The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, April 14, 1869, Image 3

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    .l....i-L..J..l!l!, I J ! - J J ..J , J-.-.J l. J.
Hortci to Arfoaar. Attorneys will b
Mlil responsible, fur Pr-r h.M,k., Advvrlislntf
ad Jub Work, ordered by rbmii and not p
In advauce. Muca bills lu be uUeclabls on
, n
MjkA. H.Omntooor asant at OannleB-
aetafur 0i Uw.'HLK'AN. Ho will rwclva py
IMQlil ailb-crlptlonaand. Rlv receipts; will
. eeptrpct f.-r Id Inwrlioa of advartlM
Idvistissxist. The attention of
oarialrtisesp-cially directed to tho fob
lowing advertisement, which apppoar fur
th flr'4 time to-day i ' '
Administrator' Notice frank Tiarger.
Mtuhood, bo lost, bow restored.
Jacksonville Act deinyD. W. OrayACo.
Ye the XoMkart of Green Co. T. J. Ta1.
Sow Store, New Ju-ra St.irk A Rom.
Faia4 Spring Oaoda A. Wilson. , -
? TkiaV "xaxor powder nan" i la town.'
. j-. r i t an t - i t .
V9T! COira ihm paw store lur jour
IlrwGeod. 1
;' Jo.fOjt'ravi McGurj(an' fur fashionable
goods tr Witt and gcntltmen,
''jftwfiivf fclothin, good and eheop
.XWUtpti't aw flora. ,
"JiJiaood.kUer froia Qrrard' Fort
bad no nam attached, W don I want to
balGth Jrodr name, Wbmsrely wish to know
Who yo are. . Send u your nam.
TimVdw were arrested In town Inst
week c4 loed in jsril, chafed with itoinjf
of without lettling "that little till" for
beard.iiBalbei ebard .untrr thia, to nct
erytaiag to eat
v.-'-. , ;t ,,;! i
it It the uniform testimony of all who
' hate a.ae4 them, that Marvin' cracker are
the DettmamtCaetured. - Grocer who keep
titan get "Ml all the trade. They aro )
eouing well known, and hence tboir popu
larity. '
A a 000 plao to get Groceries and provls
loot t at W. Soott A &Y, who koi'p a
leftje, itook or the beat quality of Coffee.
Tea. Salt Pith. Bucon. Flour. Confootbno-
rie to. Store just eat or the iYrij;iu
"ft,!, j .' ' aaaawaaaaWaJ i a
. .IUud the cardof U. Ganier 4 Son. Their
bop ha been established 23 years. They
oW bar a full stock of furniture of every
. klpd.end an eioollent hoarse to Attend culls.
Go hd sag tbeir'stuck before you refit your
bootee-1 '
A rotifnAimto fifthl took place in town
last Saturday, in which six-pound "tone
were used and some of the oouibaUnt bit
the dust. A usual wbitkoy caused it, and
tbf real criminal, -the' ru.-uaolleP, escaped
qnhnrt. , ,
i Music A govsrnniout .official in thin
ourty .eew an advertisement in a paper
from allrm, offering to sand a "Muj.o l ot
that would piny thirty tunot, for one dollar.'
The oSjlat sent the money and rocoivcj a
. oauonVuoutu organ, mch at the little hoy
Uet u t oouotiois a wiser ana a s.wiit
. mm I ... I ... I I..
'."dr" inwmmiui. Mr. SI C. Dell. Iim JiM
(turned front Kentucky with one of the flu
st ttock horses probably ever brought to
oureounty. We understand-Mr. Uell pnnl
blh priee for his hone; we wish' him mo
' cess and' hone the farmer and llnrsci
breeders will hppreointe the cntoprise oiid
rail tbemtelre of the opportunity to iiu
prof their stock.
K. K. Capbii.l returned last week from
trip o New Orleans. Ho brought with
ajlmasTeralspeoiniene of tropical pruluetion.
fit tree, isoeoanut in the huk, wild omne,
pecimena of corals io. Alton pair of tux-
an eattie horns that measure eeren-oihtlis
' of a yard from tip to tip. lie says the peo-
, ars quiet on political matters, and tbat tlicy
datpiaej Ben. Butler.
. $JOPKHJk!. I will (-ivetlio nbore pre
atlnm to any owh will show at ttie Waynes
burj? Central Fair Association next full a
betteV Rots for jgeneral purposes than my
Chssfnut llorse Plannet. Thie will be in
tMitidn 10 the nremluia eivon bv the Society
end to be deeided by the Judges on that
lin nf hiHos. ' M. C. Bill.
ayneebarj;, April 14,1809.
" Wi are pleased to call the attention of the
pablio' to tie New advertisement of Shirk
Boa. 'These gentlomen have just oeneda
Tory fine ats6rtincnt of goods in the Uaiuil
toa IJous store room in this place, which
the ublio would do well to examine We
' assure them that they will not be treated
kinder la any establishment of tho kind in
the country. . We bespeak them a liberal
ai ti tVi 1 1 ri m an aitii1i ttaaiw ifniiPva
ran wuwgv gHvii w j wvovtiwe
Cliawino vr. Diligent housekeepers
have been busy the last week scouring, wath
Ing, wbitewasbiag, papering, 4c- Almost
wetoteroom in town wears a new brif;ht
appearance. Many howerer,' have not yet
hoase-clcaned their private dwellirtgs, as
that la not generally done for awVile yet.
. W can saf to all who expect to rcrurninh
' thetr bouse, that they will BiiJ a genenl
seortssent of everything they needut Franl;
MeOargan'raad they will get It ohcap, too.
PiMSiriTANU PacjovTtRT of theCumbor-
ana Presbyterian Church mot lost week, ii,
wn.i p. Tk t..u
botkpf ministers and eJdora, .A. eUitis
tieU se)biported to the body shows favor
afpor US work of the congregations, both
la Edition to , their membership and in
tMJ ceo tribe ted to varieus religioui pur
pose. Iter. J. 0. Meayer of tliis'county and
jog,; ans,' Eq . of , Washington ooiinty
wrabMn eamm'usloner to the next Qen.
Aasembly. ', The .'Presbytery ' will hold Its
next meeting at Jefferson, Pa'., in October
eal.. . '
i A Tooxo blood living not a half doxen of
tile awty froai here, was the vlotiiaofa
. ktg jok last Sunday night lie was try.
Sto be partleularly "swest" on a young
f, and had paid her several rlslta. The
14 felki thoeght the ohildrsn were too little
. to kee) eampaay, and onrrd the hint hy
ejaUini the girl out of the room and sending
ket toked, tk lady of the house astonishing
tkeyf)M Rent by bringing in to the parlor
kag pleee of bread and butter and sug tr,
. aayiag la ker kindest manner, "There. Bull,
ton thl and ran bora to year mother i it is
nlitiU1oyi wen In bed". lUattr Rod.
