,orto K. W.cr.ARK A CO., Philadelphia, General Audits for i'euint.vlvaiilu ami Southern , New Jersey. lit A H. McVAY CM)., rittsbiirith, Pa., Kpeelal Aftenta for Alb-ulii'iiy, Denver, Duller, ifreene, Mcreeran! WMHliiimtotieounUeii. B. FIIANK FLENMKKV, Ant, Waynesburg - Uret'iioCo,, l'u. Aprin-tf ... r ICF.NHI I) BY THE VNITKD RTATEHAV I Tilultll Y. S. C. THOMPSON i CO.'S OUIUT D O L L A II OF ONE SALE Tjrjr Ooods, PreM Oooiln. Mnans, Cottons, Fodct Uoortu, Albumx, llihles, Silver-Plated Ware, Cutlery, I.eullier aud Uermtin (ionls of evory ' Ut'Kerlptloii, Ac. These articles to be sold t the uniform price of O.Nli 1IOI, I, A It KACH, . and not tu bo paid fur until ymi kuow what yon uiu toreeolve. The mait poptilnr and economical method of tiotiuj itufiueNH in tne eouutry. Thea.MMls wo have for eiilenre deeerlbetl on primed slim, und will be sen I to any address at the ruiu oi 10 iiuia wtt. i'i puf ar nsus lulntiiiff. . II fa (lien in tin- tijit Inn nfholdi-rs whi'lher llioj- will scud one dollar for the article or not. lly prttronlnlnir this sale you have a chonee to exehune your goods, nhoulil the article men tioned uu tlio printed slip not bo desired, 't he Kinulb'st articles sold for one dollar cau bo c-tchaiuted foe Kllver-Pliitud, Five. . LotiU.'d Uovolvlnii Cnstor, or your ohi'ico of ii lui-e variety of other articles upou ex chiuiKe list, enmprlalne over 2.M useful ailleles, not one' of whiou could be beouuht at any retail eouutry Una for nearly doable the amount. - ... ,-' TEKMSTO ACIliNTS. . We scud as ooiumlsjlon to ascnt : , For a Club of Thirty, $3.00, one of the following articles: a, musket, shot !;un, or Austrian rule, M yards cotton, lady's ancy siiuara wool shall. LnucuHtor uullt, aceor- iiooii, set ui su-i-i-uiaueu uuives auu lorns, vio lin aud bow. fanev dress nattern. Dulr Indb' extra quality l lutn Bonis, ouedoeuu large si m llnmi towls alhamhrii quilt, houey comb quilt, cotttiae eliK-R, white wool bluuket, 16 yards best ninny prim, uynrusuciuiae, ououoxen linen tuner napkins, ito. For a Club of Sixty, and $6.00, one of tlio following articles; Revolver, shot aim, or SprliiHtleld rllle, n yards aheellmr, pair houey-omb iullls, eyllndor watch, 4 yardsdou blo width waterproof elouklne;, lady's doublo wool shawl, Lftiionster quIU.nliiiHxMi dress pat tern, emiriivcd silver plated six bottled revolv ing castor, set of Ivory bundled knives, with sil ver iilntd forks, pulr it all wool blankuu, pair of alliambra quilts, 80 yarils print, or a Mar selllos quilt, double elaht-kevod aeeordeon, W'ebaters national pictorial dictionary, (too ru gravlugs, U0 pau,) yurds dovsUlu for suit, sc. For a Club of Ono Hundred and $10 00, Doublebnrr.il hot$ifflf rifle Cuuo" W Sharp's rule, S3 yards shuetina, fancy casslmera coat, pants and vest nattern (extra oualttv.i nalr splehdld rose blankets, fancy plaid wool loug snail, it yards bempcai-polliiK, splendid violin and bow, splendid alpaeea dress pattern, silver hunllng-CH ed watch, slnglo barrel shot gun, 8hari'a revolver, ono pulr Ana damask tablo covers, wun one uozcu ainner niipuitis to maicn Woreostoi-'s lllustruted unabridged dtctloiutry, (lsiiu pnw), ftc. -Kir additional Hat of commissions, see circular. Commissions for larger clubs in proportion. Asents will nlease take notloe of this. Do not send uames, but