ut- e Term of rublloatiou. Tea Watimsdu Hifratuui, Offla la Hyara,baUdlnc, u( of Um Oixift Uuuaa, la pvb luhed ervy WaAaaadar Morula P unn, ut ASTAaca. otMMUiot pala with ' is la year. AU eaWcriptUa accasiata vm iMHMMuMMllr. "o paper WIU M aeat oat of Uta aula anises paid tor ax AOTAaca, and all such eubacriptlone will Invariably ba dUooc tlnnail al lha explraUoa tba lima tar wUiah they era paid. ComatanlaatUmioA suhJecUef lodlae(BeraI tuvl twneetfuny solicited. To saeais ' i "- kind most Invariably to i QMaanUor,iKfcr , .. . a. t .yaa. ml laipuaitloa TERMS OF COCRT. First Tarai, 2d Monday of April) Second tana, U Monday of Junss Third term, Sd Monday" V)f ' September; Faurth tarm, 3J Monday o( Decambar. M:.'P?TTf OFriCEIlS. ftitiat Jutt'jt.&. A. Oilmora. . . Attot iafe Judtjt larael L Craft. rM George Itoakioion. JQieaWaryJ. F. Taapla, ... SktriJF II. B. 8ilfe.ua. -Btgitttr Ji Recorder Pater Brown. 7Voaajrw-A. II. BaiW. Vommiuionert J. M. Morris. "jLV.'Sfc'cl.l.and. Cfrrit Tnmmi'ionrr Josaa Hill. Gb-iu--W. 8teaata . Axdilort A. O. CroM, . i'-i J. AlluiOj-f . Simon Rinaharl. J)UMAUortj IX X. . H. t XSI !' ' Jury CommittioMTtiaMt Hill, Joaaphui II. Morris. Director! of the root Henry Morris, W. I'. Soott, , '.!', ' i .. . M. Tample. CIIL'UCHBS. JiWW.af Iter. J. D. Powney. MttMitl Episcopal Itsr. J. L. StitTy. 'mhjleriantltt Pnstor. Vnofur-lteT. II. K. Crni. Cumberland 'PrtibgtnianRty. A. 11. Mil ler, D. D. .. , x SCHOOLS Waunulurq College Kotj A. H. Miller, Fres.j Prof. M. K. flarriaon, Teacher of Languages; Prof. J. 8. Hughes, Teacherof Mathematical Mm. M. K. 13. Miller, Pnn. cipal of Female lnpnrtmer.t; Miaa Lucy V lojfhrara, Teacher of Instrumental Muaio. Union School Prof. Jae. llinehart, Prin ja.l, .-(. . : i ' . Ptitmuler3m)) Cooke. JY-Carde will belnaeried In tlilacolumn at from3 wtolA OA nooordlniiloeli. Tblalsthe beat noaltlon In the paper. rM. A WAI.I.ACK, HIALUt IX (UOCKRIES AND COSFKCTIOXERIES, Ptnvlalnna p. Omntry Troduea liouslit and auld, lie alao kerw a full and coinpU'ta muck of ." BOOTS AND SHOES. fltnraln the room liitclr oocuplrd byOreljli'a Drug mure, liu Mt., Wnyiiinburn, I'a. " April 7. 119. TJILKIVKDaJOHN, Cabinet Maker anil Unck'rtnkcrs, ltaverrniored to llilr New Sliop, South of the y. II. Nnt. Ilnuk. WayiivaburK. I'a. Rrrrvtliliif; In llinr line kept and made to oritur i Ilia IhwI of work inim, anil of tlmliaHl material. AN KI.KHANl' IlKAHMBalwaya lu rmillncaatiialleud fuiiorula. Maroto II) Imm , i . . .U..POUKIU, ik-s m". i; 1 r P II 0 T 0 0 R A P II E U , II, nm f.irinorly occupied liy Watlaca Bane, oiMtUii:"iiilllounu, Vi iiiMliurK. I'a. All klnclnof plclurc In fulr or foul wnnther. lMi'liirm coiiplril. Kntiuna of ovcry klnu fur kutlu. feiHllnriw'tiiiii Riiuriuuncii. t.uivu nun airiarva f1 KNEltAI. INHUIlANCli AGENCY. Viae, IxLNu,MAaiii( and Lirx Inscranoi. Appllcntlona for Iniiiirnnt In the leftfllnitand mMl relliililn liiNtirHiice Oiinpaulua iu tlia Laat, will rcculvo prompt uttmillon. niDmt In the rint National Ihtnk lliilhllnK, 3ttly Wuyiioaburg, I'a. Wit, nKT.PHENHTrNPt, Meuhanlca' How . above M. K Uiurcli, Wnyuuauurg, I'a., 1 DEAl.tB 1.1 TIN, Cori'KIl AN11HHKCT IKON WAUK; . Btavea of every al ze and kind. f outtnn kept and put up. Hcpnlrlnx dune at any time aud m Low Itulca. Itcmcmbrr the plnce, f orch 3,'SMy J. N. MIILKFI, Aiir.STron Tim NORTinVKSTEUN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. All klmlaof Pollclca liuued. Rutca low. Ilotli tint Caan, aud the L'uali and Note Hyaloms nVANS a MIXOK. J DRY GOODS. Main Street, Opposite the (Jroene Iloune. r'orelRn and Doiucatlo (looila, DooU and Hhoea, (inuviuwaro, de. Country Produce taken. arPrlcea to eult the tliuea.- Uoc.D-tf. jyNIUI. ANDKIWDN, . . ..MERCHANT TAILOR, On Main atreet, near Ilradcn'a. Kery kind of Man and Unya1 Clotlilux. Material kept and niada up on abort notlra and roaaonable tcrtua. A-CultliK doue.-aa ilea 'J,"lW-ly. yM. t. we nn, SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER, llnrneaa. Rnddlca, BrMlca and everything In lila line kept and iniule to order. Main alrevt, nppoalte Die Worley Honae. aa-rrleea low.