I.VeaVlnT lf.eoate of. the Uid -matron f
i tMbr kal'Bt'beUer aUpoen of tbtU
fleojt'ttat bother ftea In lilt aUkaMrl
Am Old A friend gave ue last
week a oopy of the Jttrion T4"jnp and
lM-nt lUmiur, d.ttsl aV IVayaetburx, Jan..
. IS -I, It it nit a .-'7ol I pft, an I yet
wnn Irom chuu-M h ire o j jurre I since it
was printed. Vfj u ip it wn issu ij in
the Usruouci 0X04 (t'ltm lit lit o5jo)
whiub at that tnua rs owaeil hy Mr.
SjexCrieJ. Many of the oit.jont of
the . tow a will reiosmber it. At
the bead of the editor! il columns are
the nainas. Win Olonluiih and IV. Phillips,
(tia marked Vol. I, N' t. I J, aad an elitori
al infoniM the m i lur i!i it it is the lt Is
su. "Duappribatiitn of the ladies' U'nW
en as on eauto of t!io tuppresniim. It is
a go'siping p.ipor, and doubtless the la
dies thouxht it was uirping a work that
should belong onlt to them.
There are several spicy persunals in the
papar, a sample of which we n'we:
'Shnntvspiltluhurg wWh to know what
attnotioa tliur is on tlia South sido of Main
Street that caurj a certain yoon.; tow
headed waxy to take it in proferoiicii to
the other. Wonder if lie would not like to
pick up some .uc. urliota at a certain
house; ifynueould i!ftt a ch ines would you
toney well vou woul 1 old hot."
Such article would not bo tolerated now
ly fie youa blo-ilt about towo. Time
workt very wondrous changes I Eighteen
years have passe ) and ggne alnee this little
mi)S4cnir Ur,( saw the llgbi. Doiilitlena
many whoeiuerly read it are now oold in
duaih) many who contril.iitod to its columns
have gone to other landi. And their name
are scarce remembered. Then the dark
shud-iw of human bondage reitcd upon pur
country; men cowered and bent llio sup
plicant xnee nainre t'ie n-inlity slavoocrats
of the South. To-day all who live under
the flat; of our country are free, mid the
once proud lords bry their bread of those
they then inmlttj. Then the Dftiinerntiit
party was in its prime, nnd it .uoiiied that
its power e mild never be tnkcn nwav; men
weredrnirsed through our strecti, imprison
e l and shot Im-cuiho they dared to insert
that all men should bo free. Now the mime
Dmiinoratia party is suilWing undor eight
Ion;; years nf torriUe defeat, and tho doc
triiiHof lln riMiili'y of nil men is carrying
eyeiy one in its ie.itlcs courne.
What shall have taken plane eighteen years
hence? I'vihap then some one will find
in a ru.'iy garret, among fortrntten ruliliish,
a onpy nl the IUhui.icaN of to-dny, anil
will smile as bit soes its rude typography , lis
bad spelling and wnr.- punctuation, and
will write as we are writing, of the i-hnnges,
twixt now and then. . Perhaps this paper
will lnivo cencd to borrlnted. If on, we
ituBt llint in its atead will bo found one that
will iidvneiite with no abler pen the irrent
principlo that niav then o'ciipy the attmi
ion nf tho pople. One thing wo feel hud
of: the princip'es fur which ihe lUrvn
i.ican is now battling will then be firmly
evtal.lishcd, nnd men will wonder tnat ever
thoy wuro npponed. 1 -
Notici. Pr F. Whlttlesny's next viit.
to our town will be on Monday an 1 Tnesd iy
t'io31and 4ili days nf .May. ' I)r, Whittle
ey does nnt armgato to iiino!f snperhinnan
skill in the treiitmontnfiliseiisrt. but knows,
after many years of invenliiriitirin, observa
tion ntul exm-riemo in' Chronic Diease
alone, that lie is daily curing and nilinrinj!
hundred'' tlint had miht relief in vain rise
where. One reason of the Poctor's success
is'that ho spares no pains or expense to keep
up with the times, always having the most
effective medicines, wilhnut regard to their
oot, nnd also the latest and most improved
mechanical appliance to aid in the euro
Dr. Whittlesey has now a very fine Atom.
izer for the tre&hucnt of d if eases of the
throat. Medicines, by means of a fine spray
can be applied directly to the dUensed part
Patients under treatment (or diseases of the
throat can have tho benefit of tho Atotnizor,
during the two days of his vis't, frcoofai
charge, by calling at the Doctor's rooms
All th one. nfllioted with di ;eases of the
throat or nasal pasMie, are particularly in
vitcd to cull and test itscfliuaey.
Ilcmemhcr that Pr. Whiitlcsey treats all
forms of Chronic DienHe,suuh as.Consump
tion, Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Catarrh, Liver
Complaint, and Pyspepsiu In all its forms;
Kidney Diseases, Gravel, Fits of nil kinds,
Dieasos nf the Blood, Femalo Complaints,
Urinary Derangements and weaknesses and
all other old st-inding nnd lingering coin
plaints. Dr. Whittlesey bus treated in the
last fifteen years over fifty thousand patients
with nn average loss'of less than one to ev
ery five hundred treated. When we con
sidcr that many of these cases wore given up
by others before npplying, it speaks voluiuos
of Dr. Whittlesey nnd his medicines.
ft-rim' Musical IUvixw lor April is at
hand, and, in addition to fifteen pagos of
select rerling in'-itfut, o mtains the following
new and beautiful iniisie; Ain't I Sweet?
(lest, Parting Rut; I'm Ssill a Friend to
You; 113 Wipe tne Teir From Every Rye;
Forest Glad j Mirch; Damask R jse Wal'ti;
Guidon Sansot Mazurfeir. Music is generally
coniiJerod expensive, but whan, such a
quantity it furnish I for tho small sum of
thirty cents, it ceases to ho 'n luSury, and
even th cpnorest may sing, play and bo happy
It is issued by J. L. Peters, music publish
er, Box 5129, Xew York, at the low prico
of $3 UJ a year, or 3D cents for single
copies. , ,
Loving musio oursulvo, we naturally feel
interested in circulating it amon our mus
ical friends, nnd know of no bettor way of
doing so than by recommending 1'etm' Jfa-
sicuZ M'jnWg, Tlio roading matter 1 not
exoelled by any of the standard monthlies,
and the mnsio is nil that oan be desired,
both as regard uai)(i( and quiUty. . Know
ing this to ba the cuso,- we have made ar
rangement with the. publisher to olub it
with our papir for $3,00 or we will receive
subscription at the rata of $3 por year.'