number your oluba from one upward. Make your letters short and plain as possible. Take particular notice to this s .Hnnre and sond money In nil caseb7 RKU1STKHED I.KTl'ER, which can be sent from any post omoe. This way of seudlae: money Is preferrod to any other method whatever. We cannot be responsible for money lost, nn less soma preeautiona are takeu to Inauro its safoty. Wend for circulars. - Hcnd your address in full, Town, County, and Stale, S S. C. THOMrsOXACO. Boston, Mass. 4w 4 OEXT3 WASTKD. for the llle aud times ot Sr. paoi i oo Complete Unabridged Edition, as arranged by Conybf ure and Ifowsou, with an Introduction by Ulshop liympson. in couseiiuenee of thoap pearance of mutilated editions of this great work, wo have been compelled to reduce the prlcoofour Comploto Edition from U So to 13. & XI. TltKAT A CO., Pub's. 4w ol, Broadway, N. V. jtAJlCElW-TUMOtlS-ULCEB". Pro, Kline I Jlf Ilia lhtlu.l..l.l.l fT... 1...- I. ...1.1. v. i iiii-uiii,ii utingm,.. iiuikiiis astonlshluHiroof Cancer and ull tumors, by a new process. A Cticmltol Cancer Antidote, insi resoTw inn iars;i or uanceia ana rumors wittont nain or the oso of the knife: without caustic, eating or burning- mediolnes, and with out the loss of adrop of blood, For particulars, call or aldrei u. II. K1.IMF, M. D.. NulHl, Arch Hlreot.Phllndelpliia.Pa. 4w OKN TS WANTED for the Rights end Hecrot Jo( Hie Miytional Capltnt. Vhe most startling, Tbstruotlve, aud attruutrvc'. and entertalntin book of tit day. Uend for etrenlara. and m our tnns. Address u.8. Publlsulna Co., No. lllljiixjiooiit., JJ. Y. . . v.--. ,7- W.. . sA."Z V ftM E.ci Ty jyoncentrated IndltfQj 7. It l warrantee not'to streak, or In any man- lT lnlnr the nnnat faltvl,-. Z , . FOIt FAMILY U8K Hold In FIVE cent, TEN eent, and TWENTY en boxen. ' H Each TWENTJT cant boa, besides bavins Ftv Times as much blue os the Five cent box, eon tains a ooeket ntn enshlnn nr tniM l,n : . Ki!,jKoU1 "nd Inrjr use, it is put ntf In ti 01) boxea, Ma tns awn bo no properTrade Hark. To sale by a, W, Robert. DrassrHrt. - - N OOK nXRZl Every deaerlptloa audstlsorLAIK FANCY JOD PRINTINO rjcscutcil with aeatnsss and dispatch, at the REPUBLICAN O FFICE ! JAS. N. MILLER, IWuietoh. fthlVsf Tf .llf Mhststl. nntrlfliaaa tTlarlitl. Dt.a.1 HixtMitliHhof4 mid Thlrtv-ocna Hliet Itilln prmitHi in um mini appruveu myit) aiul oa tu sliurtiitl pwMibU uallco. CARDS! We onv uartlmilKr afenllon tolhe nrlnllnirnf cards, with or without borders, outs Ac. This Is a stylo of Advertising that Is coiniuir Into re- pui. n n leeiooiiuuentoi pioaaiugau wuo wisu wm a uuiifi. -0-0- W't oak the attention of merchants tu our BILL II K A D S ! Bumples of which can bo bad at this office. F.-N.-M.- PROGRAMMES AND CIRCULAR) I Of these we put up a great vurltly. PAPER HOOKS Printed outlic shorteat passlblanotlcr. Charge rcasouublu. BILLS IN EQUITY, 11LANK FORMS, dc, do,, Ac, dc. DILLS OF I.AD1NU, CBECKR, BLANK .H(Jp,.,r.,, NOTES, dc. PRINTING DONE IN COLORS. RED, BLUE, VIOLET, CARMINE dc. We have made esneelal arranvemsnta for this department uf printing, and GUARANTEE SATISFACTION! - We have the VEST JOB PRINTER IN THE COUNTY. .ill' 1 ' :r:' fc- i . . , . " ..t. ' 1 ' ' ' ' 1 . . . !.:!. CHARGES AS REASONABLE ,i c;x..C JuataaroflloSlB,. .xo.;4.n;.io WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA 1 KtmimUr ttal oar ofHo to Jut XMt of tht , , .