The Waynesburg Republican. (Waynesburg, Pa.) 1867-18??, March 17, 1869, Image 2

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    (Hie Wapwbnrg $rpubta.
Suljxf to 'hi dtritUm J tfo IttyuUiciit
Avi'natiff Crmttntitm.
i :i . i :
. ... Th Deuwonttio papers have already
raise I the old war-cry of "nigger,"
in regard to the XVth Constitutional
Amendment, now tubinitted to .iio
Legislatures of the States formillea
, tion. We hear men talk of tie "itsur-
Jrntiou" of Congress in. forcing Negro
luflraga upon the f,uoplj in opoMtiou
to their wialio.' l'ctitinm havo keen
! circulatiug-txtensively in this part of
the cootitry,' ppyiug the Legislature
- of tfiis State not Us ratify the Auiend-
lUtU.. .
Anbithe eonuitutionality of Con
gress thus talcing hold of the matter,
we-refor our readers to (he following
' .thuse 'of tho Constitution i
5 " Art iv. Skttio! 1. Tho United
Stages sliull ' guaranty to evorv Statd
ju tins buion republican form oi
-Svorument, ami ohi'J prnioct eaeu ol
(nem against invaiion.
Here it Is expressly stated that no
State shall be permitted to have a furtn
i6f govcruracnt that is anti Republican.
Who is to determine the case? Man
ifestly Congress. Again,
". Aet. X. Tho Cougrws, whenever
two-thirdit of loth houses shall dcom
it necessary, shall propose amend
ments to this constitution, or, on the
application ot tho Legislatures ot two
, thirds of the several btate, elutll call
a convention for proposou: amend
' rotate, which, in cither cast, shall bo
rslidto all intents end purposes, a
part of this constitution, when ratified
by the Legislatures ot tho soveral
States, or by conventions in three-
fourths thereof, as the one or tho other
node of ratification may be provided
by ,tbe . Congrees; provided, that no
. amendment which may be made prior
id tho year one thousand eight hun
dred aud eight, shall in auy manner
anoctthe first ana fourtli clauses in
'the ninth section of tho Crst artio'e;
and that no State without its consent,
shall bo deprived oi its ciul suffrage
to the senate.
, Now, who wauts anythiug plainer
thauthis? Wheu you hear men talk
of tho usurpatioui of Congress, just
read tbqin this clause of the Cotwtitu
tion. - .
lint, lot us look at this question of
negro euOrago m itself. If it is right,
and If the couutry would bo benefitted
by Its adoption, th;t let us have it'.
tSo'me of the most, eonimon objections
against it are, as follows:
. It is aoiuuCunw frontcuded that the
N'egro is not a liftman being at all.
We have heard professing oliristiutis
urguo in tho sama way, while at the
samo timo they professed to believe the
bible1, which says that God "hath made
nf aha lifi-inil nil r.f iamu "
" " VMW w.ww. - . VIUII J W. (III. II.
' Such mou arji either hypocrites or very
ignorant, ' ,
Again, Deniocritio speakers and
writers are fond of picturing the dread
fill "mingling of tho races," the "mis
cogenation" that would follow the
adoption . of Ncjro suffrage. Raw
head and bloody hones! Now, we are
as much opposed to the mixture ol the
races as nny one ; and therefore we fa
vor Negro suffiago. It is very clear
that a state of suffrage for the black
man would bo just tho opposite of a
stato of slavery, and that what had
happened iu the latter case would uot
likely take place in the former. Now,
before tho war tho whole country
south of Mason fc Dixon's line was a
"great brothel," iu which every lust
and passion of fallen man hud full
sway. And what was tho result?
Just what might be expected the
races were fast becomiug one, and had
slavery continued fitly years longer
there would not have been a drop of
pure nativo white blood in the South
So damning was this lust that a minis
ter of high reputation in South Caro-
Una wrote a book,, favoring slavery,
could only be kept pure by providing
wave icomcn for the ymng mm ! The
people of the Sonth should thank tho
Republican party for overturning an
institution that was fast destroying
them. Slaves always multiply faster
than their masters, and a few more
years of slavery would have seen the
black man dominant iu the South.
' Now, if such results at t tended the
system of slavery ot tho blacks, cannot
' any reasonable mau expect that con
trary results would follow the adop
tion of a contrary system ? No doubt
'Democracy lorigs for a . return to ula
very, that - miscegenation might be
practiced. It is plainly seen that
. sihos tho . Negroes became free, this
tefrlble crime Lbwioinin less and less
freqnen luul in those Slates where the
JTpgift vbtei lt is hardly known; ''
. tWmts' assert that the Negro Is an
inferior being. This we readily' admit;
and so also the Gorman and the Irish
is Inferior to tho Angl'u Saxon ; so is
the roaJ , who wallows in the gutter
inferior to1 the oub who walks by him,'
erlcfin' the manhood of temperance.
irwi matca' distinction Itt ;i!lo.' cMtctTlii''itLL..V ,J i,f
case, should we not also ia the other?