ItiMoVAi,. Pr. Guiher has moved bis
whole stook of goods to the room lately oo
eupied hy P. Brown', nearly opposite the
PostolBce. Ue has rontod the adjoining
room,- now occupied by Wallace, nij intend
to malt the two room oat, making the
'finest store room in town. , Oo i,d see bis
good.;' : "' '-' ' :'' '! ',v : V
Pias, Extra Early, Tom Thumb, Daniel
0. konke, Blue Imperial, Large Marrowfnt,
Champion of England, and Bishop' Dwarf
Loo PodrkuV by -phet or buabel. For aala
Woon.v FssTOtv. It Mosi that Waynes-
burg It to have on of these establishments,
The project Was considered by aou of our
oiljief.t, who esin to tbn conclusion it could
be Luilt, and they at once started a subscrip
tion paper for stock. The capitul asked 1
$JU,U HI, In- (hare of $J) each. The pay
ment are to be made in monthly install-
meat of ten percent.
This is certainly a feasible project, and a
ranch needed establishment. There 1 an
abundance of Inane sapitnl throughout the
county. It will pay, too. The factory at
Cunoniburg declared a dividend of 2i per
cont. the lu', year. There is no reason why
one here would not pay a well. Titer is
wool throughout the oounty that might aa
well be manufactured here a sent off to the
Kat. If Greene county expects to advance
any, her aitimns must employ their capitul
in such enterprises ns thil.'' '.. .
Thw-e who may wish to submirib stock
can do so by applying to Saiu'l Brudeo.
Anuh. or Piace. A picture bearing tM
title has been kindly sent us by the publUh
ers, T. S Arthur & hone, Philadelphia. It
represent an Angel bearing a child in lu
arms, (lying over a city. , The little one ha
been t.ikon from its home In one of th gar
ret of tho great city a id 1 being born
from its sorrows to the world of light.
Above4 awn th crescent moon and stars.
Tho whole tlei,-n is vory beautiful, and th
execution fine. The price ij. SO, but it
is given to tultoriliere to the Home Maya-
tin", or Oneta .Vm'tlh, or CAiVuYen'f Hour
for $ extra. The Chiiiltn'i oura
splendid public ation-lnd tho picture cost
but $'-' -i, being liiets. lee than the pic
ture alone. The picture oan be (sen at
lingers' Photograph gallery, and we advis
all to go nnd look nt it.
Kdi'Cation'au. Thu firt Session of the
Col lego at JcfiurHon, Qrdcna Co., Pa, will
commence on tlio first Monday of May
.Arrangements will be ma Jo to tecuro a
competent crps of Teachers.
The Tuition fees will both same as in
similar Institutions.
The buil linx formerly oeoupiod by the
M. E. Church will be used until the College
edifice is completed.
A competent Teacher ol Musio hut been
aeoured. Boarding oan be had nt pcivate
houses in JefTsison nnd vicinity nt reason-
ab'o rates.
The friends of this new enterprise are
respectfully requested to patronise it, a
uso their influence for its success. .
A. A. I'crmw. Chiinnan of Com.
A moiar intelligent lady, a resident of
Syracuse, N. Y., says that she w.vs nlBiote 1
nearly a year, periodiually, with dernngo
inentof the circulation, the blood rushing
to tho lungs with suoh force us to threaten
onnuesiion and death, This was attended
with the mnit iutouse pain in all parts of the
body. Vailing to obtain relief from any nf
tho physicians whom she employed from
time lo time, she wax induced to try, the
Plantation Hitters, nnd lo her surprise and
joy they lisvo relieved her, and the is now
in good health and fiiish.
Macnoua Watsu. Superior to tho best
Goi-mau Cologne, and sold nt half prico.
I. 0. 0. F. Celebration nnd Pediention at
JelTers'in, Greene County, Pa. Oen. Grnene
L-.nlgo. No. 493, I. O. 6. F. will celebrute
the eeiiii-ocntenniul anivcrnary of the order
by a public prnocsMnn nnd dedication of
tboir new hall in Jcflornon, on Monday,
April 2f, 1809. Neighboring Lodges nnd
members in good standing are Iratcrnally
luviled to participate.
IIimrt Davis,
Jmi.f Ii ax,
. II. 0. l'di.i.ncx,
H. B. Smm,
II. II. Lis diet,
Noticb. We have recently Increased our
facilities fir doing Job work of every de
scription, from tho email card to the sheet
bill. Haying purchased a lot of colored
inks, we are prepared to do fine printing,
such us business cards for framing; also
Bill Heads, Circulars, Programmes. Pamph
lets printed in neat style and at low r itos
Salo bills nnd Horse bills put up in thobest
stylo and with tho greatest possible de
apatch. .
; Notice Is hereby given to all persons
doing businoss without having paid the
Special Taxes roqtiirod by the laws of tlie
United States, tl'iit. information will be
madu to the U. S. Coiunnnissionor ngninst
all such who fail to pay said taxes by tlio
17tb day il April, 1349. A. L. Mvirj.
Deputy Colloclor.
Talk about Boots and Shoes I just come
to Savers' cornor Wayncsburg, Pa., and I
will show you more than all the rust in
town put together. W. I. Rjherts.
A uooo example of perseverance in diffi
ulties is seen in Pr. Guiher' ease. A few
years ago he was not worth much ; now he
is the merchant princoof Waynesburg.
AztiRiNi.T-Qo and buy a box of hi arti
cle and see If it is Dot the best indigo
made, Only six cents n box. For sale at
Huberts' and Kinchart'a. ' ,
Fon Sai.c At this office a scholarship
in the Iron City Commercial College of
Pittsburgh, tho best in the'oountry. It will
be sold cheap to anyone in this county.-
Men'3 and Boys' baots and shoes, wo
men' and children' shoes and waiter;
elippors lo , in great variety and of choice
material ntWinget'. '
Aur book published, new or olit, will be
sent by mail pott paid on receipt of the pub
lisher' prico. Address Lewi DayVaynei-burg,Gi-reoe
Co., T. ,
New stock of wall paper' and window
blind In great variety, Just received at
Day' Book Store. - -...
Fam im know well that homemade boot
and choe last longer for themselve and
sons. ' Th plaee to gel these to at Jno. M.
Wingct'. , : .1 : ;..:i .
OsitDtiT Rirns.' For Garden Sleed of
the best quality and variety go to D. W.
Braden' Drag Store.' Now 1 tU tint to
boytj.MKW.-.. - .