- r, Court SlooMi IA . tsU e'.A sft .!- -I.,. ..! r i-f . .. . : -v . ' ',. r;t ":. . ' 1 . . - - ..; 4,. '':vfv.'.f! t',. I ohm IIuoua....- tuoM Looaa. rp LUCAS ft CO. - roawaantNo io coMMtaoes aaacRairra. And dealers In Orooerlas, Ifsrrlware, Leather, Hboe Fliidlnos, Iron, Nnlls.aill, Hsh, do. Also, aaonu lr Aubivy, I'romlow A Coon's Window Hash. Aaupplykapteoiutaallyon hands. Klce's Ijm lliiK. !., above tlio bi-.nl S-.MI D ENTIflTIlY. I have tnrated In Wavndira. and am ns. n.vlliK the late residence of l.H. M. Pulton. I lav Ina taken areat rmlna to tiMvsiis lhor.,nllw i. nuiilnli d with Intlli tba thjry and pnu llca of i111"";! " n-'iiia"u ssi i'rirnreoi seven years In the profnwiou, I (c-twsrrantt in say Ins that my patients shall liarenocatisetoeom plainof Inferior operations. I-Utraetlon -lll be remlered painless, when dmlred.hy tba admin Istratlon of "Langhlnir fas" or otberaiiasthetlisk Chariiea mmlcrute.and all operations warrauteal aa represented. I will be at snie without Fia anVE.NTUKK from tne Oltecoih to the thirtieth fttTv ni0"ln UKllTIt- jOBKnFix)uauUTi; ciaatAog mxur ACTOBU(,.WATxr.sDtnta, r. i rtesrneetftillyglvea nntle tint he has located In w aynasbuig, I'., her b Ipteuda to muuu factiure OABIIIA0E3 Of every description. Frnra! his experience In the buslni-ss he fivls eonndait that Ills work, In StVlB. rllltsh atul fli,ml.llltv ta.llli.lvu miIIm h. infection. It Is bis determination to purchase the best material In market, and employ auu vh n. .- nil WMI.IIirD, ra'Sn-tf' mMk w,u'n"lty"V'1syear.-a JAHULB WOKKr3, 6L'MMEESGIU,ABRO. (Hliopiu Bjsarof the Tlamlllon House near the Hlcniu Mil,) The nubile araresnsetfullv iBfnrmeil that Mnm. mcrsHlll.t lira, have Just recsived alargestockof aiiaiuuawi , SI A It B L E WORKI Such a Orave Rtones, Mminments, Mantle Work, Ae, We are prepared lo furnish work at reasonable terms on short notice. Call aud ex amine our stock, styles,and prices, before pur chasing elsewhere. (l;a-tf. w AY-NESUUHO iUailLK AND STONE WOIK1, SAYERS A RINEIIART. Ht 111 ftontlnnfltocfirry on the Mtirblr und fitone ruttlnti htmlneiuint tht'lr Ionic enUtbllKlitKi ntiind InimmthtlT Mint or the I'lihllc Kqimro, -wtwecn Hltfh uittl OroeneHtrretn, Waynwihurii, Th. Tli In HAtuiilUhinuitt Iim boon in con Unit opr rftlon ntnoe 1KHH, nml lh. lone rxpfrlHure nud tm nriey or the uroprUMorn, linked with the exer cise of nnuiKi jiiiiKiiifntitnilKril tiuite.hiave won for Ihem a wl(1tmreftd end enviable renutHtlon. An extensive etiH'lc oi the vttrloiia vurltiit-fl of the iHMt nmrme Kept oniiKUnuy on nuiitv. Mp. ci ui nitcntum paiti lopousningi preaaiug. carv Iiik aikI tMiKrHvlnit. All orderi promptly flllet 4;3S:'fl6-tf. iM rORTANT TO BUIIJ)ERS and CONTRACTOliS! YVAYNEMIUKO STKAM WAN1NOJ MILL It itlvea us pleasure to announce to tin public the completion of Ibis work und the rendlnues ol tlio proprietors to RECEIVE ORDERS! AND MAKE CONTRACTS! The best Improved msehlnerv Is used, l'lnn Ins;, riniiuhlns: and Uroovlnir, Sitsh and Inair MtiKlue;, l'aiiiielltng, ttlpplna, innnldlng Ae.t rapidly and skillully exueuted. ltiilmg prices puiu tur j ALL KINDS OF LUMBER I They are also prepared to do all kinds of Cnrpen tor Work, with the uttntsit promptness, aud In the most substantial manner. They ruapeetfully solicit