There is. on thing that has always
made us doubt whether the Negro is
really inferior to the white man : We
lay it down as a maxim, that where
two raoes como in contact for any
length of tiure, the superior race will
preserve its orjginulity, and the infe
rior race will adopt tho customs and
laugnao of the superior. Any man
who has traveled in the South knows!
that the whites invariably uso the Nu
gro lingo, and in u great 1 measure
have adopted the custotus and manners
of tho bla-ika. Why is tliisT Let
him who can, answer.
1 or long years wo boasted that in
this country enry man is frw, while
we not only deuied tho freedom, but
even tho manhood, of one purtinu 'of
our jjopulation. Well might the hnn-
M, hVry Irishinan say,
'Xciir dnvrn tho ll.iuatio lis." '
Young Democrats speak at contests
and commencements of universal, lib
crty and the l ilit uJ'nll men to bo free,
becuuse they know that such is the
teachings of tho bihle and of education ;
ami kan li.t,urn o.t ailuiu
auinst Negro suffrage. Men who
who profess to obey tho golden rule,
utter their bitter invectives against
their fellow man, merely because his
skin is black. Sleek laced pharisees
I ill up meek eyes to heaven and cay,
"btuud by thyself, black man, I am
holier than thou," aud go thence to u
low groggfy, and corrupt the young
men who gather uboutthem by telling
tho lowest, vulgar tales that ever
found expression in brothel. We cau
poiut to such iucu.
It in argued that tho adoption of
Negro suffrage would degrade the
white race. Who arguo thus? Meu
who nro engaged in preaching that
gospel which cau alone refine the race ?
or those engaged iu the cause of educa
tion? No, you Cmd them to be the
lowest, specimens of humanity, men
who are doing inoro to degrade the
white race t!au all tho negroes com
bined could do,
Is it not patent to every one that
since tho hopo of freedom iu its true
sense has been cherished by tho Negro,
ha baa improved himself'.' A few
years ago they were generally worthless
and ; improvident, , shunning1 work.
Nqw they are among, the meet indus
trious of our citizens. ' They huvo ad
vanced faster since tho war than the
white race. It is idle to say he is not
fit to voto, wheu we see white men
selling their votes for a drink of whis
key. y.
. We would liko l continue this fur
ther, hut havo not room. Tho argu
ments u ion this iUcstiou have become
familiar to all. We have been charged
with cowardice for nok syoucr speak
ing upon this subjects) This will
probably dispose of that charge.
Negro suffrage is a coming reality.
Soon the Constitutional Amendment
wil bo adopted by the requisito num
ber of Slatcs, and the, thing settled.
For one, we shall be heartily glad
that the everlasting "NStigor" 'ia soon
to bo driven out of politics. Wfth the i
spirit of the Declaration of lu'lepen
deuce fully carried out iu tho giving to
all men eijaal riglifj. we shall look
to see our country gou to occupy the
greatest positio'rf in the world, and to
remain undivided till the end of time.
Any person who may bo fond of a
political currosity could havo witness-
edfcne in Waynesbtfyj on Friday last.
They could have -Been six high
muhd, intelligent, honorable, (at least
they want peoplo to think them so
lawyers watching tho polls the greater
part of the day to defeat Geo. S. Jef-
toryfrom being elected Jnstiee of the
Peace, and by that means hinder him
from supporting (hose dependent on
him for support. - This is indeed
an ago of chivalry tor Christianity
must succumb to party - because the
Mcmcngcr says soT Stick to the party,
beloved brethren.- . -' i'
The above order appears to be dis
regarded -by tho" Democrats wheu it
suits theconvenieuce of the Court-house
clique, or the leaders of the Ku Klux.
Vt the election Friday, Mr. John Wi
ley had been nominated for Inspector
of election at tho Democratic primary
election, and his name printed ou the
tickets, yet tho cliq'ie had his name ta
ken off,, and that of Win. Hays, a de-
footed candidate- ' fi Ju.Micp of the
Peace at the primary election, substitu
ted and elected. -A.h, John, you were
too good a soldier to be fonud in such
company, lie ware ottbem, honesty
is not iu their composition. .1 i. -
,;Iv reports of Grant's sayings are
true, Aloxandcr Murdoch, Esq., of
Washington, Fa . will be appointed
Marshall 9fbis District.' lie was re
moved by Johnson to make room for
Henry D. Foster of Westmorland Co.,
whom thaSenato would not confirm,
mi J the nreaent !ncnmbfnt was annoin.
SHc '?!3rtjjucsbuv";0
Owing to tho ineligibility of A. T.