Irt yvtjpui good toif,v
tut Ui lUrtrkLICA. '
Ha. Editos i Through the Columns of
your paper I Wish togiv a brief notice of
an exauiinatio held at Ling' School Itous
on the south branch of Muddy Creek, in
Cumberland township. The school was
taught by Mr. A. J. Waychoff. Th ex
amination ofulaste eommenoed at 9 o'chick
and ooDtinu"d mail i in the aftornivjn. All
the olutss were riiroulily ttanined, ex
cept Practical Arii nctic, which was omit
ted for wantof tiste. Thi parent! were in
vited to be present an I nearly all eouipli I
with the request, showing respect for their
teacher, and anl'ety to know how their
children bad piespsred. Parents of all
schools should do likewise, whin the oppor
tunity is afforded. In my opinion Jefferson
and Cumberland lownshipt are far ahead of
alt other iti the toanty.both In respect to
goo school, and. the Interest manifested lo
their behalf. Tit upper end fail better
look out or it willU left behind. ' ,
As Opuarit,'
,Wbat Now? fuh, fish, fih. Chttse.
Cheese, Cheese. Buckets Potatoes, Good
rich Potatoes, Peacbblow Potutoes, at II. A.
CniiDtai.Axu Prjbvterian Hymn Bonk,
all stylet Dylan Books for all denomina
tion at Day' liok Store.
Do rou liks yeur boots to fit Veil and to
last long? Then go to Jno. WinJet's, and
he will warrant yoo a good fit and a good
bout. '
. m W
I.s lime of peace prepare fur war. Secure
your boats and shoes for Summer wear at
Jno. Wingol', bofor th busy itaton be
gin. , . .
It you want to be shaved well, or to have
your hair cut ninety, go to W, Manley'
barber shop, under th Greene House.
Ir you want a good and fashionable arti-
ole of clothing, call is tho Hamilton House
store room and see tliirk ,t Mots.
Foa Sale. Two 'share,' paid, In the
Waypesburg Cential Fair Association; will
bo told cheap. . Inquire at this office.
PttuortD. Thobig trade from the Ham,
ilton House Store room to opposite Jno.
Munnoll'a, Seo'tlie New Store of Ouiher's.
Wt have received from the Type Foundry
a new horse cut, of the Intost style. Those
interested will take notice.
Go to W. t. Ruperts' nnd y au will find the
largest and finest assortment of Boots, Shoes
and Gaiters ever hrnglit to this county.
lu'00 Pair of W.omen's, Missos' nnd
Children) Shoes and Oahert of th latest
styles, at Huberts' Shoo Stone.
Birr one box of Axurene for six cents, and
it will lust as long as a quarter's worth of
common Indigo
Fames,. Thil festival passed off nicoly,
nnd as n rosult, Guiher it selling more
goods than any one in town.
Ay extensive stock of new wall paper
beautiful paltenis'enrpets. floor eioth and
window shades at Frank McOurgan'i,
Goto Frank McGurgan'e for the latest
styles of dress poplins, n'pneca, all colors
for suits; heavy dress goods tj.
Ticcino. Crash, Checks, Drilling, Gloyo,
Hosiery, Nut Ac, vory cheap at Wilson's
new store.
Cloths, Cnsslmeres, Cottonades, Pant
goods, Bleaohed and Brown Muslim, vory
cheap at Wilson's new store.
Go when you will to Guiher' Storo, you
nnd a lurgo stock of goods, and van buy
them cheap. L
Drtr Ooods of every description, grocer
ies, qiiaonswaro ta., Ij , can be found nt
0. W. Robert has just received tho lar
gest stock of. Drugs ever bi ought to Way
A fresh supply of Violet Ink just recelv
ed and for tule, wholesale and retail, at
Day' Book Store;
Blank Deods, Justices' and Lawyer'
Blanks, nil kinds kept constantly on band
at Day' Book Store.
A New ttock of Garden Seeds just ready
ed and for sale at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store
Tut lurgest stock isalwayt tho best stock
Therefore go to Guiher'. ;'
Fine carpets oan be bought at Guiher'
at a low price. '
FAtiN'EsrocK' pure white Lead, also pure
linseed oil at Uraden'e Drug Storo.
Smns, & Ross have the largest Variety of
notions ever offered in this market
; For fine silks hud Indie dress good go to
Shirk 4 Roe'.
Now i the time for Sargent's oongh syr
up and pill Get tho in at Braden'.
The Suffrage Amendment is passed, and
Guihor bus reduced the prices of hi goods,
Paints, Oils and Varnishes of all kinds
for sale at G. W. Roberts' Drug Store.
Dress Goobsof all kinds and of the latest
fashion, very cheap at Wilson's new storo.
Ir yon want cheap boot and (hot go to
Shirk & Ross'.
Go to Shirk t Itos for your line white
good. . - '
' A late Spring make good Potatoes; go to
II. II. Binehart's to get your teed.
Fodnp at isT At II. A. Bioebart' a
fresh s took of seeds aedpototoe.
-, ...... . ,
Blawr Boots, every size and quality at
Day' Book Stor. ,
Soxoat School books, all kind at Day'
Book Store. ' ; - r;
Wlvdow Glasaand Putty for sale at G. W.
Roberta' Drug Store. .
. ITosTtTTiR' aad Mishler's bitter at Bro
deu' Drug Store. ' , ., ' IvfBuher and CarvLokoiya
at T. BrUw'ekardwvt) itor. . -.,; .'.;
Wakav neyleuiad for oat time to tio
lic the Iltaiik ml ltmt, a family paper
issued in New York, weekly atji 00 a year.
It isaaitteen page paper, filled with th
eboieest reading. It Agricultural Depart
ment i well conducted) it new nlwajs
fresh; lu children' reading very nice,' and
Ihe whole making ttrebest paper of the kind
in America. It should I in every family.
Call aud too it at Day's.
Am th best patent medicine sold at the
Drug Store cr Dr. D. V.'. Braden.
A Ltidf Stock of Brushes just received
and for sal at 0. W. Roberts' Drug Store.
Fo anything In the Drug Line ffl to 0.
W. Roberta' Drug Store.
C vital Solforino for eoloring lied told a
Draden't Drug Store.
Wilson's pill for headache, sold at Bra
den' Drug Stora. , . .
Paisiavi jour hair with Baruet't Hair
llestorative. Get it at Braden .
LiTTt paper lOct ptr quire at Day'
Book Stor.
! 1 .' "-1-.JJ
WAYSKanrita market.
W x Bsnv aa A prll It, 1st
Oometad Weekly lur ttas Hsrewuuss.