- a I)ee.t'M.ly. w. iiohektm, DnnaaiBT, Uuyers' Block, Main Street, WaynesbnrgPa. ery kind of Tve Rtami, Patent Medlclnea, Ulla, Patuta. Itruahea. Hpo:igea, Ijkinpx, Ac.Ao. ta.Preacrlptlona carefully compounded. lleotW-ly - pEO.'a JEKFERV, , i . NOTARY PUBLIC. Ilnalneai pertaining to the office attended to romptly. Office wltli P. A A. Telegrapu Co., aaat of the Court Houae. Mav Ik 'a)-ly. MTM. BAIXY, , ' WATCHES AND JEWELRY, MU itbekt, orroaiTi cocttr nocaa, KearM an handa always a cholee and select aa aortment of Watclina and Jewelry, Repairing done at tlia loweat ratoa. o7-ly. JEWW DAY. PBAUa r BOOkt AMD STATIOKkar, 4k Wall Paper, Window Paper, fte. Hnnday Hehool , flnoka of all klndaennalAnttv on hand, room In Mrs. Rnah'a building, formerly occupied by Cot- terell aTnylor, Waynoaburg,Pa, . May I, 'aily. . FIRST NAT10hL T3ANK, p r' ' ' . -or WAYkiaioaa v Qpans...w innwhi o'eloek A V. - Closes ti.MM.n.,MWw..v.4oolook p a, pimxMINT DAT..M. TVEMUAV D: Boxaa, Ptm'I. J. C. KLmmicgn, t.'aahler. ' f. KAra rbaainaajt, Assistant Ca Oiler. T HA AC HOOPKR. dealer In Oroaerlea, Pradaaa, pualta Kobarts' l)ra afore, ft'w,,,Mblu5J;fjly 1 (.onteeuoaenca Clgara, TuAaveo, Ac, op. I FOUNDRY, C. W. Brrwar, nmpHalo Vwiinga of' avary kind liap and saada to awAM I sapflrs? tasbrala Walla. aaeP MaraatjOljr JAS, N. MILLER, VOL. XII. 4 aAll eommunloatlona to this Twvitartmant mull ue euiired aa toiiowai -eiurationiu dcpartinent llapuulican, Wayneaburg, I'a." , For the Educational Department. ( f , , j HIOIiLK. O don't o o but da o mn, . & give o o I do o thee. Solution desired. . x. Lancaster lias decided to Imvo hor boys' and girls' high school hereafter in separate buildings. Vor the Educational Department. 'isio.t aiuouu. la the lust twenty yoar?, Union Schools, or as they are sometimes CaU-. cd, gratled Schools, have grown quito common. Every town of rcspectablo size hasa large building with three or four or moro roomn, the whole under charge of a principal. We have newr seen any reports of the working) of theso schools. Generally, wo stippo.se they answer the purpoio intended, the saving ol money, that being one great object with all Sohool Director. But it seonis to us the plan is a hud one, for the following reasons : First. The rooms uro not so healthy as tho commouono room sehool houses. Ventilation is generally secured only on two sides of the room, when it should bo on every sido. When the building is heated by steam, the effect upon the health of the children is very bad. . If this position be tor is certainly much against Union School bouses. ' ' Second. It places children of all sizes too much together. We know, that to avoid this is ono of tho objects of the Union School, but it is practi cally a failure. They are not together during tho hours of recitation, but they are during the play hours, which is almost as bad. Further, the young er children should have more time al lotted them for play than the older ones. Hut tins cannot lo done, at least without- great trouble. The childrcu of one room will not bo very attentive to their etudius while they hear the childrcu ..of annother room playing outside. Bo, iTiifTiftlc child of six is mailo to play with tho young ster of sixteen, and is allotted only the snmo time to plav, which k simply barbarous, and injurious to both. Ihird, It takes too much responsi bility away from tho under teachers, and places it upon the principal. All matters of serious disputes are referred to the principal. All who have ha I experience in teaching know this to be bad. Tho teacher should be supreme in his or her room. Any other ru'e will work out bad results. Other reasons can bo given, but we stop with these. I low ran these things he avoided? Manifestly not by the Common District School system. Schools must ba graded in the towns and villages. But let there be a buil ding for each grade, and the objections we have named will disappear. The expense- would not be much greater, au 1 would bo more than balanced by the good results. j. For the HsruHLtcAH rnoM the vi:sr. March Wlnda Alr-Tlht Ntovea neeell. er'a t nurcu imnecineiita