Stewart, 1m was compelled to resign,
and the Cabinet has been re-formed,
almost entirely. Hamilton Fijh, of
New York, has been appointed Secre
tary of State j Gov. Boutwcll, of Mass.,
Secretary of Treasury ; Gen. Rawlins,
Grant's chief of Stat!', Secretary of
E. B. Washburno has been appoint
ed Minister to France, and Andrew G.
Curtin Minister to Russia. Geu.
Longstreet, it is, rumored, has been
appointed to a position in the Custom
Hou-o at New Orleans. At this dato
it is a'so rumored that Geo, V. Law
rence will bo appointed First Assis
tant Postmaster General. The Papers
did not come Saturday, so we ato at a
ln$s to know hoj affairs have been
atttluJ. We lake from the l'iiuburgh
Commercial tho following history of
somo of the Cabinet officers:
The new Attorney General, Judge
K. Rockwoml Hoar, was for many
years one of tho leading members of
the Massachusetts bar, and for a half
j.. .team lid teen- ou tlie supreme
Deueli of that Slate. Ha is regarded
as almost at tho head of tho New Eng
land bar, is one of tho old school Free
Sniler, n man ofthe highest character
and standing, and an inveterate enemy
of fraud mid dmiblo dealing iu every
shape He U about . fitly-three vears
of ago, iu full possession of nil' his
faculties, is nothing of a politician, and
will be corlially hated by tho whisky
ring and ull other corrupt rings iu the
Mr. llorie is a retired Philadelphia
merchaut, a man of ability, of strictest
integrity, of high standing and of cul
ture and wvnlth. Ho has been for
somo tiino Vita PiWt of tho Union
League of IMiiladelphia. While not
an nctivo political), he has always tar
ken a lively interest iu the questions
of tho day. Ho is a pronounced Re
publican, aud has given large minis to
further tho interests of that party in
I'a. leading men from the State, who
arc not politicians, say the appointment
is one of the best that could havo been
made from tho State.
Tho BcleetioiMif Gov. Cox for the
Interior, gives general satisfaction. In
fact this is unanimous, except with
those who opposed his course when
Johnson broke with Congress. Rut
all concede him ability and an honesty
which eminently fit him to do the
work expected of him, in breaking
down the land speculators and the In
dian thieves.
Tho choice of cx-Senator Cress well,
of Maryland, for Postmaster General,
gives general satisfaction. I I'm entire
fitness is not ('iiestioiietl. He is the
leader of tho Radical Republicans of
his State, and thu rejoicing uniong
ilnupi ItMuluu lufv of vw en
thusiastic character.
I'or the Uxi'i'nMC.i.
"Uy ("ruins of and nre muuntiunn ruisoJ;
By drops or water nre weans filled."
Ono second at a time has formed
the world's history within six thous
and years. Thus in every avenue of
thought in which we turn, atoms of
flutter build towering heights, stretch
iu bound Ks plaius, or sweeping along
tho surging wuves of time, pil . up
mountains of greutnow, or scatter their
debris in inglorious strife.. Thus man,
frufl mau, in imitation tf ' nature's
iinTgJtier power, nttehipts lo rule the
world of thought by letter, word, or
sentence wrought. Rut of all the
wordy conllicts of pen and paper, the
strifo of imaginative, stago struck he
roes, tho vast piles of' literary compo
sition that are weekly turned out upon
the world, is the moving wonder of the
present hour. Of this vast concourse,
this passing panorama of'life, this liv
iug,surging,scethingcaldFon of anima
ted matter; how much, wo ask, of all
this buiy, bustling throng of thought
will hfj worthy to survive tho moment
that cafls it forth? How many of tho
writers that served-1 whilo away our
a nouarjiava really cast a gram
etjlaud n)on the mountain of discov
ered" thought, or cast a single drop of
water iotc; tho world's literary ooc3n?
How many miudi that JDPJJ1 ' struggle
so valiautly for tho immortal wreath
to crowu tho victor's brow, will realty
outlive the scraps of paper that serve
to advertise their names. And yet
without this attrition of mind, this
constant grappling of thought, this ac
tivity of the present ago tho world
would sink into the listless . ionenity
oPthe dark ages; nay worso as our
elevation is greater, our fall would be
deeper, our shame more debasiug.
Although much mattoi may bo thrown
on the mountain sido of truth only to
be washed away, pcrhap3 a single
grain may weld itself to tho living
mass of solid, patient, silent thought; a
single idea, which renewing its vigor
in eternal youth will serve as tho touch
stone or well spring to invigorate and
refresh tho explorers of truth along the
dusty highway of uudisoovered science.
, Thus tha ' humblest, as well as the
more powerful thinkers and writers of
the age, hope to embalm their name
on the roll of the "immortal few iliat
are not born to die." ' : 6. V. D.