' rnoDcce. ' ' . "
Fun n do.. -
.. w
ruiutnos n busli.
Liirtl ! .........-......-..
Tnllowv ........
Country MiMip v Dv...Hw....
iirieu Appie ............
Flour si bbl....".. ...
WlKlltS lllKll
Hy Y bnsli
I'orn V bush
l Ota i m
, t iii a)
- I 01
1 w
Cora iluul -
(Vft Ik M -.)....
1 "
1 vu
1 in
l ea n n
ltrMwnMutnrllt ,
ItelluiHl suiar II
Hvrupv Kl... m
.tiiliiNM,s (N. Orleans,)....
Monclinm V Ral -
Halt lilil
lllu H u
firrNBtnuii MAitutvrti.
MONDAT April 1J, 1809.
We quote as follows, wnlcu are the wliolesule
pricssi - -
Wheat. I'cnn'a. and Ulilo, Winter Itod
rtvo a linslt H. m ,
11 W
I !
lints)! bush
CnrnV linsli
Mprliiit l"-iil Hour
7S i-7
I eO'ji ill
winter wusav
ShmiMera n.. Hi-
xinriir Cured llunu UK-
I'nlnliirs, hush. ......... .................. TTtfiTA
A iili t tbl 2rftl Ml
I'll, nne t!
ijini. - iw
Kite doa.............. ui
liullw MI
Hay a3,0O3,00
Pen.vsvlva.via Cexteai Stock Yards, 1
. - April 11, 180U. f
CattiC Strieker may b quoted at Si
(HI "A hundred nnd not many wanted
I tin Ikisi i nttle sold at ?S uuiitM ii linn
ilrcd. The market during the week ruled
steady and closed this evening with not
over seven eur loads in the pen unsold
linos. During the week there have bern
increased receipt of (till hogs, and in eon
seiincnce, corn hogs were not n lirisk.
ri iocs are not cnangeu ninteriany nnwevcr
from this nf but .weak. . Salaa of stillara ut
:9 T ViilH Vhn7i the best I'liiluili-lphia at
?ll(($ll i Hh a rw extra udortedat
$11 JikSII nop hundred. . Ihe market lor sheep naa neon
snmo bi-ioker tint week nnd prioes genernlly
iierliiips a shinlo bott?r llinn last, the sup
ply of sheep has boen light in consequence
nf thorn not being ns lininy clipped sheep
inns shippers anticipated, for usually at this
season of the year thr receipts, are consider
New Rtoro New Store
Xewbture MewtlUire
Tlie Ooois all New
XlieUjudsklt w .
Fvorythlng yon want
every lumg you Viuu
The Vary Latest Fashion
I'lio Very Lutwil t iuuIuu
ey caeAP and oooft"
Very Chonn anrl nonrl
Very Cheap ondOood
fall and seethe Ooosls
Cull and see lUe Ouoda
- 'Trices Town. Piiesa flown
l'rlccs iiowu. Price Down
At Wilson's New Store
At W'tlsou'a New Store - -. .
(Waynesburg, Pn, April It.)
The Summer Ri-s-lnn of Jacksonville Aeailo-
my, will uien on MiiiUy, May 1, HUM, nnd eon
ilnue tor the loriu u( Ave uiontbs, or twenty
Vacation of two weeks, commencing July Id
and rudinzJulv Uih.
Xumos s Primary Department.... .M 00
JuUirmedlale " .V7 ul
. . -- . CoUeglaLs . . 1 t ...W 00
Board! na end rooms famished for students
can ue oniaineo on very rMwonanie rates.
Tuition payable one half In advance.
L'areiul atientlon will bs given to the moral
and rellkious Instruction of all the students.
A Music Teacher will be procured 11 a reasona-
able amount ot pntronnge be had
For further iaritculra Inquire nf Dr. D. W.
uray, a. itora, raq., or n
Add res Wind Uldge
OrniJo., Pa-4-ls
sa.. or itav.&aial Orahiun.
p. o.ox jaetuouvuie.
VQl eeattnne to carry nn the business at the
old stand, now in Ui ma year of. us ezltteneo
Fnrnllare of evory style, jn alexia! and finish
asp aoaauoesoanMroy tost oaas wswKtaesv
Always nn hand. Shop 1 seat of 7, tt 8. Natl
Uank, Main a , WissraeMmrg, Pa. i-lt-'se. ,
Letter of admin Istfatln'ns qprM ft fsHats of
fieorgs ijyno, mieov riprinsniit ip. ureene oo.
Pa., harlna beeo a ranted tn undanlanad. al
persons indebted to tb aald estate are hereby
No. 1 Store In the Uatnilton House. '
LsmrtK A ninn he histornat In tlislro
ratura Mom In Ihe It M ll.ToN llol.SK, Wayn
iirw, la., the IsniMt, llnaul aud chaapMl stock;
tt mil vr Ullttm, ii, lUNnvi,
fluviiu DureUasnd lur the luweat eatn price,
Ualli In orleo and uunllt of aoods. Their
aloes, euusiiia w m nj uNavwMvvwr.u.i
Of fry floods, Dreaa Ouuds,
Mua A Bort' Clatulng,
ailks,a-tbs Ouilmne,
Bout aad Ihoee,
tuu, Uosisey ADHevse, '
Qoop anl Balmoral skirt,
Countsryansa, rtutloni.
All kind On White i-wtts.
And various other toads adapted to the popular
trad. . t'Skil and examine tlialr slock and primus
bsfu ptirchaslng Isowuer.
l.i.t nulilUh..! nw edition Of TIR. CtTLVKR-
WKi.L'aCKLrHHATKU liasAV uu tha Itudicol Cure
(Willi' lit MmlluliieiiilKi'KMMAi'OiiiiuiKAor rlm
lMAluilllijir.A ur moil
IuuHiL-lt.v, luipeill.
IIIUI. Mi'lllrtl ISIIU l'liyicui iuumi;ii,v, inippiif
moult lu iuarr limit iilo. ; CoNMUMi'rio.-'.Ki'iLiiP.
NVaml Firs, Indiu-sby ioil-lliJulguuteor nix-
escrnue, in asonieu envaiopo, oniy u ranis. .