riieAtre milk 4n ex.f'onvreaainitii In a Mew Hole Tlie Inclined I' I mi" at llaillaon Hpeeial fcleelluua ., dre. East Esteiutusk, Ind., March 31, 1809. Theso March winds play tho very mischief tweaking off hats, distressing bonnets, displaying balmorals and making things, particularly and gener ally, disagreeable. But, hold! one good wecan speak of them. Thoy bear away a portion of thesurplus moisture, on hand yet from last Winter's stock, and in this confer an inestimable boon on "all who dwell below the skies." The waters havo abated, once more dry land appears. Houses that havo stood for several months like so many isolated fortresses, give signs of anima tion in tho occasional appcaranco of their fair garrisons, who, embracing the earliest offer of Spring to escape from their arsenal of sauce pans and china ware, greet each other with the joy of long parted friends. Fair weather is jlousurc, if for nothing else than allowing the blessed women to get a free and pure supply of oxygen. Well may men rejoice, too, about to be re leased from tho tliralldom of pent up confines, who have for days borne the rack of brain caused by what Dickens aptly culls, and righteously curses as "the red hot demou of America the stovo 1" A more exquisite iustrumont of torture was never used in Inquisito rial halls, and if any body is dying to immortalize himself let him contrive some substitute destructive of the nn whotaomt power of this Infernal air a 1 VAYKj tight engine and a gsnerous people will rear him a raonunioatitl pile higher than tho top end of Chimborazo. Before quitting Indianapolis let me refer to a few more items noted. The Congregational Church where LL W, Boeoher fed his Hooks . with spiritual food, dished np in his approved stylo, stands upon one of the corners near the business part of the city. A super ficial glanoe was all I gave it. Kao tniigular and two storio I, (if I may call a high basement by such defini tion,) brick, and p.tiuto I a dull white, aurrounilui by a small enclosure of wooden railing, presenting daaidailya common sppearancj. It h. riot m tny ySiFssfhoe he" give up his ofmra there for the ono ho now holds. This buil ding would seat, perhaps, four hundred people; his Brooklyn audicuco we are told, numbers thrco thousand, with a pecuniary enlargement in tho s:uno ratio. His lines may bo Slid to have fallen in pleasant places. . Camp Morton, about two miles from Capitol square, will bo remem bered as a placo of confinement for rebel prisoners of war. In those troub lous tinus it was thickly pcoplol and nitmorous incidents are related by citi zans of the city, of their unwelcome guests, Tho most atrocious designs wcro plotted against the city by the prisoners, abetted by residents of tho copperhoad persuasion. Ono was a concerted attack on tho military, the seizure of their arms, an 1 a general cleaning out of tho city by fire and sword. It was frustrated by one of tho rcbsls who "poached." Attempts toesenpo are certainly cxcusahlo in captured enemies, even at tho cot of life, but a wholesale slaughter of peace ful citizens could only be the off spring of such cowardly brains as were possessed by tho sympathizers of the North. The ringleaders were of this stamp and hoaring of their expo suro decamped. Ono has recently returned to his home and was pointed out to mo on tho street as "a man to whom no one paid more respect than to a dog I". To this lt.muanL40'.i&! oanipTSTfAw ti ifeftfwn'aV resounded once to the martial tread of soldiers is turned under by the plow, and the harrow of Tini2 is fast elfi cing the signs of its former use. In tlw way of amusements or rather in tho places, Indiana's Capital is not behind hand. Its -; ca leiny of Music is handsome without and within, a beautiful Temple of Thespia. As for the plaviug, they who have seen Opera Bouffe know of what it is made up. I did hear Mrs. Scott Siddons give an agreeable readinp; of "Rosalind" in "AsyouLikelt'bnt "Bill" Shab pcarc's side-splitting , come lies and thrilling tragedies are trite to the mass es of play-goers. In this age of tinsel they prefer the