,To most men, any other parkdpoks
kindlier and smiles more sweetly than
a ulpuuroua.park ofyirtjlkry',.. ' .
9ftcpublwa, IScfcncs&aji, 'THlatrch IT, 181)9.
fir Um OsrvsugA.
.' Ex&aiaiTsox.
Mb. Eoitoi:: Ipish to give a do
tioe of an xaiuiiiitim held at Scott's
School House, on creek, M arch
i r Tl. . 1 il.". . I.. .1
IV. aiiu seuuui nu utuiii. mu pre
sent term by Mis iLiuie Babbit, of
Waynesburg. Tli. exercises com
menced at !) v a'l 11,0 ding
glasses being eV jjed first.
Thcaudionc mu entertained with a
dcclumation by bLm R. A.-Scott; after
which the IViraanTatcllectual Arith
metio class was ulVd which readily
disposed of all the examples and oral
questions given tlim in a very satis
factory manner. :! L '
The class iu iriiitcu Arithmetic
was then examined in such a thorough
manner as to convjin-a the spectators
that they pnsnesei a good, practical
knowledge of the subject. Tho sub
jeets taken up werjwfraetions, propor
tion, per centago awl piaro root. An
easay was than rcad'by Miss Lizzio E.
Scott; sul jcet, The led man of tho for
Cist,-. ' ' ,
The audiiuicB .wtpsn dismissod for
an hour, an 1 owiiv,jU Jhn incfemoncy
of tho weather a I'wure vouielled to
remain indoors; but as a good supply
of pus and cakes were on baud, there
wa no lack of enjoyment. .. - -
At 1 o'clock the school was culled
to order, and a pie u spoken by one
of the scholars. Grammar class call
ed. Tho teacher asked Mr. A. J.
Wuychoff to examine the class which
he did, au I tho class did well. - Next
was a deelumatiou by Miss Emma
Love. !; - :
The advanced stress in -Mental
Arithiuetio was called. V The example
given them were tl: iost difficult in
the book; but nll were analyzed
promptly. Tho cUss also disposed
reudiJy of several questions given by
teachers present, conducing those pre
sent that they emild solve any problem
in tho hook. The Fifth reader was
called to read Lochia!' Warning, fol
lowed by the rcadingof an alphabeti
cal cataloguo by Jlr. C. K. Scott,
which was splendid. '
Thecliisi) in Physical Geography was
called, which wasduibtless interesting
to all. Tho principal subject whs the
currents. They wcru well traced. A
periodical was next lead by Miss Ma
ry E. Scott, which was very well re
ceived. )
This closed the i-nereises, and ull
went home g'ud to think they had
such a good time, bi t soon sorry that
school was closed. Sliss l'abbit's suo-1
ces this 4"tn1mv eoinAlmtei lary to
tho cuiniili of nrgiiinuts in favor of
females for winter shoots, provhlcd
they secure a position iu an adiyldnud
community. Bo it said to the credit
of the Directors that ho received the
samu wages as nuilu teachers.
. . An OumiTKR.
Tlie Jloiiungnlirlit Vnlloy ItailronU,
A meeting of tho Board of Direo
tors of the Monongaliels Valley Rail
ronil Company, was held at the ollice
of .) list ico Amnion, tast Ba'iniughaii),
Sigismuiid Lcow was unanimously
elected Chief Engineer of the compa
On motion of Dr. Patton, of Greene
countv, it was reso'ved that a survey
be made immediately through the Bo-
rpuglis ot South Pittsburgh, liirniing
hnni, Ornisbv, find tdetu joining town
shipso the West Virginia State line,
and tlW as soon ns tour miles have
been siu'veved mid .located, and the
. , . - ' , . , . , .
ngnt oi way procuri), mat so niucu oi
sai l road bo put myler contract as
soon as possible.
Dr. Puttou offered tin? fallowing
preamble and resolution which was
uuopteu : .
It is believed tho? tin
Branch of .tho Monofljfi
Wavncslmrs Brai
hehi Valley Railroad Oemrvanv'au
thorized by the charter, will be of ben
efit and profit to said railroad, there
fore, . - " . ';'' "
Resolved, That this branch bo put
under corfcrant at tho same timo that
centracts shall be let on the main Hue
Vhere the: intersection of this branch
shall be made, 'auff (tie work shall be
pushed forward siiuultaueonfly. with
tho work on tho main Hue from the
place of intersection
0n motion it was resolved that the
mom line of said road shall be ikicnted
at or near Purapkin'run, Cariuiehael
town and Little Whjtely creek, Greene
The meeting thou a ljoumed. PitU.
Com., 4th hist, ' .. ".