'i ll. ui'ltihriiiHil hui linr. In this aillillruhlti ussflv
ch'iirly ilamoiml rules frnin a Ihlrly yuurn' uu
eeSHful priu-tiiw, tlmt tUiialiirrulnitcoiisi-qiieiii-'ON
nltielr-iibuse hluv be rmlk-hlly i-iliml Wtlhjul the
ilanei-iins unit ot'luleriinl mtllciue ur I Im appli
cation of the kufi I poiiilhix mil a uimluolvure
ni ouNiuiil, ci'rtiiiii and i-flimtaal. by means
uf which evvrvsuiri-er. nn umtiiu- wlial hiscnn
dllloniuny Im, mnv aursliliiuelf vliuaply, pit-
vai"lv mid nuiii'iiiiy. , .
u-l'l.u ijieuire slionld ha In the hands or ev
ery youth and every iuuii in the land.
r.nill, uii'iit wrm i n iu,ii, Kii.ui..,"., -j .i
addrwis (Hwlpalil. nn receipt of lx eni, or two
&t stamps. Alixilir. fulverwell' "Marrow
uldo," priced vents. Adilres the nnollkhurs,
t'liA1-. j. ii. si'i.i r. ji m..
Kl flowery Now York, l'oxi-omoo llux KM
TiTrrRwiirwr. dirkctous of uiieenb
nsTi rxm ,-Tn mirtnranM of th forty-
third section of the Oct of Hth Mar, ISM, you
urn horcl.y hntllled H niei-t In Convention at
tha Cuuri lloosu. In Wavniishurg, on Hie flrst
Tuasdny In May, A. b. I, belua the 4th day of
.tits mouth, nt i o'clock In tha ufti-rnnon. and
arleel, viva vooe, hv a majority of the whole
numhto-nr lilrei'rnm presi-ni, unii 'ron of lite
riirvun l sclcniltln arqnlri-miinlH, and nf skill
mid inrlHiiKii In the art nftivichtn. iisl'ountv
MuperlntnndHiit rurllm thnie sin-eeedlng vinrs;
fltlU Coriinf lUO rWllllt U, UIO i-iuui r-iii,:iu,i.-ti-
lent.ut Xarrlalmrg, as requ red hy the thirty
ulutli and forUulh sectloni .,f ald net.
HIU.IIAn.l. lt'..l'.
County Superintendent fur Ornuno County.
-u nt
special atoticw.
(XsNOaSTRATCD ptoin r.i
Eradicate ttroptlve and Clotrutlve tdA
Throat, Nixw, Eys, tyoiiUs, Roalp, and HUln,
Which so dlsttgurm the appearnnee, Priming
the evil effect ut mercury and tviauvliia- all
mints, the Itvmnant of Diseases, beredltnry or
ol Her wl-e, nun is utkeu uy auuiumuhv.uiiuivii
wltn pericet sweiy.
Tv.,'rii.Hiaiiniiils of tha F.xtraet of Rims
pnririn, milled ma pint of water, Is equal tu the
Lisbon Diet Hrlnk, andrne Ixillln I equal toa
gnllon or the Myrup or sarsuparuia, or tus
cociiunnn uunuv luuuv. .... .. ., .
An iniAt-Mtinir ff-tt,.r is nnrjlitdied In the Med
leo-Chlrirglcnl Kmrlew, on Ihe sublncl ol tlio
extrrctof biirsiipurllla In certain nllecllous,by
llonlaintn iravtr, r. n. o., an.-, -iii-,i,iMi .
inn.. .iimm.,iu unii dlattAacni'lbtn2 iroin thees
enter inereurv, he states that nu reintnly Ik
equal to the Extract orAuraipnrilla: llapuwsr Is
axtruunllnarv. iiiornso limn any ulhor dink 1
am acqnalnled with. It Is, In the atrlctoHt
aim. imiin wlili this Invaluable ultrllmtii.
that It la applicable to a slate of tho sysuuri su
siiuicen. ana yi ao iriimuw ,, , ,
suustnnoes ot uie tunic ciaaa uunvwiuwiv w,
Jurluua. . " MELMBOLD'S ' ,
dnesntralal Kxtrnat Snraannrilla.
Estshllslisd upward of Is years. I'r;lred by
11. I'. IlLLMHUl.ll.
.. r ' ' tiH ilroudway, N, t .
WTfltrefl VjuIIki IVnntt nf tha Inlnrlrmsnf-
I fwtsof Fm-e Powder nnd Wnshes. All ui-h
remedies olosn nn the poms of the slcln, nnd In
a short time destroy the complexion. It you
would huv a fresh, henllhii I and ynuthlul np.
pearande, nse Holmbold's Extract Sarsaparlllo.
t Clear, emnnthe Skin nnd Tlenntil tom-
f piexlnn lonows ine nsn ni iibiuidoi a uuii
luintmlp,! Vvlrnrt Snnmnarlll.
Il renmve black epots, plmplon and all orob-
tionsoitne ski a.
TNtheSprlnsmaiiths, the system natnmllv
u-dTKiwa a chnnce, and llnlmlxild'a Highly
fonoHntrnted Extract of Sarsapaillla is uu as
sistant oi uis grouieat vaiua.
VTOT a fow of the worst disorder thst eflllet
11 mankind arise from eorenntlpnof the him
Helmbnld'a Kxlract bsraapsrllU Is a remedy
ut tuu usiuuat.Tuiu. .
TTELUBOLDU Extract Rartuparllla eleansoa
and rennvatea'the blood, tnstlla the vlior of
nMiiu, mto iu ayiam, aJin punja put uw uu-
niura wsi woe-e uiac i.
QUANTTT-f vs. nmilltv. flelmbold's Extraet
sarjaparljln. I liadyse isnmnll. Toosu who
ucmraa largg qumiMigr iuu wit, muv, .,...
rrmiwc ia dMlre hrllllnnev nf eomnlellon
. I must purl ry and enrich the blood, which Is
dona by llidtnhold's (.'nncenlruteil Kxlract of
Sarsaparllla. Auk fur llcliuhuld's.Talte uo other
TTF.LMBOI.Ii'S fnnccntmti'd Kxtraet Borsa-
XXparlllala the areut mood puriuer.
awldi tnrrlntrsi. Tonnsr Wen'
Qulde to Ilnppy Mai-rhiKH auiK.'onJiiKal Felici
ty, Tho humane views ol benevolent Physi
cian, on Ihe F.rrirrs and abuses Incident to
Youinniid early Manhood, seut lu smiled hitter
envelopes, rrca of ehnrgn Addrras ItoWAD'd
AMSi K'i ATIOK, llox f Philadelphia, pa.
Junel7.'6-ly . .
Notlee Is hereby given to all persons Interested
thnt the animal lists of Assessment or Internal
Revenue Taxes, upon the Incomes of 1WS, made
hy the-Assistant AsSMsor ol theSUh Cullmllon
District, of Penua.,wlll be opeu for Inspection
at the
trim thth to the 1Mb day ef April, next,
during which time person aggrieved raay
snake appaala from what tuy may ennshior
wmmuum Asacasraanta Alt aDSMala moat faailu
writing, epeellyln penteulany tb mat tar of
complaint, respeoua woioh a "ec iion it re-
auckMd. jam. ii. nu i t,r;.