glare of La Belle lie- lene, with the dramatical world as O'Reilly did with tho world of letters. "What euros a stoara electric ago, For narratives Byronical? It rather lores to chronicle Soma witty thing laconical, Thrown lightly down upon tho panel". The Rink furnishes pastime, nfler noons and evenings, for those fond of the skatorial. It is a largo enclosed building covering an area of ahout one half acre. Insido is the space allotted to skaters, with a margin of ten feet on three sides for spectators and nbout twenty ieet on the other for a gallury, restaurants, office, etc. Du ring the cold season they have" ice by flooding tho inner' compartment with water, during Spring and Fall they have a smooth floor of plank for roll er skating. There is every difference between a pair of steel runners and a four wheeled skate, as I found on trial. However proficient ono may bo with the former he will find in the first at tempt on the latter a constant liability to perform acrobatic feats, such as standing ou his head, running on all fours. It takes a deal of coaxing to overcome the aversion one foot has for the other and the tondency they have to keep as far apart as possible. But if you do pound the floor occasionally, what of it? There is a lady who makes a first rate base drum, accompa niment to tho band aud if she can stand why certainly you should. The Rink is a resort for prize skating. I witnessed ono contest, speed carrying the prize. "Billy" English, ex-Congressman and the man who caned a certain blustering Representative from Washington county in Washington City, during tho Kansas imbroglio, was referee. At the tap of the bell tho flonr was cleared, excepting tho judges and contestants. Three on ly entered and the silver goblet was awarded to the roughest looking boy Ac T T T: tMUQl.t HUMAN RACE. tiaVEDNESDAY, AV1UL 14, 1SG9. in the Rink, uoffiaore than fifteen years old. Theydao against time and he was ths.fleeU-n, There is not such grace in roller r tinner skating but i ts adaptability tJ all seasons gives it the prefersjioe in the city, Tho ladies "take it wonderfully" aud as it is the : Isi of exercise my advice is, to all wlocan, learu to skate ou rollers. 1 On my rot urn tlip down the Madi son & InJiunupolfli R. R. I hud a good opportunity t seeing the inclin ed plane at the riVjr terminus. Tho grade is about four Lundred feet and two miles in lunith'or two hundred Ja?j!Hffy!lt "WV" or ourvos of any elicit. Trains going up are drawn by asingie engine aided by a cop-cod rail, otii foot and a half in width laid in thelceutre of the road lied, and in some wjy adapted to the machinery. The speed is not great, but really faster thftti it seems possible. Coming down the Jocoiuotive is do- tiiched at tho top of the piano and with brake "hard (lown" the train creeps to nearly tV0"'0'"''10 incline when they are "oT and tho cars dart with fearful rapidity almost to tho river's brink, round a curve and along a level to the depot.) Tho last is a wild ride and calculated to niako you hold your breath from tho excitement if not fear. Several afcidcnU of seri ous nature havo happened here, but the precautions taU.ni before ascent or descent of sounding axlcsund cxaruin- ng brakes, with the improved machi nery now in use, renders the travel less precarious than crossing tho Allegiio niea on tho Central t'enna. The special elections in this State were held on the 2JJ inst., but the papers I have yet received have only tho early rumors anil, of course, aro not reliable. I am Inly three miles from the county of Ohio in which an election was held, or rather the Democ racy went through the motions. Ono of its citizens in for his me that in sonic places the polls were not opened, tho Democrats thiaiselves not linking it wri - "encforso he secession witfoTtieTr Tnemljei'sTu i publicans voted and in most instances they had no ticket. The Democrats will probably bo returned to their seats, but the coobmlifTcreiice of their constituents will cut' down majorities to Hiiah degree us will dampen their ardor not a little. Q. For (he IIkpudlicaw. LETTER