. Hon. James G. Blaine, the Speak
er oi jtne Jforty-nrst ingress, . was
uorn in unsnington oounty, ra., jn
1830, and graduated at Washington
College in 1817. He adopted the pro
fession of editor, and bavins removed
to Maine, iedited .the Kenebeo Jour
nal and Portland Advertiser for sever
al years. He served four years iu the
Legislature of Maine, two of which as
Speaker ot the House of Kenrcsenta
lives.' In 1861, ho was elected to
Congress, to whicl body lie has been
three times successively re-elected.
Tiie Hindoos extend their hospi
tality to their enemies, saying : "The
icu uuea uut wicnur&w us suaue even
from the wood-cutter.'
Many go up in grand balloons of in
veutive dariutr. ana comt verv sudden
ly dwn iu parachutes of4tho we.a J
" IlABiiisnuno, March 8, 1869.
House. The Hooss met this even
ing, when a large number of petitions
were presented. Mr. Wilson objected
to the custom of handing them to the
Clerk without reading on tho ground
of interference with the right of peti
tion. Ihc Speaker ruled tho point
well taken.
Tho use of the hall was granted to
the State Agricultural Convention on
ednesday afternoon.
Mr. Clearfield A resolution re
turning to thu Senate the tax bill, ou
the ground that all such bills inn.-t
ori'Niiate in the House. Aiiopteu.
Mr. Davis A joint resolution rati
fying tho fifteenth Constitutional
amendment. Adopted.
Mr. MeGiuniss Abolishing pun
ishment by death, and providing for
punishment of murder in the first de
gree. Mr. Sobers, of Philadelphia Au
thorizing the Adjutant General to soil
or exchange unavmlaiilo arms and
military stores.
Mr. Bnnn, of Philadelphia Joint
resolution urging Congress to place
tho soldiers of 1813 upon tho same
footing on tho pensioned I as those of
tho late war. " l - .
.The Governor tcXikiy sicned the
death warrants of'Geo.S, Tvitchol, Jr.,
and Gerald Eaton, of Philadelphia,
lor execution on Ihursday, April 8lh.
Senate. Mr. Searight To au
thori.u the uiuiiHgci's of Uuiontown
Gas uud Water Company to transfer
its franchises; to repeal the prohibitory
liquor laws ol West Newton and Mount
Pleasant, Westmorland county. '
Mr. Ijowry Joint resolution rati
fying tho fifteenth coustitutioual
amendment.' . ..
A communication from tho Govcr
norwas read, transmitting tho fifter nth
constitutional amcudmcnt for ratitica
tion.' ' ': v -
: V Maich 11, 1309.
Senate r-Mr. Erret preconled a
jictition from the Pcniisvlvania clerks
in Washington .City, usking fir the
right to vote at home. ' .
'-A largo number nf memorials in
favor of and n;iiint tho Fifteenth
Amendment were presented.
Mr. Davis introdiicui a resolution
postponing the voto ou the Fifteenth
Constitutional Amendment until the
2 1th, to allow the people an op
portunity of expression on the subject,
which, on motion of Mr. Olmsted,
was referred lo the Committee on Fed
eral Relations by a strict party vote.
Mr. Searight introduced a bill rela
ting to lateral railroads in. Fayette and
Washington counties, allowing parties
to abandon works and tho courts to
mako equitable settlement of tliclr
ailairs; also, allowing oral testimony
t ) establish the will of John Calvcr,
of Greene comity.
'flip Constitutional Amendment was
discussed by Messrsj White, Osterhout,
'islviT, Stin). uini. Errt ia liivy,
and Mr. Melutiro iuraiut ratification,
and then passed final :y by a party
Mr. Fisher davo notice that he
would introduce n bill striking the
word white out of the Statu Constitu
UOX.l. II. 1OMT.V.
On tbe 4tb inl., tlie new reprewnt
alive Irom tnid uiatnet wan kwoiii in.
and took bin jsctit. Without any expe
rience as a Ini.-jhitor, and tnikniiwn
to so many ol In constituents us apuu
h'e man wnne anxiety may be naturally
felt ns to how In; will net in tlie emer
gencies now prct.singr iiist upon the
National Congress. 11 is predecessor,
Mr. Lawrence has been iu public life
liing enough to Itnow personally near
ly every one ot Iih constituents, and
leaves the IIou.-o with a record which
no liuuest man can gainsay, nor any
Ueiinlilican fail to ciulorse.
Hut Mr. Donley is a new man with
a record to make awl an experience to
j;:iiu. In a recent conversation with
the Captain wo tool; occasion to inter
rotate him upon mo.-.t. of tho promi-
neflt measured now lielore tho people,
and wo feel satisfied thai ha enters the
House nn t-arnc-t supporter of the Ad
ministration of Gen. Grant, anil a con
sistent, dctet mined champion ol'hones
tv in tlcalinir with the National credi
tors; of frugality nnd retrenchment in
ntiblie exiieuditures: and ot the stern
est and most summary justice tu those,
whether in. or out of office, who are
defrauding tho revenue of Millions,
and thus (jiving countenance to a vir
tual Repudiation of the National Debt.