a share of publlo patronage, und flatter thoiusulves that they wll in an oases ue auto tu OIVE ENTIRE SATISFACTION I AU orders promptly attended to.; UKADEN, WALTON & 8AYEHS, ttu-u Waynesburg, Fa. o bankers; No. 35 South Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. General" Agents, FOR PENNSYLVANIA UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. The lTATtnifAt, Lin livnvitaMioi Compaut to e eorporitiun otiir'trod br pt-ctftl Act of Cuagm, p proved July W, l&iJ. wilti ft CASH CAPITAL, 1,000,000, FULL PAID. Librt trmi oiTert-d to Apmu and &ohcltoTwl. f invlMfi toopplr rttuaroitlce. FollprUeaUntabebrtous.pp1lci1nQ ttonrofflee, loGAiee In the Mooati itory of our DuaLting Honfi, vhrCtrcaie ind Pruiiph'ftU, fully tVitnbtiigtbe MTeaiUHOtfvrei by ihtvofiwv.mtj tinhftd. K. U. CLARK fc 0., aAVUft.WrV Third SL K S. RUSSELL, Manager. B. F. FLCNNIKEN Agent. Wayneeburg, P. II OLIDAY PRESENTS KEINEMAN.MEYRAN & SEIDLE, No42Plfth Avenne, piTTsnunau. Pa. This firm liear leave to Inform their natrons and the pablle franerally, that they bavejust opened an Immense stock of Gtoode, Especially Imported for the f Coming Holidays, Cnmprlalngnll the rleheat and rnrest designs, In jeweiry, rure nonu nuverwnre, tironse in , OroopsandHlalueUos, Ulajnonds. Iarl 1 Watohes, Tea and Dinner Heta, Musi- . enl Boxes, FrenchCloeks In Marbl r -Bronse and Alabaster Coses, Parian Ware in Oroops A i'-iJ ,.i .autaatt. Silver plaUd V.o: . Ware in great varla. ,- " Vy: Pari Fancy . .- ... Ooods, Jewel .... " "JeVv liver Beaded Caaes, Ao., Ao. IfOTSl Onr extensive eonnectlon with Vast era and Knropean Mannfiu'turers, and our fre quent visits lo their markets enable its to sell either wholesale or retail at Dee, M-Sm T?e ..' .-j , . -.y , . COHOACO. Wholesale dealers In Hats, Caps, Furs nnd Straw Goods, No. UI, Wood street, PJTTUnUROn.'PA. mt vw, v V. iwi RUW UB WUina IOf HDring Rales tba laraeat stock In the west, and in ni. Land to sell their good as low as itu Kaatern louse, s-ii.i J NO. W. OULUVb'K, with WILLIAM FLEMING, wholesale dealur In HaU, Cops, Ladies' Furs and Straw Goodn, No. 138 Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. fiarob lOHt I?1IANK B. WILSON, . . with ... H. C. GUILDS A CO,, Wholesale Dealers In BOOTS, SI1UK8 AND SOLB LEATHER, No, IS Wood Street, riUsburgh, Pa. HAkvsTCiiiLna. Uwsts CniLns, Agents Air the saleof"llope Mill" Cotton Yarn, Biias, Balling and Carpet Chalu, March lo-it 1" .uknituue! ' ' ' j. w. w0odwkll a sons. - Manufacturer of riain and FoMliionable Firn!turp, S7 A M Third St., Pittsburgh, Pa,, 11a vi on hand tha largest aaaortineut la this oi ty of the Latest Style of Modern and Antique Furniture, at less than Eastern prices. s-Jl-ly JON-EXI'LOHlVE I TUB NEW LIGHT, . -PETROLEUM FLUID! Otres Twice tha Light nf Carbon Oil, sud safe under all circumstances. CANNOT KXl'LODKD. The undersigned are now manufacturing and have for sale their New Petroleum Kluld, iniide by distillation wlthoiaT the aid of euiniiouiiils, wh eb Isaraduallv Ink Inn the nlnce uf earbon oil in all loealllies where imroduued. jLAuent wanted In everv Town. Knd for Circulars. Address 1. J. I'Al.M Kit A lt..' e-iv-aui . rio, D,iinnu rttrevt, i'iiisi)urg,i'a. JJVUDETTI BUHDSTTII Great Itoductlun In Price. I) EST OIIOAN. ITIIEICHEAPE.ST OltUAN, No one who has heard the magnlfleent