ritOV IOWA. Wo love to speak goo 1 words of our adopted btate, we care not where our lot bo cast. It docs us good to speak of the many virtues and good itialitics possessed ' by our young llawkeyo State. For proof that her praise is not confined to her own child ren, wo have but to read the papers of any other State, to find Iowa laud el to the skies. When war with its lark, lurid clouds cast the gloom of war athwart the National sky, no name hown brighter than that of Iowa. Her sons were among tho first to spring to arms, took part in every bat tle in the West, and many in the East from Wilson's creek to the fall of the last Southern stronghold. But she is not great alone in war. Peac had hardly blessed the land ere her hardy sons wcro aaiu ut their old trades or vocations, and giving a mighty impe tus to the rapidly growing State. Her millions of broad acres of bind uro tho most fertile, her citizens the most in telligent and industrous; and now, she has set a most glorious example to her older citizens by striking out the WuVe" from tho constitution and making manhood tho qualification for tho elective franchise. We are proud to bo called an lowaian; and love to sound her praise. in,1836, that which is now called the State of Iowa con tained 10,000 inhabitants. In 1833 it was detached from the territory of Wisconsin, and in 1846 it was admit ted as it State, having a population of 97,000. In 1856 the population had increased to 306,000; in 1867 to 902,- 000, and at present 1,200,000 of as brave, patriotic, generous, warm-hearted sons and daughters of freedom as any State can boast of. Come to its borders, ye over-worked of the crowd ed States; ye whose feet aro oovored with stone bruises and whose most ex pert calling is stump pulling; come, a miiuou ot broai acres await your coming. It seems almost incredible that such rapid progress were true; and if wo did not know it is so, wo might think we lived in the days of Aladdin and his " wonderful lamp, But we have tho aid ot a lamp far moro beautiful than ever that fabled one was said to be the Letup of Free- AAlL f?V Ur -L Av AAA, ill III J., .A A.KAi doni I Ever has its wick been well trimmed and its fires brightly burning in Iowa; and so it will ever be. The cause of such rapid growth mugr be looked fur in natural advantage,. On each sido it is bounded by rivers which are among the largest in the world, while it lies within lines of latitude which gives a climate in a high degree favorable for health and bodily activity; and, also, for the pro duction of staple articles of food which are ofquiuk sale, and which are prr duced in brief periods of time, ami with little labor. The area in squar miles, which is G500, is larger than all England;. nine tnjitjuof the surface is prairie, with a soil from ono to six feet deep. The Des Moines, Cedar, Iowa and other rivers penetrate .the1 interior of the country giving abun dant water; ami it is conceded that the scenery along the ban us oi some ot these rivers, is as beautiful as any in our laud. And nero Jet mo say a word to the ladies who lovo flowers and flower gardens. Here you will find phlores of every hue white, pur pic, red and crimson; lilies, roses and most all perenniuls grow wild hero on tho prairies. In tho gardens whore annuals aro cultivated they grow lux uriously. Great country for grnpes, melons, hops aud tobacco, every thing in short, that is raised in the tempe rate zone. You can raise cattle, as well us grain, for one-quarter of the lubor and expense that you can in any of the Eastern States. Peoplo here tiro friendly, and their invitation to all honest) industrious men is, come; tho vast prairies say come; tho healthy climate says come; good society says come) the good water says come, and tlio voice is to all wanting homes. A9 many of your readers are inquiring of me if lows farming pays, I would say to that portion who are interested in this rather queer question, hut one often asked in the States farther East: If a man moves here and waits "for something to turn up," it will not pay; but if ho pulls off his coat, mid rolls