We trust cVen rtioee who have opposed
bis election will be more than satisfied
with bis course as a Representative.
Mbnongahela Republican.
You may riso early, go to bed lute,
read iuuch, and devour tbe marrow of
the best authors; and when you have
done all, be as meagre in regard to truo
and useful knowledge aa Pharaoh's
lean kino after they had eaten the fat
ones -
Tom Hood died composing and
that, too, a humorous poem. Ho is
said to have remarked that be was dy
ing out of'charity to tbe undertaker,
who wished to urn a lively Hood.
A traveler inquired ofaguidotho
rexson why "echo" was always snokeu
of as a "she," ami was informed that
it was because it always has tho hist
The chief secret of comfort lies in
not suffering trifle to vex ono, aud. in
prudently cultivating an undergrowth
of small pleasures, since very few great
ones are lot on long leases.
Ike's last trick was to throw Mis.
Pnrtinirtou'i old eaiter ia the al
loy, and call the old lady down from
thethird floor to 4au allejr-gHiter.
A costibutou to a Boston paper
says, iu regard to tho new Secretary of
tho .Navy: "Having lieen personally
acquainted with Mr. A. E. Borie for
many years, I can, without fear ofbo-
ing mistaken iu the man, say that his
popularity in Philadelphia is unsur
passed. His appointment to tho Cab
net must have astonished himself more
than auvbodv else. A more true,
honest, wholc-souluJ man cantiot be
found. His selection indicates that
President Grant looks at character and
"My son, you must study hard, or
you will never bu President."
"Jut 1 never expect tj do, Mother,
I'm a Democrat."
The Legislaturn ofPii. has passed
the Constitutional Auu-imWnt,
1;kank i). wiLsox.
. wrm
II. C. 0 II I L I) 9 .1 CO,,
WIiuImmiIs Lwnli-ni III
No. IM Wowl Mlruct, l'ltlKliurli, I'll.
llAHVKVnilll.lM, l.OWHIK ( IIII.IM,
AgonU fur IIiuwIh or "Mill, MIII'ToIIod Yum,
Un, IWillug niHt 'rl Lliulll.
Muri-li Ii-li
jJO.-KxrulVK v
Ulrea Twleo Ui Mulil.if (nrlmn Oil, and
umli'r nil clrcunulitiMwm
TliA itiulpi-ilffnmf nn, now muntlfiit-tiirintt Hint
hnvu fur nl tlmlr Nw lvtrolm FlttlS, mnlo
by (llnllllullim wlllKiul III nlii ol coiln,li, Im urufliinll InkliiR tit, plu'-o oi curUun
oil In nil Wulllle whuruln roduc-ril.
tS.Ai'nlt vnutctl lo ovt-ry Town. HrnJ for
Clnmlnra. Aillr J. J. I'ALMKR A , O.,
a-iu-am No. , Hand Hlnwt, IMlUlmnf, IS,,
Two 110 Mnpn for 14.
Patent Revolving Doublo Map
Ot Ainorlca nd Kurope, Amnrlc anil tin Uul-
IMl IHiaU'H l,r Alllltl K-H,
t'olorril-ln 4W0 Countln.
Thfiflf, uYMit Muim. now hint ronmlt'tml. nhiiw
ovt'i-y pluefiuf Itnu-ii-laniTjiill UutlrmHliitodutu,
un,l llio lwlst lUlmtiuitii in tin, viirlou), P.uro-
p-n hihih. llii-N AltipHHru nt-iMiuM lu ivt-ry
Ni-liool uud rmiiily In thu liuitl lliey oncuny llic
Huto of ono Mil .ulltl by iiii-uiih ol Hip ltL-vwrtr,
oiHii-r Hldo run bo thrown front, antl nny purl
lintuijht level lo the y. County IllgUla lor
Apply for ( ircuinrs, Tcrimi, ami tcini nionoy
for Humula Mups, to J. T. l.l.OVl).
S-1UU. Cortlunut Klroot. N. Y.
A, KNli & CO.,
Piuno-KoTtfRiitl Man to Pilr,No. 647 Drontl
wuy, Nuw Vurk. tviluliUHjurd fitly years.
of our own mulct equal to any RiMipiiofn raucli
lowr thiui thoNv ototnor tfit cIuhs huiuum.