tone nf the Mnnlett Oman, will buy any other then a llunlctt Organ. A Klve tx-tuvo, walnut finish, double set of reeds, four hand stops and one knee stop live stops in all with theoelehru led Carpenter's latt-nt Vo Humana stop, an iiivt-Miion iiMino only in T.no nuriir l ' lor .IOSI, and for which other niakore ask -AiO Also, Klve Outuve Organs, plain, single reeds, fati to sirHl. Ss'-Hcniember tha gennlne Vox Humana stop leiuuuu uuiy ill iiieuiinicti iiraiin. II. Kl.KHh'.ll A MHO.. Hole Agents for the Dtmtett Orgtiii and Htemway l-iuuos. D-Jt-Im JEW Bl'llINO IJUY UOODS. J. W. BARKER & CO., M, Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Are now opculng a large stock of New Spring Dry Goods, They wish particularly tocall attention to their large and complete stock of silks and Drea Ooods, lu which will be fouud all tha latest styles adapted lot lie season. CLOAKS Kuatern and of their own Munufao lure. Ladles' Suit Made to order. Shawls In endless variety. Houx'keeplug Ooods of every description. Purchasers can rely on finding every article In in is vsiauusiiniuilfc AT THE VEIlY LOWEST PltlCES. Ministers and their families allowed a liberal uiscouui. J, W. BARKER & CO., SO Market Street, Between 3rd and 1th Avenues. 8-10-tf JPBINO, l!. M'ELllO'V, DICKSON & CO. , Xo. 54 Wood Stiieet, Flttaburgh. OFFER THEIR STOCK OK DRY GOOD3 AND NOTIONS, AT WHOLESALE, And Invite their customers, and the trade gen erally, to call, March 10, lM0-3m R EMOVAL AND CLEAUANCE SALE. Having round our present store too small fur our buslnvsswe 111 remove tu 3ll,LIUEt!TY STltEET, about April 1st. To save trouble and expenseof iiivtma, uvuoiivH L-iosinguui ourswcM. Ol IIAltDWAllE & CUTLERY, AT OHEATLY REDUCED PItlCIvS LINDSAY, 8TEHRIT A EirWER, IU7 Liberty Street. S-tO- Pittsburg, Pa. JJAILEY, FARRELL A CO. XAKffAOTtJKKHSOa LEAD AND BLOCK TIN PIPE, SHEET AND BAR LEAD AND ALL KINDS OK Plumbers', .Gas and. Steam Fitters . 'Materials. ; , - ... Korwr smttimeiaRt " itnA for Price Llsi, : WTSSBPROH, PA. Nov. M -f ... r V-V1...i i , DAMS EXPRESS OFFICE, v-. WAlflfSQUHv, QUEENSS GO PA., :-' ej. a,j,.M wM..a .-.i.i . ui-, nnn.n, raimrj Mliu ni ,icio, UI evVIJ description forwarded to all parte of the United marea, witn oeapaten ann ssreiy. swiTOiiections nrompiiy sttenaeo Uk collections promptly attended to. : SOMKT1IINO 81'LENDIDI NtW AR-K1VALI 1. AX TELL & CO., Havsjusl opened a spleudid stork uf FALL AND WINTER GOODS Of choice variety and latest style. This stonk embraces all kinds of DRY OOODS, FANCY flOODS, TRIMMINO i.ui if.-n, r ..i. i inirsvi ma iiim. t.M. tlUOIHKHIIX, KltK.NCII MK1U NOH, AU'AIX'AS FUK tilllM, H II A W LS IIAl.MOIlAI-l, TtOdl' SKI R TK, OlA)VW ANUIIOHIKRY, HATS AND CAItt. OK TIIESR WF. HAVE A KINKMtll'l'Y. 1 IK STB UNDEllWARE, HL'SPENDKIUI, OULL.VRS, HANDKtltCIIIKrH, AC. It I our aim to keep constantly on band cry tiling in our line. M-OL'H PRICES ARE REASONABLE. P. AXTELL4C0. Oi't.ll,-lf V INTER OPEN UNO AT A. A 15. F. CAMfBELLU We have Just received from Philadelphia a opisiiuiti niot'KH uisais consisting lu part of the followlugi ' Tasa linerea A easslnets, tweeils, A Jeans, plain A burred rlun nels, eiinton flannels A llnseys, brown A bleached muslins, delunes A glngliiiins. undershirts A drawers, iiierlnua, eoburgsand alpaeeas. A large stock of shawls, hosiery and