p his sleeves, and goes in, "turns up is place, it will pay. I will give you one incident which is now uppermost iu my mind, but which is only one of thousands, showing whether farming pays iu this country. A little moro than n year ago. a Mr. Stcphonsou came to this place with a little money in his pocket, a stout heart, a strong arm and a good span of horses. Instead of sitting dowu in idleness, using up bis means and compluiitirig because he could not get rich, lie went out three miles west of town and bought 80 sores of prairio at $8 per acre, and immediately commenced breaking it up, which being done, he spent the winter iu preparing fence- ing; lost spring ho sowed it with wheat, and while tho grain was grow ing, put up tho fence, The crop was harvested, thrashed and one thousand bushels sold at $1 15 per bushel, real izing the handsome sum of $1,115, with soma five hundred bushes left for home use and . next yeaVs seed. Thus one year's crop paid the whole price of the lund, breaking, seed, seed ing mid harvesting. Intelligent, in dustrious Iowa funning docs pay. One pair of horses with the Moline plow will break two aere9 per day, that was never plowed before, with all case. You can commenco cutting hay on the prairies the loth of Juno, and mow and stack until October. , Can com mence in October to husk corn, and luisltall winter, with the exception of a few cold days, which for tho present winter, 1 must say, aro liko "an gel's visits," "few and far between." Iowa is said to bo so cold aud windy that plasters are necessary to keep a man's hair on his head, and that you might as well attempt to raise roses 'on dog-fcnncl ns fruit in Iowa. This is not much exaggeration of what some people in tho. Eastern States think of us; but, they are badly mistaken. . To dispose of their foolish notion, we call their attention to. the foot -that an Iowa fruit grower took tho first pre mium on apples at the Illinois State fair at Quiuoy. How does that dove tail with the Illiuois assertion that Iowa can't raise fruit ? If persons in the East, who have been educated to believe that Iowa is tho coldest spot on earth, were to witness such a winter as this, they would radically change minds. I never oxporiencod in the Eastern States a more pleasant winter than this. Truo, we- have had a few cold days; but thore was no time whori men could not be out of doors with perfect safety, and if at any kind of hand work, tjid not Buffer whh.tho cold. As I have repeatedly nld, tbe h EDITOR AND PROritlLTOU. NO. 43. weather hero is much more endurable and healthy than in tho States East of this; because of tho dryness, wo are seldom, if ever, troubled with mud in the winter season, aud the result is, a much better sot of roads, ' It is much superior to Pennsylvana in this res- . ' . .i . ' i i i pect, us mere is scarcely a uay uui'iug winter or spring, when farmers cannot use their team and wazons very comfortably. We would be glad if those who think hard freezing and high wiuds are the ohief oharacteristio of winter hero, were to soo how bally tliey are deceived. But they have been educated to bolieve it, and in the absence of ovular demonstration, it must ba so, I ooufess to bavin? been happily disappointed. I was made to believo that the wiu Is would blow the hair off the liead and the cold would freeze tho horns off the cattle, if they ohance to have any; but wo sea bow badly we were deceived. Iowa is tho central State, bounded on the cast by tho great Mississippi, and on the west by , Missouri,, with railroads running east and west, north and south, with more arable lund thau any other Stuto in the Union, healthy and salubrious climate, good water and common people; equal beforo tho law, neither slaves nor lords. Men here have touched bottom all are on adevcl. Tho State is out of debt. During tho war her peoplo were so patriotic that no assessments wore made to pur chase substitutes; nor wero tho regit nients of any of the others States more wholly composed iff volunteers. Her free school system is sustained by funds so ample, as not to be exceeded by any of