HMarabHtlS4t. Aaateaor UDUtPa.
bydefani who have falisd to em taelr .
rJaaUahouid ir thl medlsin bafor they elve
the we know very inai.y valuable
Uvea have new aYa oy impt psrsuauaa to
give It trial. . ..- ...
Don't despair beeouseall other remedies have
billed, but try tills, and yon will not be de
ceived. . ...
The. proprietors of this netneble Balsem take
alaAsura in ealllnsr to U the atteutlon of all
medical dealers, deMrtnir tbnt Uiey proper a
supply in is ana nwMswss is so usv auuttHKs
palrou srd ffiesuls, r
a'waxwtUwinsrTAit bTasRS pail,
Wwetteiae pany eaea tesu.
slid .llur ,.veitih,.r Zl. IHIJS IrmluaalTlvw
at and lU iMtrt from the I'nl' U it H, mriw W
issuuiiistun alia Lauoriy siiwis. suihiw!
amhiVp, tiarAar.
Mull Tr..ln.......l:riam fa- Exiras.ASOa m
I'rut l.lnn rtani AValira No.l..aa
Wall's No.1..,.. t.nnrMHTfulu tit a an
Union Ae .....?:Vca in i:iii-iniiUK.lfcIlm
Wall a No. J : Xi a in Wall's No.l ...11 D m
(.'Ini'lniinll K.s. .Ui 10 lu Jidiustown Ac.Ukpaa
Jol nHowrl AnJiflUm Hnulduek NoL.:JCpa
iiritunora t--.l:loni rimv Mn....sns M
I'hlht Kap.........'oa a in Wall's AnKuti'At ta
Wall's Nn. S ti: a m Wall Ae Not. i p sst
unuldnek' N v 1AM a m Fast l.lot T:S0pm
Wall a Nu. t -7.U a ia, Wall's No. UUM p m
Way l-a-smiKcr I
a r.miii trn...iim p m;
Tlis Clnireh trains lanva Wall's Mlatloa every
Suuday al S. Li a in., reaching Vltupumli al Hhdt
a ni. Ili.liirniiiil Ii :n 1'HUburoli at p aa.,
ami arrlvpal W'uH'sHtMtlonaltnp. m.
t'luiluuuil F.sprtm Iravv daily. AU ether
trntns dully exi-cpt Sunday.
ror luriueriniurnianon appiy in -
W. II. lIKi'liW ITIT, Axewt. .
The Peiinsylvsnla ltallndl.anipsny will o
aiuiuinsany rlhk fur linirnse, for Wesw
Inil appiirvl, end limit lln-lr Rufxintlblllty W
line llundisd Hullitrsin vnluo. Ail bsmis
Aevdlng I hut iimounl In valui. will beat th risk
u( owner, uult-sa Inkrn hy al ennlrart.
j iiwnnn ii. ,t i i.i.i j
Urin-rV Kup'l., Altonna, Pa.
JonN r. ham.
he, hi, Uasl Fourth Street, Oornsr Bread way
LatablUbed lT. . i
tin, it suv liouiu lii ihe elly, eooiblued wlUt
very t avorauia Lieaas,
la euablod to suli la) pur eent la than Braadwnp
J. C. Dsm flvea nartlouutr aUsntloa te ardare,
1-urlins wiaiiitia purchase . arriaacan have
nut uf my Cutnimiusa . auauilulo- adealea
wiihrsndiiiKiuaiwr. Ayiy by uut ur vtuw-
Hi -it Premlnin fillvvr Medal awanletj bt
AmtrlMA Iiutltute to
InmiMI.WJianai;), Alto Ooli ttedaiet
the Wwrid Fair In th city of New Y of
la UIKA '
y A- PONDstCO ' . . ,."
Plano-Fnrteand Musio Dealers, No. MT eWosmV
wuy.NuwVork. KtabllsUed Ofty Jftara,
of our own make equal to any and pries sneeh
www man iiiunii moiiitir urst ciaaa nouses.
thr Pvui.oitriEut oirrAVR piano
In hnnilsuiieriseivuoil i-uHi-N.iiiudluiDHlss.lathe
handMiiiiust aud best Piano evur miula, and the
pras.xutfdlugly luw; evury liiKlruuii-utiully
warraiitud llva enrn; send for prlue Hal. We
have always on band nil klnda ul Musical In
stru . emu iruriMit varleiy.
IIANIll.NMIUUMEN-IHflf Rrass and Oarmaa
Silver, wairanuid correct lu toue,ttprleeaaiuak
bi-l'iwiiihor inniiii nettirvis.
vlul.iN.-il Itl.Ml.s. We keen the eholeeat and
best nirliui that are lusile. Price lur beat, pat
BHt, fur Viuliiis. tl. lur LJultai', l,H mailed S
OurCiituliiTnenmhrneiieuver sU thousand dlf-
mmm pii-i-us. aim is iminonsiy popu ar.. r.ew
milHic nilbllKliL-d av. rv diiv. nnd tiiirtliul n iIwm
paid, when the marked price la reiiiluetf. I'ClU.lMiu.U ,'llie new Kli-ueiitary Pi
ano Ji-au Mantis and lUnry Kleber,
I'ne slmplii.t i ii'l must proRrwislve and beat
wurlt evur published, t- lea S3 An.
VuW!-idinilHliiRlii' lioon. used In tha Publla
Hchnolsur New York. I'rkoim eerua. Splendid
tisoonnt io lonehe sand others who Introdiioe
the above works. Hend for catalogue and srlse
list. Aaents wariiwl, '
w m. a. i-o.vd CO., tfT,Drodway, N. T.