glnvea, rlbboua A hat trimmings, ladles' clonks and cloaking, a large slock of calicos. Corsets and collars, cotton hatting, ntibtea and scarfs, balmoral slllrts.luxip skirls, white aud colored blaueu, drillings A colored muslins, carpet chain, cotton yarn, velveta, ribbon, silk and linen hsud kerehlef.slrlsb Uuun.seveu quarter table linen, Itu en towels, belting A buckles, wall pa par, dress but tons, wad ug. Kills, cans, boots and shoes, hardware. aueensware and a aeneral assorlnieul oi groceries, ell oi wblcti w will sell AT Til E LOWEST TRICES! . CALIHOON. " A. A D. F. CAMI'OEIX, Jr. Waynesburg, Pa.-Dec. 23-tf TllUUTHNOT, SHANNON A wil ' No, US Wood Street, Pittsburgh, V. Wholesale Dealers In DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, AT EASTERN PRICES. C. ARDUTHNOT, w. T. SHANNON, J. a. STEPHENSON. S-.1l-3m AIN KILLER Cures Sore Throat, A favorite medicine with all classes Is Duvis, Pain Killer. ii 71111 uui v f huiici a tuuu, use me i-uin Killer. No raedlcluc Is so populur As tho IMln Killer. Keep the Pulu Killer always at hand. If you have a Ceugh or Cold, . . lso the Pain Killer. Look out nnd do not not cniuht wltlihoiit a bot tle of Pain Killer In tha hnusM. Let every tioily use the 1'aln Killer for Sprains and Bruises, Every Sailor should carr a bottle of Pain Kit- iprwiHi mm. Remember tho 1'aln Killer Is for both Imenial and External use. The Pain Killer Is sold hv all nMcrUtu nnA Denlera in Family Medicines. Prlcos !ir, ahhim Ml ccuts, ami 91. i-e-niti u.win at nurv, proprietors. 78 High street. Providence. SSOHt Paul street, Montrcnl, Kanada. 17 Southampton Row, London, England, w pATENT INDIQO ULUEINU BAU I Tits most ' Economical, Clean); and Complete Artlclo Ever Used f lly thrifty Housekeepers and Laundresses. Each bag I provided with a liox so lliut it cau be put safuly away as soon os used. PRICE CENTS, HALF SIZE 10 CENTS. Tills blue contains no acid, and will not lnh.ro the very finest fabrics. One twenty rent bog will outlast eight two ounce vials of Liquid blue, beside giving a softer color and avoiding thedanaer anil aunovanca nt hmltMn .mi n.. oorked bottles. inquire for it at any res pea table grocery. Patented December H, 1DD7, and for sale by Plymouth Color Co., T. O RaVkolm A Co.. 4-7-Siu 1011 A KM Fulton Street, N. Y. s-For sale at Beotts' Orocery. JTEW LIVER I STABLE ,, ' IS W Ai EBBUItG, PA, The subscribers would respectfully Inform, the yuuiw tua.MiBjr arc pcsijaicaa to . :' fr.i ' ' ' ' , j tu:., ' 1 ACCOMMODATE AT ALL nODRS) WITS GOOD HORSES AND GOOD BUGGIES, OB Stabla win be Ma4 111 raas af tka R.mlb. -rr Ayer'ff l if V t 1 ,a ,li. .a Hair Vigor, 1 For restoring Cray Htlr W its natural Vitality and Color. A dressing whiefc, ia At one agreeable,, licaltby, and efectaal. for preserving tba, liatr. a Faded or srajf . Aoir it soon rasf ored to it$ original eatW- With' tU 'ffN'M frtthmm 0 tftmtki' Tliia aair is tUotW encd, fnlliujr bair ehecked, and bald ' noss oAon, though not always, ourad by its uso. Nothing cao restora the hair where tlio folliclos srs deatroyaa, or the glaads atrophied and decayatLi But suclt as romaiu can ba saved fir useTulnoss by this application; Iastaad -of fouling tho hnir with a pasty SadS-i mcnt, it will keep it clean and vigorous. It occasional uso will prevent the hair from turning gray or