the Western States except, perhupM, by Aliiincssota, whilo the Slate University has a cash endow ment of $23,000 a year; aud the Agri cultural College bus un income of 850, 000. This last Institution receives young ladies, as students, the samo as young gentlemen, which is an advance movement of which no other Statu boasts. Tho liberality and independ ence of tho peoplo ef Iowa, ut tho lust gvHtbIifclioli,-sj(iii;U ,ti!y g.lvo to all men the liberty to voto is another ad vance; au 1 it is predictel that iu tho not distant future tha elective fran chise will bo still farther extended. This certainly indicate. a high dogreo of prosperity ; and yet in 87 of the. or ganized counties two-thirds of tho land is uncultivated, that is, there yet re main 25,000,000 acres of as rich land as the sun of Heaven ever shone on. Iowa rates seoond among the States for health, and fourth for its corn crop, which lost year was about 90,000,000 bushels. Of othsr , grains, of dairy and of gonerul farm products, the amounts uro proportionately large. The farmers of Iowa rido when thoy plow, rido when they srtw, rido whon they plant, ride when they cultivate, rido when they mow, ridj when, they rako and ride when they reap on rich, deep soil. ' No rootsj stones or marsh es in tho way; all under-drained aud sub-soiled, stumps and roots all away or deposited in quarries.. All this vast labor was : performed ; by him who causclh tho grass' to grow for cattle and herbs for the use of man. Wcro tho people of the custom States sensi ble of the advantages) thero would be as great a rush hero as there was to the gold mines of Australia and Cali fornia. Mahaska county, my adopted home, I wish to speak of her. I once heard a Gentleman say that ho did not think much of a man who did not think'moro of his own family thanany other. I thought at the time that tha remark was highly proper, and upon reflection see that it may very proper ty be applied to other matters ns woll as the family. , mt t 1 ..lea' me man wno ctoes not tinnk more of his own county than that of any oth er, all things being equal, is not a true patriot. It is his bhicld and protec. tion, and demands his warmest sym pathies and cordial support. ' It must be borne in miud, that Iowa is yet in her infancy not yet out of her swad dling cloths, . How does she compare with her older sisters who have grown to full stature? Iu point of growth, iudustry and prosperity,' she outstrips them all. Mahaska county is yet but a babe, but she is growing to bo a bouu cer, and if she contracts no disease to injure her growth and prosperity, will soon grow into youth, manhood, ami even oiu ago. nor resources are now large and will becomo larger, and finally largest. She stands seoond to rio county in Iowa, or any other State, in point of soil, water, stone, coal( timber, health Aa.' It is certainly the garden ip6t of the world for farm irig and ' Other parpoese, we believe, Terme or .A.tlvertls)lieT ID! WOII, ? ABYaanstni-rm mwud at as aa nar annua filV lIlM IMMIAM. m lua . .. .4 A &a square far each additional Insertion (tee 11a ai or i-norini type eonntcd a square). '. J Unix dm ponces act uudor the head of local news wiu be obarged Invariably le Mats a Ukl for each Iniertlon. A liberal dtxlmilon made to peraons advert! t liig by tha quarter, half-rear or jraar. Opaslal notloea chanted one-b air man. tbaa renlmr aal Verllaemenu. job i-kiKTi.toof arerjrktnd In Plain and Faa cy colors; 11 and-bllls, fllanks. Cards Pamphlets Sc., of evorr variety aud atria, urlutad aa thk nuneai uuiiec. I I and will say to persons in the older. States, if you contemplate a change of location, give Iowa a visit before aot- tling elsewhere. If once hero we reel satisfied all will bo well. Ckaloosa.' well known abroad a the oity of trees,' from tho largo number of behutifhf ahade trees that ornament its "streets" and tin grounds of its piivato resident ccs, was laid out on tho 13th day of May, 1811, by (he Commissioners ap ponited for that purpose. It is the scat of justice of Mahaska county, ana was at first named after the county l but, almost