In htuiUmmie rtMW(io citittK, ntHHuiUNlxi, intlift
liuHilHOiiii'Ht nnd bortl Tiuuti vr nmilw, uml thn
trUi vkihMlliirity lwv; vvwy iiiMtruiui'Ut Ailly
wuri'HiilO'l II vo vimm-h; minl for price lift. V
huvoithvrtjrinu IihimI nil kliuU u( Munlutt Ju
Htrti l i'MiH hiKn-nt vnrU'ly.
ltANlINSTia,.Mi:N'l'Nof llruM nnd (iorninn
Silver, wnrrftutfil crorntriln tontBt prleeH niuelt
bt'low nth it iimmi.ticluivrM.
VloMNHTKlNUH. W kfppllKtolioloftHtan J
host Hiring that uih nuidH, I'rlcfl for bint, per
net, for Vlullmt, (1, lor Uultr, $1,W mullud puii-tuni-
Om t'Htnli'Kiu cniltiiu't'H ovi-r nix thntisituil Hif
ffivnl. flrtm. untl Ih limiHtiiHly prpiiliir. Nw
nuislr puhllKhPil rv.-ry lny,iuil iiinUcil p.stwifu
patit, wlii-n tlio nnirUiil price U rvmltiiul.
JTST rritLlsiIKI) Tim now Kli-mrnlnry IM
hiio Mt'lltmUhy Jfiiii 1uiiiim mid Iltmry KIMwr,
work vvwt publiKlird. 1 lev 9i
Uit' Hiiiipii'M Hnu iiuihi prmf riNHivi iiuu inmi
' Tl'l' W,
THK M(KN!N(-T1ip
HiilHMtUof New VrU. rri"" roiiin, ftntnnilld
On utiov wmkH. HrTut niiiulorfui
llwnituiil. tn Twuilwt kt mt, I JMin Wtlt
ri who Inirtwiucrr
lint. AtMild wuii t imI,
W.M. AvrNUACU.,4i7fllnwllway,N. T.
and Drlco
No. 51 Wood Stuekt,
And Invito their ciHfonnTH, uniltha truilogon
urnlly, to cull.
March 13, MCMm
f mTo"rt ant to
It clv ti alnaxura to announce to Clin public
tlie i-onipli-tlon of til la work aud tlie reodluena ol
the piopiletora to ,
The limt Improved mnchliiery la uaed.
rioushina: nml Uroovlnic. Hiwh nnd Ihnir
:, luniitiiinii, loiipiua, mouliltiiK c,
mplilly nu
paid for
nuu sjiiiiuiiy excruii-u. xtuiing privi-a
Tliev nre aluo prepnred to do all kindaorCarpei-U-r
Work, with tlioutmoHt promptnoaa, anil iu
themmtinilMlnntiftl manner.
Tliey rMpi-ctfnlly aollclt a alinre of pnlillo
FintmnaRa, and Itnluir tliemaelvea that they wll
u all cum be able to
AU order promptly al tended l-J .
I tjuu
wayanburg, Ta.
Dry 4MI.
I rank U'Unnmii baa rvtunwd fnn tk.
with a riill aal Iwaunmi atork ol tk Ijiwt
KnatilonalurlAUIiviuMi 'tiil naa aanMlaOiia
of Uidlrit' i-hoU- Unawi OonOa, Hm aiMwiik af
riniM. 'all colon, Kniprww 1'I.Mha. I..ll.l
HUwla Krourli rVipMas rhtanaLla HllM.
u-al iiiaU- Aliw,ll eolut-a l.lua HtUu villi
wnlt.1 U lllmk and Itrown W'awrpmalrlotha.
all wlaltH,aliMiandilcaibUBidia -.iTI
r Ul W at) laaof ,
Nvw aiylcnf Nliaa-U, !( aad diMbla. A
-..initlru, u-1 of Kur, m-w airlm. IWM mall
l alilrllu, Mimiiel, IIUbl Muatluaat WMIa
tluuUH. I. Are rurtnlna, new aatiuraa- a dire
aWWHJtll. ...
A A ir DltfXS TlilMMISGSt
.V.-wal.-of HIIU Prlnii-,)lnip and ttravl
hilthi oi; rmiey liri-aaand Mtu-k HutUMiat
Milk, Jet llllil .-lel liutlnlia-. lUonk Velvn itito.
Iioni.; ,loril V,-el fhitlnna; a flill Itnenf Emi.
brniilrrlxeaitd luaorlluua U untU-b: Lava Uoa4-ki-n
lil'-la nud t'ollui'a; KilKluiiaana Lavnu Vata
iirln Ijic-ra: Orrnaillne for a; Marlilna
InilHllka; llinleiy aud Olnrea; Alaxaauk KM
(,it-a for liitlai-N and iuliu,-a; Unit Cfcaalmara
oii.t l-ilr, olovi-s; Kur and Ituckskln Ulovau
t'mb-ralilrla. iTnwira, mu-iiki, Nklla)1e.
luia uini villi, .N'ollotia aii.l .lewelry. a
Wall pnH-r, rurMiH, l-'liatr Cloika, WlAuSgw
aliinl.a. '-iili) rnii'l Knlltllia- Yiirna.
l-'iiNlilohiitii.i oloililliif ibr ct-iiia and rViya.
wlili-ll a lll In, mild m ivdlin-d urln-a, A Kill
atiHkof ii. M llivlaiiU l'aM, whlUi iU baaokl
al aniall iMirllla.