falling' off, and' consequently prevent " baldue. Free from thoso dolotoriotts substancai which make soma preparations dangerous and f injurious to tha hair, tba Vigor eaft!T ouly benefit but not harm it. If wanted moroly for a - - HAIR DRESSIN&l. nothing else can bo foand sodeeirabU. Containins neither oil nor dv: it doaa1 not soil wlnlo cambric, and yet loug ou the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre aud 0 grateful perfAuae. '' Prepared by Or. J, C. kiw FltACTICAI. AND ANALYTICAL CuEtJITSt LOWELL, MASS. " ?" PBIOS $L00. - 1 (I. W. UOMKUTH, Agent, Waynosbura, 'Pa, 1. W. IIUADKN, Aiimil, Waynesburg, Pa. ' Ayer's Sarsaparillijj ron r 1 ms-Yisa tub aavsfs'.4 The reputaUoa this sa, ecllent medichi a)ysL la tlerivad from Its ssrs. mauy of which ore truly Bisrvelloas, lavetsrsia . cases of HcmAilnua Aim ease, where the system secirted satursled wuh). eorruptlon, kvs Ww tiurlScd aad cured by it-' ecrofslous sffiw-lUHi. sail , illnonlers, which wets sf: fravsieu uy iim scram-, ins cnnliiiiilaallan nnllt they wore painfully afflicting, have been radically cured In such great numbers ia shno.l every sac Hon of the country, thut tm piiMic scarcely acesi to bo Infonned of Its virtues or eies. ,..- Herol'uloas pelton is ene of the most destrnefJva enemies of our rue. Often, this ussaea aad usuia , tenant nf theorgsnlum undermines theeonstllutloii. and Invites the stuck or enfeebling or fatal diseassey without exeiiingasusplclonof its presence. Again.. It seems to breed lufection throiighont tho body , snd tlien, 011 some fsvnrsble occsslun, rsplilhr develop Into one or oilier of Its hideous ftvms, either 0 tba surface or among the vitals. In the latter, tuber cle, may be suddenly deposited In the hug or heart, or tumor, formed In Hie liver, or It snow Its presence by eruptions on the skin, or shut BfessV stions on some pari of the body, lience the oeca slonnl use of a bottle) of this Hitrtnpnrtttm Is sf. -vlsable, even when no actlvw symptoms of disss' appear. Perseus nnllcteil with the follnwiug com' filaints geuernlly find Immctllnte relief, ssd. at etmth, cure, by (lie use or tills AAHS tPjKlt. I.Al SI. Anthony 't Fir. Hot r XrylfiUt,' Titer, Suit Jfaewm, Bratd Utad, JliaMeras store X.'yes, fiavfi nrm. snd ether eruptions or vIsUilo lorins of Acrufui9wt disease. Also Is) last , aioro concealed forms, as Itytprpiia, Jfnmtp, Hrnri lHrnf, . b'it. .'J'My, ttvurmfgiH, und ties vni-ions t'frA-eus oiiucuous of the sitt.au . lor snd nervous t stem.. Stfphtltn or IVnercaf iirtt .VcrrtfHat INasaws aro cured by it, thnngh a long time Is required for siibiliilng thei-e ulmtimite malmlie. by sny meilklae. But long continued use of this nieillclDa wlU ers Uie eontilniut. Leurarrlitrn or MAifr. Uierina Vlerratlnnt, nnd frtnnl illteasee, era eoms niouly soon relieved and iilthnntely cured by tie fmrirylng and Invigorating effect. Minute Dms' Ions lor encli tn-e are round la our Almanac, sup-, plied gratis, lihenmnt Urn snd Gout, wheat enuseil by aeciuniilulions nf extraneous snstlere In tlia IiIockI, vlcld iiulckly to It, as also Llwr Complaint. TovpMItt. CaMffeatian or JiiMsjs snnllon of the Ltecr.and Jdwiof lea, when arising. s Uiey etlcn do, from the reltkllng polious In tnaf blood. This HA Its A fA KILL A f. a nnt re-stoi-er fnr the ttrenpth and vigor of the system. Those aho nre