immediately the vote was reconsidered end its present name adopted., It is located Am a rialh'g prairie, 'well slili ted Willi timber on the dividing ridgo, nearly midway botween Dcs Moines and South Skunk rirersi Ruin fulling on the North sido of'the' ridge finds its way to the Skunk river,' whilo that nn tho South side eventu ally swells tho waters of thb 'Dee' Moiiirn. It is situated in one of (tie richest and most fertile districts of the State; and tho Dim shines not tip'on'a better or more product! Vo io ot rnorj loyal peoplo thati cart bo 1 found hi Maliuska. Tho county out of a porn u'ntion of 14,816 in 1800 sent 1,3W soldiers to tho army, than whom-none? havo a brighter record. Tho' county has at present a , population oj ubouut 20,000, ranking, we bpliove, about tenth of any in tha StatoSrhlfe !u tlio iirnditntion rf nnni "ir vunlrajt - " "t -, knit year sucmid. Its ' shipments of coal, with which its cntiro surfaco is -underlaid, was Inst year (far. grittier than any other county til. tlltf Statei reach i ng nearly 1 ,000,000 busfieTrf. Of theso mines, the bent worked and most productive uro within almost a stonu's throw of tho county seat. " ' . Oskaloosa has n population of 500Q or upwards, and a mora healthy ao4, pleasant location docs not exist iu ttift State, nor ono where there aro greater) advantages offered to tho industrious laborer or tne man ot capital, ( Ihe fallowing denominations have houses of wor.ihip und ministers i -M. E7, M. E. colored, Prwhyterian, .U. (X- X,rei4livr..'iiAri- rViiio-rr.-rAlitinaliMr.-. Christian, Baptist, Trot. Episcopal, Fi'iouds or Quakers, Catholic, and the. Fiionds' yearly meeting IIoii3o,",uied by that body in thei- nnmal meetings' - - , v ,.y"e-a"-?-TJT'-."r asidofrom theso tho Universalists 'and.' rt -. i i ' unitarians nave cacn a congrcgatiop but uot regularly supplied with pW) tors. All the above huve' Sabbath Suhools. In regard to educational ad vantages but fiiw towns of its size prevj' sent the samo facilities. Oskalooss, College, a very imposing and beautiful n l!Hnn al-K.,1 til tlia it.fxj! i.uvf nflnu'H . ' r -n -,-,- has a fine ten aore flat of ground, una cost 50,000, one of the best, schools j'jj tho country. Thu city oua two brick buildings each two .stories litgh, containing eight rooms in all, whore a portion of tho public schcob are, taught; theso being entiroly inadequate, for the accommodation of pupils, Jljej C. F. church is routed aud used , as a, high school department, and tho ,Sec'j ond M. E. church for the colored; school ; yet, all theso are iusuflicicu and the school board has contracted, for a 835,000 Union Suboo , Ilousq, Aside from all these wo boost of tvfcr excellent aolect schools, ono otbjojij is classical and Normal. , Tho city has a large local trade, twelve Dry. popda stores, three Clothing stores, j tUrcj Boot and Shoe stores, four Drug stoics thrco hardware stores, seventeen g9 ceries, four queenswaro stores, ry bakeries, two furniture storcB,twq book stores, orra news depot, two . paokaj fifteen lawyers, thirteen physicuins) tlirce dentists, two mii'Die 6uops,,tu,rca printing uffices, thrco picture gaUces- livo hotels, Uve real cstato iir,ui9r.tWCj tobacconist.', two woolen Hictories, flouring mills, two planing milTs, foja$ jewelry stores, two merchant tailor' hhops, three lumber . yards,i8epcn' blacksmith shops, one coverlet, woavtyy one dye - house, four . barber; -shjopsy two agricultural warehouses,',, four' wagon shops, one turning mill, three" harness and saddle shops, '.togetavejjf with mechanics of all kinds'. , If jot desiro to know moro about thb flours ishing city ? and country, ooine OU 'Bnd sea for yourselves, and your , rjuriosiry shall bo satisfied. Hoping -our fwble effort may prove tenofir'ud-ami" in structive .we ouWwbe lourtotyes Yfjota::: i'.vu , t,a J.vo. W. WtT.c . , r" . nT WfiBupposo tho Demo will fic tile blame of their defeat in Connecii3o on the Fifteenth Amrntfmfyit, If it always works such results wo'.wfll be satisfied. - Thodayijpfdf mpuS bo scared into voting (ho'jJcmoVrii'ip ticket Iry the cry of Negro banality.