A full 1 1 nn of lull TriMiuilnini and ttlllaty
Kianla of llio liil.iat uud la-al fnalilona. New alyla
iHiltca Hula, li'liiiiui-d and uiifrlmmnl; Hat aad
liiiniit-l tinnu-: ilui-at of Kreai.-li aiut AMrlma
Kluwira fur lliurull atuwiu: Uatrii-li feather,
Miiiiilt'iii-tiiri-it I'lnuu-N of dinrriit aliiulaM Han.
iti'tHiika and Y-lvi. all rolorat Valeria add
I'l.iKli.-a lu full IlKiaui eolont; new ai-la Waal a
IIIIiIkiu. nil wMtlia and aliaib-K It, aaat
trii'iuilna rlilHina,allaliiuleaiHfiRh rihlKma; new
aiyle ofNlln nud IteaaleO .m( alalliMN. TarMrt
ona, ltlni-k Kniillali ('m)H; ctmpa Vella and 04
lnr: n full Hue of Mourning o.mmUi! all nuiukera
of 1atka ilaehlna tlimul; nrvaktut Hliavla,
,-i,i,iua, riinry iimMiaeiiu i.iiraeiaa IHil U4M M
ever thin UKUiill)- kept In a ', ,
Llliernl ltlutlnna nuifa to Mllllaera. '
W have uat ranetva,! Iron FlilraUelpbta
hpll'lnllU HtiK'k of Uiaalarunalallui j
lu part of the lolluwtugi .
tinerea A . ' ' t
eaaainata, '' 1
tvoeeila, AJeaua, I
plain A liarnnt linn ., ,
nelrt, i-nnion lliinnola a
IIiim-vb. brown blraoheil . ' . i
milallna, tlfluiMHi A KtiiKlialiul.
nmlralilrta Jk drawera, nirhuai, r
- cntmrtra and alpaeena. A lame atw k
of ulinwla. hoali-ry ami iclova, rihbona A ' , ,
hat trlinniliiKa, bulloa' clonkaaudeliMklnf.
a lurKe atiM-k ui cullcoa. i;orM-ta and eikllara,
eotion human, nubia and aoarfa, bahnural
, aklrla.lionp nklrla, while and eoloreU
Unuebi. drlllliiKa ift etdoeed iiallaa, ,"
cartel uIiiiIh, eotloa yarn, velveta,
rlulHiii, "Ilk and linen hnael
kCTolllef,alrlalllllieli,aveai qimrl.-r tuliliillm-u.lln. . ,,
tu towi'la, Iwltlna-A
linnklea.wnll pa- 1 -'
N-r,dreiwibu4 ' 1 '
tona, wail
tuff. '
Hula, rnpa, hoot and aliom,
luinlwarM. uneitaware and a a-eneral
oMortmiiut of grocerlea, all ol wkloa wa Willi
a. ii. v. t'AiirniciL, jr.v
Vityimbiira, I'a.-Iii e. ?Ulf '
A loyu., of Oootla at , .
II. A. RIXEII ART'S, .. 'x
V"feh ttnui'ny
Jrenh Uoiulnf
Crt-d iVackea
VrU-d reaclm
Prli-d Peacliea , .
Qoshcr Clicrao '
OiMhen Clieena ' ... ,
" i t
(Joehea Cbeea
Canned Peaahea
Cnnurd Irhea "'
t'aunril reanln-a
Cimuoil Coru
Oauned turn : ' ' -'"
: Canned Cora
Cauued TomatoM
Cnnned Toiuatoea . . .
Canned Tomatura ..!
JOHN M. WINOIOT.In laid to have the large!
aloi-k nf HOMK-MADK Itvola and Hhoea lay
Wayneaburg, aU of which are manaJaotureiV
from the .
Hp haa a genr-ml nnaorlinent nf Men and Boy's
l'lli, I ours.- uml KlpUoota; Luillea,' Mlaaea' ana
thllilren abhoea aud Hllnpra In groat variety
and will be eold
.... . . .- m - 4
He keepa rood workmen nnd doea not rnanfae
tiire from refuee mnti-rlnl bnt from tha beat in
the mnrknl. Tin aw wlahlng work mwla Imm .
their owu material can b accommodated on
Don't forget the place,
WAYNESBURO, PA.' 1 r 7 (
.1 . -i. .-, i;. ..-.!. :y.ii
au"g.-tf. 1rJ6NMiJiiilt'.:,