Jamult snd Xfsffess. Jeepsvsi aVnf , .Sfccficss, and iroiibled with Aervous Apr prelirnainnn ur i-Vars, or any nf tire sflYrtlen symptuinatlo nf H mkiiMi, will And Uiiuasliata. rellpf snd cnnvinchig evidence of 'M restorative) power ujiun trial. ,-..y. to mi,vm PHBPABKD MT ir ax. J. C. AVER CO.,Lwwll, Hosair iVoefleal and Analytical Chmiml. ft" SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWsUUfci O. W. ittillKRTH, Agent, Waynesburg, Pa. Dr. 1). W, Ull A DKN, Agent, Waynoaburg, Pa. . euniairsmis " m n n 1 1 v L n 2 vvnd Will cure i!i ASTflVAf BRnWCHTTIS. BW0t. SPITTINU, PiyyiUL'LTY OF llltCATIIlVQ. PAIW snd WKAKNKHS I V TUB ClitBT, VROl BLgSOsfB COUUIIINU Al' MtlllT, Ao, It will saVetaslly ra aieve the Coueh that frequently Hillews Misuki, sad ' sny stTccUon of lh rcsplrstory ergsas, ao sssUer t how long lUnillnir, or whatever the sieef UieMnea. It sets as a ipceino, H purely vegetable, and Is pltsssnt to Uis buls. 1U cirwt I. seuUiliig, allsyblg lh. via lenoeof thseou.li, riicilltatliivexiwctorsuoa.qulstuis; Uis ocrvss sod uUlirsUng Uio ijsUa. ; ; .uif Mothers, Save Your ChlTdrejiT Ke child nnd die M CRnrP, If tliti Syrnp ( In tlm.i tkil (t a fact dtwumttraitd ty hiii(iiisi..' Ne fnmlly should Ixi wltheul Hill 8yrnp, ss Ihst fslsl. otiraae, CROUP, comes like a thief In the nlgM, tV steal swsy your IliUs eaes, wkca regular aedical aid esoaet bs ekulned. Prtptrnd enty iy .'i - At,' DAVID E. P0UTZ, - U . , .'. aailhsierJM.. jOKXTU WANTED VOIt . , n'jli ) NI0HT SCKNES IMTHK BIBLt, " ! Hy IW, fhiniel Mnroh, l I),' For full" free, clear, sparkling and graceful slyle; f g poetic iixnliis; for beauty of llimiaht suit glowing liliagMiatlont for nlco analyalooA ehiirui'tei'f grnphli-ilelliieiiiloiia and ripeaidio larsblp; for llfi-llko pictures anil happy Dittos trntlnns this work has no equal. Such commen-s dnttons hnve been reonlviil'rom Bishop BImpV son, Itev Albert llnrnes, Nth Porter, D D, LLU W A Htenrns, II n, Oeo Dunn tlniinliimn, I) D, I W Wiley, 1) I), Hiii.innl W Flshor, D D, Ij. Daoct Clemvnicn nml tin, PrnKS ofnll llutionilnnllnns. Send fof clrcnlnrs Containing the sama;' Agents nre everywhere meetlngwlth utiiiarnllelled sue cess. It. is a heiititlftillv Illustrated, elegantly Commissions $101) nnd &00 per month, aocordlnKtoabllltvnhd encrgr.' Address. '' IKtiLF.RiMcC'URDY mn Phllndelphtn, Ciuclnnntl, Chlcngoor St Loulss.. l)i UMiin ' tea Vila 8 PvrcAaee aad HMpmnU e ' Flour, Drain, Seeds, Provisions, lih 152 MADISON STREET,' CHX1E3. Pnperty bought, held, soil or talppei It' tsaHra naiksls aa w.rilna3 j-i' -m lug HJBLIO NOTICE..,, Aa the firm of HtTOHE. Mfr'Asi Ss AtsaVsA by mutual consent, the Coinmtssloa feassswaf will still be carried on at the obi stand, la mm! order, and on tho most reasonable tarnuOcfti'I name ana style or u nvdHKH A CXJ., (sonbss partner.) They Hatter themselves. tyravn a I he House and the beat location In tha nUn t J thatbuslness. that the will uatsn-va hTiiUrJI share of the public patrobau,-.-, ;t,f. .-..ft Tiiey will ais9 KtrvA '"HiJpply 0(0RDcr"7 IKS on hnnd to norp Jure au who tatS ar i them with aealh i . c -;s i.tr; rif "-''.TOffte, w flHICAGrOsi III WUUCEt JOHHSOJ..' II Commission SXeroliaAti' ' This HOTTX has baew Taj .etornretei! Vnd , N '.I i . w-t -am kaK rwwa i . .--. as- . eat : ' '.v.: ;-v- - v ' i. . '-U' C'V.I. :