Pablo-sin - i
naop aitmiu
Hal rsmovtvl his Manufaetory a PalMr.waas to
no. ilia cutMiiiui hi., Philadelphia, ,
Whsre Ills '-Own Make" of Chsmnloa ffana
Hitlrts, e-pcelally ailupud to Flnl-ciasi Whole-
iim ui.ut exti'uslve itisorltueiit lu the Unless
and ail the lalual and in wl ihMlrnb: Htylea,
i4liup, Lengihs and Msch, -i, tU, ij. yards
round, of 1 'lit lit and Unruil Pmiles. WalklrW
MKiris, KooKpiluii Trails, An, o touiither wltli
over ntuuty diUsrcnt vurlutlee of Mlsne nd
illdri'ii's of wlilau for svmmatrv of
style, Anisli, lightn-si,elatlc;ty,durabiuiy and
iuwi viuiai'iioaa. mo unnquaiou uy any fnuer
Kmsl, lu Uie uiarliHt, aud urn warranted In every
ruspsct,' t order. Altered BdRe
p.ilry, wholcs.ileund Retail. -
16 burlniM. H.' UuiUl W WDi-lnits. tl OantHi '2
niiriiiKi,64ints; in HpniUi, uai.'cuu; Srtprina
idCeuls; and lOHprlngs, taCatil ,
t'orsuial C mils 1 1- Coretli fSrtlfTorent
style nnd nrlcis, irons 7Heiiits to 17 on, suirirsdV
lux It Worlluv,"rlii.ikol," "Ulove FUtlsiitV Ma
dam Fox's Corjot rikirt Huuportor. Mrs, Moo
dy s Pitcut "i)lr-AIJustlnit Abduinlual" Uor.
sets, l-'runch, Eiutllsli and lioimulle llnnd-tnad
Ciirscls, andiupKrinr Frrrwh t'atiiirn of Culail
Corset, "liar i iwn Make,' to which levll
opei'lul attention. .
i uuiplnte assoriinont ol Ladle's Under Oar
inniu, al vary low prloe.
oeumul Au.iiit ir the Partrsm and Panto
Family Hewing- Machines, aapeilor to any
oliivr iM(iroili,i public Fifty-lwoof these NO.'
I Machines, Prion tuj each, are bcliiK Riven
away to our cuaiomert, In urdcr lo get them
Introilui-eil, I'.very ponon In went or artlolsa
lu our line, shnnid examine our kooJs before
piirchaslmrolsowliere. Cull orwmd lor elroulare
at uur Mnniiractory or Nilosroom, No. l,lt'
Chuinulbt.,PhUa. W.T. UOl'KlM. , t-sl.lia.'
Krnnrt M'fluiuan lias returned fron tlie Etst
wiih a full nnd hcoutihil stock of the lAiast
Fashions lur LivIIms and Oi-utleiueu.eunsliLtM
rlursi, all oolnr. Fiupreas ClotlMi, hMuitital
Mhsdu French I'oplum, vhahswible Poplins,.
b.Mt quality Alpecsn, all odors, niaek Hllke with
nlill.-i-iIiih, lllack and llrowrs Waterproof etoths,'
all Wool Doluiuouiukleaiiddoubk-rtldtli.olh.'
t uw style of
Now style uf Shawls, sing U and double, A
oomplctu stoo i uf Furs, new styles. Past quart
ly l,lrllui, Klunuel, lllcacluid Muslim a Whit
Uoous, Lac Curtains, new puiwnie; Ladles'
dew 6k. iU,
XEW DltESS ' Tfiisrmxcsi
New style of Silk Prlnpea, (limp and need
lints to m teh; Fancy Dress and Mack Hutlous:
Milk,. l.-t end vnlvel battnns; hlaek Velvet Itlb
bons; oloml Velvet lliittnns: a full line of Kin
linildnrles and insertions to match; Lace Hand
ker"lneisnnd Collars; Fdt;lnKaaud Lanes; Val.
i-in-in Iacch: (Irenndlne for V al a; Machine sew
li'H silks; Hosiery aud Oloves; Aloxandar Kid
Olnves for lailu's and mlSMcs; tlenls Cusslmsr
amlCI-ith Uloves; Fur and Uuokidrin Olovsa;
UnilorshlrUi. Drawers, Muspcntlers, Neckties, col
lars nnd wide, Notions and Jewolry, . '
Wall pnper, Carpeir, Floor t'lolhs, Window
shades. JSrnnyr and Knlttllig Yams,
Fiis'nlonaoln cluililhg for Gents and Boys,
which will tin told at reduced pries. A full
stock of newUuUaud Caps, which wlil be sold
at small porilts.
A full lino of tall Trlmmlne and Millinery
?;onds of the latest and best lasnlnns. New style
miles lluis, lrltinnd ncl uutrlmnieif; Vat and
noniiei irnmes; nnest nr French and American
Flowers for Ihe Fall tcaaoii; Ostrich.' feather:
srM,i.,n.iititrets pinri
ui Qiiirr
fnrntsnni; iwn-
iiatHiika and Vuiveia, all colors: Velvcbs and
minis In lull line or enlors; new stvl Hatln
ltlbbins, i ll width and shadta; Ilnnnat and
trnnmlnir ribbons, all shsdes; Hash ribbons; new
style of Hlln and Headed 1 .aces; Msllnes, Tarlet-'
ohm, lllack Fnglinh I'rappa; Crnfio Veils end Col
Ihm; afull Una ol Motiriilns- OohI; all numbers
of Cloaks; Mnchtno thread- llrcnkfat Hhawla,
NnbliM, Fancy Roods and Coisets; a full line of
ovcry thing usually kept lo a - .
Liberal Reductions made to Milliners.
p-JIC'KERINOrONiJ, ' : '"' '
Kauufactur of ! '. ' '
flrand, Sonare sod npr'sjht Plane, Ttcrelved
the Pint arand Oold y.edal, and th IU1 bicber
recompense ,
' Tho Cross ef the Legion of ITonorTat tb
ThNts ware Hi hlehest awards of tb Eineat-
Hon, sud th liftiM of Uilekarlnf 4 Bona wee
the only one so honored. -
In tbn United States we have been awarded'
Sixty-nine First Premlnma In direct competi
tion with th leadlns mannfsetnreni ef thai
country, and at the Great Exhibition In Lor doe.
we received the highest award given to any
mauufaelurar In lb United State. Total, Ser-entv-noe
First Premiums, aad the meat flatter
is? testimonial boa tU leading; aftlat ot Uta
-; - wAantooissi ' - ' :'r
No. ! East Toorte emth Street, New Torx,
Between Roadway AOd Flftfl Avatlea,
ra.AV-8(St . .
Fall Term oouinienues Aux JT, lsds;aesl aontitv-'
usa ekhteon weeks. The Normal Departmeng
Is for She benedt of tcschra. The' Imthtlng baa
been ratlttwl, muilsnta have access to two Li
braries, nocletlesarelu a SoiirUhlneenndlllon.
To the liuillulluu lielouus Bfn'iraiua for All
Kino or experimeni. uk1 Tenscoue, asi-
eroaeope, CLart. sc. It .1 aotimi llinl
eroai-ope, Charts, sc. U
In desired Hint all
u d be thoroMt thnbAfrlnnlrja-a
UOARDINlt j-a be obuiinea hi town or a'
incDeRiDnioao'iii terro.
short distance In th country trota U 74 to ti W
lies-weak.- For -ri formation adttravs or. J. IL
or eltNrosiMt